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diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/CMakeLists.txt b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/CMakeLists.txt index 05618a43c3a..b782209d39c 100644 --- a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/CMakeLists.txt @@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ tde_create_handbook( LANG sl EXTRA exec.xpm ) + +tde_auto_add_subdirectories() diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/CMakeLists.txt b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5401b85171d --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This file is genereted by trinity-automake-cmake-convert script by Fat-Zer + +tde_create_handbook( + DESTINATION khelpcenter/faq + NOINDEX + LANG sl +) diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/Makefile.am b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..248e6d2e7e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +KDE_LANG = sl +SUBDIRS = $(AUTODIRS) +KDE_DOCS = khelpcenter/faq +KDE_MANS = AUTO diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/about.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/about.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..accaf777cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/about.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="about"> +<title>O tem <acronym>FAQ</acronym></title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kaj lahko počnem s tem <acronym>FAQ</acronym>?</para> +</question> + +<answer> + +<para>Najprej nam pošljite vse napake, ki jih morebiti najdete. Prav tako bomo znali ceniti vsak predlog, ki ga morda imate. Še več, za vse, kar je po vašem mnenju nejasno nam po možnosti pošljite predlog, za katerega mislite, da bi bil jasnejša rešitev. Naš e-poštni naslov je <email>[email protected]</email>. </para> + +<para>Dalje nam pošljite vaše rešitve tistih pogosto zastavljanih vprašanj, ki še niso v tem <acronym>FAQ</acronym>. Uvrstili jih bomo takoj, ko bo to mogoče.</para> + +<para>Na koncu pa še nasvet: poslužite se tega <acronym>FAQ</acronym>. Preberite ga (tako <acronym>FAQ</acronym> kakor tudi drugo ustrezno dokumentacijo), preden zastavite vprašanje na mnogih poštnih seznamih in novičarskih skupinah &kde;.</para> + +<note><para> Morda razmišljate, da bi postali vzdrževalec <acronym>FAQ</acronym>. V tem primeru se obrnite na <xref linkend="FAQ-maintainer-HOWTO"/> za več informacij. </para></note> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="FAQ-maintainer-HOWTO"> +<para>Kako postanem vzdrževalec <acronym>FAQ</acronym>?</para> +</question> + +<answer> +<para>Pravzaprav je zelo lahko postati vzdrževalec <acronym>FAQ</acronym>, mi pa tudi vedno rabimo svežo kri :-) Pošljite nam le vaš e-poštni naslov na <email>[email protected]</email>. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/configtde.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/configtde.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..13903606e75 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/configtde.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd"> + --> +<chapter id="configure"> +<title>Nastavitev &kde;</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako nastavim jezik, ki ga uporablja &kde;?</para> +</question> + +<answer> +<para>Obstajata dva načina prilagoditve jezika, ki ga &kde; uporablja za izpis sporočil:</para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry><term>Z uporabo <application>Nadzornega središča &kde;</application></term> <listitem><para>Poženite <application>Nadzorno središče &kde;</application> in izberite <guimenu>Personalization</guimenu>, ki mu naj sledi <guimenuitem>Country and Language</guimenuitem>. Tu lahko lahko izberete vaš jezik in lokacijo. Če &kde; ne uspe najti prevoda v prvem izbranem jeziku, bo uporabil privzet jezik. Običajno je privzeta (ameriška) angleščina.</para> <note><para>Uporaba <application>Nadzornega središča &kde;</application> je priporočljiv način izbire jezika v &kde;.</para></note></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry><term>Uporaba spremenljivke <envar>LANG</envar></term> <listitem><para>Druga metoda uporablja običajno nastavitev locale na vašem sistemu. Da spremenite jezik, preprosto ustrezno nastavite spremenljivko <envar>LANG</envar>. Če je na primer vaša lupina <application>bash</application>, izvedite <userinput><command>export</command> <envar>LANG=sl_SI</envar></userinput> (morda je dovolj le sl), da nastavite slovenščino kot jezik, ki se uporablja.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Obstaja stikalo za preklop mednarodnih tipkovnic za &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para> Da, lahko ga prikrojite z uporabo pogovornega okna <application>Nadzorno središče &kde;</application> <guimenu>Strojni dodatki</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Tipkovnica</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>Razpored</guimenuitem> configuration dialog. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako zamenjam običajen tekstni prijavni zaslon s prijavnim zaslonom &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Najprej morate zamenjati <quote>xdm runlevel</quote> (runlevel 5 na sistemih &RedHat;, 3 na &SuSE;), tako da uredite datoteko <filename>/etc/inittab</filename>. V datoteki bi morala biti vrstica, ki prav <userinput>id:3:initdefault:</userinput>. Spremenite jo v <userinput>id:5:initdefault:</userinput>. Sedaj na koncu vrstice zakomentirajte naslednjo vrstico: <literal>x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon</literal> in jo nadomestite z <userinput>x:5:respawn:<replaceable>/opt/kde/</replaceable>bin/tdm -nodaemon</userinput>. <note><para>Lokacija &tdm; je lahko na vašem sistemu nekoliko drugačna.</para></note></para> +<para>Da spremembe uveljavite takoj, vtipkajte v ukazno vrstico <command>init 5</command> (za sisteme &RedHat;). <caution><para>Uporabiti grafično prijavo, ne da bi prej preverili, ali dela, je tvegano početje. Če ne bo delovala, se boste zelo namučili, preden se vrnete...</para></caution></para> +</answer> +<answer> +<para> Za FreeBSD morate urediti datoteko <filename>/etc/ttys</filename> in spremeniti eno izmed vrstic, ki je videti približno tako <programlisting>ttyv8 "/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon" xterm off secure</programlisting> v nekaj takšnega <userinput>ttyv8 "/usr/local/bin/tdm -nodaemon" xterm off secure</userinput>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> + +<para>Rad bi kliknil na &LGM; kjerkoli na namizju in bi se mi prikazal menu <guimenu>K</guimenu>.</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Odprite <application>Nadzorno središče &kde;</application> in izberite <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Videz in občutek</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Namizje</guisubmenu></menuchoice>. Sedaj lahko izberete obnašanje klikov miške na namizju. Da se ob enem samem kliku &LGM; odpre menu <guimenu>K</guimenu> spremenite vnos označen z <guilabel>Levi gumb</guilabel> v recimo <guilabel>Menu s programi</guilabel>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kje najdem podatke, ki se nanašajo na &kde; teme?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Oglejte si <ulink url="http://kde.themes.org/">http://kde.themes.org/</ulink> ali pa <ulink url="http://www.kde-look.org">http://www.kde-look.org</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako spremenim zvrsti &MIME;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Če uporabljate &konqueror;, pa je postopek nekoliko drugačen: najprej odprite &konqueror;jevo okno in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Uredi</guimenu><guimenuitem>Vrsto datotek</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Poiščite zvrst, ki jo želite spremeniti (⊀ text/english ali image/gif), kliknite z &DGM;, izberite <guilabel>Splošno</guilabel> in postavite vrstni red programov kakor želite.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>&kde; (&tdm;) ne prebere mojega <filename>.bash_profile</filename>!</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Upravljalnika prijave <application>xdm</application> in &tdm; ne poganjata prijavne lupine, tako da <filename>.profile</filename>, <filename>.bash_profile</filename>, <abbrev>itd.</abbrev> niso pregledani. Ko se uporabnik prijavi, <application>xdm</application> kot root požene <command>Xstartup</command> in nato <command>Xsession</command> kot uporabnik. Tako je običajen postopek dodajanje stavkov v <filename>Xsession</filename>, da se vaš profil izvede. Prosim uredite vaši datoteki <filename>Xsession</filename> in <filename>.xsession</filename>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko v &kde; uporabim pisave &TrueType;?</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Namestiti morate podporo za pisave &TrueType; v &X-Windows;. Pisave iščite na strani <ulink url="http://x.themes.org/">x.themes.org</ulink>, več o strežnikih za pisave pa najdete na strani <ulink url="http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/jec/programs/xfsft/">xfsft: Podpora pisavam &TrueType; v X11</ulink> ali <ulink url="http://X-TT.dsl.gr.jp/">domači strani projekta strežnika X-&TrueType;</ulink>.</para> + +<para>Če imate kup pisav &TrueType; iz &Microsoft; &Windows; uredite <filename>XF86Config</filename> datoteko, da dobite pisave iz ustreznega imenika. Nato povejte &kde;, da naj uporabi te nove pisave, s pomočjo pripomočka za nadzor pisav.</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je v &kde; možno vnesti, prikazati in delati s simbolom za Evro?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da in ne. Podrobnosti najdete tu: <ulink url="http://www.koffice.org/kword/euro/.phtml">http://www.koffice.org/kword/euro/.phtml</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/contrib.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/contrib.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..54f010b5911 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/contrib.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + + +<chapter id="contribute"> +<title>Prispevanje</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko kaj prispevam k &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&kde; je prosta programska oprema, ki živi od prostovoljnih prispevkov. Vsakogar opogumljamo, naj prispeva k &kde;. Dobrodošli so tudi ne-programerji. Pomagate lahko na veliko načinov, da izboljšate &kde;:</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Testirajte programsko opremo.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Pošljite poročila o hroščih. Za več informacij o tem si poglejte <link linkend="bug-report">Kako posredujem sporočilo o hrošču?</link>.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Spišite dokumentacijo ali datoteke s pomočjo. Nekaj podatkov lahko dobite, če obiščete <ulink url="http://i18n.kde.org/doc/">&kde; Editorial Team Home Page</ulink>.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Prevedite programe, dokumentacijo in datoteke s pomočjo. Za več informacij o tem morete obiskati <ulink url="http://i18n.kde.org">The &kde; Translators' and Documenters' Web Site</ulink>.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Narišite lepe ikone ali sestavite zvočne efekte. Obiščete lahko <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/artist/index.html">&kde; artists page</ulink>, kjer boste izvedeli več.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Pišite članke in knjige o &kde;. Če želite razširjati glas o &kde;, preprosto pošljite e-sporočilo na <email>[email protected]</email>. Tako boste stopili v stik z ostalimi prostovoljci za stike &kde; z javnostjo.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Programirajte nove &kde; programe. Prosim poglejte v <xref linkend="programming"/> za več informacij.</para></listitem> <listitem><para> Seveda pa so dobrodošli tudi sponzorji. :-)</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> +<para>Če se želite vključiti v razvoj, je na voljo več lokacij, kjer lahko najdete več podatkov. Prvi korak je prijava na nekatere izmed <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/mailinglists.html">poštnih seznamov</ulink>. Kmalu boste opazili kaj, kar se da popraviti ali dodati.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="bug-report"> +<para>Kako posredujem sporočilo o hrošču?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Na <ulink url="http://bugs.trinitydesktop.org">http://bugs.trinitydesktop.org</ulink> je na voljo samodejni sistem spremljanja hroščev. Sistem vključuje čarovnika za posredovanje novih in seznam vseh znanih hroščev.</para> +<para>Najlažji način posredovanja poročila o hrošču je izbira <menuchoice><guimenu>Pomoč</guimenu><guimenuitem>Poročaj o hrošču...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="programming"> +<para>Želim programirati za &kde;. Kaj naj storim najprej?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Vsakogar opogumljamo, da se naj loti razvoja programov za &kde;. Kaj morate storiti, je močno odvisno od vaših izkušenj, ⊀ ali ste se že naučili programirati v C++ ali pa imate morda izkušnje z zbirko orodij &Qt; in tako naprej.</para> +<para>Da "padete" v programiranje &kde;, boste rabili nekaj osnovnih orodij: <application>automake</application>, <application>autoconf</application> in <application>egcs</application>. Poglejte v <ulink url="http://developer.kde.org/">http://developer.kde.org/</ulink>, kjer najdete uporabne nasvete.</para> +<para>Še en odličen način za učenje programiranja &kde; so &Qt; online tutorials. Ti so nameščeni skupaj z &Qt;. Da si jih ogledate odprite v &konqueror; <filename>$<envar>TQTDIR</envar>/html/index.html</filename> Qt online tutorials lahko najdete pod "Using Qt". Izvorno kodo za vsako lekcijo lahko najdete v imeniku <filename class="directory">$<envar>TQTDIR</envar>/tutorial</filename>.</para> +<para>Eno stvar pa bi moral vedeti vsakdo, ki se zanima za programiranje za &kde;: <emphasis>vpišite se v poštni seznam razvijalcev</emphasis>. Za vpis morate poslati e-sporočilo na <ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink> s predmetom sporočila <userinput>subscribe <replaceable>vaš_email_naslov</replaceable></userinput>. <important><para>Prosim preberite skrbno <link linkend="subscribe">Kako se prijavim/odjavim s teh seznamov</link>. Vse kar je omenjeno tam, velja tudi za razvojni seznam.</para></important></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako dobim dostop do <acronym>CVS</acronym>?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Projekt &kde; uporablja <acronym>CVS</acronym> za razvoj jedra programske opreme. Običajno je najbolje, da, kadar ste spremenili kakšen del (⊀ odpravili hrošča) in želite to spremembo vnesti, ustvarite popravek (patch) glede na trenuten posnetek in pošljete ta popravek razvijalcu/vzdrževalcu tega programa.</para> +<para>Če to počnete bolj ali manj pogosto, lahko vprašate Stephana Kulowa <email>[email protected]</email> za direkten dostop do strežnika <acronym>CVS</acronym>. Vendar se zavedajte, da bo več uporabnikov upočasnilo <acronym>CVS</acronym> za vse razvijalce, tako da želimo obdržati število ljudi z direktnim dostopom do <acronym>CVS</acronym> v razumnih mejah. Vendar pa se ne bojte vprašati!</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Sem samo radoveden. Ali lahko imam le bralni dostop do <acronym>CVS</acronym>?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da. Samo bralni dostop do <acronym>CVS</acronym> repositorija lahko dobite s pripomočkoma <application>cvsup</application> ali pa <application>cvs</application>. Več podatkov o tem, kako prilagodite <application>cvsup</application> za &kde; repositorj najdete na <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/cvsup.html">How to use <application>cvsup</application> to get &kde;</ulink>.</para> +<para>Poleg tega je na voljo tudi anonimni <acronym>CVS</acronym> servis. Da izveste več o tem, kako postaviti in uporabljati anonimni <acronym>CVS</acronym>, si prosim poglejte <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/anoncvs.html">tukaj</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Obstajajo zrcalni strežniki <application>cvs</application> za &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da. Glavni strežnik &kde; je običajno zelo zaposlen. Oglejte si prosim <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/cvsupmirrors.html">http://www.kde.org/cvsupmirrors.html</ulink> in and <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/anoncvs.html">http://www.kde.org/anoncvs.html</ulink> za seznam dosegljivih zrcalnih strežnikov.</para> +<para> Ko ste enkrat izbrali nov <application>cvsup</application> strežnik preprosto zamenjajte <screen> +*default host=cvs.kde.org +</screen> z <screen> +*default host=cvsup.your.new.host +</screen> v vašem skriptu <application>cvsup</application>.</para> +<para> Navodila za spremembo strežnika anoncvs lahko najdete tudi na <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/anoncvs.html">http://www.kde.org/anoncvs.html</ulink>. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako bi lahko prevedel&kde; programe v materin jezik?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Oglejte si spletno stran z imenom <ulink url="http://i18n.kde.org">The &kde; Translators' and Documenters' Web Site</ulink> da vidite, ali je vaš program že preveden (večina jih je že). Sicer pa boste tam našli informacije, kako se tega lotite sami.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + + + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9b377f75d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/desktop.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="desktop"> +<title>Namizje</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako dodam program na namizje?</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Izberite željeni program v menuju <guimenu>K</guimenu> in ga spustite na namizje. To je vse. </para> +<para>Za programe, ki niso navedeni v menuju <guimenu>K</guimenu>, uporabite &DGM; in izberite <guimenuitem>Ustvari nov</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>Povezava do programa</guimenuitem> in izpolnite nastavitve za program, na katerega naj bo kazala povezava. </para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako z namizja priklopim/odklopim napravo?</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Najprej se prepričajte, ali imate kot uporabnik dovoljenje za priklop/odklop (<command>mount</command>/<command>umount</command>) ustreznih naprav. </para> +<para>Nato lahko dodate napravo s klikom &DGM; na namizju in nato izberete <guimenuitem>Ustvari nov</guimenuitem>. </para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kje se nahajajo ikone?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Ikone lahko najdete le v <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIRS</envar>/share/icons</filename>, <filename class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.trinity/share/icons</filename> ali pa v <filename class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.kde2/share/icons</filename>. Da lahko uporabite ikone, ki se nahajajo na drugih lokacijah, jih morate prepisati v enega izmed zgoraj omenjenih fiksnih lokacij &kde; ali pa narediti simbolne povezave.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko uporabim drsno kolo miške v &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Podpora za miške s koleščkom je na voljo od &Qt; 2.0 dalje, tako da bo &kde; zasnovan na njih samodejno podpiral uporabo drsnega koleščka. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Zakaj ne morem usposobiti sistemskega zvoka, za na primer odpiranje oken?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Sistemski zvoki trenutno na ne-FreeBSD in ne-&Linux; sistemih ne delajo. Težavo se skuša odpraviti. Če uporabljate FreeBSD ali &Linux;, potem ste našli hrošča, zato ga prosim sporočite.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako zaženem program na določeno namizje?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&kde; vsebuje program z imenom &kstart;. Da poženete <application>Mozillo</application> na drugem namizju in jo nato aktivirate uporabite <userinput><command>kstart</command> <option>"netscape" -desktop 2 -activate</option></userinput>.</para> +<para> </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kje moram shraniti datoteke, če želim, da se pojavijo neposredno na namizju?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para><filename class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/Desktop</filename>. Potem ko ste shranili datoteke, boste morda morali osvežiti namizje.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/filemng.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/filemng.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b5c696e684 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/filemng.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +<!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> --> + +<chapter id="filemanager"> +<title></title> + +<para></para> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko uporabim &konqueror; kot spletni brskalnik s posrednikom (proxy)?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&konqueror; lahko uporabljate s &HTTP; in &FTP; posredniki. Da v &konqueror;ju nastavite posrednika, morate iz &konqueror;jevega menuja le izbrati <menuchoice><guimenu>Nastavitve</guimenu><guisubmenu>Prikroji &konqueror;...</guisubmenu></menuchoice> ter odpreti zavihek <guilabel>Posredniki</guilabel>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako spremenim izgled imenika v &konqueror;ju?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Ko prikazuje imenik &konqueror; poišče znotraj njega skrito datoteko imenovano <filename>.directory</filename>. Takšno datoteko lahko ustvarite sami in tako določite način prikaza imenika. Datoteka je preprosto datoteka tipa <filename>.desktop</filename>. Na primer:</para> +<screen> +[Desktop Entry] +Type=Directory +Icon=trashcan_full +EmptyIcon=trashcan_empty +Name=Trash +Name[af]=GEMORS +... +Name[no_NY]=Papirkorg +... +Comment=Contains removed files + +</screen> + +<para>To je datoteka, ki se uporablja za opis imenika <filename class="directory">Smeti</filename>. Spremeni ikono, ki se uporablja za prikaz imenika in postavi (prikazano) ime imenika v jezik, ki je trenutno izbran.</para> <para>Pri imenikih, ki sestavljajo menu <guimenu>K</guimenu> lahko uporabite za spremembo izgleda tudi &kmenuedit;.</para> </answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko izvedem ne-anonimne prenose &FTP; s &konqueror;jem?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Običajno se bo, če vnesete &URL; kot je <userinput>ftp://<replaceable>ftp.somehost.com</replaceable></userinput>, &konqueror; poskušal prijaviti na &FTP; strežnik kot anonymous. Če se želite prijaviti kot določen uporabnik, potem vnesite &URL; v obliki <userinput>ftp://<replaceable>[email protected]</replaceable></userinput> &konqueror; vas bo vprašal za vaše geslo in se prijavil na strežnik.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> <question> <para>Kaj pomenijo <option>%i</option> in <option>%m</option> v vrstici Execute ?</para> </question> <answer> +<para>Uporabljajo jih vsi programi &kde; (izvedeni so namreč v <classname>TDEApplication</classname> in vsi dobri &kde; programi ustvarijo objekt <classname>TDEApplication</classname> preden pogledajo, ali je bilo podanih v ukazni vrstici kaj parametrov).</para> <para>Običajna vrstica za programe &kde; izgleda neko tako: <userinput><command>foo</command> <option>... %i %m -caption \"%c\"</option></userinput>. Precej zmedeno, vendar pa je bilo vse zasnovano tako, zato da lahko integrira stare, ne-&kde; programe s kar najmanj težavami. &konqueror; bo ob izvajanju gornje vrstice ukaz razširil v <userinput><command><replaceable>foo</replaceable></command> <option>-icon something.png -miniicon something_mini.png -caption \"The Foo\"</option></userinput>. Tako ikona kot mini ikona kot tudi "The Foo" so lastnosti, definirane v datoteki <filename>.desktop</filename>. Če ikone niso definirane, so preprosto privzete za ime <replaceable>foo</replaceable>.</para> + +<para>Na ta način lahko uporabnik v &kmenuedit; spremeni te stvari za svoj program. <option>-caption</option> je pomemben, saj noben uporabnik ne bo sprejel tega, da izbira <guimenuitem>Editor</guimenuitem> požene nekaj po imenu <guilabel>kedit-0.9pl4-build47</guilabel>. Pričakuje namreč okno z imenom <guilabel>Editor</guilabel>. Poleg tega so ta imena lokalizirana, ameriški uporabnik požene <abbrev>npr.</abbrev> <guimenuitem>CD-Player</guimenuitem> in dobi okno z imenom <guilabel>CD-Player</guilabel> medtem ko slovenski uporabnik požene <guimenuitem>Predvajalnik CD</guimenuitem> in dobi okno imenovano <guilabel>Predvajalnik CD</guilabel>.</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako določim zagonski imenik za &konqueror;?</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Kliknite z &DGM; na ikono &konqueror;ja in izberite <guimenuitem>Nastavitve</guimenuitem>. Pod vezjo <guilabel>Izvedi</guilabel> boste verjetno našli nekaj takega kot <command>kfmclient openProfile filemanagement</command>; dodajte le <filename class="directory">file:/karkoli/želite</filename> z imenikom, za katerega želite, da ga bo &konqueror; odprl ob zagonu.</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="nsbookmark"> +<para>Kako lahko uvozim &Netscape;ove zaznamke?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Ni vam treba ničesar uvažati! &Netscape;ovi zaznamki so samodejno dosegljivi v &konqueror;ju v menuju <guimenu>Zaznamki</guimenu>, ne da bi morali sami kaj nastaviti. <application>Urejevalnik zaznamkov</application> je sposoben pretvoriti &Netscape;ove zaznamke v format, ki ga uporablja &konqueror; če to tako želite.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko prevaram spletno stran, da bo verjela, da je &konqueror; &Netscape; ali kateri izmed drugih brskalnikov?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Poženite <application>Nadzorno središče &kde;</application> in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Brskanje po spletu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Uporabniški agent</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Dodajte želenega agenta.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako prilagodim &konqueror;, da poganja &Java; applets?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Nastavitve</guimenu><guisubmenu>Prikroji &konqueror;</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Brskalnik &konqueror;</guimenuitem></menuchoice> iz &konqueror;jeve menujske vrstice. Upoštevajte, da si morate ogledati spletno stran, sicer bo menu <guimenu>Nastavitve</guimenu> siv (neaktiven). Če ne deluje, prosim preverite <ulink url="http://www.konqueror.org/konq-java.html">Konqueror + Java HOWTO</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para></para> +</question> +<answer> +<para> </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para></para> +</question> +<answer> +<para> </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Zakaj &konqueror; ne izriše slik vrste &GIF;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Zato, ker niste omogočili podpore &GIF; v &Qt;. Poglejte prosim v <xref linkend="gif"/> za več podrobnosti.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako preimenujem datoteke?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/gettde.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/gettde.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ec837f72345 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/gettde.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="getting-kde"> +<title>Kako dobiti &kde;</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question id="where-to-get-kde"> +<para>Kje lahko najdem &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Glavna distribucijska stran &kde; je <ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org">ftp.kde.org</ulink>. Vendar pa je ta stran pogosto zelo obremenjena, tako da boste morda raje uporabili katerega izmed <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/mirrors.html">zrcalnih strežnikov &kde;</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para> Ali obstajajo distribucije &Linux;a, ki vsebujejo &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da, večje distribucije &Linux;a vse vključujejo &kde;. Ker traja izgradnja distribucije kar nekaj časa, morda ne vsebujejo vedno zadnje različice, vendar pa za začetek oziroma če se želite izogniti nalaganju z interneta predstavljajo primerno osnovo. </para> +<para>Najnovejši seznam distribucij, ki vključujejo &kde; lahko najdete na <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/kdeships.html">tej strani</ulink>. </para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Katera je trenutna različica?</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Trenutno je zadnja stabilna različica 3.0.</para> + +<para>Stran <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/info/3.0.html">&kde; 3.0 Info Page</ulink> vsebuje kup informacij povezanih s to izdajo.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kje najdem posnetke (CVS) izvorne kode &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Najnovejše lahko najdete na <ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots">ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots</ulink>. Morda razmišljate, da bi sami postavili odjemalca <acronym>CVS</acronym>, da bi vseskozi vzdrževali zadnji posnetek. Oglejte si, prosim, stran <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/anoncvs.html">Anonymos <acronym>CVS</acronym> and &kde;</ulink> preden se lotite tega. </para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="where-to-get-qt"> +<para>Kje lahko dobim &Qt;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&Qt; je izdelek norveškega podjetja Trolltech. Zadnjo različico &Qt; lahko vedno dobite na njihovem <ulink url="ftp://ftp.trolltech.com">&FTP; strežniku</ulink>.</para> +<para> V najnovejših distribucijah &Linux;a pa bi moral biti &Qt; že vključen. Prosim preverite v <xref linkend="prerequisites"/>, katero različico &Qt; rabite.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="qt"> +<para>Kaj pravzaprav sploh je &Qt;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&Qt; je v C++ zasnovana knjižnica razredov za izgradnjo uporabniških vmesnikov. Vsebuje tudi mnoge uporabne razrede kot so nizi (string) in razredi za obravnavo vnosov/izpisov. Ponuja večino gradnikov, ki jih lahko vidite v &kde; programu: menuje, gumbe, drsnike, <abbrev>itd.</abbrev> &Qt; je medplatformska knjižnica, ki omogoča pisanje kode, ki se da prevesti tako na sistemih &UNIX;, &Windows; in vgrajenih napravah. Več o &Qt; lahko izveste na <ulink url="http://www.trolltech.com">http://www.trolltech.com</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/install.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/install.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7e51fb2bd21 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/install.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +<!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> --> + + +<chapter id="install"> +<title>Namestitvena navodila</title> + +<para>To so splošna navodila za namestitev KDE. Prosim, dopolnite svoje znanje in preberite datoteke <filename>README</filename> in <filename>INSTALL</filename>, ki so na voljo skupaj s paketom. Prosim, da jih skrbno preberete in si, če gre kaj narobe, poskušate pomagati sami. Če rabite dodatno pomoč, razmislite o tem, da bi se pridružili poštnim seznamom &kde; (oglejte si navodila, kako se pridružiti <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/mailinglists.html">poštnim seznamom</ulink>) ali novičarskim skupinam.</para> + + +<qandaset> + + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Za vse "tudi jaz bi" spreobrnjence</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Torej ste slišali govorice. Ali pa morda videli kakšen posnetek zaslona. In umirate od želje, da bi imeli &kde;. Vendar pa ne veste ničesar o tem <quote>alternativnem operacijskem sistemu</quote>. Ne skrbite! Treba bo le malo (no morda ne tako malo) branja in to je vse!</para> + +<para>&kde; ne deluje pod &Windows; 95/98/NT ali OS/2 (še ne). Da lahko poganjate &kde; rabite sistem &UNIX;. Za več podrobnosti si oglejte <xref linkend="platform"/>.</para> + +<para>Odličite se za platformo in namestite sistem. Ta <acronym>FAQ</acronym> vam pri tem ne more pomagati, saj &kde; <ulink url="http://www.kde.org"> teče na mnogih &UNIX; </ulink> platformah. </para> + +<!-- Taken out because we can not help with all platforms and KDEisnotLINUX --> + +<para>Končno ste pripravljeni za pričetek namestitve &kde;. Prosim, pričnite brati v naslednjem razdelku. Kako pridobite &kde; si, prosim, preberite v <xref linkend="where-to-get-kde"/>. Na koncu, ne pa nazadnje, če naletite na težave pri nameščanje &kde;, prosim, ne oklevajte in uporabite <link linkend="mailing-lists">poštne sezname</link> &kde; in <link linkend="newsgroups">novičarske skupine</link>. Vendar pa se zavedajte: nobeno vprašanje ni preneumno, da bi ga zastavili, nekatera pa so, da bi jih odgovorili - posebej še, če so že bila odgovorjena v tem <acronym>FAQ</acronym>.</para> +<para>Veliko sreče in lepo se zabavajte!</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Dosegljivi paketni formati</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Na strani &kde-ftp; lahko najdete več vrst binarnih paketov in paketov izvorne kode za različne distribucije in operacijske sisteme. Binarni paketi niso delo ekipe &kde;, temveč distributerjev samih in nekaterih predanih posameznikov. Za informacije o postopkih razširjanja paketov si prosim oglejte članek <ulink url="http://dot.kde.org/986933826/">&kde; Package Policy Explained</ulink> Edina <quote>uradna</quote> izdaja so paketi izvirne kode v obliki tar.bz2. Prosimo, oglejte si datoteke <filename>README</filename> in <filename>INSTALL</filename> v binarnih imenikih. Za seznam dosegljivih paketov si prosim oglejteustrezno stran. Za zadnjo izdajo je to <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/info/3.0.html">&kde; 3.0 Info Page</ulink>.</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="prerequisites"> +<para>Zahteve</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Za &kde; 3.0 rabite knjižnico &Qt; različice 3.0.2 ali višje. Poskrbite prosim, da naložite pravilno različico &Qt;. Prav tako boste rabili header datoteke, če želite sami prevesti &kde;. Na voljo so zastonj na <ulink url="http://www.trolltech.com/products/download">http://www.trolltech.com/download</ulink>. Poleg tega so tu še opcijske knjižnice, ki bodo morda izboljšale &kde;, če jih namestite na vaš sistem. Zgled bi lahko bila OpenSSL, ki omogoča &konqueror;ju da varno brska po spletnih straneh in je zahtevana v različici >=0.9.6. Zanje bi moral poskrbeti vaš distributer; če ni, povprašajate po nadgradnji.</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Opis osnovnih paketov</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Osnovna distribucija je trenutno sestavljena iz enajstih paketov. Nekateri so nujno potrebni, druge pa lahko namestite po želji. Vsak paket je dosegljiv v vseh prej omenjenih paketnih formatih.</para> +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>tdelibs</term> <listitem> <para>Obvezno</para> <para>Ta paket vsebuje deljene knjižnice, ki jih rabijo vsi programi &kde;.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdebase</term> <listitem> <para>Obvezno</para> <para>Ta paket vsebuje osnovne programe, ki sestavljajo jedro namiznega okolja K (KDE), kot so okenski upravljalnik, terminalski emulator, nadzorno središče, datotečni upravljalnik in pult.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&arts;</term> <listitem> <para>Zvočni strežnik &arts;. Zmogljiv, omrežno pregleden zvočni strežnik.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdeaddons</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Razni vstavki za &kate;, &kicker;, &knewsticker;, &konqueror; in &noatun; </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdeartwork</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Dodatne slike za ozadje, teme, slogi, zvoki ...</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdebindings</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Razne vezi za druge programske jezike, vključno z javo, perlom, pythonom, ...</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdegames</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Različne igre kot so &kmahjongg;, &ksnake;, &kasteroids;, in &kpatience;.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdegraphics</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Razni, z grafiko povezani programi, kot so pregledovalnik &PostScript; in &DVI; ter risarski program.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdeutils</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Različna namizna okolja, kot so kalkulator, urejevalnik in druge prijetne stvari.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdemultimedia</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Večpredstavni programi, kot sta predvajalnik &CD; in mixer.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdenetwork</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Omrežni programi. Trenutno vsebuje poštni program &kmail;, bralnik novic &knode; in več programov, ki povezani z omrežji.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdeadmin</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Programi za upravljanje sistema.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdeedu</term> <listitem> <para> Izobraževalni in zabavni programi za mlajše uporabnike &kde;. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdetoys</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Igrače!</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>tdevelop</term> <listitem> <para>Opcijski</para> <para>Celovito integrirano razvojno okolje (IDE) za &kde; in Qt</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +<para>arts in nato tdelibs morata biti nameščena pred vsem drugim in tdeaddons na koncu. Ostale pakete lahko namestite v poljubnem vrstnem redu.</para> + +<para>Večina paketnih orodij vam bo omogočila, da shranite vse te pakete v en imenik in jih namestite hkrati in sproti ugotovila odvisnosti.</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Navodila za namestitev paketov različnih formatov</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para><important> <para>Prosim, ne pozabite prebrati datotek <filename>README</filename> in <filename>INSTALL</filename>, če sta na voljo.</para> </important></para> +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>Namestitev debianovih paketov</term> <listitem> <para>Debianovi paketi nameščajo programe skladno s prihajajočim FHS (File Hierarchy Standard).</para> <procedure> <step performance="required"><para>postanite superuporabnik</para></step> <step performance="required"><para>poženite <command>dpkg <option>-i <replaceable>packagename.deb</replaceable></option></command> za vsak paket, ki ga želite namestiti.</para></step> </procedure> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Namestitev paketov <acronym>RPM</acronym></term> <listitem> <procedure> <title>Da namestite binarne <acronym>RPM</acronym></title> <step performance="required"><para>postanite superuporabnik</para></step> <step performance="required"><para>izvedite <command>rpm <option>-ivh <replaceable>packagename.rpm</replaceable></option></command></para></step> </procedure> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Namestitev datoteke <filename>.tar.bz2</filename> z izvorno kodo</term> <listitem> <para>Ker prihaja vedno znova do sprememb in osvežitev načina, kako je &kde; preveden, si prosim oglejte stran <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/install-source.html">Download and Install from Source</ulink>, kjer najdete najnovejša navodila za pakete izvorne kode. </para> <para>Splošni pristop bi moral delati v večini primerov. </para> <para>Paket izvorne kode <filename>.tar.bz2</filename> namešča privzeto v imenik <filename class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename>. Nastavitev lahko povozite z uporabo možnosti <option>--prefix</option> skripta <filename>configure</filename>.</para> <procedure> <step performance="required"><para>odpakirajte paket s <command>tar <option>jxvf <replaceable>packagename.tar.bz2</replaceable></option></command></para></step> <step performance="required"><para>postavite se v imenik s paketom: <command>cd <replaceable>packagename</replaceable></command></para></step> <step performance="required"><para>nastavite (prilagodite) paket: <command>./configure</command> <note><para>Nekateri paketi (naj omenim tdebase) imajo posebne nastavitvene možnosti, ki so morda uporabne na vašem sistemu. Vtipkajte <command>./configure <option>--help</option></command> da vidite vse dosegljive možnosti.</para></note></para></step> <step performance="required"><para>zgradite paket: <command>make</command></para></step> <step performance="required"><para>namestite paket: <command>su <option>-c "make install"</option></command> (če še niste prijavljeni kot root). Če ste, potem vtipkajte <command>make <option>install</option></command>.</para></step> </procedure> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Postopki po namestitvi</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Najprej se prepričajte, da ste dodali &kde; binarni namestitveni imenik (<abbrev>npr.</abbrev> <filename class="directory">/opt/kde/bin</filename>) v vašo spremenljivko <envar>PATH</envar> in imenik &kde;, v katerem so nameščene knjižnice, v vaš <envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar> (potrebno le na sistemih, ki ne podpirajo rpath; v &Linux; &ELF;, bi moralo delati brez tega). Ta spremenljivka okolja se na različnih sistemih lahko imenuje različno, lahko je <abbrev>npr.</abbrev> imenovana <envar>SHLIB_PATH</envar> (na &IRIX;). Potem postavite spremenljivko <envar>TDEDIR</envar> na koren vašega drevesa &kde;, <abbrev>npr.</abbrev> <filename class="directory">/opt/kde</filename>. <caution> <para>Zavedajte se, da je precej nespametno nastaviti <envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar> na slepo. V večini primerov je nepotrebno in lahko naredi več slabega kot dobrega. O tej temi izveste več na spletni strani, ki jo je spisal <ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">Dave Barr</ulink> in razlaga nevarnosti <envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar>, najdete pa jo lahko na <ulink url="http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~barr/ldpath.html">http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~barr/ldpath.html</ulink>.</para> </caution> </para> +<para>Čeprav lahko večino programov &kde; uporabljate tako, da jih preprosto prikličete, lahko v celoti pridobite napredne zmožnosti &kde;, če uporabljate okenski upravljalnik &kde; in njegove pomočnike.</para> +<para>Da vsem vse skupaj olajšamo, smo poskrbeli za preprosti skript, imenovan <filename>starttde</filename>, ki je nameščen v <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/bin</filename> in je torej v vaši sistemsko dosegljivi poti (path).</para> +<para>Uredite datoteko <filename>.xinitrc</filename> v vašem domačem imeniku (najprej naredite varnostno kopijo!), odstranite vse, kar izgleda kot klicanje okenskega upravljalnika in vrinite namesto tega <command>starttde</command>. Ponovno poženite &X-Windows;. Če uporabljate &tdm;/<application>xdm</application>, boste morali urediti datoteko <filename>.xsession</filename> namesto <filename>.xinitrc</filename>. Če v vašem imeniku ni datoteke <filename>.xinitrc</filename> ali pa <filename>.xsession</filename>, preprosto ustvarite novo, ki vsebuje le eno samo vrstico <command>starttde</command>. <note> <para>Nekateri sistemi (omeniti velja &RedHat; &Linux;) uporabljajo namesto tega <filename>.Xclients</filename> .</para> </note></para> +<para>To bi vam moralo predstaviti novo, sijoče namizje &kde;. Sedaj lahko pričnete raziskovati čudovit svet &kde;. Če najprej želite prebrati nekaj dokumentacije, vam toplo priporočamo <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/documentation/quickstart/index.html">Hitri vodič po KDE</ulink>. Še več, vsak program ima sprotno pomoč, ki je dosegljiva preko menuja pomoči.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Moram, preden namestim novo različico, odstraniti staro xyz?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Načeloma ni potrebno. Paketa <acronym>RPM</acronym> in Debian bi morala poskrbeti za odvisnosti.</para> +<para>Če sami prevajate izvorno kodo, boste morali paziti, da ne prevedete različnih različic &kde; paketov. Če torej nameščate novo različico, prosim najprej zgradite in namestite tdesupport, nato tdelibs nato pa tdebase.</para> +<para>Izogibati pa se morate eni stvari: nameščanju dveh ali več različic &kde; vzporedno. To se lahko zgodi, če določite drugačen ciljni imenik za eno izmed različic. Rezultat je lahko nepredvidljiv. Isto velja v primeru, da imate hkrati nameščeni različni različici &Qt;. To se lahko zgodi hitro, če že imate starejšo različico &Qt;, ki je bila nameščena z distribucijo &Linux;.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="starttde"> +<para>Kako poženem &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Najbolj udoben načina zagona &kde; predstavlja uporaba skripta <filename>starttde</filename>. Na konec vaše datoteke <filename>.xsession</filename> (ali pa <filename>.xinitrc</filename> oziroma <filename>.Xclients</filename> če ne uporabljate &tdm; ali <application>xdm</application>) dodajte <command>starttde</command>. Odstranite vrstice, ki poženejo vaš prejšnji okenski upravljalnik. Če v vašem imeniku nimate datoteke <filename>.xsession</filename>, <filename>.xinitrc</filename> ali <filename>.Xclients</filename>, preprosto ustvarite novo, ki vsebuje le eno samo vrstico: <command>starttde</command>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +<!-- Still needed? +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Whenever I start &kde;, it complains about "shadow passwords". +Why?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>When your system uses shadow passwords, the screensaver can only +run properly if the suid bit is set. This bit gives the screensavers +root privileges, which are needed to access the shadow passwords. +<caution><para>The screensavers might be configured to secure the +machine until the password is entered.</para></caution></para> +<procedure> +<title>Setting the suid bit on the screensavers</title> +<step performance="required"><para>become root</para></step> +<step performance="required"><para><command>chown root +$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/bin/*.kss</command></para></step> +<step performance="required"><para><command>chmod u+s +$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/bin/*.kss</command></para></step> +</procedure> +<para>Alternatively, if you compile &kde; from source, you can use +<command>./configure <option>with-shadow</option></command> to +configure tdebase. Then the suid bit is set automatically during +<command>make install</command>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +--> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je mogoče namestiti &kde; v uporabniški imenik?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da, &kde; lahko namestite v katerikoli imenik želite. To, kar morate storiti, je odvisno od vrste paketa, ki ga želite namestiti:</para> +<procedure><title>Paketi izvorne kode</title> <step performance="required"><para>Nastavite (prilagodite) in namestite paket z uporabo <command>configure <option>--prefix=<replaceable>/users/myhome/kde</replaceable></option>; make; make install</command>, s čimer boste nameščali v <filename class="directory">/users/myhome/kde</filename>.</para></step> <step performance="required"><para>V vaše init datoteke dodajte spodnje vrstice. Upoštevajte, da vam ni potrebno nastaviti <envar>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</envar>, bolje je ta korak izpustiti.</para> <para>Za csh ali tcsh:</para> <programlisting> +setenv TDEDIR /users/myhome/kde + +if ( $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) then + setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TDEDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +else + setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $TDEDIR/lib +endif + +if ( ! $?LIBRARY_PATH ) then + setenv LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH +endif +</programlisting> <para>Za <application>bash</application>:</para> <programlisting> +TDEDIR=/users/myhome/kde +PATH=$TDEDIR/bin:$PATH +LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TDEDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH +export TDEDIR PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH LIBRARY_PATH +</programlisting></step> </procedure> +<procedure><title><acronym>RPM</acronym> paketi</title> <step performance="required"><para><command>rpm</command> vam omogoča uporabo možnosti <option>--prefix</option> s katero izberete imenik, v katerega želite nameščati. Če na primer izvedete <command>rpm <option>-i --prefix=<replaceable>/users/myhome/kde package.rpm</replaceable></option></command>, bo paket nameščen v <filename class="directory">/users/myhome/kde</filename>.</para></step> </procedure> +<para><note> <para>Čeprav bo &kde; deloval z uporabniškega imenika, so z nekaterimi programi, ki zahtevajo suid root težave. Sem spadajo <abbrev>npr.</abbrev> programi v paketu tdeadmin. Ker pa niso namenjeni za uporabo, kadar ste prijavljeni kot običajni uporabnik (user), vam glede tega ni treba skrbeti.</para> <para>Na sistemih, ki uporabljajo shadow password, morajo biti ohranjevalniki zaslona suid root, da omogočijo dostop do gesla za odklenitev zaslona, tako da ta možnost ne bo delovala.</para> </note></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para><command>starttde</command> strmoglavi s sporočilom <errorname>can not connect to X server</errorname> (ne morem se povezati s strežnikom X). Kaj je narobe?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Verjetno ste poskušali pognati strežnik X z ukazom <command>starttde</command>. Strežnik X se požene z <command>startx</command>. <command>starttde</command> je skript, ki naj bi se pognal iz <filename>.xinitrc</filename>, <filename>.xsession</filename> ali <filename>.Xclients</filename>, da aktivira okenski upravljalnik in zahtevane strežniške deamone za &kde;. Poglejte še v <xref linkend="starttde"/>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>&kde; na &AIX;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Če imate težave z izgradnjo &kde; na &AIX; preverite stran Stefana Westerfelda <ulink url="http://space.twc.de/~stefan/kde/aix.html">Running &kde; on Aix</ulink>, kjer najdete pomoč za izgradnjo &kde; na tej izjemni različici &UNIX;.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>&kde; na prenosnem računalniku?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Če lahko v delovanje prepričate &X-Windows;, potem ne bi smeli imeti težav z delovanjem &kde;. Naslednje povezave vam bodo morda pomagale:</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem> <para><ulink url="http://www.linux-laptop.net/">http://www.linux-laptop.net/</ulink></para> </listitem> <listitem> <para><ulink url="http://www.sanpei.org/Laptop-X/note-list.html">http://www.sanpei.org/Laptop-X/note-list.html</ulink></para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Privzet imenik &kde; po namestitvi mi ni všeč. Kako ga premaknem, ne da bi kaj pokvaril?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Če predvidevamo, da je privzet <filename class="directory">/opt/kde</filename> in ga želite premakniti v <filename class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename>, potem morate narediti naslednje:</para> +<procedure> <step performance="required"><para>prijavite se kot superuporabnik (če še niste)</para></step> <step performance="required"><para><command>mv /opt/kde /usr/local/kde</command></para></step> <step performance="required"><para><command>ln -s /usr/local/kde /opt/kde</command></para></step> </procedure> +<para>To bo premaknilo vse vaše &kde; datoteke v <filename class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename>, vendar pa je vse še vedno dosegljivo z <filename class="directory">/opt/kde</filename>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Katere datoteke z mojega namestitvenega imenika &kde; lahko zbrišem? Lahko varno odstranim vse datoteke <filename>*.h</filename>, <filename>*.c</filename> in <filename>*.o</filename> ?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Ni potrebe, da bi obdržali datoteke <filename>.c</filename> in <filename>.o</filename>, vendar pa boste morda želeli obdržati datoteke <filename>.h</filename>, saj jih rabite, če boste kdaj želeli prevesti vaše lastne &kde; programe. Če pa želite izvorni kodi programov dodajati popravke, ki se pojavijo (namesto, da bi znova nalagali vse skupaj), potem morajo ostati.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Bom izgubil svoje trenutne nastavitve, če nadgradim &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para></para> + +<para>Obstajajo mešana poročila o rezultatih prehoda med nekaterimi prejšnjimi različicami &kde;. Zaradi varnosti boste morda želeli narediti varnostno kopijo celotne nastavitve &kde;. </para> + +<para></para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Prevajanje kde izpiše napako <errorname>bin/sh: msgfmt: command not found</errorname>!</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Rabite program <acronym>GNU</acronym> <application>msgfmt</application>, ki je del paketa <acronym>GNU</acronym> i18n <application>gettext</application>. Nahajati bi se moral na vsakem spodobnem zrcalnem strežniku <acronym>GNU</acronym>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko odstranim programe &kde;, ki sem jih prevedel iz izvorne kode?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Programe lahko odstranite z ukazom <command>make uninstall</command>, ki ga vnesete v imeniku, kjer ste izvedli <command>make install</command>. Če ste ta imenik že likvidirali, potem je na voljo še ena, a slaba pot: pojdite v imenik <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/bin</filename> in pričnite brisati datoteke eno za drugo.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="gif"> +<para>Kako je s podporo &GIF;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>To ima opraviti s Unisysovim patentom &LZW;. Podpora za &GIF; je od &Qt; različice 1.44 dalje privzeto onemogočena. Če želite uporabljati &GIF; in imate ustrezajočo licenco ponovno prevedite &Qt; z vključeno podporo za &GIF; z uporabo <command>./configure <option>-gif</option></command>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako namestim &kde; teme?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para> &kde; 2.2.1 vsebuje upravljalnik tem, zato si prosim oglejte pomoč za <application>Nadzorno središče</application>, ali pa si oglejte <ulink url="http://kde.themes.org/">kde.themes.org</ulink> za KDE2 teme. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/intro.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/intro.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1f2861d141b --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/intro.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="introduction"> +<title>Uvod</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kaj je &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&kde; je namizno okolje K (K Desktop Environment). Je projekt, ki ga je leta 1996 sprožil <ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">Matthias Ettrich</ulink>. Namen projekta &kde; je povezati moč operacijskega sistema &UNIX; z udobjem modernega uporabniškega vmesnika.</para> +<para>Na kratko, &kde; bo pripeljal &UNIX; na namizje!</para> +<para>Če želite nadaljnje informacije o &kde;, si poglejte <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/whatiskde/index.html">What is &kde;?</ulink></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="platform"> +<para>Na katerih platformah lahko pričakujem, da bo &kde; deloval?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&kde; je namizno okolje za vse okuse &UNIX;a. Medtem ko drži, da večina razvijalcev &kde; uporablja &Linux; pa &kde; lepo dela na širokem naboru sistemov. Vendar pa morate morda malce prilagoditi izvorno kodo, da se bo dal &kde; prevesti na ne tako priljubljeni različici &UNIX;a, ali pa morda v primeru, da ne uporabljate razvojnih orodij &GNU;, še posebej prevajalnika &gcc;.</para> +<para>Za skoraj popoln seznam sistemov, na katerih teče KDE, si prosim oglejte <ulink url="http://promo.kde.org/kde_systems.php">ta seznam sistemov za KDE</ulink> </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je &kde; okenski upravljalnik?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Ne, &kde; ni okenski upravljalnik. &kde; vsebuje zelo dodelan okenski upravljalnik (&twin;), vendar pa je &kde; precej več kot to. Je celovito, integrirano namizno okolje.</para> +<para>&kde; ponuja popolno namizno okolje, vključno s spletnim brskalnikom, datotečnim upravljalnikom, okenskim upravljalnikom, sistemom pomoči, nastavitvenim sistemom, brezštevilnimi orodji in pripomočki ter naraščajoče število programov, vključno, a ne le s poštnim in novičarskim odjemalcem, risarskim programom, pregledovalnikom &PostScript; in &DVI; ter tako naprej.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je &kde; klon <acronym>CDE</acronym>, &Windows; 95 ali &Mac; <acronym>OS</acronym> ?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Ne, &kde; ni klon. Še posebej ni &kde; klon <acronym>CDE</acronym> ali &Windows;. Medtem ko so razvijalci &kde; upoštevali in še upoštevajo najboljše zmožnosti iz vseh obstoječih namiznih okolij, je &kde; resnično enkratno okolje, ki je in bo šlo svojo pot.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je &kde; prosto programje?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da, &kde; je prosta programska oprema, ki ustreza &GNU; General Public License. Vse knjižnice &kde; so na voljo z licenco <acronym>LGPL</acronym>, kar omogoča razvoj komercialne programske opreme za namizje &kde;, vsi programi pa so objavljeni pod pogoji <acronym>GPL</acronym>.</para> +<para>&kde; uporablja <link linkend="qt">&Qt; C++ crossplatform toolkit</link>, ki je objavljen (od različice 2.2 dalje) pod pogoji <acronym>GPL</acronym>.</para> +<para>Dovoljeno je razširjati &kde; in &Qt; na &CD-ROM; brez vsakršnega plačila. Nobeni finančni prispevki niso zahtevani.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/misc.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/misc.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2c1cb254089 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/misc.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="misc"> +<title>Razna vprašanja</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Zakaj &kde; uporablja &Qt;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&Qt; je zelo dovršena zbirka orodij, ki ponuja vse, kar je potrebno za izgradnjo modernega uporabniškega vmesnika. Napisan je v C++, kar omogoča predmetno usmerjen razvoj, ki zagotavlja učinkovitost in večkratno uporabo izvorne kode v projektu velikosti in dometa &kde;. Po našem mnenju v sistemih &UNIX; ni boljše zbirke orodij, tako da bi bil poskus izgradnje &kde; s čimerkoli kot z najboljšim precejšnja napaka.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Zakaj &kde; ne uporablja gtk, xforms, xlib ali karkoli drugega?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Na voljo je več zbirk orodij. Da lahko ponudi konsistenten uporabniški vmesnik in obdrži rabo virov kot je na primer pomnilnik na kar najnižji stopnji, lahko &kde; uporablja le enega izmed njih. &Qt; je bil izbran iz razlogov, ki so omenjeni zgoraj.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Vendar pa &Qt; ni prost, ali pa je le?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>JE! 4. septembra 2000, je bila različica 2.2 knjižnic &Qt; objavljena pod pogoji <acronym>GPL</acronym> in tako izpolnjuje vse vidike <quote>proste programske opreme</quote>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Ali ima &kde; treminalski emulator s prosojnim ozadjem?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da in ne. &konsole; ima zmožnost simuliranja prosojnosti, tako da znotraj okna &konsole; izriše ozadje. To pričara iluzijo prosojnosti, vendar pa je ta izgubljena, če postavite konsole nad drugo okno. Če si zaželite celovitejšo prosojnost - <ulink url="http://www.eterm.org">Eterm</ulink> bi moral brez težav delovati v &kde;.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako ustvarim ikone za ne-&kde; programe, ki jih lahko dam v menu <guimenu>K</guimenu>? Kam gredo te ikone (ali pa kdelnk)?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Z vašim najljubšim programom za obdelovanje slik, na primer z <application>GIMP</application> ali pa <application>&kde;-jevim urejevalnikom ikon</application> jih ustvarite in jih shranite v <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/share/icons(/mini)</filename> ali <filename class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.trinity/share/icons(/mini)</filename>. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kaj pa &kde; programi, ki nimajo ikon? Kako jih lahko spravim v menu?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Uporabite &kmenuedit;. Da ga dosežete, uporabite &DGM; na gumbu <guibutton>K</guibutton> in izberite <guimenu>Nastavitve...</guimenu>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Ali ima &kde; grafičnega odjemalca &FTP;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da, in ni nihče drug kot vaš priljubljen datotečni upravljalnik, &konqueror;. Oddaljene datoteke lahko povlečete in spustite v lokalne imenike.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako zapustim &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Preprosto kliknite na gumb <guibutton>K</guibutton> in izberite <guimenu>Logout</guimenu>. Poleg tega se bo, če kliknete z <mousebutton>desnim</mousebutton> gumbom na prazen prostor na namizju pojavil menu, ki vsebuje odjavo kot eno izmed možnosti. <note><para>Odvisno od nastavitev &X-Windows; bo <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;&Backspace;</keycombo> morda pobil strežnik X server, vendar pa njegova uporaba preprečuje upravljanje s sejami (session management) in je ne moremo priporočati.</para></note></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Obstaja program, ki preverja, ali je nova pošta pri mojem <acronym>ISP</acronym> če in le če sem povezan v internet?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>To nalogo bo opravil &korn;. Če niste povezani, bo le čepel tam (v brezdelju).</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je resnično treba nadgraditi do zadnje različice?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Priporočamo, da vedno uporabljate zadnjo stabilno različico. Če ne, bo verjetno težko dobiti odgovore na vaša vprašanja. Če imate težavo s staro različico, bo odgovor verjetno <quote>Prosim, nadgaradite in poskusite znova</quote>. Upoštevajte tudi, da nove različice včasih popravijo težave z varnostjo.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako prepisujem in prilepljam v &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Najpreprostejša metoda je uporaba vaše miške:</para> +<procedure> <step performance="required"><para>Označite besedilo, ki ga želite prepisati, tako da pritisnete &LGM; in vlečete preko besedila.</para></step> <step performance="required"><para>Pojdite na območje, kamor želite pisati; odvisno od vaše nastavitve ga boste morda morali klikniti z &LGM;, da ga fokusirate.</para></step> <step performance="required"><para>Kliknite &SGM;, da prilepite. Če imate miško z dvema gumboma in emulirate tretji gumb, pritisnite hkrati oba gumba.</para></step> </procedure> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako spremenim privzet menu &RedHat; v menu <guimenu>K</guimenu>?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Kliknite na gumb <guibutton>K</guibutton> in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>System</guimenu><guimenuitem>Appfinder</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="CVS"> +<para>Kaj je <acronym>CVS</acronym>?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Concurrent Versions System. Gre za različico nadzornega sistema in je osnovan na <acronym>RCS</acronym> (Revision Control System), vendar ponuja več funkcionalnosti. Uporablja se za vzdrževanje izvorne kode med razvojem. Ohranja različice (uporabno, če ste kaj pokvarili in morate povrniti staro, čisto različico) ter omogoča ljudem oddaljeni dostop preko mreže, da lahko poberejo zadnjo različico izvorne kode in celo vnesejo (check in) nove datoteke (če imajo dovoljenje). Je prav tako odprta programska oprema (za podporo plačate, če želite), in ker je prost, je pogosta izbira za ljudi, ki pišejo odprte produkte, kot je na primer &kde;.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Ali &kde; podpira dva zaslona (Xinerama)?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da, rabite ustrezen strežnik X, ki to omogoča (⊀ MertroX ali XFree86 4.0 in novejši) in &kde; >= 2.2.1 </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Zakaj <quote>Povleci in spusti</quote> ne dela s Xineramo? </para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Za pravilno delovanje te možnosti morate nadgraditi XFree86 na različico 4.2.0.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako lahko preverim, katero različico &kde; uporabljam?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Poženite <application>Nadzorno središče &kde;</application>. Vsebuje tudi informacijski zaslon, ki poda tudi različico &kde;. Podatek je vključen tudi v pogovorna okna <guimenuitem>O programu</guimenuitem>. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Ali lahko pišem komercialno programsko opremo za &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Knjižnice &kde; lahko uporabite za pisanje <quote>komercialne in zaprte izvorne kode</quote>, kot tudi za <quote>komercialno in odprto programsko opremo</quote>. Če pišete programe z odprto kodo, lahko uporabite &Qt; free edition. Če pa pišete zaprto programsko opremo, potem ne smete uporabiti &Qt; free edition; nabaviti morate &Qt; professional edition podjetja Troll Tech. </para> <para>Če želite o tem izvedeti več, potem prosim kontaktirajte <ulink url="http://www.trolltech.com">Troll Tech</ulink> neposredno.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako se lotim ustvarjanja tem in ikon?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Oglejte si <ulink url="http://artist.kde.org">http://artist.kde.org</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je <application>KLyX</application> mrtev?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da. Vendar pa bodo naslednje različice <application>LyX</application>-a neodvisne od &GUI;. Preverite napredek posameznih &GUI; vmesnikov <ulink url="http://devel.lyx.org/guii.php3">tukaj</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>How can I get to know about development updates?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Morda se boste želeli vpisati na katerega izmed različnih poštnih seznamov &kde;, še posebej kde-cvs, ki našteje vse vnose v <acronym>CVS</acronym> skladišče (repository) &kde;. Preverite <ulink url="http://lists.kde.org">http://lists.kde.org</ulink>, če bi jih želeli prebirati, a se nočete prijaviti.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/moreinfo.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/moreinfo.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4f7a6b65e27 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/moreinfo.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="more-info"> +<title>Pridobivanje dodatnih informacij</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kje se nahaja domača stran projekta &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Domača stran projekta &kde; se nahaja na <ulink url="http://www.kde.org">http://www.kde.org</ulink>. Če imate raje lokalni zrcalni strežnik, jih je na voljo več, med katerimi lahko izbirate. Za trenuten seznam zrcalnih strežnikov spletne strani obiščite prosim <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/webmirrors.html">http://www.kde.org/webmirrors.html</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="mailing-lists"> +<para>Obstaja poštni seznam &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Hm, obstaja jih celo več. Vsak se osredotoča na različen vidik &kde;. Nekateri izmed njih so za razvijalce, tako da niso podrobneje razloženi. Nekaj pomembnejših seznamov, ki bi lahko bili zanimivi za uporabnike so:</para> +<variablelist> <varlistentry><term>kde</term> <listitem><para>To je glavni seznam &kde; za splošne razprave.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry><term>kde-announce</term> <listitem><para>Ta seznam je za najavo novih različic &kde;, kot tudi novih orodij in programov.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry><term>kde-look</term> <listitem><para>Ta seznam se ukvarja z vprašanji izgleda in občutka ("look'n feel") in splošnimi vprašanji vmesnika.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +<para>Popoln seznam poštnih seznamov najdete na <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/mailinglists.html">http://www.kde.org/mailinglists.html</ulink>.</para> +<para>Zavedajte se prosim dejstva, da ni dobro spraševati stvari, ki so že odgovorjene v tem <acronym>FAQ</acronym>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="subscribe"> +<para>Kako se prijavim/odjavim s teh seznamov?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da se prijavite, pošljite e-sporočilo na zahtevke za sezname ('list-request'), to je</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> </itemizedlist> +<para>Sporočilo mora vsebovati v predmetu sporočila <userinput>subscribe <replaceable>vaš_email_naslov</replaceable></userinput></para> +<para>Da se odjavite, pošljite e-sporočilo na zahtevke za sezname ('list-request'), to je:</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</ulink></para></listitem> </itemizedlist> +<para>Sporočilo mora vsebovati v predmetu sporočila <userinput>unsubscribe <replaceable>vaš_email_naslov</replaceable></userinput> <important><para>Nikoli se ne prijavite/odjavite na poštni seznam neposredno! Uporabite list-request.</para></important></para> +<para>Na voljo je tudi popoln seznam s &kde; povezanih poštnih seznamov in spletni vmesnik za prijavo in odjavo na naslovu <ulink url="http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo">http://master.kde.org/mailman/listinfo</ulink>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Obstaja arhiv poštnih seznamov?</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Da, <ulink url="http://www.progressive-comp.com">Progressive Computer Concepts</ulink> gosti arhiv, ki ga lahko preiskujete. &URL; je <ulink url="http://lists.kde.org">http://lists.kde.org</ulink>. Tam boste videli imeniški seznam poštnih seznamov. Upoštevajte, da lahko na tem nivoju izvedete le iskanje po avtorju/predmetu. Na ta način verjetno ne boste našli tega, kar želite.</para> + +<para>Da iščete po telesu sporočila, vstopite v eno izmed poštnih list. Kliknite na imenik, ki ga želite preiskati (⊀ <quote>kde</quote> ali <quote>kde-user</quote>), spustni menu iskalnega polja bo tako privzeto ponudil iskanje po <quote>telesu</quote> sporočila. Da boste temeljiti, boste verjetno iskali po imenikih <quote>kde</quote>, <quote>kde-user</quote> in <quote>kde-devel</quote>. </para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question id="newsgroups"> +<para>Obstaja novičarska skupina na temo &kde;?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da, obstaja! To je <literal>comp.windows.x.kde</literal>. Poleg tega obstaja še nemška novičarska skupina <literal>de.alt.comp.kde</literal>. Zavedajte se prosim dejstva, da ni dobro spraševati stvari, ki so že odgovorjene v tem <acronym>FAQ</acronym>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Obstajajo s &kde; povezani <acronym>FAQ</acronym>?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da. Tu je njihov seznam:</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para><ulink url="http://www.kde.org/info/faq.html">&kde; 2.0 <acronym>FAQ</acronym></ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="http://www.konqueror.org/faq.html">&konqueror; <acronym>FAQ</acronym></ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="http://www.arts-project.org/doc/mcop-doc/artsd-faq.html">aRts sound server <acronym>FAQ</acronym></ulink></para></listitem> <listitem><para><ulink url="http://kmail.kde.org/manual/faq.html">&kmail; <acronym>FAQ</acronym></ulink></para></listitem> </itemizedlist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +</qandaset> +</chapter> + + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/nontdeapps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/nontdeapps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..97e167a80cf --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/nontdeapps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="non-kde-apps"> +<title>&kde; z ne-&kde; programi</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Moji ne-&kde; programi kot sta &Emacs; in <application>kterm</application> so podivjali in izpisujejo velika okna in čudne pisave!</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Poženite <application>nadzorno središče &kde;</application> in v <guimenu>Videz in občutek</guimenu><guisubmenu>Slog</guisubmenu> deaktivirajte <guilabel>uveljavi nastavitve KDE za ne-KDE programe</guilabel>, nato pa pritisnite gumb <guibutton>Uveljavi</guibutton></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/notrelated.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/notrelated.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7dc496d9032 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/notrelated.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +<!-- if you want to validate this file separately, uncomment this prolog: + +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> + +--> + +<chapter id="not-kde"> +<title>Ne nujno s &kde; povezana vprašanja, pa vendar pogosto zastavljana.</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako spremenim ločljivost zaslona?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Uporabite <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>+</keycap></keycombo> in <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>-</keycap></keycombo>, da preklapljate med ločljivostmi, ki ste jih določili v <filename>XF86Config</filename> (morda v <filename class="directory">/etc/X11</filename>; poglejte najprej malo naokoli). Če si želite umazati roke, lahko vedno neposredno urejate datoteko. Če namestite vašo priljubljeno ločljivost na začetek (ali pa če je našteta kot edina), potem se bodo &X-Windows; vedno zagnali s to ločljivostjo. <caution><para><emphasis>Preden</emphasis> jo pričnete urejati, vedno naredite varnostno kopijo datoteke <filename>XF86Config</filename>. Napake v tej datoteki lahko naredijo vaše &X-Windows; neuporabne.</para></caution> <note><para>Ta navodila so uporabna le, če poganjate različico 3.3.x strežnika XFree86. Če poganjate XFree86 4.x, morate pregledati <ulink url="http://xfree.org">XFree86(TM): Home Page</ulink>.</para></note></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako spremenim barvno globino?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Način, kako bi to lahko spremenili kar takoj ne obstaja. Lahko poženete &X-Windows; z uporabo <command>startx <option> -bpp <replaceable>število</replaceable></option></command> kjer je lahko <replaceable>število</replaceable> 8, 16, 24, ali 32, odvisno od globine, ki jo želite. Če uporabljate <application>xdm</application>/&tdm;, morate urediti <filename>/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers</filename> (pot se morda lahko razlikuje) z <userinput>:0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X -bpp 16</userinput> za 16 bitno barvno globino.</para> +<para>Lahko tudi uredite datoteko <filename>XF86Config</filename> in dodate vrstico, kot je <userinput>DefaultColorDepth <replaceable>število</replaceable></userinput> v razdelek "Screen". Naslednjič, ko boste pognali X, bodo tekli z ravnokar nastavljeno barvno globino.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kaj naj naredim, če uporabljam miško z dvema gumboma?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Pojdite in si kupite takšno s tremi gumbi ali pa uporabite emulacijo tretjega gumba. To dosežete s hkratnim pritiskom &LGM; in &DGM;. V vaši datoteki <filename>XF86Config</filename> morate omogočiti možnost <option>Emulate3Buttons</option>. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kaj je "lepljivo" okno?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>V okolju z več navideznimi namizji bo "lepljivo" okno ostalo na zaslonu tudi, ko boste preklopili med namizji, kot bi bilo prilepljeno na steklo zaslona. <application>Xclock</application> je tipičen kandidat za prilepljanje, saj morate pognati le en izvod, pa vseeno vedno ostane z vami. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako nadomestim miškin kazalec oblike "X" s puščico?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Različne v X dosegljive oblike kurzorja so definirane v <filename class="headerfile">X11/cursorfont.h</filename>. Spremenite jo lahko z uporabo <command>xsetroot -cursor_name <replaceable>name_of_cursor</replaceable></command>. V mojem <filename>.Xclients</filename> imam na primer:</para> +<screen> +xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr +</screen> +<para>To bo ustvarilo običajen levo usmerjen kazalec. Da vidite druge alternative, vtipkajte <command>xfd -fn cursor</command>. In seveda ne pozabite da je <command>man xsetroot</command> vaš prijatelj.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako izvlečem/namestim datoteke diff?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da generirate context-diff, primeren za popravljanje (patching), uporabite <command>diff -u <replaceable>stara-datoteka nova-datoteka</replaceable> > <replaceable>patchfile</replaceable></command>. Da nanesete popravek na datoteko (<abbrev>ang. </abbrev> "patch the file"), izvedite <command>patch < <replaceable>patchfile</replaceable></command>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako prepričam &Linux;, da priklopi disketnik za uporabo z disketami, ki so formatirane kot DOS in ext2?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>V <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> določite datotečni sistem kot auto. Samodejno prepoznavanje deluje za DOS in ext2.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako poženem &kde; z vklopljenim <keycap>Num Lock</keycap>?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Ste poskusili <command>man setleds</command>? Morda boste želeli urediti vašo datoteko <filename>$<envar>HOME</envar>/.Xmodmap</filename>, vanje pa vnesite naslednje vrstice:</para> +<screen> +! redefines numeric keypad to be used without NumLock +keycode 79 = 7 +keycode 80 = 8 +keycode 81 = 9 + +keycode 83 = 4 +keycode 84 = 5 +keycode 85 = 6 + +keycode 87 = 1 +keycode 88 = 2 +keycode 89 = 3 + +keycode 90 = 0 +keycode 91 = comma +keycode 86 = plus + +! deactivates NumLock key +keycode 77 = +</screen> +<para>Druge možne alternative so:</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para><application>xkeycaps</application>: <mousebutton>desni</mousebutton> klik bi moral omogočiti urejanje. To boste morda lahko storili kot root.</para></listitem> <listitem><para><command>man XF86Config</command> in poglejte v razdelek Keyboard (tipkovnica).</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Namestite <application>NumLockX</application>, ki je dosegljiv na <ulink url="http://dforce.sh.cvut.cz/~seli/en/numlockx">http://dforce.sh.cvut.cz/~seli/en/numlockx</ulink>.</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako posnamem okno ali namizje?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Uporabite &ksnapshot;.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je na voljo kakšen program za izdelavo spletnih strani?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da, na voljo jih je celo mnogo, vključno s <application>StarOffice</application>, <application>&Netscape; Composer</application> in <application>XEmacs</application>. Obstaja tudi precej &kde; programov. Da najdete najnovejši seznam, pojdite na <ulink url="http://apps.kde.com">APPS.&kde;.com: The Latest in &kde; Applications</ulink> in iščite <emphasis>web development</emphasis>. Preizkusite jih kar največ in izberite tistega, ki vam najbolj ustreza.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kaj pomenijo vse te kratice kot na primer AFAIK?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para><screen> +AAMOF: as a matter of fact +AFAIK: as far as I know +AISE: as I see it +BFN: bye for now +BION: believe it or not +BRB: be right back +BTW: by the way +CMIIW: correct me if I am wrong +FUD: fear, uncertainty, and doubt +FWIW: for what it's worth +FYI: for your information +HTH: hope this helps +IIRC: if I recall correctly +IMHO: in my humble opinion +LOL: laughing out loud +MYOB: mind your own business +PITA: pain in the ass +ROTFL: rolling on the floor laughing +RTFM: read the fine manual +SOP: standard operating procedure +TIA: thanks in advance +YMMV: your mileage may vary +</screen></para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/panel.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/panel.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..94e32700b63 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/panel.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="panel"> +<title>Pult</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako dodam programe na pult (&kicker;)?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Obstaja več načinov dodajanja programa na pult:</para> +<variablelist> <varlistentry><term>Uporaba nastavitvenega menuja pulta</term> <listitem> <para>Morda najlažji način je uporaba izbire <menuchoice><guimenu>Nastavi pult</guimenu><guimenuitem>Dodaj </guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Gumb</guimenuitem></menuchoice> v menuju pulta (menu, ki se pojavi ob kliku na gumb <guibutton>K</guibutton> na pultu). Menu prikazuje vse nameščene programe &kde;. Da dodate gumb v menu, preprosto kliknite na program.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Uporaba datotečnega upravljalnika</term> <listitem> <para>Datoteko <filename>.desktop</filename> lahko tudi povlečete iz okna datotečnega upravljalnika na pult.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<!-- Since I don't know the anwser for this in KDE 2.2.1 I have to comment it out --> +<!-- +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Is it possible to change the <guibutton>K</guibutton> button of +the panel to another picture?</para> +</question>/ +<answer> +<para>Look for +<filename>$<envar>HOME</envar>/.trinity/share/apps/kicker/pics/go.png</filename> and +<filename>$<envar>HOME</envar>/.trinity/share/apps/kicker/pics/mini/go.png</filename> +and replace them. Do not forget to flatten the replacements to one +layer, or else you will not see anything. Create the directories if +they do not already exist. Then restart &kicker;.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +--> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/tdeapps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/tdeapps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..85bf7314415 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/tdeapps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="applications"> +<title>&kde; programi</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>&kppp;</para> +</question> +<answer> + +<para>Mnogi uporabniki poročajo o težavah pri uporabi &kppp;. Preden se še vi pritožite, preverite raje naslednje možnosti:</para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Se sploh lahko povežete z vašim <acronym>ISP</acronym> brez uporabe &kppp;? Če ne, potem verjetno &kppp; sploh ni ničesar kriv.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Ste pregledali dokumentacijo &kppp; vsaj trikrat in sledili navodilom, in namigom ob težavah?</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> +<para>Do dokumentacije za &kppp; lahko dostopate preko <application>&kde; Help Center</application> ali pa greste neposredno v imenik z dokumentacijo, običajno <filename class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/share/doc/HTML/default/kppp</filename>. Na koncu, ne pa nazadnje, domača stran &kppp; je na <ulink url="http://devel-home.kde.org/~kppp/">http://devel-home.kde.org/~kppp/</ulink>.</para> +<para>Če imate še vedno težave, vam bo morda pomagalo to:</para> +<variablelist> <varlistentry><term>Kako v &kppp; spremeniti nastavitev &MTU;?</term> <listitem><para>Odprite pogovorno okno &kppp; in izberite <guibutton>Nastavitve</guibutton>. Izberite obstoječ račun in kliknite <guibutton>Uredi</guibutton> ali <guibutton>Nov</guibutton>, da ustvarite nov klicni račun. Izberite vez <guilabel>Pokliči</guilabel> in kliknite <guibutton></guibutton>. V besedilno polje Prikroji argumente vtipkajte, kar želite spremeniti (<abbrev>npr.</abbrev> <userinput>mtu 296</userinput>) in kliknite <guibutton>Dodaj</guibutton>. Ko ste zadovoljni, kliknite <guibutton>Zapri</guibutton>.</para> <para>Da preverite, ali so zmožnosti <quote>prijele</quote>, naredite eno izmed naslednjih stvari:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>V terminalskem oknu poženite <userinput><command>/sbin/ifconfig</command> ppp0</userinput> in preglejte sporočeni &MTU; v izhodu. Ustrezati bi moral vaši zahtevi.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para>Dodajte <option>debug</option> in <option>kdebug</option> (vsakega v ločeni vrstici) v vašo datoteko <filename>/etc/ppp/options</filename> in ponovno poženite &PPP; sejo. Razhroščevalna sporočila boste našli v <filename>/var/log/messages</filename>, vključno z &MRU; in &MTU; nastavitvami.</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>Če želite, lahko nastavitve &MRU; in &MTU; dodate v datoteko <filename>options</filename> in sicer eno celovito nastavitve v eno vrstico, brez narekovajev in črtic.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kppp; se poveže pri nižji hitrosti kot običajno.</term> <listitem><para>Naslednji trik bo morda pomagal:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Poizkusite izvesti <command>setserial spd_hi</command>.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Privzeta vrednost &MTU; je 1500, kar je morda preveč za klicno povezavo. Poizkusite jo spremeniti na manjšo vrednost, kot je <userinput>296</userinput> or <userinput>576</userinput>.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Poiščite v <filename class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.trinity/share/config</filename> datoteko <filename>kppprc</filename>. Preverite, da je tam dejansko definirana pravilna hitrost modema.</para></listitem> </itemizedlist></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>&konsole;</para> +</question> +<answer> +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>Kako se premaknem za eno stran navzgor ali navzdol?</term> <listitem><para>Uporabite <keycombo action="simul"> <keycap>Shift</keycap> <keycap>Page Up</keycap></keycombo> in <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>Page Dn</keycap></keycombo>. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Kako opravim preprost <quote>prepiši</quote> iz &konsole; v karkoli drugega?</term> <listitem><para>Ko izvedem <command>ls</command>, najprej izberem s pomočjo miške želeno besedilo, pritisnem <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>, nato aktiviram ciljni program, pokažem z miško na ustrezen del in pritisnem <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>. Alternativno osvetlite besedilo z vlečenjem s pritisnjenim &LGM; in prilepljajte s &SGM; (ali obema gumboma, če uporabljate miško z dvema gumboma, ki emulirata tretjega). </para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>&kmail;</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>&kmail; ima svojo spletno stran <ulink url="http://kmail.kde.org">http://kmail.kde.org</ulink>, kjer je na voljo <acronym>FAQ</acronym>.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/tips.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/tips.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..51466b28f64 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/tips.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + +<chapter id="tips"> +<title>Uporabni namigi</title> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Branje strani man v &kde;</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Prikličite okno minicli (privzeto <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo>) in vtipkajte <command>man:<replaceable>command</replaceable></command>. Če so bile strani stisnjene z gzipom, jih celo odpakira.</para> +<para>Lahko pa uporabite <application>&kde; Help Center</application> če uporabljate &kde; 2. Preprosto poženite <application>&kde; Help Center</application> s klikom na ikono (modra knjiga z rumeno žarnico) na orodni vrstici. Ko se je <application>&kde; Help Center</application> naložil, bo okno na levi vsebovalo izbiro imenovano <guilabel>Unix manual pages</guilabel>. Kliknite na enega izmed teh vnosov in brskali boste lahko po straneh man, ki so nameščene v vašem sistemu.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Hitro premikanje in spreminjanje velikosti oken</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da premaknete okno, uporabite <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<mousebutton>levi</mousebutton></keycombo> gumb miške. <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<mousebutton>desni</mousebutton></keycombo> gumb miške bo spremenil velikost okna. Na koncu, ne pa na zadnje, <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<mousebutton>srednji</mousebutton></keycombo> gumb miške dvigne/spusti okno. <application>Nadzorno središče &kde;</application> vam omogoča spreminjanje teh vezi.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Pobijanje oken v &kde;</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Obstaja standardna kombinacija tipk (<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;&Esc;</keycombo>) ki vam prikaže kurzor v obliki lobanje/prekrižane kosti. Z njim kliknite na okno, da ga ubijete. Vezi tipk se lahko vidijo/spremenijo v <application>Nadzornem središču &kde;</application>. </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<!-- fixme: how to do in KDE2.x +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Switching window managers on the fly in &kde; 1.x</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>If you want to switch your window manager on the fly, type the +following into a terminal window: <command>kwmcom +go:<replaceable>blackbox</replaceable></command>. This switches to +Blackbox, but you can substitute any window manager you like.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +--> + +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/winmng.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/winmng.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4f75429f3d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/faq/winmng.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" + "dtd/kdex.dtd"> +--> + + + +<chapter id="windowmanager"> +<title>Okenski upravljalnik</title> + +<para>Privzet okenski upravljalnik, ki ga ponuja &kde; je K Window Manager (&twin;). Prosim preberite "Priročnik za K Window Manager" (dosegljiv bi moral biti iz <application>&kde; Help Center</application>), v njem je precej uporabnih informacij.</para> + +<qandaset> +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Obstajajo za operacije &twin; bližnjice s pomočjo tipk?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Obstajajo. Prosim poglejte v "Priročnik za K Window Manager", kjer najdete seznam dosegljivih bližnjic.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Lahko določim svoj nabor bližnjic s pomočjo tipk?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da. Poženite <application>nadzorno središče &kde; </application> in izberite <menuchoice><guimenu>Videz in občutek</guimenu><guimenuitem>Tipkovne vezi</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, da nastavite vezi okenskega upravljalnika, kot so razpiranje oken <abbrev>itd.</abbrev> </para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Ko "ikoniziram" okno, le to izgine. Kam gre?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Pri mnogih &X-Windows; &GUI;, bo gumb pomanjšaj (majhna pika) izbrisal okno, ki ga program poganja in namesto njega ustvaril ikono na namizju. Tega &kde; ne naredi, namesto tega je okno, ki je ikonizirano le skrito (program pa še vedno teče).</para> +<para>Obstaja več načinov dostopa do "izginulih" oken:</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Če poganjate opravilno vrstico &kicker;ja, lahko izberete izpis seznama opravil na namizju. Ikonizirana opravila bodo imela imena obdana z oklepaji.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Če z &SGM; kliknete na korensko okno (<abbrev>npr.</abbrev> ozadje namizja), bo &twin; izpisal seznam vseh dosegljivih opravil (in spet bodo imena ikoniziranih opravil v oklepajih).</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kako razpnem okna le navpično ali vodoravno?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Če vaše okno že ni maksimalizirano, bo klik na gumb za povečanje z &LGM;/&SGM;/&DGM; maksimaliziral v celoti/navpično/vodoravno.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Kaj je "senčeno" okno?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Z "senčenim" oknom označujemo "zvitje" okna, ki pusti vidno le naslovno letev. To lahko naredite tako, da dvojno kliknete na naslovno letev okna.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question> +<para>Je možno imeti senčeno ogrodje za postavljanje oken kot v FVWM2?</para> +</question> +<answer> +<para>Da. Poženite <application>Nadzorno središče &kde;</application> in izberite <guimenu>Videz in občutek</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Window Behavior</guisubmenu> in na koncu <guimenuitem>Napredno</guimenuitem>. V pogovornem oknu je možnost, ki omogoča, da določite taktiko postavitve okna.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/CMakeLists.txt b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..db7ae551cf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This file is genereted by trinity-automake-cmake-convert script by Fat-Zer + +tde_create_handbook( + DESTINATION khelpcenter/glossary + NOINDEX + LANG sl +) diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/Makefile.am b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0149bf1975a --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +KDE_LANG = sl +SUBDIRS = $(AUTODIRS) +KDE_DOCS = khelpcenter/glossary +KDE_MANS = AUTO diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cf4063a5839 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/glossary/tdeprintingglossary.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@ + +<!-- +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE glossary PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" +"customization/dtd/kdex.dtd" [ +<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> +<!ENTITY % Slovenian "INCLUDE"> +<!ENTITY glossary-tdeprinting SYSTEM "tdeprintingglossary.docbook"> + +]> +<glossary id="glossary"> +--> + <glossdiv id="glossdiv-printing"> + <title>Tiskanje</title> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-acl"> + <glossterm><acronym>ACLs</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>A</emphasis>ccess + <emphasis>C</emphasis>ontrol <emphasis>L</emphasis>ists; + ACLs are used to check for the access by a given + (authenticated) user. A first rough support for ACLs + for printing is available from &CUPS;; this will be refined + in future versions. </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-authentication"/>Authentication</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-appsocketprotocol"> + <glossterm>AppSocket Protocol</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>AppSocket is a protocol for the transfer of + print data, also frequently called "Direct TCP/IP Printing". + &Hewlett-Packard; have used AppSocket to add a few minor + extensions around it and were very successfull to re-name + and market it under the brand "&HP; JetDirect"...</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol"/>&HP; JetDirect Protocol</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-directtcpipprinting"/>Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-apsfilter"> + <glossterm>APSfilter</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>APSfilter is used mainly in the context of "classical" + &UNIX; printing (BSD-style LPD). It is a sophisticated shell script, + disguising as an "all-in-one" filtering program. In reality, + APSfilter calls "real filters" to do the jobs needed. It sends + printjobs automatically through these other filters, based on an + initial file-type analysis of the printfile. + It is written and maintained by Andreas Klemm. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + It is + similar to Magicfilter and uses mostly Ghostscript for file conversions. + Some Linux-Distributions (like SuSE) use APSfilter, others + Magicfilter (⪚ &RedHat;), some have both for preference selection + (like has *BSD). +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + &CUPS; has <emphasis>no</emphasis> need for APSfilter, + as it runs its own file type recognition (based on &MIME; types) + and applies its own filtering logic.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript"/>Ghostscript</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-magicfilter"/>Magicfilter</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-mimetypes"/>&MIME;-Types</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printcap"/>printcap</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-authentication"> + <glossterm>Authentication</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Proofing the identity of a certain person (maybe via username/password + or by means of a certificate) is often called authentication. Once you are + authenticated, you may or may not get access to a requested ressource, + possibly based on ACLs.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-acl"/>ACLs</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-bidirectionalcommunication"> + <glossterm>Bi-directional communication</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>In the context of printing, a server or a host may receive additional + information sent back from the printer (status messages &etc;), either + upon a query or unrequested. AppSocket ( = &HP; JetDirect), &CUPS; and IPP do + support bi-directional communication, LPR/LPD and BSD-style printing + do not...</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-appsocketprotocol"/>AppSocket Protocol</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-directtcpipprinting"/>Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol"/>&HP; JetDirect</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"/>IPP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lprlpd"/>LPR/LPD</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-bsdstyleprinting"> + <glossterm>BSD-style Printing</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Generic term for different variants of the traditional &UNIX; + printing method. Its first version appeared in the early 70s on + BSD &UNIX; and was formally described in <ulink url="http://www.rfc.net/rfc1179.html">RFC 1179</ulink> only as late + as 1990. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + At the time when BSD "remote" printing was first designed, printers + were serially or otherwise directly connected devices to a host + (with the internet hardly consisting of more than 100 nodes!); printers + used pre-punched, endless paperbands, fed through by a tractor + mechanism, with simple rows of ASCII text mechanically hammered onto + the medium, drawn from a cardboard beneath the table, giving it back + as a zig-zag folded paper"snake". Remote printing consisted in + neighouring host from the next room sending a file + asking for printout. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + How technology has changed! Printers use cut-sheet media, they have + built-in intelligence to compute the raster images of pages after pages + that are sent to them using one of the powerfull page description + languages (PDL), many are network nodes in their own right, + with CPU, RAM, HardDisk and an own Operation System and + they are hooked to a net with potentially millions of users... +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + It is a vast proof of the flexible &UNIX; concept for doing things, + that it made "Line Printing" reliably work even under these modern + conditions. But time has finally come now to go for something new + -- the IPP. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"/>IPP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lprlpd"/>LPR/LPD printing</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-cups"> + <glossterm>&CUPS;</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>C</emphasis>ommon + <emphasis>U</emphasis>NIX <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting + <emphasis>S</emphasis>ystem; &CUPS; is most modern &UNIX; and Linux + printing system, providing also cross-platform printservices + to &Microsoft; &Windows; and Apple MacOS clients. Based on IPP, it does + away with all the pitfalls of old-style BSD printing, + providing authentication, encryption and ACLs, plus many more + features. At the same time it is backward-compatible enough + to serve all legacy clients that are not yet up to IPP via + LPR/LPD (BSD-style). +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + &CUPS; is able to control any &PostScript; printer by + utilizing the vendor-supplied PPD (PostScript Printer + Description file), targetted originally for &Microsoft; Windows NT + printing only. &kde; Printing is most powerful if based on + &CUPS;.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-acl"/>ACLs</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-authentication"/>Authentication</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting"/>BSD-style printing</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"/>IPP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprint"/>TDEPrint</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lprlpd"/>LPR/LPD</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ppd"/>PPD</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-cupsfaq"> + <glossterm><acronym>&CUPS;-FAQ</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Presently only available in German (translation is on the way), + the <ulink url="http://www.danka.de/printpro/faq.html">&CUPS;-FAQ</ulink> + is a valuable ressource to answer many question anyone new to + &CUPS; printing might have at first. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprinthandbook"/>TDEPrint Handbook</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-cups-o-matic"> + <glossterm>&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>&CUPS;-O-Matic was the first "Third Party" plugin for + the &CUPS; printing software. It is available on the <ulink + url="http://www.linuxprinting.org/cups-doc.html">Linuxprinting.org + website</ulink> to provide an online PPD-generating service. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + Together with the companion <application>cupsomatic</application> Perl-Script, + that needs to be installed as an additional &CUPS; backend, + it re-directs output from the native <application>pstops</application> filter into + a chain of suitable Ghostscript filters. Upon finishing, it + gives the resulting data back to a &CUPS; "backend" for sending + them onward to the printer. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Thusly, &CUPS;-O-Matic enables support for any printers known to + have worked previously in a "classical" ghostscript environment, + if no native &CUPS; support for that printer is in sight... &CUPS;-O-Matic + is now replaced by the more capable PPD-O-Matic.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsomatic"/>cupsomatic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-PPD-O-Matic"/>PPD-O-Matic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic"/>Foomatic</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-cupsomatic"> + <glossterm>cupsomatic</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>The Perlscript <application>cupsomatic</application> (plus a working Perl installation + on your system) is needed to make any &CUPS;-O-Matic (or PPD-O-Matic) + generated PPD work with &CUPS;. It was written by Grant Taylor, Author of + the Linux Printing HOWTO and Maintainer of the <ulink + url="http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi">printer + database</ulink> at the Linuxprinting.org website.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups-o-matic"/>&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic"/>Foomatic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsomatic"/>cupsomatic</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-daemon"> + <glossterm><acronym>Daemon</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>D</emphasis>isk + <emphasis>a</emphasis>nd <emphasis>e</emphasis>xecution + <emphasis>mon</emphasis>itor; <acronym>Daemons</acronym> are present + on all &UNIX; systems to perform tasks independent of user + intervention. Readers more familiar with &Microsoft; &Windows; might + want to compare daemons and the tasks they are responsible + with "services". +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + One example of a daemon present on most + legacy &UNIX; systems is the LPD (Line Printer Daemon); &CUPS; is + widely seen as the successor to LPD in the &UNIX; world and + it also operates through a daemon. </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-spooling"/>SPOOLing</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-databaselinuxprinting"> + <glossterm>Database, Linuxprinting.org</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Already years ago, when Linux printing was still really difficult + (only commandline printing was known to most Linux users, no device + specific print options were available for doing the jobs), Grant Taylor, + Author of the "Linux Printing HOWTO", collected most or the available + infos about printers, drivers and filters in his database. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + With the emerging + &CUPS; concept, extending the use of PPDs even to non-PostScript printers, + he realized the potential of this database: if one puts the different + datablobs (whith content that could be described along the lines + "Which device prints with which ghostscript or other + filter how well and what commandline switches are available?") into + PPD-compatible files, he could have all the power of &CUPS; on top of + the traditional printer "drivers". +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + This has developed now into a broader + concept, known as "Foomatic". Foomatic extends the capabilities + of other spoolers than &CUPS; (LPR/LPD, LPRng, PDQ, PPR) to a certain + extend ("stealing" some concepts from &CUPS;). The Linuxprinting + Database is not a Linux-only stop -- people running other &UNIX; + based OSes (like *BSD or MacOS X) will find valuable infos and + software there too. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic"/>Foomatic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase"/>Linuxprinting database</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-directtcpipprinting"> + <glossterm>Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>This is a method that often uses TCP/IP port 9100 to connect + to the printer. It works with many modern network printers and has + a few advantages over LPR/LPD, as it is faster and provides some + "backchannel feedback data" from the printer to the host sending + the job.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-appsocketprotocol"/>AppSocket Protocol</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol"/>&HP; JetDirect Protocol</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-drivers"> + <glossterm>Drivers, Printer Drivers</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>The term "printer drivers", used in the same sense + as on the &Microsoft; &Windows; platform, is not entirely applicable + for a Linux or &UNIX; platform. A "driver" functionality + is supplied on &UNIX; by different modular components working + together. At the core are the "filters" converting a given format + waeiting for their printing, to another format that is acceptable + to the target printer. The filter output is sent to the + printer by a "backend". + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter"/>Filter</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ppd"/>PPDs</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-easysoftwareproducts"> + <glossterm>Easy Software Products</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Mike Sweet's company, which has contributed a few substantial + software products towards the Free Software community; amongst + them the initial version of <ulink + url="http://gimp-print.sf.net/">Gimp-Print,</ulink>, the <ulink + url="http://www.easysw.com/epm/">EPM software packaging</ulink> tool + and <ulink url="http://www.easysw.com/htmldoc/">HTMLDOC</ulink> + (used by the "Linux Documentation Project" to build the PDF versions + of the HOWTOs) -- but most importantly: <ulink + url="http://www.cups.org/">&CUPS;</ulink> (the 'Common &UNIX; Printing + System'). +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + ESP finance themselves by selling a commercial version + of &CUPS;, called <ulink url="http://www.easysw.com/">ESP PrintPro</ulink>, + that includes some professional enhancements. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro"/>ESP PrintPro</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-esp"/>ESP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-gimpprint"/>Gimp-Print</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-encryption"> + <glossterm>Encryption</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Encryption of confidential data is an all-important issue if + you transfer it over the internet or even inside intra-nets. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Printing + via traditional protocols is not encrypted at all -- it is very easy + to tap and eavesdrop ⪚ into &PostScript; or PCL data transfered + over the wire. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Thus in the design of IPP the provision was made for an easy + plugin of encryption mechanisms (which can be provided by the same + means as the encryption standards for HTTP traffic: SSL and TLS.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-authentication"/>Authentication</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"/>IPP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ssl"/>SSL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tls"/>TLS</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-epson"> + <glossterm><acronym>Epson</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Epson inkjets belong to the best supported models by Free software + drivers as the company was not necessarily as secretive about their + devices and handed technical specification documents to developers. + The excellent print quality achieved by Gimp-Print on the Styli + series of printers can be attributed to this openness. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + They have also + contracted Easy Software Products to maintain an enhanced version + of Ghostscript ("ESP GhostScript") for improved support of their + printer portfolio. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript"/>ESP Ghostscript</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-escapesequence"> + <glossterm>Escape Sequences</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>The first ever printers printed ASCII data only. To + initiate a new line, or eject a page, they included special + command sequences, often carrying a leading [ESC]-character. + &HP; evolved this concept through its series of PCL language + editions until today, when they have developed a fullblown + Page Description Language (PDL) from this humble beginnings. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl"/>PCL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pdl"/>PDL</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-escp"> + <glossterm><acronym>ESC/P</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>E</emphasis>pson + <emphasis>S</emphasis>tandard <emphasis>C</emphasis>odes for + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinters. Epsons ESC/P printer language is besides + &PostScript; and PCL one of the best known.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp"/>ESC/P</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl"/>PCL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl"/>hpgl</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-esp"> + <glossterm><acronym>ESP</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>E</emphasis>asy + <emphasis>S</emphasis>oftware <emphasis>P</emphasis>roducts; + the company that developed &CUPS; (the "Common &UNIX; Printing System"). + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-easysoftwareproducts"/>Easy Software Products</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro"/>ESP PrintPro</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-espghostscript"> + <glossterm><acronym>ESP</acronym> Ghostscript</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>A Ghostscript version that is maintained by Easy Software + Products. It includes pre-compiled Gimp-Print drivers for + many inkjets ()plus some other goodies). ESP Ghostscript + drives especially the Epson Stylus model series to photographic + quality in many cases. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-easysoftwareproducts"/>Easy Software Products</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro"/>ESP PrintPro</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-espprintpro"> + <glossterm><acronym>ESP</acronym> PrintPro</glossterm> + <glossdef><para> This professional enhancement to &CUPS; (the "Common &UNIX; + Printing System") is sold by the developers + of &CUPS; complete with more than 2.300 printer drivers for several commercial + &UNIX; platforms. <ulink url="http://www.easysw.com/printpro/">ESP PrintPro</ulink> + is supposed to work "out of the box" with little or no configuration + for users or admins. ESP sell also support contracts for + &CUPS; and PrintPro. These sales help to feed the programmers who + develop the Free version of &CUPS;. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-filter"> + <glossterm>Filter</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Filters, in general, are programs that take some input + data, work on it and pass it on as their output data. Filters + may or may not change the data. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Filters in the context of printing, are programs that convert + a given file (destined for printing, but not suitable in the + format it has presently) into a printable format. Sometimes + whole "filter chains" have to be constructed to achieve the + goal, piping the output of one filter as input to the next. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript"/>Ghostscript</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip"/>RIP</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-foomatic"> + <glossterm>Foomatic</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Foomatic started out as the wrapper name for a set of + different tools available from <ulink + url="http://www.linuxprinting.org/">Linuxprinting.org</ulink> + These tools aimed to make the usage of traditional + ghostscript and other print filters more easy for users and + extend the filters capabilities by adding more commandline + switches or explain the drivers execution data. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Foomatic's different incarnations are &CUPS;-O-Matic, PPD-O-Matic, + PDQ-O-Matic, LPD-O-Matic and xyz. All of these allow the generation + of appropriate printer configuration files online, by simply + selection the suitable model and suggested (or alternate) driver + for that machine. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + More recently, Foomatic gravitated towards becoming a "meta-spooling" + system, that allows to configure the underlying print subsystem + through a unified set of commands. (However this is much more + complicated than TDEPrints &GUI; interface, which does a similar + thing regarding different print subsystems.) </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups-o-matic"/>&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-PPD-O-Matic"/>PPD-O-Matic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsomatic"/>cupsomatic</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-ghostscript"> + <glossterm>Ghostscript</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Ghostscipt is a &PostScript; RIP in software, originally + developed by L. Peter Deutsch. There is always a <acronym>GPL</acronym> version + of ghostscript available for free usage and distribution + (mostly 1 year old) while + the current version is commercially sold under another license. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Ghostscript is widely used inside the Linux and &UNIX; world + for transforming &PostScript; into raster data suitable + for sending towards non-&PostScript; devices.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip"/>RIP</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-gimpprint"> + <glossterm>Gimp-Print</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Contrary to its name, Gimp-Print is not any longer + just the plugin to be used for printing from the popular + Gimp program -- its codebase can also serve to be compiled + into... + <!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + *...a set of PPDs and associated filters that integrate seamlessly + into &CUPS;, supporting around 130 different printer models, providing + photografic output quality in many cases; +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + *...a Gostscript filter that can be used with any other + program that needs a software-RIP; +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + *...a library that can be used by other software applications + in need of rasterization functions. + + +<!-- +after 4 hours fiddling, I +could not get those s!@*#? +<itemizedlist> to pass +through the meinproc checks. +For the time being I gave up +on it and handle it differently +now. + <itemizedlist> + <listitem>...a set of PPDs and associated filters that integrate seamlessly + into &CUPS;, supporting around 130 different printer models, providing + photografic output quality in many cases;</listitem> + <listitem>...a Gostscript filter that can be used with any other + program that needs a software-RIP;</listitem> + <listitem>...a library that can be used by other software applications + in need of rasterization functions.</listitem> + </itemizedlist> +--> + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-lexmark"/>Lexmark Drivers</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip"/>RIP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript"/>Ghostscript</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-hp"> + <glossterm><acronym>&HP;</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>H</emphasis>ewlett-<emphasis>Packard</emphasis>; + none of the first companys to distribute their own Linux printer + drivers [...to be completed...] + </para> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-hpgl"> + <glossterm><acronym>&HP;/GL</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>&HP;</emphasis> + <emphasis>G</emphasis>rafical <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage; + a &HP; printer language mainly used for plotters; many CAD + (Computer Aided software programs output &HP;/GL files for + printing.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp"/>ESC/P</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl"/>PCL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-hpjetdirectprotocol"> + <glossterm>&HP; JetDirect Protocol</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>A term branded by &HP; to describe their implementation + of print data transfer to the printer via an otherwise "AppSocket" or + "Direct TCP/IP Prining" named protocol.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-appsocketprotocol"/>AppSocket Protocol</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-directtcpipprinting"/>Direct TCP/IP Printing</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-ietf"> + <glossterm><acronym>IETF</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>I</emphasis>nternet + <emphasis>E</emphasis>ngineering <emphasis>T</emphasis>ask + <emphasis>F</emphasis>orce; an assembly of internet, software + and hardware experts that discuss + new networking technologies and very often arrive at + conclusions that are regarded by many as standards. "TCP/IP" + is the most famous of examples. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + IETF standards, but also + drafts, discussions, ideas or useful tutorials are + put in writing in the famous series of "RFCs" which + are available to the public and on burnt onto most Linux or + BSD-CDs.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"/>IPP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg"/>PWG</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rfc"/>RFC</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-ipp"> + <glossterm><acronym>IPP</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>I</emphasis>nternet + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting <emphasis>P</emphasis>rotocol; + defined in a series of RFCs accepted by the IETF with + status "proposed standard"; was designed + by the PWG. -- IPP is a completely new design for network printing, + but it is utilizing a very well-known and proven method for the + actual data transfer: HTTP 1.1! By not "re-inventing the wheel", + and basing itself on an existing and robust internet standard, + IPP is able to relativly easy bolt other HTTP-compatible standard + mechanisms into its framework: +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + * Basic, Digest or Certificate authentication + mechanisms; +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + * SSL or TLS for encryption of transferred + data; +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + * LDAP for directory services (to publish + data on printers, device-options, drivers, costs or + elso to the network; or to check for passwords while + conducting authentication). +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + +<!-- + </para> + <itemizedlist> + <listitem>Basic, Digest or Certificate authentication + mechanisms</listitem> + <listitem>SSL or TLS for encryption of transferred + data</listitem> + <listitem>LDAP for directory services (to publish + data on printers, device-options, drivers, costs or + elso to the network; or to check for passwords while + conducting authentication)</listitem> + </itemizedlist> +--> + </para> + + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg"/>PWG</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ietf"/>IETF</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rfc"/>RFC</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tls"/>TLS</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-tdeprint"> + <glossterm><acronym>TDEPrint</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>The new printing functionality of &kde; since its version 2.2 + consists of several modules that translate the features and settings + of different available print subsystems (&CUPS;, BSD-style LPR/LPD, RLPR...) + into nice &kde; desktop &GUI; representation and dialogs to ease their + usage. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Most important for day-to-day usage is "kprinter", the new + &GUI; print command. -- Note: TDEPrint does <emphasis>not</emphasis> implement its own + spooling mechanism or its own &PostScript; processing; for this it + relies on the selected <emphasis>print subsystem</emphasis> + -- however it does add some functionality of its own on top of this + foundation... + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting"/>BSD-style printing</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kprinter"/>kprinter</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprinthandbook"/>TDEPrint Handbook</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-tdeprinthandbook"> + <glossterm><acronym>TDEPrint Handbook...</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>...is the name of the reference document that describes TDEPrint + functions to users and administrators. You can load it into Konqueror by + typing "help:/tdeprint" into the address field. It is authored and maintained by Kurt + Pfeifle. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cupsfaq"/>&CUPS;-FAQ</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-kprinter"> + <glossterm>kprinter</glossterm> + <glossdef><para><emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is the new powerfull + print utility that is natively used by all &kde; applications. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Contrary to some common misconceptions, + <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is <emphasis>not</emphasis> a &CUPS;-only tool, + but supports different print subsystems. You can even switch + to a different printsubsystem "on the fly", in between two jobs, + without re-configuration. Of course, due to the powerful + features of &CUPS;, <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is in + best shape when used as a &CUPS; frontend. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> is the successor + to "qtcups", which is no longer being actively maintained. kprinter has + inherited all the best features of qtcups and added several new ones. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + AND MOST IMPORTANT: you can use <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> + with all its features in all non-&kde; applications that allow + a customized print command, like gv, AcrobatReader, Netscape, + Mozilla, Galeon, StarOffice, OpenOffice and all GNOME programs. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + <emphasis>kprinter</emphasis> can act as a "standalone" + utility, started from an X-Terminal or a "Mini-CLI" to + print many different files, from different directories, with different + formats, in one job and at once, without the need to first open the + files in the applications! (File formats supported this way are &PostScript;, + PDF, International and ASCII Text and many different popular Grafic + formats, such as PNG, TIFF, JPEG, PNM, Sun RASTER &etc;) + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kprinter"/>kprinter</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-lexmark"> + <glossterm><acronym>Lexmark</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>was one of the first companys to distribute their own Linux printer + drivers for some of their models. [...to be completed...] + </para> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-linuxprintingorg"> + <glossterm>Linuxprinting.org</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Linuxprinting.org = not only for Linux; all &UNIX;-like OS-es + like *BSD and also commercial Unices may find useful printing + information on that site; Foomatic -- Printer Data Base -- Driver Data + Base....</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase"/>Linuxprinting database</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase"> + <glossterm><acronym>Linuxprinting.org Database</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>....Data Base containing printers and drivers suitable + for them... ...a lot of information and documentation to be found... ...it + is now also providing some tools and utilities for easing the integration + of those drivers into a given system... ...the "Foomatic" family + of utilities being the toolset to make use of the data base + [.............TO BE COMPLETED........] + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic"/>Foomatic</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-lprlpd"> + <glossterm><acronym>LPR/LPD</acronym> printing</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>LPR == some people translate <emphasis>L</emphasis>ine + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting <emphasis>R</emphasis>equest, others: + <emphasis>L</emphasis>ine <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter + <emphasis>R</emphasis>emote.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting"/>BSD-style printing</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-magicfilter"> + <glossterm>Magicfilter</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Similarly to the APSfilter program, Magicfilter + provides automatic file type recognition functions, and base + on that, automatic file conversion to a printable format, + depending on the target printer.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-apsfilter"/>APSfilter</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-mimetypes"> + <glossterm>&MIME;-Types</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>M</emphasis>ultipurpose (or + Multimedia) <emphasis>I</emphasis>nternet <emphasis>M</emphasis>ail + <emphasis>E</emphasis>xtensions; &MIME;-Types were first used to allow + the transport of binary data (like mail attachments containing + grafics) over mail connections that were normally only transmitting + ASCII characters: the data had to be encoded into an ASCII representation. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + Later this concept was extended to describe a data format in + a platform independent, but at the same time in a non-ambigious way. + From &Windows; everybody knows the *.doc extensions for &Microsoft; Word files. + This is handled ambigiously on the &Windows; platform: *.doc extensions are also + used for simple text files or for Adobe Framemaker files. And if a real + Word file is re-named to get a different extension, it can't be + opened any longer by the program +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + &MIME; typed filed carry a recognition string with them, describing + their file format base on <emphasis>main_category/sub_category</emphasis>. + Inside IPP, printfiled are also described using the &MIME; type scheme. + &MIME; types are registered with the IANA (Internet Assigning Numbers + <emphasis>Association</emphasis>) to keep them unambigious. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + &CUPS; has some &MIME; types of its own registered, like + <emphasis>application/vnd.cups-raster</emphasis> (for the &CUPS;-internal + raster image format). + + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-easysoftwareproducts"/>Easy Software Products</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-espprintpro"/>ESP PrintPro</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-gimpprint"/>Gimp-Print</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-pcl"> + <glossterm><acronym>PCL</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter + <emphasis>C</emphasis>ontrol <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage; + developed by &HP;. PCL started off in version 1 as a simple + command set for ASCII printing; now, + in its versions PCL6 and PCL-X it is capable of printing grafics + and printing color -- but outside the &Microsoft; &Windows; realm and &HP-UX; + (&HP;'s own brand of &UNIX;) it is not commonly used...</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp"/>ESC/P</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl"/>&HP;/GL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pdl"/>PDL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-pdl"> + <glossterm><acronym>PDL</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>age + <emphasis>D</emphasis>escription <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage; + PDLs describe in an abstract way the grafical representation + of a page. - Before it is actually transferred into + toner or ink layed down onto paper, a PDL needs to be + "interpreted" first. In &UNIX;, the most important PDL + is PostScript. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp"/>ESC/P</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl"/>&HP;/GL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl"/>PCL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-pixel"> + <glossterm>Pixel</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>Pic</emphasis>ture + <emphasis>El</emphasis>ement; this term describes the smallest + part of a raster picture (either as printed on paper + or as put on a monitor by cathode rays or LCD elements). As + any grafical or image representation on those kind of output + devices is composed of pixels, the values of "ppi" (pixel per inch) + and &dpi; (dots per inch) are one important parameter for the + overall quality and resolution of an image.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter"/>Filter</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript"/>Ghostscript</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-raster"/>Raster</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-pjl"> + <glossterm><acronym>PJL</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>rint + <emphasis>J</emphasis>ob <emphasis>L</emphasis>anguage; + developed by &HP; to control and influence default and per-job + settings of a printer. May not only be used + for &HP;'s own (PCL-)printers; also many &PostScript; + and other printers understand PJL commands sent to them + inside a printjob or in a separate signal.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl"/>PCL</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-postscript"> + <glossterm>&PostScript;</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>&PostScript; (often shortened "PS") is the de-facto + standard in the &UNIX; world for printing files. It was + developed by Adobe and licensed to printer manufacturers + and software companies. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + As the &PostScript; specifications were + published by Adobe, there are also "Third Party" implementations + of &PostScript; generating and &PostScript; interpreting software + available (one of the best-known in the Free software world + being Ghostscript, a powerfull PS-interpreter) + .</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-escp"/>ESC/P</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-hpgl"/>&HP;/GL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pcl"/>PCL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ppd"/>PPD</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-ppd"> + <glossterm><acronym>PPD</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>P</emphasis>ostScript + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter <emphasis>D</emphasis>escription; + PPDs are ASCII files storing all information about the special + capabilities of a printer, plus definitions of the (PostScript- + or PJL-)commands to call on a certain capability (like printing + duplex). +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + As the explanation of the acronym reveals, PPDs were originally + only used for &PostScript; printers. &CUPS; has extended the + PPD-concept towards all types of printers. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + PPDs for &PostScript; printers are provided by the printer + vendors. They can be used with &CUPS; and TDEPrint to have access + to the full features of any &PostScript; printer. The TDEPrint Team + recommends to use a PPD originally intended for use with + &Microsoft; Windows NT. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + PPDs for non-PostScript printers <emphasis>need</emphasis> a + companion "filter" to process the &PostScript; print files towards + a format digestable for the non-PostScript target device. Those + PPD/filter combos are not (yet) available from the vendors. After + the initiative by the &CUPS; developers to utilize PPDs, the Free + Software community was creative enough to quickly come up with + a support for most of the currently used printer models through + PPDs and classical Ghostscript filters. But note: the printout + quality differs from "hi-quality photografic output" (using + Gimp-Print with most Epson inkjets) to "hardly readable" (using + Foomatic-enabled ghostscript filters for models rated as + "paperweight" in the Linuxprinting.org database). + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups"/>&CUPS;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingorg"/>Linuxprinting.org</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-PPD-O-Matic"> + <glossterm>PPD-O-Matic</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>PPD-O-Matic is a set of Perl-Scripts that run on the Linuxprinting.org + webserver and can be used online to generate PPDs for any printer that is known + to print with ghostscript. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + These PPDs can be hook up to &CUPS;/TDEPrint as well as + used inside PPD-aware applications like StarOffice to determine all different + parameters of your printjobs. It is now recommended for most cases to + use "PPD-O-Matic" instead of the older &CUPS;-O-Matic. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + To generate a PPD, go to the <ulink + url="http://www.linuxprinting.org/printer_list.cgi">printer + database</ulink>, select your printer model, follow + the link to show the available ghostscript filters for that printer, select + one, click "generate" and finally safe the file to your local system. + Make sure to read the instructions. Make sure your local system + does indeed have ghostscript and the filter installed, which you chose + before generating the PPD. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-cups-o-matic"/>&CUPS;-O-Matic</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingorg"/>Linuxprinting.org</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-foomatic"/>Foomatic</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-printcap"> + <glossterm>printcap</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>The "printcap" file holds in BSD-style print systems + the configuration information; the printing daemon reads this file + to know which printers are available, what filters are to + user for each, where the spooling directory is located, + if there are banner pages to be used, and so on... + Some applications also depend on reading access to the printcap + file to grap the names of available printer. </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting"/>BSD-style printing</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-printermib"> + <glossterm>Printer-<acronym>MIB</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for + <emphasis>Printer</emphasis>-<emphasis>M</emphasis>anagement + <emphasis>I</emphasis>nformation <emphasis>B</emphasis>ase; the + Printer-MIB defines a set of parameters that are to be + stored inside the printer for access + through the network. This is useful if many (in some cases, literally + thousands of) network printers are managed centrally + with the help of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg"/>PWG</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-snmp"/>SNMP</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-pwg"> + <glossterm><acronym>PWG</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinter <emphasis>W</emphasis>orking + <emphasis>G</emphasis>roup; the PWG is a loose grouping of + representatives of the printer industry that has in the past + years developed different standards + in relation to nework printing, which were later accepted by the + IETF as RFC standards, like the "Printer-MIB" and the IPP.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"/>IPP</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printermib"/>Printer-MIB</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-snmp"/>SNMP</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-printtdeioslave"> + <glossterm>print:/ TDEIO Slave</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>You can use a syntax of "print:/..." to get quick access + to TDEPrint ressources. Typing "print:/manager" as a Konqueror URL + address gives administrative access to TDEPrint. Konqueror uses &kde;'s + famous "KParts" technology to achieve that. </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ioslave"/>IO Slave</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeparts"/>KParts</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-printerdatabase"> + <glossterm>Printer Data Base</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-linuxprintingdatabase"/>Linuxprinting Data Base</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-qtcups"> + <glossterm><acronym>Qt&CUPS;</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>co-developer of Qt&CUPS; and KUPS, the predecessors of TDEPrint, + sole developer of TDEPrint -- a very nice and productive guy and quick bug fixer... ;-) + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kprinter"/>kprinter</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-raster"> + <glossterm>Raster Image</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>In the last resort, every picture on a physical medium + is composed of a pattern of discrete dots in different colors and (maybe) + sizes. This is called a "raster image". +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + This is opposed to a "vector image" + where the grafic is described in terms of continuous curves, shades, + forms and fills, represented by mathematical formula. Vector images + normally are of a smaller file size and may be scaled in size + without any loss of information and quality --- but they can't be + output directly, they always need to be "rendered" or "rasterized" + first to the given resolution, the output device is capable of... +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + + The rasterization is done by a Raster Image Processor (RIP, + often the Ghostscript software) or some other filtering + instance.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pixel"/>Pixel</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript"/>Ghostscript</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter"/>Filter</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-rip"/>RIP</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-rip"> + <glossterm><acronym>RIP</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for + <emphasis>R</emphasis>aster <emphasis>I</emphasis>mage + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rocess(or); if used in the context of + printing, "RIP" means a hardware or software + instance that converts &PostScript; (or other print files + that represented in one of the non-Raster PDLs) into a + raster image format in such a way that it is acceptable + for the "marking engine" of the printer. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + &PostScript; printers + contain their own PostScript-RIPs. A RIP may or may not be located + inside a printer. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + For many &UNIX; systems, Ghostscript is the package that provides + a "RIP in software", running on the host computer, and pre-digesting + the &PostScript; or other data to become ready to be sent to the + printing device (hence you may sense a "grain of truth" in the + slogan "Ghostscript turns your printer into a &PostScript; + machine", which of course is not correct in the sense of the + letter.)</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-filter"/>Filter</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ghostscript"/>Ghostscript</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-postscript"/>&PostScript;</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pdl"/>PDL</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-raster"/>Raster</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-rlpr"> + <glossterm><acronym>RLPR</acronym> (Remote LPR)</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>R</emphasis>emote + <emphasis>L</emphasis>ine <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting + <emphasis>R</emphasis>equest; this is a a BSD-style printing system, + that needs no root priviledges to be installed and no "printcap" to + work: all parameters may be specified on the command + line. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + RLPR comes in handy for many laptop users who are + working in frequently changing environments, because it + may be installed concurrently with every other printing + sub system and allows a very flexible and wuick + way to install a printer for direct access via LPR/LPD. +<!-- + </para> + <para> +--> + + TDEPrint + has an "Add Printer Wizard" to make RLPR usage even more + easy. The kprinter command allows to switch to RLPR "on + the fly" at any time.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-tdeprint"/>TDEPrint</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-kprinter"/>kprinter</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printcap"/>printcap</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-snmp"> + <glossterm><acronym>SNMP</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>S</emphasis>imple + <emphasis>N</emphasis>etwork <emphasis>M</emphasis>anagement + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rotocol; SNMP is widely used to control + all sorts network nodes (Hosts, Routers, Switches, Gateways, + Printers...) remotely.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-pwg"/>PWG</glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-printermib"/>Printer-MIB</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-ssl"> + <glossterm><acronym>SSL(3)</acronym> encryption</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>S</emphasis>ecure + <emphasis>S</emphasis>ocket <emphasis>L</emphasis>ayer; + <acronym>SSL</acronym> is a proprietary encryption method for data + transfer over HTTP that was developed by Netscape and is now being + re-placed by an IETF standard named TLS. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-daemon"/><acronym>Daemon</acronym></glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-spooling"> + <glossterm><acronym>SPOOL</acronym>ing</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>S</emphasis>ynchronous + <emphasis>P</emphasis>eripherals <emphasis>O</emphasis>perations + <emphasis>O</emphasis>n<emphasis>L</emphasis>ine; + <acronym>SPOOL</acronym>ing enables printing applications + (and users) to continue their work + as the job is being taken care of by a system <acronym>daemon</acronym> + who stores the file at a temporary location until the printer is ready + to print. </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-daemon"/><acronym>Daemon</acronym></glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-tls"> + <glossterm><acronym>TLS</acronym> encryption</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>T</emphasis>ransport + <emphasis>L</emphasis>ayer <emphasis>S</emphasis>ecurity; + <acronym>SSL</acronym> is an encryption standard for + data transfered over HTTP 1.1; it is defined in RFC ???? [#look up + number --TO BE DONE--] ; although based on the former SSL development + (from Netscape) it is not fully compatible to it. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-daemon"/><acronym>Daemon</acronym></glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + + <glossentry id="gloss-systemVstyleprinting"> + <glossterm>System V-style printing</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>This is the second flavour of traditional &UNIX; + printing (as opposed to BSD-style printing). It uses + a different command set (lp, lpadmin,...) from BSD, + but is not fundamentally different from it. However, the + gap between the two is big enough to make the two + incompatible so that a BSD-client can't simply print + to a System V style print server without additional + tweaking... IPP is supposed to resolve this weakness + and more. + </para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-bsdstyleprinting"/><acronym>BSD-style printing</acronym></glossseealso> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-ipp"/><acronym>IPP</acronym></glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-turboprint"> + <glossterm>TurboPrint</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>A Shareware providing photo quality printing for many + inkjet printers; it is useful if you don't find a driver for your + printer otherwise; it may be hooked into a traditional Ghostscript + or into a modern &CUPS; system.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-gimpprint"/>Gimp-Print</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-xpp"> + <glossterm><acronym>XPP</acronym></glossterm> + <glossdef><para>Abbreviation for <emphasis>X</emphasis> + <emphasis>P</emphasis>rinting <emphasis>P</emphasis>anel; + <acronym>XPP</acronym> was the first Free + graphical print command for &CUPS;, written by Till Kamppeter, + and in some ways a model for the "kprinter" utility in &kde;.</para> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> +<!-- + <glossentry id="gloss-1"> + <glossterm>xxxx</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-1"/>xyz</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-3"> + <glossterm>xxxx</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-1"/>xyz</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> + + <glossentry id="gloss-4"> + <glossterm>xxxx</glossterm> + <glossdef><para>.</para> + <glossseealso otherterm="gloss-1"/>xyz</glossseealso> + </glossdef> + </glossentry> +--> + </glossdiv> + + +<!-- +</glossary> +--> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/CMakeLists.txt b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b8b213b489 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This file is genereted by trinity-automake-cmake-convert script by Fat-Zer + +tde_create_handbook( + DESTINATION khelpcenter/userguide + LANG sl +) diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/Makefile.am b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0200a2e6585 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +KDE_LANG = sl +SUBDIRS = $(AUTODIRS) +KDE_DOCS = khelpcenter/userguide +KDE_MANS = AUTO diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/about-desktop.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/about-desktop.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9a9b6ec67b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/about-desktop.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,458 @@ +<chapter id="all-about-your-desktop"> +<title>All About Your Desktop</title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>Little Red Riding Hood</attribution> +<para>Grandma, what big eyes you have!</para> +</epigraph> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>The Wolf</attribution> +<para>The better to see you!</para> +</epigraph> + +<para>The more you see, the more efficiently you can use your +desktop. &kde; gives you the opportunity to make the desktop look and +work the way you prefer, enabling you to work faster and more +productively. It even gives you the opportunity to be warned if a wolf +is trying to eat you, or (if you happen to be a granny) alert you when +Little Red Riding Hood is on her way to bring you the goodies. Now +that's service. </para> + +<sect1 id="the-autostart-folder"> +<title>The Autostart Folder</title> + +<para>Before I discovered the Autostart folder, my daily startup +routine with &kde; consisted of the following: Start &kde;, start +&kedit;, start &konsole;, start &Netscape;, and start &kscd;. This +took time I could have spent better. Native &kde; programs left open +at the end of a session will save their state and reappear when you +login again, but there are some programs (like &Netscape;) that will +not. You can use the <filename>Autostart</filename> folder for these +programs.</para> + +<para>To launch programs when &kde; is started, do the +following:</para> + +<procedure> +<step> +<para>Open the <filename>Autostart</filename> folder. By default this +folder is at <filename +class="directory">$<envar>HOME</envar>/.trinity/share/autostart</filename></para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Open a &konqueror; window and browse to the program you want to +add. If you don't know how to do this, it was covered in <xref +linkend="the-filemanager-screen"/></para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Drag and drop the desired program from the &konqueror; window +on to the <filename class="directory">autostart</filename> folder. +When asked, choose <guimenuitem>Link</guimenuitem> to create a +symbolic link rather than a full copy, as this saves a great deal of +disk space.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Repeat the above steps for every program you want started when +&kde; is launched. Remember, you don't need to add native &kde; +applications, just leave them open when you log out, and they will +open up again as if nothing had happened, the next time you log in to +&kde;.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Restart &kde; if you want to see the autostart function in +action.</para> +</step> +</procedure> + +<para>Your programs should have launched automatically when &kde; +restarted. If you want to add something special (e.g., you want to see +a certain web site when your system goes up), read <link +linkend="using-templates">Using templates</link>. The procedures +described there work for any folder, so you can also apply them to +the <filename>Autostart</filename> folder, as well.</para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="adding-programs"> +<title>Adding Programs and Shortcut Icons to Your <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu and Panel</title> + + +<para>The &kde; <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu and &kicker; are not limited +to the setup you find right after installing &kde;. The &kde; panel +is designed to be extended, and there are two main ways of doing that: +Adding new programs, and adding shortcut icons.</para> + +<sect2 id="menu-items-add"> +<title>Adding menu entries</title> + +<para>&kde; comes with a great many applications already in the menu. +Depending on your operating system and distribution, this could +include many non-&kde; applications. &kde; also includes an +application that will search your hard drive for more applications, +and add them to the menu for you. Try pressing <keycombo +action="simul"><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> and entering +<userinput>kappfinder</userinput> to see it in action — +operation is very straightforward.</para> + +<para>&kappfinder; is clever enough, but it doesn't know about every +application there is. Or perhaps you simply don't want to have all +those applications in the menu, and just want to add a single extra +program.</para> + +<para>To add your favorite programs to the &kde; menu, you can use +the <application>KDE Menu Editor</application>. To start it, use the +<guimenu>K</guimenu> menu and choose +<menuchoice><guimenuitem>System</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Menu +Editor</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para> + +<para>A window will open showing the existing <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu +on the left, and an empty menu entry dialog on the +right</para> + +<para>For this example, we will be adding an entry for the +<application>Gimp</application> under the +<guisubmenu>Graphics</guisubmenu> submenu. If you already have a +<guimenuitem>Gimp</guimenuitem> entry there and don't want a new one, +you can still follow through this example, but just don't click the +<guibutton>Apply</guibutton> when you are done.</para> + +<procedure> +<step><para>Navigate down the left hand tree to the +<guisubmenu>Graphics</guisubmenu> entry.</para></step> +<step> +<para>Click on it once with the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse +button to expand the entry.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Click the icon labeled <guiicon>New Item</guiicon> in the +toolbar, or choose <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>New +Item</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the menu bar.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>In the dialog box that pops up, enter the name you want your new +menu entry to have. For this example, enter +<userinput>Gimp</userinput>.</para><para>Then press +<guibutton>OK</guibutton> in the dialog.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Click on the new <guimenuitem>Gimp</guimenuitem> menu entry that +was created for you under the <guisubmenu>Graphics</guisubmenu> +submenu. The menu entry dialog to the right will now change to be +mostly empty, except for the name you already gave.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Fill in an optional <guilabel>Comment</guilabel>. You might +like to put <userinput>An image editor</userinput> for the example. +Text entered here will be shown as a tool-tip in the +<guimenu>K</guimenu> menu.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Enter in the box labeled <guilabel>Command</guilabel>, the +command you would type on the command line to open your application. +For this example, this is <command>gimp</command>. You may also enter +any optional command line parameters if you wish. You can use this to +make a menu entry that always opens a particular document or image, +for example. Check the application's documentation to find out more +about command line parameters.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>If you want the application to operate from a particular +directory (for example, for <application>Gimp</application> to begin +it's <guilabel>Load Image</guilabel> dialog in a particular place) +enter this path in the box labeled <guilabel>Work Path</guilabel>. +This is optional.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>If you wish to change the icon from the default +<quote>unknown</quote>, click on the <guiicon>icon</guiicon> to the +right of the dialog, to open a standard &kde; icon chooser.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>Some applications must be <guilabel>run in a terminal</guilabel> +window (for example <application>Pine</application>). If this is the case, +check the appropriate check box.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>If you want to run your application as a different user, check +the box labeled <guilabel>Run as a different user</guilabel> and +enter the appropriate user name in the text box.</para> +</step> +<step> +<para>If you're happy with your menu entry, press +<guibutton>Apply</guibutton>. If you would like to start over, press +<guibutton>Reset</guibutton>.</para> +</step> +</procedure> + +<para>And that's all. You now have a new menu entry.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="icons-add"> +<title>Shortcut Icons</title> + +<para>Although &kde; is much more comfortable than the average &UNIX; +window manager, everyone wants a solution for a one-click way to start +a program. Later, you will learn how to create links and files on your +desktop, but this also has some disadvantages: sometimes all your +desktops are filled up with windows, and you cannot reach your icons +without minimizing all the windows that cover them. For commonly used +programs, you can minimize this problem and speed access by creating +shortcut icons on the &kde; panel.</para> + +<para>To create a shortcut on the &kicker; panel, you have some +choices: Drag-and-drop, or via a menu. </para> + +<procedure> +<title>Adding a shortcut icon with the menu</title> +<step><para>Click on the <guiicon>K</guiicon> icon and choose <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Panel +Menu</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Add</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Application</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>.</para></step> +<step><para>You will see the top level of the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu +again. Go through the menus to find the entry for which you +want to create the shortcut, such as <guimenuitem>Home directory</guimenuitem> +or &konqueror;. Click on the program you want.</para> +</step> +</procedure> + +<para>A new icon will appear on the panel. Click on it, and the program will +start.</para> + +<para>Adding a shortcut icon with drag-and-drop is even simpler - just +drag any icon from your desktop, or a &konqueror; window, to an empty +space on the panel.</para> + +<para>What happens when you drag an item to your panel depends on what +kind of item it is:</para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term>If you drag a directory...</term> <listitem><para>A menu will +pop up giving you a choice of <guimenuitem>Add as a File Manager +URL</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>Add as a QuickBrowser</guimenuitem>. +Choosing the first will create an icon that opens a &konqueror; +window, starting at this directory, while choosing the latter will +open that directory as a menu from the Panel.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>If you drag a shortcut from your desktop...</term> +<listitem><para>It will be copied to the panel.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>If you drag a document...</term> +<listitem><para>A link will be made on the panel, leaving the original in +place. Clicking on the resulting icon will open that document in the default +application.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +<para>In any case, if you want to move the icon, click on it using the +<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button and choose +<guimenuitem>Move.</guimenuitem> Move the icon to the position you +want and press the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button. If +you wish to remove the icon, click on it using the +<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button and choose +<guimenuitem>Remove</guimenuitem>. You can also move the icon by +clicking with the <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button, and +dragging it to it's new location.</para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="creating-new-files-on-your-desktop"> +<title>Creating New Files On Your Desktop</title> + +<para>Your desktop can be an efficient place to work. Every time you +start &kde;, you can see the complete files, folders and &URL;s which +you often use.</para> + +<para>There are two ways to create and edit files on your desktop. In +any application, you can say that you want to save your work in the +Desktop subfolder of your home directory. For example, my home +directory is <filename class="directory">/home/stupiddog</filename>, +so my Desktop directory is <filename +class="directory">/home/stupiddog/Desktop</filename>. Everything you +save there will be put on your desktop.</para> + +<para>If you want to move existing files to your Desktop, the best way +to achieve this is to use &konqueror;. Open a file manager window and +drag the files you need to your desktop. You can choose to copy them +if you want to keep all your common stuff on the desktop now, or you +can create symbolic links to the real files. Everything you change in +the link files will be automatically updated in the originals. For +more information on how to use drag & drop and the file manager, +see the chapter <link linkend="moving-files-with-drag-and-drop">Moving +files with drag & drop.</link></para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="using-templates"> +<title>Placing Links on Your Desktop</title> + +<para>Placing files on your desktop may shorten the paths you need to +enter. However, sometimes it would be nice if you could start &kedit; +with a commonly edited file already opened in it. And how often do you +find yourself frustrated after browsing through endless lists of +bookmarks to find a site you visit often? Wouldn't it be nice if +everything necessary to deliver you to that site was done +automatically after clicking a single icon?</para> + +<sect2 id="using-mimetype"> +<title>Using Templates</title> + +<para>Templates provide a convenient mechanism for performing tasks +such as those outlined above. Templates can also be used to associate +particular file extensions with a specific application. When a file +ending in a known extension is double-clicked, the application +associated with that extension is automatically started. In short, +<emphasis>templates</emphasis> help you get the most out of +&kde;.</para> + +<para>Example: You want to put an icon for visiting the &kde; web site +on your desktop.</para> + +<procedure> +<step><para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on an empty space in the +desktop.</para></step> +<step><para>Choose <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Create +new</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Internet Address (URL)</guimenuitem></menuchoice> +from the context menu.</para></step> +<step><para>A dialog box will open where you can type in the address you are +making a shortcut to.</para></step> +<step><para>A new icon will be created on your desktop.</para></step> +</procedure> + +<para>Your new Internet shortcut can be customized like any other +shortcut icon. <mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on the icon and +choose <guimenuitem>Properties</guimenuitem>, and you can change the +icon, or the name of the shortcut as you wish.</para> + +</sect2> +<sect2> + +<title>Using &MIME; Types</title> + +<para>&MIME; Types are very powerful. Employing them, you can easily +customize your system such that clicking on a file of a specific type +starts the application with which that file type has been associated. +For example, all <literal role="extension">.mod</literal> files could +be set to start &noatun;, <literal role="extension">.html</literal> +files could open a &konqueror; window showing the file, and a +<filename>core</filename> file can be viewed with the &khexedit; by +simply clicking on the <filename>core</filename> file.</para> + +<warning> +<para>Although &MIME; types are very powerful, they are not without +dangers. Playing around with &MIME; types as the system administrator +(<systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>) can damage a &kde; +system so severely that it cannot be restarted! In this example, you will +create your <emphasis>personal</emphasis> &MIME; style, which is only +relevant for you. It will only affect other users if you copy or move +it to <filename +class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/share/mimelnk</filename>.</para> +</warning> + +<para>To link a certain file type with a particular application:</para> + +<procedure> + +<step><para>Make sure the application you want to start this file type +has an entry in the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu.</para></step> + +<step><para>In &konqueror; find or make a file with the extension you +wish to link.</para></step> + +<step><para><mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click on the file, and +choose <guimenuitem>Edit File Type</guimenuitem> from the context +menu, or choose <menuchoice><guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Edit +File Type</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the &konqueror; menu +bar.</para></step> + +<step><para>Add file masks for the application by clicking the +<guibutton>Add</guibutton> button, and entering the file pattern you +want. Remember that &UNIX; is case sensitive, so you may need to add +variations - <userinput>*.mp3</userinput> may need +<userinput>*.MP3</userinput> added as well, for example. Add as many +masks as you like in this way.</para></step> + +<step><para>Add a description if you like. This is +optional.</para></step> + +<step><para>In the section labeled <guilabel>Application Preference +Order</guilabel>, press the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button. A +miniature copy of the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu will +open, where you can choose the application you want files of this type +to be opened with.</para></step> + +<step><para>Sometimes, you may want to use a different application to +open this file type. For example, you might like to use &kate; to +open text files you wish to edit, and &kedit; for text files that you +just want to take a quick peek into. You can add more applications in +the same way as you did in the last step, and you can change the +preferred order using the <guibutton>Move Up</guibutton> and +<guibutton>Move Down</guibutton> buttons.</para></step> + +<step><para>If you're satisfied with your choices, you can click the +<guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button to save your changes without +closing the dialog box. This gives you the opportunity to test in the +&konqueror; window that your file association is correct. You can +choose <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to save your changes and close the +dialog box, or <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> if you have changed your +mind and just want to close the dialog box.</para></step> +</procedure> + +<para>Be sure to try your new association by opening a directory +containing a file of the type you just selected. Click on the file, +and the program needed to edit it should start.</para> + +<note> +<para> +&MIME; types are a way of describing the contents of files. You may +be used to using file extensions for that purpose, and you may know +that on &UNIX; systems the file extension often bear little or no +relation to the contents of the file. On the other hand, it may be +vital - for example, some implementations of <command>gunzip</command> +won't operate on files that aren't named <literal +role="extension">.gz</literal>. +</para> + +<para> +&MIME; types naturally make use of filename patterns, but not +necessarily the extensions - you can set up any filename pattern you +like. For example, if you always want to open any files relating to a +particular client with &kate;, and you make a habit of naming the +files with the client's name at the beginning so that they naturally +group in the &konqueror; window, then you can set up a filename +pattern that matches +<literal>^<replaceable>clientname</replaceable>*</literal>. Then any +files that have <replaceable>clientname</replaceable> at the beginning +(the <literal>^</literal> character means <quote>starts +with...</quote>) and without any regard to the rest of the filename. +</para> +</note> +</sect2> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="using-the-trashcan"> +<title>Using the Trash Can</title> + +<para>Under normal circumstances, deleting a file under &UNIX; is +something which cannot be undone. However, with &kde;, you can choose +<guimenuitem>Move to Trash</guimenuitem> instead of +<guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem>. This will move the file into the +<filename class="directory">Trash</filename> Folder, which, by +default, is accessible as an icon on your desktop. In the <filename +class="directory">Trash</filename> Folder, you can always recover +deleted files. Remember to empty the trashcan now and then by clicking +on it using the right mouse button, then choosing <guimenuitem>Empty +trashcan</guimenuitem>, otherwise you might run out of disk space +because the files still need space. Note, however, that once you empty +the <filename>Trash</filename> Folder, the files contained therein are +lost forever.</para> + +</sect1> +</chapter> diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/first-impressions.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/first-impressions.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..febd4a0d18f --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/first-impressions.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ + +<chapter id="first-impressions"> +<title>Prvi vtisi </title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>Origin unknown</attribution> +<para>You see to sea to see that all you can see is sea</para> +</epigraph> + +<para>Prvi vtisi so najpomembnejši -- to ne velja le za slovito srhljivko Agathe Christie <quote>Mišolovka</quote> -- ampak tudi za &kde;. Kot smo že omenili naj bi bil &kde; karseda intuitiven, za učenje preprost uporabniški vmesnik. Cilj bomo pravzaprav dosegli, ko uporabnike ne bodo več potrebovali tega priročnika zato, da bodo mogli delati s &kde;, zaradi česar bodo avtorji (neplačani in prostovoljni) izgubili svoje delovno mesto piscev dokumentacije. </para> + +<sect1 id="starting-kde"> +<title>Zagon &kde; </title> + +<para>Ko zaženete sistem &UNIX;, se bi morala zgoditi ena od dveh stvari (če seveda sistem deluje pravilno; vse drugo je nedokumentiran tretji primer). Ali ostanete v tekstovnem (konzolnem) načinu in se znajdete pred prijavno vrstico ali pa se pojavi grafično prijavno okno. V prvem primeru se morate prijaviti in vtipkati: </para> + +<screen> +<command>startx</command> +</screen> + +<para>Če je bila namestitev uspešna, se bi moralo namizje &kde; pojaviti po nekaj sekundah. </para> + +<para>Če se je pojavilo grafično prijavno okno, potem je vse, kar bi morali vnesti vaše prijavno ime in geslo. Ob pogoju, da je bila namestitev uspešna, bi se moral &kde; zagnati brez nadaljnega vmešavanja. </para> + +<para>Če tega še niste storili, vam priporočamo spremembo vašega upravljalnika prikaza z <application>xdm</application> na &tdm;, ki vključuje isto funkcionalnost, vendar z naprednimi zmožnostmi namiznega okolja K. </para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="desktop-components"> +<title>Gradniki namizja </title> + +<para>Ko se je vse pojavilo, si vzemite čas za raziskovanje novega okolja. Če ste že kdaj delali z <emphasis>&Windows; 95</emphasis> ali <emphasis>OS/2 Warp 4</emphasis> se vam bo mnogo stvari zdelo znanih. Trije glavni deli namizja &kde; so namizje samo, pult in opravilna vrstica.</para> + + +<sect2 id="kde-logout"> +<title>Pult </title> + +<para>Ko zaženete &kde; prvič je pult na dnu zaslona. Od tukaj boste zaganjali programe in preklapljali med navideznimi zasloni. </para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>'Lepljivi' gumb</term> <listitem><para>Gumb <guiicon>K</guiicon> je eden najpomembnejših krajev na namizju &kde;. Od tukaj lahko poganjate vse programe &kde;, ki so nameščeni. Pozneje, ko se naučite uporabljati <link linkend="adding-programs"> TDE Menu Editor</link> lahko tudi tu dodajate tudi druge programe. Da poženete program, morate le klikniti na gumb. Pojavil se bo seznam različnih kategorij in nekaj dodatnih vnosov. Ko boste premaknili miško preko izbire, ki ima na desni majhno puščico, se bo pojavil nov menu. Ko najdete program, ki ga želite pognati, kliknite nanj z <mousebutton>levim</mousebutton> gumbom miške.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Gumbi navideznih namizij</term> <listitem><para>Ko prvič poženete &kde; boste opazili štiri gumbe, ki so označeni kot <guilabel>Ena</guilabel>, <guilabel>Dva</guilabel>, <guilabel>Tri</guilabel> in <guilabel>Štiri</guilabel>. Ti predstavljajo vaša štiri <emphasis>namizja</emphasis>. Kliknite na enega izmed njih. Ne skrbite; čeprav so <quote>izginila</quote>, so odprta okna še vedno aktivna (le poglejte v seznam opravil!). Uporaba več namizij naenkrat je ena izmed najmočnejših zmožnosti &kde; in sistema &X-Window;. Namesto postavljanja enega okna preko drugega, kot bi to počeli v &Windows; ali OS/2, lahko rečete <quote>No, na prvem namizju bom pisal uporabniški priročnik KDE, na drugem bom pognal prevajalnik <abbrev>sgml2latex</abbrev> in si ogledal rezultate, medtem ko bom na tretjem namizju prevajal Linuxovo jedro in na četrtem bral e-pošto.</quote> </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Vrstica ikon</term> <listitem> <para>Nekateri ljudje (vključno z mano) so tako leni, da menijo, da sta dva ali celo trije premiki skozi menuje preveč. Zanje se lahko namestijo dodatni gumbi poleg namiznih gumbov; na primer bližnjice v vaš domač imenik, smetnjak, terminalski emulator (<application>Konsole</application>) in dokumenti, ki jih pogosto uporabljate. Za informacije, kako dodati ikone v opravilno vrstico preberite <link linkend="icons-add">Dodajanje ikon v opravilno vrstico</link>. </para> <para>&kde; privzeto namesti več pogosto uporabljenih gumbov, med drugim povezave do &khelpcenter;, &kwrite; in &kcontrol;.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Datum in čas</term> <listitem><para>Na skrajnem desnem koncu pulta &kde; lahko vedno vidite čas in datum.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Seznam opravil</term> <listitem> <para>V drugem odseku pulta poiščite gumb za vsako odprto okno. Kliknite na gumb, ki ustreza oknu, ki ga želite odpreti. Nadaljen klik bo pomanjšal okno. Klik na <mousebutton>desni</mousebutton> gumb miške bo odprl menu, ki omogoča premik okna na drugo namizje, spreminjanje njegove velikosti ali zapiranje programa.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</sect2> +<sect2> +<title>Uporaba oken </title> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>Menu okna</term> <listitem> <para>Klik z <mousebutton>desnim</mousebutton> gumbom miške na naslovni letvi okna (kjer vidite ime programa) lahko vidite menu za upravljanje z okni. To je enak menu, kot ga vidite, če kliknete z <mousebutton>desnim</mousebutton> gumbom miške na ikono programa v opravilni vrstici pulta. Ko kliknete nanjo, se pojavi kontekstni menu, ki vsebuje ukaze za manipulacijo z okni. Na voljo so naslednji ukazi:</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Premaknimo</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>Omogoča premikanje okna z miško. Kliknite z <mousebutton>levi</mousebutton> gumbom miške, ko je okno tam, kjer želite, da naj bo.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Velikost</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>omogoča povečevanje ali pomanjševanje okna. Premikajte miško naokoli in kliknite, ko ste zadovoljni z novo velikostjo.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Pomanjšajmo</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>Skrije okno in pusti le ikono v opravilni vrstici. Opazili boste, da je naslov okna prikazan v (oklepajih). Da prikličete okno nazaj na namizje, kliknite na naslov okna.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Razpnimo</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>To bo razširilo okno na največjo možno velikost. Upoštevajte, da bo &kde; uporabil velikost vašega <emphasis>navideznega namizja</emphasis>, kar pomeni, da je lahko okno večje kot vaš zaslon. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Osenčimo</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para><quote>Zvij</quote> okno, tako da bo ostala vidna le naslovna letev. Enak učinek lahko dosežete z dvojnim klikom na naslovni vrstici. Da se znova prikaže celotno okno izberite <guimenuitem>Osenči</guimenuitem> ali pa dvojno kliknite na naslovno letev.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Vedno na vrh</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>Ta izbira bo ohranila okno pred vsemi programi na namizju, tudi če nima fokusa.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Shrani nastavitve</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>Shrani trenutne nastavitve za to okno (položaj, velikost, ali naj vedno ostane na vrhu &itd;). Ta nastavitev bo naložena ob naslednjem odprtju okna.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Okraski</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>Omogoča vam spreminjanje izgleda in v nekaterih primerih pozicijo vseh oken v &kde;. To spremeni gradnike okenskih okraskov, vključno z naslovnimi letvami in tudi potrditvenimi polji in gumbi ter pogovornimi okni, drsniki in naslovno letvijo samo. Privzeto je &kde; 2.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Na namizje</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>Omogoča vam, da pošljete okno na drugo namizje. Izberite namizje, na katerem želite, da je okno. Okno bo takoj izginilo. Da ga znova vidite, izberite ustrezni <guiicon>namizni gumb</guiicon> na <application>pultu</application>. Če izberete <guimenuitem>Vsa namizja</guimenuitem> bo okno postalo <quote>lepljivo</quote> - izrisano bo na vseh namizjih, tako da ga lahko vedno vidite.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guimenuitem>Zapri</guimenuitem></term> <listitem><para>To bo zaprlo okno. Včasih vam bo program dovolil shraniti vaše delo, v nekaterih primerih (<abbrev>npr.</abbrev>, pri starih X11 programih) pa to ne dela. Najbolje je zapirati programe z njihovimi lastnimi ukazi, z uporabo tega menuja le kot zadnje možnosti.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>'Lepljivi' gumb</term> <listitem><para>Ta gumb je videti kot tuba lepila. Izvede isto operacijo kot izbira <guimenuitem>Vsa namizja</guimenuitem> v <guimenu>okenskem menuju</guimenu>, zahteva pa manj korakov.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Naslovna letev</term> <listitem><para>Naslovno letev, ki vsebuje ime okna, lahko z dvojnim klikom zvijete. Uporabite <mousebutton>desni</mousebutton> gumb miške: <guimenu>okenski menu</guimenu> se bo ponovno pojavil in vam omogočil povečanje, pomanjšanje, premikanje, spreminjanje velikosti, odlepljenje okna, premik na drugo namizje (dela hitreje kot metoda z lepljivim gumbom). Ko se program ne odziva, ga lahko zaprete (kar vam bo včasih ponudilo možnost, da shranite vaše delo). </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Gumbi <guibutton>pomanjšaj</guibutton>, <guibutton>razpni</guibutton> in <guibutton>zapri</guibutton></term> <listitem><para>Na skrajni desni strani naslovne letve sta dva gumba, ki se lahko uporabljata za ikoniziranje in razpenjanje okna (to je hitreje kot uporaba menujev za manipulacijo ikon). Pomanjšana (ikonizirana) okna se lahko povrnejo s klikom na opravilni vrstici. </para> <para>Na skrajni levi strani naslovne vrstice (pri privzetih okraskih oken) je gumb za zapiranje okna.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +<para>Da premaknete okno postavite kurzor na naslovno letev in držite <mousebutton>levi</mousebutton> gumb miške. Ne da bi ga spustili premaknite okno tja, kamor želite, nato pa spustite gumb miške. Če želite spremeniti velikost okna premaknite kurzor nad rob okna, ki ga želite spremeniti. Ko ste dosegli pravo mesto se bo kurzor spremenil iz puščice v črtico in puščico. Pritisnite <mousebutton>levi</mousebutton> gumb miške in povlecite stran, ki jo spreminjate na lokacijo, ki jo želite ter spustite gumb. Upoštevajte da lahko vlečete stranice ali pa kote (kar bo spremenilo velikost v dveh dimenzijah hkrati).</para> + +<para>Uporaba menujske vrstice vsakega okna &kde; je preprosta. Kliknite na to, kar želite narediti in opravljeno bo.</para> + +<para>Pod menujsko vrstico je nabor simbolov za orodja, ki jih lahko uporabite za izvajanje ukazov. Kadarkoli se premaknete nadnje, bo aktivna slika označena. Vendar pa lahko menu za vas naredi še več. Ste opazili teksturiran pas na levi strani menujske in ikonske vrstice? Kliknite z <mousebutton>desnim</mousebutton> gumbom miške in pojavil se bo kontekstni menu, ki vam bo omogočil, da menu postavite <guimenuitem>Na vrhu</guimenuitem> <guimenuitem>Levo</guimenuitem>, <guimenuitem>Desno</guimenuitem>, ali <guimenuitem>Na dnu</guimenuitem> okna. Lahko ga tudi skrijete z izbiro <guimenuitem>Plosk</guimenuitem>.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>Priklic pomoči </title> + +<para>Pomoč je dosegljiva skoraj povsod: na namizju uporabite <mousebutton>desni</mousebutton> gumb miške in izberite <guimenuitem>Pomoč za namizje</guimenuitem>. Na pultu odprite menu zaganjalca programov in izberite <guimenu>Pomoč</guimenu>. Vsak &kde; program ima menu pomoči. Vsa pomoč je osnovana na <acronym>HTML</acronym>, tako da je uporaba sistema pomoči enako preprosta kot uporaba vašega najljubšega spletnega brskalnika! </para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/getting-started.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/getting-started.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..84306dac8d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/getting-started.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,459 @@ +<chapter id="getting-started"> +<title>Getting Started </title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>Help for one of the toughest riddles in <quote>The 7th +Guest</quote></attribution> +<para>Using only what you see, can you get from A to B?</para> +</epigraph> + +<para>So far, you may be thinking that &kde; is little more than +another window manager. Relax, and read this chapter, and we'll +introduce you to some features that will assure you that &kde; is very +much more than a window manager — it's a full fledged +environment.</para> + +<sect1 id="editing-files"> +<title>Editing Files </title> + +<para>Since you do not only have &kde; applications installed on your +system, you probably know the mess of editing <abbrev>ASCII</abbrev> +style configuration files. But in fact, there are a lot of other file +types that need to be edited this way. For example, the raw &XML; +source for this guide was written <abbrev>ASCII</abbrev> style, as was +the source code for the &kde; programs themselves. We will now show +you how you can use the &kwrite; facility in &kde; to edit +<abbrev>ASCII</abbrev> files of your own. </para> + +<sect2 id="the-filemanager-screen"> +<title>Opening a Window Containing Your Home Directory </title> + +<para>Click on the <guiicon>K</guiicon> icon button and +choose <guimenuitem>Home Directory</guimenuitem>. A window showing +the contents of your home directory will pop up. To see a more +detailed listing of files in your home directory, select +<guimenuitem>Show Hidden Files</guimenuitem> from the +<guimenu>View</guimenu> menu.</para> + +<para>On the left hand of the window, a tree view of your file system +structure should appear, while on the right hand side, you can see +icons for each file in your Home directory, including any +<quote>hidden files</quote> — files or directories beginning with a +period. </para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The File Manager Screen </title> + +<para>We tried to make the File Manager as easy as possible to use, +and if you know other window managers (including those built into +other Operating Systems) with integrated file management, many of the +following concepts should be familiar to you.</para> + +<para>On the top, there is a <guimenu>Location</guimenu> menu which +contains functions to open and close file manager windows. You can +also print the current contents.</para> + +<note><para>Want to visit the Internet? There are several paths you +can take. You could choose +<menuchoice><guimenu>Location</guimenu><guimenuitem>Open +Location</guimenuitem></menuchoice> (or press +<keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>O</keycap></keycombo>) and enter a +&URL;.</para> + +<para>The simplest way however, is to simply type in the address you +want to go to in the location bar itself.</para> + +<para>For example, if you want to visit the &kde; homepage, enter +<userinput>http://www.kde.org</userinput>. You can also quickly +transfer files over &FTP; using this method. &kde; is <quote>Internet +ready</quote>, which means that you can load and save files not only +on your local hard disk, but also on remote &FTP; and other remote +servers that you have write access to. While other operating systems +and desktops make a distinction between local and remote file systems, +&kde; does not.</para> +</note> + +<para>The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu offers functions to select, +copy and move files. We will use them later. Already having used the +<guimenu>View</guimenu> menu, you have probably seen that you can view +the content in many different ways. Just play around a bit and see +what happens.</para> + +<para>You will undoubtedly find the <guimenu>Bookmarks</guimenu> to be +extremely useful: Now you can remember virtually any link, be it on +the local machine or somewhere on the Internet. &kde;'s network +transparency works both ways, allowing you to treat files and +directories on your hard drive as if they were Internet +bookmarks.</para> + +<para>The <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu helps you find the notorious +file-that-I-put-somewhere-I-do-not-remember-anymore.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>Navigating Through Directories </title> + +<para>We will now pick one of your configuration files and edit +it. First, we must change the directory in the File Manager.</para> + +<para>&konqueror; started with your home directory as the top of the +<quote>tree</quote>. For most day-to-day purposes, this is where you +are likely to be working, so it's a practical default. Sometimes you +need to see the broader picture though, so the rest of your file +system is not far away.</para> + +<para>You can quickly display the <filename +class="directory">/</filename> or <quote>root</quote> directory +several ways: click the small <guiicon>folder</guiicon> icon beside +the navigation pane to switch to a full filesystem tree, use the +<guiicon>Up</guiicon> arrow on the toolbar above to go to the top of +your filesystem in the right hand pane, or type in +<userinput>/</userinput> in the location bar.</para> + +<para>For the purpose of following this guide, press the small blue +folder icon beside the navigation pane, so that the navigation pane +switches to a full filesystem view. Notice that part of the tree is +expanded, and your home directory is still selected. Now you can see +how your home directory fits into the whole hierarchy, and your home +directory files are still visible in the right hand pane.</para> + +<para>Scroll down the navigation pane on the left side of the window +until you find the directory <filename>/etc</filename>. Double-click +on <filename>etc</filename>. You will see a long list of files in the +right window.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="opening-a-file"> +<title>Opening A File </title> + +<para>Some of the files you see here are at the heart of your +operating system, so making permanent changes to them require you to be +the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> or superuser. +We're going to practise on a file that won't hurt anything if a +mistake is made, called <filename>motd</filename>.</para> + +<para>Scroll down until you find the file <filename>motd</filename> +and click on it with the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse +button. In the <guimenu>context menu</guimenu>, select +<guimenuitem>Open With</guimenuitem>. A new menu will pop up. Choose +<guimenuitem>&kwrite;</guimenuitem>. Voila!</para> + +<para>There are many ways to open a file, and this is just one of +them. &kwrite; is an editor with a simple and probably familiar +interface. You could also have navigated down the small tree in the +popup dialog to the <guilabel>Editors</guilabel> section, and chosen +another editor, or simply double click the file to open it in the +default editor.</para> + +<para>In the meantime, you have the file +<filename>/etc/motd</filename> open in &kwrite; and we're ready to do +some editing.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The Editor Screen </title> + +<para>The more you work with &kde;, the more you will notice that most +screens and applications look and feel the same. The &kwrite; +<guimenu>File</guimenu> menu is a great example of this. Almost every +other &kde; program has the same menu, allowing you to create new +files, open existing files from your local file system or (coming +soon) even the web, save them (soon even on the web, too!), print it +or mail it to somebody else.</para> + +<para>The <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu can also be found in most &kde; +applications, allowing you to cut and paste information between +programs. You can also search and replace text. Using the +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu, you can customize the editor in many +different ways. For example, you can increase the font size to suit +your monitor resolution — and your eyes. Of course, as in any +other &kde; application, you find a <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu, +offering you on-line help whenever you need it. </para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>Using the Editor </title> + +<para>Most <filename>motd</filename> files contain useless stuff like +<quote>Do not forget to back up your data</quote> or <quote>Do not +annoy the system manager</quote>. Boring. Let's change the text so +that users logging in get the really important information. You can +navigate through the text using the arrow keys, and mark sections of +text with <keycombo><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>Arrows</keycap> </keycombo>or by +using the mouse with the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> button +pressed. Use the <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> Menu to cut and paste +text. Enter whatever you want, or use the following (great) example: +</para> + +<screen><userinput>Welcome! + +This machine now has KDE installed, providing you with a great, +easy-to-use interface and a consistent Look-and-Feel for all your +applications. For more information on how to get KDE running on your +account, please email the administrator. </userinput></screen> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="saving-files"> +<title>Saving Your Work </title> + +<para>Now that you have changed the <filename>motd</filename> file, it +is time to save the file, putting the changes into effect. To do this, +you can use either the <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu, or you can use +the <guiicon>Save</guiicon> Icon on the toolbar.</para> + +<para>At this point, reality hits us. You need to have <systemitem +class="username">root</systemitem> permission to save the changes to +this file. &kde; handles this by asking you for the <systemitem +class="username">root</systemitem> password.</para> + +<para>You probably don't really want to save this file, so you can +press <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> in the password dialog and +<guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> again in the save dialog.</para> + +<para>Finally, finish your work by closing the editor and file manager +window. You can do this by clicking the <guibutton>X</guibutton> +button on the top left of the window, by using the window menu of the +title bar, or by choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Simple and elegant, +isn't it? +</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="creating-new-files"> +<title>Creating New Files</title> + +<para>As with everything in &kde;, there are several ways to create a +new file. You could open up the file manager, +<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> click on an empty space in a +directory you own, and choose <menuchoice><guisubmenu>Create +New</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Text File...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. +A new empty file will appear, which you can open just like any other. +You can even do this right on the desktop itself.</para> + +<para>More often you are already in an application and want to start a +new file. Most &kde; applications offer a +<menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem></menuchoice> +menu item, and an icon on the toolbar to complement it. A new empty +document will appear that you can immediately begin working in.</para> + +<para>Both these approaches have advantages, so use the one that is +most practical at the time.</para> + +</sect2> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="moving-files-with-drag-and-drop"> +<title>Moving Files With Drag and Drop </title> + +<para>As you have seen in the previous section, working with files is +as easy as 1-2-3. However, when you want to copy and move files, the +whole copy-and-paste business can get annoying. Don't worry — a +procedure called <quote>drag and drop</quote> allows you to copy and +move files more quickly and easily. </para> + +<sect2> +<title>Opening Two File Manager Windows </title> + +<para>Before you can start, you will need to open two file manager +windows. The simplest way to open a new window is to press the gear +wheel button on the right of the icon bar. If you do not see the tree +view in the new window, activate it +(<menuchoice><guimenu>Window</guimenu><guimenuitem>Navigation +Panel</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>).</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>Dragging a File From One Window To Another </title> + +<para>In the first window, open the <filename>/etc</filename> folder +and scroll until you see the <filename>motd</filename> file we +modified in the previous section.</para> + +<para>In the second window, open your home directory.</para> + +<para>Click on the <filename>motd</filename> file. Hold your +<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse button and drag your file into +your home directory. Release the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> mouse +button (this is called <emphasis>dropping</emphasis> the file). You +will be presented three options: <guimenuitem>copy</guimenuitem>, +<guimenuitem>move</guimenuitem> and +<guimenuitem>link</guimenuitem>. <guimenuitem>Link</guimenuitem> will +create a symbolic link to the file, while +<guimenuitem>copy</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>move</guimenuitem> do +exactly what they say. Select <guimenuitem>copy</guimenuitem>. You +should now have a copy of the <filename>motd</filename> file in your +home directory. </para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="using-command-line-and-terminals"> +<title>Using Command Line And Terminals </title> + +<para>So far, you have only worked with the tools and programs &kde; +provides. Undoubtedly, you will want to use other &UNIX; programs as +well. There are two ways of running them: The quick command line and +the terminal.</para> + +<sect2> +<title>Quick Command Line </title> + +<para>Pressing <keycombo action="simul"><keycap>Alt</keycap> +<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> pops up a small window where you can +enter a command to run. Please note that you will not see any text +output generated from a program started in this manner! This method is +only recommended for starting &X-Window; based programs or for running +tools where you do not need to see or type anything. For other +programs, you will still need to use the terminal.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The &UNIX; Terminal Emulator </title> + +<para>From the application menu, choose +<menuchoice><guisubmenu>System</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Terminal</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. A terminal window will open. Here you can use regular +&UNIX; shell commands: <command>ls</command>, <command>cat</command>, +<command>less</command>, and so forth. Using the +<guimenu>Options</guimenu> menu, you can customize the terminal +emulator to suit your needs. </para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="finding-your-lost-files"> +<title>Finding Your Lost Files </title> + +<para>Everyone has undoubtedly encountered the following problem: You +start <command>ftp</command>, log into a great site like ftp.kde.org +and start downloading files. It is late in the evening and you shut +down your machine after completing the transfer. The next morning, you +are at the keyboard again, and you start wondering into which +directory you placed the recently transferred files. Using &kde;'s +&kfind; utility makes finding those lost files a snap.</para> + +<sect2> +<title>Starting &kfind;</title> + +<para>Starting &kfind; is simple: Choose <guimenuitem>Find +Files</guimenuitem> in the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu. &kfind; uses an interface +part you probably have not yet met in &kde;: +tabs. When &kfind; starts, you see that +<guilabel>Name/Location</guilabel> is selected. When you click on +<guilabel>Date Range</guilabel>, the tab content changes. Since you +have never run a search before, most of the icons on the toolbar and +most of the menu entries are disabled. We will change this now.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>Finding a File by Knowing Parts of Its Name </title> + +<para>As long as you know a bit of the file name, searching is +easy. Select the <guilabel>Name/Location</guilabel> tab, and enter the +file name in the <guilabel>Named</guilabel> field. Wildcards may be +used as needed. As a test, type <userinput>*.tar.gz</userinput>. By +default, the search begins in your home directory, but you can select +any starting directory you wish by clicking on the <guilabel>Look +in</guilabel> or <guibutton>Browse...</guibutton>. To start searching, +press the <guibutton>Find</guibutton> button. After a moment, a list +of files will appear in the search results window. If they do not +appear, you started the search in the wrong directory, made a spelling +mistake in the <guilabel>Named</guilabel> field, or no files ending +with a <filename>.tar.gz</filename> extension are located on your +machine.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="finding-with-complex-criteria"> +<title>Finding a File by More Complex Criteria </title> + +<para>There are many categories you can use to make your search more +precise. <emphasis>The more you know about the file, the better are +your chances of finding it</emphasis>.</para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Date Range</guilabel></term> +<listitem> +<para>Here, you can specify that you only want to see files which were +last touched in a given period of time. You can also specify that you +only want to see files that were touched since a specified number of +months or days ago.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Of type</guilabel> in the +<guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab.</term> +<listitem><para>If you know that the file was of a special type +(e.g., a tar/gzip archive or a jpeg picture), you can tell +&kfind; to find only this type of file.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Containing text</guilabel> in the +<guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab</term> +<listitem> +<para>You can specify text that the file must contain. </para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +<varlistentry> +<term><guilabel>Size is</guilabel>, also in the +<guilabel>Advanced</guilabel> tab</term> +<listitem><para>If you know the file size, you can limit your search in this +regard, as well. </para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +<para>&kfind; has many more options to refine searches, explore them +all!</para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="using-multiple-desktops"> +<title>Using Multiple Desktops </title> + +<para>Using multiple desktops helps you organize your work. You can +place your programs on different desktops, and name the desktops so +you know what you do there. This increases and optimizes your +workspace. It also helps you when you are surfing the net instead of +doing your work and your boss comes in. But, of course, this is rare +— at least in the office where I work. </para> + +<para>You can switch between desktops by clicking the desktop buttons +on the &kicker; panel. If you want to rename them, you can do so by +double-clicking on them. </para> + +<para>You can use windows on multiple desktops. If you want to have a +window present everywhere, just click the sticky button on the +top-left of the window. To send a window to another desktop, click on +the title bar with the <mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button, +choose <guimenuitem>To Desktop</guimenuitem>, and select the desktop +where you would like the window moved. </para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="quitting-kde"> +<title>Quitting &kde;</title> + +<para>To quit working with &kde;, you can use the +<guimenuitem>Logout</guimenuitem> entry in the <guimenu>K</guimenu> menu. You will be +asked if you really want to quit +&kde;. Quitting will close all windows and return you to your console +or display manager. For information on how programs can save your work +during logout, please read <link linkend="kde-logout">the notes for +logging out.</link> </para> + +</sect1> +</chapter> diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/history.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/history.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..71ec94f6a0e --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/history.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +<chapter id="history"> +<title>Kratek voden sprehod skozi zgodovino &kde;</title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>The <abbrev>CEO</abbrev> of a big software company, at +the beginning of the 80s...(apocryphal)</attribution> +<para>640kB bi moralo zadostovati vsakomur </para> +</epigraph> + +<sect1 id="before-kde"> +<title>Pred &kde;</title> + +<para>Od začetka razvoja &UNIX;-a je bila vedno prisotna težava: obstajala so stabilna jedra in dobra, močna programska oprema. Na žalost je lahko &UNIX; uporabljalo le malo ljudi, saj je bil napisan za tiste študente in profesionalce, ki so ga dovolj dolgo študirali. Običajen način prebiranja USENET-a je bil na primer:</para> + +<screen><userinput><command>find</command> <filename>/var/spool/news</filename> <parameter>-name '[0-9]*' -exec cat {} \;</parameter> | <command>more</command></userinput> +</screen> + +<para>Ta problem je bil rešen. Danes je na voljo precej dobrih vmesnikov, kot sta <application>tin</application> in <application>KNode</application>, ki ponujajo preprostost uporabe, intuitiven grafični uporabniški vmesnik (&GUI;). Na žalost pa &GUI;-jem manjka standarden ,,občutek in izgled''. Komercialne programske knjižnice kot je &Motif; so obljubljale rešitev, vendar pa ostale vse do nedavnega predrage in prepočasne. </para> + +<para>Nastavitev programov je pogosto težka. Medtem, ko je prevajanje običajno opravljeno z <userinput><command>./configure</command> && <command>make</command> && <command>make <option>install</option></command></userinput> se da le zelo malo programov prilagoditi s pomočjo menujev ali skript. V večini primerov morate sami urejevati tekstovno nastavitveno datoteko. Pogosto se zgodi, da narobe postavljena vejica podre celotno datoteko in vas s tem prisili, da ponovno pričnete namestitveni proces. Kadarkoli želite znova spremeniti vaše nastavitve ali prilagoditi program, se vsa zmeda ponovno pojavi.</para> + +<para>Vse to prispeva k dejstvu, da &Linux; in drugi &UNIX;-i težko dosežejo širše občinstvo. Hkrati pa mnogo ljudi ni zadovoljnih s svojimi trenutnimi operacijskimi sistemi, večinoma zaradi pomanjkanja stabilnosti in zmogljivosti teh sistemov. Drugi ljudje sovražijo dejstvo, da morajo vsakič, ko izide program, brez katerega ne morejo živeti, kupiti nov računalnik, ker program rabi več <acronym>RAM</acronym>-a in prostora na disku. Pogosto nova različica ponuja funkcije, ki jih zares rabi le malo ljudi. </para> + +<para><emphasis>&kde; je drugačen.</emphasis> Čeprav ne želimo nadomestiti običajne &UNIX; lupine, delamo na orodju, ki bo olajšalo uporabo &UNIX;-a. Prav tako želimo privabiti več uporabnikov. Preproste stvari bodo postale lahke in zapletene izvedljive. Prav tako bo ponujen enoten vmesnik namesto ducata trenutno zahtevanih. </para> + +</sect1> + + +<sect1 id="what-kde-can-do-for-you"> +<title>Kaj lahko &kde; stori za vas</title> + +<para>&kde; je zasnovan za vsakogar.</para> + +<para>Novincem v &UNIX;-u ali pa tistim, ki jih ne zanima učenje novih tehnologij in ukazov, ki jih ni najti v njihovih prejšnjih operacijskih sistemih, se ni treba soočati z posebnostmi ukazne vrstice, razen če tega ne želijo. Vendar pa je mnogo stvari, ki jih &kde; ponuja koristnih tudi za izkušene uporabnike &UNIX;-a, saj lahko z &GUI; orodji poenostavi prej zapletena opravila, ukazna vrstica je vedno oddaljena le ne klik.</para> + +<para>Ne glede, na to, kakšne so vaše izkušnje z &UNIX;-om ali drugimi operacijskimi sistemi, vam &kde; ponuja:</para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem> <para>Lepo in za uporabo preprosto okensko okolje.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Močan, za uporabo preprost upravljalnik datotek</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Močan, za uporabo preprost spletni brskalnik</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Preprosto, centralizirano nastavitev</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Dolg seznam programov, tako da lahko pričnete učinkovito delo že nekaj minut po vaši prvi prijavi v &kde;.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Sprotno pomoč, ki vas bo podprla v vsaki situaciji.</para> </listitem> <listitem> <para>Skladen uporabniški vmesnik. Menuji so vedno na istih mestih v vseh programih, tipkovne vezi se obnašajo enako, ikone orodne vrstice se, ko se jih enkrat priučite, obnašajo vedno enako.</para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="background-of-kde"> +<title>Ozadje &kde;</title> + +<para>Oktobra 1996 je nemški razvijalec <application>LyX</application>-a Matthias Ettrich sprožil razvoj &kde; s sporočilom v USENET-u. Kmalu potem je nekaj zainteresiranih razvijalcev začelo načrtovati in programirati dele novega projekta. Leto dni pozneje so bili okenski in datotečni upravljalnik, terminalski emulator, sistem pomoči in prikrojitveno (nastavitveno) orodje izdani v alfa in beta beta testiranje in se izkazali za relativno stabilne. </para> + +<para>Julija 1998 je bil &kde; 1.0 objavljen. To je bila stabilna različica za naslednjih šest mesecev, medtem ko so razvijalci nadaljevali delo na izboljšavi &kde; brez zahtev po stabilnosti. Januarja 1999 so bili njihovi napori usklajeni in združeni v &kde; 1.1, novi standardni, stabilni različici. </para> + +<para>Razvoj se je nadaljeval s &kde; 2.0, skoraj povsem na novo spisano različico namizja, ki je bilo objavljeno 23. oktobra 2000. Rzaličice &kde; 2.x so se razvijale skozi šest manjših izdaj v obdobju enega leta, pri čemer je vsaka prinesla že tako impresivnemu namizju dodatne zmožnosti in stabilnost.</para> + +<para>V času pisanja se &kde; 3.0 pripravlja za izdajo in bo prinesel precej izboljšav v primerjavi z serijo 2.0. Čeprav sprememba &GUI; ni tako dramatična, kot je bil pri prehodu s &kde; 1 na &kde; 2, je mnogo izboljšav, kot je na primer nov tiskalniški sistem, precej izboljšana podproa <acronym>SSL</acronym> (za varne internetne transakcije) ali polna podpora za jezike, ki pišejo od desne proti levi (kot sta arabščina ali hebrejščina), našlo svojo pot na namizje. Več podatkov o tem vznemirljivem razvoju lahko najdete na &kde-http;. </para> + +<para>Razvijalci in zainteresirani uporabniki komunicirajo preko večih poštnih list, kot je opisano v razdelku <link linkend="mailing-lists">Poštni seznami</link>. Če želite pomagati &kde;, to prosim storite. &kde; poganjajo prostovoljni prispevki in vedno ste dobrodošli, da se pridružite.</para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="legal-status"> +<title>Pravne opombe</title> + +<para>&kde; je programska oprema z odprto kodo in celoten &kde; je objavljen pod prostimi licencami, kot je na primer GPL.</para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="getting-kde"> +<title>Kako dobiti nove komponente</title> + +<para>Glavna spletna stran za &kde; je &kde-http;. Tu lahko najdete vse pomembne podatke v zvezi s &kde;, vključno z objavami, popravki hroščev, podatki za razvijalce in mnogo več.</para> + +<para>Za nadgradnje programske opreme obiščite naše &FTP; streni, &kde-ftp; ali pa uporabite zrcalni strežnik v bližini. Svež seznam najdete na <ulink url="http://www.kde.org/ftpmirrors.html">http://www.kde.org/ftpmirors.html</ulink>.</para> + +<para>Imenik <filename>unstable</filename> na &FTP; strežniku vedno vsebuje najnovejšo programsko opremo, vendar pa je pogosto nepreizkušena in se morda sploh ne da prevesti. Če iščete bolj zanesljive komponente, si prosim oglejte imenik <filename>stable</filename>, kamor damo beta različice in uradne izdaje. </para> + +<para>Če se zanimate za razvoj programov za &kde;, potem bi morali obiskati <ulink url="http://developer.kde.org/">http://developer.kde.org/"</ulink>, kjer boste našli zelo veliko podatkov, vključno z lekcijami, vodiči <acronym>API</acronym> za &kde;-jeve knjižnice in še veliko več. Prav tako bi morali obiskati Troll Techov strežnik (<ulink url="http://www.troll.no/">http://www.troll.no</ulink>) ki vsebuje veliko podatkov, ki se nanašajo na knjižnico &Qt;, ki jo uporablja &kde;. Prav tako je v tem primeru priporočljivo, da se pridružite <link linkend="mailing-lists">razvijalski poštni listi.</link></para> + +</sect1> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/index.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/index.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..deefb75fdac --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/index.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" +"dtd/kdex.dtd" [ + <!ENTITY kappname "&kde; User's Guide"> + <!ENTITY introduction SYSTEM "intro.docbook"> + <!ENTITY history SYSTEM "history.docbook"> + <!ENTITY installation SYSTEM "installation.docbook"> + <!ENTITY first-impressions SYSTEM "first-impressions.docbook"> + <!ENTITY getstarted SYSTEM "getting-started.docbook"> + <!ENTITY about-desktop SYSTEM "about-desktop.docbook"> + <!ENTITY shortcuts SYSTEM "shortcuts.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdebase-apps SYSTEM "tdebase-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdeadmin-apps SYSTEM "tdeadmin-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdegames-apps SYSTEM "tdegames-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdepim-apps SYSTEM "tdepim-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdegraphics-apps SYSTEM "tdegraphics-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdemultimedia-apps SYSTEM "tdemultimedia-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdenetwork-apps SYSTEM "tdenetwork-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdeutils-apps SYSTEM "tdeutils-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdeedu-apps SYSTEM "tdeedu-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY tdetoys-apps SYSTEM "tdetoys-apps.docbook"> + <!ENTITY ug-faq SYSTEM "ug-faq.docbook"> + <!ENTITY more-help SYSTEM "more-help.docbook"> + <!ENTITY staff SYSTEM "staff.docbook"> + <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> + <!ENTITY % Slovenian "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here --> +]> + +<book lang="&language;"> +<bookinfo> +<title>Namizno okolje K (K Desktop Environment)</title> +<authorgroup> +<author> <surname>Ekipa KDE</surname> </author> +<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Andrej</firstname><surname>Vernekar</surname><affiliation><address><email>[email protected]</email></address></affiliation><contrib>Prevod</contrib></othercredit> +</authorgroup> + +<date>2002-02-03</date> +<releaseinfo>3.00.00</releaseinfo> + +<copyright> +<year>2000</year><year>2001</year><year>2002</year> +<holder>Ekipa KDE</holder> +</copyright> + +<legalnotice>&GPLNotice;</legalnotice> + +<!-- Please note: This is NOT the final KDE Users Guide, which is not complete. +This is a quick rewrite of the KDE 1.1x user guide, because it was badly out of +date, and so that KDE wasn't released without a users guide entirely. --> + +<abstract><para>To je Uporabniški priročnik KDE, celovita dokumentacija namiznega okolja K (KDE) iz perspektive uporabnika. KDE je zbirka orodij, ki bodo olajšala vaše življenje v UNIX-u in ga naredila bolj uživaško. </para></abstract> + +<keywordset> +<keyword>KDE</keyword> +<keyword>user</keyword> +<keyword>guide</keyword> +</keywordset> +</bookinfo> + +&introduction; +&history; +&installation; +&first-impressions; +&getstarted; +&about-desktop; +&shortcuts; +&ug-faq; +&more-help; +&staff; + +<!-- Packages --> +&tdebase-apps; +&tdeadmin-apps; +&tdegames-apps; +&tdepim-apps; +&tdegraphics-apps; +&tdemultimedia-apps; +&tdenetwork-apps; +&tdeutils-apps; +&tdeedu-apps; +&tdetoys-apps; +<!-- End Packages --> + + + +</book> diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/installation.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/installation.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ad152f6da2b --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/installation.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +<chapter id="installation"> +<title>Namestitev </title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>Linus Torvalds, after finding one of his file systems smashed by a +new Beta kernel</attribution> +<para>Core dumping fsck's tend to make me nervous.</para> +</epigraph> + +<para>Brez skrbi! Čeprav lahko uporaba beta programske opreme povzroči precej težav, ni posebej verjetno, da bi namestitev KDE uničila vaš disk. To poglavje je zasnovano posebej zato, da vas vodi skozi namestiveni proces, tako da lahko kar najhitreje (in s kar najmanj truda) pričnete uporabljati vaše novo namizje. Kot pri vseh namestitvah okenskih upravljalnikov je priporočljivo da naredite varnostno kopijo vseh X11 specifičnih nastavitvenih datotek preden pričnete z namestitvijo. Če ne poznate natančno njihove lokacije, poizkusite z vsemi skritimi datotekami (<filename>.*</filename>) v vašem domačem imeniku in imeniku <filename>/usr/X11/lib/X11/xdm</filename>. </para> + +<sect1 id="requirements"> +<title>Zahteve </title> + +<para>Preden namestite KDE, se prepričajte, da vaš sistem izpolnjuje naslednje zahteve: </para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Delujoč, POSIX kompatibilen UNIX sistem. UNIX-i, za katere je znano da delajo s KDE vključujejo: Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, HP-UX in MkLinux. Trudimo se, da bi bil KDE kmalu dosegljiv na še več platformah. </para></listitem> <listitem><para>Nekaj prostega prostora na particiji, kjer bo ustvarjen <filename>/opt/kde</filename> . Priporočamo, da rezervirate približno 50MB, če vaš sistem podpira deljene knjižnice in ustrezno več, če jih ne. Če morate ali želite zgraditi KDE iz izvornega drevesa potem prosim rezervirajte okrog 100MB v <filename>/usr/src</filename>.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Delujoč sistem X11 z ali brez <application>xdm</application>. Če še niste namestili X Window System potem najprej preverite namestitveni medij vaše različice UNIX-a, ali vsebuje primerno različico. Če je ne najdete, obiščite <ulink url="http://www.xfree86.org">spletno stran XFree86</ulink> kjer dobite več informacij o tem, kako dobiti in namestiti X Window System, oziroma kontaktirajte vašega UNIX prodajalca UNIX-a za podporo. </para></listitem> <listitem><para>Knjižnice Qt, različice 2.2. Dobite jih lahko na <ulink url="ftp://ftp.troll.no/pub/qt">Troll Techovem FTP strežniku</ulink> v formatih rpm in tgz. </para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> + +<warning><para>Opozorilo preden začnete: Preden nadgradite s prejšnje različice KDE, priporočamo, da storite naslednje:</para> + +<screen> +<command>cd <filename>/opt/kde</filename></command> +<command>tar <option>cfvz <replaceable>~/KDE-old-version-backup.tar.gz</replaceable> * </option></command> +</screen> +</warning> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="linux-installing-rpms"> +<title>Linux: nameščanje RPM-ov za RedHat, Caldero in SuSE.</title> + +<para>Uporaba RPM-ov je najlažja metoda da dobite in namestite KDE. Obiščite vaše priljubljen zrcalni strežnik KDE in njegov imenik <filename>/pub/kde/stable/distribution/rpm</filename>. Tukaj lahko vidite imenike za različne operacijske sisteme. Trenutno so podprte arhitekture i386, alpha in sparc. Pakete rpm lahko prav tako najdete na straneh Red Hata kot so sunsite.unc.edu ali ftp.redhat.com. </para> + +<para>Osnovni sistem sestavljajo datoteke <filename>kde-<replaceable>component</replaceable>.<replaceable>architecture</replaceable>.rpm</filename> Rabite najmanj tdesupport, tdelibs in tdebase. Ko ste dobili osnovno distribucijo lahko ostale pakete naložite po želji oziroma le tiste, za katere mislite, da vam bodo prišli prav. </para> + +<para>Sedaj pa lahko pričnete nameščati osnoven paket. Če nameščate KDE prvič, uporabite </para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>rpm</command> <option>-i </option> <filename>tdesupport.arch.rpm</filename></userinput> +<userinput><command>rpm</command> <option>-i </option> <filename>tdelibs.arch.rpm</filename></userinput> +<userinput><command>rpm</command> <option>-i </option> <filename>tdebase.arch.rpm</filename></userinput> +</screen> + +<important><para>Te komponente morajo biti nameščene v naštetem vrstnem redu inpred vsemi drugimi komponentami KDE.</para></important> + +<para>Če nadgrajujete prejšnjo različico poskusite <screen> +<userinput><command>rpm</command> <option>-Uvh</option> <filename>kde-<replaceable>component</replaceable>.<replaceable>arch</replaceable>.rpm</filename></userinput> +</screen> </para> + +<para>Še nekrat: zgoraj našteti vrstni red mora biti ohranjen in podane komponente morajo biti nameščene pred vsemi drugimi.</para> + +<para>To bo odpakiralo osnovno distribucijo in jo privzeto namestilo v <filename>/opt/kde</filename>.</para> + +<para>Če je bila namestitev osnovnih paketov uspešna, lahko namestite preostale pakete (uporabite <option>-Uvh</option> namesto <option>-i</option> da nadgradite obstoječo različico) na enak način. </para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="installing-debian"> +<title>Linux: nameščanje paketov <acronym>DEB</acronym> za debian</title> + +<para>Tudi namestitev v sistemu Debian je dokaj preprosta. Našli boste le pakete za Debian 2.2 (Potato) in 3.0 (Woody). Opisali bomo nameščanje paketov za Debian 2.2, ki je stabilna različica, saj je Debian 3.0 še v razvoju. Vendar pa je namestitev v obeh različicah skoraj identična. Glavna razlika je v tem, da je KDE v Debian 3.0 uradno vključen in vam ni treba določiti posebne lokacije, da najdete pakete deb za KDE.</para> + +<para>V prvem koraku bomo sistemu povedali, kje lahko najde pakete deb. Seznam naslovov Debian paketov se nahaja na vašem disku v <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename>. V to datoteko morate dodati naslednjo vrstico: <userinput>http://kde.tdyc.com/ stable kde2</userinput></para> + + +<para>Potem morate osvežiti vašo lokalno bazo podatkov, tako da vaš sistem ve, da so na voljo novi paketi. Vtipkajte naslednji ukaz:</para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>update</option></userinput> +</screen> + +<para>Končno lahko namestite osnovne komponente KDE. To storite tako, da vtipkate:</para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install tdebase</option></userinput> +</screen> + +<para>Če želite namestiti več komponent KDE poizkusite nekatere ali pa kar vse naslednje možnosti:</para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdenetwork</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdeadmin</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdetoys</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdeutils</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdemultimedia</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdegraphics</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdepim</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdegames</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-koffice</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install tdebase-docs</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install tdm</option></userinput> +</screen> + +<para>Morda vas bo zanimalo kako namestiti vaš jezik.</para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install +tde-i18n-<replaceable>xx</replaceable></option></userinput> + </screen> +<para>kjer morate <replaceable>xx</replaceable> zamenjati s kodo jezika.</para> + +<para>Nastavitvene datoteke KDE bodo nameščene v <filename class="directory">/etc/kde2</filename>, izvedljive v <filename class="directory">/usr/bin</filename> in večina drugih v <filename class="directory">/usr/share</filename> v rezlične imenike. </para> + +<para>Če nadgrajujete s prejšnje različice KDE, potem izvedite naslednje korake. Najprej dopolnite datoteko <filename>/etc/apt/sources.list</filename> tako, da spremenite vrstico z lokacijo paketov KDE v: <userinput>http://kde.tdyc.com/ stable kde2</userinput>. Nato osvežite bazo podatkov paketov:</para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>update</option></userinput> +</screen> + +<para>Končno namestite osnovni sitem:</para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install tdebase</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>dist-upgrade</option></userinput> +</screen> + +<para> Če želite namestiti več komponent KDE poizkusite nekatere ali pa kar vse naslednje možnosti.</para> + +<screen> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdenetwork</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdeadmin</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdetoys</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdeutils</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdemultimedia</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdegraphics</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdepim</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-tdegames</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install task-koffice</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install tdebase-docs</option></userinput> +<userinput><command>apt-get</command> <option>install tdm</option></userinput> +</screen> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="source-distribution"> +<title>Uporaba TGZ za nameščanje v drugih sistemih </title> + +<para>Če vaša distribucija nima RPM ali DEB arhivskega formata ali pa sloh ne upoprabljate Linuxa, potem morate KDE prevesti sami. V prihodnosti načrtujemo binarno distribucijo, ki vključuje svoj namestitevni program. </para> + +<para>Da lahko prevedete in namestite KDE rabite morajo biti na vašem disku nameščeni naslednji elementi: </para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>ANSI-C prevajalnik, <abbrev>npr.</abbrev> <abbrev>GNU</abbrev> C compiler (GCC). </para></listitem> <listitem><para>ANSI-C++ prevajalnik, <abbrev>npr.</abbrev> <abbrev>GNU</abbrev> C++ (G++). </para></listitem> <listitem><para>Program <application>make</application>. </para></listitem> <listitem><para>Qt development različice 2.2 ali višje.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>X11 razvijalska različica (include datoteke pogosto manjkajo) </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> + +<para>Ko enkrat imate vse te programe, pojdite na vaš priljubljeni zrcalni strežnik KDE in pridobite sledeče datoteke iz imenika <filename>/pub/kde/stable/<replaceable>(najnovejša različica)</replaceable></filename>:</para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para><filename>tdesupport-<replaceable>version</replaceable>.tar.gz</filename></para></listitem> <listitem><para><filename>tdelibs-<replaceable>version</replaceable>.tar.gz</filename> </para></listitem> <listitem><para><filename>tdebase-<replaceable>version</replaceable>.tar.gz</filename></para></listitem> <listitem><para>katerikoli drug paket, ki ga želite namestiti. Svetujemo vam, da vzamete vsaj tdeutils. </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> + +<para>kjer <replaceable>(version)</replaceable> nadomestite s številko trenutne raličice. Ko ste naložili vse, kar potrebujete, izvlečite te datoteke v <filename>/usr/src</filename>. Ta proces bi moral ustvariti sledečo imeniško strukturo:</para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para><filename>/usr/src/tdesupport</filename></para></listitem> <listitem><para><filename>/usr/src/tdelibs</filename></para></listitem> <listitem><para><filename>/usr/src/tdebase</filename></para></listitem> <listitem><para><filename>/usr/src/...</filename> (katerikoli drug paket)</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> + +<para>Poskrbite, da imate pisalno dovoljenje v <filename>/opt/kde</filename>.</para> + +<para>Sedaj morate prevesti in namestiti pakete z uporabo: </para> + +<procedure> <step><para><command>cd</command> v imenik paketa, ki ga želite namestiti (glejte zgoraj)</para></step> <step><para><command>./configure</command> (z opcijami, ki jih želite uveljaviti)</para></step> <step><para><command>make</command></para></step> <step><para><command>make install</command></para></step> </procedure> + +<para>Uporabite gornje korake na vsakem paketu, ki ga želite namestiti.</para> + +<note><para>Ta navodila so uporabna za skoraj vsak dosegljiv paket izvorne kode, ne le za pakete KDE. </para></note> + +<para>Vsaka prilagoditvena skripta ima na razpolago več opcij. Nekatere so splošne za vse pakete, druge pa specifične za vsakega posebej. Sledeče je rezultat ukaza <command>configure <option>--help</option></command> v tdelibs:</para> + +<screen> +<computeroutput> + --disable-fast-perl disable fast Makefile generation (needs perl) + --enable-debug creates debugging code [default=no] + --enable-strict compiles with strict compiler options (may not work!) + --enable-profile creates profiling infos [default=no] + --enable-final build size optimized apps (experimental - needs lots of memory) + --disable-closure don't delay template instantiation + --enable-shared[=PKGS] build shared libraries [default=yes] + --enable-static[=PKGS] build static libraries [default=no] + --enable-fast-install[=PKGS] optimize for fast installation [default=yes] + --with-gnu-ld assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no] + --disable-libtool-lock avoid locking (might break parallel builds) + --with-pic try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects [default=use both] + --with-extra-includes=DIR + adds non standard include paths + --with-extra-libs=DIR adds non standard library paths + --with-qt-dir=DIR where the root of Qt is installed + --with-qt-includes=DIR where the Qt includes are. + --with-qt-libraries=DIR where the Qt library is installed. + --disable-rpath do not use the rpath feature of ld + --disable-path-check don't try to find out, where to install + --with-xdmdir If the xdm config dir can't be found automaticly + --with-pam[=ARG] enable support for PAM: ARG=[yes|no|service name] + --with-shadow If you want shadow password support + --with-krb4[=PATH] Compile in Kerberos v4 support. + --with-afs Compile in AFS support (requires KTH krb4). + --with-ldap[=PATH] Compile in LDAP support. + --with-samba-libs=path Use Samba-tng libs in 'path' [search] + --without-gl disable 3D GL modes + --without-xpm disable color pixmap XPM tests + --without-dpms disable DPMS power saving + --with-x use the X Window System + --with-motif-includes=DIR Motif include files are in DIR + --with-motif-libraries=DIR Motif libraries are in DIR +</computeroutput> +</screen> + +<para>Mnoge opcije niso zahtevane in so uporabne le za premostitev znanih težav(<abbrev>npr.</abbrev> <option>--disable-FEATURE</option>). Ker so nakatere pomembne, na primer <emphasis>--with-shadow</emphasis>, bi morali vedno preveriti dosegljive možnosti.</para> + +<para>Pomembna možnost je <option>--prefix</option>. Ta možnost določa pot, kamor naj configure namešča (za tdesupport in tdelibs) ali kam naj pogleda za knjižnicami (za druge pakete). Privzeto bo configure pogledal v <filename>/opt/kde</filename>. Če želite namestiti KDE v <filename>/usr/local/kde</filename>, morate uporabiti <command>configure <option>--prefix /usr/local/kde</option></command>.</para> + +<para>Če ste namestili knjižnice Qt na nenavadnem mestu, na primer v <filename>$HOME/src/qt</filename>, morate uporabiti <command>configure <option>--with-qt-dir=$HOME/src/qt</option></command>. Privzeto configure pogleda v najbolj običajne kraje, kjer se morda nahajajo Qt, preden obupa.</para> + +<para>Če imate težave, ki jih ne morete rešiti pošljite kopijo datoteke <filename>config.log</filename> na naslov v datoteki <filename>README</filename> v problematičnem paketu.</para> + +<para>KDE morate namestiti v naslednjem vrstnem redu: tdesupport, tdelibs, nato pa programske pakete (na primer tdebase). Vsi programski pakete bi morali biti odvisni le od tdelibs, tako da jih lahko prevajate hkrati (če imate dovolj zmogljiv računalnik).</para> + +<para>Če se želite poslužiti zmožnosti večprocesorskih sistemov, poskusite <command>make <option> -j <replaceable>št. procesorjev</replaceable></option></command> namesto <command>make</command>. </para> + +<sect2> +<title>Od platforme odvisne opombe </title> + +<sect3> +<title>Linux </title> + +<para>Za Linux lahko večino za izgrdnjo KDE potrebnih orodij najdete ali na <ulink url="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/GCC">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/GCC</ulink> ali pa <ulink url="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/GNU">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/GNU</ulink>. The Knjižnice Qt lahko najdete na <ulink url="ftp://ftp.troll.no/pub/qt/linux">ftp://ftp.troll.no/pub/qt/linux</ulink>, dosegljive v obliki izvorne kodaeali pa v formatu RPM. Oba vključujeta podrobna navodila o tem, kako ju namestiti. Include datoteke za X11 programe bi morale biti dosegljive na <ulink url="ftp://ftp.xfree86.org">ftp://ftp.xfree86.org</ulink> v razdelku xdevel. </para> + +</sect3> +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="suse-install"> +<title>Zahtevane spremebe v vaših nastavitvenih datotekah </title> +<para> Potem ko ste postavili binarne datoteke KDE v njihov končni imenik, je tu še nekaj prilagoditev, ki jih morate narediti v vaših zagonskih skriptah. </para> +<para> Sledeč postopek je bil preizkušen na SuSE Linux 5.0 in bi moral biti združljiv tudi z drugimi popularnimi UNIX-i. <emphasis>Vedno pripravite vrnostne kopije nastavitvenih datotek, preden jih spreminjate!</emphasis> Dodajte sledeče na konec vašega /etc/profile: </para> +<para> <screen>export PATH=$PATH:/opt/kde/bin +export TDEDIR=/opt/kde +</screen> </para> +<para>Nato uredite datoteko .xinitrc v vašem domačem imeniku. Poglejte v vrstico, ki kliče okenski upravljalnik in ga nadomestite s <literal>starttde</literal>.</para> +<para>Sedaj, ko je bilo vse, kar je potrebno za zagon KDE nameščeno, lahko pogledate v 4. poglavje, kjer boste prvič pognali KDE. Če gre kaj narobe, boste morda morali sami prevesti KDE. Preberite <emphasis> <link linkend="source-distribution">Uporaba TGZ za nameščanje v drugih sistemih</link> </emphasis> za več informacij. </para> +<para>Namestitev smo naredili kar se da trpežno, tako da ne bi smeli naleteti na resnejše probleme razen v primeru, da je vaša konfiguracija eksotična. Če pa le naletite na težave, potem ne oklevajte in uporabite <link linkend="mailing-lists">poštne liste KDE</link>. </para> +</sect1> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/intro.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/intro.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cb5f513a983 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/intro.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<chapter id="introduction"> +<title>Uvod</title> + +<para>Dobrodošli v uporabniškem priročniku namiznega okolja K.</para> + +<para>Ta knjiga je mišljena kot uvod v namizno okolje K (KDE), s splošnim opisom uporabniškega vmesnika, nekaj praktičnimi zgledi, kako uporabiti &kde; za vaskodnevno delo in nekaj namigi za prilagoditev namizja.</para> + +<para>Vključena je tabela bližnjic in nekaj namigov in nasvetov, ki naj bi vam pomagali najti stvari hitro in učinkovito.</para> + +<para>Ta knjiga ni uporabniški vodič po posameznih programih, saj imajo ti svoje lastne uporabniške priročnike. Vendar pa je &kde; integrirano okolje — kar se boste naučili v tem priročniku in vašem raziskovanju &kde;-jevegauporabniškega vmesnika, je skladno in prenosljivo med programi &kde;. </para> + +<para>Ta knjiga razišče tudi nekaj filozofije, ki stoji za &kde;, kot tudi nekaj zgodovine, vse skupaj pa zaokroži z nasveti, kako najti več podatkov, če jih morda rabite. </para> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/koffice-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/koffice-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a345c8b5348 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/koffice-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +<chapter id="office-apps"> +<title>Pisarniški programi</title> + +<para>V distribucijah &koffice; lahko dobite naslednje programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bodo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljene.</para> +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&kword;</term> <listitem> <para>Zmogljiv, na okvirjih zasnovan urejevalnik besedil, ki ponuja profesionalne oblike dokumentov.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kspread;</term> <listitem> <para>Zmogljiva preglednica.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kpresenter;</term> <listitem> <para>Predstavitveni program, ki ustreza zahtevam za profesionalne predstavitve.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kivio;</term> <listitem> <para>Program za risanje diagramov.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kontour;</term> <listitem> <para>Prihajajoč program za vektorsko grafiko.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kugar;</term> <listitem> <para>Orodje za ustvarjanje poročil poslovne kvalitete.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kchart;</term> <listitem> <para>Integrirano risarsko orodje za grafe in diagrame.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&koshell;</term> <listitem> <para>Orodje, ki vam pomaga ustvarjati večprogramske dokumente.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</chapter> + + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/more-help.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/more-help.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1d130ce3c50 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/more-help.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<chapter id="more-help"> +<title>Dodatna pomoč</title> + +<sect1 id="mailing-lists"> +<title>Drugi viri pomoči </title> + +<para>Oglejte si <ulink url="http://www.kde.org">spletno stran KDE</ulink>, kjer najdete najnovejše informacije o KDE, ki so dosegljive v spletu. Morda se boste želeli prijaviti (naročiti) v katerega izmed naših poštnih seznamov. </para> + +<para>Pošljite e-pošto na naveden naslov s <userinput>subscribe</userinput> <userinput>vaš e-poštni naslov</userinput> v predmetu (subject) sporočila, da se tako prijavite: </para> + +<simplelist> <member>splošna poštna lista KDE, <email>[email protected]</email> </member> <member>poštna lista razvijalcev KDE, <email>[email protected]</email></member> <member>razprave o izgledu KDE (look and feel), <email>[email protected]</email></member> <member>KDE naznanila, <email>[email protected]</email></member> <member>vprašanja o licenci KDE, <email>[email protected]</email></member> <member>uporabniška poštna lista, <email>[email protected]</email></member> <member>lista piscev dokumentacije KDE, <email>[email protected]</email></member> </simplelist> + +</sect1> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/shortcuts.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/shortcuts.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..41e886b4b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/shortcuts.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +<chapter id="shortcuts"> +<title>Namigi & triki za vaše vsakodnevno delo </title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>Fortune Cookies</attribution> +<para>Everyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.</para> +</epigraph> + +<para>Skoraj vsakdo lahko uporablja &kde; zaradi tega so ga razvijalci naredili. Ni kriptičnih in neugotovljivih stikal in malo natavitvenih datotek, ki bi jih morali urejati v načinu <acronym>ASCII</acronym>. Obstaja pa nekaj načinov, ki vam omogočajo bolj elegantno opravljanje dela, ki vam prihranijo čas za resnično pomembne stvari, kot je na primer &ksirtet;.</para> + +<sect1 id="shortcut-table"> +<title>Tabela bližnjic </title> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Alt;<keycap>Tab</keycap> </keycombo> ali <keycombo>&Alt;&Shift;<keycap>Tab</keycap></keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Preklapljaj med okni </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>Tab</keycap> </keycombo> ali <keycombo>&Ctrl;&Shift;<keycap>Tab</keycap> </keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Preklapljaj med namizji </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap> </keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Mini ukazna vrstica</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Alt;<keycap>F3</keycap></keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Menu oken </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Alt;<keycap>F4</keycap> </keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Zapri trenutno okno </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Ctrl;<keycap>F{1..8}</keycap></keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Preklopi na željeno namizje </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>Esc</keycap> </keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Uničevalec oken (vsako okno, na katerega kliknete, bo uničeno). Če želite ubijalski kurzor preklicati, pritisnite to kombinacijo še enkrat. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>Backspace</keycap> </keycombo></term> <listitem><para>To konča &kde; (brez shranjevanja!) Uporabite le kot zadnji izhod </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>Numpad +</keycap></keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Preklopi na naslednjo ločljivost zaslona. Če želite, da bo to delalo, morate pravilno nastaviti strežnik X (&X-Server;). </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>Numpad -</keycap> </keycombo></term> <listitem><para>Preklopi na prejšnjo ločljivost zaslona. Če želite, da bo to delalo, morate pravilno nastaviti strežnik X (&X-Server;).</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="mouse-techniques"> +<title>Tehnike uporabe miške </title> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>Klik z gumbom na rob ali naslovno letev</term> <listitem> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><mousebutton>Levi</mousebutton></term> <listitem><para>Aktivira in prikliče okno v ospredje.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><mousebutton>Srednji</mousebutton></term> <listitem><para>Pošlje okno v ozadje</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><mousebutton>Desni</mousebutton></term> <listitem><para>Prikaže <guimenu>okenski menu</guimenu>, če je okno aktivno, sicer ga aktivira.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Dvojni klik na naslovu okna</term> <listitem><para>Zasenči okno (<quote>ga zvije</quote>, tako da je vidna le naslovna vrstica).</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Vlečenje na naslovni letvi</term> <listitem><para>Premika okno naokrog.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Vlečenje na robovih ali vogalih</term> <listitem><para>Spremeni velikost okna.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Alt;<mousebutton>Levi</mousebutton></keycombo> gumb</term> <listitem><para>Premika okno naokrog.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Alt;<mousebutton>Srednji</mousebutton> </keycombo> gumb</term> <listitem><para>Prikliče okno v ospredje.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><keycombo>&Alt;<mousebutton>Desni</mousebutton> </keycombo> gumb</term> <listitem><para>Spremeni velikost okna v smeri, v katero povlečete z miško.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Klik na ikono levo na vrhu</term> <listitem><para>Zapre program</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Klik na 'lepljivi' gumb</term> <listitem><para>Preklaplja med lepljivostjo </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Klik na Razpni</term> <listitem> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><mousebutton>Levi</mousebutton></term> <listitem><para>Razširi okno čez cel zaslon</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><mousebutton>Srednji</mousebutton></term> <listitem><para>Razširi le navpično</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><mousebutton>Desni</mousebutton></term> <listitem><para>Razširi le vodoravno</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</sect1> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/staff.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/staff.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bbc29ff7c08 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/staff.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +<chapter id="docu-staff"> +<title>Epilog </title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>The end of Evita</attribution> +<para>She had her moments, she had some style, the best show in town was the crowd, outside the Casa Rosada crying 'Eva Peron'; but that's all gone now...</para></epigraph> + +<para>Upamo, da se vam je zdel ta dokument uporaben, informativen in morda celo zabaven. Sledeče stvari niso potrebne za razumevanje namiznega okolja K (KDE), vendar pa jih boste morda vseeno želeli prebrati. </para> + +<sect1 id="the-k-documentation-staff"> +<title>Avtorji dokumentacije </title> + +<para>Ta uporabniški priročnik je osvežila za 3.0 in ga tudi vzdržuje Lauri Watts <email>[email protected]</email></para> + +<para>K temu dokumentu so prispevali še mnogi drugi.</para> +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Pablo de Vicente <email>[email protected]</email>, ki je osvežil razdelek, ki opisuje nameščanje KDE 2.0 v Debianu.</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Andreas Buschka <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> <listitem><para>Robert D. Williams <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> <listitem><para>Poul Gerhard</para></listitem> <listitem><para>John Waalkes</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Vernon Wells</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Kay Lutz</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Stephan Kulow</para></listitem> </itemizedlist> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="we-still-need-people"> +<title>Še vedno rabimo ljudi! </title> + +<para>KDE je ogromen projekt in vsak, ki podpira KDE je to že spoznal. Vsi se zelo trudimo, da bi ustvarili uporabniški vmesnik, ki je preprost za uporabo in ima morda potencial, da naredi UNIX primeren za namizne PC-je. Imate možnost sodelovati v tem projektu in bili bi zelo hvaležni, če bi. Razvijalci in zainteresirani uporabniki komunicirajo preko večih poštnih list opisanih v <xref linkend="mailing-lists"/>. Če želite pomagati, prosim ne oklevajte! Še vedno iščemo ljudi, ki so pripravljeni pomagati v naslednjih oddelkih: </para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Razvoj (knjižnice in programi)</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Dokumentacija</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Grafika</para></listitem> <listitem><para>Beta testiranje</para></listitem> <listitem><para>in seveda vse ostalo :-) </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="legal-notices"> +<title>Pravne opombe </title> + +<para>Ta dokument vsebuje avtorsko zaščiten material naslednjih avtorjev: Andreasa Buschke, Gerharda Poula, Roberta Davida Williamsa. Vse zaščitne znamkeregistrirana imena, ki so bile omenjene so last njihovih zakonitih lastnikov. </para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="sources-of-information-used-during-the-creat"> +<title>Viri informacij, uporabljeni pri pisanju te knjige </title> + +<para>Med pisanjem te knjige so avtorji uporabljali naslednje vire informacij: </para> + +<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Poštne liste KDE </para></listitem> <listitem><para>Razne datoteke <filename>README</filename> in <abbrev>HTML</abbrev> datoteke sistema pomoči, ki so bile na voljo s komponentami KDE </para></listitem> </itemizedlist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="license"> +<title>Dovoljenje</title> + +&underGPL; + +</sect1> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeadmin-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeadmin-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0cb3ae67e6c --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeadmin-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<chapter id="tdeadmin-applications"> +<title>Administrativni programi (tdeadmin)</title> + +<para>V distribuciji tdeadmin lahko najdete spodaj naštete programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljen.</para> <para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&kcron;</term> <listitem><para>&kde; doda <application>Cron</application>ovim sposobnostim razporejanja opravil lep in intuitiven grafični vmesnik.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kuser;</term> <listitem><para>Grafični upravljalnik uporabnikov (za delovanje zahteva administratorske (<systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>) privilegije)</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kpackage;</term> <listitem><para>Vzdržujte vaš sistem na zadnjem nivoju s &kde;-jevim lastnim upravljalnikom paketov.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kdat;</term> <listitem><para>Pripomoček za varnostne kopije namenjen lastnikom tračnih enot.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&ksysv;</term> <listitem><para>Urejevalnik SysV-Init, ki vam pomaga ohranjati organiziran zagon računalnika.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kwuftpd;</term> <listitem><para>Grafičen vmesnik za nastavitev <application>wuftpd</application> &FTP; demona.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdebase-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdebase-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6d951e561df --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdebase-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +<chapter id="tdebase-applications"> +<title>Osnovni programi (tdebase)</title> + +<para>V distribuciji tdebase lahko najdete spodaj naštete programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljen.</para> +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&twin;</term> <listitem><para>&kde;-jev lastni okenski upravljalnik</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&konqueror;</term> <listitem><para>Brskajte z enako lahkoto po spletu, vašem disku ali &FTP; strani.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kicker;</term> <listitem><para>&kde; pult, ki vključuje opravilno vrstico, pager, uro in menu <guimenu>K</guimenu>.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&konsole;</term> <listitem><para>Zelo nastavljiv X terminalski emulator.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kate;</term> <listitem><para>Zmogljiv urejevalnik besedil, ki zna barvati skladnjo, ponuja upravljanje projektov in še veliko več.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kwrite;</term> <listitem><para>Osnoven urejevalnik besedil, ki pa še vedno zna barvati skladnjo in ima veliko zmožnosti.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&klipper;</term> <listitem><para>Odložišče z razliko - prilagodite lahko različna dejanja osnovana na stvareh, ki jih prepisujete.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><application>KDesktop</application></term> <listitem><para>Namizje samo.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&khelpcenter;</term> <listitem><para>&kde;-jevo lastno središče pomoči, ki je sposobno brskati po straneh man in info.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&tdm;</term> <listitem><para>&kde;-jev upravljalnik prijav</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kcontrol;</term> <listitem><para>Nadzorni pult (središče). Skoraj vse, kar se da v &kde; prilagoditi lahko prilagodite od tu - v &kde; pa lahko prilagodite svojemu okusu skoraj vse.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kwrite;</term> <listitem><para>Zelo prilagodljiv urejevalnik besedil, ki zna barvati skladnjo (C/C++, HTML...).</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kappfinder;</term> <listitem><para>Pripomoček za dodajanje ne-&kde; programov v vaš menu <guimenu>K</guimenu>, ki vam prihrani ročno opravljanje tega.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&tdescreensaver;</term> <listitem><para>Vsi imajo radi ohranjevalnike zaslonov in &kde; vam pri tem pomaga.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&ksysguard;</term> <listitem><para>Omrežno usposobljen sistemski monitor, ki vključuje dodano funkcionalnost ukaza <application>top</application></para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&ktip;</term> <listitem><para>Čarovnik Kandalf vam daje nasvete in zanimive informacije.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kmenuedit;</term> <listitem><para>Preuredite menu <guimenu>K</guimenu> s tem pripomočkom.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeedu-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeedu-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5e4f545b474 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeedu-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +<chapter id="edutainment-apps"> +<title>tdeedu applications</title> + +<para>You can get the following applications in the tdeedu +distributions.</para> + +<para>Stable applications are relatively bug free and come in source and binary +formats.</para> + +<para><ulink +url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Unstable versions change daily and are only in source form, meaning you +must compile them to get a working version. Remember these are unstable and +might not even compile. If you have a problem with an unstable application, +report the problem and it will most likely be fixed in a future snapshot.</para> +<para><ulink +url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term>&klettres;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +Very small children can learn the alphabet, using audio and/or visual cues. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kmessedwords;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +A simple mind-training game, in which you have to <quote>figure +out</quote> the word that has been given in the program. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ktouch;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +A program to help you learn to touch type. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&keduca;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +An educational project to allow the creation and revision of form +based tests/exams. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<!-- +<varlistentry> +<term>&kmathhelp;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +A collection of math tools. There's something here for parents, +teachers, and kids alike. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + + +<varlistentry> +<term>&knumbers;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +This program aims to help a child (aged 10-12) to revise things about +numbers, like expanded numbers. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + + +<varlistentry> +<term>&klearnspelling;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +Hold your own spelling bees. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +--> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kstars;</term> +<listitem> +<para>Put a planetarium on your desktop. &kstars; contains a huge +amount of reference material, and includes the ability to download +photographs of items you see in the heavens.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kgeo;</term> +<listitem> +<para>Even geometry is fun with &kgeo;.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kvoctrain;</term> +<listitem> +<para>Learning another language is easier with &kvoctrain; to practise +and expand your vocabulary.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<!-- +<varlistentry> +<term>&kpercentage;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +A small math application that will help pupils to improve their skills in calculating percentages. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kverbos;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +&kverbos; is an application specially designed to study Spanish verb forms. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kalzium;</term> +<listitem> +<para>&kalzium; helps you learn the periodic table of elements.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +--> + +</variablelist> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdegames-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdegames-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0bfa7fbb9a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdegames-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +<chapter id="entertainment-applications"> +<title>Entertainment Applications</title> + +<para>You can get the following applications in the tdegames +distributions.</para> + +<para>Stable applications are relatively bug free and come in source +and binary formats.</para> + +<para><ulink +url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> +<para>Unstable versions change daily and are only in source form, +meaning you must compile them to get a working version. Remember +these are unstable and might not even compile. If you have a problem +with an unstable application, report the problem and it will most +likely be fixed in a future snapshot.</para> <para><ulink +url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term>&kenolaba;</term> +<listitem><para>A Network enabled board game you can play against the computer or +against another player on your network.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kasteroids;</term> +<listitem><para> +A little space shoot-em-up. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&katomic;</term> +<listitem><para> +A perplexing little logic puzzle game, where you get to build your own molecules. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kblackbox;</term> +<listitem><para> +A &kde; rewrite of the classic <application>Emacs</application> blackbox game. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kbackgammon;</term> +<listitem><para> +Backgammon, the &kde; way. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kjumpingcube;</term> +<listitem><para> +A tactical one or two player game that's harder than it looks. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kmahjongg;</term> +<listitem><para> +The classic tile matching game. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kmines;</term> +<listitem><para> +Find the mines without making them explode. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&konquest;</term> +<listitem><para> +Expand your interstellar empire across the galaxy and of course, crush your +rivals in the process. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kpatience;</term> +<listitem><para> +No computer is complete without Patience. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kpoker;</term> +<listitem><para> +A &kde; version of those addictive one armed bandits. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kreversi;</term> +<listitem><para> +A &kde; version of the classic game. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ksame;</term> +<listitem><para> +Addictive little logic game. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kshisen;</term> +<listitem><para> +Another tile matching game. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ksirtet;</term> +<listitem><para> +Play either a version of Tetris, or the well known (in Japan) game Puyo-Puyo. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ksmiletris;</term> +<listitem><para> +A slightly different from the norm Tetris clone. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ksnake;</term> +<listitem><para> +The classic nibbles game gets an update and a speed boost. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ksokoban;</term> +<listitem><para> +Push those crates to get where you need to go. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kspaceduel;</term> +<listitem><para> +Shoot your enemy down, in a challenging two player arcade game. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ktron;</term> +<listitem><para> +Classic keep-away - keep away from your foe, the walls, and your own tail. +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&ktuberling;</term> +<listitem><para> +One for the little ones, who could resist the potato guy? +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&lskat;</term> +<listitem><para> +A tricky card game +</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> +</chapter> diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdegraphics-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdegraphics-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5d56e27d15a --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdegraphics-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +<chapter id="graphical-applications"> +<title>Grafični programi</title> + +<para>V distribuciji tdegraphics lahko najdete naslednje, spodaj naštete programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bodo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljene.</para> +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&kuickshow;</term> <listitem> <para>Hiter in zmogljiv pregledovalnik slik</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>KPosnetek</term> <listitem><para> Pripomoček za snemanje zaslonov. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kfract;</term> <listitem><para> Majhen generator fraktalov. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kview;</term> <listitem><para> Zmogljiv preglejevalnik slik, sposoben prikazati mnoge formate. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kghostview;</term> <listitem><para> &kde;-jev lastni preglejevalnik &PostScript;a. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kfax; in <application>KViewFax</application></term> <listitem><para> Pripomočka za ogled in ravnanje s faksi. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kdvi;</term> <listitem><para> Pregledovalnik &DVI;. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kruler;</term> <listitem> <para>Zaslonsko ravnilo; je zelo uporabno za delo s slikami ali stranmi <acronym>HTML</acronym>.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdemultimedia-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdemultimedia-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..79c5d374090 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdemultimedia-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +<chapter id="multimedia-applications"> +<title>Večpredstavni programi</title> + +<para>V distribuciji tdemultimedia lahko najdete spodaj naštete programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bodo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljene.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&kmix;</term> <listitem><para>Pult mešalne mize</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&aktion;</term> <listitem><para>Predvajalnik za filme in animacije s podporo za mnoge formate.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&noatun;</term> <listitem><para>Predvajalnik zvočnih datotek, s podporo mnogim formatom, seznamom za predvajanje in celo videom.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kaboodle;</term> <listitem> <para>Lahek, prilagodljiv enopotezni večpredstavnostni predvajalnik - brez seznamov, olepšav, ki bi ga upočasnile, le hitro predvaja eno samo datoteko.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kscd;</term> <listitem><para>&kde;-jev predvajalnik &CD;, s podporo <acronym>CDDB</acronym>.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&tdemid;</term> <listitem><para> Predvajalnik MIDI s podporo za petje.. vaš lasten predvajalnik Karaoke! </para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&tdemidi;</term> <listitem><para> Prijetno zveneč a procesorsko zahteven predvajalnik MIDI </para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdenetwork-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdenetwork-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..de964b5fd00 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdenetwork-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +<chapter id="network-applications"> +<title>Omrežni programi </title> + +<para>V distribuciji tdenetwork lahko najdete naslednje, spodaj naštete programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink> </para> +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bodo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljene.</para> +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&kmail;</term> <listitem><para>Zmogljiv e-poštni odjemalec, ki omogoča uporabo več strežnikov in različnih identitet.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&knode;</term> <listitem><para>Zmogljiv novičarski odjemalec s podporo za več NNTP strežnikov.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kit;</term> <listitem><para>Odjemalec AOL Instant Messenger, uporablja protokol <abbrev>TOC</abbrev> .</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&ksirc;</term> <listitem><para>Odjemalec IRC</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&korn;</term> <listitem><para>Vstavek Biff. <application>Korn</application> preverja, ali je prispela nova pošta in vam pove, ko je na voljo za nalaganje z vašega strežnika.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kppp;</term> <listitem><para>Program za klicanje interneta.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&ktalkd;</term> <listitem><para> Uporabniki v mreži, ki uporabljajo klasični program <command>talk</command>, lahko celo v &kde; še vedno pritegnejo vašo pozornost z uporabo &ktalkd;; </para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdepim-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdepim-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..599bae5f9b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdepim-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<chapter id="tdepim-applications"> +<title>Programi iz paketa tdepim</title> + +<para>V distribuciji tdepim lahko najdete spodaj naštete programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bodo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljene.</para> +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&korganizer;</term> <listitem><para>Organizirajte si čas s tem priročnim koledarjem, dnevnikom in razporejevalnikom opravil.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kpilot;</term> <listitem><para>Pripomoček za sinhronizacijo vašega &PalmPilot;a s PC-jem.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kalarm; in &kalarmd;</term> <listitem> <para>Demon, ki pazi na vaše sestanke v koledarju in odjemalec, ki poskrbi, da jih ne zgrešite.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdetoys-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdetoys-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c0eea1e4f06 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdetoys-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +<chapter id="toys-apps"> +<title>&kde; Toys</title> + +<para>You can get the following applications in the tdetoys +distributions.</para> + +<para>Stable applications are relatively bug free and come in source and binary +formats.</para> + +<para><ulink +url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Unstable versions change daily and are only in source form, meaning you +must compile them to get a working version. Remember these are unstable and +might not even compile. If you have a problem with an unstable application, +report the problem and it will most likely be fixed in a future snapshot.</para> +<para><ulink +url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><application>fifteenapplet</application> and <application>eyesapplet</application></term> +<listitem> +<para>Some little applets to put the fifteen game and some spooky eyes on your panel.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><application>KAphorism</application></term> +<listitem> +<para>Words of wisdom, based on the date.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kmoon;</term> +<listitem> +<para> +Put the moon in your panel, and keep up with it's phases. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kodometer;</term> +<listitem> +<para>Ever wondered how far your mouse travels in a day? Wonder no more.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kscore;</term> +<listitem> +<para>Sports fans can keep up with the latest scores for their favorite team with &kscore;.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kteatime;</term> +<listitem> +<para>The one application no &kde; developer would be without, it reminds you when the beverage that fuels &kde; is ready to drink.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><application>KWeather</application></term> +<listitem> +<para>Get up to date weather forecasts from your nearest weather station, no matter where you are in the world. Or maybe keep an eye on your next holiday destination.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term>&kworldclock;</term> +<listitem> +<para>Watch as time marches across the world with this nifty applet.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><application>KTux</application></term> +<listitem> +<para>The &Linux; penguin Tux takes to space in this screensaver.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeutils-apps.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeutils-apps.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7048c1dc7e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/tdeutils-apps.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +<chapter id="utility-applications"> +<title>Potrebščine</title> +<para>V distribuciji tdeutils lahko najdete naslednje programe.</para> + +<para>Stabilne različice imajo relativno malo hroščev in so na voljo v izvorni kodi in binarnih formatih.</para> + +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/distribution/stable</ulink></para> + +<para>Nestabilne različice se spreminjajo dnevno in so na voljo le v obliki izvorne kode, kar pomeni, da jih morate prevesti, da dobite delujočo različico. Zavedajte se, da so nestabilne in se morda sploh ne dajo prevesti. Če imate težave z nestabilnim programom, poročajte o njih in po vsej verjetnosti bodo v prihodnjem posnetku odpravljene.</para> +<para><ulink url="ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current/">ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/CVS/snapshots/current</ulink></para> + +<variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>&kcharselect;</term> <listitem><para>Izbirnik znakov (prikaže vse znake, ki so na voljo v določeni pisavi, vključno s tistimi, za katere na vaši tipkovnici nimate tipk)</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&tdepasswd;</term> <listitem><para>&kde;-jev vmesnik za &UNIX;-ov ukaz <command>passwd</command>.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&tdessh;</term> <listitem><para>&kde;-jev vmesnik za ukaz <command>ssh</command>. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kdiskfree;</term> <listitem><para>&kde;-jev vmesnik za pripomoček <application>df</application>, z dodano funkcionalnostjo</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kfloppy;</term> <listitem><para>Program, ki omogoča formatiranje disket.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kedit;</term> <listitem><para>Majhen, preprost urejevalnik, podoben dobro znanemu Notepadu. Primeren je za urejevanje majhnih besedil ali kot preprost pregledovalnik tekstovnih datotek. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&karm;</term> <listitem><para>Časovni sledilnik. Vnesete lahko seznam <quote>opravil</quote>, poženete &karm;ovo uro in beležil bo čas, ki ste ga porabili za označeno opravilo.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&khexedit;</term> <listitem><para>Celovit binarni urejevalnik</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kjots;</term> <listitem><para>Majhen program, ki skrbi za beležke.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&klaptop;</term> <listitem><para>Ponuja nadzor na akumulatorejm vašega prenosnika</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&kljettool;</term> <listitem><para>Nadzorni pult za &HP; LaserJet</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&klpq;</term> <listitem><para>&klpq; je vmesnik za <application>lpq</application>, <application>lprm</application> in <application>lpc</application>. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>&knotes;</term> <listitem><para>Uporaben in lep pripomoček za beležke.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/ug-faq.docbook b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/ug-faq.docbook new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c84e84c35c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/userguide/ug-faq.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +<chapter id="frequently-asked-questions"> +<title>Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja o &kde; </title> + +<epigraph> +<attribution>Batman Animated Series</attribution> +<para>Kaj si ti?</para> +<para>Tvoja najhujša nočna mora...</para> +</epigraph> + +<para>So vprašanja, ki se vedno znova pojavljajo na poštnih seznamih &kde;. Da obdržimo promet v mejah (kar olajša branje seznamov), smo jih vključili v ta razdelek. Prosim bodite dovolj uvidevni in jih ne zastavljajte več - pomislite na gornji citat! </para> + +<!-- pretty short list.. going to watch mailing lists a little, and +see if there aren't any more questions that ought to be here --> + +<qandaset id="faq"> +<qandaentry> +<question><para>Kaj pomeni <quote>&kde;</quote>?</para></question> +<answer><para>KDE je kratica, ki pomeni <emphasis>K Desktop Environment</emphasis>, po slovensko namizno okolje K, in je mišljeno kot zbirka majhnih orodij, okenskega in datotečnega upravljalnika in orodij, ki vse to povezujejo. Ustvarjeno je, da vam olajša življenje v &UNIX;-u. </para></answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question><para>Ne morem prevesti paketa xxx</para></question> +<answer> + +<para>Vedno se prepričajte, da imate nameščeno zadnjo različico &kde;-jevih knjižnic. Programska oprema se nenehno razvija, tako da se lahko v primeru, da uporabljate <acronym>CVS</acronym>, odvisnosti spreminjanjo z enega dneva na drugega. Za večino uporabnikov je bolje, če uporabljajo objavljeno različico.</para> + +<para> Prav tako vam bodo morda pomagali <link linkend="source-distribution">splošni namigi za prevajanje</link>. Drug vir težav pa je lahko ta, da uporabljate program pisan za zelo staro različico &kde;, ki je odvisen od zastarelih vključnih (include) datotek. V arhivu izvorne kode poiščite datoteko <filename>README</filename> in poglejte, ali je v njej razloženo, katero različico &kde; rabi ta program.Če to ne pomaga, prosim preverite datume datotek. Morali bi biti novejši kot datumi vaše trenutne različice &kde;.</para> +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> + +<question><para>Katero različico &kde; naj uporabim za stabilno namizje?</para></question> +<answer><para>&kde; pridobite na različne načine. Že prevedeni binarni paketi v ustreznem formatu (rpm, deb, tgz) z označeno različico (⊀ 3.0) so najboljši način, da vašemu namizju &kde; vcepite stabilnost.</para> + +</answer> +</qandaentry> + +<qandaentry> +<question><para>Vendar pa sem slišal, da je moja težava/želja <quote>že v <acronym>CVS</acronym></quote>. Želim preizkusiti nove lastnosti, zakaj ne bi poskusil s <acronym>CVS</acronym>?</para></question> + +<answer> +<para>Cena stabilnosti je, da je potrebno čakati na vsako novo izdajo, da lahko uživate v novih zmožnostih. Nasprotno pa je cena za to, da ste med prvimi, ki vidijo nove zmožnosti, slabša stabilnot. &kde; ima precej gost urnik izdaj in njihova stabilnost je še posebnega pomena. Večino uporabnikov &kde;, v kolikor ne nameravajo sodelovati pri razvolju, uporaba razvojnih različic ne prinese veliko prednosti.</para> + +<para>Vendar pa je vedno dovolj prostora za izkušene uporabnike, ki vedo, v kaj se spuščajo in so pripravljeni poročati o najdenih hroščih. Če ste to vi, potem ni razloga, da ne bi poskusili različic <acronym>CVS</acronym>. Bodite pripravljeni, da se lahko stvari občasno sesujejo, <acronym>CVS</acronym> vam namreč da posnetek kode, na kateri se trenutno dela.</para> + +<para>To so dnevni posnetki vsega, na čemer delajo razvijalci in nekatere stvari so zanesljivo pokvarjene.</para> + +<warning> +<para><emphasis>Ne zanašajte se na posnetke <abbrev>CVS</abbrev>, da bi vzdrežavali delujoča namizja</emphasis>. Lahko se boste hudo opekli!</para> +</warning> + +</answer> + +</qandaentry> +</qandaset> + +</chapter> + diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/visualdict/CMakeLists.txt b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/visualdict/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..90d80e23d4a --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-sl/docs/tdebase/khelpcenter/visualdict/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +################################################# +# +# (C) 2013 Alexander Golubev (Fat-Zer) +# fatzer2 (AT) gmail.com +# +# Improvements and feedback are welcome +# +# This file is released under GPL >= 2 +# +################################################# + +install( FILES pict1.png pict2.png pict3.png pict4.png pict5.png pict6.png + pict7.png pict8.png pict9.png pict10.png pict11.png pict12.png + pict13.png pict14.png pict15.png pict16.png pict17.png pict18.png + pict19.png pict20.png + DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/sl/khelpcenter/visualdict ) diff --git 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