path: root/tde-i18n-sl/messages/tdegames/kgoldrunner.po
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Diffstat (limited to 'tde-i18n-sl/messages/tdegames/kgoldrunner.po')
1 files changed, 1974 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tde-i18n-sl/messages/tdegames/kgoldrunner.po b/tde-i18n-sl/messages/tdegames/kgoldrunner.po
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f99af7d3dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tde-i18n-sl/messages/tdegames/kgoldrunner.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1974 @@
+# translation of kgoldrunner.po to Slovenian
+# Translation of kgoldrunner.po to Slovenian
+# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Gregor Rakar <[email protected]>, 2003, 2004, 2005.
+# Jure Repinc <[email protected]>, 2007.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: kgoldrunner\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-10-10 02:33+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-06 02:38+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Jure Repinc <[email protected]>\n"
+"Language-Team: Slovenian <[email protected]>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
+"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
+msgid ""
+"Your names"
+msgstr "Gregor Rakar"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
+msgid ""
+"Your emails"
+#: data_messages.cpp:11
+msgid "TRANSLATORS: Please see the notes in the data_messages.cpp file."
+msgstr "Bomo enkrat."
+#: data_messages.cpp:29
+msgid "Hi !!"
+msgstr "Živijo!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:30
+msgid ""
+"Hi ! Welcome to KGoldrunner ! The idea of the game is to pick up all the gold "
+"nuggets, then climb to the top of the playing area and move up to the next "
+"level. A hidden ladder will appear as you collect the last nugget.\n"
+"The hero (the green figure) is your deputy. To collect the nuggets, just point "
+"the mouse where you want him to go. At first gravity takes over and he falls "
+msgstr ""
+"Živijo! Dobrodošli v KGoldrunner! Cilj igre je pobrati vse zlate kepe, nato "
+"splezati na vrh igralnega področja in iti na naslednjo stopnjo. Ko poberete "
+"zadnjo kepo, se prikaže skrita lestev.\n"
+"Junak (zelena figura) je vaš namestnik. Da zberete vse kepe, ga samo usmerite z "
+"miško. Najprej podleže gravitaciji in pade ..."
+#: data_messages.cpp:36
+msgid "Navigation"
+msgstr "Navigacija"
+#: data_messages.cpp:37
+msgid ""
+"This is an exercise in moving around. Follow the track of gold nuggets until "
+"the ladder pops up at the right. The hero can only follow the mouse along "
+"simple paths (like _ | L or U), so be careful not to get too far ahead of him.\n"
+"DANGER: Try not to fall off the ladder or bar into the concrete pit at the "
+"bottom right. If you do get trapped there, the only way out is to kill the "
+"hero (press key Q for quit) and start the level again."
+msgstr ""
+"To je vaja premikanja naokoli. Sledite po poti iz zlatih kep, dokler se na "
+"desni ne pojavi lestev. Junak lahko sledi miški le po preprostih poteh (npr. _ "
+"| L ali U), zato bodite previdni, da ne pridete preveč pred njega.\n"
+"NEVARNO: Pazite, da ne boste padli z lestve ali letve v betonsko jamo spodaj "
+"desno. Če se ujamete tam, boste morali ubiti junaka (pritisnite Q za končanje) "
+"in znova začeti stopnjo."
+#: data_messages.cpp:43
+msgid "Digging"
+msgstr "Kopanje"
+#: data_messages.cpp:44
+msgid ""
+"Now you have to dig to get the gold! Just use the left and right mouse buttons "
+"to dig left or right of the hero's position. The hero can then jump into and "
+"through the hole he has dug. He can also dig several holes in a row and run "
+"sideways through the dug holes. Be careful though. After a while the holes "
+"close up and you can get trapped and killed.\n"
+"In the third box down, you have to dig two holes, jump in and quickly dig one "
+"more, to get through two layers. On the right, you have to dig three, then two "
+"then one to get through. There are also two little puzzles to work out along "
+"the way. Good luck!\n"
+"By the way, you can dig through brick, but not concrete."
+msgstr ""
+"Sedaj morate kopati, da dobite zlato! Uporabite levi in desni miškin gumb za "
+"kopanje levo ali desno od položaja junaka. Junak lahko nato skoči v luknjo, ki "
+"jo je izkopal. Lahko izkoplje več lukenj naenkrat in teče stransko skozi "
+"izkopane luknje. Vendar bodite previdni. Čez nekaj časa se luknje zaprejo in "
+"lahko se ujamete ali ubijete.\n"
+"V tretjem okvirju spodaj morate izkopati dve luknji, skočiti in hitro izkopati "
+"še eno, da pridete skozi dve plasti. Na desni morate izkopati tri, nato dve in "
+"nato še eno, da pridete skozi. Na poti sta še dve uganki, da jih razrešite. "
+"Veliko sreče!\n"
+"Mimogrede, kopljete lahko skozi opeke, vendar ne stene."
+#: data_messages.cpp:52
+msgid "You Have ENEMIES !!!"
+msgstr "Imate SOVRAŽNIKE !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:53
+msgid ""
+"Well, it's been nice and easy up to now, but the game would be no fun without "
+"enemies. They are after the gold too: worse still they are after you! You die "
+"if they catch you, but maybe you will have a few lives left and can start "
+"You can handle enemies by running away, digging a hole or luring them into part "
+"of the playing area where they get stranded.\n"
+"If an enemy falls into a hole, he gives up any gold he is carrying, then gets "
+"stuck in the hole for a time and climbs out. If the hole closes while he is in "
+"it, he dies and reappears somewhere else on the screen. You can deliberately "
+"kill enemies by digging several holes in a row.\n"
+"More importantly, you can run over an enemy's head. You must do that right at "
+"the start of this level. Dig a hole, trap the enemy, wait for him to fall all "
+"the way in, then run over him, with the other enemy in hot pursuit..."
+msgstr ""
+"No, doslej je bilo enostavno, vendar pa igra ni zabavna brez sovražnikov. Tudi "
+"oni iščejo zlato, poleg tega pa iščejo še vas. Če vas ujamejo umrete, vendar pa "
+"boste mogoče še imeli nekaj življenj in boste lahko začeli znova.\n"
+"Sovražnikom se lahko izognete tako, da jim pobegnete, skopljete jamo ali pa jih "
+"zvabite v tisti del igralnega področja, kjer lahko obtičijo.\n"
+"Če sovražnik pade v luknjo, potem preda zlato, ki ga je nosil, obtiči v luknji "
+"nekaj časa, nato pa spleza ven. Če se jama zapre medtem, ko je on v njej, umre "
+"in se nato znova pojave nekje drugje na zaslonu. Lahko tudi namenoma ubijate "
+"sovražnike tako, da skopljete več lukenj naenkrat.\n"
+"Še bolj pomembno pa je, da lahko tečete preko sovražnikove glave. To morate "
+"storiti takoj na začetku te stopnje. Skopljite luknjo, zavedite sovražnika, da "
+"pade vanjo, nato pa tecite čez njega, tako da vas lovi drug sovražnik ..."
+#: data_messages.cpp:63
+msgid "Bars"
+msgstr "Letve"
+#: data_messages.cpp:64
+msgid ""
+"You can move horizontally along bars (or poles), but if you move down you will "
+"let go and fall .... Also, note that you can collect gold by falling onto it."
+msgstr ""
+"Po letvah se lahko gibljete vodoravno, če pa se premaknete navzdol, boste padli "
+"... Vedite tudi, da lahko zlato poberete tudi tako, da padete na njega."
+#: data_messages.cpp:68
+msgid "False Bricks"
+msgstr "Lažne opeke"
+#: data_messages.cpp:69
+msgid ""
+"Some of the bricks in this level are not what they seem. If you walk onto them "
+"you fall through. The enemies fall through them too."
+msgstr ""
+"Nekaj opek na tej stopnji ni takih, kakršne izgledajo. Če stopite nanje, boste "
+"padli skozi. Tudi sovražniki bodo padli skozi."
+#: data_messages.cpp:73 data_messages.cpp:110
+msgid "Bye ......."
+msgstr "Adijo ......"
+#: data_messages.cpp:74 data_messages.cpp:111
+msgid ""
+"This is just a nice easy level to finish up with. Have fun with the other "
+"games in KGoldrunner.\n"
+"Note that there is a game Editor in which you and your friends can make up "
+"levels and challenge each other. There is also a KGoldrunner Handbook in the "
+"Help Menu, which contains more detail than this Tutorial.\n"
+"It's been a pleasure showing you around. Bye !!!"
+msgstr ""
+"To je lepa in lahka stopnja, da jo končate. Uživajte tudi v drugih stopnjah v "
+"Vedite, da je v igri tudi urejevalnik, s katerim lahko vi in vaši prijatelji "
+"naredijo stopnje in se nato medsebojno izzovete. V meniju pomoči je tudi "
+"Priročnik KGoldrunner, ki vsebuje več podrobnosti kot tale Vodič.\n"
+"Bilo je v veselje pokazati to. Adijo!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:82
+msgid "Bars and Ladders"
+msgstr "Letve in lestve"
+#: data_messages.cpp:83
+msgid ""
+"There's nowhere to dig, so you must dodge the enemies and avoid falling to the "
+"concrete at the wrong time. Try to keep the enemies together.\n"
+"If an enemy has a gold outline, he is holding a nugget. He might drop it as he "
+"runs over the concrete or maybe at the top of a ladder ...... patience, "
+"patience !!"
+msgstr ""
+"Nikamor ne morete kopati, zato se morate izogniti sovražnikom in izogibati "
+"padcem na beton ob nepravem času. Poskusite obdržati sovražnike skupaj.\n"
+"Če ima sovražnik zlat obris, potem ima pri sebi kepo. Mogoče jo bo spustil, ko "
+"bo tekel preko betona ali pa jo bo odvrgel na vrhu lestve ....... potrpljenje, "
+#: data_messages.cpp:89
+msgid "To kill ....."
+msgstr "Ubiti ....."
+#: data_messages.cpp:90
+msgid ""
+"You cannot get up to the gold, so you must get the enemies to bring it down to "
+"you. But how do you get them to keep going back?\n"
+"If you are feeling stressed, you can hit the P or Esc key and take a break. "
+"Also, you can use the Settings menu to slow down the action."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne morete priti do zlata, torej morate dobiti sovražnika, ki ga prinese k vam. "
+"Toda kako jih prepričate, da se vračajo?\n"
+"Če ste nekoliko nervozni, lahko pritisnete tipko Esc ali P in si vzamete "
+"premor. Lahko tudi uporabite meni Nastavitve, da upočasnite dogajanje."
+#: data_messages.cpp:96
+msgid "... Or not to kill?"
+msgstr "... ali ne ubiti?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:97
+msgid ""
+"It is best not to kill the enemy. Try it and you will find out why ... Heh, "
+"heh, heh !! ... ;-)\n"
+"If you do kill him unintentionally, before you have collected the gold at the "
+"top left, you can still finish the level by digging away the side of the pit he "
+"is in."
+msgstr ""
+"Najbolje je ne ubiti sovražnika. Poskusite in zvedeli boste zakaj, ..... he he "
+"he he ....;-)\n"
+"Če ga ubijete nenamerno preden ste zbrali zlato zgoraj levo, lahko še vedno "
+"končate stopnjo tako, da izkopljete prehod v jamo, v kateri je sovražnik."
+#: data_messages.cpp:103
+msgid "Traps"
+msgstr "Pasti"
+#: data_messages.cpp:104
+msgid ""
+"Some of the bricks here are not what they seem. They are known as false "
+"bricks, fall-through bricks or traps. If you try to walk on them, you fall "
+"through. If the enemies walk on them, they can descend on you without warning. "
+" Sometimes you have to fall through a brick to get some gold.\n"
+"At the start, jump into the concrete pit, dig and drop through. That will get "
+"one enemy tied up for a while .... :-)"
+msgstr ""
+"Nekatere opeke niso to, kar izgledajo. Znane so kot napačne opeke, prehodne "
+"opeke ali pasti. Če poskusite hoditi po njih, boste padli skoznje. Če "
+"sovražniki lahko hodijo po njih, se lahko spustijo na vas brez opozorila. "
+"Včasih boste morali skozi opeko, da dobite nekaj zlata.\n"
+"Na začetku skočite v betonsko jamo, kopljite in se spustite skozi. Tako boste "
+"za nekaj časa onesposobili enega sovražnika .... :-)"
+#: data_messages.cpp:157
+msgid "Don't Panic"
+msgstr "Brez panike"
+#: data_messages.cpp:160
+msgid "Lust for Gold"
+msgstr "Zlata mrzlica"
+#: data_messages.cpp:161
+msgid ""
+"When you kill the enemies you can trap them permanently in the pit at top "
+msgstr "Ko ubijete sovražnika, ga lahko trajno ujamete v jami zgoraj desno."
+#: data_messages.cpp:165
+msgid "Ladders? Trust me !"
+msgstr "Lestve? Zaupaj mi!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:168
+msgid "Drop In and Say Hello"
+msgstr "Spusti se in reči Živijo"
+#: data_messages.cpp:171
+msgid "The Mask"
+msgstr "Maska"
+#: data_messages.cpp:174
+msgid "Check for Traps"
+msgstr "Preveri, kje so pasti"
+#: data_messages.cpp:177
+msgid "Take It Easy !"
+msgstr "Lepo počasi!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:180
+msgid "Fall on a Fortune"
+msgstr "Padec na srečo"
+#: data_messages.cpp:183
+msgid "The Lattice"
+msgstr "Rešetka"
+#: data_messages.cpp:186
+msgid "Shower of Gold"
+msgstr "Ploha zlata"
+#: data_messages.cpp:189
+msgid "The Foundry"
+msgstr "Livarna"
+#: data_messages.cpp:192
+msgid "Soft Landings"
+msgstr "Mehki pristanki"
+#: data_messages.cpp:195
+msgid "Unlucky for Some"
+msgstr "Nesreča za nekatere"
+#: data_messages.cpp:198
+msgid "The Balance"
+msgstr "Ravnovesje"
+#: data_messages.cpp:201
+msgid "Gold Bars"
+msgstr "Zlate letve"
+#: data_messages.cpp:204
+msgid "Hard Row to Hoe"
+msgstr "Težka vrsta za okopavanje"
+#: data_messages.cpp:207
+msgid "Golden Maze"
+msgstr "Zlati labirint"
+#: data_messages.cpp:210
+msgid "Delayed Trap"
+msgstr "Zamujena past"
+#: data_messages.cpp:213
+msgid "Nowhere to Hide"
+msgstr "Nikamor za skriti"
+#: data_messages.cpp:216
+msgid "Watch the Centre"
+msgstr "Pazi na središče"
+#: data_messages.cpp:219
+msgid "Where to Dig?"
+msgstr "Kam kopati?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:222
+msgid "Easy Stages"
+msgstr "Lahke stopnje"
+#: data_messages.cpp:225
+msgid "Gold Mesh"
+msgstr "Zlata mrzlica"
+#: data_messages.cpp:228
+msgid "Acrobat"
+msgstr "Akrobat"
+#: data_messages.cpp:231
+msgid "Mongolian Horde"
+msgstr "Mongolska horda"
+#: data_messages.cpp:234
+msgid "Rocky Terrain"
+msgstr "Skalnat teren"
+#: data_messages.cpp:237
+msgid "Down the Chimney"
+msgstr "Dol po dimniku"
+#: data_messages.cpp:240
+msgid "Space Invader"
+msgstr "Vesoljski osvajalec"
+#: data_messages.cpp:243
+msgid "Winding Road"
+msgstr "Ovinkasta pot"
+#: data_messages.cpp:246
+msgid "Light My Fire"
+msgstr "Prižgi mi ogenj"
+#: data_messages.cpp:249
+msgid "Cockroach"
+msgstr "Ščurek"
+#: data_messages.cpp:252 data_messages.cpp:532
+msgid "The Runaround"
+msgstr "Tek v krogu"
+#: data_messages.cpp:255
+msgid "Speedy"
+msgstr "Hitro"
+#: data_messages.cpp:258
+msgid "Dig Deep"
+msgstr "Koplji globoko"
+#: data_messages.cpp:261
+msgid "Zig Zag"
+msgstr "Cik cak"
+#: data_messages.cpp:264
+msgid "Free Fall"
+msgstr "Prosti pad"
+#: data_messages.cpp:267
+msgid "Forgotten Gold"
+msgstr "Pozabljeno zlato"
+#: data_messages.cpp:270
+msgid "Two of Diamonds"
+msgstr "Dva karo"
+#: data_messages.cpp:273
+msgid "Suicide Jump"
+msgstr "Samomorilski skok"
+#: data_messages.cpp:276
+msgid "Easy Access"
+msgstr "Lahek dostop"
+#: data_messages.cpp:279
+msgid "Gold Braid"
+msgstr "Zlata nevesta"
+#: data_messages.cpp:282
+msgid "Cat's Eyes"
+msgstr "Mačje oči"
+#: data_messages.cpp:285
+msgid "Keep 'em Coming"
+msgstr "Naj prihajajo"
+#: data_messages.cpp:288
+msgid "The Funnel"
+msgstr "Lijak"
+#: data_messages.cpp:291
+msgid "Lattice Maze"
+msgstr "Rešetkast labirint"
+#: data_messages.cpp:294
+msgid "Hard Work for Poor Pay"
+msgstr "Težko delo za majhno plačilo"
+#: data_messages.cpp:297
+msgid "Forked Ladders"
+msgstr "Razvejene lestve"
+#: data_messages.cpp:300
+msgid "Snowing Gold"
+msgstr "Snežeče zlato"
+#: data_messages.cpp:303
+msgid "Left or Right?"
+msgstr "Levo ali desno?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:306
+msgid "Houndstooth"
+msgstr "Pasji zob"
+#: data_messages.cpp:309
+msgid "Five Levels"
+msgstr "Pet stopenj"
+#: data_messages.cpp:312
+msgid "Pitfalls"
+msgstr "Pasti"
+#: data_messages.cpp:315
+msgid "Get IN There !!"
+msgstr "Pojdi notri !!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:318
+msgid "A Steady Climb"
+msgstr "Stalen vzpon"
+#: data_messages.cpp:321
+msgid "Fall-through Lattice"
+msgstr "Nevarna rešetka"
+#: data_messages.cpp:324
+msgid "Get me OUT of Here !!"
+msgstr "Spustite me ven !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:327
+msgid "Empty Cellar"
+msgstr "Prazna klet"
+#: data_messages.cpp:330
+msgid "The Rose"
+msgstr "Vrtnica"
+#: data_messages.cpp:333
+msgid "Lotus Puzzle"
+msgstr "Lotusova uganka"
+#: data_messages.cpp:336
+msgid "Long Drop"
+msgstr "Dolg spust"
+#: data_messages.cpp:339
+msgid "Party On !!!"
+msgstr "Žurka !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:342
+msgid "Cross-stitch"
+msgstr "Križni prijem"
+#: data_messages.cpp:345
+msgid "Can't Get Up There"
+msgstr "Ne da se priti tja"
+#: data_messages.cpp:348
+msgid "They're Everywhere !!!"
+msgstr "Povsod so !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:351
+msgid "Rooftops"
+msgstr "Strehe"
+#: data_messages.cpp:354
+msgid "Tricky Traps"
+msgstr "Zagonetne pasti"
+#: data_messages.cpp:357
+msgid "Make Them Work for You"
+msgstr "Naj delajo zate"
+#: data_messages.cpp:360
+msgid "Get Going !!"
+msgstr "Gremo že !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:363
+msgid "Three Chimneys"
+msgstr "Trije dimniki"
+#: data_messages.cpp:366
+msgid "The Archway"
+msgstr "Hodnik"
+#: data_messages.cpp:369
+msgid "Starwave"
+msgstr "Zvezdni val"
+#: data_messages.cpp:372
+msgid "Amazing Finish"
+msgstr "Neverjeten zaključek"
+#: data_messages.cpp:375
+msgid "Overcrowding"
+msgstr "Gneča"
+#: data_messages.cpp:378
+msgid "Pillars"
+msgstr "Stebri"
+#: data_messages.cpp:381
+msgid "Hopeful Descent"
+msgstr "Upajoč spust"
+#: data_messages.cpp:384
+msgid "The Rack"
+msgstr "Polica"
+#: data_messages.cpp:387
+msgid "Twists and Turns"
+msgstr "Obrati in zavoji"
+#: data_messages.cpp:390
+msgid "The Saucer"
+msgstr "Krožnik"
+#: data_messages.cpp:393
+msgid "The Dotted Line"
+msgstr "Pikčasta črta"
+#: data_messages.cpp:396
+msgid "Don't Look Down (1)"
+msgstr "Ne glej navzdol (1)"
+#: data_messages.cpp:399
+msgid "Getting Started"
+msgstr "Kako začeti"
+#: data_messages.cpp:402
+msgid "Digging Hassle"
+msgstr "Napori kopanja"
+#: data_messages.cpp:405
+msgid "Easy Middle"
+msgstr "Lahko srednje"
+#: data_messages.cpp:408
+msgid "Don't Look Down (2)"
+msgstr "Ne glej navzdol (2)"
+#: data_messages.cpp:411
+msgid "Which Way?"
+msgstr "Kam sedaj?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:414
+msgid "Don't Look Down (3)"
+msgstr "Ne glej navzdol (3)"
+#: data_messages.cpp:417
+msgid "Drop ???"
+msgstr "Spust ???"
+#: data_messages.cpp:420
+msgid "Help !!!"
+msgstr "Na pomoč !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:423
+msgid "Yorick's Skull"
+msgstr "Yorickova lobanja"
+#: data_messages.cpp:426
+msgid "No Mercy"
+msgstr "Brez milosti"
+#: data_messages.cpp:429
+msgid "Gold Sandwich"
+msgstr "Zlati sendvič"
+#: data_messages.cpp:432
+msgid "Golden Curtain"
+msgstr "Zlata zavesa"
+#: data_messages.cpp:435
+msgid "Are you spider or fly?"
+msgstr "Ste pajek ali muha?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:438
+msgid "Funny?"
+msgstr "Smešno?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:441
+msgid "Hard Landings"
+msgstr "Težki pristanki"
+#: data_messages.cpp:444
+msgid "Golden Tower"
+msgstr "Zlati stolp"
+#: data_messages.cpp:448
+msgid ""
+"This level is named after the famous German submarine war film and dedicated to "
+"Marco Krüger of Berlin, the original author of KGoldrunner.\n"
+"Just one small hint .... if you stand on the right hand end of the boat you can "
+"get the enemy to fall towards you .... the rest is up to you !!!!"
+msgstr ""
+"Ta stopnja je poimenovana po slavnem vojnem filmu o nemški podmornici in je "
+"posvečena Marcu Krügerju iz Berlina, ki je bil prvotni avtor KGoldrunnerja.\n"
+"Samo majhen namig ... če stojite blizu desnega konca čolna, lahko padajo "
+"sovražniki proti vam ... za ostalo poskrbite sami!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:454
+msgid "Quick ! RUN !!!"
+msgstr "Hitro! TECI !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:457
+msgid "Surprise Ending"
+msgstr "Presenetljiv konec"
+#: data_messages.cpp:460
+msgid "Diagonal Disaster"
+msgstr "Diagonalna katastrofa"
+#: data_messages.cpp:463
+msgid "Easy Start"
+msgstr "Lahek začetek"
+#: data_messages.cpp:466
+msgid "Mobile Bricks"
+msgstr "Mobilne opeke"
+#: data_messages.cpp:469
+msgid "The Big Haul"
+msgstr "Velika pridobitev"
+#: data_messages.cpp:472
+msgid "Quick Off The Mark"
+msgstr "Hitro s črte"
+#: data_messages.cpp:475
+msgid "Who Needs Enemies?"
+msgstr "Kdo potrebuje sovražnike?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:478
+msgid "Asymmetrical"
+msgstr "Asimetrično"
+#: data_messages.cpp:481
+msgid "Goldrunner Prophecy"
+msgstr "Prerokba zlatega tekača"
+#: data_messages.cpp:484
+msgid "The Rosette"
+msgstr "Rozeta"
+#: data_messages.cpp:487
+msgid "He's Got the Gold"
+msgstr "Ima zlato"
+#: data_messages.cpp:490
+msgid "Towers of Gold"
+msgstr "Stolpi zlata"
+#: data_messages.cpp:493
+msgid "The Box"
+msgstr "Škatla"
+#: data_messages.cpp:496
+msgid "Delayed Drop"
+msgstr "Zamujen spust"
+#: data_messages.cpp:499
+msgid "Maze of Ladders"
+msgstr "Labirint lestev"
+#: data_messages.cpp:502
+msgid "Ride 'em Down"
+msgstr "Spusti jih dol"
+#: data_messages.cpp:505
+msgid "Hair's Breadth Timing"
+msgstr "Čas na debelino lasu"
+#: data_messages.cpp:508
+msgid "The Three Musketeers"
+msgstr "Trije mušketirji"
+#: data_messages.cpp:511
+msgid "Rat Trap"
+msgstr "Mišolovka"
+#: data_messages.cpp:514
+msgid "Head Case"
+msgstr "Glavni primer"
+#: data_messages.cpp:517
+msgid "Under the Stairs"
+msgstr "Pod stopnicami"
+#: data_messages.cpp:520
+msgid "Bertie Beetle"
+msgstr "Hrošč Bertie"
+#: data_messages.cpp:523
+msgid "Short Circuit"
+msgstr "Kratek stik"
+#: data_messages.cpp:526
+msgid "Synchronised Running"
+msgstr "Sinhroniziran tek"
+#: data_messages.cpp:529
+msgid "Impossible?"
+msgstr "Nemogoče?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:535
+msgid "Short Cut?"
+msgstr "Bližnjica?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:538
+msgid "Sky Walker"
+msgstr "Nebesni sprehajalec"
+#: data_messages.cpp:541
+msgid "The Vault"
+msgstr "Shramba"
+#: data_messages.cpp:544
+msgid "Patchwork Quilt"
+msgstr "Karirasta odeja"
+#: data_messages.cpp:547
+msgid "Do You Need Him?"
+msgstr "Ga potrebuješ?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:550
+msgid "Stuck in Storage"
+msgstr "Obtičal v shrambi"
+#: data_messages.cpp:553
+msgid "So Far for So Little"
+msgstr "Kolikor toliko malo"
+#: data_messages.cpp:556
+msgid "Pharaoh's Tomb"
+msgstr "Faraonova grobnica"
+#: data_messages.cpp:559
+msgid "Entangled"
+msgstr "Zavozlan"
+#: data_messages.cpp:562
+msgid "Flying Tower"
+msgstr "Leteči stolp"
+#: data_messages.cpp:565
+msgid "Pot Hole"
+msgstr "Udarna jama"
+#: data_messages.cpp:568
+msgid "Sticky Ladders"
+msgstr "Lepljive lestve"
+#: data_messages.cpp:571
+msgid "The Laboratory"
+msgstr "Laboratorij"
+#: data_messages.cpp:574
+msgid "Pete likes Ladders"
+msgstr "Pete ima rad lestve"
+#: data_messages.cpp:577
+msgid "Where's the Roof?"
+msgstr "Kje je streha?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:580
+msgid "Ninja Style"
+msgstr "Slog nindže"
+#: data_messages.cpp:583
+msgid "Cooperation?"
+msgstr "Sodelovanje?"
+#: data_messages.cpp:586
+msgid "Triple Trap"
+msgstr "Trojna past"
+#: data_messages.cpp:591
+msgid "Initiation"
+msgstr "Iniciacija"
+#: data_messages.cpp:592
+msgid ""
+"These 100 levels make an excellent introductory game, as well as a good "
+"opportunity for experts to build up high scores. They were composed by Peter "
+"Wadham and use traditional playing rules.\n"
+"The last few levels are very hard, but if you are looking for even more of a "
+"challenge, have a go at 'Vengeance of Peter W' .... ;-) ...."
+msgstr ""
+"S temi 100 stopnjami se odlično uvedete v igro, je pa tudi dobra priložnost za "
+"izkušene, da si naberejo visoke rezultate. Ustvaril jih je Peter Wadham in "
+"uporabljajo tradicionalna pravila igranja.\n"
+"Nekaj zadnjih stopenj je zelo zahtevnih, če pa iščete še večji izziv, poiščite "
+"»Maščevanje Petra W« ....... ;-)"
+#: data_messages.cpp:594
+msgid "Challenge"
+msgstr "Izziv"
+#: data_messages.cpp:595
+msgid ""
+"These tricky little levels were composed by Peter, Simon, Genevieve and their "
+"father Ian Wadham. They use traditional playing rules. Enjoy! .... ;-) ...."
+msgstr ""
+"Te zagonetne majhne stopnje so ustvarili Peter, Simon, Genevieve in njihov oče "
+"Ian Wadham. Uporabljajo tradicionalna pravila igranja. Uživajte! ... ;-) ..."
+#: data_messages.cpp:597
+msgid "Vengeance of Peter W"
+msgstr "Maščevanje Petra W"
+#: data_messages.cpp:598
+msgid ""
+"Gooood luck !!\n"
+"Mwarrhh hwwarrrr haarrrr !!!"
+msgstr ""
+"Vso srečooo !!\n"
+"Hha ha ha !!!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:600 main.cpp:21
+msgid "KGoldrunner"
+msgstr "KGoldrunner"
+#: data_messages.cpp:601
+msgid ""
+"These levels were composed by Marco Krüger, the original author of the "
+"KGoldrunner program, and some of his friends and contributors. They use "
+"KGoldrunner rules. The enemies run fast and have an aggressive search "
+"strategy. Enjoy! .... :-) ...."
+msgstr ""
+"Te stopnje je ustvaril Marco Krüger, prvotni avtor programa KGoldrunner, ter "
+"nekateri njegovi prijatelji in prispevkarji. Uporabljajo pravila KGoldrunnerja. "
+"Sovražniki tečejo hitro in imajo agresivno strategijo iskanja. Uživajte!"
+#: data_messages.cpp:603
+msgid "Tutorial"
+msgstr "Vodnik"
+#: data_messages.cpp:604
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial is a collection of easy levels that teaches you the rules of "
+"KGoldrunner and helps you develop the skills you need to get started. Each "
+"level has a brief explanation, then you play .....\n"
+"When you move on to play more advanced levels, you will find that KGoldrunner "
+"combines action, strategy and puzzle solving --- all in one game."
+msgstr ""
+"Ta vodnik je zbirka enostavnih stopenj, ki vas naučijo pravil KGoldrunnerja in "
+"vam pomagajo pri razvoju vaših sposobnosti, ki jih potrebujete na začetku. "
+"Vsaka stopnja ponuja kratko razlago, nato pa igrate.\n"
+"Ko se premikate preko naprednejših stopenj, boste ugotovili, da KGoldrunner "
+"združuje, akcijo, strategijo in reševanje ugank - vse to v eni igri."
+#: data_messages.cpp:606
+msgid "Advanced Tutorial"
+msgstr "Napredni vodnik"
+#: data_messages.cpp:607
+msgid ""
+"This tutorial is preparation for some of the things you might find in the "
+"middle levels of the 'Initiation' game. Enjoy ...."
+msgstr ""
+"Ta vodnik je priprava na nekatere stvari, ki bi jih lahko našli v srednjih "
+"stopnjah igre Iniciacije. Uživajte ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:161
+msgid "&New Game..."
+msgstr "&Nova igra ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:165
+msgid "&Load Saved Game..."
+msgstr "Na&loži shranjeno igro ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:167
+msgid "&Play Any Level..."
+msgstr "&Igraj katerokoli stopnjo ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:172
+msgid "Play &Next Level..."
+msgstr "Igraj &naslednjo stopnjo ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:185
+msgid "&Save Game..."
+msgstr "&Shrani igro ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:202
+msgid "&Get Hint"
+msgstr "&Dobi namig"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:207
+msgid "&Kill Hero"
+msgstr "&Ubij junaka"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:229
+msgid "&Create Level"
+msgstr "&Ustvari stopnjo"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:234 kgoldrunner.cpp:1005
+msgid "&Edit Any Level..."
+msgstr "U&redi katerokoli stopnjo ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:239
+msgid "Edit &Next Level..."
+msgstr "Uredi &naslednjo stopnjo ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:250 kgoldrunner.cpp:1007 kgrgame.cpp:772
+msgid "&Save Edits..."
+msgstr "&Shrani urejane ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:257
+msgid "&Move Level..."
+msgstr "&Premakni stopnjo ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:262
+msgid "&Delete Level..."
+msgstr "&Zbriši stopnjo ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:273
+msgid "Create Game..."
+msgstr "Ustvari igro ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:278
+msgid "Edit Game Info..."
+msgstr "Uredi podatke o igri ..."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:301
+msgid "&Ice Cave"
+msgstr "&Ledena jama"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:306
+msgid "&Midnight"
+msgstr "&Polnoč"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:311
+msgid "&KDE Kool"
+msgstr "&KDE Kool"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:332
+msgid "&Mouse Controls Hero"
+msgstr "&Miška nadzoruje junaka"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:338
+msgid "&Keyboard Controls Hero"
+msgstr "&Tipkovnica nadzoruje junaka"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:356
+msgid "Normal Speed"
+msgstr "Navadna hitrost"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:361
+msgid "Beginner Speed"
+msgstr "Začetniška hitrost"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:366
+msgid "Champion Speed"
+msgstr "Zmagovalna hitrost"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:371
+msgid "Increase Speed"
+msgstr "Povečaj hitrost"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:376
+msgid "Decrease Speed"
+msgstr "Zmanjšaj hitrost"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:391
+msgid "&Traditional Rules"
+msgstr "&Tradicionalna pravila"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:396
+msgid "K&Goldrunner Rules"
+msgstr "Pravila K&Goldrunnerja"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:410
+msgid "Larger Playing Area"
+msgstr "Večja igralna površina"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:415
+msgid "Smaller Playing Area"
+msgstr "Manjša igralna površina"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:437
+msgid "Move Up"
+msgstr "Premakni gor"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:439
+msgid "Move Right"
+msgstr "Premakni desno"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:441
+msgid "Move Down"
+msgstr "Premakni dol"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:443
+msgid "Move Left"
+msgstr "Premakni levo"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:447
+msgid "Dig Right"
+msgstr "Koplji desno"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:449
+msgid "Dig Left"
+msgstr "Koplji levo"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:465
+msgid "Step"
+msgstr "Korak"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:467
+msgid "Test Bug Fix"
+msgstr "Preizkušanje popravka hroščev"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:469
+msgid "Show Positions"
+msgstr "Prikaži položaje"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:471
+msgid "Start Logging"
+msgstr "Začni beleženje"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:473
+msgid "Show Hero"
+msgstr "Prikaži junaka"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:475
+msgid "Show Object"
+msgstr "Prikaži predmet"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:477 kgoldrunner.cpp:479 kgoldrunner.cpp:481
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:483 kgoldrunner.cpp:485 kgoldrunner.cpp:487
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:489
+msgid "Show Enemy"
+msgstr "Prikaži sovražnika"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:525 kgoldrunner.cpp:763
+msgid "or"
+msgstr "ali"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:544
+msgid " Lives: "
+msgstr " Življenja: "
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:555
+msgid " Score: "
+msgstr " Rezultat: "
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:566
+msgid " Level: "
+msgstr " Stopnja: "
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:575
+msgid "Press \"%1\" to RESUME"
+msgstr "Pritisnite »%1« za nadaljevanje"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:578
+msgid "Press \"%1\" to PAUSE"
+msgstr "Pritisnite »%1« za premor"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:586
+msgid " Has hint "
+msgstr " Ima namig "
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:589
+msgid " No hint "
+msgstr " Brez namiga "
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:849 kgoldrunner.cpp:861 kgoldrunner.cpp:874
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:883
+msgid "Get Folders"
+msgstr "Dobi mape"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:850
+msgid ""
+"Cannot find documentation sub-folder 'en/%1/' in area '%2' of the KDE folder "
+msgstr ""
+"Ni moč najti dokumentacijske podmape »en/%1/« v področju »%2« mape KDE "
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:862
+msgid ""
+"Cannot find system games sub-folder '%1/system/' in area '%2' of the KDE folder "
+msgstr ""
+"Ni moč najti sistemske podmape »%1/system/« v področju »%2« mape KDE "
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:875
+msgid ""
+"Cannot find or create user games sub-folder '%1/user/' in area '%2' of the KDE "
+"user area ($KDEHOME)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ni moč najti ali ustvariti podmap uporabniških iger »%1/uporabnik/« v področju "
+"»%2« uporabniškega področja KDE ($KDEHOME)."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:884
+msgid ""
+"Cannot find or create 'levels/' folder in sub-folder '%1/user/' in the KDE user "
+"area ($KDEHOME)."
+msgstr ""
+"Ni moč najti ali ustvariti mape »levels/« v podmapi »%1/uporabnik/« v "
+"uporabniškem področju KDE ($KDEHOME)."
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:913
+msgid "Switch to Keyboard Mode"
+msgstr "Preklopi na način tipkovnice"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:914
+msgid ""
+"You have pressed a key that can be used to move the Hero. Do you want to switch "
+"automatically to keyboard control? Mouse control is easier to use in the long "
+"term - like riding a bike rather than walking!"
+msgstr ""
+"Pritisnili ste tipko, ki se lahko uporablja za premikanje junaka. Ali želite "
+"samodejno preklopiti na nadzor s tipkovnico? Nadzor z miško je dolgoročno "
+"enostavnejši - kot vožnja s kolesom namesto hoje!"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:918
+msgid "Switch to &Keyboard Mode"
+msgstr "Preklopi na način &tipkovnice"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:918
+msgid "Stay in &Mouse Mode"
+msgstr "Ostani v načinu &miške"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1003
+msgid "&Create a Level"
+msgstr "&Ustvari stopnjo"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1013
+msgid "Edit Name/Hint"
+msgstr "Uredi ime/namig"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1019
+msgid "Empty space"
+msgstr "Prazen prostor"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1022
+msgid "Hero"
+msgstr "Junak"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1025
+msgid "Enemy"
+msgstr "Sovražnik"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1028
+msgid "Brick (can dig)"
+msgstr "Opeka (lahko se koplje)"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1031
+msgid "Concrete (cannot dig)"
+msgstr "Beton (se ne more kopati)"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1034
+msgid "Trap (can fall through)"
+msgstr "Past (pade skozi)"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1037
+msgid "Ladder"
+msgstr "Lestev"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1040
+msgid "Hidden ladder"
+msgstr "Skrita lestev"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1043
+msgid "Pole (or bar)"
+msgstr "Letev"
+#: kgoldrunner.cpp:1046
+msgid "Gold nugget"
+msgstr "Zlata kepa"
+#: kgrcanvas.cpp:108 kgrcanvas.cpp:115 kgrcanvas.cpp:146
+msgid "Change Size"
+msgstr "Spremeni velikost"
+#: kgrcanvas.cpp:109
+msgid "Sorry, you cannot make the play area any smaller."
+msgstr "Žal igralne površine ne morete zmanjšati."
+#: kgrcanvas.cpp:116
+msgid "Sorry, you cannot make the play area any larger."
+msgstr "Žal igralne površine ne morete povečati."
+#: kgrcanvas.cpp:147
+msgid ""
+"Sorry, you cannot change the size of the playing area. That function requires "
+"Qt Library version 3 or later."
+msgstr ""
+"Žal ne morete spremeniti velikosti igralne površine. Ta funkcija rabi knjižnico "
+"Qt različice 3 ali kasnejše."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:39 kgrdialog.cpp:86
+msgid "Select Game"
+msgstr "Izberite igro"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:64
+msgid "List of games:"
+msgstr "Seznam iger:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:76
+msgid "More Info"
+msgstr "Več informacij"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:88
+msgid "Level 1 of the selected game is:"
+msgstr "Stopnja 1 izbrane igre je:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:92
+msgid "Select Game/Level"
+msgstr "Izberite igro/stopnjo"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:93
+msgid "Select level:"
+msgstr "Izberite stopnjo:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:108
+msgid "Level number:"
+msgstr "Število stopnje:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:111
+msgid "Edit Level Name && Hint"
+msgstr "Uredi ime stopnje in namig"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:155
+msgid "Start Game"
+msgstr "Začni igro"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:164
+msgid "Play Level"
+msgstr "Zaigraj stopnjo"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:167 kgrgame.cpp:1408 kgrgame.cpp:1420
+msgid "Edit Level"
+msgstr "Uredi stopnjo"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:170 kgrdialog.cpp:680
+msgid "Save New"
+msgstr "Shrani novo"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:173
+msgid "Save Change"
+msgstr "Shrani spremembe"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:176 kgrgame.cpp:1743 kgrgame.cpp:1765 kgrgame.cpp:1782
+msgid "Delete Level"
+msgstr "Zbriši stopnjo"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:179
+msgid "Move To..."
+msgstr "Premakni v ..."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:182 kgrdialog.cpp:583 kgrdialog.cpp:655 kgrgame.cpp:2167
+msgid "Edit Game Info"
+msgstr "Uredi podatke o igri"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:341
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"_n: 1 level, uses KGoldrunner rules.\n"
+"%n levels, uses KGoldrunner rules."
+msgstr ""
+"%n stopenj, uporablja pravila KGoldrunnerja.\n"
+"%n stopnja, uporablja pravila KGoldrunnerja.\n"
+"%n stopnji, uporablja pravila KGoldrunnerja.\n"
+"%n stopnje, uporablja pravila KGoldrunnerja."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:344
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"_n: 1 level, uses Traditional rules.\n"
+"%n levels, uses Traditional rules."
+msgstr ""
+"%n stopenj, uporablja tradicionalna pravila.\n"
+"%n stopnja, uporablja tradicionalna pravila.\n"
+"%n stopnji, uporablja tradicionalna pravila.\n"
+"%n stopnje, uporablja tradicionalna pravila."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:349
+msgid " levels, uses KGoldrunner rules."
+msgstr " stopenj, uporablja pravila KGoldrunnerja."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:351
+msgid " levels, uses Traditional rules."
+msgstr " stopenj, uporablja tradicionalna pravila."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:360
+msgid "About \"%1\""
+msgstr "O »%1«"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:369
+msgid "Sorry, there is no further information about this game."
+msgstr "Žal o tej igri ni več informacij."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:393 kgrgame.cpp:2155 kgrgame.cpp:2161 kgrgame.cpp:2181
+msgid "Select Level"
+msgstr "Izberite stopnjo"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:394
+msgid "This level number is not valid. It can not be used."
+msgstr "Ta številka stopnje ni veljavna. Ne more se uporabiti."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:414
+msgid ""
+"The main button at the bottom echoes the menu action you selected. Click it "
+"after choosing a game and level - or use \"Cancel\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Glavni gumb na dnu je odziv na izbrano menijsko dejanje, ki ste ga izbrali. "
+"Kliknite ga po izbiri igre in stopnje ali pa izberite »Prekliči«."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:419
+msgid ""
+"If this is your first time in KGoldrunner, select the tutorial game or click "
+"\"Cancel\" and click that item in the Game or Help menu. The tutorial game "
+"gives you hints as you go.\n"
+"Otherwise, just click on the name of a game (in the list box), then, to start "
+"at level 001, click on the main button at the bottom. Play begins when you move "
+"the mouse or press a key."
+msgstr ""
+"Če prvič igrate KGoldrunner, izberite Vodnik ali pa kliknite »Prekliči« in "
+"kliknite to postavko v menijo Igra ali Pomoč. Vodnik vam bo podal namige med "
+"V nasprotnem primeru samo kliknite ime igre (v seznamskem polju), nato pa za "
+"začetek igre na stopnji 001 kliknite na glavni gumb na dnu. Igra se prične, ko "
+"premaknete miško ali pritisnete tipko."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:430
+msgid ""
+"You can select System levels for editing (or copying), but you must save the "
+"result in a game you have created. Use the mouse as a paintbrush and the editor "
+"toolbar buttons as a palette. Use the 'Empty Space' button to erase."
+msgstr ""
+"Lahko izberete sistemske stopnje za urejanje (ali kopiranje), vendar pa morate "
+"rezultat shraniti v igri, ki ste jo ustvarili. Uporabite miško kot čopič in "
+"orodjarno urejevalnika kot paleto. Uporabite gumb »Prazen prostor« za brisanje."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:437
+msgid ""
+"You can add a name and hint to your new level here, but you must save the level "
+"you have created into one of your own games. By default your new level will go "
+"at the end of your game, but you can also select a level number and save into "
+"the middle of your game."
+msgstr ""
+"Tukaj lahko dodate ime in namig za novo stopnjo, vendar pa morate stopnje, ki "
+"ste jih ustvarili, shraniti v eno izmed svojih iger. Privzeto se nove stopnje "
+"postavijo na konec vaše igre, vendar pa lahko izberete tudi številko stopnje in "
+"jo shranite nekam v sredino igre."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:444
+msgid ""
+"You can create or edit a name and hint here, before saving. If you change the "
+"game or level, you can do a copy or \"Save As\", but you must always save into "
+"one of your own games. If you save a level into the middle of a series, the "
+"other levels are automatically re-numbered."
+msgstr ""
+"Tu lahko ustvarite in uredite ime in namig pred shranjevanjem. Če spremenite "
+"igro ali stopnjo, lahko naredite kopiranje ali pa »Shrani kot«, vendar pa "
+"morate vedno shraniti v eno izmed vaših iger. Če shranite stopnjo v sredino "
+"igre, so druge stopnje samodejno preštevilčene."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:451
+msgid ""
+"You can only delete levels from one of your own games. If you delete a level "
+"from the middle of a series, the other levels are automatically re-numbered."
+msgstr ""
+"Lahko samo zbrišete stopnje iz ene od svojih iger. Če zbrišete stopnjo iz "
+"sredine igre, bodo druge stopnje samodejno preštevilčene."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:456
+msgid ""
+"To move (re-number) a level, you must first select it by using \"Edit Any "
+"Level...\", then you can use \"Move Level...\" to assign it a new number or "
+"even a different game. Other levels are automatically re-numbered as required. "
+"You can only move levels within your own games."
+msgstr ""
+"Ta premaknete (preštevilčite) stopnjo, jo morate najprej izbrati z uporabo "
+"»Uredi katerokoli stopnjo ...«, nato uporabite »Premakni stopnjo«, da ji "
+"dodelite novo številko ali celo novo igro. Druge stopnje so samodejno "
+"preštevilčene. Stopnje lahko premikate samo znotraj svojih iger."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:463
+msgid ""
+"When editing game info you only need to choose a game, then you can go to a "
+"dialog where you edit the details of the game."
+msgstr ""
+"Med urejanjem informacij o igri morate samo izbrati igro, nato pa odprete "
+"pogovorno okno, kjer urejate podrobnosti o igri."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:470
+msgid ""
+"Click on the list box to choose a game. Below the list box you can see \"More "
+"Info\" about the selected game, how many levels there are and what rules the "
+"enemies follow (see the Settings menu).\n"
+"You select a level number by typing it or using the scroll bar. As you vary "
+"the game or level, the thumbnail area shows a preview of your choice."
+msgstr ""
+"Izberite seznamsko polje za izbor igre. Pod seznamskim poljem lahko vidite gumb "
+"»Več informacij« o izbrani igri. Pove vam, koliko stopenj ima in katera pravila "
+"so uporabljena za sovražnike (poglejte meni Nastavitve).\n"
+"Stopnjo lahko izberete tako, da vpišete številko stopnje ali pa uporabite drsni "
+"trak. Ko spreminjate igro ali stopnjo, se spreminja sličica, ki prikazuje ogled "
+"vaše izbire."
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:480
+msgid "Help: Select Game & Level"
+msgstr "Pomoč: Izbira igre in stopnje"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:495 kgrdialog.cpp:537
+msgid "Edit Name & Hint"
+msgstr "Uredi ime in namig"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:512
+msgid "Name of level:"
+msgstr "Ime stopnje:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:517
+msgid "Hint for level:"
+msgstr "Namig za stopnjo:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:606
+msgid "Name of game:"
+msgstr "Ime igre:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:612
+msgid "File name prefix:"
+msgstr "Pripona imena datoteke:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:617
+msgid "Traditional rules"
+msgstr "Tradicionalna pravila"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:618
+msgid "KGoldrunner rules"
+msgstr "Pravila KGoldrunnerja"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:620 kgrdialog.cpp:679
+msgid "0 levels"
+msgstr "0 stopenj"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:623
+msgid "About this game:"
+msgstr "O tej igri:"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:652
+msgid "Create Game"
+msgstr "Ustvari igro"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:668
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"_n: 1 level\n"
+"%n levels"
+msgstr ""
+"%n stopenj\n"
+"%n stopnja\n"
+"%n stopnji\n"
+"%n stopnje"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:671
+msgid "%1 levels"
+msgstr "%1 stopenj"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:674
+msgid "Save Changes"
+msgstr "Shrani spremembe"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:760 kgrdialog.cpp:803
+msgid "Select Saved Game"
+msgstr "Izberite shranjeno igro"
+#: kgrdialog.cpp:778
+msgid "Game Level/Lives/Score Day Date Time "
+msgstr "Igra Stopnja/Življenja/Rezultat Dan Datum Čas"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:145
+msgid "GAME OVER !!!"
+msgstr "KONEC IGRE !!!"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:191
+msgid ""
+"<b>CONGRATULATIONS !!!!</b>"
+"<p>You have conquered the last level in the %1 game !!</p>"
+msgstr "<b>ČESTITKE !!!</b><p>Končali ste zadnjo stopnjo v igri %1!</p>"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:384
+msgid "Start Tutorial"
+msgstr "Začni vodnik"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:385
+msgid "Cannot find the tutorial game (file-prefix %1) in the %2 files."
+msgstr "Ni moč najti igre vodnika (datotečna pripona %1) v datotekah %2."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:394
+msgid "Hint"
+msgstr "Namig"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:400
+msgid "Sorry, there is no hint for this level."
+msgstr "Žal za to stopnjo ni namiga."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:514 kgrgame.cpp:523
+msgid "Load Level"
+msgstr "Naloži stopnjo"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:515
+msgid ""
+"Cannot find file '%1'. Please make sure '%2' has been run in the '%3' folder."
+msgstr ""
+"Ni moč najti datoteke »%1«. Prosim prepričajte se, da »%2« teče v mapi »%3«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:524 kgrgame.cpp:812 kgrgame.cpp:850 kgrgame.cpp:950
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1143 kgrgame.cpp:2467
+msgid "Cannot open file '%1' for read-only."
+msgstr "Ni moč odpreti datoteke »%1« samo za branje."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:682
+msgid "New Level"
+msgstr "Nova stopnja"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:770 kgrgame.cpp:775 kgrgame.cpp:801 kgrgame.cpp:811
+#: kgrgame.cpp:830
+msgid "Save Game"
+msgstr "Shrani igro"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:771
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Sorry, you cannot save your game play while you are editing. Please try menu "
+"item %1."
+msgstr ""
+"Žal ne morete shraniti vaše igre med urejanjem. Prosim poskusite z menijsko "
+"postavko %1."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:776
+msgid ""
+"Please note: for reasons of simplicity, your saved game position and score will "
+"be as they were at the start of this level, not as they are now."
+msgstr ""
+"Prosim vedite: zaradi preprostosti bosta vaš položaj shranjene igre in rezultat "
+"enaka, kot sta bila na začetku te stopnje, in ne, kot sta sedaj."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:802 kgrgame.cpp:989 kgrgame.cpp:1587 kgrgame.cpp:2545
+msgid "Cannot open file '%1' for output."
+msgstr "Ni moč odpreti datoteke »%1« za izhod."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:831
+msgid "Your game has been saved."
+msgstr "Vaša igra je bila shranjena."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:843 kgrgame.cpp:849 kgrgame.cpp:901
+msgid "Load Game"
+msgstr "Naloži igro"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:844
+msgid "Sorry, there are no saved games."
+msgstr "Žal ni shranjenih iger."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:902
+msgid "Cannot find the game with prefix '%1'."
+msgstr "Ni moč najti igre s pripono »%1«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:924
+msgid "Unknown"
+msgstr "Neznan"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:949 kgrgame.cpp:988
+msgid "Check for High Score"
+msgstr "Preveri najboljše rezultate"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1003
+msgid ""
+"<b>Congratulations !!!</b> You have achieved a high score in this game. "
+"Please enter your name so that it may be enshrined in the KGoldrunner Hall of "
+msgstr ""
+"<b>Čestitke !!!</b> Dosegli ste visok rezultat v tej igri. Prosim vnesite "
+"vaše ime, da se lahko pojavi v Najboljših rezultatih KGoldrunnerja."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1015 kgrgame.cpp:1031 kgrgame.cpp:1106
+msgid "Save High Score"
+msgstr "Shrani najboljše rezultate"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1032
+msgid "You must enter something. Please try again."
+msgstr "Nekaj morate vnesti. Prosim poskusite znova."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1107
+msgid "Your high score has been saved."
+msgstr "Vaš najboljši rezultat je bil shranjen."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1117 kgrgame.cpp:1133 kgrgame.cpp:1142
+msgid "Show High Scores"
+msgstr "Prikaži najboljše rezultate"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1118
+msgid "Sorry, we do not keep high scores for tutorial games."
+msgstr "Žal se najboljši rezultati začetniških iger ne shranjujejo."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1134
+msgid "Sorry, there are no high scores for the %1 game yet."
+msgstr "Žal še ni najboljših rezultatov za igro %1."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1155
+msgid ""
+"<h2>KGoldrunner Hall of Fame</h2></center>"
+"<h3>\"%1\" Game</h3></center>"
+msgstr ""
+"<h2>Najboljši rezultati KGoldrunnerja</h2></center>"
+"<h3>Igra »%1«</h3></center>"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1160
+msgid " Name Level Score Date"
+msgstr " Ime Stopnja Rezultat Datum"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1180
+msgid "High Scores"
+msgstr "Najboljši rezultati"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1359
+msgid "Create Level"
+msgstr "Ustvari stopnjo"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1360
+msgid ""
+"You cannot create and save a level until you have created a game to hold it. "
+"Try menu item \"Create Game\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne morete ustvariti in shraniti stopnje, dokler ne ustvarite igre, v kateri ta "
+"stopnja bo. Poskusite z menijsko postavko »Ustvari igro«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1409
+msgid ""
+"You cannot edit and save a level until you have created a game and a level. Try "
+"menu item \"Create Game\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne morete urejati in shraniti stopnje, dokler ne ustvarite igre, v kateri ta "
+"stopnja bo. Poskusite z menijsko postavko »Ustvari igro«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1421
+msgid ""
+"It is OK to edit a system level, but you MUST save the level in one of your own "
+"games. You're not just taking a peek at the hidden ladders and fall-through "
+"bricks, are you? :-)"
+msgstr ""
+"Lahko urejate sistemsko stopnjo, vendar MORATE shraniti stopnjo v eni od svojih "
+"iger. Menda ne iščete priložnosti iz skritih lestev in prehodnih opek? :-)"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1531 kgrgame.cpp:1568 kgrgame.cpp:1586 kgrgame.cpp:2062
+msgid "Save Level"
+msgstr "Shrani stopnjo"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1532
+msgid "Inappropriate action: you are not editing a level."
+msgstr "Neprimerno dejanje: ne urejate stopnje."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1569
+msgid "Do you want to insert a level and move existing levels up by one?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ali želite vstaviti stopnjo in premakniti obstoječe stopnje za eno naprej?"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1571
+msgid "&Insert Level"
+msgstr "&Vstavi stopnjo"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1642 kgrgame.cpp:1658 kgrgame.cpp:1666 kgrgame.cpp:1680
+msgid "Move Level"
+msgstr "Premakni stopnjo"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1643
+msgid "You must first load a level to be moved. Use the %1 or %2 menu."
+msgstr ""
+"Najprej morate naložiti stopnjo, ki jo želite premakniti. Uporabite meni %1 ali "
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1645
+msgid "Game"
+msgstr "Igra"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1646 kgrgame.cpp:1934
+msgid "Editor"
+msgstr "Urejevalnik"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1659
+msgid ""
+"You cannot move a level until you have created a game and at least two levels. "
+"Try menu item \"Create Game\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne morete premakniti stopnje, dokler niste ustvarili igre in vsaj dveh stopenj. "
+"Poskusite z menijsko postavko »Ustvari igro«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1667
+msgid "Sorry, you cannot move a system level."
+msgstr "Žal ne morete premakniti sistemske stopnje."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1681
+msgid "You must change the level or the game or both."
+msgstr "Spremeniti morate ali stopnjo ali igro ali oboje."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1744
+msgid ""
+"You cannot delete a level until you have created a game and a level. Try menu "
+"item \"Create Game\"."
+msgstr ""
+"Ne morete zbrisati stopnje, dokler niste ustvarili igre in vsaj dveh stopenj. "
+"Poskusite z menijsko postavko »Ustvari igro«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1766
+msgid "Do you want to delete a level and move higher levels down by one?"
+msgstr "Ali želite zbrisati stopnjo in premakniti višje stopnje za eno?"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1768
+msgid "&Delete Level"
+msgstr "&Zbriši stopnjo"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1783
+msgid "Cannot find file '%1' to be deleted."
+msgstr "Ni moč najti datoteke »%1« za brisanje."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1837 kgrgame.cpp:1847 kgrgame.cpp:1852 kgrgame.cpp:1866
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1884 kgrgame.cpp:2533 kgrgame.cpp:2544
+msgid "Save Game Info"
+msgstr "Shrani podatke o igri"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1838
+msgid "You must enter a name for the game."
+msgstr "Vnesti morate ime igre."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1848
+msgid "You must enter a filename prefix for the game."
+msgstr "Vnesti morate pripono datoteke za igro."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1853
+msgid "The filename prefix should not be more than 5 characters."
+msgstr "Pripona datoteke naj ne vsebuje več kot pet znakov."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1867
+msgid "The filename prefix should be all alphabetic characters."
+msgstr "Pripona datoteke naj bo samo iz črkovnih znakov."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1885
+msgid "The filename prefix '%1' is already in use."
+msgstr "Pripona imena datoteke »%1« je že v uporabi."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1922
+msgid "&Go on editing"
+msgstr "&Pojdi na urejanje"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1935
+msgid "You have not saved your work. Do you want to save it now?"
+msgstr "Vašega dela niste shranili. Ga želite shraniti sedaj?"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:1937
+msgid "&Don't Save"
+msgstr "&Ne shrani"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2063
+msgid "Cannot rename file '%1' to '%2'."
+msgstr "Ni moč preimenovati datoteke »%1« v »%2«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2156
+msgid "Sorry, you can only save or move into one of your own games."
+msgstr "Žal lahko shranite ali premikate samo v eno od svojih iger."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2162
+msgid "Sorry, you can only delete a level from one of your own games."
+msgstr "Žal lahko samo brišete stopnje iz ene od svojih iger."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2168
+msgid "Sorry, you can only edit the game information on your own games."
+msgstr "Žal lahko samo urejate informacije o svojih igrah. "
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2182
+msgid "There is no level %1 in %2, so you cannot play or edit it."
+msgstr "Ni stopnje %1 v %2, zato je ne morete igrati ali urejati."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2371 kgrgame.cpp:2389 kgrgame.cpp:2413 kgrgame.cpp:2426
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2435
+msgid "Check Games & Levels"
+msgstr "Preveri igre in stopnje"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2372
+msgid ""
+"There is no folder '%1' to hold levels for the '%2' game. Please make sure '%3' "
+"has been run in the '%4' folder."
+msgstr ""
+"Ni mape »%1«, ki bi vsebovala stopnje za igro »%2«. Prosim preverite, da »%3« "
+"teče v mapi »%4«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2390
+msgid "There are no files '%1/%2???.grl' for the %3 game."
+msgstr "Ni datotek »%1/%2???.grl« za igro %3."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2414
+msgid ""
+"File '%1' is beyond the highest level for the %2 game and cannot be played."
+msgstr ""
+"Datoteka »%1« je preko najvišje stopnje igre »%2« in je ni možno igrati."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2427
+msgid ""
+"File '%1' is before the lowest level for the %2 game and cannot be played."
+msgstr ""
+"Datoteka »%1« je pred najnižjo stopnjo igre »%2« in je ni možno igrati."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2436
+msgid "Cannot find file '%1' for the %2 game."
+msgstr "Ni moč najti datoteke »%1« za igro %2."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2458 kgrgame.cpp:2466 kgrgame.cpp:2514
+msgid "Load Game Info"
+msgstr "Naloži podatke o igri"
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2459
+msgid "Cannot find game info file '%1'."
+msgstr "Ni moč najti informacijske datoteke igre »%1«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2515
+msgid "Format error in game info file '%1'."
+msgstr "Oblikovna napaka v informacijski datoteki igre »%1«."
+#: kgrgame.cpp:2534
+msgid "You can only modify user games."
+msgstr "Spremenite lahko samo uporabniške igre."
+#: main.cpp:15
+msgid "KGoldrunner is a game of action and puzzle solving"
+msgstr "KGoldrunner je igra akcije in reševanja ugank"
+#: main.cpp:25
+msgid "Current author"
+msgstr "Trenutni avtor"
+#: main.cpp:27
+msgid "Original author"
+msgstr "Izvirni avtor"
+#. i18n: file kgoldrunnerui.rc line 12
+#: rc.cpp:3
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "&Editor"
+msgstr "&Urejevalnik"
+#. i18n: file kgoldrunnerui.rc line 24
+#: rc.cpp:6
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "&Landscapes"
+msgstr "&Pokrajine"