From 74c0544a8bb32a585f5b2c1f0a8468233b6143e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timothy Pearson This list shows all cost types available and what the self/inclusive cost of "
-"the current selected function is for that cost type. By choosing a cost type from the list, you change the cost type of costs "
-"shown all over KCachegrind to be the selected one. Zerrenda honek eskuragarri dauden kostu mota guztiak eta kostu mota "
-"batentzat hautatutako funtzioaren berezko kostua/kostu inklusiboa erakusten "
-"ditu. Zerrendan kostu mota ezberdina hautatuz, KCachegrind-eko kostu guztien "
-"kostu-mota aldatuko duzu. A trace consists of multiple trace parts when there are several profile data "
-"files from one profile run. The Trace Part Overview dockable shows these, "
-"horizontally ordered in execution time; the rectangle sizes are proportional to "
-"the total cost spent in the parts. You can select one or several parts to "
-"constrain all costs shown to these parts only. The parts are further subdivided: there is a partitioning and an callee "
-"split mode: "
Aztarna batek aztarna zati asko ditu profil exekuzio batean profil datu " -"fitxategi asko daudenean. Aztarna zatien ikuspegiak hauek erakusten ditu, " -"horizontalki ordenatuta exekuzio denboran, eta errektangeluaren tamainak " -"zatietako kostuekiko proportzionalak dira. Erakusten diren kostuak mugatzeko " -"zati bat edo gehiago hauta ditzakezu.
" -"Zati hauek ere azpibanatuta daude: talde eta deituen zatiketa moduen " -"arabera: " -"
This is a purely fictional 'most probable' call stack. It is built up by " -"starting with the current selected function and adds the callers/callees with " -"highest cost at the top and to bottom.
" -"The Cost and Calls columns show the cost used for all calls " -"from the function in the line above.
" -msgstr "" -"Kostu handiko deien pila " -"Hau asmatutako 'probabilitate handieneko' dei pila bat da. Uneko hautatutako " -"funtzioa hartu eta honen kostu handieneko deituak/deitzaileak gehitzen ditu " -"goian edo behean..
" -"Kostua eta Deiakzutabeek goiko lerroko funtziotik egin diren " -"deien kostuak erakusten ditu.
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:333 -msgid "Flat Profile" -msgstr "Profil laua" - -#: toplevel.cpp:343 -msgid "" -"The Flat Profile" -"The flat profile contains a group and a function selection list. The group " -"list contains all groups where costs are spent in, depending on the chosen " -"group type. The group list is hidden when group type 'Function' is selected." -"
" -"
The function list contains the functions of the selected group (or all for " -"'Function' group type), ordered by the costs spent therein. Functions with " -"costs less than 1% are hidden on default.
" -msgstr "" -"Profil laua" -"Profil lauak talde eta funtzio hautaketa zerrendak ditu. Talde zerrendak " -"kostua izan duten taldeak ditu, hautatutako taldearen motaren arabera. Talde " -"zerrenda ezkutuan dago talde mota 'Funtzioa' hautatzen bada." -"
" -"
Funtzio zerredak hautatutako taldearen funtzioak (edo guztiak 'Funtzioa' " -"talde motarentzat) , kostuaren arabera ordenatuta. % 1 baina kostu gutxiago " -"duten funtzioak ezkutatuko diren lehenespenez.
" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 16 -#: rc.cpp:84 toplevel.cpp:357 toplevel.cpp:609 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Profile Dumps" -msgstr "Profile iraulketak" - -#: toplevel.cpp:367 -msgid "" -"Profile Dumps" -"This dockable shows in the top part the list of loadable profile dumps in " -"all subdirectories of: " -"
On selecting a profile dump, information for it is shown in the bottom area " -"of the dockable: " -"
Atrakagarri honen goiko zatian hurrengo direktorioetako azpidirektorioetako " -"karga daitezkeen profil iraulketen zerrenda dago: " -"
Profil iraulketa bat hautatzean, honen informazioa beheko atalean azalduko " -"da: " -"
Make a copy of the current layout.
" -msgstr "" -"Bikoiztu uneko diseinua" -"Kopiatu uneko diseinua.Make a copy of the current layout.
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:466 -msgid "" -"Remove Current Layout" -"Delete current layout and make the previous active.
" -msgstr "" -"Kendu uneko diseinua" -"Ezabatu uneko diseinua eta aktibatu aurrekoa.
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:470 -msgid "&Go to Next" -msgstr "&Joan hurrengora" - -#: toplevel.cpp:474 -msgid "Go to Next Layout" -msgstr "Joan hurrengo diseinura" - -#: toplevel.cpp:477 -msgid "&Go to Previous" -msgstr "&Joan aurrekora" - -#: toplevel.cpp:481 -msgid "Go to Previous Layout" -msgstr "Joan aurreko diseinura" - -#: toplevel.cpp:484 -msgid "&Restore to Default" -msgstr "&Leheneratu lehenetsira" - -#: toplevel.cpp:487 -msgid "Restore Layouts to Default" -msgstr "Leheneratu diseinuak lehenetsira" - -#: toplevel.cpp:490 -msgid "&Save as Default" -msgstr "&Gorde lehenetsia bezala" - -#: toplevel.cpp:493 -msgid "Save Layouts as Default" -msgstr "Gorde diseinuak lehenetsiak bezala" - -#: toplevel.cpp:504 -msgid "NewOpen new empty KCachegrind window.
" -msgstr "BerriaIreki KCachegrind lehio huts berri bat..
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:507 -msgid "&Add..." -msgstr "&Gehitu..." - -#: toplevel.cpp:510 -msgid "" -"Add Profile Data" -"This opens an additional profile data file in the current window.
" -msgstr "" -"Gehitu profil datuak" -"Honek profil datu fitxategi gehigarri bat irekitzen du uneko lehioan.
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:522 -msgid "Reload Profile DataThis loads any new created parts, too.
" -msgstr "" -"Birkargatu profil datuak" -"Honek sortutako zati berriak ere kargatzen ditu
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:526 -msgid "&Export Graph" -msgstr "&Esportatu grafikoa" - -#: toplevel.cpp:530 -msgid "" -"Export Call Graph" -"Generates a file with extension .dot for the tools of the GraphViz " -"package.
" -msgstr "" -"Esportatu deien grafikoa" -".dot luzapendun fitxategi bat sortzen du GraphViz paketearen tresnentzat.
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:536 -msgid "&Force Dump" -msgstr "&Behartu iraulketa" - -#: toplevel.cpp:545 -msgid "" -"Force Dump" -"This forces a dump for a Callgrind profile run in the current directory. " -"This action is checked while KCachegrind looks for the dump. If the dump is " -"finished, it automatically reloads the current trace. If this is the one from " -"the running Callgrind, the new created trace part will be loaded, too.
" -"Force dump creates a file 'callgrind.cmd', and checks every second for its " -"existence. A running Callgrind will detect this file, dump a trace part, and " -"delete 'callgrind.cmd'. The deletion is detected by KCachegrind, and it does a " -"Reload. If there's no Callgrind running, press 'Force Dump' again to " -"cancel the dump request. This deletes 'callgrind.cmd' itself and stops polling " -"for a new dump.
" -"Note: A Callgrind run only detects existence of 'callgrind.cmd' " -"when actively running a few milliseconds, i.e. not " -"sleeping. Tip: For a profiled GUI program, you can awake Callgrind e.g. by " -"resizing a window of the program.
" -msgstr "" -"Behartu iraulketa" -"Honek Callgrind profil exekuzioaren iraulketa behartzen du uneko " -"direktorioan. Ekintza hau KCachegrind iraulketaren bila dagoenean bakarrik " -"hauta daiteke. Iraulketa amaitu bada, automatikoki uneko aztarna birkargatzen " -"du. Hau martxan dagoen Callgrind-ena bada, sortutako aztarna zati berria ere " -"kargatuko da.
" -"Behartu iraulketa aukerak callgrind.cmd izeneko fitxategi bat sortzen du " -"eta segunduro egiaztatzen du existitzen dela. Martxan dagoen Callgrind-ek " -"fitxategi hau detektutako luke aztarna zati bat irauli eta callgrind.cmd " -"ezabatuko luke. Ezabaketa KCachegrind-ek detektatuko luke eta birkargatu egingo " -"luke. Callgrind martxan ez badago, sakatu 'Behartu Iraulketa' berrio " -"iraulketa eskaria bertan behera uzteko. Honek 'callgrind.cmd' bera ezabatzen du " -"eta iraulketa berri baten bilaketa gelditzen du.
" -"Oharra: Callgrind-en exekuzioak 'callgrind.cmd' detekta dezan " -"beharrezkoa da milisegundu batzuko exekuzioa, adibidez, pausatuta " -"ez dagoenean. Aholkua: Profilatutako GUI programa batean programaren lehio " -"baten tamaina aldatuz Callgrind esna dezakezu.
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:570 -msgid "" -"Open Profile Data" -"This opens a profile data file, with possible multiple parts
" -msgstr "" -"Ireki profil datuak" -"Honek zati asko izan ditzakeen profil datu fitxategi bat irekitzen du
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:586 -msgid "Show/Hide the Parts Overview Dockable" -msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Aztarna zatien informazio orokorra\" atrakagarria" - -#: toplevel.cpp:590 -msgid "Call Stack" -msgstr "Dei pila" - -#: toplevel.cpp:595 -msgid "Show/Hide the Call Stack Dockable" -msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Dei pila\" atrakagarria" - -#. i18n: file functionselectionbase.ui line 16 -#: rc.cpp:297 toplevel.cpp:599 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Function Profile" -msgstr "Funtzio profila" - -#: toplevel.cpp:604 -msgid "Show/Hide the Function Profile Dockable" -msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Funtzio profila\" atrakagarria" - -#: toplevel.cpp:614 -msgid "Show/Hide the Profile Dumps Dockable" -msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Profil iraulketak\" atrakagarria" - -#: toplevel.cpp:619 -msgid "Show Relative Costs" -msgstr "Erakutsi kostu erlatiboa" - -#: toplevel.cpp:626 -msgid "Show Absolute Costs" -msgstr "Erakutsi kostu absolutua" - -#: toplevel.cpp:629 -msgid "Show relative instead of absolute costs" -msgstr "Erakutsi erlatiboa aboslutuaren ordez" - -#: toplevel.cpp:633 -msgid "Percentage Relative to Parent" -msgstr "Gurasoari dakion portzentaia" - -#: toplevel.cpp:639 -msgid "Show percentage costs relative to parent" -msgstr "Erakutsi kostu portzentaiak gurasoekiko erlatiboak bezala" - -#: toplevel.cpp:643 -msgid "" -"Show percentage costs relative to parent" -"If this is switched off, percentage costs are always shown relative to the " -"total cost of the profile part(s) that are currently browsed. By turning on " -"this option, percentage cost of shown cost items will be relative to the parent " -"cost item." -"
Cost Type | " -"Parent Cost |
Function Cumulative | " -"Total |
Function Self | " -"Function Group (*) / Total |
Call | " -"Function Cumulative |
Source Line | " -"Function Cumulative |
(*) Only if function grouping is switched on (e.g. ELF object grouping)." -msgstr "" -"Erakutsi kostu portzentaiak gurasoekiko erlatiboak bezala" -"
Hau desaktibatuta badago, kostu portzentaiak beti uneko arakatutako profil " -"zatieen kostuarekiko erlatiboak dira. Aktibatzean, erakutsitako portzentaiak " -"gurasoaren kostuarekiko erlatiboak izango dira." -"
Kostu mota | " -"Gurasoaren mota |
Funtzioak metatutakoa | " -"Guztira |
Funtzioa berak | " -"Funtzaio talde (*) / Guztira |
Dei | " -"Funtzioak metatua |
Iturburu lerroa | " -"Funtzioak metatutakoa |
(*) Funtzioen taldekapena aktibatu bada bakarrik (adib. ELF obektuen " -"taldekatzea)." - -#: toplevel.cpp:658 -msgid "Do Cycle Detection" -msgstr "Egin ziklo detekzioa" - -#: toplevel.cpp:664 -msgid "Skip Cycle Detection" -msgstr "Saltatu ziklo detekzioa" - -#: toplevel.cpp:667 -msgid "" -"Detect recursive cycles" -"
If this is switched off, the treemap drawing will show black areas when a " -"recursive call is made instead of drawing the recursion ad infinitum. Note that " -"the size of black areas often will be wrong, as inside recursive cycles the " -"cost of calls cannot be determined; the error is small, however, for false " -"cycles (see documentation)." -"
The correct handling for cycles is to detect them and collapse all functions " -"of a cycle into a virtual function, which is done when this option is selected. " -"Unfortunately, with GUI applications, this often will lead to huge false " -"cycles, making the analysis impossible; therefore, there is the option to " -"switch this off." -msgstr "" -"Detektatu ziklo errekurtsiboak" -"
Desgaituta badago, zuhaitz-mapak area beltzak erakutsiko ditu dei " -"errekurtsibo bat dagoenean errekurtsioa infinitura marraztu ordez. Kontuan izan " -"area beltzen tamaina gaizki egongo dela eta ziklo errekurtsiboen barnean deien " -"kostuak ezin direlako kalkulatu. Aldiz, errorea txikia da ziklo faltsuetarako " -"(ikusi dokumentazioa)." -"
Zikloen maneiu zuzena detektatzea eta zikloen funtzioak funtzio birtual " -"batean tolestea da, eta hau aukera gaitzen denean egiten da. Hala ere, GUI " -"aplikazioetan honek ziklo faltsu kopuru handi batera eramaten gaitu eta " -"analisia ezinezko bihurtzen du. Beraz, hemen dago ezgaitzeko aukera." - -#: toplevel.cpp:689 toplevel.cpp:729 -msgid "Go back in function selection history" -msgstr "Joan atzera funtzio hautapenaren historian" - -#: toplevel.cpp:695 toplevel.cpp:741 -msgid "Go forward in function selection history" -msgstr "Joan aurrera funtzio hautapenaren historian" - -#: toplevel.cpp:701 toplevel.cpp:715 -msgid "" -"Go Up" -"
Go to last selected caller of current function. If no caller was visited, " -"use that with highest cost.
" -msgstr "" -"Joan gorantz" -"Joan funtzio honen hautatutako azken deitzailera. Deitzailerik hautatu ez " -"bada, erabili kostu handiena duena.
" - -#: toplevel.cpp:707 -msgid "&Up" -msgstr "&Gorantz" - -#: toplevel.cpp:746 toplevel.cpp:1651 -msgid "Primary Event Type" -msgstr "Lehen mailako gertaera mota" - -#: toplevel.cpp:748 -msgid "Select primary event type of costs" -msgstr "Hautatu lehen mailako kostuen gertaera mota" - -#: toplevel.cpp:758 toplevel.cpp:1654 -msgid "Secondary Event Type" -msgstr "Bigarren mailako gertaera mota" - -#: toplevel.cpp:760 -msgid "Select secondary event type for cost e.g. shown in annotations" -msgstr "" -"Hautatu bigarren mailako gertaera mota kostuentzat, adib. oharretan erakusten " -"direnak" - -#: functionselection.cpp:243 toplevel.cpp:768 -msgid "Grouping" -msgstr "Taldekatzea" - -#: toplevel.cpp:771 -msgid "Select how functions are grouped into higher level cost items" -msgstr "" -"Hautatu funtzioak nola taldekatzen diren maila handiagoko kostu elementuetan" - -#: functionselection.cpp:52 toplevel.cpp:777 -msgid "(No Grouping)" -msgstr "(Taldekatzerik ez)" - -#: toplevel.cpp:787 -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Zatitu" - -#: toplevel.cpp:791 -msgid "Show two information panels" -msgstr "Erakutsi bi informazio panel" - -#: toplevel.cpp:795 -msgid "Split Horizontal" -msgstr "Zatitu horizontalki" - -#: toplevel.cpp:800 -msgid "Change Split Orientation when main window is split." -msgstr "Aldatu zatiketaren orientazioa lehio nagusia zatitzen denean" - -#: toplevel.cpp:808 -msgid "Tip of the &Day..." -msgstr "&Eguneko aholkua..." - -#: toplevel.cpp:809 -msgid "Show \"Tip of the Day\"" -msgstr "Erakutsi \"Eguneko aholkua\"" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1012 toplevel.cpp:1061 -msgid "" -"cachegrind.out* callgrind.out*|Callgrind Profile Data\n" -"*|All Files" -msgstr "" -"cachegrind.out callgrind.out | Callgrind-en profil datuak\n" -"*|Fitxategi guztiak" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1014 -msgid "Select Callgrind Profile Data" -msgstr "Hautatu Callgrind-en profil datuak" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1063 -msgid "Add Callgrind Profile Data" -msgstr "Gehitu Callgrind-en profil datuak" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1221 toplevel.cpp:1574 -msgid "(Hidden)" -msgstr "(Ezkutatuta)" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1626 -msgid "Hide" -msgstr "Ezkutatu" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1659 -msgid "Show Absolute Cost" -msgstr "Erautsi kostu absolutua" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1662 -msgid "Show Relative Cost" -msgstr "Erautsi kostu erlatiboa" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1693 -msgid "Go Forward" -msgstr "Joan aurrera" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1694 -msgid "Go Up" -msgstr "Joan gorantz" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1926 -#, c-format -msgid "Layout Count: %1" -msgstr "Diseinu kontagailua: %1" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1933 -msgid "No profile data file loaded." -msgstr "Ez da profil datuen fitxategirik kargatu." - -#: toplevel.cpp:1942 -msgid "Total %1 Cost: %2" -msgstr "Kostua guztira (%1) : %2" - -#: toplevel.cpp:1954 -msgid "No event type selected" -msgstr "Ez da gertaera motarik hautatu" - -#: toplevel.cpp:2199 toplevel.cpp:2235 toplevel.cpp:2271 -msgid "(No Stack)" -msgstr "(Pilarik ez)" - -#: toplevel.cpp:2205 -msgid "(No next function)" -msgstr "(Ez dago hurrengo funtziorik)" - -#: toplevel.cpp:2241 -msgid "(No previous function)" -msgstr "(Ez dago aurreko funtziorik)" - -#: toplevel.cpp:2276 -msgid "(No Function Up)" -msgstr "(Ez dago guraso funtziorik)" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 906 -#: instrview.cpp:125 rc.cpp:264 sourceview.cpp:50 -#, no-c-format -msgid "#" -msgstr "#" - -#: callview.cpp:45 instrview.cpp:127 sourceview.cpp:52 -msgid "Cost 2" -msgstr "Kostua 2" - -#: instrview.cpp:129 -msgid "Hex" -msgstr "Hamaseitarra" - -#: instrview.cpp:131 tabview.cpp:313 -msgid "Assembler" -msgstr "Mihiztadura" - -#: instrview.cpp:132 -msgid "Source Position" -msgstr "Posizioa iturburuan" - -#: instrview.cpp:163 -msgid "" -"Annotated Assembler" -"The annotated assembler list shows the machine code instructions of the " -"current selected function together with (self) cost spent while executing an " -"instruction. If this is a call instruction, lines with details on the call " -"happening are inserted into the source: the cost spent inside of the call, the " -"number of calls happening, and the call destination.
" -"The disassembler output shown is generated with the 'objdump' utility from " -"the 'binutils' package.
" -"Select a line with call information to make the destination function of this " -"call current.
" -msgstr "" -"Mihiztadura iruzkindua" -"Mihiztadura iruzkindua zerrendak uneko hautatutako funtzioaren makina-kode " -"instrukzioak erakusten ditu, instrukzio bakoitzaren exekuzioaren berezko " -"kostuarekin batera. Dei instrukzio bat bada, deiari buruzko informazio duten " -"lerroak txertatuko dira iturburuan: deiaren barruan izandako kostua, " -"gertatutako dei kopurua, eta deiaren helburua.
" -"Desmihiztaduraren irteera binutils paketeko objdump tresnarekin sortu da.
" -"Hautatu deiaren informazio duen lerro bat deiaren helburu funtzioa uneko " -"funtzio bihurtzeko.
" - -#: callgraphview.cpp:2397 callgraphview.cpp:2401 callgraphview.cpp:2419 -#: callview.cpp:123 callview.cpp:128 coverageview.cpp:166 instrview.cpp:191 -#: sourceview.cpp:116 -msgid "Go to '%1'" -msgstr "Joan hona '%1'" - -#: instrview.cpp:195 -#, c-format -msgid "Go to Address %1" -msgstr "Joan helbide honetara: %1" - -#: instrview.cpp:207 -msgid "Hex Code" -msgstr "Kode hamaseitarra" - -#: instrview.cpp:426 -msgid "There is no instruction info in the profile data file." -msgstr "Ez dago instrukzioaren informaziorik profil datuen fitxategian" - -#: instrview.cpp:428 -msgid "For the Valgrind Calltree Skin, rerun with option" -msgstr "Valgrind-en dei-zuhaitza erabiltzeko, berrabiarazi aukera honekin" - -#: instrview.cpp:429 -msgid " --dump-instr=yes" -msgstr " --dump-instr=yes" - -#: instrview.cpp:430 -msgid "To see (conditional) jumps, additionally specify" -msgstr "Jauziak (baldintzatuak) ikusteko, zehaztu aukera hau" - -#: instrview.cpp:431 -msgid " --trace-jump=yes" -msgstr " --trace-jump=yes" - -#: instrview.cpp:629 -msgid "There is an error trying to execute the command" -msgstr "Errorea agindua exekutatzean" - -#: instrview.cpp:634 instrview.cpp:900 -msgid "Check that you have installed 'objdump'." -msgstr "Egiaztatu 'objdump' instalatuta duzula." - -#: instrview.cpp:636 instrview.cpp:902 -msgid "This utility can be found in the 'binutils' package." -msgstr "Tresna hau 'binutils' paketean aurki daiteke." - -#: instrview.cpp:739 -msgid "(No Assembler)" -msgstr "(Mihiztadurarik ez)" - -#: instrview.cpp:875 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"_n: There is %n cost line without assembler code.\n" -"There are %n cost lines without assembler code." -msgstr "" -"kostu lerro %n dago mihiztadura koderik gabe.\n" -"%n kostu lerro daude mihiztadura koderik gabe." - -#: instrview.cpp:877 -msgid "This happens because the code of" -msgstr "Honen zergatia kode hau" - -#: instrview.cpp:880 -msgid "does not seem to match the profile data file." -msgstr "profil datuen fitxategiekin bat ez datorrelako da" - -#: instrview.cpp:883 -msgid "Are you using an old profile data file or is the above mentioned" -msgstr "" -"Profil datuen fitxategi zahar bat erabiltzen ari zara edo goian aipatu den" - -#: instrview.cpp:885 -msgid "ELF object from an updated installation/another machine?" -msgstr "ELF objektua eguneratutako instalazio/beste makina batetik dator?" - -#: instrview.cpp:893 -msgid "There seems to be an error trying to execute the command" -msgstr "Errorea honako agindua exekutatzean" - -#: instrview.cpp:898 -msgid "Check that the ELF object used in the command exists." -msgstr "Egiaztatu aginduan erabiltzen den ELF objektua existitzen den." - -#: callgraphview.cpp:306 -#, c-format -msgid "Call(s) from %1" -msgstr "Deiak hemendik: %1" - -#: callgraphview.cpp:307 -#, c-format -msgid "Call(s) to %1" -msgstr "Deiak hona: %1" - -#: callgraphview.cpp:308 -msgid "(unknown call)" -msgstr "(dei ezezaguna)" - -#: callgraphview.cpp:1425 -msgid "" -"Call Graph around active Function" -"Depending on configuration, this view shows the call graph environment of " -"the active function. Note: the shown cost is only " -"the cost which is spent while the active function was actually running; i.e. " -"the cost shown for main() - if it's visible - should be the same as the cost of " -"the active function, as that's the part of inclusive cost of main() spent while " -"the active function was running.
" -"For cycles, blue call arrows indicate that this is an artificial call added " -"for correct drawing which actually never happened.
" -"If the graph is larger than the widget area, an overview panner is shown in " -"one edge. There are similar visualization options to the Call Treemap; the " -"selected function is highlighted." -"
" -msgstr "" -"Funtzio aktiboaren inguruko dei grafikoa" -"
Konfigurazioaren arabera, ikuspegi honek funtzio aktiboaren dei grafika " -"erakusten du. Oharra: erakusten den kostua funtzio aktiboa exekutatzeko kostua " -"bakarrik da; adib. erakusten den main() funtzioaren kostua (ikusgai " -"badago) funtzio aktiboaren kostu berdina izan behar da main()-aren exekuzioaren " -"barruan funtzio aktiboaren kostu inklusiboa delako.
" -"Zikloentzat dei gezi urdinek marrazketa egoki baterako gehitu den eta " -"errealitatean gertatu ez den dei bat dela adierazten dute.
" -"Grafikoa trepetaren area baina handiagoa bada, ikuspegi orokorraren " -"hautatzaile bat agertuko da ertz batean. Bistaratze aukera antzekoak daude " -"deien zuhaitz-mapan; hautatutako funtzioa nabarmenduko da." -"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:1789
-msgid ""
-"Warning: a long lasting graph layouting is in progress.\n"
-"Reduce node/edge limits for speedup.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Abisua: denbora asko iraun dezakeen grafiko baten sorrera bat dago martxan.\n"
-"Nodo edo ertz kopurua murriztu prozesua bizkortzeko.\n"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:1792
-msgid ""
-"Layouting stopped.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Sorrera gelditu da.\n"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:1794
-msgid ""
-"The call graph has %1 nodes and %2 edges.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Dei grafikoak %1 nodo eta %2 ertz ditu.\n"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:1827
-msgid "No item activated for which to draw the call graph."
-msgstr "Ez da elementurik aktibatu honen dei grafikoa marrazteko."
-#: callgraphview.cpp:1838
-msgid "No call graph can be drawn for the active item."
-msgstr "Ezin da dei grafikorik sortu elementu aktiboarentzat."
-#: callgraphview.cpp:1867
-msgid ""
-"No call graph is available because the following\n"
-"command cannot be run:\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Ez dago dei grafikoarik eskuragarri ondorengo \n"
-"agindua ezin delako exekutatu:\n"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:1870 callgraphview.cpp:2200
-msgid "Please check that 'dot' is installed (package GraphViz)."
-msgstr "Egiaztatu 'dot' instalatuta dagoela (GraphViz paketea)."
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2199
-msgid ""
-"Error running the graph layouting tool.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Errorea grafikoen marrazketa tresna exekutatzean.\n"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2207
-msgid ""
-"There is no call graph available for function\n"
-"because it has no cost of the selected event type."
-msgstr ""
-"Ez dago dei grafikorik eskuragarri '\t%1'\n"
-" funtzioarentzat hautatutako gertaera motako kosturik ez duelako."
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2428
-msgid "Stop Layouting"
-msgstr "Gelditu sorrera"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2436
-msgid "As PostScript"
-msgstr "PostScript bezala"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2437
-msgid "As Image ..."
-msgstr "Irudi bezala..."
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2439
-msgid "Export Graph"
-msgstr "Esportatu grafikoa"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2444 callgraphview.cpp:2467
-msgid "Unlimited"
-msgstr "Mugagabea"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2447 callgraphview.cpp:2470
-msgid "None"
-msgstr "Bate ere ez"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2448 callgraphview.cpp:2471
-msgid "max. 2"
-msgstr "max. 2"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2449 callgraphview.cpp:2472
-msgid "max. 5"
-msgstr "max. 5"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2450 callgraphview.cpp:2473
-msgid "max. 10"
-msgstr "max. 10"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2451 callgraphview.cpp:2474
-msgid "max. 15"
-msgstr "max. 15"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2461 callgraphview.cpp:2484
-#, c-format
-msgid "< %1"
-msgstr "< %1"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2490
-msgid "No Minimum"
-msgstr "Minimorik ez"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2494
-#, c-format
-msgid "50 %"
-msgstr "% 50"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2495
-#, c-format
-msgid "20 %"
-msgstr "% 20"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2496
-#, c-format
-msgid "10 %"
-msgstr "% 10"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2497
-#, c-format
-msgid "5 %"
-msgstr "% 5"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2498
-#, c-format
-msgid "3 %"
-msgstr "% 3"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2499
-#, c-format
-msgid "2 %"
-msgstr "% 2"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2500
-#, c-format
-msgid "1.5 %"
-msgstr "% 1.5"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2501
-#, c-format
-msgid "1 %"
-msgstr "% 1"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2517
-msgid "Same as Node"
-msgstr "Nodoaren berdina"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2518
-#, c-format
-msgid "50 % of Node"
-msgstr "Nodoaren % 50"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2519
-#, c-format
-msgid "20 % of Node"
-msgstr "Nodoaren % 20"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2520
-#, c-format
-msgid "10 % of Node"
-msgstr "Nodoaren % 10"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2530
-msgid "Caller Depth"
-msgstr "Deitzaileen sakontasuna"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2531
-msgid "Callee Depth"
-msgstr "Deituen sakontasuna"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2532
-msgid "Min. Node Cost"
-msgstr "Nodoaren kostu minimoa"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2533
-msgid "Min. Call Cost"
-msgstr "Deiaren kostu minimoa"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2535
-msgid "Arrows for Skipped Calls"
-msgstr "Geziak saltatutako deientzat"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2537
-msgid "Inner-cycle Calls"
-msgstr "Barne-zikloko deiak"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2539
-msgid "Cluster Groups"
-msgstr "Taldeak"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2544
-msgid "Compact"
-msgstr "Trinkoa"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2545
-msgid "Normal"
-msgstr "Normala"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2546
-msgid "Tall"
-msgstr "Altua"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2551
-msgid "Top to Down"
-msgstr "Goitik behera"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2552
-msgid "Left to Right"
-msgstr "Ezkerretik eskuinera"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2553
-msgid "Circular"
-msgstr "Zirkularra"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2559
-msgid "TopLeft"
-msgstr "Ezker-goian"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2560
-msgid "TopRight"
-msgstr "Eskuin-goian"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2561
-msgid "BottomLeft"
-msgstr "Ezker-behean"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2562
-msgid "BottomRight"
-msgstr "Eskuin-behean"
-#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 246
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2563 rc.cpp:42 rc.cpp:51 rc.cpp:54
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "Automatic"
-msgstr "Automatikoa"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2570
-msgid "Graph"
-msgstr "Grafikoa"
-#: callgraphview.cpp:2572
-msgid "Birds-eye View"
-msgstr "Urruneko ikuspegia"
-#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
-msgid ""
-"Your names"
-msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"
-#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
-msgid ""
-"Your emails"
-msgstr ""
-#: coverageitem.cpp:65 coverageitem.cpp:205 functionitem.cpp:72
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"_n: (%n function skipped)\n"
-"(%n functions skipped)"
-msgstr ""
-"(funtzio %n saltatu da)\n"
-"(%n funtzio saltatu dira)"
-#: main.cpp:38
-msgid "Run This widget shows information for the current selected function in different "
-"tabs: "
For more information, see the "
-"What's This? help of the corresponding tab widget
Trepeta honek uneko hautatutako funtzioaren informazio erakusten du fitxa " -"ezberdinetan: " -"
The annotated source list shows the source lines of the current selected " -"function together with (self) cost spent while executing the code of this " -"source line. If there was a call in a source line, lines with details on the " -"call happening are inserted into the source: the cost spent inside of the call, " -"the number of calls happening, and the call destination.
" -"Select a inserted call information line to make the destination function " -"current.
" -msgstr "" -"Iturburu iruzkindua" -"Iturburu iruzkinduen zerrendak uneko hautatutako funtzioaren iturburu " -"lerroak erakusten ditu eta lerro honetako kodea exekutatzeko berezko kostua. " -"Iturburu lerroan dei bat badago, dei gertaeraren xehetasunak dituzten lerroak " -"iturburua txertatzen dira: deiaren barruan gertatutako kostua, dei kopurua, eta " -"deiaren helburua.
" -"Hautatu txertatutako dei informazio lerro bat helburu funtzioa uneko funtzio " -"bihurtzeko.
" - -#: sourceview.cpp:120 -#, c-format -msgid "Go to Line %1" -msgstr "Joan %1 lerrora" - -#: sourceview.cpp:293 -msgid "(No Source)" -msgstr "(Iturbururik ez)" - -#: sourceview.cpp:512 -msgid "There is no cost of current selected type associated" -msgstr "Ez dago uneko hautatutako motari lotutako kosturik " - -#: sourceview.cpp:514 -msgid "with any source line of this function in file" -msgstr "fitxategiko funtzio honen edozein iturburu lerrorekin" - -#: sourceview.cpp:518 -msgid "Thus, no annotated source can be shown." -msgstr "Beraz, ezin da iturburu iruzkindurik erakutsi" - -#: sourceview.cpp:553 -msgid "Source ('%1')" -msgstr "Iturburua ('%1')" - -#: sourceview.cpp:559 -msgid "--- Inlined from '%1' ---" -msgstr "--- Hemendik txertatua: '%1' --" - -#: sourceview.cpp:560 -msgid "--- Inlined from unknown source ---" -msgstr "--- Iturburu ezezagunetik txertatua ---" - -#: sourceview.cpp:565 -msgid "There is no source available for the following function:" -msgstr "Ez dago iturburu fitxategirik eskuragarri ondorengo funtzioarentzat:" - -#: sourceview.cpp:570 -msgid "This is because no debug information is present." -msgstr "Hau arazketa informaziorik ez dagoelako da." - -#: sourceview.cpp:572 -msgid "Recompile source and redo the profile run." -msgstr "Birkonpilatu iturburua eta berregin profil exekuzioa." - -#: sourceview.cpp:575 -msgid "The function is located in this ELF object:" -msgstr "Funtzioa ELF objektu honetan kokatzen da:" - -#: sourceview.cpp:583 -msgid "This is because its source file cannot be found:" -msgstr "Hau bere iturburu fitxategia aurkitu ezin delako da:" - -#: sourceview.cpp:587 -msgid "Add the folder of this file to the source folder list." -msgstr "Gehitu fitxategi honen karpeta iturubur karpeten zerrendara." - -#: sourceview.cpp:589 -msgid "The list can be found in the configuration dialog." -msgstr "Zerrenda konfigurazio elkarrizketa-koadroan aurki daiteke" - -#: partlistitem.cpp:49 -msgid " (Thread %1)" -msgstr " (Haria %1)" - -#: partlistitem.cpp:56 -msgid "(none)" -msgstr "(bat ere ez)" - -#: callitem.cpp:82 partlistitem.cpp:152 -msgid "(active)" -msgstr "(aktiboa)" - -#: functionselection.cpp:176 -#, c-format -msgid "Go to %1" -msgstr "Joan hona: %1" - -#: functionselection.cpp:203 -msgid "Show All Items" -msgstr "Erakutsi elementu guztiak" - -#: functionselection.cpp:226 -msgid "No Grouping" -msgstr "Taldekatzerik ez" - -#: coverageview.cpp:48 coverageview.cpp:54 -msgid "Distance" -msgstr "Distantzia" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 928 -#: coverageview.cpp:49 partview.cpp:49 rc.cpp:270 rc.cpp:315 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Called" -msgstr "Deitua(k)" - -#: callview.cpp:48 coverageview.cpp:50 -msgid "Caller" -msgstr "Deitzailea" - -#: coverageview.cpp:55 -msgid "Calling" -msgstr "Deia(k)" - -#: callview.cpp:52 coverageview.cpp:56 -msgid "Callee" -msgstr "Deitutako funtzioa" - -#: coverageview.cpp:90 -msgid "" -"List of all Callers" -"This list shows all functions calling the current selected one, either " -"directly or with several functions in-between on the stack; the number of " -"functions in-between plus one is called the Distance " -"(e.g. for function A,B,C there exists a call from A to C when A calls B and B " -"calls C, i.e. A => B => C. The distance here is 2).
" -"Absolute cost shown is the cost spent in the selected function while a " -"listed function is active; relative cost is the percentage of all cost spent in " -"the selected function while the listed one is active. The cost graphic shows " -"logarithmic percentage with a different color for each distance.
" -"As there can be many calls from the same function, the distance column " -"sometimes shows the range of distances for all calls happening; then, in " -"parentheses, there is the medium distance, i.e. the distance where most of the " -"call costs happened.
" -"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " -"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " -"changed instead.
" -msgstr "" -"Deitzaileen zerrenda" -"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioa deitzen duten funtzio guztiak " -"erakusten ditu, bai zuzenean edo zeharka (beste tarteko funtzioen bidez); " -"tarteko funtzio kopurua gehi bat Distantzia " -"bezala definitzen da (adib. A,B,C funtzioentzat A-tik C-rako deia A-k B deitzen " -"duenean eta B-k C, hots, A => B => C. Distantzia hemen 2 da).
" -"Erakusten den kostu absolutua, zerrendako funtzio bat aktibo dagoenen " -"hautatutako funtzioaren kostua da; kostu erlatiboa hautatutako funtzioaren " -"guztizko kostuarekiko zerrendako funtzioa aktibo dagoenean duen kostuaren " -"portzentaia da. Kostuaren grafikoak portzentai logaritmikoa erakusten du " -"distantzia bakoitzai kolore ezberdin bat emanez.
" -"Funtzio berdinera doazen dei asko egon daitekeenez, distanzia zutabeak " -"batzutan gertatutako dei guztien distantzien eremua erakusten du; beraz, " -"pasentesi artean, bataz-besteko distantzia bat dato, hau da dei kostu gehienak " -"izan dituen distantzia.
" -"Funtzio bat hautatuz uneko hautatutako bezala bihurtzen du informazio panel " -"honentzat. Ordez, bi panel badaude (Zatiketa modua), beste panelaren funtzioa " -"aldatuko da.
" - -#: coverageview.cpp:120 -msgid "" -"List of all Callees" -"This list shows all functions called by the current selected one, either " -"directly or with several function in-between on the stack; the number of " -"function in-between plus one is called the Distance " -"(e.g. for function A,B,C there exists a call from A to C when A calls B and B " -"calls C, i.e. A => B => C. The distance here is 2).
" -"Absolute cost shown is the cost spent in the listed function while the " -"selected is active; relative cost is the percentage of all cost spent in the " -"listed function while the selected one is active. The cost graphic always shows " -"logarithmic percentage with a different color for each distance.
" -"As there can be many calls to the same function, the distance column " -"sometimes shows the range of distances for all calls happening; then, in " -"parentheses, there is the medium distance, i.e. the distance where most of the " -"call costs happened.
" -"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " -"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " -"changed instead.
" -msgstr "" -"Deitutako funtzio guztien zerrenda" -"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioak deitutako funtzio guztiak " -"erakusten ditu, bai zuzenean edo zeharka (beste tarteko funtzioen bidez); " -"tarteko funtzio kopurua gehi bat Distantzia " -"bezala definitzen da (adib. A,B,C funtzioentzat A-tik C-rako deia A-k B deitzen " -"duenean eta B-k C, hots, A => B => C. Distantzia hemen 2 da).
" -"Erakusten den kostu absolutua, hautatutako funtzioa aktibo egon denean " -"zerrendako funtzioaren kostua da; kostu erlatiboa zerrendako funtzioaren " -"guztizko kostuarekiko hautatutako funtzioa aktibo egon denean duen kostuaren " -"portzentaia da. Kostuaren grafikoak portzentai logaritmikoa erakusten du " -"distantzia bakoitzai kolore ezberdin bat emanez.
" -"Funtzio berdinera doazen dei asko egon daitekeenez, distanzia zutabeak " -"batzutan gertatutako dei guztien distantzien eremua erakusten du; beraz, " -"pasentesi artean, bataz-besteko distantzia bat dato, hau da dei kostu gehienak " -"izan dituen distantzia.
" -"Funtzio bat hautatuz uneko hautatutako bezala bihurtzen du informazio panel " -"honentzat. Ordez, bi panel badaude (Zatiketa modua), beste panelaren funtzioa " -"aldatuko da.
" - -#: configuration.cpp:63 -msgid "Instruction Fetch" -msgstr "Instrukzio bilaketa" - -#: configuration.cpp:64 -msgid "Data Read Access" -msgstr "Datuak irakurtzeko sarbidea" - -#: configuration.cpp:65 -msgid "Data Write Access" -msgstr "Datuak idazteko sarbidea" - -#: configuration.cpp:66 -msgid "L1 Instr. Fetch Miss" -msgstr "Instrukzioa ez dago L1 cachean" - -#: configuration.cpp:67 -msgid "L1 Data Read Miss" -msgstr "Errorea L1 cachea irakurtzean" - -#: configuration.cpp:68 -msgid "L1 Data Write Miss" -msgstr "Errorea L1 cachea idaztean" - -#: configuration.cpp:69 -msgid "L2 Instr. Fetch Miss" -msgstr "Instrukzioa ez dago L2 cachean" - -#: configuration.cpp:70 -msgid "L2 Data Read Miss" -msgstr "Errorea L2 cachea irakurtzean" - -#: configuration.cpp:71 -msgid "L2 Data Write Miss" -msgstr "Errorea L2 cachea idaztean" - -#: configuration.cpp:72 -msgid "Samples" -msgstr "Adibideak" - -#: configuration.cpp:73 -msgid "System Time" -msgstr "Sistemaren denbora" - -#: configuration.cpp:74 -msgid "User Time" -msgstr "Erabiltzailearen denbora" - -#: configuration.cpp:75 -msgid "L1 Miss Sum" -msgstr "L1 errore kopurua" - -#: configuration.cpp:76 -msgid "L2 Miss Sum" -msgstr "L2 errore kopurua" - -#: configuration.cpp:77 -msgid "Cycle Estimation" -msgstr "Zikloen zenbatetsia" - -#. i18n: file tdecachegrindui.rc line 15 -#: rc.cpp:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "&Layout" -msgstr "&Diseinua" - -#. i18n: file tdecachegrindui.rc line 32 -#: rc.cpp:12 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Sidebars" -msgstr "Alboko barrak" - -#. i18n: file tdecachegrindui.rc line 54 -#: rc.cpp:18 -#, no-c-format -msgid "State Toolbar" -msgstr "Egoera tresna-barra" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 37 -#: rc.cpp:24 -#, no-c-format -msgid "General" -msgstr "Orokorra" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 69 -#: rc.cpp:27 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Truncated when more/longer than:" -msgstr "Trunkatu hau baina handiagoa bada:" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 77 -#: rc.cpp:30 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Precision of percentage values:" -msgstr "Portzentai balioen zehaztasuna:" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 85 -#: rc.cpp:33 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Symbols in tooltips and context menus" -msgstr "Sinboloak argibide eta testuinguru menuetan" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 141 -#: rc.cpp:36 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Maximum number of items in lists:" -msgstr "Zerrendako elementu kopuru maximoa:" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 162 -#: rc.cpp:39 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Cost Item Colors" -msgstr "Kostu elementuen koloreak" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 254 -#: rc.cpp:45 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Object:" -msgstr "Objektua:" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 262 -#: rc.cpp:48 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Class:" -msgstr "Klasea:" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 310 -#: rc.cpp:57 -#, no-c-format -msgid "File:" -msgstr "Fitxategia:" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 376 -#: rc.cpp:60 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Annotations" -msgstr "Oharrak" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 395 -#: rc.cpp:63 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Context lines in annotations:" -msgstr "Oharretako testinguru lerroak:" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 423 -#: rc.cpp:66 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Source Folders" -msgstr "Iturburu karpetak" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 454 -#: rc.cpp:69 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Object / Related Source Base" -msgstr "Iturburuen oinarria" - -#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 483 -#: rc.cpp:72 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Add..." -msgstr "Gehitu..." - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 32 -#: rc.cpp:87 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Helburua" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 54 -#: rc.cpp:90 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Denbora" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 65 -#: rc.cpp:93 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Bide-izena" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 106 -#: rc.cpp:99 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Target command:" -msgstr "Helburu agindua:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 119 -#: rc.cpp:102 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Profiler options:" -msgstr "Profilatzailearen aukerak:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 125 -#: rc.cpp:105 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Option" -msgstr "Aukerak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 136 -#: rc.cpp:108 rc.cpp:219 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Balioa" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 147 -#: rc.cpp:111 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Trace" -msgstr "Aztarna" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 160 -#: rc.cpp:114 rc.cpp:237 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Jumps" -msgstr "Jauziak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 174 -#: rc.cpp:117 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Instructions" -msgstr "Instrukzioak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 189 -#: rc.cpp:120 rc.cpp:240 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Events" -msgstr "Gertaerak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 202 -#: rc.cpp:123 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Full Cache" -msgstr "Katxe guztia" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 216 -#: rc.cpp:126 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Pertsonalizatua" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 231 -#: rc.cpp:129 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Collect" -msgstr "Bildu" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 244 -#: rc.cpp:132 -#, no-c-format -msgid "At Startup" -msgstr "Abioan" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 258 -#: rc.cpp:135 -#, no-c-format -msgid "While In" -msgstr "Honen barruan dagoenean" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 273 -#: rc.cpp:138 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Skip" -msgstr "Saltatu" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 286 -#: rc.cpp:141 -#, no-c-format -msgid "PLT" -msgstr "PLT" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 315 -#: rc.cpp:147 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Dump Profile" -msgstr "Irauli profila" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 328 -#: rc.cpp:150 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Every BBs" -msgstr "BB guztiak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 342 -#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:162 -#, no-c-format -msgid "On Entering" -msgstr "Sartzean" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 356 -#: rc.cpp:156 -#, no-c-format -msgid "On Leaving" -msgstr "Irtetzean" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 371 -#: rc.cpp:159 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Zero Events" -msgstr "Zero gertaera" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 399 -#: rc.cpp:165 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Separate" -msgstr "Banandu" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 412 -#: rc.cpp:168 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Hariak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 426 -#: rc.cpp:171 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Recursions" -msgstr "Erreskurtsioak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 440 -#: rc.cpp:174 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Call Chain" -msgstr "Dei-katea" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 470 -#: rc.cpp:177 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Custom profiler options:" -msgstr "Profilatzailearen aukera pertsonalizatuak:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 508 -#: rc.cpp:180 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Run New Profile" -msgstr "Exekutatu profil berria" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 520 -#: rc.cpp:183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Info" -msgstr "Informazioa" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 531 -#: rc.cpp:186 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Dump reason:" -msgstr "Iraulketaren arrazoia:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 544 -#: rc.cpp:189 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Event summary:" -msgstr "Gertaeren laburpena:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 561 -#: rc.cpp:195 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Batuketa" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 579 -#: rc.cpp:198 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Miscellaneous:" -msgstr "Hainbat:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 617 -#: rc.cpp:201 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Show" -msgstr "Erakutsi" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 625 -#: rc.cpp:204 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Compare" -msgstr "Konparatu" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 637 -#: rc.cpp:207 -#, no-c-format -msgid "State" -msgstr "Egoera" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 656 -#: rc.cpp:210 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Update" -msgstr "Eguneratu" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 664 -#: rc.cpp:213 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Every [s]:" -msgstr "Periodoa [s]:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 677 -#: rc.cpp:216 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Counter" -msgstr "Kontagailua" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 699 -#: rc.cpp:222 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Dumps Done" -msgstr "Iraulketak eginda" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 713 -#: rc.cpp:225 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Is Collecting" -msgstr "Biltzen ari da" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 727 -#: rc.cpp:228 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Executed" -msgstr "Exekutatuta" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 740 -#: rc.cpp:231 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Basic Blocks" -msgstr "Oinarrizko blokeak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 754 -#: callmapview.cpp:63 rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:339 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Calls" -msgstr "Deiak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 796 -#: rc.cpp:243 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Ir" -msgstr "Ir" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 811 -#: rc.cpp:246 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Distinct" -msgstr "Desberdindu" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 824 -#: configdlg.cpp:58 rc.cpp:249 -#, no-c-format -msgid "ELF Objects" -msgstr "ELF objektuak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 838 -#: rc.cpp:252 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Functions" -msgstr "Funtzioak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 852 -#: rc.cpp:255 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Contexts" -msgstr "Kontestuak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 890 -#: rc.cpp:258 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Stack trace:" -msgstr "Pilaren aztarna:" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 898 -#: rc.cpp:261 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Sync." -msgstr "Sinkr." - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 950 -#: callmapview.cpp:61 rc.cpp:276 rc.cpp:321 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Location" -msgstr "Kokalekua" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 976 -#: rc.cpp:279 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Hasiera" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1001 -#: rc.cpp:282 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Zero" -msgstr "Zero" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1009 -#: rc.cpp:285 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Dump" -msgstr "Iraulketa" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1021 -#: rc.cpp:288 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Messages" -msgstr "Mezuak" - -#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1045 -#: rc.cpp:291 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Kill Run" -msgstr "Exekuzioa gelditu" - -#. i18n: file functionselectionbase.ui line 41 -#: rc.cpp:300 -#, no-c-format -msgid "&Search:" -msgstr "&Bilaketa:" - -#. i18n: file functionselectionbase.ui line 73 -#: rc.cpp:306 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Taldea" - -#. i18n: file partselectionbase.ui line 60 -#: rc.cpp:327 -#, no-c-format -msgid "(no trace parts)" -msgstr "(ez dago aztarna zatirik)" - -#. i18n: file stackselectionbase.ui line 16 -#: rc.cpp:330 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Stack Selection" -msgstr "Pilaren hautapena" - -#. i18n: file stackselectionbase.ui line 42 -#: rc.cpp:336 -#, no-c-format -msgid "Cost2" -msgstr "Kostua2" - -#: treemap.cpp:1281 -#, c-format -msgid "Text %1" -msgstr "%1 testua" - -#: treemap.cpp:2809 -msgid "Recursive Bisection" -msgstr "Erdibiketa errekurtsiboa" - -#: treemap.cpp:2810 -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Zutabeak" - -#: treemap.cpp:2811 -msgid "Rows" -msgstr "Lerroak" - -#: treemap.cpp:2812 -msgid "Always Best" -msgstr "Beti onena" - -#: treemap.cpp:2813 -msgid "Best" -msgstr "Onena" - -#: treemap.cpp:2814 -msgid "Alternate (V)" -msgstr "Txandakatu (V)" - -#: treemap.cpp:2815 -msgid "Alternate (H)" -msgstr "Txandakatu (H)" - -#: treemap.cpp:2872 -msgid "Nesting" -msgstr "Kabiatzea" - -#: treemap.cpp:2875 -msgid "Correct Borders Only" -msgstr "Zuzendu ertzak bakarrik" - -#: treemap.cpp:2877 treemap.cpp:2878 treemap.cpp:2879 treemap.cpp:2880 -#, c-format -msgid "Width %1" -msgstr "Zabalera %1" - -#: callmapview.cpp:321 treemap.cpp:2889 -msgid "Shading" -msgstr "Itzaldura" - -#: treemap.cpp:2902 -msgid "Visible" -msgstr "Ikusgai" - -#: treemap.cpp:2903 -msgid "Take Space From Children" -msgstr "Hartu semeen espazioa" - -#: treemap.cpp:2905 -msgid "Top Left" -msgstr "Ezker-goian" - -#: treemap.cpp:2906 -msgid "Top Center" -msgstr "Erdi-goian" - -#: treemap.cpp:2907 -msgid "Top Right" -msgstr "Eskuin-goian" - -#: treemap.cpp:2909 -msgid "Bottom Center" -msgstr "Erdi-behean" - -#: treemap.cpp:2910 -msgid "Bottom Right" -msgstr "Eskuin-behean" - -#: treemap.cpp:2987 -msgid "No %1 Limit" -msgstr "%1 mugarik ez" - -#: callmapview.cpp:243 treemap.cpp:3039 -msgid "No Area Limit" -msgstr "Area mugarik ez" - -#: callmapview.cpp:258 treemap.cpp:3045 -msgid "Area of '%1' (%2)" -msgstr "'%1'-(r)en area (%2)" - -#: treemap.cpp:3056 treemap.cpp:3067 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"_n: 1 Pixel\n" -"%n Pixels" -msgstr "" -"pixel 1\n" -"%n pixel" - -#: callmapview.cpp:264 treemap.cpp:3071 -msgid "Double Area Limit (to %1)" -msgstr "Bikoiztu arearen muga (%1-(e)ra)" - -#: treemap.cpp:3073 -msgid "Halve Area Limit (to %1)" -msgstr "Murriztu arearen muga erdira (%1-(e)ra)" - -#: callmapview.cpp:187 treemap.cpp:3101 -msgid "No Depth Limit" -msgstr "Sakontasun mugarik ez" - -#: callmapview.cpp:198 treemap.cpp:3107 -msgid "Depth of '%1' (%2)" -msgstr "'%1'-(r)en sakontasuna (%2)" - -#: treemap.cpp:3118 -#, c-format -msgid "Depth %1" -msgstr "Sakontasuna %1" - -#: treemap.cpp:3122 -msgid "Decrement (to %1)" -msgstr "Gutxitu (%1-(e)ra)" - -#: treemap.cpp:3124 -msgid "Increment (to %1)" -msgstr "Gehitu (%1-(e)ra)" - -#: callmapview.cpp:98 -msgid "" -"Caller Map" -"This graph shows the nested hierarchy of all callers of the current " -"activated function. Each colored rectangle represents a function; its size " -"tries to be proportional to the cost spent therein while the active function is " -"running (however, there are drawing constrains).
" -msgstr "" -"Deitzaileen mapa " -"Grafiko honek uneko aktibatutako funtzioaren deitzaileen hierarkia kabitatua " -"erakusten du. Koloredun errektangelu bakoitzak funtzio bat adierazten du, bere " -"taimana funtzio aktiboa martxan zegoenean bertan igarotako kostuaren " -"proportzionala da (hala ere, marrazketarengatik mugatuta dago)
" - -#: callmapview.cpp:105 -msgid "" -"Call Map" -"This graph shows the nested hierarchy of all callees of the current " -"activated function. Each colored rectangle represents a function; its size " -"tries to be proportional to the cost spent therein while the active function is " -"running (however, there are drawing constrains).
" -msgstr "" -"Dei mapa " -"Grafiko honek uneko aktibatutako funtzioaren dei guztien hierarkia kabitatua " -"erakusten du. Koloredun errektangelu bakoitzak funtzio bat adierazten du, bere " -"taimana funtzio aktiboa martxan zegoenean bertan igarotako kostuaren " -"proportzionala da (hala ere, marrazketarengatik mugatuta dago)
" - -#: callmapview.cpp:113 -msgid "" -"Appearance options can be found in the in the context menu. To get exact " -"size proportions, choose 'Hide incorrect borders'. As this mode can be " -"very time consuming, you may want to limit the maximum drawn nesting level " -"before. 'Best' determinates the split direction for children from the aspect " -"ratio of the parent. 'Always Best' decides on remaining space for each sibling. " -"'Ignore Proportions' takes space for function name drawing before " -"drawing children. Note that size proportions can get heavily wrong.
" -"This is a TreeMap widget. Keyboard navigation is available with the " -"left/right arrow keys for traversing siblings, and up/down arrow keys to go a " -"nesting level up/down. Return activates the current item.
" -msgstr "" -"Itxurarekin erlazionatutako aukerak testuinguru menuan aurki daitezke. " -"Tamainaren proportzio zuzenak eskuratzeko, hautatu 'Ezkutatu ertz baliogabeak'. " -"Modu honen errendimendua oso baxua izan daitekeenez, marraztutako " -"kabiatze maila kopurua mugatu beharko zenuke. 'Onena' aukerak semeen " -"zatiketaren norabidea gurasoaren itxura proportziotik ebazten du. 'Beti onena' " -"aukerak anai bakoitzari geratzen zaion espazioa erabikitzen du. 'Ez ikusi egin " -"proportzioak' aukerak funtzioaren izenerako espazioa erreserbatzen du semeak " -"marraztu baina lehen. Kontuan izan tamaina proportzioek errore " -"handiak izan ditzaketela.
" -"Hau ZuhaitzMapa trepeta bat da. Teklatuaren nabigazioa eskuragarri " -"dago ezker/skuin geziekin anaien artean mugitzeko, eta goiko/beheko geziek " -"kabiatze mailan gorantz/behera mugitzeko aukera ematen dute. Return " -"teklak uneko elementua aktibatzen du.
" - -#: callmapview.cpp:167 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Joan hona" - -#: callmapview.cpp:184 -msgid "Stop at Depth" -msgstr "Gelditu sakontasun honetan" - -#: callmapview.cpp:190 -msgid "Depth 10" -msgstr "Sakontasuna 10" - -#: callmapview.cpp:192 -msgid "Depth 15" -msgstr "Sakontasuna 15" - -#: callmapview.cpp:194 -msgid "Depth 20" -msgstr "Sakontasuna 20" - -#: callmapview.cpp:204 -msgid "Decrement Depth (to %1)" -msgstr "Gutxitu sakontasuna (%1-(e)ra)" - -#: callmapview.cpp:205 -msgid "Increment Depth (to %1)" -msgstr "Gehitu sakontasuna (%1-(e)ra)" - -#: callmapview.cpp:209 -msgid "Stop at Function" -msgstr "Gelditu funtzio honetan" - -#: callmapview.cpp:210 -msgid "No Function Limit" -msgstr "Funtzio mugarik ez" - -#: callmapview.cpp:240 -msgid "Stop at Area" -msgstr "Gelditu area honetan" - -#: callmapview.cpp:246 -msgid "50 Pixels" -msgstr "50 pixel" - -#: callmapview.cpp:248 -msgid "100 Pixels" -msgstr "100 pixel" - -#: callmapview.cpp:250 -msgid "200 Pixels" -msgstr "200 pixel" - -#: callmapview.cpp:252 -msgid "500 Pixels" -msgstr "500 pixel" - -#: callmapview.cpp:266 -msgid "Half Area Limit (to %1)" -msgstr "Area erdiaren muga (%1-(e)ra)" - -#: callmapview.cpp:273 -msgid "Visualisation" -msgstr "Bistaratzea" - -#: callmapview.cpp:277 -msgid "Split Direction" -msgstr "Zatiketa norabidea" - -#: callmapview.cpp:279 -msgid "Skip Incorrect Borders" -msgstr "Saltatu ertz baliogabeak" - -#: callmapview.cpp:284 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Ertzaren zabalera" - -#: callmapview.cpp:285 -msgid "Border 0" -msgstr "Ertza 0" - -#: callmapview.cpp:288 -msgid "Border 1" -msgstr "Ertza 1" - -#: callmapview.cpp:290 -msgid "Border 2" -msgstr "Ertza 2" - -#: callmapview.cpp:292 -msgid "Border 3" -msgstr "Ertza 3" - -#: callmapview.cpp:297 -msgid "Draw Symbol Names" -msgstr "Marraztu sinboloen izenak" - -#: callmapview.cpp:298 -msgid "Draw Cost" -msgstr "Marraztu kostua" - -#: callmapview.cpp:299 -msgid "Draw Location" -msgstr "Marraztu kokalekua" - -#: callmapview.cpp:300 -msgid "Draw Calls" -msgstr "Marraztu deiak" - -#: callmapview.cpp:431 -msgid "Call Map: Current is '%1'" -msgstr "Dei mapa: unekoa '%1' da" - -#: callmapview.cpp:599 -msgid "(no function)" -msgstr "(funtziorik ez)" - -#: callmapview.cpp:741 callmapview.cpp:858 -msgid "(no call)" -msgstr "(deirik ez)" - -#: cachegrindloader.cpp:141 -msgid "Import filter for Cachegrind/Callgrind generated profile data files" -msgstr "" -"Cachegrind/Callgrind-ek sortutako profil datuen fitxategietarako inportazio " -"iragazkia" - -#: cachegrindloader.cpp:738 -#, c-format -msgid "Loading %1" -msgstr "%1 kargatzen" - -#: callview.cpp:47 callview.cpp:51 -msgid "Count" -msgstr "Zenbaketa" - -#: callview.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"List of direct Callers" -"This list shows all functions calling the current selected one directly, " -"together with a call count and the cost spent in the current selected function " -"while being called from the function from the list.
" -"An icon instead of an inclusive cost specifies that this is a call inside of " -"a recursive cycle. An inclusive cost makes no sense here.
" -"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " -"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " -"changed instead.
" -msgstr "" -"Deitzaile zuzenen zerrenda" -"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioa zuzenean deitzen duten funtzio " -"guztiak erakusten ditu, dei zenbaketa eta zerrendako funtzioan zegoenean uneko " -"hautatutako funtzioan igarotako kostuarekin batera.
" -"Kostu inklusiboaren ordez ikono bat badago, ziklo errekurtsibo baten " -"barneko dei bat dela zehazten du.
" -"Funtzio bat hautatzeak informazio panel honentzat uneko funtzio hautatu " -"bihurtzen du. Bi panel badaude (zatiketa modua), beste penelko funtzioa " -"aldatuko da.
" - -#: callview.cpp:98 -msgid "" -"List of direct Callees" -"This list shows all functions called by the current selected one directly, " -"together with a call count and the cost spent in this function while being " -"called from the selected function.
" -"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " -"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " -"changed instead.
" -msgstr "" -"Zuzenean deitutakoen zerrenda " -"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioak zuzenean deitzen dituen funtzio " -"guztiak erakusten ditu, dei zenbaketa eta hautatutako funtziotik deitzean " -"igarotako kostuarekin batera.
" -"Funtzio bat hautatzeak informazio panel honentzat uneko funtzio hautatu " -"bihurtzen du. Bi panel badaude (zatiketa modua), beste penelko funtzioa " -"aldatuko da.
" - -#: costtypeitem.cpp:56 -msgid "Unknown Type" -msgstr "Mota ezezaguna" - -#: tips.cpp:3 -msgid "" -"...that the What's This? help for every GUI widget\n" -"in KCachegrind contains detailed usage information for this widget?\n" -"It is highly recommended to read at least these help texts on first\n" -"use. Request What's This? help by pressing\n" -"Shift+F1 and clicking on the widget.
\n" -msgstr "" -"...KCachegrind-eko GUI trepeta bakoitzaren Zer da hau... " -"laguntzak trepeta honen erabilerari buruzko informazio xehea duela?\n" -"Oso gomendagarria da lehen erabileran gutxienez laguntza hauek irakurtzea\n" -"Eskatu Zer da hau... laguntza Shift-F1\n" -"sakatu ondoren trepetan klikatuz.
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:12 -msgid "" -"...that you can get profile information at instruction level\n" -"with Calltree when you provide the option --dump-instr=yes?\n" -"Use the Assembler View for the instruction annotations.\n" -"
\n" -msgstr "" -"...instrukzio mailako profil informazioa eskura dezakezula\n" -"Calltree-rekin --dump-instr=yes akera erabiltzen baduzu?\n" -"Erabili Mihiztadura ikuspegia instrukzioen oharretarako.\n" -"
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:20 -msgid "" -"...that you can use Alt-Left/Right keys of your keyboard to go\n" -"back/forward in the active object history ?
\n" -msgstr "" -"...teklatuko Alt-Ezker/Eskuin teklak erabil ditzakezula objektu aktiboaren " -"historian zehar atzera/aurrera joateko?that you can use Alt-Left/Right keys of " -"your keyboard to go\n" -"back/forward in the active object history ?
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:26 -msgid "" -"...that you can navigate in the Callee/Caller Map View using\n" -"arrow keys? Use Left/Right to change to siblings of the current\n" -"item; use Up/Down to go one nesting level up/down. To select\n" -"the current item, press Space, and to activate it, press Return.\n" -"
\n" -msgstr "" -"...Deitu/Deitzaile mapa ikuspegietan teklatuko geziak erabiliz\n" -"mugitu zaitezkeela? Erabili Ezkerrera/Eskuinera geziak uneko\n" -"elementuaren anaien artean mugitzeko; erabili Gorantz/Behera\n" -"geziak kabiatze mailan zehar gorantz/beherantz mugitzeko.\n" -"
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:35 -msgid "" -"...that you can navigate in the Call Graph View using\n" -"arrow keys? Use Up/Down to go one calling level up/down, alternating\n" -"between calls and functions. Use Left/Right to change to siblings of a current\n" -"selected call. To activate the current item, press Return.\n" -"
\n" -msgstr "" -"...Dei grafikoa ikuspegian teklatuko geziak erabiliz mugitu zaitezkeela?\n" -"Erabili Gorantz/Behera geziak dei mailan zehar gorantz/beherantz mugitzeko,\n" -"deien eta funtzioen artean txandakatuz. Erabili Ezkerrera/Eskuinera geziak " -"uneko\n" -"hautatutako deiaren anaien artean mugitzeko. Uneko elementua aktibatzeko, " -"sakatu Return.\n" -"
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:44 -msgid "" -"...that you can rapidly locate a function by entering part of its\n" -"name (case-insensitive) into the edit line of the toolbar\n" -"and hit return?
\n" -msgstr "" -"...funtzio bat bizkor aurki dezakezula bere izenaren zati bat\n" -"(maiuskula/minuskulak baztertuz) tresna-barraren edizio lerroan\n" -"sartu eta return sakatzen baduzu?
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:51 -msgid "" -"...that you can assign custom colors to \n" -"ELF objects/C++ Classes/Source Files for graph coloring\n" -"in Settings->Configure KCachegrind...?
\n" -msgstr "" -"...kolore pertsonalizatuak ezarri ditzakezula grafikoetarako\n" -"ELF objektu/C+ klase/Iturburu fitxategientzat,\n" -"Ezarpenak->Konfiguratu KCachegrind... menuan?
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:58 -msgid "" -"...that you can see if debug info is available for a selected \n" -"function by looking at the location label in the Info tab or\n" -"the source listing header in the source tab?
\n" -"There must be the name of the source file (with extension).\n" -"If KCachegrind still doesn't show the source, make sure that you\n" -"have added the directory of the source file to the\n" -"Source Directories list in the configuration.\n" -msgstr "" -"
...hautatutako funtzioarentzat arazketa informazioa eskuragarri dagoen " -"ikusteko\n" -"Informazioa fitxako kokaleku etiketa edo iturburu fitxako iturburu zerrendaren " -"goiburuan\n" -"begira dezakezula?
\n" -"Iturburu fitxategiaren izena (luzapenarekin) agertu behar da.\n" -"KCachegrind-ek ez badu iturburu fitxategirik erakusten, ziurtatu iturburu\n" -"fitxategiaren direktorioa konfigurazioko Iturburu direktorioak\n" -"zerrendara gehitu duzula.\n" - -#: tips.cpp:69 -msgid "" -"
...that you can configure whether KCachgrind should\n" -"show absolute event counts or relative ones (percentage display)?
\n" -msgstr "" -"...KCachegrind-ek gertaeren zenbaketa absolutuak edo erlatiboak " -"(portzentaiak) erakutsi behar dituen konfigura dezakezula?
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:75 -msgid "" -"...that you can configure the maximum number of items\n" -"for all function lists in KCachegrind? Limiting the number\n" -"of items is done to get a fast reacting GUI. The last item in\n" -"the list will show you the number of skipped functions, together\n" -"with a cost condition for these skipped functions.
\n" -"To activate a function with small costs, search for it and select\n" -"it in the flat profile. Selecting functions with small cost will\n" -"temporarily add them to the flat profile list.
\n" -msgstr "" -"...KCachegrind-eko funtzio zerrenda guztien elementu kopuru\n" -"maximoa konfiguratu dezakezula? Elementu kopuruaren mugapena\n" -"erantzun azkarreko GUI bat lortzeko egin ohi da. Zerrendako azken \n" -"elementuak saltatutako funtzio kopuruz erakutsiko dizu, saltatutako \n" -"funtzioen kostu baldintza batekin betera.
\n" -"Kostu txikiko funtzio bat aktibatzeio, bilatu eta hautatu ezazu\n" -"profil lauan. Kostu txikiko funtzio bat hautatzean, behin-behinekoz\n" -"profil lau zerrendara gehituko da.
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:87 -msgid "" -"...that the Coverage tab - in contrast to the Call Lists tab -\n" -"shows all functions that are calling the selected function\n" -"(upper part) / are called by the selected function (bottom part),\n" -"no matter how many function are between them on the stack?
\n" -"Examples:
\n" -"An entry in the upper list for function foo1() with a value of 50%\n" -"with function bar() selected means that 50% of all the cost of function\n" -"bar() happened while called from function foo1().
\n" -"An entry in the bottom list for function foo2() with a value of 50%\n" -"with function bar() selected means that 50% of all the cost of function\n" -"bar() happened while calling foo2() from bar().
\n" -msgstr "" -"...Estaldura fitxak (Dei zerenda fitxak ez bezala), hautatutako funtzioa " -"deitzen duten (goiko partea) / hautatutako funtzioaren bidez deituak diren " -"(beheko partea) funtzio guztiak erakusten dituela, bitarteko funtzioak kontuta " -"eduki gabe?" -"
\n" -"foo1() funtzioarentzat, goiko zerrendako sarrera batek % 50-eko balioa\n" -"badu bar() funtzio hautatuta baldin badago, bar() funtzioaren guztizko " -"kostuaren % 50 foo1() funtziotik deitu denean gertatu dela esan nahi du.
\n" -"foo2() funtzioarentzat, beheko zerrendako sarrera batek % 50-eko balioa\n" -"badu bar() funtzio hautatuta baldin badago, bar() funtzioaren guztizko kostutik " -"% 50-a bar()-ek foor2() deitzean gertatu dela esan nahi du.
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:102 -msgid "" -"...that waiting for the tool tip inside of a tree map\n" -"shows the list of names of the nested rectangles the mouse\n" -"pointer is over?
\n" -"Items from this list can be selected by pressing the right\n" -"mouse button.
\n" -msgstr "" -"...zuhaitz mapa baten barnean argibide baten zain gelditzen bazara,\n" -"saguak apuntatzen duen posizioan kabiatutako errektangeluen izenen zerrenda\n" -"bistaratzen dela?
\n" -"Zerrenda honetako elementuak saguaren eskuineko botoia sakatuz hauta " -"daitezke.
\n" - -#: tips.cpp:111 -msgid "" -"...that you can constrain the cost counts shown to only a\n" -"few parts of the whole trace by selecting these parts in the\n" -"\"Trace Selection\" Dockable?
\n" -"To generate multiple parts in a profiling run with\n" -"cachegrind, use e.g. option --cachedumps=xxx for parts\n" -"of a length of xxx basic blocks (A basic block is a run\n" -"of not-branching assembler statements inside of your program\n" -"code).
\n" -msgstr "" -"...erakusten diren kostu zenbaketak muga ditzakezula\n" -"\"Aztarna hautapena\" atrakagarrian erakutsiko diren zatiak\n" -"hautatuz?
\n" -"Cachegrind-ekin profil exekuzio batean zati anitz sortzeko,\n" -"erabili adibidez --cachedumps=xxx aukera xxx luzerako bloke\n" -"basikoa duten zatiak eskuratzeko (bloke basikoa zure programaren\n" -"kodeko adarrik gabeko mihiztadura sententzien exekuzioa da).
\n" - -#: configdlg.cpp:60 -msgid "Source Files" -msgstr "Iturburu fitxategiak" - -#: configdlg.cpp:61 -msgid "C++ Classes" -msgstr "C++ klaseak" - -#: configdlg.cpp:62 -msgid "Function (no Grouping)" -msgstr "Funtzioa (taldekatzerik gabe)" - -#: configdlg.cpp:157 configdlg.cpp:350 configdlg.cpp:371 -msgid "(always)" -msgstr "(beti)" - -#: configdlg.cpp:210 -msgid "KCachegrind Configuration" -msgstr "KCachegrind-en konfigurazioa" - -#: configdlg.cpp:211 -msgid "" -"The Maximum Number of List Items should be below 500.The previous set value " -"(%1) will still be used." -msgstr "" -"Zerrenda elementu kopuru maximoa 500 baina txikiagoa izan beharko litzateke. " -"Aurretik ezarritako balioa (%1) erabiliko da." - -#: configdlg.cpp:384 -msgid "Choose Source Folder" -msgstr "Hautatu iturburu karpeta" - -#: partgraph.cpp:167 -#, c-format -msgid "Profile Part %1" -msgstr "%1 profil zatia" - -#: partgraph.cpp:226 -msgid "(no trace)" -msgstr "(aztarnarik ez)" - -#: partgraph.cpp:229 -msgid "(no part)" -msgstr "(zatirik ez)" - -#: partview.cpp:51 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Iruzkina" - -#: partview.cpp:73 -msgid "" -"Trace Part List" -"This list shows all trace parts of the loaded trace. For each part, the " -"self/inclusive cost of the current selected function, spent in the part, is " -"shown; percentage costs are always relative to the total cost " -"of the part (not to the whole trace as in the Trace Part Overview). Also " -"shown are the calls happening to/from the current function inside of the trace " -"part.
" -"By choosing one or more trace parts from the list, the costs shown all over " -"KCachegrind will only be the ones spent in the selected part(s). If no list " -"selection is shown, in fact all trace parts are selected implicitly.
" -"This is a multi-selection list. You can select ranges by dragging the mouse " -"or use SHIFT/CTRL modifiers. Selection/Deselection of trace parts can also be " -"done by using the Trace Part Overview Dockable. This one also supports multiple " -"selection.
" -"Note that the list is hidden if only one trace part is loaded.
" -msgstr "" -"Aztarna zatien zerrenda" -"Zerrenda honek kargatutako aztarnaren aztarna zati guztiak erakusten ditu. " -"Zati bakoitzarentzat zatiarekiko hautatutako funtzioaren berezko kostua/kostu " -"inklusiboa erakusten du; Portzentaiak beti zatiaren " -"guztizko kostuarekiko erlatiboak dira (eta ez guztizko kostuarekiko erlatiboak, " -"Aztarna zatien informazio orokorrean bezala). Gainera, aztarna zati honeten " -"uneko funtziotik/funtziora egindako deiak agertuko dira.
" -"Zerrendatik aztarna zati bat edo gehiago hautatzen badira, KCachegrind-en " -"erakutsiko diren kostu guztiak hautatutako zatian (zatietan) gertatutakoak " -"bakarrik izango dira. Zerrenda hautapenik erakusten ez bada, aztarna zati " -"guztiak hautatuko dira inplizituki.
" -"Hau hautapen anitzeko zerrenda bat da. Sagua arrastatuz edo Shift/Ctrl " -"aldatzaileak erabiliz barrutiak hauta ditzakezu. Aztarna zatien hautapena " -"Aztarna zatien informazio orokorra atrakagarria erabiliz ere egin daiteke. " -"Honek ere hautapen anizkoitza onartzen du.
" -"Kontuan hartu zerrenda ezkutatuta dagoela aztarna zati bat bakarrik " -"kargatzen bada.
" - -#: partview.cpp:106 -msgid "Select '%1'" -msgstr "Hautatu '%1'" - -#: partview.cpp:107 -msgid "Hide '%1'" -msgstr "Ezkutatu '%1'" - -#: partview.cpp:111 -msgid "Hide Selected" -msgstr "Ezkutatu hautatutakoak" - -#: partview.cpp:112 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Erakutsi denak" diff --git a/tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdesdk/tdecachegrind.po b/tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdesdk/tdecachegrind.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..300bd96653a --- /dev/null +++ b/tde-i18n-eu/messages/tdesdk/tdecachegrind.po @@ -0,0 +1,2944 @@ +# translation of tdecachegrind.po to Basque +# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# Marcos GoienetxeThis list shows all cost types available and what the self/inclusive cost of " +"the current selected function is for that cost type.
" +"By choosing a cost type from the list, you change the cost type of costs " +"shown all over KCachegrind to be the selected one.
" +msgstr "" +"Kostu moten zerrenda" +"Zerrenda honek eskuragarri dauden kostu mota guztiak eta kostu mota " +"batentzat hautatutako funtzioaren berezko kostua/kostu inklusiboa erakusten " +"ditu.
" +"Zerrendan kostu mota ezberdina hautatuz, KCachegrind-eko kostu guztien " +"kostu-mota aldatuko duzu.
" + +#: costtypeview.cpp:98 +msgid "Set Secondary Event Type" +msgstr "Ezarri bigarren mailako gertaera mota" + +#: costtypeview.cpp:100 +msgid "Remove Secondary Event Type" +msgstr "Kendu bigarren mailako gertaera mota" + +#: costtypeview.cpp:105 +msgid "Edit Long Name" +msgstr "Editatu izen luzea" + +#: costtypeview.cpp:106 +msgid "Edit Short Name" +msgstr "Editatu izen laburra" + +#: costtypeview.cpp:107 +msgid "Edit Formula" +msgstr "Editatu formula" + +#: costtypeview.cpp:115 +msgid "New Cost Type ..." +msgstr "Kostu mota berria..." + +#: costtypeview.cpp:149 costtypeview.cpp:154 +#, c-format +msgid "New%1" +msgstr "%1 berria" + +#: costtypeview.cpp:155 +#, c-format +msgid "New Cost Type %1" +msgstr "Kostu mota berria: %1" + +#: sourceitem.cpp:125 +msgid "Jump %1 of %2 times to %3" +msgstr "Jauzi %2-tik %1-tan %3-(e)ra" + +#: sourceitem.cpp:130 +msgid "Jump %1 times to %2" +msgstr "Jauzi %1 aldiz %2-(e)ra" + +#: costlistitem.cpp:60 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"_n: (%n item skipped)\n" +"(%n items skipped)" +msgstr "" +"(elementu %n saltatu da)\n" +"(%n elementu saltatu dira)" + +#: traceitemview.cpp:53 +msgid "No description available" +msgstr "Ez dago deskribapenik eskuragarri" + +#. i18n: file partselectionbase.ui line 16 +#: rc.cpp:324 toplevel.cpp:281 toplevel.cpp:581 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Parts Overview" +msgstr "Aztarna zatien informazio orokorra" + +#: toplevel.cpp:288 +msgid "" +"The Parts Overview" +"A trace consists of multiple trace parts when there are several profile data " +"files from one profile run. The Trace Part Overview dockable shows these, " +"horizontally ordered in execution time; the rectangle sizes are proportional to " +"the total cost spent in the parts. You can select one or several parts to " +"constrain all costs shown to these parts only.
" +"The parts are further subdivided: there is a partitioning and an callee " +"split mode: " +"
Aztarna batek aztarna zati asko ditu profil exekuzio batean profil datu " +"fitxategi asko daudenean. Aztarna zatien ikuspegiak hauek erakusten ditu, " +"horizontalki ordenatuta exekuzio denboran, eta errektangeluaren tamainak " +"zatietako kostuekiko proportzionalak dira. Erakusten diren kostuak mugatzeko " +"zati bat edo gehiago hauta ditzakezu.
" +"Zati hauek ere azpibanatuta daude: talde eta deituen zatiketa moduen " +"arabera: " +"
This is a purely fictional 'most probable' call stack. It is built up by " +"starting with the current selected function and adds the callers/callees with " +"highest cost at the top and to bottom.
" +"The Cost and Calls columns show the cost used for all calls " +"from the function in the line above.
" +msgstr "" +"Kostu handiko deien pila " +"Hau asmatutako 'probabilitate handieneko' dei pila bat da. Uneko hautatutako " +"funtzioa hartu eta honen kostu handieneko deituak/deitzaileak gehitzen ditu " +"goian edo behean..
" +"Kostua eta Deiakzutabeek goiko lerroko funtziotik egin diren " +"deien kostuak erakusten ditu.
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:333 +msgid "Flat Profile" +msgstr "Profil laua" + +#: toplevel.cpp:343 +msgid "" +"The Flat Profile" +"The flat profile contains a group and a function selection list. The group " +"list contains all groups where costs are spent in, depending on the chosen " +"group type. The group list is hidden when group type 'Function' is selected." +"
" +"
The function list contains the functions of the selected group (or all for " +"'Function' group type), ordered by the costs spent therein. Functions with " +"costs less than 1% are hidden on default.
" +msgstr "" +"Profil laua" +"Profil lauak talde eta funtzio hautaketa zerrendak ditu. Talde zerrendak " +"kostua izan duten taldeak ditu, hautatutako taldearen motaren arabera. Talde " +"zerrenda ezkutuan dago talde mota 'Funtzioa' hautatzen bada." +"
" +"
Funtzio zerredak hautatutako taldearen funtzioak (edo guztiak 'Funtzioa' " +"talde motarentzat) , kostuaren arabera ordenatuta. % 1 baina kostu gutxiago " +"duten funtzioak ezkutatuko diren lehenespenez.
" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 16 +#: rc.cpp:84 toplevel.cpp:357 toplevel.cpp:609 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Profile Dumps" +msgstr "Profile iraulketak" + +#: toplevel.cpp:367 +msgid "" +"Profile Dumps" +"This dockable shows in the top part the list of loadable profile dumps in " +"all subdirectories of: " +"
On selecting a profile dump, information for it is shown in the bottom area " +"of the dockable: " +"
Atrakagarri honen goiko zatian hurrengo direktorioetako azpidirektorioetako " +"karga daitezkeen profil iraulketen zerrenda dago: " +"
Profil iraulketa bat hautatzean, honen informazioa beheko atalean azalduko " +"da: " +"
Make a copy of the current layout.
" +msgstr "" +"Bikoiztu uneko diseinua" +"Kopiatu uneko diseinua.Make a copy of the current layout.
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:466 +msgid "" +"Remove Current Layout" +"Delete current layout and make the previous active.
" +msgstr "" +"Kendu uneko diseinua" +"Ezabatu uneko diseinua eta aktibatu aurrekoa.
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:470 +msgid "&Go to Next" +msgstr "&Joan hurrengora" + +#: toplevel.cpp:474 +msgid "Go to Next Layout" +msgstr "Joan hurrengo diseinura" + +#: toplevel.cpp:477 +msgid "&Go to Previous" +msgstr "&Joan aurrekora" + +#: toplevel.cpp:481 +msgid "Go to Previous Layout" +msgstr "Joan aurreko diseinura" + +#: toplevel.cpp:484 +msgid "&Restore to Default" +msgstr "&Leheneratu lehenetsira" + +#: toplevel.cpp:487 +msgid "Restore Layouts to Default" +msgstr "Leheneratu diseinuak lehenetsira" + +#: toplevel.cpp:490 +msgid "&Save as Default" +msgstr "&Gorde lehenetsia bezala" + +#: toplevel.cpp:493 +msgid "Save Layouts as Default" +msgstr "Gorde diseinuak lehenetsiak bezala" + +#: toplevel.cpp:504 +msgid "NewOpen new empty KCachegrind window.
" +msgstr "BerriaIreki KCachegrind lehio huts berri bat..
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:507 +msgid "&Add..." +msgstr "&Gehitu..." + +#: toplevel.cpp:510 +msgid "" +"Add Profile Data" +"This opens an additional profile data file in the current window.
" +msgstr "" +"Gehitu profil datuak" +"Honek profil datu fitxategi gehigarri bat irekitzen du uneko lehioan.
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:522 +msgid "Reload Profile DataThis loads any new created parts, too.
" +msgstr "" +"Birkargatu profil datuak" +"Honek sortutako zati berriak ere kargatzen ditu
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:526 +msgid "&Export Graph" +msgstr "&Esportatu grafikoa" + +#: toplevel.cpp:530 +msgid "" +"Export Call Graph" +"Generates a file with extension .dot for the tools of the GraphViz " +"package.
" +msgstr "" +"Esportatu deien grafikoa" +".dot luzapendun fitxategi bat sortzen du GraphViz paketearen tresnentzat.
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:536 +msgid "&Force Dump" +msgstr "&Behartu iraulketa" + +#: toplevel.cpp:545 +msgid "" +"Force Dump" +"This forces a dump for a Callgrind profile run in the current directory. " +"This action is checked while KCachegrind looks for the dump. If the dump is " +"finished, it automatically reloads the current trace. If this is the one from " +"the running Callgrind, the new created trace part will be loaded, too.
" +"Force dump creates a file 'callgrind.cmd', and checks every second for its " +"existence. A running Callgrind will detect this file, dump a trace part, and " +"delete 'callgrind.cmd'. The deletion is detected by KCachegrind, and it does a " +"Reload. If there's no Callgrind running, press 'Force Dump' again to " +"cancel the dump request. This deletes 'callgrind.cmd' itself and stops polling " +"for a new dump.
" +"Note: A Callgrind run only detects existence of 'callgrind.cmd' " +"when actively running a few milliseconds, i.e. not " +"sleeping. Tip: For a profiled GUI program, you can awake Callgrind e.g. by " +"resizing a window of the program.
" +msgstr "" +"Behartu iraulketa" +"Honek Callgrind profil exekuzioaren iraulketa behartzen du uneko " +"direktorioan. Ekintza hau KCachegrind iraulketaren bila dagoenean bakarrik " +"hauta daiteke. Iraulketa amaitu bada, automatikoki uneko aztarna birkargatzen " +"du. Hau martxan dagoen Callgrind-ena bada, sortutako aztarna zati berria ere " +"kargatuko da.
" +"Behartu iraulketa aukerak callgrind.cmd izeneko fitxategi bat sortzen du " +"eta segunduro egiaztatzen du existitzen dela. Martxan dagoen Callgrind-ek " +"fitxategi hau detektutako luke aztarna zati bat irauli eta callgrind.cmd " +"ezabatuko luke. Ezabaketa KCachegrind-ek detektatuko luke eta birkargatu egingo " +"luke. Callgrind martxan ez badago, sakatu 'Behartu Iraulketa' berrio " +"iraulketa eskaria bertan behera uzteko. Honek 'callgrind.cmd' bera ezabatzen du " +"eta iraulketa berri baten bilaketa gelditzen du.
" +"Oharra: Callgrind-en exekuzioak 'callgrind.cmd' detekta dezan " +"beharrezkoa da milisegundu batzuko exekuzioa, adibidez, pausatuta " +"ez dagoenean. Aholkua: Profilatutako GUI programa batean programaren lehio " +"baten tamaina aldatuz Callgrind esna dezakezu.
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:570 +msgid "" +"Open Profile Data" +"This opens a profile data file, with possible multiple parts
" +msgstr "" +"Ireki profil datuak" +"Honek zati asko izan ditzakeen profil datu fitxategi bat irekitzen du
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:586 +msgid "Show/Hide the Parts Overview Dockable" +msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Aztarna zatien informazio orokorra\" atrakagarria" + +#: toplevel.cpp:590 +msgid "Call Stack" +msgstr "Dei pila" + +#: toplevel.cpp:595 +msgid "Show/Hide the Call Stack Dockable" +msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Dei pila\" atrakagarria" + +#. i18n: file functionselectionbase.ui line 16 +#: rc.cpp:297 toplevel.cpp:599 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Function Profile" +msgstr "Funtzio profila" + +#: toplevel.cpp:604 +msgid "Show/Hide the Function Profile Dockable" +msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Funtzio profila\" atrakagarria" + +#: toplevel.cpp:614 +msgid "Show/Hide the Profile Dumps Dockable" +msgstr "Erakutsi/ezkutatu \"Profil iraulketak\" atrakagarria" + +#: toplevel.cpp:619 +msgid "Show Relative Costs" +msgstr "Erakutsi kostu erlatiboa" + +#: toplevel.cpp:626 +msgid "Show Absolute Costs" +msgstr "Erakutsi kostu absolutua" + +#: toplevel.cpp:629 +msgid "Show relative instead of absolute costs" +msgstr "Erakutsi erlatiboa aboslutuaren ordez" + +#: toplevel.cpp:633 +msgid "Percentage Relative to Parent" +msgstr "Gurasoari dakion portzentaia" + +#: toplevel.cpp:639 +msgid "Show percentage costs relative to parent" +msgstr "Erakutsi kostu portzentaiak gurasoekiko erlatiboak bezala" + +#: toplevel.cpp:643 +msgid "" +"Show percentage costs relative to parent" +"If this is switched off, percentage costs are always shown relative to the " +"total cost of the profile part(s) that are currently browsed. By turning on " +"this option, percentage cost of shown cost items will be relative to the parent " +"cost item." +"
Cost Type | " +"Parent Cost |
Function Cumulative | " +"Total |
Function Self | " +"Function Group (*) / Total |
Call | " +"Function Cumulative |
Source Line | " +"Function Cumulative |
(*) Only if function grouping is switched on (e.g. ELF object grouping)." +msgstr "" +"Erakutsi kostu portzentaiak gurasoekiko erlatiboak bezala" +"
Hau desaktibatuta badago, kostu portzentaiak beti uneko arakatutako profil " +"zatieen kostuarekiko erlatiboak dira. Aktibatzean, erakutsitako portzentaiak " +"gurasoaren kostuarekiko erlatiboak izango dira." +"
Kostu mota | " +"Gurasoaren mota |
Funtzioak metatutakoa | " +"Guztira |
Funtzioa berak | " +"Funtzaio talde (*) / Guztira |
Dei | " +"Funtzioak metatua |
Iturburu lerroa | " +"Funtzioak metatutakoa |
(*) Funtzioen taldekapena aktibatu bada bakarrik (adib. ELF obektuen " +"taldekatzea)." + +#: toplevel.cpp:658 +msgid "Do Cycle Detection" +msgstr "Egin ziklo detekzioa" + +#: toplevel.cpp:664 +msgid "Skip Cycle Detection" +msgstr "Saltatu ziklo detekzioa" + +#: toplevel.cpp:667 +msgid "" +"Detect recursive cycles" +"
If this is switched off, the treemap drawing will show black areas when a " +"recursive call is made instead of drawing the recursion ad infinitum. Note that " +"the size of black areas often will be wrong, as inside recursive cycles the " +"cost of calls cannot be determined; the error is small, however, for false " +"cycles (see documentation)." +"
The correct handling for cycles is to detect them and collapse all functions " +"of a cycle into a virtual function, which is done when this option is selected. " +"Unfortunately, with GUI applications, this often will lead to huge false " +"cycles, making the analysis impossible; therefore, there is the option to " +"switch this off." +msgstr "" +"Detektatu ziklo errekurtsiboak" +"
Desgaituta badago, zuhaitz-mapak area beltzak erakutsiko ditu dei " +"errekurtsibo bat dagoenean errekurtsioa infinitura marraztu ordez. Kontuan izan " +"area beltzen tamaina gaizki egongo dela eta ziklo errekurtsiboen barnean deien " +"kostuak ezin direlako kalkulatu. Aldiz, errorea txikia da ziklo faltsuetarako " +"(ikusi dokumentazioa)." +"
Zikloen maneiu zuzena detektatzea eta zikloen funtzioak funtzio birtual " +"batean tolestea da, eta hau aukera gaitzen denean egiten da. Hala ere, GUI " +"aplikazioetan honek ziklo faltsu kopuru handi batera eramaten gaitu eta " +"analisia ezinezko bihurtzen du. Beraz, hemen dago ezgaitzeko aukera." + +#: toplevel.cpp:689 toplevel.cpp:729 +msgid "Go back in function selection history" +msgstr "Joan atzera funtzio hautapenaren historian" + +#: toplevel.cpp:695 toplevel.cpp:741 +msgid "Go forward in function selection history" +msgstr "Joan aurrera funtzio hautapenaren historian" + +#: toplevel.cpp:701 toplevel.cpp:715 +msgid "" +"Go Up" +"
Go to last selected caller of current function. If no caller was visited, " +"use that with highest cost.
" +msgstr "" +"Joan gorantz" +"Joan funtzio honen hautatutako azken deitzailera. Deitzailerik hautatu ez " +"bada, erabili kostu handiena duena.
" + +#: toplevel.cpp:707 +msgid "&Up" +msgstr "&Gorantz" + +#: toplevel.cpp:746 toplevel.cpp:1651 +msgid "Primary Event Type" +msgstr "Lehen mailako gertaera mota" + +#: toplevel.cpp:748 +msgid "Select primary event type of costs" +msgstr "Hautatu lehen mailako kostuen gertaera mota" + +#: toplevel.cpp:758 toplevel.cpp:1654 +msgid "Secondary Event Type" +msgstr "Bigarren mailako gertaera mota" + +#: toplevel.cpp:760 +msgid "Select secondary event type for cost e.g. shown in annotations" +msgstr "" +"Hautatu bigarren mailako gertaera mota kostuentzat, adib. oharretan erakusten " +"direnak" + +#: functionselection.cpp:243 toplevel.cpp:768 +msgid "Grouping" +msgstr "Taldekatzea" + +#: toplevel.cpp:771 +msgid "Select how functions are grouped into higher level cost items" +msgstr "" +"Hautatu funtzioak nola taldekatzen diren maila handiagoko kostu elementuetan" + +#: functionselection.cpp:52 toplevel.cpp:777 +msgid "(No Grouping)" +msgstr "(Taldekatzerik ez)" + +#: toplevel.cpp:787 +msgid "Split" +msgstr "Zatitu" + +#: toplevel.cpp:791 +msgid "Show two information panels" +msgstr "Erakutsi bi informazio panel" + +#: toplevel.cpp:795 +msgid "Split Horizontal" +msgstr "Zatitu horizontalki" + +#: toplevel.cpp:800 +msgid "Change Split Orientation when main window is split." +msgstr "Aldatu zatiketaren orientazioa lehio nagusia zatitzen denean" + +#: toplevel.cpp:808 +msgid "Tip of the &Day..." +msgstr "&Eguneko aholkua..." + +#: toplevel.cpp:809 +msgid "Show \"Tip of the Day\"" +msgstr "Erakutsi \"Eguneko aholkua\"" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1012 toplevel.cpp:1061 +msgid "" +"cachegrind.out* callgrind.out*|Callgrind Profile Data\n" +"*|All Files" +msgstr "" +"cachegrind.out callgrind.out | Callgrind-en profil datuak\n" +"*|Fitxategi guztiak" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1014 +msgid "Select Callgrind Profile Data" +msgstr "Hautatu Callgrind-en profil datuak" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1063 +msgid "Add Callgrind Profile Data" +msgstr "Gehitu Callgrind-en profil datuak" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1221 toplevel.cpp:1574 +msgid "(Hidden)" +msgstr "(Ezkutatuta)" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1626 +msgid "Hide" +msgstr "Ezkutatu" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1659 +msgid "Show Absolute Cost" +msgstr "Erautsi kostu absolutua" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1662 +msgid "Show Relative Cost" +msgstr "Erautsi kostu erlatiboa" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1693 +msgid "Go Forward" +msgstr "Joan aurrera" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1694 +msgid "Go Up" +msgstr "Joan gorantz" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1926 +#, c-format +msgid "Layout Count: %1" +msgstr "Diseinu kontagailua: %1" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1933 +msgid "No profile data file loaded." +msgstr "Ez da profil datuen fitxategirik kargatu." + +#: toplevel.cpp:1942 +msgid "Total %1 Cost: %2" +msgstr "Kostua guztira (%1) : %2" + +#: toplevel.cpp:1954 +msgid "No event type selected" +msgstr "Ez da gertaera motarik hautatu" + +#: toplevel.cpp:2199 toplevel.cpp:2235 toplevel.cpp:2271 +msgid "(No Stack)" +msgstr "(Pilarik ez)" + +#: toplevel.cpp:2205 +msgid "(No next function)" +msgstr "(Ez dago hurrengo funtziorik)" + +#: toplevel.cpp:2241 +msgid "(No previous function)" +msgstr "(Ez dago aurreko funtziorik)" + +#: toplevel.cpp:2276 +msgid "(No Function Up)" +msgstr "(Ez dago guraso funtziorik)" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 906 +#: instrview.cpp:125 rc.cpp:264 sourceview.cpp:50 +#, no-c-format +msgid "#" +msgstr "#" + +#: callview.cpp:45 instrview.cpp:127 sourceview.cpp:52 +msgid "Cost 2" +msgstr "Kostua 2" + +#: instrview.cpp:129 +msgid "Hex" +msgstr "Hamaseitarra" + +#: instrview.cpp:131 tabview.cpp:313 +msgid "Assembler" +msgstr "Mihiztadura" + +#: instrview.cpp:132 +msgid "Source Position" +msgstr "Posizioa iturburuan" + +#: instrview.cpp:163 +msgid "" +"Annotated Assembler" +"The annotated assembler list shows the machine code instructions of the " +"current selected function together with (self) cost spent while executing an " +"instruction. If this is a call instruction, lines with details on the call " +"happening are inserted into the source: the cost spent inside of the call, the " +"number of calls happening, and the call destination.
" +"The disassembler output shown is generated with the 'objdump' utility from " +"the 'binutils' package.
" +"Select a line with call information to make the destination function of this " +"call current.
" +msgstr "" +"Mihiztadura iruzkindua" +"Mihiztadura iruzkindua zerrendak uneko hautatutako funtzioaren makina-kode " +"instrukzioak erakusten ditu, instrukzio bakoitzaren exekuzioaren berezko " +"kostuarekin batera. Dei instrukzio bat bada, deiari buruzko informazio duten " +"lerroak txertatuko dira iturburuan: deiaren barruan izandako kostua, " +"gertatutako dei kopurua, eta deiaren helburua.
" +"Desmihiztaduraren irteera binutils paketeko objdump tresnarekin sortu da.
" +"Hautatu deiaren informazio duen lerro bat deiaren helburu funtzioa uneko " +"funtzio bihurtzeko.
" + +#: callgraphview.cpp:2397 callgraphview.cpp:2401 callgraphview.cpp:2419 +#: callview.cpp:123 callview.cpp:128 coverageview.cpp:166 instrview.cpp:191 +#: sourceview.cpp:116 +msgid "Go to '%1'" +msgstr "Joan hona '%1'" + +#: instrview.cpp:195 +#, c-format +msgid "Go to Address %1" +msgstr "Joan helbide honetara: %1" + +#: instrview.cpp:207 +msgid "Hex Code" +msgstr "Kode hamaseitarra" + +#: instrview.cpp:426 +msgid "There is no instruction info in the profile data file." +msgstr "Ez dago instrukzioaren informaziorik profil datuen fitxategian" + +#: instrview.cpp:428 +msgid "For the Valgrind Calltree Skin, rerun with option" +msgstr "Valgrind-en dei-zuhaitza erabiltzeko, berrabiarazi aukera honekin" + +#: instrview.cpp:429 +msgid " --dump-instr=yes" +msgstr " --dump-instr=yes" + +#: instrview.cpp:430 +msgid "To see (conditional) jumps, additionally specify" +msgstr "Jauziak (baldintzatuak) ikusteko, zehaztu aukera hau" + +#: instrview.cpp:431 +msgid " --trace-jump=yes" +msgstr " --trace-jump=yes" + +#: instrview.cpp:629 +msgid "There is an error trying to execute the command" +msgstr "Errorea agindua exekutatzean" + +#: instrview.cpp:634 instrview.cpp:900 +msgid "Check that you have installed 'objdump'." +msgstr "Egiaztatu 'objdump' instalatuta duzula." + +#: instrview.cpp:636 instrview.cpp:902 +msgid "This utility can be found in the 'binutils' package." +msgstr "Tresna hau 'binutils' paketean aurki daiteke." + +#: instrview.cpp:739 +msgid "(No Assembler)" +msgstr "(Mihiztadurarik ez)" + +#: instrview.cpp:875 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"_n: There is %n cost line without assembler code.\n" +"There are %n cost lines without assembler code." +msgstr "" +"kostu lerro %n dago mihiztadura koderik gabe.\n" +"%n kostu lerro daude mihiztadura koderik gabe." + +#: instrview.cpp:877 +msgid "This happens because the code of" +msgstr "Honen zergatia kode hau" + +#: instrview.cpp:880 +msgid "does not seem to match the profile data file." +msgstr "profil datuen fitxategiekin bat ez datorrelako da" + +#: instrview.cpp:883 +msgid "Are you using an old profile data file or is the above mentioned" +msgstr "" +"Profil datuen fitxategi zahar bat erabiltzen ari zara edo goian aipatu den" + +#: instrview.cpp:885 +msgid "ELF object from an updated installation/another machine?" +msgstr "ELF objektua eguneratutako instalazio/beste makina batetik dator?" + +#: instrview.cpp:893 +msgid "There seems to be an error trying to execute the command" +msgstr "Errorea honako agindua exekutatzean" + +#: instrview.cpp:898 +msgid "Check that the ELF object used in the command exists." +msgstr "Egiaztatu aginduan erabiltzen den ELF objektua existitzen den." + +#: callgraphview.cpp:306 +#, c-format +msgid "Call(s) from %1" +msgstr "Deiak hemendik: %1" + +#: callgraphview.cpp:307 +#, c-format +msgid "Call(s) to %1" +msgstr "Deiak hona: %1" + +#: callgraphview.cpp:308 +msgid "(unknown call)" +msgstr "(dei ezezaguna)" + +#: callgraphview.cpp:1425 +msgid "" +"Call Graph around active Function" +"Depending on configuration, this view shows the call graph environment of " +"the active function. Note: the shown cost is only " +"the cost which is spent while the active function was actually running; i.e. " +"the cost shown for main() - if it's visible - should be the same as the cost of " +"the active function, as that's the part of inclusive cost of main() spent while " +"the active function was running.
" +"For cycles, blue call arrows indicate that this is an artificial call added " +"for correct drawing which actually never happened.
" +"If the graph is larger than the widget area, an overview panner is shown in " +"one edge. There are similar visualization options to the Call Treemap; the " +"selected function is highlighted." +"
" +msgstr "" +"Funtzio aktiboaren inguruko dei grafikoa" +"
Konfigurazioaren arabera, ikuspegi honek funtzio aktiboaren dei grafika " +"erakusten du. Oharra: erakusten den kostua funtzio aktiboa exekutatzeko kostua " +"bakarrik da; adib. erakusten den main() funtzioaren kostua (ikusgai " +"badago) funtzio aktiboaren kostu berdina izan behar da main()-aren exekuzioaren " +"barruan funtzio aktiboaren kostu inklusiboa delako.
" +"Zikloentzat dei gezi urdinek marrazketa egoki baterako gehitu den eta " +"errealitatean gertatu ez den dei bat dela adierazten dute.
" +"Grafikoa trepetaren area baina handiagoa bada, ikuspegi orokorraren " +"hautatzaile bat agertuko da ertz batean. Bistaratze aukera antzekoak daude " +"deien zuhaitz-mapan; hautatutako funtzioa nabarmenduko da." +"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:1789
+msgid ""
+"Warning: a long lasting graph layouting is in progress.\n"
+"Reduce node/edge limits for speedup.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Abisua: denbora asko iraun dezakeen grafiko baten sorrera bat dago martxan.\n"
+"Nodo edo ertz kopurua murriztu prozesua bizkortzeko.\n"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:1792
+msgid ""
+"Layouting stopped.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Sorrera gelditu da.\n"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:1794
+msgid ""
+"The call graph has %1 nodes and %2 edges.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Dei grafikoak %1 nodo eta %2 ertz ditu.\n"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:1827
+msgid "No item activated for which to draw the call graph."
+msgstr "Ez da elementurik aktibatu honen dei grafikoa marrazteko."
+#: callgraphview.cpp:1838
+msgid "No call graph can be drawn for the active item."
+msgstr "Ezin da dei grafikorik sortu elementu aktiboarentzat."
+#: callgraphview.cpp:1867
+msgid ""
+"No call graph is available because the following\n"
+"command cannot be run:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Ez dago dei grafikoarik eskuragarri ondorengo \n"
+"agindua ezin delako exekutatu:\n"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:1870 callgraphview.cpp:2200
+msgid "Please check that 'dot' is installed (package GraphViz)."
+msgstr "Egiaztatu 'dot' instalatuta dagoela (GraphViz paketea)."
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2199
+msgid ""
+"Error running the graph layouting tool.\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Errorea grafikoen marrazketa tresna exekutatzean.\n"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2207
+msgid ""
+"There is no call graph available for function\n"
+"because it has no cost of the selected event type."
+msgstr ""
+"Ez dago dei grafikorik eskuragarri '\t%1'\n"
+" funtzioarentzat hautatutako gertaera motako kosturik ez duelako."
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2428
+msgid "Stop Layouting"
+msgstr "Gelditu sorrera"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2436
+msgid "As PostScript"
+msgstr "PostScript bezala"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2437
+msgid "As Image ..."
+msgstr "Irudi bezala..."
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2439
+msgid "Export Graph"
+msgstr "Esportatu grafikoa"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2444 callgraphview.cpp:2467
+msgid "Unlimited"
+msgstr "Mugagabea"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2447 callgraphview.cpp:2470
+msgid "None"
+msgstr "Bate ere ez"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2448 callgraphview.cpp:2471
+msgid "max. 2"
+msgstr "max. 2"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2449 callgraphview.cpp:2472
+msgid "max. 5"
+msgstr "max. 5"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2450 callgraphview.cpp:2473
+msgid "max. 10"
+msgstr "max. 10"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2451 callgraphview.cpp:2474
+msgid "max. 15"
+msgstr "max. 15"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2461 callgraphview.cpp:2484
+#, c-format
+msgid "< %1"
+msgstr "< %1"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2490
+msgid "No Minimum"
+msgstr "Minimorik ez"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2494
+#, c-format
+msgid "50 %"
+msgstr "% 50"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2495
+#, c-format
+msgid "20 %"
+msgstr "% 20"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2496
+#, c-format
+msgid "10 %"
+msgstr "% 10"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2497
+#, c-format
+msgid "5 %"
+msgstr "% 5"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2498
+#, c-format
+msgid "3 %"
+msgstr "% 3"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2499
+#, c-format
+msgid "2 %"
+msgstr "% 2"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2500
+#, c-format
+msgid "1.5 %"
+msgstr "% 1.5"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2501
+#, c-format
+msgid "1 %"
+msgstr "% 1"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2517
+msgid "Same as Node"
+msgstr "Nodoaren berdina"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2518
+#, c-format
+msgid "50 % of Node"
+msgstr "Nodoaren % 50"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2519
+#, c-format
+msgid "20 % of Node"
+msgstr "Nodoaren % 20"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2520
+#, c-format
+msgid "10 % of Node"
+msgstr "Nodoaren % 10"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2530
+msgid "Caller Depth"
+msgstr "Deitzaileen sakontasuna"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2531
+msgid "Callee Depth"
+msgstr "Deituen sakontasuna"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2532
+msgid "Min. Node Cost"
+msgstr "Nodoaren kostu minimoa"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2533
+msgid "Min. Call Cost"
+msgstr "Deiaren kostu minimoa"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2535
+msgid "Arrows for Skipped Calls"
+msgstr "Geziak saltatutako deientzat"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2537
+msgid "Inner-cycle Calls"
+msgstr "Barne-zikloko deiak"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2539
+msgid "Cluster Groups"
+msgstr "Taldeak"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2544
+msgid "Compact"
+msgstr "Trinkoa"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2545
+msgid "Normal"
+msgstr "Normala"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2546
+msgid "Tall"
+msgstr "Altua"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2551
+msgid "Top to Down"
+msgstr "Goitik behera"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2552
+msgid "Left to Right"
+msgstr "Ezkerretik eskuinera"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2553
+msgid "Circular"
+msgstr "Zirkularra"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2559
+msgid "TopLeft"
+msgstr "Ezker-goian"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2560
+msgid "TopRight"
+msgstr "Eskuin-goian"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2561
+msgid "BottomLeft"
+msgstr "Ezker-behean"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2562
+msgid "BottomRight"
+msgstr "Eskuin-behean"
+#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 246
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2563 rc.cpp:42 rc.cpp:51 rc.cpp:54
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Automatic"
+msgstr "Automatikoa"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2570
+msgid "Graph"
+msgstr "Grafikoa"
+#: callgraphview.cpp:2572
+msgid "Birds-eye View"
+msgstr "Urruneko ikuspegia"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
+msgid ""
+"Your names"
+msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"
+#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
+msgid ""
+"Your emails"
+msgstr ""
+#: coverageitem.cpp:65 coverageitem.cpp:205 functionitem.cpp:72
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"_n: (%n function skipped)\n"
+"(%n functions skipped)"
+msgstr ""
+"(funtzio %n saltatu da)\n"
+"(%n funtzio saltatu dira)"
+#: main.cpp:38
+msgid "Run This widget shows information for the current selected function in different "
+"tabs: "
For more information, see the "
+"What's This? help of the corresponding tab widget
Trepeta honek uneko hautatutako funtzioaren informazio erakusten du fitxa " +"ezberdinetan: " +"
The annotated source list shows the source lines of the current selected " +"function together with (self) cost spent while executing the code of this " +"source line. If there was a call in a source line, lines with details on the " +"call happening are inserted into the source: the cost spent inside of the call, " +"the number of calls happening, and the call destination.
" +"Select a inserted call information line to make the destination function " +"current.
" +msgstr "" +"Iturburu iruzkindua" +"Iturburu iruzkinduen zerrendak uneko hautatutako funtzioaren iturburu " +"lerroak erakusten ditu eta lerro honetako kodea exekutatzeko berezko kostua. " +"Iturburu lerroan dei bat badago, dei gertaeraren xehetasunak dituzten lerroak " +"iturburua txertatzen dira: deiaren barruan gertatutako kostua, dei kopurua, eta " +"deiaren helburua.
" +"Hautatu txertatutako dei informazio lerro bat helburu funtzioa uneko funtzio " +"bihurtzeko.
" + +#: sourceview.cpp:120 +#, c-format +msgid "Go to Line %1" +msgstr "Joan %1 lerrora" + +#: sourceview.cpp:293 +msgid "(No Source)" +msgstr "(Iturbururik ez)" + +#: sourceview.cpp:512 +msgid "There is no cost of current selected type associated" +msgstr "Ez dago uneko hautatutako motari lotutako kosturik " + +#: sourceview.cpp:514 +msgid "with any source line of this function in file" +msgstr "fitxategiko funtzio honen edozein iturburu lerrorekin" + +#: sourceview.cpp:518 +msgid "Thus, no annotated source can be shown." +msgstr "Beraz, ezin da iturburu iruzkindurik erakutsi" + +#: sourceview.cpp:553 +msgid "Source ('%1')" +msgstr "Iturburua ('%1')" + +#: sourceview.cpp:559 +msgid "--- Inlined from '%1' ---" +msgstr "--- Hemendik txertatua: '%1' --" + +#: sourceview.cpp:560 +msgid "--- Inlined from unknown source ---" +msgstr "--- Iturburu ezezagunetik txertatua ---" + +#: sourceview.cpp:565 +msgid "There is no source available for the following function:" +msgstr "Ez dago iturburu fitxategirik eskuragarri ondorengo funtzioarentzat:" + +#: sourceview.cpp:570 +msgid "This is because no debug information is present." +msgstr "Hau arazketa informaziorik ez dagoelako da." + +#: sourceview.cpp:572 +msgid "Recompile source and redo the profile run." +msgstr "Birkonpilatu iturburua eta berregin profil exekuzioa." + +#: sourceview.cpp:575 +msgid "The function is located in this ELF object:" +msgstr "Funtzioa ELF objektu honetan kokatzen da:" + +#: sourceview.cpp:583 +msgid "This is because its source file cannot be found:" +msgstr "Hau bere iturburu fitxategia aurkitu ezin delako da:" + +#: sourceview.cpp:587 +msgid "Add the folder of this file to the source folder list." +msgstr "Gehitu fitxategi honen karpeta iturubur karpeten zerrendara." + +#: sourceview.cpp:589 +msgid "The list can be found in the configuration dialog." +msgstr "Zerrenda konfigurazio elkarrizketa-koadroan aurki daiteke" + +#: partlistitem.cpp:49 +msgid " (Thread %1)" +msgstr " (Haria %1)" + +#: partlistitem.cpp:56 +msgid "(none)" +msgstr "(bat ere ez)" + +#: callitem.cpp:82 partlistitem.cpp:152 +msgid "(active)" +msgstr "(aktiboa)" + +#: functionselection.cpp:176 +#, c-format +msgid "Go to %1" +msgstr "Joan hona: %1" + +#: functionselection.cpp:203 +msgid "Show All Items" +msgstr "Erakutsi elementu guztiak" + +#: functionselection.cpp:226 +msgid "No Grouping" +msgstr "Taldekatzerik ez" + +#: coverageview.cpp:48 coverageview.cpp:54 +msgid "Distance" +msgstr "Distantzia" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 928 +#: coverageview.cpp:49 partview.cpp:49 rc.cpp:270 rc.cpp:315 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Called" +msgstr "Deitua(k)" + +#: callview.cpp:48 coverageview.cpp:50 +msgid "Caller" +msgstr "Deitzailea" + +#: coverageview.cpp:55 +msgid "Calling" +msgstr "Deia(k)" + +#: callview.cpp:52 coverageview.cpp:56 +msgid "Callee" +msgstr "Deitutako funtzioa" + +#: coverageview.cpp:90 +msgid "" +"List of all Callers" +"This list shows all functions calling the current selected one, either " +"directly or with several functions in-between on the stack; the number of " +"functions in-between plus one is called the Distance " +"(e.g. for function A,B,C there exists a call from A to C when A calls B and B " +"calls C, i.e. A => B => C. The distance here is 2).
" +"Absolute cost shown is the cost spent in the selected function while a " +"listed function is active; relative cost is the percentage of all cost spent in " +"the selected function while the listed one is active. The cost graphic shows " +"logarithmic percentage with a different color for each distance.
" +"As there can be many calls from the same function, the distance column " +"sometimes shows the range of distances for all calls happening; then, in " +"parentheses, there is the medium distance, i.e. the distance where most of the " +"call costs happened.
" +"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " +"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " +"changed instead.
" +msgstr "" +"Deitzaileen zerrenda" +"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioa deitzen duten funtzio guztiak " +"erakusten ditu, bai zuzenean edo zeharka (beste tarteko funtzioen bidez); " +"tarteko funtzio kopurua gehi bat Distantzia " +"bezala definitzen da (adib. A,B,C funtzioentzat A-tik C-rako deia A-k B deitzen " +"duenean eta B-k C, hots, A => B => C. Distantzia hemen 2 da).
" +"Erakusten den kostu absolutua, zerrendako funtzio bat aktibo dagoenen " +"hautatutako funtzioaren kostua da; kostu erlatiboa hautatutako funtzioaren " +"guztizko kostuarekiko zerrendako funtzioa aktibo dagoenean duen kostuaren " +"portzentaia da. Kostuaren grafikoak portzentai logaritmikoa erakusten du " +"distantzia bakoitzai kolore ezberdin bat emanez.
" +"Funtzio berdinera doazen dei asko egon daitekeenez, distanzia zutabeak " +"batzutan gertatutako dei guztien distantzien eremua erakusten du; beraz, " +"pasentesi artean, bataz-besteko distantzia bat dato, hau da dei kostu gehienak " +"izan dituen distantzia.
" +"Funtzio bat hautatuz uneko hautatutako bezala bihurtzen du informazio panel " +"honentzat. Ordez, bi panel badaude (Zatiketa modua), beste panelaren funtzioa " +"aldatuko da.
" + +#: coverageview.cpp:120 +msgid "" +"List of all Callees" +"This list shows all functions called by the current selected one, either " +"directly or with several function in-between on the stack; the number of " +"function in-between plus one is called the Distance " +"(e.g. for function A,B,C there exists a call from A to C when A calls B and B " +"calls C, i.e. A => B => C. The distance here is 2).
" +"Absolute cost shown is the cost spent in the listed function while the " +"selected is active; relative cost is the percentage of all cost spent in the " +"listed function while the selected one is active. The cost graphic always shows " +"logarithmic percentage with a different color for each distance.
" +"As there can be many calls to the same function, the distance column " +"sometimes shows the range of distances for all calls happening; then, in " +"parentheses, there is the medium distance, i.e. the distance where most of the " +"call costs happened.
" +"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " +"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " +"changed instead.
" +msgstr "" +"Deitutako funtzio guztien zerrenda" +"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioak deitutako funtzio guztiak " +"erakusten ditu, bai zuzenean edo zeharka (beste tarteko funtzioen bidez); " +"tarteko funtzio kopurua gehi bat Distantzia " +"bezala definitzen da (adib. A,B,C funtzioentzat A-tik C-rako deia A-k B deitzen " +"duenean eta B-k C, hots, A => B => C. Distantzia hemen 2 da).
" +"Erakusten den kostu absolutua, hautatutako funtzioa aktibo egon denean " +"zerrendako funtzioaren kostua da; kostu erlatiboa zerrendako funtzioaren " +"guztizko kostuarekiko hautatutako funtzioa aktibo egon denean duen kostuaren " +"portzentaia da. Kostuaren grafikoak portzentai logaritmikoa erakusten du " +"distantzia bakoitzai kolore ezberdin bat emanez.
" +"Funtzio berdinera doazen dei asko egon daitekeenez, distanzia zutabeak " +"batzutan gertatutako dei guztien distantzien eremua erakusten du; beraz, " +"pasentesi artean, bataz-besteko distantzia bat dato, hau da dei kostu gehienak " +"izan dituen distantzia.
" +"Funtzio bat hautatuz uneko hautatutako bezala bihurtzen du informazio panel " +"honentzat. Ordez, bi panel badaude (Zatiketa modua), beste panelaren funtzioa " +"aldatuko da.
" + +#: configuration.cpp:63 +msgid "Instruction Fetch" +msgstr "Instrukzio bilaketa" + +#: configuration.cpp:64 +msgid "Data Read Access" +msgstr "Datuak irakurtzeko sarbidea" + +#: configuration.cpp:65 +msgid "Data Write Access" +msgstr "Datuak idazteko sarbidea" + +#: configuration.cpp:66 +msgid "L1 Instr. Fetch Miss" +msgstr "Instrukzioa ez dago L1 cachean" + +#: configuration.cpp:67 +msgid "L1 Data Read Miss" +msgstr "Errorea L1 cachea irakurtzean" + +#: configuration.cpp:68 +msgid "L1 Data Write Miss" +msgstr "Errorea L1 cachea idaztean" + +#: configuration.cpp:69 +msgid "L2 Instr. Fetch Miss" +msgstr "Instrukzioa ez dago L2 cachean" + +#: configuration.cpp:70 +msgid "L2 Data Read Miss" +msgstr "Errorea L2 cachea irakurtzean" + +#: configuration.cpp:71 +msgid "L2 Data Write Miss" +msgstr "Errorea L2 cachea idaztean" + +#: configuration.cpp:72 +msgid "Samples" +msgstr "Adibideak" + +#: configuration.cpp:73 +msgid "System Time" +msgstr "Sistemaren denbora" + +#: configuration.cpp:74 +msgid "User Time" +msgstr "Erabiltzailearen denbora" + +#: configuration.cpp:75 +msgid "L1 Miss Sum" +msgstr "L1 errore kopurua" + +#: configuration.cpp:76 +msgid "L2 Miss Sum" +msgstr "L2 errore kopurua" + +#: configuration.cpp:77 +msgid "Cycle Estimation" +msgstr "Zikloen zenbatetsia" + +#. i18n: file tdecachegrindui.rc line 15 +#: rc.cpp:9 +#, no-c-format +msgid "&Layout" +msgstr "&Diseinua" + +#. i18n: file tdecachegrindui.rc line 32 +#: rc.cpp:12 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Sidebars" +msgstr "Alboko barrak" + +#. i18n: file tdecachegrindui.rc line 54 +#: rc.cpp:18 +#, no-c-format +msgid "State Toolbar" +msgstr "Egoera tresna-barra" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 37 +#: rc.cpp:24 +#, no-c-format +msgid "General" +msgstr "Orokorra" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 69 +#: rc.cpp:27 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Truncated when more/longer than:" +msgstr "Trunkatu hau baina handiagoa bada:" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 77 +#: rc.cpp:30 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Precision of percentage values:" +msgstr "Portzentai balioen zehaztasuna:" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 85 +#: rc.cpp:33 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Symbols in tooltips and context menus" +msgstr "Sinboloak argibide eta testuinguru menuetan" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 141 +#: rc.cpp:36 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Maximum number of items in lists:" +msgstr "Zerrendako elementu kopuru maximoa:" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 162 +#: rc.cpp:39 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Cost Item Colors" +msgstr "Kostu elementuen koloreak" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 254 +#: rc.cpp:45 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Object:" +msgstr "Objektua:" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 262 +#: rc.cpp:48 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Class:" +msgstr "Klasea:" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 310 +#: rc.cpp:57 +#, no-c-format +msgid "File:" +msgstr "Fitxategia:" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 376 +#: rc.cpp:60 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Annotations" +msgstr "Oharrak" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 395 +#: rc.cpp:63 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Context lines in annotations:" +msgstr "Oharretako testinguru lerroak:" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 423 +#: rc.cpp:66 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Source Folders" +msgstr "Iturburu karpetak" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 454 +#: rc.cpp:69 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Object / Related Source Base" +msgstr "Iturburuen oinarria" + +#. i18n: file configdlgbase.ui line 483 +#: rc.cpp:72 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Add..." +msgstr "Gehitu..." + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 32 +#: rc.cpp:87 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Target" +msgstr "Helburua" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 54 +#: rc.cpp:90 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Time" +msgstr "Denbora" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 65 +#: rc.cpp:93 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Path" +msgstr "Bide-izena" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 106 +#: rc.cpp:99 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Target command:" +msgstr "Helburu agindua:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 119 +#: rc.cpp:102 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Profiler options:" +msgstr "Profilatzailearen aukerak:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 125 +#: rc.cpp:105 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Option" +msgstr "Aukerak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 136 +#: rc.cpp:108 rc.cpp:219 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Value" +msgstr "Balioa" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 147 +#: rc.cpp:111 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Trace" +msgstr "Aztarna" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 160 +#: rc.cpp:114 rc.cpp:237 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Jumps" +msgstr "Jauziak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 174 +#: rc.cpp:117 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Instructions" +msgstr "Instrukzioak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 189 +#: rc.cpp:120 rc.cpp:240 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Events" +msgstr "Gertaerak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 202 +#: rc.cpp:123 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Full Cache" +msgstr "Katxe guztia" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 216 +#: rc.cpp:126 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Custom" +msgstr "Pertsonalizatua" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 231 +#: rc.cpp:129 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Collect" +msgstr "Bildu" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 244 +#: rc.cpp:132 +#, no-c-format +msgid "At Startup" +msgstr "Abioan" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 258 +#: rc.cpp:135 +#, no-c-format +msgid "While In" +msgstr "Honen barruan dagoenean" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 273 +#: rc.cpp:138 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Skip" +msgstr "Saltatu" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 286 +#: rc.cpp:141 +#, no-c-format +msgid "PLT" +msgstr "PLT" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 315 +#: rc.cpp:147 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Dump Profile" +msgstr "Irauli profila" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 328 +#: rc.cpp:150 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Every BBs" +msgstr "BB guztiak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 342 +#: rc.cpp:153 rc.cpp:162 +#, no-c-format +msgid "On Entering" +msgstr "Sartzean" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 356 +#: rc.cpp:156 +#, no-c-format +msgid "On Leaving" +msgstr "Irtetzean" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 371 +#: rc.cpp:159 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Zero Events" +msgstr "Zero gertaera" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 399 +#: rc.cpp:165 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Separate" +msgstr "Banandu" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 412 +#: rc.cpp:168 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Threads" +msgstr "Hariak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 426 +#: rc.cpp:171 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Recursions" +msgstr "Erreskurtsioak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 440 +#: rc.cpp:174 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Call Chain" +msgstr "Dei-katea" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 470 +#: rc.cpp:177 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Custom profiler options:" +msgstr "Profilatzailearen aukera pertsonalizatuak:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 508 +#: rc.cpp:180 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Run New Profile" +msgstr "Exekutatu profil berria" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 520 +#: rc.cpp:183 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Info" +msgstr "Informazioa" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 531 +#: rc.cpp:186 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Dump reason:" +msgstr "Iraulketaren arrazoia:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 544 +#: rc.cpp:189 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Event summary:" +msgstr "Gertaeren laburpena:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 561 +#: rc.cpp:195 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Sum" +msgstr "Batuketa" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 579 +#: rc.cpp:198 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Miscellaneous:" +msgstr "Hainbat:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 617 +#: rc.cpp:201 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Show" +msgstr "Erakutsi" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 625 +#: rc.cpp:204 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Compare" +msgstr "Konparatu" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 637 +#: rc.cpp:207 +#, no-c-format +msgid "State" +msgstr "Egoera" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 656 +#: rc.cpp:210 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Update" +msgstr "Eguneratu" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 664 +#: rc.cpp:213 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Every [s]:" +msgstr "Periodoa [s]:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 677 +#: rc.cpp:216 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Counter" +msgstr "Kontagailua" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 699 +#: rc.cpp:222 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Dumps Done" +msgstr "Iraulketak eginda" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 713 +#: rc.cpp:225 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Is Collecting" +msgstr "Biltzen ari da" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 727 +#: rc.cpp:228 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Executed" +msgstr "Exekutatuta" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 740 +#: rc.cpp:231 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Basic Blocks" +msgstr "Oinarrizko blokeak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 754 +#: callmapview.cpp:63 rc.cpp:234 rc.cpp:339 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Calls" +msgstr "Deiak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 796 +#: rc.cpp:243 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Ir" +msgstr "Ir" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 811 +#: rc.cpp:246 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Distinct" +msgstr "Desberdindu" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 824 +#: configdlg.cpp:58 rc.cpp:249 +#, no-c-format +msgid "ELF Objects" +msgstr "ELF objektuak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 838 +#: rc.cpp:252 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Functions" +msgstr "Funtzioak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 852 +#: rc.cpp:255 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Contexts" +msgstr "Kontestuak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 890 +#: rc.cpp:258 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Stack trace:" +msgstr "Pilaren aztarna:" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 898 +#: rc.cpp:261 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Sync." +msgstr "Sinkr." + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 950 +#: callmapview.cpp:61 rc.cpp:276 rc.cpp:321 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Location" +msgstr "Kokalekua" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 976 +#: rc.cpp:279 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Start" +msgstr "Hasiera" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1001 +#: rc.cpp:282 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Zero" +msgstr "Zero" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1009 +#: rc.cpp:285 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Dump" +msgstr "Iraulketa" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1021 +#: rc.cpp:288 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Messages" +msgstr "Mezuak" + +#. i18n: file dumpselectionbase.ui line 1045 +#: rc.cpp:291 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Kill Run" +msgstr "Exekuzioa gelditu" + +#. i18n: file functionselectionbase.ui line 41 +#: rc.cpp:300 +#, no-c-format +msgid "&Search:" +msgstr "&Bilaketa:" + +#. i18n: file functionselectionbase.ui line 73 +#: rc.cpp:306 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Group" +msgstr "Taldea" + +#. i18n: file partselectionbase.ui line 60 +#: rc.cpp:327 +#, no-c-format +msgid "(no trace parts)" +msgstr "(ez dago aztarna zatirik)" + +#. i18n: file stackselectionbase.ui line 16 +#: rc.cpp:330 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Stack Selection" +msgstr "Pilaren hautapena" + +#. i18n: file stackselectionbase.ui line 42 +#: rc.cpp:336 +#, no-c-format +msgid "Cost2" +msgstr "Kostua2" + +#: treemap.cpp:1281 +#, c-format +msgid "Text %1" +msgstr "%1 testua" + +#: treemap.cpp:2809 +msgid "Recursive Bisection" +msgstr "Erdibiketa errekurtsiboa" + +#: treemap.cpp:2810 +msgid "Columns" +msgstr "Zutabeak" + +#: treemap.cpp:2811 +msgid "Rows" +msgstr "Lerroak" + +#: treemap.cpp:2812 +msgid "Always Best" +msgstr "Beti onena" + +#: treemap.cpp:2813 +msgid "Best" +msgstr "Onena" + +#: treemap.cpp:2814 +msgid "Alternate (V)" +msgstr "Txandakatu (V)" + +#: treemap.cpp:2815 +msgid "Alternate (H)" +msgstr "Txandakatu (H)" + +#: treemap.cpp:2872 +msgid "Nesting" +msgstr "Kabiatzea" + +#: treemap.cpp:2875 +msgid "Correct Borders Only" +msgstr "Zuzendu ertzak bakarrik" + +#: treemap.cpp:2877 treemap.cpp:2878 treemap.cpp:2879 treemap.cpp:2880 +#, c-format +msgid "Width %1" +msgstr "Zabalera %1" + +#: callmapview.cpp:321 treemap.cpp:2889 +msgid "Shading" +msgstr "Itzaldura" + +#: treemap.cpp:2902 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Ikusgai" + +#: treemap.cpp:2903 +msgid "Take Space From Children" +msgstr "Hartu semeen espazioa" + +#: treemap.cpp:2905 +msgid "Top Left" +msgstr "Ezker-goian" + +#: treemap.cpp:2906 +msgid "Top Center" +msgstr "Erdi-goian" + +#: treemap.cpp:2907 +msgid "Top Right" +msgstr "Eskuin-goian" + +#: treemap.cpp:2909 +msgid "Bottom Center" +msgstr "Erdi-behean" + +#: treemap.cpp:2910 +msgid "Bottom Right" +msgstr "Eskuin-behean" + +#: treemap.cpp:2987 +msgid "No %1 Limit" +msgstr "%1 mugarik ez" + +#: callmapview.cpp:243 treemap.cpp:3039 +msgid "No Area Limit" +msgstr "Area mugarik ez" + +#: callmapview.cpp:258 treemap.cpp:3045 +msgid "Area of '%1' (%2)" +msgstr "'%1'-(r)en area (%2)" + +#: treemap.cpp:3056 treemap.cpp:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"_n: 1 Pixel\n" +"%n Pixels" +msgstr "" +"pixel 1\n" +"%n pixel" + +#: callmapview.cpp:264 treemap.cpp:3071 +msgid "Double Area Limit (to %1)" +msgstr "Bikoiztu arearen muga (%1-(e)ra)" + +#: treemap.cpp:3073 +msgid "Halve Area Limit (to %1)" +msgstr "Murriztu arearen muga erdira (%1-(e)ra)" + +#: callmapview.cpp:187 treemap.cpp:3101 +msgid "No Depth Limit" +msgstr "Sakontasun mugarik ez" + +#: callmapview.cpp:198 treemap.cpp:3107 +msgid "Depth of '%1' (%2)" +msgstr "'%1'-(r)en sakontasuna (%2)" + +#: treemap.cpp:3118 +#, c-format +msgid "Depth %1" +msgstr "Sakontasuna %1" + +#: treemap.cpp:3122 +msgid "Decrement (to %1)" +msgstr "Gutxitu (%1-(e)ra)" + +#: treemap.cpp:3124 +msgid "Increment (to %1)" +msgstr "Gehitu (%1-(e)ra)" + +#: callmapview.cpp:98 +msgid "" +"Caller Map" +"This graph shows the nested hierarchy of all callers of the current " +"activated function. Each colored rectangle represents a function; its size " +"tries to be proportional to the cost spent therein while the active function is " +"running (however, there are drawing constrains).
" +msgstr "" +"Deitzaileen mapa " +"Grafiko honek uneko aktibatutako funtzioaren deitzaileen hierarkia kabitatua " +"erakusten du. Koloredun errektangelu bakoitzak funtzio bat adierazten du, bere " +"taimana funtzio aktiboa martxan zegoenean bertan igarotako kostuaren " +"proportzionala da (hala ere, marrazketarengatik mugatuta dago)
" + +#: callmapview.cpp:105 +msgid "" +"Call Map" +"This graph shows the nested hierarchy of all callees of the current " +"activated function. Each colored rectangle represents a function; its size " +"tries to be proportional to the cost spent therein while the active function is " +"running (however, there are drawing constrains).
" +msgstr "" +"Dei mapa " +"Grafiko honek uneko aktibatutako funtzioaren dei guztien hierarkia kabitatua " +"erakusten du. Koloredun errektangelu bakoitzak funtzio bat adierazten du, bere " +"taimana funtzio aktiboa martxan zegoenean bertan igarotako kostuaren " +"proportzionala da (hala ere, marrazketarengatik mugatuta dago)
" + +#: callmapview.cpp:113 +msgid "" +"Appearance options can be found in the in the context menu. To get exact " +"size proportions, choose 'Hide incorrect borders'. As this mode can be " +"very time consuming, you may want to limit the maximum drawn nesting level " +"before. 'Best' determinates the split direction for children from the aspect " +"ratio of the parent. 'Always Best' decides on remaining space for each sibling. " +"'Ignore Proportions' takes space for function name drawing before " +"drawing children. Note that size proportions can get heavily wrong.
" +"This is a TreeMap widget. Keyboard navigation is available with the " +"left/right arrow keys for traversing siblings, and up/down arrow keys to go a " +"nesting level up/down. Return activates the current item.
" +msgstr "" +"Itxurarekin erlazionatutako aukerak testuinguru menuan aurki daitezke. " +"Tamainaren proportzio zuzenak eskuratzeko, hautatu 'Ezkutatu ertz baliogabeak'. " +"Modu honen errendimendua oso baxua izan daitekeenez, marraztutako " +"kabiatze maila kopurua mugatu beharko zenuke. 'Onena' aukerak semeen " +"zatiketaren norabidea gurasoaren itxura proportziotik ebazten du. 'Beti onena' " +"aukerak anai bakoitzari geratzen zaion espazioa erabikitzen du. 'Ez ikusi egin " +"proportzioak' aukerak funtzioaren izenerako espazioa erreserbatzen du semeak " +"marraztu baina lehen. Kontuan izan tamaina proportzioek errore " +"handiak izan ditzaketela.
" +"Hau ZuhaitzMapa trepeta bat da. Teklatuaren nabigazioa eskuragarri " +"dago ezker/skuin geziekin anaien artean mugitzeko, eta goiko/beheko geziek " +"kabiatze mailan gorantz/behera mugitzeko aukera ematen dute. Return " +"teklak uneko elementua aktibatzen du.
" + +#: callmapview.cpp:167 +msgid "Go To" +msgstr "Joan hona" + +#: callmapview.cpp:184 +msgid "Stop at Depth" +msgstr "Gelditu sakontasun honetan" + +#: callmapview.cpp:190 +msgid "Depth 10" +msgstr "Sakontasuna 10" + +#: callmapview.cpp:192 +msgid "Depth 15" +msgstr "Sakontasuna 15" + +#: callmapview.cpp:194 +msgid "Depth 20" +msgstr "Sakontasuna 20" + +#: callmapview.cpp:204 +msgid "Decrement Depth (to %1)" +msgstr "Gutxitu sakontasuna (%1-(e)ra)" + +#: callmapview.cpp:205 +msgid "Increment Depth (to %1)" +msgstr "Gehitu sakontasuna (%1-(e)ra)" + +#: callmapview.cpp:209 +msgid "Stop at Function" +msgstr "Gelditu funtzio honetan" + +#: callmapview.cpp:210 +msgid "No Function Limit" +msgstr "Funtzio mugarik ez" + +#: callmapview.cpp:240 +msgid "Stop at Area" +msgstr "Gelditu area honetan" + +#: callmapview.cpp:246 +msgid "50 Pixels" +msgstr "50 pixel" + +#: callmapview.cpp:248 +msgid "100 Pixels" +msgstr "100 pixel" + +#: callmapview.cpp:250 +msgid "200 Pixels" +msgstr "200 pixel" + +#: callmapview.cpp:252 +msgid "500 Pixels" +msgstr "500 pixel" + +#: callmapview.cpp:266 +msgid "Half Area Limit (to %1)" +msgstr "Area erdiaren muga (%1-(e)ra)" + +#: callmapview.cpp:273 +msgid "Visualisation" +msgstr "Bistaratzea" + +#: callmapview.cpp:277 +msgid "Split Direction" +msgstr "Zatiketa norabidea" + +#: callmapview.cpp:279 +msgid "Skip Incorrect Borders" +msgstr "Saltatu ertz baliogabeak" + +#: callmapview.cpp:284 +msgid "Border Width" +msgstr "Ertzaren zabalera" + +#: callmapview.cpp:285 +msgid "Border 0" +msgstr "Ertza 0" + +#: callmapview.cpp:288 +msgid "Border 1" +msgstr "Ertza 1" + +#: callmapview.cpp:290 +msgid "Border 2" +msgstr "Ertza 2" + +#: callmapview.cpp:292 +msgid "Border 3" +msgstr "Ertza 3" + +#: callmapview.cpp:297 +msgid "Draw Symbol Names" +msgstr "Marraztu sinboloen izenak" + +#: callmapview.cpp:298 +msgid "Draw Cost" +msgstr "Marraztu kostua" + +#: callmapview.cpp:299 +msgid "Draw Location" +msgstr "Marraztu kokalekua" + +#: callmapview.cpp:300 +msgid "Draw Calls" +msgstr "Marraztu deiak" + +#: callmapview.cpp:431 +msgid "Call Map: Current is '%1'" +msgstr "Dei mapa: unekoa '%1' da" + +#: callmapview.cpp:599 +msgid "(no function)" +msgstr "(funtziorik ez)" + +#: callmapview.cpp:741 callmapview.cpp:858 +msgid "(no call)" +msgstr "(deirik ez)" + +#: cachegrindloader.cpp:141 +msgid "Import filter for Cachegrind/Callgrind generated profile data files" +msgstr "" +"Cachegrind/Callgrind-ek sortutako profil datuen fitxategietarako inportazio " +"iragazkia" + +#: cachegrindloader.cpp:738 +#, c-format +msgid "Loading %1" +msgstr "%1 kargatzen" + +#: callview.cpp:47 callview.cpp:51 +msgid "Count" +msgstr "Zenbaketa" + +#: callview.cpp:85 +msgid "" +"List of direct Callers" +"This list shows all functions calling the current selected one directly, " +"together with a call count and the cost spent in the current selected function " +"while being called from the function from the list.
" +"An icon instead of an inclusive cost specifies that this is a call inside of " +"a recursive cycle. An inclusive cost makes no sense here.
" +"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " +"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " +"changed instead.
" +msgstr "" +"Deitzaile zuzenen zerrenda" +"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioa zuzenean deitzen duten funtzio " +"guztiak erakusten ditu, dei zenbaketa eta zerrendako funtzioan zegoenean uneko " +"hautatutako funtzioan igarotako kostuarekin batera.
" +"Kostu inklusiboaren ordez ikono bat badago, ziklo errekurtsibo baten " +"barneko dei bat dela zehazten du.
" +"Funtzio bat hautatzeak informazio panel honentzat uneko funtzio hautatu " +"bihurtzen du. Bi panel badaude (zatiketa modua), beste penelko funtzioa " +"aldatuko da.
" + +#: callview.cpp:98 +msgid "" +"List of direct Callees" +"This list shows all functions called by the current selected one directly, " +"together with a call count and the cost spent in this function while being " +"called from the selected function.
" +"Selecting a function makes it the current selected one of this information " +"panel. If there are two panels (Split mode), the function of the other panel is " +"changed instead.
" +msgstr "" +"Zuzenean deitutakoen zerrenda " +"Zerrenda honek uneko hautatutako funtzioak zuzenean deitzen dituen funtzio " +"guztiak erakusten ditu, dei zenbaketa eta hautatutako funtziotik deitzean " +"igarotako kostuarekin batera.
" +"Funtzio bat hautatzeak informazio panel honentzat uneko funtzio hautatu " +"bihurtzen du. Bi panel badaude (zatiketa modua), beste penelko funtzioa " +"aldatuko da.
" + +#: costtypeitem.cpp:56 +msgid "Unknown Type" +msgstr "Mota ezezaguna" + +#: tips.cpp:3 +msgid "" +"...that the What's This? help for every GUI widget\n" +"in KCachegrind contains detailed usage information for this widget?\n" +"It is highly recommended to read at least these help texts on first\n" +"use. Request What's This? help by pressing\n" +"Shift+F1 and clicking on the widget.
\n" +msgstr "" +"...KCachegrind-eko GUI trepeta bakoitzaren Zer da hau... " +"laguntzak trepeta honen erabilerari buruzko informazio xehea duela?\n" +"Oso gomendagarria da lehen erabileran gutxienez laguntza hauek irakurtzea\n" +"Eskatu Zer da hau... laguntza Shift-F1\n" +"sakatu ondoren trepetan klikatuz.
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:12 +msgid "" +"...that you can get profile information at instruction level\n" +"with Calltree when you provide the option --dump-instr=yes?\n" +"Use the Assembler View for the instruction annotations.\n" +"
\n" +msgstr "" +"...instrukzio mailako profil informazioa eskura dezakezula\n" +"Calltree-rekin --dump-instr=yes akera erabiltzen baduzu?\n" +"Erabili Mihiztadura ikuspegia instrukzioen oharretarako.\n" +"
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:20 +msgid "" +"...that you can use Alt-Left/Right keys of your keyboard to go\n" +"back/forward in the active object history ?
\n" +msgstr "" +"...teklatuko Alt-Ezker/Eskuin teklak erabil ditzakezula objektu aktiboaren " +"historian zehar atzera/aurrera joateko?that you can use Alt-Left/Right keys of " +"your keyboard to go\n" +"back/forward in the active object history ?
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:26 +msgid "" +"...that you can navigate in the Callee/Caller Map View using\n" +"arrow keys? Use Left/Right to change to siblings of the current\n" +"item; use Up/Down to go one nesting level up/down. To select\n" +"the current item, press Space, and to activate it, press Return.\n" +"
\n" +msgstr "" +"...Deitu/Deitzaile mapa ikuspegietan teklatuko geziak erabiliz\n" +"mugitu zaitezkeela? Erabili Ezkerrera/Eskuinera geziak uneko\n" +"elementuaren anaien artean mugitzeko; erabili Gorantz/Behera\n" +"geziak kabiatze mailan zehar gorantz/beherantz mugitzeko.\n" +"
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:35 +msgid "" +"...that you can navigate in the Call Graph View using\n" +"arrow keys? Use Up/Down to go one calling level up/down, alternating\n" +"between calls and functions. Use Left/Right to change to siblings of a current\n" +"selected call. To activate the current item, press Return.\n" +"
\n" +msgstr "" +"...Dei grafikoa ikuspegian teklatuko geziak erabiliz mugitu zaitezkeela?\n" +"Erabili Gorantz/Behera geziak dei mailan zehar gorantz/beherantz mugitzeko,\n" +"deien eta funtzioen artean txandakatuz. Erabili Ezkerrera/Eskuinera geziak " +"uneko\n" +"hautatutako deiaren anaien artean mugitzeko. Uneko elementua aktibatzeko, " +"sakatu Return.\n" +"
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:44 +msgid "" +"...that you can rapidly locate a function by entering part of its\n" +"name (case-insensitive) into the edit line of the toolbar\n" +"and hit return?
\n" +msgstr "" +"...funtzio bat bizkor aurki dezakezula bere izenaren zati bat\n" +"(maiuskula/minuskulak baztertuz) tresna-barraren edizio lerroan\n" +"sartu eta return sakatzen baduzu?
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:51 +msgid "" +"...that you can assign custom colors to \n" +"ELF objects/C++ Classes/Source Files for graph coloring\n" +"in Settings->Configure KCachegrind...?
\n" +msgstr "" +"...kolore pertsonalizatuak ezarri ditzakezula grafikoetarako\n" +"ELF objektu/C+ klase/Iturburu fitxategientzat,\n" +"Ezarpenak->Konfiguratu KCachegrind... menuan?
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:58 +msgid "" +"...that you can see if debug info is available for a selected \n" +"function by looking at the location label in the Info tab or\n" +"the source listing header in the source tab?
\n" +"There must be the name of the source file (with extension).\n" +"If KCachegrind still doesn't show the source, make sure that you\n" +"have added the directory of the source file to the\n" +"Source Directories list in the configuration.\n" +msgstr "" +"
...hautatutako funtzioarentzat arazketa informazioa eskuragarri dagoen " +"ikusteko\n" +"Informazioa fitxako kokaleku etiketa edo iturburu fitxako iturburu zerrendaren " +"goiburuan\n" +"begira dezakezula?
\n" +"Iturburu fitxategiaren izena (luzapenarekin) agertu behar da.\n" +"KCachegrind-ek ez badu iturburu fitxategirik erakusten, ziurtatu iturburu\n" +"fitxategiaren direktorioa konfigurazioko Iturburu direktorioak\n" +"zerrendara gehitu duzula.\n" + +#: tips.cpp:69 +msgid "" +"
...that you can configure whether KCachgrind should\n" +"show absolute event counts or relative ones (percentage display)?
\n" +msgstr "" +"...KCachegrind-ek gertaeren zenbaketa absolutuak edo erlatiboak " +"(portzentaiak) erakutsi behar dituen konfigura dezakezula?
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:75 +msgid "" +"...that you can configure the maximum number of items\n" +"for all function lists in KCachegrind? Limiting the number\n" +"of items is done to get a fast reacting GUI. The last item in\n" +"the list will show you the number of skipped functions, together\n" +"with a cost condition for these skipped functions.
\n" +"To activate a function with small costs, search for it and select\n" +"it in the flat profile. Selecting functions with small cost will\n" +"temporarily add them to the flat profile list.
\n" +msgstr "" +"...KCachegrind-eko funtzio zerrenda guztien elementu kopuru\n" +"maximoa konfiguratu dezakezula? Elementu kopuruaren mugapena\n" +"erantzun azkarreko GUI bat lortzeko egin ohi da. Zerrendako azken \n" +"elementuak saltatutako funtzio kopuruz erakutsiko dizu, saltatutako \n" +"funtzioen kostu baldintza batekin betera.
\n" +"Kostu txikiko funtzio bat aktibatzeio, bilatu eta hautatu ezazu\n" +"profil lauan. Kostu txikiko funtzio bat hautatzean, behin-behinekoz\n" +"profil lau zerrendara gehituko da.
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:87 +msgid "" +"...that the Coverage tab - in contrast to the Call Lists tab -\n" +"shows all functions that are calling the selected function\n" +"(upper part) / are called by the selected function (bottom part),\n" +"no matter how many function are between them on the stack?
\n" +"Examples:
\n" +"An entry in the upper list for function foo1() with a value of 50%\n" +"with function bar() selected means that 50% of all the cost of function\n" +"bar() happened while called from function foo1().
\n" +"An entry in the bottom list for function foo2() with a value of 50%\n" +"with function bar() selected means that 50% of all the cost of function\n" +"bar() happened while calling foo2() from bar().
\n" +msgstr "" +"...Estaldura fitxak (Dei zerenda fitxak ez bezala), hautatutako funtzioa " +"deitzen duten (goiko partea) / hautatutako funtzioaren bidez deituak diren " +"(beheko partea) funtzio guztiak erakusten dituela, bitarteko funtzioak kontuta " +"eduki gabe?" +"
\n" +"foo1() funtzioarentzat, goiko zerrendako sarrera batek % 50-eko balioa\n" +"badu bar() funtzio hautatuta baldin badago, bar() funtzioaren guztizko " +"kostuaren % 50 foo1() funtziotik deitu denean gertatu dela esan nahi du.
\n" +"foo2() funtzioarentzat, beheko zerrendako sarrera batek % 50-eko balioa\n" +"badu bar() funtzio hautatuta baldin badago, bar() funtzioaren guztizko kostutik " +"% 50-a bar()-ek foor2() deitzean gertatu dela esan nahi du.
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:102 +msgid "" +"...that waiting for the tool tip inside of a tree map\n" +"shows the list of names of the nested rectangles the mouse\n" +"pointer is over?
\n" +"Items from this list can be selected by pressing the right\n" +"mouse button.
\n" +msgstr "" +"...zuhaitz mapa baten barnean argibide baten zain gelditzen bazara,\n" +"saguak apuntatzen duen posizioan kabiatutako errektangeluen izenen zerrenda\n" +"bistaratzen dela?
\n" +"Zerrenda honetako elementuak saguaren eskuineko botoia sakatuz hauta " +"daitezke.
\n" + +#: tips.cpp:111 +msgid "" +"...that you can constrain the cost counts shown to only a\n" +"few parts of the whole trace by selecting these parts in the\n" +"\"Trace Selection\" Dockable?
\n" +"To generate multiple parts in a profiling run with\n" +"cachegrind, use e.g. option --cachedumps=xxx for parts\n" +"of a length of xxx basic blocks (A basic block is a run\n" +"of not-branching assembler statements inside of your program\n" +"code).
\n" +msgstr "" +"...erakusten diren kostu zenbaketak muga ditzakezula\n" +"\"Aztarna hautapena\" atrakagarrian erakutsiko diren zatiak\n" +"hautatuz?
\n" +"Cachegrind-ekin profil exekuzio batean zati anitz sortzeko,\n" +"erabili adibidez --cachedumps=xxx aukera xxx luzerako bloke\n" +"basikoa duten zatiak eskuratzeko (bloke basikoa zure programaren\n" +"kodeko adarrik gabeko mihiztadura sententzien exekuzioa da).
\n" + +#: configdlg.cpp:60 +msgid "Source Files" +msgstr "Iturburu fitxategiak" + +#: configdlg.cpp:61 +msgid "C++ Classes" +msgstr "C++ klaseak" + +#: configdlg.cpp:62 +msgid "Function (no Grouping)" +msgstr "Funtzioa (taldekatzerik gabe)" + +#: configdlg.cpp:157 configdlg.cpp:350 configdlg.cpp:371 +msgid "(always)" +msgstr "(beti)" + +#: configdlg.cpp:210 +msgid "KCachegrind Configuration" +msgstr "KCachegrind-en konfigurazioa" + +#: configdlg.cpp:211 +msgid "" +"The Maximum Number of List Items should be below 500.The previous set value " +"(%1) will still be used." +msgstr "" +"Zerrenda elementu kopuru maximoa 500 baina txikiagoa izan beharko litzateke. " +"Aurretik ezarritako balioa (%1) erabiliko da." + +#: configdlg.cpp:384 +msgid "Choose Source Folder" +msgstr "Hautatu iturburu karpeta" + +#: partgraph.cpp:167 +#, c-format +msgid "Profile Part %1" +msgstr "%1 profil zatia" + +#: partgraph.cpp:226 +msgid "(no trace)" +msgstr "(aztarnarik ez)" + +#: partgraph.cpp:229 +msgid "(no part)" +msgstr "(zatirik ez)" + +#: partview.cpp:51 +msgid "Comment" +msgstr "Iruzkina" + +#: partview.cpp:73 +msgid "" +"Trace Part List" +"This list shows all trace parts of the loaded trace. For each part, the " +"self/inclusive cost of the current selected function, spent in the part, is " +"shown; percentage costs are always relative to the total cost " +"of the part (not to the whole trace as in the Trace Part Overview). Also " +"shown are the calls happening to/from the current function inside of the trace " +"part.
" +"By choosing one or more trace parts from the list, the costs shown all over " +"KCachegrind will only be the ones spent in the selected part(s). If no list " +"selection is shown, in fact all trace parts are selected implicitly.
" +"This is a multi-selection list. You can select ranges by dragging the mouse " +"or use SHIFT/CTRL modifiers. Selection/Deselection of trace parts can also be " +"done by using the Trace Part Overview Dockable. This one also supports multiple " +"selection.
" +"Note that the list is hidden if only one trace part is loaded.
" +msgstr "" +"Aztarna zatien zerrenda" +"Zerrenda honek kargatutako aztarnaren aztarna zati guztiak erakusten ditu. " +"Zati bakoitzarentzat zatiarekiko hautatutako funtzioaren berezko kostua/kostu " +"inklusiboa erakusten du; Portzentaiak beti zatiaren " +"guztizko kostuarekiko erlatiboak dira (eta ez guztizko kostuarekiko erlatiboak, " +"Aztarna zatien informazio orokorrean bezala). Gainera, aztarna zati honeten " +"uneko funtziotik/funtziora egindako deiak agertuko dira.
" +"Zerrendatik aztarna zati bat edo gehiago hautatzen badira, KCachegrind-en " +"erakutsiko diren kostu guztiak hautatutako zatian (zatietan) gertatutakoak " +"bakarrik izango dira. Zerrenda hautapenik erakusten ez bada, aztarna zati " +"guztiak hautatuko dira inplizituki.
" +"Hau hautapen anitzeko zerrenda bat da. Sagua arrastatuz edo Shift/Ctrl " +"aldatzaileak erabiliz barrutiak hauta ditzakezu. Aztarna zatien hautapena " +"Aztarna zatien informazio orokorra atrakagarria erabiliz ere egin daiteke. " +"Honek ere hautapen anizkoitza onartzen du.
" +"Kontuan hartu zerrenda ezkutatuta dagoela aztarna zati bat bakarrik " +"kargatzen bada.
" + +#: partview.cpp:106 +msgid "Select '%1'" +msgstr "Hautatu '%1'" + +#: partview.cpp:107 +msgid "Hide '%1'" +msgstr "Ezkutatu '%1'" + +#: partview.cpp:111 +msgid "Hide Selected" +msgstr "Ezkutatu hautatutakoak" + +#: partview.cpp:112 +msgid "Show All" +msgstr "Erakutsi denak" -- cgit v1.2.1