From 7e93f7baf9f35be2902556fc7139316fcdcdedf6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: TDE Weblate Kate comes with a nice set of plugins, providing simple\n"
-"and advanced features of all sorts. You can enable/disable plugins to suit your needs in the configuration "
-"choose Settings ->configure to launch that. Katek plugin multzo polita dakar, mota guztietako\n"
-"ezaugarri sinple eta aurreatuak eskainiz. Pluginak gaitu/desgaitu egin ditzakezu konfigurazio elkarrizketan zure "
-"beharrak asetzeko ,\n"
-"aukeratu Ezarpenak ->konfiguratu abiarazteko. You can swap the characters on each side of the cursor just by pressing\n"
-"Ctrl+T Kurtsorearen alde bakoitzeko karaktereak truka ditzakezu\n"
-"Ctrl+Tklikatuz. You can export the current document as a HTML file, including\n"
-"syntax highlighting. Just choose File -> Export -> HTML... Uneko dokumentua HTML fitxategi moduan esporta dezakezu, \n"
-"sintaxi nabermendura barne. Fitxategia -> Esportatu -> HTML... hautatuz You can split the Kate editor as many times as you like and\n"
-"in either direction. Each frame has its own status bar and\n"
-"can display any open document. Just choose "
-" Kate editorea behar beste aldiz zati dezakezu, eta nahi\n"
-"duzun norabidean. Koadro bakoitzak bere egoera-barra du eta\n"
-"irekita dagoen edozein dokumentu erakus dezake. Horretarako, hautatu "
-" You can drag the Tool views (File List and File Selector)\n"
-"to any side that you want them in Kate, or stack them, or even tear them off "
-"main window. Do you want to save the existing sessions? !!NOTE!! All existing "
+"sessions will be removed if you choose \"Delete\""
msgstr ""
-" Tresna ikuspegiak arrasta ditzakezu (Fitxategi zerrenda\n"
-" eta Fitxategi aukeratzailea) nahi duzun Kate-ren txokora,\n"
-"edo pilatu, edota leiho nagusitik banatu. Kate has a built-in terminal emulator, just click on "
-"\"Terminal\" at\n"
-"the bottom to show or hide it as you desire. Katek terminal-emuladorea inkorporatzen du. \"Terminala\"\n"
-"klikatu behar duzu erakutsi edo ezkutatzeko. Kate can highlight the current line with a\n"
View -> Split [ Horizontal | Vertical ]
Ikusi -> Zatitu [ Horizontalki | Bertikalki ] "
-" different\n"
-"background color.|
You can set the color in the Colors page of the configuration\n" -"dialog.
\n" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:65 +msgid "Configure" msgstr "" -"Katek uneko lerroa nabarmendu dezake\n" -"
atzeko planoaren kolore \n" -"ezberdin batekin.| |
Kolorea konfigurazio elkarrizketako Koloreak\n" -"orrian ezar dezakezu.
\n" -#: tips.txt:54 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:91 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:97 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:204 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:273 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:282 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:290 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:298 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:347 +msgid "Application" +msgstr "Aplikazioa" + +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:97 +msgid "General" +msgstr "Orokorra" + +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:98 +msgid "General Options" +msgstr "Aukera orokorrak" + +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:105 +msgid "&Appearance" +msgstr "&Itxura" + +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:110 +msgid "&Show full path in title" +msgstr "Erakutsi tituluan &bide izen osoa" + +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:112 msgid "" -"You can open the currently edited file in any other application from within\n" -"Kate.
\n" -"Choose File -> Open With for the list of programs\n" -"configured\n" -"for the document type. There is also an option Other... to\n" -"choose any application on your system.
\n" +"If this option is checked, the full document path will be shown in the " +"window caption." msgstr "" -"Editatutako fitxategi bat beste edozein aplikaziorekin ireki dezakezu\n" -"Kate barrutik.
\n" -"Hautatu Fitxategia -> Ireki honekin\n" -"dokumentu motarako konfiguratuta dauden programa zerrenda lortzeko.\n" -"Bestelakoak... aukera ere badago, sistemaren edozein\n" -"aplikazio hautatzeko.
\n" +"Aukera hau hautatuta badago, dokumentuaren bide izen osoa agertuko da leiho " +"izenburuan." -#: tips.txt:64 -msgid "" -"You can configure the editor to always display the line numbers and/or\n" -"bookmark panes when started from the View Defaults " -"page of the\n" -"configuration dialog.
\n" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:117 +msgid "Sort &files alphabetically in the file list" msgstr "" -"Lerro zenbakia edota laster-markak beti erakusteko konfigura dezakezu\n" -"editorea konfigurazio elkarrizketan Ikusi lehenespenak\n" -"orrialdea hautatzen duzunean.
\n" -#: tips.txt:71 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:120 +#, fuzzy msgid "" -"You can download new or updated Syntax highlight definitions from\n" -"the Highlighting page in the configuration dialog.
\n" -"Just click the Download... button on the Highlight Modes\n" -"tab (You have to be online, of course...).
\n" +"If this is checked, the files in the file list will be sorted alphabetically." msgstr "" -"Sintaxia nabarmentzeko definizio berriak edo eguneratuak\n" -"jaitsi ditzakezu konfigurazio elkarrizketakoNabarmentze\n" -"orritik.
\n" -"Nabarmentze erak fitxan Jaitsi...\n" -"botoian klikatu (Linean egon behar duzu, noski...).
\n" +"Aukera hau hautatuta badago, dokumentuaren bide izen osoa agertuko da leiho " +"izenburuan." -#: tips.txt:79 -msgid "" -"You can cycle through all open documents by pressing " -"Alt+Left\n" -"or Alt+Right. The next/previous document will immediately be " -"displayed\n" -"in the active frame.
\n" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:124 +msgid "&Behavior" +msgstr "&Portaera" + +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:129 +msgid "&Number of recent files:" msgstr "" -"Irekitako dokumentu guztietatik igaro zaitezke Alt+Left \n" -"edo Alt+Right sakatuz. Hurrengo/aurreko dokumentua \n" -"koadro aktiboan agertuko da berehala.
\n" -#: tips.txt:86 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:134 msgid "" -"You can do cool sed-like regular expression replacements using " -"Command Line.
\n" -"For example, press F7 and enter "
-"s /oldtext/newtext/g
-"to replace "oldtext" with "newtext" throughout the current\n"
NOTE: " +"strong>If you set this lower than the current value, the list will be " +"truncated and some items forgotten.
Sed-moduko espresio erregular ordezkapen zoragarriak egin ditzakezu \n" -"Komando lerroa erabiliz.
\n" -"Adibidez, Ctrl+M sakatu eta \n"
-"idatzi "testuzaharra" "testuberria"-z ordezkatzeko\n"
-"uneko lerroan zehar.
You can repeat your last search by just pressing F3, or\n" -"Shift+F3 if you want to search backwards.
\n" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:143 +msgid "Always use the current instance of kate to open new files" msgstr "" -"Azken bilaketa errepika dezakezu F3 sakatuz, \n" -"edo Shift+F3 atzerantz bilatu nahi baduzu.
\n" -#: tips.txt:100 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:146 msgid "" -"You can filter the files displayed in the File Selector tool view.\n" -"
\n" -"Simply enter your filter in the filter entry at the bottom, for example:\n"
-"*.html *.php
if you only want to see HTML and PHP files in the\n"
-"current folder.
The File Selector will even remember your filters for you.
\n" +"When checked, all files opened from outside of Kate will only use the " +"currently opened instance of Kate." msgstr "" -"Fitxategi aukeratzailea tresna ikuspegian agertzen diren \n" -"fitxategiak iragaz ditzakezu.
\n" -"Horretarako iragazkia beheko iragazki sarreran sartu, adibidez:\n"
-"*.html *.php
soilik HTML edo PHP fitxategiak nahi badituzu\n"
-" uneko karpetan.
Fitxategi aukeratzaileak gainera, zure iragazkiak gogoratuko ditu. " -"
\n" -#: tips.txt:110 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:152 +msgid "Sync &terminal emulator with active document" +msgstr "Sinkronizatu &terminal emuladorea dokumentu aktiboarekin" + +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:155 msgid "" -"You can have two views - or even more - of the same document in Kate. " -"Editing\n" -"in either will be reflected in both.
\n" -"So if you find yourself scrolling up and down to look at text at the other\n" -"end of a document, just press Ctrl+Shift+T to split\n" -"horizontally.
\n" +"If this is checked, the built in Konsole willcd
to the "
+"directory of the active document when started and whenever the active "
+"document changes, if the document is a local file."
msgstr ""
-"Dokumentu berberaren bi ikuspegi - edo gehiago - izan ditzakezu Katen . \n" -"Edozeinetan idatzitakoa bietan ikusiko da.
\n" -"Beraz dokumentuaren beste muturrean dagoen testua begiratzeko gora eta \n" -"behera ibili behar baduzu, Ctrl+Shift+T sakatzea baino ez \n" -"duzu horizontalki zatitzeko.
\n" +"Hau markatuta badago, Konsole barneratuakcd
egingo du uneko "
+"idazkiaren direktoriora, bai hasieran baita uneko idazkia aldatzen denean "
+"ere, idazkia fitxategi lokala bada."
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:162
+msgid "Wa&rn about files modified by foreign processes"
+msgstr "&Abisatu kanpoko prozesuek aldatutako fitxategiez"
-#: tips.txt:119
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:165
msgid ""
-"Press F8 or Shift+F8 to switch to the\n" -"next/previous frame.
\n" +"If enabled, when Kate receives focus you will be asked what to do with files " +"that have been modified on the hard disk. If not enabled, you will be asked " +"what to do with a file that has been modified on the hard disk only when " +"that file gains focus inside Kate." msgstr "" -"F8 edo Shitf+F8 sakatu hurrengo/aurreko \n" -"koadrora joateko.
\n" +"Gaituta badago, Kate-k fokua jasotzen duenean disko gogorrean aldatu diren " +"fitxategiekin zer egin galdetuko zaizu. Gaituta ez badago, disko " +"gogorreanaldatu den fitxategiarekin zer egin galdetuko zaizu soilik " +"fitxategi horrek Kate barruan fokua eskuratzen duenean." -#: app/katemain.cpp:41 -msgid "Start Kate with a given session" -msgstr "Abiarazi Kate emandako saioarekin" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:173 +msgid "Meta-Information" +msgstr "Meta-informazioa" -#: app/katemain.cpp:43 -msgid "Use a already running kate instance (if possible)" -msgstr "Erabili abiarazita dagoen kate instantzia bat (posible bada)" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:178 +msgid "Keep &meta-information past sessions" +msgstr "Mantendu &meta-informazioa saio bitarteetan" -#: app/katemain.cpp:45 -msgid "Force single document mode if the MDI setting is enabled." +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:181 +msgid "" +"Check this if you want document configuration like for example bookmarks to " +"be saved past editor sessions. The configuration will be restored if the " +"document has not changed when reopened." msgstr "" +"Gaitu hau dokumentuen konfigurazioa (gorde beharreko laster-markak, " +"adibidez) gordea izan dadin editore saioen bitarteetan.Dokumentua " +"berrirekitzean aldaketarik gertatu ez bada, konfigurazioa berreskuratu " +"egingo da." -#: app/katemain.cpp:47 -msgid "Only try to reuse kate instance with this pid" -msgstr "Saiatu bererabiltzen bakarrik pid hau duen kate instantzia" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:49 app/kwritemain.cpp:532 -msgid "Set encoding for the file to open" -msgstr "Ezarri irekiko den fitxategiaren kodeketa" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:189 +msgid "&Delete unused meta-information after:" +msgstr "&Ezabatu erabili gabeko meta-informazioa epe honen ondoren:" -#: app/katemain.cpp:51 app/kwritemain.cpp:533 -msgid "Navigate to this line" -msgstr "Nabigatu lerro honetara" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:191 +msgid "(never)" +msgstr "(inoiz ez)" -#: app/katemain.cpp:53 app/kwritemain.cpp:534 -msgid "Navigate to this column" -msgstr "Nabigatu zutabe honetara" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:192 +msgid " day(s)" +msgstr " egun" -#: app/katemain.cpp:55 app/kwritemain.cpp:531 -msgid "Read the contents of stdin" -msgstr "Irakurri stdin-en edukia" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:204 app/katemainwindow.cpp:221 +msgid "Sessions" +msgstr "Saioak" -#: app/katemain.cpp:56 app/kwritemain.cpp:535 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Irekiko den fitxategia" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:205 +msgid "Session Management" +msgstr "Saio kudeaketa" -#: app/katemain.cpp:67 -msgid "Kate" -msgstr "Kate" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:211 +msgid "Elements of Sessions" +msgstr "Saioen elementuak" -#: app/katemain.cpp:68 -msgid "Kate - Advanced Text Editor" -msgstr "Kate - Testu editore aurreratua" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:216 +msgid "Include &window configuration" +msgstr "Sartu &leihoen dekorazioa" -#: app/katemain.cpp:69 app/kwritemain.cpp:556 -msgid "(c) 2000-2005 The Kate Authors" -msgstr "(c) 2000-2005 Kate egileak" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:71 app/kwritemain.cpp:558 -msgid "Maintainer" -msgstr "Mantentzailea" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:72 app/katemain.cpp:73 app/katemain.cpp:74 -#: app/katemain.cpp:79 app/kwritemain.cpp:559 app/kwritemain.cpp:560 -#: app/kwritemain.cpp:561 app/kwritemain.cpp:566 -msgid "Core Developer" -msgstr "Gunearen garatzailea" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:75 app/kwritemain.cpp:562 -msgid "The cool buffersystem" -msgstr "Buffer sistema zoragarria" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:76 app/kwritemain.cpp:563 -msgid "The Editing Commands" -msgstr "Edizio komandoak" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:77 app/kwritemain.cpp:564 -msgid "Testing, ..." -msgstr "Frogatzen, ..." - -#: app/katemain.cpp:78 app/kwritemain.cpp:565 -msgid "Former Core Developer" -msgstr "Garatzaile nagusia" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:80 app/kwritemain.cpp:567 -msgid "KWrite Author" -msgstr "KWrite-ren egilea" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:81 app/kwritemain.cpp:568 -msgid "KWrite port to KParts" -msgstr "KWrite-tik Kparts-erako moldaketa" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:84 app/kwritemain.cpp:571 -msgid "KWrite Undo History, Kspell integration" -msgstr "KWrite-ren 'Desegin historia', Kspell-en integrazioa" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:85 app/kwritemain.cpp:572 -msgid "KWrite XML Syntax highlighting support" -msgstr "KWrite-ren XML sintaxis nabarmenduraren euskarria" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:86 app/kwritemain.cpp:573 -msgid "Patches and more" -msgstr "Adabakiak eta gehiago" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:87 -msgid "Developer & Highlight wizard" -msgstr "Garatzailea eta nabarmentze-morroia" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:89 app/kwritemain.cpp:575 -msgid "Highlighting for RPM Spec-Files, Perl, Diff and more" -msgstr "RPM, Perl, Diff eta gehiagoarentzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:90 app/kwritemain.cpp:576 -msgid "Highlighting for VHDL" -msgstr "VHDLrentzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:91 app/kwritemain.cpp:577 -msgid "Highlighting for SQL" -msgstr "SQLrentzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:92 app/kwritemain.cpp:578 -msgid "Highlighting for Ferite" -msgstr "Ferite-rentzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:93 app/kwritemain.cpp:579 -msgid "Highlighting for ILERPG" -msgstr "ILERPGentzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:94 app/kwritemain.cpp:580 -msgid "Highlighting for LaTeX" -msgstr "LaTeX-entzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:95 app/kwritemain.cpp:581 -msgid "Highlighting for Makefiles, Python" -msgstr "Makefiles eta Python-entzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:96 app/kwritemain.cpp:582 -msgid "Highlighting for Python" -msgstr "Python-entzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:98 app/kwritemain.cpp:584 -msgid "Highlighting for Scheme" -msgstr "Scheme-rentzako nabarmendura" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:99 app/kwritemain.cpp:585 -msgid "PHP Keyword/Datatype list" -msgstr "PHP pasahitza/Datu moten zerrenda" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:100 app/kwritemain.cpp:586 -msgid "Very nice help" -msgstr "Oso laguntza politta" - -#: app/katemain.cpp:101 app/kwritemain.cpp:587 -msgid "All people who have contributed and I have forgotten to mention" -msgstr "Parte hartu arren, aipatzea ahaztu ditudan guztiak" - -#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1 app/katemain.cpp:103 app/kwritemain.cpp:589 -msgid "" -"_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -"Your names" -msgstr "Marcos Goienetxe, Koldo Navarro, Alfredo Beaumount, Juan Irigoien" - -#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3 app/katemain.cpp:103 app/kwritemain.cpp:589 +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:220 msgid "" -"_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -"Your emails" +"Check this if you want all your views and frames restored each time you open " +"Kate" msgstr "" -",,, " -"" - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:71 app/katemainwindow.cpp:223 -msgid "Find in Files" -msgstr "Bilatu fitxategietan " - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Pattern:" -msgstr "Eredua:" - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:118 -msgid "Case sensitive" -msgstr "Maisukulak/minuskulak bereiziz" - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:123 -msgid "Regular expression" -msgstr "Espresio erregularra" - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:129 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Txantiloia:" - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:148 -msgid "Files:" -msgstr "Fitxategiak:" - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Folder:" -msgstr "Karpeta:" - -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:178 -msgid "Recursive" -msgstr "Errekurtsiboa" +"Gaitu hau zure ikuspegi eta marko guztiak Kate irekitzean berreskuratu nahi " +"badituzu" -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:186 app/kategrepdialog.cpp:475 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Bilatu" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:225 +msgid "Behavior on Application Startup" +msgstr "Portaera aplikazioa abiaraztean" -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:201 -msgid "" -"Enter the expression you want to search for here." -"
If 'regular expression' is unchecked, any non-space letters in your " -"expression will be escaped with a backslash character." -"
Possible meta characters are:"
. - Matches any character"
^ - Matches the beginning of a line"
$ - Matches the end of a line"
\\< - Matches the beginning of a word"
\\> - Matches the end of a word"
The following repetition operators exist:"
? - The preceding item is matched at most once"
* - The preceding item is matched zero or more times"
+ - The preceding item is matched one or more times"
{n} - The preceding item is matched exactly n times"
{n,} - The preceding item is matched n or more times"
{,n} - The preceding item is matched at most n times"
{n,m} - The preceding item is matched at least n"
-", but at most m times."
Furthermore, backreferences to bracketed subexpressions are available via "
-"the notation \\#
See the grep(1) documentation for the full documentation." -msgstr "" -"
Sartu hemen zure bilaketaren espresio erregularra. 'Espresio erregularra' "
-"hautatua ez badago zuriuneak ez diren edozein hizkiri alderantzizko barra "
-"atxikituko zaio aurrean."
Baliozko metakaraktereak:"
. - Edozein karaktererekin bat dator\t"
^ - Lerroaren hasierarekin bat dator"
$ - Lerroaren amaierarekin bat dator"
\\< - Hitzaren hasierarekin bat dator"
\\> - Hitzaren amaierarekin bat dator"
Badira berrepikapen eragileak:"
? - Aurreko elementua bat dator behin gehienez"
* - Aurreko elementua zero aldiz edo gehiagotan dator bat"
+ - Aurreko elementua behin edo gehiagotan dator bat"
{n} - Aurreko elementua n aldiz etorri da bat "
{n,} - Aurreko elementua n aldiz edo gehiagotan etorri "
-"da bat"
{,n} - Aurreko elementua n aldiz etorri da bat "
{n,m} - Aurreko elementua n "
-"aldiz etorri da bat gutxienez, baina m aldiz gehienez."
Gainera, azpiespresioetarako atzerako erreferentziak \\#
-"notazioaren bidez eskuragarri daude."
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:229
+msgid "&Start new session"
+msgstr "&Abiarazi saio berria"
-#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:224
-msgid ""
-"Enter the file name pattern of the files to search here.\n"
-"You may give several patterns separated by commas."
-msgstr ""
-"Sartu hemen bilatu behar diren fitxategien izen ereduak.\n"
-"Zenbait eredu adieraz ditzakezu, komaz banatuta."
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:230
+msgid "&Load last-used session"
+msgstr "&Kargatu azken aldiz erabilitako saioa"
-#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:227
-#, c-format
-msgid ""
-"You can choose a template for the pattern from the combo box\n"
-"and edit it here. The string %s in the template is replaced\n"
-"by the pattern input field, resulting in the regular expression\n"
-"to search for."
-msgstr ""
-"Konbo kutxatik ereduarentzako txantiloia hauta dezakezu, eta hemen\n"
-"editatu. Txantiloiaren %s katea sarbide eremukoaz ordeztua izango da,\n"
-"bilatu nahi den espresio erregularra emanez."
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:231
+msgid "&Manually choose a session"
+msgstr "Hautatu saioa &eskuz"
-#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:232
-msgid "Enter the folder which contains the files in which you want to search."
-msgstr "Sartu hemen bilatu nahi dituzun fitxategiak dituen karpeta."
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:246
+msgid "Behavior on Application Exit or Session Switch"
+msgstr "Portaera aplikazioa irtetean edo saioa aldatzean"
-#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:234
-msgid "Check this box to search in all subfolders."
-msgstr "Egiaztatu kutxa hau azpikarpeta guztietan bilatzeko."
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:250
+msgid "&Do not save session"
+msgstr "&Ez gorde saioa"
-#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:236
-msgid ""
-"If this option is enabled (the default), the search will be case sensitive."
-msgstr ""
-"Aukera hau gaituta badago (lehenetsia), bilaketak maiuskulak eta minuskuluak "
-"bereizituko ditu."
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:251
+msgid "&Save session"
+msgstr "&Gorde saioa"
-#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:238
-msgid ""
If this is enabled, your pattern will be passed unmodified to " -"grep(1). Otherwise, all characters that are not letters will be escaped " -"using a backslash character to prevent grep from interpreting them as part of " -"the expression." -msgstr "" -"
Hau gaituz gero, zure eredua grep(1)-i pasatuko zaio aldaketarik " -"gabe. Bestela, hizki ez diren karaktere guztiei alderantzizko barra (backslash) " -"bat ipiniko zaie aurretik grep-ek espresioaren ataltzat har ez ditzan." +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:252 +msgid "&Ask user" +msgstr "&Galdetu erabiltzaileari" -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:243 -msgid "" -"The results of the grep run are listed here. Select a\n" -"filename/line number combination and press Enter or doubleclick\n" -"on the item to show the respective line in the editor." -msgstr "" -"grep-en emaitzak hementxe erakusten dira. Hautatu\n" -"fitxategi-izena/lerro-zenbakia konbinaketa eta sakatu enterra edo klik-bikoitza " -"egin elementuan dagokion lerroa editorean ager dadin." +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:273 +msgid "File Selector" +msgstr "Fitxategi aukeratzailea" -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:327 -msgid "You must enter an existing local folder in the 'Folder' entry." -msgstr "" -"Lehendik dagoen karpeta lokal baten izena sartu behar duzu 'Karpeta' sarreran." +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:275 +msgid "File Selector Settings" +msgstr "Fitxategi aukeratzailearen ezarpenak" -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:328 -msgid "Invalid Folder" -msgstr "Karpeta baliogabea" +#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:282 +msgid "Document List" +msgstr "Dokumentu zerrenda" -#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:479 -msgid "Error:
" -msgstr "Errorea:
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:283
+msgid "Document List Settings"
+msgstr "Dokumentu zerrendaren ezarpenak"
-#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:479
-msgid "Grep Tool Error"
-msgstr "Grep tresnaren akatsa"
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:290 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:347
+msgid "Plugins"
+msgstr "Pluginak"
-#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:61
-msgid "Documents Modified on Disk"
-msgstr "Diskan aldatutako dokumentuak"
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:291
+msgid "Plugin Manager"
+msgstr "Pluginen kudeatzailea"
-#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:63
-msgid "&Ignore"
-msgstr "Ez &ikusi egin"
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:298 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:299
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:269 app/katemainwindow.cpp:557
+msgid "External Tools"
+msgstr "Kanpoko tresnak"
-#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:64
-msgid "&Overwrite"
-msgstr "&Gainidatzi"
+#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:306 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:312
+msgid "Editor"
+msgstr "Editorea"
-#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:68
-msgid ""
-"Removes the modified flag from the selected documents and closes the dialog if "
-"there are no more unhandled documents."
-msgstr ""
-"Aukeratutako dokumentuetatik aldaketa marka kentzen du eta elkarrizketa ixten "
-"du landu gabeko dokumenturik ez badago."
+#: app/kateconfigplugindialogpage.cpp:81 app/katemailfilesdialog.cpp:61
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Izena"
-#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:71
-msgid ""
-"Overwrite selected documents, discarding the disk changes and closes the dialog "
-"if there are no more unhandled documents."
-msgstr ""
-"Aukeratutako dokumentuak gainidazten ditu, diskoan eginiko aldaketak baztertuz "
-"eta elkarrizketa ixten du landu gabeko dokumenturik ez badago."
+#: app/kateconfigplugindialogpage.cpp:82
+msgid "Comment"
+msgstr "Iruzkina"
-#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:74
+#: app/kateconfigplugindialogpage.cpp:83
msgid ""
-"Reloads the selected documents from disk and closes the dialog if there are no "
-"more unhandled documents."
+"Here you can see all available Kate plugins. Those with a check mark are "
+"loaded, and will be loaded again the next time Kate is started."
msgstr ""
-"Aukeratutako dokumentuak diskotik berkargatzen ditu eta elkarrizketa ixten du "
-"landu gabeko dokumenturik ez badago."
+"Hemen Kateren plugin eskuragarri guztiak ikus ditzakezu. Markatuta daudenak "
+"kargatuta daude, eta berriro kargatuko dira Kate berriz hastean."
-#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:87
+#: app/kateconsole.cpp:129
msgid ""
-" Select one or more at the time and press an action button until the list is "
-"empty. Hautatu bat edo gehiago eta sakatu ekintza botoiak zerrenda hustu arte.
The document '%1' has been modified, but not saved.
Do you want to save " +"your changes or discard them?" msgstr "" -"Diff komandoak huts egin du. Ziurtatu diff(1) instalatuta eta zure PATH-en " -"dagoela." - -#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:270 -msgid "Error Creating Diff" -msgstr "Errorea diff sortzean" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:97 -msgid "New Tab" -msgstr "Fitxa berria" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:100 -msgid "Close Current Tab" -msgstr "Itxi uneko fitxa" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:104 -msgid "Activate Next Tab" -msgstr "Aktibatu hurrengo fitxa" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:109 -msgid "Activate Previous Tab" -msgstr "Aktibatu aurreko fitxa" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:116 -msgid "Split Ve&rtical" -msgstr "Zatitu &bertikalki" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:119 -msgid "Split the currently active view vertically into two views." -msgstr "Zatitu uneko ikuspegi aktiboa bertikalki bi ikuspegitan." - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:121 -msgid "Split &Horizontal" -msgstr "Zatitu &horizontalki" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:124 -msgid "Split the currently active view horizontally into two views." -msgstr "Zatitu horizontalki uneko ikuspegi aktiboa bi ikuspegitan." - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Cl&ose Current View" -msgstr "Itxi &uneko ikuspegia" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:130 -msgid "Close the currently active splitted view" -msgstr "Itxi uneko zatitutako ikuspegi aktiboa" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:132 -msgid "Next View" -msgstr "Hurrengo ikuspegia" - -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:135 -msgid "Make the next split view the active one." -msgstr "Bihurtu aktibo hurrengo ikuspegi zatitua." +"
'%1' dokumentua aldatu egin da baina ez da gorde.
Aldaketak gorde edo " +"baztertu nahi dituzu?" -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:137 -msgid "Previous View" -msgstr "Aurreko ikuspegia" +#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:397 +msgid "Close Document" +msgstr "Itxi dokumentua" -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:139 -msgid "Make the previous split view the active one." -msgstr "Bihurtu aktibo aurreko ikuspegi zatitua." +#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:405 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Save As" +msgstr "Gorde &honela..." -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:149 -msgid "Open a new tab" -msgstr "Ireki fitxa berria" +#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:431 app/katemainwindow.cpp:359 +msgid "New file opened while trying to close Kate, closing aborted." +msgstr "Fitxategi berria ireki da Kate ixten saiatzean, ixtea abortatu da." -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:157 -msgid "Close the current tab" -msgstr "Itxi uneko fitxa" +#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:432 app/katemainwindow.cpp:360 +msgid "Closing Aborted" +msgstr "Ixtea abortatu da" -#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:375 app/kwritemain.cpp:229 -msgid "Open File" -msgstr "Ireki fitxategia" +#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:484 +msgid "Reopening files from the last session..." +msgstr "Azken saioko fitxategiak berrirekitzen..." -#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:276 +#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:491 +msgid "Starting Up" +msgstr "Abiarazten" + +#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:275 msgid "Failed to expand the command '%1'." msgstr "'%1' komandoa hedatzeak huts egin du." -#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:277 +#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:276 msgid "Kate External Tools" msgstr "Kate kanpoko tresnak" -#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:427 +#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:426 msgid "Edit External Tool" msgstr "Editatu kanpoko tresna" -#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:441 +#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:440 msgid "&Label:" msgstr "&Etiketa:" -#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:446 +#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:445 msgid "The name will be displayed in the 'Tools->External' menu" msgstr "Izena 'Tresnak->Kanpoko tresnak' menuan agertuko da" -#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:456 +#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:455 msgid "S&cript:" msgstr "Scri&pt-a:" -#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:461 +#: app/kateexternaltools.cpp:460 msgid "" "
The script to execute to invoke the tool. The script is passed to /bin/sh " -"for execution. The following macros will be expanded:
" -"%URL
- the URL of the current document."
- a list of the URLs of all open documents."
- the URL of the directory containing the current "
- the filename of the current document."
- the current line of the text cursor in the current "
- the column of the text cursor in the current view."
- the selected text in the current view."
- the text of the current document.Tresna abiarazteko exekutatuko den scripta. Scripta /bin/sh-ri pasatuko zaio " -"exekutatzeko. Ondorengo makroak hedatuko dira:
" -"%URL
- uneko dokumentoaren URLa."
- irekirik dauden dokumentu guztien URLen zerrenda."
- uneko dokumentua daukan direktorioaren URLa."
- uneko direktorioaren fitxategi-izena."
- uneko ikuspegiko testu kurtsorearen uneko lerroa."
- uneko ikuspegiko testu kurtsorearen uneko zutabea."
- uneko ikuspegian hautatutako testua. "
- uneko dokumentuaren testua.%URL"
+"code> - the URL of the current document.%URLs
- a list of "
+"the URLs of all open documents.%directory
- the URL of the "
+"directory containing the current document.%filename
- the "
+"filename of the current document.%line
- the current line "
+"of the text cursor in the current view.%column
- the column "
+"of the text cursor in the current view.%selection
- the "
+"selected text in the current view.%text
- the text of the "
+"current document.
Tresna abiarazteko exekutatuko den scripta. Scripta /bin/sh-ri pasatuko " +"zaio exekutatzeko. Ondorengo makroak hedatuko dira:
+"code> - uneko dokumentoaren URLa.%URLs
- irekirik dauden "
+"dokumentu guztien URLen zerrenda.%directory
- uneko "
+"dokumentua daukan direktorioaren URLa.%filename
- uneko "
+"direktorioaren fitxategi-izena.%line
- uneko ikuspegiko "
+"testu kurtsorearen uneko lerroa.%column
- uneko ikuspegiko "
+"testu kurtsorearen uneko zutabea.%selection
- uneko "
+"ikuspegian hautatutako testua. %text
- uneko dokumentuaren "
Here you can enter a path for a folder to display.
To go to a folder " +"previously entered, press the arrow on the right and choose one.
The " +"entry has folder completion. Right-click to choose how completion should " +"behave." +msgstr "" +"
Hemen bide-izena sar dezakezu karpeta bat bistaratzeko.
Aurretik " +"sartutako karpeta batera joateko, eskuineko gezi-botoia sakatu eta aukeratu " +"bat.
Sarrerak karpeta osatzea dauka. Eskuin-klikatu osatzea nola egin " +"behar den hautatzeko." -#: app/katesession.cpp:624 -msgid "New Session" -msgstr "Saio berria" +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:203 +msgid "" +"
Here you can enter a name filter to limit which files are displayed.
To " +"clear the filter, toggle off the filter button to the left.
To reapply the " +"last filter used, toggle on the filter button." +msgstr "" +"
Hemen izen iragazkia sar dezakezu, agertuko diren fitxategien kopurua " +"mugatzeko.
Iragazkia garbitzeko, itzali ezkerreko iragazki botoia.
Azken " +"iragazkia berriz aplikatzeko, piztu iragazki botoia." -#: app/katesession.cpp:642 app/katesession.cpp:732 app/katesession.cpp:796 -msgid "Session Name" -msgstr "Saioaren izena" +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:207 +msgid "" +"
This button clears the name filter when toggled off, or reapplies the " +"last filter used when toggled on." +msgstr "" +"
Botoi honek izen iragazkia garbitzen du itzalita dagonean. Piztuta " +"dagoenean, ostera, berriz aplikatzen du azken iragazkia." -#: app/katesession.cpp:643 app/katesession.cpp:733 app/katesession.cpp:797 -msgid "Open Documents" -msgstr "Ireki dokumentuak" +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:321 +msgid "Apply last filter (\"%1\")" +msgstr "Aplikatu azken iragazkia (\"%1\")" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:326 +msgid "Clear filter" +msgstr "Garbitu iragazkia" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:535 +msgid "Toolbar" +msgstr "Tresna-barra" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:537 +msgid "A&vailable actions:" +msgstr "Eki&ntza eskuragarriak:" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:538 +msgid "S&elected actions:" +msgstr "&Hautatutako ekintzak:" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:546 +msgid "Auto Synchronization" +msgstr "Auto sinkronizazioa" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:547 +msgid "When a docu&ment becomes active" +msgstr "Doku&mentua aktibo bihurtzean" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:548 +msgid "When the file selector becomes visible" +msgstr "Fitxategi aukeratzailea ikusgarri bihurtzean" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:555 +msgid "Remember &locations:" +msgstr "Oroitu &kokapenak:" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:562 +msgid "Remember &filters:" +msgstr "Oroitu &iragazkiak:" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:569 +msgid "Session" +msgstr "Saioa" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:570 +msgid "Restore loca&tion" +msgstr "Berrezarri &kokapena" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:571 +msgid "Restore last f&ilter" +msgstr "Berrezarri &azken iragazkia" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:591 +msgid "" +"
Decides how many locations to keep in the history of the location combo " +"box." +msgstr "" +"
Kokapenen kutxako historian zenbat kokapen gordetzen dituen erabakitzen du" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:596 +msgid "" +"
Decides how many filters to keep in the history of the filter combo box." +msgstr "" +"
Iragazkien kutxako historian zenbat iragazki gordetzen dituen erabakitzen " +"du" + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:601 +msgid "" +"
These options allow you to have the File Selector automatically change " +"location to the folder of the active document on certain events.
Auto " +"synchronization is lazy, meaning it will not take effect until the " +"file selector is visible.
None of these are enabled by default, but you " +"can always sync the location by pressing the sync button in the toolbar." +msgstr "" +"
Aukera hauek Fitxategi aukeratzailearen kokapena dokumentu aktiboaren " +"kapertara automatikoki aldatzen uzten dute gertaera batzurekin.
Auto " +"sinkronizazioa alferra da, hau da, ez du efekturik izango fitxategi " +"aukeratzailea ikusgarri bihurtu arte.
Hauetariko bat ere ez dago gaituta " +"lehenespen gisa, baina beti sinkroniza dezakezu kokapena tresna-barrako " +"sinkronizazio botoia sakatuz." -#: app/katesession.cpp:660 -msgid "&Always use this choice" -msgstr "&Beti erabili aukera hau" +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:610 +msgid "" +"
If this option is enabled (default), the location will be restored when " +"you start Kate.
Note that if the session is handled by " +"the TDE session manager, the location is always restored." +msgstr "" +"
Aukera hau gaituta badago (lehenetsia), Kate abiatzerakoan kokapena " +"berrezarri egingo da.
Kontuan hartu saio hau TDEren saio-" +"kudeatzaileak kudeatzen badu, kokapena beti berrezarriko dela." + +#: app/katefileselector.cpp:614 +msgid "" +"
If this option is enabled (default), the current filter will be restored " +"when you start Kate.
Note that if the session is handled " +"by the TDE session manager, the filter is always restored.
+"strong> that some of the autosync settings may override the restored "
+"location if on."
+msgstr ""
+" Aukera hau gaituta badago (lehenetsia), Kate abiatzean uneko iragazkia "
+"berrezarri egingo da. Kontuan hartu saio hau TDEren saio-"
+"kudeatzaileak kudeatzen badu, iragazkia beti berrezarriko dela. "
+" Kontuan hartu autosinkronizazio konfigurazioak "
+"berrezarritako kokapenari jaramonik ez egin dezakela piztuta badago."
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:71 app/katemainwindow.cpp:227
+msgid "Find in Files"
+msgstr "Bilatu fitxategietan "
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:102
+msgid "Pattern:"
+msgstr "Eredua:"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:118
+msgid "Case sensitive"
+msgstr "Maisukulak/minuskulak bereiziz"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:123
+msgid "Regular expression"
+msgstr "Espresio erregularra"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:129
+msgid "Template:"
+msgstr "Txantiloia:"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:148
+msgid "Files:"
+msgstr "Fitxategiak:"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:163
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Hide errors"
+msgstr "Ezkutatu &alboko barrak"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:169
+msgid "Folder:"
+msgstr "Karpeta:"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:187
+msgid "Recursive"
+msgstr "Errekurtsiboa"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:195 app/kategrepdialog.cpp:488
+msgid "Find"
+msgstr "Bilatu"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:210
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+" Enter the expression you want to search for here. If 'regular "
+"expression' is unchecked, all characters that are not letters in your "
+"expression will be escaped with a backslash character. Possible meta "
+"characters are: The following repetition operators exist: Furthermore, backreferences to "
+"bracketed subexpressions are available via the notation See the grep(1) documentation for the full documentation."
+msgstr ""
+" Sartu hemen zure bilaketaren espresio erregularra. 'Espresio erregularra' "
+"hautatua ez badago zuriuneak ez diren edozein hizkiri alderantzizko barra "
+"atxikituko zaio aurrean. If this is enabled, your pattern will be passed unmodified to "
+"grep(1). Otherwise, all characters that are not letters will be "
+"escaped using a backslash character to prevent grep from interpreting them "
+"as part of the expression."
+msgstr ""
+" Hau gaituz gero, zure eredua grep(1)-i pasatuko zaio aldaketarik "
+"gabe. Bestela, hizki ez diren karaktere guztiei alderantzizko barra "
+"(backslash) bat ipiniko zaie aurretik grep-ek espresioaren ataltzat har ez "
-#: app/kateapp.cpp:214 app/kateapp.cpp:326 app/kwritemain.cpp:686
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:252
msgid ""
-"The file '%1' could not be opened: it is not a normal file, it is a folder."
+"The results of the grep run are listed here. Select a\n"
+"filename/line number combination and press Enter or doubleclick\n"
+"on the item to show the respective line in the editor."
msgstr ""
-"Ezin izan da '%1' fitxategia ireki: ez da fitxategi arrunta, karpeta baizik."
+"grep-en emaitzak hementxe erakusten dira. Hautatu\n"
+"fitxategi-izena/lerro-zenbakia konbinaketa eta sakatu enterra edo klik-"
+"bikoitza egin elementuan dagokion lerroa editorean ager dadin."
-#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:395
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:256
msgid ""
-" The document '%1' has been modified, but not saved."
-" Do you want to save your changes or discard them?"
+" If this is checked, the dialog window showing the search errors will not "
+"be displayed at the end of the search."
msgstr ""
-" '%1' dokumentua aldatu egin da baina ez da gorde. "
-" Aldaketak gorde edo baztertu nahi dituzu?"
-#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:397
-msgid "Close Document"
-msgstr "Itxi dokumentua"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:339
+msgid "You must enter an existing local folder in the 'Folder' entry."
+msgstr ""
+"Lehendik dagoen karpeta lokal baten izena sartu behar duzu 'Karpeta' "
-#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:431 app/katemainwindow.cpp:340
-msgid "New file opened while trying to close Kate, closing aborted."
-msgstr "Fitxategi berria ireki da Kate ixten saiatzean, ixtea abortatu da."
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:340
+msgid "Invalid Folder"
+msgstr "Karpeta baliogabea"
-#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:432 app/katemainwindow.cpp:341
-msgid "Closing Aborted"
-msgstr "Ixtea abortatu da"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:402
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:484
-msgid "Reopening files from the last session..."
-msgstr "Azken saioko fitxategiak berrirekitzen..."
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:494
+msgid "Error: "
+msgstr "Errorea: "
-#: app/katedocmanager.cpp:491
-msgid "Starting Up"
-msgstr "Abiarazten"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:494
+msgid "Grep Tool Error"
+msgstr "Grep tresnaren akatsa"
#: app/katemailfilesdialog.cpp:47
msgid "Email Files"
@@ -1065,25 +914,15 @@ msgid "&Mail..."
msgstr "Bidali e-&postaz..."
#: app/katemailfilesdialog.cpp:57
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-" Press Mail... to email the current document."
-" To select more documents to send, press Show All "
-"Documents >>."
+" Press Mail... to email the current document. To select "
+"more documents to send, press Show All Documents >>."
msgstr ""
" Bidali e-postaz... sakatu uneko dokumentua e-postaz "
-"bidaltzeko. "
-" Dokumentu gehiago aukeratzeko, 'Erakutsi dokumentu "
+"bidaltzeko. Dokumentu gehiago aukeratzeko, 'Erakutsi dokumentu "
"denak >>' sakatu."
-#: app/kateconfigplugindialogpage.cpp:81 app/katemailfilesdialog.cpp:61
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Izena"
-#: app/katefilelist.cpp:150 app/katefilelist.cpp:688
-#: app/katemailfilesdialog.cpp:62
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URLa"
#: app/katemailfilesdialog.cpp:104
msgid "&Hide Document List <<"
msgstr "&Ezkutatu dokumentuen zerrenda <<"
@@ -1093,81 +932,227 @@ msgid "Press Mail... to send selected documents"
msgstr ""
"Bidali e-postaz... sakatu hautatutako dokumentuak bidaltzeko"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:212 app/katesavemodifieddialog.cpp:152
+#: app/katemain.cpp:41
+msgid "Start Kate with a given session"
+msgstr "Abiarazi Kate emandako saioarekin"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:43
+msgid "Use a already running kate instance (if possible)"
+msgstr "Erabili abiarazita dagoen kate instantzia bat (posible bada)"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:45
+msgid "Force single document mode if the MDI setting is enabled."
+msgstr ""
+#: app/katemain.cpp:47
+msgid "Only try to reuse kate instance with this pid"
+msgstr "Saiatu bererabiltzen bakarrik pid hau duen kate instantzia"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:49 app/kwritemain.cpp:532
+msgid "Set encoding for the file to open"
+msgstr "Ezarri irekiko den fitxategiaren kodeketa"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:51 app/kwritemain.cpp:533
+msgid "Navigate to this line"
+msgstr "Nabigatu lerro honetara"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:53 app/kwritemain.cpp:534
+msgid "Navigate to this column"
+msgstr "Nabigatu zutabe honetara"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:55 app/kwritemain.cpp:531
+msgid "Read the contents of stdin"
+msgstr "Irakurri stdin-en edukia"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:56 app/kwritemain.cpp:535
+msgid "Document to open"
+msgstr "Irekiko den fitxategia"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:67
+msgid "Kate"
+msgstr "Kate"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:68
+msgid "Kate - Advanced Text Editor"
+msgstr "Kate - Testu editore aurreratua"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:69 app/kwritemain.cpp:556
+msgid "(c) 2000-2005 The Kate Authors"
+msgstr "(c) 2000-2005 Kate egileak"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:71 app/kwritemain.cpp:558
+msgid "Maintainer"
+msgstr "Mantentzailea"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:72 app/katemain.cpp:73 app/katemain.cpp:74
+#: app/katemain.cpp:79 app/kwritemain.cpp:559 app/kwritemain.cpp:560
+#: app/kwritemain.cpp:561 app/kwritemain.cpp:566
+msgid "Core Developer"
+msgstr "Gunearen garatzailea"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:75 app/kwritemain.cpp:562
+msgid "The cool buffersystem"
+msgstr "Buffer sistema zoragarria"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:76 app/kwritemain.cpp:563
+msgid "The Editing Commands"
+msgstr "Edizio komandoak"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:77 app/kwritemain.cpp:564
+msgid "Testing, ..."
+msgstr "Frogatzen, ..."
+#: app/katemain.cpp:78 app/kwritemain.cpp:565
+msgid "Former Core Developer"
+msgstr "Garatzaile nagusia"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:80 app/kwritemain.cpp:567
+msgid "KWrite Author"
+msgstr "KWrite-ren egilea"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:81 app/kwritemain.cpp:568
+msgid "KWrite port to KParts"
+msgstr "KWrite-tik Kparts-erako moldaketa"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:84 app/kwritemain.cpp:571
+msgid "KWrite Undo History, Kspell integration"
+msgstr "KWrite-ren 'Desegin historia', Kspell-en integrazioa"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:85 app/kwritemain.cpp:572
+msgid "KWrite XML Syntax highlighting support"
+msgstr "KWrite-ren XML sintaxis nabarmenduraren euskarria"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:86 app/kwritemain.cpp:573
+msgid "Patches and more"
+msgstr "Adabakiak eta gehiago"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:87
+msgid "Developer & Highlight wizard"
+msgstr "Garatzailea eta nabarmentze-morroia"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:89 app/kwritemain.cpp:575
+msgid "Highlighting for RPM Spec-Files, Perl, Diff and more"
+msgstr "RPM, Perl, Diff eta gehiagoarentzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:90 app/kwritemain.cpp:576
+msgid "Highlighting for VHDL"
+msgstr "VHDLrentzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:91 app/kwritemain.cpp:577
+msgid "Highlighting for SQL"
+msgstr "SQLrentzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:92 app/kwritemain.cpp:578
+msgid "Highlighting for Ferite"
+msgstr "Ferite-rentzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:93 app/kwritemain.cpp:579
+msgid "Highlighting for ILERPG"
+msgstr "ILERPGentzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:94 app/kwritemain.cpp:580
+msgid "Highlighting for LaTeX"
+msgstr "LaTeX-entzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:95 app/kwritemain.cpp:581
+msgid "Highlighting for Makefiles, Python"
+msgstr "Makefiles eta Python-entzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:96 app/kwritemain.cpp:582
+msgid "Highlighting for Python"
+msgstr "Python-entzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:98 app/kwritemain.cpp:584
+msgid "Highlighting for Scheme"
+msgstr "Scheme-rentzako nabarmendura"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:99 app/kwritemain.cpp:585
+msgid "PHP Keyword/Datatype list"
+msgstr "PHP pasahitza/Datu moten zerrenda"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:100 app/kwritemain.cpp:586
+msgid "Very nice help"
+msgstr "Oso laguntza politta"
+#: app/katemain.cpp:101 app/kwritemain.cpp:587
+msgid "All people who have contributed and I have forgotten to mention"
+msgstr "Parte hartu arren, aipatzea ahaztu ditudan guztiak"
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:213 app/katesavemodifieddialog.cpp:152
msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Dokumentuak"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:216
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:217
msgid "Filesystem Browser"
msgstr "Fitxategi-sistema arakatzailea"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:230
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:234
msgid "Terminal"
msgstr "Terminala"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:242
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:246
msgid "Create a new document"
msgstr "Sortu dokumentu berria"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:243
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:247
msgid "Open an existing document for editing"
msgstr "Ireki lehendik dagoen dokumentua editatzeko"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:246 app/kwritemain.cpp:151
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:250 app/kwritemain.cpp:151
msgid ""
-"This lists files which you have opened recently, and allows you to easily open "
-"them again."
+"This lists files which you have opened recently, and allows you to easily "
+"open them again."
msgstr ""
"Honek, ireki dituzun azken fitxategiak zerrendatzen ditu, eta berriro "
"irekitzeko modu erraza eskaintzen du."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:248
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:252
msgid "Save A&ll"
msgstr "G&orde dena"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:249
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:253
msgid "Save all open, modified documents to disk."
msgstr "Gorde diskan ireki eta aldatutako fitxategi guztiak."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:251
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:255
msgid "Close the current document."
msgstr "Itxi uneko dokumentua."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:253
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:257
msgid "Clos&e All"
msgstr "Itxi d&ena"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:254
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:258
msgid "Close all open documents."
msgstr "Itxi irekita dauden dokumentu denak."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:256
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:260
msgid "Send one or more of the open documents as email attachments."
msgstr "Bidali irekitako dokumentu bat edo gehiago e-posta eranskin gisa."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:258
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:262
msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Itxi leiho hau"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:261
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:264 app/kwritemain.cpp:153
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&New Window"
+msgstr "&Leihoa"
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:265
msgid "Create a new Kate view (a new window with the same document list)."
msgstr ""
"Sortu Kate ikuspegi berria (leiho berria dokumentu zerrenda berdinarekin)."
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:298 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:299
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:265 app/katemainwindow.cpp:539
-msgid "External Tools"
-msgstr "Kanpoko tresnak"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:266
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:270
msgid "Launch external helper applications"
msgstr "Abiarazi kanpoko laguntza-aplikazioak"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:272
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:276
msgid "Open W&ith"
msgstr "&Ireki honekin"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:273
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:277
msgid ""
"Open the current document using another application registered for its file "
"type, or an application of your choice."
@@ -1175,425 +1160,313 @@ msgstr ""
"Ireki uneko dokumentua fitxategi mota honetarako erregistratutako beste "
"aplikazio bat erabiliz, edo zuk aukeratutako aplikazioaz."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:278 app/kwritemain.cpp:174
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:282 app/kwritemain.cpp:174
msgid "Configure the application's keyboard shortcut assignments."
msgstr "Konfiguratu aplikazioaren teklatu-laterbideen esleipenak."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:281 app/kwritemain.cpp:177
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:285 app/kwritemain.cpp:177
msgid "Configure which items should appear in the toolbar(s)."
msgstr "Konfiguratu tresna-barr(et)an agertu behar duten elementuak."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:284
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:288
msgid ""
"Configure various aspects of this application and the editing component."
msgstr "Konfiguratu aplikazio honen eta editorearen zenbait arlo."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:288
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:292
msgid "&Pipe to Console"
msgstr "&Hodia kontsolara"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:291
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:295
msgid "This shows useful tips on the use of this application."
msgstr "Honek aplikazio honen aholku erabilgarriak erakusten ditu."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:295
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:299
msgid "&Plugins Handbook"
msgstr "&Plugin eskuliburua"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:296
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:300
msgid "This shows help files for various available plugins."
msgstr ""
"Honek eskuragarri diren zenbait pluginen laguntza fitxategiak erakusten ditu."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:305
-msgid ""
-"_: Menu entry Session->New\n"
-msgstr "&Berria"
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:309
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&New"
+msgstr "&Berria..."
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:311
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&Save"
+msgstr "&Gorde:"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:308
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:313
msgid "Save &As..."
msgstr "Gorde &honela..."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:309
-msgid "&Manage..."
-msgstr "&Kudeatu..."
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:315
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&Rename"
+msgstr "&Berizendatu..."
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:317
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "&Delete"
+msgstr "Ezabatua"
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:319
+msgid "Re&load"
+msgstr ""
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:321
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Acti&vate"
+msgstr "Aktibatu hurrengo fitxa"
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:323
+msgid "Toggle read &only"
+msgstr ""
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:325
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Move &Up"
+msgstr "Mugitu hona"
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:327
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Move Do&wn"
+msgstr "Mugitu hona"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:312
-msgid "&Quick Open"
-msgstr "&Irekiera bizkorra"
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:329
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sele&ct session"
+msgstr "&Gorde saioa"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:488
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:506
msgid ""
"_: 'document name [*]', [*] means modified\n"
"%1 [*]"
msgstr ""
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:610
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:631
msgid "&Other..."
msgstr "&Beste batzuk..."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:620
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:641
msgid "Other..."
msgstr "Beste batzuk..."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:637
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:658
msgid "Application '%1' not found!"
msgstr "'%1' aplikazioa ez da aurkitu."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:637
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:658
msgid "Application Not Found!"
msgstr "Aplikazioa ez da aurkitu."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:665
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:686
msgid ""
-" The current document has not been saved, and cannot be attached to an email "
-" Do you want to save it and proceed?"
+" The current document has not been saved, and cannot be attached to an "
+"email message. Do you want to save it and proceed?"
msgstr ""
" Uneko dokumentua gorde gabe dago eta ezin zaio posta mezu bati erantsi."
" Gorde eta jarraitu nahi duzu?"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:668
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:689
msgid "Cannot Send Unsaved File"
msgstr "Ezin da gorde gabeko fitxategirik bidali"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:676 app/katemainwindow.cpp:697
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:697 app/katemainwindow.cpp:718
msgid "The file could not be saved. Please check if you have write permission."
msgstr "Fitxategi hau ezin da gorde. Begiratu idazteko baimena duzun."
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:687
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:708
msgid ""
-" The current file:"
-" Do you want to save it before sending it?"
+" The current file: Do you want to save "
+"it before sending it?"
msgstr ""
-" Uneko fitxategia: "
-" Bidali aurretik gorde nahi duzu?"
+" Uneko fitxategia: Bidali aurretik gorde nahi duzu?"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:690
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:711
msgid "Save Before Sending?"
msgstr "Gorde bidali aurretik?"
-#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:690
+#: app/katemainwindow.cpp:711
msgid "Do Not Save"
msgstr "Ez gorde"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:91 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:97
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:204 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:273
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:282 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:290
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:298 app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:347
-msgid "Application"
-msgstr "Aplikazioa"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:97
-msgid "General"
-msgstr "Orokorra"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:98
-msgid "General Options"
-msgstr "Aukera orokorrak"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:105
-msgid "&Appearance"
-msgstr "&Itxura"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:110
-msgid "&Show full path in title"
-msgstr "Erakutsi tituluan &bide izen osoa"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:112
-msgid ""
-"If this option is checked, the full document path will be shown in the window "
-msgstr ""
-"Aukera hau hautatuta badago, dokumentuaren bide izen osoa agertuko da leiho "
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:117
-msgid "Sort &files alphabetically in the file list"
-msgstr ""
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:120
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-"If this is checked, the files in the file list will be sorted alphabetically."
-msgstr ""
-"Aukera hau hautatuta badago, dokumentuaren bide izen osoa agertuko da leiho "
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:124
-msgid "&Behavior"
-msgstr "&Portaera"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:129
-msgid "&Number of recent files:"
-msgstr ""
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:134
-msgid ""
-" NOTE: If you set this lower than the current value, the "
-"list will be truncated and some items forgotten. Select one or more at "
+"the time and press an action button until the list is empty. Hautatu bat edo gehiago "
+"eta sakatu ekintza botoiak zerrenda hustu arte. Here you can enter a path for a folder to display."
-" To go to a folder previously entered, press the arrow on the right and "
-"choose one. "
-" The entry has folder completion. Right-click to choose how completion should "
+#: app/katesession.cpp:825
+msgid "Open Session"
+msgstr "Ireki saioa"
+#: app/katesession.cpp:826
+msgid "New Session"
+msgstr "Saio berria"
+#: app/katesession.cpp:843
+msgid "Session Name"
+msgstr "Saioaren izena"
+#: app/katesession.cpp:844
+msgid "Open Documents"
+msgstr "Ireki dokumentuak"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:43
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Session Name Chooser"
+msgstr "Saio hautatzailea"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:44
+msgid "Continue"
msgstr ""
-" Hemen bide-izena sar dezakezu karpeta bat bistaratzeko."
-" Aurretik sartutako karpeta batera joateko, eskuineko gezi-botoia sakatu eta "
-"aukeratu bat. "
-" Sarrerak karpeta osatzea dauka. Eskuin-klikatu osatzea nola egin behar den "
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:203
-msgid ""
-" Here you can enter a name filter to limit which files are displayed."
-" To clear the filter, toggle off the filter button to the left."
-" To reapply the last filter used, toggle on the filter button."
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:63
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Switch to the new session"
+msgstr "&Abiarazi saio berria"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:201
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "New"
+msgstr "Fitxa berria"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:203
+msgid "Create a new session and switch to it."
msgstr ""
-" Hemen izen iragazkia sar dezakezu, agertuko diren fitxategien kopurua "
-" Iragazkia garbitzeko, itzali ezkerreko iragazki botoia."
-" Azken iragazkia berriz aplikatzeko, piztu iragazki botoia."
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:207
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:206
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save"
+msgstr "&Gorde:"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:208
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save the selected session."
+msgstr "Gorde uneko saioa?"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:211
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save as..."
+msgstr "Gorde &honela..."
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:213
msgid ""
-" This button clears the name filter when toggled off, or reapplies the last "
-"filter used when toggled on."
+"Save an unsaved session with a new name or clone an already saved session "
+"into a new session."
msgstr ""
-" Botoi honek izen iragazkia garbitzen du itzalita dagonean. Piztuta "
-"dagoenean, ostera, berriz aplikatzen du azken iragazkia."
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:321
-msgid "Apply last filter (\"%1\")"
-msgstr "Aplikatu azken iragazkia (\"%1\")"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:217
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Rename"
+msgstr "&Berizendatu..."
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:326
-msgid "Clear filter"
-msgstr "Garbitu iragazkia"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:219
+msgid "Rename the selected session."
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:536
-msgid "Toolbar"
-msgstr "Tresna-barra"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:222
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete"
+msgstr "Ezabatua"
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:538
-msgid "A&vailable actions:"
-msgstr "Eki&ntza eskuragarriak:"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:224
+msgid "Delete the selected session."
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:539
-msgid "S&elected actions:"
-msgstr "&Hautatutako ekintzak:"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:227
+msgid "Reload"
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:547
-msgid "Auto Synchronization"
-msgstr "Auto sinkronizazioa"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:229
+msgid "Reload the last saved state of the selected session."
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:548
-msgid "When a docu&ment becomes active"
-msgstr "Doku&mentua aktibo bihurtzean"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:234
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Activate"
+msgstr "Aktibatu hurrengo fitxa"
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:549
-msgid "When the file selector becomes visible"
-msgstr "Fitxategi aukeratzailea ikusgarri bihurtzean"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:236
+msgid "Activate the selected session."
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:556
-msgid "Remember &locations:"
-msgstr "Oroitu &kokapenak:"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:239
+msgid "Toggle read only"
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:563
-msgid "Remember &filters:"
-msgstr "Oroitu &iragazkiak:"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:241
+msgid ""
+"Toggle read only status for the selected session. In a read only session, "
+"you can work as usual but the list of documents in the session will not be "
+"saved when you exit Kate or switch to another session. You can use this "
+"option to create template sessions that you wish to keep unchanged over time."
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:570
-msgid "Session"
-msgstr "Saioa"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:247
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Move Up"
+msgstr "Mugitu hona"
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:571
-msgid "Restore loca&tion"
-msgstr "Berrezarri &kokapena"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:249
+msgid "Move up the selected session."
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:572
-msgid "Restore last f&ilter"
-msgstr "Berrezarri &azken iragazkia"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:252
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Move Down"
+msgstr "Mugitu hona"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:254
+msgid "Move down the selected session."
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:592
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:379
+msgid "Do you really want to delete the session \"%1\"?"
+msgstr ""
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:380
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Delete session"
+msgstr "Saio lehenetsia"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:723
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save Session"
+msgstr "Gorde saioa?"
+#: app/katesessionpanel.cpp:729
msgid ""
-" Decides how many locations to keep in the history of the location combo box."
+" Do you want to save the current session? !!NOTE!! The session will be "
+"removed if you choose \"Delete\""
msgstr ""
-" Kokapenen kutxako historian zenbat kokapen gordetzen dituen erabakitzen du"
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:597
-msgid ""
-" Decides how many filters to keep in the history of the filter combo box."
-msgstr ""
-" Iragazkien kutxako historian zenbat iragazki gordetzen dituen erabakitzen du"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:97
+msgid "New Tab"
+msgstr "Fitxa berria"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:100
+msgid "Close Current Tab"
+msgstr "Itxi uneko fitxa"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:104
+msgid "Activate Next Tab"
+msgstr "Aktibatu hurrengo fitxa"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:109
+msgid "Activate Previous Tab"
+msgstr "Aktibatu aurreko fitxa"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:116
+msgid "Split Ve&rtical"
+msgstr "Zatitu &bertikalki"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:119
+msgid "Split the currently active view vertically into two views."
+msgstr "Zatitu uneko ikuspegi aktiboa bertikalki bi ikuspegitan."
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:121
+msgid "Split &Horizontal"
+msgstr "Zatitu &horizontalki"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:124
+msgid "Split the currently active view horizontally into two views."
+msgstr "Zatitu horizontalki uneko ikuspegi aktiboa bi ikuspegitan."
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:126
+msgid "Cl&ose Current View"
+msgstr "Itxi &uneko ikuspegia"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:130
+msgid "Close the currently active splitted view"
+msgstr "Itxi uneko zatitutako ikuspegi aktiboa"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:132
+msgid "Next View"
+msgstr "Hurrengo ikuspegia"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:135
+msgid "Make the next split view the active one."
+msgstr "Bihurtu aktibo hurrengo ikuspegi zatitua."
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:137
+msgid "Previous View"
+msgstr "Aurreko ikuspegia"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:139
+msgid "Make the previous split view the active one."
+msgstr "Bihurtu aktibo aurreko ikuspegi zatitua."
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:149
+msgid "Open a new tab"
+msgstr "Ireki fitxa berria"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:157
+msgid "Close the current tab"
+msgstr "Itxi uneko fitxa"
+#: app/kateviewmanager.cpp:375 app/kwritemain.cpp:229
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Ireki fitxategia"
+#: app/kateviewspace.cpp:322 app/kateviewspace.cpp:361
+msgid " INS "
+msgstr " SAR "
+#: app/kateviewspace.cpp:327 app/kateviewspace.cpp:365
+msgid " NORM "
+msgstr " NORM"
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:602
-msgid ""
-" These options allow you to have the File Selector automatically change "
-"location to the folder of the active document on certain events."
-" Auto synchronization is lazy, meaning it will not take effect until "
-"the file selector is visible."
-" None of these are enabled by default, but you can always sync the location "
-"by pressing the sync button in the toolbar."
-msgstr ""
-" Aukera hauek Fitxategi aukeratzailearen kokapena dokumentu aktiboaren "
-"kapertara automatikoki aldatzen uzten dute gertaera batzurekin."
-" Auto sinkronizazioa alferra da, hau da, ez du efekturik izango "
-"fitxategi aukeratzailea ikusgarri bihurtu arte."
-" Hauetariko bat ere ez dago gaituta lehenespen gisa, baina beti sinkroniza "
-"dezakezu kokapena tresna-barrako sinkronizazio botoia sakatuz."
+#: app/kateviewspace.cpp:353
+msgid " Line: %1 Col: %2 "
+msgstr " Lerroa: %1 Zut: %2 "
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:611
-msgid ""
-" If this option is enabled (default), the location will be restored when you "
-"start Kate."
-" Note that if the session is handled by the TDE session "
-"manager, the location is always restored."
-msgstr ""
-" Aukera hau gaituta badago (lehenetsia), Kate abiatzerakoan kokapena "
-"berrezarri egingo da. "
-" Kontuan hartu saio hau TDEren saio-kudeatzaileak kudeatzen "
-"badu, kokapena beti berrezarriko dela."
+#: app/kateviewspace.cpp:357
+msgid " R/O "
+msgstr " I/B (R/O)"
-#: app/katefileselector.cpp:615
-msgid ""
-" If this option is enabled (default), the current filter will be restored "
-"when you start Kate."
-" Note that if the session is handled by the TDE session "
-"manager, the filter is always restored."
-" Note that some of the autosync settings may override the "
-"restored location if on."
-msgstr ""
-" Aukera hau gaituta badago (lehenetsia), Kate abiatzean uneko iragazkia "
-"berrezarri egingo da. "
-" Kontuan hartu saio hau TDEren saio-kudeatzaileak kudeatzen "
-"badu, iragazkia beti berrezarriko dela. "
-" Kontuan hartu autosinkronizazio konfigurazioak "
-"berrezarritako kokapenari jaramonik ez egin dezakela piztuta badago."
+#: app/kateviewspace.cpp:359
+msgid " OVR "
+msgstr " GAIN "
+#: app/kateviewspace.cpp:365
+msgid " BLK "
+msgstr " BLK "
#: app/kwritemain.cpp:82
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"A TDE text-editor component could not be found;\n"
+"A TDE text-editor component could not be found\n"
"please check your TDE installation."
msgstr ""
"Ez da TDEren testu editorearen osagai bat aurkitu;\n"
@@ -1848,12 +1818,17 @@ msgstr "Erakutsi dokumentuaren bide-izen osoa leihoaren izenburuan"
#: app/kwritemain.cpp:253
msgid ""
-"The given file could not be read, check if it exists or if it is readable for "
-"the current user."
+"The given file could not be read, check if it exists or if it is readable "
+"for the current user."
msgstr ""
"Emandako fitxategia ezin da irakurri, egiaztatu dagoen, edo uneko "
"erabiltzaileak irakurtzeko baimenik duen."
+#: app/kwritemain.cpp:333
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Untitled"
+msgstr "Izenburua"
#: app/kwritemain.cpp:553
msgid "KWrite"
msgstr "KWrite"
@@ -1866,73 +1841,320 @@ msgstr "KWrite - Testu editorea"
msgid "Choose Editor Component"
msgstr "Hautatu editorearen osagaia"
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:140
-msgid "Tool &Views"
+#: data/kateui.rc:5 data/kwriteui.rc:5
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "&File"
+msgstr "Fitxategiak:"
+#: data/kateui.rc:32 data/kwriteui.rc:27
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "&Edit"
+msgstr "&Editatu..."
+#: data/kateui.rc:43
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "&Document"
+msgstr "&Dokumentua"
+#: data/kateui.rc:49 data/kwriteui.rc:39
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "&View"
msgstr "Tresna &ikuspegiak"
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:141
-msgid "Show Side&bars"
-msgstr "Erakutsi &alboko barrak"
+#: data/kateui.rc:55 data/kwriteui.rc:45
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "&Tools"
+msgstr "Tresna-barra"
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:143
-msgid "Hide Side&bars"
-msgstr "Ezkutatu &alboko barrak"
+#: data/kateui.rc:62
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "Sess&ions"
+msgstr "Sai&oak"
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:176
-#, c-format
-msgid "Show %1"
-msgstr "Erakutsi %1"
+#: data/kateui.rc:78 data/kwriteui.rc:51
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "&Settings"
+msgstr "Abiarazten"
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:179
-#, c-format
-msgid "Hide %1"
-msgstr "Ezkutatu %1"
+#: data/kateui.rc:90
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "&Window"
+msgstr "&Leihoa"
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:465
-msgid "Behavior"
-msgstr "Portaera"
+#: data/kateui.rc:109 data/kwriteui.rc:63
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "&Help"
+msgstr ""
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:467
-msgid "Make Non-Persistent"
-msgstr "Ez egin iraunkorra"
+#: data/kateui.rc:122 data/kwriteui.rc:74
+#, fuzzy, no-c-format
+msgid "Main Toolbar"
+msgstr "Tresna-barra"
-#: app/katemdi.cpp:467
-msgid "Make Persistent"
-msgstr "Egin iraunkorra"
+#: data/tips:3
+#, fuzzy
+msgid ""
+" Kate comes with a nice set of plugins, providing simple\n"
+"and advanced features of all sorts. You can enable/disable plugins to suit your needs in the configuration "
+"choose Settings ->configure to launch that. Katek plugin multzo polita dakar, mota guztietako\n"
+"ezaugarri sinple eta aurreatuak eskainiz. Pluginak gaitu/desgaitu egin ditzakezu konfigurazio elkarrizketan zure "
+"beharrak asetzeko ,\n"
+"aukeratu Ezarpenak ->konfiguratu abiarazteko. You can swap the characters on each side of the cursor just by pressing\n"
+"Ctrl+T Kurtsorearen alde bakoitzeko karaktereak truka ditzakezu\n"
+"Ctrl+Tklikatuz. You can export the current document as a HTML file, including\n"
+"syntax highlighting. Just choose File -> Export -> HTML... Uneko dokumentua HTML fitxategi moduan esporta dezakezu, \n"
+"sintaxi nabermendura barne. Fitxategia -> Esportatu -> HTML... hautatuz You can split the Kate editor as many times as you like and\n"
+"in either direction. Each frame has its own status bar and\n"
+"can display any open document. Just choose Kate editorea behar beste aldiz zati dezakezu, eta nahi\n"
+"duzun norabidean. Koadro bakoitzak bere egoera-barra du eta\n"
+"irekita dagoen edozein dokumentu erakus dezake. Horretarako, hautatu You can drag the Tool views (File List and File Selector"
+"to any side that you want them in Kate, or stack them, or even tear them off "
+"main window. Tresna ikuspegiak arrasta ditzakezu (Fitxategi zerrenda\n"
+" eta Fitxategi aukeratzailea) nahi duzun Kate-ren txokora,\n"
+"edo pilatu, edota leiho nagusitik banatu. Kate has a built-in terminal emulator, just click on \"Terminal"
+"\" at\n"
+"the bottom to show or hide it as you desire. Katek terminal-emuladorea inkorporatzen du. \"Terminala\""
+"klikatu behar duzu erakutsi edo ezkutatzeko. Kate can highlight the current line with a\n"
+" You can set the color in the Colors page of the configuration\n"
+"dialog. Katek uneko lerroa nabarmendu dezake\n"
. - Matches any character
^ - Matches "
+"the beginning of a line
$ - Matches the end of a line
+"b> - Matches the beginning of a word
\\> - Matches the end of a "
? - The preceding "
+"item is matched at most once
* - The preceding item is matched "
+"zero or more times
+ - The preceding item is matched one or more "
{n} - The preceding item is matched exactly n "
{n,} - The preceding item is matched n or more "
{,n} - The preceding item is matched at most n "
{n,m} - The preceding item is matched at least "
+"n, but at most m times.\\#
Baliozko metakaraktereak:
. - Edozein "
+"karaktererekin bat dator\t
^ - Lerroaren hasierarekin bat "
$ - Lerroaren amaierarekin bat dator
\\< - "
+"Hitzaren hasierarekin bat dator
\\> - Hitzaren amaierarekin bat "
Badira berrepikapen eragileak:
? - Aurreko elementua "
+"bat dator behin gehienez
* - Aurreko elementua zero aldiz edo "
+"gehiagotan dator bat
+ - Aurreko elementua behin edo gehiagotan "
+"dator bat
{n} - Aurreko elementua n aldiz etorri da "
{n,} - Aurreko elementua n aldiz edo gehiagotan "
+"etorri da bat
{,n} - Aurreko elementua n aldiz "
+"etorri da bat gehienez
{n,m} - Aurreko elementua "
+"n aldiz etorri da bat gutxienez, baina m aldiz gehienez."
Gainera, azpiespresioetarako atzerako erreferentziak \\#
+"notazioaren bidez eskuragarri daude."
-#: app/katesession.cpp:720
-msgid "&Open"
-msgstr "&Ireki"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:233
+msgid ""
+"Enter the file name pattern of the files to search here.\n"
+"You may give several patterns separated by commas."
+msgstr ""
+"Sartu hemen bilatu behar diren fitxategien izen ereduak.\n"
+"Zenbait eredu adieraz ditzakezu, komaz banatuta."
-#: app/katesession.cpp:781
-msgid "Manage Sessions"
-msgstr "Kudeatu saioak"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:236
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"You can choose a template for the pattern from the combo box\n"
+"and edit it here. The string %s in the template is replaced\n"
+"by the pattern input field, resulting in the regular expression\n"
+"to search for."
+msgstr ""
+"Konbo kutxatik ereduarentzako txantiloia hauta dezakezu, eta hemen\n"
+"editatu. Txantiloiaren %s katea sarbide eremukoaz ordeztua izango da,\n"
+"bilatu nahi den espresio erregularra emanez."
-#: app/katesession.cpp:810
-msgid "&Rename..."
-msgstr "&Berizendatu..."
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:241
+msgid "Enter the folder which contains the files in which you want to search."
+msgstr "Sartu hemen bilatu nahi dituzun fitxategiak dituen karpeta."
-#: app/katesession.cpp:850
-msgid "Specify New Name for Session"
-msgstr "Eman izen berria saiorako"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:243
+msgid "Check this box to search in all subfolders."
+msgstr "Egiaztatu kutxa hau azpikarpeta guztietan bilatzeko."
-#: app/kateconsole.cpp:129
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:245
msgid ""
-"Do you really want to pipe the text to the console? This will execute any "
-"contained commands with your user rights."
+"If this option is enabled (the default), the search will be case sensitive."
msgstr ""
-"Benetan hodiatik pasatu nahi duzu testua kontsolara? Honek testuak dituen "
-"edozein komando exekutatuko lituzke zure baimenekin."
-#: app/kateconsole.cpp:130
-msgid "Pipe to Console?"
-msgstr "Pasatu hodiatik kontsolara?"
+"Aukera hau gaituta badago (lehenetsia), bilaketak maiuskulak eta minuskuluak "
+"bereizituko ditu."
-#: app/kateconsole.cpp:131
-msgid "Pipe to Console"
-msgstr "Pasatu hodiatik kontsolara"
+#: app/kategrepdialog.cpp:247
+msgid ""
has been modified. Modifications will not be available in the attachment."
has been modified. "
+"Modifications will not be available in the attachment.
%1 "
aldatua izan da. Aldaketak ez dira eskuragarri egongo eranskinean "
aldatua izan da. Aldaketak "
+"ez dira eskuragarri egongo eranskinean cd
-"to the directory of the active document when started and whenever the active "
-"document changes, if the document is a local file."
-msgstr ""
-"Hau markatuta badago, Konsole barneratuak cd
-"egingo du uneko idazkiaren direktoriora, bai hasieran baita uneko idazkia "
-"aldatzen denean ere, idazkia fitxategi lokala bada."
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:140
+msgid "Tool &Views"
+msgstr "Tresna &ikuspegiak"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:162
-msgid "Wa&rn about files modified by foreign processes"
-msgstr "&Abisatu kanpoko prozesuek aldatutako fitxategiez"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:141
+msgid "Show Side&bars"
+msgstr "Erakutsi &alboko barrak"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:165
-msgid ""
-"If enabled, when Kate receives focus you will be asked what to do with files "
-"that have been modified on the hard disk. If not enabled, you will be asked "
-"what to do with a file that has been modified on the hard disk only when that "
-"file gains focus inside Kate."
-msgstr ""
-"Gaituta badago, Kate-k fokua jasotzen duenean disko gogorrean aldatu diren "
-"fitxategiekin zer egin galdetuko zaizu. Gaituta ez badago, disko "
-"gogorreanaldatu den fitxategiarekin zer egin galdetuko zaizu soilik fitxategi "
-"horrek Kate barruan fokua eskuratzen duenean."
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:143
+msgid "Hide Side&bars"
+msgstr "Ezkutatu &alboko barrak"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:173
-msgid "Meta-Information"
-msgstr "Meta-informazioa"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:176
+#, c-format
+msgid "Show %1"
+msgstr "Erakutsi %1"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:178
-msgid "Keep &meta-information past sessions"
-msgstr "Mantendu &meta-informazioa saio bitarteetan"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:179
+#, c-format
+msgid "Hide %1"
+msgstr "Ezkutatu %1"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:181
-msgid ""
-"Check this if you want document configuration like for example bookmarks to be "
-"saved past editor sessions. The configuration will be restored if the document "
-"has not changed when reopened."
-msgstr ""
-"Gaitu hau dokumentuen konfigurazioa (gorde beharreko laster-markak, adibidez) "
-"gordea izan dadin editore saioen bitarteetan.Dokumentua berrirekitzean "
-"aldaketarik gertatu ez bada, konfigurazioa berreskuratu egingo da."
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:465
+msgid "Behavior"
+msgstr "Portaera"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:189
-msgid "&Delete unused meta-information after:"
-msgstr "&Ezabatu erabili gabeko meta-informazioa epe honen ondoren:"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:467
+msgid "Make Non-Persistent"
+msgstr "Ez egin iraunkorra"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:191
-msgid "(never)"
-msgstr "(inoiz ez)"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:467
+msgid "Make Persistent"
+msgstr "Egin iraunkorra"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:192
-msgid " day(s)"
-msgstr " egun"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:469
+msgid "Move To"
+msgstr "Mugitu hona"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:204
-msgid "Sessions"
-msgstr "Saioak"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:472
+msgid "Left Sidebar"
+msgstr "Ezkerreko alboko barra"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:205
-msgid "Session Management"
-msgstr "Saio kudeaketa"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:475
+msgid "Right Sidebar"
+msgstr "Eskuineko alboko barra"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:211
-msgid "Elements of Sessions"
-msgstr "Saioen elementuak"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:478
+msgid "Top Sidebar"
+msgstr "Goiko alboko barra"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:216
-msgid "Include &window configuration"
-msgstr "Sartu &leihoen dekorazioa"
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:481
+msgid "Bottom Sidebar"
+msgstr "Beheko alboko barra"
-#: app/kateconfigdialog.cpp:220
+#: app/katemdi.cpp:779
+#, fuzzy
msgid ""
-"Check this if you want all your views and frames restored each time you open "
+"Overwrite selected documents, discarding the disk changes and closes the "
+"dialog if there are no more unhandled documents."
msgstr ""
-"Fitxategi hau beste programa batek aldatu (eraldatu) du diskan.
+"Aukeratutako dokumentuak gainidazten ditu, diskoan eginiko aldaketak "
+"baztertuz eta elkarrizketa ixten du landu gabeko dokumenturik ez badago."
-#: app/katefilelist.cpp:434
+#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:74
msgid ""
-"This file was changed (created) on disk by another program.
+"Reloads the selected documents from disk and closes the dialog if there are "
+"no more unhandled documents."
msgstr ""
-"Fitxategi hau beste programa batek aldatu (sortu) du diskan.
+"Aukeratutako dokumentuak diskotik berkargatzen ditu eta elkarrizketa ixten "
+"du landu gabeko dokumenturik ez badago."
-#: app/katefilelist.cpp:436
+#: app/katemwmodonhddialog.cpp:87
msgid ""
-"This file was changed (deleted) on disk by another program.
View -> Split [ Horizontal | Vertical ]"
Ikusi -> Zatitu [ Horizontalki | "
+"Bertikalki ] different\n"
+"background color.| atzeko planoaren kolore \n"
+"ezberdin batekin.|
Kolorea konfigurazio elkarrizketako Koloreak\n" +"orrian ezar dezakezu.
\n" + +#: data/tips:54 +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"You can open the currently edited file in any other application from " +"within\n" +"Kate.
\n" +"Choose File -> Open With for the list of programs\n" +"configured\n" +"for the document type. There is also an option Other... to\n" +"choose any application on your system.
\n" +msgstr "" +"Editatutako fitxategi bat beste edozein aplikaziorekin ireki dezakezu\n" +"Kate barrutik.
\n" +"Hautatu Fitxategia -> Ireki honekin\n" +"dokumentu motarako konfiguratuta dauden programa zerrenda lortzeko.\n" +"Bestelakoak... aukera ere badago, sistemaren edozein\n" +"aplikazio hautatzeko.
\n" + +#: data/tips:64 +msgid "" +"You can configure the editor to always display the line numbers and/or\n" +"bookmark panes when started from the View Defaults page of " +"the\n" +"configuration dialog.
\n" +msgstr "" +"Lerro zenbakia edota laster-markak beti erakusteko konfigura dezakezu\n" +"editorea konfigurazio elkarrizketan Ikusi lehenespenak\n" +"orrialdea hautatzen duzunean.
\n" + +#: data/tips:71 +msgid "" +"You can download new or updated Syntax highlight definitions " +"from\n" +"the Highlighting page in the configuration dialog.
\n" +"Just click the Download... button on the Highlight Modes" +"em>\n" +"tab (You have to be online, of course...).
\n" +msgstr "" +"Sintaxia nabarmentzeko definizio berriak edo eguneratuak\n" +"jaitsi ditzakezu konfigurazio elkarrizketakoNabarmentze\n" +"orritik.
\n" +"Nabarmentze erak fitxan Jaitsi...\n" +"botoian klikatu (Linean egon behar duzu, noski...).
\n" + +#: data/tips:79 +msgid "" +"You can cycle through all open documents by pressing Alt+Left" +"strong>\n" +"or Alt+Right. The next/previous document will immediately " +"be displayed\n" +"in the active frame.
\n" +msgstr "" +"Irekitako dokumentu guztietatik igaro zaitezke Alt+Left" +"strong> \n" +"edo Alt+Right sakatuz. Hurrengo/aurreko dokumentua \n" +"koadro aktiboan agertuko da berehala.
\n" + +#: data/tips:86 +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +"You can do cool sed-like regular expression replacements using " +"Command Line.
\n" +"For example, press F7 and enter s /oldtext/newtext/"
+"to replace "oldtext" with "newtext" throughout the current\n"
Sed-moduko espresio erregular ordezkapen zoragarriak egin ditzakezu \n" +"Komando lerroa erabiliz.
\n" +"Adibidez, Ctrl+M sakatu eta \n"
+"idatzi "testuzaharra" "testuberria"-z ordezkatzeko\n"
+"uneko lerroan zehar.
You can repeat your last search by just pressing F3, or\n" +"Shift+F3 if you want to search backwards.
\n" +msgstr "" +"Azken bilaketa errepika dezakezu F3 sakatuz, \n" +"edo Shift+F3 atzerantz bilatu nahi baduzu.
\n" + +#: data/tips:100 +msgid "" +"You can filter the files displayed in the File Selector tool " +"view.\n" +"
\n" +"Simply enter your filter in the filter entry at the bottom, for example:\n"
+"*.html *.php
if you only want to see HTML and PHP files in the\n"
+"current folder.
The File Selector will even remember your filters for you.
\n" +msgstr "" +"Fitxategi aukeratzailea tresna ikuspegian agertzen diren \n" +"fitxategiak iragaz ditzakezu.
\n" +"Horretarako iragazkia beheko iragazki sarreran sartu, adibidez:\n"
+"*.html *.php
soilik HTML edo PHP fitxategiak nahi badituzu\n"
+" uneko karpetan.
Fitxategi aukeratzaileak gainera, zure iragazkiak gogoratuko ditu. " +"strong>
\n" + +#: data/tips:110 +msgid "" +"You can have two views - or even more - of the same document in Kate. " +"Editing\n" +"in either will be reflected in both.
\n" +"So if you find yourself scrolling up and down to look at text at the " +"other\n" +"end of a document, just press Ctrl+Shift+T to split\n" +"horizontally.
\n" +msgstr "" +"Dokumentu berberaren bi ikuspegi - edo gehiago - izan ditzakezu Katen . \n" +"Edozeinetan idatzitakoa bietan ikusiko da.
\n" +"Beraz dokumentuaren beste muturrean dagoen testua begiratzeko gora eta \n" +"behera ibili behar baduzu, Ctrl+Shift+T sakatzea baino ez \n" +"duzu horizontalki zatitzeko.
\n" + +#: data/tips:119 +msgid "" +"Press F8 or Shift+F8 to switch to the\n" +"next/previous frame.
\n" +msgstr "" +"F8 edo Shitf+F8 sakatu hurrengo/" +"aurreko \n" +"koadrora joateko.
\n" + +#~ msgid "Unnamed Session" +#~ msgstr "Saio izengabea" + +#~ msgid "Session (%1)" +#~ msgstr "Saioa (%1)" + +#~ msgid "No session selected to open." +#~ msgstr "Ez da hautatu irekitzeko saiorik." + +#~ msgid "No Session Selected" +#~ msgstr "Ez da hautatu saiorik" + +#~ msgid "Specify Name for Current Session" +#~ msgstr "Eman izena uneko saiorako" + +#~ msgid "Session name:" +#~ msgstr "Saioaren izena:" + +#~ msgid "To save a new session, you must specify a name." +#~ msgstr "Saio berria gordetzeko, izena eman behar duzu." + +#~ msgid "Missing Session Name" +#~ msgstr "Saio izena falta da" + +#~ msgid "Specify New Name for Current Session" +#~ msgstr "Eman izen berria uneko saiorako" + +#~ msgid "To save a session, you must specify a name." +#~ msgstr "Saioa gordetzeko, izena eman behar duzu." + +#~ msgid "&Always use this choice" +#~ msgstr "&Beti erabili aukera hau" + +#~ msgid "&Open" +#~ msgstr "&Ireki" + +#~ msgid "Manage Sessions" +#~ msgstr "Kudeatu saioak" + +#~ msgid "Specify New Name for Session" +#~ msgstr "Eman izen berria saiorako" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "_: Menu entry Session->New\n" +#~ "&New" +#~ msgstr "&Berria" + +#~ msgid "&Manage..." +#~ msgstr "&Kudeatu..." + +#~ msgid "&Quick Open" +#~ msgstr "&Irekiera bizkorra" #~ msgid "Choose Editor..." #~ msgstr "Hautatu editorea..." -- cgit v1.2.1