From f7e7a923aca8be643f9ae6f7252f9fb27b3d2c3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timothy Pearson Use this combo box to select the printer to which you want to print. "
-"Initially (if you run KDEPrint for the first time), you may only find the "
-"KDE special printers (which save jobs to disk [as PostScript- or "
-"PDF-files], or deliver jobs via email (as a PDF attachment). If you are missing "
-"a real printer, you need to... "
-" Note: It may happen that you successfully connected to a remote CUPS "
-"server and still do not get a printer list. If this happens: force KDEPrint to "
-"re-load its configuration files. To reload the configuration files, either "
-"start kprinter again, or use the switch the print system away from CUPS and "
-"back again once. The print system switch can be made through a selection in "
-"the drop-down menu at bottom of this dialog when fully expanded). This button opens a dialog where you can make decisions regarding all "
-"supported print job options. This button reduces the list of visible printers to a shorter, more "
-"convenient, pre-defined list. This is particularly useful in enterprise environments with lots of "
-"printers. The default is to show all printers. To create a personal 'selective view list', click on the "
-"'System Options' button at the bottom of this dialog. Then, in the new "
-"dialog, select 'Filter' (left column in the "
-"KDE Print Configuration dialog) and setup your selection.. Warning: Clicking this button without prior creation of a personal "
-"'selective view list' will make all printers dissappear from the "
-"view. (To re-enable all printers, just click this button again.) Tämä painike vähentää saatavilla olevat tulostimet ennalta määritettyyn "
-"lyhyeen ja kätevään listaan. Tämä on erityisen kätevää yritysympäristöissä, joissa on käytössä useita "
-"tulostimia. Oletuksena kaikki tulostimet näytetään. Voit luoda henkilökohtaisen listan napsauttamalla "
-"Järjestelmäasetukset -painiketta tämän ikkunan alaosassa ja valitsemalla "
-"\"Suotimet\" (vasemmasta sarakkeesta KDE:n tulostuksenhallinnan "
-"asetusikkunassa ). This button starts the KDE Add Printer Wizard. Use the Wizard (with \"CUPS\" or \"RLPR\""
-") to add locally defined printers to your system. Note: The KDE Add Printer Wizard does not "
-"work, and this button is disabled if you use \"Generic LPD\", "
-"\"LPRng\", or \"Print Through an External Program\".) Here you can enter any command that would also print for you in a "
-"konsole window. This button shows or hides additional printing options. This button starts a new dialog where you can adjust various settings of "
-"your printing system. Amongst them: "
-" Tämä painike avaa ikkunan, josta voit määritellä erilaisia "
-"tulostusjärjestelmän asetuksia, kuten: "
-" If you enable this checkbox, the printing dialog stays open after you hit "
-"the Print button. This is especially useful, if you need to test various print settings (like "
-"color matching for an inkjet printer) or if you want to send your job to "
-"multiple printers (one after the other) to have it finished more quickly. Jos valitset tämän kohdan, tulostusikkuna jää auki Tulosta"
-"-painikkeen painamisen jälkeen. "
-" "
a2ps -P <printername> --medium=A3
Esimerkiksi: "
-"a2ps -P <tulostimen nimi> --medium=A3
. "
-"and many more.... "
-"ja paljon muita...
This button calls the \"File Open / Browse Directories\" dialog to allow you " -"to select a file for printing. Note, that " -"
Note: The preview feature (and therefore this checkbox) is only " -"visible for printjobs created from inside KDE applications. If you start " -"kprinter from the commandline, or if you use kprinter as a print command for " -"non-KDE applications (like Acrobat Reader, Firefox or OpenOffice), print " -"preview is not available here.
Note: (Button is only visible if the checkbox for " -"System Options --> General --> Miscellaneous: " -"\"Defaults to the last printer used in the application\" " -"is disabled.)
Print Job Billing and Accounting
" -"Insert a meaningful string here to associate the current print job with a " -"certain account. This string will appear in the CUPS \"page_log\" to help with " -"the print accounting in your organization. (Leave it empty if you do not need " -"it.) " -"
It is useful for people who print on behalf of different \"customers\", " -"like print service bureaux, letter shops, press and prepress companies, or " -"secretaries who serve different bosses, etc.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o job-billing=... # example: \"Marketing_Department\" or " -"\"Joe_Doe\"
Kirjoita tähän hyödyllinen merkkijono, joka yhdistää työn tiettyyn " -"käyttäjätiliin. Merkkijono näkyy CUPSin lokitiedostossa \"page_log\", joten " -"voit seurata käyttäjätilien tulostusmääriä (jätä kohta tyhjäksi ellet tarvitse " -"sitä). " -"
Tätä voidaan tarvita jos jotkut tulostavat eri \"asiakkaiden\" puolesta " -"kuten tulostustoimistot, kirjekaupat, lehdistö tai prepress-yhtiöt, tai " -"sihteerit jotka palvelevat eri henkilöitä jne.
Scheduled Printing
" -"Scheduled printing lets you control the time of the actual printout, while " -"you can still send away your job now and have it out of your way. " -"
Especially useful is the \"Never (hold indefinitely)\" option. It allows " -"you to park your job until a time when you (or a printer administrator) decides " -"to manually release it. " -"
This is often required in enterprise environments, where you normally are " -"not allowed to directly and immediately access the huge production printers in " -"your Central Repro Department. However it is okay to send jobs to the " -"queue which is under the control of the operators (who, after all, need to make " -"sure that the 10,000 sheets of pink paper which is required by the Marketing " -"Department for a particular job are available and loaded into the paper " -"trays).
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o job-hold-until=... # example: \"indefinite\" or \"no-hold\" " -"
Tulostusten ajastuksella voit kontrolloida työsi todellista tulostushetkeä. " -"Voit silti lähettää työsi heti. " -"
Erityisen kätevä on valinta \"Ei koskaan (pidä pysyvästi)\". Sen avulla " -"voit jättää työsi odottamaan tulostuhetkeä kun sinä (tai tulostustenylläpitäjä) " -"päästää sen erikseen tulostettavaksi. " -"
Tämä on usein tarpeellista yritysympäristöissä, joissa ei yleensä voi " -"välittömästi tulostaa suurilla tuotantotulostimilla. Tässä tapauksessa voit " -"kuitenkin lähettää työsi valvottuun jonoon. (Tämä on on tarpeellista, jos " -"esimerkiksi paperikaukaloon on ladattu 10 000 tietyn tyyppistä paperia tiettyä " -"tulostusta varten.)
Page Labels
" -"Page Labels are printed by CUPS at the top and bottom of each page. They " -"appear on the pages surrounded by a little frame box. " -"
They contain any string you type into the line edit field.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-label=\"...\" # example: \"Company Confidential\"" -"
CUPS tulostaa sivujen otsikot pieneen kehykseen joka sivun alkuun ja " -"loppuun. " -"
Voit muokata otsikkojen sisältöä tekstikentästä.
Job Priority
" -"Usually CUPS prints all jobs per queue according to the \"FIFO\" principle: " -"First In, First Out. " -"
The job priority option allows you to re-order the queue according to your " -"needs. " -"
It works in both directions: you can increase as well as decrease " -"priorities. (Usually you can only control your own jobs). " -"
Since the default job priority is \"50\", any job sent with, for example, " -"\"49\" will be printed only after all those others have finished. Conversely, a " -"\"51\" or higher priority job will go right to the top of a populated queue (if " -"no other, higher prioritized one is present).
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o job-priority=... # example: \"10\" or \"66\" or \"99\"" -"
Normaalisti CUPS tulostaa työt lähetetyssä järjestyksessä. " -"
Työn tärkeysjärjestys -valinnasta voit muokata töiden tulostusjärjestyksen " -"haluamaksesi. " -"
Voit sekä pienentää, että kasvattaa töiden tärkeyksiä. (Normaalisti voit " -"hallita vain omia töitäsi). " -"
Oletustärkeysarvo työlle on 50. Jos annat työlle esimerkiksi arvon 49 tai " -"matalamman, työ tulostetaan vasta muiden töiden jälkeen. Jos annat arvon 51 tai " -"korkeamman, työ siirtyy ensimmäiseksi tulostusjonoon (olettaen, että " -"tärkeysarvoltaan suurempia töitä ei ole jonossa).
Select the default banners associated with this printer. These banners will " -"be inserted before and/or after each print job sent to the printer. If you " -"don't want to use banners, select No Banner.
" -msgstr "" -"Valitse oletuslisäsivut, jotka liitetään tähän tulostimeen. Nämä sivut " -"lisätään jokaisen tulostuksen alkuun ja/tai loppuun. Jos et halua käyttää näitä " -"lisäsivuja, valise Ei lisäsivuja.
" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:55 cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:363 -msgid "&Export" -msgstr "&Vie" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export Printer Driver to Windows Clients" -msgstr "Vie tulostinajuri Windows-asiakkaille" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:72 -msgid "&Username:" -msgstr "&Käyttäjänimi:" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:73 -msgid "&Samba server:" -msgstr "&Samba-palvelin:" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:74 management/kmwpassword.cpp:50 -msgid "&Password:" -msgstr "&Salasana:" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:79 -msgid "" -"Samba server
Adobe Windows PostScript driver files plus the CUPS " -"printer PPD will be exported to the [print$] " -"special share of the Samba server (to change the source CUPS server, use the " -"Samba-palvelin
Adobe Windows PostScript -ajurit ja CUPS-tulostimen " -"PPD viedään [print$] erikoisjakoon Samba-palvelimella (vaihtaaksesi " -"lähde-CUPS-palvelinta, käytäSamba username
User needs to have write access to the " -"[print$] share on the Samba server. [print$] " -"holds printer drivers prepared for download to Windows clients. This dialog " -"does not work for Samba servers configured with security = share " -"(but works fine with security = user)." -msgstr "" -"Samba-käyttäjänimi
Käyttäjällä tulee olla kirjoitusoikeudet" -"[print$] jakoon Samba-palvelimella. [print$] " -"jaossa on myös haettavissa Windows-ajurit tulostimelle. Tämä ikkuna ei toimi " -"Samba-palvelimilla, joka on asetettu tilaan security = share " -"(mutta toimii asetuksella security = user)." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:96 -msgid "" -"Samba password
The Samba setting encrypt passwords = yes " -"(default) requires prior use of smbpasswd -a [username] " -"command, to create an encrypted Samba password and have Samba recognize it." -msgstr "" -"Samba-salasana
Samba-asetus encrypt passwords = yes " -"(oletus) vaatii komennon smbpasswd -a [username] " -"käyttämistä salattujen Samba-salasanojen luomiseksi." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:267 -#, c-format -msgid "Creating folder %1" -msgstr "Luodaan kansiota %1" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:275 -#, c-format -msgid "Uploading %1" -msgstr "Lähetetään tiedostoa %1" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:283 -#, c-format -msgid "Installing driver for %1" -msgstr "Asennetaan ajuria tulostimelle %1" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:291 -#, c-format -msgid "Installing printer %1" -msgstr "Asennetaan tulostinta %1" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:333 -msgid "Driver successfully exported." -msgstr "Ajuri vietiin onnistuneesti." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:343 -msgid "" -"Operation failed. Possible reasons are: permission denied or invalid Samba " -"configuration (see cupsaddsmb " -"manual page for detailed information, you need " -"CUPS version 1.1.11 or higher). You may want to try again with another " -"login/password." -msgstr "" -"Toimenpide epäonnistui. Mahdollisia syitä ovat riittämättömät oikeudet tai " -"virheelliset Samba-asetukset (katso cupsaddsmb" -"-käyttöohjetta saadaksesi tarkempia tietoja, tarvitset CUPS-version 1.1.11 tai uudemman). Voit " -"yrittää uudelleen toisella käyttäjätunnuksella tai salasanalla." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:352 -msgid "Operation aborted (process killed)." -msgstr "Toimenpide keskeytetty (prosessi tapettu)." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:358 -msgid "%1
" -msgstr "%1
" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:373 -msgid "" -"You are about to prepare the %1 driver to be shared out to Windows " -"clients through Samba. This operation requires the " -"Adobe PostScript Driver, a recent version of Samba 2.2.x and a running SMB " -"service on the target server. Click Export to start the operation. Read " -"the cupsaddsmb manual page in Konqueror or type " -"man cupsaddsmb in a console window to learn more about this " -"functionality." -msgstr "" -"Olet viemässä ajuria %1 Windows-asiakkaalle Samban kautta. Tämä toiminto " -"vaatii " -"Adobe PostScript -ajurin, uuden version Samba 2.2.x:ta ja käynnissä olevan " -"SMB-palvelun. Napsauta Vie-painiketta aloittaaksesi operaatio.Lue cupsaddsmb-manuaalisivu Konquerorissa tai kirjoita " -"man cupsaddsmb pääteikkunassa saadaksesi lisätietoja." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:393 -msgid "" -"Some driver files are missing. You can get them on Adobe web site. See cupsaddsmb manual page for more details (you need " -"CUPS version 1.1.11 or higher)." -msgstr "" -"Joitakin ajuritiedostoja puuttuu. Saat ne " -"Adoben kotisivulta. Katso cupsaddsmb" -"-manuaalisivu saadaksesi tarkempia tietoja (tarvitset CUPS-version 1.1.11 tai uudemman)." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:404 -#, c-format -msgid "Preparing to upload driver to host %1" -msgstr "Valmistaudutaan lähettämään ajuria palvelimelle %1" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:409 management/networkscanner.cpp:149 -msgid "&Abort" -msgstr "&Peruuta" - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:415 -msgid "The driver for printer %1 could not be found." -msgstr "Tulostimelle %1 ei löydetty ajuria." - -#: cups/cupsaddsmb2.cpp:455 -#, c-format -msgid "Preparing to install driver on host %1" -msgstr "Valmistaudutaan asentamaan ajuria palvelimelle %1" - -#: cups/kmwippselect.cpp:36 -msgid "Remote IPP Printer Selection" -msgstr "IPP-etätulostimen valinta" - -#: cups/kmwippselect.cpp:49 -msgid "You must select a printer." -msgstr "Valitse tulostin." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:110 -msgid "You don't have access to the requested resource." -msgstr "Tähän resurssiin ei ole oikeuksia." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:113 -msgid "You are not authorized to access the requested resource." -msgstr "Tähän resurssiin ei ole oikeuksia." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:116 -msgid "The requested operation cannot be completed." -msgstr "Pyydettyä toimenpidettä ei voitu suorittaa." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:119 -msgid "The requested service is currently unavailable." -msgstr "Pyydettyä palvelua ei ole saatavilla." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:122 -msgid "The target printer is not accepting print jobs." -msgstr "Valittu tulostin ei hyväksy tulostuksia." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:233 -msgid "" -"Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly " -"installed and running." -msgstr "" -"Yhdistäminen CUPS-palvelimeen epäonnistui. Tarkista, että CUPS-palvelin on " -"oikein asennettu ja käynnissä." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:236 -msgid "The IPP request failed for an unknown reason." -msgstr "IPP-pyyntö epäonnistui tuntemattomasta syystä." - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:356 -msgid "Attribute" -msgstr "Ominaisuus" - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:357 -msgid "Values" -msgstr "Arvot" - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:388 -msgid "True" -msgstr "Tosi" - -#: cups/ipprequest.cpp:388 -msgid "False" -msgstr "Epätosi" - -#: cups/kmpropquota.cpp:39 cups/kmwquota.cpp:96 -msgid "&Period:" -msgstr "&Jakso: " - -#: cups/kmpropquota.cpp:40 cups/kmwquota.cpp:97 -msgid "&Size limit (KB):" -msgstr "&Kokorajoitus (kt)" - -#: cups/kmpropquota.cpp:41 cups/kmwquota.cpp:98 -msgid "&Page limit:" -msgstr "&Sivun raja:" - -#: cups/kmpropquota.cpp:57 -msgid "Quotas" -msgstr "Kiintiöt" - -#: cups/kmpropquota.cpp:58 -msgid "Quota Settings" -msgstr "Kiintiöiden asetukset" - -#: cups/kmpropquota.cpp:78 cups/kmwquota.cpp:84 -msgid "No quota" -msgstr "Ei kiintiötä" - -#: cups/kmpropquota.cpp:79 cups/kmpropquota.cpp:80 cups/kmwquota.cpp:87 -#: cups/kmwquota.cpp:90 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Ei mikään" - -#: cups/kmwipp.cpp:35 -msgid "Remote IPP server" -msgstr "IPP-etäpalvelin" - -#: cups/kmwipp.cpp:39 -msgid "" -"Enter the information concerning the remote IPP server owning the targeted " -"printer. This wizard will poll the server before continuing.
" -msgstr "" -"Anna tulostinta ohjaavan IPP-palvelimen tiedot. Ohjattu toiminto tarkistaa " -"palvelimen, ennen kuin jatketaan.
" - -#: cups/kmwipp.cpp:42 management/kmwlpd.cpp:46 rlpr/kmproprlpr.cpp:34 -#: rlpr/kmwrlpr.cpp:62 -msgid "Host:" -msgstr "Palvelin:" - -#: cups/kmwipp.cpp:43 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Portti:" - -#: cups/kmwipp.cpp:52 management/kmwsmb.cpp:79 -msgid "Empty server name." -msgstr "Tyhjä palvelimen nimi." - -#: cups/kmwipp.cpp:59 -msgid "Incorrect port number." -msgstr "Virheellinen porttinumero." - -#: cups/kmwipp.cpp:72 -msgid "Characters Per Inch
" -"This setting controls the horizontal size of characters when printing a text " -"file.
" -"The default value is 10, meaning that the font is scaled in a way that 10 " -"characters per inch will be printed.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o cpi=... # example: \"8\" or \"12\"
Lines Per Inch
" -"This setting controls the vertical size of characters when printing a text " -"file.
" -"The default value is 6, meaning that the font is scaled in a way that 6 " -"lines per inch will be printed.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o lpi=... # example \"5\" or \"7\"
" -"This setting controls how many columns of text will be printed on each page " -"when. printing text files.
" -"The default value is 1, meaning that only one column of text per page will " -"be printed.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o columns=... # example: \"2\" or \"4\"
Text Formats
" -"These settings control the appearance of text on printouts. They are only " -"valid for printing text files or input directly through kprinter.
" -"Note: These settings have no effect whatsoever for other input " -"formats than text, or for printing from applications such as the KDE Advanced " -"Text Editor. (Applications in general send PostScript to the print system, and " -"'kate' in particular has its own knobs to control the print output.
. " -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o cpi=... # example: \"8\" or \"12\" " -"
-o lpi=... # example: \"5\" or \"7\" " -"
-o columns=... # example: \"2\" or \"4\"
" -"These settings control the margins of printouts on the paper. They are not " -"valid for jobs originating from applications which define their own page " -"layout internally and send PostScript to KDEPrint (such as KOffice or " -"
" -"When printing from KDE applications, such as KMail and Konqueror, or " -"printing an ASCII text file through kprinter, you can choose your preferred " -"margin settings here.
" -"Margins may be set individually for each edge of the paper. The combo box at " -"the bottom lets you change the units of measurement between Pixels, " -"Millimeters, Centimeters, and Inches.
" -"You can even use the mouse to grab one margin and drag it to the intended " -"position (see the preview picture on the right side).
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-top=... # example: \"72\" " -"
-o page-bottom=... # example: \"24\" " -"
-o page-left=... # example: \"36\" " -"
-o page-right=... # example: \"12\"
Turn Text Printing with Syntax Highlighting (Prettyprint) On!
" -"ASCII text file printouts can be 'prettyfied' by enabling this option. If " -"you do so, a header is printed at the top of each page. The header contains " -"the page number, job title (usually the filename), and the date. In addition, C " -"and C++ keywords are highlighted, and comment lines are italicized.
" -"This prettyprint option is handled by CUPS.
" -"If you prefer another 'plaintext-to-prettyprint' converter, look for the " -"enscript pre-filter on the Filters tab.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o prettyprint=true.
Turn Text Printing with Syntax Highlighting (Prettyprint) Off!
" -"ASCII text file printing with this option turned off are appearing without a " -"page header and without syntax highlighting. (You can still set the page " -"margins, though.)
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o prettyprint=false
Print Text with Syntax Highlighting (Prettyprint)
" -"ASCII file printouts can be 'prettyfied' by enabling this option. If you do " -"so, a header is printed at the top of each page. The header contains the page " -"number, job title (usually the filename), and the date. In addition, C and C++ " -"keywords are highlighted, and comment lines are italicized.
" -"This prettyprint option is handled by CUPS.
" -"If you prefer another 'plaintext-to-prettyprint' converter, look for the " -"enscript pre-filter on the Filters tab.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o prettyprint=true. " -"
-o prettyprint=false
Additional Tags
You may send additional commands to the CUPS " -"server via this editable list. There are 3 purposes for this: " -"Standard CUPS job options: A complete list of standard CUPS job " -"options is in the CUPS User Manual" -". Mappings of the kprinter user interface widgets to respective CUPS job " -"option names are named in the various WhatsThis help items..
" -"Custom CUPS job options: CUPS print servers may be customized with " -"additional print filters and backends which understand custom job options. You " -"can specify such custom job options here. If in doubt, ask your system " -"administrator..
" -"" -"
Operator Messages: You may send additional messages to the " -"operator(s) of your production printers (e.g. in your " -"Central Repro Department
) Messages can be read by the operator(s) (or " -"yourself) by viewing the \"Job IPP Report\" for the job. " -"Examples:" -"A standard CUPS job option:" -"" -"
(Name) number-up -- (Value) 9 " -"
" -"
A job option for custom CUPS filters or backends:" -"
(Name) DANKA_watermark -- " -"(Value) Company_Confidential " -"
" -"
A message to the operator(s):" -"
(Name) Deliver_after_completion -- " -"(Value) to_Marketing_Departm." -"
Note: the fields must not include spaces, tabs or quotes. You may " -"need to double-click on a field to edit it. " -"
Warning: Do not use such standard CUPS option names which also can be " -"used through the KDEPrint GUI. Results may be unpredictable if they conflict, " -" or if they are sent multiple times. For all options supported by the GUI, " -"please do use the GUI. (Each GUI element's 'WhatsThis' names the related CUPS " -"option name.)
Print queue on remote CUPS server
" -"Use this for a print queue installed on a remote machine running a CUPS " -"server. This allows to use remote printers when CUPS browsing is turned off.
" -"Network IPP printer
" -"Use this for a network-enabled printer using the IPP protocol. Modern " -"high-end printers can use this mode. Use this mode instead of TCP if your " -"printer can do both.
Fax/Modem printer
" -"Use this for a fax/modem printer. This requires the installation of the fax4CUPS " -"backend. Documents sent on this printer will be faxed to the given target fax " -"number.
Other printer
" -"Use this for any printer type. To use this option, you must know the URI of " -"the printer you want to install. Refer to the CUPS documentation for more " -"information about the printer URI. This option is mainly useful for printer " -"types using 3rd party backends not covered by the other possibilities.
Class of printers
" -"Use this to create a class of printers. When sending a document to a class, " -"the document is actually sent to the first available (idle) printer in the " -"class. Refer to the CUPS documentation for more information about class of " -"printers.
Select the device which your serial Fax/Modem is connected to.
" -msgstr "Valitse laite, johon faksi/modeemi on liitetty.
" - -#: cups/kmwfax.cpp:71 -msgid "You must select a device." -msgstr "Valitse laite." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:768 -msgid "Library cupsdconf not found. Check your installation." -msgstr "cupsdconf-kirjastoa ei löytynyt. Tarkista asennus." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:774 -msgid "Symbol %1 not found in cupsdconf library." -msgstr "Symbolia %1 ei löytynyt cupsdconf kirjastosta." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:849 -msgid "&Export Driver..." -msgstr "&Vie ajuri..." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:851 -#, fuzzy -msgid "&Printer IPP Report" -msgstr "&Tulostimen IPP-raportti..." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:897 cups/kmwippprinter.cpp:218 -#, c-format -msgid "IPP Report for %1" -msgstr "%1:n IPP-raportti" - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:901 -msgid "Unable to retrieve printer information. Error received:" -msgstr "Tulostimen tietoja ei voitu hakea. Virhe vastaanotettu:" - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:914 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Server" -msgstr "Palvelin:" - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:954 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly " -"installed and running. Error: %1." -msgstr "" -"Yhteys CUPS-palvelimeen epäonnistui. Tarkista, että CUPS-palvelin on oikein " -"asennettu ja käynnissä.. Virhe: %1." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:955 -msgid "the IPP request failed for an unknown reason" -msgstr "IPP-pyyntö epäonnistui tuntemattomasta syystä." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:989 -msgid "connection refused" -msgstr "yhteys torjuttu" - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:992 -msgid "host not found" -msgstr "palvelinta ei löytynyt." - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:996 -msgid "read failed (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: cups/kmcupsmanager.cpp:1000 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly " -"installed and running. Error: %2: %1." -msgstr "" -"Yhteys CUPS-palvelimeen epäonnistui. Tarkista, että CUPS-palvelin on oikein " -"asennettu ja käynnissä.. Virhe: %1." - -#: cups/kphpgl2page.cpp:33 -msgid "" -"The 'blackplot' option specifies that all pens should plot in black-only: " -"The default is to use the colors defined in the plot file, or the standard pen " -"colors defined in the HP-GL/2 reference manual from Hewlett Packard.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o blackplot=true
The 'fitplot' option specifies that the HP-GL image should be scaled to fill " -" exactly the page with the (elsewhere selected) media size.
" -"The default is 'fitplot is disabled'. The default will therefore use the " -"absolute distances specified in the plot file. (You should be aware that HP-GL " -"files are very often CAD drawings intended for large format plotters. On " -"standard office printers they will therefore lead to the drawing printout " -"being spread across multiple pages.)
" -"Note:This feature depends upon an accurate plot size (PS) command in " -"the HP-GL/2 file. If no plot size is given in the file the filter converting " -"the HP-GL to PostScript assumes the plot is ANSI E size.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o fitplot=true
The pen width value can be set here in case the original HP-GL file does not " -"have it set. The pen width specifies the value in micrometers. The default " -"value of 1000 produces lines that are 1000 micrometers == 1 millimeter in " -"width. Specifying a pen width of 0 produces lines that are exactly 1 pixel " -"wide.
" -"Note: The penwidth option set here is ignored if the pen widths are " -"set inside the plot file itself..
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o penwidth=... # example: \"2000\" or \"500\"
All options on this page are only applicable if you use KDEPrint to send " -"HP-GL and HP-GL/2 files to one of your printers.
" -"HP-GL and HP-GL/2 are page description languages developed by " -"Hewlett-Packard to drive Pen Plotting devices.
" -"KDEPrint can (with the help of CUPS) convert the HP-GL file format and print " -"it on any installed printer.
" -"Note 1: To print HP-GL files, start 'kprinter' and simply load the " -"file into the running kprinter.
" -"Note 2: The 'fitplot' parameter provided on this dialog does also " -"work for printing PDF files (if your CUPS version is more recent than " -"1.1.22).
" -"Additional hint for power users: These KDEPrint GUI elements " -"match with CUPS commandline job option parameters: " -"
-o blackplot=... # examples: \"true\" or \"false\" " -"
-o fitplot=... # examples: \"true\" or \"false\" " -"
-o penwidth=... # examples: \"true\" or \"false\"
Either enter the printer URI directly, or use the network scanning " -"facility.
" -msgstr "Anna suoraan tulostimen URI, tai etsi tulostin verkosta.
" - -#: cups/kmwippprinter.cpp:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "&IPP Report" -msgstr "IPP-raportti" - -#: cups/kmwippprinter.cpp:112 -msgid "You must enter a printer URI." -msgstr "Määrittele tulostimen URI." - -#: cups/kmwippprinter.cpp:119 management/kmwsocket.cpp:116 -msgid "No printer found at this address/port." -msgstr "Ei tulostimia tässä osoitteessa/portissa." - -#: cups/kmwippprinter.cpp:139 management/kmwsocket.cpp:135 -msgid "" -"_: Unknown host - 1 is the IP\n" -"Enter the URI corresponding to the printer to be installed. Examples:
" -"Anna asennettavan tulostimen URI.Esimerkiksi:
" -"Set here the quota for this printer. Using limits of 0 "
-"means that no quota will be used. This is equivalent to set quota period to "
Aseta tulostusrajoitus tälle tulostimelle. Arvo 0 "
-"tarkoittaa, ettei kiintiöitä käytetä. Tämä vastaa
Brightness: Slider to control the brightness value of all colors " -"used.
" -"The brightness value can range from 0 to 200. Values greater than 100 will " -"lighten the print. Values less than 100 will darken the print.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o brightness=... # use range from \"0\" to \"200\"" -"
Hue (Tint): Slider to control the hue value for color rotation.
" -"The hue value is a number from -360 to 360 and represents the color hue " -"rotation. The following table summarizes the change you will see for the base " -"colors: " -"
Original | " -"hue=-45 | " -"hue=45 |
Red | " -"Purple | " -"Yellow-orange |
Green | " -"Yellow-green | " -"Blue-green |
Yellow | " -"Orange | " -"Green-yellow |
Blue | " -"Sky-blue | " -"Purple |
Magenta | " -"Indigo | " -"Crimson |
Cyan | " -"Blue-green | " -"Light-navy-blue |
Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o hue=... # use range from \"-360\" to \"360\"
Saturation: Slider to control the saturation value for all colors " -"used.
" -"The saturation value adjusts the saturation of the colors in an image, " -"similar to the color knob on your television. The color saturation value.can " -"range from 0 to 200. On inkjet printers, a higher saturation value uses more " -"ink. On laserjet printers, a higher saturation uses more toner. A color " -"saturation of 0 produces a black-and-white print, while a value of 200 will " -"make the colors extremely intense.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o saturation=... # use range from \"0\" to \"200\"" -"
Gamma: Slider to control the gamma value for color correction.
" -"The gamma value can range from 1 to 3000. A gamma values greater than 1000 " -"lightens the print. A gamma value less than 1000 darken the print. The default " -"gamma is 1000.
" -"Note:
the gamma value adjustment is not visible in the thumbnail " -"preview. " -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o gamma=... # use range from \"1\" to \"3000\"" -"
Image Printing Options
" -"All options controlled on this page only apply to printing images. Most " -"image file formats are supported. To name a few: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, PNM " -"(PBM/PGM/PNM/PPM), Sun Raster, SGI RGB, Windows BMP. Options to influence color " -"output of image printouts are: " -"
For a more detailed explanation about Brightness, Hue, Saturation and Gamma " -"settings, please look at the 'WhatsThis' items provided for these controls. " -"
Coloration Preview Thumbnail
" -"The coloration preview thumbnail indicates change of image coloration by " -"different settings. Options to influence output are: " -"
For a more detailed explanation about Brightness, Hue, Saturation and Gamma " -"settings, please look at the 'WhatsThis' items provided for these controls. " -"
Image Size: Dropdown menu to control the image size on the printed " -"paper. Dropdown works in conjunction with slider below. Dropdown options " -"are:.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o natural-scaling=... # range in % is 1....800 " -"" -"
-o scaling=... # range in % is 1....800 " -"
-o ppi=... # range in ppi is 1...1200
Position Preview Thumbnail
" -"This position preview thumbnail indicates the position of the image on the " -"paper sheet. " -"
Click on horizontal and vertical radio buttons to move image alignment on " -"paper around. Options are: " -"
Reset to Default Values
" -"Reset all coloration settings to default values. Default values are: " -"
Image Positioning:
" -"Select a pair of radiobuttons to move image to the position you want on the " -"paper printout. Default is 'center'.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o position=... # examples: \"top-left\" or \"bottom\"" -"
" -msgstr "Virheviesti vastaanotettu tulostustenhallinnalta:%1
" - -#: management/kmmainview.cpp:652 -msgid "Internal error (no error message)." -msgstr "Sisäinen virhe (ei virheviestiä)." - -#: management/kmmainview.cpp:670 -msgid "Unable to restart print server." -msgstr "Tulostuspalvelinta ei voitu uudelleenkäynnistää." - -#: management/kmmainview.cpp:675 -msgid "Restarting server..." -msgstr "Uudelleenkäynnistän palvelinta..." - -#: management/kmmainview.cpp:685 -msgid "Unable to configure print server." -msgstr "Tulostuspalvelinta ei voitu asettaa." - -#: management/kmmainview.cpp:690 -msgid "Configuring server..." -msgstr "Asetetaan palvelinta..." - -#: management/kmmainview.cpp:838 -msgid "" -"Unable to start printer tool. Possible reasons are: no printer selected, the " -"selected printer doesn't have any local device defined (printer port), or the " -"tool library could not be found." -msgstr "" -"Tulostintyökalua ei voitu käynnistää. Mahdollisia syitä ovat: ei valittua " -"tulostinta, valitulle tulostimelle ei ole määritelty paikallista laitetta " -"(tulostinportti) tai työkalukirjastoa ei löydetty." - -#: management/kmmainview.cpp:862 -msgid "Unable to retrieve the printer list." -msgstr "Tulostinlistaa ei voitu hakea." - -#: management/kmconfigcommand.cpp:33 -msgid "Commands" -msgstr "Komennot" - -#: management/kmconfigcommand.cpp:34 -msgid "Command Settings" -msgstr "Komentoasetukset" - -#: management/kmconfigcommand.cpp:37 -msgid "Edit/Create Commands" -msgstr "Muokkaa/luo komentoja" - -#: management/kmconfigcommand.cpp:39 -msgid "" -"Command objects perform a conversion from input to output."
They are used as the basis to build both print filters and special "
-"printers. They are described by a command string, a set of options, a set of "
-"requirements and associated mime types. Here you can create new command objects "
-"and edit existing ones. All changes will only be effective for you."
-msgstr ""
Komento-objektit suorittavat muutoksen syötteestä tulosteeseen. "
Niitä käytetään peruselementteinä tulostussuodattimissa ja "
-"erikoistulostimissa. Objektit kuvataan komentoina, joukkona valintoja, joukkona "
-"vaatimuksia ja MIME-tyypillä. Tässä voit luoda uuden komennon objektille ja "
-"muokata olemassaolevia. Kaikki muutokset koskevat vain sinua."
-#: management/kmwizard.cpp:64 management/kmwizard.cpp:209
-msgid "&Next >"
-msgstr "&Seuraava >"
-#: management/kmwizard.cpp:66
-msgid "< &Back"
-msgstr "< &Edellinen"
-#: management/kmwizard.cpp:131 management/kmwizard.cpp:166
-#: management/kmwizard.cpp:191
-msgid "Add Printer Wizard"
-msgstr "Ohjattu tulostimen lisääminen"
-#: management/kmwizard.cpp:166
-msgid "Modify Printer"
-msgstr "Muokkaa tulostinta"
-#: management/kmwizard.cpp:191
-msgid "Unable to find the requested page."
-msgstr "Pyydettyä sivua ei löytynyt."
-#: management/kmwizard.cpp:207 management/kmwizard.cpp:234
-msgid "&Finish"
-msgstr "&Valmis"
-#: management/tdeprint_management_module.cpp:48
-msgid "Select Command"
-msgstr "Valitse komento"
-#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:38
-msgid "Local Port Selection"
-msgstr "Paikallisen portin valinta"
-#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:50
-msgid "Local System"
-msgstr "Paikallinen järjestelmä"
-#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:57
-msgid "Parallel"
-msgstr "Rinnakkais"
-#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:58
-msgid "Serial"
-msgstr "Sarja"
-#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:59
-msgid "USB"
-msgstr "USB"
-#: driver.cpp:389 management/kmwlocal.cpp:60
-msgid "Others"
-msgstr "Muut"
-#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:63
-msgid ""
Select a valid detected port, or enter directly the corresponding URI in the " -"bottom edit field.
" -msgstr "" -"Valitse oikea tunnistettu portti tai kirjoita URI alhaalla olevaan " -"tekstikenttään.
" - -#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:78 -msgid "" -"_: The URI is empty\n" -"Empty URI." -msgstr "" - -#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:83 -msgid "The local URI doesn't correspond to a detected port. Continue?" -msgstr "Paikallinen URI ei vastaa tunnistettua porttia. Haluatko jatkaa?" - -#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:85 -msgid "Select a valid port." -msgstr "Valitse oikea portti." - -#: management/kmwlocal.cpp:166 -msgid "Unable to detect local ports." -msgstr "Paikallisia portteja ei voitu tunnistaa." - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:34 -msgid "Printer type:" -msgstr "Tulostimen tyyppi:" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:48 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Rajapinta" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:49 -msgid "Interface Settings" -msgstr "Rajapinnan asetukset" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:62 -msgid "IPP Printer" -msgstr "IPP-tulostin" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:63 -msgid "Local USB Printer" -msgstr "Paikallinen USB-tulostin" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:64 -msgid "Local Parallel Printer" -msgstr "Paikallinen rinnakkaistulostin" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:65 -msgid "Local Serial Printer" -msgstr "Paikallinen sarjatulostin" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:66 -msgid "Network Printer (socket)" -msgstr "Verkkotulostin (pistoke)" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:67 -msgid "SMB printers (Windows)" -msgstr "SMB-tulostimet (Windows)" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:69 -msgid "File printer" -msgstr "Tiedostotulostin" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:70 -msgid "Serial Fax/Modem printer" -msgstr "Fax/Modeemitulostin" - -#: management/kmpropbackend.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"_: Unknown Protocol\n" -"Unknown" -msgstr "Tuntematon" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:44 management/kmpropgeneral.cpp:38 -msgid "" -"_: Physical Location\n" -"Location:" -msgstr "Fyysinen sijainti:" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:46 management/kmpropgeneral.cpp:39 -#: management/kmwname.cpp:41 -msgid "Description:" -msgstr "Kuvaus:" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:56 -msgid "Model:" -msgstr "Malli:" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:92 -msgid "Members:" -msgstr "Jäsenet:" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:112 -msgid "Implicit class" -msgstr "Ehdoton luokka" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:114 -msgid "Remote class" -msgstr "Etäluokka" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:115 -msgid "Local class" -msgstr "Paikallinen luokka" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:117 -msgid "Remote printer" -msgstr "Verkkotulostin" - -#: lpdunix/kmlpdunixmanager.cpp:222 lpdunix/kmlpdunixmanager.cpp:274 -#: lpdunix/kmlpdunixmanager.cpp:320 lpdunix/kmlpdunixmanager.cpp:342 -#: lpdunix/kmlpdunixmanager.cpp:382 management/kminfopage.cpp:118 -msgid "Local printer" -msgstr "Paikallinen tulostin" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:120 -msgid "Special (pseudo) printer" -msgstr "Erikoistulostimet" - -#: management/kminfopage.cpp:121 -msgid "" -"_: Unknown class of printer\n" -"Unknown" -msgstr "Tuntematon" - -#: management/kmwclass.cpp:37 -msgid "Class Composition" -msgstr "Luokan luonti" - -#: management/kmwclass.cpp:52 -msgid "Available printers:" -msgstr "Saatavilla olevat tulostimet:" - -#: management/kmwclass.cpp:53 -msgid "Class printers:" -msgstr "Luokan tulostimet:" - -#: management/kmwclass.cpp:79 -msgid "You must select at least one printer." -msgstr "Valitse ainakin yksi tulostin." - -#: management/kmpropgeneral.cpp:37 -msgid "Printer name:" -msgstr "Tulostimen nimi:" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:45 management/kmpropgeneral.cpp:55 -msgid "General Settings" -msgstr "Yleiset asetukset" - -#: management/networkscanner.cpp:104 management/networkscanner.cpp:184 -msgid "Sc&an" -msgstr "&Skannaa" - -#: management/networkscanner.cpp:111 -msgid "Network scan:" -msgstr "Verkon skannaus:" - -#: management/networkscanner.cpp:112 management/networkscanner.cpp:299 -#: management/networkscanner.cpp:310 -#, c-format -msgid "Subnet: %1" -msgstr "Aliverkko %1" - -#: management/networkscanner.cpp:161 -msgid "" -"You are about to scan a subnet (%1.*) that does not correspond to the current " -"subnet of this computer (%2.*). Do you want to scan the specified subnet " -"anyway?" -msgstr "" -"Olet aikeissa skannata aliverkon (%1.*), joka ei vastaa tietokoneesi aliverkkoa " -"(%2.*). Haluatko silti skannata aliverkon?" - -#: management/networkscanner.cpp:164 -msgid "&Scan" -msgstr "&Skannaa" - -#: management/kmwsocketutil.cpp:52 management/networkscanner.cpp:338 -msgid "&Subnetwork:" -msgstr "&Aliverkko" - -#: management/kmwsocketutil.cpp:54 management/networkscanner.cpp:340 -msgid "&Timeout (ms):" -msgstr "&Aikavalvonta (ms)" - -#: management/kmwsocketutil.cpp:92 management/networkscanner.cpp:378 -msgid "Scan Configuration" -msgstr "Skannaa asetukset" - -#: management/kmwsocketutil.cpp:104 management/kmwsocketutil.cpp:110 -#: management/networkscanner.cpp:390 management/networkscanner.cpp:396 -msgid "Wrong subnetwork specification." -msgstr "Virheellinen aliverkon määritys." - -#: management/kmwsocketutil.cpp:118 management/networkscanner.cpp:404 -msgid "Wrong timeout specification." -msgstr "Virheellinen aikavalvonnan asetus." - -#: management/kmwsocketutil.cpp:121 management/networkscanner.cpp:407 -msgid "Wrong port specification." -msgstr "Virheellinen porttimääritys." - -#: management/kmdriverdialog.cpp:48 -msgid "" -"Some options are in conflict. You must resolve those conflicts before " -"continuing." -msgstr "" -"Jotkut valinnoista ovat ristiriidassa. Ristiriidat täytyy ratkaista ennen " -"jatkamista." - -#: management/kmwfile.cpp:35 -msgid "File Selection" -msgstr "Tiedoston valinta" - -#: management/kmwfile.cpp:41 -msgid "" -"The printing will be redirected to a file. Enter here the path of the file " -"you want to use for redirection. Use an absolute path or the browse button for " -"graphical selection.
" -msgstr "" -"Tulostus ohjataan tiedostoon. Syötä tähän haluamasi tiedoston nimi. Voit " -"kirjoittaa tiedoston koko sijainnin tai valita tiedoston Selaa-painikkeen " -"avulla.
" - -#: management/kmwfile.cpp:44 -msgid "Print to file:" -msgstr "Tulosta tiedostoon:" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:137 management/kmwfile.cpp:60 -msgid "Empty file name." -msgstr "Tiedoston nimi on tyhjä." - -#: management/kmwfile.cpp:66 -msgid "Directory does not exist." -msgstr "Hakemistoa ei ole olemassa." - -#: management/kmconfigpreview.cpp:35 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Esikatselu" - -#: management/kmconfigpreview.cpp:36 -msgid "Preview Settings" -msgstr "Esikatseluasetukset" - -#: management/kmconfigpreview.cpp:39 -msgid "Preview Program" -msgstr "Esikatseluohjelma" - -#: management/kmconfigpreview.cpp:41 -msgid "&Use external preview program" -msgstr "&Käytä ulkoista esikatseluohjelmaa" - -#: management/kmconfigpreview.cpp:44 -msgid "" -"You can use an external preview program (PS viewer) instead of the KDE built-in " -"preview system. Note that if the KDE default PS viewer (KGhostView) cannot be " -"found, KDE tries automatically to find another external PostScript viewer" -msgstr "" -"Voit käyttää ulkoista esikatseluohjelmaa (PS viewer) KDE:n sisäänrakennetun " -"esikatselujärjestelmän sijaan. Huomaa, että jos KDE:n oletus PS-näytintä " -"(KGhostView) ei löydy, KDE yrittää automaattisesti etsiä ulkoista " -"PostScript-näytintä." - -#: management/kmwdrivertest.cpp:41 -msgid "Printer Test" -msgstr "Tulostimen testi" - -#: management/kmwdrivertest.cpp:51 -msgid "Manufacturer:" -msgstr "Valmistaja:" - -#: management/kmwdrivertest.cpp:52 -msgid "Model:" -msgstr "Malli:" - -#: management/kmwdrivertest.cpp:53 -msgid "Description:" -msgstr "Kuvaus:" - -#: management/kmwdrivertest.cpp:55 -msgid "&Test" -msgstr "&Kokeile" - -#: management/kmwdrivertest.cpp:59 -msgid "" -"Now you can test the printer before finishing installation. Use the " -"Settings button to configure the printer driver and the Test " -"button to test your configuration. Use the Back " -"button to change the driver (your current configuration will be discarded).
" -msgstr "" -"Voit kokeilla tulostinta ennen kuin asennus lopetetaan. Käytä " -"Asetukset-painiketta valitaksesi tulostinajurin ja Kokeile " -"-painiketta kokeillaksesi asetuksia. Paina Takaisin" -"-painiketta vaihtaaksesi ajuria (nykyiset asetukset poistetaan).
" - -#: management/kmwdrivertest.cpp:117 -msgid "%1
This backend may require a login/password to work properly. Select the type " -"of access to use and fill in the login and password entries if needed.
" -msgstr "" -"Tämä taustajärjestelmä saattaa vaatia käyttäjätunnusta ja salasanaa " -"toimiakseen kunnolla. Täytä vaadittavat tietueet
" - -#: management/kmwpassword.cpp:49 -msgid "&Login:" -msgstr "&Tunnus:" - -#: management/kmwpassword.cpp:53 -msgid "&Anonymous (no login/password)" -msgstr "&Anonyymi (ei käyttäjätunnusta/salasanaa)" - -#: management/kmwpassword.cpp:54 -msgid "&Guest account (login=\"guest\")" -msgstr "&Vierastunnus (käyttäjätunnus=\"guest\")" - -#: management/kmwpassword.cpp:55 -msgid "Nor&mal account" -msgstr "&Tavallinen tunnus" - -#: management/kmwpassword.cpp:88 -msgid "Select one option" -msgstr "Valitse yksi vaihtoehto" - -#: management/kmwpassword.cpp:90 -msgid "User name is empty." -msgstr "Käyttäjänimi on tyhjä." - -#: management/kmwsocket.cpp:38 -msgid "Network Printer Information" -msgstr "Verkkotulostimen tiedot" - -#: management/kmwsocket.cpp:48 -msgid "&Printer address:" -msgstr "&Tulostimen osoite" - -#: management/kmwsocket.cpp:49 -msgid "P&ort:" -msgstr "&Portti:" - -#: management/kmwsocket.cpp:98 -msgid "You must enter a printer address." -msgstr "Anna tulostimen osoite." - -#: management/kmwsocket.cpp:109 -msgid "Wrong port number." -msgstr "Virheellinen porttinumero." - -#: management/kmpropcontainer.cpp:35 -msgid "Change..." -msgstr "Vaihda..." - -#: management/kmconfigdialog.cpp:38 -msgid "KDE Print Configuration" -msgstr "KDE:n tulostuksenhallinnan asetukset" - -#: management/kmwdriver.cpp:33 -msgid "Printer Model Selection" -msgstr "Tulostinmallin valinta" - -#: management/kmwdriver.cpp:80 management/kmwend.cpp:106 -#: management/kmwname.cpp:83 -msgid "Raw printer" -msgstr "Raakatulostin" - -#: management/kmwdriver.cpp:113 -msgid "Internal error: unable to locate the driver." -msgstr "Sisäinen virhe: Ajuria ei löytynyt." - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:101 management/kmjobviewer.cpp:158 -msgid "No Printer" -msgstr "Ei tulostinta" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:138 management/kmjobviewer.cpp:177 -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:194 management/kmjobviewer.cpp:210 -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:356 management/kmjobviewer.cpp:543 -msgid "All Printers" -msgstr "Kaikki tulostimet" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:151 -#, c-format -msgid "Print Jobs for %1" -msgstr "Tulostimen %1 tulostustyöt" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:170 management/kmjobviewer.cpp:172 -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:336 -#, c-format -msgid "Max.: %1" -msgstr "Maks: %1" - -#: management/kmconfigjobs.cpp:41 management/kmjobviewer.cpp:170 -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:336 -msgid "Unlimited" -msgstr "Rajoittamaton" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:235 -msgid "Job ID" -msgstr "Työn ID" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:236 -msgid "Owner" -msgstr "Omistaja" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:238 -msgid "" -"_: Status\n" -"State" -msgstr "Tila" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:239 -msgid "Size (KB)" -msgstr "Koko (kt)" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:240 -msgid "Page(s)" -msgstr "Sivu(t)" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:262 -msgid "&Hold" -msgstr "&Pysäytetty" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:263 -msgid "&Resume" -msgstr "&Jatka" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:264 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remo&ve" -msgstr "&Poista" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:265 -msgid "Res&tart" -msgstr "&Käynnistä uudelleen" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:266 -#, fuzzy -msgid "&Move to Printer" -msgstr "&Siirrä tulostimelle..." - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:272 -msgid "&Toggle Completed Jobs" -msgstr "&Vaihda valmistuneet työt" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:275 -msgid "Show Only User Jobs" -msgstr "Näytä vain käyttäjän työt" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:276 -msgid "Hide Only User Jobs" -msgstr "Piilota vain käyttäjän työt" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:284 -msgid "User Name" -msgstr "Käyttäjänimi" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:301 -msgid "&Select Printer" -msgstr "&Valitse tulostin" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:330 -msgid "Refresh" -msgstr "Päivitä" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:334 -msgid "Keep window permanent" -msgstr "Pidä ikkuna pysyvästi" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:479 -msgid "" -"Unable to perform action \"%1\" on selected jobs. Error received from manager:" -msgstr "" -"Ei voitu suorittaa toimenpidettä \"%1\" valituille töille. Hallinnasta " -"vastaanotettu virhe:" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:491 -msgid "Hold" -msgstr "Pysäytetty" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:496 -msgid "Resume" -msgstr "Jatka" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:506 -msgid "Restart" -msgstr "Käynnistä uudelleen" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:514 -#, c-format -msgid "Move to %1" -msgstr "Siirrä kohteeseen %1" - -#: management/kmjobviewer.cpp:674 -msgid "Operation failed." -msgstr "Toimenpide epäonnistui." - -#: management/kmconfigjobs.cpp:34 management/kmjobviewer.cpp:699 -msgid "Print Job Settings" -msgstr "Tulostustyöasetukset" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:48 -msgid "Refresh Interval" -msgstr "Päivitysväli" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:51 -msgid " sec" -msgstr " s" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:53 -msgid "" -"This time setting controls the refresh rate of various KDE Print " -"components like the print manager and the job viewer." -msgstr "" -"Tämä aika-asetus säätää päivitystahtia monissa KDE:n tulostuskomponenteissa, " -"kuten tulostuksenhallinnassa sekä töidennäyttäjässä." - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:57 -msgid "Test Page" -msgstr "Testisivu" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:58 -msgid "&Specify personal test page" -msgstr "&Määrittele oma testisivu:" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:60 -msgid "Preview..." -msgstr "Esikatselu..." - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:70 -msgid "Sho&w printing status message box" -msgstr "Näytä tulostuksen &tilaviesti" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:71 -msgid "De&faults to the last printer used in the application" -msgstr "&Oletuksena sovelluksessa edellisella kerralla käytetty tulostin" - -#: management/kmconfiggeneral.cpp:127 -msgid "" -"The selected test page is not a PostScript file. You may not be able to test " -"your printer anymore." -msgstr "" -"Valittu sivu ei ole PostScript-tiedosto. Et ehkä voi testata tulostintasi enää." - -#: management/smbview.cpp:44 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Kommentti" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:33 -msgid "Confirmation" -msgstr "Varmistus" - -#: kfilelist.cpp:102 management/kmwend.cpp:50 management/kmwend.cpp:106 -#: management/kmwend.cpp:109 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tyyppi" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:52 -msgid "Location" -msgstr "Sijainti" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:53 management/kmwend.cpp:112 -#: management/kxmlcommanddlg.cpp:142 management/kxmlcommanddlg.cpp:545 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Kuvaus" - -#: management/kmpropmembers.cpp:39 management/kmwend.cpp:59 -msgid "Members" -msgstr "Jäsenet" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:69 -msgid "Backend" -msgstr "Ajuri" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:74 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Laite" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:77 -msgid "Printer IP" -msgstr "Tulostimen IP-osoite" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:78 management/kmwend.cpp:89 -msgid "Port" -msgstr "Portti" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:81 management/kmwend.cpp:88 -msgid "Host" -msgstr "Palvelin" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:91 -msgid "Account" -msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:96 -msgid "URI" -msgstr "URI" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:109 -msgid "DB driver" -msgstr "Tietokanta-ajuri" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:109 -msgid "External driver" -msgstr "Ulkoinen ajuri" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:110 -msgid "Manufacturer" -msgstr "Valmistaja" - -#: management/kmwend.cpp:111 -msgid "Model" -msgstr "Malli" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:43 -msgid "Font Settings" -msgstr "Kirjasinten asetukset" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:46 -msgid "Fonts Embedding" -msgstr "Kirjasinten upotus" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:47 -msgid "Fonts Path" -msgstr "Kirjasinhakemisto" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:49 -msgid "&Embed fonts in PostScript data when printing" -msgstr "&Upota kirjasimet PostScript-tiedostoon tulostettaessa" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:57 -msgid "&Up" -msgstr "&Ylös" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:58 -msgid "&Down" -msgstr "&Alas" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:59 -msgid "&Add" -msgstr "&Lisää" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:61 -msgid "Additional director&y:" -msgstr "Ylimääräinen &hakemisto:" - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"These options will automatically put fonts in the PostScript file which are not " -"present on the printer. Font embedding usually produces better print results " -"(closer to what you see on the screen), but larger print data as well." -msgstr "" -"Nämä asetukset upottavat kirjasimet automaattisesti PostScript-tiedostoon, jos " -"niitä ei ole tulostimella. Kirjasinten upotus tuottaa yleensä paremmat tulokset " -"(lähemmäksi sitä, mitä näet ruudulla), mutta suurentaa tulostustyötä." - -#: management/kmconfigfonts.cpp:89 -msgid "" -"When using font embedding you can select additional directories where KDE " -"should search for embeddable font files. By default, the X server font path is " -"used, so adding those directories is not needed. The default search path should " -"be sufficient in most cases." -msgstr "" -"Kun käytät upotettavia kirjasimia, voit valita ylimääräisiä hakemistoja, joista " -"KDE hakee upotettavia kirjasintiedostoja. Oletuksena käytetään X-palvelimen " -"kirjasinhakemistoja, eli niiden lisääminen ei ole tarpeellista. Oletushakupolku " -"pitäisi yleensä riittää." - -#: management/kmwsmb.cpp:35 -msgid "SMB Printer Settings" -msgstr "SMB-tulostimen asetukset" - -#: management/kmwsmb.cpp:41 -msgid "Scan" -msgstr "Skannaa" - -#: management/kmwsmb.cpp:42 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Peruuta" - -#: management/kmwsmb.cpp:44 -msgid "Workgroup:" -msgstr "Työryhmä:" - -#: management/kmwsmb.cpp:45 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Palvelin:" - -#: management/kmwsmb.cpp:99 -#, c-format -msgid "Login: %1" -msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus: %1" - -#: management/kmwsmb.cpp:99 -msgid "Enter the information concerning the remote LPD queue; this wizard will " -"check it before continuing.
" -msgstr "" -"Anna LPD-etäjonon tiedot. Ohjattu toiminto tarkistaa tiedot ennen kuin " -"jatketaan.
" - -#: management/kmwlpd.cpp:54 -msgid "Some information is missing." -msgstr "Joitakin tietoja puuttuu." - -#: management/kmwlpd.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find queue %1 on server %2; do you want to continue anyway?" -msgstr "" -"Ei löydetty jonoa %1 palvelimella %2. Haluatko jatkaa tästä huolimatta?" - -#: management/kmconfigfilter.cpp:40 -msgid "Filter" -msgstr "Suotimet" - -#: management/kmconfigfilter.cpp:41 -msgid "Printer Filtering Settings" -msgstr "Tulostimen suodinasetukset" - -#: management/kmconfigfilter.cpp:44 -msgid "Printer Filter" -msgstr "Tulostimen suodin" - -#: management/kmconfigfilter.cpp:56 -msgid "" -"The printer filtering allows you to view only a specific set of printers " -"instead of all of them. This may be useful when there are a lot of printers " -"available but you only use a few ones. Select the printers you want to see from " -"the list on the left or enter a Location filter (ex: Group_1*). Both are " -"cumulative and ignored if empty." -msgstr "" -"Tulostimen suodatus mahdollistaa vain määrätyn tulostinjoukon näyttämisen " -"kaikkien sijasta. Tämä voi olla hyödyllistä, jos tulostimia on paljon ja haluat " -"käyttää niistä vain muutamaa. Valitse tulostimet, jotka haluat nähdä vasemmalla " -"olevalta listalta tai anna Sijainti-suodin (esim. Group_1*). Jos valinta " -"on tehty kummallakin tavalla, molemmat huomioidaan suodatuksessa. Tyhjiä " -"valintoja ei huomioida." - -#: management/kmconfigfilter.cpp:62 -msgid "Location filter:" -msgstr "Sijaintisuodin:" - -#: management/kmwdriverselect.cpp:37 -msgid "Driver Selection" -msgstr "Ajurin valinta" - -#: management/kmwdriverselect.cpp:43 -msgid "" -"Several drivers have been detected for this model. Select the driver you " -"want to use. You will have the opportunity to test it as well as to change it " -"if necessary.
" -msgstr "" -"Tälle mallille löytyi useita ajureita. Valitse haluamasi ajuri. Ajuria on " -"mahdollisuus testata ja vaihtaa se tarvittaessa.
" - -#: management/kmwdriverselect.cpp:46 -msgid "Driver Information" -msgstr "Ajurin tiedot" - -#: management/kmwdriverselect.cpp:62 -msgid "You must select a driver." -msgstr "Valitse ajuri." - -#: management/kmwdriverselect.cpp:82 -msgid " [recommended]" -msgstr " [suositeltu]" - -#: management/kmwdriverselect.cpp:113 -msgid "No information about the selected driver." -msgstr "Ei tietoja valitusta ajurista" - -#: management/kmwinfopage.cpp:32 -msgid "Introduction" -msgstr "Esittely" - -#: management/kmwinfopage.cpp:37 -msgid "" -"Welcome,
" -"This wizard will help to install a new printer on your computer. It will " -"guide you through the various steps of the process of installing and " -"configuring a printer for your printing system. At each step, you can always go " -"back using the Back button.
" -"We hope you'll enjoy this tool!
" -"Tervetuloa
" -"Tämä ohjattu toiminto auttaa asentamaan uuden tulostimen koneellesi. Se " -"opastaa sinut tulostimen asennusprosessin läpi. Jokaisessa asennuksen vaiheessa " -"voit aina palata edelliseen kohtaan Takaisin-painikkeella.
" -"Toivomme, että nautit tästä työkalusta!
" -"Enter the information concerning your printer or class. Name " -"is mandatory, Location and Description " -"are not (they may even not be used on some systems).
" -msgstr "" -"Anna tulostintasi tai tulostinten ryhmää koskevat tiedot. Nimi " -"on pakollinen tieto, Sijainti ja Kuvaus " -"eivät ole pakollisia (niitä ei ehkä edes käytetä kaikissa järjestelmissä).
" - -#: management/kmwname.cpp:39 -msgid "Name:" -msgstr "Nimi:" - -#: management/kmwname.cpp:48 -msgid "You must supply at least a name." -msgstr "Anna ainakin nimi." - -#: management/kmwname.cpp:56 -msgid "" -"It is usually not a good idea to include spaces in printer name: it may prevent " -"your printer from working correctly. The wizard can strip all spaces from the " -"string you entered, resulting in %1; what do you want to do?" -msgstr "" -"Yleensä ei ole hyvä ajatus sisällyttää välilyöntejä tulostimen nimeen. Tämä voi " -"estää tulostimen oikean toiminnan. Ohjattu toiminto voi poistaa kaikki " -"välilyönnit antamastasi jonosta tuloksena %1. Mitä haluat tehdä?" - -#: management/kmwname.cpp:62 -msgid "Strip" -msgstr "Riisu" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:510 management/kmwname.cpp:62 -msgid "Keep" -msgstr "Säilytä" - -#: management/kmwbackend.cpp:54 -msgid "Backend Selection" -msgstr "Ajurin valinta" - -#: management/kmwbackend.cpp:68 -msgid "You must select a backend." -msgstr "Valitse ajuri." - -#: management/kmwbackend.cpp:115 -msgid "&Local printer (parallel, serial, USB)" -msgstr "&Paikallinen tulostin (rinnakkais, sarja, USB)" - -#: management/kmwbackend.cpp:116 -msgid "" -"Locally-connected printer
" -"Use this for a printer connected to the computer via a parallel, serial or " -"USB port.
Shared Windows printer
" -"Use this for a printer installed on a Windows server and shared on the " -"network using the SMB protocol (samba).
Print queue on a remote LPD server
" -"Use this for a print queue existing on a remote machine running a LPD print " -"server.
Network TCP printer
" -"Use this for a network-enabled printer using TCP (usually on port 9100) as " -"communication protocol. Most network printers can use this mode.
The command will use an output file. If checked, make sure the command " -"contains an output tag.
" -msgstr "" -"Tämä komento käyttää tulostustiedostoa. Jos valittu, varmista, että komento " -"sisältää tulostagin.
" - -#: management/kmspecialprinterdlg.cpp:108 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"The command to execute when printing on this special printer. Either enter " -"the command to execute directly, or associate/create a command object with/for " -"this special printer. The command object is the preferred method as it provides " -"support for advanced settings like mime type checking, configurable options and " -"requirement list (the plain command is only provided for backward " -"compatibility). When using a plain command, the following tags are " -"recognized:
" -"Suoritettava komento tällä erikoistulostimella tulostettaessa. Anna " -"suoritettava komento joko suoraan tai liitä/luo komento-objekti tälle " -"erikoistulostimelle. Komento-objekti on suositeltava tapa, koska se tukee " -"monipuolisia asetuksia kuten MIME-tyypin tarkistusta, muokattaviavalintoja ja " -"vaatimuslistaa (pelkkä komento on olemassa taaksepäinyhteensopivuuden vuoksi). " -"Kun käytät pelkkää komentoa, seuraavia tageja tunnistetaan:
" -"The default mimetype for the output file (e.g. application/postscript).
" -msgstr "" -"Tulostustiedoston oletuksena käytettävä MIME-tyyppi (esim" -": application/postscript).
" - -#: management/kmspecialprinterdlg.cpp:121 -msgid "The default extension for the output file (e.g. ps, pdf, ps.gz).
" -msgstr "" -"Tulostustiedoston oletuksena käytettävä tiedostopääte (esim" -": ps, pdf, ps.gz).
" - -#: management/kmspecialprinterdlg.cpp:170 -msgid "You must provide a non-empty name." -msgstr "Anna nimi, joka ei ole tyhjä." - -#: management/kmspecialprinterdlg.cpp:178 -#, c-format -msgid "Invalid settings. %1." -msgstr "Virheelliset asetukset. %1" - -#: management/kmspecialprinterdlg.cpp:197 -#, c-format -msgid "Configuring %1" -msgstr "Asetetaan %1" - -#: kfilelist.cpp:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"This button calls the 'File Open' dialog to let you select a file " -"for printing. Note, that " -"
This button removes the highlighted file from the list of to-be-printed " -"files.
This button moves the highlighted file up in the list of files to be " -"printed.
" -"In effect, this changes the order of the files' printout.
Tämä painike siirtää valitun tiedoston ylöspäin tulostettavien tiedostojen " -"luettelossa.
" -"Tämä siis muuttaa tiedostojen tulostusjärjestystä.
This button moves the highlighted file down in the list of files to be " -"printed.
" -"In effect, this changes the order of the files' printout.
Tämä painike siirtää valitun tiedoston alaspäin tulostettavien tiedostojen " -"luettelossa.
" -"Tämä siis muuttaa tiedostojen tulostusjärjestystä.
This button tries to open the highlighted file, so you can view or edit it " -"before you send it to the printing system.
" -"If you open files, KDEPrint will use the application matching the MIME type " -"of the file.
Tämän painikkeen avulla voit yrittää avata korostetun tiedoston, jotta " -"näkisit ja voisit muokata sitä ennen tulostusjärjestelmälle lähettämistä.
" -"Jos avaat tiedostoja, KDEPrint käyttää tiedoston MIME-tyyppiin liitettyä " -"sovellusta tiedoston näyttämiseen.
This list displays all the files you selected for printing. You can see the " -"file name(s), file path(s) and the file (MIME) type(s) as determined by " -"KDEPrint. You may re-arrange the initial order of the list with the help of " -"the arrow buttons on the right.
" -"The files will be printed as a single job, in the same order as displayed in " -"the list.
" -"Note: You can select multiple files. The files may be in multiple " -"locations. The files may be of multiple MIME types. The buttons on the right " -"side let you add more files, remove already selected files from the list, " -"re-order the list (by moving files up or down), and open files. If you open " -"files, KDEPrint will use the application matching the MIME type of the file.
" -"Tässä luettelossa näet kaikki tiedostot, joita olet tulostamassa. Näet " -"tiedostojen nimet, polut ja MIME-tyypit, jotka KDEPrintille on määritelty. " -"Luettelon järjestys on sama kuin tiedostojen valintajärjestys.
" -"Tiedostot tulostetaan luettelon näyttämässä järjestyksessä.
" -"Huom: Voit valita useita tiedostoja. Tiedostot voivat olla useassa " -"eri hakemistossa. Tiedostojen MIME-tyyppi voi olla erilainen. Voit lisätä, " -"järjestää tai poistaa tiedostoja oikealla olevien painikkeiden avulla. Jos " -"haluat avata tiedoston, KDEPrint käyttää tiedoston MIME-tyypillesopivaa " -"sovellusta.
This combo box shows (and lets you select) a print subsystem to be used by " -"KDEPrint. (This print subsystem must, of course, be installed inside your " -"Operating System.) KDEPrint usually auto-detects the correct print subsystem by " -"itself upon first startup. Most Linux distributions have \"CUPS\", the " -"Common UNIX Printing System.
This line shows which CUPS server your PC is currently connected to for " -"printing and retrieving printer info. To switch to a different CUPS server, " -"click \"System Options\", then select \"Cups server\" and fill in the required " -"info.
The upper pane of this dialog page contains all printjob options as laid " -"down in the printer's description file (PostScript Printer Description == " -"'PPD')
" -"Click on any item in the list and watch the lower pane of this dialog page " -"display the available values.
" -"Set the values as needed. Then use one of the pushbuttons below to " -"proceed:
" -"Note. The number of available job options depends strongly on the " -"actual driver used for your print queue. 'Raw' " -"queues do not have a driver or a PPD. For raw queues this tab page is not " -"loaded by KDEPrint, and thus is not present in the kprinter dialog.
The lower pane of this dialog page contains all possible values of the " -"printoption highlighted above, as laid down in the printer's description file " -"(PostScript Printer Description == 'PPD')
" -"Select the value you want and proceed.
" -"Then use one of the pushbuttons below to leave this dialog:
" -"Note. The number of available job options depends strongly on the " -"actual driver used for your print queue. 'Raw' " -"queues do not have a driver or a PPD. For raw queues this tab page is not " -"loaded by KDEPrint, and thus is not present in the kprinter dialog.
Unable to perform the requested page selection. The filter psselect " -"cannot be inserted in the current filter chain. See Filter " -"tab in the printer properties dialog for further information.
" -msgstr "" -"Pyydettyä sivuvalintaa ei voida suorittaa. Suodinta psselect " -"ei voida lisätä nykyiseen suodinketjuun. Katso Suodin" -"-välilehteä tulostimen ominaisuuksien ikkunassa saadaksesi lisätietoja.
" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:355 -msgid "Could not load filter description for %1.
" -msgstr "Suotimen %1 kuvausta ei voitu ladata.
" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:371 -msgid "" -"Error while reading filter description for %1" -". Empty command line received.
" -msgstr "" -"Suotimen %1 kuvausta luettessa tapahtui virhe. Tyhjä rivi " -"vastaanotettu.
" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:385 -msgid "" -"The MIME type %1 is not supported as input of the filter chain (this may happen " -"with non-CUPS spoolers when performing page selection on a non-PostScript " -"file). Do you want KDE to convert the file to a supported format?" -msgstr "" -"MIME-tyyppiä %1 ei tueta suotimen sisääntuloketjussa (tämä voi tapahtua " -"ei-CUPS-tulostusjonoilla tehtäessä sivuvalinta muuhun kuin " -"PostScript-tiedostoon). Haluatko KDE:n muuntavan tiedoston tuettuun muotoon?" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:389 kprinterimpl.cpp:509 -msgid "Convert" -msgstr "Muunna" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:399 -msgid "Select MIME Type" -msgstr "Valitse MIME-tyyppi" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:400 -msgid "Select the target format for the conversion:" -msgstr "Valitse kohdemuoto käännöstä varten:" - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:404 kprinterimpl.cpp:430 -msgid "Operation aborted." -msgstr "Toimenpide keskeytetty." - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:410 -msgid "No appropriate filter found. Select another target format." -msgstr "Sopivaa suodinta ei löytynyt. Valitse toinen kohdemuoto." - -#: kprinterimpl.cpp:423 -msgid "" -"%1
" -"This dialog page contains general print job settings. General " -"settings are applicable to most printers, most jobs and most job file types. " -"
To get more specific help, enable the \"WhatsThis\" cursor and click on any " -"of the text labels or GUI elements of this dialog.
Page size: Select paper size to be printed on from the drop-down " -"menu.
" -"The exact list of choices depends on the printer driver (\"PPD\") you have " -"installed.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o PageSize=... # examples: \"A4\" or \"Letter\"" -"
Paper type: Select paper type to be printed on from the drop-down " -"menu.
" -"The exact list of choices depends on the printer driver (\"PPD\") you have " -"installed.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o MediaType=... # example: \"Transparency\"
Paper source: Select paper source tray for the paper to be printed on " -"from the drop-down menu. " -"
The exact list of choices depends on the printer driver (\"PPD\") you have " -"installed.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o InputSlot=... # examples: \"Lower\" or \"LargeCapacity\" " -"
Image Orientation: Orientation of the printed page image on your " -"paper is controlled by the radio buttons. By default, the orientation is " -"Portrait " -"
You can select 4 alternatives: " -"
Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o orientation-requested=... # examples: \"landscape\" or " -"\"reverse-portrait\"
Duplex Printing: These controls may be grayed out if your printer " -"does not support duplex printing (i.e. printing on both sides of the " -"sheet). These controls are active if your printer supports duplex printing. " -"
You can choose from 3 alternatives:
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o duplex=... # examples: \"tumble\" or \"two-sided-short-edge\" " -"
Banner Page(s): Select banner(s) to print one or two special sheets " -"of paper just before or after your main job.
" -"Banners may contain some pieces of job information, such as user name, time " -"of printing, job title and more.
" -"Banner pages are useful to separate different jobs more easily, especially " -"in a multi-user environment.
" -"Hint: You can design your own banner pages. To make use of " -"them, just put the banner file into the standard CUPS banners " -"directory (This is usually \"/usr/share/cups/banner/\" " -"Your custom banner(s) must have one of the supported printable formats. " -"Supported formats are ASCII text, PostScript, PDF and nearly any image format " -"such as PNG, JPEG or GIF. Your added banner pages will appear in the drop down " -"menu after a restart of CUPS.
" -"CUPS comes with a selection of banner pages.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o job-sheets=... # examples: \"standard\" or \"topsecret\" " -"
Pages per Sheet: You can choose to print more than one page onto " -"each sheet of paper. This is sometimes useful to save paper.
" -"Note 1: the page images get scaled down accordingly to print 2 or 4 " -"pages per sheet. The page image does not get scaled if you print 1 page per " -"sheet (the default setting.). " -"
Note 2: If you select multiple pages per sheet here, the scaling and " -"re-arranging is done by your printing system. Be aware, that some printers can " -"by themselves print multiple pages per sheet. In this case you find the option " -"in the printer driver settings. Be careful: if you enable multiple pages per " -"sheet in both places, your printout will not look as you intended.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o number-up=... # examples: \"2\" or \"4\"
" -msgstr "Ohjelman %1 suoritus epäonnistui viestillä:%2
" - -#: tdeprintd.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Some of the files to print are not readable by the KDE print daemon. This may " -"happen if you are trying to print as a different user to the one currently " -"logged in. To continue printing, you need to provide root's password." -msgstr "" -"KDE:n tulostuspalvelin ei voi lukea joitain tulostettavia tiedoatoja. Tämä voi " -"tapahtua, jos yrität tulostaa eri käyttäjänä kuin olet kirjautunut sisään. Anna " -"pääkäyttäjän salasana jatkaaksesi tulostusta." - -#: tdeprintd.cpp:181 -msgid "Provide root's Password" -msgstr "Anna pääkäyttäjän salasana" - -#: tdeprintd.cpp:200 tdeprintd.cpp:202 -#, c-format -msgid "Printing Status - %1" -msgstr "Tulostimen tila - %1" - -#: tdeprintd.cpp:263 -msgid "Printing system" -msgstr "Tulostusjärjestelmä" - -#: tdeprintd.cpp:266 -msgid "Authentication failed (user name=%1)" -msgstr "Tunnistaminen epäonnistui (käyttäjänimi=%1)" - -#. i18n: file kprintpreviewui.rc line 13 -#: rc.cpp:9 rc.cpp:21 -#, no-c-format -msgid "&PageMarks" -msgstr "&Sivumerkit" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:46 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Page Selection
" -"Here you can control if you print a certain selection only out of all the " -"pages from the complete document.
Note: this field is disabled if you print from non-KDE applications " -"like Mozilla or, since here KDEPrint has no means to determine " -"which document page you are currently viewing.
Valitse \"Näkyvä sivu\", jos haluat tulostaa KDE-sovelluksessa " -"näkyvän sivun.
" -"Huom: Tämä valinta ei ole käytettävissä, jos tulostat " -"ei-KDE-sovelluksesta kuten Mozilla tai, koska KDEPrint ei voi " -"tietää näissä sovelluksissa näkyvillä olevaa sivua.
Example: \"4,6,10-13,17,20,23-25\" " -"will print the pages 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25 of your " -"document.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-ranges=... # example: \"4,6,10-13,17,20,23-25\"" -"
Valitse \"Tulostusalue\" jos haluat valita tulostettavaksi asiakirjan osan. " -"Tulostusalueen muoto on \"n,m,o-p,q,r,s-t, u\".
" -"Esimerkki: \"4,6,10-13,17,20,23-25\" " -"tulostaa asiakirjan sivut 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25.
Choose \"All Pages\", \"Even Pages\" or " -"\"Odd Pages\" if you want to print a page selection matching one of these " -"terms. The default is \"All Pages\".
" -"Note: If you combine a selection of a \"Page Range\" " -"with a \"Page Set\" of \"Odd\" or \"Even\"" -", you will only get the odd or even pages from the originally selected page " -"range. This is useful if you odd or even pages from the originally selected " -"page range. This is useful if you want to print a page range in duplex on a " -"simplex-only printer. In this case you can feed the paper to the printer twice; " -"in the first pass, select \"Odd\" or \"Even\" (depending on your printer " -"model), in second pass select the other option. You may need to " -"\"Reverse\" the output in one of the passes (depending on your printer " -"model).
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-set=... # example: \"odd\" or \"even\"" -"
Huom: Jos yhdistät \"Alueen\" ja \"Parilliset\" " -"tai \"Parittomat\", saat vain valitun sivualueen parilliset tai " -"parittomat sivut. Tämä on hyödyllistä, jos haluat tulostaa sivualueen " -"kaksipuoliseksi vain yksipuoliseen tulostukseen pystyvällä tulostimella. " -"Tällöin sinun täytyy syöttää paperi tulostimeen kahdesti. Valitse ensimmäisellä " -"tulostuskerralla \"Parilliset\" tai \"Parittomat\", ja toisella kerralla toinen " -"näistä. Voit joutua tulostamaan \"Käänteisesti\" tulostimestasi riippuen.
" -"The 'Copies' setting defaults to 1.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o copies=... # examples: \"5\" or \"42\" " -"" -".
-o outputorder=... # example: \"reverse\" " -"
-o Collate=... # example: \"true\" or \"false\"
Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o copies=... # examples: \"5\" or \"42\"" -"
If the \"Collate\" checkbox is enabled (default), the output order " -"for multiple copies of a multi-page document will be \"1-2-3-..., 1-2-3-..., " -"1-2-3-...\".
" -"If the \"Collate\" checkbox is disabled, the output order for " -"multiple copies of a multi-page document will be \"1-1-1-..., 2-2-2-..., " -"3-3-3-...\".
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o Collate=... # example: \"true\" or \"false\"" -"
Jos kohta \"Kokoa\" on valittuna (oletus), monisivuisen asiakirjan " -"tulostusjärjestys on \"1-2-3-..., 1-2-3-..., 1-2-3-...\".
" -"Jos kohtaa \"Kokoa\" ei ole valittu, monisivuisen asiakirjan " -"tulostusjärjestys on \"1-1-1..., 2-2-2-..., 3-3-3-...\".
If the \"Reverse\" checkbox is enabled, the output order for " -"multiple copies of a multi-page document will be \"...-3-2-1, ...-3-2-1, " -"...-3-2-1\", if you also have enabled the \"Collate\" " -"checkbox at the same time (the usual usecase).
" -"If the \"Reverse\" checkbox is enabled, the output order for " -"multiple copies of a multi-page document will be \"...-3-3-3, ...-2-2-2, " -"...-1-1-1\", if you have disabled the \"Collate\" " -"checkbox at the same time.
" -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o outputorder=... # example: \"reverse\"
Jos \"Käänteinen\"-kohta on valittu, monisivuisen asiakirjan " -"tulostusjärjestys on \"...-3-2-1, ...-3-2-1, ... -3-2-1\", jos olet valinnut " -"myös \"Kokoa\"-kohdan (normaali tapa).
" -"Jos kohta \"Käänteinen\" on valittu, monisivuisen asiakirjan " -"tulostusjärjestys on \"...-3-3-3, ...2-2-2, ...-1-1-1\", jos olet ottanut " -"valinnan \"Kokoa\" pois käytöstä.
Enter pages or group of pages to print separated by commas (1,2-5,8).
" -msgstr "" -"Anna tulostettavat sivut tai sivuryhmät erotettuna pilkuilla (1,2-5,8).
" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:182 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Output Settings" -msgstr "Kiintiöiden asetukset" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:184 -msgid "Co&llate" -msgstr "&Kokoa" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:186 -msgid "Re&verse" -msgstr "&Käänteinen järjestys" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:191 -msgid "Cop&ies:" -msgstr "&Kopioita:" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:198 -msgid "All Pages" -msgstr "Kaikki sivut" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:199 -msgid "Odd Pages" -msgstr "Parittomat sivut" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:200 -msgid "Even Pages" -msgstr "Parilliset sivut" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:202 -msgid "Page &set:" -msgstr "&Tulostettavat sivut:" - -#: kpcopiespage.cpp:257 -msgid "Pages" -msgstr "Sivut" - -#: kprintpreview.cpp:137 -msgid "Do you want to continue printing anyway?" -msgstr "Haluatko silti jatkaa tulostusta?" - -#: kprintpreview.cpp:145 kprintpreview.cpp:224 -msgid "Print Preview" -msgstr "Tulostuksen esikatselu" - -#: kprintpreview.cpp:275 -msgid "" -"The preview program %1 cannot be found. Check that the program is correctly " -"installed and located in a directory included in your PATH environment " -"variable." -msgstr "" -"Esikatseluohjelmaa %1 ei löydy. Tarkista, että ohjelma on asennettu oikein ja " -"sijaitsee polkumuuttujassa olevassa hakemistossa." - -#: kprintpreview.cpp:300 -msgid "" -"Preview failed: neither the internal KDE PostScript viewer (KGhostView) nor any " -"other external PostScript viewer could be found." -msgstr "" -"Esikatselu epäonnistui: KDE:n sisäistä PostScript näyttäjää (KGhostView) tai " -"jotain ulkoista PostScript näyttäjää ei löytynyt." - -#: kprintpreview.cpp:304 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Preview failed: KDE could not find any application to preview files of type %1." -msgstr "" -"Esikatselu epäonnistui. KDE ei löydä sopivaa ohjelmaa %1-tyypisten tiedostojen " -"esikatseluun." - -#: kprintpreview.cpp:314 -#, c-format -msgid "Preview failed: unable to start program %1." -msgstr "Esikatselu epäonnistui: ei voitu käynnistää ohjelmaa %1." - -#: kprintpreview.cpp:319 -msgid "Do you want to continue printing?" -msgstr "Haluatko jatkaa tulostusta?" - -#: kmfactory.cpp:221 -msgid "%2
Top Margin
. " -"This spinbox/text edit field lets you control the top margin of your " -"printout if the printing application does not define its margins internally. " -"
" -"The setting works for instance for ASCII text file printing, or for printing " -"from KMail and and Konqueror..
" -"Note:
This margin setting is not intended for KOffice or " -" printing, because these applications (or rather their users) " -"are expected to do it by themselves. It also does not work for PostScript or " -"PDF file, which in most cases have their margins hardcoded internally. " -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-top=... # use values from \"0\" or higher. \"72\" is " -"equal to 1 inch.
Bottom Margin
. " -"This spinbox/text edit field lets you control the bottom margin of your " -"printout if the printing application does not define its margins internally. " -"
" -"The setting works for instance for ASCII text file printing, or for printing " -"from KMail and and Konqueror.
" -"Note:
This margin setting is not intended for KOffice or " -" printing, because these applications (or rather their users) " -"are expected to do it by themselves. It also does not work for PostScript or " -"PDF file, which in most cases have their margins hardcoded internally. " -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-bottom=... # use values from \"0\" or higher. \"72\" is " -"equal to 1 inch.
Left Margin
. " -"This spinbox/text edit field lets you control the left margin of your " -"printout if the printing application does not define its margins internally. " -"
" -"The setting works for instance for ASCII text file printing, or for printing " -"from KMail and and Konqueror.
" -"Note:
This margin setting is not intended for KOffice or " -" printing, because these applications (or rather their users) " -"are expected to do it by themselves. It also does not work for PostScript or " -"PDF file, which in most cases have their margins hardcoded internally. " -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-left=... # use values from \"0\" or higher. \"72\" is " -"equal to 1 inch.
Right Margin
. " -"This spinbox/text edit field lets you control the right margin of your " -"printout if the printing application does not define its margins internally. " -"
" -"The setting works for instance for ASCII text file printing, or for printing " -"from KMail and and Konqueror.
" -"Note:
This margin setting is not intended for KOffice or " -" printing, because these applications (or rather their users) " -"are expected to do it by themselves. It also does not work for PostScript or " -"PDF file, which in most cases have their margins hardcoded internally. " -"Additional hint for power users: This KDEPrint GUI element " -"matches with the CUPS commandline job option parameter: " -"
-o page-right=... # use values from \"0\" or higher. \"72\" is " -"equal to 1 inch.
Change Measurement Unit
. " -"You can change the units of measurement for the page margins here. Select " -"from Millimeter, Centimeter, Inch or Pixels (1 pixel == 1/72 inch).
Custom Margins Checkbox
. " -"Enable this checkbox if you want to modify the margins of your printouts " -"
You can change margin settings in 4 ways: " -"
. " -"Use your mouse to drag and set each margin on this little preview window. " -"
If you enable this option, you can print posters of different sizes The " -"printout will happen in the form 'tiles' printed on smaller paper " -"sizes, which you can stitch together later. If you enable this option " -"here, the 'Poster Printing' filter will be auto-loaded in the " -"'Filters' tab of this dialog.
" -"This tab is only visible if the external 'poster' " -"utility is discovered by KDEPrint on your system. ['poster' " -"is a commandline utility that enables you to convert PostScript files into " -"tiled printouts which allow for oversized appearance of the stitched-together " -"tiles.]
" -"Note: The standard version of 'poster' will not work. Your system " -"must use a patched version of 'poster'. Ask your operating system vendor to " -"provide a patched version of 'poster' if he does not already.
" -"Additional hint for power users: A patched version of 'poster' is " -"available from the KDEPrint Website " -"at" -"a>. The direct link to the patched source tarball is " -"
This GUI element is not only for viewing " -"your selections: it also lets you interactively select the tile(s) you want to " -"print.
" -"Hints " -"
Note 2: By default no tile is selected. Before you can print (a part " -" of) your poster, you must select at least one tile.
Select the poster size you want from the dropdown list.
" -"Available sizes are all standard paper sizes up to 'A0'. [A0 is the same size " -"as 16 sheets of A4, or '84cm x 118.2cm'.] " -"Notice, how the little preview window below changes with your change " -"of poster size. It indicates to you how many tiles need to be printed to make " -"the poster, given the selected paper size.
" -"Hint: The little preview window below is not just a passive icon. You " -"can click on its individual tiles to select them for printing. To select " -"multiple tiles to be printed at once, you need to 'shift-click' " -"on the tiles ('shift-click' means: hold down the [SHIFT]-key on your keyboard " -"and click with the mouse while [SHIFT]-key is held.) The order of your " -"clicking is significant to the order of printing the different tiles. The order " -"of your selection (and for the printed tiles) is indicated by the contents of " -"the text field labelled as 'Tile pages (to be printed):'" -"
Note: By default no tile is selected. Before you can print (a part " -"of) your poster, you must select at least one tile.
This field indicates the paper size the poster tiles will be printed on. To " -"select a different paper size for your poster tiles, go to the 'General' tab " -"of this dialog and select one from the dropdown list.
" -"Available sizes are most standard paper sizes supported by your printer. Your " -"printer's supported paper sizes are read from the printer driver info (as laid " -"down in the 'PPD', the printer description file). " -"Be aware that the 'Paper Size' selected may not be supported by 'poster' " -"(example: 'HalfLetter') while it may well be supported by your printer. " -"If you hit that obstacle, simply use another, supported Paper Size, like 'A4' " -"or 'Letter'. " -"Notice, how the little preview window below changes with your change " -"of paper size. It indicates how many tiles need to be printed to make up the " -"poster, given the selected paper and poster size.
" -"Hint: The little preview window below is not just a passive icon. You " -"can click on its individual tiles to select them for printing. To select " -"multiple tiles to be printed at once, you need to 'shift-click' " -"on the tiles ('shift-click' means: hold down the [SHIFT]-key on your keyboard " -"and click with the mouse while [SHIFT]-key is held.) The order of your " -"clicking is significant to the order of printing the different tiles. The order " -"of your selection (and for the printed tiles) is indicated by the contents of " -"the text field labelled as 'Tile pages (to be printed):'" -"
Note: By default no tile is selected. Before you can print (a part " -"of) your poster, you must select at least one tile.
Slider and spinbox let you determine a 'cut margin' " -"which will be printed onto each tile of your poster to help you cut the pieces " -"as needed.
" -"Notice, how the little preview window above changes with your change " -"of cut margins. It indicates to you how much space the cut margins will take " -"away from each tile. " -"
Be aware, that your cut margins need to be equal to or greater than " -"the margins your printer uses. The printer's capabilities are described in the " -"'ImageableArea' keywords of its driver PPD file.
This field displays and sets the individual tiles to be printed, as well as " -"the order for their printout.
You can file the field with 2 different " -"methods: " -"When editing the field, you can use a '3-7' syntax instead of a '3,4,5,6,7' " -"one.
" -"Examples:
" -"\"2,3,7,9,3\" " -"
This button calls a little dialog to let you select a filter here.
" -"Note 1: You can chain different filters as long as you make sure " -"that the output of one fits as input of the next. (KDEPrint checks your " -"filtering chain and will warn you if you fail to do so.
" -"Note 2: The filters you define here are applied to your jobfile " -"before it is handed downstream to your spooler and print subsystem " -"(e.g. CUPS, LPRng, LPD).
This button removes the highlighted filter from the list of filters.
This button moves the highlighted filter up in the list of filters, towards " -"the front of the filtering chain.
Tämä painike siirtää valitun tiedoston ylöspäin tulostettavien tiedostojen " -"luettelossa.
" -"Tämä siis muuttaa tiedostojen tulostusjärjestystä.
This button moves the highlighted filter down in the list of filters, " -"towards the end of the filtering chain..
Tämä painike siirtää valitun tiedoston alaspäin tulostettavien tiedostojen " -"luettelossa.
" -"Tämä siis muuttaa tiedostojen tulostusjärjestystä.
This button lets you configure the currently highlighted filter. It opens a " -"separate dialog.
This field shows some general info about the selected filter. Amongst them " -"are: " -"
This field shows which filters are currently selected to act as " -"'pre-filters' for KDEPrint. Pre-filters are processing the print files " -"before they are send downstream to your real print subsystem.
" -"The list shown in this field may be empty (default).
" -"The pre-filters act on the printjob in the order they are listed (from top " -"to bottom). This is done by acting as a filtering chain " -"where the output of one filter acts as input to the next. By putting the " -"filters into the wrong order, you can make the filtering chain fail. For " -"example: if your file is ASCII text, and you want the output being processed " -"by the 'Multipage per Sheet' filter, the first filter must be one that " -"processes ASCII into PostScript.
" -"KDEPrint can utilize any external filtering program which you may " -"find useful through this interface.
" -"KDEPrint ships preconfigured with support for a selection of common filters. " -"These filters however need to be installed independently from KDEPrint. These " -"pre-filters work for all print subsystems supported by KDEPrint (such " -"as CUPS, LPRng and LPD), because they are not depending on these.
." -"Amongst the pre-configured filters shipping with KDEPrint are:
" -"Please click on the other elements of this dialog to learn more about the " -"KDEPrint pre-filters.
The filter chain is wrong. The output format of at least one filter is not " -"supported by its follower. See Filters tab for more information.
" -msgstr "" -"Suodinketju on väärä. Ainakin yhden suotimen tulostusmuoto ei ole seuraajan " -"tukema. Katso Suotimet-välilehteä saadaksesi lisätietoja.
" - -#: kpfilterpage.cpp:408 -msgid "Input" -msgstr "Syöte" - -#: kpqtpage.cpp:70 -msgid "" -"The exact list of choices depends on the printer driver (\"PPD\") you have " -"installed.
Note 1: the page images get scaled down accordingly to print 2 or 4 " -"pages per sheet. The page image does not get scaled if you print 1 page per " -"sheet (the default setting.). " -"
Note 2: If you select multiple pages per sheet here, the scaling and " -"re-arranging is done by your printing system. " -"
Note 3, regarding \"Other\": You cannot really select Other " -"as the number of pages to print on one sheet.\"Other\" is checkmarked here for " -"information purposes only. " -"
To select 8, 9, 16 or other numbers of pages per sheet: " -"
You can select 2 alternatives: " -"