# UTF-8 test:äëïöü
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Frikkie Thirion <frix@expertron.co.za>, 2001,2002,2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kfindpart stable\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:02+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-11-25 11:29+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Frikkie Thirion <frikkie.thirion@deneloptronics.co.za>\n"
"Language-Team: AFRIKAANS <translate-discuss-af@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "WEB-Vertaler (http://kde.af.org.za)"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "frix@expertron.co.za"

#: kfind.cpp:72 kfinddlg.cpp:40
msgid "&Find"
msgstr "Soek"

#: kfinddlg.cpp:33
msgid "Find Files/Folders"
msgstr "Soek Lêers/Gidse"

#: kfinddlg.cpp:54
msgid "AMiddleLengthText..."
msgstr "AmiddleLengthText..."

#: kfinddlg.cpp:55 kfinddlg.cpp:177
msgid "Ready."
msgstr "Gereed."

#: kfinddlg.cpp:112 kfinddlg.cpp:217
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: one file found\n"
"%n files found"
msgstr ""
"een lêer gevind\n"
"%n lêers gevind"

#: kfinddlg.cpp:152
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "Soek..."

#: kfinddlg.cpp:179
msgid "Aborted."
msgstr "Gekanselleer."

#: kfinddlg.cpp:182 kfinddlg.cpp:187 kfinddlg.cpp:193
msgid "Error."
msgstr "Fout."

#: kfinddlg.cpp:183
msgid "Please specify an absolute path in the \"Look in\" box."
msgstr "Spesifiseer 'n absolute gids soekpad in die \"Kyk in\" boks."

#: kfinddlg.cpp:188
msgid "Could not find the specified folder."
msgstr "Kon nie die gespesifiseerde gids kry nie."

#: kfindpart.cpp:81
msgid "Find Component"
msgstr "Soek Komponent"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:64
msgid "&Named:"
msgstr "Genaamd:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:65
msgid "You can use wildcard matching and \";\" for separating multiple names"
msgstr ""
"Jy kan gebruik willekeurige karakter ooreenstemmende en \";\" vir skei "
"veelvuldige name"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:68
msgid "Look &in:"
msgstr "Kyk in:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:69
msgid "Include &subfolders"
msgstr "Sluit sub-gidse in"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:70
msgid "Case s&ensitive search"
msgstr "Kas sensitief soektog"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:71
msgid "&Browse..."
msgstr "Blaai..."

#: kftabdlg.cpp:72
msgid "&Use files index"
msgstr "Gebruik lêer indeks"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:90
msgid ""
"<qt>Enter the filename you are looking for. <br>Alternatives may be "
"separated by a semicolon \";\".<br><br>The filename may contain the "
"following special characters:<ul><li><b>?</b> matches any single character</"
"li><li><b>*</b> matches zero or more of any characters</li><li><b>[...]</b> "
"matches any of the characters in braces</li></ul><br>Example searches:"
"<ul><li><b>*.kwd;*.txt</b> finds all files ending with .kwd or .txt</"
"li><li><b>go[dt]</b> finds god and got</li><li><b>Hel?o</b> finds all files "
"that start with \"Hel\" and end with \"o\", having one character in between</"
"li><li><b>My Document.kwd</b> finds a file of exactly that name</li></ul></"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Voer die lêernaam waarna jy soek in. <br>Alternatiewe, geskei deur semi-"
"kommas, mag aangedui word.<br><br>Die lêernaam mag die volgende spesiale "
"karakters bevat:<ul><li><b>?</b> stem ooreen met enige enkel karakter</"
"li><li><b>*</b> stem ooreen met geen of meer van 'n karakter</"
"li><li><b>[...]</b> stem met enige van die karakters in die hakkies ooreen</"
"li></ul><br>Voorbeeld soektogte:<ul><li><b>*.kwd;*txt</b> soek lêers wat in "
"kwd en txt eindig</li><li><b>groe[pt]</b> soek groep en groet</li><li><b>Hel?"
"o</b> soek alle lêers wat met \"Hel\" begin en met \"o\" eindig, met een "
"karakter tussen in.</li><li><b>My Dokument.kwd</b> soek lêers met presies "
"hierdie naam.</li></ul></qt>"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:111
msgid ""
"<qt>This lets you use the files' index created by the <i>slocate</i> package "
"to speed-up the search; remember to update the index from time to time "
"(using <i>updatedb</i>).</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Dit laat jou toe om vinniger te soek deur die lêer se indeks te gebruik "
"wat deur die <i>locate</i> paket geskep word. Onthou om die indeks van tyd "
"tot tyd op te dateur deur <i>updatedb</i> te loop.</qt>"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:147
msgid "Find all files created or &modified:"
msgstr "Soek alle lêers geskep of veranderde:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:149
msgid "&between"
msgstr "tussen"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:150
msgid "&during the previous"
msgstr "gedurende die vorige"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:151
msgid "and"
msgstr "en"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:153
msgid "minute(s)"
msgstr "minuut(s)"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:154
msgid "hour(s)"
msgstr "uur(s)"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:155
msgid "day(s)"
msgstr "dag(s)"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:156
msgid "month(s)"
msgstr "maand(s)"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:157
msgid "year(s)"
msgstr "jaar(s)"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:168
msgid "File &size is:"
msgstr "Lêer grootte is:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:174
msgid "Files owned by &user:"
msgstr "Lêers besit deur gebruiker:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:176
msgid "Owned by &group:"
msgstr "Besit deur groep:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:178
msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(geen)"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:179
msgid "At Least"
msgstr "Na Minste"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:180
msgid "At Most"
msgstr "Na Mees"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:181
msgid "Equal To"
msgstr "Gelyk Na"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:183
msgid "Bytes"
msgstr "Grepe"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:184
msgid "KB"
msgstr "Kb"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:185
msgid "MB"
msgstr " mb "

#: kftabdlg.cpp:186
msgid "GB"
msgstr ""

#: kftabdlg.cpp:249
msgid "File &type:"
msgstr "Lêer tipe:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:251
msgid "C&ontaining text:"
msgstr "Bevat teks:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:256
msgid ""
"<qt>If specified, only files that contain this text are found. Note that not "
"all file types from the list above are supported. Please refer to the "
"documentation for a list of supported file types.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>As hierdie gespesifiseer is, sal net lêers wat hierdie teks bevat "
"vertoon word. Let daarop dat nie al die lêers in die lys hierbo geondersteun "
"word nie. Verwys asb. na die dokumentasie vir 'n lys van lêertipes wat "
"ondersteun word."

#: kftabdlg.cpp:264
msgid "Case s&ensitive"
msgstr "Kas sensitief"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:265
msgid "Include &binary files"
msgstr "Sluit binêre lêers in"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:266
msgid "Regular e&xpression"
msgstr "Gewone uitdrukking"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:269
msgid ""
"<qt>This lets you search in any type of file, even those that usually do not "
"contain text (for example program files and images).</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Dit laat jou toe om in enige tipe lêer te soek, selfs in daardie wat nie "
"gewoonlik teks bevat nie (bv. beelde en program lêers).</qt>"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:277
msgid "&Edit..."
msgstr "Redigeer..."

#: kftabdlg.cpp:282
msgid "fo&r:"
msgstr "vir:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:283
msgid "Search &metainfo sections:"
msgstr "Soek in meta inligting seksies:"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:286
msgid "All Files & Folders"
msgstr "Alle Lêers en Gidse"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:288
msgid "Folders"
msgstr "Gidse"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:289
msgid "Symbolic Links"
msgstr "Simboliese Skakel"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:290
msgid "Special Files (Sockets, Device Files, ...)"
msgstr "Spesiale Lêers (Sokets, Toestel Lêers...)"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:291
msgid "Executable Files"
msgstr "Uitvoerbare Lêers"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:292
msgid "SUID Executable Files"
msgstr "SUID Uitvoerbare Lêers"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:293
msgid "All Images"
msgstr "Alle beelde"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:294
msgid "All Video"
msgstr "Alle video"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:295
msgid "All Sounds"
msgstr "Alle klanke"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:343
msgid "Name/&Location"
msgstr "Naam/Ligging"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:344
msgid "C&ontents"
msgstr "Inhoud"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:345
msgid "&Properties"
msgstr "Eienskappe"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:350
msgid ""
"<qt>Search within files' specific comments/metainfo<br>These are some "
"examples:<br><ul><li><b>Audio files (mp3...)</b> Search in id3 tag for a "
"title, an album</li><li><b>Images (png...)</b> Search images with a special "
"resolution, comment...</li></ul></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Soek in lêers se kommentaar en meta inligting<br>Hier is 'n paar "
"voorbeelde:<br><ul><li><b>Klank lêers (mp3)</b> Soek in id3 etiket vir "
"titel, album, kunstenaar</li><li><b>Beelde (png...)</b> Soek beelde met 'n "
"spesifike resolusio, kommentaar...</li></ul></qt>"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:358
msgid ""
"<qt>If specified, search only in this field<br><ul><li><b>Audio files "
"(mp3...)</b> This can be Title, Album...</li><li><b>Images (png...)</b> "
"Search only in Resolution, Bitdepth...</li></ul></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>As dit geaktiveer is, soek net in die spesifieke "
"veld<br><ul><li><b>Klank lêers (mp3...)</b> Dit kan titel, album...</"
"li><li><b>Beelde (png...)</b> Soek slegs resolusie, bis diepte...</li></ul></"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:552
#, fuzzy
msgid "Unable to search within a period that is less than a minute."
msgstr ""
"Nie moontlik na soektog binne in 'n periode wat is minder as 'n minuut."

#: kftabdlg.cpp:563
msgid "The date is not valid."
msgstr "Die datum is nie geldige nie."

#: kftabdlg.cpp:565
msgid "Invalid date range."
msgstr "Ongeldige datum omvang."

#: kftabdlg.cpp:567
msgid "Unable to search dates in the future."
msgstr "Kan nie na datums in die toekoms soek nie."

#: kftabdlg.cpp:628
msgid "Size is too big. Set maximum size value?"
msgstr "Grootte is te groot. Stel maksimum grootte waarde?"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:628
msgid "Set"
msgstr "Stel"

#: kftabdlg.cpp:628
msgid "Do Not Set"
msgstr "Moet nie stel nie"

#: kfwin.cpp:49
msgid "Read-write"
msgstr "Lees-skryf"

#: kfwin.cpp:50
msgid "Read-only"
msgstr "Lees-alleen"

#: kfwin.cpp:51
msgid "Write-only"
msgstr "Net skryf"

#: kfwin.cpp:52
msgid "Inaccessible"
msgstr "Ontoeganklik"

#: kfwin.cpp:115
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Naam"

#: kfwin.cpp:116
msgid "In Subfolder"
msgstr "In Subgids"

#: kfwin.cpp:117
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Grootte"

#: kfwin.cpp:119
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Verander"

#: kfwin.cpp:121
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Regte"

#: kfwin.cpp:124
msgid "First Matching Line"
msgstr "Eerste Ooreenstemmende Lyn"

#: kfwin.cpp:194
msgid "Save Results As"
msgstr "Stoor Resultate As"

#: kfwin.cpp:219
msgid "Unable to save results."
msgstr "Kon nie die resultate stoor nie."

#: kfwin.cpp:230 kfwin.cpp:231 kfwin.cpp:232
msgid "KFind Results File"
msgstr "KFind Resultaat Lêer"

#: kfwin.cpp:259
msgid "Results were saved to file\n"
msgstr "Resultate na lêer gestoors\n"

#: kfwin.cpp:289
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Do you really want to delete the selected file?\n"
"Do you really want to delete the %n selected files?"
msgstr ""
"Wil jy rêrig die gekiesde lêer uitvee?\n"
"Wil jy rêrig die %n gekiesde lêers uitvee?"

#: kfwin.cpp:412
msgid ""
"_: Menu item\n"
msgstr "Maak oop"

#: kfwin.cpp:413
msgid "Open Folder"
msgstr "Maak gids oop"

#: kfwin.cpp:418
msgid "Open With..."
msgstr "Maak oop met..."

#: kfwin.cpp:424
msgid "Selected Files"
msgstr "Gekiesde Lêers"

#: kquery.cpp:483
msgid "Error while using locate"
msgstr "'n Fout het met die gebruik van 'locate' voorgekom"

#: main.cpp:14
msgid "TDE file find utility"
msgstr "TDE lêer soek program."

#: main.cpp:18
msgid "Path(s) to search"
msgstr "Gids om in te soek"

#: main.cpp:25
msgid "KFind"
msgstr "KFind"

#: main.cpp:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "(c) 1998-2003, The KDE Developers"
msgstr "(c) 1998-2003, Die TDE Ontwikkelaars"

#: main.cpp:29
msgid "Current Maintainer"
msgstr "Huidige Onderhouer"

#: main.cpp:30
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Ontwikkelaar"

#: main.cpp:31
msgid "UI Design & more search options"
msgstr "Gebruiker koppelvlak Ontwerper & meer soektog opsies"

#: main.cpp:41
msgid "UI Design"
msgstr "Gebruiker koppelvlak ontwerp"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error"
#~ msgstr "Fout."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Properties"
#~ msgstr "Eienskappe"