# translation of kaddressbook.po to Czech
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Zdeněk Tlustý <ztlusty@netscape.net>, 2000.
# Lukáš Tinkl <lukas@kde.org>, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007.
# Ivo Jánský <Ivo.Jansky@seznam.cz>, 2003, 2004.
# Ivo Jánský <ij15nyc@ij15nyc>, 2004.
# Karel Funda <funda_k@seznam.cz>, 2004.
# Klara Cihlarova <koty@seznam.cz>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kaddressbook\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:03+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-04-18 13:19+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Lukáš Tinkl <lukas@kde.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Czech <cs@li.org>\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Zdeněk Tlustý,Lukáš Tinkl,Ivo Jánský,Klára Cihlářová"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "nene@wo.cz,lukas@kde.org,Ivo.Jansky@seznam.cz,koty@seznam.cz"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:100
msgid ""
"_: street/postal\n"
"&Edit Addresses..."
msgstr "Upravit adr&esy..."

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:262
msgid ""
"_: street/postal\n"
"Edit Address"
msgstr "Upravit adresu"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:276
msgid ""
"_: <streetLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:287
msgid ""
"_: <postOfficeBoxLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:293
msgid ""
"_: <localityLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:299
msgid ""
"_: <regionLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:305
msgid ""
"_: <postalCodeLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:311
msgid ""
"_: <countryLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:318
msgid "Edit Label..."
msgstr "Upravit popisek..."

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:327
msgid ""
"_: street/postal\n"
"This is the preferred address"
msgstr "Toto je preferovaná adresa"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:337
msgid "New..."
msgstr "Nový..."

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:343
msgid "Change Type..."
msgstr "Změnit typ..."

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:508
msgid "Afghanistan"
msgstr "Afghánistán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:508
msgid "Albania"
msgstr "Albánie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:508
msgid "Algeria"
msgstr "Alžírsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:509
msgid "American Samoa"
msgstr "Americká Samoa"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:509
msgid "Andorra"
msgstr "Andorra"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:509
msgid "Angola"
msgstr "Angola"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:510
msgid "Anguilla"
msgstr "Anguilla"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:510
msgid "Antarctica"
msgstr "Antarktida"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:510
msgid "Antigua and Barbuda"
msgstr "Antigua a Barbuda"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:511
msgid "Argentina"
msgstr "Argentina"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:511
msgid "Armenia"
msgstr "Arménie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:511
msgid "Aruba"
msgstr "Aruba"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:512
msgid "Ashmore and Cartier Islands"
msgstr "Ašmore a Cartierovy ostrovy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:512
msgid "Australia"
msgstr "Austrálie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:513
msgid "Austria"
msgstr "Rakousko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:513
msgid "Azerbaijan"
msgstr "Ázerbájdžán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:513
msgid "Bahamas"
msgstr "Bahamy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:514
msgid "Bahrain"
msgstr "Bahrajn"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:514
msgid "Bangladesh"
msgstr "Bangladéš"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:514
msgid "Barbados"
msgstr "Barbados"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:515
msgid "Belarus"
msgstr "Bělorusko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:515
msgid "Belgium"
msgstr "Belgie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:515
msgid "Belize"
msgstr "Belize"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:516
msgid "Benin"
msgstr "Benin"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:516
msgid "Bermuda"
msgstr "Bermudy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:516
msgid "Bhutan"
msgstr "Bhútán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:517
msgid "Bolivia"
msgstr "Bolívie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:517
msgid "Bosnia and Herzegovina"
msgstr "Bosna a Hercegovina"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:517
msgid "Botswana"
msgstr "Botswana"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:518
msgid "Brazil"
msgstr "Brazílie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:518
msgid "Brunei"
msgstr "Brunej"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:518
msgid "Bulgaria"
msgstr "Bulharsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:519
msgid "Burkina Faso"
msgstr "Burkina Faso"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:519
msgid "Burundi"
msgstr "Burundi"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:519
msgid "Cambodia"
msgstr "Kambodža"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:520
msgid "Cameroon"
msgstr "Kamerun"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:520
msgid "Canada"
msgstr "Kanada"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:520
msgid "Cape Verde"
msgstr "Kapverdy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:521
msgid "Cayman Islands"
msgstr "Kajmanské ostrovy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:521
msgid "Central African Republic"
msgstr "Středoafrická republika"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:522
msgid "Chad"
msgstr "Čad"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:522
msgid "Chile"
msgstr "Chile"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:522
msgid "China"
msgstr "Čína"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:522
msgid "Colombia"
msgstr "Kolumbie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:523
msgid "Comoros"
msgstr "Komory"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:523
msgid "Congo"
msgstr "Kongo"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:523
msgid "Congo, Dem. Rep."
msgstr "Konžská demokratická republika"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:524
msgid "Costa Rica"
msgstr "Kostarika"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:524
msgid "Croatia"
msgstr "Chorvatsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:525
msgid "Cuba"
msgstr "Kuba"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:525
msgid "Cyprus"
msgstr "Kypr"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:525
msgid "Czech Republic"
msgstr "Česká republika"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:526
msgid "Denmark"
msgstr "Dánsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:526
msgid "Djibouti"
msgstr "Džibuti"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:527
msgid "Dominica"
msgstr "Dominika"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:527
msgid "Dominican Republic"
msgstr "Dominikánská republika"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:527
msgid "Ecuador"
msgstr "Ekvádor"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:528
msgid "Egypt"
msgstr "Egypt"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:528
msgid "El Salvador"
msgstr "Salvador"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:528
msgid "Equatorial Guinea"
msgstr "Rovníková Guinea"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:529
msgid "Eritrea"
msgstr "Eritrea"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:529
msgid "Estonia"
msgstr "Estonsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:529
msgid "England"
msgstr "Anglie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:530
msgid "Ethiopia"
msgstr "Etiopie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:530
msgid "European Union"
msgstr "Evropská unie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:530
msgid "Faroe Islands"
msgstr "Faerské ostrovy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:531
msgid "Fiji"
msgstr "Fidži"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:531
msgid "Finland"
msgstr "Finsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:531
msgid "France"
msgstr "Francie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:532
msgid "French Polynesia"
msgstr "Francouzská Polynésie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:532
msgid "Gabon"
msgstr "Gabon"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:532
msgid "Gambia"
msgstr "Gambie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:533
msgid "Georgia"
msgstr "Gruzie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:533
msgid "Germany"
msgstr "Německo"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:533
msgid "Ghana"
msgstr "Ghana"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:534
msgid "Greece"
msgstr "Řecko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:534
msgid "Greenland"
msgstr "Grónsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:534
msgid "Grenada"
msgstr "Grenada"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:535
msgid "Guam"
msgstr "Guam"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:535
msgid "Guatemala"
msgstr "Guatemala"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:535
msgid "Guinea"
msgstr "Guinea"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:536
msgid "Guinea-Bissau"
msgstr "Guinea Bissau"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:536
msgid "Guyana"
msgstr "Guyana"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:536
msgid "Haiti"
msgstr "Haiti"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:537
msgid "Honduras"
msgstr "Honduras"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:537
msgid "Hong Kong"
msgstr "Hongkong"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:537
msgid "Hungary"
msgstr "Maďarsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:538
msgid "Iceland"
msgstr "Island"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:538
msgid "India"
msgstr "Indie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:538
msgid "Indonesia"
msgstr "Indonésie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:539
msgid "Iran"
msgstr "Írán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:539
msgid "Iraq"
msgstr "Irák"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:539
msgid "Ireland"
msgstr "Irsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:540
msgid "Israel"
msgstr "Izrael"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:540
msgid "Italy"
msgstr "Itálie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:540
msgid "Ivory Coast"
msgstr "Pobřeží slonoviny"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:541
msgid "Jamaica"
msgstr "Jamajka"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:541
msgid "Japan"
msgstr "Japonsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:541
msgid "Jordan"
msgstr "Jordánsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:542
msgid "Kazakhstan"
msgstr "Kazachstán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:542
msgid "Kenya"
msgstr "Keňa"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:542
msgid "Kiribati"
msgstr "Kiribati"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:543
msgid "Korea, North"
msgstr "Korea, severní"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:543
msgid "Korea, South"
msgstr "Korea, jižní"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:544
msgid "Kuwait"
msgstr "Kuvajt"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:544
msgid "Kyrgyzstan"
msgstr "Kyrgyzstán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:544
msgid "Laos"
msgstr "Laos"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:545
msgid "Latvia"
msgstr "Lotyšsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:545
msgid "Lebanon"
msgstr "Libanon"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:545
msgid "Lesotho"
msgstr "Lesotho"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:546
msgid "Liberia"
msgstr "Libérie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:546
msgid "Libya"
msgstr "Lýbie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:546
msgid "Liechtenstein"
msgstr "Lichtenštejnsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:547
msgid "Lithuania"
msgstr "Litva"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:547
msgid "Luxembourg"
msgstr "Lucembursko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:547
msgid "Macau"
msgstr "Macau"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:548
msgid "Madagascar"
msgstr "Madagaskar"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:548
msgid "Malawi"
msgstr "Malawi"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:548
msgid "Malaysia"
msgstr "Malajsie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:549
msgid "Maldives"
msgstr "Maledivy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:549
msgid "Mali"
msgstr "Mali"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:549
msgid "Malta"
msgstr "Malta"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:550
msgid "Marshall Islands"
msgstr "Marshallovy ostrovy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:550
msgid "Martinique"
msgstr "Martinik"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:550
msgid "Mauritania"
msgstr "Mauretánie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:551
msgid "Mauritius"
msgstr "Mauricius"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:551
msgid "Mexico"
msgstr "Mexiko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:552
msgid "Micronesia, Federated States Of"
msgstr "Federativní státy Mikronésie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:552
msgid "Moldova"
msgstr "Moldávie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:553
msgid "Monaco"
msgstr "Monako"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:553
msgid "Mongolia"
msgstr "Mongolsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:553
msgid "Montserrat"
msgstr "Montserrat"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:554
msgid "Morocco"
msgstr "Maroko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:554
msgid "Mozambique"
msgstr "Mosambik"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:554
msgid "Myanmar"
msgstr "Myanmar"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:555
msgid "Namibia"
msgstr "Namibie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:556
msgid "Nauru"
msgstr "Nauru"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:556
msgid "Nepal"
msgstr "Nepál"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:556
msgid "Netherlands"
msgstr "Nizozemí"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:557
msgid "Netherlands Antilles"
msgstr "Nizozemské Antily"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:557
msgid "New Caledonia"
msgstr "Nová Kaledonie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:558
msgid "New Zealand"
msgstr "Nový Zéland"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:558
msgid "Nicaragua"
msgstr "Nikaragua"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:558
msgid "Niger"
msgstr "Niger"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:559
msgid "Nigeria"
msgstr "Nigérie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:559
msgid "Niue"
msgstr "Niue"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:559
msgid "North Korea"
msgstr "Severní Korea"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:560
msgid "Northern Ireland"
msgstr "Severní Irsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:560
msgid "Northern Mariana Islands"
msgstr "Northern Mariana Islands"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:561
msgid "Norway"
msgstr "Norsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:561
msgid "Oman"
msgstr "Omán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:561
msgid "Pakistan"
msgstr "Pákistán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:561
msgid "Palau"
msgstr "Palau"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:562
msgid "Palestinian"
msgstr "Palestina"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:562
msgid "Panama"
msgstr "Panama"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:562
msgid "Papua New Guinea"
msgstr "Papua - Nová Guinea"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:563
msgid "Paraguay"
msgstr "Paraguay"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:563
msgid "Peru"
msgstr "Peru"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:563
msgid "Philippines"
msgstr "Filipíny"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:564
msgid "Poland"
msgstr "Polsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:564
msgid "Portugal"
msgstr "Portugalsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:564
msgid "Puerto Rico"
msgstr "Portoriko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:565
msgid "Qatar"
msgstr "Katar"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:565
msgid "Romania"
msgstr "Rumunsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:565
msgid "Russia"
msgstr "Rusko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:565
msgid "Rwanda"
msgstr "Rwanda"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:566 addresseditwidget.cpp:573
msgid "St. Kitts and Nevis"
msgstr "Sv. Krištof a Nevis"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:566
msgid "St. Lucia"
msgstr "Sv. Lucie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:567
msgid "St. Vincent and the Grenadines"
msgstr "Sv. Vincent a Grenadine"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:567
msgid "San Marino"
msgstr "San Marino"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:568
msgid "Sao Tome and Principe"
msgstr "Sao Tome"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:568
msgid "Saudi Arabia"
msgstr "Saúdská Arábie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:569
msgid "Senegal"
msgstr "Senegal"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:569
msgid "Serbia & Montenegro"
msgstr "Srbsko a Černá hora"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:569
msgid "Seychelles"
msgstr "Sejšely"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:570
msgid "Sierra Leone"
msgstr "Sierra Leone"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:570
msgid "Singapore"
msgstr "Singapur"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:570
msgid "Slovakia"
msgstr "Slovensko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:571
msgid "Slovenia"
msgstr "Slovinsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:571
msgid "Solomon Islands"
msgstr "Šalamounovy ostrovy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:571
msgid "Somalia"
msgstr "Somálsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:572
msgid "South Africa"
msgstr "Jižní Afrika"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:572
msgid "South Korea"
msgstr "Jižní Korea"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:572
msgid "Spain"
msgstr "Španělsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:573
msgid "Sri Lanka"
msgstr "Srí Lanka"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:573
msgid "Sudan"
msgstr "Súdán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:574
msgid "Suriname"
msgstr "Surinam"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:574
msgid "Swaziland"
msgstr "Svazijsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:574
msgid "Sweden"
msgstr "Švédsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:575
msgid "Switzerland"
msgstr "Švýcarsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:575
msgid "Syria"
msgstr "Sýrie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:575
msgid "Taiwan"
msgstr "Taiwan"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:576
msgid "Tajikistan"
msgstr "Tadžikistán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:576
msgid "Tanzania"
msgstr "Tanzanie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:576
msgid "Thailand"
msgstr "Thajsko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:577
msgid "Tibet"
msgstr "Tibet"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:577
msgid "Togo"
msgstr "Togo"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:577
msgid "Tonga"
msgstr "Tonga"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:578
msgid "Trinidad and Tobago"
msgstr "Trinidad a Tobago"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:578
msgid "Tunisia"
msgstr "Tunis"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:578
msgid "Turkey"
msgstr "Turecko"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:579
msgid "Turkmenistan"
msgstr "Turkmenistán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:579
msgid "Turks and Caicos Islands"
msgstr "Ostrovy Turks a Caicos"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:580
msgid "Tuvalu"
msgstr "Tuvalu"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:580
msgid "Uganda"
msgstr "Uganda"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:580
msgid "Ukraine"
msgstr "Ukrajina"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:581
msgid "United Arab Emirates"
msgstr "Spojené arabské emiráty"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:581
msgid "United Kingdom"
msgstr "Spojené království"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:582
msgid "United States"
msgstr "Spojené státy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:582
msgid "Uruguay"
msgstr "Uruguay"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:582
msgid "Uzbekistan"
msgstr "Uzbekistán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:583
msgid "Vanuatu"
msgstr "Vanuatu"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:583
msgid "Vatican City"
msgstr "Vatikán"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:583
msgid "Venezuela"
msgstr "Venezuela"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:584
msgid "Vietnam"
msgstr "Vietnam"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:584
msgid "Western Samoa"
msgstr "Západní Samoa"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:584
msgid "Yemen"
msgstr "Jemen"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:585
msgid "Yugoslavia"
msgstr "Jugoslávie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:585
msgid "Zaire"
msgstr "Zair"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:585
msgid "Zambia"
msgstr "Zambie"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:586
msgid "Zimbabwe"
msgstr "Zimbabwe"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:603
msgid ""
"_: street/postal\n"
"Edit Address Type"
msgstr "Upravit typ adresy"

#: addresseditwidget.cpp:609
msgid ""
"_: street/postal\n"
"Address Types"
msgstr "Typy adres"

#: addresseeeditordialog.cpp:39 undocmds.cpp:213
msgid "Edit Contact"
msgstr "Upravit kontakt"

#: addresseeeditordialog.cpp:150
msgid "Edit Contact '%1'"
msgstr "Upravit kontakt '%1'"

#: addresseeeditorextension.cpp:74
msgid "Contact Editor"
msgstr "Editor kontaktů"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:165
msgid "Edit Name..."
msgstr "Upravit jméno..."

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:166
msgid "Edit the contact's name"
msgstr "Upravit jméno kontaktu"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:184
msgid ""
"_: <roleLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:193
msgid ""
"_: <organizationLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:202 nameeditdialog.cpp:102
msgid "Formatted name:"
msgstr "Formátované jméno:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:259
msgid ""
"_: <urlLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:269
msgid "Blog feed:"
msgstr "Kanál blogu:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:292 kabcore.cpp:1418
msgid "Select Categories..."
msgstr "Vybrat kategorie..."

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:308
msgid "&General"
msgstr "O&becné"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:332
msgid "Department:"
msgstr "Oddělení:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:340
msgid "Office:"
msgstr "Kancelář:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:348
msgid "Profession:"
msgstr "Povolání:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:356
msgid "Manager's name:"
msgstr "Jméno manažera:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:364
msgid "Assistant's name:"
msgstr "Jméno asistenta:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:372
msgid ""
"_: <titleLabel>:\n"
msgstr "%1:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:391
msgid "Nickname:"
msgstr "Přezdívka:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:399
msgid "Partner's name:"
msgstr "Jméno partnera:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:407
msgid "Birthdate:"
msgstr "Narozeniny:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:417
msgid "Anniversary:"
msgstr "Výročí:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:432
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Poznámka:"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:445
msgid "&Details"
msgstr "&Detaily"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:458
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Různé"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:844
msgid "You must specify a valid date"
msgstr "Musíte zadat platné datum"

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:864
msgid "You have to enter a valid birthdate."
msgstr "Musíte zadat platné datum narození."

#: addresseeeditorwidget.cpp:870
msgid "You have to enter a valid anniversary."
msgstr "Musíte zadat platné datum výročí."

#: addviewdialog.cpp:38
msgid "Add View"
msgstr "Přidat pohled"

#: addviewdialog.cpp:52
msgid "View name:"
msgstr "Název pohledu:"

#: addviewdialog.cpp:60
msgid "View Type"
msgstr "Typ pohledu"

#: common/kabprefs.cpp:61
msgid "Business"
msgstr "Zaměstnání"

#: common/kabprefs.cpp:61
msgid "Family"
msgstr "Rodina"

#: common/kabprefs.cpp:61
msgid "School"
msgstr "Škola"

#: common/kabprefs.cpp:62
msgid "Customer"
msgstr "Zákazník"

#: common/kabprefs.cpp:62
msgid "Friend"
msgstr "Přítel"

#: common/locationmap.cpp:77
msgid ""
"No service provider available for map lookup!\n"
"Please add one in the configuration dialog."
msgstr ""
"Pro vyhledávání na mapě není dostupný žádný poskytovatel.\n"
"Prosím přidejte nějakého v dialogu nastavení."

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:46
msgid "Add Field"
msgstr "Přidat pole"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:53
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Titulek:"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:61
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Typ:"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:68
msgid "Is available for all contacts"
msgstr "Je dostupné pro všechny kontakty"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:78
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Text"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:80
msgid "Numeric Value"
msgstr "Číselná hodnota"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:82
msgid "Boolean"
msgstr "Boolean"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:84
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:86
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Čas"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:88
msgid "Date & Time"
msgstr "Datum a čas"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:433
msgid "A field with the same name already exists, please choose another one."
msgstr "Pole se stejným názvem již existuje. Použijte prosím jiný názvem."

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:462
msgid "Remove Field"
msgstr "Odstranit pole"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:463
msgid "Select the field you want to remove:"
msgstr "Vyberte pole, které chcete odstranit:"

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:494
msgid "Add Field..."
msgstr "Přidat pole..."

#: customfieldswidget.cpp:497
msgid "Remove Field..."
msgstr "Odstranit pole..."

#: customfieldswidget.h:159
msgid "Custom Fields"
msgstr "Volitelná pole"

#: distributionlisteditor.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit Distribution List"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: distributionlisteditor.cpp:174 filtereditdialog.cpp:122
#: simpleaddresseeeditor.cpp:70
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Jméno:"

#: distributionlisteditor.cpp:184
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distribution list members:"
msgstr "Editor distribučního seznam"

#: distributionlisteditor.cpp:264
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A distribution list with the name %1 already exists. Please choose another "
msgstr "Pole se stejným názvem již existuje. Použijte prosím jiný názvem."

#: distributionlisteditor.cpp:264
msgid "Name in Use"
msgstr ""

#: distributionlistentryview.cpp:46
#, fuzzy
msgid "<b>Distribution list:</b>"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: distributionlistentryview.cpp:59
msgid "<b>Email address to use in this list:</b>"
msgstr ""

#: distributionlistentryview.cpp:109
msgid ""
"_: Formatted name, role, organization\n"
msgstr ""

#: distributionlistentryview.cpp:112
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "<b>Address book:</b> %1"
msgstr "Kniha adres"

#: distributionlistpicker.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add New Distribution List"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: distributionlistpicker.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter Name"
msgstr "Jméno partnera"

#: distributionlistpicker.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enter a name for the new distribution list:"
msgstr "Přejmenovat Nový distribuční seznam"

#: distributionlistpicker.cpp:115
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"A distribution list with the the name %1 already exists. Please choose "
"another name"
msgstr "Pole se stejným názvem již existuje. Použijte prosím jiný názvem."

#: distributionlistpicker.cpp:115
msgid "Name Exists"
msgstr ""

#: editors/cryptowidget.cpp:63
msgid "Crypto Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení šifrování"

#: editors/cryptowidget.cpp:79
msgid "Allowed Protocols"
msgstr "Povolené protokoly"

#: editors/cryptowidget.cpp:92
msgid "Preferred OpenPGP encryption key:"
msgstr "Preferovaný šifrovací OpenPGP klíč:"

#: editors/cryptowidget.cpp:98
msgid "Preferred S/MIME encryption certificate:"
msgstr "Preferovaný šifrovací certifikát S/MIME"

#: editors/cryptowidget.cpp:104
msgid "Message Preference"
msgstr "Nastavení zprávy"

#: editors/cryptowidget.cpp:111
msgid "Sign:"
msgstr "Podpis:"

#: editors/cryptowidget.cpp:121
msgid "Encrypt:"
msgstr "Šifrování:"

#: editors/imeditorwidget.cpp:87
msgid ""
"_: <nickname> on <server>\n"
"%1 on %2"
msgstr "%1 na %2"

#: editors/imeditorwidget.cpp:144
msgid "Edit Instant Messenging Address"
msgstr "Upravit adresy komunikátoru"

#: editors/imeditorwidget.cpp:334
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
"Add Address"
msgstr "Přidat adresu"

#: editors/imaddressbase.ui:24 editors/imeditorwidget.cpp:371
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
"Edit Address"
msgstr "Upravit adresu"

#: editors/imeditorwidget.cpp:425
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Do you really want to delete the selected address?\n"
"Do you really want to delete the %n selected addresses?"
msgstr ""
"Opravdu chcete odstranit vybranou adresu?\n"
"Opravdu chcete odstranit %n vybrané adresy?\n"
"Opravdu chcete odstranit %n vybraných adres?"

#: editors/imeditorwidget.cpp:426 viewmanager.cpp:311
msgid "Confirm Delete"
msgstr "Potvrzení smazání"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:95 emaileditwidget.cpp:281 simpleaddresseeeditor.cpp:78
msgid "Email:"
msgstr "Email:"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:107
msgid "Edit Email Addresses..."
msgstr "Upravit emaily..."

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:176
msgid "Edit Email Addresses"
msgstr "Upravit emaily"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:194 keywidget.cpp:53
msgid "Add..."
msgstr "Přidat..."

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:198 features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:177
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Upravit..."

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:206
msgid "Set Standard"
msgstr "Nastavit jako standardní"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:256
msgid "Add Email"
msgstr "Přidat email"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:256
msgid "New Email:"
msgstr "Nový email:"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:281
msgid "Edit Email"
msgstr "Upravit email"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:305
msgid ""
"<qt>Are you sure that you want to remove the email address <b>%1</b>?</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Opravdu chcete odstranit emailovou adresu <b>%1</b>?</qt>"

#: emaileditwidget.cpp:306
msgid "Confirm Remove"
msgstr "Potvrzení smazání"

#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:110
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distribution List Editor NG"
msgstr "Editor distribučního seznam"

#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:127
#, fuzzy
msgid "Distribution Lists"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add distribution list"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:139
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit distribution list"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove distribution list"
msgstr "Přejmenovat Nový distribuční seznam"

#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Distribution List..."
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:175
#: features/distributionlistngwidget.cpp:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "All Contacts"
msgstr "&Všechny kontakty"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:163
msgid "New List..."
msgstr "Nový seznam..."

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:167
msgid "Rename List..."
msgstr "Přejmenovat seznam..."

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:171
msgid "Remove List"
msgstr "Odstranit seznam"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:176 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:171
#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:362
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Jméno"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:177 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:83
#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:172 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:294 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:367
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:178
msgid "Use Preferred"
msgstr "Použít preferované"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:188
msgid "Add Contact"
msgstr "Přidat kontakt"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:196
msgid "Change Email..."
msgstr "Změnit email..."

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:200
msgid "Remove Contact"
msgstr "Odebrat kontakt"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:266 kabcore.cpp:717
msgid "New Distribution List"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:267
#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:307
msgid "Please enter name:"
msgstr "Prosím zadejte název:"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:273
msgid "The name already exists"
msgstr "Jméno již existuje"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:306
msgid "Rename Distribution List"
msgstr "Přejmenovat Nový distribuční seznam"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:313
msgid "The name already exists."
msgstr "Jméno již existuje."

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:346
msgid "<qt>Delete distribution list <b>%1</b>?</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Smazat distribuční seznam <b>%1</b>?</qt>"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:508
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Count: %n contact\n"
"Count: %n contacts"
msgstr ""
"Počet: 1 kontakt\n"
"Počet: %n kontakty\n"
"Počet: %n kontaktů"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:568
msgid "Distribution List Editor"
msgstr "Editor distribučního seznam"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:626
msgid "Select Email Address"
msgstr "Vybrat emailové adresy"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:632
msgid "Email Addresses"
msgstr "Emailové adresa"

#: features/distributionlistwidget.cpp:637
msgid "Preferred address"
msgstr "Preferovaná adresa"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:172
msgid "Re&load"
msgstr ""

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:182 filtereditdialog.cpp:270
msgid "&Edit..."
msgstr "&Upravit..."

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:187 filtereditdialog.cpp:269
msgid "&Add..."
msgstr "Přid&at..."

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:224 features/resourceselection.cpp:494
#: features/resourceselection.cpp:515
msgid "Address Books"
msgstr "Knihy adres"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:238
msgid "Add Address Book"
msgstr "Přidat knihu adres"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:239
msgid "Please select type of the new address book:"
msgstr "Prosím zvolte typ nové knihy adres:"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:249
msgid "<qt>Unable to create an address book of type <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze vytvořit knihu adres typu <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:300
msgid "<qt>Do you really want to remove the address book <b>%1</b>?</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Opravdu chcete odstranit knihu adres <b>%1</b>?</qt>"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:500
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add addressbook"
msgstr "Přidat knihu adres"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:505
#, fuzzy
msgid "Edit addressbook settings"
msgstr "Upravit filtry knihy adres"

#: features/resourceselection.cpp:510
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove addressbook"
msgstr "Kniha adres: %1"

#: filtereditdialog.cpp:49
msgid "Edit Address Book Filter"
msgstr "Upravit filtry knihy adres"

#: filtereditdialog.cpp:131
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategorie"

#: filtereditdialog.cpp:142
msgid "Show only contacts matching the selected categories"
msgstr "Zobrazit pouze kontakty, odpovídající vybraným kategoriím"

#: filtereditdialog.cpp:147
msgid "Show all contacts except those matching the selected categories"
msgstr "Zobrazit všechny kontakty kromě odpovídajících vybraným kategoriím"

#: filtereditdialog.cpp:165
msgid "Edit Address Book Filters"
msgstr "Upravit filtry knihy adres"

#: filterselectionwidget.cpp:37
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtr:"

#: freebusywidget.cpp:41
msgid "Location of Free/Busy information:"
msgstr "Umístění informací o aktivitě:"

#: geowidget.cpp:62
msgid "Use geo data"
msgstr "Použít geografické údaje"

#: geowidget.cpp:65 geowidget.cpp:181
msgid "Latitude:"
msgstr "Šířka:"

#: geowidget.cpp:74 geowidget.cpp:203
msgid "Longitude:"
msgstr "Délka:"

#: geowidget.cpp:83
msgid "Edit Geo Data..."
msgstr "Upravit geografické údaje..."

#: geowidget.cpp:161
msgid "Geo Data Input"
msgstr "Vložení geografických dat"

#: geowidget.cpp:177
msgid "Sexagesimal"
msgstr "Šedesátkově"

#: geowidget.cpp:199
msgid "North"
msgstr "Sever"

#: geowidget.cpp:200
msgid "South"
msgstr "Jih"

#: geowidget.cpp:220
msgid "East"
msgstr "Východ"

#: geowidget.cpp:221
msgid "West"
msgstr "Západ"

#: geowidget.cpp:425 xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:65
msgid "Undefined"
msgstr "Nedefinovaný"

#: imagewidget.cpp:79
msgid "This contact's image cannot be found."
msgstr "Obrázek kontaktu nelze najít."

#: imagewidget.cpp:219 incsearchwidget.cpp:50
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Výchozí"

#: imagewidget.cpp:260
msgid "Picture"
msgstr "Obrázek"

#: imeditwidget.cpp:52
msgid "IM address:"
msgstr "IM adresa:"

#: imeditwidget.cpp:63
msgid "Edit IM Addresses..."
msgstr "Upravit IM adresy..."

#: incsearchwidget.cpp:53
msgid "Search:"
msgstr "Hledat:"

#: incsearchwidget.cpp:59
msgid ""
"The incremental search<p>Enter some text here will start the search for the "
"contact, which matches the search pattern best. The part of the contact, "
"which will be used for matching, depends on the field selection."
msgstr ""
"Postupné hledání<p>Zadejte nějaký text a začne se hledat kontakt, který "
"nejlépe odpovídá vyhledávacím parametrům. Část kontaktu, která se bude "
"prohledávat, závisí na vybraných polích."

#: incsearchwidget.cpp:63
msgid ""
"_: as in 'Search in:'\n"
msgstr "&v:"

#: incsearchwidget.cpp:71
msgid "Select incremental search field"
msgstr "Vyberte pole pro postupné vyhledávání"

#: incsearchwidget.cpp:72
msgid ""
"Here you can choose the field, which shall be used for incremental search."
msgstr "Zde můžete vybrat pole, která budou použita pro postupné hledání."

#: incsearchwidget.cpp:118
msgid "Visible Fields"
msgstr "Viditelná pole"

#: incsearchwidget.cpp:119
msgid "All Fields"
msgstr "Všechna pole"

#: kabcore.cpp:117
msgid "Unable to load '%1'."
msgstr "Nelze načíst '%1'."

#: kabcore.cpp:123 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:95 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:307
msgid "Department"
msgstr "Oddělení"

#: kabcore.cpp:126
msgid "Profession"
msgstr "Povolání"

#: kabcore.cpp:128
msgid "Assistant's Name"
msgstr "Jméno asistenta"

#: kabcore.cpp:130
msgid "Manager's Name"
msgstr "Jméno manažera"

#: kabcore.cpp:132
msgid "Partner's Name"
msgstr "Jméno partnera"

#: kabcore.cpp:134
msgid "Office"
msgstr "Kancelář"

#: kabcore.cpp:136
msgid "IM Address"
msgstr "IM adresa"

#: kabcore.cpp:138
msgid "Anniversary"
msgstr "Výročí"

#: kabcore.cpp:140
msgid "Blog"
msgstr "Blog"

#: kabcore.cpp:315
msgid "KAddressBook"
msgstr "Kniha adres"

#: kabcore.cpp:316
msgid "The TDE Address Book"
msgstr "Kniha adres TDE"

#: kabcore.cpp:318
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"(c) 2008-2010, The Trinity Team\n"
"(c) 1997-2005, The KDE PIM Team"
msgstr "(c) 1997-2005, tým TDE PIM"

#: kabcore.cpp:319
msgid "Current maintainer"
msgstr "Současný správce"

#: kabcore.cpp:320
#, fuzzy
msgid "Previous maintainer"
msgstr "Současný správce"

#: kabcore.cpp:321
msgid "Original author"
msgstr "Původní autor"

#: kabcore.cpp:323
msgid "Co-maintainer, libtdeabc port, CSV import/export"
msgstr "Správce, přenos pro libtdeabc, csv import/export"

#: kabcore.cpp:325
msgid "GUI and framework redesign"
msgstr "Přepracování GUI a rámce aplikace"

#: kabcore.cpp:327
msgid "DCOP interface"
msgstr "Rozhraní DCOP"

#: kabcore.cpp:328
msgid "Contact pinning"
msgstr "Přilepování kontaktů"

#: kabcore.cpp:329 kabcore.cpp:331
msgid "LDAP Lookup"
msgstr "Hledání v LDAP"

#: kabcore.cpp:500
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Do you really want to delete this distribution list?\n"
"Do you really want to delete these %n distribution lists?"
msgstr ""
"Opravdu odstranit tento kontakt?\n"
"Opravdu odstranit tyto %n kontakty?\n"
"Opravdu odstranit těchto %n kontaktů?"

#: kabcore.cpp:531
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: <qt>Do you really want to delete this contact from your addressbook?"
"<br><b>Note:</b>The contact will be also removed from all distribution lists."
"<qt>Do you really want to delete these %n contacts from your addressbook?"
"<br><b>Note:</b>The contacts will be also removed from all distribution "
msgstr ""

#: kabcore.cpp:638
msgid "Please select only one contact."
msgstr "Vyberte prosím pouze jeden kontakt"

#: kabcore.cpp:642
msgid ""
"<qt>Do you really want to use <b>%1</b> as your new personal contact?</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Opravdu chcete použít <b>%1</b> jako váš nový osobní kontakt?</qt>"

#: kabcore.cpp:643
msgid "Use"
msgstr "Použít"

#: kabcore.cpp:643
msgid "Do Not Use"
msgstr "Nepoužívat"

#: kabcore.cpp:723
#, fuzzy
msgid "New Distribution List (%1)"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: kabcore.cpp:900
msgid "<qt>Unable to save address book <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze uložit knihu adres <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: kabcore.cpp:907
msgid "<qt>Unable to get access for saving the address book <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze získat oprávnění pro uložení knihy adres <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: kabcore.cpp:1021
msgid ""
"Your TDE installation is missing LDAP support, please ask your administrator "
"or distributor for more information."
msgstr ""
"Vaše instalace TDE neobsahuje podporu LDAP. Kontaktujte svého administrátora "
"nebo distributora pro více informací."

#: kabcore.cpp:1023
msgid "No LDAP IO Slave Available"
msgstr "Pomocný protokol LDAP je nedostupný"

#: kabcore.cpp:1059
msgid "Address Book"
msgstr "Kniha adres"

#: kabcore.cpp:1062
msgid "Print Addresses"
msgstr "Vytisknout adresy"

#: kabcore.cpp:1228 kabcore.cpp:1731
#, fuzzy
msgid "Contacts"
msgstr "Obsahuje"

#: kabcore.cpp:1242
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add contacts to the distribution list"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: kabcore.cpp:1244
msgid ""
"Click this button if you want to add more contacts to the current "
"distribution list. You will be shown a dialog that allows to enter a list of "
"existing contacts to this distribution list."
msgstr ""

#: kabcore.cpp:1256
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove contacts from the distribution list"
msgstr "Přejmenovat Nový distribuční seznam"

#: kabcore.cpp:1258
msgid ""
"Click this button if you want to remove the selected contacts from the "
"current distribution list."
msgstr ""

#: kabcore.cpp:1320
msgid "&Send Email to Contact..."
msgstr "Po&slat email osobě..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1323
msgid "Send a mail to all selected contacts."
msgstr "Poslat email všem vybraným kontaktům."

#: kabcore.cpp:1324
msgid "Print a special number of contacts."
msgstr "Tisknout určitý počet kontaktů."

#: kabcore.cpp:1328
msgid "Save all changes of the address book to the storage backend."
msgstr "Uložit všechny změny knihy adres do úložiště."

#: kabcore.cpp:1330
msgid "&New Contact..."
msgstr "&Nový kontakt..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1332
msgid ""
"Create a new contact<p>You will be presented with a dialog where you can add "
"all data about a person, including addresses and phone numbers."
msgstr ""
"Vytvořit nový kontakt<p>Zobrazí se dialog, ve kterém budete moci přidat "
"všechna data o osobě včetně adres a telefonních čísel."

#: kabcore.cpp:1334
#, fuzzy
msgid "&New Distribution List..."
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: kabcore.cpp:1336
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Create a new distribution list<p>You will be presented with a dialog where "
"you can create a new distribution list."
msgstr ""
"Upravit filtr pro kontakty <p>Zobrazí se vám dialog, kde budete moci přidat, "
"odebrat a upravit filtry."

#: kabcore.cpp:1338
msgid "Send &Contact..."
msgstr "Poslat &kontakt..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1341
msgid "Send a mail with the selected contact as attachment."
msgstr "Poslat email s vybraným kontaktem jako přílohou."

#: kabcore.cpp:1343
msgid "Chat &With..."
msgstr "Zahá&jit rozhovor..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1346
msgid "Start a chat with the selected contact."
msgstr "Zahájit rozhovor s vybraným kontaktem."

#: kabcore.cpp:1348
msgid "&Edit Contact..."
msgstr "&Upravit kontakt..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1351
msgid ""
"Edit a contact<p>You will be presented with a dialog where you can change "
"all data about a person, including addresses and phone numbers."
msgstr ""
"Upravit kontakt<p>Zobrazí se dialog, ve kterém budete moci změnit všechna "
"data o osobě včetně adres a telefonních čísel."

#: kabcore.cpp:1353
msgid "&Merge Contacts"
msgstr "&Sloučit kontakty"

#: kabcore.cpp:1362
msgid ""
"Copy the currently selected contact(s) to system clipboard in vCard format."
msgstr ""
"Kopírovat vybraný(é) kontakt(y) do systémové schránky ve formátu vCard."

#: kabcore.cpp:1363
msgid ""
"Cuts the currently selected contact(s) to system clipboard in vCard format."
msgstr "Přesune vybraný(é) kontakt(y) do systémové schránky ve formátu vCard."

#: kabcore.cpp:1364
msgid "Paste the previously cut or copied contacts from clipboard."
msgstr "Vloží dříve vybrané kontakty ze systémové schránky."

#: kabcore.cpp:1365
msgid "Selects all visible contacts from current view."
msgstr "Vybere všechny viditelné kontakty z aktuálního pohledu."

#: kabcore.cpp:1369
msgid "&Delete Contact"
msgstr "S&mazat kontakt"

#: kabcore.cpp:1372
msgid "Delete all selected contacts."
msgstr "Smazat všechny vybrané kontakty."

#: kabcore.cpp:1375
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Copy Contact To..."
msgstr "Ul&ožit kontakt do..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1378
msgid ""
"Store a contact in a different Addressbook<p>You will be presented with a "
"dialog where you can select a new storage place for this contact."
msgstr ""
"Uložit kontakt v jiné knize adres<p>Zobrazí se vám dialog, kde si můžete "
"zvolit nové umístění pro uložení tohoto kontaktu."

#: kabcore.cpp:1381
#, fuzzy
msgid "M&ove Contact To..."
msgstr "Ul&ožit kontakt do..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1387
msgid "Show Jump Bar"
msgstr "Zobrazovat lištu s písmeny"

#: kabcore.cpp:1389
msgid "Toggle whether the jump button bar shall be visible."
msgstr "Přepnout, pokud má být tlačítko skoku viditelné."

#: kabcore.cpp:1390
msgid "Hide Jump Bar"
msgstr "Skrýt lištu s písmeny"

#: kabcore.cpp:1393
msgid "Show Details"
msgstr "Zobrazit detaily"

#: kabcore.cpp:1395
msgid "Toggle whether the details page shall be visible."
msgstr "Přepnout, pokud má být strana s detaily viditelná."

#: kabcore.cpp:1396
msgid "Hide Details"
msgstr "Skrýt detaily"

#: kabcore.cpp:1400
msgid "&Configure Address Book..."
msgstr "Nastavit &knihu adres..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1406
msgid ""
"You will be presented with a dialog, that offers you all possibilities to "
"configure KAddressBook."
msgstr ""
"Zobrazí se dialog, ve kterém budete moci upravit veškeré volby pro "

#: kabcore.cpp:1409
msgid "&Lookup Addresses in LDAP Directory..."
msgstr "Vyh&ledat adresy v LDAP adresáři..."

#: kabcore.cpp:1411
msgid ""
"Search for contacts on a LDAP server<p>You will be presented with a dialog, "
"where you can search for contacts and select the ones you want to add to "
"your local address book."
msgstr ""
"Hledat kontakty na LDAP serveru<p>Zobrazí se dialog, ve kterém budete moci "
"vyhledat kontakty a vybrat takové, které budete chtít přidat do vašeho "
"lokálního adresáře."

#: kabcore.cpp:1413
msgid "Set as Personal Contact Data"
msgstr "Nastavit jako osobní údaje"

#: kabcore.cpp:1416
msgid ""
"Set the personal contact<p>The data of this contact will be used in many "
"other TDE applications, so you do not have to input your personal data "
"several times."
msgstr ""
"Nastavit osobní kontakt<p>Údaje tohoto kontaktu budou použity v mnoha jiných "
"aplikacích TDE, takže nebudete muset zadávat vaše osobní údaje vícekrát."

#: kabcore.cpp:1421
msgid "Set the categories for all selected contacts."
msgstr "Nastavit kategorie pro všechny vybrané kontakty."

#: kabcore.cpp:1423
msgid "Clear Search Bar"
msgstr "Vyčistit lištu s hledáním"

#: kabcore.cpp:1426
msgid "Clear Search Bar<p>Clears the content of the quick search bar."
msgstr "Vyčistit lištu hledání<p>Smaže obsah vaší lišty rychlého hledání."

#: kabcore.cpp:1505
msgid "Merge with existing categories?"
msgstr "Sloučit s existujícími kategoriemi?"

#: kabcore.cpp:1506
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Sloučit"

#: kabcore.cpp:1506
msgid "Do Not Merge"
msgstr "Neslučovat"

#: kabcore.cpp:1557
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: %n contact matches\n"
"%n contacts matching"
msgstr ""
"1 kontakt odpovídá\n"
"%n kontakty odpovídají\n"
"%n kontaktů odpovídá"

#: kabcore.cpp:1632
msgid ""
"_n: <qt>Do you really want to remove this contact from the %1 distribution "
"list?<br><b>Note:</b>The contact will be not be removed from your "
"addressbook nor from any other distribution list.</qt>\n"
"<qt>Do you really want to remove these %n contacts from the %1 distribution "
"list?<br><b>Note:</b>The contacts will be not be removed from your "
"addressbook nor from any other distribution list.</qt>"
msgstr ""

#: kabcore.cpp:1732
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Distribution List: %1"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: kaddressbook_options.h:33
msgid "Shows contact editor with given email address"
msgstr "Zobrazí editor kontaktů s danou emailovou adresou"

#: kaddressbook_options.h:34
msgid "Shows contact editor with given uid"
msgstr "Zobrazí editor kontaktů s daným UID"

#: kaddressbook_options.h:35
msgid "Launches in editor only mode"
msgstr "Spustí se v režimu editoru"

#: kaddressbook_options.h:36
msgid "Launches editor for the new contact"
msgstr "Spustit editor pro nový kontakt"

#: kaddressbook_options.h:37
msgid "Work on given file"
msgstr "Pracovat na zadaném souboru"

#: kaddressbook_options.h:38
msgid "Import the given vCard"
msgstr "Importovat danou vizitku"

#: kaddressbookmain.cpp:44
msgid "Address Book Browser"
msgstr "Prohlížeč knihy adres"

#: kaddressbookmain.cpp:157
msgid ""
"You will be presented with a dialog, where you can configure the application "
"wide shortcuts."
msgstr ""
"Zobrazí se vám okno, kde budete moci nastavit klávesové zkratky aplikace."

#: keywidget.cpp:47
msgid "Keys:"
msgstr "Klíče:"

#: keywidget.cpp:60
msgid "Export..."
msgstr "Exportovat..."

#: keywidget.cpp:108
msgid "Key Type"
msgstr "Typ klíče"

#: keywidget.cpp:108
msgid "Select the key type:"
msgstr "Vybrat typ klíče:"

#: keywidget.cpp:124 xxport/csv_xxport.cpp:73 xxport/ldif_xxport.cpp:123
msgid "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze otevřít soubor <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: keywidget.cpp:156
msgid "<qt>Do you really want to remove the key <b>%1</b>?</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Opravdu chcete odstranit klíč <b>%1</b>?</qt>"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:81 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:310
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titul"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:82 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:293 nameeditdialog.cpp:308
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Celé jméno"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:84 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:173 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:295
#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:369
msgid "Home Number"
msgstr "Telefon domů"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:85 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:174 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:296
#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:371
msgid "Work Number"
msgstr "Telefon do práce"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:86 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:297
msgid "Mobile Number"
msgstr "Mobilní číslo"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:87 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:298
msgid "Fax Number"
msgstr "Číslo faxu"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:88
msgid "Pager"
msgstr "Pager"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:89 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:301
msgid "Street"
msgstr "Ulice"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:90 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:302
msgid "State"
msgstr "Stát"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:91 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:303
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Země"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:92 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:306
msgid "City"
msgstr "Město"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:93 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:300 nameeditdialog.cpp:311
msgid "Organization"
msgstr "Organizace"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:94 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:299
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Společnost"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:96 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:304
msgid "Zip Code"
msgstr "PSČ"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:97 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:305
#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:386
msgid "Postal Address"
msgstr "Poštovní adresa"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:98 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:308
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:99 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:309
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "ID uživatele"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:143 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:151
msgid "Search for Addresses in Directory"
msgstr "Hledat adresy v adresáři"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:160
msgid "Search for:"
msgstr "Hledat:"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:167
msgid ""
"_: In LDAP attribute\n"
msgstr "v"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:180 ldapsearchdialog.cpp:427
msgid "&Search"
msgstr "&Hledat"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:188
msgid "Recursive search"
msgstr "Rekurzivní hledání"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:193
msgid "Contains"
msgstr "Obsahuje"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:194
msgid "Starts With"
msgstr "Začíná na"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:207
msgid "Unselect All"
msgstr "Odznačit vše"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:213
msgid "Add Selected"
msgstr "Přidat vybrané"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:219
#, fuzzy
msgid "Add to Distribution List..."
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:262
msgid ""
"You must select a LDAP server before searching.\n"
"You can do this from the menu Settings/Configure KAddressBook."
msgstr ""
"Před zahájením hledání musíte zvolit LDAP server.\n"
"Můžete tak učinit v nabídce Nastavení/Nastavit: Kniha adres..."

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:550
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select a distribution list to add the selected contacts to."
msgstr "Poslat email všem vybraným kontaktům."

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:551
#, fuzzy
msgid "Select Distribution List"
msgstr "Nový distribuční seznam"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:576
msgid ""
"_: arguments are host name, datetime\n"
"Imported from LDAP directory %1 on %2"
msgstr ""

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:595
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: The following contact was imported into your address book:\n"
"The following %n contacts were imported into your address book:"
msgstr ""
"Importovat %n kontakt do vaší knihy adres?\n"
"Importovat %n kontakty do vaší knihy adres?\n"
"Importovat %n kontaktů do vaší knihy adres?"

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:607
msgid "Please select the contacts you want to add to the distribution list."
msgstr ""

#: ldapsearchdialog.cpp:607
msgid "No Contacts Selected"
msgstr ""

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:50
msgid "Edit Contact Name"
msgstr "Upravit jméno kontaktu"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:59
msgid "Honorific prefixes:"
msgstr "Před jménem:"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:68
msgid ""
"The predefined honorific prefixes can be extended in the settings dialog."
msgstr "Předdefinované tituly před jménem lze upravit v dialogu nastavení."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:70
msgid "Given name:"
msgstr "Jméno:"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:77
msgid "Additional names:"
msgstr "Další jména:"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:84
msgid "Family names:"
msgstr "Příjmení:"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:91
msgid "Honorific suffixes:"
msgstr "Za jménem:"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:100
msgid ""
"The predefined honorific suffixes can be extended in the settings dialog."
msgstr "Předdefinované tituly za jménem lze upravit v dialogu nastavení."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:114
msgid "Parse name automatically"
msgstr "Automaticky analyzovat jméno"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:132
msgid "Dr."
msgstr "Dr."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:133
msgid "Miss"
msgstr "Slečna"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:134
msgid "Mr."
msgstr "P."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:135
msgid "Mrs."
msgstr "Pí."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:136
msgid "Ms."
msgstr "Sl."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:137
msgid "Prof."
msgstr "Prof."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:143
msgid "I"
msgstr "I"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:144
msgid "II"
msgstr "II"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:145
msgid "III"
msgstr "III"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:146
msgid "Jr."
msgstr "Ml."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:147
msgid "Sr."
msgstr "St."

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:306
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Vlastní"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:307
msgid "Simple Name"
msgstr "Jednoduché jméno"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:309
msgid "Reverse Name with Comma"
msgstr "Obrácené jméno s čárkou"

#: nameeditdialog.cpp:310
msgid "Reverse Name"
msgstr "Obrátit jméno"

#: phoneeditwidget.cpp:92
msgid "Other..."
msgstr "Jiný..."

#: phoneeditwidget.cpp:295
msgid "Edit Phone Number"
msgstr "Upravit telefonní číslo"

#: phoneeditwidget.cpp:303
msgid "This is the preferred phone number"
msgstr "Toto je preferované tel. číslo"

#: phoneeditwidget.cpp:306
msgid "Types"
msgstr "Typy"

#: printing/detailledstyle.cpp:80 printing/ds_appearance.ui:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Detailed Print Style - Appearance"
msgstr "Detailní tiskový styl - vzhled"

#: printing/detailledstyle.cpp:129
msgid "Setting up fonts and colors"
msgstr "Nastavují se písma a barvy"

#: printing/detailledstyle.cpp:212
msgid "Setting up margins and spacing"
msgstr "Nastavují se okraje a řádkování"

#: printing/detailledstyle.cpp:231 printing/mikesstyle.cpp:77
msgid "Printing"
msgstr "Probíhá tisk"

#: printing/detailledstyle.cpp:236 printing/mikesstyle.cpp:105
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Hotovo"

#: printing/detailledstyle.cpp:288
msgid "Detailed Style"
msgstr "Detailní styl"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:251
msgid "Email address:"
msgstr "Email:"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:252
msgid "Email addresses:"
msgstr "Emaily:"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:264
msgid "Telephone:"
msgstr "Telefon:"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:265
msgid "Telephones:"
msgstr "Telefony:"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:282
msgid "Web page:"
msgstr "Webová stránka:"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:363 printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:367
msgid "Address:"
msgstr "Adresa:"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:364 printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:368
msgid "Addresses:"
msgstr "Adresy:"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:380
msgid "Domestic Address"
msgstr "Adresa domů"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:383
msgid "International Address"
msgstr "Mezinárodní adresa"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:389
msgid "Parcel Address"
msgstr "Adresa pro balík"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:392
msgid "Home Address"
msgstr "Adresa domů"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:395
msgid "Work Address"
msgstr "Adresa do práce"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:399
msgid "Preferred Address"
msgstr "Preferovaná adresa"

#: printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:473 printing/kabentrypainter.cpp:477
msgid "(Deliver to:)"
msgstr "(Doručit na:)"

#: printing/mikesstyle.cpp:76
msgid "Preparing"
msgstr "Probíhá příprava"

#: printing/mikesstyle.cpp:207
msgid "Printed on %1 by KAddressBook (http://www.kde.org)"
msgstr "Vytištěno %1 pomocí aplikace KAddressBook (http://pim.kde.org)"

#: printing/mikesstyle.cpp:259
msgid "Mike's Printing Style"
msgstr "Majkův tiskový styl"

#: printing/printingwizard.cpp:63
msgid "Choose Contacts to Print"
msgstr "Vybrat kontakty pro tisk"

#: printing/printingwizard.cpp:79 printing/stylepage.cpp:113
msgid "Choose Printing Style"
msgstr "Vyberte styl tisku"

#: printing/printingwizard.cpp:154
msgid "Print Progress"
msgstr "Průběh tisku"

#: printing/printprogress.cpp:40
msgid "Printing: Progress"
msgstr "Tisk: průběh"

#: printing/printprogress.cpp:63
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Průběh"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:44
msgid "Choose Which Contacts to Print"
msgstr "Vybrat kontakty pro tisk"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:49
msgid "Which contacts do you want to print?"
msgstr "Které kontakty chcete vytisknout?"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:61 xxportselectdialog.cpp:196
msgid "&All contacts"
msgstr "&Všechny kontakty"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:63
msgid "Print the entire address book"
msgstr "Vytisknout celou knihu adres"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:66
msgid "&Selected contacts"
msgstr "&Vybrané kontakty"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:67
msgid ""
"Only print contacts selected in KAddressBook.\n"
"This option is disabled if no contacts are selected."
msgstr ""
"Vytisknout pouze kontakty vybrané v Knize Adres.\n"
"Tato volba se nepoužije, pokud nejsou vybrány žádné kontakty."

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:71 xxportselectdialog.cpp:205
msgid "Contacts matching &filter"
msgstr "Kontakty odpovídající &filtru"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:72
msgid ""
"Only print contacts matching the selected filter.\n"
"This option is disabled if you have not defined any filters."
msgstr ""
"Tisknout pouze kontakty odpovídající vybranému filtru.\n"
"Tato volba je zakázána, pokud nejsou definovány žádné filtry."

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:76 xxportselectdialog.cpp:210
msgid "Category &members"
msgstr "Členové &kategorie"

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:77
msgid ""
"Only print contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the "
"list to the left.\n"
"This option is disabled if you have no categories."
msgstr ""
"Tisknout pouze kontakty, které jsou členy kategorie, které je zaškrtnutá na "
"seznamu vlevo.\n"
"Tato volba není dostupná, pokud nemáte žádné kategorie."

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:82
msgid "Select a filter to decide which contacts to print."
msgstr "Zvolit filtr, podle kterého se vyberou kontakty pro tisk."

#: printing/selectionpage.cpp:88
msgid "Check the categories whose members you want to print."
msgstr "Zaškrtněte kategorie, jejichž členy chcete tisknout."

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:44 xxportselectdialog.cpp:80
msgid "Ascending"
msgstr "Vzestupně"

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:45 xxportselectdialog.cpp:81
msgid "Descending"
msgstr "Sestupně"

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:57
msgid "(No preview available.)"
msgstr "(Náhled není dostupný.)"

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:118
msgid ""
"What should the print look like?\n"
"KAddressBook has several printing styles, designed for different purposes.\n"
"Choose the style that suits your needs below."
msgstr ""
"Jak by měl výtisk vypadat?\n"
"Kniha adres má několik stylů tisku vytvořených pro různé účely.\n"
"Vyberte styl, který nejvíce odpovídá vašim potřebám."

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:123 xxportselectdialog.cpp:227
msgid "Sorting"
msgstr "Řazení"

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:129 xxportselectdialog.cpp:233
msgid "Criterion:"
msgstr "Kritéria:"

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:135 xxportselectdialog.cpp:239
msgid "Order:"
msgstr "Pořadí:"

#: printing/stylepage.cpp:143
msgid "Print Style"
msgstr "Styl tisku"

#: soundwidget.cpp:54
msgid "Play"
msgstr "Přehrát"

#: soundwidget.cpp:61
msgid "Store as URL"
msgstr "Uložit jako URL"

#: soundwidget.cpp:80
msgid ""
"This field stores a sound file which contains the name of the contact to "
"clarify the pronunciation."
msgstr ""
"Toto pole ukládá zvukový soubor, který obsahuje jméno kontaktu k usnadnění "

#: soundwidget.cpp:81
msgid "Save only the URL to the sound file, not the whole object."
msgstr "Uložit pouze URL zvukového souboru, ne celý soubor."

#: thumbnailcreator/ldifvcardcreator.cpp:104
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: One contact found:\n"
"%n contacts found:"
msgstr ""
"Počet: 1 kontakt\n"
"Počet: %n kontakty\n"
"Počet: %n kontaktů"

#: typecombo.h:94
msgid ""
"_: label (number)\n"
"%1 (%2)"
msgstr "%1 (%2)"

#: undocmds.cpp:58
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Delete Contact\n"
"Delete %n Contacts"
msgstr ""
"Smazat kontakt\n"
"Smazat %n kontakty\n"
"Smazat %n kontaktů"

#: undocmds.cpp:111
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Paste Contact\n"
"Paste %n Contacts"
msgstr ""
"Vložit kontakt\n"
"Vložit %n kontakty\n"
"Vložit %n kontaktů"

#: undocmds.cpp:167
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: New Contact\n"
"New %n Contacts"
msgstr ""
"Nový kontakt\n"
"%n nové kontakty\n"
"%n nových kontaktů"

#: undocmds.cpp:244
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Cut Contact\n"
"Cut %n Contacts"
msgstr ""
"Vyjmout kontakt\n"
"Vyjmout %n kontakty\n"
"Vyjmout %n kontaktů"

#: undocmds.cpp:310
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Copy Contact To\n"
"Copy %n Contacts To"
msgstr ""
"Vyjmout kontakt\n"
"Vyjmout %n kontakty\n"
"Vyjmout %n kontaktů"

#: undocmds.cpp:359
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Move Contact To\n"
"Move %n Contacts To"
msgstr ""
"Nový kontakt\n"
"%n nové kontakty\n"
"%n nových kontaktů"

#: viewconfigurefieldspage.cpp:205
msgid "Select Fields to Display"
msgstr "Vybrat pole pro zobrazení"

#: viewconfigurefieldspage.cpp:220
msgid "&Selected fields:"
msgstr "V&ybraná pole:"

#: viewconfigurefilterpage.cpp:46
msgid ""
"The default filter will be activated whenever this view is displayed. This "
"feature allows you to configure views that only interact with certain types "
"of information based on the filter. Once the view is activated, the filter "
"can be changed at anytime."
msgstr ""
"Výchozí filtr bude aktivován vždy, když bude zobrazen tento pohled. Tato "
"funkce vám umožňuje nastavit si pohledy, které reagují na určité typy "
"informací v závislosti na filtru. Jakmile je pohled aktivován, filtr lze "
"kdykoliv změnit."

#: viewconfigurefilterpage.cpp:57
msgid "No default filter"
msgstr "Žádný výchozí filtr"

#: viewconfigurefilterpage.cpp:61
msgid "Use last active filter"
msgstr "Použít poslední aktivní filtr"

#: viewconfigurefilterpage.cpp:67
msgid "Use filter:"
msgstr "Použít filtr:"

#: viewconfigurewidget.cpp:50
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Pole"

#: viewconfigurewidget.cpp:58
msgid "Default Filter"
msgstr "Výchozí filtr"

#: viewconfigurewidget.cpp:89
msgid "Modify View: "
msgstr "Změnit pohled: "

#: viewmanager.cpp:309
msgid "<qt>Are you sure that you want to delete the view <b>%1</b>?</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Opravdu chcete odstranit pohled <b>%1</b>?</qt>"

#: viewmanager.cpp:429
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: Import one contact into your addressbook?\n"
"Import %n contacts into your addressbook?"
msgstr ""
"Importovat %n kontakt do vaší knihy adres?\n"
"Importovat %n kontakty do vaší knihy adres?\n"
"Importovat %n kontaktů do vaší knihy adres?"

#: viewmanager.cpp:430
msgid "Import Contacts?"
msgstr "Importovat kontakty?"

#: viewmanager.cpp:430 xxport/kde2_xxport.cpp:58
msgid "Do Not Import"
msgstr "Neimportovat"

#: viewmanager.cpp:543 views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:123
#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:419
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nic"

#: viewmanager.cpp:544
msgid "Unfiled"
msgstr "Nezařazený"

#: viewmanager.cpp:567
msgid "Select View"
msgstr "Vybrat pohled"

#: viewmanager.cpp:576
msgid "Modify View..."
msgstr "Změnit pohled..."

#: viewmanager.cpp:579
msgid ""
"By pressing this button a dialog opens that allows you to modify the view of "
"the addressbook. There you can add or remove fields that you want to be "
"shown or hidden in the addressbook like the name for example."
msgstr ""
"Stisknutím tohoto tlačítka otevřete dialog, který vám možní modifikovat "
"pohled knihy adres.Tam můžete přidat nebo odebrat pole, která chcete, aby "
"byla zobrazena nebo skryta v knize adres jako například jméno."

#: viewmanager.cpp:581
msgid "Add View..."
msgstr "Přidat pohled..."

#: viewmanager.cpp:584
msgid ""
"You can add a new view by choosing one from the dialog that appears after "
"pressing the button. You have to give the view a name, so that you can "
"distinguish between the different views."
msgstr ""
"Můžete přidat nový pohled vybráním jednoho dialogu, který se objeví po "
"stisknutí tohoto tlačítka. Pohledu musíte dát jméno, abyste mohli rozeznat "
"různé druhy pohledů."

#: viewmanager.cpp:586
msgid "Delete View"
msgstr "Smazat pohled"

#: viewmanager.cpp:589
msgid ""
"By pressing this button you can delete the actual view, which you have added "
msgstr ""
"Stisknutím tohoto tlačítka můžete smazat pohled, který jste přidali dříve."

#: viewmanager.cpp:591
msgid "Refresh View"
msgstr "Obnovit pohled"

#: viewmanager.cpp:594
msgid "The view will be refreshed by pressing this button."
msgstr "Pohled bude aktualizován stisknutím tohoto tlačítka."

#: viewmanager.cpp:596
msgid "Edit &Filters..."
msgstr "Upravit &filtry..."

#: viewmanager.cpp:599
msgid ""
"Edit the contact filters<p>You will be presented with a dialog, where you "
"can add, remove and edit filters."
msgstr ""
"Upravit filtr pro kontakty <p>Zobrazí se vám dialog, kde budete moci přidat, "
"odebrat a upravit filtry."

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:54 views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:48
msgid "Look & Feel"
msgstr "Vzhled a chování"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:95
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Barva pozadí"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:98
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "Barva textu"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:101
msgid "Header, Border & Separator Color"
msgstr "Barva nadpisu, ohraničení a oddělovače"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:104
msgid "Header Text Color"
msgstr "Barva textu nadpisů"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:107
msgid "Highlight Color"
msgstr "Zvýrazněná barva"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:110
msgid "Highlighted Text Color"
msgstr "Barva zvýraznění textu"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:204
msgid "General"
msgstr "Obecné"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:206
msgid "Draw &separators"
msgstr "Kre&slit oddělovače"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:209
msgid "Separator &width:"
msgstr "Šířka &oddělovačů"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:214
msgid "&Padding:"
msgstr "O&dstup od kraje:"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:218
msgid "Cards"
msgstr "Karty"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:221
msgid "&Margin:"
msgstr "&Okraj:"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:225
msgid "Draw &borders"
msgstr "K&reslit okraje"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:230
msgid ""
"The item margin is the distance (in pixels) between the item edge and the "
"item data. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space "
"between the focus rectangle and the item data."
msgstr ""
"Okraj položky je vzdálenost (v pixelech) mezi krajem položky a jejími údaji. "
"Zjednodušeně, zvětšování okraje položky přidá mezery mezi vybraný obdélník a "
"údaje položky."

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:235
msgid ""
"The item spacing decides the distance (in pixels) between the items and "
"anything else: the view borders, other items or column separators."
msgstr ""
"Vzdálenost položek určuje vzdálenost (v pixelech) mezi položkou a čímkoliv "
"ostatním: rámečky pohledu, jiné položky nebo oddělovače sloupců."

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:239
msgid "Sets the width of column separators"
msgstr "Nastaví šířku oddělovačů sloupců"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:242
msgid "&Layout"
msgstr "&Uspořádání"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:248
msgid "&Enable custom colors"
msgstr "&Povolit uživatelské barvy"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:251
msgid "&Colors"
msgstr "&Barvy"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:254
msgid ""
"If custom colors is enabled, you may choose the colors for the view below. "
"Otherwise colors from your current TDE color scheme are used."
msgstr ""
"Pokud jsou povoleny uživatelem definované barvy, můžete tyto barvy pro "
"pohled vybrat níže. Jinak budou použity barvy aktuálního schéma TDE."

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:258
msgid ""
"Double click or press RETURN on a item to select a color for the related "
"strings in the view."
msgstr ""
"Dvakrát klikněte nebo stiskněte RETURN na položku pro vybrání barvy pro "
"příbuzný řetězec v pohledu."

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:267
msgid "&Enable custom fonts"
msgstr "&Povolit uživatelská písma"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:275
msgid "&Text font:"
msgstr "&Písmo pro text:"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:278 views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:285
msgid "Choose..."
msgstr "Vybrat..."

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:282
msgid "&Header font:"
msgstr "Písmo pro zá&hlaví:"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:292
msgid ""
"If custom fonts are enabled, you may choose which fonts to use for this view "
"below. Otherwise the default TDE font will be used, in bold style for the "
"header and normal style for the data."
msgstr ""
"Pokud jsou povoleny uživatelem definovaná písma, můžete vybrat fonty použité "
"pro tento pohled níže. Jinak budou použity výchozí fonty TDE, tučně pro "
"nadpis a normální styl pro data."

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:304
msgid "Show &empty fields"
msgstr "Ukázat &prázdná pole"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:305
msgid "Show field &labels"
msgstr "Zobrazovat popisky po&lí"

#: views/configurecardviewdialog.cpp:309
msgid "Be&havior"
msgstr "C&hování"

#: views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:117
msgid "Row Separator"
msgstr "Oddělovač řádků"

#: views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:120
msgid "Alternating backgrounds"
msgstr "Střídající se pozadí"

#: views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:122
msgid "Single line"
msgstr "Jednoduchá čára"

#: views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:129
msgid "Enable background image:"
msgstr "Povolit obrázek na pozadí:"

#: views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:142
msgid "Enable contact tooltips"
msgstr "Povolit tipy ke kontaktům"

#: views/configuretableviewdialog.cpp:146
msgid "Show instant messaging presence"
msgstr "Zobrazovat přítomnost na IM"

#: views/contactlistview.cpp:85 views/contactlistview.cpp:89
msgid ""
"_: label: value\n"
"%1: %2"
msgstr "%1: %2"

#: views/contactlistview.cpp:95
msgid ""
"_: label: value\n"
"%1: \n"
msgstr "%1: \n"

#: views/kaddressbookcardview.cpp:51
msgid "Card"
msgstr "Karta"

#: views/kaddressbookcardview.cpp:53
msgid "Rolodex style cards represent contacts."
msgstr "Kontakty ve stylu Rolodex"

#: views/kaddressbookiconview.cpp:50
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikona"

#: views/kaddressbookiconview.cpp:52
msgid "Icons represent contacts. Very simple view."
msgstr "Ikony představují kontakty. Velmi jednoduchý pohled."

#: views/kaddressbooktableview.cpp:69
msgid "Table"
msgstr "Tabulka"

#: views/kaddressbooktableview.cpp:71
msgid ""
"A listing of contacts in a table. Each cell of the table holds a field of "
"the contact."
msgstr ""
"Seznam kontaktů v tabulce. Každá buňka tabulky obsahuje políčko kontaktu."

#: views/kaddressbooktableview.cpp:138
msgid "Presence"
msgstr "Přítomnost"

#: xxport/bookmark_xxport.cpp:39
msgid "Export Bookmarks Menu..."
msgstr "Exportovat nabídku se záložkami..."

#: xxport/bookmark_xxport.cpp:51
msgid "AddressBook"
msgstr "Kniha adres"

#: xxport/bookmark_xxport.cpp:63
msgid "Addressbook Bookmarks"
msgstr "Záložky adresáře"

#: xxport/csv_xxport.cpp:42
msgid "Import CSV List..."
msgstr "Importovat seznam CSV..."

#: xxport/csv_xxport.cpp:43
msgid "Export CSV List..."
msgstr "Exportovat seznam CSV..."

#: xxport/csv_xxport.cpp:53 xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:861
#: xxport/ldif_xxport.cpp:100 xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:296
#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:318
msgid "Do you want to overwrite file \"%1\""
msgstr ""

#: xxport/csv_xxport.cpp:60 xxport/ldif_xxport.cpp:108
msgid "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b>.%2.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze otevřít soubor <b>%1</b>.%2.</qt>"

#: xxport/csv_xxport.cpp:81
msgid "The contacts have been exported successfully."
msgstr "Kontakty byly úspěšně exportovány."

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:55
msgid "CSV Import Dialog"
msgstr "Dialogové okno importu CSV"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:166
msgid "Importing contacts"
msgstr "Importování kontaktů"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:375
msgid "File to import:"
msgstr "Soubor k importu:"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:385
msgid "Delimiter"
msgstr "Oddělovač"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:393
msgid "Comma"
msgstr "Čárka"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:397
msgid "Semicolon"
msgstr "Středník"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:400
msgid "Tabulator"
msgstr "Tabulátor"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:403
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Mezera"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:406
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Jiný"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:413
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:417
msgid "\""
msgstr "\""

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:418
msgid "'"
msgstr "'"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:424
msgid ""
"<ul><li>y: year with 2 digits</li><li>Y: year with 4 digits</li><li>m: month "
"with 1 or 2 digits</li><li>M: month with 2 digits</li><li>d: day with 1 or 2 "
"digits</li><li>D: day with 2 digits</li></ul>"
msgstr ""
"<ul><li>y: rok 2 čísly</li><li>Y: rok 4 čísly</li><li>m: měsíc 1 nebo 2 "
"čísly</li><li>M: měsíc 2 čísly</li><li>d: den 1 nebo 2 čísly</li><li>D: den "
"2 čísly</li></ul>"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:432
msgid "Start at line:"
msgstr "Začít na řádku:"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:435
msgid "Textquote:"
msgstr "Uvozovky:"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:438
msgid "Date format:"
msgstr "Formát data:"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:442
msgid "Ignore duplicate delimiters"
msgstr "Ignorovat duplicitní oddělovače"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:453
msgid "Apply Template..."
msgstr "Použít šablonu..."

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:454
msgid "Save Template..."
msgstr "Uložit šablonu..."

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:506
msgid "Using codec '%1'"
msgstr "Používám kodek '%1'"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:506
msgid "Encoding"
msgstr "Kódování"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:666
msgid "Local (%1)"
msgstr "Místní (%1)"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:667
msgid "[guess]"
msgstr "[odhadnout]"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:668
msgid "Latin1"
msgstr "Latin1"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:669
msgid "Unicode"
msgstr "Unicode"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:670
msgid "Microsoft Unicode"
msgstr "Microsoft Unicode"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:785
msgid "You have to assign at least one column."
msgstr "Musíte přiřadit alespoň jeden sloupec."

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:813
msgid "Template Selection"
msgstr "Výběr šablon"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:814
msgid "Please select a template, that matches the CSV file:"
msgstr "Prosím zvolte šablonu, která odpovídá CSV souboru:"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:864
msgid "Template Name"
msgstr "Název šablony"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:864
msgid "Please enter a name for the template:"
msgstr "Prosím zadejte název šablony:"

#: xxport/csvimportdialog.cpp:934
msgid "Cannot open input file."
msgstr "Nelze otevřít vstupní soubor."

#: xxport/eudora_xxport.cpp:44
msgid "Import Eudora Addressbook..."
msgstr "Importovat knihu adres z Eudory..."

#: xxport/eudora_xxport.cpp:50
msgid "Eudora Light Addressbook (*.txt)"
msgstr "Adresář Eudora Light (*.txt)"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:85
msgid "Import From Mobile Phone..."
msgstr "Importovat z mobilního telefonu..."

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:86
msgid "Export to Mobile Phone..."
msgstr "Exportovat do mobilního telefonu..."

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:134 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:820
msgid "Failed to initialize the gnokii library."
msgstr "Inicializace knihovny 'gnokii' selhala."

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:140 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:849
msgid ""
"<qt><center>Mobile Phone interface initialization failed.<br><br>The "
"returned error message was:<br><b>%1</b><br><br>You might try to run "
"\"gnokii --identify\" on the command line to check any cable/transport "
"issues and to verify if your gnokii configuration is correct.</center></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><center>Chyba inicializace rozhraní mobilního telefonu.<br><br>Chybové "
"hlášení:<br><b>%1</b><br><br>Přenos a konfiguraci můžete v příkazové řádce "
"překontrolovat zadáním příkazu \"gnokii --identify\" .</center></qt>"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:179 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:949
msgid "Mobile Phone information:"
msgstr "Informace o mobilu:"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:180 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:950
msgid "Manufacturer"
msgstr "Výrobce"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:181 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:951
msgid "Phone model"
msgstr "Model telefonu"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:182 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:952
msgid "Revision"
msgstr "Revize"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:183 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:953
msgid "IMEI"
msgstr "IMEI"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:184 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:954
msgid "Phonebook status"
msgstr "Stav adresáře v mobilu"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:185 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:955
msgid "%1 out of %2 contacts used"
msgstr "Použito %1/%2 kontaktů"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:211 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:991
msgid ""
"<qt>Importing <b>%1</b> contacts from <b>%2</b> of the Mobile Phone.<br><br>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Importuji <b>%1</b> kontakt/y z <b>%2</b> mobilního telefonu.<br><br>%3</"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:532 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1323
msgid ""
"<qt>Please connect your Mobile Phone to your computer and press <b>Continue</"
"b> to start importing the personal contacts.<br><br>Please note that if your "
"Mobile Phone is not properly connected the following detection phase might "
"take up to two minutes, during which KAddressbook will behave unresponsively."
msgstr ""
"<qt>Připojte svůj telefon k počítači. Import spustíte stisknutím "
"<b>Pokračovat</b>.<br><br>Pokud není telefon správně připojen, může "
"následující detekční fáze trvat až dvě minuty. Během této doby bude aplikace "
"KAddressbook nedostupná.</qt>"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:540 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1331
msgid "Mobile Phone Import"
msgstr "Import z mobilu"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:541 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:588
#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1332 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1379
msgid ""
"<qt><center>Establishing connection to the Mobile Phone.<br><br>Please "
msgstr ""
"<qt><center>Navazuji spojení s mobilním telefonem.<br><br>Prosím čekejte...</"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:562 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1353
msgid "&Stop Import"
msgstr "Za&stavit import"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:579 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1370
msgid ""
"<qt>Please connect your Mobile Phone to your computer and press <b>Continue</"
"b> to start exporting the selected personal contacts.<br><br>Please note "
"that if your Mobile Phone is not properly connected the following detection "
"phase might take up to two minutes, during which KAddressbook will behave "
msgstr ""
"<qt>Připojte svůj telefon k počítači. Export spustíte stisknutím "
"<b>Pokračovat</b>.<br><br>Pokud není telefon správně připojen, může "
"následující detekční fáze trvat až dvě minuty. Během této doby bude aplikace "
"KAddressbook nedostupná.</qt>"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:587 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:769
#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1378 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1560
msgid "Mobile Phone Export"
msgstr "Export do mobilu"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:641 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1432
msgid ""
"<qt>Do you want the selected contacts to be <b>appended</b> to the current "
"mobile phonebook or should they <b>replace</b> all currently existing "
"phonebook entries ?<br><br>Please note, that in case you choose to replace "
"the phonebook entries, every contact in your phone will be deleted and only "
"the newly exported contacts will be available from inside your phone.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Mají se zvolené kontakty <b>připojit</b> k seznamu v mobilním telefonu "
"nebo ho mají zcela <b>nahradit</b>?<br><br>Pokud zvolíte nahrazení, všechny "
"kontakty uložené nyní v telefonu budou smazány a dostupné budou pouze nové "

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:647 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1438
msgid "Export to Mobile Phone"
msgstr "Exportovat do mobilu"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:648 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1439
msgid "&Append to Current Phonebook"
msgstr "&Připojit k seznamu mobilu"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:649 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1440
msgid "&Replace Current Phonebook with New Contacts"
msgstr "&Nahradit seznam novými kontakty"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:656 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1447
msgid "&Stop Export"
msgstr "Za&stavit export"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:657 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1448
msgid ""
"<qt>Exporting <b>%1</b> contacts to the <b>%2</b> of the Mobile Phone."
msgstr ""
"<qt>Exportuji <b>%1</b>kontakt/y do <b>%2</b> mobilního telefonu.<br><br>%3</"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:724 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1515
msgid ""
"<qt><center>All selected contacts have been sucessfully copied to the Mobile "
"Phone.<br><br>Please wait until all remaining orphaned contacts from the "
"Mobile Phone have been deleted.</center></qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt><center>Všechny zvolené kontakty byly úspěšně překopírovány do mobilního "
"telefonu.<br><br>Prosím počkejte, dokud nebudou vymazány z telefonu všechny "
"zastaralé kontakty.</center></qt>"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:729 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1520
msgid "&Stop Delete"
msgstr "Za&stavit mazání"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:749 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1540
msgid "Export to phone finished."
msgstr "Export do mobilního telefonu ukončen."

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:760 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1551
msgid ""
"<qt>The following contacts could not be exported to the Mobile Phone. "
"Possible Reasons for this problem could be:<br><ul><li>The contacts contain "
"more information per entry than the phone can store.</li><li>Your phone does "
"not allow to store multiple addresses, emails, homepages, ...</li><li>other "
"storage size related problems.</li></ul>To avoid those kind of problems in "
"the future please reduce the amount of different fields in the above "
msgstr ""
"<qt>Následující kontakty není možné exportovat do mobilního telefonu. Možné "
"příčiny problému:<br><ul><li>Kontakty obsahují více informací v záznamu, než "
"telefon umožňuje.</li><li>Váš telefon neumožňuje uložení vícenásobných "
"adres, stránek...</li><li>Jiný s velikostí související problém.</li></"
"ul>Abyste předešly tomuto typu problémů, omezte počet odlišných polí v "
"kontaktech výše.</qt>"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:823
msgid "Gnokii is not yet configured."
msgstr "GNOKII ještě není nastaven."

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:835
msgid ""
"Gnokii reports a 'Lock File Error'.\n"
" Please exit all other running instances of gnokii, check if you have write "
"permissions in the /var/lock directory and try again."
msgstr ""
"Gnokii hlásí 'Chybu uzamčení souboru'.\n"
" Ukončete prosím všechny běžící instance gnokii a překontrolujte, zda máte "
"práva zápisu do adresáře /var/lock. Pak program opět spusťte."

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:864
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Neznámý"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:961
msgid "internal memory"
msgstr "interní paměť"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:962
msgid "SIM-card memory"
msgstr "SIM paměť"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:963
msgid "unknown memory"
msgstr "neznámá paměť"

#: xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1578 xxport/gnokii_xxport.cpp:1586
msgid ""
"Gnokii interface is not available.\n"
"Please ask your distributor to add gnokii at compile time."
msgstr ""
"Rozhraní gnokii není dostupné.\n"
"Požádejte prosím svého distributora, aby přidal gnokii do kompilace."

#: xxport/kde2_xxport.cpp:45
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import KDE 2 Addressbook..."
msgstr "Importovat knihu adres z TDE 2..."

#: xxport/kde2_xxport.cpp:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "<qt>Could not find a KDE 2 address book <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze nalézt TDE 2 adresář <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: xxport/kde2_xxport.cpp:57
msgid "Override previously imported entries?"
msgstr "Přepsat dříve naimportované položky?"

#: xxport/kde2_xxport.cpp:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "Import KDE 2 Addressbook"
msgstr "Importovat knihu adres TDE 2"

#: xxport/ldif_xxport.cpp:56
msgid "Import LDIF Addressbook..."
msgstr "Importovat adresář LDIF..."

#: xxport/ldif_xxport.cpp:57
msgid "Export LDIF Addressbook..."
msgstr "Exportovat adresář LDIF..."

#: xxport/ldif_xxport.cpp:73 xxport/opera_xxport.cpp:57
msgid "<qt>Unable to open <b>%1</b> for reading.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze otevřít <b>%1</b> pro čtení.</qt>"

#: xxport/opera_xxport.cpp:44
msgid "Import Opera Addressbook..."
msgstr "Importovat knihu adres z Opery..."

#: xxport/pab_pablib.cpp:28 xxport/pab_xxport.cpp:46
msgid "Import MS Exchange Personal Address Book (.PAB)"
msgstr "Import Osobních adresářů z MS Exchange (.PAB)"

#: xxport/pab_pablib.cpp:49
msgid "Cannot open %1 for reading"
msgstr "Nelze otevřít %1 pro čtení"

#: xxport/pab_pablib.cpp:246
msgid "%1 has no PAB id that I know of, cannot convert this"
msgstr "%1 nemá PAB id o kterém vím. Nelze konvertovat"

#: xxport/pab_xxport.cpp:54
msgid "MS Exchange Personal Address Book Files (*.pab)"
msgstr "Soubory osobního adresáře MS Exchange (*.pab)"

#: xxport/pab_xxport.cpp:58
msgid "<qt>Could not find a MS Exchange Personal Address Book <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze nalézt osobní adresář MS Exchange <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:99
msgid "Import vCard..."
msgstr "Importovat vCard..."

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:100
msgid "Export vCard 2.1..."
msgstr "Exportovat vCard 2.1..."

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:101
msgid "Export vCard 3.0..."
msgstr "Exportovat vCard 3.0..."

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:131
msgid ""
"You have selected a list of contacts, shall they be exported to several "
msgstr ""
"Vybrali jste seznam kontaktů. Měli by být exportováni do několika souborů?"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:134
msgid "Export to Several Files"
msgstr "Exportovat do více souborů"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:134
msgid "Export to One File"
msgstr "Exportovat do jednoho souboru"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:212
msgid "Select vCard to Import"
msgstr "Vybrat vCard k importu"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:219
msgid "vCard Import Failed"
msgstr "Import souboru vCard selhal"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:252
msgid ""
"<qt>When trying to read the vCard, there was an error opening the file '%1': "
msgstr ""
"<qt>Při pokusu čtení vCard došlo k chybě při otevírání souboru '%1': %2</qt>"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:260
msgid "<qt>Unable to access vCard: %1</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Nelze přistoupit k vizitce: %1/qt>"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:271
msgid "No contacts were imported, due to errors with the vCards."
msgstr "Vzhledem k chybě s vCard nedošlo k importu žádného kontaktu."

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:273
msgid "The vCard does not contain any contacts."
msgstr "Vizitka neobsahuje žádné kontakty."

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:469
msgid "Import vCard"
msgstr "Importovat vizitku"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:476
msgid "Do you want to import this contact in your address book?"
msgstr "Přejete si importovat tento kontakt do své knihy adres?"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:487
msgid "Import All..."
msgstr "Importovat vše..."

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:542
msgid "Select vCard Fields"
msgstr "Vybrat pole vCard"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:549
msgid "Select the fields which shall be exported in the vCard."
msgstr "Zde můžete vybrat pole, která budou exportována ve formátu vCard."

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:552
msgid "Private fields"
msgstr "Soukromá pole"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:555
msgid "Business fields"
msgstr "Obchodní pole"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:558
msgid "Other fields"
msgstr "Jiná pole"

#: xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp:561
msgid "Encryption keys"
msgstr "Šifrovací klíče"

#: xxportmanager.cpp:80
msgid "<qt>No import plugin available for <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Žádný importovací plugin není k dispozici pro <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: xxportmanager.cpp:104
msgid "<qt>No export plugin available for <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Žádný exportovací plugin není k dispozici pro <b>%1</b>.</qt>"

#: xxportmanager.cpp:116
msgid "Unable to export contacts."
msgstr "Nepodařilo se exportovat kontakty."

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:48
msgid "Choose Which Contacts to Export"
msgstr "Vybrat kontakty pro export"

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:185
msgid "Which contacts do you want to export?"
msgstr "Které kontakty chcete exportovat?"

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:188
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Výběr"

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:198
msgid "Export the entire address book"
msgstr "Exportovat celý adresář."

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:200
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_n: &Selected contact\n"
"&Selected contacts (%n selected)"
msgstr ""
"&Vybraný kontakt\n"
"&Vybrané kontakty (%n)\n"
"&Vybrané kontakty (%n)"

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:201
msgid ""
"Only export contacts selected in KAddressBook.\n"
"This option is disabled if no contacts are selected."
msgstr ""
"Exportovat pouze kontakty vybrané v Knize Adres.\n"
"Tato volba se nepoužije, pokud nejsou vybrány žádné kontakty."

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:206
msgid ""
"Only export contacts matching the selected filter.\n"
"This option is disabled if you have not defined any filters"
msgstr ""
"Exportovat pouze kontakty odpovídající vybraným filtrům.\n"
"Tato volba se nepoužije, pokud nejsou definovány žádné filtry"

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:211
msgid ""
"Only export contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the "
"list to the left.\n"
"This option is disabled if you have no categories."
msgstr ""
"Exportovat pouze kontakty, které jsou členy kategorie zaškrtnuté na seznamu "
"Tato není dostupná, pokud nemáte žádné kategorie."

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:216
msgid "Select a filter to decide which contacts to export."
msgstr "Vybrat filtr, podle kterého se rozhodne, které kontakty exportovat."

#: xxportselectdialog.cpp:222
msgid "Check the categories whose members you want to export."
msgstr "Zaškrtněte kategorie, jejichž členy chcete exportovat."

#: editors/imaddressbase.ui:40
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "&Protokol:"

#: editors/imaddressbase.ui:56
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "&Adresa:"

#: editors/imaddressbase.ui:67
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "&Síť:"

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:24
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
"IM Addresses"
msgstr "IM adresy"

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:52
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
"&Set Standard"
msgstr "Na&stavit standardní"

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:55
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
"The IM Address that is set as the standard is the address that is shown in "
"main editor window."
msgstr "Standardní IM adresa je zobrazena v hlavním okně editoru."

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:58
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
"<qt>Only one IM Address can be set as the standard IM Address.<br>The "
"standard IM Address is shown in the main editor window, and other programs "
"may use this as hint for deciding which IM Address to show.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Lze nastavit pouze jednu IM adresu jako standardní. <br>Standardní IM "
"adresa je zobrazena v hlavním okně editoru a ostatní programy ji mohou "
"používat jako pomůcku, kterou z dalších zobrazit.<qt>"

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:66
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "Odst&ranit"

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:74
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "U&pravit..."

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:82
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "Přid&at..."

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:88
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "Protokol"

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:99
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
msgstr "Adresa"

#: editors/imeditorbase.ui:148
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"_: Instant messaging\n"
"<em>Note:</em> Please read the help page before adding or editing Instant "
"Messenging Addresses here."
msgstr ""
"<em>Poznámka:</em> přečtěte si prosím nápovědu dřív, než zde budete přidávat "
"nebo upravovat IM adresy."

#: common/kaddressbook.kcfg:10
#, no-c-format
msgid "Automatic name parsing for new addressees"
msgstr "Automatická analýza jmen nových adresátů"

#: common/kaddressbook.kcfg:18
#, no-c-format
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Telefon"

#: common/kaddressbook.kcfg:22
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fax"
msgstr "Fax"

#: common/kaddressbook.kcfg:27
#, no-c-format
msgid "SMS"
msgstr "SMS"

#: common/kaddressbook.kcfg:28
#, no-c-format
msgid "The script used to send a GSM SMS text message to the mobile phone"
msgstr "Skript použitý pro posílání textové SMS zprávy na mobilní telefon"

#: common/kaddressbook.kcfg:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "Honor TDE single click"
msgstr "Respektovat chování TDE při jednoduchém kliknutí"

#: common/kaddressbook.kcfg:59
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"If true, the contact list will be placed above the extensions on the left "
"(distribution list editor etc.) instead of in the middle of the main window"
msgstr ""

#: kaddressbook_part.rc:6 kaddressbookui.rc:6
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nový..."

#: kaddressbook_part.rc:12 kaddressbookui.rc:12 xxport/csv_xxportui.rc:6
#: xxport/eudora_xxportui.rc:6 xxport/gnokii_xxportui.rc:6
#: xxport/kde2_xxportui.rc:6 xxport/ldif_xxportui.rc:6
#: xxport/opera_xxportui.rc:6 xxport/pab_xxportui.rc:6
#: xxport/vcard_xxportui.rc:6
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Import"
msgstr "&Importovat"

#: kaddressbook_part.rc:14 kaddressbookui.rc:14 xxport/bookmark_xxportui.rc:6
#: xxport/csv_xxportui.rc:9 xxport/gnokii_xxportui.rc:9
#: xxport/ldif_xxportui.rc:9 xxport/vcard_xxportui.rc:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Export"
msgstr "&Exportovat"

#: kaddressbook_part.rc:55
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tools"
msgstr "Nástroje"

#: kaddressbook_part.rc:101 kaddressbookui.rc:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Contact Toolbar"
msgstr "Nástrojová lišta s kontaktem"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:16
#, no-c-format
msgid "Appearance Page"
msgstr "Stránka se vzhledem"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Font Settings"
msgstr "Nastavení písem"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:105
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use standard TDE fonts"
msgstr "Použít standardní písma TDE"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "Details font:"
msgstr "Písmo pro detail:"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:150 printing/ds_appearance.ui:172
#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:204 printing/ds_appearance.ui:275
#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:286
#, no-c-format
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Velikost:"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "Body font:"
msgstr "Písmo pro tělo textu:"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:183
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fixed font:"
msgstr "Písmo s pevnou šířkou:"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:246
#, no-c-format
msgid "Contact header font:"
msgstr "Písmo pro záhlaví:"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:302
#, no-c-format
msgid "Headlines:"
msgstr "Nadpisy:"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:335
#, no-c-format
msgid "Contact Headers"
msgstr "Záhlaví kontaktů"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:352
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use colored contact headers"
msgstr "Použít barevná záhlaví kontaktů"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:401
#, no-c-format
msgid "Headline background color:"
msgstr "Barva pozadí nadpisů:"

#: printing/ds_appearance.ui:412
#, no-c-format
msgid "Headline text color:"
msgstr "Barva textu nadpisů:"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Remove"
#~ msgstr "Odstranit seznam"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Delete"
#~ msgstr "Za&stavit mazání"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Delete"
#~ msgstr "Smazat pohled"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "No"
#~ msgstr "Nic"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Remove"
#~ msgstr "Odstranit seznam"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Add"
#~ msgstr "Přidat..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Select All"
#~ msgstr "Odznačit vše"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Import"
#~ msgstr "&Importovat"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Edit"
#~ msgstr "&Upravit..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&View"
#~ msgstr "Přidat pohled"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Settings"
#~ msgstr "Nastavení písem"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Main Toolbar"
#~ msgstr "Nástrojová lišta s kontaktem"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Tools"
#~ msgstr "Nástroje"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "_n: Do you really want to delete this contact?\n"
#~ "Do you really want to delete these %n contacts?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Opravdu odstranit tento kontakt?\n"
#~ "Opravdu odstranit tyto %n kontakty?\n"
#~ "Opravdu odstranit těchto %n kontaktů?"

#~ msgid "%1 address book"
#~ msgstr "Kniha adres: %1"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Show Extension"
#~ msgstr "Zobrazit rozšiřující lištu"