# translation of joystick.po to
# translation of joystick.po to euskara
# translation of jostick.po to basque
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2004.
# Juan Irigoien <juanirigoien@yahoo.es>, 2004.
# marcos <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: joystick\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-01-12 09:26+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: marcos <marcos@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language-Team:  <eu@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Marcos Goienetxe, Juan Irigoien"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "marcos@euskalgnu.org, juanirigoien@gmail.com"

#: caldialog.cpp:38 joywidget.cpp:341
msgid "Calibration"
msgstr "Kalibrazioa"

#: caldialog.cpp:39
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Hurrengoa"

#: caldialog.cpp:53
msgid "Please wait a moment to calculate the precision"
msgstr "Itxaron ezazu pixka batean doitasuna kalkulatu bitartean"

#: caldialog.cpp:83
msgid "(usually X)"
msgstr "(normalean X)"

#: caldialog.cpp:85
msgid "(usually Y)"
msgstr "(normalean Y)"

#: caldialog.cpp:90
msgid ""
"<qt>Calibration is about to check the value range your device delivers."
"<br><br>Please move <b>axis %1 %2</b> on your device to the <b>minimum</b> "
"position.<br><br>Press any button on the device or click on the 'Next' "
"button to continue with the next step.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Kalibrazioak gailuak darabiltzan balioen heina aztertuko du.<br> "
"<br>Mugi ezazu gailuaren <b>%1 %2 ardatza</b> posizio <b>txikienera</b>. "
"<br><br> Sakatu gailuaren edozein botoi edo klik egin \"Hurrengoa\" hurrengo "
"urratsarekin jarraitzeko.</qt>"

#: caldialog.cpp:107
msgid ""
"<qt>Calibration is about to check the value range your device delivers."
"<br><br>Please move <b>axis %1 %2</b> on your device to the <b>center</b> "
"position.<br><br>Press any button on the device or click on the 'Next' "
"button to continue with the next step.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Kalibrazioak gailuak darabiltzan balioen heina aztertuko du.<br> "
"<br>Mugi ezazu gailuaren <b>%1 %2 ardatza</b> <b>erdiko</b> posiziora."
"<br><br> Sakatu gailuaren edozein botoi edo klik egin \"Hurrengoa\" hurrengo "
"urratsarekin jarraitzeko.</qt>"

#: caldialog.cpp:124
msgid ""
"<qt>Calibration is about to check the value range your device delivers."
"<br><br>Please move <b>axis %1 %2</b> on your device to the <b>maximum</b> "
"position.<br><br>Press any button on the device or click on the 'Next' "
"button to continue with the next step.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Kalibrazioak gailuak darabiltzan balioen heina aztertuko du.<br> "
"<br>Mugi ezazu gailuaren <b>%1 %2 ardatza</b> posizio <b>handienera</b>. "
"<br><br> Sakatu gailuaren edozein botoi edo klik egin \"Hurrengoa\" hurrengo "
"urratsarekin jarraitzeko.</qt>"

#: caldialog.cpp:147 joywidget.cpp:332 joywidget.cpp:367
msgid "Communication Error"
msgstr "Komunikazio errorea"

#: caldialog.cpp:151
msgid "You have successfully calibrated your device"
msgstr "Egoki kalibratu duzu gailua"

#: caldialog.cpp:151 joywidget.cpp:373
msgid "Calibration Success"
msgstr "Kalibrazio egokia"

#: caldialog.cpp:175
msgid "Value Axis %1: %2"
msgstr "%1 ardatzaren balioa: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:55
msgid "The given device %1 could not be opened: %2"
msgstr "%1 gailua ezin izan da ireki: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:61
msgid "The given device %1 is not a joystick."
msgstr "%1 gailua ez da joystick-a"

#: joydevice.cpp:66
msgid "Could not get kernel driver version for joystick device %1: %2"
msgstr "Ezin izan da %1 joystick gailuaren kernel driver bertsioa eskuratu: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:80
msgid ""
"The current running kernel driver version (%1.%2.%3) is not the one this "
"module was compiled for (%4.%5.%6)."
msgstr ""
"Uneko kernelaren driver bertsioa (%1.%2.%3) ez dator bat modulua "
"konpilatzeko erabili zenarekin (%4.%5.%6.)."

#: joydevice.cpp:87
msgid "Could not get number of buttons for joystick device %1: %2"
msgstr "Ezin izan da %1 joystick gailuaren botoi kopurua eskuratu: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:93
msgid "Could not get number of axes for joystick device %1: %2"
msgstr "Ezin izan da %1 joystick gailuaren ardatz kopurua eskuratu: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:99
msgid "Could not get calibration values for joystick device %1: %2"
msgstr "Ezin izan dira %1 joystick gailuaren kalibrazio balioak eskuratu: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:105
msgid "Could not restore calibration values for joystick device %1: %2"
msgstr ""
"Ezin izan dira %1 joystick gailuaren kalibrazio balioak berreskuratu: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:111
msgid "Could not initialize calibration values for joystick device %1: %2"
msgstr "Ezin izan dira %1 joystick gailuaren kalibrazio balioak hasieratu: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:117
msgid "Could not apply calibration values for joystick device %1: %2"
msgstr "Ezin izan dira %1 joystick gailuaren kalibrazio balioak aplikatu: %2"

#: joydevice.cpp:121
msgid "internal error - code %1 unknown"
msgstr "Barneko errorea - %1 kodea ezezaguna"

#: joystick.cpp:72
msgid "TDE Joystick Control Module"
msgstr "TDEren joystick kontrol modulua"

#: joystick.cpp:73
msgid "Trinity Control Center Module to test Joysticks"
msgstr "TDEren kontrol guneko modulua joystick-ak frogatzeko"

#: joystick.cpp:77
msgid ""
"<h1>Joystick</h1>This module helps to check if your joystick is working "
"correctly.<br>If it delivers wrong values for the axes, you can try to solve "
"this with the calibration.<br>This module tries to find all available "
"joystick devices by checking /dev/js[0-4] and /dev/input/js[0-4]<br>If you "
"have another device file, enter it in the combobox.<br>The Buttons list "
"shows the state of the buttons on your joystick, the Axes list shows the "
"current value for all axes.<br>NOTE: the current Linux device driver (Kernel "
"2.4, 2.6) can only autodetect<ul><li>2-axis, 4-button joystick</li><li>3-"
"axis, 4-button joystick</li><li>4-axis, 4-button joystick</li><li>Saitek "
"Cyborg 'digital' joysticks</li></ul>(For details you can check your Linux "
msgstr ""
"<h1>Joystick</h1> Modulu honek zure joystick-a ondo dabilen aztertzen "
"lagunduko dizu. <br> Ardatzen balioak egokiak ez badira, kalibrazioaren "
"bitartez zuzen ditzakezu. <br>Modulu hau erabilgarri dauden joystick guztiak "
"aurkitzen saiatzen da /dev/js[0-4] eta /dev/inputs/js[0-4] aztertuz "
"<br>Beste gailu fitxategirik bazeneuka, sar ezazu kutxan <br>Botoien "
"zerrendak zure joystick-aren botoien egoera erakusten du, ardatzen zerrendak "
"ardatz guztien uneko balioa erakusten dute. <br>OHARRA: Uneko Linux gailu "
"driverrak (2.4, 2.6 Kernela) auto detektatu ditzakeenak: <ul> <li>2 ardatz "
"eta 4 botoidun joystick-a</li> <li>3 ardatz eta 4 botoidun joystick-a</li> "
"<li>4 ardatz eta 4 botoidun joystick-a</li> <li>Saitek Cyborg joystick "
"digitalak</li> </ul> (Zehaztasun gehiago ezagutzeko, begira ezazu Linux "
"iturburu-kodeko /Documentation/input/joystick.txt fitxategia)"

#: joywidget.cpp:43
msgid "PRESSED"
msgstr "SAKATUTA"

#: joywidget.cpp:65
msgid "Device:"
msgstr "Gailua:"

#: joywidget.cpp:77
msgid "Position:"
msgstr "Posizioa:"

#: joywidget.cpp:79
msgid "Show trace"
msgstr "Erakutsi aztarna"

#: joywidget.cpp:92
msgid "Buttons:"
msgstr "Botoiak:"

#: joywidget.cpp:95
msgid "State"
msgstr "Egoera"

#: joywidget.cpp:102
msgid "Axes:"
msgstr "Ardatzak:"

#: joywidget.cpp:105
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Balioa"

#: joywidget.cpp:113
msgid "Calibrate"
msgstr "Kalibratu"

#: joywidget.cpp:190
msgid ""
"No joystick device automatically found on this computer.<br>Checks were done "
"in /dev/js[0-4] and /dev/input/js[0-4]<br>If you know that there is one "
"attached, please enter the correct device file."
msgstr ""
"Ez da joystick dispositiborik automatikoki aurkitu ordenagailu honetan."
"<br>Bilaketa lekuak /dev/js[0-4] eta /dev/input/js[0-4] izan dira<br>Baten "
"bat konektaturik balego, sar ezazu dispositibo fitxategi egokia."

#: joywidget.cpp:236
msgid ""
"The given device name is invalid (does not contain /dev).\n"
"Please select a device from the list or\n"
"enter a device file, like /dev/js0."
msgstr ""
"Emandako gailu izenak ez du balio (ez dauka /dev).\n"
"Hauta ezazu gailua zerrendatik, edo\n"
"sar ezazu /dev/js0 bezalako gailu fitxategia."

#: joywidget.cpp:238
msgid "Unknown Device"
msgstr "Gailu ezezaguna"

#: joywidget.cpp:256
msgid "Device Error"
msgstr "Gailu errorea"

#: joywidget.cpp:337
msgid ""
"<qt>Calibration is about to check the precision.<br><br><b>Please move all "
"axes to their center position and then do not touch the joystick anymore.</"
"b><br><br>Click OK to start the calibration.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Kalibrazioak doitasuna kalibratuko du. <br> <br><b>Mugi itzazu ardatz "
"guztiak euren erdiko kokapenera eta ez ezazu berriz ikutu joystick-a.</b> "
"<br><br> Klika ezazu OK kalibrazioa has dadin.</qt>"

#: joywidget.cpp:372
#, c-format
msgid "Restored all calibration values for joystick device %1."
msgstr "%1 joystick gailuaren kalibrazio guztiak berrezarriak izan dira."