# translation of kcmfonts.po to
# Copyright (C) 2002,2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2002,2003, 2005.
# marcos <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcmfonts\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-01-23 08:46+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: marcos <marcos@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language-Team:  <eu@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:219
msgid "Configure Anti-Alias Settings"
msgstr "Konfiguratu anti-aliasing ezarpenak"

#: fonts.cpp:225
msgid "E&xclude range:"
msgstr "&Baztertu barrutia:"

#: fonts.cpp:228 fonts.cpp:233
msgid " pt"
msgstr " pt"

#: fonts.cpp:230
msgid " to "
msgstr " hau arte "

#: fonts.cpp:236
msgid "&Use sub-pixel hinting:"
msgstr "&Erabili sub-pixel hinting:"

#: fonts.cpp:239
msgid ""
"If you have a TFT or LCD screen you can further improve the quality of "
"displayed fonts by selecting this option.<br>Sub-pixel hinting is also known "
"as ClearType(tm).<br><br><b>This will not work with CRT monitors.</b>"
msgstr ""
"TFT edo LCD pantaila bat baduzu letra-tipoen kalitatea handitu dezakezu "
"aukera hau hautatuz. <br>Sub-pixel hinting Clear Type(tm) izenarekin ere "
"ezagutzen da<br><br><b>Hau ez da funtzionatuko CRT pantailekin.</b>"

#: fonts.cpp:247
msgid ""
"In order for sub-pixel hinting to work correctly you need to know how the "
"sub-pixels of your display are aligned.<br> On TFT or LCD displays a single "
"pixel is actually composed of three sub-pixels, red, green and blue. Most "
"displays have a linear ordering of RGB sub-pixel, some have BGR."
msgstr ""
"Sub-pixel hinting behar bezala ibil dadin jakin behar duzu zure pantailaren "
"sub-pixelak nola dauden lerrokatuta. <br>TFT edo LCD pantailetan pixel bakar "
"bat hiru sub-pixelez osatzen da, gorria, berdea eta urdina. Pantaila "
"gehienak RGB ordenean dituzte, beste batzuk BGR ordea."

#: fonts.cpp:258
msgid "Hinting style: "
msgstr "Hinting estiloa: "

#: fonts.cpp:265
msgid ""
"Hinting is a process used to enhance the quality of fonts at small sizes."
msgstr "Hinting letra txikiak hobe erakusteko erabiltzen den prozesua da"

#: fonts.cpp:515
msgid "General"
msgstr "Orokorra"

#: fonts.cpp:516
msgid "Fixed width"
msgstr "Zabalera finkoa"

#: fonts.cpp:517
msgid "Toolbar"
msgstr "Tresna-barra"

#: fonts.cpp:518
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menua"

#: fonts.cpp:519
msgid "Window title"
msgstr "Leihoaren izenburua"

#: fonts.cpp:520
msgid "Taskbar"
msgstr "Ataza-barra"

#: fonts.cpp:521
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr "Mahaigaina"

#: fonts.cpp:555
msgid "Used for normal text (e.g. button labels, list items)."
msgstr ""
"Testu arruntan erabilia (adib. botoien etiketak, zerrenden elementuak)."

#: fonts.cpp:556
msgid "A non-proportional font (i.e. typewriter font)."
msgstr "Letra-tipo ez-proportzional bat (Adib. idazmakina letra-tipoa)"

#: fonts.cpp:557
msgid "Used to display text beside toolbar icons."
msgstr "Tresna-barran ikonoen izenak erakusteko erabilia."

#: fonts.cpp:558
msgid "Used by menu bars and popup menus."
msgstr "Menu-barra eta menuetan erabilia."

#: fonts.cpp:559
msgid "Used by the window titlebar."
msgstr "Leihoen izenburu-barran erabilia."

#: fonts.cpp:560
msgid "Used by the taskbar."
msgstr "Ataza-barran erabilia."

#: fonts.cpp:561
msgid "Used for desktop icons."
msgstr "Mahaigaineko ikonoetarako erabilia."

#: fonts.cpp:612
msgid "Ad&just All Fonts..."
msgstr "D&oitu letra tipo guztiak..."

#: fonts.cpp:613
msgid "Click to change all fonts"
msgstr "Klik egin letra-tipo guztiak aldatzeko"

#: fonts.cpp:621
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use a&nti-aliasing:"
msgstr "Erabili letra tiporako antialiasing-a"

#: fonts.cpp:624
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:625
msgid "System settings"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:626 fonts.cpp:640
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:627
msgid ""
"If this option is selected, TDE will smooth the edges of curves in fonts."
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau hautatuta badago, TDE-k letra tipoen ertzeak bigunduko ditu."

#: fonts.cpp:629
msgid "Configure..."
msgstr "Konfiguratu..."

#: fonts.cpp:636
msgid "Force fonts DPI:"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:641
msgid "96 DPI"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:642
msgid "120 DPI"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:644
msgid ""
"<p>This option forces a specific DPI value for fonts. It may be useful when "
"the real DPI of the hardware is not detected properly and it is also often "
"misused when poor quality fonts are used that do not look well with DPI "
"values other than 96 or 120 DPI.</p><p>The use of this option is generally "
"discouraged. For selecting proper DPI value a better option is explicitly "
"configuring it for the whole X server if possible (e.g. DisplaySize in xorg."
"conf or adding <i>-dpi value</i> to ServerLocalArgs= in $TDEDIR/share/config/"
"tdm/tdmrc). When fonts do not render properly with real DPI value better "
"fonts should be used or configuration of font hinting should be checked.</p>"
msgstr ""

#: fonts.cpp:761
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<p>Some changes such as anti-aliasing will only affect newly started "
msgstr ""
"<p>Antialisaing-ekin zerikusia duten ezarpenak aldatu dituzu\n"
"Aldaketa honek hemendik aurrera abiarazten diren aplikazioetan izanen du "
"eragina bakarrik</p>"

#: fonts.cpp:762
#, fuzzy
msgid "Font Settings Changed"
msgstr "Anti-aliasing ezarpenak aldatuak"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:876 kxftconfig.cpp:917
msgid "None"
msgstr "Bat ere ez"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:878
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "RGB"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:880
msgid "BGR"
msgstr "BGR"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:882
msgid "Vertical RGB"
msgstr "RGB bertikala"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:884
msgid "Vertical BGR"
msgstr "BGR bertikala"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:913
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Ertaina"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:919
msgid "Slight"
msgstr "Ahula"

#: kxftconfig.cpp:921
msgid "Full"
msgstr "Osoa"