# translation of kcmkurifilt.po to Basque
# translation of kcmkurifilt.po to
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003.
# Juan Irigoien <juanirigoien@irakasle.net>, 2004.
# Marcos <marcos.goyeneche@unavarra.es>, 2006.
# marcos <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcmkurifilt\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-08 17:40+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: marcos <marcos@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <itzulpena@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.1\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""

#: filteropts.cpp:38
msgid "Under construction..."
msgstr "Eraikitzen..."

#: main.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<h1>Enhanced Browsing</h1> In this module you can configure some enhanced "
"browsing features of TDE. <h2>Internet Keywords</h2>Internet Keywords let "
"you type in the name of a brand, a project, a celebrity, etc... and go to "
"the relevant location. For example you can just type \"TDE\" or \"Trinity "
"Desktop Environment\" in Konqueror to go to TDE's homepage.<h2>Web "
"Shortcuts</h2>Web Shortcuts are a quick way of using Web search engines. For "
"example, type \"altavista:frobozz\" or \"av:frobozz\" and Konqueror will do "
"a search on AltaVista for \"frobozz\". Even easier: just press Alt+F2 (if "
"you have not changed this shortcut) and enter the shortcut in the TDE Run "
"Command dialog."
msgstr ""
"<h1>Hobetutako arakaketa</h1> Modulu honen bidez TDEren arakaketa hobetuko "
"duten zenbait ezaugarri konfigura ditzakezu.<h2>Interneteko gako-hitzak</"
"h2>Interneteko gako-hitzen bidez honako hau egin dezakezu: marka, proiektu, "
"pertsonai ospetsu eta abarren izena sartu eta kokapen egokira joan zaitezke. "
"Adibidez, \"TDE\" edo \"K Desktop Environment\" Konquerorren sartu baino ez "
"duzu egin behar TDEren orrialdera joateko.<h2>Web lasterbideak</h2>Web "
"lasterbideak bilagailuak erabiltzeko era bizkorra dira. Adibidez, "
"\"altavista:frobozz\" edo \"av:frobozz\" sartu, eta Konquerorek \"frobozz\" "
"bilatuko du Altavistan. Are errazago: Alt+F2 sakatu (lasterbidea aldatu ez "
"baduzu) eta lasterbidea sartu TDE Exekutatu komandoa elkarrizketan."

#: main.cpp:63
msgid "&Filters"
msgstr "&Iragazkiak"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts.cpp:87 plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:174
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts.cpp:96
msgid ""
"In this module you can configure the web shortcuts feature. Web shortcuts "
"allow you to quickly search or lookup words on the Internet. For example, to "
"search for information about the TDE project using the Google engine, you "
"simply type <b>gg:TDE</b> or <b>google:TDE</b>.<p>If you select a default "
"search engine, normal words or phrases will be looked up at the specified "
"search engine by simply typing them into applications, such as Konqueror, "
"that have built-in support for such a feature."
msgstr ""
"Modulu honen bidez web lasterbideak konfigura ditzakezu. Web lasterbideek "
"interneten hitzak bizkor bilatzea errazten dute. Adibidez, Google "
"bilatzailea erabiliz TDE proiektuari buruzko informazioa bilatzeko, nahikoa "
"duzu <b>gg:TDE</b> edo <b>google:TDE</b> idaztea. <p>Bilatzaile lehenetsi "
"bat hautatzen baduzu, aukeratutako bilatzailea erabiliz hitz edo esaldi "
"arruntak bilatzeko nahikoa izango da ezaugarri horretarako euskarria duten "
"aplikazioetan idaztea, Konquerorren, adibidez."

#: plugins/ikws/kurisearchfilter.cpp:87
msgid "Search F&ilters"
msgstr "Bilaketa &iragazkiak"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg.cpp:59
msgid "Modify Search Provider"
msgstr "Aldatu bilaketa hornitzailea"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg.cpp:69
msgid "New Search Provider"
msgstr "Bilaketa hornitzaile berria"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg.cpp:86
msgid ""
"The URI does not contain a \\{...} placeholder for the user query.\n"
"This means that the same page is always going to be visited, regardless of "
"what the user types."
msgstr ""
"URIak ez du \\{...} leku-markarik erabiltzailearen kontsulatarako.\n"
"Honek zera dakar, orrialde berberera joango dela beti, berdin diolarik zer "
"idazten duen erabiltzaileak."

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg.cpp:89
msgid "Keep It"
msgstr "Mantendu"

#: plugins/shorturi/tdeshorturifilter.cpp:277
msgid "<qt><b>%1</b> does not have a home folder.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt><b>%1</b>(e)k ez du etxeko karpeta.</qt>"

#: plugins/shorturi/tdeshorturifilter.cpp:278
msgid "<qt>There is no user called <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
msgstr "<qt>Ez dago <b>%1</b> izena duen erabiltzailerik.</qt>"

#: plugins/shorturi/tdeshorturifilter.cpp:526
msgid "<qt>The file or folder <b>%1</b> does not exist."
msgstr "<qt><b>%1</b> fitxategi edo karpeta ez dago."

#: plugins/shorturi/tdeshorturifilter.cpp:543
msgid "&ShortURLs"
msgstr "URL &laburrak"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:27
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Enable Web shortcuts"
msgstr "&Gaitu web lasterbideak"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:30
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable shortcuts that allow you to quickly search for information on the "
"web. For example, entering the shortcut <b>gg:TDE</b> will result in a "
"search of the word <b>TDE</b> on the Google(TM) search engine.\n"
msgstr ""
"Interneten informazioa bizkor bilatzeko lasterbideak gaitzen du. Adibidez, "
"<b>gg:TDE</b> lasterbidearen bitartez, <b>TDE</b> hitzari buruzko bilaketa "
"egingo da Google(TM) bilatzailean.\n"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Keyword delimiter:"
msgstr "&Gako-hitzen mugatzailea:"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:62 plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:241
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Choose the delimiter that separates the keyword from the phrase or word to "
"be searched."
msgstr ""
"Hauta ezazu gako-hitza eta bilatu behar den hitza edo esaldia banatuko "
"dituen mugatzailea"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:81
#, no-c-format
msgid "Default &search engine:"
msgstr "&Bilatzaile lehenetsia:"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:87 plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:110
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Select the search engine to use for input boxes that provide automatic "
"lookup services when you type in normal words and phrases instead of a URL. "
"To disable this feature select <b>None</b> from the list.\n"
msgstr ""
"Hauta ezazu URLa idatzi ordez hitz arruntez idazten duzunean bilaketa "
"automatikoa eskaintzen duen sarrera-kutxarako bilatzailea. Ezaugarri hau "
"desgaitzeko, hauta ezazu zerrendatik <b>Bat ere ez</b>.\n"
" </qt>"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:95
#, no-c-format
msgid "None"
msgstr "Bat ere ez"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:123
#, no-c-format
msgid "Chan&ge..."
msgstr "&Aldatu..."

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Modify a search provider."
msgstr "Aldatu bilaketa hornitzailea."

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "De&lete"
msgstr "Eza&batu"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:140
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delete the selected search provider."
msgstr "Ezabatu hautatutako bilaketa hornitzailea."

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:148
#, no-c-format
msgid "&New..."
msgstr "B&erria..."

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:151
#, no-c-format
msgid "Add a search provider."
msgstr "Gehitu bilaketa hornitzaile bat."

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Shortcuts"
msgstr "Lasterbideak"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:215
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"List of search providers, their associated shortcuts and whether they shall "
"be listed in menus."
msgstr ""
"Bilaketa hornitzaileen zerrenda, dagokizkien lasterbideak eta menuetan "
"zerrendatu behar diren edo ez."

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "Colon"
msgstr "Puntu bi"

#: plugins/ikws/ikwsopts_ui.ui:226
#, no-c-format
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Zuriunea"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:27
#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:72
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter the human readable name of the search provider here."
msgstr "Sartu hemen bilaketa hornitzailearen izen ulergarria."

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Charset:"
msgstr "&Karaktere-multzoa:"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:41
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select the character set that will be used to encode your search query"
msgstr "Hautatu zure bilaketa kodetzeko erabiliko den karaktere multzoa"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:49
#, no-c-format
msgid "Search &URI:"
msgstr "Bilaketa &URla:"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:55
#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:106
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enter the URI that is used to do a search on the search engine here.<br/>The "
"whole text to be searched for can be specified as \\{@} or \\{0}.<br/>\n"
"Recommended is \\{@}, since it removes all query variables (name=value) from "
"the resulting string whereas \\{0} will be substituted with the unmodified "
"query string.<br/>You can use \\{1} ... \\{n} to specify certain words from "
"the query and \\{name} to specify a value given by 'name=value' in the user "
"query.<br/>In addition it is possible to specify multiple references (names, "
"numbers and strings) at once (\\{name1,name2,...,\"string\"}).<br/>The first "
"matching value (from the left) will be used as substitution value for the "
"resulting URI.<br/>A quoted string can be used as default value if nothing "
"matches from the left of the reference list.\n"
msgstr ""
"<qt> \n"
"Sartu hemen bilatzailea erabiliz bilaketa egiteko erabiltzen den URIa. <br/"
">Bilatuko den testu osoa \\{@} edo \\{0} erabiliz adieraz daiteke.<br/>\n"
"Gomendatzen dena \\{@} da, emaitza-katetik bilaketa aldagarri guztiak "
"(izena=balioa) kentzen dituelako, aldatu gabeko bilaketa-kateak \\{0}"
"ordeztuko duen bitartean. <br/> \\{1} ... \\{n} erabil dezakezu bilaketako "
"zenbait hitz jakin zehazteko, baita \\{izena}, 'izena=balioa' bikoteak "
"erabiltzailearen bilaketan emandako balioa adierazteko.\n"
"<br/>Horrez gain, erreferentzia ugari (izenak, zenbakiak eta kateak) adieraz "
"daitezke batera (\\{1izena, 2izena,...,\"katea\"}) . <br/>Bat datorren lehen "
"balioa (ezkerretik hasita) izango da ateratzen den URIrako erabiliko den "
"ordezkapen balioa. <br/>Komatxo arteko kate bat erabil daiteke balio "
"lehenetsitzat, erreferentziako zerrendaren ezkerretik ezer ere ez badator "

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Search &provider name:"
msgstr "Bilaketa &hornitzailearen izena:"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:80
#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:96
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"The shortcuts entered here can be used as a pseudo-URI scheme in TDE. For "
"example, the shortcut <b>av</b> can be used as in <b>av</b>:<b>my search</"
msgstr ""
"Hemen sartutako lasterbideak sasi-URI bezala erabil daitezke TDEn. Adibidez, "
"<b>av</b> lasterbidea <b>av</b>:<b>nire bilaketa</b> balitz bezala erabil "

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:90
#, no-c-format
msgid "UR&I shortcuts:"
msgstr "UR&I lasterbideak:"

#: plugins/ikws/searchproviderdlg_ui.ui:117
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select the character set that will be used to encode your search query."
msgstr "Hautatu zure bilaketa kodetzeko erabiliko den karaktere multzoa."