# translation of libksirtet.po to Basque
# translation of libksirtet.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003.
# Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libksirtet\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-11-30 03:21+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-08-23 20:43-0600\n"
"Last-Translator: Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <kdeuskaraz@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#: base/board.cpp:216
msgid "Blocks removed"
msgstr "Kendutako blokeak"

#: base/factory.cpp:25
msgid "Core engine"
msgstr "Nukleoko motorea"

#: base/field.cpp:19
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Hasi"

#: base/field.cpp:19
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Jarraitu"

#: base/field.cpp:19
msgid "Proceed"
msgstr "Jardun"

#: base/field.cpp:44
msgid ""
"(AI player)"
msgstr ""

#: base/field.cpp:45
msgid ""
"(Human player)"
msgstr ""

#: base/field.cpp:47
msgid ""
"Waiting for server"
msgstr ""
"Zerbitzariaren zain"

#: base/field.cpp:56
msgid "Stage #1"
msgstr "1. maila"

#: base/field.cpp:81
msgid "Arcade game"
msgstr "Arcade jokoa"

#: base/field.cpp:115
msgid "Game paused"
msgstr "Jokoa pausatuta"

#: base/field.cpp:126
msgid "Game over"
msgstr "Jokoa amaitu da"

#: base/field.cpp:129
msgid "The End"
msgstr "Amaiera"

#: base/field.cpp:131
msgid "Stage #%1 done"
msgstr "%1. maila eginda"

#: base/field.cpp:140
msgid "Game Over"
msgstr "Jokoa amaitu da"

#: base/main.cpp:85
msgid "Game"
msgstr "Jokoa"

#: base/main.cpp:89
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Koloreak"

#: base/settings.cpp:33
msgid "Enable animations"
msgstr "Gaitu animazioak"

#: base/settings.cpp:39
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Atzeko planoa"

#: base/settings.cpp:45
msgid "Color:"
msgstr "Kolorea:"

#: base/settings.cpp:50
msgid "Opacity:"
msgstr "Opakotasuna:"

#: lib/defines.cpp:9
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: lib/internal.cpp:131
msgid "Unable to read socket"
msgstr "Ezin da socket-a irakurri"

#: lib/internal.cpp:136
msgid "Unable to write to socket"
msgstr "Ezin da socket-a idatzi"

#: lib/internal.cpp:141
msgid "Link broken"
msgstr "Esteka hautsita dago"

#: lib/internal.cpp:239
msgid "Client has not answered in time"
msgstr "Bezeroak ez du denboran erantzun"

#: lib/keys.cpp:81
msgid "Shortcuts for player #%1/%2"
msgstr "%1/%2 jokalarien lasterbideak"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:18
msgid "Network Meeting"
msgstr "Sareko bilera"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:39
msgid "Waiting for clients"
msgstr "Bezeroen zain"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:54
msgid "Start Game"
msgstr "Hasi jokoa"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:57
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Abortatu"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:70
msgid "A new client has just arrived (#%1)"
msgstr "Bezero berri bat iritsi berri da (%1.)"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:172
msgid "Error reading data from"
msgstr "Errorea datuak hemendik irakutzean"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:174
msgid "Unknown data from"
msgstr "Datu ezezagunak hemendik"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:176
msgid "Error writing to"
msgstr "Errorea hona idaztean"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:178
msgid "Link broken or empty data from"
msgstr "Esteka hondatuta edo datu hutsak hemendik"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:244
msgid "%1 client #%2: disconnect it"
msgstr "%1 #%2 bezeroa: deskonektatu"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:267
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to accept incoming client:\n"
msgstr ""
"Errorea sarrerako bezeroa onartzean:\n"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:299
msgid "Client rejected for incompatible ID"
msgstr "Bezeroak ID bateraezinagatik ukatu du"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:304
msgid "Client #%1 has left"
msgstr "%1. bezeroak alde egin du"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:428
msgid "Unable to write to client #%1 at game beginning."
msgstr "Ezin zaio %1. bezeroari idatzi jokoaren hasieran."

#: lib/meeting.cpp:465
msgid "%1 server: aborting connection."
msgstr "%1 zerbitzaria: konexioa abortatzen."

#: lib/meeting.cpp:532
msgid "Client %1 has left"
msgstr "%1 bezeroak alde egin du"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:559
msgid ""
"The game has begun without you\n"
"(You have been excluded by the server)."
msgstr ""
"Joko zu gabe hasi da\n"
"(zerbitzaritik kanpo utzi zaituzte)"

#: lib/meeting.cpp:573
msgid "The server has aborted the game."
msgstr "Zerbitzariak jokoa abortatu du."

#: lib/miscui.cpp:16
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Prest"

#: lib/miscui.cpp:21
msgid "Excluded"
msgstr "Kanporatuta"

#: lib/miscui.cpp:52
msgid "Human"
msgstr "Gizakia"

#: lib/miscui.cpp:53
msgid "AI"
msgstr "Ordenagailua"

#: lib/miscui.cpp:54
msgid "None"
msgstr "Bat ere ez"

#: lib/mp_interface.cpp:109
#, c-format
msgid "Human %1"
msgstr "%1 gizakia"

#: lib/mp_interface.cpp:110
#, c-format
msgid "AI %1"
msgstr "%1 ordenagailua"

#: lib/mp_simple_interface.cpp:75
msgid "Server has left game!"
msgstr "Zerbitzariak jokoa utzi du!"

#: lib/pline.cpp:69
#, c-format
msgid "Hu=%1"
msgstr "Gi=%1"

#: lib/pline.cpp:70
#, c-format
msgid "AI=%1"
msgstr "Or=%1"

#: lib/pline.cpp:109
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ezarpenak"

#: lib/types.cpp:20
msgid ""
"Server: \"%1\"\n"
"Client: \"%2\""
msgstr ""
"Zerbitzaria: \"%1\"\n"
"Bezeroa: \"%2\""

#: lib/types.cpp:25
msgid "The MultiPlayer library of the server is incompatible"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren jokalari anizkoitzeko liburutegia bateraezina da"

#: lib/types.cpp:28
msgid "Trying to connect a server for another game type"
msgstr "Beste motako joko baterako zerbitzari batera konektatzen"

#: lib/types.cpp:31
msgid "The server game version is incompatible"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren jokoaren bertsioa bateraezina da"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:54
msgid "Create a local game"
msgstr "Sortu joko lokala"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:55
msgid "Create a network game"
msgstr "Sortu sareko jokoa"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:56
msgid "Join a network game"
msgstr "Bat egin sareko joko batekin"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:62
msgid "Network Settings"
msgstr "Sarearen ezarpenak"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:67
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Ataka:"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:72
msgid "Choose Game Type"
msgstr "Hautatu joko mota:"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:100 lib/wizard.cpp:125
#, c-format
msgid "Player #%1"
msgstr "%1. jokalaria"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:117
msgid "Local Player's Settings"
msgstr "Jokalari lokalaren ezarpenak"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:136
msgid "Hostname:"
msgstr "Ostalari-izena:"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:140
msgid "the.server.address"
msgstr "zerbitzari.baten.helbidea"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:141
msgid "Server address:"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren helbidea:"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:179
msgid "Error looking up for \"%1\""
msgstr "Errorea \"%1\" bilatzen"

#: lib/wizard.cpp:187
msgid "Error opening socket"
msgstr "Errorea socket-a irekitzean"

#: common/ai.cpp:304
msgid "Thinking depth:"
msgstr "Kalkulu sakontasuna:"

#: common/board.cpp:172
msgid "Piece glued"
msgstr "Fitxa itsatsia"

#: common/field.cpp:47
msgid "Display the progress to complete the current level or stage."
msgstr "Bistaratu uneko maila osatzeko aurrerapena."

#: common/field.cpp:54
msgid "Previous player's height"
msgstr "Aurreko jokalariaren altuera"

#: common/field.cpp:64
msgid "Shadow of the current piece"
msgstr "Itzaldu uneko fitxa"

#: common/field.cpp:70
msgid "Next player's height"
msgstr "Hurrengo jokalariaren altuera"

#: common/field.cpp:79
msgid "Next Tile"
msgstr "Hurrengo fitxa"

#: common/field.cpp:173
msgid "Elapsed time"
msgstr "Igarotako denbora"

#: common/field.cpp:176
msgid "Display the elapsed time."
msgstr "Bistaratu igarotako denbora."

#: common/field.cpp:177
msgid "Stage"
msgstr "Maila"

#: common/field.cpp:180
msgid "Score"
msgstr "Puntuazioa"

#: common/field.cpp:183
msgid ""
"<qt>Display the current score."
"<br/>It turns <font color=\"blue\">blue</font> if it is a highscore and <font "
"color=\"red\">red</font> if it is the best local score.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Bistaratu uneko puntuazioa."
"<br/>Kolore <font color=\"blue\">urdina</font> agertzen da puntuazio altua bada "
"eta kolore <font color=\"red\">gorria</font> lokaleko puntuazio onena bada.</qt>"

#: common/field.cpp:184 common/highscores.cpp:14
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Maila"

#: common/highscores.cpp:28
msgid "anonymous"
msgstr "anonimoa"

#: common/inter.cpp:15
msgid "Move Left"
msgstr "Mugitu ezkerrera"

#: common/inter.cpp:16
msgid "Move Right"
msgstr "Mugitu eskuinera"

#: common/inter.cpp:17
msgid "Drop Down"
msgstr "Jeitsi behera"

#: common/inter.cpp:19
msgid "One Line Down"
msgstr "Lerro bat behera"

#: common/inter.cpp:20
msgid "Rotate Left"
msgstr "Biratu ezkerrera"

#: common/inter.cpp:21
msgid "Rotate Right"
msgstr "Biratu eskuinera"

#: common/inter.cpp:22
msgid "Move to Left Column"
msgstr "Mugitu ezkerreko zutabera"

#: common/inter.cpp:24
msgid "Move to Right Column"
msgstr "Mugitu eskuineko zutabera"

#: common/main.cpp:16
msgid "A.I."
msgstr "Ordenagailua"

#: common/main.cpp:27
msgid "&Single Human (Normal)"
msgstr "&Gizakia bakarra (normala)"

#: common/main.cpp:27
msgid "&Single Human"
msgstr "&Gizakia bakarra"

#: common/main.cpp:30
msgid "&Single Human (Arcade)"
msgstr "&Gizakia bakarra (Arcade-a)"

#: common/main.cpp:33
msgid "Human vs &Human"
msgstr "Gizakia vs &Gizakia"

#: common/main.cpp:35
msgid "Human vs &Computer"
msgstr "Gizakia vs &Ordenagailua"

#: common/main.cpp:38
msgid "&More..."
msgstr "&Gehiago..."

#: common/settings.cpp:21
msgid "Show piece's shadow"
msgstr "Erakutsi piezaren itzala"

#: common/settings.cpp:24
msgid "Show next piece"
msgstr "Erakutsi hurrengo pieza"

#: common/settings.cpp:27
msgid "Show detailed \"removed lines\" field"
msgstr "Erakutsi \"kendutako lerroak \" eremu xehea"

#: common/settings.cpp:40
msgid "Initial level:"
msgstr "Hasierako maila:"

#: common/settings.cpp:48
msgid "Direct drop down"
msgstr "Erorketa zuzena"

#: common/settings.cpp:49
msgid "Drop down is not stopped when drop down key is released."
msgstr "Erorketa ez da geldituko bota behera tekla askatzen denean."

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "igaztanaga@gmail.com"