# translation of kmrml.po to Basque
# translation of kmrml.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003.
# Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kmrml\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-21 14:31+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-03 13:16-0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <kdeuskaraz@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#: _translatorinfo:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"

#: _translatorinfo:2
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "igaztanaga@gmail.com"

#: algorithmdialog.cpp:64
msgid "Configure Query Algorithms"
msgstr "Konfiguratu kontsultarako algoritmoak"

#: algorithmdialog.cpp:75
msgid "Collection: "
msgstr "Bilduma: "

#: algorithmdialog.cpp:85
msgid "Algorithm: "
msgstr "Algoritmoa: "

#: kcontrol/indexer.cpp:115
msgid "<qt>Next Folder: <br><b>%1</b>"
msgstr "<qt>Hurrengo karpeta: <br><b>%1</b>"

#: kcontrol/indexer.cpp:163
msgid "<qt>Processing folder %1 of %2: <br><b>%3</b><br>File %4 of %5.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Karpetak prozesatzen: %1/%2: <br><b>%3</b> <br>Fitxategia: %4/%5.</qt>"

#: kcontrol/indexer.cpp:180 kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:420
msgid "Finished."
msgstr "Amaituta."

#: kcontrol/indexer.cpp:180
msgid "Writing data..."
msgstr "Datuak idazten..."

#: kcontrol/kcmkmrml.cpp:51
msgid "KCMKMrml"
msgstr "KCMKMrml"

#: kcontrol/kcmkmrml.cpp:53
msgid "Advanced Search Control Module"
msgstr "Bilaketareako kontrol-modulu aurreratua"

#: kcontrol/kcmkmrml.cpp:55
msgid "Copyright 2002, Carsten Pfeiffer"
msgstr "Copyright 2002, Carsten Pfeiffer"

#: kcontrol/kcmkmrml.cpp:84
msgid ""
"Cannot find executables \"gift\" and/or \"gift-add-collection.pl\" in the "
"Please install the \"GNU Image Finding Tool\"."
msgstr ""

#: kcontrol/kcmkmrml.cpp:107
msgid "Do you really want the configuration to be reset to the defaults?"
msgstr ""
"Ziur zaude konfigurazioa bere balio lehenetsietara berrezarri nahi duzula?"

#: kcontrol/kcmkmrml.cpp:108
msgid "Reset Configuration"
msgstr "Berrezarri konfigurazioa"

#: kcontrol/kcmkmrml.cpp:133
msgid ""
"<h1>Image Index</h1>TDE can make use of the GNU Image Finding Tool (GIFT) to "
"perform queries based not just on filenames, but on file content.<p>For "
"example, you can search for an image by giving an example image that looks "
"similar to the one you are looking for.</p><p>For this to work, your image "
"directories need to be indexed by, for example, the GIFT server.</p><p>Here "
"you can configure the servers (you can also query remote servers) and the "
"directories to index.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<h1>Irudiaren indizea</h1>TDE-k GNU-ren irudiak aurkitzeko tresna (GIFT) "
"erabili dezake fitxategien izenez gain, fitxategiaren edukinaren arabera "
"kontsultak egiteko.<p>Adibidez, irudia antzeko adibidezko irudi bat emenez "
"bila dezakezu.</p><p>Honek funtziona dezan, zure irudien direktorioak "
"indexatu behar dira (GIFT zerbitzariaren bidez, adibidez).</p><p>Hemen "
"zerbitzariak konfigura ditzaekezu (urruneko zerbitzariak ere kontsulta "
"ditzakezu) eta baita indexazioko direktorioak ere.</p>"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:64
msgid "Indexing Server Configuration"
msgstr "Indexazio-zerbitzariaren konfigurazioa"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:67
msgid "Hostname of the Indexing Server"
msgstr "Indexazio-zerbitzariaren ostalari-izena"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:80 kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:85
msgid "Folders to Be Indexed"
msgstr "Indexatuko diren karpetak"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:172
msgid ""
"You did not specify any folders to be indexed. This means you will be unable "
"to perform queries on your computer."
msgstr ""
"Ez duzu indexatzeko karpetarik zehaztu. Honek zure konputagailuan "
"kontsultarik ezingo duzula egin esan nahid du."

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:312
msgid "Select Folder You Want to Index"
msgstr "Hautatu indexatu nahi duzun karpeta"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:387
msgid "Removing old Index Files"
msgstr "Indexazio-fitxategi zaharrak kentzen"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:388 kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:436
msgid "Processing..."
msgstr "Prozesatzen..."

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:426
msgid ""
"The settings have been saved. Now, the configured directories need to be "
"indexed. This may take a while. Do you want to do this now?"
msgstr ""
"Ezarpenak gorde dira. Orain, konfiguratutako direktorioak indexatu behar "
"dira. Honek denbora iraun dezake. Orain egin nahi duzu?"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:430
msgid "Start Indexing Now?"
msgstr "Hasi indexazioa orain?"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:431
msgid "Index"
msgstr "Indizea"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:431
msgid "Do Not Index"
msgstr "Ez indexatu"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:435
msgid "Indexing Folders"
msgstr "Karpetak indexatzen"

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:461
msgid "Is the \"GNU Image Finding Tool\" properly installed?"
msgstr ""

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:468
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown error: %1"
msgstr ""

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:471
msgid "An error occurred during indexing. The index might be invalid."
msgstr ""

#: kcontrol/mainpage.cpp:472
#, fuzzy
msgid "Indexing Aborted"
msgstr "Karpetak indexatzen"

#: mrml.cpp:95
msgid "Unable to start the Indexing Server. Aborting the query."
msgstr "Ezin da indexazio-zerbitzaria abiatu. Kontsulta abortatzen."

#: mrml.cpp:120
msgid "No MRML data is available."
msgstr "Ez dao MRML daturik eskuragarri."

#: mrml.cpp:152
msgid "Could not connect to GIFT server."
msgstr "Ezin da GIFT zerbitzarira konektatu."

#: mrml_part.cpp:141
msgid "Server to query:"
msgstr "Kontsultatzeko zerbitzaria:"

#: mrml_part.cpp:148
msgid "Search in collection:"
msgstr "Bilatu bilduman:"

#: mrml_part.cpp:159
msgid "Configure algorithm"
msgstr "Konfiguratu algoritmoa"

#: mrml_part.cpp:168
msgid "Maximum result images:"
msgstr "Emaitzaren irudi kopuru maximoa:"

#: mrml_part.cpp:171
msgid "Random search"
msgstr "Ausazko bilaketa"

#: mrml_part.cpp:207
msgid ""
"There is no image collection available\n"
"at %1.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ez dago irudirik eskuragarri bilduman\n"
"hemen: %1.\n"

#: mrml_part.cpp:208
msgid "No Image Collection"
msgstr "Irudi-bildumarik ez"

#: mrml_part.cpp:248
msgid "You can only search by example images on a local indexing server."
msgstr ""
"Adibidezko irudiak indexazio-zerbitzari lokal batean bakarrik bila daitezke."

#: mrml_part.cpp:250
msgid "Only Local Servers Possible"
msgstr "Zerbitzari lokaletan bakarrik"

#: mrml_part.cpp:278
msgid ""
"There are no indexable folders specified. Do you want to configure them now?"
msgstr "Ez dago karpeta indexagarririk zehaztu. Orain konfiguratu nahi dituzu?"

#: mrml_part.cpp:281
msgid "Configuration Missing"
msgstr "Konfigurazioa falta da"

#: mrml_part.cpp:282
#, fuzzy
msgid "Configure"
msgstr "Ez konfiguratu"

#: mrml_part.cpp:283
msgid "Do Not Configure"
msgstr "Ez konfiguratu"

#: mrml_part.cpp:313
msgid "Connecting to indexing server at %1..."
msgstr "%1 indexazio-zerbitzarira konektatzen..."

#: mrml_part.cpp:354
msgid "Downloading reference files..."
msgstr "Erreferentzia-fitxategiak deskargatzen..."

#: mrml_part.cpp:497
msgid ""
"Server returned error:\n"
msgstr ""
"Zerbitariak errore bat itzuli du:\n"

#: mrml_part.cpp:499
msgid "Server Error"
msgstr "Zerbitzariaren errorea"

#: mrml_part.cpp:548 mrml_part.cpp:787
msgid "&Search"
msgstr "&Bilatu"

#: mrml_part.cpp:685
msgid "Error formulating the query. The \"query-step\" element is missing."
msgstr "Errorea kontsultan. \"query-step\" elementua falta da."

#: mrml_part.cpp:687
msgid "Query Error"
msgstr "Kontsulta-errorea"

#: mrml_part.cpp:691
msgid "Random search..."
msgstr "Ausazko bilaketa..."

#: mrml_part.cpp:692
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "Bilaketa..."

#: mrml_part.cpp:701
msgid "Ready."
msgstr "Prest."

#: mrml_part.cpp:784
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "&Konektatu"

#: mrml_part.cpp:790
msgid "Sto&p"
msgstr "Geldi&tu"

#: mrml_part.cpp:837
msgid "MRML Client for TDE"
msgstr "TDE-ren MRML bezeroa"

#: mrml_part.cpp:839
msgid "A tool to search for images by their content"
msgstr "Irudiak bere edukinen arabera bilatzeko tresna bat"

#: mrml_part.cpp:841
msgid "(c) 2001-2002, Carsten Pfeiffer"
msgstr "(c) 2001-2002, Carsten Pfeiffer"

#: mrml_part.cpp:843
msgid "http://devel-home.kde.org/~pfeiffer/kmrml/"
msgstr "http://devel-home.kde.org/~pfeiffer/kmrml/"

#: mrml_part.cpp:846
msgid "Developer, Maintainer"
msgstr "Garatzailea, mantentzailea"

#: mrml_part.cpp:849
msgid "Developer of the GIFT, Helping Hand"
msgstr "GIFT-en garatzailea, laguntzailea"

#: mrml_view.cpp:58
msgid "No thumbnail available"
msgstr "Ez dago koadro-txikirik eskuragarri"

#: mrml_view.cpp:300
msgid ""
"You can refine queries by giving feedback about the current result and "
"pressing the Search button again."
msgstr ""
"Kontsulta zehatzagoetarako uneko emaitza eman eta Bilatu botoia berriro "

#: mrml_view.cpp:301
msgid "Relevant"
msgstr "Garrantzizkoa"

#: mrml_view.cpp:302
msgid "Neutral"
msgstr "Neutrala"

#: mrml_view.cpp:303
msgid "Irrelevant"
msgstr "Garrantzi gabea"

#: server/watcher.cpp:146
msgid ""
"<qt>The server with the command line<br>%1<br>is not available anymore. Do "
"you want to restart it?"
msgstr ""
"<qt>%1 <br>komando-lerroko zerbitzaria ez dago eskuragarri.<br>Berrabiarazi "
"nahi duzu?"

#: server/watcher.cpp:150 server/watcher.cpp:179
msgid "Service Failure"
msgstr "Zerbitzuaren errorea"

#: server/watcher.cpp:150
msgid "Restart Server"
msgstr "Zerbitzaria berrabiatu"

#: server/watcher.cpp:150
msgid "Do Not Restart"
msgstr "Ez berrabiatu"

#: server/watcher.cpp:175
msgid "Unable to start the server with the command line<br>%1<br>Try again?"
msgstr ""
"Ezin da zerbitzaria <br>%1<br> komando-lerroarekin abiatu. Saiatu berriro?"

#: server/watcher.cpp:179
msgid "Try Again"
msgstr "Saiatu berriro"

#: server/watcher.cpp:179
msgid "Do Not Try"
msgstr "Ez saiatu"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Gehitu"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:82
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr ""

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:114
#, no-c-format
msgid "TCP/IP Port Number of the Indexing Server"
msgstr "Indexazio-zerbitzariaren TCP/IP ataka zenbakia"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:122
#, no-c-format
msgid "Au&to"
msgstr "Au&tomatikoa"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:125
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Tries to automatically determine the port. This works only for local servers."
msgstr ""
"Automatikoki ataka zehazten saiatuko da. Honek zerbitzari lokalentzat "
"bakarrik balio du."

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ho&stname:"
msgstr "O&stalari-izena:"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:163
#, no-c-format
msgid "P&ort:"
msgstr "A&taka:"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:176
#, no-c-format
msgid "Per&form authentication"
msgstr "&Autentikatu"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:229
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Username:"
msgstr "&Erabiltzaile-izena:"

#: kcontrol/serverconfigwidget.ui:245
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Password:"
msgstr "&Pasahitza:"