# translation of kuickshow.po to 
# translation of kuickshow.po to Basque
# translation of kuickshow.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003, 2005.
# Ion GaztaƱaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>, 2005, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kuickshow\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-01-13 18:51+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-01-11 09:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team:  <es@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"

#: _translatorinfo:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Marcos Goienetxe, Ion GaztaƱaga"

#: _translatorinfo:2
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "marcos@euskalgnu.org, igaztanaga@gmail.com"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:39
msgid "Apply default image modifications"
msgstr "Aplikatu irudi aldaketa lehenetsiak"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:44 printing.cpp:214
msgid "Scaling"
msgstr "Eskalatzen"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:47
msgid "Shrink image to screen size, if larger"
msgstr "Txikitu irudia pantailan sartu ahal izateko, hau baino handiagoa bada"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:50
msgid "Scale image to screen size, if smaller, up to factor:"
msgstr ""
"Eskalatu irudia pantailaren tamainara, txikiagoa bada, faktore hau erabiliz:"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:60
msgid "Geometry"
msgstr "Geometria"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:63
msgid "Flip vertically"
msgstr "Irauli bertikalki"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:65
msgid "Flip horizontally"
msgstr "Irauli horizontalki"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:67
msgid "Rotate image:"
msgstr "Biratu irudia"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:70
msgid "0 Degrees"
msgstr "0 gradu"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:71
msgid "90 Degrees"
msgstr "90 gradu"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:72
msgid "180 Degrees"
msgstr "180 gradu"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:73
msgid "270 Degrees"
msgstr "270 gradu"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:77
msgid "Adjustments"
msgstr "Doiketak"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:81
msgid "Brightness:"
msgstr "Distira:"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:86
msgid "Contrast:"
msgstr "Kontrastea:"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:90
msgid "Gamma:"
msgstr "Gamma:"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:94
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Aurreikuspegia"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:97
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Jatorrizkoa"

#: defaultswidget.cpp:100
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Aldatuta"

#: generalwidget.cpp:47
msgid "Open KuickShow Website"
msgstr "Ireki KuickShow web orria"

#: generalwidget.cpp:55
msgid "Fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Pantaila osoaren modua"

#: generalwidget.cpp:57
msgid "Preload next image"
msgstr "Aurrekargatu hurrengo irudia"

#: generalwidget.cpp:58
msgid "Remember last folder"
msgstr "Oroitu azken karpeta"

#: generalwidget.cpp:62
msgid "Background color:"
msgstr "Atzeko planoaren kolorea:"

#: generalwidget.cpp:65
msgid "Show only files with extension: "
msgstr "Erakutsi bakarrik luzapen hau duten fitxategiak: "

#: generalwidget.cpp:80
msgid "Quality/Speed"
msgstr "Kalitatea/Abiadura"

#: generalwidget.cpp:85
msgid "Smooth scaling"
msgstr "Eskalatze lehuna"

#: generalwidget.cpp:86
msgid "Fast rendering"
msgstr "Errendatze abudoa"

#: generalwidget.cpp:87
msgid "Dither in HiColor (15/16bit) modes"
msgstr "Bilbea HiColor (15/16bit) moduetan"

#: generalwidget.cpp:90
msgid "Dither in LowColor (<=8bit) modes"
msgstr "Bilbea LowColor (<=8bit) moduetan"

#: generalwidget.cpp:93
msgid "Use own color palette"
msgstr "Erabili kolore paleta pertsonalizatua"

#: generalwidget.cpp:97
msgid "Fast palette remapping"
msgstr "Paleta bermapeatze abudoa"

#: generalwidget.cpp:100
msgid "Maximum cache size: "
msgstr "Gehieneko cache tamaina: "

#: generalwidget.cpp:101
msgid " MB"
msgstr " MB"

#: generalwidget.cpp:102
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Mugarik gabe"

#: imagewindow.cpp:148
msgid "Show Next Image"
msgstr "Erakutsi hurrengo irudia"

#: imagewindow.cpp:151
msgid "Show Previous Image"
msgstr "Erakutsi aurreko irudia"

#: imagewindow.cpp:155
msgid "Delete Image"
msgstr "Ezabatu irudia"

#: imagewindow.cpp:158
msgid "Move Image to Trash"
msgstr "Mugitu irudia zakarontzira"

#: imagewindow.cpp:162
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Zooma handiagotu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:165
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Zooma txikiagotu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:168
msgid "Restore Original Size"
msgstr "Leheneratu jatorrizko tamainera"

#: imagewindow.cpp:171
msgid "Maximize"
msgstr "Maximizatu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:175
msgid "Rotate 90 Degrees"
msgstr "Biratu 90 gradu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:178
msgid "Rotate 180 Degrees"
msgstr "Biratu 180 gradu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:181
msgid "Rotate 270 Degrees"
msgstr "Biratu 270 gradu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:185
msgid "Flip Horizontally"
msgstr "Irauli horizontalki"

#: imagewindow.cpp:188
msgid "Flip Vertically"
msgstr "Irauli bertikalki"

#: imagewindow.cpp:192 kuickshow.cpp:254
msgid "Print Image..."
msgstr "Inprimatu irudia..."

#: imagewindow.cpp:201
msgid "More Brightness"
msgstr "Distira gehiago"

#: imagewindow.cpp:204
msgid "Less Brightness"
msgstr "Distira gutxiago"

#: imagewindow.cpp:207
msgid "More Contrast"
msgstr "Kontraste gehiago"

#: imagewindow.cpp:210
msgid "Less Contrast"
msgstr "Kontraste gutxiago"

#: imagewindow.cpp:213
msgid "More Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma gehiago"

#: imagewindow.cpp:216
msgid "Less Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma gutxiago"

#: imagewindow.cpp:221
msgid "Scroll Up"
msgstr "Gora korritu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:224
msgid "Scroll Down"
msgstr "Behera korritu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:227
msgid "Scroll Left"
msgstr "Ezkerrera korritu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:230
msgid "Scroll Right"
msgstr "Eskuinera korritu"

#: imagewindow.cpp:234
msgid "Pause Slideshow"
msgstr "Eten diapositiba-aurkezpena"

#: imagewindow.cpp:240
msgid "Reload Image"
msgstr "Berkargatu irudia"

#: imagewindow.cpp:312
msgid ""
"_: Filename (Imagewidth x Imageheight)\n"
"%3 (%1 x %2)"
msgstr "%3 (%1 x %2)"

#: imagewindow.cpp:415
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to download the image from %1."
msgstr "Ezin deskargatu irudia %1(e)tik."

#: imagewindow.cpp:431
msgid ""
"Unable to load the image %1.\n"
"Perhaps the file format is unsupported or your Imlib is not installed "
msgstr ""
"Ezin kargatu %1 irudia.\n"
"Agian fitxategiaren formatua ez da onartzen edo zure imlib instalazioa "
"gaizki dago."

#: imagewindow.cpp:893
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "Distira"

#: imagewindow.cpp:894
msgid "Contrast"
msgstr "Kontrastea"

#: imagewindow.cpp:895
msgid "Gamma"
msgstr "Gamma"

#: imagewindow.cpp:914
msgid "Unable to print the image."
msgstr "Ezin inprimatu irudia"

#: imagewindow.cpp:915
msgid "Printing Failed"
msgstr "Inprimatzeak huts egin du"

#: imagewindow.cpp:925
msgid "Keep original image size"
msgstr "Mantendu jatorrizko tamaina"

#: imagewindow.cpp:947
msgid ""
"Couldn't save the file.\n"
"Perhaps the disk is full, or you don't have write permission to the file."
msgstr ""
"Ezin gorde fitxategia\n"
"Agian diska bete da, edo ez duzu fitxategian idazteko baimenik."

#: imagewindow.cpp:950
msgid "File Saving Failed"
msgstr "Fitxategi gordetzeak huts egin du"

#: imagewindow.cpp:1205
msgid ""
"You are about to view a very large image (%1 x %2 pixels), which can be very "
"resource-consuming and even make your computer hang.\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Irudi oso handia ikusteko zorian zaude (%1 x %2 pixel). Irudi hauzure "
"sistemaren baliabide asko behar dezake eta baita ere zure sistemablokea "
"Jarraitu nahi duzu?"

#: kuickconfigdlg.cpp:48
msgid "&General"
msgstr "&Orokorra"

#: kuickconfigdlg.cpp:51
msgid "&Modifications"
msgstr "&Aldaketak"

#: kuickconfigdlg.cpp:54
msgid "&Slideshow"
msgstr "&Diapositiba-aurkezpena"

#: kuickconfigdlg.cpp:57
msgid "&Viewer Shortcuts"
msgstr "&Ikustailuaren laster-bideak"

#: kuickconfigdlg.cpp:64
msgid "Bro&wser Shortcuts"
msgstr "A&rakatzailearen laster-bideak"

#: kuickfile.cpp:109
msgid "Downloading %1..."
msgstr "Deskargatzen %1..."

#: kuickfile.cpp:110
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please wait while downloading\n"
msgstr ""
"Mesedez itxoin %1 deskargatu\n"

#: kuickshow.cpp:136
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"_n: Do you really want to display this 1 image at the same time? This might "
"be quite resource intensive and could overload your computer.<br>If you "
"choose %1, only the first image will be shown.\n"
"Do you really want to display these %n images at the same time? This might "
"be quite resource intensive and could overload your computer.<br>If you "
"choose %1, only the first image will be shown."
msgstr ""
"Benetan %1 irudi hauek batera bistaratzea nahi duzu? Honek baliabide "
"askobehar dezake eta zure sistema gainkarga dezake.\n"
"%2 aukeratzen baduzu bakarrik lehenengo irudia erakutsiko da."

#: kuickshow.cpp:137
#, fuzzy
msgid "Display Multiple Images?"
msgstr "Bistaratu %1 irudi?"

#: kuickshow.cpp:256
msgid "Configure %1..."
msgstr "Konfiguratu %1..."

#: kuickshow.cpp:260
msgid "Start Slideshow"
msgstr "Hasi diapositiba-aurkezpena"

#: kuickshow.cpp:264
msgid "About KuickShow"
msgstr "KuickShow-i buruz"

#: kuickshow.cpp:268
msgid "Open Only One Image Window"
msgstr "Ireki irudi bakarreko leihoa"

#: kuickshow.cpp:273
msgid "Show File Browser"
msgstr "Erakutsi fitxategi arakatzailea"

#: kuickshow.cpp:274
msgid "Hide File Browser"
msgstr "Ezkutatu fitxategi arakatzailea"

#: kuickshow.cpp:278
msgid "Show Image"
msgstr "Erakutsi irudia"

#: kuickshow.cpp:281
msgid "Show Image in Active Window"
msgstr "Erakutsi irudia leiho aktiboan"

#: kuickshow.cpp:285
msgid "Show Image in Fullscreen Mode"
msgstr "Erakutsi irudia pantaila osoan moduan"

#: kuickshow.cpp:644
msgid ""
"<qt>Do you really want to delete\n"
" <b>'%1'</b>?</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Benetan ezabatu nahi duzu\n"
" <b>'%1'</b>?</qt>"

#: kuickshow.cpp:645
msgid "Delete File"
msgstr "Ezabatu fitxategia"

#: kuickshow.cpp:669
msgid ""
"<qt>Do you really want to trash\n"
" <b>'%1'</b>?</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Benetan mugitu nahi duzu zakarontzira\n"
" <b>'%1'</b>?</qt>"

#: kuickshow.cpp:670
msgid "Trash File"
msgstr "Fitxategia zakarontzira"

#: kuickshow.cpp:671
msgid ""
"_: to trash\n"
msgstr "&Zakarontzira"

#: kuickshow.cpp:1243
msgid ""
"Unable to initialize \"Imlib\".\n"
"Start kuickshow from the command line and look for error messages.\n"
"The program will now quit."
msgstr ""
"Ezin hasi \"imlib\".\n"
"Hasi kuickshow terminal batean eta begiratu errore-mezuak. \n"
"Programa irtengo da."

#: kuickshow.cpp:1247
msgid "Fatal Imlib Error"
msgstr "Imlib errore larria"

#: kuickshow.cpp:1406
msgid "Select Files or Folder to Open"
msgstr "Hautatu fitxategia edo karpetak irekitzeko"

#: main.cpp:32
msgid "Start in the last visited folder, not the current working folder."
msgstr "Hasi azken aldiz bisitatutako karpetan, ez uneko karpetan"

#: main.cpp:35
msgid "Optional image filenames/urls to show"
msgstr "Aukerako irudi fitxategi-izena/url-a erakusteko"

#: main.cpp:42
msgid "KuickShow"
msgstr "KuickShow"

#: main.cpp:43
msgid "A fast and versatile image viewer"
msgstr "Irudi ikustailu abudo eta balioanitza"

#: printing.cpp:55
#, c-format
msgid "Print %1"
msgstr "Inprimatu %1"

#: printing.cpp:200
msgid "Image Settings"
msgstr "Irudi ezarpenak"

#: printing.cpp:206
msgid "Print fi&lename below image"
msgstr "Inprimatu &fitxategi-izena irudiaren azpian"

#: printing.cpp:210
msgid "Print image in &black and white"
msgstr "Inprimatu irudia zuri-beltzean"

#: printing.cpp:218
msgid "Shrink image to &fit, if necessary"
msgstr "Txikitu irudia sartu ahal izateko, behar izanez gero"

#: printing.cpp:228
msgid "Print e&xact size: "
msgstr "Inprimatu tamaina &doia: "

#: printing.cpp:236
msgid "Millimeters"
msgstr "Milimetro"

#: printing.cpp:237
msgid "Centimeters"
msgstr "Zentimetro"

#: printing.cpp:238
msgid "Inches"
msgstr "Hazbete"

#: printing.cpp:242
msgid "&Width:"
msgstr "&Zabalera:"

#: printing.cpp:247
msgid "&Height:"
msgstr "&Luzera:"

#: slideshowwidget.cpp:37
msgid "Switch to &full-screen"
msgstr "Aldatu &pantaila osoaren modura"

#: slideshowwidget.cpp:38
msgid "S&tart with current image"
msgstr "Hasi &uneko irudiarekin"

#: slideshowwidget.cpp:41
msgid "De&lay between slides:"
msgstr "Diapositiben arteko &denbora-tartea:"

#: slideshowwidget.cpp:42
msgid " sec"
msgstr " seg"

#: slideshowwidget.cpp:44
msgid "Wait for key"
msgstr "Itxaron tekla bat"

#: slideshowwidget.cpp:47
msgid "&Iterations (0 = infinite):"
msgstr "&Bueltak (0 = mugagabea):"

#: slideshowwidget.cpp:48
msgid "infinite"
msgstr "mugagabea"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Configure"
#~ msgstr "Konfiguratu %1..."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Settings"
#~ msgstr "Irudi ezarpenak"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Error"
#~ msgstr "Irudi errorea"