# translation of kppp.po to
# translation of kppp.po to Basque
# translation of kppp.po to Euskara
# translation of tdenetwork-kppp.po to Euskara
# translation of kppp.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003, 2005.
# Mikel Goñi Larrea <golami@euskalerria.org>, 2003.
# Ion Gaztañaga <ion_g_m@hotmail.com>, 2005.
# Marcos <marcos.goyeneche@unavarra.es>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kppp\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-01-13 18:51+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-13 17:18+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Marcos <marcos.goyeneche@unavarra.es>\n"
"Language-Team:  <eu@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#: _translatorinfo:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Mikel Goñi, Marcos Goienetxe"

#: _translatorinfo:2
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "golami@euskalerria.org, marcos@euskalgnu.org"

#: accounts.cpp:74 modems.cpp:73
msgid "&Edit..."
msgstr "&Editatu..."

#: accounts.cpp:76 modems.cpp:75
msgid "Allows you to modify the selected account"
msgstr "Baimentzen dizu aukeratutako kontua aldatzen"

#: accounts.cpp:84 modems.cpp:83
msgid "&New..."
msgstr "&Berria..."

#: accounts.cpp:87 modems.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Create a new dialup connection\n"
"to the Internet"
msgstr ""
"Sortu Interneterako konexio\n"
"berri bat."

#: accounts.cpp:90 modems.cpp:89
msgid "Co&py"
msgstr "&Kopiatu"

#: accounts.cpp:94 modems.cpp:93
msgid ""
"Makes a copy of the selected account. All\n"
"settings of the selected account are copied\n"
"to a new account that you can modify to fit your\n"
msgstr ""
"Aukeratutako kontuaren kopia bat egiten du.\n"
"Aukeratutako kontuaren ezarpen guztiak kontu berrian\n"
"kopiatuko ditu, zure beharrak asetzeko alda \n"

#: accounts.cpp:99 modems.cpp:98
msgid "De&lete"
msgstr "Eza&batu"

#: accounts.cpp:103 modems.cpp:102
msgid ""
"<p>Deletes the selected account\n"
"<font color=\"red\"><b>Use with care!</b></font>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Aukeratutako kontua ezabatzen du\n"
"<font color=\"red\"><b>Kontu handiz erabili!</b></font>"

#: accounts.cpp:113
msgid "Phone costs:"
msgstr "Telefono kostuak:"

#: accounts.cpp:123
msgid ""
"<p>This shows the accumulated phone costs\n"
"for the selected account.\n"
"<b>Important</b>: If you have more than one \n"
"account - beware, this is <b>NOT</b> the sum \n"
"of the phone costs of all your accounts!"
msgstr ""
"<p>Aukeratutako kontuaren metatutako telefono\n"
"kostuak erakusten ditu honek.\n"
"<b>Garrantzitsua</b>: Kontu bat baino gehiago\n"
"baldin baduzu - adi!!, hau <b>EZ</b> da zure kontu\n"
"guztien telefono gastuen gehiketa!"

#: accounts.cpp:132 conwindow.cpp:52
msgid "Volume:"
msgstr "Bolumena:"

#: accounts.cpp:141
msgid ""
"<p>This shows the number of bytes transferred\n"
"for the selected account (not for all of your\n"
"accounts. You can select what to display in\n"
"the accounting dialog.\n"
"<a href=\"#volaccounting\">More on volume accounting</a>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Honek aukeratutako kontuak garraiatu dituen byte\n"
"kopurua erakusten du, baina aukeratutako kontuarenak\n"
"bakarrik, eta ez kntu guztiena. Kontuen elkarrizketan\n"
"aukera dezakezu erakustea nahi duzuna.\n"
"<a href=\"#volaccounting\">Kontuen bolumenari buruzko gehiago</a>"

#: accounts.cpp:156
msgid "&Reset..."
msgstr "Be&rhasi..."

#: accounts.cpp:162
msgid "&View Logs"
msgstr "Iku&si logak"

#: accounts.cpp:262 accounts.cpp:307
msgid "Maximum number of accounts reached."
msgstr "Gehienezko kontu kopurura heldu zara."

#: accounts.cpp:268
msgid ""
"Do you want to use the wizard to create the new account or the standard, "
"dialog-based setup?\n"
"The wizard is easier and sufficient in most cases. If you need very special "
"settings, you might want to try the standard, dialog-based setup."
msgstr ""
"Zer nahi duzu? Kontu berri bat ezartzeko laguntzailea erabili edo, ohiko "
"elkarriketa sisteman oinarriturik kontua sortu? \n"
"Kasu gehienetan laguntzailea errazagoa da eta baita nahikoa ere. Oso ezarpen "
"bereziak behar badituzu ohiko bidea erabili, hau da, elkarrizketan oinarria "
"duen sistema."

#: accounts.cpp:273 providerdb.cpp:55
msgid "Create New Account"
msgstr "Sortu kontu berria"

#: accounts.cpp:274
msgid "&Wizard"
msgstr "&Laguntzailea"

#: accounts.cpp:274
msgid "&Manual Setup"
msgstr "&Eskuzko konfigurazioa"

#: accounts.cpp:312
msgid "No account selected."
msgstr "Ez da konturik hautatu."

#: accounts.cpp:326
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete\n"
"the account \"%1\"?"
msgstr ""
"Ziru zaude \"%1\" kontua ezabatu\n"
"nahi duzula?"

#: accounts.cpp:329 modems.cpp:195
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Berretsi"

#: accounts.cpp:351
msgid "New Account"
msgstr "Kontu berria"

#: accounts.cpp:354
msgid "Edit Account: "
msgstr "Editatu kontua:"

#: accounts.cpp:360
msgid "Dial"
msgstr "Markatu"

#: accounts.cpp:360
msgid "Dial Setup"
msgstr "Konfiguratu markatzea"

#: accounts.cpp:361
msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"

#: accounts.cpp:361
msgid "IP Setup"
msgstr "Kofiguratu IP-a"

#: accounts.cpp:362
msgid "Gateway"
msgstr "Atebidea"

#: accounts.cpp:362
msgid "Gateway Setup"
msgstr "Atebidearen konfigurazioa"

#: accounts.cpp:363
msgid "DNS"
msgstr "DNS"

#: accounts.cpp:363
msgid "DNS Servers"
msgstr "DNS zerbitzaria"

#: accounts.cpp:364
msgid "Login Script"
msgstr "Saioa hasteko script-a"

#: accounts.cpp:364
msgid "Edit Login Script"
msgstr "Editatu saioa hasteko script-a"

#: accounts.cpp:365
msgid "Execute"
msgstr "Exekutatu"

#: accounts.cpp:365
msgid "Execute Programs"
msgstr "Exekutatu programak"

#: accounts.cpp:366
msgid "Accounting"
msgstr "Kontagailua"

#: accounts.cpp:386
msgid ""
"You must enter a unique\n"
"account name"
msgstr ""
"Kontu izen bakarra jarri\n"
"behar duzu"

#: accounts.cpp:391
msgid "Login script has unbalanced loop Start/End"
msgstr "Konexio scriptak orekarik gabeko Hasi/Amaitu begizta dauka."

#: accounts.cpp:405 conwindow.cpp:98 modems.cpp:259
msgid "Byte"
msgstr "Byte"

#: accounts.cpp:405 conwindow.cpp:98 modems.cpp:259
msgid "KB"
msgstr "KB"

#: accounts.cpp:406 conwindow.cpp:99 modems.cpp:260
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"

#: accounts.cpp:406 conwindow.cpp:99 modems.cpp:260
msgid "GB"
msgstr "GB"

#: accounts.cpp:431
msgid "Reset Accounting"
msgstr "Berhasi kontua"

#: accounts.cpp:434
msgid "What to Reset"
msgstr "Berrasi beharrekoa"

#: accounts.cpp:437
msgid "Reset the accumulated p&hone costs"
msgstr "Berr&hasi metaturiko telefono kostuak"

#: accounts.cpp:440
msgid ""
"Check this to set the phone costs\n"
"to zero. Typically you will want to\n"
"do this once a month."
msgstr ""
"Aukeratu hau telefono kostuak\n"
"zerotik berriro hasteko. Normalean\n"
"ekinbide hau hilabetean behinburutu ohi da."

#: accounts.cpp:444
msgid "Reset &volume accounting"
msgstr "Berhasi &bulomen kontagailua"

#: accounts.cpp:447
msgid ""
"Check this to set the volume accounting\n"
"to zero. Typically you will want to do this\n"
"once a month."
msgstr ""
"Aukeratu hau transferentzia bolumena\n"
"zerotik berriro hasteko. Normalean\n"
"ekinbide hau hilabetean behinburutu ohi da."

#: acctselect.cpp:61
msgid "&Enable accounting"
msgstr "Kontagailu&a gaitu"

#: acctselect.cpp:74
msgid "Check for rule updates"
msgstr "Arauen eguneratzeak bilatu"

#: acctselect.cpp:84
msgid "Selected:"
msgstr "Hautatua:"

#: acctselect.cpp:97
msgid "Volume accounting:"
msgstr "Bolumen kontagailua:"

#: acctselect.cpp:99
msgid "No Accounting"
msgstr "Kontagailurik ez"

#: acctselect.cpp:100
msgid "Bytes In"
msgstr "Sarrerako byte-ak"

#: acctselect.cpp:101
msgid "Bytes Out"
msgstr "Irteerako byte-ak"

#: acctselect.cpp:102
msgid "Bytes In & Out"
msgstr "Sarrera eta irteerako byte-ak"

#: acctselect.cpp:254
msgid "Available Rules"
msgstr "Arau erabilgarriak"

#: acctselect.cpp:282
msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(ezer ez)"

#: connect.cpp:104
msgid "Connecting to: "
msgstr "Honekin konektatzen:"

#: connect.cpp:113 connect.cpp:247 miniterm.cpp:135 modeminfo.cpp:58
#: modeminfo.cpp:135
msgid "Unable to create modem lock file."
msgstr "Ezin modemaren itxiera fitxategia sor."

#: connect.cpp:118 connect.cpp:186 modeminfo.cpp:63
msgid "Looking for modem..."
msgstr "Modemaren bila..."

#: connect.cpp:126
msgid "&Log"
msgstr "&Egunkaria"

#: connect.cpp:213 kpppwidget.cpp:778
#, c-format
msgid "Connecting to: %1"
msgstr "Hona konektatzen: %1"

#: connect.cpp:223 connect.cpp:224
msgid "Running pre-startup command..."
msgstr "Hasi aurreko komandoa egikaritzen..."

#: connect.cpp:241 miniterm.cpp:130 modeminfo.cpp:129
msgid "Modem device is locked."
msgstr "Modemaren dispositiboa itxia dago."

#: connect.cpp:294 connect.cpp:295
msgid "Initializing modem..."
msgstr "Modema hasierazten..."

#: connect.cpp:332
msgid "Setting "
msgstr "Ezarpena "

#: connect.cpp:355 connect.cpp:356
msgid "Setting speaker volume..."
msgstr "Bozgorailuaren bolumena ezartzen..."

#: connect.cpp:371
msgid "Turning off dial tone waiting..."
msgstr "Tonua itxarotzea itzaltzen..."

#: connect.cpp:390
msgid "Waiting for callback..."
msgstr "Atzeradeia itxaroten..."

#: connect.cpp:401
#, c-format
msgid "Dialing %1"
msgstr "%1-ra deitzen."

#: connect.cpp:432
msgid "Line busy. Hanging up..."
msgstr "Linea okupatua. Esekitzen... "

#: connect.cpp:437
msgid "Line busy. Waiting: %1 seconds"
msgstr "Linea okupatua. Itxaroten: %1 segundu."

#: connect.cpp:457
msgid "No Dial Tone"
msgstr "Tonurik ez."

#: connect.cpp:470
msgid "No carrier. Waiting: %1 seconds"
msgstr "Linea okupatua. Itxaroten: %1 segundu."

#: connect.cpp:487
msgid "No Carrier"
msgstr "Erantzunik ez."

#: connect.cpp:498
msgid "Digital Line Protection Detected."
msgstr "Linea digitalaren babeslea detektatua."

#: connect.cpp:502
msgid ""
"A Digital Line Protection (DLP) error response has been detected.\n"
"Please disconnect the phone line.\n"
"Do NOT connect this modem to a digital phone line or the modem could get "
"permanently damaged"
msgstr ""
"Linea digitalaren babeslearen. DLP-aren, akats jakinarazpena detektatu da.\n"
"Telefono-linea deskonekta ezazu. .\n"
"Modem hau linea digital batera konektatuz gero modema behin betiko honda "

#: connect.cpp:556
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning %1"
msgstr "%1 eskaneatzen"

#: connect.cpp:566
#, c-format
msgid "Saving %1"
msgstr "%1 gordetzen."

#: connect.cpp:584
#, c-format
msgid "Sending %1"
msgstr "%1 bidaltzen."

#: connect.cpp:609
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting %1"
msgstr "%1-ren zain."

#: connect.cpp:623
msgid "Pause %1 seconds"
msgstr "%1 segundu itxaron."

#: connect.cpp:640
msgid "Timeout %1 seconds"
msgstr "%1 segundu itxaron"

#: connect.cpp:652 connect.cpp:653
msgid "Hangup"
msgstr "Eseki"

#: connect.cpp:666 connect.cpp:667
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Erantzun"

#: connect.cpp:675
#, c-format
msgid "ID %1"
msgstr "ID %1"

#: connect.cpp:711
#, c-format
msgid "Password %1"
msgstr "Pasahitza %1"

#: connect.cpp:748
#, c-format
msgid "Prompting %1"
msgstr "Markatze abisua %1"

#: connect.cpp:785
#, c-format
msgid "PW Prompt %1"
msgstr "PW markatze abisua %1"

#: connect.cpp:810
#, c-format
msgid "Loop Start %1"
msgstr "%1 hasiera begizta."

#: connect.cpp:818
msgid "ERROR: Nested too deep, ignored."
msgstr "AKATSA: habiaratzea sakonegia, enoratua."

#: connect.cpp:821
msgid "Loops nested too deeply."
msgstr "Begizta sakonegi habiaratu da."

#: connect.cpp:835
#, c-format
msgid "Loop End %1"
msgstr "%1 amaiera begizta."

#: connect.cpp:837
#, c-format
msgid "LoopEnd without matching Start. Line: %1"
msgstr "Hasierarik gabeko begizta amaiera. Lerroa: %1"

#: connect.cpp:922
msgid "Starting pppd..."
msgstr "pppd hasten,,,"

#: connect.cpp:1006
#, c-format
msgid "Scan Var: %1"
msgstr "Eskaneatzen Var: %1"

#: connect.cpp:1016
#, c-format
msgid "Found: %1"
msgstr "Aurkitua: %1"

#: connect.cpp:1027
#, c-format
msgid "Looping: %1"
msgstr "Itzultzen: %1 "

#: connect.cpp:1061 modeminfo.cpp:226
msgid "One moment please..."
msgstr "Egon une batean, mesedez..."

#: connect.cpp:1105
msgid "Script timed out."
msgstr "Scripta denbora mugatik pasatu da."

#: connect.cpp:1120
#, c-format
msgid "Scanning: %1"
msgstr "Eskaneatzen: %1"

#: connect.cpp:1129
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting: %1"
msgstr "%1-ren zain."

#: connect.cpp:1164
msgid "Logging on to network..."
msgstr "Sareko saioa hasten..."

#: connect.cpp:1198
msgid "Running startup command..."
msgstr "Hasierako komandoak egikaritzen..."

#: connect.cpp:1203 connect.cpp:1210
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Egina"

#: connect.cpp:1280 edit.cpp:157 general.cpp:262 modem.cpp:187
msgid "None"
msgstr "Bat ez"

#: connect.cpp:1282 general.cpp:260 modem.cpp:188 pppdata.cpp:546
msgid "Hardware [CRTSCTS]"
msgstr "Hardware [CRTSCTS]"

#: connect.cpp:1340
msgid "pppd command + command-line arguments exceed 2024 characters in length."
msgstr ""
"pppd  eta linea komandoen argumentuek 2024 karaktereko luzeera gainditzen "

#: conwindow.cpp:46
msgid "Connected at:"
msgstr "Hona konektatzen:"

#: conwindow.cpp:49
msgid "Time connected:"
msgstr "Konexio denbora:"

#: conwindow.cpp:56
msgid "Session bill:"
msgstr "Saioaren kostua: "

#: conwindow.cpp:58
msgid "Total bill:"
msgstr "Kostua guztira:"

#: conwindow.cpp:64
msgid "&Disconnect"
msgstr "&Deskonektatu"

#: conwindow.cpp:68
msgid "De&tails"
msgstr "Xehe&tasunak"

#: conwindow.cpp:264
msgid ""
"Connection: %1\n"
"Connected at: %2\n"
"Time connected: %3"
msgstr ""
"Konexio abiadura: %2\n"
"Konexio denbora: %3"

#: conwindow.cpp:271
msgid ""
"Session Bill: %1\n"
"Total Bill: %2"
msgstr ""
"Saioaren kostua: %1\n"
"Kostua guztira: %2"

#: debug.cpp:51
msgid "Login Script Debug Window"
msgstr "Konexio scriptaren arazte leihoa"

#: docking.cpp:54
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Xehetasunak"

#: docking.cpp:56
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Deskonektatu"

#: docking.cpp:125
msgid "Minimize"
msgstr "Ikonotu"

#: edit.cpp:54
msgid "Connection &name:"
msgstr "Konexioaren ize&na"

#: edit.cpp:62
msgid "Type in a unique name for this connection"
msgstr "Izen bakarra idatzi konexio honentzat"

#: edit.cpp:68
msgid "P&hone number:"
msgstr "Tel&fono-zenbakia:"

#: edit.cpp:80
msgid "&Add..."
msgstr "&Gehitu..."

#: edit.cpp:104
msgid ""
"<p>Specifies the phone numbers to dial. You\n"
"can supply multiple numbers here, simply\n"
"click on \"Add\". You can arrange the\n"
"order the numbers are tried by using the\n"
"arrow buttons.\n"
"When a number is busy or fails, <i>kppp</i> will \n"
"try the next number and so on"
msgstr ""
"Hemen konexioa ezartzeko telefono zenbakia\n"
"idatzi behar da. Zenbaki bat baino gehiago jar\n"
"daiteke. \"Gehitu\" botoia sakatzea besterik ez dago\n"
"Telefono zenbakien ordenua antolatzeko\n"
"geziak erabili.\n"
"Zenbaki bat okupaturik badago edo huts egiten baldin\n"
"badu <i>KPPP</i>-k hurrengo zenbakia erabiliko du."

#: edit.cpp:115
msgid "A&uthentication:"
msgstr "A&utentifikazioa:"

#: edit.cpp:120
msgid "Script-based"
msgstr "Script-motakoa"

#: edit.cpp:121
msgid "PAP"
msgstr "PAP"

#: edit.cpp:122
msgid "Terminal-based"
msgstr "Terminal-motakoa"

#: edit.cpp:123
msgid "CHAP"
msgstr "CHAP"

#: edit.cpp:124
msgid "PAP/CHAP"
msgstr "PAP/CHAP"

#: edit.cpp:126
msgid ""
"<p>Specifies the method used to identify yourself to\n"
"the PPP server. Most universities still use\n"
"<b>Terminal</b>- or <b>Script</b>-based authentication,\n"
"while most ISP use <b>PAP</b> and/or <b>CHAP</b>. If\n"
"unsure, contact your ISP.\n"
"If you can choose between PAP and CHAP,\n"
"choose CHAP, because it's much safer. If you don't know\n"
"whether PAP or CHAP is right, choose PAP/CHAP."
msgstr ""
"<p>PPP zerbitzariaren aurrean zure burua identifikatzeko\n"
"erabili beharreko metodoa ezartzen du. Unibertsitate gehienek\n"
"<b>Terminal<b> edo/eta <b>Script<b> motako autentikatzeak\n"
"erabiltzen dituzte, ISP gehienek, berriz, <b>PAP<b> edota \n"
" <b>CHAP<b>. Zeurea zein den jakin ezean ISPrekin\n"
"harremanetan jarri\n"
"CHAP eta PAP sistemen artean aukeratzerik baldin baduzu\n"
"CHAP aukeratu askoz seguruagoa baita. Ez badakizu bat\n"
"edo beste erabili behar duzun PAP/CHAP hautatu."

#: edit.cpp:139
msgid "Store &password"
msgstr "Gorde &pasahitza "

#: edit.cpp:143
msgid ""
"<p>When this is turned on, your ISP password\n"
"will be saved in <i>kppp</i>'s config file, so\n"
"you do not need to type it in every time.\n"
"<b><font color=\"red\">Warning:</font> your password will be stored as\n"
"plain text in the config file, which is\n"
"readable only to you. Make sure nobody\n"
"gains access to this file!"
msgstr ""
"<p>Berau aukeratzen denean zure ISP pasahitza,\n"
"behin eta berriro idatzi behar izan ez dezazun,\n"
"<i>KPPP</i>ren konfigurazio fitxategian gordeko da\n"
"<b><font color=\"red\">Kontuz:</font> zure pasahitza testu\n"
"soil gisa gordeko da zuk bakarrik irakur dezkezun konfigurazio\n"
"fitxategian. Kontu egin beste inork irakur ez dezan!"

#: edit.cpp:152
msgid "&Callback type:"
msgstr "&Atzeradei mota:"

#: edit.cpp:158
msgid "Administrator-defined"
msgstr "Kudeatzaileak definituta"

#: edit.cpp:159
msgid "User-defined"
msgstr "Erabiltzaileak definituta"

#: edit.cpp:163
msgid "Callback type"
msgstr "Atzeradei mota"

#: edit.cpp:168
msgid "Call&back number:"
msgstr "Atzera-dei zenbakia:"

#: edit.cpp:175
msgid "Callback phone number"
msgstr "Atzeradei telefono-zenbakia:"

#: edit.cpp:180
msgid "Customize &pppd Arguments..."
msgstr "Pertsonalizatu &pppd argumentuak..."

#: edit.cpp:321
msgid ""
"Here you can select commands to run at certain stages of the\n"
"connection. The commands are run with your real user id, so\n"
"you cannot run any commands here requiring root permissions\n"
"(unless, of course, you are root).\n"
"Be sure to supply the whole path to the program otherwise\n"
"kppp might be unable to find it."
msgstr ""
"Hemen konexioaren une jakinetan egikaritu beharreko komandoak\n"
"ezar ditzakezu. Hemen egikaritzen diren komandoak zure benetako\n"
"IDarekin egikaritzen dira. Beraz, ezin root baimenak behar dituen\n"
"komandorik ekgikaritu. (Root izan ezean, noski!)\n"
"Ziurta ezazu komandoaren bideizen osoa idatzi duzula. Bestela,\n"
"KPPP-k, seguruena, ezin izango du komandoa aurkitu."

#: edit.cpp:336
msgid "&Before connect:"
msgstr "Konektatu &baino lehen:"

#: edit.cpp:343
msgid ""
"Allows you to run a program <b>before</b> a connection\n"
"is established. It is called immediately before\n"
"dialing has begun.\n"
"This might be useful, e.g. to stop HylaFAX blocking the\n"
msgstr ""
"Konexioa ezarri baino <b>lehenago<b> programa bat\n"
"egikaritzea ahalbidetzen dizu. Deia hasi baino lehenago\n"
"KPPP-k programa egikarituko du.\n"
"Oso lagungarria da, esaterako HylaFAX modema erabiltzeari\n"
"utz diezaion."

#: edit.cpp:352
msgid "&Upon connect:"
msgstr "&Konektatzean:"

#: edit.cpp:359
msgid ""
"Allows you to run a program <b>after</b> a connection\n"
"is established. When your program is called, all\n"
"preparations for an Internet connection are finished.\n"
"Very useful for fetching mail and news"
msgstr ""
"Konexioa ezarri eta berehala programa bat egikaritzea\n"
"ahalbidetzen du honek. Programa egikaritzerako Internet\n"
"konexio baterako osagai guztiak prest daude jada.\n"
"Oso lagungarria da, esaterako, posta edota berriak begiratzeko"

#: edit.cpp:368
msgid "Before &disconnect:"
msgstr "Deskonektatu ba&ino lehenago:"

#: edit.cpp:376
msgid ""
"Allows you to run a program <b>before</b> a connection\n"
"is closed. The connection will stay open until\n"
"the program exits."
msgstr ""
"Konexioa itxi baino lehenago progama bat egikaritzea\n"
"halbidetzen dizu. Pograma bukatu artean konexioak\n"
"martxan jarraituko du."

#: edit.cpp:383
msgid "U&pon disconnect:"
msgstr "Deskonektat&zean"

#: edit.cpp:392
msgid ""
"Allows you to run a program <b>after</b> a connection\n"
"has been closed."
msgstr ""
"Konexioa itxi eta berehalakoan programa bat egikaritzea\n"
"ahalbidetzen dizu aukera honek."

#: edit.cpp:436 edit.cpp:791
msgid "C&onfiguration"
msgstr "K&onfigurazioa"

#: edit.cpp:445
msgid "Dynamic IP address"
msgstr "IP helbide dinamikoa"

#: edit.cpp:447
msgid ""
"Select this option when your computer gets an\n"
"internet address (IP) every time a\n"
"connection is made.\n"
"Almost every Internet Service Provider uses\n"
"this method, so this should be turned on."
msgstr ""
"Aukeratu hau zure konputagailuak IP helbide ezberdina\n"
"eskuratzen badu konektatzen den aldi oro.\n"
"Hornitzaile (ISP) gehienek sistema hau darabilte,\n"
"beraz, gaitua beharko luke izan."

#: edit.cpp:455
msgid "Static IP address"
msgstr "IP helbide estatikoa"

#: edit.cpp:459
msgid ""
"Select this option when your computer has a\n"
"fixed internet address (IP). Most computers\n"
"don't have this, so you should probably select\n"
"dynamic IP addressing unless you know what you\n"
"are doing."
msgstr ""
"Zure konputagailua konexiorako helbide (IP) finkoa\n"
"duenean erabil ezazu aukera hau. Konputagailu gehienek\n"
"ez dute aukera hau erabiltzen, beraz, zertan ari zaren\n"
"jakin ezean ez ezazu hauta. Erabil ezazu IP dinamikoa."

#: edit.cpp:469
msgid "&IP address:"
msgstr "&IP helbidea:"

#: edit.cpp:470
msgid ""
"If your computer has a permanent internet\n"
"address, you must supply your IP address here."
msgstr ""
"Zure konputagailuak internet helbide finkoa baldin\n"
"badu, hemen idatzi behar duzu zure IP-a."

#: edit.cpp:481
msgid "&Subnet mask:"
msgstr "Azpisare-ma&skara:"

#: edit.cpp:482
msgid ""
"<p>If your computer has a static Internet address,\n"
"you must supply a network mask here. In almost\n"
"all cases this netmask will be <b></b>,\n"
"but your mileage may vary.\n"
"If unsure, contact your Internet Service Provider"
msgstr ""
"<p>Zure konputagailuak Internet helbide finkoa badauka\n"
"sare maskara sartu behar duzu. Kasu gehienetann<b></b>, hala "
"ere, zure kasuan ezberdina\n"
"izan daiteke.\n"
"Seguru egon ezean hornitzaileari galdetu."

#: edit.cpp:497
msgid "&Auto-configure hostname from this IP"
msgstr "A&utomatikoki konfiguratu IP honetatik makinaren izena"

#: edit.cpp:503
msgid ""
"<p>Whenever you connect, this reconfigures\n"
"your hostname to match the IP address you\n"
"got from the PPP server. This may be useful\n"
"if you need to use a protocol which depends\n"
"on this information, but it can also cause several\n"
"<a href=\"kppp-7.html#autohostname\">problems</a>.\n"
"Do not enable this unless you really need it."
msgstr ""
"<p>Honek PPP zerbitzariak emandako IP-ra egokitzeko\n"
"zure ostalaria birkonfiguratzen du. Lagungarria izan daiteke,\n"
"informazio hori behar duen protokoloa erabiltzen denean,\n"
"hala ere, hainbat <a href=\"kppp-7.html#autohostname\">\n"
"arazo</a> sor ditzake.\n"
"Erabil ezazu bakarrik bene-benetan behar baduzu."

#: edit.cpp:544
msgid ""
"Selecting this option might cause some weird problems with the X-server and "
"applications while kppp is connected. Don't use it until you know what you "
"are doing!\n"
"For more information take a look at the handbook (or help) in the section "
"\"Frequently asked questions\"."
msgstr ""
"Aukera honek X-zerbitzaria eta beste aplikazioetan arazoak sor ditzake\n"
"kppp martxan dagoen artean. Ez ezazu aukeratu baldin eta zertan ari\n"
"zaren ez badakizu!\n"
"Informazio gehiagorako eskuliburuari edota laguntzari begitau bat egiozu\n"
"hain zuzen, \"Maiz Egindako Galderak\" atalean."

#: edit.cpp:592
msgid "Domain &name:"
msgstr "Domeinu ize&na: "

#: edit.cpp:599
msgid ""
"If you enter a domain name here, this domain\n"
"name is used for your computer while you are\n"
"connected. When the connection is closed, the\n"
"original domain name of your computer is\n"
"If you leave this field blank, no changes are\n"
"made to the domain name."
msgstr ""
"Domeinu izena hemen sartzekotan, izen hori erabiliko da\n"
"konektaturik zauden artean. Konexioa ixten denean\n"
"makinaren jatorrizko izena berrezarriko da.\n"
"Berau hutsik uztekotan ostalari izena ez da\n"
"ezertarako aldatuko."

#: edit.cpp:611
msgid "C&onfiguration:"
msgstr "K&onfigurazioa: "

#: edit.cpp:619
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatikoa"

#: edit.cpp:626
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Eskuz ezarria"

#: edit.cpp:630
msgid "DNS &IP address:"
msgstr "DNS &IP helbidea:"

#: edit.cpp:643
msgid ""
"<p>Allows you to specify a new DNS server to be\n"
"used while you are connected. When the\n"
"connection is closed, this DNS entry will be\n"
"removed again.\n"
"To add a DNS server, type in the IP address of\n"
"the DNS server here and click on <b>Add</b>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Honek konexioa irekia dagoenean DNS\n"
" zerbitzari berri bat erabili behar dela adieraztea\n"
"ahalbidetzen dizu. Konexioa ixten denean, DNS-a\n"
"berririo kenduko da.\n"
"DNS zerbitzaria gehitzeko idatz ezazu DNS zernitzariaren\n"
"IP helbidea eta <b>Gehitu</b>botoia zanpatu."

#: edit.cpp:656 edit.cpp:887 pppdargs.cpp:76
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Gehitu"

#: edit.cpp:664
msgid ""
"Click this button to add the DNS server\n"
"specified in the field above. The entry\n"
"will then be added to the list below"
msgstr ""
"Aldameneko laukian ezarritako DNS zerbitzaria\n"
"gehitzeko klik egin botoi honetan. Sarrera berria\n"
"beheko zerrendara gehituko da."

#: edit.cpp:675
msgid ""
"Click this button to remove the selected DNS\n"
"server entry from the list below"
msgstr ""
"Zanpatu botoi hau beheko zerrendan aukeratutako\n"
"DNS zerbitaria ezabatzeko. "

#: edit.cpp:678
msgid "DNS address &list:"
msgstr "DNS zerbitzari &zerrenda:"

#: edit.cpp:688
msgid ""
"<p>This shows all defined DNS servers to use\n"
"while you are connected. Use the <b>Add</b> and\n"
"<b>Remove</b> buttons to modify the list"
msgstr ""
"<p>Honek konektatua zaudela erabili beharreko\n"
"DNS zerbitzariak erakusten du. Erabil ezazu <b>Gehitu<b> \n"
"eta <b>Kendu<b> botoiak zerrenda aldatzeko."

#: edit.cpp:696
msgid "&Disable existing DNS servers during connection"
msgstr "Ezgaitu &DNS zerbitzariak konexioan"

#: edit.cpp:701
msgid ""
"<p>When this option is selected, all DNS\n"
"servers specified in <tt>/etc/resolv.conf</tt> are\n"
"temporary disabled while the dialup connection\n"
"is established. After the connection is\n"
"closed, the servers will be re-enabled\n"
"Typically, there is no reason to use this\n"
"option, but it may become useful under \n"
"some circumstances."
msgstr ""
"<p>Aukera hau hautatua dagoenean, <tt>/etc/resolv.conf</tt> \n"
"fitxatefian ezarritako DNS zerbitzari guztiak behinbehinekoz \n"
"ezgaituko dira. Konexioa ixten denean DNS zerbitzariak \n"
"berriro gaituko dira.\n"
"Normalean aukera hau erabiltzeko arraoirik ez dago,\n"
"hala ere, hainbatetan lagungarri bilaka daiteke."

#: edit.cpp:799
msgid "Default gateway"
msgstr "Aurremugatutako atebidea"

#: edit.cpp:802
msgid ""
"This makes the PPP peer computer (the computer\n"
"you are connected to with your modem) to act as\n"
"a gateway. Your computer will send all packets not\n"
"going to a computer inside your local net to this\n"
"computer, which will route these packets.\n"
"This is the default for most ISPs, so you should\n"
"probably leave this option on."
msgstr ""
"Honek PPP zerbitzaria (hau da, modema konektatua dagoen konputagailua)\n"
"atebide lana egitea ahalbidetzen du. Zure konputagailuak barne sarera\n"
"ez doazen pakete guztiak atebidera bidaliko ditu. Eta atebide ordenagailuak\n"
"pakete hauek bideratuko ditu.\n"
"Berau ohikoena da ISP gehienetan, gaiturik utzi beharko zenuke."

#: edit.cpp:813
msgid "Static gateway"
msgstr "Atebide estatikoa"

#: edit.cpp:816
msgid ""
"<p>Allows you to specify which computer you want\n"
"to use as gateway (see <i>Default Gateway</i> above)"
msgstr ""
"<p>Honek atebide gisa zein konputagailu erabili nahi duzun\n"
"ezartzea ahalbidetzen dizu. (Ikus goiko <i>Aurremugatutako atebidea</i>)"

#: edit.cpp:820
msgid "Gateway &IP address:"
msgstr "Atebidearen &IP helbidea:"

#: edit.cpp:824
msgid "&Assign the default route to this gateway"
msgstr "&Atebide honetarako ibilbidea ezarri"

#: edit.cpp:827
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, all packets not\n"
"going to the local net are routed through\n"
"the PPP connection.\n"
"Normally, you should turn this on"
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau gaiturik badago, bertako sarera ez doazen\n"
"pakete guztiak ppp konexiotik bideratuko dira.\n"
"Normalean, gaiturik beharko zenuke"

#: edit.cpp:1204
msgid "Add Phone Number"
msgstr "Telefono-zenbakia gehitu"

#: edit.cpp:1212
msgid "Enter a phone number:"
msgstr "Idatzi telefono-zenbakia:"

#: general.cpp:56
msgid "pppd version:"
msgstr "pppd-ren bertsioa:"

#: general.cpp:66
msgid "pppd &timeout:"
msgstr "pppd-ren i&tzaltzea: "

#: general.cpp:68 general.cpp:384 general.cpp:470
msgid " sec"
msgstr " seg"

#: general.cpp:72
msgid ""
"<i>kppp</i> will wait this number of seconds\n"
"to see if a PPP connection is established.\n"
"If no connection is made in this time frame,\n"
"<i>kppp</i> will give up and kill pppd."
msgstr ""
"<i>KPPP</i>-k segundu kopuru hori itxarongo.\n"
"du ea ppp konexioa ezarri den ikusteko\n"
"Denbora tarte horretan konektatu ezean,\n"
"<i>KPPP</i>-k etsi eta pppd hil egingo du."

#: general.cpp:82
msgid "Doc&k into panel on connect"
msgstr "Panelean txertatu &konektatzean"

#: general.cpp:84
msgid ""
"<p>After a connection is established, the\n"
"window is minimized and a small icon\n"
"in the TDE panel represents this window.\n"
"Clicking on this icon will restore the\n"
"window to its original location and\n"
msgstr ""
"<b> Konexioa lortzean leihoa txikitu egiten \n"
"da eta TDE paneleko ikono txiki batek ordezkatzen du.\n"
"Ikono honetan klik egitean leihoa bere\n"
"lekura eta tamainara itzuliko da."

#: general.cpp:97
msgid "A&utomatic redial on disconnect"
msgstr "A&utomatikoki saiatu huts egitean"

#: general.cpp:103
msgid ""
"<p>When a connection is established and\n"
"it somehow gets disconnected, <i>kppp</i>\n"
"will try to reconnect to the same account.\n"
"See <a href=\"#redial\">here</a> for more on this topic."
msgstr ""
"<p>Konexio bat ezartzen denean eta\n"
"zerbaitegatik deskonektatzen denean, <i>KPPP</i>\n"
"berriro konektatzen saiatuko da.\n"
"Informazio gehiagorako ikus <a href=\"#redial\">hemen</a>"

#: general.cpp:109
msgid "Automatic redial on NO &CARRIER"
msgstr "A&utomatikoki berriro deitu linearik ez badago"

#: general.cpp:115
msgid ""
"<p>When dialing if modem returns NO CARRIER\n"
"the program will make a new attempt to redial\n"
"instead of waiting for user to click <CANCEL>\n"
msgstr ""
"<p>Deitzean modemak linearik ez dagoela erantzuten badu\n"
" programak saiakera berri bat egingo du\n"
"erabiltzaileak <CANCEL> botoia sakatu dezan itxaron ordez.."

#: general.cpp:120
msgid "&Show clock on caption"
msgstr "Erakut&si erlojua titulu barran "

#: general.cpp:126
msgid ""
"When this option is checked, the window\n"
"title shows the time since a connection\n"
"was established. Very useful, so you \n"
"should turn this on"
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau hautatua dagoenean, \n"
"leihoaren izenburuak konexioa ezarri zenetik \n"
"zenbat denbora igaro den erakutsiko du. \n"
"Lagungarria oso, hautatu beharko zenuke."

#: general.cpp:131
msgid "Disco&nnect on X server shutdown"
msgstr "Desko&netatu X zerbitzaria itzaltzean"

#: general.cpp:137
msgid ""
"<p>Checking this option will close any\n"
"open connection when the X-server is\n"
"shut down. You should enable this option\n"
"unless you know what you are doing.\n"
"See <a href=\"#disxserver\">here</a> for more on this."
msgstr ""
"<p> Aukera hau hautaturik irekitako edozein konexio\n"
"itxiko  da X zerbitzaria itzaltzean. Zertan ari zaren\n"
"jakin ezean aukera hau hautatu beharko zenuke\n"
"Ikus <a href=\"#disxserver\">hemen</a> gehiago jakiteko"

#: general.cpp:144
msgid "&Quit on disconnect"
msgstr "It&xi deskonektatzean"

#: general.cpp:150
msgid ""
"When this option is turned on, <i>kppp</i>\n"
"will be closed when you disconnect"
msgstr ""
"Aukera hau hautatua denean, deskonektatzean\n"
"<i>KPPP</i> itxiko da ere"

#: general.cpp:153
msgid "Minimi&ze window on connect"
msgstr "Konektat&zean leihoa ikonotu"

#: general.cpp:159
msgid ""
"Iconifies <i>kppp</i>'s window when a\n"
"connection is established"
msgstr ""
"Konexioa ezartzean KPPP-ren  leihoa ikonotu\n"
"egiten da"

#: general.cpp:211
msgid "Modem &name:"
msgstr "Modemaren &izena:"

#: general.cpp:219
msgid "Type in a unique name for this modem"
msgstr "Izen bakarra idatzi modem honentzat"

#: general.cpp:224
msgid "Modem de&vice:"
msgstr "Moden dispositi&boa"

#: general.cpp:243
msgid ""
"This specifies the serial port your modem is attached \n"
"to. On Linux/x86, typically this is either /dev/ttyS0 \n"
"(COM1 under DOS) or /dev/ttyS1 (COM2 under DOS).\n"
"If you have an internal ISDN card with AT command\n"
"emulation (most cards under Linux support this), you\n"
"should select one of the /dev/ttyIx devices."
msgstr ""
"Aukera  ezazu modema konektaturik dagoen ataka\n"
"LiNUX/x86 sistemetan ohikoa da /dev/ttyS0\n"
"( COM1 DOS-en) edo /dev/ttyS1 ( COM2 DOSen).\n"
"AT komandoak emulatzen dituen ISDN txartela izatekotan\n"
"/dev/ttylx dispositiboetako bat aukeratu behar duzu.\n"
"Linuxen txartela gehienek egiten dute emulazio hori."

#: general.cpp:255
msgid "&Flow control:"
msgstr "&Fluxu kontrola"

#: general.cpp:261
msgid "Software [XON/XOFF]"
msgstr "Software [XON/XOFF]"

#: general.cpp:272
msgid ""
"<p>Specifies how the serial port and modem\n"
"communicate. You should not change this unless\n"
"you know what you are doing.\n"
"<b>Default</b>: CRTSCTS"
msgstr ""
"<p>Honek ataka eta modemaren arteko komunikazioa\n"
"nolakoa den adierazten du. Zertan ari zaren ez\n"
"badakizu ez ezazu alda.\n"
"<b>Aurremugatua</b>: CRTSCTS "

#: general.cpp:281
msgid "&Line termination:"
msgstr "&Linea amaiera:"

#: general.cpp:291
msgid ""
"<p>Specifies how AT commands are sent to your\n"
"modem. Most modems will work fine with the\n"
"default <i>CR/LF</i>. If your modem does not react\n"
"to the init string, you should try different\n"
"settings here\n"
"<b>Default</b>: CR/LF"
msgstr ""
"<p>Honek AT komandoak modemera  nola bidaltzen\n"
"diren ezartzen du. Modem gehienek ondo egingo dute\n"
"lan aurremugatutako <i>CR/LF</i> aukerarekin. Modemak\n"
"hasiera kateari erantzuten ez badio, hemengo aukera\n"
"ezberdinak proba itzazu\n"
"<b>Aurremugatua</b>: CR/LF"

#: general.cpp:302
msgid "Co&nnection speed:"
msgstr "Ko&nexioaren abiadura:"

#: general.cpp:343
msgid ""
"Specifies the speed your modem and the serial\n"
"port talk to each other. You should begin with\n"
"at least 115200 bits/sec (or more if you know\n"
"that your serial port supports higher speeds).\n"
"If you have connection problems, try to reduce\n"
"this value."
msgstr ""
"Honek modema eta atakaren arteko komunikazio\n"
"abiadura ezartzen du. Gutxienez 115200 bit/seg\n"
"balioa ezarri behar duzu, edo gehiago zure ataka\n"
"horretarako gai dela ba dakizu.\n"
"Konexio arazoak baldin dadituzu saia zaitez\n"
"balio txikiagoa erabiliz."

#: general.cpp:361
msgid "&Use lock file"
msgstr "Fitxategi &itxiera erabili:"

#: general.cpp:369
msgid ""
"<p>To prevent other programs from accessing the\n"
"modem while a connection is established, a\n"
"file can be created to indicate that the modem\n"
"is in use. On Linux an example file would be\n"
"Here you can select whether this locking will\n"
"be done.\n"
"<b>Default</b>: On"
msgstr ""
"<p>Fitxategi bat sor daiteke modema erabiltzen\n"
"ari dela esan dezan, eta horrela beste programa\n"
"batzuek ezin izango dure modema erabili konexioa\n"
"martxan denean. Linuxen adibide fitxategia\n"
"<tt>/var/lock/LCK..ttyS1</tt> izan daiteke.\n"
"Hemen ixtea nola egingo den erabaki daiteke.\n"
"<b>Aurremugatua</b>: Aktibatua"

#: general.cpp:382
msgid "Modem &timeout:"
msgstr "Modemaren &denboramuga:"

#: general.cpp:390
msgid ""
"This specifies how long <i>kppp</i> waits for a\n"
"<i>CONNECT</i> response from your modem. The\n"
"recommended value is 30 seconds."
msgstr ""
"Honek <i>KPPP</i>k modemaren <i>CONNECT</i> \n"
" erantzunaren zain zenbat denbora eman behar duen\n"
"ezartzen du. Hobetsiriko denboraren muga 30\n"
"segundukoa da."

#: general.cpp:454
msgid "&Wait for dial tone before dialing"
msgstr "&Egon tonuaren zain deitu baino lehen"

#: general.cpp:459
msgid ""
"<p>Normally the modem waits for a dial tone\n"
"from your phone line, indicating that it can\n"
"start to dial a number. If your modem does not\n"
"recognize this sound, or your local phone system\n"
"does not emit such a tone, uncheck this option\n"
"<b>Default:</b>: On"
msgstr ""
"Telefono lineak bidaltzen duen markatze tonua\n"
"itxaroten du modemak deitu baino lehen. Tonu\n"
"horrek esaten dio modemari noiz has daitekeen\n"
"markatzen. Deshauta ezazu aukera hori baldin eta\n"
"zure modemak ez badu tonua ezagutzen edo bertako\n"
"telefono sistemak tonua bidaltzen ez badu.\n"
"<b>Aurremugatua:</b>: Aktibatua"

#: general.cpp:468
msgid "B&usy wait:"
msgstr "Lanpet&uta egoteagatik itxaron:"

#: general.cpp:475
msgid ""
"Specifies the number of seconds to wait before\n"
"redial if all dialed numbers are busy. This is\n"
"necessary because some modems get stuck if the\n"
"same number is busy too often.\n"
"The default is 0 seconds, you should not change\n"
"this unless you need to."
msgstr ""
"Markatu beharreko zenbaki guztiak okupatuta daudenean\n"
"modemak, berriro deitu baino lehen, zenbat denbora\n"
"itxaron behar duen ezartzen du aukera honek\n"
"Berau beharrezkoa da hainbat modem blokeaturik\n"
"gelditzen delako deitu beharreko zenbakia maizegi\n"
"okupaturik baldin badago\n"
"Aurremugatua 0 segundu. Ez ezazu alda\n"
"beharrezkoa izan ezean."

#: general.cpp:488
msgid "Modem &volume:"
msgstr "Modemaren &bolumena:"

#: general.cpp:499
msgid ""
"Most modems have a speaker which makes\n"
"a lot of noise when dialing. Here you can\n"
"either turn this completely off or select a\n"
"lower volume.\n"
"If this does not work for your modem,\n"
"you must modify the modem volume command."
msgstr ""
"Modem gehienek deitzen dutenean zarata gehiegi\n"
"egiten duten bozgorailak dituzte. Aukera honekin\n"
"modemaren bozgorailua itzali edo bolumen bajuagoa\n"
"ezar dezakezu.\n"
"Aukera honek zure modemean eraginik ez badu\n"
"modemaren bolumen komandoa aldatu beharko duzu."

#: general.cpp:513
msgid "Modem asserts CD line"
msgstr "Modemak CD linea mantentzen du"

#: general.cpp:521
msgid ""
"This controls how <i>kppp</i> detects that the modem\n"
"is not responding. Unless you are having\n"
"problems with this, do not modify this setting.\n"
"<b>Default</b>: Off"
msgstr ""
"Aukera honek <i>KPPP</i>k modema ez duela erantzuten\n"
"nola detektatzen duen ezartzen du. Arazorik izan ezean ez\n"
"ezazu ezarpen hau alda.\n"
"<b>Default</b>: Desaktibatua"

#: general.cpp:528
msgid "Mod&em Commands..."
msgstr "Mod&maren komandoak..."

#: general.cpp:530
msgid ""
"Allows you to change the AT command for\n"
"your modem."
msgstr ""
"Zure modemaren AT komandoak aldatzea\n"
"ahabidetzen dizu aukera honek."

#: general.cpp:533
msgid "&Query Modem..."
msgstr "Modemari ga&ldetu"

#: general.cpp:535
msgid ""
"Most modems support the ATI command set to\n"
"find out vendor and revision of your modem.\n"
"Press this button to query your modem for\n"
"this information. It can be useful to help\n"
"you set up the modem"
msgstr ""
"Modem gehienek ATI komandoak erabil\n"
"ditzakete modemaren saltzailea eta bertsioa\n"
"zeintzuk diren eskuratzeko.\n"
"Saka ezazu botoi hau zure modemak informazio\n"
"hori eman diezazun. Lagungarria izan\n"
"dakizuke modema konfiguratzerakoan."

#: general.cpp:542
msgid "&Terminal..."
msgstr "&Terminala..."

#: general.cpp:544
msgid ""
"Opens the built-in terminal program. You\n"
"can use this if you want to play around\n"
"with your modem's AT command set"
msgstr ""
"Programak barneraturiko terminala irekitzen du.\n"
"Erabil ezazu hau modemaren AT komando\n"
"bildumarekin frogakegin nahi badituzu. "

#: general.cpp:619
msgid "&Enable throughput graph"
msgstr "&Gaitu transferentziaren grafikoa"

#: general.cpp:623
msgid "Graph Colors"
msgstr "Grafikoaren koloreak"

#: general.cpp:628
msgid "Bac&kground:"
msgstr "At&zeko planoa:"

#: general.cpp:633
msgid "&Text:"
msgstr "&Testua:"

#: general.cpp:638
msgid "I&nput bytes:"
msgstr "&Sarrerako byte-ak"

#: general.cpp:643
msgid "O&utput bytes:"
msgstr "I&rteerako bite-ak:"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:102
msgid "C&onnect to: "
msgstr "Honekin &konektatu:"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:112
msgid "Use &modem: "
msgstr "Erabili &modema: "

#: kpppwidget.cpp:122
msgid "&Login ID:"
msgstr "Erabiltzailearen &izena:"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:131
msgid ""
"<p>Type in the username that you got from your\n"
"ISP. This is especially important for PAP\n"
"and CHAP. You may omit this when you use\n"
"terminal-based or script-based authentication.\n"
"<b>Important</b>: case is important here:\n"
"<i>myusername</i> is not the same as <i>MyUserName</i>."
msgstr ""
"<p>Idatz ezazu zure ISP-ak emandako erabiltzailearen\n"
"izena. PAP eta CHAP-arentzat oso garrantzia\n"
"da. Bete gabe utz dezakezu terminal edo script\n"
"<b>Garrantzitsua</b>: maiuskulek garrantzia dute:\n"
"<i>erabiltzaile_izena</i> ez da  <i>Erabiltzaile_Izena</i>-ren berdina."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:142
msgid "&Password:"
msgstr "&Pasahitza:"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:152
msgid ""
"<p>Type in the password that you got from your\n"
"ISP. This is especially important for PAP\n"
"and CHAP. You may omit this when you use\n"
"terminal-based or script-based authentication.\n"
"<b>Important</b>: case is important here:\n"
"<i>mypassword</i> is not the same as <i>MyPassword</i>."
msgstr ""
"<p>Idatz ezazu zure ISP-ak emandako pasahitza.\n"
" PAP eta CHAP-arentzat oso garrantzitsua\n"
"da. Bete gabe utz dezakezu terminal edo script\n"
"<b>Garrantzitsua</b>: maiuskulek garrantzia dute:\n"
"<i>nire_pasahitza</i> ez da  <i>Nire_Pasahitzaren</i>-ren berdina."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:168
msgid "Show lo&g window"
msgstr "Erakutsi &egunkari leihoa"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:175
msgid ""
"<p>This controls whether a log window is shown.\n"
"A log window shows the communication between\n"
"<i>kppp</i> and your modem. This will help you\n"
"in tracking down problems.\n"
"Turn it off if <i>kppp</i> routinely connects without\n"
msgstr ""
"<p>Egunkaria leihoaren agertzea kontrolatzen du honek.\n"
"Egunkari leihoak zure modemaren eta <i>KPPP</i>-ren\n"
" arteko komunikazioa erakusten du. Konexio arazoak\n"
"konpontzeko garaian lagungarri izango duzu.\n"
"Desgaitu <i>KPPP</i>-k normalean konexioa\n"
"ondo egiten badu"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:195
msgid "Co&nfigure..."
msgstr "K&onfiguratu..."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:212
msgid "&Connect"
msgstr "&Konektatu"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:308
msgid ""
"No such Modem:\n"
"Falling back to default"
msgstr ""
"Horrelako modemik ez:\n"
"Lehenespenak hartuko dira."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:318
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No such Account:\n"
msgstr ""
"Honelako konturik ez:\n"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:384
msgid "KPPP Configuration"
msgstr "KPPP-ren konfigurazioa"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:393
msgid "&Accounts"
msgstr "Kontu&ak"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:393
msgid "Account Setup"
msgstr "Kontua konfiguratu"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:401
msgid "&Modems"
msgstr "&Modemak"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:401
msgid "Modems Setup"
msgstr "Modemaren ezarpenak"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:405
msgid "&Graph"
msgstr "&Grafikoak"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:405
msgid "Throughput Graph"
msgstr "Transferentziaren Grafikoa"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:406
msgid "M&isc"
msgstr "Askotar&ikoa"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:406
msgid "Miscellaneous Settings"
msgstr "Askotariko Ezarpenak"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:616
msgid "Timeout expired while waiting for the PPP interface to come up."
msgstr "Amaitu da PPP interfazearen agerpena itxaroteko denbora."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:619
msgid "<p>The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!</p>"
msgstr "<p>pppd demonioa ustekabean hil da!</p>"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:622
#, c-format
msgid "<p>Exit status: %1"
msgstr "<p>Konektatu ezinaren arrazoia: %1"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:623
msgid ""
"</p><p>See 'man pppd' for an explanation of the error codes or take a look "
"at the kppp FAQ on   <a href=\"%1\">%2</a></p>"
msgstr ""
"</p><p> Ikusi 'man pppd' errore kodeen azalpenetarako edo ikusi kppp FAQ-a "
"hemen: <a href=\"%1\">%2</a></p>"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:631
msgid "&Details"
msgstr "&Xehetasunak"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:664
msgid ""
"kppp's helper process just died.\n"
"Since further execution would be pointless, kppp will shut down now."
msgstr ""
"kpp-ren prozesu laguntzailea hil berri da\n"
"Exekuzio berri batek arrakastarik izango ez duenez, kppp orain itxi egingo da"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:706
msgid ""
"Cannot find the PPP daemon!\n"
"Make sure that pppd is installed and that you have entered the correct path."
msgstr ""
"Ezin PPP demonioa aurkitu!\n"
"Begira ezazu pppd instalatua al dagoen eta ea bide egokia ezarri duzun. "

#: kpppwidget.cpp:715
msgid ""
"kppp cannot execute:\n"
" %1\n"
"Please make sure that you have given kppp setuid permission and that pppd is "
msgstr ""
"KPPP-k ezin du egikaritu:\n"
" %1\n"
"Begira ezazu ea KPPP--ri setuid baimena eman diozun eta pppd egikarigarria "
"den ala ez"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:736
msgid ""
"kppp can not find:\n"
" %1\n"
"Please make sure you have setup your modem device properly and/or adjust the "
"location of the modem device on the modem tab of the setup dialog."
msgstr ""
"KPPP-ek ezin du aurkitu: \n"
" %1\n"
"Begira ezazu modema era egokian ezarri duzun edo/eta ezar ezazu modemaren "
"kokapena ezarpen elkarrizketaren modem tabean"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:753
msgid ""
"You have selected the authentication method PAP or CHAP. This requires that "
"you supply a username and a password."
msgstr ""
"PAP edo CHAP autentifikazio modua aukeratu duzu. Modu honetan erabiltzaile "
"izena eta pasahitza eskatuko zaizkizu."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:762
msgid ""
"Cannot create PAP/CHAP authentication\n"
"file \"%1\""
msgstr ""
"Ezin PAP/CHAP egiaztapenik sor\n"
" \"%1\" fitxategia"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:771
msgid "You must specify a telephone number."
msgstr "Telefono-zenbaki bat zehaztu behar duzu"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:804
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Deskonektatzen..."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:807
msgid "Executing command before disconnection."
msgstr "Deskonektatu baino lehenagoko komandoa egikaritzen."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:821
msgid "Announcing disconnection."
msgstr "Deskonexioaren berri ematen."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:873
msgid "Exiting kPPP will close your PPP Session."
msgstr "KPPP-tik irteteak zure ppp saioa itxiko du."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:874
msgid "Quit kPPP?"
msgstr "KPPP-tik atera?"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:924
msgid "Can not load the accounting ruleset \"%1\"."
msgstr "Ezin izan da kontuaren \"%1\" arau sorta kargatu."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:1014
msgid "Recent Changes in KPPP"
msgstr "Aldaketa berriak KPPP-n"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:1027
msgid ""
"From version 1.4.8 on, kppp has a new feature\n"
"called \"Quickhelp\". It's similar to a tooltip,\n"
"but you can activate it whenever you want.\n"
"To activate it, simply click on a control like\n"
"a button or a label with the right mouse button.\n"
"If the item supports Quickhelp, a popup menu\n"
"will appear leading to Quickhelp.\n"
"To test it, right-click somewhere in this text."
msgstr ""
"1.4.8 bertsiotik KPPP-k \"Berehalako Laguntza\" izeneko ezaugarri \n"
"berri bat dakar. \"laguntzatxoaren\" modukoa da, baina, \n"
"nahi duzun unean aktiba dezakezu\n"
"Aktibatzeko etiketa edota kontrol baten gainean saguaren \n"
"eskubiko botoiarekin klik egin. Itemak Berehalako Laguntza onartzen\n"
"badu popup menu bat agertuko da.\n"
"Frogatzeko testu honen edozein tokitan egin klik saguaren \n"
"eskubiko botoiarekin."

#: kpppwidget.cpp:1039
msgid "Don't show this hint again"
msgstr "Ez erakutsi laguntza hau berriro"

#: kpppwidget.cpp:1055
msgid ""
"This is an example of <b>QuickHelp</b>.\n"
"This window will stay open until you\n"
"click a mouse button or a press a key.\n"
msgstr ""
"Hau <b>Berehalako Laguntza</b>ren adibidea da.\n"
"Leiho hau irekia mantenduko da edozein tekla\n"
"edo saguaren botoi bat zanpatu artean \n"

#: loginterm.cpp:99
msgid "Login Terminal Window"
msgstr "Saioa hasteko leiho terminala"

#: main.cpp:66
msgid "A dialer and front-end to pppd"
msgstr "pppd-ren front-end eta markatzailea."

#: main.cpp:70
msgid "Connect using 'account_name'"
msgstr "'Account_name' erabilita konektatu."

#: main.cpp:71
msgid "Connect using 'modem_name'"
msgstr "Konektatu 'modem_name' erabiliz"

#: main.cpp:72
msgid "Terminate an existing connection"
msgstr "Martxan dagoen konexioa amaitu"

#: main.cpp:73
msgid "Quit after end of connection"
msgstr "Atera konexioa amaitzean"

#: main.cpp:74
msgid "Check syntax of rule_file"
msgstr "Egiaztatu arau fitxategiaren sintaxia"

#: main.cpp:75
msgid "Enable test-mode"
msgstr "Testu modua gaitu"

#: main.cpp:76
msgid "Use the specified device"
msgstr "Erabili emandako gailua"

#: main.cpp:203
msgid "KPPP"
msgstr "KPPP"

#: main.cpp:205
msgid "(c) 1999-2002, The KPPP Developers"
msgstr "(c) 1999-2002, KPPP garatzaileak"

#: main.cpp:206
msgid "Current maintainer"
msgstr "Uneko maintentzailea"

#: main.cpp:207
msgid "Original author"
msgstr "Jatorrizko egilea"

#: main.cpp:244
#, c-format
msgid ""
"kppp can't create or read from\n"
msgstr ""
"KPPP-k ezin du %1-tik \n"
"sortu edo irakurri"

#: main.cpp:275
msgid ""
"kppp has detected a %1 file.\n"
"Another instance of kppp seems to be running under process-ID %2.\n"
"Please click Exit, make sure that you are not running another kppp, delete "
"the pid file, and restart kppp.\n"
"Alternatively, if you have determined that there is no other kppp running, "
"please click Continue to begin."
msgstr ""
"KPPP-k %1 fitxategia detektatu du.\n"
"%2 ID duen prozesuan KPPP-ren beste instantzia bat egikaritzen\n"
"ari dela ematen du. Irteb¡n, ziurta ezazu KPPP ez zarela erabiltzen ari,\n"
"pid fitxategia ezabatu eta KPPP berriro hasi.\n"
"Bestela, KPPP ez dela egkaritzen ari baldin badakizu Jarraitu botoia zanpatu "
"saioa hasteko."

#: main.cpp:286
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Irten"

#: miniterm.cpp:53
msgid "Kppp Mini-Terminal"
msgstr "KPPP terminal txikia"

#: miniterm.cpp:59
msgid "&Reset Modem"
msgstr "Modema be&rhasi"

#: miniterm.cpp:62
msgid ""
"MiniTerm - A terminal emulation for KPPP\n"
"(c) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben <wuebben@kde.org>\n"
"(c) 1998 Harri Porten <porten@kde.org>\n"
"(c) 1998 Mario Weilguni <mweilguni@kde.org>\n"
"This program is published under the GNU GPL\n"
"(GNU General Public License)"
msgstr ""
"MiniTerm - KPPP-rentzako terminal emulatzailea\n"
"(c) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben <wuebben@kde.org>\n"
"(c) 1998 Harri Porten <porten@kde.org>\n"
"(c) 1998 Mario Weilguni <mweilguni@kde.org>\n"
"GPL GNU lizentziapeko programa\n"
"( GNU baimen publiko orokorra)"

#: miniterm.cpp:72 modems.cpp:226
msgid "&Modem"
msgstr "&Modema"

#: miniterm.cpp:107
msgid "Close MiniTerm"
msgstr "Itxi MiniTerm"

#: miniterm.cpp:111
msgid "Reset Modem"
msgstr "Berhasi modema"

#: miniterm.cpp:125
msgid "Initializing Modem"
msgstr "Modema hasierazten..."

#: miniterm.cpp:151 miniterm.cpp:213 modeminfo.cpp:145
msgid "Modem Ready"
msgstr "Modema prest dago"

#: miniterm.cpp:192
msgid "Hanging up..."
msgstr "Esekitzen..."

#: miniterm.cpp:206
msgid "Resetting Modem"
msgstr "Modema berhasten"

#: modem.cpp:131
msgid "Unable to open modem."
msgstr "Ezin modema ireki"

#: modem.cpp:138
msgid "Unable to detect state of CD line."
msgstr "CD linearen egoera ezin detektatu."

#: modem.cpp:144
msgid "The modem is not ready."
msgstr "Modema ez dago prest."

#: modem.cpp:160 modem.cpp:208
msgid "The modem is busy."
msgstr "Modema lanpeturik dago."

#: modem.cpp:214
msgid "Modem Ready."
msgstr "Modema prest dago."

#: modem.cpp:226
msgid "Can't restore tty settings: tcsetattr()\n"
msgstr "Ezin tty-ren konfigurazioa berrezarri: tcsetattr()\n"

#: modem.cpp:381
msgid "The modem does not respond."
msgstr "Modemak ez du erantzuten."

#: modem.cpp:520
msgid "Unknown speed"
msgstr "Abiadura ezezaguna."

#: modemcmds.cpp:49
msgid "Edit Modem Commands"
msgstr "Modemaren komandoak editatu."

#: modemcmds.cpp:81
msgid "Pre-init delay (sec/100):"
msgstr "Hasieraren atzerapena (seg/100):"

#: modemcmds.cpp:86
msgid "Initialization string %1:"
msgstr "Hasierako katea %1:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:105
msgid "Post-init delay (sec/100):"
msgstr "Hasiera ondorengo atzerapena (seg/100):"

#: modemcmds.cpp:121
msgid "Dialing speed (sec/100):"
msgstr "Markatze abiadura (seg/100):"

#: modemcmds.cpp:126
msgid "Init &response:"
msgstr "Hasie&rako erantzuna: "

#: modemcmds.cpp:133
msgid "No di&al tone detection:"
msgstr "Mark&atze tonurik ez da detektatu:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:140
msgid "Dial &string:"
msgstr "Markatze &katea:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:147
msgid "Co&nnect response:"
msgstr "Ko&nexio erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:154
msgid "Busy response:"
msgstr "Lanpetuaren erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:160
msgid "No carr&ier response:"
msgstr "L&inea ezaren erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:167
msgid "No dial tone response:"
msgstr "Markatze tonu ezaren erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:173
msgid "&Hangup string:"
msgstr "Esekit&zeko katea:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:180
msgid "Hangup response:"
msgstr "Esekitzearen erantzuna: "

#: modemcmds.cpp:186
msgid "Answ&er string:"
msgstr "&Erantzun katea:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:193
msgid "Ring response:"
msgstr "Timrearen erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:199
msgid "Ans&wer response:"
msgstr "E&rantzunaren erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:206
msgid "DLP response:"
msgstr "DLP erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:212
msgid "Escape strin&g:"
msgstr "Ihes ka&tea:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:219
msgid "Escape response:"
msgstr "Ihesaren erantzuna:"

#: modemcmds.cpp:237
msgid "Guard time (sec/50):"
msgstr "Zaintze denbora (seg/50):"

#: modemcmds.cpp:240
msgid "Volume off/low/high:"
msgstr "Bolumena itzalia/bajua/altua:"

#: modemdb.cpp:47
msgid "Select Modem Type"
msgstr "Aukeratu modem mota"

#: modemdb.cpp:49
msgid ""
"To set up your modem, first choose its vendor in the list to the left, and "
"then select the model from the right list. If you don't know which modem you "
"have, you can try out one of the \"Generic\" modems."
msgstr ""
"Zure modema konfiguratzeko lehenik eta behin ezkerreko zerrendako saltzailea "
"aukeratu eta gero eskubiko zerrendan modeloa hautatu. Zein modem daukazun ez "
"badakizu modem \"generiko\"etako bat froga ezazu."

#: modemdb.cpp:149 modemdb.cpp:151 modemdb.cpp:222 modemdb.cpp:237
msgid "<Generic>"
msgstr "<Generikoa>"

#: modemdb.cpp:219
msgid "Hayes(tm) compatible modem"
msgstr "Hayes(tm)-kin modem bateragarria"

#: modeminfo.cpp:41
msgid "ATI Query"
msgstr "ATI kontsulta"

#: modeminfo.cpp:117
msgid "Modem query timed out."
msgstr "Modemaren kontsulta denboratik kanpo."

#: modeminfo.cpp:248
msgid "Modem Query Results"
msgstr "Modemaren kontsulta emaitzak"

#: modems.cpp:149 modems.cpp:173
msgid "Maximum number of modems reached."
msgstr "Gehienezko modem kopurura heldu zara."

#: modems.cpp:178
msgid "No modem selected."
msgstr "Modem hautaturik ez"

#: modems.cpp:192
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete\n"
"the modem \"%1\"?"
msgstr ""
"Ziur zaude \"%1\" modema ezabatu\n"
" nahi duzula?"

#: modems.cpp:217
msgid "New Modem"
msgstr "Modem berria"

#: modems.cpp:220
msgid "Edit Modem: "
msgstr "Editatu modema: "

#: modems.cpp:225
msgid "&Device"
msgstr "&Gailua"

#: modems.cpp:225
msgid "Serial Device"
msgstr "Serieko gailua"

#: modems.cpp:226
msgid "Modem Settings"
msgstr "Modemaren Ezarpenak"

#: modems.cpp:241
msgid ""
"You must enter a unique\n"
"modem name"
msgstr ""
"Modem izen bakarra sartu\n"
"behar duzu"

#: pppdargs.cpp:46
msgid "Customize pppd Arguments"
msgstr "pppd argumentuak pertsonalizatu"

#: pppdargs.cpp:59
msgid "Arg&ument:"
msgstr "Arg&umentua:"

#: pppdata.cpp:63
msgid ""
"The application-specific config file could not be opened in either read-"
"write or read-only mode.\n"
"The superuser might have to change its ownership by issuing the following "
"command in your home directory:\n"
"chown {YourUsername} .trinity/share/config/kppprc"
msgstr ""
"Konfigurazio fitxategia ezin izan da ez irakur-idatzi \n"
"moduan ez eta irakur bakarrik moduan ere ireki.\n"
"Administratzaileak fitxategiari jabea aldatu beharko\n"
"lioke ondorengo komandoa erabilita:\n"
"chown {erabiltzaile_izena} .trinity/share/config/kppprc"

#: pppdata.cpp:501 pppdata.cpp:1029
msgid "%1_copy"
msgstr "%1_kopia"

#: ppplog.cpp:61
msgid "Cannot open any of the following logfiles:"
msgstr "Egunkari fitxategi hauetakoren bat ezin izan da ireki:"

#: ppplog.cpp:135
msgid ""
"You have launched pppd before the remote server was ready to establish a PPP "
"Please use the terminal-based login to verify"
msgstr ""
"pppd-a abiarazi duzu hurruneko zerbitzaria PPP konexioa ezartzeko gai izan "
"baino lehenago.\n"
"Egiaztatzeko erabil ezazu terminal motako login-a."

#: ppplog.cpp:140
msgid "You haven't started the PPP software on the peer system."
msgstr "Ez duzu PPP programa sisteman abiarazi."

#: ppplog.cpp:143
msgid "Check that you supplied the correct username and password."
msgstr "Egiaztatu erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitz zuzenak idatzi dituzula."

#: ppplog.cpp:146
msgid ""
"You shouldn't pass 'lock' as an argument to pppd. Check /etc/ppp/options and "
msgstr ""
"Ez zenuke 'lock'  pppd-ri argumentu gisa pasa beharko. Egiazta ezazu /etc/"
"ppp/options eta /.ppprc"

#: ppplog.cpp:150
msgid ""
"The remote system does not seem to answer to\n"
"configuration request. Contact your provider."
msgstr ""
"Urruneko sistemak ez diola konfigurazio eskaerari erantzuten ematen du.\n"
"Jarri harremanetan hornitzailearekin."

#: ppplog.cpp:154
msgid ""
"You have passed an invalid option to pppd. See 'man pppd' for a complete "
"list of valid arguments."
msgstr ""
"pppd-ri baliorik gabeko argumentua pasa diozu. Ikus 'man pppd' baleko "
"argumentuen zerrenda eskuratzeko."

#: ppplog.cpp:172
msgid ""
"Notice that the remote system has sent the following message:\n"
"This may give you a hint why the the connection has failed."
msgstr ""
"Ikus hurruneko sistemak ondorego mezua bidali duela:\n"
"Honek konexioak zergatik egin duen huts azal diezazuke."

#: ppplog.cpp:192
msgid "Unable to provide help."
msgstr "Ezin laguntzarik eman."

#: ppplog.cpp:218
msgid ""
"KPPP could not prepare a PPP log. It's very likely that pppd was started "
"without the \"debug\" option.\n"
"Without this option it's difficult to find out PPP problems, so you should "
"turn on the debug option.\n"
"Shall I turn it on now?"
msgstr ""
"KPPP-k ezin du egunkaria fitxategirik sortu. Posible aski pppd \"aratze\" "
"aukerarik gabe abiarazi da.\n"
"Aukera horren ezean zaila da ppp arazoen arrazoiak bilatzea. Aratze aukera "
"gaitu beharko zenuke.\n"
"Gaituko al dut orain? "

#: ppplog.cpp:222
msgid "Restart pppd"
msgstr "Berabiarazi pppd"

#: ppplog.cpp:222
msgid "Do Not Restart"
msgstr "Ez berabiarazi"

#: ppplog.cpp:227
msgid ""
"The \"debug\" option has been added. You should now try to reconnect. If "
"that fails again, you will get a PPP log that may help you to track down the "
"connection problem."
msgstr ""
"\"Aratze\" aukera gehitu da. Konektatzen berriro saiatu. Huts egiten badu "
"lagun  diezazukeen ppp egunkaria fitxategia izango duzu."

#: ppplog.cpp:241
msgid "PPP Log"
msgstr "PPP egunkaria"

#: ppplog.cpp:245
msgid "kppp's diagnosis (just guessing):"
msgstr "KPPP-ren diagnostikoa (asmatua):"

#: ppplog.cpp:250
msgid "Write to File"
msgstr "Idatzi fitxategian"

#: ppplog.cpp:284
msgid ""
"The PPP log has been saved\n"
"as \"%1\"!\n"
"If you want to send a bug report, or have\n"
"problems connecting to the Internet, please\n"
"attach this file. It will help the maintainers\n"
"to find the bug and to improve KPPP"
msgstr ""
"PPP egunkari fitxategia honela gorde da:\n"
"Akatsaren berri eman nahi baduzu edo\n"
"Internetera konektatzeko arazoak badituzu\n"
"itsatsi ezazu fitxategi hau. Honek mantentzaileei\n"
"lagunduko die akatsak bilatzean eta KPPP garatzean."

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:55
msgid "kppp Statistics"
msgstr "KPPP-ren estatistikak"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:61
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Estatistikak"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:89
msgid "Local Addr:"
msgstr "Bertako helbidea:"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:95
msgid "Remote Addr:"
msgstr "Hurruneko helbidea:"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:122
msgid "bytes in"
msgstr "Sarrerako byte-ak"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:123
msgid "bytes out"
msgstr "Irteerako byte-ak"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:125
msgid "packets in"
msgstr "Sarrerako paketeak"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:126
msgid "packets out"
msgstr "Irteerako  paketeak"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:128
msgid "vjcomp in"
msgstr "Sarrerako vjcomp"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:129
msgid "vjcomp out"
msgstr "Irteerako vjcomp"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:131
msgid "vjunc in"
msgstr "Sarrerako vjunc"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:132
msgid "vjunc out"
msgstr "Irteerako vjunc"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:134
msgid "vjerr"
msgstr "vjerr"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:135
msgid "non-vj"
msgstr "ez-vj"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:292
msgid "%1 (max. %2) kb/sec"
msgstr "%1 (gehienez %2) kb/seg"

#: pppstatdlg.cpp:408 pppstatdlg.cpp:415
msgid "unavailable"
msgstr "Erabilezina"

#: providerdb.cpp:168
msgid ""
"You will be asked a few questions on information\n"
"which is needed to establish an Internet connection\n"
"with your Internet Service Provider (ISP).\n"
"Make sure you have the registration form from your\n"
"ISP handy. If you have any problems, try the online\n"
"help first. If any information is missing, contact\n"
"your ISP."
msgstr ""
"Zure Internet hornitzailearekin, ISP-rekin, konexioa\n"
"ezartzeko beharrezkoak diren hainbat galdera\n"
"egingo dizkizu sistemak.\n"
"Izan zure ISP-k emandako konexio datuak eskura.\n"
"Arazoak izatekotan lehenik eta behin online laguntzarekin\n"
"saiatu. Informazioa faltan baduzu eskatu zure hornitzaileari."

#: providerdb.cpp:186
msgid ""
"Select the location where you plan to use this\n"
"account from the list below. If your country or\n"
"location is not listed, you have to create the\n"
"account with the normal, dialog based setup.\n"
"If you click \"Cancel\", the dialog based setup\n"
"will start."
msgstr ""
"Aukeratu kontu hau erabiliko duzun kokapena.\n"
"Zure herrialdea edo kokapena zerrendan ez badago\n"
"kontua ohiko elkarrizketa sistemarekin sortu beharko\n"
"\"Etsi\" zanpatzen baduzu elkarrizketan oinarrituriko\n"
"ezartzea hasiko da."

#: providerdb.cpp:264
msgid ""
"Select your Internet Service Provider (ISP) from\n"
"the list below. If the ISP is not in this list,\n"
"you have to click on \"Cancel\" and create this\n"
"account using the normal, dialog-based setup.\n"
"Click on \"Next\" when you have finished your\n"
msgstr ""
"Aukeratu zure hornitzailea (ISP) beheko zerrendan.\n"
"Zure ISP-a zerrendan ez badago \"Etsi\" botoia zanpatu\n"
"eta ohiko elkarrizketa sistema erabili. \n"
"Klik egin \"Hurrengoa\" botoian hautua egitean."

#: providerdb.cpp:339
msgid ""
"To log on to your ISP, kppp needs the username\n"
"and the password you got from your ISP. Type\n"
"in this information in the fields below.\n"
"Word case is important here."
msgstr ""
"Zure ISP-an saioa hasteko kppp-k hornitzaileak\n"
"emandako erabiltzaile izena eta pasahitza behar ditu.\n"
"Idatzi informazio hori beheko eremuetan.\n"
"Maiuskula/minuskulek garrantzia dute."

#: providerdb.cpp:348
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena:"

#: providerdb.cpp:350
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Pasahitza:"

#: providerdb.cpp:393
msgid ""
"If you need a special dial prefix (e.g. if you\n"
"are using a telephone switch) you can specify\n"
"it here. This prefix is dialed just before the\n"
"phone number.\n"
"If you have a telephone switch, you probably need\n"
"to write \"0\" or \"0,\" here."
msgstr ""
"Markatzeko aurrezenbakirik behar izatekotan\n"
"(esaterako, telefono zentralita bat erabiltzen ari\n"
"bazara) hemen jar dezakezu. Aurrezenbaki hau\n"
"markatzen hasi baino lehenago erabiltzen da.\n"
"Telefono zentralita bat badaukazu seguru asko \"0\"\n"
"edo \"0,\" jarri beharko duzu hemen."

#: providerdb.cpp:404
msgid "Dial prefix:"
msgstr "Telefono aurrezenbakia:"

#: providerdb.cpp:429
msgid ""
"A new account has been created. Click \"Finish\" to\n"
"go back to the setup dialog. If you want to\n"
"check the settings of the newly created account,\n"
"you can use \"Edit\" in the setup dialog."
msgstr ""
"Kontu berri bat sortu da. \"Bukatu\" gainean klik egin\n"
"ezarpen elkarrizketara itzultzeko. Sortu berri den\n"
"kontuaren ezarpenak ikusi edo aldatu nahi baduzu\n"
"ezarpen elkarrizketako \"Editatu\" botoia zanpatu."

#: ruleset.cpp:538
msgid "kppp: no rulefile specified\n"
msgstr "KPPP: ez da arau fitxategirik zehaztu\n"

#: ruleset.cpp:544
#, c-format
msgid "kppp: rulefile \"%s\" not found\n"
msgstr "KPPP: \"%s\" arau fitxategia ez da aurkitu\n"

#: ruleset.cpp:549
msgid "kppp: rulefiles must have the extension \".rst\"\n"
msgstr "KPPP: arau fitxategiak  \".rst\" luzapena behar du\n"

#: ruleset.cpp:558
msgid "kppp: error parsing the ruleset\n"
msgstr "KPPP: akatsa arauak analizatzean\n"

#: ruleset.cpp:563
#, c-format
msgid "kppp: parse error in line %d\n"
msgstr "KPPP: akatsa %d lerroan\n"

#: ruleset.cpp:569
msgid "kppp: rulefile does not contain a default rule\n"
msgstr "KPPP: arau fitxategiak ez dauka aurremugatutako araua\n"

#: ruleset.cpp:574
msgid "kppp: rulefile does not contain a \"name=...\" line\n"
msgstr "KPPP: arau fitxategiak ez dauka \"name=...\" lerrorik\n"

#: ruleset.cpp:578
msgid "kppp: rulefile is ok\n"
msgstr "KPPP: arau fitxategia zuzena da.\n"

#: runtests.cpp:219
msgid ""
"You're not allowed to dial out with kppp.\n"
"Contact your system administrator."
msgstr ""
"Ez duzu KPPP-rekin deitzeko baimenik.\n"
"Administratzailearekin harremanetan jarri."

#: runtests.cpp:230
msgid ""
"Cannot find the PPP daemon!\n"
"Make sure that pppd is installed."
msgstr ""
"Ezin PPP demonioa aurkitu!\n"
"Begira ezazu pppd instalatuta dagoen."

#: runtests.cpp:240
msgid ""
"You do not have the permission to start pppd!\n"
"Contact your system administrator and ask to get access to pppd."
msgstr ""
"Ez daukazu pppd hasteko baimenik!\n"
"Administratzailearekin harremanetan jarri eta eskatu pppd-erako sarbidea "

#: runtests.cpp:253
msgid ""
"You don't have sufficient permission to run\n"
"Please make sure that kppp is owned by root and has the SUID bit set."
msgstr ""
"Ez daukazu %1 egikaritzeko beharrezko baimenik.\n"
"Begira ezazu ea KPPP-ren jabea root-a den eta bit SUID jarria duela."

#: runtests.cpp:265
msgid ""
"%1 is missing or can't be read!\n"
"Ask your system administrator to create this file (can be empty) with "
"appropriate read and write permissions."
msgstr ""
"%1 ezin da aurkitu edo irakurri.\n"
"Eskatu egiozu administratzaileari fitxategiasortzeko beharrezko irakur eta "
"idatz baimenekin."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Delete"
#~ msgstr "Eza&batu"