# translation of krdc.po to Basque
# translation of krdc.po to
# translation of krdc.po to
# translation of krdc.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003, 2005.
# Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: krdc\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-29 12:06-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-11-21 23:42-0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <kdeuskaraz@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "igaztanaga@gmail.com"

#: keycapturedialog.cpp:50
msgid "Enter Key Combination"
msgstr "Sartu tekla-konbinazioa"

#: krdc.cpp:134 krdc.cpp:157
msgid "The entered host does not have the required form."
msgstr "Sartutako ostalaria gaizki osatuta dago."

#: krdc.cpp:135 krdc.cpp:158
msgid "Malformed URL or Host"
msgstr "URL edo hostalari gaizki osatuta dago"

#: krdc.cpp:164
msgid "%1 - Remote Desktop Connection"
msgstr "%1 - Urruneko mahaigain konexioa"

#: krdc.cpp:193
msgid ""
"Here you can see the remote desktop. If the other side allows you to control "
"it, you can also move the mouse, click or enter keystrokes. If the content does "
"not fit your screen, click on the toolbar's full screen button or scale button. "
"To end the connection, just close the window."
msgstr ""
"Hemen urruneko mahaigaina ikus dezakezu. Bestalde, kontrolatzeko aukera ere "
"ematen dizu, baita sagua mugitu edo teklak sakatzeko aukera ere. Edukina zure "
"pantailan sartzen ez bada, klik egin tresna-barraren pantaila-osoko botoian edo "
"eskalatze botoian. Konexioa amaitzeko, lehioa itxi besterik ez duzu."

#: krdc.cpp:228
msgid "Establishing connection..."
msgstr "Konexioa ezartzen..."

#: krdc.cpp:234
msgid "Authenticating..."
msgstr "Autentifikatzen..."

#: krdc.cpp:239
msgid "Preparing desktop..."
msgstr "Mahaigaina prestatzen..."

#: krdc.cpp:390
msgid "View Only"
msgstr "Ikusi bakarrik"

#: krdc.cpp:394
msgid "Always Show Local Cursor"
msgstr "Beti erakutsi kurtsore lokala"

#: krdc.cpp:491
msgid "Autohide on/off"
msgstr "Autoezkutatu (gaitu/desgaitu)"

#: krdc.cpp:497 krdc.cpp:595 krdc.cpp:597
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Pantaila osoa"

#: krdc.cpp:503 krdc.cpp:505 krdc.cpp:627
msgid "Advanced options"
msgstr "Aukera aurreratuak"

#: krdc.cpp:517 krdc.cpp:606
msgid "Scale view"
msgstr "Eskalatu ikuspegia"

#: krdc.cpp:525
msgid "Minimize"
msgstr "Minimizatu"

#: krdc.cpp:598
msgid ""
"Switches to full screen. If the remote desktop has a different screen "
"resolution, Remote Desktop Connection will automatically switch to the nearest "
msgstr ""
"Pantaila osora aldatzen du. Urruneko mahaigainak pantaila-erresoluzio ezberdina "
"badu, urruneko mahaigain konexioak automatikoki urbilen den erresoluziora "
"aldatuko du."

#: krdc.cpp:604
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Eskalatu"

#: krdc.cpp:607
msgid "This option scales the remote screen to fit your window size."
msgstr "Aukera honek urruneko pantaila zure lehioaren tamainara moldatuko du."

#: krdc.cpp:613
msgid "Special Keys"
msgstr "Tekla bereziak"

#: krdc.cpp:615
msgid "Enter special keys."
msgstr "Sartu tekla bereziak."

#: krdc.cpp:616
msgid ""
"This option allows you to send special key combinations like Ctrl-Alt-Del to "
"the remote host."
msgstr ""
"Aukera honek urruneko ostalariari tekla-konbinazio bereziak bidaltzeko aukera "
"ematen dizu, adibidez, Ctrl-Alt-Del."

#: krdc.cpp:625
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Aurreratua"

#: main.cpp:46
msgid "Remote desktop connection"
msgstr "Urruneko mahaigain konexioa"

#: main.cpp:51
msgid "Start in fullscreen mode"
msgstr "Hasi pantaila osoko moduan"

#: main.cpp:53
msgid "Start in regular window"
msgstr "Hasi lehio arruntean"

#: main.cpp:55
msgid "Low quality mode (Tight Encoding, 8 bit color)"
msgstr "Kalitate baxuko modua (Kodeketa altua, 8 bit-eko kolorea)"

#: main.cpp:57
msgid "Medium quality mode (Tight Encoding, lossy)"
msgstr "Kalitate ertaineko modua (Kodeketa altua, galeraduna)"

#: main.cpp:59
msgid "High quality mode, default (Hextile Encoding)"
msgstr "Kalitate altuko modua, lehenetsia (Hextile kodeketa)"

#: main.cpp:61
msgid "Start VNC in scaled mode"
msgstr "Hasi VNC modu eskalatuan"

#: main.cpp:63
msgid "Show local cursor (VNC only)"
msgstr "Erakutsi kurtsore lokala (VNC bakarrik)"

#: main.cpp:65
msgid "Override VNC encoding list (e.g. 'hextile raw')"
msgstr "Gainidatzi VNC kodeketa-zerrenda (adib. 'hextile gordina')"

#: main.cpp:67
msgid "Provide the password in a file"
msgstr "Eman pasahitza fitxategi batean"

#: main.cpp:68
msgid "The name of the host, e.g. 'localhost:1'"
msgstr "Ostalariaren izena, adibidez 'localhost:1'"

#: main.cpp:75 maindialog.cpp:29
msgid "Remote Desktop Connection"
msgstr "Urruneko mahaigain konexioa"

#: main.cpp:88
msgid "RDP backend"
msgstr "RDP euskarria"

#: main.cpp:90
msgid "Original VNC viewer and protocol design"
msgstr "Jatorrizko VNC ikustailea eta protokoloaren diseinua"

#: main.cpp:92
msgid "TightVNC encoding"
msgstr "TightVNC kodeketa"

#: main.cpp:94
msgid "ZLib encoding"
msgstr "ZLib kodeketa"

#: main.cpp:138
msgid "The password file '%1' does not exist."
msgstr "%1 pasahitz fitxategia ez da existitzen."

#: main.cpp:152
msgid "Wrong geometry format, must be widthXheight"
msgstr "Geometria formatua ez da zuzena, widthXheight modukoa izan behar da"

#: maindialog.cpp:30
msgid "&Preferences"
msgstr "&Hobespenak"

#: maindialog.cpp:36
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Konektatu"

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:44
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "ezezaguna"

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:51
msgid "Shared Desktop"
msgstr "Mahaigain parketatua"

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:54
msgid "Standalone Desktop"
msgstr "Mahaigain autonomoa"

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:207 maindialogwidget.cpp:349
msgid "default"
msgstr "lehenetsia"

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:255
msgid ""
"Browsing the network is not possible. You probably did not install SLP support "
msgstr ""
"Sarea arakatzea ez da posible. Seguraski ez duzu SLP euskarri ongi instalatu."

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:257
msgid "Browsing Not Possible"
msgstr "Arakatzea ez da posible"

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:274
msgid "An error occurred while scanning the network."
msgstr "Errore bat gertatu da sarea aztertzean."

#: maindialogwidget.cpp:275
msgid "Error While Scanning"
msgstr "Errorea azterketan"

#: preferencesdialog.cpp:36
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Hobespenak"

#: preferencesdialog.cpp:42
msgid "&Host Profiles"
msgstr "&Ostalari profilak"

#: preferencesdialog.cpp:47
msgid "&VNC Defaults"
msgstr "&VNC lehenespenak"

#: preferencesdialog.cpp:52 preferencesdialog.cpp:60
msgid "Do not &show the preferences dialog on new connections"
msgstr "Ez &erakutsi hobespen elkarrizketa-koadroak konexio berrietan"

#: preferencesdialog.cpp:55
msgid "RD&P Defaults"
msgstr "RD&P lehenespenak"

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 25
#: rc.cpp:3 rc.cpp:88
#, no-c-format
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Ostalaria"

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 36
#: rc.cpp:6 rc.cpp:76 rc.cpp:91 rc.cpp:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Mota"

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 47
#: rc.cpp:9 rc.cpp:94
#, no-c-format
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Ezarpenak"

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 72
#: rc.cpp:12 rc.cpp:97
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This list shows all hosts that you have visited and a summary of your settings "
"for them. If you want to reset the setting for a host, you can delete it using "
"the buttons below. When you connect again you can then re-configure them."
msgstr ""
"Zerrenda honek bisitatu dituzun ostalari guztiak eta hauen laburpen bat "
"erakutsiko dizkizu. Ostalari baten ezarpena berrezarri nahi badituzu, beheko "
"botoiak erabiliz ezabatu dezakezu. Berriro konektatzen zarenean birkonfiguratu "

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 97
#: rc.cpp:15 rc.cpp:100
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Remove Selected Host"
msgstr "&Kendu hautatutako ostalaria"

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 100
#: rc.cpp:18 rc.cpp:103
#, no-c-format
msgid "Deletes the hosts that you have selected in the list above."
msgstr "Ezabatu goiko zerrendan hautatutako ostalariak"

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 108
#: rc.cpp:21 rc.cpp:106
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remove &All Hosts"
msgstr "Kendu ostalari &guztiak"

#. i18n: file hostprofiles.ui line 111
#: rc.cpp:24 rc.cpp:109
#, no-c-format
msgid "Removes all hosts from the list."
msgstr "Kendu zerrendako ostalari guztiak."

#. i18n: file keycapturewidget.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:27 rc.cpp:112
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter a special key or key combination to send to the remote side:"
msgstr ""
"Sartu urruneko aldeari bildaltzeko tekla berezi edo tekla-konbinazio berezi "

#. i18n: file keycapturewidget.ui line 92
#: rc.cpp:30 rc.cpp:115
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This function allows you to send a key combination like Ctrl+Alt+Del to the "
"remote side. Press Esc to cancel."
msgstr ""
"Funtzio honek urruneko aldeari Ctrl+Alt+Del bezalako tekla-konbinazio bat "
"bidaltzeko aukera ematen dizu. Sakatu Esc bertan behera uzteko."

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 41
#: rc.cpp:33 rc.cpp:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "Remote &desktop:"
msgstr "Urruneko &mahaigaina:"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 64
#: rc.cpp:36 rc.cpp:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter the hostname and display number"
msgstr "Sartu ostalari izena eta pantaila zenbakia"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 68
#: rc.cpp:39 rc.cpp:124
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enter the name and display number of the computer that you want to connect to, "
"separated by a colon, e.g. 'mycomputer:1'. The address can be any valid "
"Internet address. The display numbers usually start at 0. If you do not have a "
"display number, try 0 or 1.\n"
"Remote Desktop Connection only supports systems that use VNC."
msgstr ""
"Sartu konektatu nahi duzun konputagailuaren izena eta pantaila zenbakia, bi "
"punturen bidez bananduta, adibidez 'mycomputer:1'. Helbidea interneteko edozein "
"baliozko helbide izan daiteke. Pantaila zenbakia normalean 0 zenbakian hasten "
"da. Pantaila zenbakirik ez baduzu, saiatu ' 0 edo 1-ekin.\n"
"Urruneko mahaigain konexioak VNC erabiltzen duten sistemak bakarrik onartzen "

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 84
#: rc.cpp:43 rc.cpp:128
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Browse <<"
msgstr "&Arakatu <<"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 87
#: rc.cpp:46 rc.cpp:131
#, no-c-format
msgid "Turn on/off the network browsing panel."
msgstr "Gaitu/ezgaitu sare arakatze panela."

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 103
#: rc.cpp:49 rc.cpp:134
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enter the address of the computer to connect to, or browse the network and "
"select one. VNC and RDP compatible servers will be supported. <a "
"<h3>Examples</h3>for a computer called 'megan':"
"<td>connect to the VNC server on 'megan' with display number 1</td></tr>"
"<td>longer form for the same thing</td></tr>"
"<td>connect to the RDP server on 'megan'</td></tr></table>\">Examples</a>"
msgstr ""
"Sar ezazu konektatu nahi duzun konputagailuaren helbidea, edo araka ezazu sarea "
"eta hauta ezazu bat. VNC eta RDP onartzen duten zerbitzariak bakarrik onartuko "
"dira. <a href=\"whatsthis:"
"<h3>Adibidea</h3>'megan' deituriko zerbitzari batentzat:"
"<td>konektatu 'megan' VNC zerbitzariaren 1 pantaila zenbakira</td></tr>"
"<td>gauza berdina lortzeko era luzeagoa</td></tr>"
"<td>konektatu 'megan' zerbitzariaren RDP zerbitzura</td></tr></table>\">"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 136
#: rc.cpp:52 rc.cpp:137
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Rescan"
msgstr "&Berreskaneatu"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 139
#: rc.cpp:55 rc.cpp:140
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Rescans the network. Depending on the network configuration this may take a few "
"seconds until all systems have responded."
msgstr ""
"Sarea berreskaneatzen du. Sarearen konfigurazioaren arabera sistema guztiek "
"erantzun arte segundu batzuk beharko dira."

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 164
#: rc.cpp:58 rc.cpp:143
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Search:"
msgstr "&Bilatu:"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 175
#: rc.cpp:61 rc.cpp:146
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enter a search term"
msgstr "Sartu bilatzeko terminoa"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 178
#: rc.cpp:64 rc.cpp:149
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enter a search term here if you want to search for a specific system, then "
"press Enter or click Rescan. All systems, whose description matches the search "
"term, will be displayed. The search is not case sensitive. If you leave the "
"field empty all systems will be displayed."
msgstr ""
"Sartu bilaketa termino bat hemen sistema konkretu baten bila bazabiltza, eta "
"sakatu Enter edo klikatu Berreskaneatu. Azalpen parekoa duten sistema guztiak "
"bistaratuko dira. Bilaketak ez ditu maiuskula/minuskulak bereizten. Eremua "
"hutsik uzten baduzu, sistema guztiak bistaratuko dira."

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 211
#: rc.cpp:67 rc.cpp:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scop&e:"
msgstr "&Eremua:"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 236
#: rc.cpp:70 rc.cpp:155
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"An administrator can configure the network to have several scopes. If this is "
"the case, you can select the scope to scan here."
msgstr ""
"Administratzaile batek sarea eremu anitz izateko konfigura dezake. Hau baldin "
"bada zure kasua, aztertzeko eremua hauta dezakezu hemen."

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 242
#: rc.cpp:73 rc.cpp:158
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Izena"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 264
#: rc.cpp:79 rc.cpp:164
#, no-c-format
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Helbidea"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 275
#: rc.cpp:82 rc.cpp:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr "Protokoloa"

#. i18n: file maindialogbase.ui line 297
#: rc.cpp:85 rc.cpp:170
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can see the systems on the network that allow you to connect. Note "
"that an administrator can hide systems, so the list is not always complete. "
"Click on an item to select it, double-click it to connect immediately."
msgstr ""
"Hemen konektatzeko baimena duzun sareko sistema guztiak ikus ditzakezu. Kontuan "
"izan administratzaileak sistemak ezkuta ditzakeela, eta beraz zerrenda hau ez "
"da beti osoa izango."

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 27
#: rc.cpp:173 rc.cpp:338
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connection"
msgstr "Konexioa"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 53
#: rc.cpp:176
#, no-c-format
msgid "Small (640x480)"
msgstr "Txikia (640x480)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 58
#: rc.cpp:179
#, no-c-format
msgid "Medium (800x600)"
msgstr "Ertaina (800x600)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 63
#: rc.cpp:182
#, no-c-format
msgid "Big (1024x768)"
msgstr "Handia (1024x768)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 68
#: rc.cpp:185
#, no-c-format
msgid "Custom (...)"
msgstr "Pertsonalizatua (...)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 73
#: rc.cpp:188
#, no-c-format
msgid "Full Screen (Maximized)"
msgstr ""

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 97
#: rc.cpp:191
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Here you can specify the resolution of the remote desktop. This resolution "
"determines the size of the desktop that will be presented to you."
msgstr ""
"Hemen urruneko mahaigainaren erresoluzioa zehaz dezakezu. Erresoluzio honek "
"erakutsiko zaizun mahaigainaren tamaina adierazten du."

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 114
#: rc.cpp:194
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This is the width of the remote desktop. You can only change this value "
"manually if you select Custom as desktop resolution above."
msgstr ""
"Honek urruneko mahaigainaren zabalera aldatzen du. Goiko mahaigainaren "
"erresoluzioan Pertsonalizatua hautatu baduzu bakarrik alda dezakezu eskuz balio "

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 125
#: rc.cpp:197
#, no-c-format
msgid "H&eight:"
msgstr "&Altuera:"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 148
#: rc.cpp:200
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This is the height of the remote desktop. You can only change this value "
"manually if you select Custom as desktop resolution above."
msgstr ""
"Honek urruneko mahaigainaren altuera aldatzen du. Goiko mahaigainaren "
"erresoluzioan Pertsonalizatua hautatu baduzu bakarrik alda dezakezu eskuz balio "

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 154
#: rc.cpp:203
#, no-c-format
msgid "Arabic (ar)"
msgstr "Arabiarra (ar)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 159
#: rc.cpp:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Czech (cs)"
msgstr ""

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 164
#: rc.cpp:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "Danish (da)"
msgstr "Daniera (da)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 169
#: rc.cpp:212
#, no-c-format
msgid "German (de)"
msgstr "Alemana (de)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 174
#: rc.cpp:215
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Swiss German (de-ch)"
msgstr "Alemana (de)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 179
#: rc.cpp:218
#, no-c-format
msgid "British English (en-gb)"
msgstr "Britainiako Ingelesa (en-gb)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 184
#: rc.cpp:221
#, no-c-format
msgid "US English (en-us)"
msgstr "Estatubatuarra (en-us)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 189
#: rc.cpp:224
#, no-c-format
msgid "Spanish (es)"
msgstr "Gaztelania (es)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 194
#: rc.cpp:227
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Estonian (et)"
msgstr "Lituaniera (lt)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 199
#: rc.cpp:230
#, no-c-format
msgid "Finnish (fi)"
msgstr "Finlandiera (fi)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 204
#: rc.cpp:233
#, no-c-format
msgid "French (fr)"
msgstr "Frantsesa (fr)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 209
#: rc.cpp:236
#, no-c-format
msgid "Belgium (fr-be)"
msgstr "Belgikarra (fr-be)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 214
#: rc.cpp:239
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "French Canadian (fr-ca)"
msgstr "Frantsesa (fr)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 219
#: rc.cpp:242
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Swiss French (fr-ch)"
msgstr "Frantsesa (fr)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 224
#: rc.cpp:245
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Croatian (hr)"
msgstr "Kroazioera (hr)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 229
#: rc.cpp:248
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hungarian (hu)"
msgstr "Hungariera (hu)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 234
#: rc.cpp:251
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Icelandic (is)"
msgstr "Italiera (it)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 239
#: rc.cpp:254
#, no-c-format
msgid "Italian (it)"
msgstr "Italiera (it)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 244
#: rc.cpp:257
#, no-c-format
msgid "Japanese (ja)"
msgstr "Japoniera (ja)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 249
#: rc.cpp:260
#, no-c-format
msgid "Lithuanian (lt)"
msgstr "Lituaniera (lt)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 254
#: rc.cpp:263
#, no-c-format
msgid "Latvian (lv)"
msgstr "Letoniera (lv)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 259
#: rc.cpp:266
#, no-c-format
msgid "Macedonian (mk)"
msgstr "Mazedoniera (mk)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 264
#: rc.cpp:269
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dutch (nl)"
msgstr ""

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 269
#: rc.cpp:272
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Belgian Dutch (nl-be)"
msgstr "Belgikarra (fr-be)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 274
#: rc.cpp:275
#, no-c-format
msgid "Norwegian (no)"
msgstr "Norvegiera (no)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 279
#: rc.cpp:278
#, no-c-format
msgid "Polish (pl)"
msgstr "Poloniera (pl)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 284
#: rc.cpp:281
#, no-c-format
msgid "Portuguese (pt)"
msgstr "Portugesa (pt)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 289
#: rc.cpp:284
#, no-c-format
msgid "Brazilian (pt-br)"
msgstr "Brasilgo Portugesa (pt-br)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 294
#: rc.cpp:287
#, no-c-format
msgid "Russian (ru)"
msgstr "Errusiera (ru)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 299
#: rc.cpp:290
#, no-c-format
msgid "Slovenian (sl)"
msgstr "Esloveniarra (sl)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 304
#: rc.cpp:293
#, no-c-format
msgid "Swedish (sv)"
msgstr "Suediera (sv)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 309
#: rc.cpp:296
#, no-c-format
msgid "Thai (th)"
msgstr "Thailandiarra (th)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 314
#: rc.cpp:299
#, no-c-format
msgid "Turkish (tr)"
msgstr "Turkiarra (tr)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 341
#: rc.cpp:302
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Use this to specify your keyboard layout. This layout setting is used to send "
"the correct keyboard codes to the server."
msgstr ""
"Erabili hau teklatu diseinua zehazteko. Diseinuaren ezarpena zerbitzariari "
"teklatu kode zuzenak bidaltzeko erabiliko da."

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 357
#: rc.cpp:305
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Keyboard layout:"
msgstr "&Teklatuaren diseinua:"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 371
#: rc.cpp:308 rc.cpp:347
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use K&Wallet for passwords"
msgstr "Erabili K&Wallet pasahitzentzat"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 374
#: rc.cpp:311 rc.cpp:350
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable this option to store your passwords with TDEWallet."
msgstr "Gaitu aukera hau zure pasahitzak TDEWallet-ekin gordetzeko."

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 390
#: rc.cpp:314
#, no-c-format
msgid "Desktop &resolution:"
msgstr "Mahagainaren e&rresoluzioa:"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 409
#: rc.cpp:317
#, no-c-format
msgid "Color &depth:"
msgstr "Kolore &sakontasuna"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 423
#: rc.cpp:320
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Width:"
msgstr "&Zabalera:"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 435
#: rc.cpp:323
#, no-c-format
msgid "Low Color (8 Bit)"
msgstr "Baxua"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 440
#: rc.cpp:326
#, no-c-format
msgid "High Color (16 Bit)"
msgstr "Altua"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 445
#: rc.cpp:329
#, no-c-format
msgid "True Color (24 Bit)"
msgstr "Benetako kolorea (24 bit)"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 459
#: rc.cpp:332 rc.cpp:368
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Show this dialog again for this host"
msgstr "&Erakutsi elkarrizketa-koadroa berriro ostalari honentzat"

#. i18n: file rdp/rdpprefs.ui line 462
#: rc.cpp:335 rc.cpp:371
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Select this option if you do not want to be asked for the settings when "
"connecting to a host. For hosts with existing profiles these profiles will be "
"taken. New hosts will be configured with the defaults."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu aukera hau ostalarira konektatzean ezarpenei buruz ez galdetzeko. "
"Existitzen diren profildun ostalarientzat profil hauek erabiliko dira. Ostalari "
"berriak lehenespenekin konfiguratuko dira."

#. i18n: file vnc/vncprefs.ui line 41
#: rc.cpp:341
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Enable encryption (secure, but slow and not always possible)"
msgstr "&Gaitu enkriptazioa (segurua, baina motelagoa eta beti ez da posible)"

#. i18n: file vnc/vncprefs.ui line 44
#: rc.cpp:344
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Enable this option to encrypt the connection. Only newer servers support this "
"option. Encrypting prevents others from eavesdropping, but can slow down the "
"connection considerably."
msgstr ""
"Gaitu aukera hau konexioa enkriptatzeko. Zerbitzari berriek bakarrik onartzen "
"dute aukera hau. Enkriptazio honek besteek baimenik gabeko zure datuak irakur "
"ditzaten eragozten du, baina konexioa nabarmenki moteltzen du."

#. i18n: file vnc/vncprefs.ui line 74
#: rc.cpp:353
#, no-c-format
msgid "Connection &type:"
msgstr "Konexio &mota:"

#. i18n: file vnc/vncprefs.ui line 83
#: rc.cpp:356
#, no-c-format
msgid "High Quality (LAN, direct connection)"
msgstr "Kalitate altua (LAN, konexio zuzena)"

#. i18n: file vnc/vncprefs.ui line 88
#: rc.cpp:359
#, no-c-format
msgid "Medium Quality (DSL, Cable, fast Internet)"
msgstr "Kalitate ertaina (DSL, kablea, internet azkarra)"

#. i18n: file vnc/vncprefs.ui line 93
#: rc.cpp:362
#, no-c-format
msgid "Low Quality (Modem, ISDN, slow Internet)"
msgstr "Kalitate baxua (modem , ISDN, internet motela)"

#. i18n: file vnc/vncprefs.ui line 114
#: rc.cpp:365
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Use this to specify the performance of your connection. Note that you should "
"select the speed of the weakest link - even if you have a high speed "
"connection, it will not help you if the remote computer uses a slow modem. "
"Choosing a level of quality that is too high on a slow link will cause slower "
"response times. Choosing a lower quality will increase latencies in high speed "
"connections and results in lower image quality, especially in 'Low Quality' "
msgstr ""
"Erabili hau zure konexioaren errendimendua zehazteko. Kontuan izan lotura "
"motelenaren abiadura hautatzea gomendatzen dela - abiadura handiko konexio bat "
"baduzu eta zerbitzariak modem bat badu, zure abiadura handia ezingo da erabili. "
"Lotura motel batean kalitate maila altua hautatzen bada erantzun denbora "
"handiagoak sortuko dira. Kalitate baxua hautatzen bada, latentziak handituko "
"dira abiadura handiko konexioetan eta irudi kalitate baxuagoak lortuko dira, "
"bereziki 'Kalitate baxua' moduan."

#: rdp/krdpview.cpp:172
#, c-format
msgid "RDP Host Preferences for %1"
msgstr "RDP ostalari hobespenak %1-(r)entzat"

#: rdp/krdpview.cpp:279
msgid "Please enter the password."
msgstr "Sartu pasahitza."

#: rdp/krdpview.cpp:301
msgid "Could not start rdesktop; make sure rdesktop is properly installed."
msgstr ""
"Ezin izan da rdesktop abiarazi; ziurtatu ezazu rdesktop zuzen instalatuta "

#: rdp/krdpview.cpp:302
msgid "rdesktop Failure"
msgstr "rdesktop errorea"

#: rdp/krdpview.cpp:367 vnc/kvncview.cpp:467
msgid "Connection attempt to host failed."
msgstr "Ostalariari zuzendutako konexioak huts egin du."

#: rdp/krdpview.cpp:368 vnc/kvncview.cpp:225 vnc/kvncview.cpp:468
#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:473 vnc/kvncview.cpp:478 vnc/kvncview.cpp:483
#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:488 vnc/kvncview.cpp:493
msgid "Connection Failure"
msgstr "Konexioak huts egin du"

#: rdp/rdphostpref.cpp:112
msgid ""
"Show Preferences: %1, Resolution: %2x%3, Color Depth: %4, Keymap: %5, "
"TDEWallet: %6"
msgstr ""
"Erakutsi hobespenak: %1, Erresoluzioa: %2x%3, Kolore sakonera: %4, "
"Teklatu-mapa: %5, TDEWallet: %6"

#: rdp/rdphostpref.cpp:113 rdp/rdphostpref.cpp:114 vnc/vnchostpref.cpp:99
msgid "yes"
msgstr "bai"

#: rdp/rdphostpref.cpp:113 rdp/rdphostpref.cpp:114 vnc/vnchostpref.cpp:99
msgid "no"
msgstr "ez"

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:224
msgid "It is not possible to connect to a local desktop sharing service."
msgstr "Ezin izan da mahaigain lokal partekatze zerbitzura konektatu."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:239
#, c-format
msgid "VNC Host Preferences for %1"
msgstr "VNC ostalari hobespenak %1-(r)entzat"

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:416
msgid "Access to the system requires a password."
msgstr "Sistema atzitzeko pasahitza behar da."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:472
msgid "Remote host is using an incompatible protocol."
msgstr "Urruneko ostalariak darabilen protokoloa ez da bateragarria."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:477
msgid "The connection to the host has been interrupted."
msgstr "Ostalariari zuzendutako konexioa eten egin da."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:482
msgid "Connection failed. The server does not accept new connections."
msgstr "Konexioak huts egin du. Zerbitzariak ez du konexio berririk onartzen."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:487
msgid "Connection failed. A server with the given name cannot be found."
msgstr ""
"Konexioak huts egin du. Ezin da emandako izeneko zerbitzaririk aurkitu."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:492
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Connection failed. No server running at the given address and port. Verify the "
"KDED TDE Internet Daemon is running at the remote server."
msgstr ""
"Konexioak huts egin du. Ez dago zerbitzaririk martxan emandako helbide eta "

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:501
msgid "Authentication failed. Connection aborted."
msgstr "Autentifikazioak huts egin du. Konexioa bertan behera utzi da."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:502
msgid "Authentication Failure"
msgstr "Autentifikazio errorea"

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:506
msgid "Unknown error."
msgstr "Errore ezezaguna."

#: vnc/kvncview.cpp:507
msgid "Unknown Error"
msgstr "Errore ezezaguna"

#: vnc/vnchostpref.cpp:87
msgid "High"
msgstr "Altua"

#: vnc/vnchostpref.cpp:90
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Ertaina"

#: vnc/vnchostpref.cpp:93
msgid "Low"
msgstr "Baxua"

#: vnc/vnchostpref.cpp:98
msgid "Show Preferences: %1, Quality: %2, TDEWallet: %3"
msgstr "Erakutsi hobespenak: %1, Kalitatea: %2, TDEWallet: %3"