# translation of karm.po to Basque
# translation of karm.po to Euskara
# translation of karm.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003.
# Ion Gaztañaga <ion_g_m@hotmail.com>, 2005.
# Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: karm\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-13 20:12+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-11-20 11:16-0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <kdeuskaraz@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#: _translatorinfo:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Ion Gaztañaga"

#: _translatorinfo:2
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "igaztanaga@gmail.com"

#: csvexportdialog.cpp:87
msgid "radioDecimal"
msgstr "erradioHamartarra"

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:58
msgid "Task &name:"
msgstr "Atazaren ize&na:"

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:72
msgid "Edit &absolute"
msgstr "Editatu &absolutua"

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:85
msgid "&Session time: "
msgstr "&Saioaren denbora: "

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:88
msgid "&Time:"
msgstr "&Denbora."

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:124
msgid "Edit &relative (apply to both time and session time)"
msgstr "Editatu e&rlatiboa (aplikatu bai denbora eta saioaren denborari)"

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:168
msgid "A&uto tracking"
msgstr "A&uto-jarraipena"

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:177
msgid "In Desktop"
msgstr "Mahaigainean"

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:228
msgid "Enter the name of the task here. This name is for your eyes only."
msgstr "Sartu atazaren izena hemen. Izen hau estetikoa da bakarrik."

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:231
msgid ""
"Use this option to set the time spent on this task to an absolute value.\n"
"For example, if you have worked exactly four hours on this task during the "
"current session, you would set the Session time to 4 hr."
msgstr ""
"Erabili aukera hau zeregin honekin pasatako denbora absolutua ezartzeko.\n"
"Adibidez, lan honetan lau ordutan zehar lan egin baduzu saio honetan, "
"saioaren denbora 4 ordu bezala definitu behar dituzu."

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:236
msgid ""
"Use this option to change the time spent on this task relative to its "
"current value.\n"
"For example, if you worked on this task for one hour without the timer "
"running, you would add 1 hr."
msgstr ""
"Erabili aukera hau zeregin honekin pasatako bere uneko balioarekiko "
"erlatiboa den denbora ezartzeko.\n"
"Adibidez, kronometroa martxan jarri gabe lan honetan ordu batean zehar lan "
"egin baduzu, ordu bat gehitu beharko zenuke."

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:241
msgid "This is the time the task has been running since all times were reset."
msgstr "Hau da denbora guztiak berrezarri zirenetik atazak iraun duen denbora."

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:244
msgid "This is the time the task has been running this session."
msgstr "Hau da saio honetan atazak iraun duen denbora."

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:246
msgid ""
"Specify how much time to add or subtract to the overall and session time"
msgstr ""
"Zehaztu zenbat denbora gehitu edo kendu behar zaizkien guztizko eta saioaren "

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:250
msgid ""
"Use this option to automatically start the timer on this task when you "
"switch to the specified desktop(s)."
msgstr ""
"Erabili aukera hau zehaztutako mahaigainetara aldatzean automatikoki zeregin "
"honen kronometroa automatikoki abiatzeko."

#: edittaskdialog.cpp:253
msgid ""
"Select the desktop(s) that will automatically start the timer on this task."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu zeregin honen kronometroa automatikoki abiatuko duten mahaigainak."

#: idletimedetector.cpp:73
msgid "Idle Detection"
msgstr "Geldiuneen detekzioa"

#: idletimedetector.cpp:74
msgid "Desktop has been idle since %1. What should we do?"
msgstr "Mahaigaina aktibitaterik dabe dago %1 momentutik. Zer egin behar da?"

#: idletimedetector.cpp:76
msgid "Revert && Stop"
msgstr "Leheneratu eta gelditu"

#: idletimedetector.cpp:77
msgid "Revert && Continue"
msgstr "Leheneratu eta jarraitu"

#: idletimedetector.cpp:78
msgid "Continue Timing"
msgstr "Jarraitu kronometratzen"

#: karm_part.cpp:124 mainwindow.cpp:262
msgid "Start &New Session"
msgstr "Hasi saio &berria"

#: karm_part.cpp:130 mainwindow.cpp:268
msgid "&Reset All Times"
msgstr "&Berrezarri denbora guztiak"

#: karm_part.cpp:136 mainwindow.cpp:274
msgid "&Start"
msgstr ""

#: karm_part.cpp:141 mainwindow.cpp:279
msgid "S&top"
msgstr "Geldi&tu"

#: karm_part.cpp:146 mainwindow.cpp:284
msgid "Stop &All Timers"
msgstr "Gelditu denbora &guztiak"

#: karm_part.cpp:153 mainwindow.cpp:291
msgid "&New..."
msgstr "&Berria..."

#: karm_part.cpp:158 mainwindow.cpp:296
msgid "New &Subtask..."
msgstr "Azpi-&zeregin berria..."

#: karm_part.cpp:163 mainwindow.cpp:301
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr ""

#: karm_part.cpp:168 mainwindow.cpp:306
msgid "&Edit..."
msgstr "&Editatu..."

#: karm_part.cpp:180 mainwindow.cpp:318
msgid "&Mark as Complete"
msgstr "&Markatu osatua bezala"

#: karm_part.cpp:187 mainwindow.cpp:325
msgid "&Mark as Incomplete"
msgstr "&Markatu osatugabea bezala"

#: karm_part.cpp:194 mainwindow.cpp:332
msgid "&Copy Totals to Clipboard"
msgstr "&Kopiatu guztizkoak arbelera"

#: karm_part.cpp:201 mainwindow.cpp:347
msgid "Copy &History to Clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiatu &historia arbelera"

#: karm_part.cpp:209 mainwindow.cpp:355
msgid "Import &Legacy Flat File..."
msgstr "Inportatu fitxategi lau &zaharra..."

#: karm_part.cpp:212 mainwindow.cpp:358
msgid "&Export to CSV File..."
msgstr "&Esportatu CSV fitxategira..."

#: karm_part.cpp:215 mainwindow.cpp:361
msgid "Export &History to CSV File..."
msgstr "Esportatu &historia CSV fitxategira..."

#: karm_part.cpp:218 mainwindow.cpp:364
msgid "Import Tasks From &Planner..."
msgstr "Inportatu zeregin &antolatzailetik..."

#: karm_part.cpp:221
msgid "Configure KArm..."
msgstr "Konfiguratu KArm"

#: karm_part.cpp:233 mainwindow.cpp:379
msgid "Configure key bindings"
msgstr "Konfiguratu laster-teklak"

#: karm_part.cpp:234 mainwindow.cpp:380
msgid "This will let you configure keybindings which is specific to karm"
msgstr ""
"Honek karm-entzat espezifikoak diren laster-teklak konfiguratzeko aukera "
"emango dizu"

#: karm_part.cpp:237 mainwindow.cpp:383
msgid "Start a new session"
msgstr "Hasi saio berri bat"

#: karm_part.cpp:238 mainwindow.cpp:384
msgid ""
"This will reset the session time to 0 for all tasks, to start a new session, "
"without affecting the totals."
msgstr ""
"Honek zeregin guztien saioaren denbora 0 baliora ezarriko du, saio berri bat "
"hasteko, guztizkoetan eraginik eduki gabe."

#: karm_part.cpp:242 mainwindow.cpp:388
msgid "Reset all times"
msgstr "Berrezarri denbora guztiak"

#: karm_part.cpp:243 mainwindow.cpp:389
msgid ""
"This will reset the session and total time to 0 for all tasks, to restart "
"from scratch."
msgstr ""
"Honek saioa eta guztizko denbora 0 baliora ezarriko du zeregin guztietan, "
"hasieratik berriro hasteko."

#: karm_part.cpp:247 mainwindow.cpp:393
msgid "Start timing for selected task"
msgstr "Abiatu kronometroa hautatutako atazarentzat"

#: karm_part.cpp:248 mainwindow.cpp:394
msgid ""
"This will start timing for the selected task.\n"
"It is even possible to time several tasks simultaneously.\n"
"You may also start timing of a tasks by double clicking the left mouse "
"button on a given task. This will, however, stop timing of other tasks."
msgstr ""
"Honek hautatutako atazaren kronometroa abiatuko du.\n"
"Zeregin bat baina gehiago batera kronometratzea ere posible da.\n"
"Zereginen kronometroa hasteko zeregin batean klik bikoitza ere egin "
"dezakezu. Honek, hala ere, beste zeregin kronometroa geldituko du."

#: karm_part.cpp:257 karm_part.cpp:258 mainwindow.cpp:403 mainwindow.cpp:404
msgid "Stop timing of the selected task"
msgstr "Gelditu hautatutako atazaren kronometroa"

#: karm_part.cpp:260 karm_part.cpp:261 mainwindow.cpp:406 mainwindow.cpp:407
msgid "Stop all of the active timers"
msgstr "Gelditu kronometro aktibo guztiak"

#: karm_part.cpp:263 mainwindow.cpp:409
msgid "Create new top level task"
msgstr "Sortu goi-mailako zeregin berria"

#: karm_part.cpp:264 mainwindow.cpp:410
msgid "This will create a new top level task."
msgstr "Honek goi-mailako zeregin berri bat sortuko du."

#: karm_part.cpp:266 mainwindow.cpp:412
msgid "Delete selected task"
msgstr "Ezabatu hautatutako ataza"

#: karm_part.cpp:267 mainwindow.cpp:413
msgid "This will delete the selected task and all its subtasks."
msgstr "Honek hautatutako ataza eta bere azpi-zeregin guztiak ezabatuko ditu."

#: karm_part.cpp:270 mainwindow.cpp:416
msgid "Edit name or times for selected task"
msgstr "Editatu hautatutako atazaren izena edo denborak"

#: karm_part.cpp:271 mainwindow.cpp:417
msgid ""
"This will bring up a dialog box where you may edit the parameters for the "
"selected task."
msgstr ""
"Honek elkarrizketa-koadro bat bistaratuko du. Bertan hautatutako atazaren "
"parametroak edita ditzakezu."

#: karm_part.cpp:280 mainwindow.cpp:426
msgid "Copy task totals to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiatu zeregiaren guztizkoak arbelera"

#: karm_part.cpp:281 mainwindow.cpp:427
msgid "Copy time card history to clipboard."
msgstr "Kopiatu ordu txartelaren historia arbelera."

#: karm_part.cpp:408
msgid "karmPart"
msgstr "karmPart"

#: karm_part.cpp:427 mainwindow.cpp:476
msgid "task_popup"
msgstr "task_popup"

#: karm_part.cpp:579 mainwindow.cpp:613
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid error number: %1"
msgstr "Errore zenbaki baliogabea: %1"

#: karmstorage.cpp:201 karmstorage.cpp:270
msgid "Error loading \"%1\": could not find parent (uid=%2)"
msgstr "Errorea \"%1\" kargatzean: ezin da gurasoa (uid=%2) aurkitu"

#: karmstorage.cpp:394
msgid "File \"%1\" not found."
msgstr "\"%1\" fitxategia ez da aurkitu."

#: karmstorage.cpp:399 karmstorage.cpp:670 karmstorage.cpp:1024
msgid "Could not open \"%1\"."
msgstr "Ezin da \"%1\" ireki."

#: karmstorage.cpp:590
msgid "Export Progress"
msgstr "Esportazioaren aurrerapena"

#: karmstorage.cpp:918
msgid "Task History\n"
msgstr "Zereginen historia\n"

#: karmstorage.cpp:919 timekard.cpp:315
msgid "From %1 to %2"
msgstr "Hasiera: %1 Amaiera: %2"

#: karmstorage.cpp:923 timekard.cpp:319
#, c-format
msgid "Printed on: %1"
msgstr "Inprimatua: %1"

#: karmstorage.cpp:960
msgid "Sum"
msgstr "Batura"

#: karmstorage.cpp:960
msgid "Total Sum"
msgstr "Batura osoa"

#: karmstorage.cpp:960
msgid "Task Hierarchy"
msgstr "Zereginen hierarkia"

#: karmstorage.cpp:970
msgid "  No hours logged."
msgstr "  Ez dago ordurik egunkarituta."

#: karmstorage.cpp:1011 mainwindow.cpp:214 print.cpp:50 print.cpp:88
#: timekard.cpp:98 timekard.cpp:303
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Guztira"

#: karmstorage.cpp:1135 main.cpp:30
msgid "KArm"
msgstr "KArm"

#: ktimewidget.cpp:80
msgid ""
"_: abbreviation for hours\n"
" hr. "
msgstr "o. "

#: ktimewidget.cpp:94
msgid ""
"_: abbreviation for minutes\n"
" min. "
msgstr " min. "

#: main.cpp:13
msgid "TDE Time tracker tool"
msgstr "TDE-ren denboren jarraipenerako tresna"

#: main.cpp:17
msgid "Just caught a software interrupt."
msgstr "Software interrupzio bat atzitu da."

#: main.cpp:24
msgid "The iCalendar file to open"
msgstr "Irekitzeko iCalendar fitxategia"

#: main.cpp:34
msgid "Current Maintainer"
msgstr "Uneko mantentzailea"

#: main.cpp:36
msgid "Original Author"
msgstr "Jatorrizko egilea"

#: mainwindow.cpp:104
msgid "Save failed, most likely because the file could not be locked."
msgstr "Errorea gordetzean, seguruenik ezin izan da fitxategia blokeatu."

#: mainwindow.cpp:106
msgid "Could not modify calendar resource."
msgstr "Ezin izan dira egutegiaren baliabideak aldatu."

#: mainwindow.cpp:108
msgid "Out of memory--could not create object."
msgstr "Memoriarik gabe--ezin izan da objekturik sortu."

#: mainwindow.cpp:110
msgid "UID not found."
msgstr "Ez UID-a aurkitu."

#: mainwindow.cpp:112
msgid "Invalidate date--format is YYYY-MM-DD."
msgstr "Data baliogabea--formatua UU-HH-EE."

#: mainwindow.cpp:114
msgid "Invalid time--format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS."
msgstr "Data baliogabea--formatua UUUU-HH-EETOO:MM:SS."

#: mainwindow.cpp:116
msgid "Invalid task duration--must be greater than zero."
msgstr "Atazaren iraunpen baliogabea--zero baina handiagoa izan behar du."

#: mainwindow.cpp:146
msgid "Successfully saved tasks and history"
msgstr "Atazak eta historia ongi gorde dira"

#: mainwindow.cpp:156
msgid "Successfully exported History to CSV-file"
msgstr "Historia CSV fitxategia ongi esportatu da"

#: mainwindow.cpp:205
#, c-format
msgid "Session: %1"
msgstr "Saioa: %1"

#: mainwindow.cpp:208
#, c-format
msgid "Total: %1"
msgstr "Guztira: %1"

#: mainwindow.cpp:213 print.cpp:52 print.cpp:88
msgid "Session"
msgstr "Saioa"

#: mainwindow.cpp:242
msgid "Do you really want to reset the time to zero for all tasks?"
msgstr "Ziur zaude zeregin guztien denbora berrezarri nahi duzula?"

#: mainwindow.cpp:243
msgid "Confirmation Required"
msgstr "Berrespena behar da"

#: mainwindow.cpp:243
msgid "Reset All Times"
msgstr "Berrezarri denbora guztiak"

#: mainwindow.cpp:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Copy Session Time to Clipboard"
msgstr "&Kopiatu guztizkoak arbelera"

#: preferences.cpp:23
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Hobespenak"

#: preferences.cpp:50
msgid "Behavior"
msgstr "Portamoldea"

#: preferences.cpp:50
msgid "Behavior Settings"
msgstr "Portamoldearen ezarpenak"

#: preferences.cpp:58
msgid "Detect desktop as idle after"
msgstr "Detektatu mahaigaina inaktibo bezala honen ondoren"

#: preferences.cpp:61 preferences.cpp:119
msgid " min"
msgstr " min"

#: preferences.cpp:63
msgid "Prompt before deleting tasks"
msgstr "Galdetu atazak ezabatu baina lehen"

#: preferences.cpp:78
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Bistaratzea"

#: preferences.cpp:78
msgid "Display Settings"
msgstr "Bistaratzearen ezarpenak"

#: preferences.cpp:85
msgid "Columns displayed:"
msgstr "Bistaratutako zutabeak:"

#: preferences.cpp:87
msgid "Session time"
msgstr "Saioaren denbora"

#: preferences.cpp:89
msgid "Cumulative task time"
msgstr "Atazaren metatutako denbora"

#: preferences.cpp:91
msgid "Total session time"
msgstr "Saioaren guztizko iraupena"

#: preferences.cpp:93
msgid "Total task time"
msgstr "Atazaren guztizko denbora "

#: preferences.cpp:108
msgid "Storage"
msgstr "Biltegiratzea"

#: preferences.cpp:108
msgid "Storage Settings"
msgstr "Biltegiratzearen ezarpenak"

#: preferences.cpp:117
msgid "Save tasks every"
msgstr "Gorde atazak periodikoki"

#: preferences.cpp:122
msgid "iCalendar file:"
msgstr "iCalender fitxategia:"

#: preferences.cpp:129
msgid "Log history"
msgstr "Egunkariaren historia"

#: print.cpp:25
msgid "Print Times"
msgstr "Inprimatu denborak"

#: print.cpp:57
msgid "Task Name "
msgstr "Atazaren izena "

#: print.cpp:82
#, c-format
msgid "KArm - %1"
msgstr "KArm - %1"

#: print.cpp:88 taskview.cpp:54
msgid "Task Name"
msgstr "Atazaren izena"

#: printdialog.cpp:44
msgid "Print Dialog"
msgstr "Inprimatzeko elkarrizketa-koadroa"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:150 printdialog.cpp:56
#, no-c-format
msgid "Date Range"
msgstr "Data barrutia"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:164 printdialog.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Nork:"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:188 printdialog.cpp:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "To:"
msgstr "Nori:"

#: printdialog.cpp:79
msgid "Selected Task"
msgstr "Ataza ezabatzen"

#: printdialog.cpp:80
msgid "All Tasks"
msgstr "Kopiatu zeregin guztiak"

#: printdialog.cpp:83
msgid "Summarize per week"
msgstr "Asteroko laburpena"

#: printdialog.cpp:85
msgid "Totals only"
msgstr "Guztizkoak bakarrik"

#: taskview.cpp:55
msgid "Session Time"
msgstr "Saioaren denbora"

#: taskview.cpp:56 timekard.cpp:65
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Denbora"

#: taskview.cpp:57
msgid "Total Session Time"
msgstr "Saioaren guztizko denbora"

#: taskview.cpp:58
msgid "Total Time"
msgstr "Guztizko denbora"

#: taskview.cpp:211 taskview.cpp:304
msgid "You are on a too high logical desktop, desktop tracking will not work"
msgstr ""

#: taskview.cpp:405
msgid ""
"Saving is impossible, so timing is useless. \n"
"Saving problems may result from a full harddisk, a directory name instead of "
"a file name, or stale locks. Check that your harddisk has enough space, that "
"your calendar file exists and is a file and remove stale locks, typically "
"from ~/.trinity/share/apps/tdeabc/lock."
msgstr ""

#: taskview.cpp:495
msgid "New Task"
msgstr "Zeregin berria"

#: taskview.cpp:506 taskview.cpp:578
msgid "Unnamed Task"
msgstr "Zeregin izengabea"

#: taskview.cpp:521
msgid ""
"Error storing new task. Your changes were not saved. Make sure you can edit "
"your iCalendar file. Also quit all applications using this file and remove "
"any lock file related to its name from ~/.trinity/share/apps/tdeabc/lock/ "
msgstr ""
"Errorea ataza berria biltegiratzean. Zure aldaketak ez dira gordeko. "
"Ziurtatu zure iCalendar fitxategia edita dezakezula. Itxi fitxategi hau "
"darabilten aplikazio guztiak eta kendu bere izenarekin erlazionatutako "
"blokeo-fitxategi guztiak \"~/.trinity/share/apps/tdeabc/lock/\"-etik"

#: taskview.cpp:560
msgid "New Sub Task"
msgstr "Azpi-zeregin berria"

#: taskview.cpp:572
msgid "Edit Task"
msgstr "Editatu ataza"

#: taskview.cpp:626 taskview.cpp:644
msgid "No task selected."
msgstr "Ez da zereginik hautatu."

#: taskview.cpp:652
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete the task named\n"
"\"%1\" and its entire history?"
msgstr ""
"Ziur zaude \"%1\" izeneko ataza eta bere azpi-zeregin\n"
"guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?"

#: taskview.cpp:655 taskview.cpp:663
msgid "Deleting Task"
msgstr "Ataza ezabatzen"

#: taskview.cpp:659
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to delete the task named\n"
"\"%1\" and its entire history?\n"
"NOTE: all its subtasks and their history will also be deleted."
msgstr ""
"Ziur zaude \"%1\" izeneko ataza eta bere historia osoa\n"
"ezabatu nahi dituzula?\n"
"Oharra: azpi-zeregin guztiak eta hauen historiak ere ezabatuko dira."

#: taskview.cpp:818
msgid ""
"Copy totals for just this task and its subtasks, or copy totals for all "
msgstr ""
"Zeregin honen eta bere azpi-zereginen guztizkoak, edo zeregin guztien "
"guztizkoak kopiatu nahi al dituzu?"

#: taskview.cpp:819
msgid "Copy Totals to Clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiatu guztizkoak arbelera"

#: taskview.cpp:820 taskview.cpp:844
msgid "Copy This Task"
msgstr "Kopiatu zeregin hau"

#: taskview.cpp:820 taskview.cpp:844
msgid "Copy All Tasks"
msgstr "Kopiatu zeregin guztiak"

#: taskview.cpp:842
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Copy session time for just this task and its subtasks, or copy session time "
"for all tasks?"
msgstr ""
"Zeregin honen eta bere azpi-zereginen guztizkoak, edo zeregin guztien "
"guztizkoak kopiatu nahi al dituzu?"

#: taskview.cpp:843
#, fuzzy
msgid "Copy Session Time to Clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiatu &historia arbelera"

#: taskviewwhatsthis.cpp:34
msgid "Task Name shows the name of a task or subtask you are working on."
msgstr ""
"Atazaren izenak zu lanean zabiltzan atazaren edo azpi-atazaren izena "
"erakusten du."

#: taskviewwhatsthis.cpp:38
msgid ""
"Session time: Time for this task since you chose \"Start New Session\".\n"
"Total Session time: Time for this task and all its subtasks since you chose "
"\"Start New Session\".\n"
"Time: Overall time for this task.\n"
"Total Time: Overall time for this task and all its subtasks."
msgstr ""
"Saio-denbora: \"Hasi saio berria\" hautatu zenuenetik ataza honen denbora.\n"
"Saioaren guztizko iraupena: \"Hasi saio berria\" hautatu zenuenetik ataza "
"honen eta bere azpi-ataza guztien denbora.\n"
"Denbora: Ataza honen guztizko denbora.\n"
"Guztizko denbora: Ataza honen eta bere azpi-atazen guztizko denbora."

#: timekard.cpp:61 timekard.cpp:313
msgid "Task Totals"
msgstr "Atazaren guztizkoak"

#: timekard.cpp:66
msgid "Task"
msgstr "Ataza"

#: timekard.cpp:101
msgid "No tasks."
msgstr "Zereginik ez."

#: timekard.cpp:259
msgid "No hours logged."
msgstr "Ez dago ordurik egunkarituta."

#: timekard.cpp:313
msgid "Task History"
msgstr "Atazaren historia"

#: timekard.cpp:356
#, c-format
msgid "Week of %1"
msgstr "%1 astea"

#: tray.cpp:134
msgid "No active tasks"
msgstr "Ez dago zeregin aktiborik"

#: tray.cpp:139
msgid ", ..."
msgstr ", ..."

#: tray.cpp:154
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:16
#, no-c-format
msgid "CSV Export"
msgstr "CSV esportazioa"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Export"
msgstr "&Esportatu"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:75
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr ""

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Export to:"
msgstr "Esportatu hona:"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:91
#, no-c-format
msgid "The file where Karm will write the data."
msgstr "KAlarm-ek datuak idazteko erabiliko duen fitxategia."

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:110
#, no-c-format
msgid "Quotes:"
msgstr "Komillak:"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:116
#, no-c-format
msgid "\""
msgstr "\""

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:121
#, no-c-format
msgid "'"
msgstr "'"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "All fields are quoted in the output."
msgstr "Eremu guztiak komilla artean jarriko dira irteeran."

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:153
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>An inclusive date range for reporting on time card history.  Not enabled "
"when reporting on totals.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ordu txartel historien txostenerako data barruti inklusibo bat. Ez da "
"aktibatuko guztizkoen berri batean.</p>"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:214
#, no-c-format
msgid "Time Format"
msgstr "Denboraren formatua"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:217
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p>You can choose to output time values in fractions of an hour or in "
"<p>For example, if the value is 5 hours and 45 minutes, then the Decimal "
"option would output <tt>5.75</tt>, and the Hours:Minutes option would output "
msgstr ""
"<p>Denbora balioak ordu zatikietan edo minututan bistaratzea hauta dezakezu."
"<p>Adibidez, balioa 5 ordu eta 45 minutu bada, orduan Hamartarra aukerak "
"<tt>5.75</tt> bistaratuko luke eta Orduak:Minutuak aukerak <tt>5:45</tt></p> "
"bistaratuko luke."

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:232
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hours:Minutes"
msgstr "Orduak:Minutuak"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:240
#, no-c-format
msgid "Decimal"
msgstr "Hamartarra"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:261
#, no-c-format
msgid "Delimiter"
msgstr "Bereizlea"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:264
#, no-c-format
msgid "The character used to seperate one field from another in the output."
msgstr "Irteeran bi eremu bereizteko erabiliko den karakterea."

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:275
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tabulatzailea"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:283
#, no-c-format
msgid "Other:"
msgstr "Beste:"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:291
#, no-c-format
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Zurigunea"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:299
#, no-c-format
msgid "Comma"
msgstr "Koma"

#: csvexportdialog_base.ui:338
#, no-c-format
msgid "Semicolon"
msgstr "Puntu eta koma"

#: karmui.rc:4
#, no-c-format
msgid "&File"
msgstr ""

#: karmui.rc:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Import/Export"
msgstr "&Inportatu/esportatu"

#: karmui.rc:19
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Clock"
msgstr "&Erlojua"

#: karmui.rc:25
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Task"
msgstr "&Ataza"

#: karmui.rc:36
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "&Settings"
msgstr "Bistaratzearen ezarpenak"

#: karmui.rc:41
#, no-c-format
msgid "Main Toolbar"
msgstr ""