# translation of kcmlaptop.po to Basque
# translation of kcmlaptop.po to euskara
# translation of kcmlaptop.po to basque
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Marcos Goienetxe <marcos@euskalgnu.org>, 2003.
# Juan Irigoien <juanirigoien@gmail.com>, 2004.
# Juan Irigoien <juanirigoien@yahoo.es>, 2004.
# Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcmlaptop\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-29 12:06-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-11-19 14:05-0700\n"
"Last-Translator: Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <kdeuskaraz@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#: battery.cpp:72
msgid "&Show battery monitor"
msgstr "&Erakutsi bateriaren monitorea"

#: battery.cpp:74
msgid "This box enables the battery state icon in the panel"
msgstr "Kutxa honek bateriaren egoerari buruzko ikonoa gaitzen du panelean "

#: battery.cpp:79
msgid "Show battery level percentage"
msgstr "Erakutsi bateriaren monitorea"

#: battery.cpp:81
msgid ""
"This box enables a text message near the battery state icon containing battery "
"level percentage"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa honek bateriaren kargaren porcentaia duen ikonoa gaitzen du panelean "

#: battery.cpp:84
msgid "&Notify me whenever my battery becomes fully charged"
msgstr "&Jakinaraz bekit bateria guztiz beterik daukadanean"

#: battery.cpp:86
msgid ""
"This box enables a dialog box that pops up when your battery becomes fully "
msgstr ""
"Kutxa honek bateria guztiz beterik daukadanean irkekiko zaidan elkarrizketa "
"gaitzen du"

#: battery.cpp:89
msgid "&Use a blank screen saver when running on battery"
msgstr "&Erabili pantaila-babesle beltza bateriarekin ibiltzean"

#: battery.cpp:103
msgid "&Check status every:"
msgstr "Zenbatero &begiratu egoera:"

#: battery.cpp:105
msgid ""
"Choose how responsive the laptop software will be when it checks the battery "
msgstr ""
"Hautatu eramangarriaren softwareak eukiko duen erantzuna bateriaren egoeraren "

#: battery.cpp:106
msgid ""
"_: keep short, unit in spinbox\n"
msgstr "seg"

#: battery.cpp:114
msgid "Select Battery Icons"
msgstr "Hautatu bateriaren ikonoak"

#: battery.cpp:125
msgid "No &battery"
msgstr "Bateriarik &ez"

#: battery.cpp:126
msgid "&Not charging"
msgstr "Ez da &kargatzen ari"

#: battery.cpp:127
msgid "Char&ging"
msgstr "Kar&gatzen"

#: battery.cpp:143
msgid "Current Battery Status"
msgstr "Une honetako bateriaren egoera"

#: battery.cpp:174
msgid ""
"This panel controls whether the battery status monitor\n"
"appears in the system tray and what it looks like."
msgstr ""
"Panek honek sistemaren erretiluan bateriaren egoeraren\n"
"monitorea agertuko den kontrolatzen du, baita duen itxura."

#: battery.cpp:180
msgid "&Start Battery Monitor"
msgstr "&Abiarazi bateriaren monitorea"

#: battery.cpp:276
msgid ""
"<h1>Laptop Battery</h1>This module allows you to monitor your batteries. To "
"make use of this module, you must have power management system software "
"installed. (And, of course, you should have batteries in your machine.)"
msgstr ""
"<h1>Eramangarriaren bateria</h1>Modulo honek zure bateriak zaintzen uzten dizu. "
"Modulo hau erabiltzeko, energia kudeaketa sistema softwarea instalaturik izan "
"behar duzu (eta, jakina, bateriak izan behar zenituzke zure makina horretan)."

#: battery.cpp:286
msgid ""
"<qt>The battery monitor has been started, but the tray icon is currently "
"disabled.  You can make it appear by selecting the <b>Show battery monitor</b> "
"entry on this page and applying your changes.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Bateriaren monitorea abiarazi egin da, baina erretiluko ikonoa desgaiturik "
"dago une honetan. Agertarazteko hauta ezazu orrialde honetako <b>"
"Erakutsi bateria monitorea</b> sarrera eta egin itzazu zure aldaketak</qt> "

#: battery.cpp:361
msgid "Present"
msgstr "Badago"

#: battery.cpp:367
msgid "Not present"
msgstr "Ez dago"

#: main.cpp:155
msgid "&Battery"
msgstr "&Bateria"

#: main.cpp:159
msgid "&Power Control"
msgstr "&Energia kontrola"

#: main.cpp:163
msgid "Low Battery &Warning"
msgstr "Bateria ia &hutsik"

#: main.cpp:167
msgid "Low Battery &Critical"
msgstr "Bateria egoera &kritikoan"

#: main.cpp:179
msgid "Default Power Profiles"
msgstr "Energia profil lehenetsiak"

#: main.cpp:186
msgid "Button Actions"
msgstr "Botoien ekintzak"

#: main.cpp:193
msgid "&ACPI Config"
msgstr "&ACPI konfigurazioa"

#: main.cpp:200
msgid "&APM Config"
msgstr "&APM konfigurazioa"

#: main.cpp:217
msgid "&Sony Laptop Config"
msgstr "&Sony eramangarriaren konfigurazia"

#: main.cpp:227
msgid "Laptop Battery Configuration"
msgstr "Eramangarriaren bateriaren konfigurazioa"

#: main.cpp:228
msgid "Battery Control Panel Module"
msgstr "Bateriaren kontrol zentruaren modulua"

#: main.cpp:230
msgid "(c) 1999 Paul Campbell"
msgstr "(c) 1999 Paul Campbell"

#: main.cpp:292
msgid ""
"<h1>Laptop Battery</h1>This module allows you to monitor your batteries. To "
"make use of this module, you must have power management software installed. "
"(And, of course, you should have batteries in your machine.)"
msgstr ""
"<h1>Eramangarriaren bateria</h1>Modulo honek zure bateriak zaintzen uzten dizu. "
"Modulo hau erabiltzeko, energia kudeaketarako softwarea instalaturik izan behar "
"duzu (eta, jakina, bateriak izan behar zenituzke zure makina horretan)."

#: pcmcia.cpp:44
msgid "kcmlaptop"
msgstr "kcmlaptop"

#: pcmcia.cpp:45
msgid "TDE Panel System Information Control Module"
msgstr "TDEren panel bidezko sistemaren informaziorako kontrol modulua"

#: pcmcia.cpp:47
msgid "(c) 1999 - 2002 Paul Campbell"
msgstr "(c) 1999 - 2002 Paul Campbell"

#: pcmcia.cpp:85
msgid "Version: "
msgstr "Bertsioa:"

#: pcmcia.cpp:118
msgid ""
"<h1>PCMCIA Config</h1>This module shows information about the PCMCIA cards in "
"your system, if there are PCMCIA cards."
msgstr ""
"<h1>PCMCIA konfigurazioa</h1>Modulu honek zure sistemaren PCMCIA txartelei "
"buruzko informazioa erakusten du, halakorik eukiz gero."

#: power.cpp:123 profile.cpp:76
msgid "Not Powered"
msgstr "Energiarik gabe"

#: power.cpp:124
msgid ""
"Options in this box apply when the laptop is unplugged from the wall and has "
"been idle for a while"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa honetako aukerak eramangarria entxufatu gabe eta denbora-epe batez "
"geldirik dagoenean aplikatuko dira"

#: buttons.cpp:128 power.cpp:129 warning.cpp:241
msgid "Standb&y"
msgstr "&Egonean"

#: power.cpp:130 power.cpp:223
msgid "Causes the laptop to change to a standby temporary-low power state"
msgstr "Eramangarria aldi baterako kontsumo urriko egoneko egoeran ipintzen du"

#: buttons.cpp:132 power.cpp:133 warning.cpp:247
msgid "&Suspend"
msgstr "&Eseki"

#: power.cpp:134 power.cpp:227
msgid "Causes the laptop to change to a suspend 'save-to-ram' state"
msgstr "Eramangarria 'memorian gorde' esekitze egoeran ipintzen du"

#: buttons.cpp:136 power.cpp:137 warning.cpp:253
msgid "H&ibernate"
msgstr "&Hibernatu"

#: power.cpp:138 power.cpp:231
msgid "Causes the laptop to change to a hibernate 'save-to-disk' state"
msgstr "Eramangarria 'gorde diskan' hibernatze egoeran ipintzen du"

#: power.cpp:141 power.cpp:234
msgid "None"
msgstr "Bat ere ez"

#: buttons.cpp:150 buttons.cpp:226 power.cpp:143 power.cpp:236
msgid "Brightness"
msgstr "Distira"

#: power.cpp:144 power.cpp:237
msgid "Enables changing the laptop's back panel brightness"
msgstr "Eramangarriaren atzeko planoaren distiraren aldaketa gaitzen du"

#: power.cpp:149 power.cpp:242
msgid "How bright to change the back panel"
msgstr "Zelan aldatuko den atzeko panelaren distira"

#: buttons.cpp:164 buttons.cpp:240 power.cpp:158 power.cpp:251 profile.cpp:102
#: profile.cpp:165 warning.cpp:192
msgid "System performance"
msgstr "Sistemaren performantzia"

#: power.cpp:159 power.cpp:252
msgid "Enables changing the laptop's performance profile"
msgstr "Eramangarriaren perforamantzia profilaren aldaketa gaitzen du"

#: power.cpp:164 power.cpp:257
msgid "Which profile to change it to"
msgstr "Zein profiletara aldatuko den"

#: buttons.cpp:178 buttons.cpp:254 power.cpp:173 power.cpp:266 profile.cpp:184
msgid "CPU throttle"
msgstr "PUZa erregulatu"

#: power.cpp:174 power.cpp:267
msgid "Enables throttling the laptop's CPU"
msgstr "Eramangarriaren PUZaren erregulazioa gaitzen du"

#: power.cpp:179 power.cpp:272
msgid "How much to throttle the laptop's CPU"
msgstr "Zer neurritan erregulatu eramangarriaren PUZa"

#: power.cpp:195 power.cpp:285
msgid "Don't act if LAV is >"
msgstr "LAV honelakoa bada, ez ezer egin >"

#: power.cpp:198 power.cpp:288
msgid ""
"If enabled and the system load average is greater than this value none of the "
"above options will be applied"
msgstr ""
"Gaiturik badago eta sistemaren kargaren bataz bestekoa balio hau baino "
"handiagoa bada, ez da goiko aukera bat ere aplikatuko"

#: power.cpp:204
msgid "&Wait for:"
msgstr "&Itxaron: "

#: power.cpp:206 power.cpp:296
msgid "How long the computer has to be idle before these values take effect"
msgstr ""
"Ordenagailua inaktibo egongo den denbora-epea balio hauek indarrean jarri "

#: power.cpp:207 power.cpp:297 warning.cpp:81 warning.cpp:101
msgid ""
"_: keep short, unit in spinbox\n"
msgstr "min"

#: power.cpp:216 profile.cpp:140
msgid "Powered"
msgstr "Piztuta"

#: power.cpp:218
msgid ""
"Options in this box apply when the laptop is plugged into the wall and has been "
"idle for a while"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa honetako aukerak ordenagailua entxufaturik egon eta denbora-epe batez "
"inaktibo egon denean aplikatuko dira"

#: buttons.cpp:204 power.cpp:222
msgid "Sta&ndby"
msgstr "E&gonean"

#: buttons.cpp:208 power.cpp:226
msgid "S&uspend"
msgstr "E&seki"

#: buttons.cpp:212 power.cpp:230
msgid "Hi&bernate"
msgstr "Hi&bernatu"

#: power.cpp:294
msgid "Wai&t for:"
msgstr "I&txaron:"

#: power.cpp:304
msgid ""
"This panel configures the behavior of the automatic power-down feature - it "
"works as a sort of extreme screen saver. You can configure different timeouts "
"and types of behavior depending on whether or not your laptop is plugged in to "
"the mains supply."
msgstr ""
"Panel honek itzaltze automatikoaren jokamoldea konfiguratzen du. Pantaila "
"babesle handia balitz bezala dabil.Denbora muga eta portamolde mota ezberdinak "
"konfigura ditzakezu zure ordenagailu eramangarria argi-indar sarean "
"entxufaturik dagoen ala ez kontuan harturik."

#: power.cpp:312
msgid ""
"Different laptops may respond to 'standby' in different ways - in many it is "
"only a temporary state and may not be useful for you."
msgstr ""
"Eramangarri bakoitzak \"egonean\" egoerari modu ezberdinean erantzuk diezaioke. "
"Askotan aldi baterako egoera bat baino ez da eta gerta liteke zuretzat "
"erabilgarritasunik ez izatea. "

#: acpi.cpp:148 apm.cpp:144 buttons.cpp:281 power.cpp:320 profile.cpp:216
#: sony.cpp:102 warning.cpp:291
#, c-format
msgid "Version: %1"
msgstr "Bertsioa: %1"

#: power.cpp:581
msgid ""
"<h1>Laptop Power Control</h1>This module allows you to control the power "
"settings of your laptop and set timouts that will trigger state changes you can "
"use to save power"
msgstr ""
"<h1>Eramangarriaren energia kontrola</h1>Modulu honek eramangarriaren energia "
"ezarpenak kontrolatzen uzten dizu, eta baita energia aurrezteko erabil "
"ditzakezun egoera aldaketak piztuko dituzten denbora mugak ezartzen ere."

#: warning.cpp:78 warning.cpp:79
msgid "Critical &trigger:"
msgstr "Egoera kritikoko &disparadorea:"

#: warning.cpp:82 warning.cpp:85 warning.cpp:102 warning.cpp:105
msgid ""
"When this amount of battery life is left the actions below will be triggered"
msgstr ""
"Bateriaren bizitza-epe honetaraino ailegatzean beheko ekintzak exekutatuko dira"

#: warning.cpp:84 warning.cpp:104
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: keep short, unit in spinbox\n"
msgstr "%"

#: warning.cpp:98 warning.cpp:99
msgid "Low &trigger:"
msgstr "Egoera &baxuko disparadorea:"

#: warning.cpp:121
msgid "Run &command:"
msgstr "Exekutatu &komandoa:"

#: warning.cpp:133
msgid "This command will be run when the battery gets low"
msgstr "Komando hau bateria gutxi dagoenean exekutatuko da"

#: warning.cpp:136
msgid "&Play sound:"
msgstr "&Jo soinua:"

#: warning.cpp:148
msgid "This sound will play when the battery gets low"
msgstr "Soinu hau bateria gutxi dagoenean joko da"

#: warning.cpp:151
msgid "System &beep"
msgstr "Sistemaren &bip-a"

#: warning.cpp:154
msgid "The system will beep if this is enabled"
msgstr "Sistemak bip egingo du hau gaituz gero"

#: warning.cpp:156
msgid "&Notify"
msgstr "&Jakinarazi"

#: warning.cpp:166
msgid "Panel b&rightness"
msgstr "Panelaren &distira"

#: warning.cpp:168
msgid "If enabled the back panel brightness will change"
msgstr "Gaituz gero, atzeko panelaren distira aldatu egingo da"

#: warning.cpp:174
msgid "How bright or dim to make the back panel"
msgstr "Zenbateraino distiratu edo ilunduko den atzeko panela"

#: warning.cpp:193
msgid "If enabled the laptop's power performance profile will change"
msgstr ""
"Gaituz gero, eramangarriaren energia performantzia profila aldatu egingo da"

#: warning.cpp:202
msgid "The performance profile to change to"
msgstr "Zein performantzia profiletara aldatuko den"

#: profile.cpp:121 warning.cpp:215
msgid "CPU throttling"
msgstr "PUZaren  erregulazioa"

#: warning.cpp:216
msgid "If enabled the CPU performance will be throttled"
msgstr "Gaituz gero, PUZaren performantzia erregulatu egingo da"

#: warning.cpp:225
msgid "How much to throttle the CPU performance by"
msgstr "PUZaren performantziaren erregulazio maila"

#: warning.cpp:237
msgid "System State Change"
msgstr "Sistemaren egoera aldaketa"

#: warning.cpp:238
msgid "You may choose one of the following to occur when the battery gets low"
msgstr ""
"Ondoren dituzun gertaera hauetariko bat hauta dezakezu bateriak jeistean"

#: warning.cpp:242
msgid "Move the system into the standby state - a temporary lower power state"
msgstr "Eraman sistema egoneko egoerara  (aldi baterako energia urriko egoera)"

#: warning.cpp:248
msgid "Move the system into the suspend state - also known as 'save-to-ram'"
msgstr ""
"Eraman sistema esekitze egoerara  ('gorde memorian' izenaz ere ezaguna)"

#: warning.cpp:254
msgid "Move the system into the hibernate state - also known as 'save-to-disk'"
msgstr ""
"Eraman sistema hibernatze egoerara  ('gorde diskan' izenaz ere ezaguna)"

#: warning.cpp:259
msgid "&Logout"
msgstr "&Amaitu saioa"

#: buttons.cpp:140 buttons.cpp:216 warning.cpp:262
msgid "System power off"
msgstr "Sistemaren itzalketa"

#: warning.cpp:263
msgid "Power the laptop off"
msgstr "Itzali eramangarria"

#: warning.cpp:266
msgid "&None"
msgstr "&Bat ere ez"

#: warning.cpp:275
msgid ""
"This panel controls how and when you receive warnings that your battery power "
"is going to run out VERY VERY soon."
msgstr ""
"Panel honek bateriaren energia BEREHALA agortuko dela noiz eta zelan "
"jakinaraziko zaizun kontrolatzen du."

#: warning.cpp:277
msgid ""
"This panel controls how and when you receive warnings that your battery power "
"is about to run out"
msgstr ""
"Panel honek bateriaren energia laister agortuko dela noiz eta zelan "
"jakinaraziko zaizun kontrolatzen du."

#: warning.cpp:570 warning.cpp:587
msgid "Only local files are currently supported."
msgstr "Une honetan fitxategi lokalak baino ez dira onartzen "

#: warning.cpp:598
msgid ""
"<h1>Low battery Warning</h1>This module allows you to set an alarm in case your "
"battery's charge is about to run out."
msgstr ""
"<h1>Bateria urriko oharra</h1>Modulo honek bateria agortzear duzunean joko duen "
"alarma ezartzen uzten dizu."

#: acpi.cpp:64
msgid ""
"This panel provides information about your system's ACPI implementation and "
"lets you have access to some of the extra features provided by ACPI"
msgstr ""
"Panel honek sistemaren ACPI inplementazioari buruzko informazioa ematen "
"dizu,baita ACPIk eskaintzen dituen gaitasun extra batzuetarako sarbidea ere."

#: acpi.cpp:69
msgid ""
"NOTE: the Linux ACPI implementation is still a 'work in progress'. Some "
"features, in particular suspend and hibernate are not yet available under 2.4 - "
"and under 2.5 some particular ACPI implementations are still unstable, these "
"check boxes let you only enable the things that work reliably. You should test "
"these features very gingerly - save all your work, check them on and try a "
"suspend/standby/hibernate from the popup menu on the battery icon in the panel "
"if it fails to come back successfully uncheck the box again."
msgstr ""
"OHARRA: Linuxen ACPI inplementazioa oraindik guztiz bukatu gabe dago.Gaitasun "
"batzuk, batez ere esekitzea eta hibernatzea, ez daude oraindikeskuragarri "
"2.4ean, eta 2.5ean ACPI inplementazio berezi batzuk ez dira egonkorrak. Kutxa "
"hauek hautatzeak benetan dabiltzan gauzak baino ez dizkizu gaituko.Kontu handiz "
"frogatu beharko zenituzke gauza hauek (gorde ezazu zure lana,hauta itzazu eta "
"egin ezazu 'eseki'/'egonean'/'hibernatu' panelean dagoen bateriaren ikonoaren "
"laster-menutik, eta huts egiten badu desautatu kutxa berriz)."

#: acpi.cpp:79 apm.cpp:77
msgid ""
"Some changes made on this page may require you to quit the laptop panel and "
"start it again to take effect"
msgstr ""
"Orrialde honetan egindako aldaketa batzuek eramangarriaren paneletik "
"irtetzeaeta berriz hastea behar dute."

#: acpi.cpp:85 apm.cpp:83
msgid "Enable standby"
msgstr "Gaitu 'egonean'"

#: acpi.cpp:87 apm.cpp:85
msgid ""
"If checked this box enables transitions to the 'standby' state - a temporary "
"powered down state"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau hautatzeak 'egonean' egoerarako aldaketak gaitzen ditu (aldi baterako "
"energia urriko egoera)"

#: acpi.cpp:91 apm.cpp:89
msgid "Enable &suspend"
msgstr "Gaitu '&eseki'"

#: acpi.cpp:93 apm.cpp:91
msgid ""
"If checked this box enables transitions to the 'suspend' state - a semi-powered "
"down state, sometimes called 'suspend-to-ram'"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau hautatzeak 'eseki' egoerarako aldaketak gaitzen ditu (energia "
"kontsumo urriko egoera, batzuetan 'eseki memorian' deitua)"

#: acpi.cpp:98
msgid "Enable &hibernate"
msgstr "Gaitu '&hibernatu'"

#: acpi.cpp:100
msgid ""
"If checked this box enables transitions to the 'hibernate' state - a powered "
"down state, sometimes called 'suspend-to-disk'"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau hautatzeak 'hibernatu' egoerarako aldaketak gaitzen ditu (energia "
"kontsumo urriko egoera, batzuetan 'eseki diskan' deitua)"

#: acpi.cpp:105
msgid "Use software suspend for hibernate"
msgstr "Erabili software bidezko esekitzea hibernatzeko"

#: acpi.cpp:107
msgid ""
"If checked this box enables transitions to the 'hibernate' state - a powered "
"down state, sometimes called 'suspend-to-disk' - the kernel 'Software Suspend' "
"mechanism will be used instead of using ACPI directly"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau hautatzeak 'hibernatu' egoerarako aldaketak gaitzen ditu (energia "
"kontsumo urriko egoera, batzuetan 'eseki diskan' deitua). Kernelaren 'Eseki "
"software bidez' mekanismoa erabiliko da ACPI zuzenean erabili ordez."

#: acpi.cpp:117
msgid "Enable &performance profiles"
msgstr "Gaitu &performantzia profilak"

#: acpi.cpp:119
msgid ""
"If checked this box enables access to ACPI performance profiles - usually OK in "
"2.4 and later"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau hautatzeak ACPIren performantzia profileetarako sarbidea gaitzen du "
"(2.4 eta ondorengo kerneletan OK izan ohi dena)"

#: acpi.cpp:123
msgid "Enable &CPU throttling"
msgstr "Gaitu &PUZaren erregulazioa"

#: acpi.cpp:125
msgid ""
"If checked this box enables access to ACPI throttle speed changes - usually OK "
"in 2.4 and later"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau hautatzeak ACPI erregulazioaren abiadura aldaketetarako sarbidea "
"gaitzen du (2.4 eta ondorengo kerneletan OK izan ohi dena)"

#: acpi.cpp:129
msgid ""
"If the above boxes are disabled then there is no 'helper' application set up to "
"help change ACPI states, there are two ways you can enable this application, "
"either make the file /proc/acpi/sleep writeable by anyone every time your "
"system boots or use the button below to make the TDE ACPI helper application "
"set-uid root"
msgstr ""
"Goiko kutxak desautaturik egonez gero, ez da ACPIren egoera aldaketetan "
"lagunduko duen aplikaziorik. Bi era daude aplikazio hau gaitzeko: bata, "
"/proc/acpi/sleep fitxategian edozeini idazteko baimena ematea zure sistema "
"abiarazten den bakoitzean, eta bestea beheko botoia erabiltzea TDE ACPI "
"aplikazioari 'root set-uid' gaitasuna emateko."

#: acpi.cpp:138 apm.cpp:107
msgid "Setup Helper Application"
msgstr "Aplikazio laguntzailearen konfigurazioa"

#: acpi.cpp:140
msgid "This button can be used to enable the ACPI helper application"
msgstr "Botoi hau ACPIren aplikazio laguntzailea gaitzeko erabil daiteke "

#: acpi.cpp:172 apm.cpp:194
msgid ""
"You will need to supply a root password to allow the privileges of the "
"klaptop_acpi_helper to change."
msgstr ""
"Administratzailearen pasahitza eman beharko duzu klaptop_acpi_helper-en "
"baimenak aldatzen uzteko."

#: acpi.cpp:174 acpi.cpp:186 apm.cpp:174 apm.cpp:196 apm.cpp:208 sony.cpp:115
#: sony.cpp:127
msgid "KLaptopDaemon"
msgstr "KLaptopDaemon"

#: acpi.cpp:185
msgid ""
"The ACPI helper cannot be enabled because tdesu cannot be found.  Please make "
"sure that it is installed correctly."
msgstr ""
"Ezin izan da ACPIren laguntzailea gaitu tdesu ezin izan delako aurkitu. Ziurta "
"ezazu behar bezala instalaturik dagoela."

#: acpi.cpp:268
msgid ""
"<h1>ACPI Setup</h1>This module allows you to configure ACPI for your system"
msgstr ""
"<h1>ACPI konfigurazioa</h1>Modulu honek zure sistmaren ACPI konfiguratzen "
"utziko dizu"

#: sony.cpp:69
msgid ""
"This panel allows you to control some of the features of the\n"
"'sonypi' device for your laptop - you should not enable the options below if "
"also use the 'sonypid' program in your system"
msgstr ""
"Panel honek zure eramangarriaren 'sonypi' gailuaren ezaugarri\n"
"batzuk kontrolatzen uzten dizu. Ez zenituzke beheko aukerak \n"
"gaitu beharko zure sisteman 'sonypid' programa ere erabiltzen\n"
"baldin baduzu"

#: sony.cpp:73
msgid "Enable &scroll bar"
msgstr "Gaitu &korritze-barra"

#: sony.cpp:74
msgid "When checked this box enables the scrollbar so that it works under TDE"
msgstr "Kutxa hau markatzean korritze-barra gaituko da TDErekin ibil dadin"

#: sony.cpp:78
msgid "&Emulate middle mouse button with scroll bar press"
msgstr "&Emulatu saguaren erdiko botoia korritze-barra sakatuz"

#: sony.cpp:79
msgid ""
"When checked this box enables pressing the scroll bar to act in the same way as "
"pressing the middle button on a 3 button mouse"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau hautatuz korritze-barrari sakatzeak hiru botoidun sagu baten erdiko "
"botoiari sakatzeak duen jokamolde berbera izango du."

#: sony.cpp:88
msgid ""
"The /dev/sonypi is not accessable, if you wish to use the above features its\n"
"protections need to be changed. Clicking on the button below will change them\n"
msgstr ""
"/dev/sonypi ez dago eskuragarri. Goiko ezaugarriak erabili nahi baldin "
"badituzu, euren\n"
" babesak aldatu egin behar dira. Beheko botoiari sakatuz gero, aldatuak izango "

#: sony.cpp:91
msgid "Setup /dev/sonypi"
msgstr "/dev/sonypi-ren hobespenak"

#: sony.cpp:93
msgid "This button can be used to enable the sony specific features"
msgstr "Botoi hau sonyren berariazko ezaugarriak gaitzeko erabil daiteke "

#: sony.cpp:113
msgid ""
"You will need to supply a root password to allow the protections of /dev/sonypi "
"to be changed."
msgstr ""
"Root-en pasahitza eman behar duzu /dev/sonypi-ren babesak aldatzen uzteko."

#: sony.cpp:126
msgid ""
"The /dev/sonypi protections cannot be changed because tdesu cannot be found.  "
"Please make sure that it is installed correctly."
msgstr ""
"/dev/sonypi-ren babesak ezin izan dira aldatu tdesu ezin izan delako aurkitu. "
"Begira ezazu ea egoki instalaturik dagoen."

#: sony.cpp:187
msgid ""
"<h1>Sony Laptop Hardware Setup</h1>This module allows you to configure some "
"Sony laptop hardware for your system"
msgstr ""
"<h1>Sony eramangarriaren hardwarearen hobespenak</h1> "
"Modulu honek zenbait Sony eramangarriren hardwarea konfiguratzen utziko dizu "
"zure sisteman"

#: profile.cpp:77
msgid ""
"Items in this box take effect whenever the laptop is unplugged from the wall"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa honetako elementuak eramangarria energia saretik deskonektatzean jarriko "
"dira indarrean"

#: profile.cpp:81 profile.cpp:145
msgid "Back panel brightness"
msgstr "Atzeko panelaren distira"

#: profile.cpp:82 profile.cpp:146
msgid "Enables the changing of the back panel brightness"
msgstr "Atzeko panelaren distiraren aldaketa gaitzen du"

#: profile.cpp:89 profile.cpp:153
msgid "How bright it should be when it is changed"
msgstr "Aldatua denean zer nolako distira izan behar lukeen"

#: profile.cpp:103 profile.cpp:166
msgid "Enables the changing of the system performance profile"
msgstr "Sistemaren performantzia profilaren aldaketa gaitzen zu"

#: profile.cpp:108 profile.cpp:173
msgid "The new system performance profile to change to"
msgstr "Sistemaren performantzia profil berria"

#: profile.cpp:122 profile.cpp:185
msgid "Enables the throttling of the CPU performance"
msgstr "PUZaren performantzia erregulazioa gaitzen du"

#: profile.cpp:129 profile.cpp:192
msgid "How much to throttle the CPU by"
msgstr "PUZaren erregulazio maila"

#: profile.cpp:141
msgid ""
"Items in this box take effect whenever the laptop is plugged into the wall"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa honetako elementuak eramangarria energia sarean konektatzean jarriko dira "

#: profile.cpp:205
msgid ""
"This panel allows you to set default values for system attributes so that they "
"change when the laptop is plugged in to the wall or running on batteries."
msgstr ""
"Panel honek sistemaren atributuen balio lehenetsiak ezartzen uzten dizu, beraz "
"aldatu egingo dira eramangarria energia sarean konektaturik dagoenean edo "
"bateriekin dabilenean."

#: profile.cpp:211
msgid ""
"You can also set options for these values that will be set by low battery "
"conditions, or system inactivity in the other panels"
msgstr ""
"Horrez gain, bateria gutxiko egoeratan, edo beste paneletan sistemaren "
"aktibitateezagatik ezarriko diren balioen aukerak ezar ditzakezu"

#: profile.cpp:411
msgid ""
"<h1>Laptop Power Profile Setup</h1>This module allows you to configure default "
"values for static laptop system attributes that will change when the laptop is "
"plugged in or unplugged from the wall."
msgstr ""
"<h1>Eramangarriaren energia profilen hobespenak</h1> "
"Modulu honek, eramangarria energia sarean konektaturik edo deskonektaturik "
"dagoenean aldatuko diren  sistemaren atributu estatikoen balio lehenetsiak "
"konfiguratzen utziko dizu."

#: buttons.cpp:122
msgid "Lid Switch Closed"
msgstr "Taparen etengailua itxita"

#: buttons.cpp:124
msgid "Select which actions will occur when the laptop's lid is closed"
msgstr ""
"Hauta itzazu eramangarriaren tapa ixten denean gertatuko diren ekintzak"

#: buttons.cpp:129 buttons.cpp:205
msgid "Causes the laptop to move into the standby temporary low-power state"
msgstr ""
"Eramangarria behin-behineko energia urriko 'egonean' egoeran ipintzen du"

#: buttons.cpp:133 buttons.cpp:209
msgid "Causes the laptop to move into the suspend 'save-to-ram' state"
msgstr "Eramangarria 'gorde memorian' esekitze egoeran ipintzen du"

#: buttons.cpp:137 buttons.cpp:213
msgid "Causes the laptop to move into the hibernate 'save-to-disk' state"
msgstr "Eramangarria 'gorde diskan' hibernatze egoeran ipintzen du"

#: buttons.cpp:141 buttons.cpp:217
msgid "Causes the laptop to power down"
msgstr "Eramangarria itzaltzea eragiten du"

#: buttons.cpp:144 buttons.cpp:220
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Saioa amaitu"

#: buttons.cpp:145 buttons.cpp:221
msgid "Causes you to be logged out"
msgstr "Saioa amai dezazun eragiten du"

#: buttons.cpp:148
msgid "&Off"
msgstr "&Itzalita"

#: buttons.cpp:151 buttons.cpp:227
msgid "Causes the back panel brightness to be set"
msgstr "Atzeko panelaren distira ezarria izan dadin eragiten du"

#: buttons.cpp:157 buttons.cpp:232
msgid "How bright the back panel will be set to"
msgstr "Zer nolako distira ezarri behar zaion atzeko panelari"

#: buttons.cpp:165 buttons.cpp:241
msgid "Causes the performance profile to be changed"
msgstr "Performantzia profila alda dadin eragiten du"

#: buttons.cpp:170 buttons.cpp:246
msgid "The performance profile to switch to"
msgstr "Zein performantzia profiletara aldatu"

#: buttons.cpp:179 buttons.cpp:255
msgid "Causes the CPU to be throttled back"
msgstr "PUZa berriz erregula dadin eragiten du"

#: buttons.cpp:184 buttons.cpp:260
msgid "How much to throttle back the CPU"
msgstr "Zenbateraino erregulatu behar den PUZa"

#: buttons.cpp:198
msgid "Power Switch Pressed"
msgstr "Energia etengailua sakatuta"

#: buttons.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Select which actions will occur when the laptop's power button is pressed"
msgstr ""
"Hauta itzazu eramangarria pizteko botoiari sakatzen zaionean gertatuko diren "

#: buttons.cpp:224
msgid "O&ff"
msgstr "I&tzali"

#: buttons.cpp:272
msgid ""
"This panel enables actions that are triggered when the lid closure switch or "
"power switch on your laptop is pressed. Some laptops may already automatically "
"do things like this, if you cannot disable them in your BIOS you probably "
"should not enable anything in this panel."
msgstr ""
"Panel honek, eramangarriaren estalki-ixte etengailuari edo energia "
"etengailuarisakatzen zaienean abiatuko diren ekintzak gaitzen ditu. Zenbait "
"eramangarrikdagoeneko egiten dituzte horrelakoak. Zure BIOSean desgaitu ezin "
"badituzuseguru aski ezin izango duzu panel honetako ezer gaitu. "

#: buttons.cpp:614
msgid ""
"<h1>Laptop Power Control</h1>This module allows you to configure the power "
"switch or lid closure switch on your laptop so they can trigger system actions"
msgstr ""
"<h1>Eramangariaren energia kontrola</h1> Modulu honek eramangarriaren energia "
"etengailua edo estalki-ixte etengailua konfiguratzen uzten dizu, sistemaren "
"ekintzak abiaraz ditzazun"

#: apm.cpp:64
msgid ""
"This panel lets you configure your APM system and lets you have access to some "
"of the extra features provided by it"
msgstr ""
"Panel honek zure APM sistema konfiguratzen uzten dizu etaeskaintzen dituen "
"gaitasun gehigarri batzuetarako sarbideaematen dizu"

#: apm.cpp:69
msgid ""
"NOTE: some APM implementations have buggy suspend/standby implementations. You "
"should test these features very gingerly - save all your work, check them on "
"and try a suspend/standby from the popup menu on the battery icon in the panel "
"if it fails to come back successfully uncheck the box again."
msgstr ""
"OHARRA: zenbait APM inplementaziok eseki/egonean egoeratarakoeuskarri traketsa "
"dute. Kontuz froga beharko zenituzke gaitasun hauek(gorde zure lanak, gaitu "
"itzazu eta saia zaitez eseki/egonean egoerak ezartzen paneleko bateriaren "
"ikonoko popup menuan. Huts egiten baduberriz itzultzean, desgaitu ezazu kutxa "
"berriz ere)."

#: apm.cpp:98
msgid ""
"If the above boxes are disabled then there is no 'helper' application set up to "
"help change APM states, there are two ways you can enable this application, "
"either make the file /proc/apm writeable by anyone every time your system boots "
"or use the button below to make the %1 application set-uid root"
msgstr ""
"Goiko kutxak desgaiturik baldin badaude, ez dago aplikaziomorroirik APM egoerak "
"aldatzen laguntzeko. Bi modutan gaitudezakezu aplikazio hau: batetik /proc/apm "
"fitxategian edozeiniidazteko baimena emanez zure sistema abiatzen den "
"bakoitzeak, eta bestetik beheko botoia erabiliz %1 aplikazioaroot set-uid "

#: apm.cpp:109
msgid "This button can be used to enable the APM helper application"
msgstr "Botoi hau APMren aplikazio laguntzailea gaitzeko erabil daiteke"

#: apm.cpp:114
msgid ""
"Your system seems to have 'Software Suspend' installed, this can be used to "
"hibernate or 'suspend to disk' your system if you want to use this for "
"hibernation check the box below"
msgstr ""
"Dirudienez zure sistemak 'Software bidez eseki' instalaturik dauka. Zure "
"sistema hibernatu edo 'diskan esekitzeko' erabil daiteke hau.Hibernatzeko "
"erabili nahi baldin baduzu, marka ezazu beheko kutxa. "

#: apm.cpp:119
msgid "Enable software suspend for hibernate"
msgstr "Gaitu softwate bidezko esekitzea hibernatzeko"

#: apm.cpp:121
msgid ""
"If checked this box enables transitions to the 'hibernate' state using the "
"'Software Suspend' mechanism"
msgstr ""
"Kutxa hau markatuz gero, 'Software bidezko esekitzea' bidea erabiliz "
"'hibernatu' egoerarako aldaketak gaituko dira"

#: apm.cpp:124
msgid ""
"If the above box is disabled then you need to be logged in as root or need a "
"helper application to invoke the Software Suspend utility - TDE provides a "
"utility to do this, if you wish to use it you must make it set-uid root, the "
"button below will do this for you"
msgstr ""
"Goiko kutxa desgaiturik badago, root bezala hasi beharko duzu saioa edo "
"aplikazio laguntzailea beharko duzu 'Softwarebidezko esekitzea' lanabesa "
"abiatzeko. TDEk horretarako tresna eskaintzen du. Erabili nahi baduzu, root "
"set-uid egin beharko duzu. Beheko botoiak egingo du hori zuretzat."

#: apm.cpp:132
msgid "Setup SS Helper Application"
msgstr ""
"Konfiguratu software bidezko esekitzea eragiteko aplikazio laguntzailea"

#: apm.cpp:134
msgid ""
"This button can be used to enable the Software Suspend helper application"
msgstr ""
"Botoi honen bidez software bidezko esekitzea eragiteko aplikazio laguntzailea "
"gaitu daiteke"

#: apm.cpp:160
msgid ""
"You will need to supply a root password to allow the privileges of the %1 "
"application to change."
msgstr ""
"Root-en pasahitza eman beharko duzu %1 aplikazioaren baimenak aldatzen uzteko"

#: apm.cpp:173
msgid ""
"%1 cannot be enabled because tdesu cannot be found.  Please make sure that it "
"is installed correctly."
msgstr ""
"Ezin da %1 gaitu tdesu ezin izan delako aurkitu. Begira ezazu ea behar bezala "
"instalaturik dagoen."

#: apm.cpp:207
msgid ""
"The Software Suspend helper cannot be enabled because tdesu cannot be found.  "
"Please make sure that it is installed correctly."
msgstr ""
"Software bidezko esekitzea eragiteko aplikazio laguntzailea ezin izan da gaitu "
"tdesu ezin izan delako aurkitu. Begira ezazu ea behar bezala instalaturik "

#: apm.cpp:271
msgid ""
"<h1>APM Setup</h1>This module allows you to configure APM for your system"
msgstr ""
"<h1>APMren konfigurazioa</h1> Modulu honek zure sisteman APM konfiguratzen "
"utziko dizu"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Juan Irigoien, Ion Gaztañaga"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "juanirigoien@yahoo.es, igaztanaga@gmail.com"

#~ msgid "The %1 application does not seem to have the same size or checksum as when it was compiled we do NOT recommend you proceed with making it setuid-root without further investigation"
#~ msgstr "Ez dirudi %1 aplikazioak konpilatu zenean zuen checksum eta tamaina berbera duenik, eta ez dizugu 'root set-uid'a ezartzerik gomendatzen harik eta ondo aztertu arte."

#~ msgid "Run Nevertheless"
#~ msgstr "Exekutatu dena den"