<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd"> <kvtml encoding="UTF-8"> <e> <o>caitín</o> <t>the young of a cat, ferret, etc.</t> </e> <e> <o>béar</o> <t>large heavy animal with thick fur</t> </e> <e> <o>deilf</o> <t>sea mammal</t> </e> <e> <o>séabra</o> <t>African animal with black and white stripes</t> </e> <e> <o>cangarú</o> <t>Australian jumping animal</t> </e> <e> <o>míol mór</o> <t>very large sea mammal</t> </e> <e> <o>capall</o> <t>four-legged animal used for riding</t> </e> <e> <o>moncaí</o> <t>animal of a group closely related to man</t> </e> <e> <o>snag darach</o> <t>bird that clings to tree trunks</t> </e> <e> <o>cruidín</o> <t>small bird with bright bluish plumage</t> </e> <e> <o>nathair</o> <t>reptile with no legs</t> </e> <e> <o>sioráf</o> <t>long-necked African animal</t> </e> <e> <o>eilifint</o> <t>largest living land animal with a trunk</t> </e> <e> <o>luch</o> <t>small rodent with a long thin tail</t> </e> <e> <o>péist</o> <t>animal with no bachbone or limbs</t> </e> <e> <o>snáthaid mhór</o> <t>large insect with transparent wings</t> </e> <e> <o>piongain</o> <t>sae bird of the Antarctic regions</t> </e> <e> <o>coinín</o> <t>burrowing animal with long ears</t> </e> <e> <o>hamstar</o> <t>small mouselike rodent with cheek-pouches</t> </e> <e> <o>banbh</o> <t>young pig</t> </e> <e> <o>mac tíre</o> <t>fierce wild animal of the dog family</t> </e> <e> <o>leon</o> <t>large powerful animal of the cat family</t> </e> <e> <o>tíogar</o> <t>large Asian animal of the cat family</t> </e> <e> <o>ochtapas</o> <t>sea animal with eight long tentacles</t> </e> <e> <o>srónbheannach</o> <t>large thick-skinned animal of Africa</t> </e> <e> <o>gráinneog</o> <t>small insect-eating animal with a back covered in stiff spines</t> </e> <e> <o>réinfhia</o> <t>deer with large antlers</t> </e> <e> <o>madra crainn</o> <t>small tree-climbing animal with a bushy tail</t> </e> <e> <o>toirtís</o> <t>a slow-moving four-footed reptile</t> </e> <e> <o>dobhareach</o> <t>large African river animal</t> </e> <e> <o>dineasár</o> <t>extinct reptile</t> </e> <e> <o>turcaí</o> <t>large bird reared for its flesh</t> </e> <e> <o>iolar</o> <t>large bird of prey</t> </e> <e> <o>siorc</o> <t>large sea fish with a triangular fin on its back</t> </e> <e> <o>lacha</o> <t>swimming bird</t> </e> <e> <o>iasc</o> <t>live in water</t> </e> <e> <o>pearóid</o> <t>can repeat your words</t> </e> <e> <o>frog</o> <t>smal green jumping animal</t> </e> <e> <o>seilide</o> <t>has a spiral shell</t> </e> <e> <o>camall</o> <t>can survive a long time in the desert</t> </e> <e> <o>ailigéadar</o> <t>reptile of the crocodile family</t> </e> <e> <o>muiscít</o> <t>kind of gnat, the female of which bites</t> </e> <e> <o>caora</o> <t>grass-eating animal with a thick fleecy coat</t> </e> <e> <o>sliogán</o> <t>water animal that has a shell</t> </e> </kvtml>