# translation of ktip.po to Galician
# Galician translation of ktip.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Jesús Bravo Álvarez.
# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua galega: Se desexas
# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en http://trasno.gpul.org
# First Version: 2000-09-03 01:59+0200
# Jesús Bravo Álvarez \n"
"There is a lot of information about KDE on the\n"
"KDE web site. There are\n"
"also useful sites for major applications like\n"
"KOffice and\n"
"KDevelop, or important\n"
"KDE utilities like\n"
"which can be put to its full usage even outside KDE...\n"
" \n"
"Hai moita información sobre KDE no\n"
"sitio web de KDE . Hai\n"
"tamén sitios de gran utilidade para moitas aplicacións coma\n"
"Konqueror, \n"
"KOffice and\n"
"KDevelop, ou utilidades\n"
"importantes de KDE, coma\n"
"que pode empregarse ó máximo rendemento incluso dende fóra de KDE...\n"
" \n"
"KDE is translated into many languages. You can change the country and\n"
"language with the Control Center in \"Regional & Accessibility\"\n"
"->.\"Country/Region & Language\".\n"
" For more information about KDE translations and translators, see http://i18n.kde.org.\n"
" Contributed by Andrea Rizzi \n"
"KDE tradúcese a moitas linguas. Vostede pode cambia-lo país e a lingua\n"
"co Centro de Control ou en\n"
"Menú-k->Preferencias->Personalización->País e Lingua.\n"
" Por Andrea Rizzi \n"
"You can minimize all your windows on the current desktop at once and\n"
"thus reach the desktop itself by clicking on the desktop icon on the\n"
"panel. If you do not currently have the icon there, you can add it by right "
"clicking on the panel, and then selecting Add to Panel->Special Button->"
"Desktop Access.\n"
" \n"
"Pode minimizar tódalas fiestras do escritorio actual dunha soa vez, e\n"
"así chegar ó escritorio, premendo na icona do escritorio no panel. \n"
"If you temporarily need more screen real-estate, you can \"fold\n"
"in\" the panel by clicking on one of the arrows at the ends of\n"
"the panel. Alternatively, make it hide automatically by changing the\n"
"settings in the Control Center (Desktop->Panels, Hiding tab).\n"
" For more information about Kicker, the KDE Panel, see the Kicker Handbook.\n"
" \n"
"Se precisa temporalmente máis espacio na pantalla, pode "
"o panel premendo unha das frechas no extremo esquerdo ou no dereito.\n"
"Tamén pode facer que se agoche automaticamente\n"
"(Preferencias/Aparencia &e Comportamento/Panel/Panel). \n"
"The program Klipper, which is started by default and resides in the\n"
"system tray at the right end of the panel, keeps a number of text\n"
"selections around. These can be retrieved or even (in the case of\n"
"URLs, for example) be executed. You can find more information about using Klipper in the Klipper Handbook \n"
"O programa klipper, que se executa por defecto e que se coloca na bandexa\n"
"do sistema á dereita no panel, garda un conxunto de seleccións de texto,\n"
"que poden recuperarse ou mesmo (p.ex., no caso de URLs) executarse. \n"
"The window list, which is accessible via an icon on the panel, provides a\n"
"quick overview of all windows on all virtual desktops. Alternatively,\n"
"press Alt+F5 to display the window list. \n"
"A lista de fiestras, á que se accede por medio dunha icona no panel,\n"
"fornece unha vista xeral rápida de tódalas fiestras en tódolos escritorio "
"virtuais. The \"Location\" label in Konqueror is draggable. This means you can create shortcuts (e.g. on the desktop or the panel)\n"
"by dragging it there with the mouse. You can also drop it on to Konsole or\n"
"edit fields to get the URL typed in there (as you can with links or files\n"
"displayed in Konqueror). A etiqueta \"Localización\" en Konqueror é arrastrable. Isto quere dicir que podes crear ligazóns (p.e. no escritorio ou no panel)\n"
"arrastrando iso ata alí co rato. Pode atmén soltalo en Konsole ou\n"
"editar campos para conseguir a URL alí introducida (así coma tamén pode facelo\n"
"con ligazóns ou ficheiros amosados en Konqueror). For quick access to KDEPrint Manager type\n"
"\"print:/manager\"... -- \"Type where?\",\n"
" you may ask. Type it...
" "
Contributed by Kurt Pfeifle
\n" msgstr "" "Para un acceso rápido ó Xestor de Impresións de KDE introduza\n" "\"print:/manager\"... - \"Pero onde?\",\n" "preguntarase. Escríbao ...
\n" "Por Kurt Pfeifle
\n" #: tips.cpp:115 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n"
"Double-clicking on the titlebar of any window \"shades\" it, which means\n"
"that only the titlebar stays visible. Double-clicking the titlebar a\n"
"second time will make the window visible again."
"Of course, you can change this behavior within the Control Center.\n"
For more information about ways to manipulate windows in KDE, take\n" "a look at " "the KDE User Guide.
\n" msgstr "" "\n"
"Se fai dobre clic na barra de título dunha fiestra, ésta enrólase, o\n"
"que quere dicir que só fica visible a barra do título. Se volve a facer\n"
"dobre clic, a fiestra faise visible de novo."
"Obviamente, pode cambiar este comportamento usando o Centro de Control.\n"
\n" "You can cycle through the windows on a virtual desktop by holding the\n" "Alt key and pressing Tab or Shift+Tab.
" "For more information, see the KDE\n" "User Guide.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode circular polas fiestras dun escritorio virtual mantendo a tecla Alt e\n" "premendo Tab ou Shift-Tab.
" "\n" "You can assign keyboard shortcuts to your favorite applications in the\n" "KDE menu editor (K-menu->Settings->Menu Editor). Select the application\n" "(e.g. Konsole), then click on the image next to \"Current shortcut\n" "key:\". Press the key combination you want (say, Ctrl+Alt+K).\n" "
That is it: now you can fire up Konsoles with Ctrl+Alt+K.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode asignar atallos de teclado ás súas aplicacións favoritas no\n" "editor de menú de KDE (Menú-K -> Sistema ->Editor de Menú). Escolla a " "aplicación\n" "(p.e. Konsole), entón a pestana \"Avanzado\" e introduza p.e. \"Ctr+Alt+K\"\n" "(ou empregue o botón \"Cambiar\").
\n" "Isto é todo! Agora execut Konsole con Ctrl+Alt+K!
\n" #: tips.cpp:148 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can configure the number of virtual desktops by adjusting the \"Number\n" "of desktops\" slider in the Control Center (Desktop->Multiple Desktops).\n" "
\n" "For more information about using virtual desktops, look at the\n" "KDE User Guide.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode configura-lo número de escritorios virtuais seleccionando no menú K\n" "Preferencias/Aparencia &e Comportamento/Escritorio/Número de Escritorios.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:159 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The KDE project was founded in October 1996 and had its first release,\n" "1.0, on July 12, 1998.
\n" "You can support the KDE project with work (programming, designing,\n" "documenting, proof-reading, translating, etc.) and financial or\n" "hardware donations. Please contact kde-ev@kde.org\n" "if you are interested in donating, or kde-quality@kde.org if you would\n" "like to contribute in other ways.
\n" msgstr "" "O proxecto KDE fundouse en Outubro de 1996 e produciu a súa primeira " "versión,\n" "a 1.0, o 12 de xullo de 1998.
\n" "Pode dar soporte ó proxecto KDE con algún traballo (programación, " "deseño,\n" "documentación, correccións, traduccións, etc.) e doacións monetarias ou\n" "de hardware. Por favor, se está interesado, contacte con kde-ev@kde.org\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:172 #, fuzzy msgid "" "KDE provides some shortcuts to change the size of a window:
\n" "To maximize a window... | \t" "click the maximize button... | \n" "
...full-screen, | \t\t" "...with the left mouse button | \n" "
...vertically only, | \t" "...with the middle mouse button | \n" "
...horizontally only, | \t" "...with the right mouse button | \n" "
Maximizar unha fiestra | \t" "Prema o botón de maximizar | \n" "
pantalla completa | \t\t" "co botón esquerdo do rato | \n" "
só verticalmente | \t" "co botón do medio do rato | \n" "
só horizontalmente | \t" "co botón dereito do rato | \n" "
You can stay up to date with new developments in KDE and releases\n" "by regularly checking the web site http://www.kde.org.
\n" "Pode manterse actualizado cos novos desenvolvementos de KDE\n" "comprobando de cando en vez a páxina web http://www.kde.org.
\n" "KDEPrinting (I)
\n" "kprinter, KDE's new printing utility supports\n" "different print subsystems. These subsystems differ very much\n" "in their abilities.
\n" "Among the supported systems are:\n" "
Impresión en KDE (I)
\n" "kprinter, A nova utilidade de impresión de KDE soporta\n" "diferentes subsistemas de impresión. Estes subsistemas difiresn moito\n" "nas súas habilidades.
\n" "Entre os sistemas soportados están:\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:211 #, fuzzy msgid "" "KDEPrinting (II)
\n" "Not all print subsystems provide equal abilities\n" "for KDEPrint to build on.
\n" "The KDEPrinting Team\n" "recommends installing a CUPS-based\n" "software as the underlying print subsystem.
\n" "CUPS provides easy usage, powerful features, broad printer\n" "support and a modern design (based on IPP, the \"Internet\n" "Printing Protocol\"). Its usefulness is proven for home users\n" "as well as for large networks.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Kurt Pfeifle
\n" msgstr "" "Impresión en KDE (II)
\n" "\n" "Non todos os subsistemas de impresión ofrecen as mesmas posibilidades\n" "para impresión en KDE.
\n" "O Equipo de Impresión de KDE\n" "recomenda instalar un programa baseado en CUPS\n" "coma subsistema de impresión.
\n" "CUPS ofrece un uso doado, características potentes, soporte para grandes\n" "impresións e un deseño moderno (baseado no IPP,o \"Protocolo de Impresión de\n" "Internet\"). A súa utilidade está probada tanto para usuarios domésticos coma\n" "para grandes redes.\n" "
\n" "Por Kurt Pfeifle
\n" #: tips.cpp:228 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "KDE is based on a well-designed C++ foundation. C++ is a programming\n" "language well suited to desktop development. The KDE object model\n" "extends the power of C++ even further. See\n" " http://developer.kde.org/\n" "for details.
" "\n" "KDE está baseado nunhas bases ben deseñadas en C++. C++ é unha linguaxe\n" "de programación ben equipada para o desenvolvemento de escritorio.\n" "O modelo de obxectos de KDE estende aínda máis a potencia de C++.\n" "Olle http://developer.kde.org/\n" "para máis detalles.
" "\n" "You can use Konqueror to browse through tar archives,\n" "even compressed ones. You can extract files simply by dragging them\n" "to another place, e.g. another Konqueror window or the desktop.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode usar Konqueror para examinar arquivos tar,\n" "mesmo os comprimidos. Pode extraer ficheiros simplemente arrastrándoos\n" "para outro sitio, p.ex, outra fiestra de Konqueror ou o escritorio.
\n" #: tips.cpp:247 msgid "" "\n" "You can cycle through the virtual desktops by holding the Ctrl key and\n" "pressing Tab or Shift+Tab.
\n" "For more information about using virtual desktops, look at the\n" "KDE User Guide.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Que pode circular polos escritorio virtuais premendo a tecla Ctrl e\n" "premendo o tabulador ou tabulador máis maiúsculas.
\n" "Para máis información sobre o uso dos escritorios virtuais, olle "
You can start kprinter as a standalone program\n" "from any xterm, Konsole window or from the \"Run Command\" dialog (started\n" "by pressing Alt+F2). Then select the file to print. You can print\n" "as many items of different types as you want, all at once.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Kurt Pfeifle
\n" msgstr "" "Pode iniciar kprinter coma un programa calquera\n" "dende xterm, a fiestra de Konsole ou o \"Mini-CLI\" (iniciado premendo\n" "Alt+F2. Entón escolla o ficheiro a imprimir. É posible tamén escollernon " "un só ficheiro, senón varios á vez, de xeito que se impriman sós...\n" "
\n" "Por Kurt Pfeifle
\n" #: tips.cpp:269 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You may at any time switch kprinter to another\n" "print subsystem \"on the fly\" (and you do not need to be root to do it.)\n" "
\n" "Laptop users who frequently change to different environments may find\n" "RLPR a useful complement to CUPS\n" "(or any other print subsystem they use as their preferred one).\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Kurt Pfeifle
\n" msgstr "" "Pode en calquera momento trocar kprinter " "por outro subsistema de impresión \"ó voo\" (e non precisa ter privilexios de " "superusuario para isto.)\n" "
\n" "Os usuarios de equipos portátiles que frecuentemente cambian de entornos " "poderían\n" "atopar útil RLPR" ", un complemento para CUPS\n" "(ou calqueroutro subsistema de impresión que empreguen por defecto).\n" "
\n" "Por Kurt Pfeifle
\n" #: tips.cpp:281 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "KDE's help system can display not only KDE's own HTML-based help, but\n" "also info and man pages.
\n" "For more ways of getting help, see the KDE User\n" "Guide.
\n" "\n" "O sistema de axuda de KDE non só pode amosa-la axuda baseada en HTML de\n" "KDE, senón tamén as páxinas man e info.
" "Clicking with the right mouse button on panel icons or applets opens a\n" "popup menu that allows you to move or remove the item, or add a new\n" "one.
\n" "For more information about customizing Kicker, the KDE Panel, see\n" "the Kicker Handbook.
\n" msgstr "" "Se preme co botón dereito do rato nas iconas ou nas applets do panel,\n" "ábrese un menú que lle permite mover ou elimina-lo elemento, ou engadir un " "novo.
\n" #: tips.cpp:302 msgid "" "If a toolbar is not large enough to display all buttons on it, you can\n" "click on the small arrow at the far right end of the toolbar to see\n" "the remaining buttons.
\n" msgstr "" "Se unha barra de ferramentas non é longa dabondo para amosar tódolos botóns\n" "que contén, pode premer na pequena flecha do extremo dereito da barra para\n" "ve-los botóns restantes.
\n" #: tips.cpp:309 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n"
"Need comprehensive info about KDEPrinting?"
Type help:/kdeprint/ into a Konqueror address field\n" "and get the\n" " " "KDEPrint Handbook\n" "displayed.
" "This, plus more material (like a\n" " FAQ, various\n" " Tutorials,\n" "a \"TipsNTricks\" section and the\n" " " "kdeprint mailing list)\n" " are available at\n" "printing.kde.org...\n" "
\n" "\n"
"Precisa información didáctica sobre o sistema de impresión de KDE?"
Prema help:/kdeprint/ no campo de dirección de Konqueror\n" "e poderá ver o\n" " " "Manualde KDEPrint.\n" "
" "Isto, ademáis doutro material (coma unha\n" " FAQ, varios \n" " Tutoriais, \n" "unha sección \"TipsNTricks\" e a\n" " " "lista de correode kdeprint) \n" " está dispoñible en\n" "printing.kde.org... \n" "
\n" "You can run non-KDE applications without problems on a KDE\n" "desktop. It is even possible to integrate them into the menu system.\n" "The KDE program \"KAppfinder\" will look for known programs to integrate\n" "them into the menu.
\n" msgstr "" "Pode executar sen problemas as aplicacións non KDE no escritorio de KDE.\n" "É mesmo posible integralas no sistema de menús. O programa de KDE\n" "\"kappfinder\" buscará algúns programas coñecidos para integralos no menú.
\n" #: tips.cpp:336 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You can quickly move the panel to another screen edge by \"grabbing\" it " "with\n" "the left mouse button and moving it to where you want it.
\n" "For more information about personalizing Kicker, the KDE Panel,\n" "take a look at the Kicker Handbook.
\n" msgstr "" "Pode mover rápidamente o panel a outra beira da pantalla \"agarrándoo\"\n" "co botón esquerdo do rato e movéndoo a onde queira.
\n" #: tips.cpp:344 msgid "" "\n" "If you need to kill some time, KDE comes with an extensive collection\n" "of games.
" "\n" "Se precisa matar algo de tempo, KDE ten unha completa colección de xogos.\n" "
" "You can quickly change the background image of the\n" "desktop by dragging a graphics image from a Konqueror window to the\n" "desktop background.
\n" msgstr "" "Pode trocar rápidamente a imaxe do fondo do escritorio\n" "arrastrando un ficheiro de imaxe dende unha fiestra do Konqueror ata\n" "o fondo do escritorio.
\n" #: tips.cpp:360 msgid "" "You can change the background color of the desktop by dragging a color\n" "from a color selector in any application to the desktop background.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "Pode cambia-la cor de fondo do escritorio arrastrando unha cor dende o\n" "selector de cores de calquera aplicación ata o fondo do escritorio.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:367 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "A fast way to get your favorite application onto your panel is to\n" "right-click the panel (Panel Menu) and select Add to Panel->Application->" "whatever.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Un xeito rápido de engadi-la súa aplicación favorita no panel é premer\n" "nel co botón dereito (Menú do Panel) e seleccionar Engadir/Aplicación/o que " "sexa.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:375 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can add more applets to your panel by selecting Panel\n" "Menu->Add->Applet from the K menu.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode engadir máis applets no panel seleccionando\n" "Menú do Panel/Engadir/Applet dende o menú K.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:383 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can add a little command line to your panel by selecting Panel\n" "Menu->Add to Panel->Applet->Run Command from the K menu.\n" "
\n" "For information about other applets available for the KDE Panel,\n" "take a look at the Kicker Handbook.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode engadir unha pequena liña de comandos ó seu panel seleccionando\n" "Menú do Panel/Engadir/Applet/Lanzador de Aplicacións dende o menú K.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:393 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Want to see the local time of your friends or\n" "business partners around the world?
\n" "Just press the middle mouse button on the panel clock.
\n" msgstr "" "Quere ver a data/hora dos seus amigos ou compañeiros de negocios\n" "de todo o mundo?
\n" "Só prema o botón central do rato no reloxo do panel.
\n" #: tips.cpp:400 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Your panel clock can be configured to display the time\n" "in plain, digital, analog or fuzzy-style\n" "mode.
\n" "See the Kicker\n" "Handbook for more information.
\n" msgstr "" "O seu reloxo de panel pode configurarse para amosar a hora en modo" "plano, dixital, analóxico ou dubidoso\n" #: tips.cpp:409 #, fuzzy msgid "" "
\n" "If you know its name, you can execute any program by pressing\n" "Alt+F2\n" "and entering the program name in the command-line window provided." "
\n" "Se sabe o nome, pode executar calquera programa premendo\n" "Alt-F2 e introducindo o nome do programa na liña de\n" "comandos da fiestra que aparece." "
\n" "You can browse any URL by pressing\n" "Alt+F2 and entering the URL in the\n" "command-line window provided.\n" "
" "\n" "Pode abrir calquera URL premendo\n" "Alt-F2 e introducindo o URL na liña de\n" "comandos da fiestra que aparece.\n" "
" "If you are using Konqueror and want to type another location into\n" "the location field below the toolbar to get there, you can clear the\n" "whole field very quickly with the black button with a white cross\n" "to the left of the \"Location\" label and start typing.
\n" "You can also press Ctrl+L to clear the location field and place the\n" "text cursor there.
\n" msgstr "" "Se está a empregar Konqueror e quere introducir no campo de\n" "localización de debaixo da barra de ferramentas para ir a ela, pode limpar o\n" "campo rápidamente co botón negro cunha cruz branca\n" "da esquerda da etiqueta de \"Localización\", e comezar despois a escribir.
\n" "Pode tamén premer Ctrl+O para abrir o diálogo para introducir outra " "localización.
\n" #: tips.cpp:441 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can access a man page by entering a\n" "hash mark (#) and the name of the man page wherever you can enter\n" "a URL, like in the location field of the web browser or the\n" "Alt+F2 command-line.
" "\n" "Pode acceder a unha determinada páxina de manual\n" "introducindo unha marca (#) e o nome da páxina man en calquera sitio\n" "onde poida introducir un URL, como a liña do URL do navegador web, ou\n" "a liña de comandos de Alt-F2.\n" "
\n" "You can access an info page by entering a double hash mark " "(##)\n" " and the\n" "name of the info page wherever you can enter a URL, like in the URL\n" "line of the web browser or the Alt+F2 command-line.\n" "
\n" "\n" "Pode acceder a unha determinada páxina info introducindo\n" "unha marca (##) e o nome da páxina info en calquera sitio onde poida\n" "introducir un URL, como a liña do URL do navegador web, ou a liña de\n" "comandos de Alt-F2.\n" "
\n" "\n" "If you cannot access the titlebar, you can still move a window" "\n" "on the screen by holding the Alt key, clicking anywhere into the window\n" "and \"dragging\" it with the mouse.
" "Of course, you can change this behavior by using the Control Center.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Se non pode acceder á barra de título, pode aínda mover unha\n" "fiestra na pantalla mantendo a tecla Alt, premendo en calquera\n" "sitio da fiestra e \"arrastrándoa\" co rato.
" "Want KDE's printing power in non-KDE apps?
\n" "Then use 'kprinter' as \"print command\".\n" "Works with Netscape, Mozilla, Galeon, gv, Acrobat Reader,\n" " StarOffice, OpenOffice.org, any GNOME application and many more...
\n" "See " "printing.kde.org\n" "for more detailed hints...\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Kurt Pfeifle
\n" msgstr "" "Quere introducir as posibilidades de impresión de KDE en aplicacións non " "KDE?
\n" "Entón empregue 'kprinter' coma \"comando de impresión\".\n" "Isto funciona con Netscape, Mozila, Galeon, gv, Acrobat Reader,\n" "StarOffice, OpenOffice, calquera aplicación GNOME e moitas máis...
\n" "Vexa" "printing.kde.org\n" "para obter máis detalles do proceso...\n" "
\n" "
Por Kurt Pfeifke
\n" #: tips.cpp:488 msgid "" "\n" "You can resize a window on the screen by holding the Alt key,\n" "right-clicking anywhere into the window and moving the mouse.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode redimensionar unha fiestra na pantalla mantendo a\n" "tecla Alt, premendo co botón dereito en calquera sitio da fiestra e\n" "movendo o rato.
\n" #: tips.cpp:495 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "KDE's mail client (KMail) provides seamless PGP/GnuPG\n" " integration\n" "for encrypting and signing your email messages.
\n" "See the KMail Handbook for\n" "instructions on setting up encryption.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "O cliente de correo de KDE fornece integración con PGP/GnuPG\n" "cifrar e asina-las súas mensaxes de correo electrónico.
\n" #: tips.cpp:505 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can find KDE developers all over the world, e.g., in Germany,\n" "Sweden, France, Canada, USA, Australia, Namibia, Argentina, and even in\n" "Norway!
\n" "\n" "To see where KDE developers can be found, take a look at worldwide.kde.org.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode atopar desenvolvedores de KDE por todo o mundo, p.ex., en Alemaña,\n" "Suecia, Francia, Canadá, EUA, Australia, Namibia, Arxentina, e mesmo en\n" "Noruega.
\n" #: tips.cpp:515 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "KDE's CD player, KsCD, accesses the Internet CD database freedb to provide you\n" "with title/track information.\n" "
\n" "Full details of KsCD's functions are available in the KsCD Handbook.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "O reproductor de CD de KDE accede á base de datos de CDs de Internet (CDDB)\n" "para darlle a información do título e da pista.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:525 msgid "" "\n" "Some people open many terminal windows just to enter one single\n" "command.
\n" "\n" "Algunhas persoas abren moitas fiestras de terminal para executar un\n" "só comando.
\n" "\n" "You can change the color of the window titlebars by clicking on the title bar " "of the\n" "color example in the Appearance & Themes module within the Control " "Center.\n" "
\n" "This works for all of the other available colors too.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode cambia-la cor da barra de título das fiestras premendo na barra de título\n" "do exemplo de cor no módulo Apariencia e Temas do Centro de Control.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:545 #, fuzzy msgid "" "KDE Command Line Printing (I)
\n" "Want to print from command line, without missing KDE's printing power?
\n" "Type 'kprinter'. Up pops the\n" "KDEPrint dialog. Select printer, print options and\n" "print files (note that you may select different\n" "files of different types for one print job...).
\n" "This works from Konsole, any x-Terminal, or \"Run Command\"\n" "(called by pressing Alt+F2)
\n" msgstr "" "Impresión en KDE coa Liña de Comandos (I)" "
\n" "Quere imprimir dende a liña de comandos, sen perder as posibilidades da " "impresión de KDE?
\n" "Introduza'kprinter'. Abrirase o diálogo de KDEPrint.\n" " Escolla a impresora, as opcións de impresión e os ficheiros a imprimir (e si!! " "podería \n" "seleccionar ficheiros diferentes de diferentes tipos para " "un \n" "traballo de impresión...).
\n" "Isto funciona dende Konsole, calquera Terminal das X ou con \"Executar " "Comando\"\n" "(lanzado premendo Alt+F2)
\n" "-->
\n" #: tips.cpp:557 #, fuzzy msgid "" "KDE Command Line Printing (II)
\n" "\n" "You may specify print files and/or name a printer from the command line:\n" "
\n" "kprinter -d infotec \\\n /home/kurt/paragliding.jpg \\\n " "../kdeprint-handbook.pdf \\\n /opt/kde3/flyer.ps\n" "\n" " This prints 3 different files (from different folders) to printer " "\"infotec\".\n" " \n" "
Contributed by Kurt Pfeifle
\n" msgstr "" "Impresión en KDE coa Liña de Comandos (II)" "
\n" "\n" "Pode especificar ficheiros a imprimir e/ou o nome dunha impresora dende a liña " "de comandos:\n" "
kprinter -d infotec \\\n /home/kurt/paragliding.jpg \\\n " " ../kdeprint-handbook.pdf \\\n /opt/kde3/flyer.ps\n" "\n" " Isto imprime tres ficheiros diferentes (dende distintos cartafoles) na " "impresora \"infotec\".\n" "\n" "
Por Kurt Pfeifle
\n" #: tips.cpp:575 msgid "" "\n" "The difference between window manager styles and old-fashioned themes is\n" "that the former even reflect window titlebar color settings from the\n" "Control Center and might implement different features.
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "A diferencia entre os estilos do xestor de fiestras e os temas pasados\n" "de moda, é que mesmo reflicten na barra de título das fiestras as\n" "configuracións de cor do centro de control, e poderían implementar\n" "distintas características.
\n" #: tips.cpp:583 msgid "" "\n" "The K in KDE does not stand for anything. It is the character that comes\n" "before L in the Latin alphabet, which stands for Linux. It was chosen\n" "because KDE runs on many types of UNIX (and perfectly well on FreeBSD).\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "O K en KDE non significa nada. No alfabeto latino é o primeiro carácter\n" "tralo L que significa Linux. Foi escollido porque KDE execútase en moitos\n" "Unix (e perfectamente en FreeBSD).\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:592 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you want to know when the next release of KDE is planned,\n" "look for the release schedule on http://developer.kde.org. If you only\n" "find old release schedules, there will probably be some weeks/months of\n" "intensive development left before the next release.
" "Se quere saber para cándo está planeada a vindeira liberación de KDE" ",\n" "olle a axenda de liberacións en " "http://developer.kde.org. Se só atopa axendas de liberación antigas, haberá " "probablemente algunhas semanas/meses de\n" "desenvolvemento intensivo antes da seguinte liberación.
" "\n" "Under the \"B II\" window decoration, the title bars\n" "automatically move by themselves so they are always visible. You can\n" "edit your title bar decoration by right clicking on your title bar and\n" "selecting \"Configure Window Behavior...\".
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Baixo a decoración das fiestras \"B II\", as barras de título\n" "automáticamente móvense soas de xeito que estean sempre visibles! Pode\n" "editar a súa decoración da barra de título premendo co botón dereito na barra " "de título\n" "e seleccionando \"Configurar...\".
\n" #: tips.cpp:611 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you do not like the default completion mode (e.g. in Konqueror), you\n" "can right-click on the edit-widget and choose a different mode, e.g.\n" "automatic or manual completion. Manual completion works in a similar\n" "way to\n" "completion in a UNIX shell. Use Ctrl+E to invoke it.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "Se non lle gusta o modo por defecto de completado, p.e. en Konqueror, pode\n" "premer co botón dereito no widget de edición e escollendo un modo diferente, " "p.e. \n" "completado automático ou manual. O completado manual funciona dun xeito similar " "ó\n" "completado da shell de UNIX. Empregue Ctrl+E para invocalo.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:621 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you want another panel, to make more space for your applets and\n" "buttons, press right mouse button on the panel to invoke the panel menu\n" "and select \"Add to Panel->Panel->Panel\".
" "\n" "(You can then put anything on the fresh panel, adjust its size and\n" "so on.)
\n" msgstr "" "Se quere outro panel, para ter máis espacio para as súas aplicacionciñas e\n" "botóns, prema co botón dereito do rato no panel para invocar o menú do panel\n" "e escolla \"Engadir->Extensión->Panel Fillo\".
" "\n" "(Pode entón poñer calquera cousa no novo panel, axustando o seu tamaño\n" "a medida.)
\n" #: tips.cpp:630 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you want to contribute your own \"tip of the day\", please send it to\n" "kde-doc-english@kde.org" ", and we will be happy to\n" " include\n" "it in the next release.
\n" msgstr "" "Se quere contribuír cunha \"axudiña do día\", por favor envíea a\n" "kalle@kde.org, e a incluiremos\n" "gostosamente na vindeira versión.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:638 msgid "" "\n" "If you drag a file from Konqueror or from the desktop to Konsole, you\n" "will have the choice between pasting the URL or entering that folder.
\n" "\n" "Choose the one you want, so you do not have to write the entire path\n" "in the terminal window.
\n" "Contributed by Gerard Delafond
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Se arrastra un ficheiro dende Konqueror ou dende o escritorio a Konsole, terá\n" "a escolla entre pegar a URL ou introducirse nese cartafol.
\n" "\n" "Escolla a que queira, de xeito que non teña que introducir a ruta completa\n" "na fiestra da terminal.
\n" "Por Gerard Delafond
\n" #: tips.cpp:649 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can hide mixer devices in KMix by clicking on \"Hide\" in the\n" "context menu that appears when you click with the right mouse button\n" "on one of the sliders.\n" "
\n" "Take a look at the KMix Handbook for more\n" "KMix tips and tricks.
\n" "Contributed by Stefan Schimanski
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode ocultar os dispositivos de mestura en KMix premendo en \"Ocultar\" no\n" "menú de contexto que aparece cando prema co botón dereito do rato\n" "nun dos deslizadores.\n" "
\n" "Por Stefan Schimanski
\n" #: tips.cpp:661 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can add your own \"Web Shortcuts\" to Konqueror by selecting\n" "Settings->Configure Konqueror->Web Shortcuts. Click \"New...\" and\n" "complete the fields.\n" "
\n" "For further instructions, and details about the advanced features\n" "available with Web Shortcuts, see the Konqueror Handbook.
" "\n" "Contributed by Michael Lachmann and Thomas Diehl
" "\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode engadir o seu propio \"Proveedor de Palabras Chave de Internet\" " "seleccionando\n" "Opcións->Configurar Konqueror->Navegación Mellorada. Prema \"Engadir\" e\n" "complete os campos.\n" "
\n" "Por Michael Lachmann e Thomas Diehl
\n" #: tips.cpp:674 msgid "" "\n" "Each UNIX user has a so-called Home folder in which his or her\n" "files as well as user-dependent configuration files are saved. If you\n" "work in a Konsole window, you can easily change to your home folder\n" "by entering the cd command without any parameters.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Carsten Niehaus
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Cada usuario de UNIX ten o chamado cartafol Persoal ou Home no cal\n" "garda os seus ficheiros ou ficheiros de configuración. Se traballa nunha " "fiestra de Konsole, pode ir doadamente cara o seu cartafol persoal \n" "introducindo o comando cd sen ningú parámetro.\n" "
Por Carsten Niehaus
\n" #: tips.cpp:685 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n"
"You might wonder why there are very few (if any) files whose\n"
"names end in .exe
or .bat
on UNIX\n"
"systems. This is because filenames on UNIX do not need an\n"
"extension. Executable files in KDE are represented by the gear icon\n"
"in Konqueror. In the Konsole window, they are often colored red\n"
"(depending on your settings).\n"
Contributed by Carsten Niehaus
\n" msgstr "" "\n"
"Podería estarse a preguntar por qué hai tan poucos (se hai) ficheiros dos "
"os seus nomes rematan con .exe
ou .bat
en sistemas\n"
"UNIX. Isto ocorre porque en UNIX os nomes de ficheiro non precisan unha\n"
"extensión. Os ficheiros executables en KDE preséntanse pola icona da engranaxe\n"
"en Konqueror. Na fiestra de Konsole, amósanse a miúdo en vermello \n"
"(dependendo das súas opcións).\n"
Por Carsten Niehaus
\n" #: tips.cpp:698 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "If you want to make your desktop look more interesting, you can find\n" "tons of themes, widget styles window decorations and more at kde-look.org.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Carsten Niehaus
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Se quere facer que o seu escritorio se amose máis interesante, pode atopar\n" "gran cantidade de temas en " "www.kde-look.org>.\n" "
Por Carsten Niehaus
\n" #: tips.cpp:707 msgid "" "\n" "Did you know that you can use the middle mouse button to paste\n" "text? Try selecting some text with the left mouse button and click\n" "elsewhere with the middle mouse button. The selected text will be\n" "pasted at the click position. This even works between different programs.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Carsten Niehaus
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Sabe que pode empregar o botón do medio do rato para pegar\n" "texto? Tente seleccionar algún fragmento de texto co botón esquerdo do ratón e " "prema\n" "onde queira co botón central do rato. O fragmento seleccionado pegarase\n" "na posición onde sinalou. Isto incluso funciona entre programas diferentes.\n" "
\n" "Por Carsten Niehaus
\n" #: tips.cpp:718 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "Want to print by using \"DragNDrop\"?\n" "
\n" "\n" "Drag a file and drop it on the \"Files\" tab of an opened\n" "kprinter dialog.
\n" "Then continue as you would normally: select a printer, job options, etc.\n" "and click the \"Print\" button.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Kurt Pfeifle
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Quere imprimir mediante \"DragNDrop\"?\n" "
\n" "\n" "Arrastre un ficheiro e sólteo na pestana \"Ficheiros\" dun diálogo\n" "aberto de kprinter.
\n" "Entón continúe normalmente: escolla a impresora, as opcións do traballo, " "etc.\n" "e prema no botón \"Imprimir\".\n" "
\n" "Por Kurt Pfeifle
\n" #: tips.cpp:734 msgid "" "\n" "If you need to calculate a distance on the screen, the program\n" "kruler can be of great help.
\n" "\n" "Furthermore, if you need to look closely at the ruler to count single\n" "pixels, kmag may be very useful. (It is not part of the KDE base\n" "installation but needs to be installed separately. It might already be\n" "available on your distribution.) kmag works\n" "just like xmag, with the difference that it magnifies on the fly.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Jesper Pedersen
" "\n" "Se precisa calcular unha distancia na pantalla, o programa\n" "kruler halle de ser de grande utilidade.
\n" "\n" "Ademáis, se precisa observar preto da pantalla para contar píxels soltos\n" ",kmag podería resultarlle axeitado. (Isto non forma parte da " "instalación\n" "base de KDE e precisa ser instalado por separado. Debería atoparse dispoñible\n" "na súa distribución.) kmag funciona\n" "coma xmag, coa diferencia de que el aumenta no voo.\n" "
\n" "Por Jesper Pedersen
" "\n" "Sound in KDE is coordinated by the artsd sound server. You can\n" "configure the sound server from the Control Center by selecting\n" "Sound & Multimedia->Sound Server.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Jeff Tranter
" "\n" "O son en KDE coordínase mediante o servidor de son artsd. Pode\n" "configurar o servidor de son no Centro de Control, escollendo\n" "Son->Servidor de Son.\n" "
\n" "Por Jeff Tranter
" "\n" "You can associate sounds, pop up windows, and more with KDE events. This can be " "configured\n" "from the Control Center by selecting Sound & Multimedia->" "System Notifications.\n" "
\n" "Contributed by Jeff Tranter
" "\n" "Pode asociar sons cos eventos en KDE. Isto pódese configurar\n" "dende o Centro de Control escollendo Son->Notificacións do Sistema.\n" "
\n" "Po Jeff Tranter
" "\n" "Most non-KDE sound applications that do not know about the sound server can be\n" "run using the artsdsp command. When the application is run, accesses to\n" "the audio device will be redirected to the artsd sound server.\n" "
\n" "\n"
"The command format is:"
"artsdsp application arguments ...\n"
Contributed by Jeff Tranter
" "\n" "A maioría das aplicacións con son non KDE que non coñecen o servidor de son " "poden\n" "executarse empregando o comando artsdsp. Cando a aplicación se executa,\n" "os accesos ó dispositivo de audio redireccionaranse ó servidor de son " "artsd.\n" "
\n" "\n" "\n"
"O formato do comando é:"
"arsdsp aplicación argumentos ...\n"
Por Jeff Tranter
" "\n" "By holding down the Shift button while moving a container (button\n" "or applet) on the Panel, the container can then be used to push forward\n" "other containers.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Ó premer o botón Shift mentres se move unha icona (botón\n" "ou aplicacionciña) no Panel, a icona pode empregarse para mover\n" "outras iconas.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:791 msgid "" "\n" "KDE's 'kioslaves' do not just work in Konqueror: you can use network\n" "URLs in any KDE application. For example, you can enter a URL like\n" "ftp://www.server.com/myfile in the Kate Open dialog, and Kate will\n" "open the file and save changes back to the FTP server when you click\n" "on 'Save.'\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Os kioslaves de KDE non só funcionan en Konqueror: pode usar as URLs\n" "de rede en calquera aplicación de KDE. Por exemplo, pode inserir unha URL como\n" "ftp://www.servidor.com/meuficheiro no diálogo de Abertura de Kate, e Kate " "abrirá\n" "o ficheiro e gravará as mudanzas de volta ao servidor FTP cando prema en " "Gardar.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:802 msgid "" "\n" "You can use Konqueror to access your files on any server that you have\n" "ssh access to. Just enter fish://username@hostname in\n" "Konqueror's location bar.\n" "
\n" "\n" "In fact, all KDE applications support fish:// URLs - try entering one\n" "in the Open dialog of Kate, for instance\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode usar Konqueror para acceder aos seus ficheiro en calquera servidor que\n" "teña acceso ssh. Só insira fish://usuario@servidor na\n" "barra de localización de Konqueror.\n" "
\n" "\n" "De feito, todas as aplicacións de KDE atura o fish:// - tente inserir un\n" "no diálogo de abertura de ficheiro de Kate, por exemplo\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:815 msgid "" "\n" "KMail, the KDE email client, has built-in support for several popular\n" "spam filtering apps. To set up automatic spam filtering in KMail,\n" "configure your favorite spam filter as you like it, then go to\n" "Tools->Anti-spam wizard in KMail.\n" "
\n" "\n" "For more information, look at the KMail Handbook\n" "Anti-Spam Wizard chapter.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:830 msgid "" "\n" "You can make a window go below other windows by middle-clicking on its " "titlebar.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Pode facer que unha feistra vaia embaixo doutras fiestras premendo co botón " "central do rato na súa barra de título.\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:837 msgid "" "\n" "KDE applications offer short \"What's This?\" help texts for many\n" "features. Just click on the question mark on the window titlebar, and\n" "then click on the item you need help on. (In some themes, the button\n" "is a lowercase \"i\" instead of a question mark).\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "As aplicacións de KDE ofrecen uns pequenos textos de axuda \"Que é Isto?\" " "para\n" "moitas características. Só prema na marca de interrogación da barra de título " "da\n" "fiestra e logo prema no elemento sobre o que quere obter axuda. (Nalgúns temas, " "o\n" "botón é unha \"i\" minúscula, no canto dunha chave de interrogación).\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:847 msgid "" "\n" "KDE supports several different window focus modes: take a look in the\n" "Control Center, under Desktop->Window Behavior. For example, if you\n" "use the mouse a lot, you might prefer the \"Focus follows mouse\" setting.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" "\n" "KDE atura varios modos de focalización das fiestras: olle algo no\n" "Centro de Control, baixo Escritorio->Comportamento da Fiestra. Por exemplo,\n" "se usa moito o rato, podería preferir \"O foco sigue ao rato\".\n" "
\n" #: tips.cpp:856 msgid "" "\n" "Konqueror can continuously scroll webpages up or down: just press\n" "Shift+Up Arrow or Shift+Down Arrow. Press the key combination again to\n" "increase the speed, or any other key to stop the scrolling.\n" "
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:865 msgid "" "You can use Konqueror's help:/ kioslave to have quick and easy\n" "access to an application's handbook by typing help:/, directly\n" "followed by the application name, in the Location bar. So, for example\n" "to view the handbook for kwrite simply type help:/kwrite.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:873 msgid "" "Thanks to the KSVG\n" "project, KDE now has full support for the Scalable Vector Graphics\n" "(SVG) image filetypes. You can view these images in Konqueror and even\n" "set an SVG image as a background for your desktop.
\n" "There is also a great bunch of SVG wallpapers for your desktop background available at kde-look.org.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:885 msgid "" "Konqueror's Web Shortcuts feature lets you submit a query directly\n" "to a search engine without having to visit the website\n" "first. For example, entering gg:konqueror in Location bar and\n" "pressing Enter will search Google for items relating to Konqueror.
\n" "To see what further Web Shortcuts are available, and to make your\n" "own, from Konqueror just select Settings->Configure Konqueror... which\n" "will open the Settings dialog box, and then just click on the Web\n" "Shortcuts icon.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:897 msgid "" "KDE is always looking to improve its accessibility, and with the\n" "launch of KTTS (KDE Text-to-Speech) you now have the power to convert\n" "strings of text into audible speech.
\n" "KTTS is constantly improving, and currently provides support to\n" "speak all or any portion of plain text files (as viewed in Kate), HTML\n" "pages in Konqueror, text in the KDE clipboard, as well as speech of\n" "KDE notifications (KNotify).
\n" "To start the KTTS system, you can either select KTTS in the KDE\n" "menu, or hit Alt+F2 to run a command and then type kttsmgr. For\n" "more information on KTTS, check the KTTSD Handbook.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:912 msgid "" "Though KDE is a very stable desktop environment, programs may\n" "occasionally freeze or crash, particularly if you are running the\n" "development version of a program, or a program made by a\n" "third-party. In this case, you can forcibly kill the program if need\n" "be.
\n" "Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Esc will bring up the skull-and-crossbones\n" "cursor, and once you click on a window with it the program will be\n" "automatically killed. Note, however, that this is an untidy way of\n" "shutting down the program which may result in data being lost, and\n" "some partner processes may still remain running. This should only be\n" "used as a last resort.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:927 msgid "" "KMail is KDE's email client, but did you know that you can\n" "integrate it -- along with other programs -- to bring them all under\n" "one roof? Kontact was made to be a Personal Information Management\n" "suite, and it integrates all components under it seamlessly.
\n" "Other possible programs to integrate with Kontact include\n" "KAddressBook (for handling Contacts), KNotes (for keeping notes),\n" "KNode (to keep up-to-date with the latest news), and KOrganizer (for a\n" "comprehensive calender).
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:939 msgid "" "You can use the mouse wheel to quickly perform a number of tasks;\n" "here are a few you might not have known of: \n" "
By pressing F4 in Konqueror you can open a terminal at your current\n" "location.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:958 msgid "" "Although KDE will automatically restore your KDE programs that were\n" "left open after you logged out, you can specifically tell KDE to start\n" "particular applications on start up; see the FAQ entry for more information.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:967 msgid "" "You can integrate Kontact, KDE's Personal Information Management\n" "suit, with Kopete, KDE's Instant Messenger client, so that you can\n" "view contacts' online status, as well as respond to them easily from\n" "KMail itself. For a step-by-step guide, check the KDE User Guide.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:977 msgid "" "By entering kmail --composer in Konsole you can\n" "have KMail only open up the composer window, so that you do not have to\n" "open the entire email client when you only want to send an email to\n" "someone.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:985 msgid "" "While remembering passwords may be tedious, and writing them down\n" "on paper or in a text file may be insecure and untidy, KWallet is an\n" "application that can save and manage all of your passwords in strongly\n" "encrypted files, and permit access to them with the use of one master\n" "password.
\n" "KWallet can be accessed from kcontrol, KDE's Control Center; from\n" "there, simply go to Security & Privacy->KDE Wallet. For more\n" "information on KWallet and on how to use it, check the handbook.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:998 msgid "" "By pressing the Middle Mouse-Button on the desktop you can get a\n" "brief list of all the windows on each desktop. From here you can also\n" " unclutter or cascade the windows.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:1005 msgid "" "Different virtual desktops can be customized individually, to a\n" "certain extent. For example, you can specify a particular background\n" "for a given desktop: Take a look in KDE's Control Center, under\n" "Appearance & Themes->Background, or right-click on the desktop and\n" "select Configure Desktop.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:1014 msgid "" "While tabbed browsing in Konqueror is very useful, you can take\n" "this one step further if you choose to have a split view in order to\n" "view two locations at the same time. To access this feature, in\n" "Konqueror select Window->Split View, with either Top-Bottom or\n" "Left/Right, depending upon your choice.
\n" "This setting will also only apply to a particular tab, rather than\n" "all tabs you have, so you can choose to have the split view for only\n" "some of the tabs where you might think it is useful.
\n" msgstr "" #: tips.cpp:1026 #, fuzzy msgid "" "\n" "You can let KDE turn the NumLock ON or OFF at startup.\n" "
\n" "\n" "Open the Control Center, select Peripherals->Keyboard and make your\n" " choice.\n" "
\n" "\n" "
\n" "Pode permitir que KDE acenda ou apague o bloqueo de maiúsculas " "no inicio.\n" "
\n" "\n" "Abra o Centro de Control -> Periféricos -> Teclado e escolla por si mesmo.\n" "