msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcmcolors 0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-08-16 15:24+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Renato Pavicic <renato<-at->>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
"Language: hr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :  n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;;\n"
"X-Generator: TransDict server\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Renato Pavičić"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "renato<-at->"

#: colorscm.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"<h1>Colors</h1> This module allows you to choose the color scheme used for "
"the Trinity desktop. The different elements of the desktop, such as title "
"bars, menu text, etc., are called \"widgets\". You can choose the widget "
"whose color you want to change by selecting it from a list, or by clicking "
"on a graphical representation of the desktop.<p> You can save color settings "
"as complete color schemes, which can also be modified or deleted. TDE comes "
"with several predefined color schemes on which you can base your own.<p> All "
"TDE applications will obey the selected color scheme. Non-TDE applications "
"may also obey some or all of the color settings, if this option is enabled."
msgstr ""
"<h1>Boje</h1> Ovaj modul omogućuje odabir sheme bojanja koje upotrebljava "
"TDE okruženje. Različiti elementi radne površine, poput naslovnih traka, "
"teksta izbornika i ostali, nazivaju se \"widgeti\". Možete odabrati widget "
"čiju boju želite izmijeniti njegovim odabirom s popisa ili klikanjem prikaza "
"radne površine.<p> Postavke boja možete sprmiti u olbiku sheme bojanja, koje "
"također možete uređivati ili izbrisati. TDE se isporučuje s nekoliko "
"unaprijed definiranih shema bojanja, na osnovu kojih možete izraditi "
"vlastite sheme bojanja.<p> Sve TDE aplikacije poštivat će odabranu shemu "
"bojanja. Ne-TDE aplikacije mogu poštovati neke ili sve postavke boja u "
"slučaju omogućavanja ove opcije."

#: colorscm.cpp:133
msgid ""
"This is a preview of the color settings which will be applied if you click "
"\"Apply\" or \"OK\". You can click on different parts of this preview image. "
"The widget name in the \"Widget color\" box will change to reflect the part "
"of the preview image you clicked."
msgstr ""
"Ovo je pregled postavki boja koje će biti primjenjene ako kliknete \"Primjeni"
"\" ili \"U redu\". Možete kliknuti bilo koji bio slike pregleda. Naziv "
"widgeta u okviru \"Boja widgeta\" promjenit će se ovisno o kliknutom dijelu "

#: colorscm.cpp:145
msgid "Color Scheme"
msgstr "Shema bojanja"

#: colorscm.cpp:154
msgid ""
"This is a list of predefined color schemes, including any that you may have "
"created. You can preview an existing color scheme by selecting it from the "
"list. The current scheme will be replaced by the selected color scheme.<p> "
"Warning: if you have not yet applied any changes you may have made to the "
"current scheme, those changes will be lost if you select another color "
msgstr ""
"Ovo je popiis unaprijed definiranih shema bojanja, obuhvaćajući i bilo koju "
"shemu koju ste sami izradili. Postojeću shemu možete pregledati njezinim "
"odabirom na popisu. Trenutna shema bit će zamijenjena odabranom.<p> "
"Upozorenje: Ako niste primjenili bilo kakve unešene izmjene trenutne sheme, "
"te će izmjene biti izgubljene odabirom druge sheme bojanja."

#: colorscm.cpp:162
msgid "&Save Scheme..."
msgstr "&Spremi shemu..."

#: colorscm.cpp:165
msgid ""
"Press this button if you want to save the current color settings as a color "
"scheme. You will be prompted for a name."
msgstr ""
"Pritisnite ovaj gumb ako trenutne postavke boja želite snimiti kao shemu "
"bojanja kao shemu boja. Bit ćete upitani za naziv sheme."

#: colorscm.cpp:169
msgid "R&emove Scheme"
msgstr "&Ukloni shemu"

#: colorscm.cpp:173
msgid ""
"Press this button to remove the selected color scheme. Note that this button "
"is disabled if you do not have permission to delete the color scheme."
msgstr ""
"Pritisnite ovaj gumb da biste uklonili odabranu shemu bojanja. Napomena: "
"Ovaj je gumb onemogućen ako nemate dopuštenja za brisanje shema."

#: colorscm.cpp:177
msgid "I&mport Scheme..."
msgstr "Uvez&i shemu..."

#: colorscm.cpp:180
msgid ""
"Press this button to import a new color scheme. Note that the color scheme "
"will only be available for the current user."
msgstr ""
"Pritisnite ovaj gumb da biste uvezli novu shemu bojanja. Napomena: Shema "
"bojanja bit će dostupna samo za trenutnog korisnika."

#: colorscm.cpp:188
msgid "&Widget Color"
msgstr "Boja &widgeta"

#: colorscm.cpp:199
msgid "Inactive Title Bar"
msgstr "Neaktivna naslovna traka"

#: colorscm.cpp:200
msgid "Inactive Title Text"
msgstr "Tekst neaktivnog naslova"

#: colorscm.cpp:201
msgid "Inactive Title Blend"
msgstr "Stapanje boja neaktivnog naslova"

#: colorscm.cpp:202
msgid "Active Title Bar"
msgstr "Aktivna naslovna traka"

#: colorscm.cpp:203
msgid "Active Title Text"
msgstr "Tekst aktivnog naslova"

#: colorscm.cpp:204
msgid "Active Title Blend"
msgstr "Stapanje boja aktivnog naslova"

#: colorscm.cpp:205
msgid "Window Background"
msgstr "Pozadina prozora"

#: colorscm.cpp:206
msgid "Window Text"
msgstr "Tekst prozora"

#: colorscm.cpp:207
msgid "Selected Background"
msgstr "Odabrana pozadina"

#: colorscm.cpp:208
msgid "Selected Text"
msgstr "Odabrani tekst"

#: colorscm.cpp:209
msgid "Standard Background"
msgstr "Standardna pozadina"

#: colorscm.cpp:210
msgid "Standard Text"
msgstr "Standardni tekst"

#: colorscm.cpp:211
msgid "Button Background"
msgstr "Pozadina gumba"

#: colorscm.cpp:212
msgid "Button Text"
msgstr "Tekst gumba"

#: colorscm.cpp:213
msgid "Active Title Button"
msgstr "Gumb aktivnog naslova"

#: colorscm.cpp:214
msgid "Inactive Title Button"
msgstr "Gumb neaktivnog naslova"

#: colorscm.cpp:215
msgid "Active Window Frame"
msgstr "Okvir aktivnog prozora"

#: colorscm.cpp:216
msgid "Active Window Handle"
msgstr "Rukohvat aktivnog prozora"

#: colorscm.cpp:217
msgid "Inactive Window Frame"
msgstr "Okvir neaktivnog prozora"

#: colorscm.cpp:218
msgid "Inactive Window Handle"
msgstr "Rukohvat neaktivnog prozora"

#: colorscm.cpp:219
msgid "Link"
msgstr "Veza"

#: colorscm.cpp:220
msgid "Followed Link"
msgstr "Posjećena veza"

#: colorscm.cpp:221
msgid "Alternate Background in Lists"
msgstr "Alternativna pozadina popisa"

#: colorscm.cpp:227
msgid ""
"Click here to select an element of the TDE desktop whose color you want to "
"change. You may either choose the \"widget\" here, or click on the "
"corresponding part of the preview image above."
msgstr ""
"Kliknite ovdje da biste odabrali element TDE radne površine čiju boju želite "
"izmijeniti. Željeni \"widget\" možete odabrati ovdje ili kliknuti "
"odgovarajući dio na slici pregleda."

#: colorscm.cpp:238
msgid ""
"Click here to bring up a dialog box where you can choose a color for the "
"\"widget\" selected in the above list."
msgstr ""
"Kliknite ovdje da biste pozvali dijaloški okvir za odabir boje \"widgeta\", "
"odabranog s gornjeg popisa."

#: colorscm.cpp:242
msgid "Shade sorted column in lists"
msgstr "Na popisu osjenčaj stupac sortiranja"

#: colorscm.cpp:247
msgid ""
"Check this box to show the sorted column in a list with a shaded background"
msgstr ""
"Označite ovaj okvir ako želite osjenčavanje pozadine stupca po kojemu je "
"izvedeno sortiranje popisa"

#: colorscm.cpp:249
msgid "Con&trast"
msgstr "Kon&trast"

#: colorscm.cpp:262
msgid ""
"Use this slider to change the contrast level of the current color scheme. "
"Contrast does not affect all of the colors, only the edges of 3D objects."
msgstr ""
"Upotrijebite ovaj klizač da biste promijenili razinu kontrasta trenutne "
"shemi bojanja. Kontrast ne utječe na sve boje, nego samo na rubove 3D "

#: colorscm.cpp:266
msgid ""
"_: Low Contrast\n"
msgstr "Nizak"

#: colorscm.cpp:270
msgid ""
"_: High Contrast\n"
msgstr "Visok"

#: colorscm.cpp:273
msgid "Apply colors to &non-TDE applications"
msgstr "Boje primjeni na &ne-TDE aplikacije"

#: colorscm.cpp:277
msgid ""
"Check this box to apply the current color scheme to non-TDE applications."
msgstr ""
"Označite ovaj okvir da biste trenutnu shemu bojanja primjenili na ne-TDE "

#: colorscm.cpp:282
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Boje"

#: colorscm.cpp:284
msgid "(c) 1997-2005 Colors Developers"
msgstr "(c) 1997-2005 Colors Developers"

#: colorscm.cpp:490
msgid ""
"This color scheme could not be removed.\n"
"Perhaps you do not have permission to alter the filesystem where the color "
"scheme is stored."
msgstr ""
"Ovaj raspored boja nije moguće ukloniti.\n"
"Vjerojatno nemate dopuštenja za uređivanje datoteka na lokaciji gdje je "
"shema bojanja pohranjena."

#: colorscm.cpp:523 colorscm.cpp:543
msgid "Save Color Scheme"
msgstr "Spremi shemu bojanja"

#: colorscm.cpp:524
msgid "Enter a name for the color scheme:"
msgstr "Unesite naziv sheme bojanja:"

#: colorscm.cpp:541
msgid ""
"A color scheme with the name '%1' already exists.\n"
"Do you want to overwrite it?\n"
msgstr ""
"Shema bojanja s nazivom '%1' već postoji.\n"
"Želite li prepisati preko nje?\n"

#: colorscm.cpp:544
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "Prepiši"

#: colorscm.cpp:592
msgid "Import failed."
msgstr "Uvoz nije uspio."

#: colorscm.cpp:600
msgid "Untitled Theme"
msgstr "Tema bez naziva"

#: colorscm.cpp:858
msgid "Current Scheme"
msgstr "Trenutna shema"

#: colorscm.cpp:859
msgid "TDE Default"
msgstr "TDE zadano"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:368 widgetcanvas.cpp:369
msgid "Inactive window"
msgstr "Neaktivan prozor"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:412 widgetcanvas.cpp:413
msgid "Active window"
msgstr "Aktivan prozor"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:474 widgetcanvas.cpp:475
msgid "Standard text"
msgstr "Standardni tekst"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:482 widgetcanvas.cpp:491
msgid "Selected text"
msgstr "Odabrani tekst"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:500 widgetcanvas.cpp:501
msgid "link"
msgstr "veza"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:510 widgetcanvas.cpp:511
msgid "followed link"
msgstr "posjećena veza"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:520 widgetcanvas.cpp:535
msgid "Push Button"
msgstr "Gumb"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:547 widgetcanvas.cpp:564
msgid "New"
msgstr "Novo"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:553 widgetcanvas.cpp:565
msgid ""
"_: Menu item\n"
msgstr "Otvori"

#: widgetcanvas.cpp:559 widgetcanvas.cpp:566
msgid ""
"_: Menu item\n"
msgstr "Spremi"