msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: konquest 0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-12-11 16:19+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-08-30 13:31+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Renato Pavicic <renato<-at->>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
"Language: hr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 :  n%10>=2 && n"
"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;;\n"
"X-Generator: TransDict server\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Renato Pavičić"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "renato<-at->"

#: Konquest.cpp:10
msgid "Galactic Strategy TDE Game"
msgstr "Galaktička strateška igra za TDE"

#: Konquest.cpp:15
msgid "Konquest"
msgstr "Konquest"

#: Konquest.cpp:17
msgid "Copyright (c) 1999-2001, Developers"
msgstr "Autorska prava (c) 1999-2001, Razvijatelji"

#: fleetdlg.cpp:41
msgid "Fleet Overview"
msgstr "Pregled flote"

#: fleetdlg.cpp:44
msgid "Fleet No."
msgstr "Br. flote"

#: fleetdlg.cpp:45
msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Odredište"

#: fleetdlg.cpp:46
msgid "Ships"
msgstr "Brodovi"

#: fleetdlg.cpp:47
msgid "Kill Percentage"
msgstr "Postotak pobjeda"

#: fleetdlg.cpp:48
msgid "Arrival Turn"
msgstr "Potez u kojem stiže"

#: gameboard.cpp:65
msgid "End Turn"
msgstr "Završi potez"

#: gameboard.cpp:237
msgid "Select source planet..."
msgstr "Odaberite polaznu planetu..."

#: gameboard.cpp:255
msgid "Select destination planet..."
msgstr "Odaberite odredišnu planetu..."

#: gameboard.cpp:277
msgid ": How many ships?"
msgstr ": Koliko brodova?"

#: gameboard.cpp:301
msgid "Ruler: Select starting planet."
msgstr "Sudac: Odaberite polaznu planetu."

#: gameboard.cpp:316
msgid ""
"The distance from Planet %1 to Planet %2 is %3 light years.\n"
"A ship leaving this turn will arrive on turn %4"
msgstr ""
"Udaljenost između Planete %1 i Planete %2 je %3 svjetlosne godine.\n"
"Brod koji krene u ovom potezu stići će tijekom poteza %4."

#: gameboard.cpp:322
msgid "Distance"
msgstr "Udaljenost"

#: gameboard.cpp:327
msgid "Ruler: Select ending planet."
msgstr "Sudac: Odaberite odredišnu planetu."

#: gameboard.cpp:339
msgid "Computer Player thinking..."
msgstr "Računalni igrač razmišlja..."

#: gameboard.cpp:434
msgid "Turn #: %1 of %2"
msgstr "Potez #: %1 od %2"

#: gameboard.cpp:475
msgid "The mighty %1 has conquered the galaxy!"
msgstr "Moćni %1 je pokorio cijelu Galaksiju!"

#: gameboard.cpp:476
msgid "Game Over"
msgstr "Završetak igre"

#: gameboard.cpp:631
msgid "The once mighty empire of %1 has fallen in ruins."
msgstr "Nekoć veliko carstvo %1 je propalo."

#: gameboard.cpp:641
msgid "The fallen empire of %1 has staggered back to life."
msgstr "Propalo carstvo %1 uspjelo se vratiti u život."

#: gameboard.cpp:662
msgid "Reinforcements (%1 ships) have arrived for planet %2."
msgstr "Stiglo je pojačanje (%1 brodova) za planetu %2."

#: gameboard.cpp:706
msgid "Planet %2 has held against an attack from %1."
msgstr "Planeta %1 uspjela se održati pred naletom iz %2."

#: gameboard.cpp:715
msgid "Planet %2 has fallen to %1."
msgstr "Planeta %1 je pala pod napadima %2."

#: gameboard.cpp:777
msgid "Do you wish to retire this game?"
msgstr "Želite li se povući iz ove igre?"

#: gameboard.cpp:778
msgid "End Game"
msgstr "Završi igru"

#: gameboard.cpp:790
msgid "Final Standings"
msgstr "Konačni rezultati"

#: gameboard.cpp:960
msgid "Not enough ships to send."
msgstr "Nemate dovoljno brodova za slanje."

#: gameboard.cpp:982
msgid "Current Standings"
msgstr "Trenutne pozicije"

#: gameenddlg.cpp:15
msgid "Out of Turns"
msgstr "Nema više poteza"

#: gameenddlg.cpp:22
msgid ""
"This is the last turn.\n"
"Do you wish to add extra turns?"
msgstr ""
"Ovo je vaš posljednji potez.\n"
"Želite li dodati još poteza?"

#: gameenddlg.cpp:28
msgid "&Add Turns"
msgstr "&Dodaj poteze"

#: gameenddlg.cpp:29
msgid "Add the specified number of turns to the game and continue playing."
msgstr "Dodajte određeni broj poteza i nastavite s igrom."

#: gameenddlg.cpp:30
msgid "&Game Over"
msgstr "&Završetak igre"

#: gameenddlg.cpp:31
msgid "Terminate the current game."
msgstr "Okončaj trenutnu igru."

#: gameenddlg.cpp:74
#, c-format
msgid "Extra turns: %1"
msgstr "Dodatno poteza: %1"

#: mainwin.cpp:26
msgid "Galactic Conquest"
msgstr "Osvajanje Galaksije"

#: mainwin.cpp:47
msgid "&Measure Distance"
msgstr "&Izmjeri udaljenost"

#: mainwin.cpp:49
msgid "&Show Standings"
msgstr "&Prikaži rezultate"

#: mainwin.cpp:51
msgid "&Fleet Overview"
msgstr "Pregled &flote"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:30
msgid "Start New Game"
msgstr "Pokreni novu igru"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:106 newgamedlg.cpp:151
msgid "Human Player"
msgstr "Živi igrač"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:187
#, c-format
msgid ""
"_: Generated AI player name\n"
msgstr "Rač. %1"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:191
msgid "Computer Player"
msgstr "Računalni igrač"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:232
#, c-format
msgid "Number of &players: %1"
msgstr "&Broj igrača: %1"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:233
#, c-format
msgid "Number of neutral p&lanets: %1"
msgstr "Broj &neutralnih planeta: %1"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:234
#, c-format
msgid "Number of &turns: %1"
msgstr "Broj &poteza: %1"

#: newgamedlg.cpp:251
msgid "The game is much more fun when you add a human player!"
msgstr "Igra je znatno zabavnija ako dodate živog igrača."

#: planet_info.cpp:95
msgid "Planet name: "
msgstr "Ime planete: "

#: planet_info.cpp:98
msgid "Owner: "
msgstr "Vlasnik: "

#: planet_info.cpp:101
msgid "Ships: "
msgstr "Brodovi: "

#: planet_info.cpp:104
msgid "Production: "
msgstr "Proizvodnja: "

#: planet_info.cpp:107
msgid "Kill percent: "
msgstr "Postotak pobjeda:"

#: planet_info.cpp:129 planet_info.cpp:144
#, c-format
msgid "Planet name: %1"
msgstr "Ime planeta: %1"

#: planet_info.cpp:147
#, c-format
msgid "Owner: %1"
msgstr "Vlasnik: %1"

#: planet_info.cpp:150
#, c-format
msgid "Ships: %1"
msgstr "Brodovi: %1"

#: planet_info.cpp:153
#, c-format
msgid "Production: %1"
msgstr "Proizvodnja: %1"

#: planet_info.cpp:156
#, c-format
msgid "Kill percent: %1"
msgstr "Postotak pobjeda: %1"

#: scoredlg.cpp:36
msgid "Player"
msgstr "Igrač"

#: scoredlg.cpp:37
msgid "Ships Built"
msgstr "Izgrađeno brodova"

#: scoredlg.cpp:38
msgid "Planets Conquered"
msgstr "Osvojeno planeta"

#: scoredlg.cpp:39
msgid "Fleets Launched"
msgstr "Lansiranih flota"

#: scoredlg.cpp:40
msgid "Fleets Destroyed"
msgstr "Uništenih flota"

#: scoredlg.cpp:41
msgid "Ships Destroyed"
msgstr "Uništenih brodova"

#: newGameDlg_ui.ui:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "Player list:"
msgstr "Popis igrača:"

#: newGameDlg_ui.ui:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"

#: newGameDlg_ui.ui:85
#, no-c-format
msgid "New Column"
msgstr "Novi stupac"

#: newGameDlg_ui.ui:111
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Human player:"
msgstr "Živi &igrač:"

#: newGameDlg_ui.ui:162
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Add Human Player"
msgstr "&Dodaj živog igrača"

#: newGameDlg_ui.ui:244
#, no-c-format
msgid "Preview map:"
msgstr "Pregled karte:"

#: newGameDlg_ui.ui:343
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reject &Map"
msgstr "&Poništi kartu"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Game"
#~ msgstr "&Završetak igre"