# translation of libtdegames.po to Icelandic
# Íslensk þýðing libtdegames.po
# Copyright (C) 2001,2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Richard Allen <ra@ra.is>, 2001.
# Pjetur G. Hjaltason <pjetur@pjetur.net>, 2003, 2004.
# Stigur <stigur@hi.is>, 2003.
# Björgvin Ragnarsson <nifgraup@gmail.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: libtdegames\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-28 12:00+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-03 22:09+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Björgvin Ragnarsson <nifgraup@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic <kde-isl@molar.is>\n"
"Language: is\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11\n"

#: _translatorinfo:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""

#: _translatorinfo:2
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""

#: highscore/kexthighscore.cpp:211 highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:89
msgid "Score"
msgstr "Stig"

#: highscore/kexthighscore.cpp:214
msgid "Mean Score"
msgstr "Meðalstig"

#: highscore/kexthighscore.cpp:219
msgid "Best Score"
msgstr "Hæstu stig"

#: highscore/kexthighscore.cpp:223
msgid "Elapsed Time"
msgstr "Liðinn tími"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:139
msgid "Best &Scores"
msgstr "Hæstu &stig"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:144
msgid "&Players"
msgstr "&Leikmenn"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:149
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Tölfræði"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:155
msgid "Histogram"
msgstr "Kökurit"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:162
msgid "View world-wide highscores"
msgstr "Skoða alheims-stigalista"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:169
msgid "View world-wide players"
msgstr "Skoða alheims-leikmenn"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:202
msgid "Highscores"
msgstr "Stigatafla"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:204
msgid "Configure..."
msgstr "Stilla..."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:205
msgid "Export..."
msgstr "Flytja út..."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:258
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "Yfirskrifa"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:260
msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?"
msgstr "Skrá er nú þegar til. Yfirskrifa?"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:261
#, fuzzy
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Flytja út..."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:302
msgid "Winner"
msgstr "Sigurvegari"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:334
msgid "Won Games"
msgstr "Unnir leikir"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:356
msgid "Configure Highscores"
msgstr "Stilla metaföflu"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:367
msgid "Main"
msgstr "Aðal"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:376 highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:413
msgid "Nickname:"
msgstr "Gælunafn:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:387
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Athugasemd:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:397
msgid "World-wide highscores enabled"
msgstr "Alheims-stigatafla virk"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:404
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Ítarlegra"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:408
msgid "Registration Data"
msgstr "Skráningargögn"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:417
msgid "Key:"
msgstr "Lykill:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:422 highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:454
#, fuzzy
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Fjarlægja leikmann"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:456
msgid ""
"This will permanently remove your registration key. You will not be able to "
"use the currently registered nickname anymore."
msgstr ""
"Þetta fjarlægir skráningarlykilinn endanlega.  Þú munt ekki geta notað "
"núverandi viðurnefni þitt aftur."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:499
msgid "Please choose a non empty nickname."
msgstr "Gælunafn má ekki vera autt."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:503
msgid "Nickname already in use. Please choose another one"
msgstr "Gælunafn þegar í notkun, Vinsamlega veldu annað"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:520
msgid "Enter Your Nickname"
msgstr "Gælunafnafn þitt"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:528
msgid "Congratulations, you have won!"
msgstr "Til hamingju þú hefur unnið!"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:532
msgid "Enter your nickname:"
msgstr "Gælunafn þitt:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_gui.cpp:540
msgid "Do not ask again."
msgstr "Ekki spyrja aftur."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:48
msgid "anonymous"
msgstr "nafnlaus"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:265
msgid "Games Count"
msgstr "Talnig leikja"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:272
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Athugasemd"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:584
msgid "Undefined error."
msgstr "Óskilgreind villa."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:585
msgid "Missing argument(s)."
msgstr "Vantar viðföng."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:586
msgid "Invalid argument(s)."
msgstr "Ógild viðföng."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:588
msgid "Unable to connect to MySQL server."
msgstr "Get ekki tengst MySQL miðlara."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:589
msgid "Unable to select database."
msgstr "Get ekki valið gagnagrunn."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:590
msgid "Error on database query."
msgstr "Villa í gagnafyrirspurn."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:591
msgid "Error on database insert."
msgstr "Villa við innsetningu gagna."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:593
msgid "Nickname already registered."
msgstr "Gælunafn þegar skráð."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:594
msgid "Nickname not registered."
msgstr "Gælunafn ekki skráð."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:595
msgid "Invalid key."
msgstr "Ógildur lykill."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:596
msgid "Invalid submit key."
msgstr "Ógildur sendilykill."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:598
msgid "Invalid level."
msgstr "Ógilt borð."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:599
msgid "Invalid score."
msgstr "Ógild stig."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:603
msgid "Unable to contact world-wide highscore server"
msgstr "Get ekki tengst alheims-stigatöflu-miðlara."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:612
#, c-format
msgid "Server URL: %1"
msgstr "Slóð miðlara: %1"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:620
msgid "Unable to open temporary file."
msgstr "Get ekki opnað tímabundna skrá."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:642
msgid "Message from world-wide highscores server"
msgstr "Skeyti frá alheims-stigatöflu-miðlara"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:649
msgid "Invalid answer from world-wide highscores server."
msgstr "Ógilt svar frá alheims-stigatöflu-miðlara."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:650
#, c-format
msgid "Raw message: %1"
msgstr "Hrátt skeyti: %1"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.cpp:662
msgid "Invalid answer from world-wide highscores server (missing item: %1)."
msgstr "Ógilt svar frá alheims-stigatöflu-miðlara (vantar: %1)."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.h:49 highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:141
msgid "Rank"
msgstr "Staða"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.h:60 highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:80
#: kgame/kplayer.cpp:95
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nafn"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.h:69 highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:83
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Dagsetning"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_internal.h:78
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Tókst"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_item.cpp:272
msgid "Multiplayers Scores"
msgstr "Fjölnotanda stigatafla"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_item.cpp:280
msgid "No game played."
msgstr "Enginn leikur leikinn."

#: highscore/kexthighscore_item.cpp:282
msgid "Scores for last game:"
msgstr "Stig í síðasta leik:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_item.cpp:289
msgid "Scores for the last %1 games:"
msgstr "Stig í síðustu %1 leikjum:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:48
msgid "all"
msgstr "allir"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:75
msgid "Select player:"
msgstr "Veldu leikmann:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:112
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Alls:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:112
msgid "Won:"
msgstr "Unnið:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:112
msgid "Lost:"
msgstr "Tapað:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:113
msgid "Draw:"
msgstr "Jafntefli:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:116
msgid "Current:"
msgstr "Núverandi:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:116
msgid "Max won:"
msgstr "Mest unnið:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:116
msgid "Max lost:"
msgstr "Mest tapað:"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:127
msgid "Game Counts"
msgstr "Leikjatalning"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:138
msgid "Trends"
msgstr "Framvinda"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:223
msgid "From"
msgstr "Frá"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:224
msgid "To"
msgstr "Til"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:225
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Fjöldi"

#: highscore/kexthighscore_tab.cpp:226
msgid "Percent"
msgstr "Prósenta"

#: highscore/khighscore.cpp:134
msgid "Retry"
msgstr "Reyna aftur"

#: highscore/khighscore.cpp:135
msgid ""
"Cannot access the highscore file. Another user is probably currently writing "
"to it."
msgstr ""
"Fæ ekki aðgang í stigatöfluskrá. Annar notandi er sennilega að skrifa í hana."

#: highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:68
msgid "High Scores"
msgstr "Stigatafla"

#: highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:86
msgid "Level"
msgstr "Borð"

#: highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:167
#, c-format
msgid "#%1"
msgstr "#%1"

#: highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:351
msgid ""
"You have a new high score!"
msgstr ""
"Þú hefur sett persónulegt met!"

#: highscore/kscoredialog.cpp:353
msgid ""
"Well done!\n"
"You made it to the high score list!"
msgstr ""
"Vel gert!\n"
"Þú komst á topplistann!"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:277
msgid "Choose Backside"
msgstr "Velja bakhlið"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:297
msgid "Backside"
msgstr "Bakhlið"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:301 kcarddialog.cpp:351
msgid "empty"
msgstr "tómt"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:309
msgid "Random backside"
msgstr "Slembin bakhlið"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:314
msgid "Use global backside"
msgstr "Nota bakhlið víðvært"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:317
msgid "Make Backside Global"
msgstr "Setja bakhlið víðvært"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:329
msgid "Choose Frontside"
msgstr "Velja framhlið"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:347
msgid "Frontside"
msgstr "Framhlið"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:359
msgid "Random frontside"
msgstr "Slembin framhlið"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:364
msgid "Use global frontside"
msgstr "Nota víðværa framhlið"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:367
msgid "Make Frontside Global"
msgstr "Setja framhlið víðværa"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:426
msgid "Resize Cards"
msgstr "Breyta stærð spila"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:439
msgid "Default Size"
msgstr "Sjálfgefin stærð"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:443
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Forsýn:"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:476 kcarddialog.cpp:511
msgid "unnamed"
msgstr "ónefnt"

#: kcarddialog.cpp:532
msgid "Carddeck Selection"
msgstr "Val spilastokks"

#: kchat.cpp:85 kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:497 kgame/kgamechat.cpp:103
#: kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp:382
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Óþekkt"

#: kchatbase.cpp:232
msgid "Send to All Players"
msgstr "Senda á alla leikmenn"

#: kchatbase.cpp:371
msgid "%1 %2"
msgstr "%1 %2"

#: kchatbase.cpp:387
#, c-format
msgid "--- %1"
msgstr "--- %1"

#: kchatbase.cpp:409 kgame/kgamechat.cpp:168
#, c-format
msgid "Send to %1"
msgstr "Senda á %1"

#: kchatdialog.cpp:60 kchatdialog.cpp:68
msgid "Configure Chat"
msgstr "Stilla spall"

#: kchatdialog.cpp:86 kchatdialog.cpp:108
msgid "Name Font..."
msgstr "Nafn leturs..."

#: kchatdialog.cpp:89 kchatdialog.cpp:111
msgid "Text Font..."
msgstr "Leturgerð..."

#: kchatdialog.cpp:98
msgid "Player: "
msgstr "Leikmaður: "

#: kchatdialog.cpp:100
msgid "This is a player message"
msgstr "Þetta eru skilaboð frá leikmanni"

#: kchatdialog.cpp:106
msgid "System Messages - Messages directly sent from the game"
msgstr "Kerfisskilaboð -  Skilaboð send beint frá leiknum"

#: kchatdialog.cpp:120
msgid "--- Game: "
msgstr "--- Leikur: "

#: kchatdialog.cpp:122
msgid "This is a system message"
msgstr "Þetta eru kerfisskilaboð"

#: kchatdialog.cpp:126
msgid "Maximal number of messages (-1 = unlimited):"
msgstr "Mesti fjöldi skeyta (-1 = ótakmarkað)"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:67
msgid "Create a network game"
msgstr "Búa til netleik"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:68
msgid "Join a network game"
msgstr "Taka þátt í netleik"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:73
msgid "Game name:"
msgstr "Heiti leiks:"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:75
msgid "Network games:"
msgstr "Netleikir:"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:78
msgid "Port to connect to:"
msgstr "Tengjast gátt:"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:80
msgid "Host to connect to:"
msgstr "Tengjast vél:"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:83
msgid "&Start Network"
msgstr "&Ræsa net"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameconnectdialog.cpp:217
msgid "Network Game"
msgstr "Netleikur"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:124
msgid "KGame Debug Dialog"
msgstr "KGame Aflúsunarvalmynd"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:143
msgid "Debug &KGame"
msgstr "Aflúsa &KGame"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:148
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:193
msgid "Data"
msgstr "Gögn"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:149
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:154
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:194
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:198
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Gildi"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:153
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:197
msgid "Property"
msgstr "Eiginleikar"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:155
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:199
msgid "Policy"
msgstr "Stefna"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:158
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:202
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Uppfæra"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:163
msgid "KGame Pointer"
msgstr "KGame bendill"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:164
msgid "Game ID"
msgstr "Auðkenni leiks"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:165
msgid "Game Cookie"
msgstr "Leikjakaka"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:166
msgid "Is Master"
msgstr "Er stjórnandi"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:167
msgid "Is Admin"
msgstr "Er kerfisstjóri"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:168
msgid "Is Offering Connections"
msgstr "Býður fram tengingar"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:169
msgid "Game Status"
msgstr "Leikstaða"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:170
msgid "Game is Running"
msgstr "Leikur í gangi"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:171
msgid "Maximal Players"
msgstr "Hámarksfjöldi leikmanna"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:172
msgid "Minimal Players"
msgstr "Lágmarksfjöldi leikmanna"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:173
msgid "Players"
msgstr "Leikmenn"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:178
msgid "Debug &Players"
msgstr "Aflúsa &Leikmenn"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:184
msgid "Available Players"
msgstr "Tiltækir leikmenn"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:206
msgid "Player Pointer"
msgstr "Leikmannsbendir"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:207 kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:151
msgid "Player ID"
msgstr "Auðkenni leikmanns"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:208
msgid "Player Name"
msgstr "Nafn leikmanns"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:209
msgid "Player Group"
msgstr "Hópur leikmanna"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:210
msgid "Player User ID"
msgstr "Auðkenni notanda"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:211
msgid "My Turn"
msgstr "Ég á leik"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:212
msgid "Async Input"
msgstr "Taktfrjálst inntak"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:213
msgid "KGame Address"
msgstr "KGame vistfang"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:214
msgid "Player is Virtual"
msgstr "Sýndarleikmaður"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:215
msgid "Player is Active"
msgstr "Leikmaður er virkur"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:216
msgid "RTTI"
msgstr "RTTI"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:217
msgid "Network Priority"
msgstr "Forgangur nets"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:222
msgid "Debug &Messages"
msgstr "Aflúsa &skilaboð"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:226
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tími"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:227
msgid "ID"
msgstr "Auðkenni"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:228
msgid "Receiver"
msgstr "Móttakandi"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:229
msgid "Sender"
msgstr "Sendandi"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:230
msgid "ID - Text"
msgstr "ID - Texti"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:232
msgid "&>>"
msgstr "&>>"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:236
msgid "&<<"
msgstr "&<<"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:240
msgid "Do not show IDs:"
msgstr "Ekki sýna auðkenni:"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:309 kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp:357
msgid "NULL pointer"
msgstr "NULL bendill"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:320
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:321
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:322
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:324
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:381
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:382
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:385
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:386 kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp:376
msgid "True"
msgstr "Satt"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:320
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:321
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:322
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:324
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:381
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:382
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:385
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:386 kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp:376
msgid "False"
msgstr "Ósatt"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:337
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:399
msgid "Clean"
msgstr "Hrein"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:340
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:402
msgid "Dirty"
msgstr "Óhrein"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:343
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:405
msgid "Local"
msgstr "Staðvær"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:347
#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedebugdialog.cpp:409
msgid "Undefined"
msgstr "Óskilgreind"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialog.cpp:118
msgid "&Chat"
msgstr "&Spjall"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialog.cpp:129
msgid "C&onnections"
msgstr "Ten&gingar"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialog.cpp:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "&Game"
msgstr "&Ljúka leik"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialog.cpp:157
msgid "&Network"
msgstr "&Net"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialog.cpp:165
msgid "&Message Server"
msgstr "Skeyta&miðlari"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:132 kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:127
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Aftengjast"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:136
msgid "Network Configuration"
msgstr "Netstillingar"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:194
msgid "Cannot connect to the network"
msgstr "Get ekki tengst neti"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:200
msgid "Network status: No Network"
msgstr "Netstaða: Ekkert net"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:206
msgid "Network status: You are MASTER"
msgstr "Netstaða: Þú ert Leikstjórnandi"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:208
msgid "Network status: You are connected"
msgstr "Netstaða: Þú ert tengdur"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:276
msgid "Your name:"
msgstr "Nafn þitt:"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:436
msgid "Maximal Number of Clients"
msgstr "Hámarksfjöldi biðlara"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:440
msgid "Maximal number of clients (-1 = infinite):"
msgstr "Hámarksfjöldi biðlara (-1 = ótakmarkað)"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:490
msgid "Change Maximal Number of Clients"
msgstr "Breyta hámarksfjölda biðlara"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:492
msgid "Change Admin"
msgstr "Breyta stjórnanda"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:494
msgid "Remove Client with All Players"
msgstr "Fjarlægja biðlara og alla leikmenn"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:512
msgid "Only the admin can configure the message server!"
msgstr "Aðeins kerfisstjóri getur still skeytamiðlara!"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:523
msgid "You don't own the message server"
msgstr "Þú ert ekki eigandi að skeytamiðlara"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:556
msgid "Chat"
msgstr "Spjall"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:609
msgid "Connected Players"
msgstr "Tengdir leikmenn"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:746
msgid "Do you want to ban player \"%1\" from the game?"
msgstr "Viltu hindra leikmann \"%1\" frá þáttöku í leiknum?"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:747
msgid "Ban Player"
msgstr "Banna leikmann"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgamedialogconfig.cpp:747
msgid "Do Not Ban"
msgstr "Ekki banna"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameerrordialog.cpp:80
msgid "Connection to the server has been lost!"
msgstr "Tenging við miðlara hefur rofnað!"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameerrordialog.cpp:93
msgid "Connection to client has been lost!"
msgstr "Tenging við biðlara hefur rofnað!"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameerrordialog.cpp:99
msgid ""
"Received a network error!\n"
"Error number: %1\n"
"Error message: %2"
msgstr ""
"Móttók netvillu!\n"
"Villa númer: %1\n"
"Villuskilaboð: %2"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameerrordialog.cpp:107
msgid "No connection could be created."
msgstr "Ekki hægt að setja upp neinar tengingar."

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameerrordialog.cpp:109
#, c-format
msgid ""
"No connection could be created.\n"
"The error message was:\n"
msgstr ""
"Ekki hægt að setja upp neinar tengingar.\n"
"Villuboðin voru:\n"

#: kgame/dialogs/kgameerrordialog.cpp:119
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""

#: kgame/kgame.cpp:94
msgid "MaxPlayers"
msgstr "MaxPlayers"

#: kgame/kgame.cpp:96
msgid "MinPlayers"
msgstr "MinPlayers"

#: kgame/kgame.cpp:98
msgid "GameStatus"
msgstr "GameStatus"

#: kgame/kgamechat.cpp:95
#, c-format
msgid "Player %1"
msgstr "Leikmaður %1"

#: kgame/kgamechat.cpp:214
msgid "Send to My Group (\"%1\")"
msgstr "Senda á minn hóp (\"%1\")"

#: kgame/kgameerror.cpp:63
msgid ""
"Cookie mismatch!\n"
"Expected Cookie: %1\n"
"Received Cookie: %2"
msgstr ""
"Bjóst við köku: %1\n"
"Fékk köku: %2"

#: kgame/kgameerror.cpp:72
msgid ""
"KGame Version mismatch!\n"
"Expected Version: %1\n"
"Received Version: %2\n"
msgstr ""
"KGame útgáfuvilla!\n"
"Bjóst við útgáfu: %1\n"
"Fékk útgáfu: %2\n"

#: kgame/kgameerror.cpp:76
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown error code %1"
msgstr "Óþekkt villa %1"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:115
msgid "Setup Game"
msgstr "Stilla leik"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:117
msgid "Setup Game Continue"
msgstr "Stilla leik framhald"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:119
msgid "Load Game"
msgstr "Hlaða inn leik"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:121
msgid "Client game connected"
msgstr "Biðlaraleikur tengdur"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:123
msgid "Game setup done"
msgstr "Stillingum leiks lokið"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:125
msgid "Synchronize Random"
msgstr "Slembin samhæfing"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:129
msgid "Player Property"
msgstr "Eiginleikar leikmanns"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:131
msgid "Game Property"
msgstr "Eiginleikar leiks"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:133
msgid "Add Player"
msgstr "Bæta við leikmanni"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:135
msgid "Remove Player"
msgstr "Fjarlægja leikmann"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:137
msgid "Activate Player"
msgstr "Virkja leikmann"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:139
msgid "Inactivate Player"
msgstr "Slökkva á leikmanni"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:141
msgid "Id Turn"
msgstr "Auðkenni umferð"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:143
msgid "Error Message"
msgstr "Villuskilaboð"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:145
msgid "Player Input"
msgstr "Inntak leikmanns"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:147
msgid "An IO was added"
msgstr "Bætti við IÚ"

#: kgame/kgamemessage.cpp:149
msgid "Process Query"
msgstr "Vinn fyrirspurn"

#: kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp:177
msgid "%1 (%2)"
msgstr "%1 (%2)"

#: kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp:179
#, c-format
msgid "Unnamed - ID: %1"
msgstr "Ónefnt auðkenni: %1"

#: kgame/kgamepropertyhandler.cpp:183
msgid "%1 unregistered"
msgstr "%1 óskráður"

#: kgame/kplayer.cpp:91
msgid "UserId"
msgstr "UserId"

#: kgame/kplayer.cpp:93
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Hópur"

#: kgame/kplayer.cpp:94 kgame/kplayer.cpp:96
msgid "default"
msgstr "sjálfgefið"

#: kgame/kplayer.cpp:98
msgid "AsyncInput"
msgstr "AsyncInput"

#: kgame/kplayer.cpp:100
msgid "myTurn"
msgstr "myTurn"

#: kgamemisc.cpp:55
msgid ""
"_: A list of language typical names ( for games ), separated by spaces\n"
"Adam Alex Andreas Andrew Bart Ben Bernd Bill Chris Chuck Daniel Don Duncan "
"Ed Emily Eric Gary Greg Harry Ian Jean Jeff Jan Kai Keith Ken Kirk Marc Mike "
"Neil Paul Rik Robert Sam Sean Thomas Tim Walter"
msgstr ""
"Adam Alexandra Andrés Andri Bjarni Benedikt Björg Björn Davíð Díana Daníel "
"Eðvarð Emiliana Eiríkur Garðar Georg Guðrún Hörður Indriði Jenný Jónas "
"Jónatan Kjartan Kristjana Kristín Kristján Markús Mikael Niels Ólöf Páll "
"Ríkharður Róbert Samúel Sindri Tómas Tryggvi Örn"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:60
msgid ""
"_: new game\n"
msgstr "&Nýr leikur"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:61
msgid "&Load..."
msgstr "&Sækja..."

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:62
msgid "Load &Recent"
msgstr "Sækja &Nýlegt"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:63
msgid "Restart &Game"
msgstr "&Endurtaka leik"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:64
msgid "&Save"
msgstr ""

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:65
msgid "Save &As..."
msgstr "Vista &sem..."

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:66
msgid "&End Game"
msgstr "&Ljúka leik"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:67
msgid "Pa&use"
msgstr "&Pása"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:68
msgid "Show &Highscores"
msgstr "Sýna sti&gatöflu"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:69
msgid "&Print..."
msgstr ""

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:70
msgid "&Quit"
msgstr ""

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:72
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Endurtaka"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:73
msgid "Und&o"
msgstr "Hætta &við"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:74
msgid "Re&do"
msgstr "A&ftur"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:75
msgid "&Roll Dice"
msgstr "&Kasta tening"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:76
msgid "End Turn"
msgstr "Enda umferð"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:77
msgid "&Hint"
msgstr "&Vísbending"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:78
msgid "&Demo"
msgstr "&Sýnishorn"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:79
msgid "&Solve"
msgstr "Ley&sa"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:81
msgid "Choose Game &Type"
msgstr "Veldu tegund &leiks"

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:82
msgid "Configure &Carddecks..."
msgstr "Stilla &Spilastokk..."

#: kstdgameaction.cpp:83
msgid "Configure &Highscores..."
msgstr "Stilla &metaföflu..."