# translation of kdict.po to
# translation of kdict.po to Icelandic
# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Pjetur G. Hjaltason <pjetur@pjetur.net>, 2003.
# Arnar Leósson <leosson@frisurf.no>, 2003.
# Richard Allen <ra@ra.is>, 2003.
# Stígur Snæsson <stigur@vortex.is>, 2004.
# Þröstur Svanbergsson <throstur@bylur.net>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kdict\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-12-12 20:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Arnar Leosson <leosson@frisurf.no>\n"
"Language-Team: Icelandic <kde-isl@molar.is>\n"
"Language: is\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Pjetur G. Hjaltason,Richard Allen"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "pjetur@pjetur.net,ra@ra.is"

#: dict.cpp:203
msgid "No definitions found for '%1'."
msgstr "Engar skilgreiningar á '%1' fundust!"

#: dict.cpp:208
msgid "No definitions found for '%1'. Perhaps you mean:"
msgstr "Engar skilgreiningar á '%1' fundust. Kannski meinarðu:"

#: dict.cpp:531
msgid "Available Databases:"
msgstr "Tiltækir gagnagrunnar:"

#: dict.cpp:590
msgid "Database Information [%1]:"
msgstr "Gagnagrunnsupplýsingar [%1]:"

#: dict.cpp:631
msgid "Available Strategies:"
msgstr "Tiltækar aðferðir:"

#: dict.cpp:686
msgid "Server Information:"
msgstr "Upplýsingar um miðlara:"

#: dict.cpp:917 dict.cpp:980 dict.cpp:1076
msgid "The connection is broken."
msgstr "Sambandið hefur slitnað."

#: dict.cpp:1180 dict.cpp:1185 dict.cpp:1191 dict.cpp:1197
msgid ""
"Internal error:\n"
"Failed to open pipes for internal communication."
msgstr ""
"Innri villa:\n"
"Gat ekki opnað pípur fyrir innri samskipti!"

#: dict.cpp:1210
msgid ""
"Internal error:\n"
"Unable to create thread."
msgstr ""
"Innri villa:\n"
"Get ekki búið til þráð!"

#: dict.cpp:1388 options.cpp:177
msgid "All Databases"
msgstr "Öllum grunnum"

#: dict.cpp:1394 options.cpp:145 options.cpp:150
msgid "Spell Check"
msgstr "Stafsetningarleiðrétting"

#: dict.cpp:1396
msgid " Received database/strategy list "
msgstr " Tók við gagnagrunni/aðferðalista "

#: dict.cpp:1405
msgid "No definitions found"
msgstr "Eingin skilgreining fannst"

#: dict.cpp:1408
msgid "One definition found"
msgstr "Ein skilgreining fannst"

#: dict.cpp:1411
msgid "%1 definitions found"
msgstr "%1 skilgreingar fundust"

#: dict.cpp:1416
msgid " No definitions fetched "
msgstr " Engar skilgreiningar sóttar "

#: dict.cpp:1419
msgid " One definition fetched "
msgstr " Ein skilgreining sótt "

#: dict.cpp:1422
msgid " %1 definitions fetched "
msgstr " %1 skilgreiningar sóttar "

#: dict.cpp:1431
msgid " No matching definitions found "
msgstr " Engin hliðstæð skilgreining fannst "

#: dict.cpp:1434
msgid " One matching definition found "
msgstr " Ein hliðstæð skilgreining fannst "

#: dict.cpp:1437
msgid " %1 matching definitions found "
msgstr " %1 hliðstæðar skilgreiningar fundust "

#: dict.cpp:1443
msgid " Received information "
msgstr " Tók við upplýsingum "

#: dict.cpp:1451
msgid ""
"Communication error:\n"
msgstr ""

#: dict.cpp:1455
msgid ""
"A delay occurred which exceeded the\n"
"current timeout limit of %1 seconds.\n"
"You can modify this limit in the Preferences Dialog."
msgstr ""
"Tafir urðu sem yfirskriðu\n"
"stillingar fyrir hámark biðtíma %1 sekúndur.\n"
"Þú getur breytt þessu hámarki í Stillingum."

#: dict.cpp:1458
msgid ""
"Unable to connect to:\n"
"Cannot resolve hostname."
msgstr ""
"Gat ekki tengst:\n"
"Get ekki greint vélarnafn."

#: dict.cpp:1461
msgid ""
"Unable to connect to:\n"
msgstr ""
"Gat ekki tengst:\n"

#: dict.cpp:1465
msgid ""
"Unable to connect to:\n"
"The server refused the connection."
msgstr ""
"Gat ekki tengst:\n"
"Miðlarinn hafnaði tengingunni."

#: dict.cpp:1468
msgid "The server is temporarily unavailable."
msgstr "Miðlarinn er ekki nothæfur í augnablikinu."

#: dict.cpp:1471
msgid ""
"The server reported a syntax error.\n"
"This shouldn't happen -- please consider\n"
"writing a bug report."
msgstr ""
"Þjónninn sendi villuboð.\n"
"Þetta ætti ekki að gerast -- vinsamlega athugið\n"
"hvort tilefni sé til að senda villyskýrslu."

#: dict.cpp:1474
msgid ""
"A command that Kdict needs isn't\n"
"implemented on the server."
msgstr ""
"Skipun sem Kdict þarfnast er ekki\n"
"til á miðlaranum."

#: dict.cpp:1477
msgid ""
"Access denied.\n"
"This host is not allowed to connect."
msgstr ""
"Aðgangi hafnað.\n"
"Þessum biðlara er ekki leyft að tengjast"

#: dict.cpp:1480
msgid ""
"Authentication failed.\n"
"Please enter a valid username and password."
msgstr ""
"Auðkenni hafnað.\n"
"Vinsamlega gefðu upp rétt notandanafn og lykilorð."

#: dict.cpp:1483
msgid ""
"Invalid database/strategy.\n"
"You probably need to use Server->Get Capabilities."
msgstr ""
"Ógildur gagnagrunnuir/tilhögun.\n"
"Þú þarft sennilega að nota Miðlari->Sækja getu."

#: dict.cpp:1486
msgid ""
"No databases available.\n"
"It is possible that you need to authenticate\n"
"with a valid username/password combination to\n"
"gain access to any databases."
msgstr ""
"Enginn gagnagrunnur tiltlækur.\n"
"Það er mögulegt að þú þurfir að auðkenna þig\n"
"með gildu notendanafni/lykilorði til að\n"
"fá aðgang að gagnagrunnunum."

#: dict.cpp:1489
msgid "No strategies available."
msgstr "Engar aðferðir tiltækar."

#: dict.cpp:1492
msgid ""
"The server sent an unexpected reply:\n"
"This shouldn't happen, please consider\n"
"writing a bug report"
msgstr ""
"Miðlarinn sendi óvænt svar:\n"
"Þetta ætti ekki að gerast, vinsamlega athugið\n"
"hvort tilefni sé til að senda villyskýrslu."

#: dict.cpp:1495
msgid ""
"The server sent a response with a text line\n"
"that was too long.\n"
"(RFC 2229: max. 1024 characters/6144 octets)"
msgstr ""
"Miðlarinn sendi svar með textalínu\n"
"sem er of löng.\n"
"(RFC 2229: max. 1024 tákn/6144 bæti)"

#: dict.cpp:1498
msgid "No Errors"
msgstr "Engar villur"

#: dict.cpp:1500
msgid " Error "
msgstr " Villa "

#: dict.cpp:1505
msgid " Stopped "
msgstr " Stöðvað "

#: dict.cpp:1544
msgid "Please select at least one database."
msgstr "Vinsamlega veldu a.m.k. einn gagnagrunn."

#: dict.cpp:1588
msgid " Querying server... "
msgstr " Spyr miðlara... "

#: dict.cpp:1594
msgid " Fetching information... "
msgstr " Sæki upplýsingar... "

#: dict.cpp:1597
msgid " Updating server information... "
msgstr " Uppfæri upplýsingar um miðlara... "

#: main.cpp:26
msgid "Define X11-clipboard content (selected text)"
msgstr "Skilgreina X11-klippispjaldsinnihald (valinn texti)"

#: main.cpp:27
msgid "Lookup the given word/phrase"
msgstr "Leita að orði/setningu"

#: main.cpp:35
msgid "Dictionary"
msgstr "Orðabók"

#: main.cpp:37
msgid "The TDE Dictionary Client"
msgstr "TDE Orðabókin"

#: main.cpp:43
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Viðhaldsforritari"

#: main.cpp:44
msgid "Original Author"
msgstr "Upprunalegur höfundur"

#: matchview.cpp:116
msgid "Match List"
msgstr "Hliðstæðulisti"

#: matchview.cpp:146
msgid "&Get Selected"
msgstr "Sækja &valið"

#: matchview.cpp:153 matchview.cpp:406
msgid "Get &All"
msgstr "&Sækja allt"

#: matchview.cpp:312
msgid ""
"You have selected %1 definitions,\n"
"but Kdict will fetch only the first %2 definitions.\n"
"You can modify this limit in the Preferences Dialog."
msgstr ""
"Þú hefur valið %1 skilgreiningar,\n"
"en Kdict mun aðeins sækja fyrstu %2 skilgreiningarnar.\n"
"Þú getur breytt þessu marki í Stillingum."

#: matchview.cpp:340
msgid " No Hits"
msgstr " Ekkert fannst"

#: matchview.cpp:383
msgid "&Get"
msgstr "&Sækja"

#: matchview.cpp:385 toplevel.cpp:390
msgid "&Match"
msgstr "&Finna"

#: matchview.cpp:386 toplevel.cpp:389
msgid "&Define"
msgstr "&Skilgreina"

#: matchview.cpp:399
msgid "Match &Clipboard Content"
msgstr "Finna hliðstæðu &klippispjaldsinnihalds"

#: matchview.cpp:400
msgid "D&efine Clipboard Content"
msgstr "Skilgr&eina klippispjaldsinnihald"

#: matchview.cpp:404
msgid "Get &Selected"
msgstr "Sækja &valið"

#: matchview.cpp:411
msgid "E&xpand List"
msgstr "&Opna lista"

#: matchview.cpp:412
msgid "C&ollapse List"
msgstr "&Fella lista saman"

#: options.cpp:72 options.cpp:100
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texti"

#: options.cpp:76
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Bakgrunnur"

#: options.cpp:80
msgid "Heading Text"
msgstr "Texti fyrirsagna"

#: options.cpp:84
msgid "Heading Background"
msgstr "Bakgrunnur fyrirsagna"

#: options.cpp:88
msgid "Link"
msgstr "Tengill"

#: options.cpp:92
msgid "Followed Link"
msgstr "Heimsóttur tengill"

#: options.cpp:105 options.cpp:648
msgid "Headings"
msgstr "Fyrirsagnir"

#: options.cpp:146
msgid "Exact"
msgstr "Nákvæmt"

#: options.cpp:147
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Forskeyti"

#: options.cpp:496
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Miðlari"

#: options.cpp:496
msgid "DICT Server Configuration"
msgstr "DICT-miðlarauppsetning"

#: options.cpp:501
msgid "Host&name:"
msgstr "&Vélarnafn:"

#: options.cpp:509
msgid "&Port:"
msgstr "&Gátt:"

#: options.cpp:515 options.cpp:523
msgid " sec"
msgstr " sek"

#: options.cpp:517
msgid "Hold conn&ection for:"
msgstr "&Halda sambandi í:"

#: options.cpp:525
msgid "T&imeout:"
msgstr "&Biðtími:"

#: options.cpp:531
msgid " bytes"
msgstr " bæti"

#: options.cpp:533
msgid "Command &buffer:"
msgstr "Skipana&biðminni:"

#: options.cpp:550
msgid "Encod&ing:"
msgstr "Stafa&tafla:"

#: options.cpp:555
msgid "Server requires a&uthentication"
msgstr "Miðlari krefst &auðkenningar"

#: options.cpp:563
msgid "U&ser:"
msgstr "&Notandi:"

#: options.cpp:571
msgid "Pass&word:"
msgstr "&Lykilorð:"

#: options.cpp:582
msgid "Customize Visual Appearance"
msgstr "Breyta myndrænu útliti"

#: options.cpp:592
msgid "&Use custom colors"
msgstr "Nota sérsnið&na liti"

#: options.cpp:597
msgid "Cha&nge..."
msgstr "&Breyta..."

#: options.cpp:601
msgid "Default&s"
msgstr "&Sjálfgefin gildi"

#: options.cpp:612
msgid "Use custom &fonts"
msgstr "N&ota sérsniðin letur"

#: options.cpp:617
msgid "Chang&e..."
msgstr "Br&eyta..."

#: options.cpp:621
msgid "Defaul&ts"
msgstr "Sjálf&gefin gildi"

#: options.cpp:644
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Uppsetning"

#: options.cpp:644
msgid "Customize Output Format"
msgstr "Sérsníða úttak"

#: options.cpp:652
msgid "O&ne heading for each database"
msgstr "E&in fyrirsögn við hvern grunn"

#: options.cpp:655
msgid "A&s above, with separators between the definitions"
msgstr "Ein&s og að ofan með skilum milli skilgreininga"

#: options.cpp:658
msgid "A separate heading for &each definition"
msgstr "Aðskilin fyrirsögn fyrir hv&erja skilgreiningu"

#: options.cpp:669
msgid "Various Settings"
msgstr "Ýmsar stillingar"

#: options.cpp:673
msgid "Limits"
msgstr "Takmörk"

#: options.cpp:680
msgid "De&finitions:"
msgstr "Ski&lgreiningar:"

#: options.cpp:687
msgid "Cached &results:"
msgstr "Niðurstöður í &biðminni:"

#: options.cpp:694
msgid "Hi&story entries:"
msgstr "&Ferilfærslur:"

#: options.cpp:703
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Annað"

#: options.cpp:709
msgid "Sa&ve history on exit"
msgstr "&Vista sögu þegar hætt er"

#: options.cpp:714
msgid "D&efine selected text on start"
msgstr "Skilgr&eina valinn texta í byrjun"

#: queryview.cpp:57
msgid "Unable to save remote file."
msgstr "Gat ekki vistað skrá yfir net!"

#: queryview.cpp:77
msgid ""
"A file named %1 already exists.\n"
"Do you want to replace it?"
msgstr ""
"Nú þegar er til skrá sem heitir '%1'.\n"
"Viltu skrifa yfir hana?"

#: queryview.cpp:78
msgid "&Replace"
msgstr "&Skipta út"

#: queryview.cpp:84
msgid "Unable to save file."
msgstr "Gat ekki vistað skrá!"

#: queryview.cpp:92
msgid "Unable to create temporary file."
msgstr "Gat ekki búið til vinnuskrá!"

#: queryview.cpp:409
msgid "Define &Synonym"
msgstr "Skilgreina &samheiti"

#: queryview.cpp:411
msgid "M&atch Synonym"
msgstr "&Passandi samheiti"

#: queryview.cpp:416
msgid "D&atabase Information"
msgstr "Gagnagrunns-&upplýsingar"

#: queryview.cpp:422 queryview.cpp:429
msgid "&Open Link"
msgstr "&Opna netslóð"

#: queryview.cpp:438
msgid "&Define Selection"
msgstr "&Skilgreina val"

#: queryview.cpp:440
msgid "&Match Selection"
msgstr "&Finna hliðstæðu vals"

#: queryview.cpp:453 toplevel.cpp:333
msgid "&Define Clipboard Content"
msgstr "&Skilgreina klippispjaldsinnihald"

#: queryview.cpp:455 toplevel.cpp:335
msgid "&Match Clipboard Content"
msgstr "&Finna hliðstæðu klippispjaldsinnihalds"

#: queryview.cpp:466 queryview.cpp:570
msgid "&Back: Information"
msgstr "Til &baka: Upplýsingar"

#: queryview.cpp:470 queryview.cpp:572
msgid "&Back: '%1'"
msgstr "Til &baka: '%1'"

#: queryview.cpp:473 queryview.cpp:587 toplevel.cpp:340
msgid "&Back"
msgstr "Til &baka"

#: queryview.cpp:480 queryview.cpp:594
msgid "&Forward: Information"
msgstr "Á&fram: upplýsingar"

#: queryview.cpp:484 queryview.cpp:596
msgid "&Forward: '%1'"
msgstr "Á&fram: '%1'"

#: queryview.cpp:487 queryview.cpp:611 toplevel.cpp:345
msgid "&Forward"
msgstr "&Áfram"

#: sets.cpp:33
msgid "Database Sets"
msgstr "Gagnagrunnssöfn"

#: sets.cpp:51
msgid "&Set:"
msgstr "&Safn:"

#: sets.cpp:58
msgid "S&ave"
msgstr "Vist&a"

#: sets.cpp:62
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Nýtt"

#: sets.cpp:85
msgid "S&elected databases:"
msgstr "&Valdir gagnagrunnar:"

#: sets.cpp:113
msgid "A&vailable databases:"
msgstr "&Tiltækir gagnagrunnar:"

#: sets.cpp:148 sets.cpp:150
msgid "New Set"
msgstr "Nýtt safn"

#: toplevel.cpp:318
msgid "&Save As..."
msgstr "Vista &sem..."

#: toplevel.cpp:322
msgid "St&art Query"
msgstr "Hefj&a fyrirspurn"

#: toplevel.cpp:324
msgid "St&op Query"
msgstr "S&töðva fyrirspurn"

#: toplevel.cpp:350
msgid "&Clear History"
msgstr "&Hreinsa feril"

#: toplevel.cpp:354
msgid "&Get Capabilities"
msgstr "&Sækja getu"

#: toplevel.cpp:356
msgid "Edit &Database Sets..."
msgstr "Sýsla með &söfn..."

#: toplevel.cpp:358
msgid "&Summary"
msgstr "&Lýsing"

#: toplevel.cpp:360
msgid "S&trategy Information"
msgstr "&Aðferðafræði"

#: toplevel.cpp:362
msgid "&Server Information"
msgstr "&Upplýsingar um miðlara"

#: toplevel.cpp:369
msgid "Show &Match List"
msgstr "Sýna sa&msvörunarlista"

#: toplevel.cpp:371
msgid "Hide &Match List"
msgstr "&Fela samsvörunarlista"

#: toplevel.cpp:379
msgid "Clear Input Field"
msgstr "Hreinsa inntakssvæði"

#: toplevel.cpp:382
msgid "&Look for:"
msgstr "&Leita að:"

#: toplevel.cpp:383
msgid "Query"
msgstr "Fyrirspurn"

#: toplevel.cpp:386
msgid "&in"
msgstr "&Í"

#: toplevel.cpp:387
msgid "Databases"
msgstr "Gagnagrunnar"

#: toplevel.cpp:398 toplevel.cpp:609
msgid " Ready "
msgstr " Tilbúin "

#: kdictui.rc:23
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hist&ory"
msgstr "&Saga"

#: kdictui.rc:31
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ser&ver"
msgstr "&Miðlari"

#: kdictui.rc:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "Database &Information"
msgstr "Gagnagrunns-&upplýsingar"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Information"
#~ msgstr "Til &baka: Upplýsingar"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "&Settings"
#~ msgstr "Ýmsar stillingar"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Main Toolbar"
#~ msgstr "Fyrirspurnaslá"

#~ msgid "Kdict"
#~ msgstr "Orðabók"

#~ msgid "The TDE Dict(ionary) Client"
#~ msgstr "TDE Orðabókin"

#~ msgid "Swallow Match &List"
#~ msgstr "Gleypa samsvörunar&lista"