<!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd"> --> <chapter id="configure"> <title>&kde;の設定</title> <qandaset> <qandaentry> <question> <para>&kde;で使用する言語をどうやって設定すればよいですか?</para> </question> <answer> <para>&kde;のメッセージで使用する言語を設定するには二つの方法があります:</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry><term><application>&kde;コントロールセンター</application>の使い方</term> <listitem><para></para> <note><para></para></note></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry><term></term> <listitem><para></para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para> </para> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para> <note><para></para></note></para> <para> <caution><para></para></caution></para> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para></para> </answer> </qandaentry> <!-- Not KDE --> <!-- <qandaentry> <question> <para>How do I use the three extra keys on my &Windows; keyboard in &kde;?</para> </question> <answer> <para>You may have to configure your X server via <command>xmodmap</command> to bind the keycodes of the &Windows; keys to useful X key symbols (<command>xev</command> is your friend!).</para> <para>First, create a file <filename>$<envar>HOME</envar>/.Xmodmap</filename> containing the entries:</para> <screen> keycode 115=F13 keycode 117=F15 </screen> <para>Then run <command>xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap</command>. This sets the <keycap>Start</keycap> key to emit <keysym>F13</keysym> and the <keycap>Windows</keycap> key to emit <keysym>F15</keysym>. Next, fire up the <application>&kde; Control Center</application> and select <menuchoice><guimenu>Shortcut Keys</guimenu><guimenuitem>Global Shortcut</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. Set <guilabel>Pop-up system menu</guilabel> to <keysym>F13</keysym> and <guilabel>Window operations menu</guilabel> to <keysym>F15</keysym>. That is it. <note><para>The numbers 115 and 117 may depend on the keyboard. If you are not sure, please check using <command>xev</command>. In addition, the above procedure requires &kde; 1.1 and above.</para> <para>&kikbd; is able to do this too, but keymaps have to be edited. The advantage of &kikbd; is that one can choose whether to use these mappings on several custom keymaps and have them hotswappable.</para> <para>It would be interesting to make a little script that will automatically do the keymap modifications on demand. &kikbd; should be able to read/understand user-side keymap files.</para></note></para> </answer> </qandaentry> --> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para></para> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para></para> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para></para> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para></para> <para></para> </answer> </qandaentry> <qandaentry> <question> <para></para> </question> <answer> <para></para> </answer> </qandaentry> </qandaset> </chapter>