# translation of kfmclient.po to Japanese
# KTranslator Generated File
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Toyohiro Asukai <toyohiro@ksmplus.com>, 2004.
# Taiki Komoda <kom@kde.gr.jp>, 2004.
# Shinichi Tsunoda <tsuno@ngy.1st.ne.jp>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kfmclient\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-07-07 18:17+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-11-12 21:00+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Yukiko Bando <ybando@k6.dion.ne.jp>\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese <Kdeveloper@kde.gr.jp>\n"
"Language: ja\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.10.2\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr ""

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr ""

#: kfmclient.cpp:52
msgid "kfmclient"
msgstr "kfmclient"

#: kfmclient.cpp:54
msgid "TDE tool for opening URLs from the command line"
msgstr "コマンドラインから URL を開く TDE ツール"

#: kfmclient.cpp:64
msgid "Non interactive use: no message boxes"
msgstr "非対話的モードを使用: メッセージボックスなし"

#: kfmclient.cpp:65
msgid "Show available commands"
msgstr "利用可能なコマンドを表示"

#: kfmclient.cpp:66
msgid "Command (see --commands)"
msgstr "コマンド (--commands 参照)"

#: kfmclient.cpp:67
msgid "Arguments for command"
msgstr "コマンドの引数"

#: kfmclient.cpp:83
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: kfmclient.cpp:84
msgid ""
"  kfmclient openURL 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
"            # Opens a window showing 'url'.\n"
"            #  'url' may be a relative path\n"
"            #   or file name, such as . or subdir/\n"
"            #   If 'url' is omitted, $HOME is used instead.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient openURL 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
"            # 'url' を表示するウィンドウを開きます。\n"
"            #  'url' は相対パスかファイル名、\n"
"            #   例えば . やサブディレクトリ ./\n"
"            #   'url' が省略された場合は代わりに\n"
"            #   $HOME を使います。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:89
msgid ""
"            # If 'mimetype' is specified, it will be used to determine the\n"
"            #   component that Konqueror should use. For instance, set it "
"            #   text/html for a web page, to make it appear faster\n"
msgstr ""
"            #'mimetype' を指定すると、konqueror はそれによって使用する\n"
"            # コンポーネントを特定します。例えば、text/html\n"
"            # をウェブページに指定すると、素早く表示できます。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:93
msgid ""
"  kfmclient newTab 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
"            # Same as above but opens a new tab with 'url' in an existing "
"            #   window on the current active desktop if possible.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient 新規タブ 'url' ['mimetype']\n"
"            # 上と同様、ただし可能なら現在のアクティブなデスクトップに\n"
"            #   ある Konqueror ウィンドウで新規タブを開こうとします。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:97
msgid ""
"  kfmclient openProfile 'profile' ['url']\n"
"            # Opens a window using the given profile.\n"
"            #   'profile' is a file under ~/.trinity/share/apps/konqueror/"
"            #   'url' is an optional URL to open.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient openProfile 'profile' ['url']\n"
"            # 指定されたプロファイルでウィンドウを開きます。\n"
"            #  'profile' は ~/.trinity/share/apps/konqueror/profiles\n"
"            #  以下にあるファイルです。\n"
"            #  'url' は省略可で開く URL を指定します。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:102
msgid ""
"  kfmclient openProperties 'url'\n"
"            # Opens a properties menu\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient openProperties 'url'\n"
"            # 設定メニューを開きます\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:104
msgid ""
"  kfmclient exec ['url' ['binding']]\n"
"            # Tries to execute 'url'. 'url' may be a usual\n"
"            #   URL, this URL will be opened. You may omit\n"
"            #   'binding'. In this case the default binding\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient exec ['url' ['binding']]\n"
"            # 'url' の実行を試みます。'url' は通常の URL で、\n"
"            #   この URL を開きます。'binding' は省略することが\n"
"            #   でき、この場合は標準の関連付けを使用します。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:108
msgid ""
"            #   is tried. Of course URL may be the URL of a\n"
"            #   document, or it may be a *.desktop file.\n"
msgstr ""
"            #   もちろん URL は文書のものでも *.desktop ファイルでも\n"
"            #   かまいません。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:110
msgid ""
"            #   This way you could for example mount a device\n"
"            #   by passing 'Mount default' as binding to \n"
"            #   'cdrom.desktop'\n"
msgstr ""
"            #   このようにして例えば 'Mount default' を\n"
"            #   'cdrom.desktop' の関連付けとして渡すことで\n"
"            #   デバイスをマウントできます。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:113
msgid ""
"  kfmclient move 'src' 'dest'\n"
"            # Moves the URL 'src' to 'dest'.\n"
"            #   'src' may be a list of URLs.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient move 'src' 'dest'\n"
"            # URL を 'src' から 'dest' に移動します。\n"
"            #   'src' は URL リストでもかまいません。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:118
msgid ""
"  kfmclient download ['src']\n"
"            # Copies the URL 'src' to a user specified location'.\n"
"            #   'src' may be a list of URLs, if not present then\n"
"            #   a URL will be requested.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient download ['src']\n"
"            # URL 'src' から指定された場所にコピーします。\n"
"            #   'src' は URL のリストも可です。指定しなければ\n"
"            #    URL を要求されます。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:122
msgid ""
"  kfmclient copy 'src' 'dest'\n"
"            # Copies the URL 'src' to 'dest'.\n"
"            #   'src' may be a list of URLs.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient copy 'src' 'dest'\n"
"            # URL を 'src' から 'dest' にコピーします。\n"
"            #   'src' は URL リストでもかまいません。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:125
msgid ""
"  kfmclient sortDesktop\n"
"            # Rearranges all icons on the desktop.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient sortDesktop\n"
"            # すべてのデスクトップのアイコンを再配置します。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:127
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  kfmclient openBrowser\n"
"            # Opens the system default Web browser.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient openProperties 'url'\n"
"            # 設定メニューを開きます\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:129
msgid ""
"  kfmclient configure\n"
"            # Re-read Konqueror's configuration.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient configure\n"
"            # konqueror の設定を再読み込みします。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:131
msgid ""
"  kfmclient configureDesktop\n"
"            # Re-read kdesktop's configuration.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient configureDesktop\n"
"            # kdesktop の設定を再読み込みします。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:134
msgid ""
"*** Examples:\n"
"  kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/cdrom.desktop \"Mount default\"\n"
"             // Mounts the CD-ROM\n"
msgstr ""
"*** 例:\n"
"  kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/cdrom.desktop \"Mount default\"\n"
"             // CDROM をマウントします\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:137
msgid ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/home/weis/data/test.html\n"
"             // Opens the file with default binding\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/home/weis/data/test.html\n"
"             // ファイルを標準の関連付けで開きます\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:139
msgid ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/home/weis/data/test.html Netscape\n"
"             // Opens the file with netscape\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/home/weis/data/test.html Netscape\n"
"             // ファイルを netscape で開きます\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:141
msgid ""
"  kfmclient exec ftp://localhost/\n"
"             // Opens new window with URL\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient exec ftp://localhost/\n"
"             // URL を新規ウィンドウで開きます\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:143
msgid ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/emacs.desktop\n"
"             // Starts emacs\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/emacs.desktop\n"
"             // emacs を起動します\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:145
msgid ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/cdrom.desktop\n"
"             // Opens the CD-ROM's mount directory\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient exec file:/root/Desktop/cdrom.desktop\n"
"             // CD-ROM のマウントディレクトリを開きます\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:147
msgid ""
"  kfmclient exec .\n"
"             // Opens the current directory. Very convenient.\n"
msgstr ""
"  kfmclient exec .\n"
"             // カレントディレクトリを開きます。とても便利です。\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:407
msgid "Profile %1 not found\n"
msgstr "プロファイル %1 が見つかりません\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:436
msgid "Syntax Error: Not enough arguments\n"
msgstr "構文エラー: 引数が足りません\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:441
msgid "Syntax Error: Too many arguments\n"
msgstr "構文エラー: 引数が多すぎます\n"

#: kfmclient.cpp:569
msgid "Unable to download from an invalid URL."
msgstr "不当な URL からはダウンロードできません。"

#: kfmclient.cpp:633
msgid "Syntax Error: Unknown command '%1'\n"
msgstr "構文エラー: 不明なコマンド '%1'\n"