# translation of kcminput.po to Norwegian Nynorsk
# Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes <gaute@verdsveven.com>, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcminput\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-29 12:05-0500\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-06-22 17:28+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes <gaute@verdsveven.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk <i18n-nn@lister.ping.uio.no>\n"
"Language: nn\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Emacs, po-mode 2.01.ghk.1\n"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:1
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Gaute Hvoslef Kvalnes"

#: _translatorinfo.cpp:3
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "gaute@verdsveven.com"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:50 logitechmouse.cpp:92
#, c-format
msgid "Mouse type: %1"
msgstr "Mustype: %1"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:229
msgid ""
"RF channel 1 has been set. Please press Connect button on mouse to re-establish "
msgstr "RF-kanal 1 er vald. Trykk «Kopla til» for å gjenoppretta sambandet."

#: logitechmouse.cpp:229 logitechmouse.cpp:233
msgid "Press Connect Button"
msgstr "Trykk «Kopla til»"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:233
msgid ""
"RF channel 2 has been set. Please press Connect button on mouse to re-establish "
msgstr "RF-kanal 2 er vald. Trykk «Kopla til» for å gjenoppretta sambandet."

#: logitechmouse.cpp:370
msgid "none"
msgstr "ingen"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:373 logitechmouse.cpp:403
msgid "Cordless Mouse"
msgstr "Trådlaus mus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:376 logitechmouse.cpp:382 logitechmouse.cpp:385
msgid "Cordless Wheel Mouse"
msgstr "Trådlaus hjulmus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:379
msgid "Cordless MouseMan Wheel"
msgstr "Trådlaus «Mouseman»-mus med rullehjul"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:388
msgid "Cordless TrackMan Wheel"
msgstr "Trådlaus «Trackman»-mus med rullehjul"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:391
msgid "TrackMan Live"
msgstr "«Trackman live»-mus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:394
msgid "Cordless TrackMan FX"
msgstr "Trådlaus «Trackman FX»-mus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:397
msgid "Cordless MouseMan Optical"
msgstr "Optisk trådlaus «Mouseman»-mus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:400
msgid "Cordless Optical Mouse"
msgstr "Trådlaus optisk mus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:406
msgid "Cordless MouseMan Optical (2ch)"
msgstr "Trådlaus optisk «Mouseman»-mus (2 kanalar)"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:409
msgid "Cordless Optical Mouse (2ch)"
msgstr "Trådlaus optisk mus (2 kanalar)"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:412
msgid "Cordless Mouse (2ch)"
msgstr "Trådlaus mus (2 kanalar)"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:415
msgid "Cordless Optical TrackMan"
msgstr "Trådlaus optisk «Trackman»-mus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:418
msgid "MX700 Cordless Optical Mouse"
msgstr "Trådlaus optisk «MX700»-mus"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:421
msgid "MX700 Cordless Optical Mouse (2ch)"
msgstr "Trådlaus optisk «MX700»-mus (2 kanalar)"

#: logitechmouse.cpp:424
msgid "Unknown mouse"
msgstr "Ukjend mus"

#: mouse.cpp:84
msgid ""
"<h1>Mouse</h1> This module allows you to choose various options for the way in "
"which your pointing device works. Your pointing device may be a mouse, "
"trackball, or some other hardware that performs a similar function."
msgstr ""
"<h1>Mus</h1> I denne modulen kan du setja opp korleis musa skal verka. I staden "
"for mus har du kanskje ein rulleball eller anna utstyr som utfører ein liknande "

#: mouse.cpp:103
msgid "&General"
msgstr "&Generelt"

#: mouse.cpp:108
msgid ""
"If you are left-handed, you may prefer to swap the functions of the left and "
"right buttons on your pointing device by choosing the 'left-handed' option. If "
"your pointing device has more than two buttons, only those that function as the "
"left and right buttons are affected. For example, if you have a three-button "
"mouse, the middle button is unaffected."
msgstr ""
"Dersom du er venstrehendt føretrekk du kanskje å byta funksjonane til venstre "
"og høgre knapp på peikeeininga ved å velja «venstrehendt». Dersom peikeeininga "
"har fleire enn to knappar vert berre dei som fungerer som venstre og høgre "
"knapp påverka."

#: mouse.cpp:118
msgid ""
"The default behavior in TDE is to select and activate icons with a single click "
"of the left button on your pointing device. This behavior is consistent with "
"what you would expect when you click links in most web browsers. If you would "
"prefer to select with a single click, and activate with a double click, check "
"this option."
msgstr ""
"Den vanlege åtferda i TDE er å velja og starta ikon med eit enkelklikk med "
"venstre museknapp. Denne åtferda tilsvarar den du kjenner frå dei fleste "
"nettlesarar. Dersom du heller vil velja med eit enkelklikk og heller starta med "
"dobbeltklikk fjernar du merkinga her."

#: mouse.cpp:126
msgid "Activates and opens a file or folder with a single click."
msgstr "Startar og opnar ei fil eller ei mappe med eit enkelt klikk."

#: mouse.cpp:132
msgid ""
"If you check this option, pausing the mouse pointer over an icon on the screen "
"will automatically select that icon. This may be useful when single clicks "
"activate icons, and you want only to select the icon without activating it."
msgstr ""
"Dersom du vel dette valet vert eit ikon valt dersom du plasserer musepeikaren "
"over det. Det kan vera nyttig dersom enkelklikk startar ikona og du vil velja "
"eit ikon utan å starta det."

#: mouse.cpp:144
msgid ""
"If you have checked the option to automatically select icons, this slider "
"allows you to select how long the mouse pointer must be paused over the icon "
"before it is selected."
msgstr ""
"Dersom du har valt å automatisk velja ikon, kan du her velja kor lenge "
"musepeikaren må liggja over ikonet før det vert valt."

#: mouse.cpp:149
msgid "Show feedback when clicking an icon"
msgstr "Vis tilbakemelding når eit ikon vert valt"

#: mouse.cpp:181
msgid "&Cursor Theme"
msgstr "Pei&kartema"

#: mouse.cpp:185
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avansert"

#: mouse.cpp:191
msgid "Pointer acceleration:"
msgstr "Peikarakselerasjon:"

#: mouse.cpp:196
msgid ""
"This option allows you to change the relationship between the distance that the "
"mouse pointer moves on the screen and the relative movement of the physical "
"device itself (which may be a mouse, trackball, or some other pointing device.)"
"<p> A high value for the acceleration will lead to large movements of the mouse "
"pointer on the screen even when you only make a small movement with the "
"physical device. Selecting very high values may result in the mouse pointer "
"flying across the screen, making it hard to control."
msgstr ""
"Med dette valet kan du endra høvet mellom avstanden musepeikaren flyttar seg "
"over skjermen og den relative flyttinga av sjølve den fysiske eininga (som kan "
"vera ei mus, ein rulleball eller liknande)."
"<p>Ein høg akselerasjonsverdi fører til at musepeikaren flyttar seg langt sjølv "
"om du berre flyttar musa eit kort stykke. Ved svært høge verdiar kan "
"musepeikaren verta vanskeleg å kontrollera."

#: mouse.cpp:209
msgid "Pointer threshold:"
msgstr "Peikarterskel:"

#: mouse.cpp:217
msgid ""
"The threshold is the smallest distance that the mouse pointer must move on the "
"screen before acceleration has any effect. If the movement is smaller than the "
"threshold, the mouse pointer moves as if the acceleration was set to 1X;"
"<p> thus, when you make small movements with the physical device, there is no "
"acceleration at all, giving you a greater degree of control over the mouse "
"pointer. With larger movements of the physical device, you can move the mouse "
"pointer rapidly to different areas on the screen."
msgstr ""
"Terskelen er den minste avstanden musepeikaren må flytta seg på skjermen før "
"akselerasjonen trer i kraft. Dersom flyttinga er kortare enn terskelen vil "
"peikaren flytta seg som om akselerasjonen er sett til 1x."
"<p>Dette fører til at du får betre kontroll over musepeikaren når du flyttar "
"han over korte avstandar. Dersom du flyttar lengre kan du raskt flytta peikaren "
"til andre delar av skjermen."

#: mouse.cpp:229
msgid "Double click interval:"
msgstr "Dobbeltklikkintervall:"

#: mouse.cpp:231 mouse.cpp:279 mouse.cpp:333 mouse.cpp:341 mouse.cpp:350
msgid " msec"
msgstr " ms"

#: mouse.cpp:236
msgid ""
"The double click interval is the maximal time (in milliseconds) between two "
"mouse clicks which turns them into a double click. If the second click happens "
"later than this time interval after the first click, they are recognized as two "
"separate clicks."
msgstr ""
"Dobbeltklikkintervallet er den høgste tida (i millisekund) som kan vera mellom "
"to museklikk for at dei skal oppfattast som eit dobbeltklikk. Dersom det andre "
"klikket skjer seinare vert klikka tolka som to separate klikk."

#: mouse.cpp:246
msgid "Double-click on the image below to test your double-click interval:"
msgstr ""

#: mouse.cpp:248
msgid ""
"The image will change when your double-click test time is less than or equal to "
"the interval you configured. When changing the interval, be sure to select the "
"Apply button before testing. For example, the image will not change when you "
"configure a double-click interval of 700 milliseconds and the time between two "
"successive clicks on the image is 800 milliseconds, but the image will change "
"when the time between clicks is 600 milliseconds. The goal is to select a "
"comfortable interval that you find is not too fast or slow."
msgstr ""

#: mouse.cpp:277
msgid "Drag start time:"
msgstr "Starttid for draoperasjonar:"

#: mouse.cpp:284
msgid ""
"If you click with the mouse (e.g. in a multi-line editor) and begin to move the "
"mouse within the drag start time, a drag operation will be initiated."
msgstr ""
"Dersom du klikkar med musa (t.d. i eit redigeringsvindauge) og flyttar musa "
"innan starttida for draoperasjonar, vert ein draoperasjon sett i gang."

#: mouse.cpp:290
msgid "Drag start distance:"
msgstr "Startavstand for draoperasjon:"

#: mouse.cpp:298
msgid ""
"If you click with the mouse and begin to move the mouse at least the drag start "
"distance, a drag operation will be initiated."
msgstr ""
"Dersom du klikkar med musa og flyttar peikaren lengre enn startavstanden, vert "
"ein draoperasjon sett i gang."

#: mouse.cpp:304
msgid "Mouse wheel scrolls by:"
msgstr "Musehjul rullar med:"

#: mouse.cpp:312
msgid ""
"If you use the wheel of a mouse, this value determines the number of lines to "
"scroll for each wheel movement. Note that if this number exceeds the number of "
"visible lines, it will be ignored and the wheel movement will be handled as a "
"page up/down movement."
msgstr ""
"Dersom du brukar ei mus med rullehjul, kan du her velja kor mange linjer "
"teksten skal flytta seg når du rullar hjulet. Legg merke til at dersom dette "
"talet er større enn talet på synlege linjer, vert teksten i staden berre flytta "
"ei side fram/tilbake."

#: mouse.cpp:318
msgid "Mouse Navigation"
msgstr "Musnavigasjon"

#: mouse.cpp:326
msgid "&Move pointer with keyboard (using the num pad)"
msgstr "&Flytt musa med tastaturet (numerisk tastatur)"

#: mouse.cpp:332
msgid "&Acceleration delay:"
msgstr "Forseinking for &akselerasjon:"

#: mouse.cpp:340
msgid "R&epeat interval:"
msgstr "&Repetisjonsintervall:"

#: mouse.cpp:348
msgid "Acceleration &time:"
msgstr "Akselerasjons&tid:"

#: mouse.cpp:356
msgid "Ma&ximum speed:"
msgstr "&Høgste fart:"

#: mouse.cpp:358
msgid " pixel/sec"
msgstr " biletpunkt/s"

#: mouse.cpp:364
msgid "Acceleration &profile:"
msgstr "Akselerasjons&profil:"

#: mouse.cpp:437
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Mus"

#: mouse.cpp:438
msgid "(c) 1997 - 2005 Mouse developers"
msgstr "© 1997–2005 Musutviklerne"

#: mouse.cpp:765 mouse.cpp:770
msgid ""
"_n:  pixel\n"
" pixels"
msgstr ""
" biletpunkt\n"
" biletpunkt"

#: mouse.cpp:775
msgid ""
"_n:  line\n"
" lines"
msgstr ""
" linje\n"
" linjer"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 38
#: rc.cpp:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "Button Order"
msgstr "Knapperekkjefølgje"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 89
#: rc.cpp:6
#, no-c-format
msgid "Righ&t handed"
msgstr "&Høgrehendt"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 100
#: rc.cpp:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "Le&ft handed"
msgstr "&Venstrehendt"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 132
#: rc.cpp:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "Re&verse scroll direction"
msgstr "Om&vend rulling"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 135
#: rc.cpp:15
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"Change the direction of scrolling for the mouse wheel or the 4th and 5th mouse "
msgstr "Snu rulleretninga for musehjulet eller 4. og 5. museknapp."

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 143
#: rc.cpp:18
#, no-c-format
msgid "Icons"
msgstr "Ikon"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 154
#: rc.cpp:21
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dou&ble-click to open files and folders (select icons on first click)"
msgstr "&Dobbeltklikk for å opna filer og mapper (vel ikon på første klikk)"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 179
#: rc.cpp:24
#, no-c-format
msgid "Visual f&eedback on activation"
msgstr "&Visuell tilbakemelding ved start"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 187
#: rc.cpp:27
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cha&nge pointer shape over icons"
msgstr "Endra &peikarform over ikon"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 198
#: rc.cpp:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "A&utomatically select icons"
msgstr "&Vel ikon automatisk"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 231
#: rc.cpp:33
#, no-c-format
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Kort"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 273
#: rc.cpp:36
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dela&y:"
msgstr "&Forseinking:"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 284
#: rc.cpp:39
#, no-c-format
msgid "Long"
msgstr "Lang"

#. i18n: file kmousedlg.ui line 316
#: rc.cpp:42
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Single-click to open files and folders"
msgstr "&Enkelklikk for å opna filer og mapper"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 24
#: rc.cpp:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cordless Name"
msgstr "Namn på trådlaus mus"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 32
#: rc.cpp:48
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"You have a Logitech Mouse connected, and libusb was found at compile time, but "
"it was not possible to access this mouse. This is probably caused by a "
"permissions problem - you should consult the manual on how to fix this."
msgstr ""
"Du har kopla til ei Logitech-mus og libusb vart funne under kompileringa, men "
"det var ikkje mogleg å få tilgang til denne musa. Du manglar truleg "
"tilgangsrettar til eininga. Sjå i dokumentasjonen for å finna ut korleis dette "
"kan rettast."

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 46
#: rc.cpp:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sensor Resolution"
msgstr "Sensor-oppløysing"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 60
#: rc.cpp:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "400 counts per inch"
msgstr "400 gongar per tomme"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 71
#: rc.cpp:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "800 counts per inch"
msgstr "800 gongar per tomme"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 87
#: rc.cpp:60
#, no-c-format
msgid "Battery Level"
msgstr "Batterinivå"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 111
#: rc.cpp:63
#, no-c-format
msgid "RF Channel"
msgstr "RF-kanal"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 125
#: rc.cpp:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel 1"
msgstr "Kanal 1"

#. i18n: file logitechmouse_base.ui line 142
#: rc.cpp:69
#, no-c-format
msgid "Channel 2"
msgstr "Kanal 2"

#: core/themepage.cpp:60
msgid "Select the cursor theme you want to use:"
msgstr "Vel peikartemaet du vil bruka:"

#: core/themepage.cpp:66 xcursor/themepage.cpp:100
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Namn"

#: core/themepage.cpp:67 xcursor/themepage.cpp:101
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Skildring"

#: core/themepage.cpp:105 xcursor/themepage.cpp:146
msgid "You have to restart TDE for these changes to take effect."
msgstr "TDE må startast om att for at desse endringane skal visast."

#: core/themepage.cpp:106 xcursor/themepage.cpp:147
msgid "Cursor Settings Changed"
msgstr "Peikarinnstillingar endra"

#: core/themepage.cpp:148
msgid "Small black"
msgstr "Liten svart"

#: core/themepage.cpp:149
msgid "Small black cursors"
msgstr "Små, svarte peikarar"

#: core/themepage.cpp:153
msgid "Large black"
msgstr "Stor svart"

#: core/themepage.cpp:154
msgid "Large black cursors"
msgstr "Store, svarte peikarar"

#: core/themepage.cpp:158
msgid "Small white"
msgstr "Liten kvit"

#: core/themepage.cpp:159
msgid "Small white cursors"
msgstr "Små, kvite peikarar"

#: core/themepage.cpp:163
msgid "Large white"
msgstr "Stor kvit"

#: core/themepage.cpp:164
msgid "Large white cursors"
msgstr "Store, kvite peikarar"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:79
msgid "XFree theme %1 - incomplete for TDE"
msgstr ""

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:80
msgid "No description available"
msgstr "Inga skildring tilgjengeleg"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:91
msgid "Select the cursor theme you want to use (hover preview to test cursor):"
msgstr ""
"Vel peikartemaet du vil bruka (hald musa over førehandsvisinga for å sjå "

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:111
msgid "Install New Theme..."
msgstr "Installer nytt tema …"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:112
msgid "Remove Theme"
msgstr "Fjern tema"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:219
msgid "Drag or Type Theme URL"
msgstr "Dra eller tast inn tema-URL"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:228
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find the cursor theme archive %1."
msgstr "Fann ikkje peikartema-arkivet %1."

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:230
msgid ""
"Unable to download the cursor theme archive; please check that the address %1 "
"is correct."
msgstr ""
"Klarte ikkje lasta ned peikartema-arkivet. Sjå til at adressa %1 er rett."

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:238
msgid "The file %1 does not appear to be a valid cursor theme archive."
msgstr "Fila %1 ser ikkje ut til å vera eit gyldig arkiv for peikartema."

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:247
msgid ""
"<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the <strong>%1</strong> cursor theme?"
"<br>This will delete all the files installed by this theme.</qt>"
msgstr ""
"<qt>Er du sikker på at du vil fjerna peikartemaet <strong>%1</strong>? "
"<br>Alle filene som høyrer til dette temaet vil verta fjerna.</qt>"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:253
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Stadfesting"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:307
msgid ""
"A theme named %1 already exists in your icon theme folder. Do you want replace "
"it with this one?"
msgstr ""
"Det finst allereie eit tema som heiter %1 i mappa for ikontema. Vil du byta ut "
"det gamle temaet?"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:309
msgid "Overwrite Theme?"
msgstr "Skriv over tema?"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:544
msgid "No theme"
msgstr "Ingen tema"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:544
msgid "The old classic X cursors"
msgstr "Dei klassiske X-peikarane"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:546
msgid "System theme"
msgstr "Systemtema"

#: xcursor/themepage.cpp:546
msgid "Do not change cursor theme"
msgstr "Ikkje endra peikartemaet"