# translation of kcmarts.po to Slovenian
# Translation of kcmarts.po to Slovenian
# KCMARTS translation to Slovenian language
# $Id: kcmarts.po 693459 2007-07-28 02:34:53Z scripty $
# $Source$
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Roman Maurer <roman.maurer@amis.net>, 2000.
# Gregor Rakar <gregor.rakar@kiss.si>, 2003, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kcmarts\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:01+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-10-16 20:41+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jure Repinc <jlp@holodeck1.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian <Slovenian <sl@li.org>>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Gregor Rakar"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "gregor.rakar@kiss.si"

#: arts.cpp:109
msgid ""
"Unable to start the sound server to retrieve possible sound I/O methods.\n"
"Only automatic detection will be available."
msgstr ""
"Ni možno zagnati zvočnega strežnika aRts za pridobitev možnih metod V/I "
"Možna je le samodejna zaznava."

#: arts.cpp:146
msgid ""
"<h1>Sound System</h1> Here you can configure aRts, TDE's sound server. This "
"program not only allows you to hear your system sounds while simultaneously "
"listening to an MP3 file or playing a game with background music. It also "
"allows you to apply different effects to your system sounds and provides "
"programmers with an easy way to achieve sound support."
msgstr ""
"<h1>Zvočni strežnik aRts</h1> Tu lahko nastavite aRts, zvočni strežnik za "
"TDE. Ta program vam omogoča, da slišite sistemske zvoke, medtem ko poslušate "
"datoteko MP3 ali se zabavate z igro z zvokom v ozadju. Omogoča vam tudi, da "
"sistemske zvoke obdelujete z različnimi učinki, in ponuja programerjem, da "
"preprosto izboljšajo podporo zvoka. "

#: arts.cpp:167
msgid "&General"
msgstr "&Splošno"

#: arts.cpp:168
msgid "&Hardware"
msgstr "S&trojna oprema"

#: arts.cpp:182
msgid ""
"Normally, the sound server defaults to using the device called <b>/dev/dsp</"
"b> for sound output. That should work in most cases. On some systems where "
"devfs is used, however, you may need to use <b>/dev/sound/dsp</b> instead. "
"Other alternatives are things like <b>/dev/dsp0</b> or <b>/dev/dsp1</b>, if "
"you have a soundcard that supports multiple outputs, or you have multiple "
msgstr ""
"Zvočni strežnik za zvočni izhod privzeto uporablja napravo, imenovano <b>/"
"dev/dsp</b>. To bi moralo delovati v večini primerov. Izjema je, denimo, "
"uporaba devfs - v tem primeru morate uporabljati <b>/dev/sound/dsp</b>. "
"Alternativi sta še <b>/dev/dsp0</b> ali <b>/dev/dsp1</b>, če imate zvočno "
"kartico, ki podpira več izhodov, ali če imate več zvočnih kartic."

#: arts.cpp:184
msgid ""
"Normally, the sound server defaults to using a sampling rate of 44100 Hz (CD "
"quality), which is supported on almost any hardware. If you are using "
"certain <b>Yamaha soundcards</b>, you might need to configure this to 48000 "
"Hz here, if you are using <b>old SoundBlaster cards</b>, like SoundBlaster "
"Pro, you might need to change this to 22050 Hz. All other values are "
"possible, too, and may make sense in certain contexts (i.e. professional "
"studio equipment)."
msgstr ""
"Zvočni strežnik privzeto uporablja frekvenco vzorčenja 44100 Hz (kakovost "
"CD), ki jo podpira skoraj vsa strojna oprema. Če uporabljate določene "
"<b>zvočne kartice Yamaha</b>, boste tu morda morali spremeniti nastavitev na "
"48000 Hz. Če uporabljate <b>stare kartice SoundBlaster</b>, denimo "
"SoundBlaster Pro, boste morali nastavitev spremeniti na 22050 Hz. Na voljo "
"so tudi vse druge vrednosti in morda bodo v določenih razmerah tudi smiselne "
"(npr. pri profesionalni studijski opremi)."

#: arts.cpp:186
msgid ""
"This configuration module is intended to cover almost every aspect of the "
"aRts sound server that you can configure. However, there are some things "
"which may not be available here, so you can add <b>command line options</b> "
"here which will be passed directly to <b>artsd</b>. The command line options "
"will override the choices made in the GUI. To see the possible choices, open "
"a Konsole window, and type <b>artsd -h</b>."
msgstr ""
"Ta nastavitveni modul naj bi pokrival skoraj vse nastavitve zvočnega "
"strežnika aRts. Kljub temu pa tu in tam kaj vendarle ni dostopno, zato lahko "
"dodaste <b>možnosti ukazne vrstice</b>, ki bodo neposredno prenesene "
"programu <b>artsd</b>. Te izbire bodo povozile nastavitve prek grafičnega "
"vmesnika. Če bi radi videli dostopne izbire, odprite konzolno okno in "
"napišite <b>artsd -h</b>."

#: arts.cpp:195
msgid "Autodetect"
msgstr "Samozaznava"

#: arts.cpp:245
msgid "kcmarts"
msgstr "kcmarts"

#: arts.cpp:246
msgid "The Sound Server Control Module"
msgstr "Nadzorni modul zvočnega strežnika"

#: arts.cpp:248
msgid "(c) 1999 - 2001, Stefan Westerfeld"
msgstr "(c) 1999 - 2001, Stefan Westerfeld"

#: arts.cpp:249
msgid "aRts Author"
msgstr "Avtor aRtsa"

#: arts.cpp:433
msgid ""
"The settings have changed since the last time you restarted the sound "
"Do you want to save them?"
msgstr ""
"Nastavitve so se spremenile od takrat, ko ste vnovič zagnali zvočni "
"Ali naj bodo shranjene?"

#: arts.cpp:436
msgid "Save Sound Server Settings?"
msgstr "Shranim nastavitve zvočnega strežnika?"

#: arts.cpp:487
msgid "%1 milliseconds (%2 fragments with %3 bytes)"
msgstr "%1 milisekund (%2 delčkov po %3 bajtov)"

#: arts.cpp:494
msgid "as large as possible"
msgstr "tako velika, kot je le mogoče,"

#: arts.cpp:503
msgid ""
"Impossible to start aRts with realtime priority because artswrapper is "
"missing or disabled"
msgstr ""
"Ni možno zagnati aRts s realnočasovno prioriteto, ker artswrapper manjka ali "
"pa je onemogočen"

#: arts.cpp:597
msgid "Restarting Sound System"
msgstr "Vnovično zaganjanje zvočnega sistema"

#: arts.cpp:597
msgid "Starting Sound System"
msgstr "Zaganjanje zvočnega sistema"

#: arts.cpp:598
msgid "Restarting sound system."
msgstr "Vnovično zaganjanje zvočnega sistema."

#: arts.cpp:598
msgid "Starting sound system."
msgstr "Zaganjanje zvočnega sistema."

#: arts.cpp:727
msgid "No Audio Input/Output"
msgstr "Brez vhoda/izhoda zvoka"

#: arts.cpp:728
msgid "Advanced Linux Sound Architecture"
msgstr "Napredna zvočna arhitektura Linuxa (ALSA)"

#: arts.cpp:729
msgid "Open Sound System"
msgstr "Odprti zvočni sistem (OSS)"

#: arts.cpp:730
msgid "Threaded Open Sound System"
msgstr "Nitni odprti zvočni sistem (OSS)"

#: arts.cpp:731
msgid "Network Audio System"
msgstr "Omrežni zvočni sistem"

#: arts.cpp:732
msgid "Personal Audio Device"
msgstr "Osebna zvočna naprava"

#: arts.cpp:733
msgid "SGI dmedia Audio I/O"
msgstr "Zvočni V/I od SGI dmedia"

#: arts.cpp:734
msgid "Sun Audio Input/Output"
msgstr "Sun-ov vhod/izhod zvoka"

#: arts.cpp:735
msgid "Portable Audio Library"
msgstr "Prenosna zvočna knjižnica"

#: arts.cpp:736
msgid "Enlightened Sound Daemon"
msgstr "Zvočni demon Enlightenment"

#: arts.cpp:737
msgid "MAS Audio Input/Output"
msgstr "Vhod/Izhod zvoka MAS"

#: arts.cpp:738
msgid "Jack Audio Connection Kit"
msgstr "Jack Audio Connection Kit"

#: generaltab.ui:35
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Enable the sound system"
msgstr "&Omogoči zvočni sistem"

#: generaltab.ui:41
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"If this option is enabled, the sound system will be loaded on TDE startup.\n"
"Recommended if you want sound."
msgstr ""
"Če je omogočena ta možnost, se bo zvočni strežnik zagnal ob zagonu TDE. "
"Priporočeno, če želite slišati zvok."

#: generaltab.ui:64
#, no-c-format
msgid "Networked Sound"
msgstr "Omrežen zvok"

#: generaltab.ui:75
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>Enable this option if you want to play sound on a remote computer or you "
"want to be able to control sound on this system from another computer.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Omogočite to možnost, če želite zaigrati zvok na oddaljenem računalniku "
"ali pa želite nadzorovati zvok tega sistema z drugega računalnika.</i>"

#: generaltab.ui:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Enable &networked sound"
msgstr "Omogoči &omrežen zvok"

#: generaltab.ui:86
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This option allows sound requests coming in from over the network to be "
"accepted, instead of just limiting the server to the local computer."
msgstr ""
"Ta možnost omogoči sprejem zvočnih zahtevkov iz omrežja, namesto da bi "
"omejila strežnik le na krajevni računalnik."

#: generaltab.ui:96
#, no-c-format
msgid "Skip Prevention"
msgstr "Preprečitev preskakovanja"

#: generaltab.ui:107
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>If your sound is skipping during playback, enable running with highest "
"possible priority. Increasing your sound buffer might also help.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Če vaš zvok preskakuje med predvajanjem, ga omogočite z navišjo možno "
"prednostjo. Pomaga tudi povečati zvočni medpomnilnik.</i>"

#: generaltab.ui:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Run with the highest possible priority (realtime priority)"
msgstr "Zaženi s prednostjo &realnega časa (najvišja možna prednost)"

#: generaltab.ui:121
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"On systems which support realtime scheduling, if you have sufficient "
"permissions, this option will enable a very high priority for processing "
"sound requests."
msgstr ""
"Pri sistemih, ki omogočajo razdeljevanje v realnem času, bo vklop te "
"možnosti omogočil prednostno obdelavo zvočnih zahtevkov. Možnost deluje le, "
"če imate v strežniku dovoljenje za to."

#: generaltab.ui:152
#, no-c-format
msgid "Sound &buffer:"
msgstr "Zvočni &medpomnilnik:"

#: generaltab.ui:163
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<p align=\"right\"><b>Huge</b> buffer, for <b>low-end</b> machines, <b>less "
msgstr ""
"<p align=\"right\"><b>Velik</b> medpomnilnik, za <b>počasne</b> računalnike, "
"<b>manj preskakovanja</b></p>"

#: generaltab.ui:173
#, no-c-format
msgid "Auto-Suspend"
msgstr "Samodejna ustavitev"

#: generaltab.ui:184
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"<i>The TDE sound system takes exclusive control over your audio hardware, "
"blocking programs that may wish to use it directly. If the TDE sound system "
"sits idle it can give up this exclusive control.</i>"
msgstr ""
"<i>Zvočni sistem TDE bo v celoti prevzel nadzor nad zvočno strojno opremo v "
"računalniku in blokiral programe, ki bi jo radi neposredno upravljali. Če "
"zvočni sistem TDE miruje, lahko sprosti nadzor.</i>"

#: generaltab.ui:203
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Auto-suspend if idle after:"
msgstr "Samo&dejna ustavitev, če je nedejaven:"

#: generaltab.ui:209
#, no-c-format
msgid "The sound server will suspend itself if idle for this period of time."
msgstr "Zvočni strežnik se bo ustavil sam, če bo nedejaven toliko časa."

#: generaltab.ui:217
#, no-c-format
msgid " seconds"
msgstr " sekund"

#: generaltab.ui:279
#, no-c-format
msgid "Test &Sound"
msgstr "&Preskus zvoka"

#: hardwaretab.ui:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select && Configure your Audio Device"
msgstr "Izberite in prilagodite zvočno napravo"

#: hardwaretab.ui:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Select the audio device:"
msgstr "&Izberite zvočno napravo:"

#: hardwaretab.ui:91
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Full duplex"
msgstr "&Polno dvosmerno delovanje"

#: hardwaretab.ui:97
#, no-c-format
msgid ""
"This enables the soundserver to record and play sound at the same time. If "
"you use applications like Internet telephony, voice recognition or similar, "
"you probably want this."
msgstr ""
"To omogoča zvočnemu strežniku, da hkrati snema in predvaja zvok. Verjetno "
"vam bo prišlo prav, če uporabljate programe za internetno telefonijo, "
"prepoznavanje govora in podobne."

#: hardwaretab.ui:107
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use other custom &options:"
msgstr "&Druge prilagoditvene možnosti:"

#: hardwaretab.ui:115
#, no-c-format
msgid "Override &device location:"
msgstr "Povozi lokacije &naprave:"

#: hardwaretab.ui:148
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Quality:"
msgstr "&Kakovost:"

#: hardwaretab.ui:162
#, no-c-format
msgid "16 Bits (high)"
msgstr "16 bitov (visoko)"

#: hardwaretab.ui:167
#, no-c-format
msgid "8 Bits (low)"
msgstr "8 bitov (nizko)"

#: hardwaretab.ui:206
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use &custom sampling rate:"
msgstr "Uporabi hitrost &vzorčenja po meri:"

#: hardwaretab.ui:233
#, no-c-format
msgid " Hz "
msgstr " Hz "

#: hardwaretab.ui:280
#, no-c-format
msgid "/dev/dsp"
msgstr "/dev/dsp"

#: hardwaretab.ui:290
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select your MIDI Device"
msgstr "Izberite napravo MIDI"

#: hardwaretab.ui:301
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use MIDI ma&pper:"
msgstr "&Uporabi preslikovalnik MIDI:"

#: hardwaretab.ui:309
#, no-c-format
msgid "Select the &MIDI device:"
msgstr "Izberite napravo &MIDI:"

#~ msgid "Test &MIDI"
#~ msgstr "Preskus &MIDI"