# translation of kmahjongg.po to Slovenian
# Translation of kmahjongg.po to Slovenian
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# $Id: kmahjongg.po 566011 2006-07-25 06:34:59Z scripty $
# $Source$
# Marko Samastur <markos@elite.org>, 2000.
# Primož Peterlin <primoz.peterlin@biofiz.mf.uni-lj.si>, 2000.
# Gregor Rakar <gregor.rakar@kiss.si>, 2003, 2004, 2005.
# Jure Repinc <jlp@holodeck1.com>, 2006.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kmahjongg\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-05-11 04:09+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-07-23 22:53+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jure Repinc <jlp@holodeck1.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian <sl@li.org>\n"
"Language: sl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.2\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || "
"n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your name to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your names"
msgstr "Gregor Rakar"

#. Instead of a literal translation, add your email to the end of the list (separated by a comma).
msgid ""
"Your emails"
msgstr "gregor.rakar@kiss.si"

#: Editor.cpp:85
msgid "Edit Board Layout"
msgstr "Urejanje razporeda plošče"

#: Editor.cpp:114
msgid "New board"
msgstr "Nova plošča"

#: Editor.cpp:117
msgid "Open board"
msgstr "Odpri ploščo"

#: Editor.cpp:120
msgid "Save board"
msgstr "Shrani ploščo"

#: Editor.cpp:127
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Izberi"

#: Editor.cpp:137
msgid "Move tiles"
msgstr "Premakni ploščice"

#: Editor.cpp:140
msgid "Add tiles"
msgstr "Dodaj ploščice"

#: Editor.cpp:142
msgid "Remove tiles"
msgstr "Odstrani ploščice"

#: Editor.cpp:158
msgid "Shift left"
msgstr "Pomik v levo"

#: Editor.cpp:160
msgid "Shift up"
msgstr "Pomik navzgor"

#: Editor.cpp:162
msgid "Shift down"
msgstr "Pomik navzdol"

#: Editor.cpp:164
msgid "Shift right"
msgstr "Pomik v desno"

#: Editor.cpp:168
msgid "Exit"
msgstr "Izhod"

#: Editor.cpp:263
msgid "Tiles: %1 Pos: %2,%3,%4"
msgstr "Ploščice: %1  Mesto: %2,%3,%4"

#: Editor.cpp:275 Editor.cpp:312
msgid ""
"*.layout|Board Layout (*.layout)\n"
"*|All Files"
msgstr ""
"*.layout|Razpored plošče\n"
"*|Vse datoteke"

#: Editor.cpp:278 Preview.cpp:161
msgid "Open Board Layout"
msgstr "Odpri razpored plošče"

#: Editor.cpp:315 Editor.cpp:333
msgid "Save Board Layout"
msgstr "Shrani razpored plošče"

#: Editor.cpp:319 Preview.cpp:392 kmahjongg.cpp:536
msgid "Only saving to local files currently supported."
msgstr "Podprto je samo shranjevanje na lokalne datoteke."

#: Editor.cpp:330 Preview.cpp:403
msgid "A file with that name already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Datoteka s tem imenom že obstaja. Jo želite nadomestiti?"

#: Editor.cpp:358
msgid "The board has been modified. Would you like to save the changes?"
msgstr "Plošča je bila spremenjena. Želite shraniti spremembe?"

#: Editor.cpp:366
msgid "Save failed. Aborting operation."
msgstr "Shranjevanje ni uspelo. Zaključujem."

#: HighScore.cpp:64
msgid "Pos"
msgstr "Mesto"

#: HighScore.cpp:77
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"

#: HighScore.cpp:86
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Plošča"

#: HighScore.cpp:94
msgid "Score"
msgstr "Rezultat"

#: HighScore.cpp:102
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Čas"

#: HighScore.cpp:165
msgid "Scores"
msgstr "Rezultati"

#: HighScore.cpp:465
msgid "Anonymous"
msgstr "Anonimnež"

#: HighScore.cpp:498
msgid ""
"Resetting the high scores will remove all high score entries both in memory "
"and on disk. Do you wish to proceed?"
msgstr ""
"Ponastavitev najboljših rezultatov bo odstranila seznam najboljših "
"rezultatov iz pomnilnika in z diska. Želite nadaljevati?"

#: HighScore.cpp:502
msgid "Reset High Scores"
msgstr "Ponastavi najboljše rezultate"

#: HighScore.cpp:502
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Ponastavi"

#: Preview.cpp:35
msgid "Load..."
msgstr "Naloži ..."

#: Preview.cpp:86
msgid "Change Background Image"
msgstr "Spremeni sliko ozadja"

#: Preview.cpp:88
msgid "*.bgnd|Background Image (*.bgnd)\n"
msgstr "*.bgnd|Slika za ozadje (*.bgnd)\n"

#: Preview.cpp:94
msgid "Change Tile Set"
msgstr "Spremeni nabor ploščic"

#: Preview.cpp:95
msgid "*.tileset|Tile Set File (*.tileset)\n"
msgstr "*.tileset|Nabor ploščic (*.tileset)\n"

#: Preview.cpp:101
msgid "*.layout|Board Layout File (*.layout)\n"
msgstr "*.layout|Razpored plošče (*.layout)\n"

#: Preview.cpp:102
msgid "Change Board Layout"
msgstr "Spremeni razpored plošče"

#: Preview.cpp:108
msgid "*.theme|KMahjongg Theme File (*.theme)\n"
msgstr "*.theme|Tema KMahjongg (*.theme)\n"

#: Preview.cpp:109
msgid "Choose Theme"
msgstr "Izberi temo"

#: Preview.cpp:121
msgid "*|All Files"
msgstr "*|Vse datoteke"

#: Preview.cpp:210
msgid "That is not a valid theme file."
msgstr "Datoteka ni veljavna datoteka s temo."

#: Preview.cpp:386
msgid "Save Theme"
msgstr "Shrani temo"

#: Preview.cpp:405
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "Nadomesti"

#: Preview.cpp:412 kmahjongg.cpp:543
msgid "Could not write to file. Aborting."
msgstr "Pisanje v datoteko ni mogoče. Prekinjam."

#: boardwidget.cpp:47
msgid ""
"An error occurred when loading the tileset file %1\n"
"KMahjongg will now terminate."
msgstr ""
"Napaka pri branju datoteke z naborom ploščic %1\n"
"KMahjongg bo sedaj končal."

#: boardwidget.cpp:58
#, c-format
msgid ""
"An error occurred when loading the background image\n"
msgstr ""
"Prišlo je do napake pri nalaganju slike ozadja\n"

#: boardwidget.cpp:59
msgid "KMahjongg will now terminate."
msgstr "Kmahjongg bo sedaj končal."

#: boardwidget.cpp:67
msgid ""
"An error occurred when loading the board layout %1\n"
"KMahjongg will now terminate."
msgstr ""
"Napaka pri branju razporeda plošče %1\n"
"KMahjongg bo sedaj končal."

#: boardwidget.cpp:112
msgid ""
"KMahjongg could not locate the file: %1\n"
"or the default file of type: %2\n"
"KMahjongg will now terminate"
msgstr ""
"KMahjongg ni našel datoteke: %1\n"
"ali privzete datoteke vrste: %2\n"
"KMahjongg bo sedaj končal"

#: boardwidget.cpp:503
msgid "Undo operation done successfully."
msgstr "Uspešno preklicana poteza."

#: boardwidget.cpp:507
msgid "What do you want to undo? You have done nothing!"
msgstr "Kaj želite preklicati? Saj še niste ničesar naredili!"

#: boardwidget.cpp:526
msgid "Sorry, you have lost the game."
msgstr "Žal ste izgubili."

#: boardwidget.cpp:568
msgid "Demo mode. Click mousebutton to stop."
msgstr "Demonstrativni način. Ustavite ga s klikom gumba na miški."

#: boardwidget.cpp:577
msgid "Now it's you again."
msgstr "Sedaj ste vi na vrsti."

#: boardwidget.cpp:600
msgid "Your computer has lost the game."
msgstr "Vaš računalnik je izgubil igro."

#: boardwidget.cpp:695
msgid "Congratulations. You have won!"
msgstr "Čestitke. Zmagali ste!"

#: boardwidget.cpp:726
msgid "Calculating new game..."
msgstr "Izračunavanje nove igre ..."

#: boardwidget.cpp:731
msgid "Error converting board information!"
msgstr "Napaka pri pretvorbi informacij plošče!"

#: boardwidget.cpp:758
msgid "Ready. Now it is your turn."
msgstr "Pripravljen. Sedaj je vaša poteza."

#: boardwidget.cpp:765
msgid "Error generating new game!"
msgstr "Napaka pri generiranju nove igre!"

#: boardwidget.cpp:1686
msgid "Game over: You have no moves left."
msgstr "Igre je konec. Nobene poteze nimate več."

#: boardwidget.cpp:1807
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to load image:\n"
msgstr ""
"Slike ni moč naložiti:\n"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:136
msgid "New Numbered Game..."
msgstr "Nova oštevilčena igra ..."

#: kmahjongg.cpp:137
msgid "Open Th&eme..."
msgstr "Odpri &temo ..."

#: kmahjongg.cpp:138
msgid "Open &Tileset..."
msgstr "Odpri nabor &ploščic"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:139
msgid "Open &Background..."
msgstr "Naloži sliko o&zadja ..."

#: kmahjongg.cpp:140
msgid "Open La&yout..."
msgstr "Odpri &razpored ..."

#: kmahjongg.cpp:141
msgid "Sa&ve Theme..."
msgstr "&Shrani temo ..."

#: kmahjongg.cpp:144
msgid "Shu&ffle"
msgstr "&Razmeči"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:146
msgid "Show &Matching Tiles"
msgstr "Prikaži &ujemajoči ploščici"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:147
msgid "Hide &Matching Tiles"
msgstr "Skrij &ujemajoči ploščici"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:162
msgid "&Board Editor"
msgstr "&Urejevalnik plošče"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:213
msgid "Enter game number:"
msgstr "Vnesite številko igre:"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:240 settings.ui:47
#, no-c-format
msgid "General"
msgstr "Splošno"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:369
msgid "You have won!"
msgstr "Zmagali ste!"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:400
#, c-format
msgid "Game number: %1"
msgstr "Igra št.: %1"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:410
msgid "Removed: %1/%2  Combinations left: %3"
msgstr "Odstranjeno: %1/%2  Preostali pari: %3"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:464
msgid "Load Game"
msgstr "Naloži igro"

#: kmahjongg.cpp:475
msgid "Could not read from file. Aborting."
msgstr "Branje iz datoteke ni mogoče. Končujem."

#: kmahjongg.cpp:483
msgid "File format not recognized."
msgstr "Oblika datoteke ni prepoznana."

#: kmahjongg.cpp:529
msgid "Save Game"
msgstr "Shrani igro"

#: main.cpp:9
msgid "Mahjongg for TDE"
msgstr "Mahjongg za TDE"

#: main.cpp:13
msgid "KMahjongg"
msgstr "KMahjongg"

#: main.cpp:16
msgid "Original Author"
msgstr "Prvotni avtor"

#: main.cpp:17
msgid "Current maintainer"
msgstr "Trenutni vzdrževalec"

#: main.cpp:18
msgid "Rewrite and Extension"
msgstr "Vnovič napisal in razširil"

#: main.cpp:19
msgid ""
"Solvable game generation\n"
"based on algorithm by Michael Meeks in GNOME mahjongg"
msgstr ""
"Ustvarjanje rešljive igre\n"
"na osnovi algoritma Michaela Meeksa od GNOME mahjongg"

#: main.cpp:20
msgid "Tile set contributor and web page maintainer"
msgstr "Prispeval k naboru ploščic in vzdrževalec spletne strani"

#: main.cpp:21
msgid "Code cleanup"
msgstr "Čiščenje kode"

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:9
#, no-c-format
msgid "The tile-set to use."
msgstr "Nabor ploščic za uporabo."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:12
#, no-c-format
msgid "The background to use."
msgstr "Slika ozadja za uporabo."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:15
#, no-c-format
msgid "The layout of the tiles."
msgstr "Razpored ploščic."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:18
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether to show removed tiles."
msgstr "Ali naj prikaže odstranjene ploščice."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:22
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether to use miniature tiles."
msgstr "Ali naj uporabi miniaturne ploščice."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:26
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether the tiles have shadows."
msgstr "Ali imajo ploščice senco."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:30
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether all games should be solvable."
msgstr "Ali naj bodo vse igre rešljive."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:34
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether the background should be tiled instead of scaled."
msgstr "Ali naj bo ozadje porazdeljeno ali prilagojeno velikosti zaslona."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:38
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether an animation should be played on victory."
msgstr "Ali naj se ob zmagi zaigra animacija."

#: kmahjongg.kcfg:42
#, no-c-format
msgid "Whether matching tiles are shown."
msgstr "Ali so prikazane ploščice, ki se ujemajo."

#: kmahjonggui.rc:16
#, no-c-format
msgid "&Move"
msgstr "&Premakni"

#: settings.ui:58
#, no-c-format
msgid "Show removed tiles"
msgstr "Prikaži odstranjene ploščice"

#: settings.ui:66
#, no-c-format
msgid "Generate solvable games"
msgstr "Ustvari rešljive igre"

#: settings.ui:77
#, no-c-format
msgid "Play winning animation"
msgstr "Prikaži zmagovalno animacijo"

#: settings.ui:107
#, no-c-format
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Ozadje"

#: settings.ui:118
#, no-c-format
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Merilo"

#: settings.ui:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tiled"
msgstr "Razporejeno"

#: settings.ui:139
#, no-c-format
msgid "Tiles"
msgstr "Ploščice"

#: settings.ui:150
#, no-c-format
msgid "Draw shadows"
msgstr "Riši sence"

#: settings.ui:161
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use mini-tiles"
msgstr "Majhne ploščice"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "New Game"
#~ msgstr "Shrani igro"