# translation of ksysguard.po to Uzbek # translation of ksysguard.po to # Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # Mashrab Kuvatov <kmashrab@uni-bremen.de>, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ksysguard\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2018-12-06 20:16+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-11 20:45+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Mashrab Kuvatov <kmashrab@uni-bremen.de>\n" "Language-Team: Uzbek <floss-uz-l10n@googlegroups.com>\n" "Language: uz\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" #: SystemLoad.sgrd:5 msgid "CPU Load" msgstr "Protsessor yuklanganligi" #: SystemLoad.sgrd:10 msgid "Load Average (1 min)" msgstr "Oʻrtacha yuklanganligi (1 daqiqa)" #: SystemLoad.sgrd:13 msgid "Physical Memory" msgstr "" #: SystemLoad.sgrd:21 msgid "Swap Memory" msgstr "Svop xotira" #: KSysGuardApplet.xml:5 msgid "CPU" msgstr "Protsessor" #: KSysGuardApplet.xml:10 msgid "Mem" msgstr "Xotira" #~ msgid "Select Display Type" #~ msgstr "Displeyning turini tanlang" #~ msgid "&Signal Plotter" #~ msgstr "&Signalni chizuvchi" #~ msgid "&Multimeter" #~ msgstr "&Multimeter" #~ msgid "" #~ "The KSysGuard applet does not support displaying of this type of sensor. " #~ "Please choose another sensor." #~ msgstr "" #~ "TDE tizim nazoratchisining appleti ushbu sensorni koʻrsatolmaydi. Iltimos " #~ "boshqa sensorni tanlang." #~ msgid "Cannot open the file %1." #~ msgstr "%1 faylini ochib boʻlmadi." #~ msgid "The file %1 does not contain valid XML." #~ msgstr "%1 fayli toʻgʻri XML-fayli emas." #~ msgid "Cannot save file %1" #~ msgstr "%1 faylini saqlab boʻlmadi." #~ msgid "Drag sensors from the TDE System Guard into this cell." #~ msgstr "TDE tizim nazoratchisidan sensorni ushbu katakga olib qoʻying." #~ msgid "Multimeter Settings" #~ msgstr "Multimeterning moslamalari" #~ msgid "Name" #~ msgstr "Nomi" #~ msgid "PID" #~ msgstr "PID" #~ msgid "PPID" #~ msgstr "PPID" #~ msgid "UID" #~ msgstr "UID" #~ msgid "GID" #~ msgstr "GID" #~ msgid "Status" #~ msgstr "Holati" #~ msgid "User%" #~ msgstr "Foydalanuvchi%" #~ msgid "System%" #~ msgstr "Tizim%" #~ msgid "Login" #~ msgstr "Foydalanuvchi" #~ msgid "Command" #~ msgstr "Buyruq" #~ msgid "All Processes" #~ msgstr "Hamma vazifalar" #~ msgid "System Processes" #~ msgstr "Tizimning vazifalari" #~ msgid "User Processes" #~ msgstr "Foydalanuvchining vazifalari" #~ msgid "Own Processes" #~ msgstr "Shaxsiy vazifalar" #~ msgid "&Tree" #~ msgstr "&Daraxt" #~ msgid "&Refresh" #~ msgstr "&Yangilash" #~ msgid "&Kill" #~ msgstr "&Toʻxtatish" #~ msgid "%1: Running Processes" #~ msgstr "%1: Ishlayotgan vazifalar" #~ msgid "You need to select a process first." #~ msgstr "Avvalo vazifani tanlash kerak." #~ msgid "" #~ "_n: Do you want to kill the selected process?\n" #~ "Do you want to kill the %n selected processes?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Belgilangan vazifani toʻxtatishni istaysizmi?\n" #~ "Belgilangan %n vazifani toʻxtatishni istaysizmi?" #~ msgid "Kill Process" #~ msgstr "Vazifani toʻxtatish" #~ msgid "Kill" #~ msgstr "Toʻxtatish" #~ msgid "Do not ask again" #~ msgstr "Boshqa soʻralmasin" #~ msgid "Error while attempting to kill process %1." #~ msgstr "'%1' vazifasini toʻxtatishda xato roʻy berdi." #~ msgid "Insufficient permissions to kill process %1." #~ msgstr "'%1' vazifasini toʻxtatish uchun ruxsat yoʻq." #~ msgid "Process %1 has already disappeared." #~ msgstr "'%1' vazifasi allaqachon yoʻq boʻldi." #~ msgid "Invalid Signal." #~ msgstr "Notoʻgʻri signal." #~ msgid "Invalid argument." #~ msgstr "Notoʻgʻri argument." #~ msgid "It is impossible to connect to '%1'." #~ msgstr "'%1' bilan aloqa oʻrnatib boʻlmadi." #~ msgid "Launch &System Guard" #~ msgstr "&Tizim nazoratchisini ishga tushirish" #~ msgid "&Properties" #~ msgstr "Xossa&lari" #~ msgid "&Remove Display" #~ msgstr "&Displeyni olib tashlash" #~ msgid "&Setup Update Interval..." #~ msgstr "&Yangilash davrini moslash" #~ msgid "&Continue Update" #~ msgstr "Yangilashni &davom etish" #~ msgid "P&ause Update" #~ msgstr "Yangilashni &vaqtincha toʻxtatish" #~ msgid "Drop Sensor Here" #~ msgstr "Sensorni shu yerga olib qoʻying" #~ msgid "" #~ "This is an empty space in a worksheet. Drag a sensor from the Sensor " #~ "Browser and drop it here. A sensor display will appear that allows you to " #~ "monitor the values of the sensor over time." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ish varagʻining boʻsh joyi. Sensor brauzeridan sensorni olib qoʻysangiz, " #~ "uning qiymatlarini vaqt davomida koʻrishingiz mumkin." #~ msgid "Sensor Logger Settings" #~ msgstr "Sensor loggerining moslamalari" #~ msgid "Logging" #~ msgstr "Log qilish" #~ msgid "Timer Interval" #~ msgstr "Vaqt davri" #~ msgid "Sensor Name" #~ msgstr "Sensorning nomi" #~ msgid "Host Name" #~ msgstr "Kompyuterning nomi" #~ msgid "Log File" #~ msgstr "Log fayli" #~ msgid "Sensor Logger" #~ msgstr "Sensor loggeri" #~ msgid "&Remove Sensor" #~ msgstr "Sensorni olib &tashlash" #~ msgid "&Edit Sensor..." #~ msgstr "Sensorni tah&rirlash" #~ msgid "St&op Logging" #~ msgstr "Log qilishni toʻ&xtatish" #~ msgid "S&tart Logging" #~ msgstr "Log qilishni &boshlash" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: process status\n" #~ "running" #~ msgstr "ishlayapti" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: process status\n" #~ "sleeping" #~ msgstr "uxlayapti" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: process status\n" #~ "zombie" #~ msgstr "zombi" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: process status\n" #~ "stopped" #~ msgstr "toʻxtagan" #~ msgid "Remove Column" #~ msgstr "Ustunni olib tashlash" #~ msgid "Add Column" #~ msgstr "Ustunni qoʻshish" #~ msgid "Hide Column" #~ msgstr "Ustunni bekitish" #~ msgid "Show Column" #~ msgstr "Ustunni koʻrsatish" #~ msgid "Select All Processes" #~ msgstr "Hamma vazifalarni tanlash" #~ msgid "Unselect All Processes" #~ msgstr "Vazifalarni tanlashni bekor qilish" #~ msgid "Select All Child Processes" #~ msgstr "Hamma ikkilamchi vazifalarni tanlash" #~ msgid "Unselect All Child Processes" #~ msgstr "Hamma ikkilamchi vazifalar tanlanmasin" #~ msgid "SIGABRT" #~ msgstr "SIGABRT" #~ msgid "SIGALRM" #~ msgstr "SIGALRM" #~ msgid "SIGCHLD" #~ msgstr "SIGCHLD" #~ msgid "SIGCONT" #~ msgstr "SIGCONT" #~ msgid "SIGFPE" #~ msgstr "SIGFPE" #~ msgid "SIGHUP" #~ msgstr "SIGHUP" #~ msgid "SIGILL" #~ msgstr "SIGILL" #~ msgid "SIGINT" #~ msgstr "SIGINT" #~ msgid "SIGKILL" #~ msgstr "SIGKILL" #~ msgid "SIGPIPE" #~ msgstr "SIGPIPE" #~ msgid "SIGQUIT" #~ msgstr "SIGQUIT" #~ msgid "SIGSEGV" #~ msgstr "SIGSEGV" #~ msgid "SIGSTOP" #~ msgstr "SIGSTOP" #~ msgid "SIGTERM" #~ msgstr "SIGTERM" #~ msgid "SIGTSTP" #~ msgstr "SIGTSTP" #~ msgid "SIGTTIN" #~ msgstr "SIGTTIN" #~ msgid "SIGTTOU" #~ msgstr "SIGTTOU" #~ msgid "SIGUSR1" #~ msgstr "SIGUSR1" #~ msgid "SIGUSR2" #~ msgstr "SIGUSR2" #~ msgid "Send Signal" #~ msgstr "Signal joʻnatish" #~ msgid "" #~ "_n: Do you really want to send signal %1 to the selected process?\n" #~ "Do you really want to send signal %1 to the %n selected processes?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Belgilangan vazifaga rostdan %1 signalini joʻnatishni istaysizmi?\n" #~ "Belgilangan %n vazifaga rostdan %1 signalini joʻnatishni istaysizmi?" #~ msgid "Send" #~ msgstr "Joʻnatish" #~ msgid "Foreground color:" #~ msgstr "Oldin fonning rangi:" #~ msgid "Background color:" #~ msgstr "Orqa fonning rangi:" #~ msgid "Range" #~ msgstr "Chegara" #~ msgid "Title" #~ msgstr "Sarlavha" #~ msgid "Enter the title of the display here." #~ msgstr "Bu yerga displeyning sarlavhasini kiriting." #~ msgid "Display Range" #~ msgstr "Koʻrsatish chegarasi" #~ msgid "Minimum value:" #~ msgstr "Eng kichik qiymat:" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enter the minimum value for the display here. If both values are 0, " #~ "automatic range detection is enabled." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Koʻrsatish uchun eng kichik qiymatni kiriting. Agar ikkalasi ham 0-ga " #~ "teng boʻlsa, chegara avtomatik ravishda aniqlanadi." #~ msgid "Maximum value:" #~ msgstr "Eng katta qiymat:" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enter the maximum value for the display here. If both values are 0, " #~ "automatic range detection is enabled." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Koʻrsatish uchun eng katta qiymatni kiriting. Agar ikkalasi ham 0-ga teng " #~ "boʻlsa, chegara avtomatik ravishda aniqlanadi." #~ msgid "Alarms" #~ msgstr "Xavf ogohnomalari" #~ msgid "Alarm for Minimum Value" #~ msgstr "Ogohnoma uchun pastki chegara" #~ msgid "Enable alarm" #~ msgstr "Xavf ogohnomasini yoqish" #~ msgid "Enable the minimum value alarm." #~ msgstr "Pastki chegaraga yetganda ogohnoma berishni yoqish." #~ msgid "Lower limit:" #~ msgstr "Pastki chegara:" #~ msgid "Alarm for Maximum Value" #~ msgstr "Ogohnoma uchun yuqori chegara" #~ msgid "Enable the maximum value alarm." #~ msgstr "Yuqori chegaraga yetganda ogohnoma berishni yoqish." #~ msgid "Upper limit:" #~ msgstr "Yuqori chegara:" #~ msgid "Look" #~ msgstr "Koʻrinishi" #~ msgid "Normal bar color:" #~ msgstr "Oddiy rang:" #~ msgid "Out-of-range color:" #~ msgstr "Chegaradan tashqari rang:" #~ msgid "Font size:" #~ msgstr "Shriftning oʻlchami:" #~ msgid "Sensors" #~ msgstr "Sensorlar" #~ msgid "Host" #~ msgstr "Kompyuter" #~ msgid "Sensor" #~ msgstr "Sensor" #~ msgid "Label" #~ msgstr "Yorliq" #~ msgid "Unit" #~ msgstr "Birlik" #~ msgid "Edit..." #~ msgstr "Tahrirlash" #~ msgid "Push this button to configure the label." #~ msgstr "Belgini moslash uchun shu tugmani bosing." #~ msgid "Push this button to delete the sensor." #~ msgstr "Sensorni olib tashlash uchun shu tugmani bosing." #~ msgid "Enter new label:" #~ msgstr "Yangi belgini kiriting:" #~ msgid "Signal Plotter Settings" #~ msgstr "Signalni chizuvchining moslamalari" #~ msgid "Style" #~ msgstr "Uslub" #~ msgid "Title:" #~ msgstr "Sarlavha:" #~ msgid "Graph Drawing Style" #~ msgstr "Chizmaning uslubi" #~ msgid "Scales" #~ msgstr "Oʻqlar" #~ msgid "Vertical Scale" #~ msgstr "Vertikal oʻq" #~ msgid "Automatic range detection" #~ msgstr "Chegarani avto-aniqlash" #~ msgid "Horizontal Scale" #~ msgstr "Gorizontal oʻq" #~ msgid "Grid" #~ msgstr "Toʻr" #~ msgid "Lines" #~ msgstr "Chiziqlar" #~ msgid "Vertical lines" #~ msgstr "Vertikal chiziqlar" #~ msgid "Distance:" #~ msgstr "Masofa:" #~ msgid "Enter the distance between two vertical lines here." #~ msgstr "Ikkita vertikal chiziqlarning orasidagi masofani kiriting." #~ msgid "Horizontal lines" #~ msgstr "Gorizontal chiziqlar" #~ msgid "Count:" #~ msgstr "Miqdor:" #~ msgid "Enter the number of horizontal lines here." #~ msgstr "Gorizontal chiziqlarning sonini kiriting." #~ msgid "Text" #~ msgstr "Matn" #~ msgid "Labels" #~ msgstr "Belgilar" #~ msgid "Colors" #~ msgstr "Ranglar" #~ msgid "Vertical lines:" #~ msgstr "Vertikal chiziqlar:" #~ msgid "Horizontal lines:" #~ msgstr "Gorizontal chiziqlar:" #~ msgid "Background:" #~ msgstr "Orqa fon:" #~ msgid "Set Color..." #~ msgstr "Rangni moslash" #~ msgid "" #~ "Push this button to configure the color of the sensor in the diagram." #~ msgstr "Diagrammadagi sensorning rangini moslash uchun shu tugmani bosing." #~ msgid "Move Up" #~ msgstr "Yuqoriga" #~ msgid "Move Down" #~ msgstr "Pastga" #~ msgid "System Guard Settings" #~ msgstr "Dasturning moslamalari" #~ msgid "Number of displays:" #~ msgstr "Displeylar soni:" #~ msgid "%" #~ msgstr "%" #~ msgid "Update interval:" #~ msgstr "Yangilash davri:" #~ msgid " sec" #~ msgstr " soniya" #~ msgid "" #~ "The file %1 does not contain a valid worksheet definition, which must " #~ "have a document type 'KSysGuardWorkSheet'." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%1 faylida ish varagʻi notoʻgʻri aniqlangan. Hujjatning turi " #~ "'KSysGuardWorkSheet' boʻlishi kerak." #~ msgid "The file %1 has an invalid worksheet size." #~ msgstr "%1 faylida ish varagʻining oʻlchami notoʻgʻri koʻrsatilgan." #~ msgid "&BarGraph" #~ msgstr "&Diagramma" #~ msgid "S&ensorLogger" #~ msgstr "Sensor &loggeri" #~ msgid "Log File Settings" #~ msgstr "Log faylining moslamalari" #~ msgid "Select Font..." #~ msgstr "Shriftni tanlash" #~ msgid "Filter" #~ msgstr "Filter" #~ msgid "&Add" #~ msgstr "&Qoʻshish" #~ msgid "&Change" #~ msgstr "Oʻz&gartirish" #~ msgid "Text color:" #~ msgstr "Matn uchun rang:" #~ msgid "Alarm color:" #~ msgstr "Xavf ogohnomaning rangi:" #~ msgid "&Show unit" #~ msgstr "Birlikni &koʻrsatish" #~ msgid "Enable this to append the unit to the title of the display." #~ msgstr "Birlikni displeyning sarlavhasiga qoʻshish uchun shuni belgilang." #~ msgid "E&nable alarm" #~ msgstr "Xavf &ogohnomasini yoqish" #~ msgid "&Enable alarm" #~ msgstr "&Xavf ogohnomasini yoqish" #~ msgid "Normal digit color:" #~ msgstr "Oddiy son uchun rang:" #~ msgid "Alarm digit color:" #~ msgstr "Ogohnoma soni uchun rang:" #~ msgid "Grid color:" #~ msgstr "Toʻrning rangi:" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" #~ "Your names" #~ msgstr "Mashrab Quvatov" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" #~ "Your emails" #~ msgstr "kmashrab@uni-bremen.de" #~ msgid "System Load" #~ msgstr "Tizim yuklanganligi" #~ msgid "Memory" #~ msgstr "Xotira" #~ msgid "Cached Memory" #~ msgstr "Kesh xotira" #~ msgid "Used Memory" #~ msgstr "Ishlatilgan xotira" #~ msgid "Application Memory" #~ msgstr "Dastur xotirasi" #~ msgid "Free Memory" #~ msgstr "Boʻsh xotira" #~ msgid "Process Count" #~ msgstr "Vazifalar soni" #~ msgid "Process Controller" #~ msgstr "Vazifalar jadvali" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: CPU Load\n" #~ "Load" #~ msgstr "Yuklanganligi" #~ msgid "Total Accesses" #~ msgstr "Jami" #~ msgid "Read Accesses" #~ msgstr "Oʻqish" #~ msgid "Write Accesses" #~ msgstr "Yozish" #~ msgid "Read Data" #~ msgstr "Maʼlumotni oʻqish" #~ msgid "Write Data" #~ msgstr "Maʼlumotni yozish" #~ msgid "Network" #~ msgstr "Tarmoq" #~ msgid "Interfaces" #~ msgstr "Interfeyslari" #~ msgid "Receiver" #~ msgstr "Qabul qiluvchi" #~ msgid "Transmitter" #~ msgstr "Tarqatuvchi" #~ msgid "Data" #~ msgstr "Maʼlumot" #~ msgid "Compressed Packets" #~ msgstr "Qisilgan paketlar" #~ msgid "Errors" #~ msgstr "Xatolar" #~ msgid "Frame Errors" #~ msgstr "Freym xatolari" #~ msgid "Packets" #~ msgstr "Paketlar" #~ msgid "Sockets" #~ msgstr "Soketlar" #~ msgid "Total Number" #~ msgstr "Jami" #~ msgid "Table" #~ msgstr "Jadval" #~ msgid "ACPI" #~ msgstr "ACPI" #~ msgid "Temperature" #~ msgstr "Harorat" #~ msgid "Fan" #~ msgstr "Sovutgich" #~ msgid "State" #~ msgstr "Holati" #~ msgid "Battery" #~ msgstr "Batareya" #~ msgid "Battery Charge" #~ msgstr "Batareyaning kuchi" #~ msgid "Battery Usage" #~ msgstr "Batareya" #~ msgid "Remaining Time" #~ msgstr "Qolgan vaqt" #~ msgid "Interrupts" #~ msgstr "Toʻxtalishlar" #~ msgid "Load Average (5 min)" #~ msgstr "Oʻrtacha yuklanganligi (5 daqiqa)" #~ msgid "Load Average (15 min)" #~ msgstr "Oʻrtacha yuklanganligi (15 daqiqa)" #~ msgid "Clock Frequency" #~ msgstr "Soat chastotasi" #~ msgid "Hardware Sensors" #~ msgstr "Asbob-uskuna sensorlari" #~ msgid "Partition Usage" #~ msgstr "Diskning qismlari" #~ msgid "Used Space" #~ msgstr "Ishlatilgan joy" #~ msgid "Free Space" #~ msgstr "Boʻsh joy" #~ msgid "Fill Level" #~ msgstr "Toʻlish darajasi" #~ msgid "CPU%1" #~ msgstr "Protsessor%1" #~ msgid "Disk%1" #~ msgstr "Disk%1" #~ msgid "Fan%1" #~ msgstr "Sovutgich%1" #~ msgid "Temperature%1" #~ msgstr "Harorat%1" #~ msgid "Total" #~ msgstr "Jami" #~ msgid "Int%1" #~ msgstr "Int%1" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: the unit 1 per second\n" #~ "1/s" #~ msgstr "1/s" #~ msgid "kBytes" #~ msgstr "Kb" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: the unit minutes\n" #~ "min" #~ msgstr "daqiqa" #~ msgid "" #~ "_: the frequency unit\n" #~ "MHz" #~ msgstr "MGs" #~ msgid "Integer Value" #~ msgstr "Butun son qiymati" #~ msgid "Connection to %1 has been lost." #~ msgstr "'%1' bilan aloqa uzildi." #~ msgid "Global Style Settings" #~ msgstr "Umumiy uslub moslamalari" #~ msgid "Display Style" #~ msgstr "Displeyning uslubi" #~ msgid "First foreground color:" #~ msgstr "Birinchi oldin fonning rangi:" #~ msgid "Second foreground color:" #~ msgstr "Ikkinchi oldin fonning rangi:" #~ msgid "Sensor Colors" #~ msgstr "Sensorning ranglari" #~ msgid "Change Color..." #~ msgstr "Rangni oʻzgartirish" #~ msgid "Color %1" #~ msgstr "Rang %1" #~ msgid "Connection to %1 refused" #~ msgstr "%1 bilan aloqa rad etildi" #~ msgid "Host %1 not found" #~ msgstr "Kompyuter (%1) topilmadi" #~ msgid "Timeout at host %1" #~ msgstr "%1 kompyuterida taymaut" #~ msgid "Timer Settings" #~ msgstr "Taymerning moslamalari" #~ msgid "Use update interval of worksheet" #~ msgstr "Ish varagʻining yangilash davrini ishlatish" #~ msgid "Connect Host" #~ msgstr "Kompyuterga ulanish" #~ msgid "Host:" #~ msgstr "Kompyuter:" #~ msgid "Enter the name of the host you want to connect to." #~ msgstr "Siz ulanmoqchi boʻlgan kompyuterning nomini kiriting." #~ msgid "Connection Type" #~ msgstr "Aloqaning turi" #~ msgid "ssh" #~ msgstr "ssh" #~ msgid "Select this to use the secure shell to login to the remote host." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Masofadagi kompyuterga ulanishda xavfsiz shelldan (ssh) foydalanish uchun " #~ "shuni tanlang." #~ msgid "rsh" #~ msgstr "rsh" #~ msgid "Select this to use the remote shell to login to the remote host." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Masofadagi kompyuterga ulanishda masofadagi shelldan (rsh) foydalanish " #~ "uchun shuni tanlang." #~ msgid "Daemon" #~ msgstr "Demon" #~ msgid "" #~ "Select this if you want to connect to a ksysguard daemon that is running " #~ "on the machine you want to connect to, and is listening for client " #~ "requests." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Masofadagi kompyuterda ishga tushirilgan ksysguard demoniga ulanmoqchi " #~ "boʻlsangiz, shuni tanlang." #~ msgid "Custom command" #~ msgstr "Boshqa buyruq" #~ msgid "" #~ "Select this to use the command you entered below to start ksysguardd on " #~ "the remote host." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Masofadagi kompyuterda quyidagi koʻrsatilgan buyruq yordamida ksysguardd " #~ "demonini ishga tushirish uchun shuni belgilang." #~ msgid "Port:" #~ msgstr "Port:" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enter the port number on which the ksysguard daemon is listening for " #~ "connections." #~ msgstr "Ksysguard demoni quloq solayotgan portning nomini kiriting." #~ msgid "e.g. 3112" #~ msgstr "m-n 3112" #~ msgid "Command:" #~ msgstr "Buyruq:" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enter the command that runs ksysguardd on the host you want to monitor." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Siz nazorat qilmoqchi boʻlgan kompyuterda ksysguardd demonini ishga " #~ "tushuruvchi buyruqni kiriting." #~ msgid "e.g. ssh -l root remote.host.org ksysguardd" #~ msgstr "m-n ssh -l root remote.host.org ksysguardd" #~ msgid "" #~ "Message from %1:\n" #~ "%2" #~ msgstr "" #~ "%1'dan olingan xabar:\n" #~ "%2" #~ msgid "Sensor Browser" #~ msgstr "Sensor brauzeri" #~ msgid "Sensor Type" #~ msgstr "Sensorning turi" #~ msgid "Drag sensors to empty cells of a worksheet or the panel applet." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sensorni ish varagʻi yoki panel appletining boʻsh katagiga olib qoʻying." #~ msgid "Drag sensors to empty fields in a worksheet." #~ msgstr "Sensorni ish varagʻidagi boʻsh joyga olib qoʻying." #~ msgid "Worksheet Properties" #~ msgstr "Ish varagʻining xossalari" #~ msgid "Rows:" #~ msgstr "Satrlar:" #~ msgid "Columns:" #~ msgstr "Ustunlar:" #~ msgid "Enter the number of rows the sheet should have." #~ msgstr "Ish varagʻining satrlar sonini kiriting." #~ msgid "Enter the number of columns the sheet should have." #~ msgstr "Ish varagʻining ustunlar sonini kiriting." #~ msgid "Enter the title of the worksheet here." #~ msgstr "Ish varagʻining sarlavhasini kiriting." #~ msgid "TDE system guard" #~ msgstr "TDE tizim nazoratchisi" #~ msgid "TDE System Guard" #~ msgstr "TDE tizim nazoratchisi" #~ msgid "88888 Processes" #~ msgstr "88888 vazifalar" #~ msgid "Memory: 88888888888 kB used, 88888888888 kB free" #~ msgstr "Xotira: 88888888888 Kb ishlatilgan, 88888888888 Kb boʻsh" #~ msgid "Swap: 888888888 kB used, 888888888 kB free" #~ msgstr "Svop: 888888888 Kb ishlatilgan, 888888888 Kb boʻsh" #~ msgid "C&onnect Host..." #~ msgstr "Kompyuterga &ulanish" #~ msgid "D&isconnect Host" #~ msgstr "Kompyuterdan u&zilish" #~ msgid "&Worksheet Properties" #~ msgstr "Ish varagʻi&ning xossalari" #~ msgid "Configure &Style..." #~ msgstr "Uslubni &moslash" #~ msgid "Do you really want to restore the default worksheets?" #~ msgstr "Andoza ish varaqlarini qayta tiklashni istaysizmi?" #~ msgid "Process Table" #~ msgstr "Vazifalar jadvali" #~ msgid "" #~ "_n: 1 Process\n" #~ "%n Processes" #~ msgstr "" #~ "1 vazifa\n" #~ "%n vazifa" #~ msgid "Memory: %1 %2 used, %3 %4 free" #~ msgstr "Xotira: %1 %2 ishlatilgan, %3 %4 boʻsh" #~ msgid "Swap: %1 %2 used, %3 %4 free" #~ msgstr "Svop: %1 %2 ishlatilgan, %3 %4 boʻsh" #~ msgid "Show only process list of local host" #~ msgstr "Faqat lokal kompyuterning vazifalar roʻyxatini koʻrsatish." #~ msgid "(c) 1996-2002 The KSysGuard Developers" #~ msgstr "(c) 1996-2002 KSysGuard tuzuvchilari" #~ msgid "Sheet %1" #~ msgstr "Varaq %1" #~ msgid "" #~ "The worksheet '%1' contains unsaved data.\n" #~ "Do you want to save the worksheet?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "%1 ish varagʻida saqlanmagan maʼlumot bor.\n" #~ "Ish varagʻini saqlashni istaysizmi?" #~ msgid "*.sgrd|Sensor Files" #~ msgstr "*.sgrd|Sensor fayllari" #~ msgid "Select Worksheet to Load" #~ msgstr "Yuklash uchun ish varagʻini tanlash" #~ msgid "You do not have a worksheet that could be saved." #~ msgstr "Saqlab boʻladigan ish varagʻi yoʻq." #~ msgid "Save Current Worksheet As" #~ msgstr "Joriy ish varagʻini saqlash" #~ msgid "There are no worksheets that could be deleted." #~ msgstr "Oʻchirib boʻladigan ish varagʻi yoʻq." #~ msgid "Cannot find file ProcessTable.sgrd." #~ msgstr "ProcessTable.sgrd faylini topib boʻlmadi."