path: root/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate
diff options
authorFrançois Andriot <[email protected]>2015-04-28 11:43:28 +0200
committerFrançois Andriot <[email protected]>2015-04-28 11:43:28 +0200
commit997c042e21f63d4be61e38937554fcdc8306efa4 (patch)
treedfc7b5c33a98103fde709a89b1754406c878c711 /redhat/applications/tdeio-locate
parent4b6d314fd1d6fac2fb82833811ae004f98b0b195 (diff)
RPM packaging: update tdeio-ftps, tdeio-locate, tdeio-sword, tdeio-umountwrapper, tdenetworkmanager
Diffstat (limited to 'redhat/applications/tdeio-locate')
5 files changed, 69 insertions, 428 deletions
diff --git a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.12.spec b/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.12.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 83bfc919b..000000000
--- a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.12.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# Default version for this component
-%define kdecomp kio-locate
-# If TDE is built in a specific prefix (e.g. /opt/trinity), the release will be suffixed with ".opt".
-%if "%{?tde_prefix}" != "/usr"
-%define _variant .opt
-# TDE 3.5.13 specific building variables
-%define tde_bindir %{tde_prefix}/bin
-%define tde_datadir %{tde_prefix}/share
-%define tde_docdir %{tde_datadir}/doc
-%define tde_includedir %{tde_prefix}/include
-%define tde_libdir %{tde_prefix}/%{_lib}
-%define tde_mandir %{tde_datadir}/man
-%define tde_appdir %{tde_datadir}/applications
-%define tde_tdeappdir %{tde_appdir}/kde
-%define tde_tdedocdir %{tde_docdir}/kde
-%define tde_tdeincludedir %{tde_includedir}/kde
-%define tde_tdelibdir %{tde_libdir}/trinity
-%define _docdir %{tde_docdir}
-Name: trinity-%{kdecomp}
-Summary: kio-slave for the locate command [Trinity]
-Version: 0.4.5
-Release: 2%{?dist}%{?_variant}
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Applications/Utilities
-Vendor: Trinity Project
-Packager: Francois Andriot <[email protected]>
-Prefix: %{tde_prefix}
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
-Source0: %{kdecomp}-3.5.12.tar.gz
-# [kio-locate] Fix compilation with GCC 4.7
-Patch1: kio-locate-3.5.13-fix_gcc47_compilation.patch
-BuildRequires: tqtinterface-devel
-BuildRequires: trinity-tdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: trinity-tdebase-devel
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-BuildRequires: scons
-Adds support for the "locate:" and "locater:"
-protocols to Konqueror and other TDE applications.
-This enables you to perform locate searches as you
-would in a terminal. The result is displayed just
-as a directory.
-%setup -q -n applications/%{kdecomp}
-#patch1 -p1 -b .install
-# Ugly hack to modify TQT include directory inside SCONS files.
-# If TQT detection fails, it fallbacks to TQT4 instead of TQT3 !
-%__sed -i "admin/" \
- -e "s|/usr/include/tqt|%{tde_includedir}/tqt|g"
-unset QTDIR; . /etc/profile.d/
-export PATH="%{tde_bindir}:${PATH}"
-export LDFLAGS="-L%{tde_libdir} -I%{tde_includedir}"
-export CXXFLAGS="-I%{tde_includedir}/tqt ${CXXFLAGS}"
-scons configure
-export PATH="%{tde_bindir}:${PATH}"
-%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
-scons install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
-%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
-* Tue May 01 2012 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-2
-- Rebuilt for Fedora 17
-- Removes post and postun
-- Fix compilation with GCC 4.7
-* Sat Dec 03 2011 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-1
-- Initial release for RHEL 5, RHEL 6, Fedora 15, Fedora 16
diff --git a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.13-fix_gcc47_compilation.patch b/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.13-fix_gcc47_compilation.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 00ca8561c..000000000
--- a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.13-fix_gcc47_compilation.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
---- kio-locate/src/SConscript.ORI 2012-05-02 00:23:36.637608539 +0200
-+++ kio-locate/src/SConscript 2012-05-02 00:23:44.142459165 +0200
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- pattern.cpp
- """
- obj.libs='tqt kio'
--obj.linkflags='-module' # add more link flags
-+#obj.linkflags='-module' # add more link flags
- obj.execute()
- # Install the protocol files
---- kio-locate/admin/ 2011-07-07 08:10:05.000000000 +0200
-+++ kio-locate/admin/ 2012-05-06 20:29:48.236024293 +0200
-@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
- opts.Save(cachefile, env)
- ## set default variables, one can override them in sconscript files
-- env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-I'+env['KDEINCLUDEPATH'], '-I'+env['QTINCLUDEPATH'], '-I/usr/include/tqt' ],
-+ env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-I'+env['KDEINCLUDEPATH'], '-I'+env['QTINCLUDEPATH'], '-I/opt/trinity/include/tqt' ],
- env['QT_AUTOSCAN'] = 1
-@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@
- ## Define this to 1 if you are writing documentation else to 0 :)
- #if lenv.has_key('i_am_a_documentation_writer'):
- for file in docbook_list:
-- lenv.Depends( folder+'index.cache.bz2', nodefile )
-+ lenv.Depends( folder+'index.cache.bz2', file )
- if lenv.has_key('_BUILDDIR_'): folder=lenv.join(lenv['_BUILDDIR_'], folder)
-@@ -781,7 +782,7 @@
- lenv.KDEinstall( 'KDEDOC', lenv.join(lang,destination), lenv.join(folder,'index.cache.bz2') )
- if env['_INSTALL']:
-- dir=lenv.join(lenv.getInstDirForResType('KDEDOC'), lang, destination)
-+ dir=lenv.join(env['DESTDIR'], lenv.getInstDirForResType('KDEDOC'), lang, destination)
- comp='mkdir -p %s && cd %s && rm -f common && ln -s ../common common' % (dir, dir)
- lenv.Execute(comp)
diff --git a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate- b/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-
deleted file mode 100644
index 24f010d15..000000000
--- a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# Default version for this component
-%define kdecomp kio-locate
-# If TDE is built in a specific prefix (e.g. /opt/trinity), the release will be suffixed with ".opt".
-%if "%{?tde_prefix}" != "/usr"
-%define _variant .opt
-# TDE 3.5.13 specific building variables
-%define tde_bindir %{tde_prefix}/bin
-%define tde_datadir %{tde_prefix}/share
-%define tde_docdir %{tde_datadir}/doc
-%define tde_includedir %{tde_prefix}/include
-%define tde_libdir %{tde_prefix}/%{_lib}
-%define tde_mandir %{tde_datadir}/man
-%define tde_appdir %{tde_datadir}/applications
-%define tde_tdeappdir %{tde_appdir}/kde
-%define tde_tdedocdir %{tde_docdir}/tde
-%define tde_tdeincludedir %{tde_includedir}/tde
-%define tde_tdelibdir %{tde_libdir}/trinity
-%define _docdir %{tde_docdir}
-Name: trinity-%{kdecomp}
-Summary: kio-slave for the locate command [Trinity]
-Version: 0.4.5
-Release: 3%{?dist}%{?_variant}
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Applications/Utilities
-Vendor: Trinity Project
-Packager: Francois Andriot <[email protected]>
-Prefix: %{tde_prefix}
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
-Source0: %{kdecomp}-
-BuildRequires: trinity-tqtinterface-devel >=
-BuildRequires: trinity-tdelibs-devel >=
-BuildRequires: trinity-tdebase-devel >=
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-BuildRequires: cmake >= 2.8
-Adds support for the "locate:" and "locater:"
-protocols to Konqueror and other TDE applications.
-This enables you to perform locate searches as you
-would in a terminal. The result is displayed just
-as a directory.
-%if 0%{?suse_version} || 0%{?pclinuxos}
-%setup -q -n %{kdecomp}-
-# Ugly hack to modify TQT include directory inside SCONS files.
-# If TQT detection fails, it fallbacks to TQT4 instead of TQT3 !
-%__sed -i "admin/" \
- -e "s|/usr/include/tqt|%{tde_includedir}/tqt|g"
-unset QTDIR; . /etc/profile.d/
-export PATH="%{tde_bindir}:${PATH}"
-export LDFLAGS="-L%{tde_libdir} -I%{tde_includedir}"
-export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="%{tde_libdir}/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"
-export CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="%{tde_tdeincludedir}"
-%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?suse_version}
-%__mkdir_p build
-cd build
-%cmake \
- -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{tde_prefix} \
- -DBIN_INSTALL_DIR=%{tde_bindir} \
- -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR=%{tde_tdeincludedir} \
- -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=%{tde_libdir} \
- -DSHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{tde_datadir} \
- ..
-# SMP safe !
-%__make %{?_smp_mflags}
-export PATH="%{tde_bindir}:${PATH}"
-%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%__make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C build
-%find_lang %{kdecomp}
-%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%files -f %{kdecomp}.lang
-* Wed Oct 03 2012 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-3
-- Initial release for TDE
-* Tue May 01 2012 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-2
-- Rebuilt for Fedora 17
-- Removes post and postun
-- Fix compilation with GCC 4.7
-* Sat Dec 03 2011 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-1
-- Initial release for RHEL 5, RHEL 6, Fedora 15, Fedora 16
diff --git a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.13.spec b/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.13.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index a43cea13a..000000000
--- a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/kio-locate-3.5.13.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Default version for this component
-%define kdecomp kio-locate
-# If TDE is built in a specific prefix (e.g. /opt/trinity), the release will be suffixed with ".opt".
-%if "%{?tde_prefix}" != "/usr"
-%define _variant .opt
-# TDE 3.5.13 specific building variables
-%define tde_bindir %{tde_prefix}/bin
-%define tde_datadir %{tde_prefix}/share
-%define tde_docdir %{tde_datadir}/doc
-%define tde_includedir %{tde_prefix}/include
-%define tde_libdir %{tde_prefix}/%{_lib}
-%define tde_mandir %{tde_datadir}/man
-%define tde_appdir %{tde_datadir}/applications
-%define tde_tdeappdir %{tde_appdir}/kde
-%define tde_tdedocdir %{tde_docdir}/kde
-%define tde_tdeincludedir %{tde_includedir}/kde
-%define tde_tdelibdir %{tde_libdir}/trinity
-%define _docdir %{tde_docdir}
-Name: trinity-%{kdecomp}
-Summary: kio-slave for the locate command [Trinity]
-Version: 0.4.5
-Release: 2%{?dist}%{?_variant}
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Applications/Utilities
-Vendor: Trinity Project
-Packager: Francois Andriot <[email protected]>
-Prefix: %{tde_prefix}
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
-Source0: %{kdecomp}-3.5.13.tar.gz
-# [kio-locate] Fix compilation with GCC 4.7
-Patch1: kio-locate-3.5.13-fix_gcc47_compilation.patch
-Patch2: kio-locate-3.5.13-downgrade_3512.patch
-BuildRequires: tqtinterface-devel
-BuildRequires: trinity-tdelibs-devel
-BuildRequires: trinity-tdebase-devel
-BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
-BuildRequires: scons
-Adds support for the "locate:" and "locater:"
-protocols to Konqueror and other TDE applications.
-This enables you to perform locate searches as you
-would in a terminal. The result is displayed just
-as a directory.
-%setup -q -n applications/%{kdecomp}
-%patch1 -p1 -b .install
-%patch2 -p7
-# Ugly hack to modify TQT include directory inside SCONS files.
-# If TQT detection fails, it fallbacks to TQT4 instead of TQT3 !
-%__sed -i "admin/" \
- -e "s|/usr/include/tqt|%{tde_includedir}/tqt|g"
-unset QTDIR; . /etc/profile.d/
-export PATH="%{tde_bindir}:${PATH}"
-export LDFLAGS="-L%{tde_libdir} -I%{tde_includedir}"
-scons configure
-export PATH="%{tde_bindir}:${PATH}"
-%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
-scons install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
-%__rm -rf %{buildroot}
-* Tue May 01 2012 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-2
-- Rebuilt for Fedora 17
-- Removes post and postun
-- Fix compilation with GCC 4.7
-* Sat Dec 03 2011 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-1
-- Initial release for RHEL 5, RHEL 6, Fedora 15, Fedora 16
diff --git a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/tdeio-locate-14.0.0.spec b/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/tdeio-locate-14.0.0.spec
index d3a53bd8a..93d0a0ca4 100644
--- a/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/tdeio-locate-14.0.0.spec
+++ b/redhat/applications/tdeio-locate/tdeio-locate-14.0.0.spec
@@ -1,57 +1,93 @@
-# Default version for this component
-%define tde_pkg tdeio-locate
+# spec file for package tdeio-locate (version R14.0.0)
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Trinity Desktop Environment
+# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
+# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
+# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
+# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
+# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
+# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
+# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
+# published by the Open Source Initiative.
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
+# TDE variables
+%define tde_epoch 2
%define tde_version 14.0.0
-# If TDE is built in a specific prefix (e.g. /opt/trinity), the release will be suffixed with ".opt".
-%if "%{?tde_prefix}" != "/usr"
-%define _variant .opt
-# TDE specific building variables
+%define tde_pkg tdeio-locate
+%define tde_prefix /opt/trinity
%define tde_bindir %{tde_prefix}/bin
%define tde_datadir %{tde_prefix}/share
%define tde_docdir %{tde_datadir}/doc
%define tde_includedir %{tde_prefix}/include
%define tde_libdir %{tde_prefix}/%{_lib}
%define tde_mandir %{tde_datadir}/man
-%define tde_appdir %{tde_datadir}/applications
-%define tde_tdeappdir %{tde_appdir}/tde
+%define tde_tdeappdir %{tde_datadir}/applications/tde
%define tde_tdedocdir %{tde_docdir}/tde
%define tde_tdeincludedir %{tde_includedir}/tde
%define tde_tdelibdir %{tde_libdir}/trinity
-%define _docdir %{tde_docdir}
-Name: trinity-%{tde_pkg}
-Summary: tdeio-slave for the locate command [Trinity]
-Version: 0.4.5
-Release: %{?!preversion:6}%{?preversion:5_%{preversion}}%{?dist}%{?_variant}
+Name: trinity-%{tde_pkg}
+Epoch: %{tde_epoch}
+Version: 0.4.5
+Release: %{?!preversion:1}%{?preversion:0_%{preversion}}%{?dist}%{?_variant}
+Summary: Tdeio-slave for the locate command [Trinity]
+Group: Applications/Utilities
-License: GPLv2+
-Group: Applications/Utilities
+%if 0%{?suse_version}
+License: GPL-2.0+
+License: GPLv2+
-Vendor: Trinity Project
-Packager: Francois Andriot <[email protected]>
+#Vendor: Trinity Desktop
+#Packager: Francois Andriot <[email protected]>
-Prefix: %{tde_prefix}
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+Prefix: %{tde_prefix}
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Source0: %{name}-%{tde_version}%{?preversion:~%{preversion}}.tar.gz
-BuildRequires: trinity-tqtinterface-devel >= %{tde_version}
-BuildRequires: trinity-arts-devel >= 1:1.5.10
BuildRequires: trinity-tdelibs-devel >= %{tde_version}
BuildRequires: trinity-tdebase-devel >= %{tde_version}
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: cmake >= 2.8
+BuildRequires: libtool
+BuildRequires: gcc-c++
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig
+BuildRequires: fdupes
+# SUSE desktop files utility
+%if 0%{?suse_version}
+BuildRequires: update-desktop-files
+%if 0%{?opensuse_bs} && 0%{?suse_version}
+# for xdg-menu script
+BuildRequires: brp-check-trinity
+# IDN support
+BuildRequires: libidn-devel
+# GAMIN support
+# Not on openSUSE.
+%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?mgaversion} || 0%{?mdkversion}
+%define with_gamin 1
+BuildRequires: gamin-devel
Obsoletes: trinity-kio-locate < %{version}-%{release}
Provides: trinity-kio-locate = %{version}-%{release}
Adds support for the "locate" and "locater:"
protocols to Konqueror and other TDE applications.
@@ -61,10 +97,14 @@ would in a terminal. The result is displayed just
as a directory.
-%if 0%{?suse_version} || 0%{?pclinuxos}
+%if 0%{?pclinuxos} || 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?opensuse_bs} == 0
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{tde_version}%{?preversion:~%{preversion}}
@@ -126,5 +166,5 @@ export PATH="%{tde_bindir}:${PATH}"
-* Fri Jul 05 2013 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 0.4.5-6
+* Fri Jul 05 2013 Francois Andriot <[email protected]> - 2:0.4.5-1
- Initial release for TDE 14.0.0