konversation-kde3 (1.1-0ubuntu3) karmic; urgency=low

  * Karmic rebuild

 -- Timothy Pearson <kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net>  Thu, 02 July 2009 16:08:00 -0600

konversation-kde3 (1.1-0ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low

  * Moved KDE3 to /opt/kde3
  * Integrated properly with KDE4.2+

 -- Timothy Pearson <kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net>  Fri, 06 March 2009 01:35:00 -0600

konversation-kde3 (1.1-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  * Added -kde3 suffix

 -- Timothy Pearson <kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net>  Sun, 14 Dec 2008 14:31:00 -0600

konversation (1.1-0ubuntu2.1) intrepid-proposed; urgency=low

  * Reapply kubuntu_05_default_channels.diff dropped in 1.0.1-6ubuntu1.
  * Removed 10_debian_channel.diff added in 1.0.1-6ubuntu1.
  * Re-add missing changelog entries that went into a black hole.
  * Kubuntu people now go to #kubuntu, not #debian again (LP: #218958), 
    even without kubuntu-default-settings installed.
  * This merge should now be correct.

 -- Sarah Hobbs <hobbsee@ubuntu.com>  Tue, 04 Nov 2008 13:53:43 +1100

konversation (1.1-0ubuntu2) intrepid; urgency=low

  * Run buildprep before upload

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:08:33 +0100

konversation (1.1-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (LP: #256733)
  * Bump Standards-Version up to 3.8.0
  * Added po/*/konversation.gmo to the build clean target

 -- Jonathan Thomas (The man) <echidnaman@gmail.com>  Sun, 10 Aug 2008 17:19:20 -0400

konversation (1.0.1-6ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low

  * Merge with Debian, remaining change just the .orig md5sum, closes LP: #226180

 -- Richard Birnie <Arbyuk@googlemail.com>  Wed, 07 May 2008 13:46:21 +0100

konversation (1.0.1-6) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Modestas Vainius ]
  * Move Homepage stanza to debian/control source section.
  * Bump Standards-Version to
  * Add DM-Upload-Allowed: yes to debian/control source section.
  * Enhance 16_konversation_desktop.diff patch - remove Encoding field from
    konversation.desktop too.

 -- Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>  Tue, 04 Mar 2008 18:40:56 +0200

konversation (1.0.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Modestas Vainius ]
  * Drop hackish docs removal stuff from debian/rules. There is a less
    hackish way to achieve the same thing (i.e. not to installing upstrem
    README) which should not cause problems with dash as /bin/sh
    (Closes: #459159).
  * New patches from 1.0.1-4ubuntu2:
    * Add unfuzzed kubuntu_02_serverlist_compiz_workaround.patch as
      17_serverlist_compiz_workaround.diff. The patch comes from
      upstream r604746  (KDE Bug #147557).
    * I'm adding back kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff because it does not hurt and now
      I understand how it helps for Ubuntu.

 -- Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>  Mon, 21 Jan 2008 12:22:36 +0200

konversation (1.0.1-4ubuntu6) hardy; urgency=low

  * Edit 10_debian_channel.diff, renamed to
    kubuntu_05_default_channels.diff, to default to #kubuntu.  
    (LP: #218958)
  * Add this, and previous patch, to debian/patches/series, so they actually

 -- Sarah Hobbs <hobbsee@ubuntu.com>  Fri, 18 Apr 2008 16:16:47 +1000

konversation (1.0.1-4ubuntu5) hardy; urgency=low

  * Added kubuntu_04_dcc_crash.diff to prevent Konversation from crashing
    when a DCC Chat request is sent. (LP: #60898)
  * Fixed in KDE SVN r605705

 -- Guillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>  Sat, 12 Apr 2008 23:47:08 +0200

konversation (1.0.1-4ubuntu4) hardy; urgency=low

  * Fixed kubuntu_03_osd_kde4.diff
    - Closes LP: #209368

 -- Anthony Mercatante <tonio@ubuntu.com>  Tue, 08 Apr 2008 15:36:00 +0200

konversation (1.0.1-4ubuntu3) hardy; urgency=low

  * Added kubuntu_03_osd_kde4.diff, fixes OSD issue on the KDE4 desktop.
    Patch from svn.

 -- Anthony Mercatante <tonio@ubuntu.com>  Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:40:59 +0100

konversation (1.0.1-4ubuntu2) gutsy; urgency=low

  * Add kubuntu_02_serverlist_compiz_workaround.patch from upstream.
    (KDE Bug #147557)
  * Removed 98_buildprep.diff as we dont tend to use these in ubuntu.
    Fixes FTBFS
  * Added build-dep automake1.9 to fix FTBFS

 -- Sarah Hobbs <hobbsee@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 15 Oct 2007 22:08:45 +1000

konversation (1.0.1-4ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low

  * Merge with Debian for CVE patch, remaining change:
    - kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff patch

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Thu, 30 Aug 2007 11:17:04 +0100

konversation (1.0.1-4) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Modestas Vainius ]
  * Add new patches:
    - 15_CVE-2007-4400.diff to fix CVE-2007-4400 vulnerability.
    The patch is based on upstream SVN commits #602433 and #602435
    (Closes: #439837).
    - 16_konversation_desktop.diff to remove X-SuSE-IRCClient from
      konversation.desktop Categories to shut lintian up.
  * Change Debian menu section to Applications/Network/Communication.

 -- Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>  Thu, 30 Aug 2007 12:07:06 +0300

konversation (1.0.1-3ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low

  [ Jonathan Riddell ]
  * Drop channel patch, default channel is changed in kubuntu-default-settings
    and it can fall back to freenode if that's not installed

  [ Frode M. Døving ]
  * Mergeing from Debian. See changelog entries below.
    A big thank you goes to the Debian KDE Extras Team, you rock!
  * Remaining change: kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff
  * Change maintainer address to ubuntu-core-dev.

 -- Frode M. Døving <frode@ubuntu.com>  Wed, 25 Jul 2007 22:25:27 +0200

konversation (1.0.1-3) unstable; urgency=low

  [ Modestas Vainius ]
  * Documentation is provided under the terms of GNU GFDL with no Invariant
    Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. Mention this
    in debian/copyright.
  * Update standards version to point to
    /usr/share/common-licenses/GFDL in debian/copyright.
  * Use more strict wildcards in konversation.install mostly to track
    upstream changes and to eliminate empty apidox directory.
  * New/updated patches:
    - 10_debian_channel.diff - update to use port 7000 for irc.debian.org
      by default to prevent possible DCC exploit.
    - 12_dbug405384_dccsendfile.diff - remember whole URL (including protocol),
      not just directory for "Send File" dialog (Closes: #405384).
    - 13_dbug412894_lowercase_nick.diff - don't crash on typing text in
      reopened query/channel after all channels/queries were left (lowercase
      nicknames were not affected) (Closes: #412894).
    - 14_dbug412803_assert_crash.diff - avoid a possible crash on DCOP info.
      Remove a bogus assert (Closes: #412803).
  * Add kdelibs-dbg to konversation-dbg Recommends.

 -- Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>  Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:15:48 +0300

konversation (1.0.1-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Konversation is now maintained by Debian KDE Extras Team.
    Modestas Vainius <modestas@vainius.eu> is responsible for the package.

  [Modestas Vainius]
  * Update debian/copyright based on current copyright information in the
    source code.
  * Migrate from simple patch system to quilt.
  * Patches:
    - 01 to 04. Usual libtool & autotools update.
    - 06_fix_relibtoolization.diff - remove a few redundant _LIBADD directives
      from Makefile.am files to make relibtoolization possible.
    - 10_debian_channel.diff - add irc://irc.debian.org/#debian to server list
      by default.
    - kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff.diff - drop this patch because I don't see why it's
      needed. Current code leads to the same result.
    - 11_dbug_autoreplace.diff - add Debian BTS (dbug) auto replace. Thanks to
      Filipus Klutiero for the idea (Closes: #419897).
    - 98_buildprep.diff - relibtoolization patch.
  * Use ${binary:Version} instead of obsolete ${Source-Version} for the -dbg
  * Changes to debian/control:
    - Drop versioned dependency on g++.
    - Drop reduntant build dependency on libqt3-mt-dev.
    - Drop autotools runtime from build dependencies. They are no longer needed.
    - Build depend on autotools-dev for config.guess and config.sub.

 -- Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>  Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:24:41 +0300

konversation (1.0.1-1ubuntu2) feisty; urgency=low

  * Changed kubuntu_01_channel.diff to set the default port of the default
    server to 8001 to prevent the DCC exploit (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit)

 -- Martin Meredith <mez@ubuntu.com>  Sat, 27 Jan 2007 06:21:52 +0000

konversation (1.0.1-1ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable
  * Remaining changes: kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff and kubuntu_01_channel.diff

 -- Brandon Holtsclaw <imbrandon@kubuntu.org>  Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:57:45 +0000

konversation (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sat,  7 Oct 2006 04:13:14 +0000

konversation (1.0.1-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * New Upstream Bugfix Release ( UVFe approved by mdz )
  * Closes Malone: #64488

 -- Brandon Holtsclaw <imbrandon@kubuntu.org>  Thu, 12 Oct 2006 10:03:06 -0500

konversation (1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.  (closes: #387045)
    + Closes: #365759 (Server tab is blank while reconnecting)
    + Closes: #356304 (FTBFS with G++ 4.1: extra qualification); patch
      incorporated upstream; thanks to Martin Michlmayr for the NMU

  * Sync with Ubuntu.
    + Drop kubuntu_01_channel.diff in favor of updated debian_01_channel.diff.

  * Preseed channel list with #debian at irc.debian.org instead of #debian-kde
    at irc.freenode.net.  (closes: #371880)

  * Stop shipping outdated and unused cdbs/kde.mk.

  * Change section of konversation-dbg to kde so it matches override file.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed, 13 Sep 2006 14:56:45 -0400

konversation (1.0-0ubuntu6) edgy; urgency=low

  * Set .pot name in debian/rules

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Sun,  1 Oct 2006 13:00:19 +0100

konversation (1.0-0ubuntu5) edgy; urgency=low

  * Applyed Mez patch again (sorry!) for gnome users.

 -- Anthony Mercatante <tonio@ubuntu.com>  Sat,  9 Sep 2006 08:54:21 +0200

konversation (1.0-0ubuntu4) edgy; urgency=low

  * Back to old kubuntu_01_channel.diff since the settings are
    overwritten bu kubuntu-default-settings in the first place.
    Applying the wanted changes to kds.

 -- Anthony Mercatante <tonio@ubuntu.com>  Sat,  9 Sep 2006 08:33:24 +0200

konversation (1.0-0ubuntu3) edgy; urgency=low

  * Modified kubuntu_01_channel.diff to change the default irc server 
    to irc.ubuntu.com vs irc.freenode.net (Closes Malone: #52690)
    thanks to Martin Meredith ( mez@ubuntu.com )

 -- Brandon Holtsclaw <imbrandon@kubuntu.org>  Sat,  9 Sep 2006 02:12:26 -0500

konversation (1.0-0ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low

  * Add automake and autoconf build-dep

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Fri,  1 Sep 2006 21:41:38 +0000

konversation (1.0-0ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  [ Jonathan Riddell ]
  * Add kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff and use standard kde.mk in debian/rules

  [ Brandon Holtsclaw ]
  * New Upstream Version ( uvf exception approved by kamoin )
  * Removed kubuntu_02_serverlist.patch adopted upstream
  * Removed debian_02_gcc41.diff also adopted upstream

 -- Brandon Holtsclaw <imbrandon@kubuntu.org>  Thu, 31 Aug 2006 11:39:24 -0500

konversation (0.19-1.1ubuntu2) edgy; urgency=low

  * Added kubuntu_02_serverlist.patch (Closes: #34992)

 -- Stephan Hermann <sh@sourcecode.de>  Fri,  7 Jul 2006 12:49:21 +0200

konversation (0.19-1.1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low

  * Merge from debian unstable.

 -- Stephan Hermann <sh@sourcecode.de>  Fri,  7 Jul 2006 08:03:41 +0200

konversation (0.19-1.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * NMU as part of the GCC 4.1 transition.
  * patches/debian_01_channel.diff: Remove extra qualification from C++
    header file.  (Closes: #356304)

 -- Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>  Thu, 25 May 2006 21:55:25 +0200

konversation (0.19-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.  (Closes: #350562)
    Adds many features and fixes many bugs, including:
    + Middle-Click Paste behaves differently on channel input line and
      text input line (Closes: #338489)

  * Synchronize with Ubuntu.
    - However, disable the libtool-related patches, as they cause autoconf to
      be re-run at build time, and this is not desirable.  I don't have time
      to investigate this properly now; NMUs that address the issue are

  * Preseed initial channel list with #debian-kde instead of #kde.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed,  1 Feb 2006 12:46:01 -0500

konversation (0.19-0ubuntu4) dapper; urgency=low

  * debian/cdbs/kde.mk:
    - added dh_iconcache.

 -- Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com>  Sun, 21 May 2006 16:45:52 +0200

konversation (0.19-0ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low

  * Edit debian/cdbs/kde.mk to generate .pot file

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Tue,  9 May 2006 17:26:57 +0300

konversation (0.19-0ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * Don't use GCC 3.4 on hppa

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Thu, 16 Feb 2006 12:04:31 +0000

konversation (0.19-0ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Relibtooled - makes tighter Depends

 -- Martin Meredith <mez@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 30 Jan 2006 12:49:48 +0000

konversation (0.18-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Synchronize with Ubuntu.

  * Build with default g++ on all architectures, instead of g++ 3.4 on arm,
    m68k, and hppa, now that PR c++/21123 (Debian bug #323133) has been fixed.
    Add temporary build-dependency on g++ (>= 4:4.0.2-2) until all buildds
    have that version.
    + Closes: #342996: Package explicitely build-depends on g++-3.4

  * Bump debian/compat to 5 and build-depend on debhelper (>= 5.0).

  * Add konversation-dbg, to help trace problems (and remove my previous,
    less-elegant method of conditionally including debug symbols).

  * Recommend python; it is used by the media and weather scripts.

  * Remove ancient Conflicts and Provides declarations for konversation-doc
    and konversation-i18n.  I believe these packages were never uploaded to
    the official Debian archive, and were definitely removed long before the
    sarge release.

  * Remove the .svn check in debian/rules in favor of passing -i to
    dpkg-buildpackage (which simplifies maintenance).

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 15 Dec 2005 08:46:25 -0500

konversation (0.18-3ubuntu2) dapper; urgency=low

  * Rebuild against the latest kdelibs4-dev to make us installable.

 -- Adam Conrad <adconrad@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:35:14 +1100

konversation (0.18-3ubuntu1) dapper; urgency=low

  * Resynchronise with Debian.
  * Sponsored upload for Loic Pefferkorn <loic@ubuntu.com>

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 21 Nov 2005 13:14:59 +0100

konversation (0.18-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Build with g++-3.4 on arm, m68k, and hppa architectures to work around an
    internal compiler error in g++ 4.0 on those architectures (bug #323133).
    - debian/{control,rules}

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue,  6 Sep 2005 21:19:00 -0400

konversation (0.18-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Upload to Debian unstable, now that a C++ transitioned version of kdelibs
    has been built on all architectures.

  * Use a more descriptive title in the Debian menu entry.
    - debian/konversation.menu

  * Bump package's Standards-Version to 3.6.2 (no changes needed).
    - debian/control: update Standards-Version

  * Update build dependencies to require a more recent version of debhelper
    (>= 4.9) so that dh_installmenu puts the menu file in /usr/share instead
    of /usr/lib, to comply with the latest menu policy.
    - debian/control: update Build-Depends

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu,  1 Sep 2005 22:26:21 -0400

konversation (0.18-1ubuntu4) dapper; urgency=low

  * Build with GCC 3.4 on arches where GCC 4.0 fails
    See http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/09/msg00020.html

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Fri, 28 Oct 2005 03:58:12 +0000

konversation (0.18-1ubuntu3) breezy; urgency=low

  * bumped cdbs build-dep back to 0.4.21 to make backports happy
    the "dont ask me again for KDE packages, how can a IRC client 
    be 7MB big ?" release

 -- Oliver Grawert <ogra@ubuntu.com>  Tue, 26 Jul 2005 23:42:24 +0200

konversation (0.18-1ubuntu2) breezy; urgency=low

  * Add libxi-dev build-depends

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Fri,  8 Jul 2005 09:52:14 +0000

konversation (0.18-1ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low

  * Merged with Debian
  * Sponsored upload for Martin Meredith <martin@sourceguru.net>

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jriddell@ubuntu.com>  Sat, 11 Jun 2005 01:58:20 +0100

konversation (0.18-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    (Not uploaded to Debian, due to the C++ transition.)

  * Recommend ruby, as the newly-added qurl script uses it.

  * Update konversation(1) manpage.

  * Update debian/cdbs/kde.mk to revision 1066 from

  * Update homepage (again); it is now http://konversation.kde.org/

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue,  7 Jun 2005 21:48:59 -0400

konversation (0.17-1ubuntu1) breezy; urgency=low

  * Merge with debian.
  * Upload for Frode M. Doeving <frode@lnix.net>

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>  Tue, 31 May 2005 16:04:33 +0200

konversation (0.17-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.

  * Use the kde.mk class maintained by the Debian KDE Maintainers, instead of
    the one shipped with CDBS.  (Copied from
    revision 856.)

    One benefit is that experimental packages should now be actually be built
    with debugging symbols.

  * Build-Depends on a more recent cdbs (>= 2.4.27-3), as the updated kde.mk
    requires some targets that were added recently.

  * Minor packaging cleanups.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed,  6 Apr 2005 17:17:36 -0400

konversation (0.16-1ubuntu2) breezy; urgency=low

  * Rebuild package for new C++ ABI.

 -- Matthias Klose <doko@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 30 May 2005 20:11:41 +0000

konversation (0.16-1ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low

  * Sync changelog with Debian package
  * Sponsored upload for İsmail Dönmez <ismail@kde.org.tr>

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>  Thu, 24 Mar 2005 09:31:10 -0500

konversation (0.16-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    + Closes: #275282: Fallback to ISO-8859-1 (or whatever) if an incoming
      message isn't UTF8
    + Closes: #303090: docs are installed in wrong place 

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 24 Mar 2005 09:31:10 -0500

konversation (0.15.1-0ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * SECURITY UPDATE: Fixes multiple security vulnerabilities
  * Wildcard variable parsing allows server to execute arbitrary IRC commands
  * Unescaped variables in Perl scripts allow arbitrary commands to be run by local user
  * Nick and password confused in quick connect dialogue
  * References:
  * Merge following changes from 0.15-2 Debian package
  * Added 000-remove-needless-alias.patch from upstream CVS (thanks to SuSE);
    should fix a build failure on ia64.
  * Deleted doc-expand-3.3-entities.patch; no longer needed.
  * The konversation website has moved to http://konversation.berlios.de/;
    updated references accordingly:
    - debian/control
    - debian/copyright
  * sponored upload for İsmail Dönmez <ismail@kde.org.tr> (upstream itself)   

 -- Jonathan Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>  Wed, 19 Jan 2005 15:23:29 +0200

konversation (0.15+2005.02.17-0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Start building nightly snapshots tarballs with --no18n, as createPackage
    no longer builds proper i18n trees (KDE upstream removed some required
    Makefile.am files, and I lack the time to fix it properly right now).

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 17 Feb 2005 11:59:13 -0500

konversation (0.15-3) unstable; urgency=high

  * Security update release.  Applied patches from Wouter Coekaerts (included
    in upstream 0.15.1) to fix the following issues:
    + CAN-2005-0129: quick buttons recursive % expansion
    + CAN-2005-0130: perl script arbitrary command execution
    + CAN-2005-0131: potential server password leak
    (Closes: #291503)
  * Reverted website changes in 0.15-2; the konversation.org website is back.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:07:21 -0500

konversation (0.15-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added 000-remove-needless-alias.patch from upstream CVS (thanks to SuSE);
    should fix a build failure on ia64.  (Closes: #289914)
  * Deleted doc-expand-3.3-entities.patch; no longer needed.
  * The konversation website has moved to http://konversation.berlios.de/;
    updated references accordingly:
    - debian/control
    - debian/copyright

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed,  5 Jan 2005 18:33:16 -0500

konversation (0.15-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    + Closes: #266126: per-channel setting for character set
    + Closes: #271045: CPU 100% usage when receiving channel list
    + Closes: #271046: Channel list received from server is not complete
    + Closes: #276551: Busy-loops on the IRC socket
    + tarball layout has changed; packaging updated accordingly:
      - doc-expand-3.3-entities.patch
      - debian/rules
      - debian/docs
  * Removed 23 identical automatic snapshot entries from debian/changelog.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed,  1 Dec 2004 12:31:51 -0500

konversation (0.15-1ubuntu1) hoary; urgency=low

  * Initial Ubuntu upload
  * Fixes broken build-depends
  * sponored upload for İsmail Dönmez (upstream itself)   

 -- Andreas Mueller <amu@canonical.com>  Sun, 9 Jan 2005 13:28:12 +0200

konversation (0.14.0+20041129-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
    + irc.protocol has been renamed konvirc.protocol and no longer needs to be
      maintained using update-alternatives; postinst and prerm updated
  * Resync doc-expand-3.3-entities.patch:
    + no longer need to patch ./doc/da/index.docbook

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue, 30 Nov 2004 01:13:17 -0500

konversation (0.14.0+20040902.1-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
    + install the icons in the correct place

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu,  2 Sep 2004 22:57:36 -0400

konversation (0.14.0+20040902-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * Do not call update-alternatives --remove when upgrading, as this can
    effectively reset the administrator's settings.
    - debian/konversation.prerm

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu,  2 Sep 2004 11:21:08 -0400

konversation (0.14.0+20040831-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * Build with debugging symbols.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue, 31 Aug 2004 13:28:25 -0400

konversation (0.14.0+20040824-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * Manage the irc.protocol file with Debian's alternatives system.
    - debian/rules, debian/konversation.{postinst,prerm}

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue, 24 Aug 2004 20:15:29 -0400

konversation (0.14.0+20040819-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * doc-expand-3.3-entities.patch: resync

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 19 Aug 2004 11:35:33 -0400

konversation (0.14.0+20040731-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * Added a debian/watch file for the curious.
  * doc-expand-3.3-entities.patch: expand &Tab; entity in docs as it's not
    defined for all languages

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun,  1 Aug 2004 13:54:48 -0400

konversation (0.14.0-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Manage the irc.protocol file with Debian's alternatives system.
    - debian/rules, debian/konversation.{postinst,prerm} (Closes: #267726)
  * Removed calls to update-menus; dh_installmenu creates these for us.
    - debian/konversation.postrm now empty; removed
  * Added a debian/watch file.
  * [This changelog entry is in version order, but not chronological order.]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 29 Aug 2004 14:56:46 -0400

konversation (0.14.0-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * After discussion with Riku Voipio and some thought, merged
    konversation-doc and konversation-i18n back into main konversation
    package.  Splitting them out is not as beneficial as I had first thought.
    - debian/*.install: Changed accordingly.
    - debian/control: Added appropriate Conflicts and Provides.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 16 Jul 2004 23:54:29 -0400

konversation (0.14.0-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control: Added Riku Voipio <riku.voipio@iki.fi> to Uploaders.
  * debian/{copyright,control}: Upstream homepage is now
  * debian/konversation.1.docbook: Refer to konversationircprotocolhandler(1).

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 12 Jul 2004 16:06:37 -0400

konversation (0.14.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release 0.14.  (Closes: #257754)
  * Fix lintian warning 'description-starts-with-leading-spaces'.
  * Write manpage for konversationircprotocolhandler.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue,  6 Jul 2004 20:29:45 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040621-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * All previous patches incorporated upstream.
  * debian/konversation.menu:  Specify icon in addition to iconNxN.
  * debian/*.xpm:  Regenerate Debian menu system icons from new upstream icon.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 21 Jun 2004 13:11:14 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040614-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
    + much snazzy new stuff
  * New patches:
    + 002_configureNotifications_tray.patch - add another item to tray menu
    + 003_nicklist_hostmask_startup - minor bugfix

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 14 Jun 2004 22:27:31 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040611-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Do not ship .xcf files.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sat, 12 Jun 2004 00:43:06 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040611-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * Removed 000_tray_menu_enhance.patch (applied upstream).
  * Split out 3.6MB of architecture-independent files into separate
    konversation-doc and konversation-i18n packages.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 11 Jun 2004 22:09:24 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040608-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * New patch:
    + 000_tray_menu_enhance.patch - adds Configure Konversation to tray menu

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed,  9 Jun 2004 00:02:32 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040608-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New upstream CVS snapshot.
  * Provide both 16x16 and 32x32 sized icons for the Debian menu system, and
    regenerate them using The Gimp, which produces nicer results than

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue,  8 Jun 2004 03:26:05 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040501-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream snapshot.
  * Urgency medium because the build system changes introduced in
    0.14cvs20040427-1 should fix a build failure (bug #246448).
  * Deleted debian/patches/00_qwhatsthis.diff (applied upstream).

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sat,  1 May 2004 14:28:12 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040427-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Updated Build-Depends on debhelper to (>= 4.1.0).
  * debian/copyright:
    - Added Gary R. Cramblitt (documentation author) to copyright.
    - Updated section on upstream source to reflect new procedure.
  * debian/patches/00_qwhatsthis.diff
    - Added help for the rest of editserverdialog, based on Gary R.
      Cramblitt's excellent documentation.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed, 28 Apr 2004 07:28:53 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040427-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
  * Prepare the upstream snapshot tarball using cvs2dist from kdesdk-scripts
    instead of my own homebrewed script.  This has a number of advantages:
    - debian/rules and debian/control are simplified a bit.
    - Documentation is now included in the package.
    - Translations are now included in the package.
  * debian/rules:
    - Cleaned up a bit.
  * debian/control:
    - No longer need to Build-Depend on autoconf or automake*.
    - No longer need to Build-Depend on libqt3-compat-headers.
    - Put "IRC" into the synopsis so that "apt-cache search" will find it.
    - Updated long description per best practices.
  * debian/patches/editserverdialog2ui.diff:
    - Removed; upstream prefers not to use .ui files.
  * debian/patches/00_qwhatsthis.diff
    - Adds QWhatsThis help in some places (replaces editserverdialog2ui.diff).

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue, 27 Apr 2004 20:47:14 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040413-3) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/konversation.xpm: Resize icon so that it is *really* 32 pixels
    wide, not 33.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 15 Apr 2004 13:50:23 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040413-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Uploading locally to experimental until -1 goes into Debian.
  * debian/konversation.1.docbook:
    - Updated SCRIPTING section
    - Added FILES section
  * debian/dirs: Not needed; removed.
  * debian/konversation.{xpm,menu,install}: Added a Debian Menu System icon.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 15 Apr 2004 13:28:19 -0400

konversation (0.14cvs20040413-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
  * New maintainer (closes: #222154).
  * Changed version numbering scheme to match that used by previous
    maintainer.  (Note that this is still pre-0.14.)
  * debian/konversation.{menu,postinst,postrm}: Added a Debian menu system
    entry (from previous package by Dominique Devriese -- thanks!).
  * debian/control:
    + Tweaked long description based on description at the kdeextragear site.
    + Made Build-Depends on cdbs versioned per KDE packaging guidelines.
    + Build-Depend on automake1.7 instead of automake1.8.
    + Removed some gratuitous Build-Depends (thanks to the debian-qt-kde team
      for pointing this out in the latest packaging guidelines).
  * debian/copyright: rearranged for better clarity
  * debian/patches/autoconnect-fix.diff: deleted (applied upstream).

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue, 13 Apr 2004 21:33:21 -0400

konversation (0.13+20040326-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/autoconnect-fix.diff: Maintain state of auto connect
    setting when editing a server item (fixes KDE bug 79182)

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue,  6 Apr 2004 12:11:06 -0400

konversation (0.13+20040326-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot:
    - [abatianni]:
      + Added support for automatic text on highlight
      + Fixed DCC Chat crash and logfile bug
      + Enabled %o and %K placceholders in auto text
      + Switched tab close buttons off by default [closes kde bug 77340]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 26 Mar 2004 00:21:21 -0500

konversation (0.13+20040323-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Fix bug 78108. Make quit action in tray menu work again. [psn]
  * Changed suite to unstable.
  * debian/copyright: explain the origin of both stable and snapshot tarballs
  * debian/control:
    + remove bash from Recommends; it is an Essential package
    + add missing Build-Depends (discovered by building in a pbuilder chroot):
      autoconf, automake1.8

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 25 Mar 2004 04:47:20 -0500

konversation (0.13+20040316-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
  * Now properly built as a non-native package.
  * debian/rules:
    + no longer copy .desktop files to applnk, as KDE 3.2 is now in sid
    + various cleanups

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 15 Mar 2004 23:47:03 -0500

konversation (0.13+20040308-3) experimental; urgency=low

  * Nevermind that, the new nick code causes a segfault for me.  I don't have
    time to debug, so I'll just not define USE_NICKINFO for now.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 11 Mar 2004 07:37:08 -0500

konversation (0.13+20040308-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * Built with USE_NICKINFO defined.
  * Not uploaded.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 11 Mar 2004 07:11:17 -0500

konversation (0.13+20040308-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
  * Built against KDE 3.2.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed, 10 Mar 2004 02:47:36 -0500

konversation (0.13+20040223-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
  * Added "What's This?" entries for most things in the "Edit Server" dialog.
    Replaced hardcoded layout with UI file in the process. 

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 23 Feb 2004 23:51:32 -0500

konversation (0.13+20040131-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
  * Use xsltproc instead of xmlto to generate manpage.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sat, 31 Jan 2004 20:57:05 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031226-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    - abatianni:
      + Dcc panel fixes
      + Made coloring of nicklist and input widgets an option
      + konversation/prefspageidentity.cpp: Removed debug output
      + Are you sure dialog added before deleting identities

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 28 Dec 2003 14:54:19 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031221-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Updated Changelog [abatianni]
    + Logfile reader can now save and delete logs [abatianni]
    + Mouse wheel now cycles tabs in the same order as it would scroll a
      slider [abatianni]
    + Fix logfile problem [abatianni]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 21 Dec 2003 20:09:19 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031217-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Ok, divider lines are going in the respective ui.rc file [abatianni]
    + konversation/chatwindow.cpp: Save a crash [cartman]
    + Removed some ancient code. [abatianni]
    + More work on logfile reader [abatianni]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed, 17 Dec 2003 23:50:19 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031216-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Restructured the windows menu [abatianni]
    + Logfiles now have the server group in their name so channels with the
      same name can be logged in different networks [abatianni]
    + Bounced build number [abatianni]
    + Clean up the menus [psn]
  * debian/patches/osd-plaintext.patch: removed; applied upstream

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed, 17 Dec 2003 03:09:49 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031214.1-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/osd-plaintext.patch: a quick hack to turn any HTML that
    gets passed to the OSD back into plain text

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 15 Dec 2003 21:21:19 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031214.1-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Add icons to some of the actions [psn]
  * debian/patches/no-clobber-nonawaynick.patch: deleted (applied upstream)
  * debian/copyright: reworked per advice of Peter Palfrader and Andrew
    Suffield on debian-legal

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 15 Dec 2003 08:22:33 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031214-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + konversation/inputfilter.cpp: Switched from Bounce to Support since it
      reflects todays servers' behaviour more precisely [abatianni]
    + Changed name of Notify List / Nicks online to something more sensible
  * debian/patches/no-clobber-nonawaynick.patch: If you are using an Away
    nickname, doing "/away foo" more than once will cause konvi to forget your
    regular nickname, and a subsequent "/away" will not restore it.  This
    patch fixes that.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 14 Dec 2003 12:07:46 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031212-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Added a patch by Thomas Nagy for mouse wheel tab cycling [abatianni]
    + Fixed a compatibility issue with newer KDE versions that have a
      different encoding string implementation [abatianni]
    + Thnx goes to thiago for this one. Get a blockless socket. Reviewed by
      Eisfuchs. [cartman]
    + Fix the IRC color chooser to have a sane size. [psn]
    + Remove the checkbox for bg color and add a 'None' entry to the combo
      instead [psn]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 12 Dec 2003 22:51:50 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031211-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Fixed crash on open DCC panel when a DCC request comes in [abatianni]
    + Fix blinking tabs [psn]
    + Fixed a deadlock with small logfiles [abatianni]
    + Committed a patch by Michael Nottebrock [abatianni]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 11 Dec 2003 21:41:03 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031208-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Improved joining of large channels (again) [abatianni]
    + konversation/channel.cpp: Remove some unneeded sort() calls [psn]
    + konversation/ircview.cpp: Minor clean up [psn]
    + konversation/preferences.cpp: Fix memleak [psn]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon,  8 Dec 2003 17:04:48 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031206-2) experimental; urgency=low

  * debian/rules: make konvi scripts executable, install README.scripts

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun,  7 Dec 2003 13:15:26 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031206-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Scripts can now be placed in central KDE installation folder [abatianni]
    + i18n fixes + a small code simplification [lukas]
    + Code shuffles and leak fixors reviewed by Dario Abatianni. Hail the
      coolest KDE IRC applikation ;) [cartman]
    + Server list is now a tree list [abatianni]
    + Added an away nickname [psn]
    + Right click a channel list item and you get a menu to open the URLs
      found in the channel's topic [binner]
    + Slower blinking tabs if only join/part/quit/nick change happened in
      channel [binner]
    + Implemented an option to hide Join / Part / Nickchange events
    + Added dialog to close queries on ignore [abatianni]
    + make the alternating nicklist look a lot nicer [danimo]
    + channellistpanel.cpp, channellistpanel.h: Apply filter during list
      creation and not afterwards [binner]
    + Custom CTCP::VERSION reply support for all those kids obsessed with my
      mirc version ;) Reviewed by Dario Abatianni [cartman]
    + scripts/: Added uptime script by Magnus Romnes [abatianni]
    + First work on logfile reader ... not working completely yet. [abatianni]
    + Some fixes for Nick() and LedListViewItems [abatianni]
    + Added shortcut for "Close All Open Queries" that you can find in some
      popular scripted mirc proggies.  This helps with auto-messagers too ;) .
      Reviewed by Berkus & style comments by Berkus. [cartman]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun,  7 Dec 2003 13:01:04 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031201-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * Not uploaded because I cannot build the darn thing (grrr autotools).
  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Added tab move context menu items [abatianni]
    + Don't put email addresses into URL catcher [abatianni]
    + Rejoin all open channels on reconnect (by psn)
    + Added useful scripts dir [karchebny]
    + Implemented the following: [psn]
      * /aaway to go away on all servers 
      * /ame to send actions to all channels 
      * /amsg to send message to all channels

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon,  1 Dec 2003 19:38:42 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031123-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Highlight email addresses [psn]
    + Patched URL regex to not match stuff like awwww...nice :) [abatianni]
    + nickchangedialog.cpp: Current nick does not get inserted into nick list
      anymore if it is already in there [abatianni]
    + No more duplicate entries in DCC send list [abatianni]
    + Add a close tab button to the tab bar [psn]
    + Make copy url to clipboard compatible with kmail and konq. Fill up both
      selection and clipboard. [psn]
    + Make it possible to hide the topic line [psn]
    + Fixed wrong ops count with channel owners, halfops and admins
  * debian/{control,copyright}: merged in some minor changes from my proposed
    0.13-2 package
  * debian/patches/000-authors.patch: deleted (applied upstream)
  * debian/patches/002-del-empty-docs.patch: new patch: do not package the
    empty README and NEWS files
  * debian/rules:
    + install examples/dcop-away.sh executable, as linda does not like it
      otherwise, and some other packages also do this (exim4, autotools, ...)
    + make usr/share/apps/tdeconf_update/*.pl executable as well, for a similar
      reason (quiets lintian, and there is precedent for either way)

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 23 Nov 2003 18:22:31 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031120-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Use the [KDE prefs] framework as far as possible [psn]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 21 Nov 2003 01:43:04 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031119-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Add a configure toolbars action [psn]
    + DCC Chat working, a little rough but we can improve it [abatianni]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed, 19 Nov 2003 22:16:52 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031117-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Add new completion mode: Shell like with completion box [psn]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 17 Nov 2003 21:54:06 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031116-1) experimental; urgency=low

  * Moved snapshot packages to experimental dist. (actually did this with the
    previous build, but forgot to mention it in the changelog)
  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Post freeze commit :) This commit does the following:
      * Add systray notification (it's disabled by default and still buggy so
        use with care or risk going crazy ;))
      * Add shell like nick completion mode (aka uga mode). It's a bit
        primitive at the moment though. The default is the old cycle through
        nick list.
      * A cleaner way of handling tab shortcuts.
      That's all for now I think :) [psn]
    + Layouting fix for nick completion preferences page [abatianni]
    + Updated authors [abatianni]
    + Moved close button settings into new prefs page [abatianni]
    + Moved general tab settings to new prefs page [abatianni]
    + Fix cycle completion so that it adds the configured extra chars [psn]
    + Fix event handling for the systray notification [psn]
    + Show shell like completion possibilities in chatwindow [psn]
    + Keep the case of the nicks in the completion list [psn]
    + First very rough implementation of DCC Chat (receiver side) [abatianni]

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 16 Nov 2003 20:39:51 -0500

konversation (0.13+20031114-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + no changes; just incremented build number

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 14 Nov 2003 17:04:25 -0500

konversation (0.13-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream beta release.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 14 Nov 2003 16:33:52 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031113-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Fix nick detection for nicks with special chars (psn)
    + Make the nick completion list stay sorted (psn)
    + Fixed error message on dns resolution failure (abatianni)
  * Disabled 001-trayicon-notify.patch for now, because I get build failures
    with it (I'll look into this later).

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 13 Nov 2003 20:29:25 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031109-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Applied patch from Peter Simonsson to make tray icon blink on new messages
    - debian/patches/001-trayicon-notify.patch

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue, 11 Nov 2003 08:44:16 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031109-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Add knotify support to user offline notify

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun,  9 Nov 2003 14:11:00 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031104-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/konversation.1.docbook:
    + Corrected DOCTYPE
    + Removed innaccurate para about GNU Info
    + Added list of generic options and better explanation thereof
    + Added short section on scripting
    + Added a SEE ALSO section, referenced dcop(1)
    + Misc. cleanups
  * debian/rules:
    + include proper dependency info for man page target
    + install an example

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu,  6 Nov 2003 23:52:01 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031104-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + Style changes now don't trash users color settings anymore

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Wed,  5 Nov 2003 15:59:27 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031027-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + added support for extended user modes (admin, owner, halfop)
    + implemented /say command
    + added Whois item on query menus
  * debian/patches/000-authors.patch: added Sascha Cunz (extended user modes

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Tue, 28 Oct 2003 02:25:07 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031026-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot:
    + build number incremented
    + more keyboard shortcuts
    + make large paste message more informative
    + ignore: !* hostmask now added automagically if you specify only nick

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 26 Oct 2003 23:10:31 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031025-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot:
    + the Actions menu now contains some actions
    + keyboard shortcuts added for many things
  * debian/control: do not assume readers know what IRC is
  * debian/rules: remove config.status in the clean target (this was causing
    some build failures); also remove some other generated files

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 26 Oct 2003 02:26:52 -0500

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031022-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot. (nothing interesting)
  * debian/copyright: wrote a proper copyright file
  * debian/rules: converted to CDBS
  * debian/patches/000-authors.patch: synchronize AUTHORS file with Help |
    About | Authors dialog contents
  * debian/control:
    + updated Standards-Version (no changes)
    + actually wrote a long Description
    + added cdbs to Build-Depends
    + added xmlto to Build-Depends for manpage
  * wrote a very minimal manpage

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Thu, 23 Oct 2003 08:22:53 -0400

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031017-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control:
    + fixed maintainer field
    + wrote proper Build-Depends (I think)

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Mon, 20 Oct 2003 11:54:58 -0400

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031017-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New CVS snapshot.
    + OSD text now has a black border.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 17 Oct 2003 15:41:27 -0400

konversation (0.12pre13+cvs20031011-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Install .desktop file in old KDE 3.1 location too.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Sun, 11 Oct 2003 00:30:00 -0400

konversation (0.12-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release.

 -- Nathaniel W. Turner <nate@houseofnate.net>  Fri, 10 Oct 2003 23:39:24 -0400