This package was debianized by Colin Walters <> on
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 15:05:34 -0400.

This package is comprised of bits and pieces from various sources.


The debblue "kit" (composed of the background and the splash) was
created by Jaap Haitsma (jaap at haitsma dot org) and is licensed
under the GNU General Public License (see below). They can be
downloaded from the web page
in various formats.

The  Debian swirl  background  images included  in  this package  were
created by (Gary Burke), and  were derived from
copyright-free   stock   artwork.    It   can   be   downloaded   from, as "Debian.tar.gz".

The   Debian   "bluedeb"   background   was  created   by   Roger   So
<>, and is under the  terms of the BSD license.  See
../backgrounds/bluedeb.COPYING for more information.

The debian-background.svg file has been provided by Josselin Mouette
<>, and is a derivative work of the open use Debian
logo, which has the following copyright notice:

    Copyright (c) 1999 Software in the Public Interest
    This logo or a modified version may be used by anyone to refer to
    the Debian project, but does not indicate endorsement by the

    Note: we would appreciate that you make the image a link to if you use it on a web page.

The   Debian   splash   screen   was   created   by   Mirko   Hufnagel
<>, and is placed into the public domain.

The    Debian_red    splash    screen    imagem   was    created    by
<>  and is copyright-free.  It can  be downloaded

The  EvolvingTux splash  screen was  modified by  Filip  Van Raemdonck
<>    based    on    a    GPL   work    found    at

The  debian-security.xcf  file  (and  the resulting  .png  file)  were
created by Colin Walters <> from the Debian Open Use
Logo and a GNOME icon; both are free software.

The  debian-official-logo-small.png image  is  more or  less a  simple
reformatting of the Debian Official Use Logo.

The .desktop  files included  in this package  were compiled  by Colin
Walters <>.

The gnome-debian-sid "kit" including splash/gnome-debian-sid-splash.xcf.gz, 
splash/gnome-debian-sid-splash.png, wallpapers/gnome-debian-sid-wp.xcf.gz
and wallpapers/gnome-debian-sid-wp.png were made by Josselin Mouette 
<> and Gustavo Franco <>.

The following files are Copyright 2006 André Luiz Rodrigues Ferreira and
licensed under the GPL.
    - SVG background, backgrounds/debian-blueish-wallpaper.svg.
    - PNG splash, splash/gnome-splash-curves.png.

The GPL license can be found in plain text format, on Debian systems,
at /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.