 * TQtCKStyle
 * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Karol Szwed <gallium@kde.org>
 * TQWindowsStyle CC_ListView and style images were kindly donated by TrollTech,
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 TrollTech AS.
 * Many thanks to Bradley T. Hughes for the 3 button scrollbar code.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "qtc_kstyle.h"

#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqbitmap.h>
#include <tqcleanuphandler.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqlistview.h>
#include <tqmenubar.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqprogressbar.h>
#include <tqscrollbar.h>
#include <tqsettings.h>
#include <tqslider.h>
#include <tqstylefactory.h>
#include <tqtabbar.h>
#include <tqtoolbar.h>

#ifdef TQ_WS_X11
# include <X11/Xlib.h>
#  include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h> // schroder
   extern bool qt_use_xrender;
# endif

#include <limits.h>

struct TQtCKStylePrivate
	bool  highcolor                : 1;
	bool  useFilledFrameWorkaround : 1;
	bool  etchDisabledText         : 1;
	bool  scrollablePopupmenus     : 1;
	bool  menuAltKeyNavigation     : 1;
	bool  menuDropShadow           : 1;
	bool  sloppySubMenus           : 1;
	int   popupMenuDelay;
	float menuOpacity;

	TQtCKStyle::KStyleScrollBarType  scrollbarType;
	TQtCKStyle::KStyleFlags flags;
	//For KPE_ListViewBranch
	TQBitmap *verticalLine;
	TQBitmap *horizontalLine;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

TQtCKStyle::TQtCKStyle( KStyleFlags flags, KStyleScrollBarType sbtype )
	: TQCommonStyle(), d(new TQtCKStylePrivate)
	d->flags = flags;
	d->useFilledFrameWorkaround = (flags & FilledFrameWorkaround);
	d->scrollbarType = sbtype;
	d->highcolor = TQPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8;

	// Read style settings
	TQSettings settings;
	d->popupMenuDelay       = settings.readNumEntry ("/TQtCKStyle/Settings/PopupMenuDelay", 256);
	d->sloppySubMenus       = settings.readBoolEntry("/TQtCKStyle/Settings/SloppySubMenus", false);
	d->etchDisabledText     = settings.readBoolEntry("/TQtCKStyle/Settings/EtchDisabledText", true);
	d->menuAltKeyNavigation = settings.readBoolEntry("/TQtCKStyle/Settings/MenuAltKeyNavigation", true);
	d->scrollablePopupmenus = settings.readBoolEntry("/TQtCKStyle/Settings/ScrollablePopupMenus", false);
	d->menuDropShadow       = settings.readBoolEntry("/TQtCKStyle/Settings/MenuDropShadow", false);
	d->verticalLine   = 0;
	d->horizontalLine = 0;

	delete d->verticalLine;
	delete d->horizontalLine;

	delete d;

TQString TQtCKStyle::defaultStyle()
	if (TQPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8)
	   return TQString("plastik");
	   return TQString("light, 3rd revision");

void TQtCKStyle::polish( TQWidget* widget )
	if ( d->useFilledFrameWorkaround )
		if ( TQFrame *frame = ::tqqt_cast< TQFrame* >( widget ) ) {
			TQFrame::Shape tqshape = frame->frameShape();
			if (tqshape == TQFrame::ToolBarPanel || tqshape == TQFrame::MenuBarPanel)

void TQtCKStyle::unPolish( TQWidget* widget )
	if ( d->useFilledFrameWorkaround )
		if ( TQFrame *frame = ::tqqt_cast< TQFrame* >( widget ) ) {
			TQFrame::Shape tqshape = frame->frameShape();
			if (tqshape == TQFrame::ToolBarPanel || tqshape == TQFrame::MenuBarPanel)

// Style changes (should) always re-polish popups.
void TQtCKStyle::polishPopupMenu( TQPopupMenu* p )
	if (!p->testWState( WState_Polished ))

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TQtCKStyle extensions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void TQtCKStyle::setScrollBarType(KStyleScrollBarType sbtype)
	d->scrollbarType = sbtype;

TQtCKStyle::KStyleFlags TQtCKStyle::styleFlags() const
	return d->flags;

void TQtCKStyle::drawKStylePrimitive( KStylePrimitive kpe,
								  TQPainter* p,
								  const TQWidget* widget,
								  const TQRect &r,
								  const TQColorGroup &cg,
								  SFlags flags,
								  const TQStyleOption& /* opt */ ) const
	switch( kpe )
		// Dock / Toolbar / General handles.
		// ---------------------------------

		case KPE_DockWindowHandle: {

			// Draws a nice DockWindow handle including the dock title.
			TQWidget* wid = const_cast<TQWidget*>(widget);
			bool horizontal = flags & Style_Horizontal;
			int x,y,w,h,x2,y2;

			r.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h );
			if ((w <= 2) || (h <= 2)) {
				p->fillRect(r, cg.highlight());

			x2 = x + w - 1;
			y2 = y + h - 1;

			TQFont fnt;
			fnt = TQApplication::font(wid);
			fnt.setPointSize( fnt.pointSize()-2 );

			// Draw the item on an off-screen pixmap
			// to preserve Xft antialiasing for
			// vertically oriented handles.
			TQPixmap pix;
			if (horizontal)
				pix.resize( h-2, w-2 );
				pix.resize( w-2, h-2 );

			TQString title = wid->parentWidget()->caption();
			TQPainter p2;
			p2.fillRect(pix.rect(), cg.brush(TQColorGroup::Highlight));
			p2.drawText(pix.rect(), AlignCenter, title);

			// Draw a sunken bevel
			p->drawLine(x, y, x2, y);
			p->drawLine(x, y, x, y2);
			p->drawLine(x+1, y2, x2, y2);
			p->drawLine(x2, y+1, x2, y2);

			if (horizontal) {
				TQWMatrix m;
				TQPixmap vpix = pix.xForm(m);
				bitBlt(wid, r.x()+1, r.y()+1, &vpix);
			} else
				bitBlt(wid, r.x()+1, r.y()+1, &pix);


		 * KPE_ListViewExpander and KPE_ListViewBranch are based on code from
		 * TQWindowStyle's CC_ListView, kindly donated by TrollTech.
		 * CC_ListView code is Copyright (C) 1998-2000 TrollTech AS.

		case KPE_ListViewExpander: {
			// Typical Windows style expand/collapse element.
			int radius = (r.width() - 4) / 2;
			int centerx = r.x() + r.width()/2;
			int centery = r.y() + r.height()/2;

			// Outer box
			p->setPen( cg.mid() );
			p->drawRect( r );

			// plus or minus
			p->setPen( cg.text() );
			p->drawLine( centerx - radius, centery, centerx + radius, centery );
			if ( flags & Style_On )	// Collapsed = On
				p->drawLine( centerx, centery - radius, centerx, centery + radius );

		case KPE_ListViewBranch: {
			// Typical Windows style listview branch element (dotted line).

			// Create the dotline pixmaps if not already created
			if ( !d->verticalLine )
				// make 128*1 and 1*128 bitmaps that can be used for
				// drawing the right sort of lines.
				d->verticalLine   = new TQBitmap( 1, 129, true );
				d->horizontalLine = new TQBitmap( 128, 1, true );
				TQPointArray a( 64 );
				TQPainter p2;
				p2.begin( d->verticalLine );

				int i;
				for( i=0; i < 64; i++ )
					a.setPoint( i, 0, i*2+1 );
				p2.setPen( color1 );
				p2.drawPoints( a );
				d->verticalLine->setMask( *d->verticalLine );

				p2.begin( d->horizontalLine );
				for( i=0; i < 64; i++ )
					a.setPoint( i, i*2+1, 0 );
				p2.setPen( color1 );
				p2.drawPoints( a );
				d->horizontalLine->setMask( *d->horizontalLine );

			p->setPen( cg.text() );		// cg.dark() is bad for dark color schemes.

			if (flags & Style_Horizontal)
				int point = r.x();
				int other = r.y();
				int end = r.x()+r.width();
				int thickness = r.height();

				while( point < end )
					int i = 128;
					if ( i+point > end )
						i = end-point;
					p->drawPixmap( point, other, *d->horizontalLine, 0, 0, i, thickness );
					point += i;

			} else {
				int point = r.y();
				int other = r.x();
				int end = r.y()+r.height();
				int thickness = r.width();
				int pixmapoffset = (flags & Style_NoChange) ? 0 : 1;	// ### Hackish

				while( point < end )
					int i = 128;
					if ( i+point > end )
						i = end-point;
					p->drawPixmap( other, point, *d->verticalLine, 0, pixmapoffset, thickness, i );
					point += i;


		// Reimplement the other primitives in your styles.
		// The current implementation just paints something visibly different.
		case KPE_ToolBarHandle:
		case KPE_GeneralHandle:
		case KPE_SliderHandle:
			p->fillRect(r, cg.light());

		case KPE_SliderGroove:
			p->fillRect(r, cg.dark());

			p->fillRect(r, TQt::yellow);	// Something really bad happened - highlight.

int TQtCKStyle::kPixelMetric( KStylePixelMetric kpm, const TQWidget* /* widget */) const
	int value;
		case KPM_ListViewBranchThickness:
			value = 1;

		case KPM_MenuItemSeparatorHeight:
		case KPM_MenuItemHMargin:
		case KPM_MenuItemVMargin:
		case KPM_MenuItemHFrame:
		case KPM_MenuItemVFrame:
		case KPM_MenuItemCheckMarkHMargin:
		case KPM_MenuItemArrowHMargin:
		case KPM_MenuItemTabSpacing:
			value = 0;

	return value;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void TQtCKStyle::drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement pe,
							TQPainter* p,
							const TQRect &r,
							const TQColorGroup &cg,
							SFlags flags,
							const TQStyleOption& opt ) const
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if (pe == PE_DockWindowHandle)
		// Wild workarounds are here. Beware.
		TQWidget *widget, *parent;

		if (p && p->device()->devType() == TQInternal::Widget) {
			widget = static_cast<TQWidget*>(p->device());
			parent = widget->parentWidget();
		} else
			return;		// Don't paint on non-widgets

		// Check if we are a normal toolbar or a hidden dockwidget.
		if ( parent &&
			(parent->inherits(TQTOOLBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) ||		// Normal toolbar
			(parent->inherits(TQMAINWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) ))	// Collapsed dock

			// Draw a toolbar handle
			drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_ToolBarHandle, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt );

		else if ( widget->inherits(TQDOCKWINDOWHANDLE_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) )

			// Draw a dock window handle
			drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_DockWindowHandle, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt );

			// General handle, probably a kicker applet handle.
			drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_GeneralHandle, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt );

	} else
		TQCommonStyle::tqdrawPrimitive( pe, p, r, cg, flags, opt );

void TQtCKStyle::tqdrawControl( ControlElement element,
						  TQPainter* p,
						  const TQWidget* widget,
						  const TQRect &r,
						  const TQColorGroup &cg,
						  SFlags flags,
						  const TQStyleOption &opt ) const
	switch (element)
		// TABS
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case CE_TabBarTab: {
			const TQTabBar* tb  = (const TQTabBar*) widget;
			TQTabBar::Shape tbs = tb->tqshape();
			bool selected      = flags & Style_Selected;
			int x = r.x(), y=r.y(), bottom=r.bottom(), right=r.right();

			switch (tbs) {

				case TQTabBar::RoundedAbove: {
					if (!selected)
					p->setPen(selected ? cg.light() : cg.shadow());
					p->drawLine(x, y+4, x, bottom);
					p->drawLine(x, y+4, x+4, y);
					p->drawLine(x+4, y, right-1, y);
					if (selected)
					p->drawLine(right, y+1, right, bottom);

					p->drawLine(x+1, y+4, x+1, bottom);
					p->drawLine(x+1, y+4, x+4, y+1);
					p->drawLine(x+5, y+1, right-2, y+1);

					if (selected) {
						p->drawLine(right-1, y+1, right-1, bottom);
					} else {
						p->drawPoint(right-1, y+1);
						p->drawLine(x+4, y+2, right-1, y+2);
						p->drawLine(x+3, y+3, right-1, y+3);
						p->fillRect(x+2, y+4, r.width()-3, r.height()-6, cg.mid());

						p->drawLine(x, bottom-1, right, bottom-1);

				case TQTabBar::RoundedBelow: {
					if (!selected)
					p->setPen(selected ? cg.light() : cg.shadow());
					p->drawLine(x, bottom-4, x, y);
					if (selected)
					p->drawLine(x, bottom-4, x+4, bottom);
					if (selected)
					p->drawLine(x+4, bottom, right-1, bottom);
					p->drawLine(right, bottom-1, right, y);

					p->drawLine(x+1, bottom-4, x+1, y);
					p->drawLine(x+1, bottom-4, x+4, bottom-1);
					p->drawLine(x+5, bottom-1, right-2, bottom-1);

					if (selected) {
						p->drawLine(right-1, y, right-1, bottom-1);
					} else {
						p->drawPoint(right-1, bottom-1);
						p->drawLine(x+4, bottom-2, right-1, bottom-2);
						p->drawLine(x+3, bottom-3, right-1, bottom-3);
						p->fillRect(x+2, y+2, r.width()-3, r.height()-6, cg.mid());
						p->drawLine(x, y, right, y);

				case TQTabBar::TriangularAbove: {
					if (!selected)
					p->setPen(selected ? cg.light() : cg.shadow());
					p->drawLine(x, bottom, x, y+6);
					p->drawLine(x, y+6, x+6, y);
					p->drawLine(x+6, y, right-6, y);
					if (selected)
					p->drawLine(right-5, y+1, right-1, y+5);
					p->drawLine(right, y+6, right, bottom);

					p->drawLine(x+1, bottom, x+1, y+6);
					p->drawLine(x+1, y+6, x+6, y+1);
					p->drawLine(x+6, y+1, right-6, y+1);
					p->drawLine(right-5, y+2, right-2, y+5);
					p->drawLine(right-1, y+6, right-1, bottom);

					TQPointArray a(6);
					a.setPoint(0, x+2, bottom);
					a.setPoint(1, x+2, y+7);
					a.setPoint(2, x+7, y+2);
					a.setPoint(3, right-7, y+2);
					a.setPoint(4, right-2, y+7);
					a.setPoint(5, right-2, bottom);
					p->setPen  (selected ? cg.background() : cg.mid());
					p->setBrush(selected ? cg.background() : cg.mid());
					if (!selected) {
						p->drawLine(x, bottom, right, bottom);

				default: { // TQTabBar::TriangularBelow
					if (!selected)
					p->setPen(selected ? cg.light() : cg.shadow());
					p->drawLine(x, y, x, bottom-6);
					if (selected)
					p->drawLine(x, bottom-6, x+6, bottom);
					if (selected)
					p->drawLine(x+6, bottom, right-6, bottom);
					p->drawLine(right-5, bottom-1, right-1, bottom-5);
					if (!selected)
					p->drawLine(right, bottom-6, right, y);

					p->drawLine(x+1, y, x+1, bottom-6);
					p->drawLine(x+1, bottom-6, x+6, bottom-1);
					p->drawLine(x+6, bottom-1, right-6, bottom-1);
					p->drawLine(right-5, bottom-2, right-2, bottom-5);
					p->drawLine(right-1, bottom-6, right-1, y);

					TQPointArray a(6);
					a.setPoint(0, x+2, y);
					a.setPoint(1, x+2, bottom-7);
					a.setPoint(2, x+7, bottom-2);
					a.setPoint(3, right-7, bottom-2);
					a.setPoint(4, right-2, bottom-7);
					a.setPoint(5, right-2, y);
					p->setPen  (selected ? cg.background() : cg.mid());
					p->setBrush(selected ? cg.background() : cg.mid());
					if (!selected) {
						p->drawLine(x, y, right, y);

		// Popup menu scroller
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case CE_PopupMenuScroller: {
			p->fillRect(r, cg.background());
			tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ButtonTool, p, r, cg, Style_Enabled);
			tqdrawPrimitive((flags & Style_Up) ? PE_ArrowUp : PE_ArrowDown, p, r, cg, Style_Enabled);

		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case CE_ProgressBarGroove: {
			TQRect fr = subRect(SR_ProgressBarGroove, widget);
			tqdrawPrimitive(PE_Panel, p, fr, cg, Style_Sunken, TQStyleOption::Default);

		case CE_ProgressBarContents: {
			// ### Take into account totalSteps() for busy indicator
			const TQProgressBar* pb = (const TQProgressBar*)widget;
			TQRect cr = subRect(SR_ProgressBarContents, widget);
			double progress = pb->progress();
			bool reverse = TQApplication::reverseLayout();
			int steps = pb->totalSteps();

			if (!cr.isValid())

			// Draw progress bar
			if (progress > 0 || steps == 0) {
				double pg = (steps == 0) ? 0.1 : progress / steps;
				int width = TQMIN(cr.width(), (int)(pg * cr.width()));
				if (steps == 0) { //Busy indicator

					if (width < 1) width = 1; //A busy indicator with width 0 is kind of useless

					int remWidth = cr.width() - width; //Never disappear completely
					if (remWidth <= 0) remWidth = 1; //Do something non-crashy when too small...

					int pstep =  int(progress) % ( 2 *  remWidth );

					if ( pstep > remWidth ) {
						//Bounce about.. We're remWidth + some delta, we want to be remWidth - delta...
						// - ( (remWidth + some delta) - 2* remWidth )  = - (some deleta - remWidth) = remWidth - some delta..
						pstep = - (pstep - 2 * remWidth );

					if (reverse)
						p->fillRect(cr.x() + cr.width() - width - pstep, cr.y(), width, cr.height(),
						p->fillRect(cr.x() + pstep, cr.y(), width, cr.height(),


				// Do fancy gradient for highcolor displays
// 				if (d->highcolor) {
// 					TQColor c(cg.highlight());
// 					KPixmap pix;
// 					pix.resize(cr.width(), cr.height());
// 					KPixmapEffect::gradient(pix, reverse ? c.light(150) : c.dark(150),
// 											reverse ? c.dark(150) : c.light(150),
// 											KPixmapEffect::HorizontalGradient);
// 					if (reverse)
// 						p->drawPixmap(cr.x()+(cr.width()-width), cr.y(), pix,
// 									  cr.width()-width, 0, width, cr.height());
// 					else
// 						p->drawPixmap(cr.x(), cr.y(), pix, 0, 0, width, cr.height());
// 				} else
					if (reverse)
						p->fillRect(cr.x()+(cr.width()-width), cr.y(), width, cr.height(),
						p->fillRect(cr.x(), cr.y(), width, cr.height(),

		case CE_ProgressBarLabel: {
			const TQProgressBar* pb = (const TQProgressBar*)widget;
			TQRect cr = subRect(SR_ProgressBarContents, widget);
			double progress = pb->progress();
			bool reverse = TQApplication::reverseLayout();
			int steps = pb->totalSteps();

			if (!cr.isValid())

			TQFont font = p->font();

			// Draw label
			if (progress > 0 || steps == 0) {
				double pg = (steps == 0) ? 1.0 : progress / steps;
				int width = TQMIN(cr.width(), (int)(pg * cr.width()));
				TQRect crect;
				if (reverse)
					crect.setRect(cr.x()+(cr.width()-width), cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height());
					crect.setRect(cr.x()+width, cr.y(), cr.width(), cr.height());
				p->setPen(pb->isEnabled() ? (reverse ? cg.text() : cg.highlightedText()) : cg.text());
				p->drawText(r, AlignCenter, pb->progressString());
				p->setPen(reverse ? cg.highlightedText() : cg.text());
				p->drawText(r, AlignCenter, pb->progressString());

			} else {
				p->drawText(r, AlignCenter, pb->progressString());


			TQCommonStyle::tqdrawControl(element, p, widget, r, cg, flags, opt);

TQRect TQtCKStyle::subRect(SubRect r, const TQWidget* widget) const
		// KDE2 look smooth progress bar
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case SR_ProgressBarGroove:
			return widget->rect();

		case SR_ProgressBarContents:
		case SR_ProgressBarLabel: {
			// ### take into account indicatorFollowsStyle()
			TQRect rt = widget->rect();
			return TQRect(rt.x()+2, rt.y()+2, rt.width()-4, rt.height()-4);

			return TQCommonStyle::subRect(r, widget);

int TQtCKStyle::tqpixelMetric(PixelMetric m, const TQWidget* widget) const
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal:		// Offset by 1
		case PM_ButtonShiftVertical:		// ### Make configurable
			return 1;

		case PM_DockWindowHandleExtent:
			TQWidget* parent = 0;
			// Check that we are not a normal toolbar or a hidden dockwidget,
			// in which case we need to adjust the height for font size
			if (widget && (parent = widget->parentWidget() )
				&& !parent->inherits(TQTOOLBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)
				&& !parent->inherits(TQMAINWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)
					return widget->fontMetrics().lineSpacing();
				return TQCommonStyle::tqpixelMetric(m, widget);

		// TABS
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case PM_TabBarTabHSpace:
			return 24;

		case PM_TabBarTabVSpace: {
			const TQTabBar * tb = (const TQTabBar *) widget;
			if ( tb->tqshape() == TQTabBar::RoundedAbove ||
				 tb->tqshape() == TQTabBar::RoundedBelow )
				return 10;
				return 4;

		case PM_TabBarTabOverlap: {
			const TQTabBar* tb = (const TQTabBar*)widget;
			TQTabBar::Shape tbs = tb->tqshape();

			if ( (tbs == TQTabBar::RoundedAbove) ||
				 (tbs == TQTabBar::RoundedBelow) )
				return 0;
				return 2;

		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case PM_SliderLength:
			return 18;

		case PM_SliderThickness:
			return 24;

		// Determines how much space to leave for the actual non-tickmark
		// portion of the slider.
		case PM_SliderControlThickness: {
			const TQSlider* slider   = (const TQSlider*)widget;
			TQSlider::TickSetting ts = slider->tickmarks();
			int thickness = (slider->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ?
							 slider->height() : slider->width();
			switch (ts) {
				case TQSlider::NoMarks:				// Use total area.
				case TQSlider::Both:
					thickness = (thickness/2) + 3;	// Use approx. 1/2 of area.
				default:							// Use approx. 2/3 of area
					thickness = ((thickness*2)/3) + 3;
			return thickness;

		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case PM_SplitterWidth:
			if (widget && widget->inherits("TQDockWindowResizeHandle"))
				return 8;	// ### why do we need 2pix extra?
				return 6;

		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case PM_MenuBarFrameWidth:
			return 1;

		case PM_DockWindowFrameWidth:
			return 1;

		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case PM_MaximumDragDistance:
			return -1;

		case PM_MenuBarItemSpacing:
			return 5;

		case PM_ToolBarItemSpacing:
			return 0;

		case PM_PopupMenuScrollerHeight:
			return tqpixelMetric( PM_ScrollBarExtent, 0);

			return TQCommonStyle::tqpixelMetric( m, widget );

//Helper to find the next sibling that's not hidden
static TQListViewItem* nextVisibleSibling(TQListViewItem* item)
    TQListViewItem* sibling = item;
        sibling = sibling->nextSibling();
    while (sibling && !sibling->isVisible());
    return sibling;

void TQtCKStyle::tqdrawComplexControl( ComplexControl control,
								 TQPainter* p,
								 const TQWidget* widget,
								 const TQRect &r,
								 const TQColorGroup &cg,
								 SFlags flags,
								 SCFlags controls,
								 SCFlags active,
								 const TQStyleOption &opt ) const
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		case CC_ScrollBar: {
			// Many thanks to Brad Hughes for contributing this code.
			bool useThreeButtonScrollBar = (d->scrollbarType & ThreeButtonScrollBar);

			const TQScrollBar *sb = (const TQScrollBar*)widget;
			bool   maxedOut   = (sb->minValue()    == sb->maxValue());
			bool   horizontal = (sb->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal);
			SFlags sflags     = ((horizontal ? Style_Horizontal : Style_Default) |
								 (maxedOut   ? Style_Default : Style_Enabled));

			TQRect  addline, subline, subline2, addpage, subpage, slider, first, last;
			subline = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSubLine, opt);
			addline = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarAddLine, opt);
			subpage = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSubPage, opt);
			addpage = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarAddPage, opt);
			slider  = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSlider,  opt);
			first   = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarFirst,   opt);
			last    = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarLast,    opt);
			subline2 = addline;

			if ( useThreeButtonScrollBar )
				if (horizontal)
					subline2.moveBy(-addline.width(), 0);
					subline2.moveBy(0, -addline.height());

			// Draw the up/left button set
			if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSubLine) && subline.isValid()) {
				tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubLine, p, subline, cg,
							sflags | (active == SC_ScrollBarSubLine ?
								Style_Down : Style_Default));

				if (useThreeButtonScrollBar && subline2.isValid())
					tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubLine, p, subline2, cg,
							sflags | (active == SC_ScrollBarSubLine ?
								Style_Down : Style_Default));

			if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarAddLine) && addline.isValid())
				tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarAddLine, p, addline, cg,
							sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarAddLine) ?
										Style_Down : Style_Default));

			if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSubPage) && subpage.isValid())
				tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubPage, p, subpage, cg,
							sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSubPage) ?
										Style_Down : Style_Default));

			if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarAddPage) && addpage.isValid())
				tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarAddPage, p, addpage, cg,
							sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarAddPage) ?
										Style_Down : Style_Default));

			if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarFirst) && first.isValid())
				tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarFirst, p, first, cg,
							sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarFirst) ?
										Style_Down : Style_Default));

			if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarLast) && last.isValid())
				tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarLast, p, last, cg,
							sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarLast) ?
										Style_Down : Style_Default));

			if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSlider) && slider.isValid()) {
				tqdrawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSlider, p, slider, cg,
							sflags | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSlider) ?
										Style_Down : Style_Default));
				// Draw focus rect
				if (sb->hasFocus()) {
					TQRect fr(slider.x() + 2, slider.y() + 2,
							 slider.width() - 5, slider.height() - 5);
					tqdrawPrimitive(PE_FocusRect, p, fr, cg, Style_Default);

		// -------------------------------------------------------------------
		case CC_Slider: {
			const TQSlider* slider = (const TQSlider*)widget;
			TQRect groove = querySubControlMetrics(CC_Slider, widget, SC_SliderGroove, opt);
			TQRect handle = querySubControlMetrics(CC_Slider, widget, SC_SliderHandle, opt);

			// Double-buffer slider for no flicker
			TQPixmap pix(widget->size());
			TQPainter p2;

			if ( slider->parentWidget() &&
				 slider->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap() &&
				 !slider->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap()->isNull() ) {
				TQPixmap pixmap = *(slider->parentWidget()->backgroundPixmap());
				p2.drawTiledPixmap(r, pixmap, slider->pos());
			} else

			// Draw slider groove
			if ((controls & SC_SliderGroove) && groove.isValid()) {
				drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_SliderGroove, &p2, widget, groove, cg, flags, opt );

				// Draw the focus rect around the groove
				if (slider->hasFocus())
					tqdrawPrimitive(PE_FocusRect, &p2, groove, cg);

			// Draw the tickmarks
			if (controls & SC_SliderTickmarks)
				TQCommonStyle::tqdrawComplexControl(control, &p2, widget,
						r, cg, flags, SC_SliderTickmarks, active, opt);

			// Draw the slider handle
			if ((controls & SC_SliderHandle) && handle.isValid()) {
				if (active == SC_SliderHandle)
					flags |= Style_Active;
				drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_SliderHandle, &p2, widget, handle, cg, flags, opt );

			bitBlt((TQWidget*)widget, r.x(), r.y(), &pix);

		// -------------------------------------------------------------------
		case CC_ListView: {

			 * Many thanks to TrollTech AS for donating CC_ListView from TQWindowsStyle.
			 * CC_ListView code is Copyright (C) 1998-2000 TrollTech AS.

			// Paint the icon and text.
			if ( controls & SC_ListView )
				TQCommonStyle::tqdrawComplexControl( control, p, widget, r, cg, flags, controls, active, opt );

			// If we're have a branch or are expanded...
			if ( controls & (SC_ListViewBranch | SC_ListViewExpand) )
				// If no list view item was supplied, break
				if (opt.isDefault())

				TQListViewItem *item  = opt.listViewItem();
				TQListViewItem *child = item->firstChild();

				int y = r.y();
				int c;	// dotline vertice count
				int dotoffset = 0;
				TQPointArray dotlines;

				if ( active == SC_All && controls == SC_ListViewExpand ) {
					// We only need to draw a vertical line
					c = 2;
					dotlines[0] = TQPoint( r.right(), r.top() );
					dotlines[1] = TQPoint( r.right(), r.bottom() );

				} else {

					int linetop = 0, linebot = 0;
					// each branch needs at most two lines, ie. four end points
					dotoffset = (item->itemPos() + item->height() - y) % 2;
					dotlines.resize( item->childCount() * 4 );
					c = 0;

					// skip the stuff above the exposed rectangle
					while ( child && y + child->height() <= 0 )
						y += child->totalHeight();
						child = nextVisibleSibling(child);

					int bx = r.width() / 2;

					// paint stuff in the magical area
					TQListView* v = item->listView();
					int lh = TQMAX( p->fontMetrics().height() + 2 * v->itemMargin(),
								   TQApplication::globalStrut().height() );
					if ( lh % 2 > 0 )

					// Draw all the expand/close boxes...
					TQRect boxrect;
					TQStyle::StyleFlags boxflags;
					while ( child && y < r.height() )
						linebot = y + lh/2;
						if ( (child->isExpandable() || child->childCount()) &&
							 (child->height() > 0) )
							// The primitive requires a rect.
							boxrect = TQRect( bx-4, linebot-4, 9, 9 );
							boxflags = child->isOpen() ? TQStyle::Style_Off : TQStyle::Style_On;

							// TQtCKStyle extension: Draw the box and expand/collapse indicator
							drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_ListViewExpander, p, NULL, boxrect, cg, boxflags, opt );

							// dotlinery
							p->setPen( cg.mid() );
							dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( bx, linetop );
							dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( bx, linebot - 5 );
							dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( bx + 5, linebot );
							dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( r.width(), linebot );
							linetop = linebot + 5;
						} else {
							// just dotlinery
							dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( bx+1, linebot );
							dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( r.width(), linebot );

						y += child->totalHeight();
						child = nextVisibleSibling(child);

					if ( child ) // there's a child to draw, so move linebot to edge of rectangle
						linebot = r.height();

					if ( linetop < linebot )
						dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( bx, linetop );
						dotlines[c++] = TQPoint( bx, linebot );

				// Draw all the branches...
				static int thickness = kPixelMetric( KPM_ListViewBranchThickness );
				int line; // index into dotlines
				TQRect branchrect;
				TQStyle::StyleFlags branchflags;
				for( line = 0; line < c; line += 2 )
					// assumptions here: lines are horizontal or vertical.
					// lines always start with the numerically lowest
					// coordinate.

					// point ... relevant coordinate of current point
					// end ..... same coordinate of the end of the current line
					// other ... the other coordinate of the current point/line
					if ( dotlines[line].y() == dotlines[line+1].y() )
						// Horizontal branch
						int end = dotlines[line+1].x();
						int point = dotlines[line].x();
						int other = dotlines[line].y();

						branchrect  = TQRect( point, other-(thickness/2), end-point, thickness );
						branchflags = TQStyle::Style_Horizontal;

						// TQtCKStyle extension: Draw the horizontal branch
						drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_ListViewBranch, p, NULL, branchrect, cg, branchflags, opt );

					} else {
						// Vertical branch
						int end = dotlines[line+1].y();
						int point = dotlines[line].y();
						int other = dotlines[line].x();
						int pixmapoffset = ((point & 1) != dotoffset ) ? 1 : 0;

						branchrect  = TQRect( other-(thickness/2), point, thickness, end-point );
						if (!pixmapoffset)	// ### Hackish - used to hint the offset
							branchflags = TQStyle::Style_NoChange;
							branchflags = TQStyle::Style_Default;

						// TQtCKStyle extension: Draw the vertical branch
						drawKStylePrimitive( KPE_ListViewBranch, p, NULL, branchrect, cg, branchflags, opt );

			TQCommonStyle::tqdrawComplexControl( control, p, widget, r, cg,
											  flags, controls, active, opt );

TQStyle::SubControl TQtCKStyle::querySubControl( ComplexControl control,
											const TQWidget* widget,
											const TQPoint &pos,
											const TQStyleOption &opt ) const
	TQStyle::SubControl ret = TQCommonStyle::querySubControl(control, widget, pos, opt);

	if (d->scrollbarType == ThreeButtonScrollBar) {
		// Enable third button
		if (control == CC_ScrollBar && ret == SC_None)
			ret = SC_ScrollBarSubLine;
	return ret;

TQRect TQtCKStyle::querySubControlMetrics( ComplexControl control,
									  const TQWidget* widget,
									  SubControl sc,
									  const TQStyleOption &opt ) const
    TQRect ret;

	if (control == CC_ScrollBar)
		bool threeButtonScrollBar = d->scrollbarType & ThreeButtonScrollBar;
		bool platinumScrollBar    = d->scrollbarType & PlatinumStyleScrollBar;
		bool nextScrollBar        = d->scrollbarType & NextStyleScrollBar;

		const TQScrollBar *sb = (const TQScrollBar*)widget;
		bool horizontal = sb->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal;
		int sliderstart = sb->sliderStart();
		int sbextent    = tqpixelMetric(PM_ScrollBarExtent, widget);
		int maxlen      = (horizontal ? sb->width() : sb->height())
						  - (sbextent * (threeButtonScrollBar ? 3 : 2));
		int sliderlen;

		// calculate slider length
		if (sb->maxValue() != sb->minValue())
			uint range = sb->maxValue() - sb->minValue();
			sliderlen = (sb->pageStep() * maxlen) /	(range + sb->pageStep());

			int slidermin = tqpixelMetric( PM_ScrollBarSliderMin, widget );
			if ( sliderlen < slidermin || range > INT_MAX / 2 )
				sliderlen = slidermin;
			if ( sliderlen > maxlen )
				sliderlen = maxlen;
		} else
			sliderlen = maxlen;

		// Subcontrols
		switch (sc)
			case SC_ScrollBarSubLine: {
				// top/left button
				if (platinumScrollBar) {
					if (horizontal)
						ret.setRect(sb->width() - 2 * sbextent, 0, sbextent, sbextent);
						ret.setRect(0, sb->height() - 2 * sbextent, sbextent, sbextent);
				} else
					ret.setRect(0, 0, sbextent, sbextent);

			case SC_ScrollBarAddLine: {
				// bottom/right button
				if (nextScrollBar) {
					if (horizontal)
						ret.setRect(sbextent, 0, sbextent, sbextent);
						ret.setRect(0, sbextent, sbextent, sbextent);
				} else {
					if (horizontal)
						ret.setRect(sb->width() - sbextent, 0, sbextent, sbextent);
						ret.setRect(0, sb->height() - sbextent, sbextent, sbextent);

			case SC_ScrollBarSubPage: {
				// between top/left button and slider
				if (platinumScrollBar) {
					if (horizontal)
						ret.setRect(0, 0, sliderstart, sbextent);
						ret.setRect(0, 0, sbextent, sliderstart);
				} else if (nextScrollBar) {
					if (horizontal)
						ret.setRect(sbextent*2, 0, sliderstart-2*sbextent, sbextent);
						ret.setRect(0, sbextent*2, sbextent, sliderstart-2*sbextent);
				} else {
					if (horizontal)
						ret.setRect(sbextent, 0, sliderstart - sbextent, sbextent);
						ret.setRect(0, sbextent, sbextent, sliderstart - sbextent);

			case SC_ScrollBarAddPage: {
				// between bottom/right button and slider
				int fudge;

				if (platinumScrollBar)
					fudge = 0;
				else if (nextScrollBar)
					fudge = 2*sbextent;
					fudge = sbextent;

				if (horizontal)
					ret.setRect(sliderstart + sliderlen, 0,
							maxlen - sliderstart - sliderlen + fudge, sbextent);
					ret.setRect(0, sliderstart + sliderlen, sbextent,
							maxlen - sliderstart - sliderlen + fudge);

			case SC_ScrollBarGroove: {
				int multi = threeButtonScrollBar ? 3 : 2;
				int fudge;

				if (platinumScrollBar)
					fudge = 0;
				else if (nextScrollBar)
					fudge = 2*sbextent;
					fudge = sbextent;

				if (horizontal)
					ret.setRect(fudge, 0, sb->width() - sbextent * multi, sb->height());
					ret.setRect(0, fudge, sb->width(), sb->height() - sbextent * multi);

			case SC_ScrollBarSlider: {
				if (horizontal)
					ret.setRect(sliderstart, 0, sliderlen, sbextent);
					ret.setRect(0, sliderstart, sbextent, sliderlen);

				ret = TQCommonStyle::querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, sc, opt);
	} else
		ret = TQCommonStyle::querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, sc, opt);

	return ret;

static const char * const kstyle_close_xpm[] = {
"12 12 2 1",
"# c #000000",
". c None",

static const char * const kstyle_maximize_xpm[]={
"12 12 2 1",
"# c #000000",
". c None",

static const char * const kstyle_minimize_xpm[] = {
"12 12 2 1",
"# c #000000",
". c None",

static const char * const kstyle_normalizeup_xpm[] = {
"12 12 2 1",
"# c #000000",
". c None",

static const char * const kstyle_shade_xpm[] = {
"12 12 2 1",
"# c #000000",
". c None",

static const char * const kstyle_unshade_xpm[] = {
"12 12 2 1",
"# c #000000",
". c None",

static const char * const dock_window_close_xpm[] = {
"8 8 2 1",
"# c #000000",
". c None",

// Message box icons, from page 210 of the Windows style guide.

// Hand-drawn to resemble Microsoft's icons, but in the Mac/Netscape
// palette.  The "question mark" icon, which Microsoft recommends not
// using but a lot of people still use, is left out.

/* XPM */
static const char * const information_xpm[]={
"32 32 5 1",
". c None",
"c c #000000",
"* c #999999",
"a c #ffffff",
"b c #0000ff",
/* XPM */
static const char* const warning_xpm[]={
"32 32 4 1",
". c None",
"a c #ffff00",
"* c #000000",
"b c #999999",
/* XPM */
static const char* const critical_xpm[]={
"32 32 4 1",
". c None",
"a c #999999",
"* c #ff0000",
"b c #ffffff",

TQPixmap TQtCKStyle::stylePixmap( StylePixmap stylepixmap,
						  const TQWidget* widget,
						  const TQStyleOption& opt) const
	switch (stylepixmap) {
		case SP_TitleBarShadeButton:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(kstyle_shade_xpm));
		case SP_TitleBarUnshadeButton:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(kstyle_unshade_xpm));
		case SP_TitleBarNormalButton:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(kstyle_normalizeup_xpm));
		case SP_TitleBarMinButton:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(kstyle_minimize_xpm));
		case SP_TitleBarMaxButton:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(kstyle_maximize_xpm));
		case SP_TitleBarCloseButton:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(kstyle_close_xpm));
		case SP_DockWindowCloseButton:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(dock_window_close_xpm ));
		case SP_MessageBoxInformation:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(information_xpm));
		case SP_MessageBoxWarning:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(warning_xpm));
		case SP_MessageBoxCritical:
			return TQPixmap(const_cast<const char**>(critical_xpm));
    return TQCommonStyle::stylePixmap(stylepixmap, widget, opt);

int TQtCKStyle::tqstyleHint( StyleHint sh, const TQWidget* w,
					   const TQStyleOption &opt, TQStyleHintReturn* shr) const
	switch (sh)
		case SH_EtchDisabledText:
			return d->etchDisabledText ? 1 : 0;

		case SH_PopupMenu_Scrollable:
			return d->scrollablePopupmenus ? 1 : 0;

		case SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation:
			return d->menuAltKeyNavigation ? 1 : 0;

		case SH_PopupMenu_SubMenuPopupDelay:
			if ( tqstyleHint( SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus, w ) )
				return TQMIN( 100, d->popupMenuDelay );
				return d->popupMenuDelay;

		case SH_PopupMenu_SloppySubMenus:
			return d->sloppySubMenus;

		case SH_ItemView_ChangeHighlightOnFocus:
		case SH_Slider_SloppyKeyEvents:
		case SH_MainWindow_SpaceBelowMenuBar:
		case SH_PopupMenu_AllowActiveAndDisabled:
			return 0;

		case SH_Slider_SnapToValue:
		case SH_PrintDialog_RightAlignButtons:
		case SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText:
		case SH_MenuBar_MouseTracking:
		case SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking:
		case SH_ComboBox_ListMouseTracking:
		case SH_ScrollBar_MiddleClickAbsolutePosition:
			return 1;
		case SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter:
			if (w) {
				const TQFontMetrics &fm = w->fontMetrics();
				if (fm.inFont(TQChar(0x25CF))) {
					return 0x25CF;
				} else if (fm.inFont(TQChar(0x2022))) {
					return 0x2022;
			return '*';

			return TQCommonStyle::tqstyleHint(sh, w, opt, shr);

bool TQtCKStyle::eventFilter( TQObject* object, TQEvent* event )
	if ( d->useFilledFrameWorkaround )
		// Make the TQMenuBar/TQToolBar paintEvent() cover a larger area to
		// ensure that the filled frame contents are properly painted.
		// We essentially modify the paintEvent's rect to include the
		// panel border, which also paints the widget's interior.
		// This is nasty, but I see no other way to properly tqrepaint
		// filled frames in all TQMenuBars and TQToolBars.
		// -- Karol.
		TQFrame *frame = 0;
		if ( event->type() == TQEvent::Paint
				&& (frame = ::tqqt_cast<TQFrame*>(object)) )
			if (frame->frameShape() != TQFrame::ToolBarPanel && frame->frameShape() != TQFrame::MenuBarPanel)
				return false;
			bool horizontal = true;
			TQPaintEvent* pe = (TQPaintEvent*)event;
			TQToolBar *toolbar = ::tqqt_cast< TQToolBar *>( frame );
			TQRect r = pe->rect();

			if (toolbar && toolbar->orientation() == Qt::Vertical)
				horizontal = false;

			if (horizontal) {
				if ( r.height() == frame->height() )
					return false;	// Let TQFrame handle the painting now.

				// Else, send a new paint event with an updated paint rect.
				TQPaintEvent dummyPE( TQRect( r.x(), 0, r.width(), frame->height()) );
				TQApplication::sendEvent( frame, &dummyPE );
			else {	// Vertical
				if ( r.width() == frame->width() )
					return false;

				TQPaintEvent dummyPE( TQRect( 0, r.y(), frame->width(), r.height()) );
				TQApplication::sendEvent( frame, &dummyPE );

			// Discard this event as we sent a new paintEvent.
			return true;

	return false;

void TQtCKStyle::virtual_hook( int, void* )
{ /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }

// vim: set noet ts=4 sw=4:
// kate: indent-width 4; replace-tabs off; tab-width 4; space-indent off;

#include "qtc_kstyle.moc"