// C++ Implementation: docbookgenerator
// Description:
// Author: Robert Vogl <voglrobe@lapislazuli>, (C) 2005
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution

// TQt includes
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvariant.h>

//KDE includes
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>

// App specific includes
#include "docbookgenerator.h"



void DocbookGenerator::writeBook(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeBook()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "RobDocument" )

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Book>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "BookInfo" ){
            writeBookInfo( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Chapter" ) {
            writeChapter( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());
    doc << "</Book>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeBookInfo(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeBookInfo()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "BookInfo" )

    // add node to document
    doc << "<BookInfo>" << endl;
    writeTitleOfBook( doc, item );

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "KeywordSet" ){
            writeKeywordSet( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Abstract" ) {
            writeAbstract( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "AuthorGroup" ) {
            writeAuthorGroup( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Date" ) {
            writeDate( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "ReleaseInfo" ) {
            writeReleaseInfo( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</BookInfo>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeTitleOfBook(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeTitle()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "BookInfo" )

    // Documents title is stored in root element (parent of BookInfo)
    ListViewInterface *parent = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->parent());
    if ( parent ){
        TQString title = parent->text(0);

        // add node to document
        doc << "<Title>" << title << "</Title>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeAuthorGroup(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeAuthorGroup()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "AuthorGroup" )

    // add node to document
    doc << "<AuthorGroup>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Author" ){
            writeAuthor( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</AuthorGroup>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeAuthor(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeAuthor()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Author" )

    TQString author = TQString();
    author = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA) ).toString();

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Author>" << endl;

    // process childs
    doc << "<Firstname>" << author.section(' ', 0, 0) << "</Firstname>" << endl;
    doc << "<Surname>" << author.section(' ', 1, 1) << "</Surname>" << endl;

    doc << "</Author>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeDate(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeDate()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Date" )

    TQString date = item->text(1);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Date>" << date << "</Date>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeReleaseInfo(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeReleaseInfo()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "ReleaseInfo" )

    TQString releaseinfo = item->text(1);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<ReleaseInfo>" << releaseinfo << "</ReleaseInfo>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeKeywordSet(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeKeywordSet()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "KeywordSet" )

    // add node to document
    doc << "<KeywordSet>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = ( i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Keyword" ){
            writeKeyword( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</KeywordSet>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeKeyword(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeKeyword()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Keyword" )

    // TQString keyword = item->text( 0 );
    TQString keyword = TQString();    
    keyword = (item->getValue(3)).toString();

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Keyword>" << keyword << "</Keyword>" << endl;

    // process childs
    // no childs

void DocbookGenerator::writeAbstract(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeAbstract()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Abstract" )

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Abstract>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Para" ){
            writePara( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</Abstract>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeChapter( TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeChapter()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Chapter" )

    TQString title = item->text(0);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Chapter>" << endl;
        doc << "<Title>" << title << "</Title>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Para" ){
            writePara( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Sect1" ) {
            writeSect1( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</Chapter>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeSect1(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeSect1()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Sect1" )

    TQString title = item->text(0);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Sect1>" << endl;
        doc << "<Title>" << title << "</Title>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Para" ){
            writePara( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Sect2" ) {
            writeSect2( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</Sect1>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeSect2(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeSect1()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Sect2" )

    TQString title = item->text(0);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Sect2>" << endl;
        doc << "<Title>" << title << "</Title>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = ( i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME) ).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Para" ){
            writePara( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Sect3" ) {
            writeSect3( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</Sect2>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeSect3(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeSect3()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Sect3" )

    TQString title = item->text(0);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Sect3>" << endl;
        doc << "<Title>" << title << "</Title>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Para" ){
            writePara( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Sect4" ) {
            writeSect4( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</Sect3>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeSect4(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeSect4()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Sect4" )

    TQString title = item->text(0);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Sect4>" << endl;
        doc << "<Title>" << title << "</Title>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Para" ){
            writePara( doc, i );
        } else if ( itemType == "Sect5" ) {
            writeSect5( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</Sect4>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writeSect5(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writeSect5()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Sect5" )

    TQString title = item->text(0);

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Sect5>" << endl;
        doc << "<Title>" << title << "</Title>" << endl;

    // process childs
    ListViewInterface *i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(item->firstChild());
    TQString itemType;
    while( i ){
        itemType = (i->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
        if ( itemType == "Para" ){
            writePara( doc, i );
        // next child
        i = static_cast<ListViewInterface*>(i->nextSibling());

    doc << "</Sect5>" << endl;

void DocbookGenerator::writePara(TQTextStream &doc, ListViewInterface *item)
    kdDebug(100200) << "DocTreeViewImpl::writePara()" << endl;
    // read item's content
    TQString whoAmI = (item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::XMLCONTEXTNAME)).toString();
    if ( whoAmI != "Para" )

    TQString data = ( item->getValue(KSayItGlobal::RAWDATA) ).toString();

    // add node to document
    doc << "<Para>" << endl;
    doc << data << endl;
    doc << "</Para>" << endl;

    // process childs
    // childs are embedded in data.