/*************************************************************************** A KTextEditor (Kate Part) plugin for speaking text. Copyright: (C) 2003-2004 by Olaf Schmidt (C) 2005 by Gary Cramblitt Original Author: Olaf Schmidt ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // TQt includes. #include #include #include // KDE includes. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KateKttsdPlugin includes. #include "katekttsd.h" #include "katekttsd.moc" K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( tdetexteditor_kttsd, KGenericFactory( "tdetexteditor_kttsd" ) ) KateKttsdPlugin::KateKttsdPlugin( TQObject *parent, const char* name, const TQStringList& ) : KTextEditor::Plugin ( (KTextEditor::Document*) parent, name ) { } KateKttsdPlugin::~KateKttsdPlugin() { } void KateKttsdPlugin::addView(KTextEditor::View *view) { KateKttsdPluginView *nview = new KateKttsdPluginView (view, "KTTSD Plugin"); m_views.append (nview); } void KateKttsdPlugin::removeView(KTextEditor::View *view) { for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); ++z) if (m_views.at(z)->parentClient() == view) { KateKttsdPluginView *nview = m_views.at(z); m_views.remove (nview); delete nview; } TDEGlobal::locale()->removeCatalogue("kttsd"); } KateKttsdPluginView::KateKttsdPluginView( KTextEditor::View *view, const char *name ) : TQObject( view, name ), KXMLGUIClient( view ) { view->insertChildClient( this ); setInstance( KGenericFactory::instance() ); TDEGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("kttsd"); (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Speak Text"), "kttsd", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotReadOut()), actionCollection(), "tools_kttsd" ); setXMLFile( "tdetexteditor_kttsdui.rc" ); } void KateKttsdPluginView::slotReadOut() { KTextEditor::View *v = (KTextEditor::View*)parent(); KTextEditor::SelectionInterface *si = KTextEditor::selectionInterface( v->document() ); TQString text; if ( si->hasSelection() ) text = si->selection(); else { KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( v->document() ); text = ei->text(); } DCOPClient *client = tdeApp->dcopClient(); // If KTTSD not running, start it. if (!client->isApplicationRegistered("kttsd")) { TQString error; if (tdeApp->startServiceByDesktopName("kttsd", TQStringList(), &error)) TQMessageBox::warning(0, i18n( "Starting KTTSD Failed"), error ); } TQByteArray data; TQByteArray data2; TQCString replyType; TQByteArray replyData; TQDataStream arg(data, IO_WriteOnly); arg << text << ""; if ( !client->call("kttsd", "KSpeech", "setText(TQString,TQString)", data, replyType, replyData, true) ) TQMessageBox::warning( 0, i18n( "DCOP Call Failed" ), i18n( "The DCOP call setText failed." )); TQDataStream arg2(data2, IO_WriteOnly); arg2 << 0; if ( !client->call("kttsd", "KSpeech", "startText(uint)", data2, replyType, replyData, true) ) TQMessageBox::warning( 0, i18n( "DCOP Call Failed" ), i18n( "The DCOP call startText failed." )); }