/***************************************************** vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
  This file is the template for the processing plug ins.
  Copyright : (C) 2002-2003 by José Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fernández
  Original author: José Pablo Ezequiel "Pupeno" Fernández <pupeno@kde.org>
  Current Maintainer: Gary Cramblitt <garycramblitt@comcast.net>

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.               *
 *                                                                         *

// TQt includes. 
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>

// KDE includes.
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <klocale.h>

// PlugInProc includes.
#include "pluginproc.h"
#include "pluginproc.moc"

* Constructor
PlugInProc::PlugInProc( TQObject *parent, const char *name) : TQObject(parent, name){
    // kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::PlugInProc: Running" << endl;

* Destructor
    // kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::~PlugInProc: Running" << endl;

* Initializate the speech plugin.
bool PlugInProc::init(KConfig* /*config*/, const TQString& /*configGroup*/){
    // kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::init: Running" << endl;
    return false;

* Say a text.  Synthesize and audibilize it.
* @param text                    The text to be spoken.
* If the plugin supports asynchronous operation, it should return immediately.
void PlugInProc::sayText(const TQString& /*text*/){
    // kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::sayText: Running" << endl;

* Synthesize text into an audio file, but do not send to the audio device.
* @param text                    The text to be synthesized.
* @param suggestedFilename       Full pathname of file to create.  The plugin
*                                may ignore this parameter and choose its own
*                                filename.  KTTSD will query the generated
*                                filename using getFilename().
* If the plugin supports asynchronous operation, it should return immediately.
void PlugInProc::synthText(const TQString& /*text*/, const TQString& /*suggestedFilename*/) { }

* Get the generated audio filename from synthText.
* @return                        Name of the audio file the plugin generated.
*                                Null if no such file.
* The plugin must not re-use the filename.
TQString PlugInProc::getFilename() { return TQString(); }

* Stop current operation (saying or synthesizing text).
* This function only makes sense in asynchronus modes.
* The plugin should return to the psIdle state.
void PlugInProc::stopText(){
    // kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::stopText: Running" << endl;

* Return the current state of the plugin.
* This function only makes sense in asynchronous mode.
* @return                        The pluginState of the plugin.
* @ref pluginState
pluginState PlugInProc::getState() { return psIdle; }

* Acknowledges a finished state and resets the plugin state to psIdle.
* If the plugin is not in state psFinished, nothing happens.
* The plugin may use this call to do any post-processing cleanup,
* for example, blanking the stored filename (but do not delete the file).
* Calling program should call getFilename prior to ackFinished.
void PlugInProc::ackFinished() { }

* Returns True if the plugin supports asynchronous processing,
* i.e., returns immediately from sayText or synthText.
* @return                        True if this plugin supports asynchronous processing.
bool PlugInProc::supportsAsync() { return false; }

* Returns True if the plugin supports synthText method,
* i.e., is able to synthesize text to a sound file without
* audibilizing the text.
* @return                        True if this plugin supports synthText method.
bool PlugInProc::supportsSynth() { return false; }

* Returns the name of an XSLT stylesheet that will convert a valid SSML file
* into a format that can be processed by the synth.  For example,
* The Festival plugin returns a stylesheet that will convert SSML into
* SABLE.  Any tags the synth cannot handle should be stripped (leaving
* their text contents though).  The default stylesheet strips all
* tags and converts the file to plain text.
* @return            Name of the XSLT file.
TQString PlugInProc::getSsmlXsltFilename()
    return KGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("data").last() + "kttsd/xslt/SSMLtoPlainText.xsl";

* Given the name of a codec, returns the TQTextCodec for the name.
* Handles the following "special" codec names:
*   Local               The user's current Locale codec.
*   Latin1              Latin1 (ISO 8859-1)
*   Unicode             UTF-16
* @param codecName      Name of desired codec.
* @return               The codec object.  Calling program must not delete this object
*                       as it is a reference to an existing TQTextCodec object.
* Caution: Do not pass translated codec names to this routine.
/*static*/ TQTextCodec* PlugInProc::codecNameToCodec(const TQString &codecName)
    TQTextCodec* codec = 0;
    if (codecName == "Local")
        codec = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale();
    else if (codecName == "Latin1")
        codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName("ISO8859-1");
    else if (codecName == "Unicode")
        codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName("utf16");
        codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName(codecName.latin1());
    if (!codec)
        kdDebug() << "PluginProc::codecNameToCodec: Invalid codec name " << codecName << endl;
        kdDebug() << "PluginProc::codecNameToCodec: Defaulting to ISO 8859-1" << endl;
        codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName("ISO8859-1");
    return codec;

* Builds a list of codec names, suitable for display in a TQComboBox.
* The list includes the 3 special codec names (translated) at the top:
*   Local               The user's current Locale codec.
*   Latin1              Latin1 (ISO 8859-1)
*   Unicode             UTF-16
/*static*/ TQStringList PlugInProc::buildCodecList()
    // kdDebug() << "PlugInConf::buildCodecList: Running" << endl;
    TQStringList codecList;
    TQString local = i18n("Local")+" (";
    local += TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->name();
    local += ")";
    for (int i = 0; (TQTextCodec::codecForIndex(i)); ++i )
    return codecList;

* Given the name of a codec, returns index into the codec list.
* Handles the following "special" codec names:
*   Local               The user's current Locale codec.
*   Latin1              Latin1 (ISO 8859-1)
*   Unicode             UTF-16
* @param codecName      Name of the codec.
* @param codecList      List of codec names. The first 3 entries may be translated names.
* @return               TQTextCodec object.  Caller must not delete this object.
* Caution: Do not pass translated codec names to this routine in codecName parameter.
/*static*/ int PlugInProc::codecNameToListIndex(const TQString &codecName, const TQStringList &codecList)
    int codec;
    if (codecName == "Local")
        codec = PlugInProc::Local;
    else if (codecName == "Latin1")
        codec = PlugInProc::Latin1;
    else if (codecName == "Unicode")
        codec = PlugInProc::Unicode;
    else {
        codec = PlugInProc::Local;
        const uint codecListCount = codecList.count();
        for (uint i = PlugInProc::UseCodec; i < codecListCount; ++i )
            if (codecName == codecList[i])
                codec = i;
    return codec;

* Given index into codec list, returns the codec object.
* @param codecNum       Index of the codec.
* @param codecList      List of codec names. The first 3 entries may be translated names.
* @return               TQTextCodec object.  Caller must not delete this object.
/*static*/ TQTextCodec* PlugInProc::codecIndexToCodec(int codecNum, const TQStringList &codecList)
    TQTextCodec* codec = 0;
    switch (codecNum) {
        case PlugInProc::Local:
            codec = TQTextCodec::codecForLocale();
        case PlugInProc::Latin1:
            codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName("ISO8859-1");
        case PlugInProc::Unicode:
            codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName("utf16");
            codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName(codecList[codecNum].latin1());
    if (!codec)
        kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::codecIndexToCodec: Invalid codec index " << codecNum << endl;
        kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::codecIndexToCodec: Defaulting to ISO 8859-1" << endl;
        codec = TQTextCodec::codecForName("ISO8859-1");
    return codec;

* Given index into codec list, returns the codec Name.
* Handles the following "special" codec names:
*   Local               The user's current Locale codec.
*   Latin1              Latin1 (ISO 8859-1)
*   Unicode             UTF-16
* @param codecNum       Index of the codec.
* @param codecList      List of codec names. The first 3 entries may be translated names.
* @return               Untranslated name of the codec.
/*static*/ TQString PlugInProc::codecIndexToCodecName(int codecNum, const TQStringList &codecList)
    TQString codecName;
    switch (codecNum) {
        case PlugInProc::Local:
            codecName = "Local";
        case PlugInProc::Latin1:
            codecName = "Latin1";
        case PlugInProc::Unicode:
            codecName = "Unicode";
            if ((uint)codecNum < codecList.count())
                codecName = codecList[codecNum];
                kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::codecIndexToCodec: Invalid codec index " << codecNum << endl;
                kdDebug() << "PlugInProc::codecIndexToCodec: Defaulting to ISO 8859-1" << endl;
                codecName = "ISO8859-1";
    return codecName;