INCLUDES  =  $(all_includes)

# Install this plugin in the KDE modules directory
kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =

# This is all standard.  Remove the LIB_KHTML reference if you are not
# using the KHTML Part
katexmltoolsplugin_la_SOURCES = pseudo_dtd.cpp plugin_katexmltools.cpp
katexmltoolsplugin_la_LIBADD = -lkateinterfaces
katexmltoolsplugin_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)

# Install the .rc file in the Part's directory (in this case, the part
# is KHTMLPart)
pluginsdir = $(kde_datadir)/kate/plugins/katexmltools
plugins_DATA = ui.rc

xmldir = $(kde_datadir)/katexmltools
xml_DATA = html4-loose.dtd.xml  html4-strict.dtd.xml kde-docbook.dtd.xml \
	simplify_dtd.xsl xhtml1-frameset.dtd.xml xhtml1-strict.dtd.xml \
	xhtml1-transitional.dtd.xml xslt-1.0.dtd.xml \
	testcases.xml language.dtd.xml kpartgui.dtd.xml kcfg.dtd.xml


kde_services_DATA = katexmltools.desktop

messages: rc.cpp
	$(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/katexmltools.pot