// Copyright (c) 2003,2004 Charles Samuels <charles@kde.org>
// See the file COPYING for redistribution terms.

#ifndef FILE_H
#define FILE_H

#include "base.h"
#include <kurl.h>

class Slice;
class Query;

 * just an file from the list in the database
class File

	friend class Base;
	File(Base *base, FileId id);

	mutable Base *mBase;
	FileId mId;

	 * create a copy of the reference
	File(const File &ref);
	 * create a null reference

	 * make me a copy of the reference
	File &operator=(const File &ref);

	bool operator ==(const File &other) { return mId == other.mId; }

	inline operator bool() const { return mId; }

	TQString file() const;
	KURL url() const;
	TQString property(const TQString &property) const;
	void setProperty(const TQString &key, const TQString &value);
	void clearProperty(const TQString &key);
	TQStringList properties() const;
	inline FileId id() const { return mId; }
	void setId(FileId id);

	inline Base *base() { return mBase; }
	inline const Base *base() const { return mBase; }
	 * when displaying me in @p query, place
	 * me immediately after @p after
	void setPosition(Query *query, const File &after);
	 * when displaying @p query, set @p after according
	 * to what @ref setPosition was given.
	 * @return false if no position was set
	bool getPosition(const Query *query, File *after) const;

	 * remove this file from the db, and emit Base::removed(File)
	 * the File objects don't change, but become invalid (careful!)
	void remove();

	void addTo(Slice *slice);
	void removeFrom(Slice *slice);
	bool isIn(const Slice *slice) const;

	 * load the tag information into the DB
	void makeCache();

class Slice
	int mId;
	TQString mName;
	Base *mBase;

	 * @internal
	 * create a slice based on its data
	Slice(Base *base, int id, const TQString &name);

	TQString name() const;
	void setName(const TQString &name);

	 * remove this slice from the list of slices
	 * and dereference all Files from this slice
	void remove();

	int id() const { return mId; }
