// KDat - a tar-based DAT archiver
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000  Sean Vyain, svyain@mail.tds.net
// Copyright (C) 2001-2002  Lawrence Widman, kdat@cardiothink.com
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <tqfile.h>

#include <kstandarddirs.h>

#include "BackupProfile.h"
#include "BackupProfileManager.h"
#include "Util.h"


BackupProfile::BackupProfile( const TQString & name )
        : _name( name ),
          _lastSavedName( name )


void BackupProfile::load()
    TQString filename = locateLocal( "appdata", _lastSavedName + ".bp");
    FILE* fptr = fopen( TQFile::encodeName(filename), "r" );
    if ( !fptr ) {

    char buf[4096];

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    int version = 0;
    sscanf( buf, "%d", &version );

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    _name = buf;
    _name.truncate( _name.length() - 1 );

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    _archiveName = buf;
    _archiveName.truncate( _archiveName.length() - 1 );

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    _workingDirectory = buf;
    _workingDirectory.truncate( _workingDirectory.length() - 1 );

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    int filecount = 0;
    sscanf( buf, "%d", &filecount );
    for ( int i = 0; i < filecount; i++ ) {
        fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
        TQString filename = buf;
        filename.truncate( filename.length() - 1 );
        _absoluteFiles.append( filename );


    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    int tmpBool = 0;
    sscanf( buf, "%d", &tmpBool );
    _oneFilesystem = tmpBool;

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    sscanf( buf, "%d", &tmpBool );
    _incremental = tmpBool;

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    _snapshotFile = buf;
    _snapshotFile.truncate( _snapshotFile.length() - 1 );

    fgets( buf, 4096, fptr );
    sscanf( buf, "%d", &tmpBool );
    _removeSnapshot = tmpBool;

    fclose( fptr );

void BackupProfile::save()
    TQString filename = locateLocal( "appdata", _lastSavedName + ".bp");
    bool    null_name_p = _lastSavedName.isEmpty();

    _lastSavedName = _name.copy();
    if( TRUE == null_name_p ){

    unlink( TQFile::encodeName(filename) );

    FILE* fptr = fopen( TQFile::encodeName(filename), "w" );
    if ( !fptr ) {

    fprintf( fptr, "%d\n", 1 ); // Version
    fprintf( fptr, "%s\n", _name.utf8().data() );
    fprintf( fptr, "%s\n", _archiveName.utf8().data() );
    fprintf( fptr, "%s\n", _workingDirectory.utf8().data() );
    fprintf( fptr, "%d\n", _absoluteFiles.count() );
    for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = _absoluteFiles.begin();
          it != _absoluteFiles.end();
          ++it )
        fprintf( fptr, "%s\n", (*it).utf8().data() );
    fprintf( fptr, "%d\n", _oneFilesystem );
    fprintf( fptr, "%d\n", _incremental );
    fprintf( fptr, "%s\n", _snapshotFile.utf8().data() );
    fprintf( fptr, "%d\n", _removeSnapshot );

    fclose( fptr );

TQString BackupProfile::getName()
    return _name;

TQString BackupProfile::getArchiveName()
    return _archiveName;

TQString BackupProfile::getWorkingDirectory()
      return _workingDirectory;

  // LEW: is this fix necessary?
#ifdef LEW
    if ( FALSE == _workingDirectory.isEmpty() ) {
      return _workingDirectory;
    } else {
      return 0;

const TQStringList& BackupProfile::getRelativeFiles()
    return _relativeFiles;

const TQStringList& BackupProfile::getAbsoluteFiles()
    return _absoluteFiles;

bool BackupProfile::isOneFilesystem()
    return _oneFilesystem;

bool BackupProfile::isIncremental()
    return _incremental;

TQString BackupProfile::getSnapshotFile()
    return _snapshotFile;

bool BackupProfile::getRemoveSnapshot()
    return _removeSnapshot;

void BackupProfile::setName( const TQString & name )
    _name = name;
    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );
void BackupProfile::setArchiveName( const TQString & archiveName )
    _archiveName = archiveName;

    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );

void BackupProfile::setWorkingDirectory( const TQString & workingDirectory )
    _workingDirectory = workingDirectory;

    // Regenerate the list of relative files.
    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );

void BackupProfile::setAbsoluteFiles( const TQStringList& files )
    _absoluteFiles = files;

    // Make sure working directory is still valid.
    TQStringList::Iterator it = _absoluteFiles.begin();
    for ( ;
          it != _absoluteFiles.end();
          ++it )
        if ( *it != _workingDirectory ) {
            // Working directory is not a prefix for this file.

    if ( it != _absoluteFiles.end() ) {
        // Pick another working directory.
        _workingDirectory = Util::longestCommonPath( _absoluteFiles );

    // Regenerate the list of relative files.
    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );

void BackupProfile::setOneFilesystem( bool oneFilesystem )
    _oneFilesystem = oneFilesystem;

    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );

void BackupProfile::setIncremental( bool incremental )
    _incremental = incremental;

    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );

void BackupProfile::setSnapshotFile( const TQString & snapshotFile )
    _snapshotFile = snapshotFile;

    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );

void BackupProfile::setRemoveSnapshot( bool removeSnapshot )
    _removeSnapshot = removeSnapshot;

    BackupProfileManager::instance()->backupProfileModified( this );

void BackupProfile::calcRelativeFiles()
    int remove = _workingDirectory.length();
    if ( remove > 1 ) {

    for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = _absoluteFiles.begin();
          it != _absoluteFiles.end();
          ++it )
        TQString fn = *it;
        fn.remove( 0, remove );
        if ( fn.isEmpty() ) {
            fn = ".";
        _relativeFiles.append( fn );