Outstanding Bugs 2002-04-22 From Bas: 1) DAT tape works with tar from command line but not within kdat when the device is specified as /dev/st0. It works within kdat when a symbolic link to /dev/tape is made and given to kdat, but only if the startup option "mount tape at startup" is NOT checked. 2002-01-31 From RG: 1) Restore data when asked for "Restore to directory:" in Dialog box "Restore Options" enter a not existing directory (e.g.: /tmp/xyz ), kdat will restore, but no data is written to requested place, Logfile shows success. !!!! The data are restored to the place, where application kdat is started ! reason: file VerifyDlg.cpp line: 397 > void VerifyDlg::show() > { > chdir( QFile::encodeName(_workingDir) ); > there is no error handling !!! same problem for Verify ! How to deal with ?? - Restore: ask the user, if kdat should create the new directory ? - Verify: a verify makes no sense, if the directory is not existing So I think a correction should be done within the VerifyOptDlg::okClicked() method !?! 2) adding new data to a tape, UI is not updated, while forwarding to the end of tape 3) forward to the end of tape: text in status line not completely visible 4) tape with 10 and more archives: Tape or Tape Index: Archives not correctly ordered: 1, 10, 12, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Note: The reindexing run lists them in correct oder 5) status line: only sunken, where text is why not complete status line ? 2002-01-30 1) When a dump fails with a write() error, no index is written to disk. When the tape is then mounted, kdat does not prompt to ask whether the index should be recreated. /* 2002-01-31 LEW. This may now be fixed by adding freopen() */ 2) From RG: - change of Archive Name is not written to file (Tape Index) open Tape Index, select archive, modify Archive Name (right pane), press Apply, Note: tree is updated, quit kdat, restart kdat, open Tape Index, old name appears /* 2002-01-31 LEW. This is now fixed by adding freopen() */ - kdat, mounted tape, open tree Tape, select an archive, go to right pane, unmount tape via toolbar icon --> right pane is still active, but useless ?? Do now a modification of Archive name, -> Entry under Tape INdexes is updated ! - Tree: Click on Selected/unselected Icon opend/closes the subtree /* 2002-01-30 LEW: workaround is in place */ Nice to have: - System Notification (Sound, when backup/Restore/Verify is finished, OK or error ) - Rewind on unmount ?!? - kdat does not respect the user setting of the decimal seperator in kcontrol -> Personalization -> Contry & Language -> Numbers 3) From FP: A.) * mount a tape with a backup on it - open a directory with click on the plus sign - open again a dir only with click on plus until you see a file - click on the white quadrat to select this file => crash /* 2002-01-30 LEW: hopefully, this is fixed in the KDat.cpp:1250 patch */ B.) - select a single file (black x): - the restore doesn't restore only that file, but also the content of the directories above (they marked with the grey X for "some_selected") C.) * mount a tape with a backup on it - open a directory with click on the plus sign - click on the name of a directory => "Restore" and "Verify" in Toolbar becomes active, but there are no visible (x) selected dirs/files shown (A restore in that situation restores that file and all dirs above including there additional content - see B) D.) - save log in the restore window brings up a Qt file dialog? E.) - a directory containing a file (size 194byte) is not restored - not with trying the file directly: startrecord: 10104 end 10109 or the dir above: startrecord 10103 end 10104 F.) * mount a tape with a backup on it - open the tree, do 2 dirs deeper and select a file inside (black X) - restore that file the restore window comes up select a dir etc, after the successful restore close the Restore window with ok -> the file is still in black selected, the dirs above in grey - now collapse the tree above the file with clicking on the "+" of a grey marked dir => crash /* 2002-01-30 LEW: hopefully, this is fixed in the KDat.cpp:1250 patch */ 2002-01-29 1) Major memory leak or very inefficient memory allocation: Saving the log file to disk is very slow (158560 lines of text over 50 min). The free function shows that at the end of the save() function, there were 35MB of swap space left on the machine. After the log file was freed from memory (again a very long process), there were 361MB free (a difference of 326MB, or 2KB per line, where each line has an average of 63 characters. top showed that the size of kdat was 235M with RSS=215M when the log file memory allocation was freed. free RAM during this time was 3MB (out of 257MB). When kdat was terminated, free RAM increased from 3MB to 214MB. 2002-01-28 1) The font size and line spacing vary from machine to machine (e.g., Red Hat 7.0 and Red Hat 7.2). The dialog window has been made larger until a way to size automatically is set up. 2002-01-25 1) FP notes "This part of KDat seems to need a cleanup in a later version. For example the toolbar icons are in real at a size at 22x22, but the filenames say 16x16. If you change the names to hi22 kdat don't find them :-( In the future there should be a set of 16x16, 22x22 and 32x32 toolbar icons, the menu and toolbar can then be created with the TDEAction class and XMLGUI and the toolbar menu will then have an effect :-)" 2002-01-23 1) FP reports: "One more problem: If you open in the tree a archive and try to select some dir inside, a error handler comes up and I have to kill KDat." /* 2002-01-28 LEW: this problem is intermittent. A signal handler is now added that allows the user to dump core when a problem occurs. */ 2) LEW can't see archives on tape. /* 2002-01-28 LEW: this problem mysteriously disappeared today. Perhaps it had something to do with configuration. In case it recurs, the notes below showing a relationship to _stubbed are retained. */ /* 2002-01-31 LEW. This may now be fixed by adding freopen() */ Progress so far: 2002-01-26 LEW: in Tape.cpp, readVersion4Index() on a recent tape dump shows that numArchives is 0 even though the tape has the dumped files on it (as shown by running tar tfv /dev/nst0 3 times). A problem with creating the archive after the tape is dumped? In fact, the Archive dialog during the dump shows that no files are being dumped when in fact they are. Also, TapeManager::findTape() shows that the newly mounted tape's ID is used to retrieve the Tape* entry in _tapes, but _tapes has no entries. It is supposed to contain the details from all the index files in the appdata directory. But, when those files are read when the TapeManager is instantiated, only their names are stored (in QStringList _tapeIDs). The files themselves are not examined. 2002-01-28 LEW: On further examination, the BackupDlg widget does in fact call Tape::addChild( Archive* archive ) to add the new archive, and addChild() does call read() in preparation for updating the on-disk tape file. However, read() refuses to do anything because the tape isn't stubbed (_stubbed==FALSE). I don't know what this means yet. Forcing _stubbed=TRUE doesn't work either. It looks like _stubbed has to do with whether the tape ID is recognized as belonging to an index file on disk or not (see the second paragraph of 2002-01-26). 2002-01-21 1) While dumping 9.5GB to 8.3GB tape: In file tools/qgarray.cpp, line 227: Out of memory tdeinit: Fatal IO error: client killed tdeinit: sending SIGHUP to children. Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busy tdeinit: sending SIGTERM to children. tdeinit: Exit. /* 2002-01-21 LEW: added signal handler to KDat so it won't crash when it receives SIGHUPs, SIGTERMs, etc., and that allows user to dump core if (s)he wishes. */ c/o rolandg at onlinehome.de: 2) Tree Widget: Mounted Tape Icon too big -> the backup sets are not visible on the screen. If I select the archive, I see the upper pixel of some marked text. 3) Tree Widget: Tape Index is empty, but I did just a few minutes ago a 1st backup onto the the tape. The tape index file is stored in .kde/share/apps/kdat. /* 2002-01-24 RG sent patch */ 4) Backup Profiles o Delete Profile does not work o after creating several new profiles the directory .kde/share/apps/kdat lists some with their default names, and some with the by me defined profile names. 5) When backup up some more files, kdat calculates the complete size of the data. In the status line the filenames are running through. I see no way to cancel this action. /* 2002-01-24 LEW: new dialog added */ 2002-01-20 Outstanding bugs 1) The vertical line in the tree widget that shows indenting levels is not drawn correctly: there is a small hole in the dir lines. (Thanks to Frank Pieczynski <pieczyk at knuut.de>.) /* fixed 2002-01-24 with new icons that FP sent in. */ 2) when files are restored, they are copied correctly from the tape to disk, but their names in the log window are corrupted (this is an old bug). /* reported fixed by RG 2002-01-23 */ 3) Verify quits early (this is an old bug). 2001-08-01 These are possible sources of bugs: 1) don't return 0 instead of a null TQString (e.g., BackupProfile::getWorkingDirectory()) 2) don't test for FALSE predicate values with !(). Use == FALSE instead. 3) don't piggyback .remove with .first: _relativeFiles.remove(_relativeFiles.first()) Instead, separate the two: TQString my_first = _relativeFiles.first(); _relativeFiles.remove( my_first ); This may be important with any call to .remove() as may be found with: `grep "\.remove" *.cpp`