** Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Toivo Pedaste <toivo@ucs.uwa.edu.au>

** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
** MA 02110-1301, USA.

** Bug reports and questions can be sent to kde-devel@kde.org

#ifndef KPLVITEM_H
#define KPLVITEM_H

#include "../config.h"
// Standard Headers

// TQt Headers
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>

// KDE headers
#include "klistview.h"

// ksetup headers
#include "packageInfo.h"

class packageDisplayWidget;

class KpTreeList: public KListView

  KpTreeList ( TQWidget * parent = 0);

  void contentsMousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e );

  bool inMark(int x);

  KpTreeListItem *firstChild();
  KpTreeListItem *currentItem();
  void clear();

  KpTreeListItem *markPkg;

  TQPtrList<KpTreeListItem> stack;
  // Stack of jumped to packages

  void sweep(bool init);
  // sweep tree adjusting visibility
  void expand();
  // sweep tree expanding everything

  void findMarked(KpTreeListItem *item, TQPtrList<KpTreeListItem> &selList);
  // generate list of marked tree items
  void clearMarked(KpTreeListItem *item);
  // unmark marked tree items

  // mark all packages in the selected view
  void markAll(KpTreeListItem *item) ;

  void expandTree(KpTreeList *list);
  // expand package tree

  void expandTree(KpTreeListItem *item);
  // expand package sub-tree

  void collapseTree(KpTreeList *list);
  // semi-collapse package tree

  void collapseTree(KpTreeListItem *item);
  // semi-collapse package sub-tree

  void countMarked(KpTreeListItem *, int &cntInstall, int &cntUnInstall);
  // Count marked packages that can be installed/uninstalled

  void packageHighlighted(TQListViewItem *item, packageDisplayWidget *packageDisplay);
  // A package has been highlighted in the list tree

  KpTreeListItem *search(const TQString &str, const TQString &head,
			KpTreeListItem  *start = 0);
  KpTreeListItem *search(const TQString &str, bool subStr, bool wrap, bool start);
  // search for a package in tree
  KpTreeListItem *changePack(KpTreeListItem *searchResult, bool push = true);
  // Change to other package

  void stackRemove(KpTreeListItem *pack);
  // Remove entry from package stack

  void readTreeType();
  void writeTreeType();
  // config: Tree display type

  void writeTreeConfig();
  void readTreeConfig();
  // save and restore column positions

 int treeType;

public slots:
  void next();
  // Package stack forward

  void previous();
  // Package stack back

  int  sweepChild(KpTreeListItem *it);
  void  expandChild(KpTreeListItem *it);

  bool searchChild(KpTreeListItem *it);
  // recurse thru the display tree looking for 'str'

  bool notPress;
  // flag to packageHighlighted

  KpTreeListItem *searchCitem;
  bool searchSkip, searchSubstr;
  TQString searchStr;
  KpTreeListItem  *searchResult;
  // globals used by searchChild for start from current position,
  // skip to current item before search flag, substring search flag,
  // search string, result item (if found)

  // flag skipping in searchChild

  void updateMarked();
  void cleared();

class KpTreeListItem : public TQListViewItem
  KpTreeListItem( TQListViewItem *parent, packageInfo* pinfo,
	    const TQPixmap& thePixmap,
	    TQString label1 = 0, TQString label2  = 0,
	    TQString label3  = 0, TQString label4  = 0,
	    TQString label5  = 0, TQString label6  = 0,
	    TQString label7  = 0, TQString label8 = 0);

  KpTreeListItem( KListView *parent, packageInfo* pinfo,
	    const TQPixmap& thePixmap,
	    TQString label1 = 0, TQString label2  = 0,
	    TQString label3  = 0, TQString label4  = 0,
	    TQString label5  = 0, TQString label6  = 0,
	    TQString label7  = 0, TQString label8 = 0);

  KpTreeListItem *firstChild();
  KpTreeListItem *nextSibling();

  void toggleMark();
  void setMark(bool mark);
  // flag for install/uninstall

  void hide();
  void show();

  virtual int compare( TQListViewItem *i, int col, bool ascending ) const;

  packageInfo *info;
  bool marked;
