/* ** Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Toivo Pedaste <toivo@ucs.uwa.edu.au> ** */ /* ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, ** MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* ** Bug reports and questions can be sent to kde-devel@kde.org */ #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include "kpackage.h" #include "pkgInterface.h" #include "options.h" #include "cache.h" #include "updateLoc.h" #include "tdeio.h" extern Opts *opts; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// param::param(const TQString &nameP, bool initP, bool invertP, const TQString &flagP) { name = nameP; init = initP; invert = invertP; flag = flagP; flagA = ""; } param::param(const TQString &nameP, bool initP, bool invertP, const TQString &flagP, const TQString &flagAP ) { name = nameP; init = initP; invert = invertP; flag = flagP; flagA = flagAP; } param::~param() { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pkgInterface::pkgInterface( ) : TQObject(), new_pict(), updated_pict() { packageLoc = 0; DELMSG = i18n("'Delete this window to continue'"); folder = SmallIcon("folder"); markInst = UserIcon("tick"); markUnInst = UserIcon("noball"); bad_pict = UserIcon("dbad"); hasRemote = FALSE; defaultHandle = 1; noFetch = FALSE; hasSearchAll = FALSE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pkgInterface::~pkgInterface() { // if (locatedialog) // delete locatedialog; // if (packageLoc) // delete packageLoc; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void pkgInterface::makeMenu(TDEActionCollection *) { } void pkgInterface::setMenu(TDEActionCollection*, bool ) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQStringList pkgInterface::depends(const TQString &, int ) {return 0;} TQString pkgInterface::doUninstall(int, const TQString &, bool &) {return 0;} TQString pkgInterface::doInstall(int, const TQString &, bool &) {return 0;} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool pkgInterface::ifExe(TQString exe) { if (!TDEGlobal::dirs()->findExe( exe ).isNull()) { return TRUE; } else { kdDebug() << "Program not found: " << exe << "\n"; errExe = exe; return FALSE; } } void pkgInterface::listPackages(TQPtrList<packageInfo> *pki) { listInstalledPackages(pki); if (packageLoc) { for (cacheObj *cp = packageLoc->first(); cp != 0; cp = packageLoc->next()) { TQString s = getDir(cp); if (!s.isEmpty()) listDir(pki, s, cp->location, cp->subdirs); } } } void pkgInterface::smerge(packageInfo *) { } void pkgInterface::listDir(TQPtrList<packageInfo> *pki, const TQString &fname, const TQString &dir, bool subdirs) { // fname - path to directory or cached remote infromation file // dir - url of directory TQString name, size, rfile; packageInfo *p; TQString sline( queryMsg + fname ); kpackage->setStatus(sline); kdDebug() << "listDir fn=" << fname << " dir=" << dir << endl; TQDir d(fname,packagePattern); if (subdirs) d.setMatchAllDirs( TRUE ); // list contains subdirs else d.setMatchAllDirs( FALSE ); // list contains no subdirs if (d.exists()) { if ( d.isReadable() ) { TQString pn; const TQFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList(); TQFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator TQFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each entry... if ( fi->isDir() ) { // entry is a subdir if ( fi->fileName() != TQString::fromLatin1(".") && fi->fileName() != TQString::fromLatin1("..") ) { // not current dir and not parent dir // -> recursive call: listDir( pki, dir + "/" + fi->fileName(), dir + "/" + fi->fileName(), subdirs ); } else { // current dir or parent dir // -> notihng to do ; } } else { // entry is a file if (opts->PkgRead) { rfile = fname + "/"; rfile += fi->fileName(); p = getPackageInfo('u',rfile, 0); if (p) { p->info.insert("filename", fi->fileName()); p->info.insert("base", dir); } } else { p = collectDir(fi->fileName(),pn.setNum(fi->size()),dir); } if (p) { smerge(p); if (!p->pkgInsert(pki, typeID, FALSE)) delete p; } } ++it; // goto next list element } } else { // directory is not readable kdDebug() << TQString("WARNING: directory '%1' not readable (will be ignored) !\n").arg(d.absPath() ) << endl; } } else { TQFile f(fname); if ( f.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { TQTextStream t( &f ); TQString name; while ( !t.eof() ) { name = t.readLine(); if (!t.eof() ) { size = t.readLine(); } else size = ""; packageInfo *p = collectDir(name,size,dir); if (p) { smerge(p); if (!p->pkgInsert(pki, typeID, FALSE)) delete p; } } f.close(); } } } packageInfo *pkgInterface::collectDir(const TQString &name, const TQString &size, const TQString &dir) { kdDebug() << "collectDir " << name << " " << size << " " << dir << endl; TQString n,v; if (parseName(name, &n, &v)) { TQMap<TQString, TQString> a; a.insert("group", "NEW"); a.insert("name", n); a.insert("version", v); a.insert("file-size", size); a.insert("filename", name); a.insert("base", dir); packageInfo *i = new packageInfo(a,this); i->packageState = packageInfo::AVAILABLE; // i->packageState = packageInfo::NEW; return i; } return 0; } TQString pkgInterface::getPackList(cacheObj *cp) { TQString tmpf; int res; TQString url = cp->location; kdDebug() << "pkgInterface::getPackList " << url << " " << cp->cacheFile << "\n"; if ((res = cacheObj::newDCache(url, cp->cacheFile, tmpf))) { if (res < 0) return 0; unlink(TQFile::encodeName(tmpf)); if (kpkg) kpackage->setStatus(i18n("Starting Kio")); Kio tdeio; if (tdeio.download(url, tmpf)) { if (kpkg) kpackage->setStatus(i18n("Kio finished")); TQFileInfo f(tmpf); if (!(f.exists() && f.size() > 0)) { unlink(TQFile::encodeName(tmpf)); return ""; } else { return tmpf; } } else { if (kpkg) kpackage->setStatus(i18n("Kio failed")); return ""; } } else { return tmpf; } } TQString pkgInterface::getDir(cacheObj *cp) { int res; TQString tmpDir; TQString url = cp->location; if ((res = cacheObj::newDCache(url, cp->cacheFile, tmpDir))) { if (res < 0) return TQString(); Kiod kiod; if (kiod.listDir(url,tmpDir, cp->subdirs)) { TQFileInfo fi (tmpDir); CacheList cl (fi.dirPath()); cl.append (fi.fileName()); cl.write(); return tmpDir; } else { KpMsgE(i18n("Cannot read folder %1").arg(url),FALSE); unlink(tmpDir.ascii()); return TQString(); } } else { return tmpDir; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString pkgInterface::provMap(const TQString &p) { // kdDebug() << "provMap=>" << p << endl; return p; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQStringList pkgInterface::verify(packageInfo *, const TQStringList &files) { int p = 0; uint c = 0; TQStringList errorlist; TQDir d; if (hostName.isEmpty()) { uint step = (files.count() / 100) + 1; kpackage->setStatus(i18n("Verifying")); kpackage->setPercent(0); for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); it++) { // Update the status progress c++; if(c > step) { c=0; p++; kpackage->setPercent(p); } if (!d.exists(*it)) { errorlist.append(*it); } } kpackage->setPercent(100); } return errorlist; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString pkgInterface::uninstall(int uninstallFlags, packageInfo *p, bool &test) { TQString packs( p->getProperty("name")); return doUninstall(uninstallFlags, packs, test); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString pkgInterface::uninstall(int uninstallFlags, TQPtrList<packageInfo> *p, bool &test) { TQString packs; packageInfo *i; for (i = p->first(); i!= 0; i = p->next()) { packs += i->getProperty("name"); packs += " "; } return doUninstall( uninstallFlags, packs, test); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString pkgInterface::install(int installFlags, packageInfo *p, bool &test) { TQString fname = p->fetchFilename(); return doInstall(installFlags, fname, test); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString pkgInterface::install(int installFlags, TQPtrList<packageInfo> *p, bool &test) { TQString packs = ""; packageInfo *i; for (i = p->first(); i!= 0; i = p->next()) { TQString fname = i->fetchFilename(); if (!fname.isEmpty()) { packs += fname; packs += " "; } } return doInstall(installFlags, packs, test); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQStringList pkgInterface::listInstalls(const TQStringList &packs, bool , bool &cancel) { cancel = FALSE; return packs; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TQString pkgInterface::setOptions(int flags, TQPtrList<param> ¶ms) { int i; TQString s; param *p; i = 0; for ( p=params.first(); p != 0; p=params.next(), i++ ) { if ((flags>>i & 1) ^ p->invert) { s += p->flag + " "; } else { if (!p->flagA.isEmpty()) s += p->flagA + " "; } } return s; } TQStringList pkgInterface::readApt() { return 0; } void pkgInterface::writeApt(const TQStringList &) { } #include "pkgInterface.moc"