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Diffstat (limited to 'tdescreensaver/xsavers')
27 files changed, 4936 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/CMakeLists.txt b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e636ac18 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +################################################# +# +# (C) 2011 Golubev Alexander +# fatzer2 (AT) gmail.com +# +# Improvements and feedback are welcome +# +# This file is released under GPL >= 2 +# +################################################# + +include_directories( + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} + ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} + ${TQT_INCLUDE_DIRS} + ${TDE_INCLUDE_DIR} +) + +link_directories( + ${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} +) + +##### shared source ########################## + +set( BASE_SRCS main.cpp demowin.cpp saver.cpp helpers.cpp ) +set( XL_SRCS xlock.cpp ) + +##### kswarm ################################# + +tde_add_executable( kswarm.kss AUTOMOC + SOURCES swarm.cpp ${BASE_SRCS} ${XL_SRCS} + LINK tdeui-shared + DESTINATION ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR} +) + +install( FILES KSwarm.desktop DESTINATION ${APPS_INSTALL_DIR}/System/ScreenSavers ) + +##### kswarm ################################# + +if( WITH_OPENGL ) + include_directories( ${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) + link_directories( ${OPENGL_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) + tde_add_executable( kspace.kss AUTOMOC + SOURCES space.cpp ${BASE_SRCS} ${XL_SRCS} + LINK tdeui-shared ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} + DESTINATION ${BIN_INSTALL_DIR} + ) + + install( FILES KSpace.desktop DESTINATION ${APPS_INSTALL_DIR}/System/ScreenSavers ) +endif( WITH_OPENGL ) + + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/KSpace.desktop b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/KSpace.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40d91dda --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/KSpace.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Exec=kspace.kss +Icon=tdescreensaver +Type=Application +Actions=Setup;InWindow;Root; +X-TDE-Category=OpenGL Screen Savers +X-TDE-Type=OpenGL +Name=Space (GL) +Name[af]=Spasie (Gl) +Name[bg]=Космос (GL) +Name[br]=Egor (GL) +Name[ca]=Espai (GL) +Name[cs]=Vesmír (GL) +Name[cy]=Gofod (GL) +Name[da]=Rum (GL) +Name[de]=Weltraum +Name[el]=Διάστημα (GL) +Name[es]=Espacio (GL) +Name[et]=Kosmos (GL) +Name[eu]=Espazioa (GL) +Name[fa]=فاصله (GL) +Name[fi]=Avaruus (GL) +Name[fo]=Rúmd (GL) +Name[fr]=Espace (GL) +Name[fy]=Romte (GL) +Name[gl]=Espazo (GL) +Name[he]=חלל (GL) +Name[hi]=अंतरिक्ष (जीएल) +Name[hu]=Világűr (OpenGL) +Name[is]=Geimur (GL) +Name[it]=Spazio (GL) +Name[ja]=宇宙 (GL) +Name[ka]=კოსმოსი (GL) +Name[lt]=Visata (GL) +Name[lv]=Kosmoss (GL) +Name[mk]=Вселена (GL) +Name[mt]=Spazju (GL) +Name[nb]=Rommet (GL) +Name[nds]=Weltruum (GL) +Name[ne]=खाली ठाउँ (GL) +Name[nl]=Ruimte (GL) +Name[nn]=Rom (GL) +Name[pl]=Przestrzeń (GL) +Name[pt]=Espaço (GL) +Name[pt_BR]=Espaço (GL) +Name[ro]=Spaţiu (GL) +Name[ru]=Космос (GL) +Name[sk]=Vesmír (GL) +Name[sl]=Vesolje (GL) +Name[sr]=Свемир (GL) +Name[sr@Latn]=Svemir (GL) +Name[sv]=Rymden (GL) +Name[ta]=வெற்று(GL) +Name[tg]=Кайҳон (GL) +Name[th]=อวกาศ (GL) +Name[tr]=Uzay (GL) +Name[uk]=Всесвіт (GL) +Name[uz]=Koinot (GL) +Name[uz@cyrillic]=Коинот (GL) +Name[ven]=Tshikhala (GL) +Name[vi]=Vũ trụ (GL) +Name[xh]=Isithuba (GL) +Name[zh_CN]=星际空间(GL) +Name[zh_TW]=太空 (GL) +Name[zu]=Isikhala (GL) + +[Desktop Action Setup] +Exec=kspace.kss -setup +Name=Setup... +Name[af]=Opstelling... +Name[bg]=Настройки... +Name[br]=Kefluniadur ... +Name[bs]=Postavke... +Name[ca]=Arranjament... +Name[cs]=Nastavení... +Name[cy]=Gosod ... +Name[da]=Opsætning... +Name[de]=Einrichtung ... +Name[el]=Ρύθμιση... +Name[eo]=Agordo... +Name[es]=Configuración... +Name[et]=Seadistamine... +Name[eu]=Konfiguratu... +Name[fa]=برپایی... +Name[fi]=Asetukset... +Name[fo]=Uppseting... +Name[fr]=Configuration... +Name[fy]=Opset... +Name[ga]=Cumraigh... +Name[gl]=Configuración... +Name[he]=הגדרות... +Name[hi]=सेटअप... +Name[hu]=Beállítás... +Name[is]=Stillingar... +Name[it]=Impostazioni... +Name[ja]=設定... +Name[ka]=გამართვა... +Name[lt]=Sąranka ... +Name[lv]=Uzstādīšana... +Name[mk]=Поставување... +Name[ms]=Setkan... +Name[mt]=Konfigurazzjoni... +Name[nb]=Innstillinger … +Name[nds]=Instellen... +Name[ne]=सेटअप... +Name[nl]=Instellingen... +Name[nn]=Oppsett … +Name[nso]=Beakanya... +Name[pa]=ਸੈਟਅੱਪ... +Name[pl]=Ustawienia... +Name[pt]=Configurar... +Name[pt_BR]=Configurar... +Name[ro]=Setează... +Name[ru]=Настройка... +Name[rw]=Iboneza... +Name[sk]=Nastavenie... +Name[sl]=Nastavi ... +Name[sr]=Подеси... +Name[sr@Latn]=Podesi... +Name[sv]=Inställningar... +Name[ta]=அமைப்பு... +Name[tg]=Барпосозӣ... +Name[th]=ติดตั้ง... +Name[tr]=Kurulum... +Name[uk]=Встановити... +Name[uz]=Oʻrnatish +Name[uz@cyrillic]=Ўрнатиш +Name[ven]=Vhekanya... +Name[vi]=Thiết lập... +Name[xh]=Iyacwangciswa... +Name[zh_CN]=设置... +Name[zh_TW]=設定... +Name[zu]=Iyalungiselela... +Icon=tdescreensaver + +[Desktop Action InWindow] +Exec=kspace.kss -window-id %w +Name=Display in Specified Window +Name[bg]=Стартиране в избран прозорец +Name[br]=Diskwel er prenestr spisaet +Name[bs]=Prikaži u navedenom prozoru +Name[ca]=Mostra a la finestra especificada +Name[cs]=Zobrazit v určeném okně +Name[cy]=Dangos mewn Ffenestr Benodol +Name[da]=Visning i angivet vindue +Name[de]=In bestimmten Fenster anzeigen +Name[el]=Προβολή στο καθορισμένο παράθυρο +Name[eo]=Montri en indikita fenestro +Name[es]=Mostrar en la ventana especificada +Name[et]=Määratud aknas näitamine +Name[eu]=Bistaratu zehaztutako lehioan +Name[fa]=نمایش در پنجرۀ مشخصشده +Name[fi]=Näytä määrätyssä ikkunassa +Name[fr]=Affichage dans la fenêtre spécifiée +Name[fy]=Werjefte yn in definiearre finster +Name[ga]=Taispeáin san Fhuinneog Sonraithe +Name[gl]=Mostrar na fiestra indicada +Name[he]=הצג בחלון המצוין +Name[hi]=निर्दिष्ट विंडो में प्रदर्शित करें +Name[hu]=Megjelenítés a megadott ablakban +Name[is]=Birta í völdum glugga +Name[it]=Mostra nella finestra specificata +Name[ja]=特定のウィンドウで表示 +Name[ka]=ჩვენება მითითებულ ფანჯარაში +Name[lt]=Rodyti nurodytame lange +Name[mk]=Прикажи во наведениот прозорец +Name[ms]=Papar dalam Tetingkap Yang Dinyatakan +Name[nb]=Vis i angitt vindu +Name[nds]=In utsöcht Finster wiesen +Name[ne]=निर्दिष्ट सञ्झ्यालमा प्रदर्शन +Name[nl]=Weergeven in een opgegeven venster +Name[nn]=Vis i oppgjeve vindauge +Name[pa]=ਦੱਸੇ ਝਰੋਖੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖਾਓ +Name[pl]=Wyświetl w zadanym oknie +Name[pt]=Mostrar na Janela Indicada +Name[pt_BR]=Mostrar em janela especificada +Name[ro]=Afişează în fereastra specificată +Name[ru]=Показывать в указанном окне +Name[rw]=Kwerekana mu Idirishya Ryihariye +Name[sk]=Zobraziť v zadanom okne +Name[sl]=Prikaz v določenemu oknu +Name[sr]=Прикажи у наведеном прозору +Name[sr@Latn]=Prikaži u navedenom prozoru +Name[sv]=Visa i angivet fönster +Name[ta]=குறித்த சாளரத்தில் காட்டு +Name[tg]=Дар тирезаи нишондода намоиш намоед +Name[tr]=Belirtilen Pencerede Göster +Name[uk]=Відобразити у вказаному вікні +Name[vi]=Hiển thị trong Cửa sổ Đã định +Name[zh_CN]=在指定的窗口中显示 +Name[zh_TW]=在指定的視窗中顯示 +NoDisplay=true + +[Desktop Action Root] +Exec=kspace.kss -root +Name=Display in Root Window +Name[bg]=Стартиране в главния прозорец +Name[br]=Diskwel er prenestr gwrizienn +Name[bs]=Prikaži u korijenskom prozoru +Name[ca]=Mostra a la finestra arrel +Name[cs]=Zobrazit na pozadí plochy +Name[cy]=Dangos mewn Ffenestr Wraidd +Name[da]=Visning i root-vindue +Name[de]=In Hintergrundfenster anzeigen +Name[el]=Προβολή στο βασικό παράθυρο +Name[eo]=Montri en radika fenestro +Name[es]=Mostrar en la ventana raíz +Name[et]=Juuraknas näitamine +Name[eu]=Bistaratu erro lehioan +Name[fa]=نمایش در پنجرۀ ریشه +Name[fi]=Näytä juuri-ikkunassa +Name[fr]=Affichage dans la fenêtre racine +Name[fy]=Werjefte yn haadfinster +Name[ga]=Taispeáin sa bhFréamhfhuinneog +Name[gl]=Mostrar na fiestra raiz +Name[he]=הצג בחלון השורש +Name[hi]=रूट विंडो में प्रदर्शित करें +Name[hu]=Megjelenítés a gyökérablakban +Name[is]=Birta í rótarglugganum +Name[it]=Mostra sullo sfondo +Name[ja]=ルートウィンドウで表示 +Name[ka]=ჩვენება ძირითად ფანჯარაში +Name[lt]=Rodyti root lange +Name[mk]=Прикажи во коренскиот прозорец +Name[ms]=Papar dalam Tetingkap Root +Name[nb]=Vis i root-vindu +Name[nds]=In Hööftfinster wiesen +Name[ne]=मूल सञ्झ्यालमा प्रदर्शन +Name[nl]=Weergeven in hoofdvenster +Name[nn]=Vis i rotvindauget +Name[pa]=Root ਝਰੋਖੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖਾਓ +Name[pl]=Wyświetl w oknie głównym +Name[pt]=Mostrar na Janela de Fundo +Name[pt_BR]=Mostrar na janela raiz +Name[ro]=Afişează în fereastra rădăcină +Name[ru]=Показывать в корневом окне +Name[rw]=Kwerekana mu Idirishya Umuzi +Name[sk]=Zobraziť v koreňovom okne +Name[sl]=Prikaz v korenskem oknu +Name[sr]=Прикажи у главном (root) прозору +Name[sr@Latn]=Prikaži u glavnom (root) prozoru +Name[sv]=Visa i rotfönstret +Name[ta]=ஆரம்ப சாளரத்தில் காட்டு +Name[tg]=Дар тирезаи решагӣ намоиш намоед +Name[tr]=Kök Pencerede Göster +Name[uk]=Відобразити в кореневому вікні +Name[vi]=Hiển thị trong Cửa sổ Gốc +Name[zh_CN]=在根窗口中显示 +Name[zh_TW]=在根視窗中顯示 +NoDisplay=true diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/KSwarm.desktop b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/KSwarm.desktop new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9ba1b38 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/KSwarm.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Exec=kswarm.kss +Icon=tdescreensaver +Type=Application +Actions=Setup;InWindow;Root; +X-TDE-Category=Flying Things +Name=Swarm +Name[af]=Swerm +Name[bg]=Рояк +Name[br]=Hed-gwenan +Name[bs]=Roj +Name[ca]=Eixam +Name[cs]=Roj +Name[cy]=Haid +Name[da]=Sværm +Name[de]=Schwarm +Name[el]=Σμήνος +Name[es]=Enjambre +Name[et]=Sülem +Name[eu]=Erlekumea +Name[fa]=ازدحام +Name[fi]=Hyönteiset +Name[fr]=Fourmillement +Name[fy]=Swaarm +Name[gl]=Enxame +Name[he]=נחיל דבורים +Name[hi]=मत्स्य गुच्छ +Name[hu]=Méhraj +Name[is]=Sveimur +Name[it]=Sciame +Name[ja]=スワーム +Name[ka]=ფუტკრის ნაყარი +Name[lt]=Spiečius +Name[lv]=Spiets +Name[mk]=Рој +Name[ms]=Paya +Name[mt]=Ferħ naħal +Name[nb]=Sverm +Name[ne]=स्वार्म +Name[nl]=Zwermen +Name[nn]=Sverm +Name[pl]=Rój +Name[pt]=Enxame +Name[pt_BR]=Enxame +Name[ro]=Roi +Name[ru]=Пчелиный рой +Name[sl]=Roj +Name[sr]=Рој +Name[sr@Latn]=Roj +Name[sv]=Svärm +Name[ta]=புயல் +Name[tg]=Оилаи занбурони асал +Name[th]=หนอนผึ้ง +Name[tr]=Sürü +Name[uk]=Рій +Name[ven]=Gogo +Name[vi]=Bầy ong +Name[xh]=Unyuko usebenzisa imilenze neengalo +Name[zh_CN]=蜂群 +Name[zh_TW]=蜂群 + +[Desktop Action Setup] +Exec=kswarm.kss -setup +Name=Setup... +Name[af]=Opstelling... +Name[bg]=Настройки... +Name[br]=Kefluniadur ... +Name[bs]=Postavke... +Name[ca]=Arranjament... +Name[cs]=Nastavení... +Name[cy]=Gosod ... +Name[da]=Opsætning... +Name[de]=Einrichtung ... +Name[el]=Ρύθμιση... +Name[eo]=Agordo... +Name[es]=Configuración... +Name[et]=Seadistamine... +Name[eu]=Konfiguratu... +Name[fa]=برپایی... +Name[fi]=Asetukset... +Name[fo]=Uppseting... +Name[fr]=Configuration... +Name[fy]=Opset... +Name[ga]=Cumraigh... +Name[gl]=Configuración... +Name[he]=הגדרות... +Name[hi]=सेटअप... +Name[hu]=Beállítás... +Name[is]=Stillingar... +Name[it]=Impostazioni... +Name[ja]=設定... +Name[ka]=გამართვა... +Name[lt]=Sąranka ... +Name[lv]=Uzstādīšana... +Name[mk]=Поставување... +Name[ms]=Setkan... +Name[mt]=Konfigurazzjoni... +Name[nb]=Innstillinger … +Name[nds]=Instellen... +Name[ne]=सेटअप... +Name[nl]=Instellingen... +Name[nn]=Oppsett … +Name[nso]=Beakanya... +Name[pa]=ਸੈਟਅੱਪ... +Name[pl]=Ustawienia... +Name[pt]=Configurar... +Name[pt_BR]=Configurar... +Name[ro]=Setează... +Name[ru]=Настройка... +Name[rw]=Iboneza... +Name[sk]=Nastavenie... +Name[sl]=Nastavi ... +Name[sr]=Подеси... +Name[sr@Latn]=Podesi... +Name[sv]=Inställningar... +Name[ta]=அமைப்பு... +Name[tg]=Барпосозӣ... +Name[th]=ติดตั้ง... +Name[tr]=Kurulum... +Name[uk]=Встановити... +Name[uz]=Oʻrnatish +Name[uz@cyrillic]=Ўрнатиш +Name[ven]=Vhekanya... +Name[vi]=Thiết lập... +Name[xh]=Iyacwangciswa... +Name[zh_CN]=设置... +Name[zh_TW]=設定... +Name[zu]=Iyalungiselela... +Icon=tdescreensaver + +[Desktop Action InWindow] +Exec=kswarm.kss -window-id %w +Name=Display in Specified Window +Name[bg]=Стартиране в избран прозорец +Name[br]=Diskwel er prenestr spisaet +Name[bs]=Prikaži u navedenom prozoru +Name[ca]=Mostra a la finestra especificada +Name[cs]=Zobrazit v určeném okně +Name[cy]=Dangos mewn Ffenestr Benodol +Name[da]=Visning i angivet vindue +Name[de]=In bestimmten Fenster anzeigen +Name[el]=Προβολή στο καθορισμένο παράθυρο +Name[eo]=Montri en indikita fenestro +Name[es]=Mostrar en la ventana especificada +Name[et]=Määratud aknas näitamine +Name[eu]=Bistaratu zehaztutako lehioan +Name[fa]=نمایش در پنجرۀ مشخصشده +Name[fi]=Näytä määrätyssä ikkunassa +Name[fr]=Affichage dans la fenêtre spécifiée +Name[fy]=Werjefte yn in definiearre finster +Name[ga]=Taispeáin san Fhuinneog Sonraithe +Name[gl]=Mostrar na fiestra indicada +Name[he]=הצג בחלון המצוין +Name[hi]=निर्दिष्ट विंडो में प्रदर्शित करें +Name[hu]=Megjelenítés a megadott ablakban +Name[is]=Birta í völdum glugga +Name[it]=Mostra nella finestra specificata +Name[ja]=特定のウィンドウで表示 +Name[ka]=ჩვენება მითითებულ ფანჯარაში +Name[lt]=Rodyti nurodytame lange +Name[mk]=Прикажи во наведениот прозорец +Name[ms]=Papar dalam Tetingkap Yang Dinyatakan +Name[nb]=Vis i angitt vindu +Name[nds]=In utsöcht Finster wiesen +Name[ne]=निर्दिष्ट सञ्झ्यालमा प्रदर्शन +Name[nl]=Weergeven in een opgegeven venster +Name[nn]=Vis i oppgjeve vindauge +Name[pa]=ਦੱਸੇ ਝਰੋਖੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖਾਓ +Name[pl]=Wyświetl w zadanym oknie +Name[pt]=Mostrar na Janela Indicada +Name[pt_BR]=Mostrar em janela especificada +Name[ro]=Afişează în fereastra specificată +Name[ru]=Показывать в указанном окне +Name[rw]=Kwerekana mu Idirishya Ryihariye +Name[sk]=Zobraziť v zadanom okne +Name[sl]=Prikaz v določenemu oknu +Name[sr]=Прикажи у наведеном прозору +Name[sr@Latn]=Prikaži u navedenom prozoru +Name[sv]=Visa i angivet fönster +Name[ta]=குறித்த சாளரத்தில் காட்டு +Name[tg]=Дар тирезаи нишондода намоиш намоед +Name[tr]=Belirtilen Pencerede Göster +Name[uk]=Відобразити у вказаному вікні +Name[vi]=Hiển thị trong Cửa sổ Đã định +Name[zh_CN]=在指定的窗口中显示 +Name[zh_TW]=在指定的視窗中顯示 +NoDisplay=true + +[Desktop Action Root] +Exec=kswarm.kss -root +Name=Display in Root Window +Name[bg]=Стартиране в главния прозорец +Name[br]=Diskwel er prenestr gwrizienn +Name[bs]=Prikaži u korijenskom prozoru +Name[ca]=Mostra a la finestra arrel +Name[cs]=Zobrazit na pozadí plochy +Name[cy]=Dangos mewn Ffenestr Wraidd +Name[da]=Visning i root-vindue +Name[de]=In Hintergrundfenster anzeigen +Name[el]=Προβολή στο βασικό παράθυρο +Name[eo]=Montri en radika fenestro +Name[es]=Mostrar en la ventana raíz +Name[et]=Juuraknas näitamine +Name[eu]=Bistaratu erro lehioan +Name[fa]=نمایش در پنجرۀ ریشه +Name[fi]=Näytä juuri-ikkunassa +Name[fr]=Affichage dans la fenêtre racine +Name[fy]=Werjefte yn haadfinster +Name[ga]=Taispeáin sa bhFréamhfhuinneog +Name[gl]=Mostrar na fiestra raiz +Name[he]=הצג בחלון השורש +Name[hi]=रूट विंडो में प्रदर्शित करें +Name[hu]=Megjelenítés a gyökérablakban +Name[is]=Birta í rótarglugganum +Name[it]=Mostra sullo sfondo +Name[ja]=ルートウィンドウで表示 +Name[ka]=ჩვენება ძირითად ფანჯარაში +Name[lt]=Rodyti root lange +Name[mk]=Прикажи во коренскиот прозорец +Name[ms]=Papar dalam Tetingkap Root +Name[nb]=Vis i root-vindu +Name[nds]=In Hööftfinster wiesen +Name[ne]=मूल सञ्झ्यालमा प्रदर्शन +Name[nl]=Weergeven in hoofdvenster +Name[nn]=Vis i rotvindauget +Name[pa]=Root ਝਰੋਖੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖਾਓ +Name[pl]=Wyświetl w oknie głównym +Name[pt]=Mostrar na Janela de Fundo +Name[pt_BR]=Mostrar na janela raiz +Name[ro]=Afişează în fereastra rădăcină +Name[ru]=Показывать в корневом окне +Name[rw]=Kwerekana mu Idirishya Umuzi +Name[sk]=Zobraziť v koreňovom okne +Name[sl]=Prikaz v korenskem oknu +Name[sr]=Прикажи у главном (root) прозору +Name[sr@Latn]=Prikaži u glavnom (root) prozoru +Name[sv]=Visa i rotfönstret +Name[ta]=ஆரம்ப சாளரத்தில் காட்டு +Name[tg]=Дар тирезаи решагӣ намоиш намоед +Name[tr]=Kök Pencerede Göster +Name[uk]=Відобразити в кореневому вікні +Name[vi]=Hiển thị trong Cửa sổ Gốc +Name[zh_CN]=在根窗口中显示 +Name[zh_TW]=在根視窗中顯示 +NoDisplay=true diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/Makefile.am b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6510fd32 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +AM_CPPFLAGS = -UQT_NO_ASCII_CAST -DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE + +INCLUDES = $(all_includes) $(GLINC) +AM_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) $(KDE_RPATH) $(LIB_QT) -lDCOP $(LIB_TDECORE) $(LIB_TDEUI) -ltdefx $(LIB_KIO) -ltdetexteditor + +if COMPILE_GL_XSAVERS +GL_XSAVERS=kspace.kss +endif + +bin_PROGRAMS = kswarm.kss $(GL_XSAVERS) + +BASE_SRCS = main.cpp demowin.cpp saver.cpp helpers.cpp + +XS_SRCS = xs_colors.c xs_hsv.c xs_visual.c +XL_SRCS = xlock.cpp + +kswarm_kss_SOURCES = swarm.cpp $(BASE_SRCS) $(XL_SRCS) +kswarm_kss_LDADD = $(LIB_TDEUI) -lm + +kspace_kss_SOURCES = space.cpp $(BASE_SRCS) $(XL_SRCS) +kspace_kss_LDADD = $(LIB_TDEUI) $(GLLIB) -lm + +METASOURCES = AUTO + +noinst_HEADERS = saver.h demowin.h xlock.h swarm.h space.h \ + xlockmore.h mode.h helpers.h \ + xs_colors.h xs_hsv.h xs_yarandom.h xs_utils.h \ + xs_visual.h + +########## Meta objects ########## + +desktop_DATA = KSpace.desktop KSwarm.desktop +desktopdir = $(kde_appsdir)/System/ScreenSavers + +EXTRA_DIST = $(desktop_DATA) + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/demowin.cpp b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/demowin.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..893885be --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/demowin.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +// Screen savers for KDE +// +// Copyright (c) Martin R. Jones 1999 +// + +#include "demowin.h" +#include "demowin.moc" + + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/demowin.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/demowin.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6a09b7c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/demowin.h @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +// Screen savers for KDE +// +// Copyright (c) Martin R. Jones 1999 +// + +#ifndef __DEMOWIN_H__ +#define __DEMOWIN_H__ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include <config.h> +#endif + +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kconfig.h> +#include <kstandarddirs.h> +#include <kapplication.h> + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +class DemoWindow : public TQWidget +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + DemoWindow() : TQWidget() + { + setFixedSize(600, 420); + } + +protected: + virtual void keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent *e) + { + if (e->ascii() == 'q') + { + kapp->quit(); + } + } +}; + +#endif + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/helpers.cpp b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/helpers.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e55cf98c --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/helpers.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +#include "helpers.h" + +#include <kapplication.h> + +void min_width(TQWidget *w) { + w->setMinimumWidth(w->sizeHint().width()); +} + +void fixed_width(TQWidget *w) { + w->setFixedWidth(w->sizeHint().width()); +} + +void min_height(TQWidget *w) { + w->setMinimumHeight(w->sizeHint().height()); +} + +void fixed_height(TQWidget *w) { + w->setFixedHeight(w->sizeHint().height()); +} + +void min_size(TQWidget *w) { + w->setMinimumSize(w->sizeHint()); +} + +void fixed_size(TQWidget *w) { + w->setFixedSize(w->sizeHint()); +} + +TDEConfig *klock_config() +{ + TQString name( kapp->argv()[0] ); + int slash = name.findRev( '/' ); + if ( slash ) + name = name.mid( slash+1 ); + + return new TDEConfig( name + "rc" ); +} + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/helpers.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/helpers.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4125709 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/helpers.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#ifndef __HELPERS__H__ +#define __HELPERS__H__ + +#include <tqwidget.h> +#include <kconfig.h> + +void min_width(TQWidget *); +void fixed_width(TQWidget *); +void min_height(TQWidget *); +void fixed_height(TQWidget *); +void min_size(TQWidget *); +void fixed_size(TQWidget *); + +/* + * Use this to get a TDEConfig object that uses a reasonable config filename. + * TDEGlobal::config() will use the klockrc config file. + * + * Caller must delete the object when finished. + */ +TDEConfig *klock_config(); + +#endif + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/main.cpp b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d7f76dcd --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +// Screen savers for KDE +// +// Copyright (c) Martin R. Jones 1999 +// + +#include <config.h> + +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <signal.h> + +#include <tqcolor.h> + +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kconfig.h> +#include <kstandarddirs.h> +#include <kdebug.h> +#include <kapplication.h> +#include <kcmdlineargs.h> +#include <kcrash.h> + +#include "demowin.h" +#include "saver.h" + +static const char appName[] = "klock"; +static const char description[] = I18N_NOOP("TDE Screen Lock/Saver"); +static const char version[] = "2.0.0"; + +static const KCmdLineOptions options[] = +{ + { "setup", I18N_NOOP("Setup screen saver"), 0 }, + { "window-id wid", I18N_NOOP("Run in the specified XWindow"), 0 }, + { "root", I18N_NOOP("Run in the root XWindow"), 0 }, + { "demo", I18N_NOOP("Start screen saver in demo mode"), "default"}, + KCmdLineLastOption +}; + +static void crashHandler( int /*sig*/ ) +{ +#ifdef SIGABRT + signal ( SIGABRT, SIG_DFL ); +#endif + abort(); +} + +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + TDECmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, appName, I18N_NOOP("KLock"), description, version); + + TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options); + + TDEApplication app; + + KCrash::setCrashHandler( crashHandler ); + + DemoWindow *demoWidget = 0; + Window saveWin = 0; + + TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); + + if (args->isSet("setup")) + { + setupScreenSaver(); + exit(0); + } + + if (args->isSet("window-id")) + { + saveWin = atol(args->getOption("window-id")); + } + + if (args->isSet("root")) + { + saveWin = TQApplication::desktop()->handle(); + } + + if (args->isSet("demo")) + { + saveWin = 0; + } + + if (saveWin == 0) + { + demoWidget = new DemoWindow(); + demoWidget->setBackgroundMode(TQWidget::NoBackground); +// demoWidget->setBackgroundColor(TQt::black); + demoWidget->show(); + saveWin = demoWidget->winId(); + app.setMainWidget(demoWidget); + app.processEvents(); + } + + startScreenSaver(saveWin); + app.exec(); + stopScreenSaver(); + + if (demoWidget) + { + delete demoWidget; + } + + return 0; +} + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/mode.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/mode.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2bc7f1d --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/mode.h @@ -0,0 +1,692 @@ + +#ifndef __XLOCK_MODE_H__ +#define __XLOCK_MODE_H__ + +/*- + * @(#)mode.h 4.00 97/01/01 xlockmore + * + * mode.h - mode management for xlock, the X Window System lockscreen. + * + * Copyright (c) 1991 by Patrick J. Naughton. + * + * See xlock.c for copying information. + * + * Revision History: + * + * Changes of David Bagley ([email protected]) + * 18-Mar-96: Ron Hitchens <[email protected]> + * Extensive revision to define new data types for + * the new mode calling scheme. + * 02-Jun-95: Extracted out of resource.c. + * + */ + +/* + * Declare external interface routines for supported screen savers. + */ + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +struct LockStruct_s; +struct ModeInfo_s; + +typedef void (ModeHook) (struct ModeInfo_s *); +typedef void (HookProc) (struct LockStruct_s *, struct ModeInfo_s *); + +typedef struct LockStruct_s { + char *cmdline_arg; /* mode name */ + ModeHook *init_hook; /* func to init a mode */ + ModeHook *callback_hook; /* func to run (tick) a mode */ + ModeHook *release_hook; /* func to shutdown a mode */ + ModeHook *refresh_hook; /* tells mode to repaint */ + ModeHook *change_hook; /* user wants mode to change */ + ModeHook *unused_hook; /* for future expansion */ + ModeSpecOpt *msopt; /* this mode's def resources */ + int def_delay; /* default delay for mode */ + int def_batchcount; + int def_cycles; + int def_size; + float def_saturation; + char *desc; /* text description of mode */ + unsigned int flags; /* state flags for this mode */ + void *userdata; /* for use by the mode */ +} LockStruct; + +#define LS_FLAG_INITED 1 + +typedef struct { + Display *display; /* handle to X display */ + Screen *screenptr; /* ptr to screen info */ + int screen; /* number of current screen */ + int real_screen; /* for debugging */ + int num_screens; /* number screens locked */ + int max_screens; /* max # active screens */ + Window window; /* handle to current window */ + int win_width; /* width of current window */ + int win_height; /* height of current window */ + int win_depth; /* depth of current window */ + Visual *visual; /* visual of current window */ + Colormap colormap; /* default colormap of current window */ + unsigned long black_pixel; /* pixel value for black */ + unsigned long white_pixel; /* pixel value for white */ + unsigned int flags; /* xlock window flags */ + float delta3d; +} WindowInfo; + +#define WI_FLAG_INFO_INITTED 0x001 /* private state flag */ +#define WI_FLAG_ICONIC 0x002 +#define WI_FLAG_MONO 0x004 +#define WI_FLAG_INWINDOW 0x008 +#define WI_FLAG_INROOT 0x010 +#define WI_FLAG_NOLOCK 0x020 +#define WI_FLAG_INSTALL 0x040 +#define WI_FLAG_DEBUG 0x080 +#define WI_FLAG_USE3D 0x100 +#define WI_FLAG_VERBOSE 0x200 +#define WI_FLAG_FULLRANDOM 0x400 +#define WI_FLAG_WIREFRAME 0x800 +#define WI_FLAG_JUST_INITTED 0x1000 /* private state flag */ + +typedef struct { + long pause; /* output, set by mode */ + long delay; /* inputs, current settings */ + long batchcount; + long cycles; + long size; + float saturation; +} RunInfo; + +typedef struct ModeInfo_s { + WindowInfo windowinfo; + perscreen *screeninfo; + RunInfo runinfo; + struct LockStruct_s *lockstruct; +} ModeInfo; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +/* + * These are the public interfaces that a mode should use to obtain + * information about the display and other environmental parameters. + * Everything hangs off a ModeInfo pointer. A mode should NOT cache + * a ModeInfo pointer, the struct it points to is volatile. The mode + * can safely make a copy of the data it points to, however. But it + * is recommended the mode make use of the passed-in pointer and pass + * it along to functions it calls. + * Use these macros, don't look at the fields directly. The insides + * of the ModeInfo struct are certain to change in the future. + */ + +#define MODE_IS_INITED(ls) ((ls)->flags & LS_FLAG_INITED) +#define MODE_NOT_INITED(ls) ( ! MODE_IS_INITED(ls)) + +#define MI_DISPLAY(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.display) +#define MI_SCREEN(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.screen) +#define MI_SCREENPTR(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.screenptr) +#define MI_REAL_SCREEN(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.real_screen) +#define MI_NUM_SCREENS(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.num_screens) +#define MI_MAX_SCREENS(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.max_screens) +#define MI_WINDOW(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.window) +#define MI_WIN_WIDTH(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.win_width) +#define MI_WIN_HEIGHT(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.win_height) +#define MI_WIN_DEPTH(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.win_depth) +#define MI_VISUAL(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.visual) +#define MI_COLORMAP(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.colormap) +#define MI_WIN_BLACK_PIXEL(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.black_pixel) +#define MI_WIN_WHITE_PIXEL(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.white_pixel) +#define MI_DELTA3D(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.delta3d) +#define MI_WIN_FLAGS(mi) ((mi)->windowinfo.flags) +#define MI_WIN_SET_FLAG_STATE(mi,f,bool) ((mi)->windowinfo.flags = \ + (bool) ? (mi)->windowinfo.flags | f \ + : (mi)->windowinfo.flags & ~(f)) +#define MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET(mi,f) ((mi)->windowinfo.flags & f) +#define MI_WIN_FLAG_NOT_SET(mi,f) ( ! MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET(mi,f)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_ICONIC(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_ICONIC)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_MONO(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_MONO)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_INWINDOW(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_INWINDOW)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_INROOT(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_INROOT)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_NOLOCK(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_NOLOCK)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_INSTALL(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_INSTALL)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_DEBUG(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_DEBUG)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_USE3D(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_USE3D)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_VERBOSE(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_VERBOSE)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_FULLRANDOM(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_FULLRANDOM)) +#define MI_WIN_IS_WIREFRAME(mi) (MI_WIN_FLAG_IS_SET (mi, WI_FLAG_WIREFRAME)) + +#define MI_PERSCREEN(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo) +#define MI_GC(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->gc) +#define MI_NPIXELS(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->npixels) +#define MI_CMAP(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->cmap) +#define MI_PIXELS(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->pixels) +#define MI_PIXEL(mi,n) ((mi)->screeninfo->pixels[n]) + +/* are these of interest to modes? */ +#define MI_BG_COLOR(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->bgcol) +#define MI_FG_COLOR(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->fgcol) +#define MI_NONE_COLOR(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->nonecol) /* -install */ +#define MI_RIGHT_COLOR(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->rightcol) +#define MI_LEFT_COLOR(mi) ((mi)->screeninfo->leftcol) + +#define MI_PAUSE(mi) ((mi)->runinfo.pause) +#define MI_DELAY(mi) ((mi)->runinfo.delay) +#define MI_BATCHCOUNT(mi) ((mi)->runinfo.batchcount) +#define MI_CYCLES(mi) ((mi)->runinfo.cycles) +#define MI_SIZE(mi) ((mi)->runinfo.size) +#define MI_SATURATION(mi) ((mi)->runinfo.saturation) + +#define MI_LOCKSTRUCT(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct) +#define MI_DEFDELAY(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->def_delay) +#define MI_DEFBATCHCOUNT(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->def_batchcount) +#define MI_DEFCYCLES(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->def_cycles) +#define MI_DEFSIZE(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->def_size) +#define MI_DEFSATURATION(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->def_saturation) + +#define MI_NAME(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->cmdline_arg) +#define MI_DESC(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->desc) +#define MI_USERDATA(mi) ((mi)->lockstruct->userdata) + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +extern HookProc call_init_hook; +extern HookProc call_callback_hook; +extern HookProc call_release_hook; +extern HookProc call_refresh_hook; +extern HookProc call_change_hook; + +extern void set_default_mode(LockStruct *); +extern void release_last_mode(ModeInfo *); + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +extern ModeHook init_ant; +extern ModeHook draw_ant; +extern ModeHook release_ant; +extern ModeHook refresh_ant; +extern ModeSpecOpt ant_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_ball; +extern ModeHook draw_ball; +extern ModeHook release_ball; +extern ModeHook refresh_ball; +extern ModeSpecOpt ball_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_bat; +extern ModeHook draw_bat; +extern ModeHook release_bat; +extern ModeHook refresh_bat; +extern ModeSpecOpt bat_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_blot; +extern ModeHook draw_blot; +extern ModeHook release_blot; +extern ModeHook refresh_blot; +extern ModeSpecOpt blot_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_bouboule; +extern ModeHook draw_bouboule; +extern ModeHook release_bouboule; +extern ModeHook refresh_bouboule; +extern ModeSpecOpt bouboule_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_bounce; +extern ModeHook draw_bounce; +extern ModeHook release_bounce; +extern ModeHook refresh_bounce; +extern ModeSpecOpt bounce_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_braid; +extern ModeHook draw_braid; +extern ModeHook release_braid; +extern ModeHook refresh_braid; +extern ModeSpecOpt braid_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_bug; +extern ModeHook draw_bug; +extern ModeHook release_bug; +extern ModeHook refresh_bug; +extern ModeSpecOpt bug_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_clock; +extern ModeHook draw_clock; +extern ModeHook release_clock; +extern ModeHook refresh_clock; +extern ModeSpecOpt clock_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_daisy; +extern ModeHook draw_daisy; +extern ModeHook release_daisy; +extern ModeHook refresh_daisy; +extern ModeSpecOpt daisy_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_dclock; +extern ModeHook draw_dclock; +extern ModeHook release_dclock; +extern ModeHook refresh_dclock; +extern ModeSpecOpt dclock_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_demon; +extern ModeHook draw_demon; +extern ModeHook release_demon; +extern ModeHook refresh_demon; +extern ModeSpecOpt demon_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_drift; +extern ModeHook draw_drift; +extern ModeHook release_drift; +extern ModeHook refresh_drift; +extern ModeSpecOpt drift_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_eyes; +extern ModeHook draw_eyes; +extern ModeHook release_eyes; +extern ModeHook refresh_eyes; +extern ModeSpecOpt eyes_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_flag; +extern ModeHook draw_flag; +extern ModeHook release_flag; +extern ModeHook refresh_flag; +extern ModeSpecOpt flag_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_flame; +extern ModeHook draw_flame; +extern ModeHook release_flame; +extern ModeHook refresh_flame; +extern ModeSpecOpt flame_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_forest; +extern ModeHook draw_forest; +extern ModeHook release_forest; +extern ModeHook refresh_forest; +extern ModeHook refresh_forest; +extern ModeSpecOpt forest_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_fract; +extern ModeHook draw_fract; +extern ModeHook release_fract; +extern ModeHook refresh_fract; +extern ModeSpecOpt fract_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_galaxy; +extern ModeHook draw_galaxy; +extern ModeHook release_galaxy; +extern ModeHook refresh_galaxy; +extern ModeSpecOpt galaxy_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_geometry; +extern ModeHook draw_geometry; +extern ModeHook release_geometry; +extern ModeHook refresh_geometry; +extern ModeSpecOpt geometry_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_grav; +extern ModeHook draw_grav; +extern ModeHook release_grav; +extern ModeHook refresh_grav; +extern ModeSpecOpt grav_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_helix; +extern ModeHook draw_helix; +extern ModeHook release_helix; +extern ModeHook refresh_helix; +extern ModeSpecOpt helix_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_hop; +extern ModeHook draw_hop; +extern ModeHook release_hop; +extern ModeHook refresh_hop; +extern ModeSpecOpt hop_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_hyper; +extern ModeHook draw_hyper; +extern ModeHook release_hyper; +extern ModeHook refresh_hyper; +extern ModeSpecOpt hyper_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_ico; +extern ModeHook draw_ico; +extern ModeHook release_ico; +extern ModeHook refresh_ico; +extern ModeHook change_ico; +extern ModeSpecOpt ico_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_ifs; +extern ModeHook draw_ifs; +extern ModeHook release_ifs; +extern ModeSpecOpt ifs_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_image; +extern ModeHook draw_image; +extern ModeHook release_image; +extern ModeHook refresh_image; +extern ModeSpecOpt image_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_julia; +extern ModeHook draw_julia; +extern ModeHook release_julia; +extern ModeHook refresh_julia; +extern ModeSpecOpt julia_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_kaleid; +extern ModeHook draw_kaleid; +extern ModeHook release_kaleid; +extern ModeHook refresh_kaleid; +extern ModeSpecOpt kaleid_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_laser; +extern ModeHook draw_laser; +extern ModeHook release_laser; +extern ModeHook refresh_laser; +extern ModeSpecOpt laser_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_life; +extern ModeHook draw_life; +extern ModeHook release_life; +extern ModeHook refresh_life; +extern ModeHook change_life; +extern ModeSpecOpt life_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_life1d; +extern ModeHook draw_life1d; +extern ModeHook release_life1d; +extern ModeHook refresh_life1d; +extern ModeSpecOpt life1d_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_life3d; +extern ModeHook draw_life3d; +extern ModeHook release_life3d; +extern ModeHook refresh_life3d; +extern ModeHook change_life3d; +extern ModeSpecOpt life3d_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_lightning; +extern ModeHook draw_lightning; +extern ModeHook release_lightning; +extern ModeHook refresh_lightning; +extern ModeSpecOpt lightning_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_lisa; +extern ModeHook draw_lisa; +extern ModeHook release_lisa; +extern ModeHook refresh_lisa; +extern ModeHook change_lisa; +extern ModeSpecOpt lisa_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_lissie; +extern ModeHook draw_lissie; +extern ModeHook release_lissie; +extern ModeHook refresh_lissie; +extern ModeSpecOpt lissie_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_loop; +extern ModeHook draw_loop; +extern ModeHook release_loop; +extern ModeHook refresh_loop; +extern ModeSpecOpt loop_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_marquee; +extern ModeHook draw_marquee; +extern ModeHook release_marquee; +extern ModeHook refresh_marquee; +extern ModeSpecOpt marquee_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_maze; +extern ModeHook draw_maze; +extern ModeHook release_maze; +extern ModeHook refresh_maze; +extern ModeSpecOpt maze_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_mountain; +extern ModeHook draw_mountain; +extern ModeHook release_mountain; +extern ModeHook refresh_mountain; +extern ModeSpecOpt mountain_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_nose; +extern ModeHook draw_nose; +extern ModeHook release_nose; +extern ModeHook refresh_nose; +extern ModeSpecOpt nose_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_pacman; +extern ModeHook draw_pacman; +extern ModeHook release_pacman; +extern ModeHook refresh_pacman; +extern ModeSpecOpt pacman_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_penrose; +extern ModeHook draw_penrose; +extern ModeHook release_penrose; + +#if 0 +extern ModeHook refresh_penrose; /* Needed */ + +#endif +extern ModeSpecOpt penrose_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_petal; +extern ModeHook draw_petal; +extern ModeHook release_petal; +extern ModeHook refresh_petal; +extern ModeSpecOpt petal_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_puzzle; +extern ModeHook draw_puzzle; +extern ModeHook release_puzzle; + +#if 0 +extern ModeHook refresh_puzzle; /* Needed */ + +#endif +extern ModeSpecOpt puzzle_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_pyro; +extern ModeHook draw_pyro; +extern ModeHook release_pyro; +extern ModeHook refresh_pyro; +extern ModeSpecOpt pyro_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_qix; +extern ModeHook draw_qix; +extern ModeHook release_qix; +extern ModeHook refresh_qix; +extern ModeSpecOpt qix_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_roll; +extern ModeHook draw_roll; +extern ModeHook release_roll; +extern ModeHook refresh_roll; +extern ModeSpecOpt roll_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_rotor; +extern ModeHook draw_rotor; +extern ModeHook release_rotor; +extern ModeHook refresh_rotor; +extern ModeSpecOpt rotor_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_shape; +extern ModeHook draw_shape; +extern ModeHook release_shape; +extern ModeHook refresh_shape; +extern ModeSpecOpt shape_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_slip; +extern ModeHook draw_slip; +extern ModeHook release_slip; + +#if 0 +extern ModeHook refresh_slip; /* Probably not practical */ + +#endif +extern ModeSpecOpt slip_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_sphere; +extern ModeHook draw_sphere; +extern ModeHook release_sphere; +extern ModeHook refresh_sphere; +extern ModeSpecOpt sphere_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_spiral; +extern ModeHook draw_spiral; +extern ModeHook release_spiral; +extern ModeHook refresh_spiral; +extern ModeSpecOpt spiral_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_spline; +extern ModeHook draw_spline; +extern ModeHook release_spline; +extern ModeHook refresh_spline; +extern ModeSpecOpt spline_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_star; +extern ModeHook draw_star; +extern ModeHook release_star; +extern ModeHook refresh_star; +extern ModeSpecOpt star_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_strange; +extern ModeHook draw_strange; +extern ModeHook release_strange; +extern ModeSpecOpt strange_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_swarm; +extern ModeHook draw_swarm; +extern ModeHook release_swarm; +extern ModeHook refresh_swarm; +extern ModeSpecOpt swarm_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_swirl; +extern ModeHook draw_swirl; +extern ModeHook release_swirl; +extern ModeHook refresh_swirl; +extern ModeSpecOpt swirl_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_tri; +extern ModeHook draw_tri; +extern ModeHook release_tri; +extern ModeHook refresh_tri; +extern ModeSpecOpt tri_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_triangle; +extern ModeHook draw_triangle; +extern ModeHook release_triangle; +extern ModeHook refresh_triangle; +extern ModeSpecOpt triangle_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_tube; +extern ModeHook draw_tube; +extern ModeHook release_tube; +extern ModeHook refresh_tube; +extern ModeSpecOpt tube_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_turtle; +extern ModeHook draw_turtle; +extern ModeHook release_turtle; +extern ModeHook refresh_turtle; +extern ModeSpecOpt turtle_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_wator; +extern ModeHook draw_wator; +extern ModeHook release_wator; +extern ModeHook refresh_wator; +extern ModeSpecOpt wator_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_wire; +extern ModeHook draw_wire; +extern ModeHook release_wire; +extern ModeHook refresh_wire; +extern ModeSpecOpt wire_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_world; +extern ModeHook draw_world; +extern ModeHook release_world; +extern ModeHook refresh_world; +extern ModeSpecOpt world_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_worm; +extern ModeHook draw_worm; +extern ModeHook release_worm; +extern ModeHook refresh_worm; +extern ModeSpecOpt worm_opts; + +#if defined( USE_XPM ) || defined( USE_XPMINC ) +extern ModeHook init_cartoon; +extern ModeHook draw_cartoon; +extern ModeHook release_cartoon; +extern ModeSpecOpt cartoon_opts; + +#endif + +#ifdef USE_GL +extern ModeHook init_gears; +extern ModeHook draw_gears; +extern ModeHook release_gears; +extern ModeSpecOpt gears_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_morph3d; +extern ModeHook draw_morph3d; +extern ModeHook release_morph3d; +extern ModeHook change_morph3d; +extern ModeSpecOpt morph3d_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_pipes; +extern ModeHook draw_pipes; +extern ModeHook release_pipes; +extern ModeHook refresh_pipes; +extern ModeHook change_pipes; +extern ModeSpecOpt pipes_opts; + +extern ModeHook init_superquadrics; +extern ModeHook draw_superquadrics; +extern ModeHook release_superquadrics; +extern ModeHook refresh_superquadrics; +extern ModeSpecOpt superquadrics_opts; + +#ifdef USE_SPROINGIES +extern ModeHook init_sproingies; +extern ModeHook draw_sproingies; +extern ModeHook release_sproingies; +extern ModeHook refresh_sproingies; +extern ModeSpecOpt sproingies_opts; + +#endif +#endif + +#ifdef USE_HACKERS +extern ModeHook init_fadeplot; +extern ModeHook draw_fadeplot; +extern ModeHook release_fadeplot; +extern ModeHook refresh_fadeplot; +extern ModeSpecOpt fadeplot_opts; + +#endif + +extern ModeHook init_blank; +extern ModeHook draw_blank; +extern ModeHook release_blank; +extern ModeHook refresh_blank; +extern ModeSpecOpt blank_opts; + +#ifdef USE_BOMB +extern ModeHook init_bomb; +extern ModeHook draw_bomb; +extern ModeHook release_bomb; +extern ModeHook refresh_bomb; +extern ModeHook change_bomb; +extern ModeSpecOpt bomb_opts; + +#endif + +extern ModeHook init_random; +extern ModeHook draw_random; +extern ModeHook release_random; +extern ModeHook refresh_random; +extern ModeHook change_random; +extern ModeSpecOpt random_opts; + +extern LockStruct LockProcs[]; +extern int numprocs; + +/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +#endif /* __XLOCK_MODE_H__ */ diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/saver.cpp b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/saver.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c11fd73 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/saver.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#include <kapplication.h> +#include <kglobal.h> +#include <kprocess.h> +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kstandarddirs.h> +#include <X11/Xlib.h> + +#include "saver.h" +#include "saver.moc" + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +kScreenSaver::kScreenSaver(Drawable drawable) : TQObject() +{ + Window root; + int ai; + unsigned int au; + + mDrawable = drawable; + mGc = XCreateGC(tqt_xdisplay(), mDrawable, 0, 0); + XGetGeometry(tqt_xdisplay(), mDrawable, &root, &ai, &ai, + &mWidth, &mHeight, &au, &au); +} + +kScreenSaver::~kScreenSaver() +{ + XFreeGC(tqt_xdisplay(), mGc); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/saver.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/saver.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..598808bc --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/saver.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ + +#ifndef __SAVER_H__ +#define __SAVER_H__ + +#include <tqobject.h> +#include <X11/Xlib.h> + +extern void startScreenSaver( Drawable d ); +extern void stopScreenSaver(); +extern int setupScreenSaver(); + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +class kScreenSaver : public TQObject +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + kScreenSaver( Drawable drawable ); + virtual ~kScreenSaver(); + +protected: + Drawable mDrawable; + GC mGc; + unsigned mWidth; + unsigned mHeight; +}; + +#endif + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/space.cpp b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/space.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a15dd171 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/space.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,735 @@ +/* + * + * kStart OpenGL screensave for KDE + * + * $Id$ + * + * Copyright (C) 1998 Bernd Johannes Wuebben + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free + * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + * + * Based on star.c: + * + * Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, 1993 Silicon Graphics, Inc. + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and + * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided + * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in + * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the name of + * Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or + * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written + * permission of Silicon Graphics. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF + * ANY KIND, + * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY + * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * + * IN NO EVENT SHALL SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR + * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, + * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, + * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF + * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE + * OF THIS SOFTWARE. + */ + +#define LONG64 +//#define TQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE + +#include <tqslider.h> +#include <tqlayout.h> +#include <kglobal.h> +#include <kconfig.h> +#include <krandomsequence.h> +#include <kdebug.h> +#include "xlock.h" +#include "helpers.h" +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include "../../config.h" +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_GL + +#include <klocale.h> + +#undef index +#include "space.h" +#include <math.h> +#include <X11/Intrinsic.h> +#ifdef HAVE_GL_XMESA_H +#include <GL/xmesa.h> +#endif +#include <GL/gl.h> +#include <GL/glx.h> +#ifdef HAVE_GL_GLUT_H +// We don't need GLUT, but some BROKEN GLU implemenations, such as the one +// used in SuSE Linux 6.3, do. :( +#include <GL/glut.h> +#endif +#include <GL/glu.h> + +#ifndef PI +#ifdef M_PI +#define PI M_PI +#else +#define PI 3.141592657 +#endif +#endif + +enum { + NORMAL = 0, + WEIRD = 1 +} flag = NORMAL; + +enum { + STREAK = 0, + CIRCLE = 1 +}; + +#define MAXSTARS 400 +#define MAXPOS 10000 +#define MAXWARP1 10 +#define MAXANGLES 6000 + + +typedef struct _starRec { + GLint type; + float x[2], y[2], z[2]; + float offsetX, offsetY, offsetR, rotation; +} starRec; + + +GLenum doubleBuffer, directRender; +GLint windW, windH; + +GLint starCount = MAXSTARS / 2; +float speed = 1.0; +float warpinterval = 30000.0; +GLint nitro = 0; +starRec stars[MAXSTARS]; +float sinTable[MAXANGLES]; + +static GLXContext glx_context; +static KRandomSequence *rnd = 0; + +float Sin(float angle) +{ + + return (sinTable[(GLint)angle]); +} + +float Cos(float angle) +{ + + return (sinTable[((GLint)angle+(MAXANGLES/4))%MAXANGLES]); +} + +void NewStar(GLint n, GLint d) +{ + + if (rnd->getLong(4) == 0) { + stars[n].type = CIRCLE; + } else { + stars[n].type = STREAK; + } + stars[n].x[0] = rnd->getDouble() * MAXPOS - MAXPOS / 2; + stars[n].y[0] = rnd->getDouble() * MAXPOS - MAXPOS / 2; + stars[n].z[0] = rnd->getDouble() * MAXPOS + d; + if (rnd->getLong(4) == 0 && flag == WEIRD) { + stars[n].offsetX = rnd->getDouble()* 100 - 100 / 2; + stars[n].offsetY = rnd->getDouble()* 100 - 100 / 2; + stars[n].offsetR = rnd->getDouble()* 25 - 25 / 2; + } else { + stars[n].offsetX = 0.0; + stars[n].offsetY = 0.0; + stars[n].offsetR = 0.0; + } +} + +void RotatePoint(float *x, float *y, float rotation) +{ + float tmpX, tmpY; + + tmpX = *x * Cos(rotation) - *y * Sin(rotation); + tmpY = *y * Cos(rotation) + *x * Sin(rotation); + *x = tmpX; + *y = tmpY; +} + +void MoveStars(void) +{ + float offset; + GLint n; + + offset = speed * 60.0; + + for (n = 0; n < starCount; n++) { + stars[n].x[1] = stars[n].x[0]; + stars[n].y[1] = stars[n].y[0]; + stars[n].z[1] = stars[n].z[0]; + stars[n].x[0] += stars[n].offsetX; + stars[n].y[0] += stars[n].offsetY; + stars[n].z[0] -= offset; + stars[n].rotation += stars[n].offsetR; + if (stars[n].rotation > MAXANGLES) { + stars[n].rotation = 0.0; + } + } +} + +GLenum StarPoint(GLint n) +{ + float x0, y0, x1, y1, width; + GLint i; + + x0 = stars[n].x[0] * windW / stars[n].z[0]; + y0 = stars[n].y[0] * windH / stars[n].z[0]; + RotatePoint(&x0, &y0, stars[n].rotation); + x0 += windW / 2.0; + y0 += windH / 2.0; + + if (x0 >= 0.0 && x0 < windW && y0 >= 0.0 && y0 < windH) { + if (stars[n].type == STREAK) { + x1 = stars[n].x[1] * windW / stars[n].z[1]; + y1 = stars[n].y[1] * windH / stars[n].z[1]; + RotatePoint(&x1, &y1, stars[n].rotation); + x1 += windW / 2.0; + y1 += windH / 2.0; + + glLineWidth(MAXPOS/100.0/stars[n].z[0]+1.0); + glColor3f((MAXWARP1-speed)/MAXWARP1, (MAXWARP1-speed)/MAXWARP1, .9); + if (fabs(x0-x1) < 1.0 && fabs(y0-y1) < 1.0) { + glBegin(GL_POINTS); + glVertex2f(x0, y0); + glEnd(); + } else { + glBegin(GL_LINES); + glVertex2f(x0, y0); + glVertex2f(x1, y1); + glEnd(); + } + } else { + width = MAXPOS / 10.0 / stars[n].z[0] + 1.0; + glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); + glBegin(GL_POLYGON); + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + float x = x0 + width * Cos((float)i*MAXANGLES/8.0); + float y = y0 + width * Sin((float)i*MAXANGLES/8.0); + glVertex2f(x, y); + }; + glEnd(); + } + return GL_TRUE; + } else { + return GL_FALSE; + } +} + +void ShowStars(void) +{ + GLint n; + + glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); + + for (n = 0; n < starCount; n++) { + if (stars[n].z[0] > speed || (stars[n].z[0] > 0.0 && speed < MAXWARP1)) { + if (StarPoint(n) == GL_FALSE) { + NewStar(n, MAXPOS); + } + } else { + NewStar(n, MAXPOS); + } + } +} + +static void Init(void) +{ + float angle; + GLint n; + + for (n = 0; n < MAXSTARS; n++) { + NewStar(n, 100); + } + + angle = 0.0; + for (n = 0; n < MAXANGLES ; n++) { + sinTable[n] = sin(angle); + angle += PI / (MAXANGLES / 2.0); + } + + glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); + + glDisable(GL_DITHER); +} + +void reshape(int width, int height) +{ + + windW = (GLint)width; + windH = (GLint)height; + + glViewport(0, 0, windW, windH); + + glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); + glLoadIdentity(); + gluOrtho2D(-0.5, windW+0.5, -0.5, windH+0.5); + glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); + +} + +void Idle(void) +{ + + MoveStars(); + ShowStars(); + if (nitro > 0) { + speed = (float)(nitro / 10) + 1.0; + if (speed > MAXWARP1) { + speed = MAXWARP1; + } + if (++nitro > MAXWARP1*10) { + nitro = -nitro; + } + } else if (nitro < 0) { + nitro++; + speed = (float)(-nitro / 10) + 1.0; + if (speed > MAXWARP1) { + speed = MAXWARP1; + } + } + + glFlush(); + + /* if (doubleBuffer) { + tkSwapBuffers(); + }*/ +} + + +void +drawSpace(Window /*window*/) +{ + + /* + Display *display = dsp; + //glXMakeCurrent(display, window, mp->glx_context); + glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); + glFlush(); + glXSwapBuffers(display, window); + */ + + Idle(); + +} + + +void release_Space(){ + + glXDestroyContext(dsp, glx_context); + +} + +static XVisualInfo *glVis[MAXSCREENS]; + +int +getVisual(XVisualInfo * wantVis, int visual_count) +{ + Display *display = dsp; + static int first; + int i; + + if (first) { + for (screen = 0; screen < MAXSCREENS; screen++) + glVis[screen] = NULL; + } + + if (!glVis[screen]) { + if (mono) { + /* Monochrome display - use color index mode */ + int attribList[] = {GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None}; + + glVis[screen] = glXChooseVisual(display, screen, attribList); + } else { + int attribList[] = + {GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 1, None}; + + glVis[screen] = glXChooseVisual(display, screen, attribList); + } + } + // Make sure we have a visual + if (!glVis[screen]) { + return (0); + } + + /* check if GL can render into root window. */ + for(i=0;i<visual_count;i++) + if ( (glVis[screen]->visual == (wantVis+i)->visual) ) + return (1); // success + + // The visual we received did not match one we asked for + return (0); +} + +void +initSpace(Window window) +{ + Display *display = dsp; + XWindowAttributes xwa; + + + (void) XGetWindowAttributes(dsp, window, &xwa); + int n; + XVisualInfo *wantVis, vTemplate; + int VisualClassWanted=-1; + + vTemplate.screen = screen; + vTemplate.depth = xwa.depth; + + if (VisualClassWanted == -1) { + vTemplate.c_class = DefaultVisual(display, screen)->c_class; + } else { + vTemplate.c_class = VisualClassWanted; + } + + wantVis = XGetVisualInfo(display, + VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask | VisualClassMask, + &vTemplate, &n); + + if (VisualClassWanted != -1 && n == 0) { + /* Wanted visual not found so use default */ + + vTemplate.c_class = DefaultVisual(display, screen)->c_class; + + wantVis = XGetVisualInfo(display, + VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask | VisualClassMask, + &vTemplate, &n); + } + /* if User asked for color, try that first, then try mono */ + /* if User asked for mono. Might fail on 16/24 bit displays, + so fall back on color, but keep the mono "look & feel". */ + + if (!getVisual(wantVis, n)) { + if (!getVisual(wantVis, n)) { + kdError() << i18n("GL can not render with root visual\n") << endl; + return; + } + } + + /* PURIFY 3.0a on SunOS4 reports a 104 byte memory leak on the next line each + * time that morph3d mode is run in random mode. */ + + glx_context = glXCreateContext(display, wantVis, 0, True); + + XFree((char *) wantVis); + + + glXMakeCurrent(display, window, glx_context); + glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); + + if (mono) { + glIndexi(WhitePixel(display, screen)); + glClearIndex(BlackPixel(display, screen)); + } + + reshape(xwa.width, xwa.height); + Init(); +} + + + + +#endif + +#define MINSPEED 1 +#define MAXSPEED 100 +#define DEFSPEED 50 +#define MINWARP 1 +#define MAXWARP 30 +#define DEFWARP 2 +#define WARPFACTOR 100 +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include <tqpushbutton.h> +#include <tqcheckbox.h> +#include <tqlabel.h> +#include <tqcolor.h> + +#include <kmessagebox.h> + +#include "space.moc" + +#undef Below + +static kSpaceSaver *saver = NULL; + +void startScreenSaver( Drawable d ) +{ + if ( saver ) + return; + saver = new kSpaceSaver( d ); +} + +void stopScreenSaver() +{ + if ( saver ) + delete saver; + saver = NULL; +} + +int setupScreenSaver() +{ + kSpaceSetup dlg; + + return dlg.exec(); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +kSpaceSaver::kSpaceSaver( Drawable drawable ) : kScreenSaver( drawable ) +{ + rnd = new KRandomSequence(); + readSettings(); + counter = (int)warpinterval *WARPFACTOR; + + colorContext = TQColor::enterAllocContext(); + + initXLock( mGc ); + initSpace( mDrawable ); + + timer.start( speed ); + connect( &timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( slotTimeout() ) ); +} + +kSpaceSaver::~kSpaceSaver() +{ + timer.stop(); + release_Space(); + TQColor::leaveAllocContext(); + TQColor::destroyAllocContext( colorContext ); + delete rnd; rnd = 0; +} + +void kSpaceSaver::setSpeed( int spd ) +{ + timer.stop(); + speed = MAXSPEED - spd ; + // printf("speed %d\n",speed); + timer.stop(); + timer.start( speed ); +} + +void kSpaceSaver::setWarp( int w ) +{ + warpinterval = w; + counter = (int)warpinterval; + initSpace( mDrawable ); +} + +void kSpaceSaver::readSettings() +{ + TDEConfig *config = klock_config(); + config->setGroup( "Settings" ); + + TQString str; + + str = config->readEntry( "Speed" ); + if ( !str.isNull() ) + speed = MAXSPEED - str.toInt(); + else + speed = DEFSPEED; + + warpinterval = config->readNumEntry( "WarpInterval", 15 ); + delete config; +} + +void kSpaceSaver::slotTimeout() +{ + //printf("%d %d \n",(int)warpinterval, MAXWARP); + if(warpinterval != MAXWARP){ + if(nitro == 0) + counter -= speed +1; + + if(counter <= 0){ + nitro = 1; + counter = (int) warpinterval *WARPFACTOR; + } + } + else + nitro = 0; + + drawSpace( mDrawable ); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +kSpaceSetup::kSpaceSetup( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) + : KDialogBase( parent, name, true, i18n("Setup Space Screen Saver"), + Ok|Cancel|Help, Ok, true ) +{ + setButtonText( Help, i18n( "A&bout" ) ); + readSettings(); + + TQWidget *page = new TQWidget( this ); + setMainWidget( page ); + TQHBoxLayout *hb = new TQHBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() ); + TQVBoxLayout *vb = new TQVBoxLayout( hb, spacingHint() ); + + TQLabel *label; + TQSlider *slider; + + label = new TQLabel( i18n("Speed:"), page ); + vb->addWidget( label ); + + slider = new TQSlider(MINSPEED, MAXSPEED, 10, speed, Qt::Horizontal, + page ); + vb->addWidget( slider ); + slider->setTickmarks(TQSlider::Below); + slider->setTickInterval(10); + connect( slider, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotSpeed( int ) ) ); + + label = new TQLabel( i18n("Warp interval:"), page ); + vb->addWidget( label ); + + slider = new TQSlider(MINWARP, MAXWARP, 3, warpinterval,Qt::Horizontal, page ); + vb->addWidget( slider ); + slider->setTickmarks(TQSlider::Below); + slider->setTickInterval(3); + connect( slider, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotWarp( int ) ) ); + + vb->addStrut( 150 ); + vb->addStretch(); + + preview = new TQWidget( page ); + hb->addWidget( preview ); + preview->setFixedSize( 220, 170 ); + preview->setBackgroundColor( black ); + preview->show(); // otherwise saver does not get correct size + saver = new kSpaceSaver( preview->winId() ); +} + +void kSpaceSetup::readSettings() +{ + TDEConfig *config = klock_config(); + config->setGroup( "Settings" ); + + speed = config->readNumEntry( "Speed", speed ); + + if ( speed > MAXSPEED ) + speed = MAXSPEED; + else if ( speed < MINSPEED ) + speed = MINSPEED; + + warpinterval = config->readNumEntry( "WarpInterval", 15 ); + + delete config; +} + +void kSpaceSetup::slotSpeed( int num ) +{ + speed = num ; + + if ( saver ) + saver->setSpeed( speed ); +} + +void kSpaceSetup::slotWarp( int num ) +{ + warpinterval = num; + if ( saver ) + saver->setWarp( warpinterval ); +} + +void kSpaceSetup::slotOk() +{ + TDEConfig *config = klock_config(); + config->setGroup( "Settings" ); + + TQString sspeed; + sspeed.setNum( speed ); + config->writeEntry( "Speed", sspeed ); + + TQString interval; + interval.setNum( (int)warpinterval ); + config->writeEntry( "WarpInterval", interval ); + + config->sync(); + delete config; + accept(); +} + +void kSpaceSetup::slotHelp() +{ + KMessageBox::about(this, + i18n("KSpace\nCopyright (c) 1998\n" + "Bernd Johannes Wuebben <[email protected]>")); +} + + +/* +static GLenum Args(int argc, char **argv) +{ + GLint i; + + doubleBuffer = GL_FALSE; + directRender = GL_TRUE; + + for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { + if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sb") == 0) { + doubleBuffer = GL_FALSE; + } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-db") == 0) { + doubleBuffer = GL_TRUE; + } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dr") == 0) { + directRender = GL_TRUE; + } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ir") == 0) { + directRender = GL_FALSE; + } + } + return GL_TRUE; +} + + + +void main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + GLenum type; + + if (Args(argc, argv) == GL_FALSE) { + tkQuit(); + } + + windW = 300; + windH = 300; + tkInitPosition(0, 0, 300, 300); + + type = TK_RGB; + type |= (doubleBuffer) ? TK_DOUBLE : TK_SINGLE; + type |= (directRender) ? TK_DIRECT : TK_INDIRECT; + tkInitDisplayMode(type); + + if (tkInitWindow("Stars") == GL_FALSE) { + tkQuit(); + } + + Init(); + + tkExposeFunc(Reshape); + tkReshapeFunc(Reshape); + tkKeyDownFunc(Key); + tkIdleFunc(Idle); + tkExec(); +} + +*/ diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/space.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/space.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2b0cc1ef --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/space.h @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ + +#ifndef __SPACE_H__ +#define __SPACE_H__ + +#include <tqtimer.h> +#include <tqptrlist.h> +#include <kdialogbase.h> +#include <tqlineedit.h> +#include "saver.h" + +class kSpaceSaver : public kScreenSaver +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + kSpaceSaver( Drawable drawable ); + virtual ~kSpaceSaver(); + + void setSpeed( int spd ); + void setWarp( int l ); + void setPoints( int p ); + +protected: + void readSettings(); + +protected slots: + void slotTimeout(); + +protected: + TQTimer timer; + int colorContext; + + int counter; + int speed; + int maxLevels; + int numPoints; +}; + +class kSpaceSetup : public KDialogBase +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + kSpaceSetup( TQWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL ); + +protected: + void readSettings(); + +private slots: + void slotSpeed( int ); + void slotWarp( int ); + void slotOk(); + void slotHelp(); + +private: + TQWidget *preview; + kSpaceSaver *saver; + + int speed; + int warpinterval; +}; + +#endif + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/swarm.cpp b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/swarm.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b81920ba --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/swarm.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +/*- + * swarm.c - swarm of bees for xlock, the X Window System lockscreen. + * + * Copyright (c) 1991 by Patrick J. Naughton. + * + * Revision History: + * 31-Aug-90: Adapted from xswarm by Jeff Butterworth. ([email protected]) + */ + +/* Ported to tdescreensaver: + July 1997, Emanuel Pirker <[email protected]> + Contact me in case of problems, not the original author! + Last revised: 10-Jul-97 +*/ +// layout management added 1998/04/19 by Mario Weilguni <[email protected]> + +#define MAXSPEED 100 +#define MINSPEED 0 +#define DEFSPEED 50 +#define MAXBATCH 200 +#define MINBATCH 0 +#define DEFBATCH 20 + +#include <tqslider.h> +#include <kglobal.h> +#include <kconfig.h> +#include <krandomsequence.h> +#include "xlock.h" + +#undef index + +#define TIMES 4 /* number of time positions recorded */ +#define BEEACC 2 /* acceleration of bees */ +#define WASPACC 5 /* maximum acceleration of wasp */ +#define BEEVEL 12 /* maximum bee velocity */ +#define WASPVEL 10 /* maximum wasp velocity */ + +/* Macros */ +#define X(t,b) (sp->x[(t)*sp->beecount+(b)]) +#define Y(t,b) (sp->y[(t)*sp->beecount+(b)]) +#define balance_rand(v) (rnd.getLong(v)-((v)/2)) /* random number around 0 */ + +//ModeSpecOpt swarm_opts = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL}; + +typedef struct { + int pix; + int width; + int height; + int border; /* wasp won't go closer than this to the edge */ + int beecount; /* number of bees */ + XSegment segs[MAXBATCH]; /* bee lines */ + XSegment old_segs[MAXBATCH]; /* old bee lines */ + short x[MAXBATCH*TIMES]; + short y[MAXBATCH*TIMES]; /* bee positions x[time][bee#] */ + short xv[MAXBATCH]; + short yv[MAXBATCH]; /* bee velocities xv[bee#] */ + short wx[3]; + short wy[3]; + short wxv; + short wyv; +} swarmstruct; + +static swarmstruct swarms[MAXSCREENS]; + +void +initswarm(Window win, KRandomSequence &rnd) +{ + swarmstruct *sp = &swarms[screen]; + int b; + XWindowAttributes xwa; + + sp->beecount = batchcount; + (void) XGetWindowAttributes(dsp, win, &xwa); + sp->width = xwa.width; + sp->height = xwa.height; + + sp->border = (sp->width + sp->height) / 50; + + /* Clear the background. */ + XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, BlackPixel(dsp, screen)); + XFillRectangle(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc, 0, 0, sp->width, sp->height); + + /* Now static data structures. epirker */ + //if (!sp->segs) { + //sp->segs = (XSegment *) malloc(sizeof (XSegment) * sp->beecount); + //sp->old_segs = (XSegment *) malloc(sizeof (XSegment) * sp->beecount); + //sp->x = (short *) malloc(sizeof (short) * sp->beecount * TIMES); + //sp->y = (short *) malloc(sizeof (short) * sp->beecount * TIMES); + //sp->xv = (short *) malloc(sizeof (short) * sp->beecount); + //sp->yv = (short *) malloc(sizeof (short) * sp->beecount); + //} + /* Initialize point positions, velocities, etc. */ + + /* wasp */ + sp->wx[0] = sp->border + rnd.getLong(sp->width - 2 * sp->border); + sp->wy[0] = sp->border + rnd.getLong(sp->height - 2 * sp->border); + sp->wx[1] = sp->wx[0]; + sp->wy[1] = sp->wy[0]; + sp->wxv = 0; + sp->wyv = 0; + + /* bees */ + for (b = 0; b < sp->beecount; b++) { + X(0, b) = rnd.getLong(sp->width); + X(1, b) = X(0, b); + Y(0, b) = rnd.getLong(sp->height); + Y(1, b) = Y(0, b); + sp->xv[b] = balance_rand(7); + sp->yv[b] = balance_rand(7); + } +} + + + +void +drawswarm(Window win, KRandomSequence &rnd) +{ + swarmstruct *sp = &swarms[screen]; + int b; + + /* <=- Wasp -=> */ + /* Age the arrays. */ + sp->wx[2] = sp->wx[1]; + sp->wx[1] = sp->wx[0]; + sp->wy[2] = sp->wy[1]; + sp->wy[1] = sp->wy[0]; + /* Accelerate */ + sp->wxv += balance_rand(WASPACC); + sp->wyv += balance_rand(WASPACC); + + /* Speed Limit Checks */ + if (sp->wxv > WASPVEL) + sp->wxv = WASPVEL; + if (sp->wxv < -WASPVEL) + sp->wxv = -WASPVEL; + if (sp->wyv > WASPVEL) + sp->wyv = WASPVEL; + if (sp->wyv < -WASPVEL) + sp->wyv = -WASPVEL; + + /* Move */ + sp->wx[0] = sp->wx[1] + sp->wxv; + sp->wy[0] = sp->wy[1] + sp->wyv; + + /* Bounce Checks */ + if ((sp->wx[0] < sp->border) || (sp->wx[0] > sp->width - sp->border - 1)) { + sp->wxv = -sp->wxv; + sp->wx[0] += sp->wxv; + } + if ((sp->wy[0] < sp->border) || (sp->wy[0] > sp->height - sp->border - 1)) { + sp->wyv = -sp->wyv; + sp->wy[0] += sp->wyv; + } + /* Don't let things settle down. */ + sp->xv[rnd.getLong(sp->beecount)] += balance_rand(3); + sp->yv[rnd.getLong(sp->beecount)] += balance_rand(3); + + /* <=- Bees -=> */ + for (b = 0; b < sp->beecount; b++) { + int distance, dx, dy; + + /* Age the arrays. */ + X(2, b) = X(1, b); + X(1, b) = X(0, b); + Y(2, b) = Y(1, b); + Y(1, b) = Y(0, b); + + /* Accelerate */ + dx = sp->wx[1] - X(1, b); + dy = sp->wy[1] - Y(1, b); + distance = abs(dx) + abs(dy); /* approximation */ + if (distance == 0) + distance = 1; + sp->xv[b] += (dx * BEEACC) / distance; + sp->yv[b] += (dy * BEEACC) / distance; + + /* Speed Limit Checks */ + if (sp->xv[b] > BEEVEL) + sp->xv[b] = BEEVEL; + if (sp->xv[b] < -BEEVEL) + sp->xv[b] = -BEEVEL; + if (sp->yv[b] > BEEVEL) + sp->yv[b] = BEEVEL; + if (sp->yv[b] < -BEEVEL) + sp->yv[b] = -BEEVEL; + + /* Move */ + X(0, b) = X(1, b) + sp->xv[b]; + Y(0, b) = Y(1, b) + sp->yv[b]; + + /* Fill the segment lists. */ + sp->segs[b].x1 = X(0, b); + sp->segs[b].y1 = Y(0, b); + sp->segs[b].x2 = X(1, b); + sp->segs[b].y2 = Y(1, b); + sp->old_segs[b].x1 = X(1, b); + sp->old_segs[b].y1 = Y(1, b); + sp->old_segs[b].x2 = X(2, b); + sp->old_segs[b].y2 = Y(2, b); + } + + XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, BlackPixel(dsp, screen)); + XDrawLine(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc, + sp->wx[1], sp->wy[1], sp->wx[2], sp->wy[2]); + XDrawSegments(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc, sp->old_segs, sp->beecount); + + XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, WhitePixel(dsp, screen)); + XDrawLine(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc, + sp->wx[0], sp->wy[0], sp->wx[1], sp->wy[1]); + if (!mono && Scr[screen].npixels > 2) { + XSetForeground(dsp, Scr[screen].gc, Scr[screen].pixels[sp->pix]); + if (++sp->pix >= Scr[screen].npixels) + sp->pix = 0; + } + XDrawSegments(dsp, win, Scr[screen].gc, sp->segs, sp->beecount); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#include <tqcheckbox.h> +#include <tqlabel.h> +#include <tqcolor.h> +#include <tqlayout.h> + +#include <klocale.h> +#include <kmessagebox.h> + +#include "swarm.h" +#include "swarm.moc" +#include "helpers.h" + +#undef Below + +static kSwarmSaver *saver = NULL; + +void startScreenSaver( Drawable d ) +{ + if ( saver ) + return; + saver = new kSwarmSaver( d ); +} + +void stopScreenSaver() +{ + if ( saver ) + delete saver; + saver = NULL; +} + +int setupScreenSaver() +{ + kSwarmSetup dlg; + + return dlg.exec(); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +kSwarmSaver::kSwarmSaver( Drawable drawable ) : kScreenSaver( drawable ) +{ + readSettings(); + + // Clear to background colour when exposed + XSetWindowBackground(tqt_xdisplay(), mDrawable, + BlackPixel(tqt_xdisplay(), tqt_xscreen())); + + colorContext = TQColor::enterAllocContext(); + + batchcount = maxLevels; + + initXLock( mGc ); + initswarm( mDrawable, rnd ); + + timer.start( speed ); + connect( &timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( slotTimeout() ) ); +} + +kSwarmSaver::~kSwarmSaver() +{ + timer.stop(); + TQColor::leaveAllocContext(); + TQColor::destroyAllocContext( colorContext ); +} + +void kSwarmSaver::setSpeed( int spd ) +{ + timer.stop(); + speed = MAXSPEED - spd; + timer.start( speed ); +} + +void kSwarmSaver::setLevels( int l ) +{ + batchcount = maxLevels = l; + initswarm( mDrawable, rnd ); +} + +void kSwarmSaver::readSettings() +{ + TDEConfig *config = klock_config(); + config->setGroup( "Settings" ); + + speed = MAXSPEED - config->readNumEntry( "Speed", MAXSPEED - DEFSPEED ); + maxLevels = config->readNumEntry( "MaxLevels", DEFBATCH ); + + delete config; +} + +void kSwarmSaver::slotTimeout() +{ + drawswarm( mDrawable, rnd ); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +kSwarmSetup::kSwarmSetup( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) + : KDialogBase( parent, name, true, i18n( "Setup Swarm Screen Saver" ), + Ok|Cancel|Help, Ok, true ) +{ + readSettings(); + + setButtonText( Help, i18n( "A&bout" ) ); + TQWidget *main = makeMainWidget(); + + TQHBoxLayout *top = new TQHBoxLayout( main, 0, spacingHint() ); + TQVBoxLayout *left = new TQVBoxLayout(top, spacingHint()); + + TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( i18n("Speed:"), main ); + min_size(label); + left->addWidget(label); + + TQSlider *slider = new TQSlider(MINSPEED, MAXSPEED, 10, speed, + Qt::Horizontal, main ); + slider->setMinimumSize( 120, 20 ); + slider->setTickmarks(TQSlider::Below); + slider->setTickInterval(10); + connect( slider, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), + TQT_SLOT( slotSpeed( int ) ) ); + left->addWidget(slider); + + label = new TQLabel( i18n("Number of bees:"), main ); + min_size(label); + left->addWidget(label); + + slider = new TQSlider(MINBATCH, MAXBATCH, 20, maxLevels,Qt::Horizontal, main ); + slider->setMinimumSize( 120, 20 ); + slider->setTickmarks(TQSlider::Below); + slider->setTickInterval(20); + connect( slider, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), + TQT_SLOT( slotLevels( int ) ) ); + left->addWidget(slider); + left->addStretch(); + + preview = new TQWidget( main ); + preview->setFixedSize( 220, 170 ); + preview->setBackgroundColor( black ); + preview->show(); // otherwise saver does not get correct size + saver = new kSwarmSaver( preview->winId() ); + top->addWidget(preview); + + top->addStretch(); +} + +void kSwarmSetup::readSettings() +{ + TDEConfig *config = klock_config(); + config->setGroup( "Settings" ); + + speed = config->readNumEntry( "Speed", speed ); + + if ( speed > MAXSPEED ) + speed = MAXSPEED; + else if ( speed < MINSPEED ) + speed = MINSPEED; + + maxLevels = config->readNumEntry( "MaxLevels", DEFBATCH ); + delete config; +} + +void kSwarmSetup::slotSpeed( int num ) +{ + speed = num; + + if ( saver ) + saver->setSpeed( speed ); +} + +void kSwarmSetup::slotLevels( int num ) +{ + maxLevels = num; + + if ( saver ) + saver->setLevels( maxLevels ); +} + +void kSwarmSetup::slotOk() +{ + TDEConfig *config = klock_config(); + config->setGroup( "Settings" ); + + TQString sspeed; + sspeed.setNum( speed ); + config->writeEntry( "Speed", sspeed ); + + TQString slevels; + slevels.setNum( maxLevels ); + config->writeEntry( "MaxLevels", slevels ); + + config->sync(); + delete config; + accept(); +} + +void kSwarmSetup::slotHelp() +{ + KMessageBox::information(this, + i18n("Swarm\n\nCopyright (c) 1991 by Patrick J. Naughton\n\nPorted to tdescreensaver by Emanuel Pirker."), + i18n("About Swarm")); +} diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/swarm.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/swarm.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8cca36c --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/swarm.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// +// kswarm - port of "swarm" from xlock +// + +#ifndef __SWARM_H__ +#define __SWARM_H__ + +#include <tqtimer.h> + +#include <kdialogbase.h> +#include "saver.h" + + +class kSwarmSaver : public kScreenSaver +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + kSwarmSaver( Drawable drawable ); + virtual ~kSwarmSaver(); + + void setSpeed( int spd ); + void setLevels( int l ); + +protected: + void readSettings(); + +protected slots: + void slotTimeout(); + +protected: + KRandomSequence rnd; + TQTimer timer; + int colorContext; + + int speed; + int maxLevels; +}; + +class kSwarmSetup : public KDialogBase +{ + Q_OBJECT + +public: + kSwarmSetup( TQWidget *parent = NULL, const char *name = NULL ); + +protected: + void readSettings(); + +private slots: + void slotSpeed( int ); + void slotLevels( int ); + + void slotOk(); + void slotHelp(); + +private: + TQWidget *preview; + kSwarmSaver *saver; + + int speed; + int maxLevels; +}; + +#endif + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlock.cpp b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlock.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7b826158 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlock.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// This module contains code to interface original xlock savers to +// kscreensave +// + +#include <time.h> +#include <tqapplication.h> +#include "xlock.h" + + +int screen; +Display *dsp; +perscreen Scr[MAXSCREENS]; +int batchcount = 100; +int cycles = 100; +Bool mono = 0; +//Bool allowroot = 0; +char *ProgramName; +/* +Dr. Park's algorithm published in the Oct. '88 ACM +"Random Number Generators: Good Ones Are Hard To Find" +His version available at ftp://cs.wm.edu/pub/rngs.tar +Present form by many authors. +*/ + +static int Seed = 1; /* This is required to be 32 bits long */ + +/* + * Given an integer, this routine initializes the RNG seed. + */ +void SetRNG(long s) +{ + Seed = (int) s; +} + +/* + * Returns an integer between 0 and 2147483647, inclusive. + */ +long LongRNG() +{ + if ((Seed = Seed % 44488 * 48271 - Seed / 44488 * 3399) < 0) + Seed += 2147483647; + return (long) (Seed - 1); +} + +unsigned long +allocpixel(Colormap cmap, const char *name, const char *def) +{ + XColor col; + XColor tmp; + XParseColor(dsp, cmap, name, &col); + if (!XAllocColor(dsp, cmap, &col)) + { + fprintf(stderr, "couldn't allocate: %s, using %s instead\n", name, def); + XAllocNamedColor(dsp, cmap, def, &col, &tmp); + } + + return col.pixel; +} + +void initXLock( GC gc ) +{ + SetRNG( time(NULL) ); + + dsp = tqt_xdisplay(); + screen = tqt_xscreen(); + + Screen *scr = ScreenOfDisplay(dsp, screen); + + Scr[0].gc = gc; + Scr[0].npixels = NUMCOLORS; + Scr[0].cmap = None; + + Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(scr); + Scr[0].bgcol = allocpixel(cmap, "background", "White"); + Scr[0].bgcol = allocpixel(cmap, "foreground", "Black"); + + TQColor color; + + for ( int i = 0; i < NUMCOLORS; i++ ) + { + color.setHsv( i * 360 / NUMCOLORS, 255, 255 ); + Scr[0].pixels[i] = color.alloc(); + } +} + diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlock.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlock.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..77530a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlock.h @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +#ifndef __XLOCK_H__ +#define __XLOCK_H__ + +/*- + * @(#)xlock.h 3.3 95/09/24 xlockmore + * + * xlock.h - external interfaces for new modes and SYSV OS defines. + * + * Copyright (c) 1991 by Patrick J. Naughton. + * + * See xlock.c for copying information. + * + * Revision History: + * + * Changes of David Bagley <[email protected]> + * 12-May-95: Added defines for SunOS's Adjunct password file + * Dale A. Harris <[email protected]> + * 18-Nov-94: Modified for TQNX 4.2 w/ Metrolink X server from Brian Campbell + * <[email protected]>. + * 11-Jul-94: added Bool flag: inwindow, which tells xlock to run in a + * window from Greg Bowering <[email protected]> + * 11-Jul-94: patch for Solaris SYR4 from Chris P. Ross <[email protected]> + * 28-Jun-94: Reorganized shadow stuff + * 24-Jun-94: Reorganized + * 22-Jun-94: Modified for VMS + * <[email protected]> + * 17-Jun-94: patched shadow passwords and bcopy and bzero for SYSV from + * <[email protected]> + * 21-Mar-94: patched the patch for AIXV3 and HP from + * <[email protected]>. + * 01-Dec-93: added patch for AIXV3 from + * (Tom McConnell, [email protected]) also added a patch + * for HP-UX 8.0. + * + */ + +#include <tqapplication.h> // hack for qt-1.2 +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/Xutil.h> +#include <X11/Xos.h> +#include <X11/Xresource.h> + +// added for kscreensave +void initXLock( GC gc ); + + +#define MAXSCREENS 1 +#define NUMCOLORS 64 +#ifndef KERBEROS +#define PASSLENGTH 64 +#else +#define PASSLENGTH 120 +#endif +#define FALLBACK_FONTNAME "fixed" +#ifndef DEF_MFONT +#define DEF_MFONT "-*-times-*-*-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" +#endif +#ifndef DEF_PROGRAM /* Try the -o option ;) */ +#define DEF_PROGRAM "fortune -s" +#endif + +#define ICONW 64 +#define ICONH 64 + +#if defined VMS || defined __TQNX__ +#ifdef VMS +/*#define VMS_PLAY*/ +#include <unixlib.h> +#endif +#endif + +#include <math.h> + +#ifndef M_E +#define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 +#endif +#ifndef M_PI +#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 +#endif +#ifndef M_PI_2 +#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 +#endif + +#if !defined (news1800) && !defined (sun386) +#include <stdlib.h> +#if !defined (apollo) && !defined (VMS) +#include <unistd.h> +#include <memory.h> +#endif +#endif +#include <stdio.h> +#include <string.h> + +typedef struct { + GC gc; /* graphics context for animation */ + int npixels; /* number of valid entries in pixels */ + Colormap cmap; /* current colormap */ + unsigned long pixels[NUMCOLORS]; /* pixel values in the colormap */ + unsigned long bgcol, fgcol; /* background and foreground pixel values */ +} perscreen; + +/* This stuff moved here from resource.c for the mode-specific options. */ +#define t_String 0 +#define t_Float 1 +#define t_Int 2 +#define t_Bool 3 + +typedef struct { + caddr_t *var; + char *name; + char *arg_class; + char *def; + int type; +} argtype; + +typedef struct { + char *opt; + char *desc; +} OptionStruct; + +typedef struct { + int numopts; + XrmOptionDescRec *opts; + argtype *vars; + OptionStruct *desc; +} ModeSpecOpt; +/* End moved from resource.c */ + +extern perscreen Scr[MAXSCREENS]; +extern Display *dsp; +extern int screen; + +extern char *ProgramName; +extern char *fontname; +extern char *background; +extern char *foreground; +extern char *text_name; +extern char *text_pass; +extern char *text_info; +extern char *text_valid; +extern char *text_invalid; +extern char *geometry; +extern float saturation; +extern int nicelevel; +extern int delay; +extern int batchcount; +extern int cycles; +extern int timeout; +extern int lockdelay; +#if defined(HAS_RPLAY) || defined(VMS_PLAY) +extern char *locksound; +extern char *infosound; +extern char *validsound; +/*extern char *invalidsound;*/ +#endif +#ifdef AUTO_LOGOUT +extern int forceLogout; +#endif +#ifdef LOGOUT_BUTTON +extern int enable_button; +extern char *logoutButtonLabel; +extern char *logoutButtonHelp; +extern char *logoutFailedString; +#endif +extern Bool usefirst; +extern Bool mono; +extern Bool nolock; +extern Bool allowroot; +extern Bool enablesaver; +extern Bool allowaccess; +extern Bool grabmouse; +extern Bool echokeys; +extern Bool verbose; +extern Bool inwindow; +extern Bool inroot; +extern Bool timeelapsed; +extern Bool install; +extern int onepause; + +/* For modes with text, marquee & nose */ +extern char *program; +extern char *messagesfile; +extern char *messagefile; +extern char *message; +extern char *mfont; + +extern void (*callback) (); +extern void (*init) (); + +extern void GetResources(); +extern void set_colormap(); +extern void fix_colormap(); +#ifdef __STDC__ +extern void error(char *, ...); +#else +extern void error(); +#endif +extern void alarm_ctl(); +extern long seconds(); + +/* For modes with text, marquee & nose */ +extern XFontStruct *get_font(); +extern char *get_words(); +extern void init_words(); +extern int is_ribbon(); + +#ifdef LESS_THAN_AIX3_2 +#undef NULL +#define NULL 0 +#endif /* LESS_THAN_AIX3_2 */ + +#ifdef VMS +#define OLD_EVENT_LOOP +#endif + +#if defined(__STDC__) && (defined(__hpux) && defined(_PA_RISC1_1)) +#define MATHF +#endif +#ifdef MATHF +#define SINF(n) sinf(n) +#define COSF(n) cosf(n) +#define FABSF(n) fabsf(n) +#else +#define SINF(n) ((float)sin((double)(n))) +#define COSF(n) ((float)cos((double)(n))) +#define FABSF(n) ((float)fabs((double)(n))) +#endif + +#endif /* __XLOCK_H__ */ diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlockmore.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlockmore.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..277783ae --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xlockmore.h @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +#ifndef __XLOCK_XLOCK_H__ +#define __XLOCK_XLOCK_H__ + +/*- + * @(#)xlock.h 4.00 97/01/01 xlockmore + * + * xlock.h - external interfaces for new modes and SYSV OS defines. + * + * Copyright (c) 1991 by Patrick J. Naughton. + * + * See xlock.c for copying information. + * + * Revision History: + * + * Changes of David Bagley <[email protected]> + * 12-May-95: Added defines for SunOS's Adjunct password file + * Dale A. Harris <[email protected]> + * 18-Nov-94: Modified for TQNX 4.2 w/ Metrolink X server from Brian Campbell + * <[email protected]>. + * 11-Jul-94: added Bool flag: inwindow, which tells xlock to run in a + * window from Greg Bowering <[email protected]> + * 11-Jul-94: patch for Solaris SYR4 from Chris P. Ross <[email protected]> + * 28-Jun-94: Reorganized shadow stuff + * 24-Jun-94: Reorganized + * 22-Jun-94: Modified for VMS + * <[email protected]> + * 17-Jun-94: patched shadow passwords and bcopy and bzero for SYSV from + * <[email protected]> + * 21-Mar-94: patched the patch for AIXV3 and HP from + * <[email protected]>. + * 01-Dec-93: added patch for AIXV3 from + * (Tom McConnell, [email protected]) also added a patch + * for HP-UX 8.0. + * + */ +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/Xutil.h> +#include <X11/Xos.h> +#include <X11/Xresource.h> + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include <config.h> +#endif + +/* out of main.cpp */ +#define MODE_NONE 0 +#define MODE_INSTALL 1 +#define MODE_SETUP 2 +#define MODE_PREVIEW 3 +#define MODE_TEST 4 + + +#ifndef MAXSCREENS +#define MAXSCREENS 3 +#endif +#ifndef NUMCOLORS +#define NUMCOLORS 64 +#endif +#ifndef MESSAGELINES +#define MESSAGELINES 40 +#endif +#define PASSLENGTH 120 +#define FALLBACK_FONTNAME "fixed" +#ifndef DEF_MFONT +#define DEF_MFONT "-*-times-*-*-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" +#endif +#ifndef DEF_PROGRAM /* Try the -o option ;) */ +#define DEF_PROGRAM "fortune -s" +#endif + +#ifndef DEF_NONE3D +#define DEF_NONE3D "Black" +#endif +#ifndef DEF_RIGHT3D +#define DEF_RIGHT3D "Red" +#endif +#ifndef DEF_LEFT3D +#define DEF_LEFT3D "Blue" +#endif +#ifndef DEF_BOTH3D +#define DEF_BOTH3D "Magenta" +#endif + +#ifndef DEF_ICONW +#define DEF_ICONW 64 /* Age old default */ +#endif +#ifndef DEF_ICONH +#define DEF_ICONH 64 +#endif + +#define MINICONW 1 /* Will not see much */ +#define MINICONH 1 + +#ifndef MAXICONW +#define MAXICONW 256 /* Want users to know the screen is locked */ +#endif +#ifndef MAXICONH +#define MAXICONH 256 /* by a particular user */ +#endif + +#ifndef MIN +#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) +#endif + +#ifndef MAX +#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) +#endif + +#ifndef ABS +#define ABS(a) ((a<0)?(-(a)):(a)) +#endif + +#include <math.h> +#ifndef M_E +#define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 +#endif +#ifndef M_PI +#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 +#endif +#ifndef M_PI_2 +#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 +#endif +#if VMS +#include <unixlib.h> +#endif +#include <sys/types.h> +#if 0 +#ifndef uid_t +#define uid_t int +#endif +#ifndef gid_t +#define gid_t int +#endif +#ifndef pid_t +#define pid_t int +#endif +#ifndef size_t +#define size_t unsigned +#endif +#endif +#include <unistd.h> +#if HAVE_MEMORY_H +#include <memory.h> +#endif +#include <stdio.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#if HAVE_DIRENT_H +#ifdef USE_XVMSUTILS +#if 0 +#include "../xvmsutils/unix_types.h" +#include "../xvmsutils/dirent.h" +#else +#include <X11/unix_types.h> +#include <X11/dirent.h> +#endif +#else /* !USE_XVMSUTILS */ +#include <dirent.h> +#endif /* !USE_XVMSUTILS */ +#else +#define dirent direct +#define NAMELEN(dirent) (dirent)->d_namelen +#if HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H +#include <sys/ndir.h> +#endif +#if HAVE_SYS_DIR_H +#include <sys/dir.h> +#endif +#if HAVE_NDIR_H +#include <ndir.h> +#endif +#endif +#ifndef MAXNAMLEN +#define MAXNAMLEN 256 /* maximum filename length */ +#endif +#ifndef DIRBUF +#define DIRBUF 512 /* buffer size for fs-indep. dirs */ +#endif + +typedef struct { + GC gc; /* graphics context for animation */ + int npixels; /* number of valid entries in pixels */ + Colormap cmap; /* current colormap */ + unsigned long pixels[NUMCOLORS]; /* pixel values in the colormap */ + unsigned long bgcol, fgcol; /* background and foreground pixel values */ + unsigned long rightcol, leftcol; /* 3D color pixel values */ + unsigned long nonecol, bothcol; +} perscreen; + +#define t_String 0 +#define t_Float 1 +#define t_Int 2 +#define t_Bool 3 + +typedef struct { + caddr_t *var; + char *name; + char *classname; + char *def; + int type; +} argtype; + +typedef struct { + char *opt; + char *desc; +} OptionStruct; + +typedef struct { + int numopts; + XrmOptionDescRec *opts; + int numvarsdesc; + argtype *vars; + OptionStruct *desc; +} ModeSpecOpt; + +/* this must follow definition of ModeSpecOpt */ +#include "mode.h" + +#define IS_XBMDONE 1 /* Only need one mono image */ +#define IS_XBM 2 +#define IS_XBMFILE 3 +#define IS_XPM 4 +#define IS_XPMFILE 5 +#define IS_RASTERFILE 6 + +extern void getResources(int argc, char **argv); +extern unsigned long allocPixel(Display * display, Colormap cmap, + char *name, char *def); +extern void setColormap(Display * display, Window window, Colormap map, + Bool inwindow); +extern void reserveColors(ModeInfo * mi, Colormap cmap, + unsigned long *blackpix, unsigned long *whitepix); +extern void fixColormap(Display * display, Window window, + int screen, float saturation, + Bool mono, Bool install, Bool inroot, Bool inwindow, Bool verbose); +extern int visualClassFromName(char *name); +extern void showVisualInfo(XVisualInfo * wantVis); +#ifdef USE_GL +extern int getVisual(ModeInfo * mi, XVisualInfo * wantVis, int mono); +#endif + +extern unsigned long seconds(void); +extern void finish(void); +extern void error(char *s1,...); +extern void warning(char *s1,...); + +#ifndef HAVE_STRDUP +extern char *strdup(char *); +#endif + +#ifdef MATHF +#define SINF(n) sinf(n) +#define COSF(n) cosf(n) +#define FABSF(n) fabsf(n) +#else +#define SINF(n) ((float)sin((double)(n))) +#define COSF(n) ((float)cos((double)(n))) +#define FABSF(n) ((float)fabs((double)(n))) +#endif + +#endif /* __XLOCK_XLOCK_H__ */ diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_colors.c b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_colors.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c77cf22 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_colors.c @@ -0,0 +1,693 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997 Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +/* This file contains some utility routines for randomly picking the colors + to hack the screen with. + */ + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <math.h> + +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/Xutil.h> +#include <X11/Xos.h> +#include <X11/Xresource.h> + +#include "xs_visual.h" +#include "xs_yarandom.h" +#include "xs_hsv.h" +#include "xs_colors.h" + +/* extern char *progname; */ + +void +free_colors(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XColor *colors, int ncolors) +{ + int i; + if (ncolors > 0) + { + unsigned long *pixels = (unsigned long *) + malloc(sizeof(*pixels) * ncolors); + for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) + pixels[i] = colors[i].pixel; + XFreeColors (dpy, cmap, pixels, ncolors, 0L); + free(pixels); + } +} + + +void +allocate_writable_colors (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, + unsigned long *pixels, int *ncolorsP) +{ + int desired = *ncolorsP; + int got = 0; + int requested = desired; + unsigned long *new_pixels = pixels; + + *ncolorsP = 0; + while (got < desired + && requested > 0) + { + if (desired - got < requested) + requested = desired - got; + + if (XAllocColorCells (dpy, cmap, False, 0, 0, new_pixels, requested)) + { + /* Got all the pixels we asked for. */ + new_pixels += requested; + got += requested; + } + else + { + /* We didn't get all/any of the pixels we asked for. This time, ask + for half as many. (If we do get all that we ask for, we ask for + the same number again next time, so we only do O(log(n)) server + roundtrips.) + */ + requested = requested / 2; + } + } + *ncolorsP += got; +} + + + +void +make_color_ramp (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, + int h1, double s1, double v1, /* 0-360, 0-1.0, 0-1.0 */ + int h2, double s2, double v2, /* 0-360, 0-1.0, 0-1.0 */ + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool closed_p, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool writable_p) +{ + int i; + int ncolors = *ncolorsP; + double dh, ds, dv; /* deltas */ + + AGAIN: + + memset (colors, 0, (*ncolorsP) * sizeof(*colors)); + + if (closed_p) + ncolors = (ncolors / 2) + 1; + + /* Note: unlike other routines in this module, this function assumes that + if h1 and h2 are more than 180 degrees apart, then the desired direction + is always from h1 to h2 (rather than the shorter path.) make_uniform + depends on this. + */ + dh = ((double)h2 - (double)h1) / ncolors; + ds = (s2 - s1) / ncolors; + dv = (v2 - v1) / ncolors; + + for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) + { + colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; + hsv_to_rgb ((int) (h1 + (i*dh)), (s1 + (i*ds)), (v1 + (i*dv)), + &colors[i].red, &colors[i].green, &colors[i].blue); + } + + if (closed_p) + for (i = ncolors; i < *ncolorsP; i++) + colors[i] = colors[(*ncolorsP)-i]; + + if (!allocate_p) + return; + + if (writable_p) + { + unsigned long *pixels = (unsigned long *) + malloc(sizeof(*pixels) * ((*ncolorsP) + 1)); + + /* allocate_writable_colors() won't do here, because we need exactly this + number of cells, or the color sequence we've chosen won't fit. */ + if (! XAllocColorCells(dpy, cmap, False, 0, 0, pixels, *ncolorsP)) + { + free(pixels); + goto FAIL; + } + + for (i = 0; i < *ncolorsP; i++) + colors[i].pixel = pixels[i]; + free (pixels); + + XStoreColors (dpy, cmap, colors, *ncolorsP); + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < *ncolorsP; i++) + { + XColor color; + color = colors[i]; + if (XAllocColor (dpy, cmap, &color)) + { + colors[i].pixel = color.pixel; + } + else + { + free_colors (dpy, cmap, colors, i); + goto FAIL; + } + } + } + + return; + + FAIL: + /* we weren't able to allocate all the colors we wanted; + decrease the requested number and try again. + */ + ncolors = (ncolors > 170 ? ncolors - 20 : + ncolors > 100 ? ncolors - 10 : + ncolors > 75 ? ncolors - 5 : + ncolors > 25 ? ncolors - 3 : + ncolors > 10 ? ncolors - 2 : + ncolors > 2 ? ncolors - 1 : + 0); + *ncolorsP = ncolors; + if (ncolors > 0) + goto AGAIN; +} + + +#define MAXPOINTS 50 /* yeah, so I'm lazy */ + + +static void +make_color_path (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, + int npoints, int *h, double *s, double *v, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool writable_p) +{ + int i, j, k; + int total_ncolors = *ncolorsP; + + int ncolors[MAXPOINTS]; /* number of pixels per edge */ + double dh[MAXPOINTS]; /* distance between pixels, per edge (0 - 360.0) */ + double ds[MAXPOINTS]; /* distance between pixels, per edge (0 - 1.0) */ + double dv[MAXPOINTS]; /* distance between pixels, per edge (0 - 1.0) */ + + if (npoints == 0) + { + *ncolorsP = 0; + return; + } + else if (npoints == 2) /* using make_color_ramp() will be faster */ + { + make_color_ramp (dpy, cmap, + h[0], s[0], v[0], h[1], s[1], v[1], + colors, ncolorsP, + True, /* closed_p */ + allocate_p, writable_p); + return; + } + else if (npoints >= MAXPOINTS) + { + npoints = MAXPOINTS-1; + } + + AGAIN: + + { + double DH[MAXPOINTS]; /* Distance between H values in the shortest + direction around the circle, that is, the + distance between 10 and 350 is 20. + (Range is 0 - 360.0.) + */ + double edge[MAXPOINTS]; /* lengths of edges in unit HSV space. */ + double ratio[MAXPOINTS]; /* proportions of the edges (total 1.0) */ + double circum = 0; + double one_point_oh = 0; /* (debug) */ + + for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + { + int j = (i+1) % npoints; + double d = ((double) (h[i] - h[j])) / 360; + if (d < 0) d = -d; + if (d > 0.5) d = 0.5 - (d - 0.5); + DH[i] = d; + } + + for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + { + int j = (i+1) % npoints; + edge[i] = sqrt((DH[i] * DH[j]) + + ((s[j] - s[i]) * (s[j] - s[i])) + + ((v[j] - v[i]) * (v[j] - v[i]))); + circum += edge[i]; + } + +#ifdef DEBUG + fprintf(stderr, "\ncolors:"); + for (i=0; i < npoints; i++) + fprintf(stderr, " (%d, %.3f, %.3f)", h[i], s[i], v[i]); + fprintf(stderr, "\nlengths:"); + for (i=0; i < npoints; i++) + fprintf(stderr, " %.3f", edge[i]); +#endif /* DEBUG */ + + if (circum < 0.0001) + goto FAIL; + + for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + { + ratio[i] = edge[i] / circum; + one_point_oh += ratio[i]; + } + +#ifdef DEBUG + fprintf(stderr, "\nratios:"); + for (i=0; i < npoints; i++) + fprintf(stderr, " %.3f", ratio[i]); +#endif /* DEBUG */ + + if (one_point_oh < 0.99999 || one_point_oh > 1.00001) + abort(); + + /* space the colors evenly along the circumference -- that means that the + number of pixels on a edge is proportional to the length of that edge + (relative to the lengths of the other edges.) + */ + for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + ncolors[i] = total_ncolors * ratio[i]; + + +#ifdef DEBUG + fprintf(stderr, "\npixels:"); + for (i=0; i < npoints; i++) + fprintf(stderr, " %d", ncolors[i]); + fprintf(stderr, " (%d)\n", total_ncolors); +#endif /* DEBUG */ + + for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + { + int j = (i+1) % npoints; + + if (ncolors[i] > 0) + { + dh[i] = 360 * (DH[i] / ncolors[i]); + ds[i] = (s[j] - s[i]) / ncolors[i]; + dv[i] = (v[j] - v[i]) / ncolors[i]; + } + } + } + + memset (colors, 0, (*ncolorsP) * sizeof(*colors)); + + k = 0; + for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + { + int distance, direction; + distance = h[(i+1) % npoints] - h[i]; + direction = (distance >= 0 ? -1 : 1); + + if (distance > 180) + distance = 180 - (distance - 180); + else if (distance < -180) + distance = -(180 - ((-distance) - 180)); + else + direction = -direction; + +#ifdef DEBUG + fprintf (stderr, "point %d: %3d %.2f %.2f\n", + i, h[i], s[i], v[i]); + fprintf(stderr, " h[i]=%d dh[i]=%.2f ncolors[i]=%d\n", + h[i], dh[i], ncolors[i]); +#endif /* DEBUG */ + for (j = 0; j < ncolors[i]; j++, k++) + { + double hh = (h[i] + (j * dh[i] * direction)); + if (hh < 0) hh += 360; + else if (hh > 360) hh -= 0; + colors[k].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; + hsv_to_rgb ((int) + hh, + (s[i] + (j * ds[i])), + (v[i] + (j * dv[i])), + &colors[k].red, &colors[k].green, &colors[k].blue); +#ifdef DEBUG + fprintf (stderr, "point %d+%d: %.2f %.2f %.2f %04X %04X %04X\n", + i, j, + hh, + (s[i] + (j * ds[i])), + (v[i] + (j * dv[i])), + colors[k].red, colors[k].green, colors[k].blue); +#endif /* DEBUG */ + } + } + + /* Floating-point round-off can make us decide to use fewer colors. */ + if (k < *ncolorsP) + { + *ncolorsP = k; + if (k <= 0) + return; + } + + if (!allocate_p) + return; + + if (writable_p) + { + unsigned long *pixels = (unsigned long *) + malloc(sizeof(*pixels) * ((*ncolorsP) + 1)); + + /* allocate_writable_colors() won't do here, because we need exactly this + number of cells, or the color sequence we've chosen won't fit. */ + if (! XAllocColorCells(dpy, cmap, False, 0, 0, pixels, *ncolorsP)) + { + free(pixels); + goto FAIL; + } + + for (i = 0; i < *ncolorsP; i++) + colors[i].pixel = pixels[i]; + free (pixels); + + XStoreColors (dpy, cmap, colors, *ncolorsP); + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < *ncolorsP; i++) + { + XColor color; + color = colors[i]; + if (XAllocColor (dpy, cmap, &color)) + { + colors[i].pixel = color.pixel; + } + else + { + free_colors (dpy, cmap, colors, i); + goto FAIL; + } + } + } + + return; + + FAIL: + /* we weren't able to allocate all the colors we wanted; + decrease the requested number and try again. + */ + total_ncolors = (total_ncolors > 170 ? total_ncolors - 20 : + total_ncolors > 100 ? total_ncolors - 10 : + total_ncolors > 75 ? total_ncolors - 5 : + total_ncolors > 25 ? total_ncolors - 3 : + total_ncolors > 10 ? total_ncolors - 2 : + total_ncolors > 2 ? total_ncolors - 1 : + 0); + *ncolorsP = total_ncolors; + if (total_ncolors > 0) + goto AGAIN; +} + + +void +make_color_loop (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, + int h0, double s0, double v0, /* 0-360, 0-1.0, 0-1.0 */ + int h1, double s1, double v1, /* 0-360, 0-1.0, 0-1.0 */ + int h2, double s2, double v2, /* 0-360, 0-1.0, 0-1.0 */ + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool writable_p) +{ + int h[3]; + double s[3], v[3]; + h[0] = h0; h[1] = h1; h[2] = h2; + s[0] = s0; s[1] = s1; s[2] = s2; + v[0] = v0; v[1] = v1; v[2] = v2; + make_color_path(dpy, cmap, + 3, h, s, v, + colors, ncolorsP, + allocate_p, writable_p); +} + + +static void +complain (int wanted_colors, int got_colors, + Bool wanted_writable, Bool got_writable) +{ + if (wanted_writable && !got_writable) + fprintf(stderr, + "%s: wanted %d writable colors; got %d read-only colors.\n", + "colors (tdescreensaver)", wanted_colors, got_colors); + + else if (wanted_colors > (got_colors + 10)) + /* don't bother complaining if we're within ten pixels. */ + fprintf(stderr, "%s: wanted %d%s colors; got %d.\n", + "colors (tdescreensaver)", wanted_colors, (got_writable ? " writable" : ""), + got_colors); +} + + +void +make_smooth_colormap (Display *dpy, Visual *visual, Colormap cmap, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool *writable_pP, + Bool verbose_p) +{ + int npoints; + int ncolors = *ncolorsP; + Bool wanted_writable = (allocate_p && writable_pP && *writable_pP); + int i; + int h[MAXPOINTS]; + double s[MAXPOINTS]; + double v[MAXPOINTS]; + double total_s = 0; + double total_v = 0; + Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); /* #### WRONG! */ + + if (*ncolorsP <= 0) return; + + { + int n = random() % 20; + if (n <= 5) npoints = 2; /* 30% of the time */ + else if (n <= 15) npoints = 3; /* 50% of the time */ + else if (n <= 18) npoints = 4; /* 15% of the time */ + else npoints = 5; /* 5% of the time */ + } + + REPICK_ALL_COLORS: + for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + { + REPICK_THIS_COLOR: + h[i] = random() % 360; + s[i] = frand(1.0); + v[i] = frand(0.8) + 0.2; + + /* Make sure that no two adjascent colors are *too* close together. + If they are, try again. + */ + if (i > 0) + { + int j = (i+1 == npoints) ? 0 : (i-1); + double hi = ((double) h[i]) / 360; + double hj = ((double) h[j]) / 360; + double dh = hj - hi; + double distance; + if (dh < 0) dh = -dh; + if (dh > 0.5) dh = 0.5 - (dh - 0.5); + distance = sqrt ((dh * dh) + + ((s[j] - s[i]) * (s[j] - s[i])) + + ((v[j] - v[i]) * (v[j] - v[i]))); + if (distance < 0.2) + goto REPICK_THIS_COLOR; + } + total_s += s[i]; + total_v += v[i]; + } + + /* If the average saturation or intensity are too low, repick the colors, + so that we don't end up with a black-and-white or too-dark map. + */ + if (total_s / npoints < 0.2) + goto REPICK_ALL_COLORS; + if (total_v / npoints < 0.3) + goto REPICK_ALL_COLORS; + + /* If this visual doesn't support writable cells, don't bother trying. + */ + if (wanted_writable && !has_writable_cells(screen, visual)) + *writable_pP = False; + + RETRY_NON_WRITABLE: + make_color_path (dpy, cmap, npoints, h, s, v, colors, &ncolors, + allocate_p, (writable_pP && *writable_pP)); + + /* If we tried for writable cells and got none, try for non-writable. */ + if (allocate_p && *ncolorsP == 0 && *writable_pP) + { + *writable_pP = False; + goto RETRY_NON_WRITABLE; + } + + if (verbose_p) + complain(*ncolorsP, ncolors, wanted_writable, + wanted_writable && *writable_pP); + + *ncolorsP = ncolors; +} + + +void +make_uniform_colormap (Display *dpy, Visual *visual, Colormap cmap, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool *writable_pP, + Bool verbose_p) +{ + int ncolors = *ncolorsP; + Bool wanted_writable = (allocate_p && writable_pP && *writable_pP); + Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); /* #### WRONG! */ + + double S = ((double) (random() % 34) + 66) / 100.0; /* range 66%-100% */ + double V = ((double) (random() % 34) + 66) / 100.0; /* range 66%-100% */ + + if (*ncolorsP <= 0) return; + + /* If this visual doesn't support writable cells, don't bother trying. */ + if (wanted_writable && !has_writable_cells(screen, visual)) + *writable_pP = False; + + RETRY_NON_WRITABLE: + make_color_ramp(dpy, cmap, + 0, S, V, + 359, S, V, + colors, &ncolors, + False, True, wanted_writable); + + /* If we tried for writable cells and got none, try for non-writable. */ + if (allocate_p && *ncolorsP == 0 && writable_pP && *writable_pP) + { + ncolors = *ncolorsP; + *writable_pP = False; + goto RETRY_NON_WRITABLE; + } + + if (verbose_p) + complain(*ncolorsP, ncolors, wanted_writable, + wanted_writable && *writable_pP); + + *ncolorsP = ncolors; +} + + +void +make_random_colormap (Display *dpy, Visual *visual, Colormap cmap, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool bright_p, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool *writable_pP, + Bool verbose_p) +{ + Bool wanted_writable = (allocate_p && writable_pP && *writable_pP); + int ncolors = *ncolorsP; + int i; + Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); /* #### WRONG! */ + + if (*ncolorsP <= 0) return; + + /* If this visual doesn't support writable cells, don't bother trying. */ + if (wanted_writable && !has_writable_cells(screen, visual)) + *writable_pP = False; + + for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) + { + colors[i].flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; + if (bright_p) + { + int H = random() % 360; /* range 0-360 */ + double S = ((double) (random()%70) + 30)/100.0; /* range 30%-100% */ + double V = ((double) (random()%34) + 66)/100.0; /* range 66%-100% */ + hsv_to_rgb (H, S, V, + &colors[i].red, &colors[i].green, &colors[i].blue); + } + else + { + colors[i].red = random() % 0xFFFF; + colors[i].green = random() % 0xFFFF; + colors[i].blue = random() % 0xFFFF; + } + } + + if (!allocate_p) + return; + + RETRY_NON_WRITABLE: + if (writable_pP && *writable_pP) + { + unsigned long *pixels = (unsigned long *) + malloc(sizeof(*pixels) * (ncolors + 1)); + + allocate_writable_colors (dpy, cmap, pixels, &ncolors); + if (ncolors > 0) + for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) + colors[i].pixel = pixels[i]; + free (pixels); + if (ncolors > 0) + XStoreColors (dpy, cmap, colors, ncolors); + } + else + { + for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) + { + XColor color; + color = colors[i]; + if (!XAllocColor (dpy, cmap, &color)) + break; + colors[i].pixel = color.pixel; + } + ncolors = i; + } + + /* If we tried for writable cells and got none, try for non-writable. */ + if (allocate_p && ncolors == 0 && writable_pP && *writable_pP) + { + ncolors = *ncolorsP; + *writable_pP = False; + goto RETRY_NON_WRITABLE; + } + + if (verbose_p) + complain(*ncolorsP, ncolors, wanted_writable, + wanted_writable && *writable_pP); + + *ncolorsP = ncolors; +} + + +void +rotate_colors (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, + XColor *colors, int ncolors, int distance) +{ + int i; + XColor *colors2 = (XColor *) malloc(sizeof(*colors2) * ncolors); + if (ncolors < 2) return; + distance = distance % ncolors; + for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) + { + int j = i - distance; + if (j >= ncolors) j -= ncolors; + if (j < 0) j += ncolors; + colors2[i] = colors[j]; + colors2[i].pixel = colors[i].pixel; + } + XStoreColors (dpy, cmap, colors2, ncolors); + XFlush(dpy); + memcpy(colors, colors2, sizeof(*colors) * ncolors); + free(colors2); +} diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_colors.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_colors.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..61421cf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_colors.h @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1997 Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +#ifndef __COLORS_H__ +#define __COLORS_H__ + +/* Like XFreeColors, but works on `XColor *' instead of `unsigned long *' + */ +extern void free_colors (Display *, Colormap, XColor *, int ncolors); + + +/* Allocates writable, non-contiguous color cells. The number requested is + passed in *ncolorsP, and the number actually allocated is returned there. + (Unlike XAllocColorCells(), this will allocate as many as it can, instead + of failing if they can't all be allocated.) + */ +extern void allocate_writable_colors (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, + unsigned long *pixels, int *ncolorsP); + + +/* Generates a sequence of colors evenly spaced between the given pair + of HSV coordinates. + + If closed_p is true, the colors will go from the first point to the + second then back to the first. + + If allocate_p is true, the colors will be allocated from the map; + if enough colors can't be allocated, we will try for less, and the + result will be returned to ncolorsP. + + If writable_p is true, writable color cells will be allocated; + otherwise, read-only cells will be allocated. + */ +extern void make_color_ramp (Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, + int h1, double s1, double v1, + int h2, double s2, double v2, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool closed_p, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool writable_p); + +/* Generates a sequence of colors evenly spaced around the triangle + indicated by the thee HSV coordinates. + + If allocate_p is true, the colors will be allocated from the map; + if enough colors can't be allocated, we will try for less, and the + result will be returned to ncolorsP. + + If writable_p is true, writable color cells will be allocated; + otherwise, read-only cells will be allocated. + */ +extern void make_color_loop (Display *, Colormap, + int h1, double s1, double v1, + int h2, double s2, double v2, + int h3, double s3, double v3, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool writable_p); + + +/* Allocates a hopefully-interesting colormap, which will be a closed loop + without any sudden transitions. + + If allocate_p is true, the colors will be allocated from the map; + if enough colors can't be allocated, we will try for less, and the + result will be returned to ncolorsP. An error message will be + printed on stderr (if verbose_p). + + If *writable_pP is true, writable color cells will be allocated; + otherwise, read-only cells will be allocated. If no writable cells + cannot be allocated, we will try to allocate unwritable cells + instead, and print a message on stderr to that effect (if verbose_p). + */ +extern void make_smooth_colormap (Display *dpy, Visual *visual, + Colormap cmap, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool *writable_pP, + Bool verbose_p); + +/* Allocates a uniform colormap which touches each hue of the spectrum, + evenly spaced. The saturation and intensity are chosen randomly, but + will be high enough to be visible. + + If allocate_p is true, the colors will be allocated from the map; + if enough colors can't be allocated, we will try for less, and the + result will be returned to ncolorsP. An error message will be + printed on stderr (if verbose_p). + + If *writable_pP is true, writable color cells will be allocated; + otherwise, read-only cells will be allocated. If no writable cells + cannot be allocated, we will try to allocate unwritable cells + instead, and print a message on stderr to that effect (if verbose_p). + */ +extern void make_uniform_colormap (Display *dpy, Visual *visual, + Colormap cmap, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool *writable_pP, + Bool verbose_p); + +/* Allocates a random colormap (the colors are unrelated to one another.) + If `bright_p' is false, the colors will be completely random; if it is + true, all of the colors will be bright enough to see on a black background. + + If allocate_p is true, the colors will be allocated from the map; + if enough colors can't be allocated, we will try for less, and the + result will be returned to ncolorsP. An error message will be + printed on stderr (if verbose_p). + + If *writable_pP is true, writable color cells will be allocated; + otherwise, read-only cells will be allocated. If no writable cells + cannot be allocated, we will try to allocate unwritable cells + instead, and print a message on stderr to that effect (if verbose_p). + */ +extern void make_random_colormap (Display *dpy, Visual *visual, + Colormap cmap, + XColor *colors, int *ncolorsP, + Bool bright_p, + Bool allocate_p, + Bool *writable_pP, + Bool verbose_p); + + +/* Assuming that the array of colors indicates the current state of a set + of writable color cells, this rotates the contents of the array by + `distance' steps, moving the colors of cell N to cell (N - distance). + */ +extern void rotate_colors (Display *, Colormap, + XColor *, int ncolors, int distance); + +#endif /* __COLORS_H__ */ diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_hsv.c b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_hsv.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..51385d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_hsv.c @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1997 Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +/* This file contains some utility routines for randomly picking the colors + to hack the screen with. + */ + +/* #include "utils.h" */ +#include "xs_hsv.h" + +void +hsv_to_rgb (int h, double s, double v, + unsigned short *r, unsigned short *g, unsigned short *b) +{ + double H, S, V, R, G, B; + double p1, p2, p3; + double f; + int i; + + if (s < 0) s = 0; + if (v < 0) v = 0; + if (s > 1) s = 1; + if (v > 1) v = 1; + + S = s; V = v; + H = (h % 360) / 60.0; + i = H; + f = H - i; + p1 = V * (1 - S); + p2 = V * (1 - (S * f)); + p3 = V * (1 - (S * (1 - f))); + if (i == 0) { R = V; G = p3; B = p1; } + else if (i == 1) { R = p2; G = V; B = p1; } + else if (i == 2) { R = p1; G = V; B = p3; } + else if (i == 3) { R = p1; G = p2; B = V; } + else if (i == 4) { R = p3; G = p1; B = V; } + else { R = V; G = p1; B = p2; } + *r = R * 65535; + *g = G * 65535; + *b = B * 65535; +} + +void +rgb_to_hsv (unsigned short r, unsigned short g, unsigned short b, + int *h, double *s, double *v) +{ + double R, G, B, H, S, V; + double cmax, cmin; + double cmm; + int imax; + R = ((double) r) / 65535.0; + G = ((double) g) / 65535.0; + B = ((double) b) / 65535.0; + cmax = R; cmin = G; imax = 1; + if ( cmax < G ) { cmax = G; cmin = R; imax = 2; } + if ( cmax < B ) { cmax = B; imax = 3; } + if ( cmin > B ) { cmin = B; } + cmm = cmax - cmin; + V = cmax; + if (cmm == 0) + S = H = 0; + else + { + S = cmm / cmax; + if (imax == 1) H = (G - B) / cmm; + else if (imax == 2) H = 2.0 + (B - R) / cmm; + else /*if (imax == 3)*/ H = 4.0 + (R - G) / cmm; + if (H < 0) H += 6.0; + } + *h = (H * 60.0); + *s = S; + *v = V; +} diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_hsv.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_hsv.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0fdfb0f --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_hsv.h @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1992, 1997 Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +#ifndef __HSV_H__ +#define __HSV_H__ + +/* Converts between RGB and HSV color spaces. + R, G, and B are in the range 0 - 65535; + H is in the range 0 - 360; + S and V are in the range 0.0 - 1.0. + */ +extern void hsv_to_rgb (int h, double s, double v, + unsigned short *r, + unsigned short *g, + unsigned short *b); +extern void rgb_to_hsv (unsigned short r, unsigned short g, unsigned short b, + int *h, double *s, double *v); + +#endif /* __HSV_H__ */ diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_utils.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_utils.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..284bb86d --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997 Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +# include "config.h" +#endif + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <math.h> + +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/Xos.h> diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_visual.c b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_visual.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc8d31f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_visual.c @@ -0,0 +1,473 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 + * by Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +/* This file contains some code for intelligently picking the best visual + (where "best" is biased in the direction of either: high color counts; + or: having writable color cells...) + */ + +#include "xs_utils.h" + +#include "xs_visual.h" + +#include <X11/Xutil.h> + +/* extern char *progname; */ + + +#ifndef isupper +# define isupper(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z') +#endif +#ifndef _tolower +# define _tolower(c) ((c) - 'A' + 'a') +#endif + + +static Visual *pick_best_visual (Screen *, Bool, Bool); +static Visual *pick_mono_visual (Screen *); +static Visual *pick_best_visual_of_class (Screen *, int); +static Visual *id_to_visual (Screen *, int); +static Visual *id_to_visual (Screen *screen, int id); + + +#define DEFAULT_VISUAL -1 +#define BEST_VISUAL -2 +#define MONO_VISUAL -3 +#define GRAY_VISUAL -4 +#define COLOR_VISUAL -5 +#define SPECIFIC_VISUAL -6 + +Visual * +get_visual (Screen *screen, const char *string, Bool prefer_writable_cells, + Bool verbose_p) +{ + char *v = (string ? strdup(string) : 0); + char c, *tmp; + int vclass; + unsigned long id; + Visual *result = 0; + + if (v) + for (tmp = v; *tmp; tmp++) + if (isupper (*tmp)) *tmp = _tolower (*tmp); + + if (!v) vclass = BEST_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "default")) vclass = DEFAULT_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "best")) vclass = BEST_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "mono")) vclass = MONO_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "monochrome")) vclass = MONO_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "gray")) vclass = GRAY_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "grey")) vclass = GRAY_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "color")) vclass = COLOR_VISUAL; + else if (!strcmp (v, "staticgray")) vclass = StaticGray; + else if (!strcmp (v, "staticcolor")) vclass = StaticColor; + else if (!strcmp (v, "truecolor")) vclass = TrueColor; + else if (!strcmp (v, "grayscale")) vclass = GrayScale; + else if (!strcmp (v, "greyscale")) vclass = GrayScale; + else if (!strcmp (v, "pseudocolor")) vclass = PseudoColor; + else if (!strcmp (v, "directcolor")) vclass = DirectColor; + else if (1 == sscanf (v, " %ld %c", &id, &c)) vclass = SPECIFIC_VISUAL; + else if (1 == sscanf (v, " 0x%lx %c", &id, &c)) vclass = SPECIFIC_VISUAL; + else + { + fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized visual \"%s\".\n", "tdescreensaver", v); + vclass = DEFAULT_VISUAL; + } + + if (vclass == DEFAULT_VISUAL) + result = DefaultVisualOfScreen (screen); + else if (vclass == BEST_VISUAL) + result = pick_best_visual (screen, prefer_writable_cells, False); + else if (vclass == MONO_VISUAL) + { + result = pick_mono_visual (screen); + if (!result && verbose_p) + fprintf (stderr, "%s: no monochrome visuals.\n", "tdescreensaver"); + } + else if (vclass == GRAY_VISUAL) + { + if (prefer_writable_cells) + result = pick_best_visual_of_class (screen, GrayScale); + if (!result) + result = pick_best_visual_of_class (screen, StaticGray); + if (!result) + result = pick_best_visual_of_class (screen, GrayScale); + if (!result && verbose_p) + fprintf (stderr, "%s: no GrayScale or StaticGray visuals.\n", + "tdescreensaver"); + } + else if (vclass == COLOR_VISUAL) + { + int class; + /* First see if the default visual will do. */ + result = DefaultVisualOfScreen (screen); + class = visual_class(screen, result); + if (class != TrueColor && + class != PseudoColor && + class != DirectColor && + class != StaticColor) + result = 0; + if (result && visual_depth(screen, result) <= 1) + result = 0; + + /* Else, find the best non-default color visual */ + if (!result) + result = pick_best_visual (screen, prefer_writable_cells, True); + + if (!result && verbose_p) + fprintf (stderr, "%s: no color visuals.\n", "tdescreensaver"); + } + else if (vclass == SPECIFIC_VISUAL) + { + result = id_to_visual (screen, id); + if (!result && verbose_p) + fprintf (stderr, "%s: no visual with id 0x%x.\n", "tdescreensaver", + (unsigned int) id); + } + else + { + Visual *visual = pick_best_visual_of_class (screen, vclass); + if (visual) + result = visual; + else if (verbose_p) + fprintf (stderr, "%s: no visual of class %s.\n", "tdescreensaver", v); + } + + if (v) free (v); + return result; +} + +Visual * +get_visual_resource (Screen *screen, char *name, char *class, + Bool prefer_writable_cells) +{ +/* + char *string = get_string_resource (name, class); + Visual *v = get_visual (screen, string, prefer_writable_cells, True); + if (string) + free(string); + if (v) + return v; + else +*/ + return DefaultVisualOfScreen (screen); +} + + +static Visual * +pick_best_visual (Screen *screen, Bool prefer_writable_cells, Bool color_only) +{ + Visual *visual; + + if (!prefer_writable_cells) + { + /* If we don't prefer writable cells, then the "best" visual is the one + on which we can allocate the largest range and number of colors. + + Therefore, a TrueColor visual which is at least 16 bits deep is best. + (The assumption here being that a TrueColor of less than 16 bits is + really just a PseudoColor visual with a pre-allocated color cube.) + + The next best thing is a PseudoColor visual of any type. After that + come the non-colormappable visuals, and non-color visuals. + */ + if ((visual = pick_best_visual_of_class (screen, TrueColor)) && + visual_depth (screen, visual) >= 16) + return visual; + } + +#define TRY_CLASS(CLASS) \ + if ((visual = pick_best_visual_of_class (screen, CLASS)) && \ + (!color_only || visual_depth(screen, visual) > 1)) \ + return visual + TRY_CLASS(PseudoColor); + TRY_CLASS(TrueColor); + TRY_CLASS(DirectColor); + TRY_CLASS(StaticColor); + if (!color_only) + { + TRY_CLASS(GrayScale); + TRY_CLASS(StaticGray); + } +#undef TRY_CLASS + + visual = DefaultVisualOfScreen (screen); + if (!color_only || visual_depth(screen, visual) > 1) + return visual; + else + return 0; +} + +static Visual * +pick_mono_visual (Screen *screen) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + int out_count; + + vi_in.depth = 1; + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, (VisualDepthMask | VisualScreenMask), + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (vi_out) + { + Visual *v = (out_count > 0 ? vi_out [0].visual : 0); + if (v && vi_out[0].depth != 1) + v = 0; + XFree ((char *) vi_out); + return v; + } + else + return 0; +} + + +static Visual * +pick_best_visual_of_class (Screen *screen, int visual_class) +{ + /* The best visual of a class is the one which on which we can allocate + the largest range and number of colors, which means the one with the + greatest depth and number of cells. + + (But actually, for XDaliClock, all visuals of the same class are + probably equivalent - either we have writable cells or we don't.) + */ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + int out_count; + + vi_in.class = visual_class; + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, (VisualClassMask | VisualScreenMask), + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (vi_out) + { + /* choose the 'best' one, if multiple */ + int i, best; + Visual *visual; + for (i = 0, best = 0; i < out_count; i++) + /* It's better if it's deeper, or if it's the same depth with + more cells (does that ever happen? Well, it could...) */ + if ((vi_out [i].depth > vi_out [best].depth) || + ((vi_out [i].depth == vi_out [best].depth) && + (vi_out [i].colormap_size > vi_out [best].colormap_size))) + best = i; + visual = (best < out_count ? vi_out [best].visual : 0); + XFree ((char *) vi_out); + return visual; + } + else + return 0; +} + +static Visual * +id_to_visual (Screen *screen, int id) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + int out_count; + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_in.visualid = id; + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, (VisualScreenMask | VisualIDMask), + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (vi_out) + { + Visual *v = vi_out[0].visual; + XFree ((char *) vi_out); + return v; + } + return 0; +} + +int +visual_depth (Screen *screen, Visual *visual) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + int out_count, d; + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_in.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual (visual); + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualScreenMask|VisualIDMask, + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (! vi_out) abort (); + d = vi_out [0].depth; + XFree ((char *) vi_out); + return d; +} + + +#if 0 +/* You very probably don't want to be using this. + Pixmap depth doesn't refer to the depths of pixmaps, but rather, to + the depth of protocol-level on-the-wire pixmap data, that is, XImages. + To get this info, you should be looking at XImage->bits_per_pixel + instead. (And allocating the data for your XImage structures by + multiplying ximage->bytes_per_line by ximage->height.) + */ +int +visual_pixmap_depth (Screen *screen, Visual *visual) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + int vdepth = visual_depth (screen, visual); + int pdepth = vdepth; + int i, pfvc = 0; + XPixmapFormatValues *pfv = XListPixmapFormats (dpy, &pfvc); + + /* Return the first matching depth in the pixmap formats. If there are no + matching pixmap formats (which shouldn't be able to happen at all) then + return the visual depth instead. */ + for (i = 0; i < pfvc; i++) + if (pfv[i].depth == vdepth) + { + pdepth = pfv[i].bits_per_pixel; + break; + } + if (pfv) + XFree (pfv); + return pdepth; +} +#endif /* 0 */ + + +int +visual_class (Screen *screen, Visual *visual) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + int out_count, c; + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_in.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual (visual); + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualScreenMask|VisualIDMask, + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (! vi_out) abort (); + c = vi_out [0].class; + XFree ((char *) vi_out); + return c; +} + +Bool +has_writable_cells (Screen *screen, Visual *visual) +{ + switch (visual_class (screen, visual)) + { + case GrayScale: /* Mappable grays. */ + case PseudoColor: /* Mappable colors. */ + return True; + case StaticGray: /* Fixed grays. */ + case TrueColor: /* Fixed colors. */ + case StaticColor: /* (What's the difference again?) */ + case DirectColor: /* DirectColor visuals are like TrueColor, but have + three colormaps - one for each component of RGB. + Screw it. */ + return False; + default: + abort(); + } +} + +void +describe_visual (FILE *f, Screen *screen, Visual *visual, Bool private_cmap_p) +{ + char n[10]; + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + int out_count; + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_in.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual (visual); + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, (VisualScreenMask | VisualIDMask), + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (! vi_out) abort (); + if (private_cmap_p) + sprintf(n, "%3d", vi_out->colormap_size); + else + strcpy(n, "default"); + + fprintf (f, "0x%02x (%s depth: %2d, cmap: %s)\n", + (unsigned int) vi_out->visualid, + (vi_out->class == StaticGray ? "StaticGray, " : + vi_out->class == StaticColor ? "StaticColor," : + vi_out->class == TrueColor ? "TrueColor, " : + vi_out->class == GrayScale ? "GrayScale, " : + vi_out->class == PseudoColor ? "PseudoColor," : + vi_out->class == DirectColor ? "DirectColor," : + "UNKNOWN: "), + vi_out->depth, n); + XFree ((char *) vi_out); +} + +int +screen_number (Screen *screen) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + int i; + for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount (dpy); i++) + if (ScreenOfDisplay (dpy, i) == screen) + return i; + abort (); +} + +int +visual_cells (Screen *screen, Visual *visual) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + int out_count, c; + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_in.visualid = XVisualIDFromVisual (visual); + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, VisualScreenMask|VisualIDMask, + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (! vi_out) abort (); + c = vi_out [0].colormap_size; + XFree ((char *) vi_out); + return c; +} + +Visual * +find_similar_visual(Screen *screen, Visual *old_visual) +{ + Display *dpy = DisplayOfScreen (screen); + XVisualInfo vi_in, *vi_out; + Visual *result = 0; + int out_count; + + vi_in.screen = screen_number (screen); + vi_in.class = visual_class (screen, old_visual); + vi_in.depth = visual_depth (screen, old_visual); + + /* Look for a visual of the same class and depth. + */ + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, (VisualScreenMask | VisualClassMask | + VisualDepthMask), + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (vi_out && out_count > 0) + result = vi_out[0].visual; + if (vi_out) XFree (vi_out); + vi_out = 0; + + /* Failing that, look for a visual of the same class. + */ + if (!result) + { + vi_out = XGetVisualInfo (dpy, (VisualScreenMask | VisualClassMask), + &vi_in, &out_count); + if (vi_out && out_count > 0) + result = vi_out[0].visual; + if (vi_out) XFree (vi_out); + vi_out = 0; + } + + /* Failing that, return the default visual. */ + if (!result) + result = DefaultVisualOfScreen (screen); + + return result; +} diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_visual.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_visual.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a0b3534 --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_visual.h @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1993-1998 by Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +#ifndef __VISUAL_H__ +#define __VISUAL_H__ + +extern Visual *get_visual (Screen *, const char *name, Bool, Bool); +extern Visual *get_visual_resource (Screen *, char *, char *, Bool); +extern int visual_depth (Screen *, Visual *); +/* extern int visual_pixmap_depth (Screen *, Visual *); */ +extern int visual_class (Screen *, Visual *); +extern int visual_cells (Screen *, Visual *); +extern int screen_number (Screen *); +extern Visual *find_similar_visual (Screen *, Visual *old); +extern void describe_visual (FILE *f, Screen *, Visual *, Bool private_cmap_p); +extern Visual *get_overlay_visual (Screen *, unsigned long *pixel_return); +extern Bool has_writable_cells (Screen *screen, Visual *visual); + +#endif /* __VISUAL_H__ */ diff --git a/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_yarandom.h b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_yarandom.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f803d23c --- /dev/null +++ b/tdescreensaver/xsavers/xs_yarandom.h @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* xscreensaver, Copyright (c) 1997 by Jamie Zawinski <[email protected]> + * + * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its + * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that + * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that + * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting + * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this + * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or + * implied warranty. + */ + +#ifndef __YARANDOM_H__ +#define __YARANDOM_H__ + +#undef random +#undef rand +#undef drand48 +#undef srandom +#undef srand +#undef srand48 +#undef frand + +#ifdef VMS +# include "vms-gtod.h" +#endif + +/* #define random() ya_random() + #define srandom(i) ya_rand_init(0) */ + +extern unsigned int ya_random (void); +extern void ya_rand_init (unsigned int); + + +#if defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 2) + /* Implement frand using GCC's statement-expression extension. */ + +# define frand(f) \ + ({ double tmp = (((double) random()) / \ + (((double) ((unsigned int)~0)) / ((double) (f)))); \ + tmp < 0 ? (-tmp) : tmp; }) + +#else /* not GCC2 - implement frand using a global variable.*/ + +static double _frand_tmp_; +# define frand(f) \ + (_frand_tmp_ = (((double) random()) / \ + (((double) ((unsigned int)~0)) / ((double) (f)))), \ + _frand_tmp_ < 0 ? (-_frand_tmp_) : _frand_tmp_) + +#endif /* not GCC2 */ + +#endif /* __YARANDOM_H__ */ |