path: root/doc/faq/install.docbook
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authorSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2020-11-17 19:52:37 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2020-11-18 02:24:57 +0100
commit6aa392e1314567b23ab733fc5e8cf8332a344452 (patch)
treef03284f63aa89577f60d4ed7e102c755f9bd3d53 /doc/faq/install.docbook
parenteed0a6350c17f8ecb6972ae2ffa82115b5699531 (diff)
Move the khelpcenter guides to the directory level in which they are installed.
Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <[email protected]> (cherry picked from commit 1b6c123de102f0152d296fba8771d348329ba95c)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/faq/install.docbook')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 648 deletions
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--- a/doc/faq/install.docbook
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-<!-- <?xml version="1.0" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
- "dtd/kdex.dtd">
-<chapter id="install">
-<title>Installation instructions</title>
-<para>These are the generic installation instructions for the Trinity
-Desktop Environment. Please complement your reading with the
-<filename>README</filename> and <filename>INSTALL</filename> text files that
-come along with the package. Please read them carefully and try to
-help yourself if anything goes wrong. If you need further
-assistance, consider joining the &tde; mailing lists
-(see our web site instructions for joining the &tde;
-<ulink url="">mailing
-<para>To the would-be converts</para>
-<para>You have heard rumors about &tde;. Or you have seen screenshots.
-You want test &tde;. Yet you know next to nothing
-about this whole <quote>alternate operating system</quote> business. Don't worry!
-You only need to do some (well, maybe not some) reading, that's all!</para>
-<para>&tde; does not run on any version of &Microsoft; &Windows;. To run
-&tde;, you need to have a &UNIX; operating system. Please refer to <xref
-linkend="platform"/> for more details.</para>
-<para>Decide on a platform and set it up for your system. This
-<acronym>FAQ</acronym> can not help you with this, since &tde; is intended
-to run on many &UNIX; platforms.</para>
-<para>To obtain &tde;, please refer to <xref linkend="where-to-get-tde"/>. If
-you encounter problems while installing &tde;, please do not
-hesitate to make use of the &tde; <link
-linkend="mailing-lists">mailing lists</link>. No question is too silly to ask, but
-remember to first look for answers in this <acronym>FAQ</acronym>.</para>
-<para>Good luck and have fun!</para>
-<para>What kind of hardware do I need to run &tde; ?</para>
-<para>To run &tde; consider at least a Pentium III processor, 512MB of memory, and 500MB of free disk space for a basic installation. A full installation will require about 3GB of hard drive storage space. While &tde; will run on slower hardware, performance likely will require some patience. Generally, if your computer runs other desktop environments then the hardware probably is capable of running &tde;.</para>
-<para>Available package formats</para>
-<para>You can find binary and source packages for
-different distributions and operating systems on the
-<ulink url="">Trinity web site</ulink>.
-The binary packages are made by dedicated members of the &tde; community.
-The only <quote>official</quote> release is the source tarball
-packages. Please refer to the <filename>README</filename>s and
-<filename>INSTALL</filename>s in the several binaries folders.
-Find the latest stable release
-<ulink url="">here</ulink>.</para>
-<question id="prerequisites">
-<!-- rewrite to make it more general, pointing to the according webpages? -->
-<para>You need the &Qt; library as provided by the &tde; developers. Previous
-versions of &Qt; will not work with the latest &tde;.
-Please ensure you download the correct &Qt;. You will
-also need the header files, if you want to compile &tde;
-yourself. They are all available, at no cost, from the <ulink
-url="">&tde; repository</ulink>.
-There are optional libraries that might improve &tde; if
-installed on your system. An example is OpenSSL which will enable
-&konqueror; to browse web pages securely. These additional packages
-should be provided by your distributor.</para>
-<para>Description of the base packages</para>
-<para>The base distribution currently consists of several
-packages. Some are required, while others are optional. Each package
-is available in each of the aforementioned package formats.</para>
-<para>This package contains the foundational widget support needed by all
-&tde; applications.</para>
-<para>Necessary for supporting subsequent versions of Qt.</para>
-<para>The core sound system for &tde;</para>
-<para>This package contains shared libraries that are needed by all
-&tde; applications.</para>
-<para>This package contains the base applications that form the core
-of the Trinity Desktop Environment like the window manager, the terminal
-emulator, the control center, the file manager, and the panel.</para>
-<para>The &arts; sound server. A powerful, network transparent sound
-<para>Optional but recommended</para>
-<para>Various plugins for &kate;, &kicker;, &knewsticker;, &konqueror; and &noatun; </para>
-<para>Additional wallpapers, themes, styles, sounds ...</para>
-<para>Various bindings for other languages, including &Java;, Perl, Python, ...</para>
-<para>Various games like &kmahjongg;, &ksnake;, &kasteroids;, and
-<para>Optional but recommended</para>
-<para>Various graphics-related programs like &PostScript; previewer,
-&DVI; previewer, and a drawing program.</para>
-<para>Optional but recommended</para>
-<para>Various desktop tools like a calculator, an editor and other
-nifty stuff.</para>
-<para>Optional but recommended</para>
-<para>Multimedia applications like a &CD; player and a mixer.</para>
-<para>Network applications. Currently contains the instant messaging client &kopete;, the
-download manager &kget;, and several other network-related programs.</para>
-<para>Optional but recommended</para>
-<para>Personal information management tools. Contains the email client &kmail;, the newsreader &knode; and other related programs.</para>
-<para>Optional but recommended</para>
-<para>System administration programs.</para>
-Educational and entertaining applications for &tde;'s younger users.
-<para>Optional but recommended</para>
-&tde; accessibility programs such as a screen magnifier and speech synthesizer front end.
-<para>A complete Integrated Development Environment for &tde; and &Qt;</para>
-<para>Web development applications. Contains such applications as &quanta;, an integrated web development environment and other applications useful in web development</para>
-<para>&tde; Software Development Kit. Contains a collection of applications and tools used by &tde; Developers.</para>
-<para>Information about compiling all packages is available at the
-<ulink url="">
-Trinity wiki</ulink>.</para>
-<para>Most package management tools will let you put all these
-packages in one folder and install them all at once, figuring out
-the dependencies as they go.</para>
-<para>Installation instructions for the different package formats</para>
-<para>As &tde; is intended for many &UNIX; systems, please consult the installtion
-procedures and package management document for the system being used.</para>
-<para>Post-installation procedures</para>
-<para>There should be nothing to do after installing the packages except use them!
-Nonetheless, should problems arise, there are some common problems to consider:</para>
-<term>System search path</term>
-<para>Be sure all &tde; binary files are installed
-in a location listed in your system's <envar>PATH</envar>.</para>
-<term>Library files</term>
-<para>Be sure the &tde; library files are installed in the expected locations for your
-<term><envar>TDEDIR</envar> environment variable</term>
-<para>Be sure the <envar>TDEDIR</envar> environment variable is correctly set.</para>
-<term><filename>starttde</filename> script installation</term>
-<para>Verify the <filename>starttde</filename> script is installed to <filename
-class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/bin</filename> and therefore in your
-system's search path.</para>
-<term><filename>starttde</filename> script is run correctly</term>
-<para>Be sure the <filename>starttde</filename> script is being run from within the appropriate
-xinitrc or xsession script.</para>
-<para>This should present you with a new &tde; desktop. You
-can now start to explore the wonderful world of &tde;. In case you
-want to read some documentation first, there is a recommended
-<ulink url="help:/khelpcenter/quickstart">A Quick Start Guide to the Desktop</ulink>
-available. Furthermore, every application has an online
-help that is available via the <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu.</para>
-<para>Should I remove old version xyz before installing a new
-<para>In principle, this is not necessary. The various distro package managers
-should handle all dependencies.</para>
-<para>If you compile the source code yourself, you should take more care.</para>
-<question id="starttde">
-<para>How do I start &tde;?</para>
-<para>There are only two methods of starting &tde;: using a login
-manager such as &tdm; or from the command line, using <command>startx</command>.
-The respective startup scripts should contain a reference to the
-<filename>starttde</filename> script.</para>
-<!-- Still needed?
-<para>Whenever I start &tde;, it complains about "shadow passwords".
-<para>When your system uses shadow passwords, the screensaver can only
-run properly if the suid bit is set. This bit gives the screensavers
-root privileges, which are needed to access the shadow passwords.
-<caution><para>The screensavers might be configured to secure the
-machine until the password is entered.</para></caution></para>
-<title>Setting the suid bit on the screensavers</title>
-<step performance="required"><para>become root</para></step>
-<step performance="required"><para><command>chown root
-<step performance="required"><para><command>chmod u+s
-<para>Alternatively, if you compile &tde; from source, you can use
-<command>./configure <option>with-shadow</option></command> to
-configure tdebase. Then the suid bit is set automatically during
-<command>make install</command>.</para>
-<para><command>starttde</command> fails with <errorname>can not connect to X
-server</errorname>. What is wrong?</para>
-<para>You probably tried to start &tde; directly with <command>starttde</command> rather
-than letting the login manager or startx process run that script. From the command
-line the X server is started with <command>startx</command>.
-<command>starttde</command> is the
-script that should be run from your <filename>.xinitrc</filename>, <filename>.xsession</filename>, or
-<filename>.Xclients</filename> to activate the window manager and the necessary server
-daemons for &tde;. See also <xref linkend="starttde"/>.</para>
-<para>&tde; on &AIX;?</para>
-<acronym>IBM</acronym> now officially support &tde; on &AIX;. You can find
-details at <ulink
-There is also some older information at <ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
-<para>&tde; on a laptop?</para>
-<para>If you can get &X-Window; to run on your laptop, you should not have any problem
-getting &tde; to run on it. In addition, you might find the following
-links helpful:</para>
-<para><ulink url=""></ulink></para>
-<para><ulink url=""></ulink></para>
-<para>I do not like the default &tde; folder after installation. How
-do I move it without breaking anything?</para>
-<para>Assuming the default is <filename
-class="directory">/opt/kde</filename> and you want to move it to
-<filename class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename>, here's what
-you have to do:</para>
-<step performance="required"><para>change to superuser if you aren't already</para></step>
-<step performance="required"><para><command>mv /opt/kde /usr/local/kde</command></para></step>
-<step performance="required"><para><command>ln -s /usr/local/kde
-<para>This will put all your &tde; files in <filename
-class="directory">/usr/local/kde</filename> but everything is
-still accessible from <filename
-<para>What files can I delete from my &tde; install folder? Can all the
-<filename>*.h</filename>, <filename>*.c</filename> and <filename>*.o</filename>
-files be safely removed?</para>
-<para>There should not be any need to keep the <filename>.c</filename> and
-<filename>.o</filename> files, but you might want to keep the
-<filename>.h</filename> files, as they are used by includes if you ever want to
-compile your own &tde; programs. But if you wish to add patches to the source
-programs as they become available (rather than downloading everything again),
-then they should stay.</para>
-<para>Will I lose my current settings when I update &tde;?</para>
-<para>You shouldn't. &tde; should transport your settings
-intact. All settings should be safe.</para>
-<qandaentry id="greyscreen">
-<para>I updated &tde; and all seemed to go fine, but when I start &tde;,
-I get a blank gray screen, and nothing happens. There are errors in
-the console about DCOPserver. What's going on?</para>
-&tde; uses several temporary files during its operation.
-Usually these directories and files are found in the following locations:</para>
-<listitem><para><filename>$HOME/.DCOPserver-*</filename> (there are usually two of these; one is a symlink to the other)</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><filename>$HOME/.trinity/tmp-<replaceable>hostname</replaceable></filename>, which normally is a symlink to the next file:</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><filename>$HOME/.trinity/socket-<replaceable>hostname</replaceable></filename>, which normally is a symlink to:</para></listitem>
-<para>If the symlinks get broken, such as when
-<command>cron</command> or a shutdown script is emptying the
-<filename class="directory">/tmp</filename> folder, then strange
-things will happen. These files, and the symlinks, will all be
-created automatically at the start of &tde; so you can safely remove
-them <emphasis>while &tde; is not running</emphasis>.</para>
-<para>If you are only getting a gray screen when you start &tde;, or if you get an error message telling you to <errorname>Check your installation</errorname>, then shut down X and delete all the files listed above, then try to restart X.</para>
-<para>Normally (&ie; when not updating between &tde; versions) it's
-quite safe to leave these files intact, and you may shave a few
-seconds off your &tde; startup time by doing so.</para>
-<para>Is &tde; backwards or binary compatible with KDE 3?</para>
-<para>While many programs originally designed for KDE 3 will compile on Trinity, binary
-compatibility with KDE 3 is not a goal of &tde; developers.</para>
-<para>Is &tde; backwards or binary compatible with previous releases of &tde;?</para>
-<para>Possibly, but binary compatibility is not a project goal with major point
-releases. A package that built on a previous version of &tde; but no longer builds
-on the current release should be brought to the attention of the developers.</para>
-<para>Is my KDE 3 profile directory compatible with Trinity?</para>
-<para>Not quite but don't worry. Some "scrubbing" cleanup is required to migrate
-a KDE 3 profile. For new users or those with little customization we recommend
-creating a fresh profile. For those long-time users who cringe at the thought
-of recreating their desktop, we provide a migratekde3 shell script. That script
-copies a $HOME/.kde3 profile directory to $HOME/.trinity and performs the required
-"scrubbing" cleanup. Although the script has been tested we provide the tool "as is"
-with no warranties or guarantees. (The script works really well, actually. :-))</para>
-<para>Compiling tdebase gives me a <errorname>bin/sh: msgfmt: command
-not found</errorname> error!</para>
-<para>You need the &GNU; <application>msgfmt</application> which is
-part of the &GNU; i18n package <application>gettext</application>.
-You should be able to download it from any
-&GNU; mirror.</para>
-<para>How do I uninstall &tde; applications compiled from
-<para>You can uninstall your programs by typing <command>make
-uninstall</command> in the folder where you did <command>make
-install</command>. If you have already deleted that folder,
-then there is only one way, and it is not good: go to <filename
-class="directory">$<envar>TDEDIR</envar>/bin</filename> and start deleting files
-one by one.</para>
-<para>If you expect to find yourself in this situation, you might want to
-consider a program such as &GNU; <application>stow</application>, found at
-<ulink url=""></ulink>.</para>
-<question id="gif">
-<para>What is up with &GIF; support?</para>
-<para>This has to do with issues with Unisys' &LZW; patent. &GIF;
-support is turned off from &Qt; 1.44 onwards by default. When you want to use
-&GIF;s and have the relevant license, recompile &Qt; with &GIF; support.
-<command>./configure <option>-gif</option></command>.</para>