path: root/konqueror/konq_profiledlg.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2020-12-07 22:58:44 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2020-12-07 22:58:44 +0900
commit145abc15d57fb29701a12e8a14dcb9c1fd72e9be (patch)
treefbb4f2f737ec6f4e8a85bea5f2ca2257d20d7e22 /konqueror/konq_profiledlg.cpp
parentd95494d97233919fa0b2eebf60759537b793e05b (diff)
Renaming of files in preparation for code style tools.
Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'konqueror/konq_profiledlg.cpp')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/konqueror/konq_profiledlg.cpp b/konqueror/konq_profiledlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7241713b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/konqueror/konq_profiledlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE project
+ Copyright (C) 1999 Simon Hausmann <[email protected]>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "konq_profiledlg.h"
+#include "konq_viewmgr.h"
+#include "konq_settingsxt.h"
+#include <tqcheckbox.h>
+#include <tqdir.h>
+#include <tqvbox.h>
+#include <tqlabel.h>
+#include <tqheader.h>
+#include <tqlineedit.h>
+#include <tdelistview.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+#include <tdeio/global.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
+#include <kseparator.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+KonqProfileMap KonqProfileDlg::readAllProfiles()
+ KonqProfileMap mapProfiles;
+ TQStringList profiles = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "data", "konqueror/profiles/*", false, true );
+ TQStringList::ConstIterator pIt = profiles.begin();
+ TQStringList::ConstIterator pEnd = profiles.end();
+ for (; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt )
+ {
+ TQFileInfo info( *pIt );
+ TQString profileName = TDEIO::decodeFileName( info.baseName() );
+ KSimpleConfig cfg( *pIt, true );
+ if ( cfg.hasGroup( "Profile" ) )
+ {
+ cfg.setGroup( "Profile" );
+ if ( cfg.hasKey( "Name" ) )
+ profileName = cfg.readEntry( "Name" );
+ mapProfiles.insert( profileName, *pIt );
+ }
+ }
+ return mapProfiles;
+KonqProfileItem::KonqProfileItem( TDEListView *parent, const TQString & text )
+ : TQListViewItem( parent, text ), m_profileName( text )
+#define BTN_RENAME KDialogBase::User1
+#define BTN_DELETE KDialogBase::User2
+#define BTN_SAVE KDialogBase::User3
+KonqProfileDlg::KonqProfileDlg( KonqViewManager *manager, const TQString & preselectProfile, TQWidget *parent )
+: KDialogBase( parent, "konq_profile_dialog", true, i18n( "Profile Management" ),
+ KDialogBase::Close | BTN_RENAME | BTN_DELETE | BTN_SAVE, BTN_SAVE, true,
+ KGuiItem( i18n( "&Rename Profile" ) ),
+ KGuiItem( i18n( "&Delete Profile" ), "edit-delete"),
+ KStdGuiItem::save() )
+ m_pViewManager = manager;
+ TQVBox* box = new TQVBox( this );
+ box->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ setMainWidget( box );
+ TQLabel *lblName = new TQLabel( i18n( "&Profile name:" ), box );
+ m_pProfileNameLineEdit = new TQLineEdit( box );
+ m_pProfileNameLineEdit->setFocus();
+ lblName->setBuddy( m_pProfileNameLineEdit );
+ m_pListView = new TDEListView( box );
+ m_pListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
+ m_pListView->header()->hide();
+ m_pListView->addColumn("");
+ m_pListView->setRenameable( 0 );
+ box->setStretchFactor( m_pListView, 1 );
+ connect( m_pListView, TQT_SIGNAL( itemRenamed( TQListViewItem * ) ),
+ TQT_SLOT( slotItemRenamed( TQListViewItem * ) ) );
+ loadAllProfiles( preselectProfile );
+ m_pListView->setMinimumSize( m_pListView->sizeHint() );
+ m_cbSaveURLs = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Save &URLs in profile"), box );
+ m_cbSaveURLs->setChecked( KonqSettings::saveURLInProfile() );
+ m_cbSaveSize = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Save &window size in profile"), box );
+ m_cbSaveSize->setChecked( KonqSettings::saveWindowSizeInProfile() );
+ connect( m_pListView, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChanged( TQListViewItem * ) ),
+ this, TQT_SLOT( slotSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem * ) ) );
+ connect( m_pProfileNameLineEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged( const TQString & ) ),
+ this, TQT_SLOT( slotTextChanged( const TQString & ) ) );
+ enableButton( BTN_RENAME, m_pListView->selectedItem ()!=0 );
+ enableButton( BTN_DELETE, m_pListView->selectedItem ()!=0 );
+ resize( sizeHint() );
+ KonqSettings::setSaveURLInProfile( m_cbSaveURLs->isChecked() );
+ KonqSettings::setSaveWindowSizeInProfile( m_cbSaveSize->isChecked() );
+void KonqProfileDlg::loadAllProfiles(const TQString & preselectProfile)
+ bool profileFound = false;
+ m_mapEntries.clear();
+ m_pListView->clear();
+ m_mapEntries = readAllProfiles();
+ KonqProfileMap::ConstIterator eIt = m_mapEntries.begin();
+ KonqProfileMap::ConstIterator eEnd = m_mapEntries.end();
+ for (; eIt != eEnd; ++eIt )
+ {
+ TQListViewItem *item = new KonqProfileItem( m_pListView, eIt.key() );
+ TQString filename = '/' ) + 1 );
+ kdDebug(1202) << filename << endl;
+ if ( filename == preselectProfile )
+ {
+ profileFound = true;
+ m_pProfileNameLineEdit->setText( eIt.key() );
+ m_pListView->setSelected( item, true );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!profileFound)
+ m_pProfileNameLineEdit->setText( preselectProfile);
+void KonqProfileDlg::slotUser3() // Save button
+ TQString name = TDEIO::encodeFileName( m_pProfileNameLineEdit->text() ); // in case of '/'
+ // Reuse filename of existing item, if any
+ if ( m_pListView->selectedItem() )
+ {
+ KonqProfileMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.find( m_pListView->selectedItem()->text(0) );
+ if ( it != m_mapEntries.end() )
+ {
+ TQFileInfo info( );
+ name = info.baseName();
+ }
+ }
+ kdDebug(1202) << "Saving as " << name << endl;
+ m_pViewManager->saveViewProfile( name, m_pProfileNameLineEdit->text(),
+ m_cbSaveURLs->isChecked(), m_cbSaveSize->isChecked() );
+ accept();
+void KonqProfileDlg::slotUser2() // Delete button
+ if(!m_pListView->selectedItem())
+ return;
+ KonqProfileMap::Iterator it = m_mapEntries.find( m_pListView->selectedItem()->text(0) );
+ if ( it != m_mapEntries.end() && TQFile::remove( ) )
+ loadAllProfiles();
+ enableButton( BTN_RENAME, m_pListView->selectedItem() != 0 );
+ enableButton( BTN_DELETE, m_pListView->selectedItem() != 0 );
+void KonqProfileDlg::slotUser1() // Rename button
+ TQListViewItem *item = m_pListView->selectedItem();
+ if ( item )
+ m_pListView->rename( item, 0 );
+void KonqProfileDlg::slotItemRenamed( TQListViewItem * item )
+ KonqProfileItem * profileItem = static_cast<KonqProfileItem *>( item );
+ TQString newName = profileItem->text(0);
+ TQString oldName = profileItem->m_profileName;
+ if (!newName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ KonqProfileMap::ConstIterator it = m_mapEntries.find( oldName );
+ if ( it != m_mapEntries.end() )
+ {
+ TQString fileName =;
+ KSimpleConfig cfg( fileName );
+ cfg.setGroup( "Profile" );
+ cfg.writeEntry( "Name", newName );
+ cfg.sync();
+ // Didn't find how to change a key...
+ m_mapEntries.remove( oldName );
+ m_mapEntries.insert( newName, fileName );
+ m_pProfileNameLineEdit->setText( newName );
+ profileItem->m_profileName = newName;
+ }
+ }
+void KonqProfileDlg::slotSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem * item )
+ m_pProfileNameLineEdit->setText( item ? item->text(0) : TQString::null );
+void KonqProfileDlg::slotTextChanged( const TQString & text )
+ enableButton( KDialogBase::User3, !text.isEmpty() );
+ // If we type the name of a profile, select it in the list
+ bool itemSelected = false;
+ TQListViewItem * item;
+ for ( item = m_pListView->firstChild() ; item ; item = item->nextSibling() )
+ if ( item->text(0) == text /*only full text, not partial*/ )
+ {
+ itemSelected = true;
+ m_pListView->setSelected( item, true );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( !itemSelected ) // otherwise, clear selection
+ m_pListView->clearSelection();
+ if ( itemSelected )
+ {
+ TQFileInfo fi( m_mapEntries[ item->text( 0 ) ] );
+ itemSelected = itemSelected && fi.isWritable();
+ }
+ enableButton( BTN_RENAME, itemSelected );
+ enableButton( BTN_DELETE, itemSelected );
+#undef BTN_RENAME
+#undef BTN_DELETE
+#undef BTN_SAVE
+#include "konq_profiledlg.moc"