path: root/kcontrol/info/memory.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kcontrol/info/memory.cpp')
1 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9743087dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ * memory.cpp
+ *
+ * prints memory-information and shows a graphical display.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Helge Deller <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/param.h> /* for BSD */
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qpainter.h>
+#include <qdrawutil.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kseparator.h>
+#include "memory.h"
+enum { /* entries for Memory_Info[] */
+ TOTAL_MEM = 0, /* total physical memory (without swaps) */
+ FREE_MEM, /* total free physical memory (without swaps) */
+#if !defined(__svr4__) || !defined(sun)
+#if !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ SHARED_MEM, /* shared memory size */
+ BUFFER_MEM, /* buffered memory size */
+ CACHED_MEM, /* cache memory size (located in ram) */
+ SWAP_MEM, /* total size of all swap-partitions */
+ FREESWAP_MEM, /* free memory in swap-partitions */
+ all update()-functions should put either
+ their results _OR_ the value NO_MEMORY_INFO into Memory_Info[]
+static t_memsize Memory_Info[MEM_LAST_ENTRY];
+#define MEMORY(x) ((t_memsize) (x)) /* it's easier... */
+#define ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(value) ((value) != NO_MEMORY_INFO ? (value) : 0)
+/* Implementation */
+static QLabel *MemSizeLabel[MEM_LAST_ENTRY][2];
+static QWidget *Graph[MEM_LAST];
+static QLabel *GraphLabel[MEM_LAST];
+#define SPACING 16
+static QString formatted_unit(t_memsize value)
+ if (value > (1024 * 1024))
+ if (value > (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
+ return i18n("%1 GB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0), 2));
+ else
+ return i18n("%1 MB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * 1024.0), 2));
+ else
+ return i18n("%1 KB").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / 1024.0, 2));
+KMemoryWidget::KMemoryWidget(QWidget * parent, const char *name)
+: KCModule(parent, name)
+ KAboutData *about =
+ new KAboutData(I18N_NOOP("kcminfo"),
+ I18N_NOOP("KDE Panel Memory Information Control Module"),
+ 0, 0, KAboutData::License_GPL,
+ I18N_NOOP("(c) 1998 - 2002 Helge Deller"));
+ about->addAuthor("Helge Deller", 0, "[email protected]");
+ setAboutData( about );
+ QString title, initial_str;
+ QLabel *Widget = 0;
+ int i, j;
+ ram_colors_initialized =
+ swap_colors_initialized =
+ all_colors_initialized = false;
+ setButtons(Help);
+ /* default string for no Information... */
+ Not_Available_Text = i18n("Not available.");
+ QVBoxLayout *top = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
+ top->addLayout(hbox);
+ /* stretch the left side */
+ hbox->addStretch();
+ /* first create the Informationtext-Widget */
+ QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(hbox, 0);
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; ++i) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case TOTAL_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Total physical memory:");
+ break;
+ case FREE_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Free physical memory:");
+ break;
+#if !defined(__svr4__) || !defined(sun)
+#if !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ case SHARED_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Shared memory:");
+ break;
+ case BUFFER_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Disk buffers:");
+ break;
+ case ACTIVE_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Active memory:");
+ break;
+ title = i18n("Inactive memory:");
+ break;
+ case CACHED_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Disk cache:");
+ break;
+ case SWAP_MEM:
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ title = i18n("Total swap memory:");
+ break;
+ title = i18n("Free swap memory:");
+ break;
+ default:
+ title = "";
+ break;
+ };
+ Widget = new QLabel(title, this);
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignLeft);
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget, 1);
+ }
+ /* then the memory-content-widgets */
+ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ vbox = new QVBoxLayout(hbox, 0);
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; ++i) {
+ if (i == SWAP_MEM)
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ Widget = new QLabel(this);
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignRight);
+ MemSizeLabel[i][j] = Widget;
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* stretch the right side */
+ hbox->addStretch();
+ KSeparator *line = new KSeparator(KSeparator::HLine, this);
+ top->addWidget(line);
+ /* now the Graphics */
+ QString hint;
+ hbox = new QHBoxLayout(top, 1);
+ for (i = MEM_RAM_AND_HDD; i < MEM_LAST; i++) {
+ hbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ vbox = new QVBoxLayout(hbox);
+ switch (i) {
+ title = i18n("Total Memory");
+ hint = i18n("This graph gives you an overview of the "
+ "<b>total sum of physical and virtual memory</b> "
+ "in your system.");
+ break;
+ case MEM_RAM:
+ title = i18n("Physical Memory");
+ hint = i18n("This graph gives you an overview of "
+ "the <b>usage of physical memory</b> in your system."
+ "<p>Most operating systems (including Linux) "
+ "will use as much of the available physical "
+ "memory as possible as disk cache, "
+ "to speed up the system performance. "
+ "<p>This means that if you have a small amount "
+ "of <b>Free Physical Memory</b> and a large amount of "
+ "<b>Disk Cache Memory</b>, your system is well "
+ "configured.");
+ break;
+ case MEM_HDD:
+ title = i18n("Swap Space");
+ hint = i18n("The swap space is the <b>virtual memory</b> "
+ "available to the system. "
+ "<p>It will be used on demand and is provided "
+ "through one or more swap partitions and/or swap files.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ hint = title = QString::null;
+ break;
+ };
+ if (hint.length())
+ hint = "<qt>" + hint + "</qt>";
+ Widget = new QLabel("<b>" + title + "</b>", this);
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignCenter);
+ QToolTip::add(Widget, hint);
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget);
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING / 2);
+ QWidget *g = new QWidget(this);
+ g->setMinimumWidth(2 * SPACING);
+ g->setMinimumHeight(3 * SPACING);
+ g->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground);
+ QToolTip::add(g, hint); // add the tooltip
+ Graph[i] = g;
+ vbox->addWidget(g, 2);
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING / 2);
+ Widget = new QLabel(this); /* xx MB used. */
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignCenter);
+ QToolTip::add(Widget, hint);
+ GraphLabel[i] = Widget;
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget);
+ }
+ hbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ timer = new QTimer(this);
+ timer->start(100);
+ QObject::connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this,
+ SLOT(update_Values()));
+ update();
+ /* stop the timer */
+ timer->stop();
+QString KMemoryWidget::quickHelp() const
+ return i18n("<h1>Memory Information</h1>"
+ " This display shows you the current memory usage of your system."
+ " The values are updated on a regular basis and give you an"
+ " overview of the physical and virtual used memory." );
+/* Graphical Memory Display */
+bool KMemoryWidget::Display_Graph(int widgetindex,
+ int count,
+ t_memsize total,
+ t_memsize * used,
+ QColor * color,
+ QString *text)
+ QWidget *graph = Graph[widgetindex];
+ int width = graph->width();
+ int height = graph->height();
+ QPixmap pm(width, height);
+ QPainter paint;
+ paint.begin(&pm, this);
+ QPen pen(QColor(0, 0, 0));
+ if (! ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(total)) {
+ paint.fillRect(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2,
+ QBrush(QColor(128, 128, 128)));
+ paint.setPen(pen);
+ paint.drawRect(graph->rect());
+ GraphLabel[widgetindex]->setText(Not_Available_Text);
+ paint.end();
+ bitBlt(graph, 0, 0, &pm);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int startline = height-2;
+ int percent, localheight;
+ t_memsize last_used = 0;
+ while (count--) {
+ last_used = *used;
+ percent = (((long long)last_used) * 100) / total;
+ /* prevent integer overflow with usage of double type */
+ percent = (int) ((((double)last_used) * 100) / total);
+ if (count)
+ localheight = ((height-2) * percent) / 100;
+ else
+ localheight = startline;
+ if (localheight>0) {
+ paint.fillRect(1, startline, width-2, -localheight, *color);
+ if (localheight >= SPACING) {
+ paint.drawText(0, startline-localheight, width, localheight,
+ AlignCenter | WordBreak,
+ QString("%1 %2%").arg(*text).arg(percent));
+ }
+ }
+ startline -= localheight;
+ ++used;
+ ++color;
+ ++text;
+ }
+ /* draw surrounding box */
+ paint.setPen(pen);
+ QRect r = graph->rect();
+ qDrawShadePanel(&paint, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), palette().active(), true, 1);
+ paint.end();
+ bitBlt(graph, 0, 0, &pm);
+ GraphLabel[widgetindex]->setText(i18n("%1 free").arg(formatted_unit(last_used)));
+ return true;
+/* update_Values() is the main-loop for updating the Memory-Information */
+void KMemoryWidget::update_Values()
+ int i;
+ bool ok1;
+ QLabel *label;
+ t_memsize used[5];
+ update(); /* get the Information from memory_linux, memory_fbsd */
+ /* update the byte-strings */
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; i++) {
+ label = MemSizeLabel[i][0];
+ if (Memory_Info[i] == NO_MEMORY_INFO)
+ label->clear();
+ else
+ label->setText(i18n("%1 bytes =").
+ arg(KGlobal::locale()->
+ formatNumber(Memory_Info[i], 0)));
+ }
+ /* update the MB-strings */
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; i++) {
+ label = MemSizeLabel[i][1];
+ label->setText((Memory_Info[i] != NO_MEMORY_INFO)
+ ? formatted_unit(Memory_Info[i])
+ : Not_Available_Text);
+ }
+ /* display graphical output (ram, hdd, at last: HDD+RAM) */
+ /* be careful ! Maybe we have not all info available ! */
+ /* RAM usage: */
+ /* don't rely on the SHARED_MEM value since it may refer to
+ * the size of the System V sharedmem in 2.4.x. Calculate instead! */
+ used[1] = 0;
+#if !defined(__svr4__) || !defined(sun)
+#if !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ used[1] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[BUFFER_MEM]);
+ used[2] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM]);
+ used[3] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[FREE_MEM]);
+ used[0] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM]) - used[1] - used[2] - used[3];
+ if (!ram_colors_initialized) {
+ ram_colors_initialized = true;
+ ram_text[0] = i18n("Application Data");
+ ram_colors[0] = COLOR_USED_MEMORY; /* used+shared */
+ ram_text[1] = i18n("Disk Buffers");
+ ram_colors[1] = QColor(24,131,5); /* buffer */
+ ram_text[2] = i18n("Disk Cache");
+ ram_colors[2] = QColor(33,180,7); /* cached */
+ ram_text[3] = i18n("Free Physical Memory");
+ ram_colors[3] = COLOR_FREE_MEMORY; /* free */
+ }
+ ok1 = Display_Graph(MEM_RAM, 4, Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM],
+ used, ram_colors, ram_text);
+ /* SWAP usage: */
+ used[1] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM]);
+ used[0] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM]) - used[1];
+ if (!swap_colors_initialized) {
+ swap_colors_initialized = true;
+ swap_text[0] = i18n("Used Swap");
+ swap_colors[0] = COLOR_USED_SWAP; /* used */
+ swap_text[1] = i18n("Free Swap");
+ swap_colors[1] = COLOR_FREE_MEMORY; /* free */
+ }
+ Display_Graph(MEM_HDD, 2, Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM],
+ used, swap_colors, swap_text);
+ /* RAM + SWAP usage: */
+ if (Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] == NO_MEMORY_INFO ||
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = 0;
+ used[1] = Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] - Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM];
+ used[2] = Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] + Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM];
+ used[0] = (Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM]+Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM])-used[1]-used[2];
+ if (!all_colors_initialized) {
+ all_colors_initialized = true;
+ all_text[0] = i18n("Used Physical Memory");
+ all_colors[0] = COLOR_USED_MEMORY; /* used ram */
+ all_text[1] = i18n("Used Swap");
+ all_colors[1] = COLOR_USED_SWAP; /* used swap */
+ all_text[2] = i18n("Total Free Memory");
+ all_colors[2] = COLOR_FREE_MEMORY; /* free ram+swap*/
+ }
+ Display_Graph(MEM_RAM_AND_HDD, 3,
+ ok1 ? Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] + Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM]
+ used, all_colors, all_text);
+/* Include system-specific code */
+#ifdef __linux__
+#include "memory_linux.cpp"
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#include "memory_osx.cpp"
+#elif defined(sgi) && sgi
+#include "memory_sgi.cpp"
+#elif defined(__svr4__) && defined(sun)
+#include "memory_solaris.cpp"
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
+#include "memory_fbsd.cpp"
+#elif defined(__hpux)
+#include "memory_hpux.cpp"
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
+#include "memory_netbsd.cpp"
+#elif __osf__
+#include "memory_tru64.cpp"
+/* Default for unsupported systems */
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ int i;
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; ++i)
+ Memory_Info[i] = NO_MEMORY_INFO;
+#include "memory.moc"