path: root/kcontrol/info
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kcontrol/info')
44 files changed, 9797 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/AUTHORS b/kcontrol/info/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..752630926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/AUTHORS
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Info Module:
+ Original (means: insufficient) implementation:
+ Matthias Hoelzer <[email protected]>
+Various authors contributed the code for non-Linux systems, among them:
+ David Brownlee <[email protected]> [NetBSD]
+ Jaromir Dolecek <[email protected]> [NetBSD]
+ Paul Kendall <[email protected]> [IRIX]
+ Vladimir Kushnir <[email protected]> [FreeBSD]
+ Aubert Pierre <[email protected]> [HP-UX]
+ Alex Zepeda <[email protected]> [FreeBSD]
+ Sebestyen Zoltan <[email protected]> [FreeBSD]
+Conversion to kcontrol applet:
+ Matthias Hoelzer <[email protected]>
+Added more informations for Linux and HP-UX (empty functions for the other systems):
+ Helge Deller <[email protected]>
+ (Added: pci, dma, interrupts, sound, X-server, devices, ioports, partitions, SCSI)
+ Hey! FreeBSD's got Sound, XServer, devices, partitions and SCSI info for
+ FreeBSD now too, compliments of your truly.
+ Alex Zepeda <[email protected]>
+Have YOU seen the glove of K?
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/CMakeLists.txt b/kcontrol/info/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58f941e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian
+# serghei (DOT) amelian (AT)
+# Improvements and feedback are welcome
+# This file is released under GPL >= 2
+ add_definitions( -DINFO_OPENGL_AVAILABLE )
+ set( OPENGL_DESKTOP opengl.desktop )
+ set( OPENGL_SOURCES opengl.cpp )
+endif( WITH_OPENGL )
+##### other data ################################
+install( FILES
+ memory.desktop processor.desktop dma.desktop
+ interrupts.desktop ioports.desktop pci.desktop
+ sound.desktop devices.desktop scsi.desktop
+ partitions.desktop xserver.desktop cdinfo.desktop
+##### kcm_info (module) #########################
+tde_add_kpart( kcm_info AUTOMOC
+ SOURCES main.cpp memory.cpp ${OPENGL_SOURCES}
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/ChangeLog b/kcontrol/info/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..675fc34c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+1998-11-09 Alex Zepeda <[email protected]>
+ * info_fbsd.cpp: Fix the SCSI information, so that it's actually
+ displayed (only if info can be found). However, either kcminfo or
+ camcontrol needs to be suid root. Your choice.
+ * info_fbsd.cpp: Add a few (hopefully) useful comments, and tidy up
+ some of the code.
+1998-12-08 Helge Deller <[email protected]>
+ * info.cpp:
+ fixed the column-width of KTabListboxes, where only one column was/is visible.
+ If more than one column is used, then the called function should set the width !
+ * added sections to the online-help in the /doc-directory
+1998-12-08 Duncan Haldane <[email protected]>
+ * info_linux.cpp:
+ made the sound info look first for /dev/sndstat, before /proc/sound.
+ Introduced #defines for all the hard-coded /proc/* files to make subsequent
+ changes easier.
+ * expanded the descriptions in the online help.
+ * deleted processor.xpm and memory.xpm (no longer needed)
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/ b/kcontrol/info/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30eb5ebe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+kcm_info_la_SOURCES = main.cpp memory.cpp opengl.cpp
+kcm_info_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -module -avoid-version -no-undefined $(FRAMEWORK_COREAUDIO)
+AM_CPPFLAGS= $(all_includes) $(GLINC)
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/kcminfo.pot
+xdg_apps_DATA = memory.desktop processor.desktop dma.desktop \
+ interrupts.desktop ioports.desktop opengl.desktop pci.desktop sound.desktop \
+ devices.desktop scsi.desktop partitions.desktop xserver.desktop \
+ cdinfo.desktop
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/cdinfo.desktop b/kcontrol/info/cdinfo.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..588730fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/cdinfo.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell cdinfo
+Name=CD-ROM Information
+Name[bn]=সিডি-রম তথ্য
+Name[ca]=Informació del CD-ROM
+Name[cs]=Informace o CD-ROM
+Name[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò CD-ROMie
+Name[el]=Πληροφορίες CD-ROM
+Name[eo]=Lumdiska Informo
+Name[es]=Información de CD-ROM
+Name[et]=CD-seadme info
+Name[fa]=اطلاعات دیسک فشرده
+Name[fi]=CD-ROM tiedot
+Name[fr]=Informations sur le CD-Rom
+Name[fy]=Kompaktskiif ynformaasje
+Name[gl]=Información do CD-ROM
+Name[he]=מידע אודות תקליטורים
+Name[hr]=CD-ROM podaci
+Name[id]=Informasi CD-ROM
+Name[is]=Upplýsingar um CD-ROM
+Name[it]=Informazioni CD-ROM
+Name[ja]=CD-ROM 情報
+Name[kk]=CD-ROM мәліметі
+Name[ko]=DMA 정보
+Name[lt]=CD-ROM informacija
+Name[nb]=Informasjon om CD-ROM
+Name[ne]=सीडी रोम जानकारी
+Name[nl]=Informatie over CD-ROM
+Name[pa]=CD-ROM ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Name[pl]=Informacja o CD-ROM-ie
+Name[pt]=Informação do CD-ROM
+Name[pt_BR]=Informações do CD-ROM
+Name[ro]=Informații CD-ROM
+Name[ru]=Сведения о CD-ROM
+Name[sk]=Informácie o CD-ROM
+Name[sl]=Podatki o CD-ROMu
+Name[sr]=Информације о CD-ROM-у
+Name[sr@Latn]=Informacije o CD-ROM-u
+Name[te]=సీడీ-రామ్ సమాచారం
+Name[tg]=Иттилооти CD-ROM
+Name[th]=ข้อมูลของ CD-ROM
+Name[tr]=CD-ROM Bilgisi
+Name[uk]=Інформація CD-ROM
+Name[uz]=CD-ROM uskunasi
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=CD-ROM ускунаси
+Name[vi]=Thông tin đĩa CD-ROM
+Name[wa]=Informåcions do CD-ROM
+Comment=CD/DVD Drive Capabilites
+Comment[bg]=Информация за CD/DVD устройството
+Comment[bn]=সিডি/ডিভিডি ড্রাইভ-এর ক্ষমতাবলী
+Comment[ca]=Capacitats del dispositiu CD/DVD
+Comment[cs]=Kompatibilita CD/DVD mechaniky
+Comment[csb]=Mòżlëwòtë nëka CD/DVD
+Comment[da]=Cd- eller dvd-enhedens formåen
+Comment[el]=Δυνατότητες οδηγού CD/DVD
+Comment[eo]=LD/DVDa legilaj eblecoj
+Comment[es]=Posibilidades del dispositivo CD/ DVD
+Comment[et]=CD/DVD-seadme omadused
+Comment[fa]=قابلیتهای گردانندۀ CD/DVD
+Comment[fi]=CD/DVD-aseman ominaisuudet
+Comment[fr]=Capacités du lecteur de CD / DVD
+Comment[fy]=Kompakt-/Dûbelskiif skriuwmooglikheden
+Comment[gl]=Funcións do Dispositivo de CD/DVD
+Comment[he]=מאפייני תקליטור או צורב
+Comment[hr]=CD/DVD mogućnosti pogona
+Comment[hu]=CD/DVD-meghajtó jellemzői
+Comment[is]=Geta CD/DVD tækis
+Comment[it]=Caratteristiche lettore CD/DVD
+Comment[ja]=CD/DVD ドライブの機能
+Comment[kk]=CD/DVD дискжетек мүмкіндіктері
+Comment[lt]=CD/DVD įrenginio galimybės
+Comment[nb]=CD/DVD-drevets muligheter
+Comment[ne]=सीडी/डीभीडी ड्राइभ क्षमता
+Comment[nl]=Mogelijkheden van CD/DVD-station
+Comment[nn]=Eigenskapar til CD/DVD-spelar
+Comment[pa]=CD/DVD ਡਰਾਇਵ ਸਮੱਰਥਾ
+Comment[pl]=Możliwości napędu CD/DVD
+Comment[pt]=Capacidades da Unidade de CD/DVD
+Comment[pt_BR]=Capacidades do Drive de CD/DVD
+Comment[ro]=Capabilități unitate CD/DVD
+Comment[ru]=Возможности привода CD/DVD
+Comment[sk]=Schopnosti CD/DVD zariadenia
+Comment[sl]=Zmožnosti pogona CD/DVD
+Comment[sr]=Могућности CD/DVD уређаја
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Mogućnosti CD/DVD uređaja
+Comment[sv]=Cd- eller dvd-enhetens förmågor
+Comment[te]=సీడి/డివిడి డ్రైవ్ సామర్ద్యాలు
+Comment[tg]=Захираҳои дастгоҳи CD/DVD
+Comment[th]=ความสามารถของไดรฟ CD/DVD
+Comment[tr]=CD/DVD Sürücü Becerileri
+Comment[uk]=Можливості приводу КД/DVD
+Comment[uz]=CD/DVD uskunasi haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=CD/DVD ускунаси ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[vi]=Khả năng ổ đĩa CD/DVD
+Comment[wa]=Usteyes di léjheu CD/DVD
+Comment[zh_TW]=CD/DVD 相容性
+Keywords=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;
+Keywords[bg]=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities; информация за CD-ROM; CD устройство;
+Keywords[ca]=Informació del CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Dispositiu CD ;Capacitats d'escriptura;
+Keywords[cs]=Informace o CD; mechanice a možnostech vypalovačky;
+Keywords[csb]=Wëdowiédzô CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Nëk CD;Mòżlëwòtë nagrëwôcza;
+Keywords[da]=Cdrom-information;cdrom;cd;cd-enhed;brænderens formåen;
+Keywords[de]=CD-ROM-Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;
+Keywords[el]=Πληροφορίες CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Οδηγός CD;Δυνατότητες εγγραφέα;
+Keywords[eo]=Lumdiska informoj;Lumdikso;Lumdiskigilo;Lumdiska registrilo;
+Keywords[es]=Información CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Dispositivo CD;Capacidades de escritura;
+Keywords[et]=CD-seadme info;CD-ROM;CD;CD-seade;kirjuti omadused;
+Keywords[fa]=اطلاعات دیسک فشرده، دیسک فشرده، دیسک فشرده، گردانندۀ دیسک فشرده، قابلیتهای رایتر;
+Keywords[fi]=CD-ROM tiedot;CD-ROM;CD;CD-asema;Kirjoitusominaisuudet;
+Keywords[fr]=CD-ROM Informations;CD-ROM;CD;lecteur CD;capacités;graveur;fonctionnalités;
+Keywords[fy]=Kompaktskiif ynformaasje;CD-ROM;CD;CD stasjon;Skriuwmooglikheden;
+Keywords[gl]=Información do CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Dispositivo de CD;Funcións de Gravación;
+Keywords[he]=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities; מידע אודות תקליטורים; תקליטור; תקליטור; צורב; סידי; סידי־רום; סידי-רום;
+Keywords[hr]=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;CD-ROM podaci; CD pogon;mogućnosti pogona;
+Keywords[hu]=CD-ROM-jellemzők;CD-ROM;CD;CD-meghajtó;CD-író;írási jellemzők;
+Keywords[is]=CD-ROM upplýsingar;CD-ROM;CD;CD drif;geta skrifara;
+Keywords[it]=Informazioni CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Lettore CD;Caratteristiche del masterizzatore;
+Keywords[lt]=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;rašymas;diskas; CD įrenginys;
+Keywords[nb]=CD-ROM informasjon;CD-ROM;CD;CD-drev; skrivermuligheter;
+Keywords[ne]=सीडी रोम जानकारी; सीडी रोम;सीडी;सीडी ड्राइभ; लेखकको क्षमता;
+Keywords[nl]=Informatie over CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;CD station;schrijver;CD-schrijver;schrijfmogelijkheden;CD-station;
+Keywords[pl]=Informacja CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Napęd CD;Możliwości nagrywarki;
+Keywords[pt]=Informação do CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Leitor de CD;Capacidades do Gravador;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=Informações do CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Drive de CD;Capacidades do Gravador;
+Keywords[ro]=Informații CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;Unitate CD;Capabilități inscriptor;
+Keywords[ru]=Сведения о CD-ROM; CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;возможности привода;привод;
+Keywords[sk]=CD-ROM informácie;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;
+Keywords[sl]=Podatki o CD-ROMu;CD;Pogon CD;Zmožnosti zapisovalnika;DVD;
+Keywords[sr]=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;информације CD;уређај;могућности;писач;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;informacije CD;uređaj;mogućnosti;pisač;
+Keywords[sv]=cdrom-information;cdrom;cd;cd-enhet;brännarens förmåga;
+Keywords[tg]=Иттилооти CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;Дастгоҳи CD; Захираҳои сабткунӣ;
+Keywords[th]=-ข้อมูล CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;ไดรฟ CD;ความสามารถของเครื่องเขียน;
+Keywords[tr]=CD-ROM Bilgileri;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Yazıcının Özellikleri;
+Keywords[uk]=CD-ROM Information;CD-ROM;CD;CD Drive;Writer Capabilities;Інформація CD-ROM;CD-ROM;КД;Привід КД;Можливості приводу запису;
+Keywords[vi]=Thông tin đĩa CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD; ổ đĩa CD; Khả năng ổ ghi;
+Keywords[wa]=Informåcion do CD-ROM;CD-ROM;CD;léjheu d' CD;Usteyes di scrijhaedje;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/ b/kcontrol/info/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c66a13f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if test x$have_gl = xno; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "You are missing"
+ if test "$ac_cv_header_GL_gl_h" = "no"; then
+ echo " - OpenGL (mesa)"
+ fi
+ if test "$ac_cv_header_GL_glu_h" = "no"; then
+ echo " - GLU"
+ fi
+ echo "OpenGL information module has been disabled."
+ echo ""
+ all_tests=bad
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/ b/kcontrol/info/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bc6d1c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# libmach for Tru64
+# linux/raw.h for Linux
+# devinfo.h, libdevinfo for the list of {IRQ,DMA,IOPORTS/MEMRANGES} for FreeBSD
+case "$host" in
+ *-*-osf*)
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(mach, vm_statistics, LIB_TRU64_MACH="-lmach")dnl
+ ;;
+ *-*-linux*)
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/raw.h sys/raw.h)dnl
+ ;;
+ *-*-freebsd*)
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(devinfo.h)
+ AC_CHECK_LIB(devinfo, devinfo_foreach_rman, LIBDEVINFO="-ldevinfo")
+ ;;
+AC_HAVE_GL( have_gl=yes, have_gl=no )
+AM_CONDITIONAL(COMPILE_GL_INFO, test x$have_gl = xyes)
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/devices.desktop b/kcontrol/info/devices.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e4e6ee26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/devices.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell devices
+Name[vi]=Thiết bị
+Name[zu]=Amathuluzi anenjongo
+Comment=Attached devices information
+Comment[af]=Gekoppelde toestelle informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات الأجهزة المرتبطة
+Comment[az]=Bağlanmış avadanlıqlar haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб далучаных прыладах
+Comment[bg]=Информация за системните устройства
+Comment[bn]=সংলগ্ন ডিভাইস সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn an trobarzhelloù luget
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o priključenim uređajima
+Comment[ca]=Informació dels dispositius connectats
+Comment[cs]=Informace o připojených zařízeních
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò włączonëch ùrządzeniach
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth am ddyfeisiau wedi'i gysylltu
+Comment[da]=Information om tilkoblede enheder
+Comment[de]=Informationen zu angeschlossenen Geräten
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τις συνδεδεμένες συσκευές
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri kunmetitaj aparatoj
+Comment[es]=Información sobre los dispositivos conectados
+Comment[et]=Info ühendatud seadmete kohta
+Comment[eu]=Uztartuta dauden gailuei buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات دستگاههای پیوست‌شده
+Comment[fi]=Tietoja liitetyistä laitteista
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur les périphériques montés
+Comment[fy]=Ynformaasje oer oansletten apparaten
+Comment[gl]=Información dos dispositivos conectados
+Comment[he]=מידע על ההתקנים המחוברים
+Comment[hi]=औज़ार जानकारी संलग्न
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o priključenim uređajima
+Comment[hu]=A csatlakoztatott eszközök jellemzői
+Comment[id]=Informasi divais terkait
+Comment[is]=Upptalning á tækjum tölvu
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sulle periferiche connesse
+Comment[ka]=ცნობები მიერთებულ მოწყობილობებზე
+Comment[kk]=Қосылған құрылғылар туралы
+Comment[ko]=장착된 장치 정보
+Comment[lt]=Prijungtų įrenginių informacija
+Comment[lv]=Pievienoto iekārtu informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за прикачени уреди
+Comment[mn]=Залгаатай төхөөрөмжийн мэдээллүүд
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat Peranti Terlampir
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar devices imwaħħlin
+Comment[nb]=Informasjon om tilkoblede enheter
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över de tokoppelten Reedschappen
+Comment[ne]=सङ्लग्न गरिएका यन्त्रहरू सूचना
+Comment[nl]=Informatie over aangesloten apparaten
+Comment[nn]=Informasjon om tilkopla einingar
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya maano yeo e kgwathisitswego
+Comment[oc]=Informacion dèus dispositius connectats
+Comment[pa]=ਜੁੜੇ ਜੰਤਰਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o włączonych urządzeniach
+Comment[pt]=Informações sobre os Dispositivos
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre dispositivos conectados
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre dispozitivele instalate
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о подключенных устройствах
+Comment[rw]=Ibisobanuro by'amapareye afasheho
+Comment[se]=Dieđuid laktašuvvon ovttadagaid birra
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o pripojených zariadeniach
+Comment[sl]=Informacije o priklopljenih enotah
+Comment[sr]=Информације о прикаченим уређајима
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o prikačenim uređajima
+Comment[sv]=Information om anslutna enheter
+Comment[ta]=சேர்க்கப்பட்ட சாதனங்கள் தகவல்
+Comment[te]=చేర్చిన పరికరాల సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти дастгоҳҳои бастанд
+Comment[tr]=Bağlanmış aygıtlar hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=Totaştırılğan cıhazlar turında belem
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо приєднаних пристроїв
+Comment[uz]=Ulangan uskunalar haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Уланган ускуналар ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Maitele a mafhungo o kwamanywaho
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về thiết bị kèm
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion des éndjins d' ataetchîs
+Comment[xh]=Ulwazi lwamacebo afakelweyo
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lwamathuluzi anenjongo ananyathiseliwe
+Keywords=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;
+Keywords[ar]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;أجهزة;معلومات النظام;معلومات;
+Keywords[az]=dev;Avadanlıqlar;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat; Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=прылады;прылада;сістэмная інфармацыя;інфармацыя;dev;Devices;System Information;Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; устройства; устройство; dev; Devices; System Information; Information;
+Keywords[br]=trobarzhell;titouroù reizhiad;titouroù;
+Keywords[bs]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;uređaji;uređaj;sustav;informacije o sustavu;
+Keywords[ca]=dev;dispositius;Informació del sistema;Informació;
+Keywords[cs]=dev;Zařízení;Systémové informace;Informace;
+Keywords[csb]=dev;systemòwé ùrządzenia;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;wëdowiédzô; infòrmacëjô;
+Keywords[cy]=dyf;Dyfeisiau;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;Gwybodaeth;
+Keywords[el]=dev;Συσκευές;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;Πληροφορίες;
+Keywords[es]=Dispositivos;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=dev;Seadmed;Süsteemi informatsioon;Informatsioon;
+Keywords[eu]=dev;Dispositiboak;Sistemaren informazioa;informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=dev،دستگاهها، اطلاعات سیستم، اطلاعات;
+Keywords[fr]=dev;périphériques;information;informations système;
+Keywords[ga]=dev;Gléasanna;Eolas faoin Chóras;Eolas;
+Keywords[gl]=dev;Dispositivo;Información do Sistema;Información;
+Keywords[he]=התקנים;מידע מערכת;מידע;dev;Devices;System Information;Information;
+Keywords[hi]=डेव;औज़ार;तंत्र जानकारी;जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;uređaji;uređaj;sustav;podaci o sustavu;podaci;
+Keywords[id]=dev;Devices;Informasi Sistem;Informasi;
+Keywords[it]=dev;dispositivi;periferiche;informazioni sul sistema;informazioni;
+Keywords[lt]=dev;Įrenginiai;Sistemos Informacija;Informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=iek;Iekārtas;Sistēmas Informācija;Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;Уреди;Информации за системот;Информација;
+Keywords[mn]=dev;Төхөөрөмж;Системийн мэдээлэл;Мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[ne]=डेभ; यन्त्र; प्रणाली सूचना; सूचना;
+Keywords[nso]=dev;Maano;Tshedimoso ya System;Tshedimoso;
+Keywords[oc]=dev;dispositius;Informacion dèu sistemo;Informacion;
+Keywords[pa]=dev;ਜੰਤਰ;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;
+Keywords[pl]=dev;Urządzenia systemowe;informacja o systemie;Informacja;
+Keywords[pt]=dev;dispositivos;informações de sistema;informação;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=dev;Dispositivos;Informações de sistema;Informações;Informação;
+Keywords[ro]=dev;dispozitive;informații sistem;informații;
+Keywords[rw]=dev;Apareye;Amakuru Sisitemu;Amakuru;
+Keywords[sk]=dev;Zariadenia;Systém Informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=dev;naprave;informacije o sistemu;informacije;
+Keywords[sr]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;уређаји;системске информације;информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;uređaji;sistemske informacije;informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=dev;சாதனங்கள்; கணினித் தகவல்; தகவல்;
+Keywords[tg]=dev;Дастгоҳҳо;Иттилооти система;Иттилоот;
+Keywords[tr]=dev;Aygıtlar;Sistem Hakkında Bilgi; Bilgi;
+Keywords[uz]=dev;Uskunalar;Maʼlumot;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=dev;Ускуналар;Маълумот;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=dev;Maano;Mafhungo a sisitemu;Mafhungo;
+Keywords[vi]=dev;Thiết bị;Thông tin Hệ thống;Thông tin;
+Keywords[wa]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;informåcion do sistinme; informåcion;éndjins;
+Keywords[xh]=dev;Amacebo;Ulwazi lwendlela;Ulwazi;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;设备;系统信息;信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=dev;Devices;System Information;Information;設備;系統資訊;資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=dev;Amathuluzi anenjongo;Ulwazi lwesistimu;Ulwazi;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/dma.desktop b/kcontrol/info/dma.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1af1bf5e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/dma.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell dma
+Name[az]=DMA Kanalları
+Name[be]=Каналы DMA
+Name[bg]=DMA канали
+Name[br]=Kanolioù DMA
+Name[ca]=Canals DMA
+Name[cs]=DMA kanály
+Name[csb]=Kanałë DMA
+Name[cy]=Sianeli DMA
+Name[el]=Κανάλια DMA
+Name[es]=Canales DMA
+Name[et]=DMA kanalid
+Name[fa]=مجراهای دستیابی مستقیم به حافظه
+Name[fr]=Canaux DMA
+Name[gl]=Canles de DMA
+Name[he]=גישה ישירה לזיכרון
+Name[hr]=DMA kanali
+Name[it]=Canali DMA
+Name[ja]=DMA チャンネル
+Name[ka]=DMA არხები
+Name[km]=ផ្លូវ DMA
+Name[ko]=DMA 채널
+Name[ms]=Saluran DMA
+Name[nso]=Dikanale tsa DMA
+Name[oc]=Canals DMA
+Name[pl]=Kanały DMA
+Name[pt]=Canais de DMA
+Name[pt_BR]=Canais DMA
+Name[ro]=Canale DMA
+Name[ru]=Каналы DMA
+Name[sk]=DMA kanály
+Name[sl]=Kanali DMA
+Name[sr]=DMA канали
+Name[sr@Latn]=DMA kanali
+Name[ss]=Migudvu ye DMa
+Name[th]=ช่อง DMA
+Name[tr]=DMA Kanalları
+Name[uk]=Канали ПДП
+Name[uz]=DMA kanallari
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=DMA каналлари
+Name[ven]=Tshanele ya DMA
+Name[vi]=Kênh DMA
+Name[wa]=Canås DMA
+Name[zh_CN]=DMA 通道
+Name[zh_TW]=DMA 通道
+Comment=DMA information
+Comment[af]=Dma informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات DMA
+Comment[az]=DMA haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб DMA
+Comment[bg]=Информация за DMA
+Comment[bn]=ডি.এম.এ. সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn an DMA
+Comment[bs]=DMA informacije
+Comment[ca]=Informació de la DMA
+Comment[cs]=Informace o DMA
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò DMA
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth DMA
+Comment[de]=Informationen zu DMA
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τα DMA
+Comment[es]=Información sobre DMA
+Comment[et]=DMA kanalite info
+Comment[eu]=DMAri buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات دسترسی مستقیم به حافظه
+Comment[fr]=Informations DMA
+Comment[ga]=Eolas faoi DMA
+Comment[gl]=Información de DMA
+Comment[he]=מידע על ערוצי הגישה הישירה לזיכרון
+Comment[hi]=डीएमए जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=DMA podaci
+Comment[id]=Informasi DMA
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um DMA-brautir
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sul DMA
+Comment[ja]=DMA 情報
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია DMA–ს შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=DMA мәліметі
+Comment[km]=ព័ត៌មាន DMA
+Comment[ko]=DMA 정보
+Comment[lt]=DMA informacija
+Comment[lv]=DMA informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за DMA
+Comment[mn]=DMA-н мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat DMA
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar DMA
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över DMA
+Comment[ne]=DMA सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya DMA
+Comment[oc]=Informacion de DMA
+Comment[pa]=DMA ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o DMA
+Comment[pt]=Informação do DMA
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações de DMA
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre canalele DMA
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о DMA
+Comment[rw]=Ibisobanuro DMA
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o DMA
+Comment[sl]=Informacija o neposrednem dostopu do pomnilnika (DMA)
+Comment[sr]=DMA информације
+Comment[sr@Latn]=DMA informacije
+Comment[ss]=Imininingwaneye DMA
+Comment[ta]=DMA தகவல்
+Comment[te]=డిఎంఏ సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти DMA
+Comment[th]=ข้อมูล DMA
+Comment[tr]=DMA hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=DMA turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо ПДП
+Comment[uz]=DMA haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=DMA ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo a DMA
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin DMA
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion so les canås DMA
+Comment[xh]=DMA ulwazi
+Comment[zh_CN]=DMA 信息
+Comment[zh_TW]=DMA 資訊
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lwe-DMA
+Keywords=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Informasie;
+Keywords[az]=dma;DMA-Kanalları;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=каналы DMA;сістэмная інфармацыя;dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; канали; канал; dma; DMA-Channels; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=dma;kanolioù DMA;titoutoù reizhoad;
+Keywords[bs]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;DMA-kanali;informacije o sustavu;
+Keywords[ca]=dma;Canals DMA;informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=dma;DMA kanály;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=dma;kanałë DMA;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=dma;Sianeli DMA;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[el]=dma;Κανάλια DMA;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=DMA;Canales DMA;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=dma;DMA kanalid;süsteemi informatsioon;
+Keywords[eu]=dma;DMA-Kanalak;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=dma ،مجراهای دستیابی مستقیم به حافظه، اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=dma;canaux DMA;informations système;
+Keywords[ga]=dma;Cainéil-DMA;Eolas faoin Chóras;
+Keywords[gl]=dma;Canles de DMA;Canales DMA;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=ערוצי גישה ישירה לזיכרון;מידע מערכת;DMA;DMA-Channels;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=डीएमए;डीएमए-चैनल्स;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;DMA kanali;podaci o sustavu;
+Keywords[id]=dma;DMA-Channels;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[it]=DMA;canali DMA;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[ka]=dma;DMA-არხები;ინფორმაცია სისტემის შესახებ;
+Keywords[km]=dma;ផ្លូវ DMA;ព័ត៌មាន​ប្រព័ន្ធ;
+Keywords[lo]=dma;DMA-Channels;System InformationKeywords=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;
+Keywords[lt]=dma;DMA-Kanalai;Sistemos Informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=dma;DMA-Kanāli;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;DMA канали;канали;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=DMA;DMA-сувгууд;Системийн мэдээлэл;Мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[ne]=dma; DMA-च्यानल; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nso]=dma;Dikanale tsa DMA;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=dma;Canals DMA;informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=dma;DMA-Channels;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;
+Keywords[pl]=dma;kanały DMA;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=dma;canais dma;informações de sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=DMA;canais DMA;canal DMA;informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=dma;canale DMA;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=dma;Imirongomakuru-DMA;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=dma;DMA-kanály;Systémové Informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=dma;kanali DMA;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;канали;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;kanali;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=dma;DMA-வழிமுறைகள்;அமைப்பு தகவல்;
+Keywords[tg]=dma;Каналҳои-DMA;Иттилооти система;
+Keywords[th]=dma;ช่อง DMA;ข้อมูลระบบ;
+Keywords[tr]=dma;DMA-Kanalları;Sistem Hakkında Bilgi;
+Keywords[uk]=dma;канал ПДП; інформація;system-information;information;
+Keywords[uz]=dma;DMA kanallari;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=dma;DMA каналлари;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=dma;Dzitshanele dza DMA;Mafhungo a sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=dma;Kênh DMA;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=informåcion do sistinme;dma;Canås DMA;
+Keywords[xh]=dma;DMA-Imijelo;Ulwazi Lwendlela yokusebenza;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;DMA 通道;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=dma;DMA-Channels;System Information;DMA通道;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=dma;Imigudu-DMA;Ulwazi lwesistimu;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d79f4f54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ Main Widget for showing system-dependent information.
+ (But all functions in THIS FILE should be system independent !)
+ (C) 1998-2003 by Helge Deller <[email protected]>
+ ** main.cpp includes this file ! **
+ This source-file includes another system-dependet sourcefile called
+ info_<systemname>.cpp
+ which should define one or more of the following defines to
+ indicate, that this information is really available.
+ right now, there is the problem, that also the .desktop-files should
+ depend on the systemname, so that only available .desktop-files will
+ be copied to kde/applnk/Settings/Information !!
+#include <tqheader.h>
+#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
+#include <tqlayout.h>
+#include <tdeglobalsettings.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include "info.h" /* include the forward declares... */
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+/* All Functions GetInfo_xyz() can set GetInfo_ErrorString, when a special
+ error-message should be shown to the user....
+ If GetInfo_ErrorString is not modified in the function, the default string
+ DEFAULT_ERRORSTRING will be used...
+static TQString *GetInfo_ErrorString; /* should always point to:
+ KInfoListWidget::ErrorString */
+static bool sorting_allowed; /* is sorting allowed by user ? */
+#if defined(__linux__)
+# define DEFAULT_ERRORSTRING TQString::null /* i18n("Maybe the proc-filesystem is not enabled in Linux-Kernel.") */
+#elif defined(__hpux)
+# define DEFAULT_ERRORSTRING TQString::null
+#define DEFAULT_ERRORSTRING i18n("Maybe this system is not completely supported yet :-(")
+/* easier to read with such a define ! */
+#define I18N_MAX(txt,in,fm,maxw) \
+ { int n = fm.width(txt=in); if (n>maxw) maxw=n; }
+#define PIXEL_ADD 20 // add x Pixel to multicolumns..
+#define HEXDIGITS (sizeof(int)*8/4) /* 4 Bytes = 32 Bits = 8 Hex-Digits */
+static const TQString Value( int val, int numbers=1 )
+ return TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(val, 0).rightJustify(numbers);
+static const TQString HexStr(unsigned long val, int digits )
+ TQString hexstr;
+ int i;
+ hexstr = TQString::fromLatin1("0x%1").arg(val, digits, 16/*=HEX*/);
+ for (i=hexstr.length()-1; i>0; --i)
+ if (hexstr[i]==' ')
+ hexstr[i] = '0';
+ return hexstr;
+static struct _event_table {
+ const char *name;
+ long value;
+} event_table[] = {
+ { "KeyPressMask", KeyPressMask },
+ { "KeyReleaseMask", KeyReleaseMask },
+ { "ButtonPressMask", ButtonPressMask },
+ { "ButtonReleaseMask", ButtonReleaseMask },
+ { "EnterWindowMask", EnterWindowMask },
+ { "LeaveWindowMask", LeaveWindowMask },
+ { "PointerMotionMask", PointerMotionMask },
+ { "PointerMotionHintMask", PointerMotionHintMask },
+ { "Button1MotionMask", Button1MotionMask },
+ { "Button2MotionMask", Button2MotionMask },
+ { "Button3MotionMask", Button3MotionMask },
+ { "Button4MotionMask", Button4MotionMask },
+ { "Button5MotionMask", Button5MotionMask },
+ { "ButtonMotionMask", ButtonMotionMask },
+ { "KeymapStateMask", KeymapStateMask },
+ { "ExposureMask", ExposureMask },
+ { "VisibilityChangeMask", VisibilityChangeMask },
+ { "StructureNotifyMask", StructureNotifyMask },
+ { "ResizeRedirectMask", ResizeRedirectMask },
+ { "SubstructureNotifyMask", SubstructureNotifyMask },
+ { "SubstructureRedirectMask",SubstructureRedirectMask },
+ { "FocusChangeMask", FocusChangeMask },
+ { "PropertyChangeMask", PropertyChangeMask },
+ { "ColormapChangeMask", ColormapChangeMask },
+ { "OwnerGrabButtonMask", OwnerGrabButtonMask },
+ { 0L, 0 }};
+static TQListViewItem* XServer_fill_screen_info( TQListViewItem *lBox, TQListViewItem *last,
+ Display *dpy, int scr, int default_scr)
+ unsigned width, height;
+ double xres, yres;
+ int i,
+ ndepths,
+ *depths;
+ Screen *s = ScreenOfDisplay(dpy,scr); /* opaque structure */
+ TQListViewItem *item;
+ /*
+ * there are 2.54 centimeters to an inch; so there are 25.4 millimeters.
+ *
+ * dpi = N pixels / (M millimeters / (25.4 millimeters / 1 inch))
+ * = N pixels / (M inch / 25.4)
+ * = N * 25.4 pixels / M inch
+ */
+ xres = ((double)(DisplayWidth(dpy,scr) *25.4)/DisplayWidthMM(dpy,scr) );
+ yres = ((double)(DisplayHeight(dpy,scr)*25.4)/DisplayHeightMM(dpy,scr));
+ item = new TQListViewItem(lBox,last, i18n("Screen # %1").arg((int)scr,-1),
+ (scr==default_scr) ? i18n("(Default Screen)") : TQString::null );
+ item->setExpandable(true);
+ if (scr==default_scr)
+ item->setOpen(true);
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, i18n("Dimensions"),
+ i18n("%1 x %2 Pixel (%3 x %4 mm)")
+ .arg( (int)DisplayWidth(dpy,scr) )
+ .arg( (int)DisplayHeight(dpy,scr) )
+ .arg( (int)DisplayWidthMM(dpy,scr) )
+ .arg( (int)DisplayHeightMM (dpy,scr) ));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Resolution"),
+ i18n("%1 x %2 dpi")
+ .arg( (int)(xres+0.5) )
+ .arg( (int)(yres+0.5) ));
+ ndepths = 0;
+ depths = 0;
+ depths = XListDepths (dpy, scr, &ndepths);
+ if (depths) {
+ TQString txt;
+ for (i = 0; i < ndepths; i++) {
+ txt = txt + Value(depths[i]);
+ if (i < ndepths - 1)
+ txt = txt + TQString::fromLatin1(", ");
+ }
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Depths (%1)").arg(ndepths,-1), txt);
+ XFree((char *) depths);
+ }
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Root Window ID"),
+ HexStr((unsigned long)RootWindow(dpy,scr),HEXDIGITS));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Depth of Root Window"),
+ (DisplayPlanes (dpy, scr) == 1)
+ ? i18n("%1 plane").arg(DisplayPlanes(dpy,scr)) /*singular*/
+ : i18n("%1 planes").arg(DisplayPlanes(dpy,scr)));/*plural*/
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Number of Colormaps"),
+ i18n("minimum %1, maximum %2")
+ .arg((int)MinCmapsOfScreen(s)).arg((int)MaxCmapsOfScreen(s)));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Default Colormap"),
+ Value((int)DefaultColormap(dpy,scr)));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Default Number of Colormap Cells"),
+ Value((int)DisplayCells(dpy, scr)));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Preallocated Pixels"),
+ i18n("Black %1, White %2")
+ .arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(BlackPixel(dpy,scr), 0))
+ .arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(WhitePixel(dpy,scr), 0)));
+ TQString YES(i18n("Yes"));
+ TQString NO(i18n("No"));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Options"),
+ i18n("backing-store: %1, save-unders: %2")
+ .arg( (DoesBackingStore(s) == NotUseful) ? NO :
+ ((DoesBackingStore(s) == Always) ? YES : i18n("When mapped")) )
+ .arg( DoesSaveUnders(s) ? YES : NO ));
+ XQueryBestSize (dpy, CursorShape, RootWindow(dpy,scr), 65535, 65535,
+ &width, &height);
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Largest Cursor"),
+ (width == 65535 && height == 65535)
+ ? i18n("unlimited") : TQString::fromLatin1("%1 x %2").arg(width).arg(height));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(item, last, i18n("Current Input Event Mask"),
+ HexStr((unsigned long)EventMaskOfScreen(s),HEXDIGITS));
+ item = last;
+ struct _event_table *etp;
+ for (etp=event_table; etp->name; etp++) {
+ if (EventMaskOfScreen(s) & etp->value)
+ item = new TQListViewItem(last, item,
+ i18n("Event = %1").arg(HexStr(etp->value,HEXDIGITS)),
+ etp->name );
+ }
+ return item;
+static const TQString Order( int order )
+ if (order==LSBFirst) return i18n("LSBFirst"); else
+ if (order==MSBFirst) return i18n("MSBFirst"); else
+ return i18n("Unknown Order %1").arg(order);
+static const TQString BitString( unsigned long n )
+ return i18n("1 Bit", "%n Bits", n); // singular & plural form of "%d Bit"
+static const TQString ByteString( unsigned long n )
+ /* explanation in BR #52640 ( */
+ if (n == 1)
+ return i18n("1 Byte"); // singular form: "1 Byte" (yes, it's "1", not "%1"!)
+ return i18n("%1 Bytes") // plural form: "%1 Bytes"
+ .arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(n,0));
+static bool GetInfo_XServer_Generic( TQListView *lBox )
+ /* Many parts of this source are taken from the X11-program "xdpyinfo" */
+ int i,n;
+ long req_size;
+ Display *dpy;
+ XPixmapFormatValues *pmf;
+ TQString str,txt;
+ TQListViewItem *last, *item, *next;
+ dpy = XOpenDisplay(0);
+ if (!dpy)
+ return false;
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information") );
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value") );
+ sorting_allowed = false;
+ next = new TQListViewItem(lBox, i18n("Server Information"));
+ next->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("kcmx"));
+ next->setOpen(true);
+ next->setSelectable(false);
+ next->setExpandable(false);
+ last = new TQListViewItem(next, i18n("Name of the Display"),
+ DisplayString(dpy));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Vendor String"), TQString::fromLatin1(ServerVendor(dpy)));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Vendor Release Number"),
+ Value((int)VendorRelease(dpy)));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Version Number"),
+ TQString::fromLatin1("%1.%2").arg((int)ProtocolVersion(dpy))
+ .arg((int)ProtocolRevision(dpy)));
+ last = item = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Available Screens"));
+ last->setOpen(true);
+ last->setExpandable(true);
+ for (i=0; i<ScreenCount(dpy); i++) {
+ item = XServer_fill_screen_info(last, item, dpy, i, (int)DefaultScreen(dpy));
+ if (i==0) item->setOpen(true);
+ }
+ last = new TQListViewItem( next, last, i18n("Supported Extensions") );
+ item = last;
+ int extCount;
+ char **extensions = XListExtensions( dpy, &extCount );
+ for ( i = 0; i < extCount; i++ ) {
+ item = new TQListViewItem( last, item, TQString::fromLatin1( extensions[i] ) );
+ }
+ XFreeExtensionList( extensions );
+ pmf = XListPixmapFormats(dpy, &n);
+ last = item = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Supported Pixmap Formats"));
+ if (pmf) {
+ last->setExpandable(true);
+ for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ item = new TQListViewItem(last, item,
+ i18n("Pixmap Format #%1").arg(i+1),
+ i18n("%1 BPP, Depth: %2, Scanline padding: %3")
+ .arg(pmf[i].bits_per_pixel)
+ .arg(BitString(pmf[i].depth))
+ .arg(BitString(pmf[i].scanline_pad)));
+ }
+ XFree ((char *)pmf);
+ }
+ req_size = XExtendedMaxRequestSize(dpy);
+ if (!req_size) req_size = XMaxRequestSize(dpy);
+ last = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Maximum Request Size"),
+ ByteString(req_size*4));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Motion Buffer Size"),
+ ByteString(XDisplayMotionBufferSize(dpy)));
+ last = item = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Bitmap"));
+ last->setExpandable(true);
+ item = new TQListViewItem(last, item, i18n("Unit"),
+ Value(BitmapUnit(dpy)) );
+ item = new TQListViewItem(last, item, i18n("Order"),
+ Order(BitmapBitOrder(dpy)));
+ item = new TQListViewItem(last, item, i18n("Padding"),
+ Value(BitmapPad(dpy)));
+ last = new TQListViewItem(next, last, i18n("Image Byte Order"),
+ Order(ImageByteOrder(dpy)));
+ XCloseDisplay (dpy);
+ return true;
+void KInfoListWidget::load()
+ bool ok = false;
+ lBox->clear();
+ /* Delete the user-visible ErrorString, before calling the
+ retrieve-function. If the function wants the widget to show
+ another string, then it change *GetInfo_ErrorString ! */
+ ErrorString = i18n("No information available about %1.").arg(title)
+ + TQString::fromLatin1("\n\n") + DEFAULT_ERRORSTRING;
+ GetInfo_ErrorString = &ErrorString; /* save the address of ErrorString */
+ sorting_allowed = true; /* the functions may set that */
+ lBox->setSorting(-1); /* No Sorting per default */
+ if (getlistbox)
+ ok = (*getlistbox)(lBox); /* retrieve the information */
+ if (lBox->header()->count()<=1)
+ lBox->addColumn(title); /* set default title */
+ /* is the user allowed to use sorting ? */
+ lBox->header()->setClickEnabled(sorting_allowed);
+ lBox->header()->setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont());
+ lBox->setShowSortIndicator(sorting_allowed);
+ if (ok)
+ {
+ widgetStack->raiseWidget(lBox);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NoInfoText->setText(ErrorString);
+ widgetStack->raiseWidget(NoInfoText);
+ }
+ emit changed(false);
+TQString KInfoListWidget::quickHelp() const
+ return i18n("<h1>System Information</h1>"
+ " All the information modules return information about a certain"
+ " aspect of your computer hardware or your operating system."
+ " Not all modules are available on all hardware architectures"
+ " and/or operating systems." );
+KInfoListWidget::KInfoListWidget(const TQString &_title, TQWidget *parent, const char *name,
+ bool _getlistbox(TQListView *lbox))
+ : TDECModule(parent, name),
+ title(_title)
+ TDEAboutData *about =
+ new TDEAboutData(I18N_NOOP("kcminfo"),
+ I18N_NOOP("TDE Panel System Information Control Module"),
+ 0, 0, TDEAboutData::License_GPL,
+ I18N_NOOP("(c) 1998 - 2002 Helge Deller"));
+ about->addAuthor("Helge Deller", 0, "[email protected]");
+ setAboutData( about );
+ setButtons(TDECModule::Help);
+ getlistbox = _getlistbox;
+ GetInfo_ErrorString = 0;
+ TQHBoxLayout *layout = new TQHBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ widgetStack = new TQWidgetStack(this);
+ layout->addWidget(widgetStack);
+ lBox = new TQListView(widgetStack);
+ widgetStack->addWidget(lBox, 0);
+ lBox->setMinimumSize(200,120);
+ lBox->setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::generalFont()); /* default font */
+ lBox->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( lBox, i18n( "This list displays system information on the selected category." ) );
+ NoInfoText = new TQLabel(widgetStack);
+ widgetStack->addWidget(NoInfoText, 1);
+ NoInfoText->setAlignment(AlignCenter | WordBreak);
+ widgetStack->raiseWidget(NoInfoText);
+ load();
+/* Helper-function to read output from an external program */
+static int GetInfo_ReadfromPipe( TQListView *lBox, const char *FileName, bool WithEmptyLines = true )
+ FILE *pipe;
+ TQListViewItem* olditem = 0L;
+ TQString s;
+ if ((pipe = popen(FileName, "r")) == NULL) {
+ pclose(pipe);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TQTextStream t(pipe, IO_ReadOnly);
+ while (!t.atEnd()) {
+ s = t.readLine();
+ if (!WithEmptyLines && s.length()==0)
+ continue;
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, s);
+ }
+ pclose(pipe);
+ return (lBox->childCount());
+** Include system-specific code **
+#ifdef __linux__
+#include "info_linux.cpp"
+#elif defined(sgi) && sgi
+#include "info_sgi.cpp"
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined (__DragonFly__)
+#include "info_fbsd.cpp"
+#elif __hpux
+#include "info_hpux.cpp"
+#elif __NetBSD__
+#include "info_netbsd.cpp"
+#elif __OpenBSD__
+#include "info_openbsd.cpp"
+#elif defined(__svr4__) && defined(sun)
+#include "info_solaris.cpp"
+#elif __svr4__
+#include "info_svr4.cpp"
+#elif _AIX
+#include "info_aix.cpp"
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#include "info_osx.cpp"
+#include "info_generic.cpp" /* Default for unsupportet systems.... */
+** End of: Include system-specific code **
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info.h b/kcontrol/info/info.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11dcc7539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#ifndef _INFO_H_
+#define _INFO_H_
+#include <tqwidget.h>
+#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
+#include <tqframe.h>
+#include <tqlabel.h>
+#include <tqtabdialog.h>
+#include <tqpushbutton.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+#include <tqlistview.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqevent.h>
+#include <tdecmodule.h>
+#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
+#include "config.h"
+/* function call-back-prototypes... */
+bool GetInfo_CPU( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_IRQ( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_DMA( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_PCI( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_Devices( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_SCSI( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_Partitions( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video( TQListView *lBox );
+bool GetInfo_CD_ROM( TQListView *lBox ); /* New CD-ROM Info */
+extern bool GetInfo_OpenGL( TQListView *lBox );
+class KInfoListWidget : public TDECModule
+ KInfoListWidget(const TQString &_title, TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0, bool _getlistbox (TQListView *)=0);
+ virtual void load();
+ virtual TQString quickHelp() const;
+ TQListView *lBox;
+ bool (*getlistbox) (TQListView *);
+ TQString title;
+ TQLabel *NoInfoText;
+ TQString ErrorString;
+ TQWidgetStack *widgetStack;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_aix.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_aix.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9aa0d3767
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_aix.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+ * info_aix.cpp
+ *
+ * Reza Arbab <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * GetInfo_Partitions() and its helpers (get_fs_usage, fs_adjust_blocks)
+ * taken from info_hpux.cpp.
+ *
+ */
+#include <cf.h>
+#define class _class
+#include <odmi.h>
+#include <sys/cfgodm.h>
+#include <sys/cfgdb.h>
+#undef class
+#include <nl_types.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/statfs.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fstab.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+char *
+device_description(struct CuDv *cudv)
+ char *desc = NULL;
+ struct PdDv *pddv = cudv->PdDvLn; /* link to Predefined Devices database */
+ nl_catd cat;
+ cat = catopen("/usr/lib/methods/", NL_CAT_LOCALE);
+ if ((int)cat == -1)
+ return NULL;
+ desc = strdup( catgets(cat, pddv->setno, pddv->msgno, "N/A") );
+ catclose(cat);
+ return desc;
+list_devices(TQListView *lBox, char *criteria)
+ struct CuDv *cudv; /* Customized Devices */
+ struct listinfo info;
+ int i;
+ char *cudv_desc;
+ TQString cudv_status;
+ TQListViewItem *lastitem = NULL;
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Name"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Status"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Location"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Description"));
+ if (odm_initialize() == -1)
+ {
+ kdError(0) << "odm_initialize() failed: odmerrno = " << odmerrno << endl;
+ return(false);
+ }
+ cudv = (struct CuDv *) odm_get_list(CuDv_CLASS, criteria, &info, 100, 2);
+ if ((int)cudv == -1)
+ {
+ odm_terminate();
+ kdError(0) << "odm_get_list() failed: odmerrno = " << odmerrno << endl;
+ return(false);
+ }
+ else if (!cudv) /* empty list */
+ {
+ odm_terminate();
+ return(true);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<info.num; i++)
+ {
+ switch(cudv[i].status)
+ {
+ case DEFINED: cudv_status = TQString("Defined"); break;
+ case AVAILABLE: cudv_status = TQString("Available"); break;
+ case STOPPED: cudv_status = TQString("Stopped"); break;
+ default: cudv_status = TQString("Unknown");
+ }
+ cudv_desc = device_description(&cudv[i]);
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, lastitem,
+ TQString(cudv[i].name),
+ cudv_status,
+ TQString(cudv[i].location),
+ TQString(cudv_desc ? cudv_desc : "N/A") );
+ if (cudv_desc) free(cudv_desc);
+ }
+ if (odm_free_list(cudv, &info) == -1)
+ {
+ odm_terminate();
+ kdError(0) << "odm_free_list() failed: odmerrno = " << odmerrno << endl;
+ return(false);
+ }
+ odm_terminate();
+ return true;
+enum CHIP
+ P2SC, Power, Power2, Power3, Power3_II, PowerPC,
+ PowerPC_604e, PowerPersonal, RD64_II, RS_III, RS64, RS64_II,
+ RS64_III, RS64_IV, RSC, ThinkPad, unknown,
+static const char chip_name[NUM_CHIPS][16] =
+ "P2SC", "Power", "Power2", "Power3", "Power3-II", "PowerPC",
+ "PowerPC 604e", "PowerPersonal", "RD64-II", "RS-III", "RS64", "RS64-II",
+ "RS64-III", "RS64-IV", "RSC", "ThinkPad", "unknown"
+struct model
+ char model_ID[21];
+ char machine_type[21];
+ char processor_speed[21];
+ unsigned short architecture; /* enum CHIP */
+struct model _models[] =
+ { "02", "7015-930", "25", Power },
+ { "10", "7013-530", "25", Power },
+ { "10", "7016-730", "25", Power },
+ { "11", "7013-540", "30", Power },
+ { "14", "7013-540", "30", Power },
+ { "18", "7013-53H", "33", Power },
+ { "1C", "7013-550", "41.6", Power },
+ { "20", "7015-930", "25", Power },
+ { "2E", "7015-950", "41", Power },
+ { "30", "7013-520", "20", Power },
+ { "31", "7012-320", "20", Power },
+ { "34", "7013-52H", "25", Power },
+ { "35", "7012-32H", "25", Power },
+ { "37", "7012-340", "33", Power },
+ { "38", "7012-350", "41", Power },
+ { "41", "7011-20", "33", PowerPC },
+ { "45", "7011-220", "33", PowerPC },
+ { "42", "7006-41T/41W", "80", PowerPC },
+ { "43", "7008-M20", "33", Power },
+ { "43", "7008-M2A", "33", Power },
+ { "46", "7011-250", "66", PowerPC },
+ { "47", "7011-230", "45", RSC },
+ { "48", "7009-C10", "80", PowerPC },
+/* 4C models use a different table -- see below */
+ { "4C", "70XX", "(unknown)", unknown },
+ { "57", "7012-390", "67", Power2 },
+ { "57", "7030-3BT", "67", Power2 },
+ { "57", "9076-SP2 Thin", "67", Power2 },
+ { "58", "7012-380", "59", Power2 },
+ { "58", "7030-3AT", "59", Power2 },
+ { "59", "7012-39H", "67", Power2 },
+ { "59", "9076-SP2 Thin w/L2", "67", Power2 },
+ { "5C", "7013-560", "50", Power },
+ { "63", "7015-970", "50", Power },
+ { "63", "7015-97B", "50", Power },
+ { "64", "7015-980", "62.5", Power },
+ { "64", "7015-98B", "62.5", Power },
+ { "66", "7013-580", "62.5", Power },
+ { "67", "7013-570", "50", Power },
+ { "67", "7015-R10", "50", Power },
+ { "70", "7013-590", "66", Power2 },
+ { "70", "9076-SP2 Wide", "66", Power2 },
+ { "71", "7013-58H", "55", Power2 },
+ { "72", "7013-59H", "66", Power2 },
+ { "72", "7015-R20", "66", Power2 },
+ { "72", "9076-SP2 Wide", "66", Power2 },
+ { "75", "7012-370", "62", Power },
+ { "75", "7012-375", "62", Power },
+ { "75", "9076-SP1 Thin", "62", Power },
+ { "76", "7012-360", "50", Power },
+ { "76", "7012-365", "50", Power },
+ { "77", "7012-350", "41", Power },
+ { "77", "7012-355", "41", Power },
+ { "77", "7013-55L", "41.6", Power },
+ { "79", "7013-591", "77", Power2 },
+ { "79", "9076-SP2 Wide", "77", Power2 },
+ { "80", "7015-990", "71.5", Power2 },
+ { "81", "7015-R24", "71.5", P2SC },
+ { "89", "7013-595", "135", P2SC },
+ { "89", "9076-SP2 Wide", "135", P2SC },
+ { "90", "7009-C20", "120", PowerPC },
+ { "91", "7006-42W/42T", "120", PowerPC },
+ { "94", "7012-397", "160", P2SC },
+ { "94", "9076-SP2 Thin", "160", P2SC },
+ { "A0", "7013-J30", "75", PowerPC },
+ { "A1", "7013-J40", "112", PowerPC },
+ { "A3", "7015-R30", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "A4", "7015-R40", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "A4", "7015-R50", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "A4", "9076-SP2 High", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "A6", "7012-G30", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "A7", "7012-G40", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "C0", "7024-E20", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "C0", "7024-E30", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "C4", "7025-F30", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "F0", "7007-N40", "50", ThinkPad },
+ { "", "", "0", 0 }
+struct model _4C_models[] =
+ { "IBM,7017-S70", "7017-S70", "125", RS64 },
+ { "IBM,7017-S7A", "7017-S7A", "262", RD64_II },
+ { "IBM,7017-S80", "7017-S80", "450", RS_III },
+ { "IBM,7017-S85", "pSeries 680", "600", RS64_IV },
+ { "IBM,7025-F40", "7025-F40", "166/233", PowerPC_604e },
+ { "IBM,7025-F50", "7025-F50", "(unknown)", PowerPC_604e },
+ { "IBM,7025-F80", "7025-F80", "(unknown)", RS64_III },
+ { "IBM,7026-H10", "7025-H10", "166/233", PowerPC_604e },
+ { "IBM,7026-H50", "7025-H50", "(unknown)", PowerPC_604e },
+ { "IBM,7026-H80", "7025-H80", "(unknown)", RS64_III },
+ { "IBM,7026-M80", "7026-M80", "500", RS64_III },
+ { "IBM,7025-F40", "7025-F40", "166/233", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7025-F50", "7025-F50", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7025-F80", "7025-F80", "450", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7026-B80", "pSeries 640", "375", Power3_II },
+ { "IBM,7026-H10", "7026-H10", "166/233", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7026-H50", "7026-H50", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7026-H70", "7026-H70", "340", RS64_II },
+ { "IBM,7026-H80", "7026-H80", "450", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7026-M80", "7026-M80", "500", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7042-140", "7043-140", "166/200/233/332", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7042-150", "7043-150", "375", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7042-240", "7043-240", "166/233", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7043-140", "7043-140", "166/200/233/332", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7043-150", "7043-150", "375", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7043-240", "7043-240", "166/233", PowerPC },
+ { "IBM,7043-260", "7043-260", "200", Power3 },
+ { "IBM,7248", "7248-100", "100", PowerPersonal },
+ { "IBM,7248", "7248-120", "120", PowerPersonal },
+ { "IBM,7248", "7248-132", "132", PowerPersonal },
+ { "IBM,9076-270", "9076-SP Silver Node", "(unknown)", PowerPC },
+ { "", "", "", 0 },
+/* all GetInfo_ functions should return TRUE, when the Information
+ was filled into the lBox-Widget.
+ returning false indicates, that information was not available.
+GetInfo_XServer_and_Video( TQListView *lBox )
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
+ * Written using information from:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Not fully implemented. In particular there are ways to resolve the
+ * "(unknown)" clock speeds of many of these models. See page for details.
+ *
+ */
+GetInfo_CPU( TQListView *lBox )
+ struct utsname info;
+ struct model *table = _models; /* table of model information */
+ char model_ID[21] = ""; /* information for table lookup */
+ char cpu_ID[7] = ""; /* unique CPU ID */
+ int i;
+ TQListViewItem *lastitem = NULL;
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value"));
+ if (uname(&info) == -1)
+ {
+ kdError(0) << "uname() failed: errno = " << errno << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ strncat(model_ID, info.machine+8, 2); /* we want the ninth and tenth digits */
+ strncat(cpu_ID, info.machine+2, 6);
+ if (strcmp(model_ID, "4C") == 0) /* need to use a different model_ID and model table */
+ {
+ if (odm_initialize() == -1)
+ kdError(0) << "odm_initialize() failed: odmerrno = " << odmerrno << endl;
+ else
+ {
+ struct CuAt cuat; /* Customized Device attribute */
+ /* equivalent to uname -M */
+ if ( odm_get_first(CuAt_CLASS, (char *)"name='sys0' and attribute='modelname'", &cuat) )
+ {
+ strcpy(model_ID, cuat.value);
+ table = _4C_models;
+ }
+ odm_terminate();
+ }
+ }
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, lastitem, TQString("CPU ID"), TQString(cpu_ID));
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, lastitem, TQString("Node"), TQString(info.nodename));
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, lastitem, TQString("OS"), TQString(info.sysname) +
+ TQString(" ") + TQString(info.version) + TQString(".") + TQString(info.release));
+ for (i=0; *(table[i].model_ID); i++)
+ if (strcmp(model_ID, table[i].model_ID) == 0)
+ {
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, lastitem, TQString("Machine Type"), TQString(table[i].machine_type));
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, lastitem, TQString("Architecture"), TQString(chip_name[table[i].architecture]));
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, lastitem, TQString("Speed"), TQString(table[i].processor_speed) + TQString(" Mhz"));
+ break;
+ }
+ return(true);
+bool GetInfo_IRQ( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+GetInfo_PCI( TQListView *lBox )
+ return list_devices(lBox, (char *)"PdDvLn like '*/pci/*'");
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+GetInfo_Devices( TQListView *lBox )
+ return list_devices(lBox, (char *)"PdDvLn like '*'");
+GetInfo_SCSI( TQListView *lBox )
+ return list_devices(lBox, (char *)"PdDvLn like '*/scsi/*'");
+/* Parts taken from fsusage.c from the Midnight Commander (mc)
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, In
+ Return the number of TOSIZE-byte blocks used by
+ BLOCKS FROMSIZE-byte blocks, rounding away from zero.
+ TOSIZE must be positive. Return -1 if FROMSIZE is not positive. */
+static long fs_adjust_blocks(long blocks, int fromsize, int tosize)
+ if (tosize <= 0)
+ abort ();
+ if (fromsize <= 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (fromsize == tosize) /* E.g., from 512 to 512. */
+ return blocks;
+ else if (fromsize > tosize) /* E.g., from 2048 to 512. */
+ return blocks * (fromsize / tosize);
+ else /* E.g., from 256 to 512. */
+ return (blocks + (blocks < 0 ? -1 : 1)) / (tosize / fromsize);
+/* Fill in the fields of FSP with information about space usage for
+ the filesystem on which PATH resides.
+ Return 0 if successful, -1 if not. */
+#define CONVERT_BLOCKS(b) fs_adjust_blocks ((b), fsd.f_bsize, 512)
+static int get_fs_usage (char *path, long *l_total, long *l_avail)
+{ struct statfs fsd; /* 4.3BSD, SunOS 4, HP-UX, AIX. */
+ unsigned long fsu_blocks,fsu_bfree,fsu_bavail;
+ *l_total = *l_avail = 0;
+ if (statfs (path, &fsd) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ fsu_blocks = CONVERT_BLOCKS (fsd.f_blocks);
+ fsu_bfree = CONVERT_BLOCKS (fsd.f_bfree);
+ fsu_bavail = CONVERT_BLOCKS (fsd.f_bavail);
+ *l_avail = getuid () ? fsu_bavail/2 : fsu_bfree/2;
+ *l_total = fsu_blocks/2;
+ return 0;
+// Some Ideas taken from garbazo from his source in info_fbsd.cpp
+GetInfo_Partitions ( TQListView *lbox )
+ #define NUMCOLS 5
+ TQString Title[NUMCOLS];
+ int n;
+ struct fstab *fstab_ent;
+ struct statvfs svfs;
+ long total,avail;
+ TQString str;
+ TQString MB(i18n("MB")+ " "); // International Text for MB=Mega-Byte
+ if (setfsent() != 1) // Try to open fstab
+ return false;
+ Title[0] = i18n("Device");
+ Title[1] = i18n("Mount Point");
+ Title[2] = i18n("FS Type");
+ Title[3] = i18n("Total Size");
+ Title[4] = i18n("Free Size");
+ for (n=0; n<NUMCOLS; ++n) {
+ lbox->addColumn(Title[n] );
+ }
+ while ((fstab_ent=getfsent())!=NULL) {
+ /* fstab_ent->fs_type holds only "rw","xx","ro"... */
+ memset(&svfs,0,sizeof(svfs));
+ statvfs(fstab_ent->fs_file,&svfs);
+ get_fs_usage(fstab_ent->fs_file, &total, &avail);
+ if (!strcmp(fstab_ent->fs_type,FSTAB_XX)) // valid drive ?
+ svfs.f_basetype[0] = 0;
+ if(svfs.f_basetype[0]) {
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, TQString(fstab_ent->fs_spec),
+ TQString(fstab_ent->fs_file) + TQString(" "),
+ (svfs.f_basetype[0] ? TQString(svfs.f_basetype) : i18n("n/a")),
+ Value((total+512)/1024,6) + MB,
+ Value((avail+512)/1024,6) + MB);
+ }
+ else {
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, TQString(fstab_ent->fs_spec),
+ TQString(fstab_ent->fs_file) + TQString(" "),
+ (svfs.f_basetype[0] ? TQString(svfs.f_basetype) : i18n("n/a")));
+ }
+ }
+ endfsent();
+ return true;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_fbsd.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_fbsd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ccd1c086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_fbsd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+ * info_fbsd.cpp is part of the KDE program kcminfo. This displays
+ * various information about the system (hopefully a FreeBSD system)
+ * it's running on.
+ *
+ * All of the devinfo bits were blatantly stolen from the devinfo utility
+ * provided with FreeBSD 5.0 (and later). No gross hacks were harmed
+ * during the creation of info_fbsd.cpp. Thanks Mike.
+ */
+ * all following functions should return TRUE, when the Information
+ * was filled into the lBox-Widget. Returning FALSE indicates that
+ * information was not available.
+ */
+ #include <config.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+//#if __FreeBSD_version >= 500042
+// #define we should have devinfo.h
+// #define we probably don't have devinfo.h
+ extern "C" {
+ #include <devinfo.h>
+ }
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fstab.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqptrlist.h>
+#include <tqstring.h>
+#include <tqtextstream.h>
+class Device {
+ Device (TQString n=TQString::null, TQString d=TQString::null)
+ {name=n; description=d;}
+ TQString name, description;
+void ProcessChildren(TQString name);
+TQString GetController(const TQString &line);
+Device *GetDevice(const TQString &line);
+extern "C" {
+ int print_irq(struct devinfo_rman *rman, void *arg);
+ int print_dma(struct devinfo_rman *rman, void *arg);
+ int print_ioports(struct devinfo_rman *rman, void *arg);
+ int print_resource(struct devinfo_res *res, void *arg);
+bool GetInfo_CPU (TQListView *lBox)
+ // Modified 13 July 2000 for SMP by Brad Hughes - [email protected]
+ int ncpu;
+ size_t len;
+ len = sizeof(ncpu);
+ sysctlbyname("hw.ncpu", &ncpu, &len, NULL, 0);
+ TQString cpustring;
+ for (int i = ncpu; i > 0; i--) {
+ /* Stuff for sysctl */
+ char *buf;
+ int i_buf;
+ // get the processor model
+ sysctlbyname("hw.model", NULL, &len, NULL, 0);
+ buf = new char[len];
+ sysctlbyname("hw.model", buf, &len, NULL, 0);
+ // get the TSC speed if we can
+ len = sizeof(i_buf);
+ if (sysctlbyname("machdep.tsc_freq", &i_buf, &len, NULL, 0) != -1) {
+ cpustring = i18n("CPU %1: %2, %3 MHz").arg(i).arg(buf).arg(i_buf/1000000);
+ } else {
+ cpustring = i18n("CPU %1: %2, unknown speed").arg(i).arg(buf);
+ }
+ /* Put everything in the listbox */
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, cpustring);
+ /* Clean up after ourselves, this time I mean it ;-) */
+ delete buf;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_IRQ (TQListView *lbox)
+ /* systat lists the interrupts assigned to devices as well as how many were
+ generated. Parsing its output however is about as fun as a sandpaper
+ enema. The best idea would probably be to rip out the guts of systat.
+ Too bad it's not very well commented */
+ /* Oh neat, current now has a neat little utility called devinfo */
+ if (devinfo_init())
+ return false;
+ devinfo_foreach_rman(print_irq, lbox);
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA (TQListView *lbox)
+ /* Oh neat, current now has a neat little utility called devinfo */
+ if (devinfo_init())
+ return false;
+ devinfo_foreach_rman(print_dma, lbox);
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports (TQListView *lbox)
+ /* Oh neat, current now has a neat little utility called devinfo */
+ if (devinfo_init())
+ return false;
+ devinfo_foreach_rman(print_ioports, lbox);
+ return true;
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Sound (TQListView *lbox)
+ TQFile *sndstat = new TQFile("/dev/sndstat");
+ TQTextStream *t;
+ TQString s;
+ TQListViewItem *olditem = 0;
+ if (!sndstat->exists() || !sndstat->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ s = i18n("Your sound system could not be queried. /dev/sndstat does not exist or is not readable.");
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, s);
+ } else {
+ t = new TQTextStream(sndstat);
+ while (!(s=t->readLine()).isNull()) {
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, s);
+ }
+ delete t;
+ sndstat->close();
+ }
+ delete sndstat;
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI (TQListView *lbox)
+ FILE *pipe;
+ TQFile *camcontrol = new TQFile("/sbin/camcontrol");
+ TQTextStream *t;
+ TQString s;
+ TQListViewItem *olditem = 0;
+ if (!camcontrol->exists()) {
+ s = i18n ("SCSI subsystem could not be queried: /sbin/camcontrol could not be found");
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, s);
+ } else if ((pipe = popen("/sbin/camcontrol devlist 2>&1", "r")) == NULL) {
+ s = i18n ("SCSI subsystem could not be queried: /sbin/camcontrol could not be executed");
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, s);
+ } else {
+ /* This prints out a list of all the scsi devies, perhaps eventually we could
+ parse it as opposed to schlepping it into a listbox */
+ t = new TQTextStream(pipe, IO_ReadOnly);
+ while (true) {
+ s = t->readLine();
+ if ( s.isEmpty() )
+ break;
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, s);
+ }
+ delete t;
+ pclose(pipe);
+ }
+ delete camcontrol;
+ if (!lbox->childCount())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_PCI (TQListView *lbox)
+ FILE *pipe;
+ TQFile *pcicontrol;
+ TQString s, cmd;
+ TQListViewItem *olditem = 0;
+ pcicontrol = new TQFile("/usr/sbin/pciconf");
+ if (!pcicontrol->exists()) {
+ delete pcicontrol;
+ pcicontrol = new TQFile("/usr/X11R6/bin/scanpci");
+ if (!pcicontrol->exists()) {
+ delete pcicontrol;
+ pcicontrol = new TQFile("/usr/X11R6/bin/pcitweak");
+ if (!pcicontrol->exists()) {
+ TQString s;
+ s = i18n("Could not find any programs with which to query your system's PCI information");
+ (void) new TQListViewItem(lbox, 0, s);
+ delete pcicontrol;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ cmd = "/usr/X11R6/bin/pcitweak -l 2>&1";
+ }
+ } else {
+ cmd = "/usr/X11R6/bin/scanpci";
+ }
+ } else {
+ cmd = "/usr/sbin/pciconf -l -v 2>&1";
+ }
+ delete pcicontrol;
+ if ((pipe = popen(cmd.latin1(), "r")) == NULL) {
+ s = i18n ("PCI subsystem could not be queried: %1 could not be executed").arg(cmd);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, s);
+ } else {
+ /* This prints out a list of all the pci devies, perhaps eventually we could
+ parse it as opposed to schlepping it into a listbox */
+ pclose(pipe);
+ GetInfo_ReadfromPipe(lbox, cmd.latin1(), true);
+ }
+ if (!lbox->childCount()) {
+ s = i18n("The PCI subsystem could not be queried, this may need root privileges.");
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, s);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions (TQListView *lbox)
+ struct fstab *fstab_ent;
+ if (setfsent() != 1) /* Try to open fstab */ {
+ int s_err = errno;
+ TQString s;
+ s = i18n("Could not check filesystem info: ");
+ s += strerror(s_err);
+ (void)new TQListViewItem(lbox, 0, s);
+ } else {
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Device"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Mount Point"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("FS Type"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Mount Options"));
+ while ((fstab_ent=getfsent())!=NULL) {
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, fstab_ent->fs_spec,
+ fstab_ent->fs_file, fstab_ent->fs_vfstype,
+ fstab_ent->fs_mntops);
+ }
+ lbox->setSorting(0);
+ lbox->header()->setClickEnabled(true);
+ endfsent(); /* Close fstab */
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video (TQListView *lBox)
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
+bool GetInfo_Devices (TQListView *lbox)
+ TQFile *f = new TQFile("/var/run/dmesg.boot");
+ if (f->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ TQTextStream qts(f);
+ TQDict<TQListViewItem> lv_items;
+ Device *dev;
+ TQString line, controller;
+ lbox->setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ lbox->addColumn("Device");
+ lbox->addColumn("Description");
+ while ( !(line=qts.readLine()).isNull() ) {
+ controller = GetController(line);
+ if (controller.isNull())
+ continue;
+ dev=GetDevice(line);
+ if (!dev)
+ continue;
+ // Ewww assuing motherboard is the only toplevel controller is rather gross
+ if (controller == "motherboard") {
+ if (!lv_items[dev->name]) {
+ lv_items.insert(dev->name, new TQListViewItem(lbox, dev->name, dev->description) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ TQListViewItem *parent=lv_items[controller];
+ if (parent && !lv_items[dev->name]) {
+ lv_items.insert(dev->name, new TQListViewItem(parent, dev->name, dev->description) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+TQString GetController(const TQString &line)
+ if ( ( (line.startsWith("ad")) || (line.startsWith("afd")) || (line.startsWith("acd")) ) && (line.find(":") < 6) ) {
+ TQString controller = line;
+ controller.remove(0, controller.find(" at ")+4);
+ if (controller.find("-slave") != -1) {
+ controller.remove(controller.find("-slave"), controller.length());
+ } else if (controller.find("-master") != -1) {
+ controller.remove(controller.find("-master"), controller.length());
+ } else
+ controller=TQString::null;
+ if (!controller.isNull())
+ return controller;
+ }
+ if (line.find(" on ") != -1) {
+ TQString controller;
+ controller = line;
+ controller.remove(0, controller.find(" on ")+4);
+ if (controller.find(" ") != -1)
+ controller.remove(controller.find(" "), controller.length());
+ return controller;
+ }
+ return TQString::null;
+Device *GetDevice(const TQString &line)
+ Device *dev;
+ int colon = line.find(":");
+ if (colon == -1)
+ return 0;
+ dev = new Device;
+ dev->name = line.mid(0, colon);
+ dev->description = line.mid(line.find("<")+1, line.length());
+ dev->description.remove(dev->description.find(">"), dev->description.length());
+ return dev;
+int print_irq(struct devinfo_rman *rman, void *arg)
+ TQListView *lbox = (TQListView *)arg;
+ if (strcmp(rman->dm_desc, "Interrupt request lines")==0) {
+ (void)new TQListViewItem(lbox, 0, rman->dm_desc);
+ devinfo_foreach_rman_resource(rman, print_resource, arg);
+ }
+ return(0);
+int print_dma(struct devinfo_rman *rman, void *arg)
+ TQListView *lbox = (TQListView *)arg;
+ if (strcmp(rman->dm_desc, "DMA request lines")==0) {
+ (void)new TQListViewItem(lbox, lbox->lastItem(), rman->dm_desc);
+ devinfo_foreach_rman_resource(rman, print_resource, arg);
+ }
+ return(0);
+int print_ioports(struct devinfo_rman *rman, void *arg)
+ TQListView *lbox = (TQListView *)arg;
+ if (strcmp(rman->dm_desc, "I/O ports")==0) {
+ (void)new TQListViewItem(lbox, lbox->lastItem(), rman->dm_desc);
+ devinfo_foreach_rman_resource(rman, print_resource, arg);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(rman->dm_desc, "I/O memory addresses")==0) {
+ (void)new TQListViewItem(lbox, lbox->lastItem(), rman->dm_desc);
+ devinfo_foreach_rman_resource(rman, print_resource, arg);
+ }
+ return(0);
+int print_resource(struct devinfo_res *res, void *arg)
+ struct devinfo_dev *dev;
+ struct devinfo_rman *rman;
+ int hexmode;
+ TQListView *lbox;
+ lbox = (TQListView *)arg;
+ TQString s, tmp;
+ rman = devinfo_handle_to_rman(res->dr_rman);
+ hexmode = (rman->dm_size > 100) || (rman->dm_size == 0);
+ tmp.sprintf(hexmode ? "0x%lx" : "%lu", res->dr_start);
+ s += tmp;
+ if (res->dr_size > 1) {
+ tmp.sprintf(hexmode ? "-0x%lx" : "-%lu",
+ res->dr_start + res->dr_size - 1);
+ s += tmp;
+ }
+ dev = devinfo_handle_to_device(res->dr_device);
+ if ((dev != NULL) && (dev->dd_name[0] != 0)) {
+ tmp.sprintf(" (%s)", dev->dd_name);
+ } else {
+ tmp.sprintf(" ----");
+ }
+ s += tmp;
+ (void)new TQListViewItem(lbox, lbox->lastItem(), s);
+ return(0);
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_generic.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_generic.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..367e1657b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_generic.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ 1998 by Helge Deller ([email protected])
+ free source under GPL
+ !!!!! this file will be included by info.cpp !!!!!
+// Default for unsupportet systems
+// the following defines are not really ok here, but maybe we should show, what
+// Information could be displayed here....
+/* all following functions should return TRUE, when the Information
+ was filled into the lBox-Widget.
+ returning false indicates, that information was not available.
+bool GetInfo_CPU( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_IRQ( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Devices( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video( TQListView *lBox )
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
+/* Generic GetInfo? ~Jahshan */
+bool GetInfo_CD_ROM(TQListView * lBox)
+ return false;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_hpux.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_hpux.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82c7cbdad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_hpux.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,785 @@
+ !!!!! this file will be included by info.cpp !!!!!
+ Mostly written 1998-1999 by Helge Deller ([email protected]),
+ with some pieces of code from Aubert Pierre.
+ Last modified: done:
+ 1999-06-21 added more models to the lookup-table (deller)
+ 1999-06-18 added support for 64-Bit HP-UX in CPU-detection(deller)
+ 1999-05-04 added audio(alib)-support (deller)
+ 1999-04-27 [tested with HP-UX 10.20 (HP9000/715/64-EISA)]
+ added support for nearly all categories
+ (means: not finished!)
+ 1998-11-01 first, nearly empty version (deller)
+ with a little source for CPU from Aubert Pierre
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/pstat.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <sys/vfs.h>
+#include <fstab.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
+#include <tqtextstream.h>
+# define INFO_CPU_MODEL "/bin/model" // as pipe !!
+# define INFO_PCI "" // Please, who know it ????
+# define INFO_PCI_EISA "/etc/eisa/system.sci" // File !
+# define INFO_IOPORTS_1 "/etc/dmesg" // as pipe !
+# define INFO_IOPORTS_2 "/usr/sbin/dmesg" // as pipe !
+# define INFO_DEVICES "/etc/ioscan" // as pipe !!
+# define INFO_PARTITIONS_1 FSTAB // = "/etc/fstab" (in fstab.h)
+# define INFO_PARTITIONS_2 "/etc/checklist"
+/* The following table is from an HP-UX 10.20 System
+ build out of the files
+ "/usr/lib/sched.models"
+ or
+ "/opt/langtools/lib/sched.models"
+ If you have more entries, then please add them or send them to me!
+// entries for PA_REVISION[]
+ { V_1x0,
+ V_1x1, V_1x1a, V_1x1b, V_1x1c, V_1x1d, V_1x1e,
+ V_2x0,
+ V_LAST };
+static const char PA_REVISION[V_LAST][7]
+ = { "1.0",
+ "1.1", "1.1a", "1.1b", "1.1c", "1.1d", "1.1e",
+ "2.0" };
+// entries for PA_NAME[]
+ { PA7000,
+ PA7100, PA7100LC, PA7200, PA7300,
+ PA8000, PA8200, PA8500,
+static const char PA_NAME[PARISC_PA_LAST][11]
+ = { "PA7000",
+ "PA7100", "PA7100LC", "PA7200", "PA7300",
+ "PA8000", "PA8200", "PA8500" };
+struct _type_LOOKUPTABLE {
+ char Name[8];
+ unsigned short parisc_rev; // = enum V_ENTRIES
+ unsigned short parisc_name; // = enum PA_ENTRIES
+static const struct _type_LOOKUPTABLE PA_LOOKUPTABLE[] = {
+/* VERSION A.00.07
+ (there seems to exist several different files with same version-number !)*/
+{ "600" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "635" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "645" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "700" ,V_1x1 ,PA7000 },
+{ "705" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "710" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "712" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "715" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "720" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "722" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "725" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "728" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "730" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "735" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "742" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "743" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 }, // or a 1.1c,PA7100LC !!
+{ "744" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "745" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "747" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "750" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "755" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "770" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "777" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "778" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "779" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "780" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "781" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "782" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "783" ,V_2x0 ,PA8500 },
+{ "785" ,V_2x0 ,PA8500 },
+{ "800" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 }, // and one with: 2.0 / PA8000
+{ "801" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "802" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "803" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "804" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "806" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "807" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "808" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "809" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "810" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "811" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "813" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "815" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "816" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "817" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "819" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "820" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "821" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "822" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "825" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "826" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "827" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "829" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "831" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "832" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "834" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "835" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "837" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "839" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "840" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "841" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "842" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "845" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "847" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "849" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "850" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "851" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "852" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "855" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "856" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "857" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "859" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "860" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "861" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "865" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "869" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "870" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "871" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "877" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "879" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "887" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "889" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "890" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "891" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "892" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "893" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "895" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "896" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "897" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "898" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "899" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "900" ,V_1x0 ,PA7000 },
+{ "B115" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "B120" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "B132L" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "B160L" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "B180L" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "C100" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "C110" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "C115" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "C120" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "C130" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "C140" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "C160L" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "C160" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "C180L" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "C180-XP" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "C180" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "C200+" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "C230+" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "C240+" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "CB260" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "D200" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 }, // or: 1.1c, PA7100LC
+{ "D210" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 }, // or: 1.1c, PA7100LC
+{ "D220" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "D230" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "D250" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "D260" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "D270" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "D280" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "D310" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "D320" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "D330" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "D350" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "D360" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "D370" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "D380" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "D400" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "D410" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "D650" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "DX0" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "DX5" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "DXO" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "E25" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "E35" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "E45" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "E55" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC },
+{ "F10" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "F20" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "F30" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "G30" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "G40" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "G50" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "G60" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "G70" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "H20" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "H30" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "H40" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "H50" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "H60" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "H70" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "I30" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "I40" ,V_1x1a ,PA7000 },
+{ "I50" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "I60" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "I70" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "J200" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "J210XC" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "J210" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "J220" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "J2240" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "J280" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "J282" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "J400" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "J410" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "K100" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K200" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K210" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K230" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K250" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "K260" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "K370" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "K380" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "K400" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K410" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K420" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K430" ,V_1x1d ,PA7200 },
+{ "K450" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "K460" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "K470" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "K570" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "K580" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "S700i" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "S715" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "S744" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "S760" ,V_1x1e ,PA7300 },
+{ "T500" ,V_1x1c ,PA7100LC }, // or: 1.1b, PA7100
+{ "T520" ,V_1x1b ,PA7100 },
+{ "T540" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "T600" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "V2000" ,V_2x0 ,PA8000 },
+{ "V2200" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "V2250" ,V_2x0 ,PA8200 },
+{ "V2500" ,V_2x0 ,PA8500 },
+{ "" ,0 ,0 } /* Last Entry has to be empty. */
+/* Helper-Functions */
+// Value() is defined in info.cpp !!!
+static bool Find_in_LOOKUPTABLE( TQListView *lBox, char *machine )
+{ char *Machine;
+ int len;
+ const struct _type_LOOKUPTABLE *Entry = PA_LOOKUPTABLE;
+ TQString str;
+ TQListViewItem* olditem = 0;
+ Machine = machine; // machine is like: "9000/715/D"
+ while ((*Machine) && (*Machine!='/'))
+ ++Machine;
+ if (*Machine)
+ ++Machine;
+ else
+ Machine=machine;
+ len = strlen(Machine);
+ while (Entry->Name[0])
+ { if (strncmp(Entry->Name,Machine,len)==0)
+ {
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("PA-RISC Processor"),
+ TQString(PA_NAME[Entry->parisc_name]));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("PA-RISC Revision"),
+ TQString("PA-RISC ") + TQString(PA_REVISION[Entry->parisc_rev]));
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ ++Entry; // next Entry !
+ }
+ return false;
+/* all following functions should return true, when the Information
+ was filled into the lBox-Widget.
+ returning false indicates, that information was not available.
+bool GetInfo_CPU( TQListView *lBox )
+ FILE *pipe;
+ TQFile *model;
+ struct pst_dynamic psd;
+ struct pst_static pst;
+ struct pst_processor pro;
+ struct utsname info;
+ TQString str,str2;
+ TQListViewItem* olditem = 0;
+ int maxwidth,i;
+ if((pstat_getstatic(&pst, sizeof(pst), (size_t)1, 0) == -1) ||
+ (pstat_getdynamic(&psd, sizeof(psd), (size_t)1, 0)== -1)) {
+ *GetInfo_ErrorString = i18n("Could not get Information."); /* Error */
+ return false;
+ }
+ maxwidth = 0;
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information") );
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value") );
+ uname(&info);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Machine"), info.machine);
+ model = new TQFile(INFO_CPU_MODEL);
+ if (model->exists())
+ { if ((pipe = popen(INFO_CPU_MODEL, "r")))
+ { TQTextStream *t = new TQTextStream(pipe, IO_ReadOnly);
+ str = t->readLine();
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Model"), str);
+ delete t;
+ }
+ delete pipe;
+ }
+ delete model;
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Machine Identification Number"),
+ strlen(info.__idnumber) ? TQString(info.__idnumber) : i18n("(none)") );
+ if (psd.psd_proc_cnt<=0)
+ psd.psd_proc_cnt=1; // Minimum one CPU !
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Number of Active Processors"),
+ Value(psd.psd_proc_cnt));
+ pstat_getprocessor( &pro, sizeof(pro), 1, 0 );
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("CPU Clock"),
+ Value(pro.psp_iticksperclktick/10000) + " " + i18n("MHz"));
+ switch(sysconf(_SC_CPU_VERSION))
+ { case CPU_HP_MC68020: str2 = "Motorola 68020"; break;
+ case CPU_HP_MC68030: str2 = "Motorola 68030"; break;
+ case CPU_HP_MC68040: str2 = "Motorola 68040"; break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_0: str2 = "PA-RISC 1.0"; break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_1: str2 = "PA-RISC 1.1"; break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC1_2: str2 = "PA-RISC 1.2"; break;
+ case CPU_PA_RISC2_0:
+#if defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)
+ switch (sysconf(_SC_KERNEL_BITS)) {
+ case 64: str2 = "PA-RISC 2.0w (64 bit)"; break;
+ case 32: str2 = "PA-RISC 2.0n (32 bit)"; break;
+ default: str2 = "PA-RISC 2.0"; break;
+ }; break;
+#else /* !defined(_SC_KERNEL_BITS) */
+ str2 = "PA-RISC 2.0"; break;
+ default: str2 = i18n("(unknown)"); break;
+ }
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("CPU Architecture"), str2);
+ Find_in_LOOKUPTABLE( lBox, info.machine );// try to get extended Information.
+ for (i=PS_PA83_FPU; i<=PS_PA89_FPU; ++i) {
+ if ((1<<(i-1)) & pro.psp_coprocessor.psc_present) {
+ str = TQString( (i==PS_PA83_FPU) ? "PS_PA83_FPU":"PS_PA89_FPU" )
+ + TQString(" (")
+ + TQString(((1<<(i-1))&pro.psp_coprocessor.psc_enabled) ?
+ i18n("enabled") : i18n("disabled") )
+ + TQString(")");
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Numerical Coprocessor (FPU)"), str);
+ }
+ }// for(coprocessor..)
+ str = Value(((pst.physical_memory*pst.page_size)/1024/1024))
+ + TQString(" ")
+ + i18n("MB"); // Mega-Byte
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Total Physical Memory"), str);
+ str = Value(pst.page_size) + TQString(" ") + i18n("Bytes");
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Size of One Page"), str);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_ReadfromFile( TQListView *lBox, const char *Name )
+ char buf[2048];
+ TQFile *file = new TQFile(Name);
+ TQListViewItem* olditem = 0;
+ if(!file->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ delete file;
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (file->readLine(buf,sizeof(buf)-1) >= 0)
+ { if (strlen(buf))
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf));
+ }
+ file->close();
+ delete file;
+ return (lBox->childCount());
+bool GetInfo_IRQ( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI( TQListView *lBox )
+ return( GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox,INFO_PCI) +
+ GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox,INFO_PCI_EISA) );
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports( TQListView *lBox )
+ if (GetInfo_ReadfromPipe( lBox, INFO_IOPORTS_1, false ))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromPipe( lBox, INFO_IOPORTS_2, false );
+bool GetInfo_Devices( TQListView *lBox )
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromPipe( lBox, INFO_DEVICES, false );
+bool GetInfo_SCSI( TQListView *lBox )
+ return GetInfo_Devices( lBox );
+/* Parts taken from fsusage.c from the Midnight Commander (mc)
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, In
+ Return the number of TOSIZE-byte blocks used by
+ BLOCKS FROMSIZE-byte blocks, rounding away from zero.
+ TOSIZE must be positive. Return -1 if FROMSIZE is not positive. */
+static long fs_adjust_blocks(long blocks, int fromsize, int tosize)
+ if (tosize <= 0)
+ abort ();
+ if (fromsize <= 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (fromsize == tosize) /* E.g., from 512 to 512. */
+ return blocks;
+ else if (fromsize > tosize) /* E.g., from 2048 to 512. */
+ return blocks * (fromsize / tosize);
+ else /* E.g., from 256 to 512. */
+ return (blocks + (blocks < 0 ? -1 : 1)) / (tosize / fromsize);
+/* Fill in the fields of FSP with information about space usage for
+ the filesystem on which PATH resides.
+ Return 0 if successful, -1 if not. */
+#define CONVERT_BLOCKS(b) fs_adjust_blocks ((b), fsd.f_bsize, 512)
+static int get_fs_usage (char *path, long *l_total, long *l_avail)
+{ struct statfs fsd; /* 4.3BSD, SunOS 4, HP-UX, AIX. */
+ unsigned long fsu_blocks,fsu_bfree,fsu_bavail;
+ *l_total = *l_avail = 0;
+ if (statfs (path, &fsd) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ fsu_blocks = CONVERT_BLOCKS (fsd.f_blocks);
+ fsu_bfree = CONVERT_BLOCKS (fsd.f_bfree);
+ fsu_bavail = CONVERT_BLOCKS (fsd.f_bavail);
+ *l_avail = getuid () ? fsu_bavail/2 : fsu_bfree/2;
+ *l_total = fsu_blocks/2;
+ return 0;
+// Some Ideas taken from garbazo from his source in info_fbsd.cpp
+bool GetInfo_Partitions (TQListView *lbox)
+ #define NUMCOLS 5
+ TQString Title[NUMCOLS];
+ int n;
+ struct fstab *fstab_ent;
+ struct statvfs svfs;
+ long total,avail;
+ TQString str;
+ TQString MB(i18n("MB")+ " "); // International Text for MB=Mega-Byte
+ if (setfsent() != 1) // Try to open fstab
+ return false;
+ Title[0] = i18n("Device");
+ Title[1] = i18n("Mount Point");
+ Title[2] = i18n("FS Type");
+ Title[3] = i18n("Total Size");
+ Title[4] = i18n("Free Size");
+ for (n=0; n<NUMCOLS; ++n) {
+ lbox->addColumn(Title[n] );
+ }
+ while ((fstab_ent=getfsent())!=NULL) {
+ /* fstab_ent->fs_type holds only "rw","xx","ro"... */
+ memset(&svfs,0,sizeof(svfs));
+ statvfs(fstab_ent->fs_file,&svfs);
+ get_fs_usage(fstab_ent->fs_file, &total, &avail);
+ if (!strcmp(fstab_ent->fs_type,FSTAB_XX)) // valid drive ?
+ svfs.f_basetype[0] = 0;
+ if(svfs.f_basetype[0]) {
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, TQString(fstab_ent->fs_spec),
+ TQString(fstab_ent->fs_file) + TQString(" "),
+ (svfs.f_basetype[0] ? TQString(svfs.f_basetype) : i18n("n/a")),
+ Value((total+512)/1024,6) + MB,
+ Value((avail+512)/1024,6) + MB);
+ }
+ else {
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, TQString(fstab_ent->fs_spec),
+ TQString(fstab_ent->fs_file) + TQString(" "),
+ (svfs.f_basetype[0] ? TQString(svfs.f_basetype) : i18n("n/a")));
+ }
+ }
+ endfsent();
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video( TQListView *lBox )
+ lBox = lBox;
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
+#ifndef HAVE_ALIB_H
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView *lBox )
+{ lBox = lBox;
+ *GetInfo_ErrorString = i18n("Audio-Support (Alib) was disabled during configuration and compile-time.");
+ return false;
+#else // defined(HAVE_ALIB_H)
+#include "Alib.h"
+static const char formatNames[6][15] = {
+ "ADFUnknown", "ADFMuLaw", "ADFALaw",
+ "ADFLin16", "ADFLin8", "ADFLin8Offset" };
+/* handle typo in 1st release of Alib.h */
+#ifndef ARightOutputChMask
+#define ARightOutputChMask ARighOutputChMask
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView *lBox )
+ Audio *audio;
+ long status;
+ char server[80];
+ int i;
+ TQString str,str2;
+ TQListViewItem* olditem = 0;
+ // server = Hostname....
+ server[0] = 0;
+ audio = AOpenAudio( server, &status );
+ if( status ) {
+ *GetInfo_ErrorString = i18n("Unable to open Audio-Server (Alib).");
+ return false;
+ }
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information") );
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value") );
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Audio Name"), TQString(audio->audio_name));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Vendor"), TQString(audio->vendor));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Alib Version"),
+ Value(audio->alib_major_version) + TQString(".") +
+ Value(audio->alib_minor_version));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Protocol Revision"),
+ Value(audio->proto_major_version) + TQString(".") +
+ Value(audio->proto_minor_version));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Vendor Number"),
+ Value(audio->vnumber));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Release"),
+ Value(audio->release));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Byte Order"),
+ TQString((audio->byte_order==ALSBFirst)? i18n("ALSBFirst (LSB)"):
+ ((audio->byte_order==AMSBFirst)? i18n("AMSBFirst (MSB)"):
+ i18n("Invalid Byteorder.")) ));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Bit Order"),
+ TQString((audio->sound_bit_order==ALeastSignificant)?
+ i18n("ALeastSignificant (LSB)") :
+ ((audio->sound_bit_order==AMostSignificant) ?
+ i18n("AMostSignificant (MSB)"):i18n("Invalid Bitorder.")) ));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Data Formats"));
+ for ( i = 0; i < audio->n_data_format; i++ ) {
+ if (audio->data_format_list[i] <= ADFLin8Offset)
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, TQString(formatNames[audio->data_format_list[i]]));
+ }
+ olditem->setOpen(true);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Sampling Rates"));
+ for ( i = 0; i < audio->n_sampling_rate; i++ ) {
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, Value(audio->sampling_rate_list[i]));
+ }
+ olditem->setOpen(true);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Input Sources"));
+ if ( audio->input_sources & AMonoMicrophoneMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Mono-Microphone"));
+ if ( audio->input_sources & AMonoAuxiliaryMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Mono-Auxiliary"));
+ if ( audio->input_sources & ALeftMicrophoneMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Left-Microphone"));
+ if ( audio->input_sources & ARightMicrophoneMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Right-Microphone"));
+ if ( audio->input_sources & ALeftAuxiliaryMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Left-Auxiliary"));
+ if ( audio->input_sources & ARightAuxiliaryMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Right-Auxiliary"));
+ olditem->setOpen(true);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem,i18n("Input Channels"));
+ if ( audio->input_channels & AMonoInputChMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Mono-Channel"));
+ if ( audio->input_channels & ALeftInputChMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Left-Channel"));
+ if ( audio->input_channels & ARightInputChMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Right-Channel"));
+ olditem->setOpen(true);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Output Destinations"));
+ if ( audio->output_destinations & AMonoIntSpeakerMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Mono-InternalSpeaker"));
+ if ( audio->output_destinations & AMonoJackMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Mono-Jack"));
+ if ( audio->output_destinations & ALeftIntSpeakerMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Left-InternalSpeaker"));
+ if ( audio->output_destinations & ARightIntSpeakerMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Right-InternalSpeaker"));
+ if ( audio->output_destinations & ALeftJackMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Left-Jack"));
+ if ( audio->output_destinations & ARightJackMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Right-Jack"));
+ olditem->setOpen(true);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Output Channels"));
+ if ( audio->output_channels & AMonoOutputChMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Mono-Channel"));
+ if ( audio->output_channels & ALeftOutputChMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Left-Channel"));
+ if ( audio->output_channels & ARightOutputChMask )
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Right-Channel"));
+ olditem->setOpen(true);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Gain"));
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Input Gain Limits"),
+ Value(audio->max_input_gain));
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem,i18n("Output Gain Limits"),
+ Value(audio->min_output_gain) + TQString(" ")
+ + Value(audio->max_output_gain));
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Monitor Gain Limits"),
+ Value(audio->min_monitor_gain) + TQString(" ")
+ + Value(audio->max_monitor_gain));
+ new TQListViewItem(olditem, i18n("Gain Restricted"),
+ Value(audio->gm_gain_restricted));
+ olditem->setOpen(true);
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem,i18n("Lock"),
+ Value(audio->lock));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Queue Length"),
+ Value(audio->qlen));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Block Size"),
+ Value(audio->block_size));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Stream Port (decimal)"),
+ Value(audio->stream_port));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Ev Buffer Size"),
+ Value(audio->ev_buf_size));
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, i18n("Ext Number"),
+ Value(audio->ext_number));
+ ACloseAudio( audio, &status );
+ return true;
+#endif // defined(HAVE_ALIB_H)
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_linux.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_linux.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbda9691d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_linux.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+ Linux-specific Information about the Hardware.
+ (C) Copyright 1998-2006 by Helge Deller <[email protected]>
+ (C) Copyright 2006 by Jahshan Bhatti <[email protected]> (CD-ROM Info)
+ To do (maybe?):
+ - include Information about XFree86 and/or Accelerated X
+ (needs to change configure-skript, to see, if Header-files are available !)
+ - maybe also include information about the video-framebuffer devices
+ - rewrite detection-routines (maybe not to use the /proc-fs)
+ - more & better sound-information
+ /dev/sndstat support added: 1998-12-08 Duncan Haldane ([email protected])
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <syscall.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H /* some Linux-versions don't have fstab.h */
+# include <fstab.h>
+# include <sys/statfs.h>
+# define INFO_PARTITIONS_FULL_INFO /* show complete info */
+#elif defined HAVE_MNTENT_H /* but maybe they have mntent.h ? */
+# include <mntent.h>
+# include <sys/vfs.h>
+# define INFO_PARTITIONS_FULL_INFO /* show complete info */
+# undef INFO_PARTITIONS_FULL_INFO /* no partitions-info */
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <tdeapplication.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+#define INFO_CPU "/proc/cpuinfo"
+#define INFO_IRQ "/proc/interrupts"
+#define INFO_DMA "/proc/dma"
+#define INFO_PCI "/proc/pci"
+#define INFO_IOPORTS "/proc/ioports"
+#define INFO_DEV_SNDSTAT "/dev/sndstat"
+#define INFO_SOUND "/proc/sound"
+#define INFO_ASOUND "/proc/asound/oss/sndstat"
+#define INFO_ASOUND09 "/proc/asound/sndstat"
+#define INFO_DEVICES "/proc/devices"
+#define INFO_MISC "/proc/misc"
+#define INFO_SCSI "/proc/scsi/scsi"
+#define INFO_PARTITIONS "/proc/partitions"
+#define INFO_MOUNTED_PARTITIONS "/etc/mtab" /* on Linux... */
+#define INFO_CD_ROM "/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info" /* Feature 47242 */
+bool GetInfo_ReadfromFile(TQListView * lbox, const char *FileName,
+ const TQChar& splitChar,
+ TQListViewItem * lastitem = 0,
+ TQListViewItem ** newlastitem = 0)
+ bool added = false;
+ TQFile file(FileName);
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (! {
+ /* *GetInfo_ErrorString =
+ i18n("You do not have read-access for the file %1!\nPlease ask your system-administrator for advice!")
+ .arg(FileName);
+ */
+ return false;
+ }
+ TQTextStream stream(&file);
+ TQString line;
+ while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+ TQString s1, s2;
+ line = stream.readLine();
+ if (!line.isEmpty()) {
+ if (!splitChar.isNull()) {
+ int pos = line.find(splitChar);
+ s1 = line.left(pos-1).stripWhiteSpace();
+ s2 = line.mid(pos+1).stripWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ else
+ s1 = line;
+ }
+ lastitem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, lastitem, s1, s2);
+ added = true;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ if (newlastitem)
+ *newlastitem = lastitem;
+ return added;
+bool GetInfo_CPU(TQListView * lBox)
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value"));
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_CPU, ':');
+bool GetInfo_IRQ(TQListView * lBox)
+ lBox->setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::fixedFont());
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_IRQ, 0);
+bool GetInfo_DMA(TQListView * lBox)
+ TQFile file(INFO_DMA);
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("DMA-Channel"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Used By"));
+ if (file.exists() && {
+ TQTextStream stream(&file);
+ TQString line;
+ TQListViewItem *child=0L;
+ while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+ line = stream.readLine();
+ if (!line.isEmpty()) {
+ TQRegExp rx("^\\s*(\\S+)\\s*:\\s*(\\S+)");
+ if (-1 != {
+ child = new TQListViewItem(lBox,child,rx.cap(1),rx.cap(2));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_PCI(TQListView * lBox)
+ int num;
+ sorting_allowed = false; /* no sorting by user */
+ /* ry to get the output of the lspci package first */
+ if ((num = GetInfo_ReadfromPipe(lBox, "lspci -v", true)) ||
+ (num = GetInfo_ReadfromPipe(lBox, "/sbin/lspci -v", true)) ||
+ (num = GetInfo_ReadfromPipe(lBox, "/usr/sbin/lspci -v", true)) ||
+ (num = GetInfo_ReadfromPipe(lBox, "/usr/local/sbin/lspci -v", true)))
+ return num;
+ /* if lspci failed, read the contents of /proc/pci */
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_PCI, 0);
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports(TQListView * lBox)
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("I/O-Range"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Used By"));
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_IOPORTS, ':');
+bool GetInfo_Sound(TQListView * lBox)
+ sorting_allowed = false; /* no sorting by user */
+ if (GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_DEV_SNDSTAT, 0))
+ return true;
+ else if (GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_SOUND, 0))
+ return true;
+ else if (GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_ASOUND, 0))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_ASOUND09, 0);
+bool GetInfo_Devices(TQListView * lBox)
+ TQFile file;
+ TQListViewItem *misc=0L;
+ lBox->setRootIsDecorated(true);
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Devices"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Major Number"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Minor Number"));
+ file.setName(INFO_DEVICES);
+ if (file.exists() && {
+ TQTextStream stream(&file);
+ TQString line;
+ TQListViewItem *parent=0L, *child=0L;
+ while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+ line = stream.readLine();
+ if (!line.isEmpty()) {
+ if (-1 != line.find("character device",0,false)) {
+ parent = new TQListViewItem(lBox,parent,i18n("Character Devices"));
+ parent->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon("chardevice"));
+ parent->setOpen(true);
+ } else if (-1 != line.find("block device",0,false)) {
+ parent = new TQListViewItem(lBox,parent,i18n("Block Devices"));
+ parent->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon("blockdevice"));
+ parent->setOpen(true);
+ } else {
+ TQRegExp rx("^\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)");
+ if (-1 != {
+ if (parent) {
+ child = new TQListViewItem(parent,child,rx.cap(2),rx.cap(1));
+ } else {
+ child = new TQListViewItem(lBox,parent,rx.cap(2),rx.cap(1));
+ }
+ if (rx.cap(2)=="misc") {
+ misc=child;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ file.setName(INFO_MISC);
+ if (misc && file.exists() && {
+ TQTextStream stream(&file);
+ TQString line;
+ TQListViewItem *child=0L;
+ misc->setText(0,i18n("Miscellaneous Devices"));
+ misc->setPixmap(0,SmallIcon("memory"));
+ misc->setOpen(true);
+ while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+ line = stream.readLine();
+ if (!line.isEmpty()) {
+ TQRegExp rx("^\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(\\S+)");
+ if (-1 != {
+ child = new TQListViewItem(misc,child,rx.cap(2),"10",rx.cap(1));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI(TQListView * lBox)
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_SCSI, 0);
+static void cleanPassword(TQString & str)
+ int index = 0;
+ TQString passwd("password=");
+ while (index >= 0)
+ {
+ index = str.find(passwd, index, FALSE);
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ index += passwd.length();
+ while (index < (int) str.length() &&
+ str[index] != ' ' && str[index] != ',')
+ str[index++] = '*';
+ }
+ }
+bool GetInfo_Partitions(TQListView * lBox)
+ return GetInfo_ReadfromFile(lBox, INFO_PARTITIONS, 0);
+// Some Ideas taken from garbazo from his source in info_fbsd.cpp
+#if SIZEOF_LONG > 4
+#define LONG_TYPE unsigned long
+#define LONG_TYPE unsigned long long
+/* On 32-bit systems we would get an overflow in unsigned int for
+ drives bigger than 4GB. Let's use the ugly type double ! */
+#define LONG_TYPE double
+#if ( defined(HAVE_LINUX_RAW_H) || defined(HAVE_SYS_RAW_H) ) && defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H) && defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_SYS_RAW_H)
+#include <sys/raw.h>
+#elif defined(HAVE_LINUX_RAW_H)
+#include <linux/raw.h>
+ * get raw device bindings and information
+ */
+void Get_LinuxRawDevices(TQListView *lbox)
+ int f, i, err;
+ int new_raw_devs = 1;
+ struct raw_config_request rq;
+ TQString devname;
+ TQString MB(i18n("MB")); /* "MB" = "Mega-Byte" */
+ /* try to open the raw device control file */
+ f = open("/dev/rawctl", O_RDWR);
+ if (f == -1) {
+ f = open("/dev/raw", O_RDWR);
+ new_raw_devs = 0;
+ }
+ if (f == -1)
+ return;
+ for (i=1; i<256; i++) {
+ rq.raw_minor = i;
+ if (ioctl(f, RAW_GETBIND, &rq))
+ continue;
+ if (!rq.block_major) /* unbound ? */
+ continue;
+ unsigned int minor = rq.block_minor;
+ char first_letter;
+ switch ((int)rq.block_major) {
+ /* IDE drives */
+ case 3: first_letter = 'a';
+ set_ide_name:
+ devname = TQString("/dev/hd%1%2")
+ .arg(TQChar(first_letter + minor/64))
+ .arg(minor&63);
+ break;
+ case 22:first_letter = 'c'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 33:first_letter = 'e'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 34:first_letter = 'g'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 56:first_letter = 'i'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 57:first_letter = 'k'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 88:first_letter = 'm'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 89:first_letter = 'o'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 90:first_letter = 'q'; goto set_ide_name;
+ case 91:first_letter = 's'; goto set_ide_name;
+ /* SCSI drives */
+ case 8: first_letter = 'a';
+ set_scsi_name:
+ devname = TQString("/dev/sd%1%2")
+ .arg(TQChar(first_letter + minor/16))
+ .arg(minor&15);
+ break;
+ case 65:first_letter = 'q'; goto set_scsi_name;
+ /* Compaq /dev/cciss devices */
+ case 104: case 105: case 106:
+ case 107: case 108: case 109:
+ devname = TQString("/dev/cciss/c%1d%2")
+ .arg((int)rq.block_major-104)
+ .arg(minor&15);
+ break;
+ /* Compaq Intelligent Drive Array (ida) */
+ case 72: case 73: case 74: case 75:
+ case 76: case 77: case 78: case 79:
+ devname = TQString("/dev/ida/c%1d%2")
+ .arg((int)rq.block_major-72)
+ .arg(minor&15);
+ break;
+ default: devname = TQString("%1/%2")
+ .arg((int)rq.block_major)
+ .arg(minor);
+ }
+ /* TODO: get device size */
+ TQString size = "";
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, devname,
+ TQString(new_raw_devs ? "/dev/raw/raw%1" : "/dev/raw%1").arg(i),
+ "raw", size, " ", "");
+ }
+ close(f);
+#define Get_LinuxRawDevices(x) /* nothing */
+bool GetInfo_Partitions(TQListView * lbox)
+#define NUMCOLS 6
+ TQString Title[NUMCOLS];
+ TQStringList Mounted_Partitions;
+ bool found_in_List;
+ int n;
+#ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H
+ struct fstab *fstab_ent;
+# define FS_NAME fstab_ent->fs_spec // device-name
+# define FS_FILE fstab_ent->fs_file // mount-point
+# define FS_TYPE fstab_ent->fs_vfstype // fs-type
+# define FS_MNTOPS fstab_ent->fs_mntops // mount-options
+ struct mntent *mnt_ent;
+ FILE *fp;
+# define FS_NAME mnt_ent->mnt_fsname // device-name
+# define FS_FILE mnt_ent->mnt_dir // mount-point
+# define FS_TYPE mnt_ent->mnt_type // fs-type
+# define FS_MNTOPS mnt_ent->mnt_opts // mount-options
+ struct statfs sfs;
+ LONG_TYPE total, avail;
+ TQString str, mountopts;
+ TQString MB(i18n("MB")); /* "MB" = "Mega-Byte" */
+#ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H
+ if (setfsent() == 0) /* Try to open fstab */
+ return false;
+ if (!(fp = setmntent("/etc/fstab", "r")))
+ return false;
+ /* read the list of already mounted file-systems.. */
+ if (file->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ char buf[1024];
+ while (file->readLine(buf, sizeof( buf )) > 0) {
+ str = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf);
+ if (str.length()) {
+ int p = str.find(' '); /* find first space. */
+ if (p)
+ str.remove(p, 1024); /* erase all chars including space. */
+ Mounted_Partitions.append(str);
+ }
+ }
+ file->close();
+ }
+ delete file;
+ /* create the header-tables */
+ MB = TQString(" ") + MB;
+ Title[0] = i18n("Device");
+ Title[1] = i18n("Mount Point");
+ Title[2] = i18n("FS Type");
+ Title[3] = i18n("Total Size");
+ Title[4] = i18n("Free Size");
+ Title[5] = i18n("Mount Options");
+ for (n = 0; n < NUMCOLS; ++n)
+ lbox->addColumn(Title[n]);
+ /* loop through all partitions... */
+#ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H
+ while ((fstab_ent = getfsent()) != NULL)
+ while ((mnt_ent = getmntent(fp)) != NULL)
+ {
+ total = avail = 0; /* initialize size.. */
+ found_in_List = (Mounted_Partitions.contains(FS_NAME) > 0);
+ if (found_in_List && statfs(FS_FILE, &sfs) == 0) {
+ total = ((LONG_TYPE) sfs.f_blocks) * sfs.f_bsize;
+ avail = (getuid()? sfs.f_bavail : sfs.f_bfree)
+ * ((LONG_TYPE) sfs.f_bsize);
+ };
+ /*
+ if (stat(fstab_ent->fs_file,&st)!=0)
+ total = 0;
+ if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+ total = 0;
+ */
+ mountopts = FS_MNTOPS;
+ cleanPassword(mountopts);
+ if (total)
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, TQString(FS_NAME) + " ",
+ TQString(FS_FILE) + " ",
+ TQString(FS_TYPE) + " ",
+ Value((int) (((total / 1024) + 512) / 1024),
+ 6) + MB,
+ Value((int) (((avail / 1024) + 512) / 1024),
+ 6) + MB, mountopts);
+ else
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, TQString(FS_NAME), TQString(FS_FILE),
+ TQString(FS_TYPE), " ", " ", mountopts);
+ }
+#ifdef HAVE_FSTAB_H
+ endfsent(); /* close fstab.. */
+ endmntent(fp); /* close fstab.. */
+ /* get raw device entires if available... */
+ Get_LinuxRawDevices(lbox);
+ sorting_allowed = true; /* sorting by user allowed ! */
+ lbox->setSorting(1);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video(TQListView * lBox)
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic(lBox);
+/* GetInfo for CD-ROM Info by Jahshan Bhatti */
+bool GetInfo_CD_ROM(TQListView * lBox)
+ TQFile file(INFO_CD_ROM);
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value"));
+ if (file.exists() && {
+ TQRegExp rx("(.+):\\s+(\\S.*)");
+ TQTextStream stream(&file);
+ TQString line;
+ TQListViewItem *child = NULL;
+ while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+ line = stream.readLine();
+ if (!line.isEmpty()) {
+ if (-1 != {
+ TQString text = rx.cap(1);
+ TQString value = rx.cap(2);
+ if (!text.contains('#')) {
+ if (value == "0")
+ value = KStdGuiItem::no().plainText();
+ if (value == "1")
+ value = KStdGuiItem::yes().plainText();
+ }
+ child = new TQListViewItem(lBox,child,text,value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ child = new TQListViewItem(lBox,child,TQString::null,TQString::null);
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_netbsd.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_netbsd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2b7b953a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_netbsd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * info_netbsd.cpp is part of the KDE program kcminfo. This displays
+ * various information about the NetBSD system it's running on.
+ *
+ * Originally written by Jaromir Dolecek <[email protected]>. CPU info
+ * code has been imported from implementation of processor.cpp for KDE 1.0
+ * by David Brownlee <[email protected]> as found in NetBSD packages collection.
+ * Hubert Feyer <[email protected]> enhanced the sound information printing
+ * quite a lot, too.
+ *
+ * The code is placed into public domain. Do whatever you want with it.
+ */
+ * all following functions should return TRUE, when the Information
+ * was filled into the lBox-Widget. Returning FALSE indicates that
+ * information was not available.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <stdio.h> /* for NULL */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc(3) */
+#include <fstab.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
+#include <tqstrlist.h>
+#include <tqtextstream.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tdeio/global.h> /* for TDEIO::convertSize() */
+typedef struct
+ {
+ int string;
+ int name;
+ const char *title;
+ } hw_info_mib_list_t;
+bool GetInfo_CPU(TQListView *lBox)
+ static hw_info_mib_list_t hw_info_mib_list[]= {
+ { 1, HW_MODEL, "Model" },
+ { 1, HW_MACHINE, "Machine" },
+ { 1, HW_MACHINE_ARCH, "Architecture" },
+ { 0, HW_NCPU, "Number of CPUs" },
+ { 0, HW_PAGESIZE, "Pagesize" },
+ { 0,0,0 }
+ };
+ hw_info_mib_list_t *hw_info_mib;
+ int mib[2], num;
+ char *buf;
+ size_t len;
+ TQString value;
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value"));
+ for ( hw_info_mib = hw_info_mib_list ; hw_info_mib->title ; ++hw_info_mib )
+ {
+ mib[0] = CTL_HW;
+ mib[1] = hw_info_mib->name;
+ if ( hw_info_mib->string ) {
+ sysctl(mib,2,NULL,&len,NULL,0);
+ if ( (buf = (char*)malloc(len)) ) {
+ sysctl(mib,2,buf,&len,NULL,0);
+ value = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf);
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ else {
+ value = TQString("Unknown");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ len = sizeof(num);
+ sysctl(mib,2,&num,&len,NULL,0);
+ value = TQString::number(num);
+ }
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, hw_info_mib->title, value);
+ }
+ return true;
+// this is used to find out which devices are currently
+// on system
+static bool GetDmesgInfo(TQListView *lBox, const char *filter,
+ void func(TQListView *, TQString s))
+ TQFile *dmesg = new TQFile("/var/run/dmesg.boot");
+ bool usepipe = false;
+ FILE *pipe = NULL;
+ TQTextStream *t;
+ bool seencpu = false;
+ TQString s;
+ bool found = false;
+ if (dmesg->exists() && dmesg->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ t = new TQTextStream(dmesg);
+ }
+ else {
+ delete dmesg;
+ pipe = popen("/sbin/dmesg", "r");
+ if (!pipe) return false;
+ usepipe = true;
+ t = new TQTextStream(pipe, IO_ReadOnly);
+ }
+ TQListViewItem *olditem = NULL;
+ while(!(s = t->readLine().local8Bit()).isEmpty()) {
+ if (!seencpu) {
+ if (s.contains("cpu"))
+ seencpu = true;
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (s.contains("boot device") ||
+ s.contains("WARNING: old BSD partition ID!"))
+ break;
+ if (!filter
+ || (filter[0] == '^' && s.find(&filter[1]) == 0)
+ || (filter[0] != '^' && s.contains(filter))) {
+ if (func)
+ func(lBox, s);
+ else
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, s);
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ delete t;
+ if (pipe)
+ pclose(pipe);
+ else {
+ dmesg->close();
+ delete dmesg;
+ }
+ return found;
+AddIRQLine(TQListView *lBox, TQString s)
+ int pos, irqnum;
+ char numstr[3];
+ pos = s.find(" irq ");
+ irqnum = (pos < 0) ? 0 : atoi(&s.ascii()[pos+5]);
+ if (irqnum)
+ snprintf(numstr, 3, "%02d", irqnum);
+ else {
+ // this should never happen
+ strcpy(numstr, "??");
+ }
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, numstr, s);
+bool GetInfo_IRQ (TQListView *lBox)
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("IRQ"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Device"));
+ lBox->setSorting(0);
+ lBox->setShowSortIndicator(FALSE);
+ (void) GetDmesgInfo(lBox, " irq ", AddIRQLine);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_DMA (TQListView *)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI (TQListView *lbox)
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "at pci", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No PCI devices found."));
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports (TQListView *lbox)
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "port 0x", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No I/O port devices found."));
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_Sound (TQListView *lbox)
+ lbox->setSorting(false);
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "audio", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No audio devices found."));
+ // append information for each audio devices found
+ TQListViewItem *lvitem = lbox->firstChild();
+ for(; lvitem; lvitem = lvitem->nextSibling()) {
+ TQString s;
+ int pos, len;
+ const char *start;
+ char *dev;
+ s = lvitem->text(0);
+ // The autoconf message is in form 'audio0 at auvia0: ...'
+ if (s.find("audio") == 0 && (pos = s.find(" at ")) > 0) {
+ pos += 4; // skip " at "
+ start = s.ascii() + pos;
+ len = (int) strcspn(start, ":\n\t ");
+ dev = (char *) malloc(1 + len + 1);
+ sprintf(dev, "^%.*s", len, start); /* safe */
+ GetDmesgInfo(lbox, dev, NULL);
+ free(dev);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_Devices (TQListView *lBox)
+ (void) GetDmesgInfo(lBox, NULL, NULL);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI (TQListView *lbox)
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "scsibus", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No SCSI devices found."));
+ // remove the 'waiting %d seconds for devices to settle' message
+ TQListViewItem *lvitem = lbox->firstChild();
+ for(; lvitem; lvitem = lvitem->nextSibling()) {
+ TQString s = lvitem->text(0);
+ if (s.contains("seconds for devices to settle")) {
+ lbox->removeItem(lvitem);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions (TQListView *lbox)
+ int num; // number of mounts
+ // FIXME: older pkgsrc patches checked ST_RDONLY for this declaration
+ // what is ST_RDONLY and how does it affect getmntinfo?
+ struct statfs *mnt; // mount data pointer
+ // get mount info
+ if (!(num=getmntinfo(&mnt, MNT_WAIT))) {
+ kdError() << "getmntinfo failed" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // table headers
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Device"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Mount Point"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("FS Type"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Total Size"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Free Size"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Total Nodes"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Free Nodes"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Flags"));
+ // mnt points into a static array (no need to free it)
+ for(; num--; ++mnt) {
+ unsigned long long big[2];
+ TQString vv[5];
+ big[0] = big[1] = mnt->f_bsize; // coerce the product
+ big[0] *= mnt->f_blocks;
+ big[1] *= mnt->f_bavail; // FIXME: use f_bfree if root?
+ // convert to strings
+ vv[0] = TDEIO::convertSize(big[0]);
+ vv[1] = TQString::fromLatin1("%1 (%2%%)")
+ .arg(TDEIO::convertSize(big[1]))
+ .arg(mnt->f_blocks ? mnt->f_bavail*100/mnt->f_blocks : 0);
+ // FIXME: these two are large enough to punctuate
+ vv[2] = TQString::number(mnt->f_files);
+ vv[3] = TQString::fromLatin1("%1 (%2%%) ")
+ .arg(mnt->f_ffree)
+ .arg(mnt->f_files ? mnt->f_ffree*100/mnt->f_files : 0);
+ vv[4] = TQString::null;
+#define MNTF(x) if (mnt->f_flags & MNT_##x) vv[4] += TQString::fromLatin1(#x " ");
+#undef MNTF
+ // put it in the table
+ // FIXME: there're more data but we have limited args (this is wrong! just add!)
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox,
+ // FIXME: names need pad space
+ mnt->f_mntfromname,
+ mnt->f_mntonname,
+ mnt->f_fstypename,
+ vv[0], vv[1], vv[2], vv[3], vv[4]);
+ }
+ // job well done
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video (TQListView *lBox)
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_openbsd.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_openbsd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b484da76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_openbsd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ * info_netbsd.cpp is part of the KDE program kcminfo. This displays
+ * various information about the OpenBSD system it's running on.
+ *
+ * Originally written by Jaromir Dolecek <[email protected]>. CPU info
+ * code has been imported from implementation of processor.cpp for KDE 1.0
+ * by David Brownlee <[email protected]> as found in NetBSD packages collection.
+ * Hubert Feyer <[email protected]> enhanced the sound information printing
+ * quite a lot, too.
+ *
+ * The code is placed into public domain. Do whatever you want with it.
+ */
+ * all following functions should return TRUE, when the Information
+ * was filled into the lBox-Widget. Returning FALSE indicates that
+ * information was not available.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <stdio.h> /* for NULL */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* for malloc(3) */
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
+#include <tqstrlist.h>
+#include <tqtextstream.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+typedef struct
+ {
+ int string;
+ int name;
+ const char *title;
+ } hw_info_mib_list_t;
+bool GetInfo_CPU(TQListView *lBox)
+ static hw_info_mib_list_t hw_info_mib_list[]= {
+ { 1, HW_MODEL, "Model" },
+ { 1, HW_MACHINE, "Machine" },
+ { 0, HW_NCPU, "Number of CPUs" },
+ { 0, HW_PAGESIZE, "Pagesize" },
+ { 0,0,0 }
+ };
+ hw_info_mib_list_t *hw_info_mib;
+ int mib[2], num;
+ char *buf;
+ size_t len;
+ TQString value;
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value"));
+ for ( hw_info_mib = hw_info_mib_list ; hw_info_mib->title ; ++hw_info_mib )
+ {
+ mib[0] = CTL_HW;
+ mib[1] = hw_info_mib->name;
+ if ( hw_info_mib->string ) {
+ sysctl(mib,2,NULL,&len,NULL,0);
+ if ( (buf = (char*)malloc(len)) ) {
+ sysctl(mib,2,buf,&len,NULL,0);
+ value = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf);
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ else {
+ value = TQString("Unknown");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ len = sizeof(num);
+ sysctl(mib,2,&num,&len,NULL,0);
+ value.sprintf("%d", num);
+ }
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, hw_info_mib->title, value);
+ }
+ return true;
+// this is used to find out which devices are currently
+// on system
+static bool GetDmesgInfo(TQListView *lBox, const char *filter,
+ void func(TQListView *, TQString s, void **, bool))
+ TQFile *dmesg = new TQFile("/var/run/dmesg.boot");
+ bool usepipe=false;
+ FILE *pipe=NULL;
+ TQTextStream *t;
+ bool seencpu=false;
+ void *opaque=NULL;
+ TQString s;
+ bool found=false;
+ if (dmesg->exists() && dmesg->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ t = new TQTextStream(dmesg);
+ }
+ else {
+ delete dmesg;
+ pipe = popen("/sbin/dmesg", "r");
+ if (!pipe) return false;
+ usepipe = true;
+ t = new TQTextStream(pipe, IO_ReadOnly);
+ }
+ TQListViewItem *olditem = NULL;
+ while(!(s = t->readLine()).isNull()) {
+ if (!seencpu) {
+ if (s.contains("cpu"))
+ seencpu = true;
+ else
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (s.contains("boot device") ||
+ s.contains("WARNING: old BSD partition ID!"))
+ break;
+ if (!filter || s.contains(filter)) {
+ if (func) {
+ func(lBox, s, &opaque, false);
+ }
+ else {
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, s);
+ }
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (func) {
+ func(lBox, s, &opaque, true);
+ }
+ //lBox->triggerUpdate();
+ delete t;
+ if (pipe) {
+ pclose(pipe);
+ }
+ else {
+ dmesg->close();
+ delete dmesg;
+ }
+ return found;
+void AddIRQLine(TQListView *lBox, TQString s, void **opaque, bool ending)
+ TQStrList *strlist = (TQStrList *) *opaque;
+ const char *str;
+ int pos, irqnum=0;
+ const char *p;
+ p = s.latin1();
+ if (!strlist) {
+ strlist = new TQStrList();
+ *opaque = (void *) strlist;
+ }
+ if (ending) {
+ str = strlist->first();
+ for(;str; str = strlist->next()) {
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, str);
+ }
+ delete strlist;
+ return;
+ }
+ pos = s.find(" irq ");
+ irqnum = (pos < 0) ? 0 : atoi(&p[pos+5]);
+ if (irqnum) {
+ s.sprintf("%02d%s", irqnum, p);
+ }
+ else {
+ s.sprintf("??%s", p);
+ }
+ strlist->inSort(s.latin1());
+bool GetInfo_IRQ (TQListView *lBox)
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("IRQ"));
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Device"));
+ (void) GetDmesgInfo(lBox, " irq ", AddIRQLine);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_DMA (TQListView *)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI (TQListView *lbox)
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "at pci", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No PCI devices found."));
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports (TQListView *lbox)
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "port 0x", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No I/O port devices found."));
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_Sound (TQListView *lbox)
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "audio", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No audio devices found."));
+ // append information on any audio devices found
+ TQListViewItem *lvitem = lbox->firstChild();
+ for(; lvitem; lvitem = lvitem->nextSibling()) {
+ TQString s;
+ int pos, len;
+ const char *start, *end;
+ char *dev;
+ s = lvitem->text(0);
+ if ((pos = s.find("at ")) >= 0) {
+ pos += 3; // skip "at "
+ start = end = s.ascii();
+ for(; *end && (*end!=':') && (*end!='\n'); end++);
+ len = end - start;
+ dev = (char *) malloc(len + 1);
+ strncpy(dev, start, len);
+ dev[len] = '\0';
+ GetDmesgInfo(lbox, dev, NULL);
+ free(dev);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_Devices (TQListView *lBox)
+ (void) GetDmesgInfo(lBox, NULL, NULL);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI (TQListView *lbox)
+ if (!GetDmesgInfo(lbox, "scsibus", NULL))
+ new TQListViewItem(lbox, i18n("No SCSI devices found."));
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions (TQListView *lbox)
+ TQString s;
+ char *line, *orig_line;
+ const char *device, *mountpoint, *type, *flags;
+ FILE *pipe = popen("/sbin/mount", "r");
+ TQTextStream *t;
+ if (!pipe) {
+ kdError(0) << i18n("Unable to run /sbin/mount.") << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ t = new TQTextStream(pipe, IO_ReadOnly);
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Device"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Mount Point"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("FS Type"));
+ lbox->addColumn(i18n("Mount Options"));
+ TQListViewItem *olditem = 0;
+ while (!(s = t->readLine()).isNull()) {
+ orig_line = line = strdup(s.latin1());
+ device = strsep(&line, " ");
+ (void) strsep(&line, " "); // consume word "on"
+ mountpoint = strsep(&line, " ");
+ (void) strsep(&line, " "); // consume word "type"
+ type = strsep(&line, " ");
+ flags = line;
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lbox, olditem, device, mountpoint,
+ type, flags);
+ free(orig_line);
+ }
+ delete t;
+ pclose(pipe);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video (TQListView *lBox)
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_osx.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_osx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f18aebea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_osx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 Benjamin Reed <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * info_osx.cpp is part of the KDE program kcminfo. Copied wholesale
+ * from info_fbsd.cpp =)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * all following functions should return TRUE, when the Information
+ * was filled into the lBox-Widget. Returning FALSE indicates that
+ * information was not available.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <fstab.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqfontmetrics.h>
+#include <tqptrlist.h>
+#include <tqstring.h>
+#include <tqtextstream.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <mach/mach.h>
+#include <mach-o/arch.h>
+#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
+#include <machine/limits.h>
+bool GetInfo_CPU (TQListView *lBox)
+ TQString cpustring;
+ kern_return_t ret;
+ struct host_basic_info basic_info;
+ unsigned int count=HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
+ ret=host_info(mach_host_self(), HOST_BASIC_INFO,
+ (host_info_t)&basic_info, &count);
+ if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {
+ kdDebug() << "unable to get host information from mach" << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "got Host Info: (" << basic_info.avail_cpus << ") CPUs available" << endl;
+ const NXArchInfo *archinfo;
+ archinfo=NXGetArchInfoFromCpuType(basic_info.cpu_type, basic_info.cpu_subtype);
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, i18n("Kernel is configured for %1 CPUs").arg(basic_info.max_cpus));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= basic_info.avail_cpus; i++) {
+ cpustring = i18n("CPU %1: %2").arg(i).arg(archinfo->description);
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, cpustring);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_IRQ (TQListView *)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA (TQListView *)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI (TQListView *)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports (TQListView *)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Sound (TQListView *lBox)
+#define kMaxStringSize 1024
+ OSStatus status;
+ AudioDeviceID gOutputDeviceID;
+ unsigned long propertySize;
+ char deviceName[kMaxStringSize];
+ char manufacturer[kMaxStringSize];
+ propertySize = sizeof(gOutputDeviceID);
+ status = AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice, &propertySize, &gOutputDeviceID);
+ if (status) {
+ kdDebug() << "get default output device failed, status = " << (int)status << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (gOutputDeviceID != kAudioDeviceUnknown) {
+ propertySize = kMaxStringSize;
+ /* Device Name */
+ status = AudioDeviceGetProperty(gOutputDeviceID, 1, 0, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName, &propertySize, deviceName);
+ if (status) {
+ kdDebug() << "get device name failed, status = " << (int)status << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, i18n("Device Name: %1").arg(deviceName));
+ /* Manufacturer */
+ status = AudioDeviceGetProperty(gOutputDeviceID, 1, 0, kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturer, &propertySize, manufacturer);
+ if (status) {
+ kdDebug() << "get manufacturer failed, status = " << (int)status << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, i18n("Manufacturer: %1").arg(manufacturer));
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI (TQListView *lbox)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions (TQListView *lbox)
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video (TQListView *lBox)
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
+bool GetInfo_Devices (TQListView *lbox)
+ return false;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_sgi.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_sgi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7961d4e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_sgi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+/* info_sgi.cpp
+ !!!!! this file will be included by info.cpp !!!!!
+/* all following functions should return TRUE, when the Information
+ was filled into the lBox-Widget.
+ returning false indicates, that information was not available.
+#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
+bool GetInfo_CPU( TQListView *lBox )
+ TQString str;
+ char buf[256];
+ sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ str = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf);
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, str);
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_IRQ( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Devices( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video( TQListView *lBox )
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_solaris.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_solaris.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f2b17e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_solaris.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+ * info_solaris.cpp
+ *
+ * Torsten Kasch <[email protected]>
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/mnttab.h>
+#include <kstat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/mkdev.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <devid.h>
+#include <libdevinfo.h>
+#endif /* HAVE_LIBDEVINFO_H */
+bool GetInfo_CPU( TQListView *lBox ) {
+ kstat_ctl_t *kctl;
+ kstat_t *ksp;
+ kstat_named_t *kdata;
+ char cputype[16],
+ fputype[16];
+ char *timetxt;
+ char *ptr;
+ uint32_t i, ncpus;
+ unsigned long state_begin;
+ QString state;
+ QString mhz;
+ QString inst;
+ /*
+ * get a kstat handle first and update the user's kstat chain
+ */
+ if( (kctl = kstat_open()) == NULL ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ while( kstat_chain_update( kctl ) != 0 )
+ ;
+ /*
+ * get the # of CPUs
+ */
+ if( (ksp = kstat_lookup( kctl, "unix", 0, "system_misc" )) == NULL ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( kstat_read( kctl, ksp, NULL ) == -1 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "ncpus" );
+ if( kdata != NULL ) {
+ ncpus = kdata->value.ui32;
+ } else {
+ ncpus = 0;
+ }
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Instance" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "CPU Type" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "FPU Type" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "MHz" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "State" ));
+ /*
+ * get the per-processor info
+ */
+ for( i = 0; i < ncpus; i++ ) {
+ if( (ksp = kstat_lookup( kctl, "cpu_info", i, NULL )) == NULL ){
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( kstat_read( kctl, ksp, NULL ) == -1 ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ inst.setNum( i );
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "cpu_type" );
+ if( kdata != NULL ) {
+ strcpy( cputype, kdata->value.c );
+ } else {
+ sprintf( cputype, "???" );
+ }
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "fpu_type" );
+ if( kdata != NULL ) {
+ strcpy( fputype, kdata->value.c );
+ } else {
+ sprintf( fputype, "???" );
+ }
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "clock_MHz" );
+ if( kdata != NULL ) {
+ mhz.setNum( kdata->value.ul );
+ } else {
+ mhz.setNum( 0 );
+ }
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "state" );
+ if( kdata != NULL ) {
+ state = TQString( kdata->value.c );
+ } else {
+ state = "???";
+ }
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "state_begin" );
+ if( kdata != NULL ) {
+ state_begin = kdata->value.i32;
+ if( (timetxt = ctime( (time_t *) &state_begin )) != NULL ) {
+ ptr = strrchr( timetxt, '\n' );
+ *ptr = '\0';
+ state += " since " + TQString( timetxt );
+ }
+ }
+ new TQListViewItem( lBox, inst, cputype, fputype, mhz, state );
+ }
+ // sorting_allowed = true;
+ lBox->setSorting( 0 );
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_IRQ( TQListView * ) {
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA( TQListView * ) {
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI( TQListView * ) {
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports( TQListView * ) {
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView * ) {
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI( TQListView * ) {
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions( TQListView *lBox ) {
+ FILE *mnttab;
+ struct mnttab mnt;
+ struct statvfs statbuf;
+ fsblkcnt_t tmp;
+ QString total;
+ QString avail;
+ time_t mnttime;
+ char *timetxt;
+ char *ptr;
+ if( (mnttab = fopen( MNTTAB, "r" )) == NULL ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * set up column headers
+ */
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Device" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Mount Point" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "FS Type" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Total Size" ));
+ // XXX: FIXME: how do I set column alignment correctly?
+ lBox->setColumnAlignment( 3, 2 );
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Free Size" ));
+ // XXX: FIXME: how do I set column alignment correctly?
+ lBox->setColumnAlignment( 4, 2 );
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Mount Time" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Mount Options" ));
+ /*
+ * get info about mounted file systems
+ */
+ rewind( mnttab );
+ while( getmntent( mnttab, &mnt ) == 0 ) {
+ /*
+ * skip fstype "nfs" and "autofs" for two reasons:
+ * o if the mountpoint is visible, the fs is not
+ * necessarily available (autofs option "-nobrowse")
+ * and we don't want to mount every remote fs just
+ * to get its size, do we?
+ * o the name "Partitions" for this statistics implies
+ * "local file systems only"
+ */
+ if( (strcmp( mnt.mnt_fstype, "nfs" ) == 0)
+ || (strcmp( mnt.mnt_fstype, "autofs" ) == 0) )
+ continue;
+ if( statvfs( mnt.mnt_mountp, &statbuf ) == 0 ) {
+ if( statbuf.f_blocks > 0 ) {
+ /*
+ * produce output in KB, MB, or GB for
+ * readability -- unfortunately, this
+ * breaks sorting for these columns...
+ */
+ tmp = statbuf.f_blocks
+ * (statbuf.f_frsize / 1024);
+ if( tmp > 9999 ) {
+ tmp /= 1024;
+ if( tmp > 9999 ) {
+ tmp /= 1024;
+ total.setNum( tmp );
+ total += " G";
+ } else {
+ total.setNum( tmp );
+ total += " M";
+ }
+ } else {
+ total.setNum( tmp );
+ total += " K";
+ }
+// avail.setNum( statbuf.f_bavail );
+// avail += " K";
+ tmp = statbuf.f_bavail
+ * (statbuf.f_frsize / 1024);
+ if( tmp > 9999 ) {
+ tmp /= 1024;
+ if( tmp > 9999 ) {
+ tmp /= 1024;
+ avail.setNum( tmp );
+ avail += " G";
+ } else {
+ avail.setNum( tmp );
+ avail += " M";
+ }
+ } else {
+ avail.setNum( tmp );
+ avail += " K";
+ }
+ } else {
+ total = "-";
+ avail = "-";
+ }
+ } else {
+ total = "???";
+ avail = "???";
+ }
+ /*
+ * ctime() adds a '\n' which we have to remove
+ * so that we get a one-line output for the QListViewItem
+ */
+ mnttime = (time_t) atol( mnt.mnt_time );
+ if( (timetxt = ctime( &mnttime )) != NULL ) {
+ ptr = strrchr( timetxt, '\n' );
+ *ptr = '\0';
+ }
+ new TQListViewItem(
+ lBox,
+ mnt.mnt_special,
+ mnt.mnt_mountp,
+ mnt.mnt_fstype,
+ total,
+ avail,
+ TQString( timetxt ),
+ mnt.mnt_mntopts
+ );
+ }
+ fclose( mnttab );
+ lBox->setSorting( 0 );
+ // sorting_allowed = true;
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video( TQListView *lBox ) {
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
+ * get Solaris' device configuration data through libdevinfo(3)
+ * and display it in a prtconf(1M) style tree
+ *
+ * NOTE: though the devinfo library seems to be present on earlier
+ * Solaris releases, this interface is documented to be available
+ * since Solaris 7 (libdevinfo.h is missing on pre-Solaris 7 systems)
+ *
+ * documentation for libdevinfo(3) including code samples on which
+ * this implementation is based on is available at
+ *
+ */
+ * we start with various helper routines for GetInfo_Devices()
+ */
+ * mktree() -- break up the device path and place its components
+ * into the tree widget
+ */
+TQListViewItem *mktree( TQListViewItem *top, const char *path ) {
+ QListViewItem *parent,
+ *previous,
+ *result;
+ char *str = strdup( path ),
+ *token;
+ /*
+ * start at "/"
+ */
+ parent = top;
+ result = (*top).firstChild();
+ previous = (*top).firstChild();
+ token = strtok( str, "/" );
+ while( token != NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * find insert pos:
+ * try to match the node at the current level
+ *
+ * NOTE: this implementation assumes that there are
+ * no two nodes with identical names at the
+ * same level of the device tree
+ */
+ while( result != NULL ) {
+ if( strcmp( token, (*result).text( 0 ).latin1()) == 0 )
+ break;
+ previous = result;
+ result = (*result).nextSibling();
+ }
+ if( result == NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * we haven't found the node, create a new one
+ */
+ result = new TQListViewItem( parent,
+ previous,
+ token );
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * we've found the node
+ */
+ parent = result;
+ previous = NULL;
+ if( (*result).firstChild() == NULL ) {
+ /*
+ * create new node during next iteration
+ */
+ result->setExpandable( true );
+ result->setOpen( false );
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * follow the child path
+ */
+ result = (*result).firstChild();
+ }
+ }
+ token = strtok( NULL, "/" );
+ }
+ free( str );
+ return( result );
+ * prop_type_str() -- return the property type as a string
+ */
+char *prop_type_str( di_prop_t prop ) {
+ switch( di_prop_type( prop )) {
+ return( "undefined" );
+ return( "BOOL" );
+ return( "INT" );
+ return( "STRING" );
+ return( "BYTE" );
+ default:
+ return( "unknown" );
+ }
+ * prop_type_guess() -- guess the property type
+ */
+int prop_type_guess( uchar_t *data, int len ) {
+ int slen;
+ int guess;
+ int i, c;
+ if( len < 0 )
+ return( -1 );
+ else if( len == 0 )
+ slen = 0;
+ for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+ c = (int) data[i];
+ switch( c ) {
+ case 0:
+ if( i == (len - 1 ))
+ break;
+ if( slen == 0 )
+ guess = DI_PROP_TYPE_BYTE;
+ else
+ guess = slen = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if( ! isprint( c ))
+ guess = DI_PROP_TYPE_BYTE;
+ else
+ slen++;
+ }
+ if( guess != DI_PROP_TYPE_STRING )
+ break;
+ }
+// if( (guess == DI_PROP_TYPE_BYTE) && (len % sizeof( int ) == 0 ))
+// guess = DI_PROP_TYPE_INT;
+ return( guess );
+ * dump_minor_node() -- examine a device minor node
+ * this routine gets passed to di_walk_node()
+ */
+int dump_minor_node( di_node_t node, di_minor_t minor, void *arg ) {
+ QListViewItem *item;
+ QString majmin;
+ char *type;
+ dev_t dev;
+ item = new TQListViewItem( (TQListViewItem *) arg,
+ di_minor_name( minor ));
+ item->setExpandable( true );
+ item->setOpen( false );
+ new TQListViewItem( item, i18n( "Spectype:" ),
+ (di_minor_spectype( minor ) == S_IFCHR)
+ ? i18n( "character special" )
+ : i18n( "block special" ));
+ type = di_minor_nodetype( minor );
+ new TQListViewItem( item, i18n( "Nodetype:" ),
+ (type == NULL) ? "NULL" : type );
+ if( (dev = di_minor_devt( minor )) != DDI_DEV_T_NONE ) {
+ majmin.sprintf( "%ld/%ld", major( dev ), minor( dev ));
+ new TQListViewItem( item, i18n( "Major/Minor:" ), majmin );
+ }
+ if( di_minor_next( node, minor ) == DI_MINOR_NIL )
+ return( DI_WALK_TERMINATE );
+ else
+ return( DI_WALK_CONTINUE );
+ * propvalue() -- return the property value
+ */
+TQString propvalue( di_prop_t prop ) {
+ int type;
+ int i, n;
+ char *strp;
+ int *intp;
+ uchar_t *bytep;
+ QString result;
+ /*
+ * Since a lot of printable strings seem to be tagged as 'byte',
+ * we're going to guess, if the property is not STRING or INT
+ * The actual type is shown in the info tree, though.
+ */
+ type = di_prop_type( prop );
+ if( (type != DI_PROP_TYPE_STRING) && (type != DI_PROP_TYPE_INT) ) {
+ n = di_prop_bytes( prop, &bytep );
+ type = prop_type_guess( bytep, n );
+ }
+ result = "";
+ switch( type ) {
+ if( (n = di_prop_strings( prop, &strp )) < 0 ) {
+ result = "(error)";
+ } else {
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ result += "\"";
+ result += strp;
+ result += "\" ";
+ strp += strlen( strp ) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if( (n = di_prop_ints( prop, &intp )) < 0 ) {
+ result = "(error)";
+ } else {
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ TQString tmp;
+ tmp.setNum( intp[i] );
+ result += tmp;
+ result += " ";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /*
+ * hmm, Sun's sample code handles the existence
+ * of a boolean property as "true", whereas
+ * prtconf(1M) obviously does not (Sol8, at least)
+ * -- we're doing the same and handle "bool" as "byte"
+ */
+ if( (n = di_prop_bytes( prop, &bytep )) < 0 ) {
+ result = "(error)";
+ } else {
+ if( n == 0 ) {
+ result = i18n( "(no value)" );
+ break;
+ }
+ result = "0x";
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ TQString tmp;
+ unsigned byte = (unsigned) bytep[i];
+ tmp.sprintf( "%2.2x", byte );
+ result += tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = "???";
+ }
+ return( result );
+ * dump_node() -- examine a device node and its children
+ * this routine gets passed to di_walk_node()
+ */
+int dump_node( di_node_t node, void *arg ) {
+ QListViewItem *top = (TQListViewItem *) arg,
+ *parent,
+ *previous;
+ char *path;
+ char *drivername;
+ char *names;
+ QString compatnames;
+ int i, n;
+ di_prop_t prop;
+ path = di_devfs_path( node );
+ /*
+ * if this is the root node ("/"), initialize the tree
+ */
+ if( strlen( path ) == 1 ) {
+ top->setText( 0, TQString( di_binding_name( node )));
+ top->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( "kcmdevices" ));
+ top->setOpen( true );
+ top->setSelectable( false );
+ top->setExpandable( false );
+ }
+ /*
+ * place the node in the tree
+ */
+ parent = mktree( top, path );
+ /*
+ * we have to handle the root node differently...
+ */
+ if( strlen( path ) > 1 ) {
+ parent->setExpandable( true );
+ parent->setOpen( false );
+ } else {
+ previous = parent;
+ parent = top;
+ }
+ /*
+ * node name and physical device path
+ */
+ drivername = di_driver_name( node );
+ previous = new TQListViewItem( parent,
+ i18n( "Driver Name:" ),
+ (drivername == NULL)
+ ? i18n( "(driver not attached)" )
+ : drivername );
+ previous = new TQListViewItem( parent, previous,
+ i18n( "Binding Name:" ), di_binding_name( node ));
+ n = di_compatible_names( node, &names );
+ if( n < 1 ) {
+ compatnames = i18n( "(none)" );
+ } else {
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
+ compatnames += names;
+ compatnames += " ";
+ names += strlen( names ) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ previous = new TQListViewItem( parent, previous,
+ i18n( "Compatible Names:" ), compatnames );
+ previous = new TQListViewItem( parent, previous,
+ i18n( "Physical Path:" ), TQString( path ));
+ /*
+ * dump the node's property list (if any)
+ */
+ if( (prop = di_prop_next( node, DI_PROP_NIL )) != DI_PROP_NIL ) {
+ previous = new TQListViewItem( parent, previous, i18n( "Properties" ));
+ previous->setExpandable( true );
+ previous->setOpen( false );
+ do {
+ /*
+ * property type & value
+ */
+ QListViewItem *tmp,
+ *prev;
+ tmp = new TQListViewItem( previous, di_prop_name( prop ));
+ tmp->setExpandable( true );
+ tmp->setOpen( false );
+ prev = new TQListViewItem( tmp, i18n( "Type:" ),
+ prop_type_str( prop ));
+ new TQListViewItem( tmp, prev, i18n( "Value:" ),
+ propvalue( prop ));
+ } while( (prop = di_prop_next( node, prop )) != DI_PROP_NIL );
+ }
+ /*
+ * if there are minor nodes, expand the tree appropriately
+ */
+ if( di_minor_next( node, DI_MINOR_NIL ) != DI_MINOR_NIL ) {
+ previous = new TQListViewItem( parent, previous, i18n( "Minor Nodes" ));
+ previous->setExpandable( true );
+ previous->setOpen( false );
+ di_walk_minor( node, NULL, 0, previous, dump_minor_node );
+ }
+ return( DI_WALK_CONTINUE );
+bool GetInfo_Devices( TQListView *lBox ) {
+ QListViewItem *top;
+ di_node_t root_node;
+ /*
+ * create a snapshot of the device tree
+ */
+ if( (root_node = di_init( "/", DINFOCPYALL )) == DI_NODE_NIL ) {
+ return( false );
+ }
+ // XXX: might try to di_prom_init() here as well (if we're setgid sys)
+ /*
+ * prepare the tree widget
+ */
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Device Information" ));
+ lBox->addColumn( i18n( "Value" ));
+ top = new TQListViewItem( lBox );
+ /*
+ * traverse the device tree
+ */
+ di_walk_node( root_node, DI_WALK_CLDFIRST, top, dump_node );
+ di_fini( root_node );
+ sorting_allowed = false;
+ return true;
+#else /* ! HAVE_LIBDEVINFO_H */
+bool GetInfo_Devices( TQListView * ) {
+ return false;
+#endif /* ! HAVE_LIBDEVINFO_H */
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/info_svr4.cpp b/kcontrol/info/info_svr4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba491a50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/info_svr4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ info_svr4.cpp
+ UNIX System V Release 4 specific Information about the Hardware.
+ Appropriate for SCO OpenServer and UnixWare.
+ Written 20-Feb-99 by Ronald Joe Record ([email protected])
+ Initially based on info_sgi.cpp
+#define INFO_DEV_SNDSTAT "/dev/sndstat"
+#include <sys/systeminfo.h>
+/* all following functions should return true, when the Information
+ was filled into the lBox-Widget.
+ returning false indicates, that information was not available.
+bool GetInfo_ReadfromFile( TQListView *lBox, char *Name, char splitchar )
+ TQString str;
+ char buf[512];
+ TQFile *file = new TQFile(Name);
+ TQListViewItem* olditem = 0;
+ if(!file->open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
+ delete file;
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (file->readLine(buf,sizeof(buf)-1) > 0) {
+ if (strlen(buf)) {
+ char *p=buf;
+ if (splitchar!=0) /* remove leading spaces between ':' and the following text */
+ while (*p) {
+ if (*p==splitchar) {
+ *p++ = ' ';
+ while (*p==' ') ++p;
+ *(--p) = splitchar;
+ ++p;
+ }
+ else ++p;
+ }
+ TQString s1 = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf);
+ TQString s2 = s1.mid(s1.find(splitchar)+1);
+ s1.truncate(s1.find(splitchar));
+ if(!(s1.isEmpty() || s2.isEmpty()))
+ olditem = new TQListViewItem(lBox, olditem, s1, s2);
+ }
+ }
+ file->close();
+ delete file;
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_CPU( TQListView *lBox )
+ char buf[256];
+ sysinfo(SI_ARCHITECTURE, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf));
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_IRQ( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_DMA( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_PCI( TQListView *lBox )
+ char buf[256];
+ sysinfo(SI_BUSTYPES, buf, sizeof(buf));
+ new TQListViewItem(lBox, TQString::fromLocal8Bit(buf));
+ return true;
+bool GetInfo_IO_Ports( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Sound( TQListView *lBox )
+ if ( GetInfo_ReadfromFile( lBox, INFO_DEV_SNDSTAT, 0 ))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Devices( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_SCSI( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_Partitions( TQListView * )
+ return false;
+bool GetInfo_XServer_and_Video( TQListView *lBox )
+ return GetInfo_XServer_Generic( lBox );
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/interrupts.desktop b/kcontrol/info/interrupts.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4be049dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/interrupts.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell interrupts
+Name[ar]=مفاتيح الإنقطاع
+Name[tg]=Қатъ шудан
+Name[vi]=Gián đoạn
+Comment=Interrupt information
+Comment[af]=Interrupt informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات مفاتيح الإنقطاع
+Comment[az]=Kəsmələr haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб перапыненнях
+Comment[bg]=Информация за прекъсванията в системата
+Comment[bn]=ইনটরাপ্ট তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar spanoù
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o interaptima
+Comment[ca]=Informació de les interrupcions
+Comment[cs]=Informace o přerušeních
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò przerwaniach
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth Ymyriadau
+Comment[de]=Informationen zu Interrupts
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τις διακοπές
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri interrompoj
+Comment[es]=Información sobre las interrupciones
+Comment[et]=Katkestuste info
+Comment[eu]=Etenaldiei buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات وقفه
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur les interruptions
+Comment[fy]=Underbrekking ynformaasje
+Comment[gl]=Información das interrupcións
+Comment[he]=מידע על בקשת הפסיקה
+Comment[hi]=इंटरप्ट जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o presretanjima
+Comment[hu]=A megszakítások jellemzői
+Comment[id]=Informasi interrupt
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um ígrip (IRQ)
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sugli interrupt
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია შეწყვეტყის შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=Үзілім мәліметі
+Comment[ko]=인터럽트 정보
+Comment[lt]=Pertraukčių informacija
+Comment[lv]=Pārtraukumu informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за прекините
+Comment[mn]=Тасалдлын мэдээллүүд
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat Sampukan
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar l-interrupts
+Comment[ne]=रोकावट सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya Tshitiso
+Comment[oc]=Informacion de les interrupcions
+Comment[pa]=ਰੁਕਾਵਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o przerwaniach
+Comment[pt]=Informação das interrupções
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre as interrupções
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre întreruperile alocate
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о прерываниях
+Comment[rw]=Ibisobanuro by'irogoya
+Comment[se]=Dieđut gaskkaldumiid birra
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o prerušeniach
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o prekinitvah
+Comment[sr]=Информације о прекидима
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o prekidima
+Comment[ta]=குறுக்கீட்டுத தகவல்
+Comment[te]=ఇంటెరప్ట్ సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Ахборот дар бораи қатъ шавӣ
+Comment[tr]=Kesmeler hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=Özgeçlär turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо перепини
+Comment[uz]=Toʻxtalish haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Тўхталиш ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=U thithisa mafhungo
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về các gián đoạn
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion so Interrupt
+Comment[xh]=Phazamisa ulwazi
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lweziphazamiso
+Keywords=Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=Interrupts;IRQ;System Informasie;
+Keywords[az]=Kəsmələr;IRQ;Sistem haqqında mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Перапыненні;сістэмная інфармацыя;Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; прекъсване; прекъсвания; програмни; Interrupts; IRQ; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=spanoù;IRQ;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;informacije o sustavu;interupti;
+Keywords[ca]=Interrupcions; IRQ; informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=Přerušení;IRQ;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=Przerwania;IRQ;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=Ymyriadau;IRQ;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[el]=Διακοπές;IRQ;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=Interrupciones;IRQ;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=Katkestused;IRQ;Süsteemi informatsioon;
+Keywords[eu]=Etenaldiak;IRQ;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=وقفه‌ها، IRQ، اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=interruptions;IRQ;informations système;irq;
+Keywords[gl]=Interrupcións;IRQ;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=בקשת פסיקה;מידע מערכת;IRQ;פסיקה;Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=इंटरप्ट्स;आईआरक्यू;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;Presretanja;Podaci o sustavu;
+Keywords[id]=Interrupts;IRQ;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[it]=interrupt;IRQ;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[ka]=წყვიტავს;IRQ;ინფორმაცია სისტემის შესახებ;
+Keywords[ko]=인터럽트;IRQ;시스템 정보;
+Keywords[lt]=Pertrauktys;IRQ;Sistemos Informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=Pārtraukumi;IRQ;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;Прекини;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=Тасалдлууд;IRQ;Системийн мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[ne]=रोकावट; IRQ; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nso]=Ditshitiso;IRQ;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=Interrupcions; IRQ; informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=Interrupts;IRQ;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;ਰੁਕਾਵਟ;
+Keywords[pl]=Przerwania;IRQ;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=interrupções;IRQ;informações sobre o sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=Interrupções;IRQ;Informações do sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=întreruperi;IRQ;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=Amarogoya;IRQ;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=Prerušenia;IRQ;Systémové informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=prekinitve;IRQ;sistemski podatki;
+Keywords[sr]=Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;прекиди;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;prekidi;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=குறுக்கீடுகள்;IRQ; கணினித் தகவல்;
+Keywords[te]=ఇంటెరప్ట్; ఐ ఆర్ క్యు; వ్యవస్థ సమాచారం;
+Keywords[tr]=Kesmeler;IRQ;Sistem hakkında bilgi;
+Keywords[uz]=Toʻxtalishlar;IRQ;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=Тўхталишлар;IRQ;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=U thithisa;IRQ;Mafhungo a Sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=Gián đoạn;IRQ;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=Interrupts;IRQ;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[xh]=Iziphazamiso;IRQ;Ulwazi lwendlela;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=Interrupts;中断;IRQ;System Information;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=Interrupts;IRQ;System Information;中斷;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=Iziphazamiso;IRQ;Ulwazi lwesistimu;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/ioports.desktop b/kcontrol/info/ioports.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37628f71a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/ioports.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell ioports
+Name[ar]=منافذ الإدخال و الإخراج
+Name[az]=G/Ç Qapıları
+Name[be]=Парты ўводу/вываду
+Name[br]=Porzhioù ED
+Name[ca]=Ports E/S
+Name[csb]=Pòrtë wéńdzeniô/wińdzeniô
+Name[el]=Θύρες Ι/Ο
+Name[es]=Puertos de E/S
+Name[et]=IO pordid
+Name[fa]=درگاههای ورودی خروجی
+Name[fr]=Ports d'entrées / sorties
+Name[ga]=Poirt I/A
+Name[gl]=Portos de E/S
+Name[hr]=IO portovi
+Name[it]=Porte di I/O
+Name[ja]=IO ポート
+Name[kk]=Енгізу-шығару порттары
+Name[km]=ច្រក IO
+Name[ko]=IO 포트
+Name[lo]=ພອດ IO
+Name[ms]=Port IO
+Name[nso]=Maboemong a IO
+Name[oc]=Ports E/S
+Name[pl]=Porty wejścia/wyjścia
+Name[pt]=Portos de E/S
+Name[pt_BR]=Portas de E/S
+Name[ro]=Porturi I/O
+Name[ru]=Порты ввода/вывода
+Name[sk]=V/V porty
+Name[sl]=V/I vrata
+Name[sr]=IO портови
+Name[sr@Latn]=IO portovi
+Name[ss]=Tikhungo te-IO
+Name[tg]=Даргоҳҳои дохил/баромад
+Name[tr]=G/Ç Portları
+Name[tt]=Kerü/Çığu Portları
+Name[uk]=Порти В/В
+Name[uz]=K/Ch portlar
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=К/Ч портлар
+Name[vi]=Cổng vào ra (VR)
+Name[wa]=Pôrts I/R
+Name[zh_CN]=IO 端口
+Comment=IO-port information
+Comment[af]=Io-poort informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات منافذ الإدخال و الإخارج
+Comment[az]=Giriş Çıktı portları haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб партах уводу/вываду
+Comment[bg]=Информация за входно-изходните портове
+Comment[bn]=আই-ও পোর্ট সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar porzhioù ED
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o IO-portovima
+Comment[ca]=Informació dels ports E/S
+Comment[cs]=Informace o vstupně/výstupních-portech
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò pòrtach wéńdzeniô/wińdzeniô
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth Porth-IO
+Comment[de]=Informationen zu benutzten Ein/Ausgabe-Ports
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τις θύρες εισόδου-εξόδου
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri Eneligaj-pordoj
+Comment[es]=Información sobre los puertos de E/S
+Comment[et]=IO portide info
+Comment[eu]=IO-atakei buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات درگاههای ورودی خروجی
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur les ports d'entrées / sorties
+Comment[ga]=Eolas faoi Phoirt I/A
+Comment[gl]=Información dos portos de E/S
+Comment[he]=מידע על יציאות הקלט־פלט
+Comment[hi]=आईओ-पोर्ट् जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o IO portovima
+Comment[hu]=A ki- és bemeneti portok jellemzői
+Comment[id]=Informasi Port-IO
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um inn-/úttaksport
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sulle porte di I/O
+Comment[ja]=IO ポートの情報
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია IO–პორტების შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=Енгізу-шығару порттар мәліметі
+Comment[km]=ព័ត៌មាន​ច្រក IO
+Comment[ko]=IO-주소 정보
+Comment[lo]=ຂໍ້ມູນພັອດ IO
+Comment[lt]=IO-porto informacija
+Comment[lv]=IO-portu informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за влезно/излезните порти
+Comment[mn]=Хэрэглэгдсэн Оролт/Гаралтын-портын мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat port IO
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar IO-port
+Comment[ne]=IO-पोर्ट सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya maboemong a IO
+Comment[oc]=Informacion dèus ports E/S
+Comment[pa]=IO-ਪੋਰਟ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o portach wejścia/wyjścia
+Comment[pt]=Informação sobre os portos de E/S
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre as portas de E/S
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre porturile I/O
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о портах ввода/вывода
+Comment[rw]=Ibisobanuro by'umuyoboro-IO
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o IO portoch
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o vhodno/izhodnih vratih
+Comment[sr]=Информације о IO портовима
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o IO portovima
+Comment[sv]=Information om I/O-portar
+Comment[ta]=IO-முனைய தகவல்
+Comment[te]=ఐఓ-పోర్టుల సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти даргоҳиҳои дохил/баромад
+Comment[tr]=Girdi Çıktı portları hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=Kerü/çığu portları turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо портів вводу/виводу
+Comment[uz]=Kirish/chiqish portlar haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Кириш/чиқиш портлар ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo a IO-port
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về cổng VR
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion so les pôrts d' Intrêye/Rexhowe
+Comment[xh]=IO-ulwazi lwezibuko
+Comment[zh_CN]=IO 端口信息
+Comment[zh_TW]=IO-Port 資訊
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lwe-isikhumulo-IO
+Keywords=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Informasie;
+Keywords[az]=GÇ;G/Ç;GÇ Qapıları;G/Ç Qapıları; Qapılar;GÇ-Aralığı;G/Ç-Aralığı;Sistem;
+Keywords[be]=Увод'вывад;парты ўводу/вываду;парты;сістэмная інфармацыя;IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; вход; входно; изход; изходно; порт; портове; IO; I/O; IO-Ports; I/O-Ports; Ports; IO-Range; I/O-Range; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=ED;E/D;porzhioù E/D;porzhioù;rummad ED;rummadE/D;titouroù ar reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;IO-portovi;I/O-portovi;portovi;IO-raspon;I/O-raspon;informacije o sustavu;
+Keywords[ca]=ES;E/S;Ports d'ES;Ports d'E/S;Ports;Abast d'ES;Abast d'E/S;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=IO;I/O;IO-porty;I/O-porty;Porty;Rozsah IO;Rozsah I/O;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=IO;I/O;pòrtë IO;pòrtë I/O;portë;òbjim IO;òbjim I/O;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=IO;I/O;Pyrth-IO;Pyrth-I/O;Pyrth;Amrediad-IO;Amrediad-I/O;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[el]=ΕΕ;Ε/Ε;Θύρες ΕΕ;Θύρες Ε/Ε;Θύρες;Εύρος ΕΕ;Εύρος Ε/Ε;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=ES;E/S;Puertos de ES;Puertos de E/S;Puertos;Intervalo de ES;Intervalo de E/S;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=IO;I/O;IO pordid;I/O pordid;pordid;IO piirkond;I/O piirkond;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=IO;I/O;IO-atakak;Atakak;IO-barrutia;I/O-barrutia;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=ورودی خروجی، ورودی/خروجی، درگاههای ورودی خروجی، درگاهها، گسترۀ ورودی خروجی، گسترۀ ورودی/خروجی، اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=io;i/o;entrées-sorties;ports;ports d'entrées-sorties;informations système;plage d'entrées-sorties;
+Keywords[gl]=IO;I/O;E/S;Portos IO;Portos E/S;Rango IO;Rango E/S;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=קלט־פלט;יציאות קלט־פלט;יציאות;טווח קלט־פלט;מידע;מערכת;IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=आईओ;आई/ओ;आईओ-पोर्ट्;आई/ओ-पोर्ट्;पोर्ट्;आईओ-रेंज;आई/ओ-रेंज;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;IO portovi;IO raspon;Podaci o sustavu;
+Keywords[hu]=IO;I/O;IO-portok;I/O-portok;portok;IO-tartomány;I/O tartomány;rendszerinformáció;
+Keywords[id]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[it]=IO;I/O;porte di IO;porte di I/O;porte;intervallo di IO;intervallo di I/O;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[km]=IO;I/O;ច្រក IO;ច្រក I/O;ច្រក;ជួរ IO;ជួរ I/O;ព័ត៌មាន​ប្រព័ន្ធ;
+Keywords[lt]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;IO-portai;I/O-Ports;I/O-prievadai;Ports;prievadai;IO-Range;IO zona;I/O-Range;I/O zona;System Information;sisteminė informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=IO;I/O;IO-Porti;I/O-Porti;Porti;IO-Diapazons;I/O-Diapazons;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;ВИ;В/И;ВИ-порти;В/И-порти;Порти;В/И-опсег;В/И-опсег;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=Оролт/Гаралт;IO;I/O;IO-порт;I/O-Порт;Портууд;IO-талбар;I/O-талбар; Системийн мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[ne]=IO; I/O; IO-पोर्टहरू; I/O-पोर्टहरू; पोर्टहरू; IO-दायरा; आगत/निर्गत दायरा; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nso]=IO;I/O;Maboemong a IO;Maboemong a I/O;Maboemong;IO-Range; Tshedimoso ya I/O-Range;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=ES;E/S;Ports d'ES;Ports d'E/S;Ports;Rang d'ES;Rang d'E/S;Informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;
+Keywords[pl]=IO;I/O;porty IO;porty I/O;porty;zakres IO;zakres I/O;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=ES;E/S;portos E/S;portos;gama de E/S;informações de sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=ES;E/S;Portas E/S;Portas de E/S;Portas;Faixa de E/S;Faixa de E/S;Informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=I/E;IE;IO;I/O;porturi IO;porturi;domeniu IO;domeniu I/O;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=IO;I/O;Imiyoboro-IO;Imiyoboro-I/O;Imiyoboro;Igice-IO;Igice-I/O; Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[se]=SO;S/O;IO;I/O;SO-verráhat;S/O-verráhat;verráhat;SO-gaska;S/O-gaska; vuogádatdiehtu;
+Keywords[sk]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Porty;Porty;IO-Range;I/O-Range;Systém Informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=VI;V/I;V/I-vrata;VI-vrata;vrata;VI-obseg;V/I-obseg;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;портови;порт;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;portovi;port;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=IO;I/O;IO-முனையங்கள்;I/O-முனையங்கள்;முனையங்கள்;IO-நிலை;I/O-நிலை;அமைப்பு தகவல்;
+Keywords[th]=นำเข้านำออก;นำเข้า/นำออก;พอร์ตนำเข้านำออก;พอร์ตนำเข้า/นำออก;พอร์ต; แนวการนำเข้านำออก;แนวการนำเข้า/นำออก;ข้อมูลระบบ;
+Keywords[tr]=GÇ;G/Ç;GÇ Portları;G/Ç Portları; Portlar;GÇ-Aralığı;G/Ç-Aralığı;Sistem;
+Keywords[uk]=порти вводу/виводу;ВВ;в/в;порти;io;i/o;io-ports;i/p-ports;ports;system information;
+Keywords[uz]=K/Ch portlar;Portlar;K/Ch chegarasi;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=К/Ч портлар;Портлар;К/Ч чегараси;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;Mafhungo a Sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=VR;V/R;Cổng VR;Cổng V/R;Cổng;Vùng VR;Vùng VR;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;Sinformåcion do sistinme;I/R;poirts I/R;pôrts I/R;pôrts;poirts;
+Keywords[xh]=IO;I/O;IO-Amazibuko;I/O-Amazibuko;Amazibuko;IO-Beka ngendlela;Ulwazi lwendlela;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;I/O-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;IO 端口;I/O 端口;端口;IO 范围;I/O 范围;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=IO;I/O;IO-Ports;Ports;IO-Range;I/O-Range;System Information;IO 範圍;I/O 範圍;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=IO;I/O;Izikhumulo-IO;Izikhumulo-I/O;Izikhumulo;IO-Umbandela;I/O-Umbandela; Ulwazi Lwesistimu ;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/main.cpp b/kcontrol/info/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..780b6532e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ * main.cpp
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1999 Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Requires the Qt widget libraries, available at no cost at
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "memory.h"
+/* we have to include the info.cpp-file, to get the DEFINES about possible properties.
+ example: we need the "define INFO_CPU_AVAILABLE" */
+#include "info.cpp"
+extern "C"
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_cpu(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("Processor(s)"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_CPU);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_irq(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("Interrupt"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_IRQ);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_pci(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("PCI"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_PCI);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_dma(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("DMA-Channel"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_DMA);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_ioports(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("I/O-Port"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_IO_Ports);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_sound(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("Soundcard"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_Sound);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_scsi(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("SCSI"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_SCSI);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_devices(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("Devices"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_Devices);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_partitions(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("Partitions"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_Partitions);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_xserver(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("X-Server"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_XServer_and_Video);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_memory(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KMemoryWidget(parent, "kcminfo");
+ }
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_opengl(TQWidget *parent, const char * )
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("OpenGL"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_OpenGL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* create_cdinfo function for CD-ROM Info ~Jahshan */
+ KDE_EXPORT TDECModule *create_cdinfo(TQWidget *parent, const char * /*name*/)
+ {
+ return new KInfoListWidget(i18n("CD-ROM Info"), parent, "kcminfo", GetInfo_CD_ROM);
+ return 0;
+ }
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76d68d675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+ * memory.cpp
+ *
+ * prints memory-information and shows a graphical display.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Helge Deller <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/param.h> /* for BSD */
+#include <tqlayout.h>
+#include <tqpainter.h>
+#include <tqdrawutil.h>
+#include <tqtooltip.h>
+#include <tdeglobal.h>
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kseparator.h>
+#include "memory.h"
+enum { /* entries for Memory_Info[] */
+ TOTAL_MEM = 0, /* total physical memory (without swaps) */
+ FREE_MEM, /* total free physical memory (without swaps) */
+#if !defined(__svr4__) || !defined(sun)
+#if !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ SHARED_MEM, /* shared memory size */
+ BUFFER_MEM, /* buffered memory size */
+ CACHED_MEM, /* cache memory size (located in ram) */
+ SWAP_MEM, /* total size of all swap-partitions */
+ FREESWAP_MEM, /* free memory in swap-partitions */
+ all update()-functions should put either
+ their results _OR_ the value NO_MEMORY_INFO into Memory_Info[]
+static t_memsize Memory_Info[MEM_LAST_ENTRY];
+#define MEMORY(x) ((t_memsize) (x)) /* it's easier... */
+#define ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(value) ((value) != NO_MEMORY_INFO ? (value) : 0)
+/* Implementation */
+static TQLabel *MemSizeLabel[MEM_LAST_ENTRY][2];
+static TQWidget *Graph[MEM_LAST];
+static TQLabel *GraphLabel[MEM_LAST];
+#define SPACING 16
+static TQString formatted_unit(t_memsize value)
+ if (value > (1024 * 1024))
+ if (value > (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
+ return i18n("%1 GB").arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * 1024 * 1024.0), 2));
+ else
+ return i18n("%1 MB").arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / (1024 * 1024.0), 2));
+ else
+ return i18n("%1 KB").arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(value / 1024.0, 2));
+KMemoryWidget::KMemoryWidget(TQWidget * parent, const char *name)
+: TDECModule(parent, name)
+ TDEAboutData *about =
+ new TDEAboutData(I18N_NOOP("kcminfo"),
+ I18N_NOOP("TDE Panel Memory Information Control Module"),
+ 0, 0, TDEAboutData::License_GPL,
+ I18N_NOOP("(c) 1998 - 2002 Helge Deller"));
+ about->addAuthor("Helge Deller", 0, "[email protected]");
+ setAboutData( about );
+ TQString title, initial_str;
+ TQLabel *Widget = 0;
+ int i, j;
+ ram_colors_initialized =
+ swap_colors_initialized =
+ all_colors_initialized = false;
+ setButtons(Help);
+ /* default string for no Information... */
+ Not_Available_Text = i18n("Not available.");
+ TQVBoxLayout *top = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ TQHBoxLayout *hbox = new TQHBoxLayout();
+ top->addLayout(hbox);
+ /* stretch the left side */
+ hbox->addStretch();
+ /* first create the Informationtext-Widget */
+ TQVBoxLayout *vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(hbox, 0);
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; ++i) {
+ switch (i) {
+ case TOTAL_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Total physical memory:");
+ break;
+ case FREE_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Free physical memory:");
+ break;
+#if !defined(__svr4__) || !defined(sun)
+#if !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ case SHARED_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Shared memory:");
+ break;
+ case BUFFER_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Disk buffers:");
+ break;
+ case ACTIVE_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Active memory:");
+ break;
+ title = i18n("Inactive memory:");
+ break;
+ case CACHED_MEM:
+ title = i18n("Disk cache:");
+ break;
+ case SWAP_MEM:
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ title = i18n("Total swap space:");
+ break;
+ title = i18n("Free swap space:");
+ break;
+ default:
+ title = "";
+ break;
+ };
+ Widget = new TQLabel(title, this);
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignLeft);
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget, 1);
+ }
+ /* then the memory-content-widgets */
+ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(hbox, 0);
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; ++i) {
+ if (i == SWAP_MEM)
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ Widget = new TQLabel(this);
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignRight);
+ MemSizeLabel[i][j] = Widget;
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* stretch the right side */
+ hbox->addStretch();
+ KSeparator *line = new KSeparator(KSeparator::HLine, this);
+ top->addWidget(line);
+ /* now the Graphics */
+ TQString hint;
+ hbox = new TQHBoxLayout(top, 1);
+ for (i = MEM_RAM_AND_HDD; i < MEM_LAST; i++) {
+ hbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ vbox = new TQVBoxLayout(hbox);
+ switch (i) {
+ title = i18n("Total Memory");
+ hint = i18n("This graph gives you an overview of the "
+ "usage of <b>all available memory</b> (the sum of "
+ "physical memory and swap space) in your system.");
+ break;
+ case MEM_RAM:
+ title = i18n("Physical Memory");
+ hint = i18n("This graph gives you an overview of "
+ "the usage of <b>physical memory</b> in your system."
+ "<p>Most operating systems (including Linux) "
+ "will use as much of the available physical "
+ "memory as possible for a disk cache, "
+ "to speed up the reading and writing of files. "
+ "<p>This means that if you are seeing a small amount "
+ "of <b>Free Physical Memory</b> and a large amount of "
+ "<b>Disk Cache</b>, your system is well configured.");
+ break;
+ case MEM_HDD:
+ title = i18n("Swap Space");
+ hint = i18n("Swap space is the <b>virtual memory</b> "
+ "available to the system. "
+ "<p>It will be used when needed, and is provided "
+ "through one or more swap partitions and/or swap files.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ hint = title = TQString::null;
+ break;
+ };
+ if (hint.length())
+ hint = "<qt>" + hint + "</qt>";
+ Widget = new TQLabel("<b>" + title + "</b>", this);
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignCenter);
+ TQToolTip::add(Widget, hint);
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget);
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING / 2);
+ TQWidget *g = new TQWidget(this);
+ g->setMinimumWidth(2 * SPACING);
+ g->setMinimumHeight(3 * SPACING);
+ g->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground);
+ TQToolTip::add(g, hint); // add the tooltip
+ Graph[i] = g;
+ vbox->addWidget(g, 2);
+ vbox->addSpacing(SPACING / 2);
+ Widget = new TQLabel(this); /* xx MB used. */
+ Widget->setAlignment(AlignCenter);
+ TQToolTip::add(Widget, hint);
+ GraphLabel[i] = Widget;
+ vbox->addWidget(Widget);
+ }
+ hbox->addSpacing(SPACING);
+ timer = new TQTimer(this);
+ timer->start(100);
+ TQObject::connect(timer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this,
+ TQT_SLOT(update_Values()));
+ update();
+ /* stop the timer */
+ timer->stop();
+TQString KMemoryWidget::quickHelp() const
+ return i18n("<h1>Memory Information</h1>"
+ " This display shows you the current memory usage of your system."
+ " The values are updated on a regular basis and give you an"
+ " overview of the physical and virtual used memory." );
+/* Graphical Memory Display */
+bool KMemoryWidget::Display_Graph(int widgetindex,
+ int count,
+ t_memsize total,
+ t_memsize * used,
+ TQColor * color,
+ TQString *text)
+ TQWidget *graph = Graph[widgetindex];
+ int width = graph->width();
+ int height = graph->height();
+ TQPixmap pm(width, height);
+ TQPainter paint;
+ paint.begin(&pm, this);
+ TQPen pen(TQColor(0, 0, 0));
+ if (! ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(total)) {
+ paint.fillRect(1, 1, width - 2, height - 2,
+ TQBrush(TQColor(128, 128, 128)));
+ paint.setPen(pen);
+ paint.drawRect(graph->rect());
+ GraphLabel[widgetindex]->setText(Not_Available_Text);
+ paint.end();
+ bitBlt(graph, 0, 0, &pm);
+ return false;
+ }
+ int startline = height-2;
+ int percent, localheight;
+ t_memsize last_used = 0;
+ while (count--) {
+ last_used = *used;
+ percent = (((long long)last_used) * 1000 + 5) / (total * 10);
+ /* prevent integer overflow with usage of double type */
+ percent = (int) ((((double)last_used) * 1000 + 5) / (total * 10));
+ if (count)
+ localheight = ((height-2) * percent) / 100;
+ else
+ localheight = startline;
+ if (localheight>0) {
+ paint.fillRect(1, startline, width-2, -localheight, *color);
+ if (localheight >= SPACING) {
+ paint.drawText(0, startline-localheight, width, localheight,
+ AlignCenter | WordBreak,
+ TQString("%1 %2%").arg(*text).arg(percent));
+ }
+ }
+ startline -= localheight;
+ ++used;
+ ++color;
+ ++text;
+ }
+ /* draw surrounding box */
+ paint.setPen(pen);
+ TQRect r = graph->rect();
+ qDrawShadePanel(&paint, r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height(), palette().active(), true, 1);
+ paint.end();
+ bitBlt(graph, 0, 0, &pm);
+ GraphLabel[widgetindex]->setText(i18n("%1 free").arg(formatted_unit(last_used)));
+ return true;
+/* update_Values() is the main-loop for updating the Memory-Information */
+void KMemoryWidget::update_Values()
+ int i;
+ bool ok1;
+ TQLabel *label;
+ t_memsize used[5];
+ update(); /* get the Information from memory_linux, memory_fbsd */
+ /* update the byte-strings */
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; i++) {
+ label = MemSizeLabel[i][0];
+ if (Memory_Info[i] == NO_MEMORY_INFO)
+ label->clear();
+ else
+ label->setText(i18n("%1 bytes =").
+ arg(TDEGlobal::locale()->
+ formatNumber(Memory_Info[i], 0)));
+ }
+ /* update the MB-strings */
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; i++) {
+ label = MemSizeLabel[i][1];
+ label->setText((Memory_Info[i] != NO_MEMORY_INFO)
+ ? formatted_unit(Memory_Info[i])
+ : Not_Available_Text);
+ }
+ /* display graphical output (ram, hdd, at last: HDD+RAM) */
+ /* be careful ! Maybe we have not all info available ! */
+ /* RAM usage: */
+ /* don't rely on the SHARED_MEM value since it may refer to
+ * the size of the System V sharedmem in 2.4.x. Calculate instead! */
+ used[1] = 0;
+#if !defined(__svr4__) || !defined(sun)
+#if !defined(__NetBSD__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ used[1] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[BUFFER_MEM]);
+ used[2] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM]);
+ used[3] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[FREE_MEM]);
+ used[0] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM]) - used[1] - used[2] - used[3];
+ if (!ram_colors_initialized) {
+ ram_colors_initialized = true;
+ ram_text[0] = i18n("Application Data");
+ ram_colors[0] = COLOR_USED_DATA; /* used+shared */
+ ram_text[1] = i18n("Disk Buffers");
+ ram_colors[1] = COLOR_USED_BUFFER; /* buffers */
+ ram_text[2] = i18n("Disk Cache");
+ ram_colors[2] = COLOR_USED_CACHE; /* cached */
+ ram_text[3] = i18n("Free Physical Memory");
+ ram_colors[3] = COLOR_FREE_MEMORY; /* free */
+ }
+ ok1 = Display_Graph(MEM_RAM, 4, Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM],
+ used, ram_colors, ram_text);
+ /* SWAP usage: */
+ used[1] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM]);
+ used[0] = ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM]) - used[1];
+ if (!swap_colors_initialized) {
+ swap_colors_initialized = true;
+ swap_text[0] = i18n("Used Swap");
+ swap_colors[0] = COLOR_USED_SWAP; /* used */
+ swap_text[1] = i18n("Free Swap");
+ swap_colors[1] = COLOR_FREE_MEMORY; /* free */
+ }
+ Display_Graph(MEM_HDD, 2, Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM],
+ used, swap_colors, swap_text);
+ /* RAM + SWAP usage: */
+ /* used[0] already contains the amount of used swap */
+ used[2] = Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] + ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM]);
+ used[1] = Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] - Memory_Info[FREE_MEM];
+ if (!all_colors_initialized) {
+ all_colors_initialized = true;
+ all_text[0] = i18n("Used Memory (swap part)");
+ all_colors[0] = COLOR_USED_SWAP; /* used swap */
+ all_text[1] = i18n("Used Memory (physical part)");
+ all_colors[1] = COLOR_USED_RAM; /* used ram */
+ all_text[2] = i18n("Free Memory (total)");
+ all_colors[2] = COLOR_FREE_MEMORY; /* free ram+swap*/
+ }
+ Display_Graph(MEM_RAM_AND_HDD, 3,
+ ok1 ? Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] + ZERO_IF_NO_INFO(Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM])
+ used, all_colors, all_text);
+/* Include system-specific code */
+#ifdef __linux__
+#include "memory_linux.cpp"
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+#include "memory_osx.cpp"
+#elif defined(sgi) && sgi
+#include "memory_sgi.cpp"
+#elif defined(__svr4__) && defined(sun)
+#include "memory_solaris.cpp"
+#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__)
+#include "memory_fbsd.cpp"
+#elif defined(__hpux)
+#include "memory_hpux.cpp"
+#elif defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
+#include "memory_netbsd.cpp"
+#elif __osf__
+#include "memory_tru64.cpp"
+/* Default for unsupported systems */
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ int i;
+ for (i = TOTAL_MEM; i < MEM_LAST_ENTRY; ++i)
+ Memory_Info[i] = NO_MEMORY_INFO;
+#include "memory.moc"
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory.desktop b/kcontrol/info/memory.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a84db8e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell memory
+Name[mn]=Санах ой
+Name[vi]=Bộ nhớ
+Comment=Memory information
+Comment[af]=Geheue informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات الذاكرة
+Comment[az]=Yaddaş haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб памяці
+Comment[bg]=Информация за системната памет
+Comment[bn]=মেমরি সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar memor
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o memoriji
+Comment[ca]=Informació de la memòria
+Comment[cs]=Informace o paměti
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò pamiãcë
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth Cof
+Comment[da]=Information om hukommelsen
+Comment[de]=Informationen zum Speicher
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τη Μνήμη
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri memoro
+Comment[es]=Información sobre la memoria
+Comment[et]=Mäluga seotud info
+Comment[eu]=Memoriari buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات حافظه
+Comment[fi]=Tietoja muistista
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur la mémoire
+Comment[fy]=Unthâld ynformaasje
+Comment[gl]=Información da memória
+Comment[he]=מידע על הזיכרון
+Comment[hi]=मेमोरी जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o memoriji
+Comment[hu]=A memória jellemzői
+Comment[id]=Informasi Memory
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um vinnsluminni
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sulla memoria
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია მეხსიერების შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=Жад мәліметі
+Comment[ko]=메모리 정보
+Comment[lt]=Atminties informacija
+Comment[lv]=Atmiņas informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за меморијата
+Comment[mn]=Санах ойн мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat ingatan
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar memorja
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över den Spieker
+Comment[ne]=स्मृति सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya Kelelo
+Comment[oc]=Informacion de la memòria
+Comment[pa]=ਮੈਮੋਰੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o pamięci
+Comment[pt]=Informações sobre a memória
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre memória
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre utilizarea memoriei
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о использовании памяти
+Comment[rw]=Ibisobanuro by'umwanyabubiko
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o pamäti
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o pomnilniku
+Comment[sr]=Информације о меморији
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o memoriji
+Comment[ss]=Umniningwane wenkhumbulo
+Comment[ta]=நினைவுத் தகவல்
+Comment[te]=మెమొరి సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти хотира
+Comment[tr]=Bellek hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=Xäter turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо пам'яті
+Comment[uz]=Xotira haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Хотира ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Muhumbulo wa mafhungo
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về bộ nhớ
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion sol memwere
+Comment[xh]=Ulwazi lwenkumbulo
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lwenkumbulo
+Keywords=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Informasie;
+Keywords[ar]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;الذاكرة;ذاكرة;لاذاكرة العشوائية;الذاكرة الافتراضية;الذاكرة المادية;الذاكرة المشتركة;التبديل; معلومات النظام;
+Keywords[az]=Yaddaş;RAM;Virtual yaddaş;Fiziki yaddaş;Paylaşılan yaddaş;Dəyiş-toqquş Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Памяць;віртуальная памяць;фізічная памяць;падкачка;сістэмная інфармацыя;Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; памет; физическа; виртуална; кеш; реална; Memory; RAM; Virtual memory; Physical memory; Shared memory; Swap; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=memor;RAM;memor c'halloudel;memor fizikel;memor rannet;disloañ;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;memorija;fizička memorija;informacije o sustavu;dijeljena memorija;
+Keywords[ca]=Memòria;RAM;Memòria virtual;memòria física;memòria compartida;intercanvi;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=Paměť;RAM;Virtuální paměť;Fyzická paměť;Sdílená paměť;Swap;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=pamiãc;RAM;wirtualnô pamiãc;fizycznô pamiãc;zbiérnô pamiãc;lopk wëmianë;particëjô wëmianë;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=Cof;RAM;Cof rhith;Cof corfforol;Cof cyfrannol;Swap;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[da]=Hukommelse;Ram;Virtuel hukommelse;Fysisk hukommelse;Delt hukommelse;Swap;Systeminformation;
+Keywords[de]=Speicher;RAM;Virtueller Speicher;Physischer Speicher;Shared Memory;Auslagerung;Swap;Systeminformation;
+Keywords[el]=Μνήμη;RAM;Εικονική μνήμη;Φυσική μνήμη;Μοιρασμένη μνήμη;Αντιμετάθεση;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=Memoria;RAM;Memoria virtual;Memoria física;Memoria compartida;Swap;Intercambio;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=Mälu;RAM;Virtuaalmälu;Füüsiline mälu;Jagatud mälu;Swap;Saaleala;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=Memoria;RAM;Memoria birtuala;Memoria fisikoa;Partekatutako memoria; Swap;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=حافظه، حافظه با دستیابی تصادفی، حافظۀ مجازی، حافظۀ فیزیکی، حافظۀ مشترک، مبادله کردن، اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fi]=Muisti;RAM;Virtuaalimuisti;Fyysinen muisti;Jaettu muisti;Järjestelmätiedot;
+Keywords[fr]=mémoire;RAM;mémoire virtuelle;mémoire physique;mémoire partagée;swap;partition d'échange;informations système;ram;
+Keywords[fy]=memory;RAM;virtual memory;physical memory;shared memory;swap;systeemynformaasje;ûnthâld;wikselûnthâld;;virtueel ûnthâld;fysiek ûnthâld;dield ûnthâld;
+Keywords[ga]=Cuimhne;RAM;Cuimhne fhíorúil;Cuimhne ábhartha;Comhchuimhne;Cuimhne bhabhtála;Eolas faoin Chóras;
+Keywords[gl]=Memória;RAM;Memória virtual;Memória física;Memória compartida;Swap;Intercámbio;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=זיכרון פנימי;זיכרון וירטואלי;זיכרון משותף;תחלופה;מידע; מערכת;RAM;זיכרון;Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=मेमोरी;रैम;आभासी मेमोरी;वास्तविक मेमोरी;साझेदारी मेमोरी;अदला-बदली(स्वैप);तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;Memorija;Virtualana memorija;Fizička memorija;Dijeljena memorija;Podaci o sustavu;
+Keywords[hu]=memória;RAM;virtuális memória;fizikai memória;megosztott memória;lapozómemória;lapozó;swap;rendszerinformáció;
+Keywords[id]=Memory;RAM;Memory Virtual;Memory fisik;memory shared;Swap;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[is]=Minni;vinnsluminni;sýndarminni;samnýtt minni;biðminni;diskminni;kerfi;upplýsingar;
+Keywords[it]=memoria;RAM;memoria virtuale;memoria fisica;memoria condivisa;swap;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[ja]=メモリ;RAM;仮想メモリ;物理メモリ;共有メモリ; スワップ; システム情報;
+Keywords[ka]=მეხსიერება;RAM;ვირტუალური მეხსეირება;ფიზიკური მეხსიერება;საერთო მეხსიერება;მიმოცვლის ფაილია;ინფორმაცია სისტემის შესახებ;
+Keywords[lt]=Memory;atmintis;RAM;atmintinė;Virtual memory;virtuali atmintis;Physical memory;fizinė atmintis;Shared memory;bendro naudojimo atmintis;Swap;System Information;sisteminė informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=Atmiņa;RAM;Virtuālā atmiņa;Fiziskā atmiņa;Koplietošanas atmiņa;Svaps;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;Меморија;Виртуелна меморија;Физичка меморија;Заедничка меморија;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=Санах ой;RAM;Виртуал санах ой;Физик санах ой;Хамтарсан санах ой;Хадгалалт;Зөөлт;Системийн мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[nb]=Minne;RAM;Kunstig minne;Fysisk minne;Delt minne;Vekselsminne;Systeminformasjon;
+Keywords[nds]=Spieker;RAM;Virtuell Spieker;Physikaalsch Spieker;Deelt Spieker;Swap;Utlager-Spieker;utlagern;Systeeminformatschoon;
+Keywords[ne]=स्मृति; RAM; अवास्तविक स्मृति; भौतीक स्मृति; साझेदारी स्मृति; स्वाप; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nl]=memory;RAM;virtual memory;physical memory;shared memory;swap;systeeminformatie;geheugen;wisselgeheugen;virtueel geheugen;fysiek geheugen;gedeeld geheugen;
+Keywords[nn]=minne;RAM;virtuelt minne;fysisk minne;delt minne;veksleminne;systeminformasjon;
+Keywords[nso]=Kelelo;RAM;Kelelo ye Maatla;Kelelo ya kantle;Kelelo yeo e abaganwego;Swap;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=Memòria;RAM;Memòria virtual;memòria física;memòria compartida;intercanvi;Informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;ਮੈਮੋਰੀ;ਭੌਤਿਕ ਮੈਮੋਰੀ;ਸਾਂਝੀ ਮੈਮੋਰੀ;ਸਵੈਪ;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;ਰੈਮ;
+Keywords[pl]=pamięć;RAM;pamięć wirtualna;pamięć fizyczna;pamięć współdzielona;plik wymiany;partycja wymiany;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=memória;RAM;memória virtual;memória física;memória partilhada;swap;informações do sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=Memória;RAM;Memória virtual;Memória física;Memória compartilhada;Swap;Troca;Informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=memorie;RAM;memorie virtuală;memorie fizică;memorie partajată;swap;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=Umwanyabubiko;RAM;Umwanyabubiko utagaragara;Ububiko bufatika;Ububiko busangiwe;Guhinduranya;Ibisobanuro Sisitemu ;
+Keywords[se]=muitu;RAM;virtuella muitu;fysálaš muitu;juohkojuvvon muitu;vuorromuitu; vuogádatdiehtu;
+Keywords[sk]=Pamäť;RAM;Virtuálna pamäť;zdieľaná pamäť;swap;Systémové informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=pomnilnik;RAM;navidezni pomnilnik;fizični pomnilnik;deljeni pomnilnik;izmenjalni prostor;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;меморија;виртуелна меморија;физичка меморија;дељена меморија;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;memorija;virtuelna memorija;fizička memorija;deljena memorija;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[sv]=Minne;RAM;Virtuellt minne;Fysiskt minne;Delat minne;Swapp;Systeminformation;
+Keywords[ta]=நினைவகம்; RAM;மய் நிகர் நினைவகம்; பருநிலை நினைவகம்; பகிர்வு நினைவகம்; மாறுகொள்; அமைப்புத்தகவல்;
+Keywords[tr]=Bellek;RAM;Sanal bellek;Fiziksel bellek;Paylaşılan bellek;Takas;Sistem Hakkında Bilgi;
+Keywords[uk]=пам'ять;RAM;віртуальна пам'ять;фізична пам'ять;спільна пам'ять;свопінг;swap;інформація;система;
+Keywords[uz]=Xotira;RAM;Virtual xotira;Physical memory;Boʻlishilgan xotira;Svop;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=Хотира;RAM;Виртуал хотира;Physical memory;Бўлишилган хотира;Своп;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=Muhumbulo;RAM;Muhumbulo wa vitshuala;muhumbulo zwao;muhumbulo wo kovhekanywaho;swap;mafhungo a sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=Bộ nhớ;RAM;Bộ nhớ ảo;Bộ nhớ vật lý;Bộ nhớ dùng chung;Bộ nhỡ tráo đổi;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=memwere;RAM;forveyowememwere;memwere fizike;pårtaedjeye memwere;Swap;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[xh]=Inkumbulo;RAM;Inkumbulo yobume;Inkumbulo yomzimba;Inkumbulo yokwahlulelana;Ukutshintshiselana;Ulwazi lwendlela;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;内存;虚拟存储;物理存储;共享内存;交换;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=Memory;RAM;Virtual memory;Physical memory;Shared memory;Swap;System Information;記憶體;虛擬記憶體;實體記憶體;共享記憶體;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=Inkumbulo;RAM;Inkumbulo yamanga;Inkumbulo siqu;Inkumbulo yokwabelana;Shintshanisa;Ulwazi Lwesistimu;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory.h b/kcontrol/info/memory.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fd2cd093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#include <tqwidget.h>
+#include <tqframe.h>
+#include <tqlabel.h>
+#include <tqtabdialog.h>
+#include <tqpushbutton.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+#include <tdecmodule.h>
+#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
+#include <config.h>
+/* better to use long-long, because some 32bit-machines have more total
+ memory (with swap) than just the 4GB which fits into a 32bit-long */
+typedef unsigned long long t_memsize;
+typedef unsigned long t_memsize;
+#define COLOR_USED_SWAP TQColor(255,0,0)
+#define COLOR_USED_DATA TQColor(255,180,88)
+#define COLOR_USED_BUFFER TQColor(184,200,0)
+#define COLOR_USED_CACHE TQColor(156,192,0)
+#define COLOR_USED_RAM TQColor(220,200,88)
+#define COLOR_FREE_MEMORY TQColor(127,255,212)
+class KMemoryWidget:public TDECModule {
+ public:
+ KMemoryWidget(TQWidget * parent, const char *name = 0);
+ ~KMemoryWidget();
+ TQString quickHelp() const;
+ private:
+ TQString Not_Available_Text;
+ TQTimer *timer;
+ bool ram_colors_initialized,
+ swap_colors_initialized,
+ all_colors_initialized;
+ TQColor ram_colors[4];
+ TQString ram_text[4];
+ TQColor swap_colors[2];
+ TQString swap_text[2];
+ TQColor all_colors[3];
+ TQString all_text[3];
+ void update();
+ bool Display_Graph(int widgetindex,
+ int count,
+ t_memsize total,
+ t_memsize *used,
+ TQColor *color,
+ TQString *text);
+ public slots:
+ void update_Values();
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_fbsd.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_fbsd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80a28749e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_fbsd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/vmmeter.h>
+#include <vm/vm_param.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ char blah[10], buf[80], *used_str, *total_str;
+ /* Stuff for sysctl */
+ int memory;
+ size_t len;
+ /* Stuff for swap display */
+ int used, total, _free;
+ FILE *pipe;
+ len=sizeof(memory);
+ sysctlbyname("hw.physmem", &memory, &len, NULL, 0);
+ snprintf(blah, 10, "%d", memory);
+ // Numerical values
+ // total physical memory (without swap space)
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = MEMORY(memory);
+ // added by Brad Hughes [email protected]
+ struct vmtotal vmem;
+ #warning "FIXME: Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM]"
+ // The sysctls don't work in a nice manner under FreeBSD v2.2.x
+ // so we assume that if sysctlbyname doesn't return what we
+ // prefer, assume it's the old data types. FreeBSD prior
+ // to 4.0-R isn't supported by the rest of KDE, so what is
+ // this code doing here.
+ len = sizeof(vmem);
+ if (sysctlbyname("vm.vmmeter", &vmem, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
+ Memory_Info[SHARED_MEM] = MEMORY(vmem.t_armshr) * PAGE_SIZE;
+ else
+ int buffers;
+ len = sizeof (buffers);
+ if ((sysctlbyname("vfs.bufspace", &buffers, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) || !len)
+ else
+ Memory_Info[BUFFER_MEM] = MEMORY(buffers);
+ // total free physical memory (without swap space)
+ int free;
+ len = sizeof (buffers);
+ if ((sysctlbyname("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", &free, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) || !len)
+ else
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = MEMORY(free) * getpagesize();
+ // Q&D hack for swap display. Borrowed from xsysinfo-1.4
+ if ((pipe = popen("/usr/sbin/pstat -ks", "r")) == NULL) {
+ used = total = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pipe);
+ fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pipe);
+ fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pipe);
+ fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pipe);
+ pclose(pipe);
+ strtok(buf, " ");
+ total_str = strtok(NULL, " ");
+ used_str = strtok(NULL, " ");
+ used = atoi(used_str);
+ total = atoi(total_str);
+ _free=total-used;
+ // total size of all swap-partitions
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(total) * 1024;
+ // free memory in swap-partitions
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(_free) * 1024;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_hpux.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_hpux.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fefdfb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_hpux.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ This file will be included by memory.cpp !
+ HP-UX is really ugly to retrieve information from !
+ Implemented on 24.04.1999 by Helge Deller ([email protected])
+ Tested on an HP9000/715/64 under HPUX-10.20.
+ Updated for QT 2.0 on 27.04.1999 (deller)
+ Sorry, but I don't know, who implemented the first (little) version of
+ update(), but it showed wrong sizes !
+ Many thanks goes also to Mike Romberg, who implemented such functions in
+ the program "xosview". Here's his copyright:
+ Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 by Mike Romberg ( [email protected] )
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/pstat.h>
+#define MAX_SWAP_AREAS 16
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ int page_size,i;
+ unsigned long total_mem, total_free,
+ total_physical, total_swap, free_physical,
+ used_physical, used_swap, free_swap;
+ struct pst_static pststatic;
+ struct pst_dynamic stats;
+ struct pst_vminfo vmstats;
+ unsigned long fields_[4];
+ struct pst_swapinfo swapinfo;
+ pstat_getstatic( &pststatic, sizeof( struct pst_static ), (size_t)1, 0);
+ total_physical = pststatic.physical_memory;
+ page_size = (int)pststatic.page_size;
+ pstat_getdynamic(&stats, sizeof( pst_dynamic ), (size_t)1, 0);
+ pstat_getvminfo(&vmstats, sizeof(vmstats), (size_t)1, 0);
+ fields_[0] = stats.psd_rmtxt + stats.psd_arm; // TEXT
+ fields_[1] = stats.psd_rm - stats.psd_rmtxt; // USED
+ fields_[2] = total_physical - fields_[0] - fields_[1] - stats.psd_free; //OTHER
+ fields_[3] = stats.psd_free; // FREE
+ used_physical = (total_physical - fields_[3]) * page_size;
+ total_physical *= page_size;
+ free_physical = (total_physical - used_physical);
+ /* Now check the SWAP-AREAS !! */
+ total_swap = free_swap = 0;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_SWAP_AREAS ; i++)
+ {
+ pstat_getswap(&swapinfo, sizeof(swapinfo), (size_t)1, i);
+ if (swapinfo.pss_idx == (unsigned)i)
+ {
+ swapinfo.pss_nfpgs *= 4; // nfpgs is in 512 Byte Blocks....
+ if (swapinfo.pss_nblksenabled == 0) // == 0 ??
+ swapinfo.pss_nblksenabled = swapinfo.pss_nfpgs;
+ total_swap += (((unsigned long)swapinfo.pss_nblksenabled) * 1024);
+ free_swap += (((unsigned long)swapinfo.pss_nfpgs ) * 1024);
+ }
+ }
+ used_swap = total_swap - free_swap;
+ /* Now display the results */
+ total_mem = total_physical; // + total_swap;
+ total_free = (total_physical - used_physical);// + free_swap;
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = MEMORY(total_mem); // total physical memory (without swaps)
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = MEMORY(total_free);// total free physical memory (without swaps)
+ Memory_Info[SHARED_MEM] = NO_MEMORY_INFO; /* FIXME ?? */
+ Memory_Info[BUFFER_MEM] = MEMORY(fields_[2])*page_size; /* FIXME ?? */
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(total_swap); // total size of all swap-partitions
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(free_swap); // free memory in swap-partitions
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#warning "FIXME: Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM]"
+ Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM] = NO_MEMORY_INFO; // cached memory in ram
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_linux.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_linux.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..175b2a617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_linux.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ struct sysinfo info;
+ sysinfo(&info); /* Get Information from system... */
+ /*
+ * The sysinfo.mem_unit member variable is not available in older 2.4 kernels.
+ * If you have troubles compiling this code, set mem_unit to "1".
+ */
+ const int mem_unit = info.mem_unit;
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = MEMORY(info.totalram) * mem_unit; // total physical memory (without swaps)
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = MEMORY(info.freeram) * mem_unit; // total free physical memory (without swaps)
+ Memory_Info[SHARED_MEM] = MEMORY(info.sharedram) * mem_unit;
+ Memory_Info[BUFFER_MEM] = MEMORY(info.bufferram) * mem_unit;
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(info.totalswap) * mem_unit; // total size of all swap-partitions
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(info.freeswap) * mem_unit; // free memory in swap-partitions
+ TQFile file("/proc/meminfo");
+ if ( {
+ char buf[512];
+ while (file.readLine(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1) > 0) {
+ if (strncmp(buf,"Cached:",7)==0) {
+ unsigned long v;
+ v = strtoul(&buf[7],NULL,10);
+ Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM] = MEMORY(v) * 1024; // Cached memory in RAM
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_netbsd.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_netbsd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39beeaa33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_netbsd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#if __NetBSD_Version__ > 103080000
+#define UVM
+#if defined(__OpenBSD__)
+#define UVM
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#ifdef UVM
+#include <uvm/uvm_extern.h>
+#include <vm/vm_swap.h>
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ int mib[2];
+ size_t len;
+#ifdef UVM
+#if __NetBSD_Version__ > 499000100 /* 4.99.2+ */
+ struct uvmexp_sysctl uvmexp;
+ struct uvmexp uvmexp;
+#else /* !UVM */
+ struct swapent *swaplist;
+ int64_t nswap, rnswap, totalswap, freeswap, usedswap;
+#if __NetBSD_Version__ > 106170000 /* 1.6Q+ */
+ quad_t memory;
+ int memory;
+ /* memory */
+#if __NetBSD_Version__ > 106170000 /* 1.6Q+ */
+ mib[0] = CTL_HW;
+ mib[1] = HW_PHYSMEM64;
+ mib[0] = CTL_HW;
+ mib[1] = HW_PHYSMEM;
+ len = sizeof(memory);
+ if( sysctl(mib,2,&memory,&len,NULL,0)< 0 )
+ else
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = memory;
+#ifdef UVM
+ mib[0] = CTL_VM;
+#if __NetBSD_Version__ > 499000100 /* 4.99.2+ */
+ mib[1] = VM_UVMEXP2;
+ mib[1] = VM_UVMEXP;
+ len = sizeof(uvmexp);
+ if ( sysctl(mib, 2, &uvmexp, &len, NULL, 0) < 0 ) {
+ } else {
+ t_memsize pgsz = MEMORY(uvmexp.pagesize);
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = pgsz *;
+ Memory_Info[ACTIVE_MEM] = pgsz *;
+ Memory_Info[INACTIVE_MEM] = pgsz * uvmexp.inactive;
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = pgsz * uvmexp.swpages;
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = pgsz * (uvmexp.swpages - uvmexp.swpginuse);
+#if __NetBSD_Version__ > 106000000
+ Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM] = pgsz * (uvmexp.filepages + uvmexp.execpages);
+ }
+ /* swap */
+ totalswap = freeswap = usedswap = 0;
+ nswap = swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP,0,0);
+ if ( nswap > 0 ) {
+ if ( (swaplist = (struct swapent *)malloc(nswap * sizeof(*swaplist))) ) {
+ rnswap = swapctl(SWAP_STATS,swaplist,nswap);
+ if ( rnswap < 0 || rnswap > nswap )
+ totalswap = freeswap = -1; /* Error */
+ else {
+ while ( rnswap-- > 0 ) {
+ totalswap += swaplist[rnswap].se_nblks;
+ usedswap += swaplist[rnswap].se_inuse;
+ }
+ freeswap = totalswap - usedswap;
+ }
+ } else
+ totalswap = freeswap = -1; /* Error */
+ if ( totalswap == -1 ) {
+ } else {
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(totalswap);
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(freeswap);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_osx.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_osx.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1ae7f529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_osx.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 Benjamin Reed <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * memory_osx.cpp is part of the KDE program kcminfo. Copied wholesale
+ * from memory_fbsd.cpp =)
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <mach/mach_init.h>
+#include <mach/mach_host.h>
+#include <mach/host_info.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ vm_statistics_data_t vm_info;
+ mach_msg_type_number_t info_count;
+ DIR *dirp;
+ struct dirent *dp;
+ t_memsize total;
+ info_count = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
+ if (host_statistics(mach_host_self (), HOST_VM_INFO, (host_info_t)&vm_info, &info_count)) {
+ kdDebug() << "could not get memory statistics" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = MEMORY(vm_info.active_count + vm_info.inactive_count +
+ vm_info.free_count + vm_info.wire_count) * vm_page_size;
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = MEMORY(vm_info.free_count) * vm_page_size;
+ dirp = opendir("/private/var/vm");
+ if (!dirp) {
+ kdDebug() << "unable to open /private/var/vm" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ total = 0;
+ while ((dp = readdir (dirp)) != NULL) {
+ struct stat sb;
+ char fname [MAXNAMLEN];
+ if (strncmp (dp->d_name, "swapfile", 8))
+ continue;
+ strcpy (fname, "/private/var/vm/");
+ strcat (fname, dp->d_name);
+ if (stat (fname, &sb) < 0)
+ continue;
+ total += sb.st_size;
+ }
+ closedir (dirp);
+ info_count = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
+ if (host_statistics (mach_host_self (), HOST_VM_INFO,
+ (host_info_t) &vm_info, &info_count)) {
+ kdDebug() << "unable to get VM info" << endl;
+ }
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = total;
+ // off_t used = (vm_info.pageouts - vm_info.pageins) * vm_page_size;
+ /* free = MEMORY(vm_info.free_count) * vm_page_size;
+ used = MEMORY(vm_info.active_count) * vm_page_size;
+ total = MEMORY(vm_info.active_count + vm_info.inactive_count +
+ vm_info.free_count + vm_info.wire_count) * vm_page_size; */
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_sgi.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_sgi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bc0d0c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_sgi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/sysmp.h>
+#include <sys/ipc.h>
+// The following define is needed for SGI IRIX 6.2
+#define _KMEMUSER
+#include <sys/shm.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/swap.h>
+#ifndef UBSIZE
+#define UBSIZE 512
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ int pagesize = getpagesize();
+ struct rminfo rmi;
+ if( sysmp(MP_SAGET, MPSA_RMINFO, &rmi, sizeof(rmi)) == -1 )
+ return;
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = MEMORY(rmi.physmem) * pagesize; // total physical memory (without swaps)
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = MEMORY(rmi.freemem) * pagesize; // total free physical memory (without swaps)
+ Memory_Info[BUFFER_MEM] = MEMORY(rmi.bufmem) * pagesize;
+ //FIXME: Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM]"
+ Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM] = NO_MEMORY_INFO; // cached memory in ram
+ long val;
+ swapctl(SC_GETSWAPTOT, &val);
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(val) * UBSIZE; // total size of all swap-partitions
+ swapctl(SC_GETFREESWAP, &val);
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = MEMORY(val) * UBSIZE; // free memory in swap-partitions
+ /* Irix 6.5 (also 6.4?) */
+ FILE *kmem = fopen("/dev/kmem", "r");
+ if( kmem == 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ long shmip = sysmp(MP_KERNADDR, MPKA_SHMINFO);
+ fseek( kmem, shmip, 0 );
+ struct shminfo shmi;
+ fread( &shmi, sizeof(shmi), 1, kmem );
+ long shmem = sysmp(MP_KERNADDR, MPKA_SHM);
+ val = 0;
+ long pos;
+ struct shmid_ds shmid;
+ for( int i=0 ; i<shmi.shmmni ; i++ ) {
+ fseek( kmem, shmem, 0 );
+ shmem += sizeof(shmem);
+ fread( &pos, sizeof(shmem), 1, kmem );
+ if(pos != 0) {
+ fseek( kmem, pos, 0 );
+ fread( &shmid, sizeof(shmid), 1, kmem );
+ val += shmid.shm_segsz;
+ }
+ }
+ Memory_Info[SHARED_MEM] = MEMORY(val);
+ fclose(kmem);
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_solaris.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_solaris.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a82b830d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_solaris.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+ * memory_solaris.cpp
+ *
+ * Torsten Kasch <[email protected]>
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <kstat.h>
+/* Stop <sys/swap.h> from crapping out on 32-bit architectures. */
+#if !defined(_LP64) && _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64
+# define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 32
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/swap.h>
+#include <vm/anon.h>
+#define PAGETOK(a) (( (t_memsize) sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE )) * (t_memsize) a)
+void KMemoryWidget::update() {
+ kstat_ctl_t *kctl;
+ kstat_t *ksp;
+ kstat_named_t *kdata;
+ /*
+ * get a kstat handle first and update the user's kstat chain
+ */
+ if( (kctl = kstat_open()) == NULL )
+ return;
+ while( kstat_chain_update( kctl ) != 0 )
+ ;
+ /*
+ * traverse the kstat chain to find the appropriate kstat
+ */
+ if( (ksp = kstat_lookup( kctl, "unix", 0, "system_pages" )) == NULL )
+ return;
+ if( kstat_read( kctl, ksp, NULL ) == -1 )
+ return;
+ /*
+ * lookup the data
+ */
+#if 0
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "physmem" );
+ if( kdata != NULL ) {
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = PAGETOK(kdata->value.ui32);
+ }
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = PAGETOK(sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES));
+ kdata = (kstat_named_t *) kstat_data_lookup( ksp, "freemem" );
+ if( kdata != NULL )
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = PAGETOK(kdata->value.ui32);
+#warning "FIXME: Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM]"
+ Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM] = NO_MEMORY_INFO; // cached memory in ram
+ kstat_close( kctl );
+ /*
+ * Swap Info
+ */
+ struct anoninfo am_swap;
+ long swaptotal;
+ long swapfree;
+ long swapused;
+ swaptotal = swapused = swapfree = 0L;
+ /*
+ * Retrieve overall swap information from anonymous memory structure -
+ * which is the same way "swap -s" retrieves it's statistics.
+ *
+ * swapctl(SC_LIST, void *arg) does not return what we are looking for.
+ */
+ if (swapctl(SC_AINFO, &am_swap) == -1)
+ return;
+ swaptotal = am_swap.ani_max;
+ swapused = am_swap.ani_resv;
+ swapfree = swaptotal - swapused;
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = PAGETOK(swaptotal);
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = PAGETOK(swapfree);
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/memory_tru64.cpp b/kcontrol/info/memory_tru64.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..667ffbcca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/memory_tru64.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * This is memory_tru64.cpp to retrieve memory information under Tru64/Alpha.
+ *
+ * Implemented by Tom Leitner, [email protected]
+ *
+ * WARNING: This module requires linking with -lmach
+ *
+ * This routine is based on m_decosf1.c from the "top" program written by:
+ *
+ * AUTHOR: Anthony Baxter, <[email protected]>
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/mbuf.h>
+#include <net/route.h>
+#include <sys/table.h>
+extern "C" {
+#include <mach/mach_traps.h>
+#include <mach/vm_statistics.h>
+#define pagetob(size) (MEMORY(1024L) * ((long) (size) << (long) pageshift))
+#define LOG1024 10
+extern "C" void vm_statistics(task_t, vm_statistics_data_t*);
+void KMemoryWidget::update()
+ int pageshift; /* log base 2 of the pagesize */
+ register int pagesize;
+ vm_statistics_data_t vmstats;
+ int swap_pages=0,swap_free=0,i;
+ struct tbl_swapinfo swbuf;
+ /* get the page size with "getpagesize" and calculate pageshift from it */
+ pagesize = getpagesize();
+ pageshift = 0;
+ while (pagesize > 1) {
+ pageshift++;
+ pagesize >>= 1;
+ }
+ /* we only need the amount of log(2)1024 for our conversion */
+ pageshift -= LOG1024;
+ /* memory information */
+ /* this is possibly bogus - we work out total # pages by */
+ /* adding up the free, active, inactive, wired down, and */
+ /* zero filled. Anyone who knows a better way, TELL ME! */
+ /* Change: dont use zero filled. */
+ (void) ::vm_statistics(::task_self(), &vmstats);
+ /* thanks DEC for the table() command. No thanks at all for */
+ /* omitting the man page for it from OSF/1 1.2, and failing */
+ /* to document SWAPINFO in the 1.3 man page. Lets hear it for */
+ /* include files. */
+ i=0;
+ while(table(TBL_SWAPINFO,i,&swbuf,1,sizeof(struct tbl_swapinfo))>0) {
+ swap_pages += swbuf.size;
+ swap_free +=;
+ i++;
+ }
+ Memory_Info[TOTAL_MEM] = pagetob((vmstats.free_count +
+ vmstats.active_count +
+ vmstats.inactive_count +
+ vmstats.wire_count));
+ Memory_Info[FREE_MEM] = pagetob(vmstats.free_count);
+ Memory_Info[SHARED_MEM] = NO_MEMORY_INFO; /* FIXME ?? */
+ Memory_Info[BUFFER_MEM] = NO_MEMORY_INFO; /* FIXME ?? */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#warning "FIXME: Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM]"
+ Memory_Info[CACHED_MEM] = NO_MEMORY_INFO; /* cached memory in ram */
+ Memory_Info[SWAP_MEM] = pagetob(swap_pages);
+ Memory_Info[FREESWAP_MEM] = pagetob(swap_free);
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/opengl.cpp b/kcontrol/info/opengl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a38aee93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/opengl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+ * *
+ * Copyright (C) 2004 by Ilya Korniyko <[email protected]> *
+ * Adapted from Brian Paul's glxinfo from Mesa demos (http:/
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Brian Paul *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#define KCMGL_DO_GLU
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <tqlistview.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqstring.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <tdemessagebox.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#ifdef KCMGL_DO_GLU
+#include <GL/glu.h>
+#include <GL/gl.h>
+#include <GL/glext.h>
+#include <GL/glx.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static bool IsDirect;
+static struct glinfo {
+ const char *serverVendor;
+ const char *serverVersion;
+ const char *serverExtensions;
+ const char *clientVendor;
+ const char *clientVersion;
+ const char *clientExtensions;
+ const char *glxExtensions;
+ const char *glVendor;
+ const char *glRenderer;
+ const char *glVersion;
+ const char *glExtensions;
+ const char *gluVersion;
+ const char *gluExtensions;
+ char *displayName;
+} gli;
+static struct {
+ TQString module,
+ pci,
+ vendor,
+ device,
+ subvendor,
+ rev;
+} dri_info;
+static int ReadPipe(TQString FileName, TQStringList &list)
+ FILE *pipe;
+ if ((pipe = popen(FileName.ascii(), "r")) == NULL) {
+ pclose(pipe);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ TQTextStream t(pipe, IO_ReadOnly);
+ while (!t.atEnd()) list.append(t.readLine());
+ pclose(pipe);
+ return list.count();
+#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
+#define INFO_DRI "/proc/dri/0/name"
+static bool get_dri_device()
+ TQFile file;
+ file.setName(INFO_DRI);
+ if (!file.exists() || !
+ return false;
+ TQTextStream stream(&file);
+ TQString line = stream.readLine();
+ if (!line.isEmpty()) {
+ dri_info.module = line.mid(0, line.find(0x20));
+ // possible formats, for regression testing
+ // line = " PCI:01:00:0";
+ // line = " pci:0000:01:00.0"
+ TQRegExp rx = TQRegExp("\\b[Pp][Cc][Ii][:]([0-9a-fA-F]+[:])?([0-9a-fA-F]+[:][0-9a-fA-F]+[:.][0-9a-fA-F]+)\\b");
+ if (>0) {
+ dri_info.pci = rx.cap(2);
+ int end = dri_info.pci.findRev(':');
+ int end2 = dri_info.pci.findRev('.');
+ if (end2>end) end=end2;
+ dri_info.pci[end]='.';
+ TQString cmd = TQString("lspci -m -v -s ") + dri_info.pci;
+ TQStringList pci_info;
+ int num;
+ if (((num = ReadPipe(cmd, pci_info)) ||
+ (num = ReadPipe("/sbin/"+cmd, pci_info)) ||
+ (num = ReadPipe("/usr/sbin/"+cmd, pci_info)) ||
+ (num = ReadPipe("/usr/local/sbin/"+cmd, pci_info))) && num>=7) {
+ for (int i=2; i<=6; i++) {
+ line = pci_info[i];
+ line.remove(TQRegExp("[^:]*:[ ]*"));
+ switch (i){
+ case 2: dri_info.vendor = line; break;
+ case 3: dri_info.device = line; break;
+ case 4: dri_info.subvendor = line; break;
+ case 6: dri_info.rev = line; break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+#elif defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD)
+static bool get_dri_device() {
+ TQStringList pci_info;
+ if (ReadPipe("sysctl -n",pci_info)) {
+ dri_info.module = pci_info[0].mid(0, pci_info[0].find(0x20));
+ }
+ return false;
+static bool get_dri_device() { return false; }
+static void
+mesa_hack(Display *dpy, int scrnum)
+ static int attribs[] = {
+ None
+ };
+ XVisualInfo *visinfo;
+ visinfo = glXChooseVisual(dpy, scrnum, attribs);
+ if (visinfo)
+ XFree(visinfo);
+static void
+print_extension_list(const char *ext, TQListViewItem *l1)
+ int i, j;
+ if (!ext || !ext[0])
+ return;
+ TQString qext = TQString::fromLatin1(ext);
+ TQListViewItem *l2 = NULL;
+ i = j = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ if (ext[j] == ' ' || ext[j] == 0) {
+ /* found end of an extension name */
+ const int len = j - i;
+ /* print the extension name between ext[i] and ext[j] */
+ if (!l2) l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, qext.mid(i, len));
+ else l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, l2, qext.mid(i, len));
+ i=j;
+ if (ext[j] == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ i++;
+ j++;
+ if (ext[j] == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+#if defined(GLX_ARB_get_proc_address) && defined(__GLXextFuncPtr)
+extern "C" {
+ extern __GLXextFuncPtr glXGetProcAddressARB (const GLubyte *);
+static void
+print_limits(TQListViewItem *l1, const char * glExtensions, bool GetProcAddress)
+ /* TODO
+ if (!glExtensions)
+ return;
+ struct token_name {
+ GLuint type; // count and flags, !!! count must be <=2 for now
+ GLenum token;
+ const TQString name;
+ };
+ struct token_group {
+ int count;
+ int type;
+ const token_name *group;
+ const TQString descr;
+ const char *ext;
+ };
+ TQListViewItem *l2 = NULL, *l3 = NULL;
+ #define KCMGL_FLOAT 128
+ #define KCMGL_PROG 256
+ #define KCMGL_COUNT_MASK(x) (x & 127)
+ #define KCMGL_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
+ const struct token_name various_limits[] = {
+ { 1, GL_MAX_LIGHTS, i18n("Max. number of light sources") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES, i18n("Max. number of clipping planes") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE, i18n("Max. pixel map table size") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING, i18n("Max. display list nesting level") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER, i18n("Max. evaluator order") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES, i18n("Max. recommended vertex count") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES, i18n("Max. recommended index count") },
+ { 1, GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS, i18n("Occlusion query counter bits")},
+ { 1, GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNITS_ARB, i18n("Max. vertex blend matrices") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_PALETTE_MATRICES_ARB, i18n("Max. vertex blend matrix palette size") },
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+ const struct token_name texture_limits[] = {
+ { 1, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, i18n("Max. texture size") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB, i18n("Num. of texture units") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE, i18n("Max. 3D texture size") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE_ARB, i18n("Max. cube map texture size") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_NV, i18n("Max. rectangular texture size") },
+ { 1 | KCMGL_FLOAT, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_EXT, i18n("Max. texture LOD bias") },
+ { 1, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, i18n("Max. anisotropy filtering level") },
+ { 1, GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS_ARB, i18n("Num. of compressed texture formats") },
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+ const struct token_name float_limits[] = {
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+ const struct token_name stack_depth[] = {
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+#ifdef GL_ARB_fragment_program
+ const struct token_name arb_fp[] = {
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+#ifdef GL_ARB_vertex_program
+ const struct token_name arb_vp[] = {
+#ifdef GL_ARB_vertex_shader
+ const struct token_name arb_vs[] = {
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+#ifdef GL_ARB_fragment_shader
+ const struct token_name arb_fs[] = {
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+ const struct token_name frame_buffer_props[] = {
+ { 2, GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS, i18n("Max. viewport dimensions") },
+ { 1, GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS, i18n("Subpixel bits") },
+ { 1, GL_AUX_BUFFERS, i18n("Aux. buffers")},
+ {0,0,0}
+ };
+ const struct token_group groups[] =
+ {
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(frame_buffer_props), 0, frame_buffer_props, i18n("Frame buffer properties"), NULL},
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(various_limits), 0, texture_limits, i18n("Texturing"), NULL},
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(various_limits), 0, various_limits, i18n("Various limits"), NULL},
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(float_limits), 0, float_limits, i18n("Points and lines"), NULL},
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(stack_depth), 0, stack_depth, i18n("Stack depth limits"), NULL},
+#ifdef GL_ARB_vertex_program
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(arb_vp), GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_ARB, arb_vp, "ARB_vertex_program", "GL_ARB_vertex_program"},
+#ifdef GL_ARB_fragment_program
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(arb_fp), GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, arb_fp, "ARB_fragment_program", "GL_ARB_fragment_program"},
+#ifdef GL_ARB_vertex_shader
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(arb_vs), 0, arb_vs, "ARB_vertex_shader", "GL_ARB_vertex_shader"},
+#ifdef GL_ARB_fragment_shader
+ {KCMGL_SIZE(arb_fs), 0, arb_fs, "ARB_fragment_shader", "GL_ARB_fragment_shader"},
+ };
+#if defined(GLX_ARB_get_proc_address) && defined(PFNGLGETPROGRAMIVARBPROC)
+ if (GetProcAddress && strstr(glExtensions, "GL_ARB_vertex_program"))
+ kcm_glGetProgramivARB = (PFNGLGETPROGRAMIVARBPROC) glXGetProcAddressARB((const GLubyte *)"glGetProgramivARB");
+ for (uint i = 0; i<KCMGL_SIZE(groups); i++) {
+ if (groups[i].ext && !strstr(glExtensions, groups[i].ext)) continue;
+ if (l2) l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, l2, groups[i].descr);
+ else l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, groups[i].descr);
+ l3 = NULL;
+ const struct token_name *cur_token;
+ for (cur_token = groups[i].group; cur_token->type; cur_token++) {
+ bool tfloat = cur_token->type & KCMGL_FLOAT;
+ int count = KCMGL_COUNT_MASK(cur_token->type);
+ GLint max[2]={0,0};
+ GLfloat fmax[2]={0.0,0.0};
+#if defined(PFNGLGETPROGRAMIVARBPROC) && defined(GL_ARB_vertex_program)
+ bool tprog = cur_token->type & KCMGL_PROG;
+ if (tprog && kcm_glGetProgramivARB)
+ kcm_glGetProgramivARB(groups[i].type, cur_token->token, max);
+ else
+ if (tfloat) glGetFloatv(cur_token->token, fmax);
+ else glGetIntegerv(cur_token->token, max);
+ if (glGetError() == GL_NONE) {
+ TQString s;
+ if (!tfloat && count == 1) s = TQString::number(max[0]); else
+ if (!tfloat && count == 2) s = TQString("%1, %2").arg(max[0]).arg(max[1]); else
+ if (tfloat && count == 2) s = TQString("%1 - %2").arg(fmax[0],0,'f',6).arg(fmax[1],0,'f',6); else
+ if (tfloat && count == 1) s = TQString::number(fmax[0],'f',6);
+ if (l3) l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, cur_token->name, s);
+ else l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, cur_token->name, s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static TQListViewItem *print_screen_info(TQListViewItem *l1, TQListViewItem *after)
+ TQListViewItem *l2 = NULL, *l3 = NULL;
+ if (after) l1= new TQListViewItem(l1,after,IsDirect ? i18n("Direct Rendering") : i18n("Indirect Rendering"));
+ else l1= new TQListViewItem(l1,IsDirect ? i18n("Direct Rendering") : i18n("Indirect Rendering"));
+ if (IsDirect)
+ if (get_dri_device()) {
+ l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, i18n("3D Accelerator"));
+ l2->setOpen(true);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("Vendor"), dri_info.vendor);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("Device"), dri_info.device);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("Subvendor"), dri_info.subvendor);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("Revision"), dri_info.rev);
+ }
+ else l2=new TQListViewItem(l1, l2, i18n("3D Accelerator"),i18n("unknown"));
+ if (l2) l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, l2, i18n("Driver"));
+ else l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, i18n("Driver"));
+ l2->setOpen(true);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, i18n("Vendor"),gli.glVendor);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("Renderer"), gli.glRenderer);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("OpenGL version"), gli.glVersion);
+ if (IsDirect) {
+ if (!dri_info.module) dri_info.module = i18n("unknown");
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("Kernel module"), dri_info.module);
+ }
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("OpenGL extensions"));
+ print_extension_list(gli.glExtensions,l3);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("Implementation specific"));
+ print_limits(l3, gli.glExtensions, strstr(gli.clientExtensions, "GLX_ARB_get_proc_address") != NULL);
+ return l1;
+void print_glx_glu(TQListViewItem *l1, TQListViewItem *l2)
+ TQListViewItem *l3;
+ l2=new TQListViewItem(l1, l2, i18n("GLX"));
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, i18n("server GLX vendor"),gli.serverVendor);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("server GLX version"),gli.serverVersion);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("server GLX extensions"));
+ print_extension_list(gli.serverExtensions,l3);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("client GLX vendor"),gli.clientVendor);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("client GLX version"),gli.clientVersion);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("client GLX extensions"));
+ print_extension_list(gli.clientExtensions,l3);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("GLX extensions"));
+ print_extension_list(gli.glxExtensions,l3);
+#ifdef KCMGL_DO_GLU
+ l2 = new TQListViewItem(l1, l2, i18n("GLU"));
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, i18n("GLU version"), gli.gluVersion);
+ l3 = new TQListViewItem(l2, l3, i18n("GLU extensions"));
+ print_extension_list(gli.gluExtensions,l3);
+static TQListViewItem *get_gl_info(Display *dpy, int scrnum, Bool allowDirect,TQListViewItem *l1, TQListViewItem *after)
+ Window win;
+ int attribSingle[] = {
+ None };
+ int attribDouble[] = {
+ None };
+ XSetWindowAttributes attr;
+ unsigned long mask;
+ Window root;
+ GLXContext ctx;
+ XVisualInfo *visinfo;
+ int width = 100, height = 100;
+ TQListViewItem *result = after;
+ root = RootWindow(dpy, scrnum);
+ visinfo = glXChooseVisual(dpy, scrnum, attribSingle);
+ if (!visinfo) {
+ visinfo = glXChooseVisual(dpy, scrnum, attribDouble);
+ if (!visinfo) {
+ kdDebug() << "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual\n";
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ attr.background_pixel = 0;
+ attr.border_pixel = 0;
+ attr.colormap = XCreateColormap(dpy, root, visinfo->visual, AllocNone);
+ attr.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask;
+ mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;
+ win = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, 0, 0, width, height,
+ 0, visinfo->depth, InputOutput,
+ visinfo->visual, mask, &attr);
+ ctx = glXCreateContext( dpy, visinfo, NULL, allowDirect );
+ if (!ctx) {
+ kdDebug() << "Error: glXCreateContext failed\n";
+ XDestroyWindow(dpy, win);
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (glXMakeCurrent(dpy, win, ctx)) {
+ gli.serverVendor = glXQueryServerString(dpy, scrnum, GLX_VENDOR);
+ gli.serverVersion = glXQueryServerString(dpy, scrnum, GLX_VERSION);
+ gli.serverExtensions = glXQueryServerString(dpy, scrnum, GLX_EXTENSIONS);
+ gli.clientVendor = glXGetClientString(dpy, GLX_VENDOR);
+ gli.clientVersion = glXGetClientString(dpy, GLX_VERSION);
+ gli.clientExtensions = glXGetClientString(dpy, GLX_EXTENSIONS);
+ gli.glxExtensions = glXQueryExtensionsString(dpy, scrnum);
+ gli.glVendor = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VENDOR);
+ gli.glRenderer = (const char *) glGetString(GL_RENDERER);
+ gli.glVersion = (const char *) glGetString(GL_VERSION);
+ gli.glExtensions = (const char *) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
+ gli.displayName = NULL;
+#ifdef KCMGL_DO_GLU
+ gli.gluVersion = (const char *) gluGetString(GLU_VERSION);
+ gli.gluExtensions = (const char *) gluGetString(GLU_EXTENSIONS);
+ IsDirect = glXIsDirect(dpy, ctx);
+ result = print_screen_info(l1, after);
+ }
+ else {
+ kdDebug() << "Error: glXMakeCurrent failed\n";
+ }
+ glXDestroyContext(dpy, ctx);
+ XDestroyWindow(dpy, win);
+ return result;
+static bool GetInfo_OpenGL_Generic( TQListView *lBox )
+ TQListViewItem *l1, *l2 = NULL;
+ char *displayName = NULL;
+ Display *dpy;
+ int numScreens, scrnum;
+ dpy = XOpenDisplay(displayName);
+ if (!dpy) {
+// kdDebug() << "Error: unable to open display " << displayName << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Information") );
+ lBox->addColumn(i18n("Value") );
+ l1 = new TQListViewItem(lBox, i18n("Name of the Display"), DisplayString(dpy));
+ l1->setOpen(true);
+ l1->setSelectable(false);
+ l1->setExpandable(false);
+ numScreens = ScreenCount(dpy);
+ scrnum = 0;
+ for (; scrnum < numScreens; scrnum++)
+ {
+ mesa_hack(dpy, scrnum);
+ l2 = get_gl_info(dpy, scrnum, true, l1, l2);
+ if (l2) l2->setOpen(true);
+ if (IsDirect) l2 = get_gl_info(dpy, scrnum, false, l1, l2);
+// TODO print_visual_info(dpy, scrnum, mode);
+ }
+ if (l2)
+ print_glx_glu(l1, l2);
+ else
+ KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not initialize OpenGL"));
+ XCloseDisplay(dpy);
+ return true;
+ }
+bool GetInfo_OpenGL(TQListView * lBox)
+ return GetInfo_OpenGL_Generic(lBox);
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/opengl.desktop b/kcontrol/info/opengl.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8ad6af06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/opengl.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+# NoDisplay=true
+Exec=tdecmshell opengl
+Name[ne]=खुला GL
+Name[ta]=ஓபன் ஜிஎல்
+Name[te]=ఓపెన్ జిఎల్
+Comment=OpenGL information
+Comment[af]=OpenGL informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات OpenGL
+Comment[az]=OpenGL mə'lumatı
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб OpenGL
+Comment[bg]=Информация за OpenGL
+Comment[bn]=ওপেন-জি-এল সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn OpenGL
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o OpenGL-u
+Comment[ca]=Informació OpenGL
+Comment[cs]=Informace o OpenGL
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò OpenGL
+Comment[de]=Informationen zu OpenGL
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες OpenGL
+Comment[eo]=OpenGLa informo
+Comment[es]=Información OpenGL
+Comment[et]=OpenGL info
+Comment[eu]=OpenGL informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات OpenGL
+Comment[fr]=Informations OpenGL
+Comment[ga]=Eolas faoi OpenGL
+Comment[gl]=Información de OpenGL
+Comment[he]=מידע אודות OpenGL
+Comment[hi]=ओपन-जीएल जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=OpenGL podaci
+Comment[id]=Informasi OpenGL
+Comment[is]=OpenGL upplýsingar
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sull'OpenGL
+Comment[ja]=OpenGL 情報
+Comment[ka]=ცნობები OpenGL -ს შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=OpenGL мәліметі
+Comment[km]=ព័ត៌មាន OpenGL
+Comment[ko]=OpenGL 정보
+Comment[lt]=OpenGL informacija
+Comment[lv]=OpenGL informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за OpenGL
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat OpenGL
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar OpenGL
+Comment[ne]=खुला GL सूचना
+Comment[pa]=OpenGL ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje OpenGL
+Comment[pt]=Informação sobre OpenGL
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre OpenGL
+Comment[ro]=Informații OpenGL
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о OpenGL
+Comment[rw]= Ibisobanuro GufunguraGL
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o OpenGL
+Comment[sl]=Informacije o OpenGL
+Comment[sr]=Информације о OpenGL-у
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o OpenGL-u
+Comment[sv]=Information om OpenGL
+Comment[ta]=ஓபன் ஜிஎல் தகவல்
+Comment[te]=ఓపెన్ జిఎల్ సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=КушоданGL ахбор
+Comment[th]=ข้อมูล OpenGL
+Comment[tr]=OpenGL Bilgisi
+Comment[tt]=OpenGL turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація про OpenGL
+Comment[uz]=OpenGL haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=OpenGL ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về OpenGL
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion so OpenGL
+Comment[zh_CN]=OpenGL 信息
+Comment[zh_TW]=OpenGL 資訊
+Keywords=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;
+Keywords[az]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display; Displey; Avadanlıq;Qrafika;
+Keywords[be]=Відэакарта;паскарэнне;графіка;сервер X;дысплей;экран;OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;
+Keywords[bg]=видеокарта; хардуер;екран; ускорение; графика; OpenGL; DRI; GLX; 3D; VideoCard; Hardware Acceleration; Graphics; X; X11; Xserver; X-Server; XFree86; Display;
+Keywords[bs]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;Grafika;
+Keywords[ca]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Targeta de vídeo;Hardware Acceleració;Gràfics;X;X11;Xserver;Servidor X;XFree86;Pantalla;
+Keywords[csb]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;graficznô karta;grafika;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;ekran;
+Keywords[da]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Grafik;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Skærm;
+Keywords[el]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Κάρτα Γραφικών;Υλικό Επιτάχυνση;Γραφικά;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Οθόνη;
+Keywords[eo]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware akcelo;grafikoj;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;ekrano;
+Keywords[es]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Tarjeta; Grafica;Hardware Aceleradora;Gráficos;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Monitor;
+Keywords[et]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Videokaart;Riistvaraline kiirendus;Graafika;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Kuva;
+Keywords[fa]=OpenGL، DRI، GLX، سه بعدی، کارت ویدیو، شتاب‌دهی سخت‌افزار، نگاره‌ای ، X، X11، Xserver، کارساز، XFree86، صفحه نمایش;
+Keywords[fr]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;carte graphique;carte vidéo;accélération matérielle;graphismes;X;X11;serveur X;XServer;XFree86;affichage;
+Keywords[fy]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;grafyske kaart;hurd guod -fersnelling;grafysk;graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;display;byldskerm;
+Keywords[ga]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;FísChárta;Luasú Crua-Earraí;Grafaic;X;X11;Freastalaí-X;XFree86;Scáileán;
+Keywords[gl]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Tarxeta de Vídeo;Aceleración por Hardware;Graficos;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;Pantalla;
+Keywords[he]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration; Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;האצה; כרטיס; כרטיס מסך; מסך; תצוגה;
+Keywords[hi]=ओपन-जीएल;डीआरआई;जीएलएक्स;3डी;वीडियो-कार्ड;हार्डवेयर एस्सेलरेशन;ग्राफिक्स;एक्स;एक्स11;एक्स-सर्वर;एक्ससर्वर;एक्सफ्री86;प्रदर्शक;
+Keywords[hr]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;Video kartica;Grafička kartica;Hradversko ubrzavanje;Grafika;X poslužitelj;Zaslon;
+Keywords[hu]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;videokártya;hardveres gyorsítás;grafika;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;képernyő;
+Keywords[is]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;vélbúnaðarhröðun;Graphics;grafík;X;X11;Xserver;Xþjónn; X-Server;X-þjónn;XFree86;Display;skjár;
+Keywords[it]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;SchedaVideo;Video;Accelerazione Hardware;Grafica;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;Server X;
+Keywords[ka]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;ვიდეოდაფა;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;
+Keywords[lt]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;Video plokštė;aparatūros greitinimas;grafika;
+Keywords[lv]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoKarte;Dzelžu paātrināšana;Grafika;X;X11;Xserveris;X-Serveris;XFree86;Ekrāns;
+Keywords[mk]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;Видео-картичка;Хардверско забрзување;Графика;екран;приказ;
+Keywords[nds]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Videokort;Hardware Acceleration;Grafik;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;Dorstellen;Beslünigen;
+Keywords[ne]=खुला GL; DRI; GLX; 3D;भिडियो कार्ड; हार्डवेयर गतिवर्धन; ग्राफिक्स; X; X11; Xसर्भर; X-सर्भर; X स्वतन्त्र 86; प्रदर्शन गर्नुहोस्;
+Keywords[pa]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;ਵੀਡਿਓਕਾਰਡ; ਹਾਰਡਵੇਅਰ ਪਰਵੇਸ਼ਕ;ਗਰਾਫਿਕਸ;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;ਦਰਿਸ਼;
+Keywords[pl]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;karta graficzna;grafika;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;ekran;
+Keywords[pt]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Placa Vídeo;Aceleração por Hardware;Gráficos;X;X11;Servidor X;XFree86;Ecrã;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Placa de Vídeo;Aceleração de Hardware;Gráficos;X;X11;Servidor X;X Server;XFree86;Display;
+Keywords[ro]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;placă video;accelerare hardware;grafică;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;monitor;
+Keywords[rw]=GufunguraGL;DRI;GLX;3D;IkaritaVidewo;Ukwihutisha Imashini;Ibishushanyo;X;X11;Xseriveri;X-Seriveri;XFree86;Kwerekana;
+Keywords[sl]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Strojna pospešitev;Grafika;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;X-stežnik;X;XFree86;Zaslon;
+Keywords[sr]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;видео картица;хардверско убрзање;графика;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;video kartica;hardversko ubrzanje;grafika;
+Keywords[ta]=ஓபன் ஜிஎல்;டிஆரை;ஜிஎல்X;முப்பரிமாணம்;வீடியோஅட்டை;வன்பொருள் முடுக்கம்;சித்திரங்கள்;X;X11;Xசேவகன்;X-சேவகன்;XFree86;காட்டு;
+Keywords[th]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;จอแสดงผล;
+Keywords[tr]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Video kartı;Donanım Hızlandırma;Grafik;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;X-Sunucu;Xsunucu;XFree86;Görüntü;
+Keywords[uk]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;відео карта;3D акселерація;графіка;X сервер;монітор;
+Keywords[vi]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;Bo mạch Video;Tăng tốc Phần cứng;Đồ hoạ;X;X11;Trình phục vụ Xserver;Trình phục vụ - X;XFree86;Hiển thị;
+Keywords[wa]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;cåte videyo;Hardware Acceleration;Graphike;X;X11;Xserver;sierveu X;X-Server;XFree86;Display;håynaedje;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;显卡;硬件加速;图形;X 服务器;显示;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=OpenGL;DRI;GLX;3D;VideoCard;Hardware Acceleration;Graphics;X;X11;Xserver;X-Server;XFree86;Display;顯示卡;硬體加速;圖形;顯示;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/partitions.desktop b/kcontrol/info/partitions.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d911bdb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/partitions.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell partitions
+Name[ar]=أقسام القرص الصلب
+Name[az]=Sabit Disk Bölmələri
+Name[cs]=Oddíly disků
+Name[sk]=Diskové oddiely
+Name[tg]=Тақсимоти диски сахт
+Name[tr]=Disk Bölümleri
+Name[uk]=Розділи диску
+Name[uz]=Diskning qismlari
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=Дискнинг қисмлари
+Name[vi]=Phân vùng
+Name[xh]=Ulwahlulo ngokwamaqhekeza
+Comment=Partition information
+Comment[af]=Partisie informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات أقسام القرص الصلب
+Comment[az]=Bölmələr Haqqında Mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб раздзелах
+Comment[bg]=Информация за дяловете и дисковете
+Comment[bn]=পার্টিশন সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar parzhadur
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o particijama
+Comment[ca]=Informació de particions
+Comment[cs]=Informace o oddílech disků
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò particëjach
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth rhaniad
+Comment[da]=Information om partitionerne
+Comment[de]=Informationen zur Partitionierung
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τις κατατμήσεις
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri subdiskoj
+Comment[es]=Información sobre las particiones
+Comment[et]=Partitsioonide info
+Comment[eu]=Zatiketei buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات افرازها
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur les partitions
+Comment[gl]=Información das particións
+Comment[he]=מידע על מחיצות
+Comment[hi]=पार्टीशन जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o particijama
+Comment[hu]=A partíciók adatai
+Comment[id]=Informasi partisi
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um skipulag disksneiða
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sulle partizioni
+Comment[ka]=ცნობები გამოყენებული რესურსების შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=Диск бөлімдер мәліметі
+Comment[ko]=파티션 정보
+Comment[lt]=Skirsnių informacija
+Comment[lv]=Partīciju informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за партициите
+Comment[mn]=Хуваалтын мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat petak
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar partizzjonijiet
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över de Partitschonen
+Comment[ne]=विभाजन सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya Dikaroganyo
+Comment[oc]=Informacion de particions
+Comment[pa]=ਭਾਗ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o partycjach dyskowych
+Comment[pt]=Informação sobre as partições
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre partições
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre partiții
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о использовании разделов
+Comment[rw]=Ibisobanuro Igicedisiki
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o diskových oddieloch
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o particijah
+Comment[sr]=Информације о партицијама
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o particijama
+Comment[ta]=பகுதி தகவல்
+Comment[te]=విభజనల సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти тақсимот
+Comment[tr]=Bölümleme hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=Bülemnär turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо розділів диску
+Comment[uz]=Diskning qismlari haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Дискнинг қисмлари ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo au kovhekana
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về phân vùng
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion sol pårtixhaedje del deure plake
+Comment[xh]=Ulwazi lowahlulelwano ngokwamaqhekeza
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi Lokwehlukanisa
+Keywords=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Informasie;
+Keywords[ar]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;القرص الصلب;الأقراص الصلبة;معلومات النظام;
+Keywords[az]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;Bölmələr;Sabit disk;HD;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Раздзелы;Жорсткі дыск;Сістэмная інфармацыя;Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; дял; дялове; диск; твърд; хард; Partitions; Harddrive; HD; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=Parzhadur;pladenn galet;HD;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;Particije;hard disk;informacije o sustavu;
+Keywords[ca]=Particions;disc dur;HD;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=Oddíly disku;Pevný disk;HD;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=particëje;cwiardi disk;HD;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=Rhaniadau;Disg Caled;DC;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[el]=Κατατμήσεις;Σκληρός Δίσκος;HD;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=Particiones;Disco duro;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=Partitsioonid;kõvaketas;HD;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=Zatiketak;Disko gogorra;HD;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=افرازها، گردانندۀ سخت ،HD ،اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=partitions;disque dur;HD;DD;informations système;
+Keywords[fy]=partities;Hardrive; HD;systeemynformaasje;fêste skiif ;
+Keywords[ga]=Deighiltí;Tiomántán Crua;HD;Eolas faoin Chóras;
+Keywords[gl]=Particións;Disco duro;HD;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=מחיצות;כונן קשיח;מידע מערכת; Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=पार्टीशन्स;हार्डड्राइव;एचडी;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;Particije;hard disk;Podaci o sustavu;Tvrdi disk;
+Keywords[id]=Partisi;Harddrive;HD;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[is]=Sneiðar;Disksneiðar;Harðir diskar;Harður diskur;kerfi;upplýsingar;
+Keywords[it]=partizioni;disco rigido;hard disk;HD;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[lt]=Skirsniai;Kietasis diskas;HD;Sistemos Informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=Partīcijas;CietaisDisks;HD;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;Партиции;Тврд диск;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=Хуваалтууд;Хатуу диск;Диск хөтлөгч;HD;Системийн мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[ne]=विभाजन; हार्ड ड्राइभ;HD; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nl]=partities;harddrive;HD;systeeminformatie;harde schijf;
+Keywords[nso]=Dikaroganyo;Kotlelo ye Bothata;HD;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=Particions;disc dur;HD;Informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;ਭਾਗ;ਹਾਰਡ ਡਿਸਕ;
+Keywords[pl]=partycje;twardy dysk;HD;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=partições;disco rígido;HD;informações do sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=Partições;Disco Rígido;Informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=partiții;harddisk;hard-disk;HD;hdd;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=Ibicedisiki;Ububikodisiki;HD;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=Partície;oddiely;Pevný disk;HD;Systémové informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=particije;trdi disk;HD;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;партиције;харддиск;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;particije;harddisk;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=பகுதிகள்; வன் சாதனம்;எச்டி;அமைப்பு தகவல்;
+Keywords[tr]=Bölümleme;Sabitdisk;HD;Sistem Hakkında Bilgi;
+Keywords[uk]=розділи диску;жорсткий диск;HD;системна інформація;
+Keywords[uz]=Diskning qismlari;qattiq disk;HD;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=Дискнинг қисмлари;қаттиқ диск;HD;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;Mafhungo a sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=Phân vùng;Ổ cứng;HD;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=pårticions;deure plake;HD;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[xh]=Ulwahlulelwano ngokwamaqhekeza;Harddrive;HD;Ulwazi lwendlela yokusebenza;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;分区;硬盘;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=Partitions;Harddrive;HD;System Information;磁碟分割區;硬式磁碟機;硬碟;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=Izahluko;Harddrive;HD;Ulwazi Lwesistimu;
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf5c37ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/pci.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell pci
+Name[cs]=PCI sběrnice
+Name[he]=התקני PCI
+Name[lo]=ອຸປະກອນ PCI
+Name[ro]=Magistrala PCI
+Name[ru]=Шина PCI
+Name[th]=อุปกรณ์ PCI
+Name[uk]=Шина PCI
+Comment=PCI information
+Comment[af]=PCI informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات PCI
+Comment[az]=PCI haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб PCI
+Comment[bg]=Информация за PCI шината
+Comment[bn]=পি-সি-আই তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar PCI
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o PCI uređajima
+Comment[ca]=Informació de PCI
+Comment[cs]=Informace o PCI
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò PCI
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth PCI
+Comment[de]=Informationen zu PCI
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες PCI
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri PCI
+Comment[es]=Información sobre los dispositivos PCI
+Comment[et]=PCI info
+Comment[eu]=PCIri buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات PCI
+Comment[fr]=Informations PCI
+Comment[ga]=Eolas PCI
+Comment[gl]=Información de PCI
+Comment[he]=מידע על התקני PCI
+Comment[hi]=पीसीआई जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o PCI sabirnici
+Comment[id]=Informasi PCI
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um PCI-braut
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sul bus PCI
+Comment[ja]=PCI の情報
+Comment[ka]=ცნობები PCI მოწყობილობების შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=PCI құрылғылар мәліметі
+Comment[km]=ព័ត៌មាន PCI
+Comment[ko]=PCI 정보
+Comment[lo]=ຂໍ້ມູນອຸປະກອນ PCI
+Comment[lt]=PCI informacija
+Comment[lv]=PCI informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за PCI
+Comment[mn]=PCI-н мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat PCI
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar PCI
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över PCI
+Comment[ne]=पीसीआई सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya PCI
+Comment[oc]=Informacion de PCI
+Comment[pa]=PCI ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o PCI
+Comment[pt]=Informação sobre o PCI
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações PCI
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre magistrala PCI
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о устройствах PCI
+Comment[rw]= Ibisobanuro PCI
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o PCI
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o vodilu PCI
+Comment[sr]=PCI информације
+Comment[sr@Latn]=PCI informacije
+Comment[ss]=Umniningwane we PCI
+Comment[ta]=PCI தகவல்
+Comment[te]=పిసిఐ సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти PCI
+Comment[th]=ข้อมูลอุปกรณ์ PCI
+Comment[tr]=PCI hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=PCI turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо шини PCI
+Comment[uz]=PCI uskunalar haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=PCI ускуналар ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo a PCI
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về PCI
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion so PCI
+Comment[xh]=Inkcukacha ye PCI
+Comment[zh_CN]=PCI 信息
+Comment[zh_TW]=PCI 資訊
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lwe-PCI
+Keywords=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Informasie;
+Keywords[ar]=PCI;أجهزة PCI;PCI-Bus;معلومات النظام;
+Keywords[az]=PCI;PCI-Avadanlıqları;PCI-Bus;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Прылады PCI;Сістэмная інфармацыя;PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; шина; PCI; PCI-Devices; PCI-Bus; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=PCI;trobarzhelloù PCI;bus PCI;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;PCI uređaji;PCI-uređaji;PCI-sabirnica;informacije o sustavu;
+Keywords[ca]=PCI;Dispositius PCI;Bus PCI;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=PCI;PCI-zařízení;PCI-sběrnice;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=PCI;ùrządzenia PCI;magistrala PCI;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=PCI;Dyfeisiau-PCI;Bws-PCI;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[el]=PCI;Συσκευές PCI;Δίαυλος PCI;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=PCI;Dispositivos PCI;Bus PCI;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=PCI;PCi seadmed;PCI siin;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=PCI;PCI-gailuak;PCI busa;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=PCI ،دستگاههای PCI ،گذرگاه PCI ،اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=PCI;périphériques PCI;bus PCI;informations système;pci;
+Keywords[gl]=PCI;Dispositivos PCI;Bus PCI;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=מידע מערכת;אפיק PCI;התקני PCI;PCI;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=पीसीआई;पीसीआई-औज़ार;पीसीआई-बस;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;PCI uređaji;PCI sabirnica;Podaci o sustavu;
+Keywords[id]=PCI;PCI-Divais;PCI-Bus;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[it]=PCI;dispositivi PCI;bus PCI;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[km]=PCI;ឧបករណ៍ PCI;ខ្សែ​បញ្ជូន PCI;ព័ត៌មាន​ប្រព័ន្ធ;
+Keywords[lo]=ອຸປະກອນ PCI;ບັສ PCI;ຂໍ້ມູນຂອງລະບົບ;
+Keywords[lt]=PCI;PCI-įrenginiai;PCI-Bus;Sistemos Informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=PCI;PCI-Iekārtas;PCI-Šina;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;PCI уреди;PCI магистрала;PCI собирница;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=PCI;PCI-төхөөрөмж;PCI-Bus;Системийн мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[nds]=PCI;PCI-Reedschappen;PCI Bus;Systeeminformatschoon;
+Keywords[ne]=पीसीआई; पीसीआई-यन्त्र; पीसीआई-बस; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nso]=PCI;Maano a PCI;PCI-Bus;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=PCI;Dispositius PCI;Bus PCI;Informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=PCI;PCI-ਜੰਤਰ;PCI-Bus;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;
+Keywords[pl]=PCI;urządzenia PCI;magistrala PCI;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=PCI;dispositivos PCI;bus PCI;informações do sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=PCI;dispositivos PCI;Barramento PCI;Barramento PCI;Informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=PCI;dispozitive PCI;bus PCI;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=PCI;Apareye-PCI;Bisi-PCI;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=PCI;PCI-zariadenia;PCI-zbernica;Systémové informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=PCI;naprave PCI;vodilo PCI;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;PCI уређаји;PCI магистрала;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;PCI uređaji;PCI magistrala;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=PCI;PCI-சாதனங்கள்;PCI-பஸ்;சாதன தகவல்;
+Keywords[te]=పిసిఐ;పిసిఐ-పరికరాలు;పిసిఐ-బస్; వ్యవస్థ సమాచారం;
+Keywords[th]=อุปกรณ์ PCI;บัส PCI;ข้อมูลระบบ;
+Keywords[tr]=PCI;PCI-Aygıtları;PCI-Bus;Sistem Hakkında Bilgi;
+Keywords[uk]=PCI;пристрої PCI;шина PCI;системна інформація;
+Keywords[uz]=PCI;PCI uskunalari;PCI-Bus;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=PCI;PCI ускуналари;PCI-Bus;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=PCI;Maano a PCI;PCI Bus;Mafhungo a sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=PCI;Thiết bị PCI;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=PCI;éndjins PCI;Bus PCI;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[xh]=PCI;PCI-Amacebo;PCI-Ibhasi;Ulwazi lwendlela;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;PCI 设备;PCI 总线;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=PCI;PCI-Devices;PCI-Bus;System Information;PCI 設備;PCI 匯流排;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=PCI;Amathuluzi-PCI;Ibhasi-PCI;Ulwaz Lwesistimu;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/processor.desktop b/kcontrol/info/processor.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74f8827fd
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+++ b/kcontrol/info/processor.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell processor
+Name[vi]=Bộ vi xử lý
+Name[xh]=Umqhubekekisi phambili
+Comment=Processor information
+Comment[af]=Verwerker informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات المعالج
+Comment[az]=İşlədici haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб працэсары
+Comment[bg]=Информация за процесора(ите) на системата
+Comment[bn]=প্রসেসর তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar c'hewerier
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o procesoru
+Comment[ca]=Informació del processador
+Comment[cs]=Informace o procesoru
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò procesorze
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth prosesydd
+Comment[da]=Information om processoren
+Comment[de]=Informationen zum Prozessor
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τον επεξεργαστή
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri procezilo
+Comment[es]=Información sobre el procesador
+Comment[et]=Protsessori info
+Comment[eu]=Prozesagailuari buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات پردازنده
+Comment[fi]=Tietoja prosessorista
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur le processeur
+Comment[fy]=Ferwurkingsienheid ynformaasje
+Comment[ga]=Eolas faoin phróiseálaí
+Comment[gl]=Información do Procesador
+Comment[he]=מידע על המעבד
+Comment[hi]=प्रोसेसर जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o procesoru
+Comment[hu]=A processzor jellemzői
+Comment[id]=Informasi Prosesor
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um örgjörva
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sul processore
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია პროცესორის შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=Процессор мәліметі
+Comment[ko]=프로세서 정보
+Comment[lt]=Procesoriaus informacija
+Comment[lv]=Procesora informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за процесорот
+Comment[mn]=Процессорын мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat pemproses
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar CPU
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över den Perzesser
+Comment[ne]=प्रोसेसर सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya Mophethagatsi
+Comment[oc]=Informacion dèu processador
+Comment[pa]=ਪਰੋਸੈਸਰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o procesorze
+Comment[pt]=Informação sobre o processador
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre o processador
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre parametrii microprocesorului
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о процессоре
+Comment[rw]= Ibisobanuro bya Munonosora
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o procesore
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o procesorju
+Comment[sr]=Информације о процесору
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o procesoru
+Comment[ss]=Umniningwane wesichubi
+Comment[ta]=செயல்முறை தகவல்
+Comment[te]=ప్రాసెసర్ సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти Протсессор
+Comment[tr]=İşlemci hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=Processor turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо процесора
+Comment[uz]=Protsessor haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Процессор ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo a mubveledzi
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về bộ vi xử lý
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion sol processeu
+Comment[xh]=Inkcukacha yenkcukacha
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lomqhubekisi
+Keywords=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Informasie;
+Keywords[ar]=المعالج;CPU;FPU;MHz;معلومات النظام;
+Keywords[az]=İşlədici;MİB;FPU;MHz;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Працэсар;МГц;Сістэмная інфармацыя;Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; процесор; Processor; CPU; FPU; MHz; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=Kewerier;UTK;UNS;MHz;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;procesor;informacije o sustavu;
+Keywords[ca]=Processador;CPU;FPU;MHz;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=Procesor;CPU;FPU;MHz;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=procesora;CPU;JAL;FPU;MHz;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=Prosesydd;CPU;FPU;MHz;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[el]=Επεξεργαστής;KME;FPU;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=Procesador;CPU;FPU;MHz;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=Protsessor;CPU;FPU;MHz;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=Prozesagailua;CPU;FPU;MHz;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=پردازنده، واحد پردازش مرکزی، FPU، مگاهرتز، اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=processeur;CPU;FPU;MHz;informations système;cpu;
+Keywords[ga]=Próiseálaí;CPU;LAP;FPU;MHz;Eolas faoin Chóras;
+Keywords[gl]=Procesador;CPU;FPU;MHz;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=FPU;מעבד;מעבד מתמטי;מגה־הרץ;מידע מערכת;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=प्रोसेसर;सीपीयू;एफपीयू;एमएचज़ेड;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;procesor;Podaci o sustavu;
+Keywords[id]=Prosesor;CPU;FPU;MHz;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[it]=processore;CPU;FPU;MHz;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[ka]=პროცესორი;CPU;FPU;MHz;ინფორმაცია სისტემის შესახებ;
+Keywords[lt]=Procesorius;CPU;FPU;MHz;Sistemos Informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=Procesors;CPU;FPU;MHz;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;Процесор;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=Процессор;CPU;FPU;MHz;Системийн мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[ms]=Pemproses;CPU;FPU;MHz;Maklumat Sistem;
+Keywords[ne]=प्रोसेसर; सीपीयू; एफपीयू; एमएचजेड; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nso]=Mophethagatsi;CPU;FPU;MHz;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=Processador;CPU;FPU;MHz;Informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=ਪਰੋਸੈਸਰ;CPU;FPU;MHz;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;
+Keywords[pl]=procesor;CPU;JAL;FPU;MHz;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=processador;CPU;FPU;MHz;informações do sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=Processador;CPU;FPU;MHz;Informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=procesor;microprocesor;CPU;FPU;MHz;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=Munonosora;CPU;FPU;MHz;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=Procesor;CPU;FPU;MHz;Systémové Informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=procesor;CPE;CPU;FPU;MHz;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;процесор;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;procesor;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=செயலி;CPU;FPU;MHz;அமைப்புத் தகவல்;
+Keywords[te]=ప్రాసెసర్; సిపియు; ఎఫ్ పి యు; ఎం హెర్జ్; వ్యవస్థ సమాచారం;
+Keywords[tr]=İşlemci;MİB;FPU;MHz;Sistem Hakkında Bilgi;
+Keywords[uk]=процесор;CPU;FPU;МГц;системна інформація;
+Keywords[uz]=Protsessor;CPU;FPU;MGs;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=Процессор;CPU;FPU;МГц;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=Mubveledzi;CPU;FPU;MHz;Mafhungo a sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=Bộ vi xử lý;CPU;FPU;Mhz;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=Processeu;CPU;FPU;MHz;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[xh]=Umqhubekekisi;CPU;FPU;MHz;Inkcukacha Yendlela yokusebenza;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;处理器;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=Processor;CPU;FPU;MHz;System Information;處理器;中央處理器;浮點運算器;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=Umqhubekisi;CPU;FPU;MHz;Ulwazi Lwesistimu;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/scsi.desktop b/kcontrol/info/scsi.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..785b362f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/scsi.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell scsi
+Name[he]=התקני SCSI
+Name[lo]=ອຸປະກອນ SCSI
+Name[ro]=Magistrala SCSI
+Name[th]=อุปกรณ์ SCSI
+Comment=SCSI information
+Comment[af]=Scsi informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات SCSI
+Comment[az]=SCSI haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб SCSI
+Comment[bg]=Информация за SCSI шината
+Comment[bn]=স্কাসি (SCSI) তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar SCSI
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o SCSI uređajima
+Comment[ca]=Informació de SCSI
+Comment[cs]=Informace o SCSI
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò SCSI
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth SCSI
+Comment[de]=Informationen zu SCSI-Geräten
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες SCSI
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri SCSI
+Comment[es]=Información sobre los dispositivos SCSI
+Comment[et]=SCSI info
+Comment[eu]=SCSIri buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات اسکازی
+Comment[fr]=Informations SCSI
+Comment[ga]=Eolas SCSI
+Comment[gl]=Información de SCSI
+Comment[he]=מידע על SCSI
+Comment[hi]=एससीएसआई जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o SCSI sabirnici
+Comment[id]=Informasi SCSI
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um SCSI-tæki
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sul bus SCSI
+Comment[ja]=SCSI の情報
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია SCSI–ს შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=SCSI құрылғылар мәліметі
+Comment[km]=ព័ត៌មាន SCSI
+Comment[ko]=SCSI 정보
+Comment[lo]=ຂໍ້ມູນອຸປະກອນ SCSI
+Comment[lt]=SCSI informacija
+Comment[lv]=SCSI informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за SCSI
+Comment[mn]=SCSI-төхөөрөмжийн мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat SCSI
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar SCSI
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över SCSI
+Comment[ne]=एससीएसआई सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya SCSI
+Comment[oc]=Informacion de SCSI
+Comment[pa]=SCSI ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o SCSI
+Comment[pt]=Informação sobre o SCSI
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre SCSI
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre magistrala SCSI
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о устройствах SCSI
+Comment[rw]= Ibisobanuro SCSI
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o SCSI
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o vodilu SCSI
+Comment[sr]=Информације о SCSI уређајима
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o SCSI uređajima
+Comment[ss]=Umniningwane weSCSI
+Comment[ta]=SCSI தகவல்
+Comment[te]=SCSI సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти SCSI
+Comment[th]=ข้อมูลอุปกรณ์ SCSI
+Comment[tr]=SCSI hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=SCSI turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо SCSI
+Comment[uz]=SCSI uskunalar haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=SCSI ускуналар ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo a SCSI
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về SCSI
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion so SCSI
+Comment[xh]=Inkcukacha ye SCSI
+Comment[zh_CN]=SCSI 信息
+Comment[zh_TW]=SCSI 資訊
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lwe-SCSI
+Keywords=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Informasie;
+Keywords[az]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Шына SCSI;Сістэмная інфармацыя;SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; шина; SCSI; SCSI-Bus; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=SCSI;bus SCSI;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;SCSI-sabirnica;informacije o sustavu;
+Keywords[ca]=SCSI;Bus SCSI;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=SCSI;SCSI-sběrnice;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=SCSI;magistrala SCSI;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=SCSI;Bws-SCSI;Gwybodaeth Cysawd;
+Keywords[el]=SCSI;Δίαυλος SCSI;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=SCSI;Bus SCSI;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=SCSI;SCSI siin;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=SCSI;SCSI busa;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=اسکازی، گذرگاه اسکازی، اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=SCSI;bus SCSI;informations système;scsi;
+Keywords[ga]=SCSI;Bus SCSI;Eolas faoin Chóras;
+Keywords[gl]=SCSI;Bus SCSI;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=מידע מערכת;אפיק SCSI;SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=एससीएसआई;एससीएसआई-बस;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;Podaci o sustavu;SCSI sabirnica;
+Keywords[id]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[it]=SCSI;bus SCSI;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[km]=SCSI;ខ្សែ​បញ្ជូន SCSI;ព័ត៌មាន​ប្រព័ន្ធ;
+Keywords[lo]=ອຸູປະກອນ SCSI;ບັສ SCSI;ຂໍ້ມູນຂອງລະບົບ;
+Keywords[lt]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Sistemos Informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=SCSI;SCSI-Šina;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;SCSI магистрала; SCSI собирница;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mn]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Системийн мэдээлэл;
+Keywords[ne]=एससीएसआई; एससीएसआई-बस; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[nso]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Tshedimoso ya System;
+Keywords[oc]=SCSI;Bus SCSI;Informacion dèu sistemo;
+Keywords[pa]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;
+Keywords[pl]=SCSI;magistrala SCSI;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=SCSI;bus SCSI;informações do sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=SCSI;Barramento SCSI;Informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=SCSI;magistrala SCSI;bus SCSI;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=SCSI;Bisi-SCSI;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=SCSI;SCSI-zbernica;Systémové Informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=SCSI;vodilo SCSI;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;SCSI магистрала;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;SCSI magistrala;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=SCSI;SCSI-பஸ்;அமைப்பு தகவல்;
+Keywords[th]=อุปกรณ์ SCSI;บัส SCSI;ข้อมูลระบบ;
+Keywords[tr]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Sistem Hakkında Bilgi;
+Keywords[uk]=SCSI;шина SCSI;системна інформація;
+Keywords[uz]=SCSI;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=SCSI;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[ven]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Mafhungo a sisitemu;
+Keywords[vi]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=SCSI;Bus SCSI;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[xh]=SCSI;SCSI-Ibhasi;Ulwazi lwendlela;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;SCSI 总线;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=SCSI;SCSI-Bus;System Information;系統資訊;
+Keywords[zu]=SCSI;Ibhasi-SCSI;Ulwazi Lwesistimu;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/sound.desktop b/kcontrol/info/sound.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fed36704b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/sound.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell sound
+Name[vi]=Âm thanh
+Comment=Sound information
+Comment[af]=Klank informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات الصوت
+Comment[az]=Səs haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб гуку
+Comment[bg]=Информация за аудио системата
+Comment[bn]=শব্দ সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar son
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o zvuku
+Comment[ca]=Informació del so
+Comment[cs]=Informace o zvuku
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò nastôwach zwãkù
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth Sain
+Comment[da]=Information om lyd
+Comment[de]=Informationen zur Soundkarte
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες για τον Ήχο
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri Sono
+Comment[es]=Información sobre el sonido
+Comment[et]=Heliseadmete info
+Comment[eu]=Soinuari buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات صوتی
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur le son
+Comment[ga]=Eolas fuaime
+Comment[gl]=Información do Son
+Comment[he]=מידע על צליל
+Comment[hi]=ध्वनि जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o zvuku
+Comment[hu]=A hangkezelés jellemzői
+Comment[id]=Informasi Suara
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um hljóð
+Comment[it]=Informazioni sul suono
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია ხმის შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=Дыбыс мәліметі
+Comment[ko]=소리 정보
+Comment[lt]=Garso informacija
+Comment[lv]=Skaņas informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за звукот
+Comment[mn]=Дууны картын мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat bunyi
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar Ħsejjes
+Comment[ne]=ध्वनि सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Tshedimoso ya Modumo
+Comment[oc]=Informacion dèu son
+Comment[pa]=ਧੁਨੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o ustawieniach dźwięku
+Comment[pt]=Informação sobre o som
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações sobre o Som
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre placa de sunet
+Comment[ru]=Сведения о звуке
+Comment[rw]= Ibisobanuro by'Ijwi
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o zvuku
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o zvoku
+Comment[sr]=Информације о звуку
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o zvuku
+Comment[ss]=Umniningwane wemsidvo
+Comment[ta]=ஒலித் தகவல்
+Comment[te]=శబ్ద సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти садо
+Comment[tr]=Ses hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=Tawış turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо звукової карти
+Comment[uz]=Tovush haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Товуш ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo a mubvumo
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về âm thanh
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion sol son
+Comment[xh]=Inkcukacha yesandi
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi Lomsindo
+Keywords=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;
+Keywords[af]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;Midi;OSS;System Informasie;
+Keywords[az]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;Səs;Səskartı;Midi;OSS;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Гук;Аўдыё;Гукавая карта;Сістэмная інфармацыя;Сінтэзатар;Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=информация; система; системна; аудио; звук Sound; Audio; Soundcard; MIDI; OSS; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=Son;klevet;kartenn son;MIDI;OSS;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;Midi;OSS;System Information;Zvuk;Informacije o sistemu;Zvučna kartica;
+Keywords[ca]=So;Àudio;tarja de so;MIDI;OSS;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=Zvuk;Audio;Zvuková karta;Midi;OSS;Informace o systému;
+Keywords[csb]=zwãk;audio;zwãkòwô karta;Midi;OSS;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[cy]=Sain;Swn;Cerdyn Sain;Midi;OSS;Gwybodaeth Gysawd;
+Keywords[el]=Ήχος;Μουσική;Κάρτα ήχου;MIDI;OSS;Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=Sonido;Audio;Tarjeta de sonido;MIDI;OSS;Información del sistema;
+Keywords[et]=Heli;Audio;Helikaart;MIDI;OSS;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=Soinua;Audioa;Soinu txartela;Midi;OSS;Sistemaren informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=صوت، صوتی، کارت صوتی ،MIDI ،OSS ،اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=son;audio;carte son;midi;OSS;informations système;
+Keywords[ga]=Fuaim;Cárta Fuaime;MIDI;OSS;Eolas faoin Chóras;
+Keywords[gl]=Son;Audio;Tarxeta de son;Midi;OSS;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=מידע מערכת;OSS;Midi;צליל;שמע;כרטיס קול;מידי;Sound; Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;
+Keywords[hi]=ध्वनि;ऑडियो;साउंडकार्ड;मिडी;ओएसएस;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;Midi;OSS;System Information;Zvuk;Podaci o sustavu;Zvučna kartica;
+Keywords[id]=Sound;Audio;KartuSuara;Midi;OSS;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[it]=suono;audio;scheda sonora;MIDI;OSS;informazioni sul sistema;
+Keywords[ka]=ხმა;აუდიო;აუდიოდაბა;MIDI;OSS;ინფორმაცია სისტემის შესახებ;
+Keywords[lt]=Garsas;Audio;Garso korta;Midi;OSS;Sistemos informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=Skaņa;Audio;Skaņaskarte;MIDI;OSS;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;Звук;Аудио;Звучна картичка;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mt]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;Ħsejjes;
+Keywords[ne]=ध्वनि; अडियो; ध्वनि कार्ड; MIDI; OSS; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[pa]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;ਆਡੀਓ;ਸਾਊਂਡਕਾਰਡ;
+Keywords[pl]=dźwięk;audio;karta dźwiekowa;Midi;OSS;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=som;áudio;placa de som;midi;oss;informações de sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=Som;Áudio;placa de som;MIDI;OSS;Informações de sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=sunet;audio;placă de sunet;card de sunet;MIDI;OSS;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=Ijwi;Inyumvo;Ikaritaijwi;MIDI;OSS;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=Zvuk;Zvuky;Zvuková karta;MIDI;OSS;Systémové Informácie;
+Keywords[sl]=zvok;glasba;zvočna kartica;avdio;midi;OSS;informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[sr]=Sound;Аудио;Soundcard;Midi;OSS;System Information;Звук;Аудио;звучна карта;звучна картица;миди;системске информације;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;Midi;OSS;System Information;Zvuk;Audio;zvučna karta;zvučna kartica;midi;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[ta]=ஒலி;ஒலி அமைப்பு;ஒலி அட்டை;மிடி;OSS;சாதன தகவல்;
+Keywords[tr]=Ses;Seskartı;Midi;OSS;Sistem Bilgisi;MIDI;
+Keywords[uk]=звук;аудіо;sound;audio;звукова плата;midi;oss;системна інформація;
+Keywords[uz]=MIDI;OSS;Tovush;Audio;Tovush kartasi;Tizm haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=MIDI;OSS;Товуш;Аудио;Товуш картаси;Тизм ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[vi]=Âm thanh;âm;Bo mạch âm thanh;Midi;OSS;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=Son;Audiocåte son;MIDI;OSS;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=Sound;Audio;Soundcard;MIDI;OSS;System Information;音频;音响;声卡;系统信息;
diff --git a/kcontrol/info/xserver.desktop b/kcontrol/info/xserver.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd1b58c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/info/xserver.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=tdecmshell xserver
+Name[ar]=خادم X
+Name[be]=Сервер X
+Name[bg]=Сървър X
+Name[br]=Servijer X
+Name[ca]=Servidor X
+Name[es]=Servidor X
+Name[et]=X'i server
+Name[eu]=X zerbitzaria
+Name[fa]=کارساز X
+Name[fr]=Serveur X
+Name[ga]=Freastalaí X
+Name[gl]=Servidor X
+Name[he]=שרת X
+Name[it]=Server X
+Name[ja]=X サーバ
+Name[ko]=X 서버
+Name[lo]=ເຊີຟເວີ X
+Name[ms]=Pelayan X
+Name[nso]=Moabi wa X
+Name[oc]=Servor X
+Name[pt]=Servidor X
+Name[pt_BR]=Servidor X
+Name[ro]=Server X
+Name[sl]=Strežnik X
+Name[ss]=Sigcini X
+Name[th]=เซิร์ฟเวอร์ X
+Name[ven]=Siva ya X
+Name[vi]=Trình phục vụ X
+Name[wa]=Siervieu X
+Name[xh]=Umncedisi we-X
+Name[zh_CN]=X 服务器
+Name[zh_TW]=X 伺服器
+Name[zu]=Umlekeleli we-X
+Comment=X-Server information
+Comment[af]=X-bediener informasie
+Comment[ar]=معلومات عن خادم X
+Comment[az]=X-Vericisi haqqında mə'lumat
+Comment[be]=Інфармацыя аб серверы X
+Comment[bg]=Информация за сървъра X
+Comment[bn]=এক্স-সার্ভার সংক্রান্ত তথ্য
+Comment[br]=Titouroù diwar-benn ar servijer X
+Comment[bs]=Informacije o X-Serveru
+Comment[ca]=Informació del servidor X
+Comment[cs]=Informace o X-Serveru
+Comment[csb]=Wëdowiédzô ò X-serwerze
+Comment[cy]=Gwybodaeth Gweinydd-X
+Comment[da]=Information om X-serveren
+Comment[de]=Informationen zum X-Server
+Comment[el]=Πληροφορίες εξυπηρετητή X
+Comment[eo]=Informo pri X-servilo
+Comment[es]=Información sobre el servidor X
+Comment[et]=X'i serveri info
+Comment[eu]=X zerbitzariari buruzko informazioa
+Comment[fa]=اطلاعات کارساز X
+Comment[fi]=X-palvelimen tiedot
+Comment[fr]=Informations sur le serveur X
+Comment[ga]=Eolas faoin bhfreastalaí X
+Comment[gl]=Información do Servidor X
+Comment[he]=מידע על שרת ה־X
+Comment[hi]=एक्स-सर्वर जानकारी
+Comment[hr]=Podaci o X-poslužitelju
+Comment[hu]=Az X-kiszolgáló jellemzői
+Comment[id]=Informasi Server-X
+Comment[is]=Upplýsingar um X-þjón
+Comment[it]= Informazioni sul server X
+Comment[ja]=X サーバの情報
+Comment[ka]=ინფორმაცია X-სერვერის შესახებ
+Comment[kk]=X-сервер мәліметі
+Comment[km]=ព័ត៌មាន X-Server
+Comment[ko]=X 서버 정보
+Comment[lo]=ຂໍ້ມູນເຊີຟເວີ X
+Comment[lt]=X-Serverio informacija
+Comment[lv]=X-Servera informācija
+Comment[mk]=Информации за X-серверот
+Comment[mn]=X-серверийн мэдээлэл
+Comment[ms]=Maklumat Pelayan X
+Comment[mt]=Informazzjoni dwar X-Server
+Comment[nds]=Informatschoon över den X-Server
+Comment[ne]=X-सर्भर सूचना
+Comment[nso]=Moabi wa Tshedimoso ya X
+Comment[oc]=Informacion dèu servor X
+Comment[pa]=X-ਸਰਵਰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ
+Comment[pl]=Informacje o X-serwerze
+Comment[pt]=Informações sobre o servidor X
+Comment[pt_BR]=Informações do servidor X
+Comment[ro]=Informații despre serverul X
+Comment[ru]=Сведения об X-сервере
+Comment[rw]=Ibisobanuro bya X-Seriveri
+Comment[sk]=Informácie o X serveri
+Comment[sl]=Podatki o strežniku X
+Comment[sr]=Информације о X серверу
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Informacije o X serveru
+Comment[ss]=Umniningwane wesigcini X
+Comment[ta]=X-சேவகன் தகவல்
+Comment[te]=ఎక్స్-సెర్వర్ సమాచారం
+Comment[tg]=Иттилооти Сервери-X
+Comment[th]=ข้อมูลเซิร์ฟเวอร์ X
+Comment[tr]=X-Sunucusu hakkında bilgi
+Comment[tt]=X-Server turında
+Comment[uk]=Інформація щодо X-Server
+Comment[uz]=X-Server haqida maʼlumot
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=X-Сервер ҳақида маълумот
+Comment[ven]=Mafhungo a siva ya X
+Comment[vi]=Thông tin về trình phục vụ X
+Comment[wa]=Informåcion sol sierveu X
+Comment[xh]=Ulwazi lomncedisi we-X
+Comment[zh_CN]=X 服务器信息
+Comment[zh_TW]=X 伺服器資訊
+Comment[zu]=Ulwazi lomlekeleli we-X
+Keywords=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;
+Keywords[az]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;X-Verici;XVerici;XFree86;Displey;Sistem Haqqında Mə'lumat;
+Keywords[be]=Сервер X;Дысплей;Відэакарта;Сістэмная інфармацыя;X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;
+Keywords[bg]=екран; видеокарта; системна информация; сървър; X; X-Server; XServer; XFree86; Display; VideoCard; System Information;
+Keywords[br]=X;servijer X;XServer;XFree86;diskwel;kartenn video;titouroù reizhiad;
+Keywords[bs]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;VideoCard;Display;System Information; Ekran; Informacije o sistemu;
+Keywords[ca]=X;Servidor X;XServer;XFree86;Monitor;Targeta de video;Informació del sistema;
+Keywords[cs]=X;X-server;XServer;XFree86;Obrazovka;Informace o systému;Videokarta;
+Keywords[csb]=X;X serwera;Xserwera;XFree86;graficznô karta;grafika;wëdowiédzô ò systemie;
+Keywords[el]=X;Εξυπηρετητής-X;XServer;XFree86;Οθόνη;Κάρτα Γραφικών; Πληροφορίες συστήματος;
+Keywords[es]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Monitor;Tarjeta; Gráfica;Sistema;Información;
+Keywords[et]=X;X'i server;X Server;XFree86;Ekraan;Videokaart;Süsteemi info;
+Keywords[eu]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;sistema informazioa;
+Keywords[fa]=X، کارساز، X، XServer، XFree86، صفحه نمایش، کارت ویدیو، اطلاعات سیستم;
+Keywords[fr]=X;serveur X;XFree86;XServer;moniteur;affichage;informations système;xfree;carte vidéo;carte graphique;
+Keywords[fy]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;display;systeemynformaasje;byldskerm;grafyske kaart;
+Keywords[ga]=X;Freastalaí-X;XFree86;Scáileán;Físchárta;Eolas faoin Chóras;
+Keywords[gl]=X;Servidor X;XServer;XFree86;Pantalla;Display;Información do Sistema;
+Keywords[he]=תצוגה;מידע מערכת;XFree86;שרת X;X; כרטיס מסך;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard; System Information; Xorg;
+Keywords[hi]=एक्स;एक्स-सर्वर;एक्ससर्वर;एक्सफ्री86;प्रदर्शक;वीडियोकार्ड;तंत्र जानकारी;
+Keywords[hr]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;X-poslužitelj;X poslužitelj;Zaslon;Video kartica;Grafička kartica;Podaci o sustavu;
+Keywords[id]=X;Server-X;XServer;XFree86;Tampilan;KartuVideo;Informasi Sistem;
+Keywords[is]=X;X-Server;X-þjónn;XServer;Xþjónn;XFree86;Display;skjár; VideoCard;skjákort;System Information;kerfisupplýsingar;
+Keywords[it]=X;Server X;XServer;XFree86;display;schermo;informazioni sul sistema;SchedaVideo;
+Keywords[ka]=X;X-სერვერი;Xსერვერი;XFree86;დსიპლეი; ვიდეოდაფა;ინფორმაცია სისტების შესახებ;
+Keywords[lt]=X;X-Serveris;XServer;XFree86;Displėjus;Video plokštė;Sistemos informacija;
+Keywords[lv]=X;X-Serveris;XServeris;XFree86;Ekrāns;Sistēmas Informācija;
+Keywords[mk]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;X сервер;Екран;Видеокартичка;Информации за системот;
+Keywords[mt]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;System Information;
+Keywords[ne]=X; X-सर्भर; Xसर्भर; Xस्वतन्त्र 86; प्रदर्शन गर्नुहोस्; भिडियो कार्ड; प्रणाली सूचना;
+Keywords[pa]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;ਦਰਿਸ਼;ਵੀਡਿਓ ਕਾਰਡ;ਸਿਸਟਮ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ;
+Keywords[pl]=X;X serwer;Xserwer;XFree86;karta graficzna;grafika;informacja o systemie;
+Keywords[pt]=X;servidor X;XServer;XFree86;ecrã;placa de vídeo;informações de sistema;
+Keywords[pt_BR]=X;Servidor X;XFree;XFree86;Display;Tela;Placa de Vídeo;Informações do sistema;
+Keywords[ro]=X;server X;XServer;XFree86;ecran;afișare;placă video;informații despre sistem;
+Keywords[rw]=X;X-Seriveri;XSeriveri;XFree86;Kwerekana;IkaritaVidewo;Amakuru Sisitemu;
+Keywords[sk]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;Systémové Information;
+Keywords[sl]=X;strežnik X;X-strežnik;XServer;XFree86;zaslon;grafična kartica;Podatki o sistemu;sistemske informacije;
+Keywords[sr]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;екран;видео картица;
+Keywords[sr@Latn]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;ekran;video kartica;
+Keywords[ta]=X;X-சேவகன்;Xசேவகன்;XFree86; காட்சி;படக்காட்சிஅட்டை;அமைப்பு தகவல்;
+Keywords[th]=X;เซิร์ฟเวอร์ X;XServer;XFree86;จอแสดงผล;แผงวงจรวิดีโอ;ข้อมูลระบบ;
+Keywords[tr]=X;X-Server;XServer;X sunucu; X-sunucu;Xsunucu;XFree86;Görüntü;Video Kartı;Sistem Bilgisi;
+Keywords[uk]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;системна інформація;монітор;X сервер;відео карта;
+Keywords[uz]=X;X server;XFree86;xorg;X-Server;Displey;video karta;Tizim haqida maʼlumot;
+Keywords[uz@cyrillic]=X;X сервер;XFree86;xorg;X-Сервер;Дисплей;видео карта;Тизим ҳақида маълумот;
+Keywords[vi]=X;Trình phục vụ X;XServer;XFree86;Màn hình;Thông tin Hệ thống;
+Keywords[wa]=X;X-Server;XServer;sierveu X;XFree86;håynaedje;Display;cåte videyo;informåcion do sistinme;
+Keywords[zh_CN]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System InformationX 服务器;显示器;显卡;系统信息;
+Keywords[zh_TW]=X;X-Server;XServer;XFree86;Display;VideoCard;System Information;X 伺服器;X伺服器;顯示器;顯示卡;系統資訊;