path: root/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp')
1 files changed, 900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp b/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0dcee8105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kcontrol/kthememanager/ktheme.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,900 @@
+// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; -*-
+/* Copyright (C) 2003 Lukas Tinkl <[email protected]>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+#include "ktheme.h"
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqfileinfo.h>
+#include <tqimage.h>
+#include <tqpixmap.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <tqtextstream.h>
+#include <tqdir.h>
+#include <dcopclient.h>
+#include <tdeapplication.h>
+#include <tdeconfig.h>
+#include <kdatastream.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tdeglobal.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <tdeio/job.h>
+#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
+#include <kipc.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <kservice.h>
+#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <ktar.h>
+#include <tdestyle.h>
+KTheme::KTheme( TQWidget *parent, const TQString & xmlFile )
+ : m_parent(parent)
+ TQFile file( xmlFile );
+ IO_ReadOnly );
+ m_dom.setContent( TQByteArray(file.readAll()) );
+ file.close();
+ //kdDebug() << m_dom.toString( 2 ) << endl;
+ setName( TQFileInfo( file ).baseName() );
+ m_kgd = TDEGlobal::dirs();
+KTheme::KTheme( TQWidget *parent, bool create )
+ : m_parent(parent)
+ if ( create )
+ {
+ m_dom = TQDomDocument( "ktheme" );
+ m_root = m_dom.createElement( "ktheme" );
+ m_root.setAttribute( "version", SYNTAX_VERSION );
+ m_dom.appendChild( m_root );
+ m_general = m_dom.createElement( "general" );
+ m_root.appendChild( m_general );
+ }
+ m_kgd = TDEGlobal::dirs();
+void KTheme::setName( const TQString & name )
+ m_name = name;
+bool KTheme::load( const KURL & url )
+ kdDebug() << "Loading theme from URL: " << url << endl;
+ TQString tmpFile;
+ if ( !TDEIO::NetAccess::download( url, tmpFile, 0L ) )
+ return false;
+ kdDebug() << "Theme is in temp file: " << tmpFile << endl;
+ // set theme's name
+ setName( TQFileInfo( url.fileName() ).baseName() );
+ // unpack the tarball
+ TQString location = m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/" );
+ KTar tar( tmpFile );
+ IO_ReadOnly );
+>copyTo( location );
+ tar.close();
+ // create the DOM
+ TQFile file( location + m_name + ".xml" );
+ IO_ReadOnly );
+ m_dom.setContent( TQByteArray(file.readAll()) );
+ file.close();
+ // remove the temp file
+ TDEIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpFile );
+ return true;
+TQString KTheme::createYourself( bool pack )
+ // start with empty dir for orig theme
+ if ( !pack )
+ KTheme::remove( name() );
+ // 1. General stuff set by methods setBlah()
+ // 2. Background theme
+ TDEConfig * globalConf = TDEGlobal::config();
+ TDEConfig twinConf( "twinrc", true );
+ twinConf.setGroup( "Desktops" );
+ uint numDesktops = twinConf.readUnsignedNumEntry( "Number", 4 );
+ TDEConfig desktopConf( "kdesktoprc", true );
+ desktopConf.setGroup( "Background Common" );
+ bool common = desktopConf.readBoolEntry( "CommonDesktop", true );
+ for ( uint i=0; i < numDesktops-1; i++ )
+ {
+ TQDomElement desktopElem = m_dom.createElement( "desktop" );
+ desktopElem.setAttribute( "number", i );
+ desktopElem.setAttribute( "common", common );
+ desktopConf.setGroup( "Desktop" + TQString::number( i ) );
+ TQDomElement modeElem = m_dom.createElement( "mode" );
+ modeElem.setAttribute( "id", desktopConf.readEntry( "BackgroundMode", "Flat" ) );
+ desktopElem.appendChild( modeElem );
+ TQDomElement c1Elem = m_dom.createElement( "color1" );
+ c1Elem.setAttribute( "rgb", desktopConf.readColorEntry( "Color1" ).name() );
+ desktopElem.appendChild( c1Elem );
+ TQDomElement c2Elem = m_dom.createElement( "color2" );
+ c2Elem.setAttribute( "rgb", desktopConf.readColorEntry( "Color2" ).name() );
+ desktopElem.appendChild( c2Elem );
+ TQDomElement blendElem = m_dom.createElement( "blending" );
+ blendElem.setAttribute( "mode", desktopConf.readEntry( "BlendMode", TQString( "NoBlending" ) ) );
+ blendElem.setAttribute( "balance", desktopConf.readEntry( "BlendBalance", TQString::number( 100 ) ) );
+ blendElem.setAttribute( "reverse", desktopConf.readBoolEntry( "ReverseBlending", false ) );
+ desktopElem.appendChild( blendElem );
+ TQDomElement patElem = m_dom.createElement( "pattern" );
+ patElem.setAttribute( "name", desktopConf.readEntry( "Pattern" ) );
+ desktopElem.appendChild( patElem );
+ TQDomElement wallElem = m_dom.createElement( "wallpaper" );
+ wallElem.setAttribute( "url", processFilePath( "desktop", desktopConf.readPathEntry( "Wallpaper" ) ) );
+ wallElem.setAttribute( "mode", desktopConf.readEntry( "WallpaperMode" ) );
+ desktopElem.appendChild( wallElem );
+ // TODO handle multi wallpapers (aka slideshow)
+ m_root.appendChild( desktopElem );
+ if ( common ) // generate only one node
+ break;
+ }
+ // 11. Screensaver
+ desktopConf.setGroup( "ScreenSaver" );
+ TQDomElement saverElem = m_dom.createElement( "screensaver" );
+ saverElem.setAttribute( "name", desktopConf.readEntry( "Saver" ) );
+ m_root.appendChild( saverElem );
+ // 3. Icons
+ globalConf->setGroup( "Icons" );
+ TQDomElement iconElem = m_dom.createElement( "icons" );
+ iconElem.setAttribute( "name", globalConf->readEntry( "Theme",TDEIconTheme::current() ) );
+ createIconElems( "DesktopIcons", "desktop", iconElem, globalConf );
+ createIconElems( "MainToolbarIcons", "mainToolbar", iconElem, globalConf );
+ createIconElems( "PanelIcons", "panel", iconElem, globalConf );
+ createIconElems( "SmallIcons", "small", iconElem, globalConf );
+ createIconElems( "ToolbarIcons", "toolbar", iconElem, globalConf );
+ m_root.appendChild( iconElem );
+ // 4. Sounds
+ // 4.1 Global sounds
+ TDEConfig * soundConf = new TDEConfig( "knotify.eventsrc", true );
+ TQStringList stdEvents;
+ stdEvents << "cannotopenfile" << "catastrophe" << "exitkde" << "fatalerror"
+ << "notification" << "printerror" << "starttde" << "warning"
+ << "messageCritical" << "messageInformation" << "messageWarning"
+ << "messageboxQuestion";
+ // 4.2 KWin sounds
+ TDEConfig * twinSoundConf = new TDEConfig( "twin.eventsrc", true );
+ TQStringList twinEvents;
+ twinEvents << "activate" << "close" << "delete" <<
+ "desktop1" << "desktop2" << "desktop3" << "desktop4" <<
+ "desktop5" << "desktop6" << "desktop7" << "desktop8" <<
+ "maximize" << "minimize" << "moveend" << "movestart" <<
+ "new" << "not_on_all_desktops" << "on_all_desktops" <<
+ "resizeend" << "resizestart" << "shadedown" << "shadeup" <<
+ "transdelete" << "transnew" << "unmaximize" << "unminimize";
+ TQDomElement soundsElem = m_dom.createElement( "sounds" );
+ createSoundList( stdEvents, "global", soundsElem, soundConf );
+ createSoundList( twinEvents, "twin", soundsElem, twinSoundConf );
+ m_root.appendChild( soundsElem );
+ delete soundConf;
+ delete twinSoundConf;
+ // 5. Colors
+ TQDomElement colorsElem = m_dom.createElement( "colors" );
+ globalConf->setGroup( "KDE" );
+ colorsElem.setAttribute( "contrast", globalConf->readNumEntry( "contrast", 7 ) );
+ TQStringList stdColors;
+ stdColors << "background" << "selectBackground" << "foreground" << "windowForeground"
+ << "windowBackground" << "selectForeground" << "buttonBackground"
+ << "buttonForeground" << "linkColor" << "visitedLinkColor" << "alternateBackground";
+ globalConf->setGroup( "General" );
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = stdColors.begin(); it != stdColors.end(); ++it )
+ createColorElem( ( *it ), "global", colorsElem, globalConf );
+ TQStringList twinColors;
+ twinColors << "activeForeground" << "inactiveBackground" << "inactiveBlend" << "activeBackground"
+ << "activeBlend" << "inactiveForeground" << "activeTitleBtnBg" << "inactiveTitleBtnBg"
+ << "frame" << "inactiveFrame" << "handle" << "inactiveHandle";
+ globalConf->setGroup( "WM" );
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = twinColors.begin(); it != twinColors.end(); ++it )
+ createColorElem( ( *it ), "twin", colorsElem, globalConf );
+ m_root.appendChild( colorsElem );
+ // 6. Cursors
+ TDEConfig* mouseConf = new TDEConfig( "kcminputrc", true );
+ mouseConf->setGroup( "Mouse" );
+ TQDomElement cursorsElem = m_dom.createElement( "cursors" );
+ cursorsElem.setAttribute( "name", mouseConf->readEntry( "cursorTheme" ) );
+ m_root.appendChild( cursorsElem );
+ delete mouseConf;
+ // TODO copy the cursor theme?
+ // 7. KWin
+ twinConf.setGroup( "Style" );
+ TQDomElement wmElem = m_dom.createElement( "wm" );
+ wmElem.setAttribute( "name", twinConf.readEntry( "PluginLib" ) );
+ wmElem.setAttribute( "type", "builtin" ); // TODO support pixmap themes when the twin client gets ported
+ if ( twinConf.readBoolEntry( "CustomButtonPositions" ) )
+ {
+ TQDomElement buttonsElem = m_dom.createElement( "buttons" );
+ buttonsElem.setAttribute( "left", twinConf.readEntry( "ButtonsOnLeft" ) );
+ buttonsElem.setAttribute( "right", twinConf.readEntry( "ButtonsOnRight" ) );
+ wmElem.appendChild( buttonsElem );
+ }
+ TQDomElement borderElem = m_dom.createElement( "border" );
+ borderElem.setAttribute( "size", twinConf.readNumEntry( "BorderSize", 1 ) );
+ wmElem.appendChild( borderElem );
+ m_root.appendChild( wmElem );
+ // 8. Konqueror
+ TDEConfig konqConf( "konquerorrc", true );
+ konqConf.setGroup( "Settings" );
+ TQDomElement konqElem = m_dom.createElement( "konqueror" );
+ TQDomElement konqWallElem = m_dom.createElement( "wallpaper" );
+ TQString bgImagePath = konqConf.readPathEntry( "BgImage" );
+ konqWallElem.setAttribute( "url", processFilePath( "konqueror", bgImagePath ) );
+ konqElem.appendChild( konqWallElem );
+ TQDomElement konqBgColorElem = m_dom.createElement( "bgcolor" );
+ konqBgColorElem.setAttribute( "rgb", konqConf.readColorEntry( "BgColor" ).name() );
+ konqElem.appendChild( konqBgColorElem );
+ m_root.appendChild( konqElem );
+ // 9. Kicker (aka TDE Panel)
+ TDEConfig kickerConf( "kickerrc", true );
+ kickerConf.setGroup( "General" );
+ TQDomElement panelElem = m_dom.createElement( "panel" );
+ if ( kickerConf.readBoolEntry( "UseBackgroundTheme" ) )
+ {
+ TQDomElement backElem = m_dom.createElement( "background" );
+ TQString kbgPath = kickerConf.readPathEntry( "BackgroundTheme" );
+ backElem.setAttribute( "url", processFilePath( "panel", kbgPath ) );
+ backElem.setAttribute( "colorize", kickerConf.readBoolEntry( "ColorizeBackground" ) );
+ panelElem.appendChild( backElem );
+ }
+ TQDomElement transElem = m_dom.createElement( "transparent" );
+ transElem.setAttribute( "value", kickerConf.readBoolEntry( "Transparent" ) );
+ panelElem.appendChild( transElem );
+ TQDomElement posElem = m_dom.createElement( "position" );
+ posElem.setAttribute( "value", kickerConf.readEntry( "Position" ) );
+ panelElem.appendChild( posElem );
+ TQDomElement showLeftHideButtonElem = m_dom.createElement( "showlefthidebutton" );
+ showLeftHideButtonElem.setAttribute( "value", kickerConf.readBoolEntry( "ShowLeftHideButton" ) );
+ panelElem.appendChild( showLeftHideButtonElem );
+ TQDomElement showRightHideButtonElem = m_dom.createElement( "showrighthidebutton" );
+ showRightHideButtonElem.setAttribute( "value", kickerConf.readBoolEntry( "ShowRightHideButton" ) );
+ panelElem.appendChild( showRightHideButtonElem );
+ m_root.appendChild( panelElem );
+ // 10. Widget style
+ globalConf->setGroup( "General" );
+ TQDomElement widgetsElem = m_dom.createElement( "widgets" );
+ widgetsElem.setAttribute( "name", globalConf->readEntry( "widgetStyle",TDEStyle::defaultStyle() ) );
+ m_root.appendChild( widgetsElem );
+ // 12.
+ TQDomElement fontsElem = m_dom.createElement( "fonts" );
+ TQStringList fonts;
+ fonts << "General" << "font"
+ << "General" << "fixed"
+ << "General" << "toolBarFont"
+ << "General" << "menuFont"
+ << "WM" << "activeFont"
+ << "General" << "taskbarFont"
+ << "FMSettings" << "StandardFont";
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = fonts.begin(); it != fonts.end(); ++it ) {
+ TQString group = *it; ++it;
+ TQString key = *it;
+ TQString value;
+ if ( group == "FMSettings" ) {
+ desktopConf.setGroup( group );
+ value = desktopConf.readEntry( key );
+ }
+ else {
+ globalConf->setGroup( group );
+ value = globalConf->readEntry( key );
+ }
+ TQDomElement fontElem = m_dom.createElement( key );
+ fontElem.setAttribute( "object", group );
+ fontElem.setAttribute( "value", value );
+ fontsElem.appendChild( fontElem );
+ }
+ m_root.appendChild( fontsElem );
+ // Save the XML
+ TQFile file( m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/" ) + m_name + ".xml" );
+ if ( IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
+ TQTextStream stream( &file );
+ stream, 2 );
+ file.close();
+ }
+ TQString result;
+ if ( pack )
+ {
+ // Pack the whole theme
+ KTar tar( m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes" ) + m_name + ".kth", "application/x-gzip" );
+ IO_WriteOnly );
+ kdDebug() << "Packing everything under: " << m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/" ) << endl;
+ if ( tar.addLocalDirectory( m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/" ), TQString::null ) )
+ result = tar.fileName();
+ tar.close();
+ }
+ //kdDebug() << m_dom.toString( 2 ) << endl;
+ return result;
+void KTheme::apply()
+ kdDebug() << "Going to apply theme: " << m_name << endl;
+ TQString themeDir = m_kgd->findResourceDir( "themes", m_name + "/" + m_name + ".xml") + m_name + "/";
+ kdDebug() << "Theme dir: " << themeDir << endl;
+ // 2. Background theme
+ TQDomNodeList desktopList = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "desktop" );
+ TDEConfig desktopConf( "kdesktoprc" );
+ desktopConf.setGroup( "Background Common" );
+ for ( uint i = 0; i <= desktopList.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ TQDomElement desktopElem = desktopList.item( i ).toElement();
+ if ( !desktopElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ // TODO optimize, don't write several times the common section
+ bool common = static_cast<bool>( desktopElem.attribute( "common", "true" ).toUInt() );
+ desktopConf.writeEntry( "CommonDesktop", common );
+ desktopConf.writeEntry( "DeskNum", desktopElem.attribute( "number", "0" ).toUInt() );
+ desktopConf.setGroup( TQString( "Desktop%1" ).arg( i ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "mode", "id" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "BackgroundMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "mode", "id" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "color1", "rgb" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Color1", TQColor( getProperty( desktopElem, "color1", "rgb" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "color2", "rgb" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Color2", TQColor( getProperty( desktopElem, "color2", "rgb" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "mode" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "BlendMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "mode" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "balance" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "BlendBalance", getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "balance" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "reverse" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "ReverseBlending", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( desktopElem, "blending", "reverse" ).toUInt() ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "pattern", "name" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Pattern", getProperty( desktopElem, "pattern", "name" ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "Wallpaper", unprocessFilePath( "desktop", getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "mode" ) != TQString::null) desktopConf.writeEntry( "WallpaperMode", getProperty( desktopElem, "wallpaper", "mode" ) );
+ if ( common ) {
+ break; // stop here
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 11. Screensaver
+ TQDomElement saverElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "screensaver" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !saverElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ desktopConf.setGroup( "ScreenSaver" );
+ desktopConf.writeEntry( "Saver", saverElem.attribute( "name" ) );
+ }
+ desktopConf.sync(); // TODO sync and signal only if <desktop> elem present
+ // reconfigure kdesktop. kdesktop will notify all clients
+ DCOPClient *client = kapp->dcopClient();
+ if ( !client->isAttached() ) {
+ client->attach();
+ }
+ client->send("kdesktop", "KBackgroundIface", "configure()", TQString(""));
+ // FIXME Xinerama
+ // 3. Icons
+ TQDomElement iconElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "icons" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !iconElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig * iconConf = TDEGlobal::config();
+ iconConf->setGroup( "Icons" );
+ iconConf->writeEntry( "Theme", iconElem.attribute( "name", "crystalsvg" ), true, true );
+ TQDomNodeList iconList = iconElem.childNodes();
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < iconList.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ TQDomElement iconSubElem = iconList.item( i ).toElement();
+ TQString object = iconSubElem.attribute( "object" );
+ if ( object == "desktop" ) {
+ iconConf->setGroup( "DesktopIcons" );
+ }
+ else if ( object == "mainToolbar" ) {
+ iconConf->setGroup( "MainToolbarIcons" );
+ }
+ else if ( object == "panel" ) {
+ iconConf->setGroup( "PanelIcons" );
+ }
+ else if ( object == "small" ) {
+ iconConf->setGroup( "SmallIcons" );
+ }
+ else if ( object == "toolbar" ) {
+ iconConf->setGroup( "ToolbarIcons" );
+ }
+ TQString iconName = iconSubElem.tagName();
+ if ( iconName.contains( "Color" ) ) {
+ TQColor iconColor = TQColor( iconSubElem.attribute( "rgb" ) );
+ iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, iconColor, true, true );
+ }
+ else if ( iconName.contains( "Value" ) || iconName == "Size" ) {
+ iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, iconSubElem.attribute( "value" ).toUInt(), true, true );
+ }
+ else if ( iconName.contains( "Effect" ) ) {
+ iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, iconSubElem.attribute( "name" ), true, true );
+ }
+ else {
+ iconConf->writeEntry( iconName, static_cast<bool>( iconSubElem.attribute( "value" ).toUInt() ), true, true );
+ }
+ }
+ iconConf->sync();
+ for ( int i = 0; i < TDEIcon::LastGroup; i++ )
+ KIPC::sendMessageAll( KIPC::IconChanged, i );
+ KService::rebuildKSycoca( m_parent );
+ }
+ // 4. Sounds
+ TQDomElement soundsElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "sounds" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !soundsElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig soundConf( "knotify.eventsrc" );
+ TDEConfig twinSoundConf( "twin.eventsrc" );
+ TQDomNodeList eventList = soundsElem.elementsByTagName( "event" );
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < eventList.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ TQDomElement eventElem = eventList.item( i ).toElement();
+ TQString object = eventElem.attribute( "object" );
+ if ( object == "global" )
+ {
+ soundConf.setGroup( eventElem.attribute( "name" ) );
+ soundConf.writeEntry( "soundfile", unprocessFilePath( "sounds", eventElem.attribute( "url" ) ) );
+ soundConf.writeEntry( "presentation", soundConf.readNumEntry( "presentation" ) | 1 );
+ }
+ else if ( object == "twin" )
+ {
+ twinSoundConf.setGroup( eventElem.attribute( "name" ) );
+ twinSoundConf.writeEntry( "soundfile", unprocessFilePath( "sounds", eventElem.attribute( "url" ) ) );
+ twinSoundConf.writeEntry( "presentation", soundConf.readNumEntry( "presentation" ) | 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ soundConf.sync();
+ twinSoundConf.sync();
+ client->send("knotify", "", "reconfigure()", TQString(""));
+ // TODO signal twin sounds change?
+ }
+ // 5. Colors
+ TQDomElement colorsElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "colors" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !colorsElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TQDomNodeList colorList = colorsElem.childNodes();
+ TDEConfig * colorConf = TDEGlobal::config();
+ TQString sCurrentScheme = locateLocal("data", "tdedisplay/color-schemes/thememgr.kcsrc");
+ KSimpleConfig *colorScheme = new KSimpleConfig( sCurrentScheme );
+ colorScheme->setGroup("Color Scheme" );
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < colorList.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ TQDomElement colorElem = colorList.item( i ).toElement();
+ TQString object = colorElem.attribute( "object" );
+ if ( object == "global" )
+ colorConf->setGroup( "General" );
+ else if ( object == "twin" )
+ colorConf->setGroup( "WM" );
+ TQString colName = colorElem.tagName();
+ TQColor curColor = TQColor( colorElem.attribute( "rgb" ) );
+ colorConf->writeEntry( colName, curColor, true, true ); // kdeglobals
+ colorScheme->writeEntry( colName, curColor ); // thememgr.kcsrc
+ }
+ colorConf->setGroup( "KDE" );
+ colorConf->writeEntry( "colorScheme", "thememgr.kcsrc", true, true );
+ colorConf->writeEntry( "contrast", colorsElem.attribute( "contrast", "7" ), true, true );
+ colorScheme->writeEntry( "contrast", colorsElem.attribute( "contrast", "7" ) );
+ colorConf->sync();
+ delete colorScheme;
+ KIPC::sendMessageAll( KIPC::PaletteChanged );
+ }
+ // 6.Cursors
+ TQDomElement cursorsElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "cursors" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !cursorsElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig mouseConf( "kcminputrc" );
+ mouseConf.setGroup( "Mouse" );
+ mouseConf.writeEntry( "cursorTheme", cursorsElem.attribute( "name" ));
+ // FIXME is there a way to notify KDE of cursor changes?
+ }
+ // 7. KWin
+ TQDomElement wmElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "wm" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !wmElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig twinConf( "twinrc" );
+ twinConf.setGroup( "Style" );
+ TQString type = wmElem.attribute( "type" );
+ if ( type == "builtin" ) {
+ twinConf.writeEntry( "PluginLib", wmElem.attribute( "name" ) );
+ }
+ //else // TODO support custom themes
+ TQDomNodeList buttons = wmElem.elementsByTagName ("buttons");
+ if ( buttons.count() > 0 )
+ {
+ twinConf.writeEntry( "CustomButtonPositions", true );
+ if (getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "left" ) != TQString::null) twinConf.writeEntry( "ButtonsOnLeft", getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "left" ) );
+ if (getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "right" ) != TQString::null) twinConf.writeEntry( "ButtonsOnRight", getProperty( wmElem, "buttons", "right" ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ twinConf.writeEntry( "CustomButtonPositions", false );
+ }
+ if (getProperty( wmElem, "border", "size" ) != TQString::null) twinConf.writeEntry( "BorderSize", getProperty( wmElem, "border", "size" ) );
+ twinConf.sync();
+ client->send( "twin", "", "reconfigure()", TQString("") );
+ }
+ // 8. Konqueror
+ TQDomElement konqElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "konqueror" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !konqElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig konqConf( "konquerorrc" );
+ konqConf.setGroup( "Settings" );
+ if (getProperty( konqElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) != TQString::null) konqConf.writeEntry( "BgImage", unprocessFilePath( "konqueror", getProperty( konqElem, "wallpaper", "url" ) ) );
+ if (getProperty( konqElem, "bgcolor", "rgb" ) != TQString::null) konqConf.writeEntry( "BgColor", TQColor( getProperty( konqElem, "bgcolor", "rgb" ) ) );
+ konqConf.sync();
+ client->send("konqueror*", "KonquerorIface", "reparseConfiguration()", TQString("")); // FIXME seems not to work :(
+ }
+ // 9. Kicker
+ TQDomElement panelElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "panel" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !panelElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig kickerConf( "kickerrc" );
+ kickerConf.setGroup( "General" );
+ TQString kickerBgUrl = getProperty( panelElem, "background", "url" );
+ if ( !kickerBgUrl.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ kickerConf.writeEntry( "UseBackgroundTheme", true );
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "panel", kickerBgUrl ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "BackgroundTheme", unprocessFilePath( "panel", kickerBgUrl ) );
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "background", "colorize" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "ColorizeBackground", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "background", "colorize" ).toUInt() ) );
+ }
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "transparent", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "Transparent", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "transparent", "value" ).toUInt() ) );
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "position", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "Position", static_cast<int> (getProperty( panelElem, "position", "value" ).toUInt() ));
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "showlefthidebutton", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "ShowLeftHideButton", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "showlefthidebutton", "value").toInt()));
+ if (getProperty( panelElem, "showrighthidebutton", "value" ) != TQString::null) kickerConf.writeEntry( "ShowRightHideButton", static_cast<bool>( getProperty( panelElem, "showrighthidebutton", "value").toInt()));
+ kickerConf.sync();
+ client->send("kicker", "Panel", "configure()", TQString(""));
+ }
+ // 10. Widget style
+ TQDomElement widgetsElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "widgets" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !widgetsElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig * widgetConf = TDEGlobal::config();
+ widgetConf->setGroup( "General" );
+ widgetConf->writeEntry( "widgetStyle", widgetsElem.attribute( "name" ), true, true );
+ widgetConf->sync();
+ KIPC::sendMessageAll( KIPC::StyleChanged );
+ }
+ // 12. Fonts
+ TQDomElement fontsElem = m_dom.elementsByTagName( "fonts" ).item( 0 ).toElement();
+ if ( !fontsElem.isNull() )
+ {
+ TDEConfig * fontsConf = TDEGlobal::config();
+ TDEConfig * kde1xConf = new KSimpleConfig( TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.tderc" );
+ kde1xConf->setGroup( "General" );
+ TQDomNodeList fontList = fontsElem.childNodes();
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < fontList.count(); i++ )
+ {
+ TQDomElement fontElem = fontList.item( i ).toElement();
+ TQString fontName = fontElem.tagName();
+ TQString fontValue = fontElem.attribute( "value" );
+ TQString fontObject = fontElem.attribute( "object" );
+ if ( fontObject == "FMSettings" ) {
+ desktopConf.setGroup( fontObject );
+ desktopConf.writeEntry( fontName, fontValue, true, true );
+ desktopConf.sync();
+ }
+ else {
+ fontsConf->setGroup( fontObject );
+ fontsConf->writeEntry( fontName, fontValue, true, true );
+ }
+ kde1xConf->writeEntry( fontName, fontValue, true, true );
+ }
+ fontsConf->sync();
+ kde1xConf->sync();
+ KIPC::sendMessageAll( KIPC::FontChanged );
+ }
+bool KTheme::remove( const TQString & name )
+ kdDebug() << "Going to remove theme: " << name << endl;
+ return TDEIO::NetAccess::del( TDEGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation( "themes", name + "/" ), 0L );
+void KTheme::setProperty( const TQString & name, const TQString & value, TQDomElement parent )
+ TQDomElement tmp = m_dom.createElement( name );
+ tmp.setAttribute( "value", value );
+ parent.appendChild( tmp );
+TQString KTheme::getProperty( const TQString & name ) const
+ TQDomNodeList _list = m_dom.elementsByTagName( name );
+ if ( _list.count() != 0 )
+ return _list.item( 0 ).toElement().attribute( "value" );
+ else
+ {
+ kdWarning() << "Found no such property: " << name << endl;
+ return TQString::null;
+ }
+TQString KTheme::getProperty( TQDomElement parent, const TQString & tag,
+ const TQString & attr ) const
+ TQDomNodeList _list = parent.elementsByTagName( tag );
+ if ( _list.count() != 0 )
+ return _list.item( 0 ).toElement().attribute( attr );
+ else
+ {
+ kdWarning() << TQString( "No such property found: %1->%2->%3" )
+ .arg( parent.tagName() ).arg( tag ).arg( attr ) << endl;
+ return TQString::null;
+ }
+void KTheme::createIconElems( const TQString & group, const TQString & object,
+ TQDomElement parent, TDEConfig * cfg )
+ cfg->setGroup( group );
+ TQStringList elemNames;
+ elemNames << "Animated" << "DoublePixels" << "Size"
+ << "ActiveColor" << "ActiveColor2" << "ActiveEffect"
+ << "ActiveSemiTransparent" << "ActiveValue"
+ << "DefaultColor" << "DefaultColor2" << "DefaultEffect"
+ << "DefaultSemiTransparent" << "DefaultValue"
+ << "DisabledColor" << "DisabledColor2" << "DisabledEffect"
+ << "DisabledSemiTransparent" << "DisabledValue";
+ for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = elemNames.begin(); it != elemNames.end(); ++it ) {
+ if ( (*it).contains( "Color" ) )
+ createColorElem( *it, object, parent, cfg );
+ else
+ {
+ TQDomElement tmpCol = m_dom.createElement( *it );
+ tmpCol.setAttribute( "object", object );
+ if ( (*it).contains( "Value" ) || *it == "Size" )
+ tmpCol.setAttribute( "value", cfg->readNumEntry( *it, 1 ) );
+ else if ( (*it).contains( "DisabledEffect" ) )
+ tmpCol.setAttribute( "name", cfg->readEntry( *it, "togray" ) );
+ else if ( (*it).contains( "Effect" ) )
+ tmpCol.setAttribute( "name", cfg->readEntry( *it, "none" ) );
+ else
+ tmpCol.setAttribute( "value", cfg->readBoolEntry( *it, false ) );
+ parent.appendChild( tmpCol );
+ }
+ }
+void KTheme::createColorElem( const TQString & name, const TQString & object,
+ TQDomElement parent, TDEConfig * cfg )
+ TQColor color = cfg->readColorEntry( name );
+ if ( color.isValid() )
+ {
+ TQDomElement tmpCol = m_dom.createElement( name );
+ tmpCol.setAttribute( "rgb", );
+ tmpCol.setAttribute( "object", object );
+ parent.appendChild( tmpCol );
+ }
+void KTheme::createSoundList( const TQStringList & events, const TQString & object,
+ TQDomElement parent, TDEConfig * cfg )
+ for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ TQString group = ( *it );
+ if ( cfg->hasGroup( group ) )
+ {
+ cfg->setGroup( group );
+ TQString soundURL = cfg->readPathEntry( "soundfile" );
+ int pres = cfg->readNumEntry( "presentation", 0 );
+ if ( !soundURL.isEmpty() && ( ( pres & 1 ) == 1 ) )
+ {
+ TQDomElement eventElem = m_dom.createElement( "event" );
+ eventElem.setAttribute( "object", object );
+ eventElem.setAttribute( "name", group );
+ eventElem.setAttribute( "url", processFilePath( "sounds", soundURL ) );
+ parent.appendChild( eventElem );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TQString KTheme::processFilePath( const TQString & section, const TQString & path )
+ TQFileInfo fi( path );
+ if ( fi.isRelative() )
+ fi.setFile( findResource( section, path ) );
+ kdDebug() << "Processing file: " << fi.absFilePath() << ", " << fi.fileName() << endl;
+ if ( section == "desktop" )
+ {
+ if ( copyFile( fi.absFilePath(), m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/wallpapers/desktop/" ) + "/" + fi.fileName() ) )
+ return "theme:/wallpapers/desktop/" + fi.fileName();
+ }
+ else if ( section == "sounds" )
+ {
+ if ( copyFile( fi.absFilePath(), m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/sounds/" ) + "/" + fi.fileName() ) )
+ return "theme:/sounds/" + fi.fileName();
+ }
+ else if ( section == "konqueror" )
+ {
+ if ( copyFile( fi.absFilePath(), m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/wallpapers/konqueror/" ) + "/" + fi.fileName() ) )
+ return "theme:/wallpapers/konqueror/" + fi.fileName();
+ }
+ else if ( section == "panel" )
+ {
+ if ( copyFile( fi.absFilePath(), m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/wallpapers/panel/" ) + "/" + fi.fileName() ) )
+ return "theme:/wallpapers/panel/" + fi.fileName();
+ }
+ else
+ kdWarning() << "Unsupported theme resource type" << endl;
+ return TQString::null; // an error occured or the resource doesn't exist
+TQString KTheme::unprocessFilePath( const TQString & section, TQString path )
+ if ( path.startsWith( "theme:/" ) )
+ return path.replace( TQRegExp( "^theme:/" ), m_kgd->findResourceDir( "themes", m_name + "/" + m_name + ".xml") + m_name + "/" );
+ if ( TQFile::exists( path ) )
+ return path;
+ else // try to find it in the system
+ return findResource( section, path );
+void KTheme::setAuthor( const TQString & author )
+ setProperty( "author", author, m_general );
+void KTheme::setEmail( const TQString & email )
+ setProperty( "email", email, m_general );
+void KTheme::setHomepage( const TQString & homepage )
+ setProperty( "homepage", homepage, m_general );
+void KTheme::setComment( const TQString & comment )
+ setProperty( "comment", comment, m_general );
+void KTheme::setVersion( const TQString & version )
+ setProperty( "version", version, m_general );
+void KTheme::addPreview()
+ TQString file = m_kgd->saveLocation( "themes", m_name + "/" ) + m_name + ".preview.png";
+ kdDebug() << "Adding preview: " << file << endl;
+ TQPixmap snapshot = TQPixmap::grabWindow( tqt_xrootwin() );
+ file, "PNG" );
+bool KTheme::copyFile( const TQString & from, const TQString & to )
+ // we overwrite b/c of restoring the "original" theme
+ return TDEIO::NetAccess::file_copy( from, to, -1, true /*overwrite*/ );
+TQString KTheme::findResource( const TQString & section, const TQString & path )
+ if ( section == "desktop" )
+ return m_kgd->findResource( "wallpaper", path );
+ else if ( section == "sounds" )
+ return m_kgd->findResource( "sound", path );
+ else if ( section == "konqueror" )
+ return m_kgd->findResource( "data", "konqueror/tiles/" + path );
+ else if ( section == "panel" )
+ return m_kgd->findResource( "data", "kicker/wallpapers/" + path );
+ else
+ {
+ kdWarning() << "Requested unknown resource: " << section << endl;
+ return TQString::null;
+ }