path: root/kdm/kfrontend/kgreeter.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kdm/kfrontend/kgreeter.cpp')
1 files changed, 998 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdm/kfrontend/kgreeter.cpp b/kdm/kfrontend/kgreeter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..574f4e340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kdm/kfrontend/kgreeter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
+Greeter widget for kdm
+Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 2000 Steffen Hansen <[email protected]>
+Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Oswald Buddenhagen <[email protected]>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kgreeter.h"
+#include "kconsole.h"
+#include "kdmconfig.h"
+#include "kdmclock.h"
+#include "kdm_greet.h"
+#include "themer/kdmthemer.h"
+#include "themer/kdmitem.h"
+#include "themer/kdmlabel.h"
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kseparator.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
+#include <kstringhandler.h>
+#undef Unsorted // x headers suck - make qdir.h work with --enable-final
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qbuffer.h>
+#include <qmemarray.h>
+#include <qimage.h>
+#include <qmovie.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qheader.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qaccel.h>
+#include <qeventloop.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <grp.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+class UserListView : public KListView {
+ public:
+ UserListView( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 )
+ : KListView( parent, name )
+ , cachedSizeHint( -1, 0 )
+ {
+ setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Ignored );
+ header()->hide();
+ addColumn( QString::null );
+ setColumnAlignment( 0, AlignVCenter );
+ setResizeMode( QListView::LastColumn );
+ }
+ mutable QSize cachedSizeHint;
+ protected:
+ virtual QSize sizeHint() const
+ {
+ if (!cachedSizeHint.isValid()) {
+ constPolish();
+ uint maxw = 0;
+ for (QListViewItem *itm = firstChild(); itm; itm = itm->nextSibling()) {
+ uint thisw = itm->width( fontMetrics(), this, 0 );
+ if (thisw > maxw)
+ maxw = thisw;
+ }
+ cachedSizeHint.setWidth(
+ style().pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent ) +
+ frameWidth() * 2 + maxw );
+ }
+ return cachedSizeHint;
+ }
+int KGreeter::curPlugin = -1;
+PluginList KGreeter::pluginList;
+KGreeter::KGreeter( bool framed )
+ : inherited( framed )
+ , dName( dname )
+ , userView( 0 )
+ , userList( 0 )
+ , nNormals( 0 )
+ , nSpecials( 0 )
+ , curPrev( -1 )
+ , curSel( -1 )
+ , prevValid( true )
+ , needLoad( false )
+ stsFile = new KSimpleConfig( _stsFile );
+ stsFile->setGroup( "PrevUser" );
+ if (_userList) {
+ userView = new UserListView( this );
+ connect( userView, SIGNAL(clicked( QListViewItem * )),
+ SLOT(slotUserClicked( QListViewItem * )) );
+ connect( userView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked( QListViewItem * )),
+ SLOT(accept()) );
+ }
+ if (_userCompletion)
+ userList = new QStringList;
+ if (userView || userList)
+ insertUsers();
+ sessMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
+ connect( sessMenu, SIGNAL(activated( int )),
+ SLOT(slotSessionSelected( int )) );
+ insertSessions();
+ if (curPlugin < 0) {
+ curPlugin = 0;
+ pluginList = KGVerify::init( _pluginsLogin );
+ }
+ hide();
+ delete userList;
+ delete verify;
+ delete stsFile;
+class UserListViewItem : public KListViewItem {
+ public:
+ UserListViewItem( UserListView *parent, const QString &text,
+ const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &username )
+ : KListViewItem( parent )
+ , login( username )
+ {
+ setPixmap( 0, pixmap );
+ setMultiLinesEnabled( true );
+ setText( 0, text );
+ parent->cachedSizeHint.setWidth( -1 );
+ }
+ QString login;
+#define FILE_LIMIT_ICON 20
+#define FILE_LIMIT_IMAGE 200
+KGreeter::insertUser( const QImage &default_pix,
+ const QString &username, struct passwd *ps )
+ if (userList)
+ userList->append( username );
+ if (!userView)
+ return;
+ int dp = 0, nd = 0;
+ if (_faceSource == FACE_USER_ONLY ||
+ _faceSource == FACE_PREFER_USER)
+ dp = 1;
+ if (_faceSource != FACE_USER_ONLY &&
+ _faceSource != FACE_ADMIN_ONLY)
+ nd = 1;
+ QImage p;
+ do {
+ dp ^= 1;
+ QCString fn = !dp ?
+ QCString( ps->pw_dir ) + '/' :
+ QFile::encodeName( _faceDir + '/' + username );
+ fn += ".face.icon";
+ int fd, ico;
+ if ((fd = open(, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK )) < 0) {
+ fn.truncate( fn.length() - 5 );
+ if ((fd = open(, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK )) < 0)
+ continue;
+ ico = 0;
+ } else
+ ico = 1;
+ QFile f;
+ IO_ReadOnly, fd );
+ int fs = f.size();
+ if (fs > (ico ? FILE_LIMIT_ICON : FILE_LIMIT_IMAGE) * 1000) {
+ LogWarn( "%s exceeds file size limit (%dkB)\n",
+ continue;
+ }
+ QByteArray fc( fs );
+ int rfs = f.readBlock(, fs );
+ ::close( fd );
+ fc.resize( rfs > 0 ? rfs : 0 );
+ QBuffer buf( fc );
+ IO_ReadOnly );
+ QImageIO ir;
+ ir.setIODevice( &buf );
+ if (! {
+ LogInfo( "%s is no valid image\n", );
+ continue;
+ }
+ p = ir.image();
+ QSize ns( 48, 48 );
+ if (p.size() != ns)
+ p = p.convertDepth( 32 ).smoothScale( ns, QImage::ScaleMin );
+ goto gotit;
+ } while (--nd >= 0);
+ p = default_pix;
+ gotit:
+ QString realname = KStringHandler::from8Bit( ps->pw_gecos );
+ realname.truncate( realname.find( ',' ) );
+ if (realname.isEmpty() || realname == username)
+ new UserListViewItem( userView, username, QPixmap( p ), username );
+ else {
+ realname.append( "\n" ).append( username );
+ new UserListViewItem( userView, realname, QPixmap( p ), username );
+ }
+class KCStringList : public QValueList<QCString> {
+ public:
+ bool contains( const char *str ) const
+ {
+ for (ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
+ if (*it == str)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+class UserList {
+ public:
+ UserList( char **in );
+ bool hasUser( const char *str ) const { return users.contains( str ); }
+ bool hasGroup( gid_t gid ) const
+ { return groups.find( gid ) != groups.end(); }
+ bool hasGroups() const { return !groups.isEmpty(); }
+ KCStringList users;
+ private:
+ QValueList<gid_t> groups;
+UserList::UserList( char **in )
+ struct group *grp;
+ for (; *in; in++)
+ if (**in == '@') {
+ if ((grp = getgrnam( *in + 1 ))) {
+ for (; *grp->gr_mem; grp->gr_mem++)
+ users.append( *grp->gr_mem );
+ groups.append( grp->gr_gid );
+ }
+ } else
+ users.append( *in );
+ struct passwd *ps;
+ // XXX remove seteuid-voodoo when we run as nobody
+ if (!(ps = getpwnam( "nobody" )))
+ return;
+ if (setegid( ps->pw_gid ))
+ return;
+ if (seteuid( ps->pw_uid )) {
+ setegid(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ QImage default_pix;
+ if (userView) {
+ if (!default_pix.load( _faceDir + "/.default.face.icon" ))
+ if (!default_pix.load( _faceDir + "/.default.face" ))
+ LogError( "Can't open default user face\n" );
+ QSize ns( 48, 48 );
+ if (default_pix.size() != ns)
+ default_pix =
+ default_pix.convertDepth( 32 ).smoothScale( ns, QImage::ScaleMin );
+ }
+ if (_showUsers == SHOW_ALL) {
+ UserList noUsers( _noUsers );
+ QDict<int> dupes( 1000 );
+ for (setpwent(); (ps = getpwent()) != 0;) {
+ if (*ps->pw_dir && *ps->pw_shell &&
+ (ps->pw_uid >= (unsigned)_lowUserId ||
+ !ps->pw_uid && _showRoot) &&
+ ps->pw_uid <= (unsigned)_highUserId &&
+ !noUsers.hasUser( ps->pw_name ) &&
+ !noUsers.hasGroup( ps->pw_gid ))
+ {
+ QString username( QFile::decodeName( ps->pw_name ) );
+ if (!dupes.find( username )) {
+ dupes.insert( username, (int *)-1 );
+ insertUser( default_pix, username, ps );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ UserList users( _users );
+ if (users.hasGroups()) {
+ QDict<int> dupes( 1000 );
+ for (setpwent(); (ps = getpwent()) != 0;) {
+ if (*ps->pw_dir && *ps->pw_shell &&
+ (ps->pw_uid >= (unsigned)_lowUserId ||
+ !ps->pw_uid && _showRoot) &&
+ ps->pw_uid <= (unsigned)_highUserId &&
+ (users.hasUser( ps->pw_name ) ||
+ users.hasGroup( ps->pw_gid )))
+ {
+ QString username( QFile::decodeName( ps->pw_name ) );
+ if (!dupes.find( username )) {
+ dupes.insert( username, (int *)-1 );
+ insertUser( default_pix, username, ps );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ KCStringList::ConstIterator it = users.users.begin();
+ for (; it != users.users.end(); ++it)
+ if ((ps = getpwnam( (*it).data() )) &&
+ (ps->pw_uid || _showRoot))
+ insertUser( default_pix, QFile::decodeName( *it ), ps );
+ }
+ }
+ endpwent();
+ if (_sortUsers) {
+ if (userView)
+ userView->sort();
+ if (userList)
+ userList->sort();
+ }
+ // XXX remove seteuid-voodoo when we run as nobody
+ seteuid( 0 );
+ setegid( 0 );
+KGreeter::putSession( const QString &type, const QString &name, bool hid, const char *exe )
+ int prio = exe ? (!strcmp( exe, "default" ) ? 0 :
+ !strcmp( exe, "custom" ) ? 1 :
+ !strcmp( exe, "failsafe" ) ? 3 : 2) : 2;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sessionTypes.size(); i++)
+ if (sessionTypes[i].type == type) {
+ sessionTypes[i].prio = prio;
+ return;
+ }
+ sessionTypes.append( SessType( name, type, hid, prio ) );
+ for (char **dit = _sessionsDirs; *dit; ++dit) {
+ QStringList ents = QDir( *dit ).entryList();
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = ents.begin(); it != ents.end(); ++it)
+ if ((*it).endsWith( ".desktop" )) {
+ KSimpleConfig dsk( QString( *dit ).append( '/' ).append( *it ) );
+ dsk.setGroup( "Desktop Entry" );
+ putSession( (*it).left( (*it).length() - 8 ),
+ dsk.readEntry( "Name" ),
+ (dsk.readBoolEntry( "Hidden", false ) ||
+ (dsk.hasKey( "TryExec" ) &&
+ KStandardDirs::findExe( dsk.readEntry( "TryExec" ) ).isEmpty())),
+ dsk.readEntry( "Exec" ).latin1() );
+ }
+ }
+ putSession( "default", i18n("Default"), false, "default" );
+ putSession( "custom", i18n("Custom"), false, "custom" );
+ putSession( "failsafe", i18n("Failsafe"), false, "failsafe" );
+ qBubbleSort( sessionTypes );
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sessionTypes.size() && !sessionTypes[i].hid; i++) {
+ sessMenu->insertItem( sessionTypes[i].name, i );
+ switch (sessionTypes[i].prio) {
+ case 0: case 1: nSpecials++; break;
+ case 2: nNormals++; break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (userView) {
+ QListViewItem *item;
+ for (item = userView->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling())
+ if (((UserListViewItem *)item)->login == curUser) {
+ userView->setSelected( item, true );
+ userView->ensureItemVisible( item );
+ goto oke;
+ }
+ userView->clearSelection();
+ }
+ oke:
+ if (isVisible())
+ slotLoadPrevWM();
+ else
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(slotLoadPrevWM()) );
+KGreeter::slotUserClicked( QListViewItem *item )
+ if (item) {
+ curUser = ((UserListViewItem *)item)->login;
+ verify->setUser( curUser );
+ slotLoadPrevWM();
+ }
+KGreeter::slotSessionSelected( int id )
+ if (id != curSel) {
+ sessMenu->setItemChecked( curSel, false );
+ sessMenu->setItemChecked( id, true );
+ curSel = id;
+ verify->gplugActivity();
+ }
+ verify->reject();
+ if (userView && userView->hasFocus())
+ slotUserClicked( userView->currentItem() );
+ else
+ verify->accept();
+void // private
+KGreeter::setPrevWM( int wm )
+ if (curPrev != wm) {
+ if (curPrev != -1)
+ sessMenu->changeItem( curPrev, sessionTypes[curPrev].name );
+ if (wm != -1)
+ sessMenu->changeItem( wm, sessionTypes[wm].name + i18n(" (previous)") );
+ curPrev = wm;
+ }
+ int len, i, b;
+ unsigned long crc, by;
+ QCString name;
+ char *sess;
+ if (verify->coreLock) {
+ needLoad = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ needLoad = false;
+ prevValid = true;
+ name = curUser.local8Bit();
+ GSendInt( G_ReadDmrc );
+ GSendStr( );
+ GRecvInt(); // ignore status code ...
+ if ((len = name.length())) {
+ GSendInt( G_GetDmrc );
+ GSendStr( "Session" );
+ sess = GRecvStr();
+ if (!sess) { /* no such user */
+ if (!userView && !userList) { // don't fake if user list shown
+ prevValid = false;
+ /* simple crc32 */
+ for (crc = _forgingSeed, i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ by = (crc & 255) ^ name[i];
+ for (b = 0; b < 8; b++)
+ by = (by >> 1) ^ (-(by & 1) & 0xedb88320);
+ crc = (crc >> 8) ^ by;
+ }
+ /* forge a session with this hash - default & custom more probable */
+ /* XXX - this should do a statistical analysis of the real users */
+#if 1
+ setPrevWM( crc % (nSpecials * 2 + nNormals) % (nSpecials + nNormals) );
+ i = crc % (nSpecials * 2 + nNormals);
+ if (i < nNormals)
+ setPrevWM( i + nSpecials );
+ else
+ setPrevWM( (i - nNormals) / 2 );
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < sessionTypes.count() && !sessionTypes[i].hid; i++)
+ if (sessionTypes[i].type == sess) {
+ free( sess );
+ setPrevWM( i );
+ return;
+ }
+ if (curSel == -1)
+ MsgBox( sorrybox, i18n("Your saved session type '%1' is not valid any more.\n"
+ "Please select a new one, otherwise 'default' will be used.").arg( sess ) );
+ free( sess );
+ prevValid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ setPrevWM( -1 );
+void // protected
+ int field = 0;
+ QString ent, pn( verify->pluginName() ), dn( dName + '_' + pn );
+ if (_preselUser != PRESEL_PREV)
+ stsFile->deleteEntry( verify->entitiesLocal() ? dName : dn, false );
+ if (_preselUser != PRESEL_NONE && verify->entityPresettable()) {
+ if (verify->entitiesLocal())
+ ent = _preselUser == PRESEL_PREV ?
+ stsFile->readEntry( dName ) : _defaultUser;
+ else
+ ent = _preselUser == PRESEL_PREV ?
+ stsFile->readEntry( dn ) :
+ verify->getConf( 0, (pn + ".DefaultEntity").latin1(), QVariant() ).toString();
+ field = verify->entitiesFielded() ?
+ verify->getConf( 0, (pn + ".FocusField").latin1(), QVariant( 0 ) ).toInt() :
+ _focusPasswd;
+ }
+ verify->presetEntity( ent, field );
+ if (userList)
+ verify->loadUsers( *userList );
+KGreeter::verifyPluginChanged( int id )
+ curPlugin = id;
+ pluginSetup();
+ curUser = QString::null;
+ slotUserEntered();
+ slotSessionSelected( -1 );
+ if (_preselUser == PRESEL_PREV && verify->entityPresettable())
+ stsFile->writeEntry( verify->entitiesLocal() ?
+ dName :
+ dName + '_' + verify->pluginName(),
+ verify->getEntity() );
+ if (curSel != -1) {
+ GSendInt( G_PutDmrc );
+ GSendStr( "Session" );
+ GSendStr( sessionTypes[curSel].type.utf8() );
+ } else if (!prevValid) {
+ GSendInt( G_PutDmrc );
+ GSendStr( "Session" );
+ GSendStr( "default" );
+ }
+ GSendInt( G_Ready );
+ done( ex_exit );
+ if (needLoad)
+ slotLoadPrevWM();
+KGreeter::verifySetUser( const QString &user )
+ curUser = user;
+ slotUserEntered();
+ : KGreeter()
+ , clock( 0 )
+ , pixLabel( 0 )
+ QBoxLayout *main_box;
+ if (consoleView) {
+ QBoxLayout *ex_box = new QVBoxLayout( this, 10, 10 );
+ main_box = new QHBoxLayout( ex_box, 10 );
+ ex_box->addWidget( consoleView );
+ } else
+ main_box = new QHBoxLayout( this, 10, 10 );
+ if (userView)
+ main_box->addWidget( userView );
+ QBoxLayout *inner_box = new QVBoxLayout( main_box, 10 );
+ if (!_authorized && _authComplain) {
+ QLabel *complainLabel = new QLabel(
+ i18n("Warning: this is an unsecured session"), this );
+ QToolTip::add( complainLabel,
+ i18n("This display requires no X authorization.\n"
+ "This means that anybody can connect to it,\n"
+ "open windows on it or intercept your input.") );
+ complainLabel->setAlignment( AlignCenter );
+ complainLabel->setFont( _failFont );
+ complainLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::red );
+ inner_box->addWidget( complainLabel );
+ }
+ if (!_greetString.isEmpty()) {
+ QLabel *welcomeLabel = new QLabel( _greetString, this );
+ welcomeLabel->setAlignment( AlignCenter );
+ welcomeLabel->setFont( _greetFont );
+ inner_box->addWidget( welcomeLabel );
+ }
+ switch (_logoArea) {
+ case LOGO_CLOCK:
+ clock = new KdmClock( this, "clock" );
+ break;
+ case LOGO_LOGO:
+ {
+ QMovie movie( _logo );
+ kapp->eventLoop()->processEvents( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput | QEventLoop::ExcludeSocketNotifiers, 100 );
+ QPixmap pixmap;
+ if (!movie.framePixmap().isNull() || pixmap.load( _logo )) {
+ pixLabel = new QLabel( this );
+ if (!movie.framePixmap().isNull()) {
+ pixLabel->setMovie( movie );
+ if (!movie.framePixmap().hasAlpha())
+ pixLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken );
+ } else {
+ pixLabel->setPixmap( pixmap );
+ if (!pixmap.hasAlpha())
+ pixLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken );
+ }
+ pixLabel->setIndent( 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (userView) {
+ if (clock)
+ inner_box->addWidget( clock, 0, AlignCenter );
+ else if (pixLabel)
+ inner_box->addWidget( pixLabel, 0, AlignCenter );
+ } else {
+ if (clock)
+ main_box->addWidget( clock, 0, AlignCenter );
+ else if (pixLabel)
+ main_box->addWidget( pixLabel, 0, AlignCenter );
+ }
+ goButton = new QPushButton( i18n("L&ogin"), this );
+ goButton->setDefault( true );
+ connect( goButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept()) );
+ menuButton = new QPushButton( i18n("&Menu"), this );
+ //helpButton
+ QWidget *prec;
+ if (userView)
+ prec = userView;
+ else if (consoleView)
+ prec = consoleView;
+ else
+ prec = menuButton;
+ KGStdVerify *sverify =
+ new KGStdVerify( this, this, prec, QString::null,
+ pluginList, KGreeterPlugin::Authenticate,
+ KGreeterPlugin::Login );
+ inner_box->addLayout( sverify->getLayout() );
+ QPopupMenu *plugMenu = sverify->getPlugMenu();
+ sverify->selectPlugin( curPlugin );
+ verify = sverify;
+ inner_box->addWidget( new KSeparator( KSeparator::HLine, this ) );
+ QBoxLayout *hbox2 = new QHBoxLayout( inner_box, 10 );
+ hbox2->addWidget( goButton );
+ hbox2->addStretch( 1 );
+ hbox2->addWidget( menuButton );
+ hbox2->addStretch( 1 );
+ if (sessMenu->count() > 1) {
+ inserten( i18n("Session &Type"), ALT+Key_T, sessMenu );
+ needSep = true;
+ }
+ if (plugMenu) {
+ inserten( i18n("&Authentication Method"), ALT+Key_A, plugMenu );
+ needSep = true;
+ }
+#ifdef XDMCP
+ completeMenu( LOGIN_LOCAL_ONLY, ex_choose, i18n("&Remote Login"), ALT+Key_R );
+ completeMenu();
+ if (optMenu)
+ menuButton->setPopup( optMenu );
+ else
+ menuButton->hide();
+ pluginSetup();
+ verify->start();
+ inherited::pluginSetup();
+ if (userView) {
+ if (verify->entitiesLocal() && verify->entityPresettable())
+ userView->show();
+ else
+ userView->hide();
+ }
+ adjustGeometry();
+ update();
+ goButton->setEnabled( false );
+ menuButton->setEnabled( false );
+ if (userView)
+ userView->setEnabled( false );
+ inherited::verifyFailed();
+ goButton->setEnabled( true );
+ menuButton->setEnabled( true );
+ if (userView)
+ userView->setEnabled( true );
+ : KGreeter( true )
+ , themer( 0 )
+// , clock( 0 )
+ // We do all painting ourselves
+ setBackgroundMode( NoBackground );
+ // Allow tracking the mouse position
+ setMouseTracking( true );
+ adjustGeometry();
+ themer = new KdmThemer( _theme, "console", this );
+ if (!themer->isOK()) {
+ delete themer;
+ themer = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ connect( themer, SIGNAL(activated( const QString & )),
+ SLOT(slotThemeActivated( const QString & )) );
+ console_rect = themer->findNode( "xconsole" ); // kdm ext
+ userlist_rect = themer->findNode( "userlist" );
+ caps_warning = themer->findNode( "caps-lock-warning" );
+ xauth_warning = themer->findNode( "xauth-warning" ); // kdm ext
+ pam_error = themer->findNode( "pam-error" );
+ timed_label = themer->findNode( "timed-label" );
+ if (pam_error && pam_error->isA( "KdmLabel" ))
+ static_cast<KdmLabel*>(pam_error)->setText( i18n("Login Failed.") );
+ KdmItem *itm;
+ if ((itm = themer->findNode( "pam-message" ))) // done via msgboxes
+ itm->hide( true );
+ if ((itm = themer->findNode( "language_button" ))) // not implemented yet
+ itm->hide( true );
+ if (console_rect) {
+ if (consoleView)
+ console_rect->setWidget( consoleView );
+ else
+ console_rect->hide( true );
+ }
+ if (xauth_warning && (_authorized || !_authComplain))
+ xauth_warning->hide( true );
+// if (!_greetString.isEmpty()) {
+// }
+// clock = new KdmClock( this, "clock" );
+ QWidget *prec;
+ if (userView)
+ prec = userView;
+ else if (consoleView)
+ prec = consoleView;
+ else
+ prec = 0;
+ KGThemedVerify *tverify =
+ new KGThemedVerify( this, themer, this, prec, QString::null,
+ pluginList, KGreeterPlugin::Authenticate,
+ KGreeterPlugin::Login );
+ QPopupMenu *plugMenu = tverify->getPlugMenu();
+ tverify->selectPlugin( curPlugin );
+ verify = tverify;
+ session_button = 0;
+ if ((itm = themer->findNode( "session_button" ))) {
+ if (sessMenu->count() <= 1)
+ itm->hide( true );
+ else {
+ session_button = itm;
+ QAccel *accel = new QAccel( this );
+ accel->insertItem( ALT+Key_T, 0 );
+ connect( accel, SIGNAL(activated( int )), SLOT(slotSessMenu()) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sessMenu->count() > 1) {
+ inserten( i18n("Session &Type"), ALT+Key_T, sessMenu );
+ needSep = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (plugMenu) {
+ inserten( i18n("&Authentication Method"), ALT+Key_A, plugMenu );
+ needSep = true;
+ }
+#ifdef XDMCP
+ completeMenu( LOGIN_LOCAL_ONLY, ex_choose, i18n("&Remote Login"), ALT+Key_R );
+ completeMenu();
+ system_button = themer->findNode( "system_button" );
+ QAccel *accel = new QAccel( this );
+ accel->insertItem( ALT+Key_M, 0 );
+ connect( accel, SIGNAL(activated( int )), SLOT(slotActionMenu()) );
+ pluginSetup();
+ verify->start();
+KThemedGreeter::event( QEvent *e )
+ if (themer)
+ themer->widgetEvent( e );
+ return inherited::event( e );
+ inherited::pluginSetup();
+ if (userView && verify->entitiesLocal() && verify->entityPresettable() && userlist_rect) {
+ userlist_rect->setWidget( userView );
+ userView->show();
+ } else {
+ if (userView)
+ userView->hide();
+ if (userlist_rect)
+ userlist_rect->hide( true );
+ }
+ update();
+// goButton->setEnabled( false );
+ inherited::verifyFailed();
+// goButton->setEnabled( true );
+QString KThemedGreeter::timedUser = QString::null;
+int KThemedGreeter::timedDelay = -1;
+KThemedGreeter::updateStatus( bool fail, bool caps, int timedleft )
+ if (pam_error) {
+ if (fail)
+ pam_error->show( true );
+ else
+ pam_error->hide( true );
+ }
+ if (caps_warning) {
+ if (caps)
+ caps_warning->show( true );
+ else
+ caps_warning->hide( true );
+ }
+ if (timed_label) {
+ if (timedleft) {
+ if (timedleft != timedDelay) {
+ timedDelay = timedleft;
+ timedUser = curUser;
+ timed_label->show( true );
+ timed_label->update();
+ }
+ } else {
+ timedDelay = -1;
+ timed_label->hide( true );
+ }
+ }
+KThemedGreeter::slotThemeActivated( const QString &id )
+ if (id == "login_button")
+ accept();
+ else if (id == "session_button")
+ slotSessMenu();
+ else if (id == "system_button")
+ slotActionMenu();
+ sessMenu->popup( mapToGlobal( session_button->rect().center() ) );
+ if (system_button)
+ optMenu->popup( mapToGlobal( system_button->rect().center() ) );
+ else
+ optMenu->popup( mapToGlobal( rect().center() ) );
+KThemedGreeter::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
+ inherited::keyPressEvent( e );
+ if (!(e->state() & KeyButtonMask) &&
+ (e->key() == Key_Return || e->key() == Key_Enter))
+ accept();
+#include "kgreeter.moc"