path: root/kxkb/kxkbconfig.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kxkb/kxkbconfig.cpp')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kxkb/kxkbconfig.cpp b/kxkb/kxkbconfig.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..517f0ccdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kxkb/kxkbconfig.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+// C++ Implementation: kxkbconfig
+// Description:
+// Author: Andriy Rysin <[email protected]>, (C) 2006
+// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <tqstringlist.h>
+#include <tqdict.h>
+#include <tdeconfig.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "kxkbconfig.h"
+#include "x11helper.h"
+static const char* switchModes[SWITCH_POLICY_COUNT] = {
+ "Global", "WinClass", "Window"
+const LayoutUnit DEFAULT_LAYOUT_UNIT = LayoutUnit("us", "");
+const char* DEFAULT_MODEL = "pc104";
+LayoutUnit KxkbConfig::getDefaultLayout()
+ if( m_layouts.size() == 0 )
+ return m_layouts[0];
+bool KxkbConfig::load(int loadMode)
+ TDEConfig *config = new TDEConfig("kxkbrc", true, false);
+ config->setGroup("Layout");
+// Even if the layouts have been disabled we still want to set Xkb options
+// user can always switch them off now in the "Options" tab
+ m_enableXkbOptions = config->readBoolEntry("EnableXkbOptions", false);
+ if( m_enableXkbOptions == true || loadMode == LOAD_ALL ) {
+ m_resetOldOptions = config->readBoolEntry("ResetOldOptions", false);
+ m_options = config->readEntry("Options", "");
+ kdDebug() << "Xkb options (enabled=" << m_enableXkbOptions << "): " << m_options << endl;
+ }
+ m_useKxkb = config->readBoolEntry("Use", false);
+ kdDebug() << "Use kxkb " << m_useKxkb << endl;
+ if( (m_useKxkb == false && loadMode == LOAD_ACTIVE_OPTIONS )
+ || loadMode == LOAD_INIT_OPTIONS )
+ return true;
+ m_model = config->readEntry("Model", DEFAULT_MODEL);
+ kdDebug() << "Model: " << m_model << endl;
+ TQStringList layoutList;
+ if( config->hasKey("LayoutList") ) {
+ layoutList = config->readListEntry("LayoutList");
+ }
+ else { // old config
+ TQString mainLayout = config->readEntry("Layout", DEFAULT_LAYOUT_UNIT.toPair());
+ layoutList = config->readListEntry("Additional");
+ layoutList.prepend(mainLayout);
+ }
+ if( layoutList.count() == 0 )
+ layoutList.append("us");
+ m_layouts.clear();
+ for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = layoutList.begin(); it != layoutList.end() ; ++it) {
+ m_layouts.append( LayoutUnit(*it) );
+ kdDebug() << " layout " << LayoutUnit(*it).toPair() << " in list: " << m_layouts.contains( LayoutUnit(*it) ) << endl;
+ }
+ kdDebug() << "Found " << m_layouts.count() << " layouts, default is " << getDefaultLayout().toPair() << endl;
+ TQStringList displayNamesList = config->readListEntry("DisplayNames", ',');
+ for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = displayNamesList.begin(); it != displayNamesList.end() ; ++it) {
+ TQStringList displayNamePair = TQStringList::split(':', *it );
+ if( displayNamePair.count() == 2 ) {
+ LayoutUnit layoutUnit( displayNamePair[0] );
+ if( m_layouts.contains( layoutUnit ) ) {
+ m_layouts[m_layouts.findIndex(layoutUnit)].displayName = displayNamePair[1].left(3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// m_includes.clear();
+ if( X11Helper::areSingleGroupsSupported() ) {
+ if( config->hasKey("IncludeGroups") ) {
+ TQStringList includeList = config->readListEntry("IncludeGroups", ',');
+ for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = includeList.begin(); it != includeList.end() ; ++it) {
+ TQStringList includePair = TQStringList::split(':', *it );
+ if( includePair.count() == 2 ) {
+ LayoutUnit layoutUnit( includePair[0] );
+ if( m_layouts.contains( layoutUnit ) ) {
+ m_layouts[m_layouts.findIndex(layoutUnit)].includeGroup = includePair[1];
+ kdDebug() << "Got inc group: " << includePair[0] << ": " << includePair[1] << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { //old includes format
+ kdDebug() << "Old includes..." << endl;
+ TQStringList includeList = config->readListEntry("Includes");
+ for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = includeList.begin(); it != includeList.end() ; ++it) {
+ TQString layoutName = LayoutUnit::parseLayout( *it );
+ LayoutUnit layoutUnit( layoutName, "" );
+ kdDebug() << "old layout for inc: " << layoutUnit.toPair() << " included " << m_layouts.contains( layoutUnit ) << endl;
+ if( m_layouts.contains( layoutUnit ) ) {
+ TQString variantName = LayoutUnit::parseVariant(*it);
+ m_layouts[m_layouts.findIndex(layoutUnit)].includeGroup = variantName;
+ kdDebug() << "Got inc group: " << layoutUnit.toPair() << ": " << variantName << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_showSingle = config->readBoolEntry("ShowSingle", false);
+ m_showFlag = config->readBoolEntry("ShowFlag", true);
+ TQString layoutOwner = config->readEntry("SwitchMode", "Global");
+ if( layoutOwner == "WinClass" ) {
+ m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_WIN_CLASS;
+ }
+ else if( layoutOwner == "Window" ) {
+ m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_WINDOW;
+ }
+ else /*if( layoutOwner == "Global" )*/ {
+ m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_GLOBAL;
+ }
+ if( m_layouts.count() < 2 && m_switchingPolicy != SWITCH_POLICY_GLOBAL ) {
+ kdWarning() << "Layout count is less than 2, using Global switching policy" << endl;
+ m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_GLOBAL;
+ }
+ kdDebug() << "Layout owner mode " << layoutOwner << endl;
+ m_stickySwitching = config->readBoolEntry("StickySwitching", false);
+ m_stickySwitchingDepth = config->readEntry("StickySwitchingDepth", "2").toInt();
+ if( m_stickySwitchingDepth < 2 )
+ m_stickySwitchingDepth = 2;
+ if( m_stickySwitching == true ) {
+ if( m_layouts.count() < 3 ) {
+ kdWarning() << "Layout count is less than 3, sticky switching will be off" << endl;
+ m_stickySwitching = false;
+ }
+ else
+ if( (int)m_layouts.count() - 1 < m_stickySwitchingDepth ) {
+ kdWarning() << "Sticky switching depth is more than layout count -1, adjusting..." << endl;
+ m_stickySwitchingDepth = m_layouts.count() - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ delete config;
+ return true;
+void KxkbConfig::save()
+ TDEConfig *config = new TDEConfig("kxkbrc", false, false);
+ config->setGroup("Layout");
+ config->writeEntry("Model", m_model);
+ config->writeEntry("EnableXkbOptions", m_enableXkbOptions );
+ config->writeEntry("ResetOldOptions", m_resetOldOptions);
+ config->writeEntry("Options", m_options );
+ TQStringList layoutList;
+ TQStringList includeList;
+ TQStringList displayNamesList;
+ TQValueList<LayoutUnit>::ConstIterator it;
+ for(it = m_layouts.begin(); it != m_layouts.end(); ++it) {
+ const LayoutUnit& layoutUnit = *it;
+ layoutList.append( layoutUnit.toPair() );
+ if( layoutUnit.includeGroup.isEmpty() == false ) {
+ TQString incGroupUnit = TQString("%1:%2").arg(layoutUnit.toPair(), layoutUnit.includeGroup);
+ includeList.append( incGroupUnit );
+ }
+ TQString displayName( layoutUnit.displayName );
+ kdDebug() << " displayName " << layoutUnit.toPair() << " : " << displayName << endl;
+ if( displayName.isEmpty() == false && displayName != layoutUnit.layout ) {
+ displayName = TQString("%1:%2").arg(layoutUnit.toPair(), displayName);
+ displayNamesList.append( displayName );
+ }
+ }
+ config->writeEntry("LayoutList", layoutList);
+ kdDebug() << "Saving Layouts: " << layoutList << endl;
+ config->writeEntry("IncludeGroups", includeList);
+ kdDebug() << "Saving includeGroups: " << includeList << endl;
+// if( displayNamesList.empty() == false )
+ config->writeEntry("DisplayNames", displayNamesList);
+// else
+// config->deleteEntry("DisplayNames");
+ config->writeEntry("Use", m_useKxkb);
+ config->writeEntry("ShowSingle", m_showSingle);
+ config->writeEntry("ShowFlag", m_showFlag);
+ config->writeEntry("SwitchMode", switchModes[m_switchingPolicy]);
+ config->writeEntry("StickySwitching", m_stickySwitching);
+ config->writeEntry("StickySwitchingDepth", m_stickySwitchingDepth);
+ // remove old options
+ config->deleteEntry("Variants");
+ config->deleteEntry("Includes");
+ config->deleteEntry("Encoding");
+ config->deleteEntry("AdditionalEncodings");
+ config->deleteEntry("Additional");
+ config->deleteEntry("Layout");
+ config->sync();
+ delete config;
+void KxkbConfig::setDefaults()
+ m_model = DEFAULT_MODEL;
+ m_enableXkbOptions = false;
+ m_resetOldOptions = false;
+ m_options = "";
+ m_layouts.clear();
+ m_layouts.append( DEFAULT_LAYOUT_UNIT );
+ m_useKxkb = false;
+ m_showSingle = false;
+ m_showFlag = true;
+ m_switchingPolicy = SWITCH_POLICY_GLOBAL;
+ m_stickySwitching = false;
+ m_stickySwitchingDepth = 2;
+TQStringList KxkbConfig::getLayoutStringList(/*bool compact*/)
+ TQStringList layoutList;
+ for(TQValueList<LayoutUnit>::ConstIterator it = m_layouts.begin(); it != m_layouts.end(); ++it) {
+ const LayoutUnit& layoutUnit = *it;
+ layoutList.append( layoutUnit.toPair() );
+ }
+ return layoutList;
+TQString KxkbConfig::getDefaultDisplayName(const TQString& code_)
+ TQString displayName;
+ if( code_.length() <= 2 ) {
+ displayName = code_;
+ }
+ else {
+ int sepPos = code_.find(TQRegExp("[-_]"));
+ TQString leftCode = code_.mid(0, sepPos);
+ TQString rightCode;
+ if( sepPos != -1 )
+ rightCode = code_.mid(sepPos+1);
+ if( rightCode.length() > 0 )
+ displayName = leftCode.left(2) + rightCode.left(1).lower();
+ else
+ displayName = leftCode.left(3);
+ }
+ return displayName;
+TQString KxkbConfig::getDefaultDisplayName(const LayoutUnit& layoutUnit, bool single)
+ if( layoutUnit.variant == "" )
+ return getDefaultDisplayName( layoutUnit.layout );
+ TQString displayName = layoutUnit.layout.left(2);
+ if( single == false )
+ displayName += layoutUnit.variant.left(1);
+ return displayName;
+ * @brief Gets the single layout part of a layout(variant) string
+ * @param[in] layvar String in form layout(variant) to parse
+ * @return The layout found in the string
+ */
+const TQString LayoutUnit::parseLayout(const TQString &layvar)
+ static const char* LAYOUT_PATTERN = "[a-zA-Z0-9_/-]*";
+ TQString varLine = layvar.stripWhiteSpace();
+ int pos =, 0);
+ int len = rx.matchedLength();
+ // check for errors
+ if( pos < 0 || len < 2 )
+ return "";
+// kdDebug() << "getLayout: " << varLine.mid(pos, len) << endl;
+ return varLine.mid(pos, len);
+ * @brief Gets the single variant part of a layout(variant) string
+ * @param[in] layvar String in form layout(variant) to parse
+ * @return The variant found in the string, no check is performed
+ */
+const TQString LayoutUnit::parseVariant(const TQString &layvar)
+ static const char* VARIANT_PATTERN = "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\\)";
+ TQString varLine = layvar.stripWhiteSpace();
+ int pos =, 0);
+ int len = rx.matchedLength();
+ // check for errors
+ if( pos < 2 || len < 2 )
+ return "";
+ return varLine.mid(pos+1, len-2);